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Dear              :

     In  light  of  the  expected  merger  (the  "Merger")  of  U S West,   Inc.
("Company" and  Qwest  Communications  International Inc.  ("Qwest"),  the Human
Resources  Committee (the "Committee") and the Board of Directors of the Company
(the "Board") have concluded that it is in the best interests of the Company and
its  stockholders  to  modify  the  terms  of your  current  change  of  control
agreement, dated as of July 9, 1998 (the "Control Agreement"). The Committee and
the Board intend the modifications in this agreement (the "Retention Agreement")
to provide  incentives to you to remain with the Company  through the completion
of the Merger and to assume a key executive position at the post-merger  company
(the "Merger  Successor").  The Committee and the Board further intend that this
Retention Agreement be part of the retention and stay bonus program to which the
Company and Qwest agreed in their Merger agreement.

     The  Committee  and the  Board  believe  that  the  employment  market  for
experienced  senior executives in the  telecommunications  industry is extremely
strong and that the Company is at some risk that you will react to the uncertain
times by leaving for a competitor before the Merger.

     In addition, the Committee and the Board recognize that the current Control
Agreement  and  your  other  compensation  arrangements  may  provide  you  with
insufficient  incentives  to remain  during the  pre-Merger  period and with the
Merger  Successor,  particularly  since the  Company's  many  competitors  could
compensate  you for  leaving  and  foregoing  the  benefits  under  the  Control
Agreement.  This Retention  Agreement is intended to improve the likelihood that
you will remain with the Company,  by providing you with partial  payment of the
benefits under the Control Agreement and by adding significant new incentives to
remain with the Company. In exchange for this new arrangement,  you are agreeing
at this  time to use  arbitration  to settle  any  disputes  under  the  Control
Agreement or this  agreement,  rather than retain your current ability under the
Control  Agreement to choose whether the parties will use arbitration.  You also
agree and understand that you will not receive the benefits under this Retention
Agreement if you voluntarily leave employment before the Merger is completed.

     This  Retention  Agreement  is  intended  to address  these  issues for the
benefit of the Company and its  stockholders.  It does not supersede the Control
Agreement,  except as specifically  indicated below.  Any undefined  capitalized
terms take their definitions from the Control Agreement.

Term of Agreement
                    This Retention Agreement will begin as of August 6, 1999 and
                    continue in effect until December 31, 2001. It will cease to
                    apply if the Company and Qwest cease efforts to complete the
                    Merger,  but will again apply if those  parties  resume such
                    efforts before December 31, 2000.  Termination or expiration
                    of this  Retention  Agreement  does not affect  any  rights,
                    obligations,  or liabilities of the Company or you that have
                    accrued  on or  before  the  date  the  Retention  Agreement
                    terminates or expires.

Initial Retention
                    If,  but only if, the Merger is  completed  (or as  provided
                    under  Involuntary  Termination  below),  the Company or the
                    Merger  Successor  will pay you the greater of the amount of
                    ____________  or the standard  benefit  calculated as of the
                    day prior to the Merger under IV(a) of the Control Agreement
                    ("Standard  Benefits  Cashout")  in  lieu  of the  potential
                    Standard   Benefits  under  Section  IV(a)  of  the  Control
                    Agreement,  the  greater  of  _______________   ("Additional
                    Benefits Cashout") or the additional  benefits calculated as
                    of the day prior to the Merger  under  IV(b) of the  Control
                    Agreement in lieu of the  Additional  Benefits under Section
                    IV(b)of the Control Agreement, and will provide you with the
                    Retirement  Plan Benefits and Health Plan Benefits set forth
                    in Section IV(a)(b)(a) and (b), and Executive Life Insurance
                    Benefits upon your  separation  from  employment  ("Non-cash
                    Benefits")  (with  the  Standard   Benefits   Cashout,   the
                    Additional   Benefits  Cashout  and  the  Non-Cash  Benefits
                    referred  to  below  as the  "Initial  Retention  Benefits,"
                    unless  otherwise   specifically  referred  to  individually
                    herein).  You  and  the  Company  agree  that  the  benefits
                    provided  under Section IV(b)  (Additional  Benefits) of the
                    Control  Agreement are based on the rate in effect on either
                    (x) the day on which Notice of Termination is given,  or (y)
                    the  day  immediately   preceding  the  Change  of  Control,
                    whichever is higher and that this  supercedes  any provision
                    in the Control Agreement to the contrary. You agree that you
                    waive  any  claim to be paid  the  benefits  under  Sections
                    IV(a), IV(b),  IV(a)(b)(a) and IV(a)(b)(a)(b) of the Control
                    Agreement if you receive the Initial Retention Benefits, and
                    you  specifically  agree  that  this  waiver  overrides  any
                    contrary language in the No Mitigation  provision of Section
                    IV(g) of the Control Agreement.

                    Pursuant to the U S WEST,  Inc. 1998 Stock Plan, as amended,
                    (the "Plan"),  the Committee and the Board have approved the
                    grant to you of an option to purchase  ______________ shares
                    of common  stock,  par  value  $.01,  as of August 6,  1999,
                    pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  underlying  Stock  Option
                    Agreement (the "Option Grant"). All options awarded pursuant
                    to this Option Grant shall become  Vested (as defined by the
                    Plan) in one-quarter  increments upon each of the first four
                    (4)  anniversaries  following  the date of the Option Grant.
                    The exercise  price of the Option Grant shall be the closing
                    price of U S WEST  stock as of  August  6,  1999,  which was

Deferred Retention
                    The Company will also pay you a deferred  retention  benefit
                    ("Deferred  Retention  Benefit").   The  Deferred  Retention
                    Benefit  will  consist of  _______________  shares of common
                    stock  in the  form  of  restricted  stock  of the  Company,
                    effective  immediately prior to the Merger. If, but only if,
                    the Merger is  completed,  one-half of the shares will cease
                    to be  restricted  and  thus  nonforfeitable  by  you if you
                    remain  employed by the Merger  Successor or a Subsidiary on
                    the second  anniversary of the completion of the Merger, and
                    the remainder of the shares of  restricted  stock will cease
                    to be  restricted  and  thus  nonforfeitable  by  you if you
                    remain  employed by the Merger  Successor or a Subsidiary on
                    the fourth  anniversary of the completion of the Merger (the
                    "Fourth  Anniversary")  ("Deferred  Retention  Benefits" and
                    with the sum of those  benefits  and the  Initial  Retention
                    Benefits  referred to as "Total  Retention  Benefits").  The
                    Deferred   Retention   Benefits   will  be  reflected  in  a
                    restricted stock agreement between you and the Company.

Timing of Payments
                    On or  before  September  30,  1999,  you  will  receive  an
                    opportunity  to elect the timing of payments of your Initial
                    Retention  Benefits.  You  will be able to elect to have the
                    Initial Retention  Benefits paid either (i) in total, at the
                    Fourth  Anniversary  or (ii)  50% at the  completion  of the
                    Merger  and 50% on the  Fourth  Anniversary.  If the  Merger
                    occurs,  you will receive the earned  portion of the Initial
                    Retention Benefits and Deferred Retention Benefits for which
                    you have qualified, if any, no later than the earlier of the
                    Fourth Anniversary or 30 days after the date your employment
                    ends for any reason.  You will forfeit any unvested  portion
                    of the Option Grant and the Deferred  Retention  Benefits if
                    the  Company  or  the  Merger   Successor   terminate   your
                    employment  for Cause or you  resign  without  Good  Reason.
                    Vested  options  pursuant to the Option  Grant and any other
                    stock  options you may hold,  must be exercised  within five
                    (5) years of the later of the date of vesting or termination
                    of  employment,  not to exceed the life of the  option.  The
                    portion of the Initial Retention Benefit that is not paid at
                    the  completion of the Merger will be deemed held in phantom
                    stock for purposes of tracking  earnings  before  payment or
                    forfeiture.   Any   applicable   pension   additur  will  be
                    calculated  based  upon  the  date  of your  termination  of
                    employment for any reason.

Loss of Payments
                    You  agree  that you will not be  entitled  to any  unearned
                    Initial  Retention  Benefits,  any  unvested  portion of the
                    Option Grant or unvested Deferred  Retention Benefits if (i)
                    the Company terminates your employment for Cause (as defined
                    in Section I(g) of the Control  Agreement),  (ii) you resign
                    with or without Good Reason  before or as of the  completion
                    of the Merger, (iii) or you resign without Good Reason after
                    the completion of the Merger.

                    If the Company  provides you with notice of its  termination
                    of your employment without Cause ("Involuntary Termination")
                    before  completion of the Merger and the Merger occurs,  you
                    will  receive  the  sum  _______________  of  and  no  other
                    benefits  under this  Retention  Agreement  (other  than the
                    benefit of any stock  options  issued  under this  Retention
                    Agreement which have become vested) or the Control Agreement
                    or under any other severance agreement. If, but only if, the
                    Merger occurs,  and after the Merger occurs,  the Company or
                    the Merger Successor  provide you with notice of Involuntary
                    Termination   before  you  are   entitled  to  the  Deferred
                    Retention  Benefits  or  before  the  Option  Grant is fully
                    vested, the Deferred Retention Benefits and the Option Grant
                    will continue to vest as if you had remained employed.

Resignation for
Good Reason
                    If you resign for Good Reason after the Merger is completed,
                    you will be  treated as though the  Company  had  terminated
                    your employment under the Involuntary  Termination  section.
                    For  purposes of this  Retention  Agreement  and the Control
                    Agreement,  the  Company  and you agree  that if the  Merger
                    occurs, "Good Reason" has the meaning in Section I(q) of the
                    Control  Agreement  but  with the  reasons  in  I(q)(i)  and
                    I(q)(ii) being measured  (beginning two (2) months after the
                    completion  of the  Merger)  against  your  position  at the
                    Merger  Successor or a Subsidiary for a period of four years
                    after the completion of the Merger rather than your position
                    at the Company before and after the Merger.

Gross-up Payments
                    Nothing in this  Retention  Agreement  waives any rights you
                    may have under the  Control  Agreement  to receive  Gross-Up
                    Payment(s) under Section IV(C) of the Control Agreement.

Legal Fees and
                    The Company or the Merger Successor will pay your reasonable
                    legal  fees  and  expenses  with  regard  to this  Retention
                    Agreement as though it were  expressly  described in Section
                    IV(f) of the Control Agreement.

Incorporation by
                    The following provisions of the Control Agreement will apply
                    to  this  Retention   Agreement  as  though  the  provisions
                    specifically   referred  to  this  agreement:   Sections  VI
                    (Successors;  Binding Agreement); VIII (Notice); and, except
                    as  set  forth  below,  Sections IX  (Miscellaneous)  and XI
                    (Arbitration). The last two sentences of Miscellaneous would
                    instead read as follows for this Retention  Agreement:  "The
                    obligations  of the  Company  under  the  Initial  Retention
                    Benefits and Deferred  Retention  Benefits  sections survive
                    the expiration of the term of this Retention  Agreement,  as
                    do your obligations to comply with the Arbitration section."

                    You agree that the  arbitration  provisions of Section XI of
                    the Control Agreement will apply to all disputes  referenced
                    in that  section or that arise under or with respect to this
                    Retention  Agreement.  You further agree that this Retention
                    Agreement  serves  as your  required  written  agreement  to
                    arbitrate such matters.  You therefore agree that Section XI
                    of the Control Agreement will apply without the need for any
                    further agreement by you.

     If you  accept  the  terms  of this  Agreement,  please  sign in the  space
indicated below. We encourage you to consult with any advisors you choose.

                                             /S/ SOLOMON D. TRUJILLO

Accepted and agreed to:

         Name-Band 1
