Investor Relations
                                   NEWS FLASH

October 22, 1999

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Note to  investors:  In lieu of a live call, U S WEST will have a recorded  call
available  beginning  at 7:30 a.m.  MDT (9:30 a.m.  EDT) today to discuss  third
quarter,  1999 results.  To access the recording,  call 1-888-203-1112 and enter
reservation number 796737. That recording will be available through Friday, Oct.
29 at 6  p.m.(MDT).

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                  U S WEST Reports Solid Third Quarter Earnings
                      -- Normalized EPS Rises 10.7 Percent;
                Revenues Continue at Near 7 Percent Growth Rate;
                 PCS, DSL, other New Services Drive Increases --

DENVER - U S WEST (NYSE: USW) today announced third quarter  normalized  diluted
earnings per share of $0.83 on normalized net income of $421 million. Normalized
EPS rose $0.08 or 10.7 percent,  aided by a $0.03  one-time  gross  receipts tax
refund, and net income improved by 11.1 percent from third quarter 1998.

Also  during the  quarter the company  reported  that  EBITDA  (Earnings  Before
Interest, Taxes,  Depreciation,  Amortization and other) grew to $1.465 billion,
up 8 percent from the third quarter of last year.

The company  achieved these results based on continued  strong revenue growth of
6.6 percent,  capitalizing on success in PCS, data,  custom calling features and
private  line  services.  Quarterly  performance  was also  aided by  continuing
moderation of 1999 operating  expense  growth,  from a normalized 7.3 percent in
second quarter to 5.5 percent this quarter.

"We've  delivered  what  we said  we  would  financially,"  said  Sol  Trujillo,
chairman,  president and CEO of U S WEST.  "What's  really  exciting is that U S
WEST  continues  to lead the  industry in  connecting  more of its  customers to
next-generation services than any other player - large or small."

Trujillo pointed to the following as examples of that leadership:
o        Penetration for the company's  high-speed MegaBit DSL services are much
         stronger  than any other DSL provider in the nation at 338  subscribers
         per Central Office and 10 percent of qualified, on-line households.
o        Some 56 percent of subscribers  to U S WEST's  wireless PCS product now
         take advantage of the unique integrated wireline-wireless  capabilities
         of Advanced PCS.
o        75-percent  plus of third  quarter  revenue  growth is from  data- and
         wireless-related products.
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U S WEST Third Quarter Earnings - Page 2

o        U  S  WEST  leads  the  industry  with   215,000-plus   subscribers  to
         privacy-related  products  including Caller ID with Privacy Plus and No

 "These and other  services  each  represent  new  pipelines for growth that the
company  is just  beginning  to tap,"  Trujillo  added.  "These  next-generation
services  are at the  heart of U S WEST's  plan to  develop  strong  new  growth
engines that we expect will deliver superior results in the future."

Growth Product Highlights

- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Division     Revenues (comparisons are    Key Product         Subscriber/Penetration Levels (comparisons are 3Q99
             3Q99 over 3Q98)                                  over 3Q98)
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Data         o    $443 million, up        o    U S            o    To date, total nearly 307,000, up almost
                  33 percent                   WEST.net            86,000 for the quarter and 335 percent over 3Q98
             o    !NTERPRISE data
                  revenues were $221      o    MegaBit        o    Added about 30,000 for the quarter. To date at
                  million for the              (DSL)               about 80,000.
                  quarter, up 58               services       o    USW serves 338 subs. per Central Office, with
                  percent.                                         237 equipped COs.
                                                              o    More  than 90 percent of customers are
                                                                   choosing   to self-install, avoiding a truck
                                                                   roll and  reducing provisioning costs.
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
PCS          o    ARPU of $58.            o    Advanced       o    Added nearly 60,000 during the quarter for a
                                               PCS                 total of 344,000.
             o    Total quarterly
                  revenue of  $69                             o    Weighted average penetration is now 2.6
                  million, up 176                                  percent.
                                          o    Wireless       o    56 percent of users now subscribe to at least
                                               Integrated          one of the product's integrated features
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
Dex          o    Quarterly               o    Internet       o    Sold more than 9,000 web sites to small
                  directory revenues           Yellow Pages        businesses since 1998 introduction.
                  grew by 7.3 percent.         (IYP)
             o        Year-to-date        o    Web Site       o    IYP usage was up 166 percent.
                  E-Commerce-related           Service
                  revenues grew 71                            o    Dex and U S WEST's Small Business Group began
                  percent to more than                             offering "Virtual Storefront" to small businesses,
                  $16 million.                                     a package of Internet access, high-speed transport
                                                                   and a three-page web site for under $100 per month.
- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------

During the quarter, the company's total "growth subscribers"  (customers for the
company's  PCS, DSL and Internet  access  service) were up almost 180,000 - more
than double the amount from third quarter  1998.  Growth  subscribers  now total
more than 730,000.  Investment in growth initiatives  negatively impacted EPS by
$0.21 for the quarter versus $0.12 for third quarter, 1998.

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U S WEST Third Quarter Earnings - Page 3

During the quarter,  the company saw continuing  impacts from competition in its
local  telephony  business in both line growth and  pricing.  It now has re-sold
nearly 505,000 lines to competitors,  up from 475,000 lines at the end of second

Other third quarter highlights include:

Volumes and Penetration:

o    Residential  subscriber  levels at the end of the quarter for the company's
     most popular custom calling features  continued to grow, with Caller ID and
     Call Waiting both at 37 percent  penetration.  Voice Messaging exceeded the
     20 percent level during the quarter,  the highest  penetration  rate in the

o    So far this year, the company has signed up more than 215,000 customers for
     several  of its  new  privacy-related  custom-calling  features,  including
     Caller ID with Privacy Plus and No Solicitation.

o    Subscribers to the company's  bundled Custom Choice package for residential
     customers  surpassed  one  million  during the quarter and now stand at 1.1
     million.  In June,  the  company  began  offering  Custom  Choice  to small
     business  customers,  and has signed up 20,000  subscribers  through  third

o    The number of primary rate ISDN lines in service increased 88 percent.
     Total ISDN lines grew 26 percent.

o    The  addition of 504,000  access lines over the past year for a growth rate
     of 3.1 percent. On a  "voice-grade-equivalent"  basis, business access line
     growth was 13.3 percent.

o    On the small business side, total access lines equipped with Centrex 21
     services grew to 534,000, a 54 percent year-over-year increase.

Sales and Revenues:

o    An 18.1 percent  increase  compared with third quarter 1998 in private line
     and special access  revenues,  which totaled $304 million - a reflection of
     the company's growing data networking  services business and its ability to
     successfully  compete in one of the most highly competitive segments of the
     telecommunications market.

o    During the quarter,  consumer revenues from vertical services  increased by
     nearly 15 percent, compared to third quarter 1998.

o    Frame Relay revenues increased by nearly 34 percent quarter-over-quarterand
     ISDN revenues jumped by 71 percent quarter-over-quarter.

o    The company's Home Office channel generated  revenues of nearly $18 million
     during the  quarter,  an increase of 35  percent.  The Home Office  channel
     serves the unique needs of the growing number of home-based businesses in U
     S WEST's region.

o    Toll revenues dropped by 30 percent during the quarter.

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U S WEST Third Quarter Earnings - Page 4

Costs and Margins:
o    Capital expenditures were up 78 percent during the quarter,  rising to $1.1
     billion.  For the year,  capital  expenditures  are up 47  percent  at $2.8
     billion.  The increases have helped bolster  service levels for traditional
     services and aided in deployment of new services.
o    Absorbed approximately $100 million in expenses related to interconnection,
     number  portability and Year 2000 compliance  during the quarter.  To date,
     the  company  has spent  $232  million in expense  and  capital on Y2K.  It
     expects to spend another $48 million during the balance of 1999.
o    Employee-related  expenses grew by 8.2 percent  during the quarter,  due in
     part with  efforts  related  to  keeping  up with  service  demands.  These
     expenses  include a net  addition  of more than 900  employees  during  the
     quarter and nearly 2,900 since third quarter,  1998 - almost 1,500 of which
     have been added specifically to keep up with service demands.

The quarterly  results  include a one-time $25 million ($0.03 EPS) refund from a
state gross receipts tax. The company had expected this refund before the end of
the year.

During the  quarter,  the  company  made a one-time  payment of $280  million to
Global Crossing,  Ltd. as part of the break-up fee to dissolve a proposed merger
between the two firms.  This merger was superseded by U S WEST's existing merger
agreement  with Qwest.  Half of the payment to Global  Crossing was made in cash
(using a loan from Qwest);  the remainder was paid in shares of Global  Crossing
stock,  which U S WEST  purchased  in late June.  This payment - and other minor
merger-related expense  -  had a $0.56  EPS impact during the quarter,  bringing
U S WEST's reported EPS to $0.27.

U S WEST  (NYSE:  USW)  provides a full range of  telecommunications  services -
including  wireline,  wireless PCS, data  networking,  directory and information
services - to more than 25 million  customers  nationally  and in 14 western and
midwestern states.  More information about U S WEST can be found on the Internet
at http://www.uswest.com.

Safe Harbor Statement:  This document contains  statements about expected future
events and financial results that are  forward-looking  and subject to risks and
uncertainties.   For   these   statements,   we  claim  the  safe   harbor   for
"forward-looking  statements"  within  the  meaning  of the  Private  Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Factors that could cause actual results to differ
from  expectations  include:  (i) greater than anticipated  competition from new
entrants into the local exchange, intraLATA toll, wireless, data and directories
markets, causing loss of customers and increased price competition; (ii) changes
in demand  for U S WEST's  products  and  services,  including  optional  custom
calling  features;  (iii)  higher  than  anticipated  employee  levels,  capital
expenditures   and   operating   expenses   (such  as  costs   associated   with
interconnection  and  year  2000  remediation);  (iv)  the  loss of  significant
customers; (v) pending and future state and federal regulatory changes affecting
the telecommunications  industry, including changes that could have an impact on
the competitive  environment in the local exchange market;  (vi) acceleration of
the  deployment of advanced new services to customers,  such as broadband  data,
wireless and video  services,  which would require  substantial  expenditure  of
financial  and other  resources;  (vii) a change in economic  conditions  in the
various markets served by U S WEST's operations;  (viii) higher than anticipated
start-up costs  associated with new business  opportunities;  (ix) delays in U S
WEST's ability to begin offering interLATA  long-distance services; (x) consumer
acceptance  of  broadband  services,  including  telephony,  data  and  wireless
services;  (xi) delays in the  development of anticipated  technologies,  or the
failure of such  technologies to perform  according to  expectations;  and (xii)
timing and completion of the recently announced merger with Qwest Communications
International  Inc.  These  cautionary  statements  by U S  WEST  should  not be
construed  as  exhaustive  or  as  any  admission   regarding  the  adequacy  of
disclosures  made by U S WEST. U S WEST cannot always predict or determine after
the fact what factors would cause actual results to differ materially from those
indicated by the  forward-looking  statements or other statements.  In addition,
readers  are urged to consider  statements  that  include the terms  "believes",
"belief", "expects", "plans", "objectives", "anticipates", "intends", "targets",
or the like to be  uncertain  and  forward-looking.  All  cautionary  statements
should be read as being applicable to all  forward-looking  statements  wherever
they appear.  U S WEST does not undertake any  obligation to publicly  update or
revise any forward-looking  statements,  whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise.

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Further   information:   Larry  Thede,   303-896-3550;   Martha  Daniele  Paine,
303-896-5706; Kent Evans, 303-896-3096.

NOTE:  This  release  and the  financial  statements  will be  available  on the
Internet  after  7:15  a.m.  (MDT)  by  accessing  U  S  WEST's  Internet  site: