SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 			 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 		 _________________________________ 				 FORM 8-K/A 			 Amendment No. 1 			 Current Report 		 Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the 		 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): April 19, 2002 						 -------------- 		 TRANSPORTATION LOGISTICS INT'L, INC. 	 ---------------------------------------------------- 	 (Exact name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter) 	Colorado 0-25319 84-1191355 - ------------------------------ --------- -------------------- (State of Incorporation) (Commission File (IRS Employer 				 Number) Identification No.) 		 136 Freeway Drive, East Orange, NJ 07018 		 ---------------------------------------- 		 (Address of principal executive offices) 			 (973) 266-7020 			----------------------------- 			Registrant's Telephone Number Amendment No. 1 This amendment is being filed to include the Pro Forma Financial Statements Item 5. Sale of Transportation Logistics Int'l (UK) Ltd. On April 19, 2002 the Registrant sold all of the capital stock of its subsidiary, Transportation Logistics Int'l (UK) Ltd. ("TLI/UK"). The purchasers were James Thorpe, David Paul Parsons, Lisa Marie Thorpe and Valerie Ann Usher. Messrs. Thorpe and Parsons and Ms. Thorpe had transferred TLI/UK to the Registrant in 1999 in exchange for shares of the Registrant's common stock. Messrs. Thorpe and Parsons and Ms. Usher are employees of TLI/UK. In addition, Mr. Thorpe had been a member of the Board of Directors and President of the Registrant from 1999 until April 19, 2002, when his resignation from those positions became effective. The purchase price given by the purchasers consisted of (a) $35,000 to be paid between November 2002 and April 2003 and (b) 940,867 shares of the Registrant's common stock, which were surrendered by Mr. Thorpe. The purchase price was determined to be the fair market value of TLI/UK by negotiations between the Registrant and the purchasers. In addition, the parties exchanged general releases of claims and liabilities. As part of the transaction, TLI/UK and the purchasers agreed that if within the next two years they participate in the Translogistics Network or in any similar cooperative global network of logistics providers, then 50% of the profits they derive from the network during the next five years will be paid to the Registrant. 				EXHIBITS Pro Forma Financial Statements 			 SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. 				TRANSPORTATION LOGISTICS INT'L, INC. Dated: July 1, 2002 By:/s/ Michael Margolies 				------------------------ 				Michael Margolies 				Chief Executive Officer 	 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EXHIBIT - Pro Forma Financial Statements 	 Transportation Logistics Int'l Inc. and Subsidiaries 		 Unaudited Proforma Combined Balance Sheet 				 March 31, 2002 			 March 31, 2002 Proforma March 31, 2002 				 Actual Adjustments Proforma 			 ------------------------------------------------ Assets Current Assets Cash and equivalents $ - $ - $ - Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts 1,278,221 1,278,221 Note receivable 35,000 (1) 34,999 Prepaid expenses 46,087 - 46,087 				 ----------------------------------------- Total Current Assets 1,324,308 35,000 1,359,308 				 ----------------------------------------- Property and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation 304,194 - 304,194 				 ----------------------------------------- Goodwill and customer lists, net of accumulated amortization 102,711 (78,000)(1) 24,710 				 ----------------------------------------- Other Assets Security deposits 61,500 - 61,500 Other assets 208,807 - 208,807 				 ----------------------------------------- Total Other Assets 270,307 - 270,307 Total Assets $ 2,001,520 $ (43,000) $ 1,958,520 				 ========================================= Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Current Liabilities Accounts payable and accured expenses $ 918,218 $ - $ 918,218 Convertible debenture 200,000 - 200,000 Note payable to bank 413,002 - 413,002 Current maturities of long-term debt 145,000 - 145,000 Income taxes payable 7,446 - 7,446 				 ------------------------------------------ Total Current Liabilities 1,683,666 - 1,683,666 				 ------------------------------------------ Loan payable 789,791 - 789,791 				 ------------------------------------------ Total Liabilities 2,473,457 - 2,473,457 				 ------------------------------------------ Commitments and Contingencies - - - Stockholders' Equity Preferred stock, $.01 par value; 5,000,000 shares authorized , and 0 shares issued and outstanding - - - Common Stock, no par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized, 31,159,205 shares issued and outstanding 3,007,892 - 3,007,892 Additional paid-in capital - stock options 36,748 - 36,748 Retained earnings (2,283,516) (27,276) (1) - Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (54,706) 50,137 (1) (4,570) Less: treasury stock (456,675) (65,861) (1) (522,537) Consulting services to be provided (721,680) - (721,680) 				 ----------------------------------------- Total Stockholders' Equity (471,937) (43,000) (514,937) 				 ----------------------------------------- Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $2,001,520 $ (43,000) $1,958,520 				 ========================================= (1) To record proceeds to be received from the Sale and record the elimination of certain assets and stockholder's equity accounts as a result of the sale. 	 Transportation Logistics Int'l Inc. and Subsidiaries 	 Unaudited Proforma Combined Statement of Operations 		 Three Months Ended March 31, 2002 			 Three Months Three Months 				 Ended Proforma Ended 			 March 31, 2001 Adjustments March 31, 2002 				 Actual Proforma 			 ------------------------------------------------- Operating Revenues $3,533,480 $(858,842) (1) $2,674,638 Direct Operating Expenses 2,496,468 (668,848) (2) 1,827,620 			 -------------------------------------------- Gross Profit 1,037,012 (189,994) 847,018 Operating Expenses Selling, general and administrative 848,174 (162,846) (3) 685,328 Stock issued for consulting services 24,920 - 24,920 Depreciation and amortization 58,272 - 58,272 				------------------------------------------- Total Operating Expenses 931,366 (162,846) 768,520 				------------------------------------------- Operating Income 105,646 (27,148) 78,498 Other Income (Expense) Interest expense (11,985) - (11,985) 				------------------------------------------- Total Other Income (Expense) (11,985) - (11,985) 				------------------------------------------- Income Before Income Taxes 93,661 (27,148) 66,513 Provision (Benefit) for Income Taxes - - - 				------------------------------------------- Income Before Minority Interest 93,661 (27,148) 66,513 Minority Interest (35,280) - (35,280) 				------------------------------------------- Net Income $ 58,381 $ (27,148) $ 31,233 				=========================================== Earnings Per Share Income from continuing operations $ - $ - $ - 				------------------------------------------- Basic and diluted earnings per share $ - $ - $ - 				=========================================== Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding Basic 25,412,881 25,412,881 25,412,881 Diluted 25,412,881 25,412,881 25,412,881 (1) To reflect the decrease in operating revenue resulting from the disposition on TLI, UK net sales in the quarter ended March 31, 2002. (2) To reflect the decrease in direct operating expenses asociated with the elimination of TLI, UK's operating revenue in adjustment (1). (3) To reflect the reduction in selling, general and administrative expenses resulting from the disposition of TLI, UK. 	 Transportation Logistics Int'l Inc. and Subsidiaries 	 Unaudited Proforma Combined Statement of Operations 		 For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 			 For the Year Ended For the Year Ended 			 December 31, 2001 Proforma December 31, 2001 				 Actual Adjustments Proforma 			 --------------------------------------------------- Operating Revenues $10,368,968 $(2,289,505) (1) $8,079,463 Direct Operating Expenses 8,031,619 (1,732,132) (2) 6,299,487 			 --------------------------------------------- Gross Profit 2,337,349 (557,373) 1,779,976 			 --------------------------------------------- Operating Expenses Selling, general and administrative 2,666,749 (484,571) (3) 2,182,178 Depreciation and amortization 254,484 - 254,484 Stock issued for consulting services 446,775 - 446,775 Provisions for impairment to assets 802,674 - 802,674 			 -------------------------------------------- Total Operating Expenses 4,170,682 (484,571) 3,686,111 			 -------------------------------------------- Operating Loss (1,833,333) (72,802) (1,906,135) Other Income (Expense) Interest income 5,678 - 5,678 Interest expense (59,152) - (59,152) 			 -------------------------------------------- Total Other Income (Expense) (53,474) - (53,474) Loss Before Income Taxes (1,886,807) (72,802) (1,959,609) Benefit (Provision) for Income Taxes - - - 			 -------------------------------------------- Net Loss $(1,886,807) $ (72,802) $(1,959,609) 			 ============================================ Earning (Loss) Per Share Loss from continuing operations $ (0.09) $ - $ (0.09) 			 -------------------------------------------- Basic and diluted earnings per share $ (0.09) $ - $ (0.09) 			 ============================================ Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding Basic 21,624,816 21,624,816 21,624,816 Diluted 21,624,816 21,624,816 21,624,816 (1) To reflect the decrease in operating revenue resulting from the disposition on TLI, UK net sales in the quarter ended March 31, 2002. (2) To reflect the decrease in direct operating expenses asociated with the elimination of TLI, UK's operating revenue in adjustment (1). (3) To reflect the reduction in selling, general and administrative expenses resulting from the disposition of TLI, UK.