Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Work Statement is attached to and made a part of the Master Agreement
for NGN Software and Professional Services, Contract No 20000315JQ9492
("Agreement") dated as of May 5,2000, and is between CTC Communications Corp.
("CTC") and Telcordia Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). Telcordia shall
provide the following Professional Services under the Terms and Conditions of
the Agreement and any additional terms contained in this Work Statement.
Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings assigned to such terms in the Agreement.
In consideration of the mutual obligations assumed under the Agreement and
under this Work Statement, and other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Telcordia and CTC
agree to the terms and conditions attached to this Work Statement which terms
and conditions are incorporated herein by reference.
CTC hereby authorizes Telcordia to provide a minimum of thirty thousand
(30,000) Professional Services Staff Hours ("Authorized Hours") commencing
March 27, 2000 and expiring May 5, 2003.

Telcordia shall provide Services and Deliverables as further described in the
applicable Professional Services Attachments to this Work Statement. Each
Professional Services Attachment will describe the work to be performed and
will provide an estimate of the time necessary to complete the described
work. The actual hours expended in completing the work described in the
Professional Services Attachments, the actual hours performed under the
Letter of Authorization between the Parties dated March 24, 2000, and up to
two thousand (2000) hours of Services described in other Work Statements
under the Agreement shall be the only hours applied against the Authorized
Subject to Section 5 of this Work Statement, Telcordia shall provide the
Services described in the applicable Professional Services Attachments.
By mutual agreement of the Parties, the scope of the Services and
Deliverables, if any, to be provided by Telcordia hereunder does not include
any work relating to the Year 2000 Computer Problem, as defined in the
Agreement, including, but not limited to, any Year 2000 analyses, assessment,
remediation, testing or any other Services or Deliverables related to the
Year 2000 Computer Problem.
a. Telcordia shall provide a single point of contact for CTC issues and
questions related to the Services performed throughout the term of this
Professional Services Work Statement
b. Telcordia shall identify specific Telcordia staff to work with CTC staff
to facilitate the completion of the Services and Deliverables outlined in
the applicable Professional Services Attachment.
c. Telcordia shall respond to CTC's comments regarding draft Deliverables
within fifteen (15) days of receipt by Telcordia.
a. CTC shall be responsible for providing facilities for all face-to-face
meetings at its work locations.
b. CTC shall provide a single point of contact for Telcordia issues and
questions related to this work throughout the term of this Professional
Services Work Statement.
c. CTC shall identify specific CTC staff to work with Telcordia staff to
facilitate Telcordia access to CTC technical information deemed necessary
by Telcordia, in its reasonable judgment, to complete the Services and
Deliverables outlined in the applicable Professional Services Attachment.
d. CTC shall make available to Telcordia CTC network information that, in
Telcordia's reasonable opinion, is necessary for completion of the
Services and Deliverables described in the applicable Professional
Services Attachment.
e. CTC shall make available all technical and product documentation
reasonably associated with the ICN backbone and any applicable Third Party
systems, documentation or software required by Telcordia to perform the
planning, design, and analysis described in applicable Professional
Services Attachments.
f. CTC shall make available to Telcordia the CTC staff responsible for
management and operation of the ICN backbone to provide: concurrence on
technical direction; access to network equipment and documentation;
operational/implementation support and any relevant CTC procurement
policies as may be required, in Telcordia's reasonable opinion, to
complete the work described an applicable Professional Services
g. CTC shall ensure that any Third Party hardware or third party software
required for completion of Services or Deliverables specified in
applicable Professional Services Attachments are on-site and ready for use
in accordance with schedules mutually agreed between CTC and Telcordia.
h. CTC shall provide Telcordia with comments regarding draft Deliverables
within fifteen (15) days of receipt by CTC.
When a written Deliverable is considered by Telcordia to be complete, a draft
will be provided to CTC for review and comment. CTC comments received in
writing by Telcordia within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the draft by CTC
will be reviewed by Telcordia and incorporated into the Deliverable if, in
Telcordia's reasonable opinion, the intent of the Deliverable is not
compromised by such incorporation. Telcordia will work cooperatively with CTC
to discuss and work towards reaching consensus on the comments which, in
Telcordia's reasonable opinion, should not be incorporated. Telcordia will
then provide CTC with the Deliverable. If within fifteen (15) days following
Telcordia's provision of a Deliverable, CTC does not provide Telcordia with
written notice that such Deliverable is not Satisfactory Work, such
Deliverable shall be deemed accepted upon the expiration of such fifteen (15)
day period.
Subject to Section 5 of this Work Statement, Telcordia shall provide
Deliverables as described in the applicable Professional Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	March 27, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
			With a copy to:	Pamela J. Keen
				Senior Contract Manager
				Telcordia Technologies,
				445 South Street
				Morristown, NJ 07960-
				Tel. No.:	(973) 829-2373
				Fax: No.:	(973) 829-2364
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:

In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the
Agreement, this Work Statement, and any Professional Services Attachments to
this Work Statement, the terms of the Professional Services Attachment shall
govern and control.
The Parties to this Work Statement agree to the terms of the Agreement and
this Work Statement and further represent that this Work Statement is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment A to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment A, effective upon the date the last
Party executes,  is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment A
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services in the area of Public Switched
Telecommunications Network (PSTN) interconnectivity coordination.
Telcordia shall provide consulting Services related to PSTN interconnectivity
coordination to assist CTC through the processes surrounding entrance into
the facilities-based local exchange telephone business. Telcordia shall
provide overall coordination for the Services and one (1) or more subject
matter experts ("SMEs") to be engaged throughout the term of this
Professional Services Attachment. Telcordia will work with CTC to identify
SMEs to meet the appropriate expertise required and to accommodate the
availability of the SMEs. Telcordia shall undertake the following activities
as part of  these Services:
a. Provide CTC with guidance through the requirements and processes
surrounding certification by appropriate State regulatory agencies in
CTC's targeted market as stated to Telcordia (e.g., certification process,
State filings & Accessible Letter submission).
b. Provide CTC with an interpretation of the Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
(ILEC) tariffs and business rules.
c. Provide CTC with information which may help CTC to develop a strategy in
the area of operational requirements (e.g., Operating Company Number
(OCN), Customer Carrier Name Abbreviation (CCNA), Carrier Identification
Code (CIC), and Revenue Accounting Office (RAO)).
d. Assist CTC in the preparation and submission of industry accepted
access/local service order interconnection requirements (e.g., Off-
Premises Station (OPS), E911, 800, 900).
e. Consulting support in the area of local and access pre-ordering, ordering,
and provisioning (e.g. instruction on creating/submitting error-free,
industry-accepted access and local service orders for interconnection and
ongoing growth).
f. Provide CTC with information to help CTC to keep current on
telecommunications industry trends, issues and standards.
1) Assist CTC to define an overall telecommunications industry standards
strategy based on business drivers and needs assessment.
2) Develop an implementation plan that describes how CTC may influence
standards issues impacting their business strategies.
g. Based on the industry standards strategy developed, provide CTC with
information and pricing for access to the tools to help CTC to keep
current on industry trends, issues and standards. The information and
tools may, at CTC's option, include:
1) Industry Standards Issues Analysis Reports and briefings to inform CTC
about ongoing national and international standards activity, with a
focus on issues which may be of interest and potential impact to CTC
and which may help CTC to prioritize issues.
2) Attendance, representation, and issue analysis on major national and
international standards/forums groups (e.g., ATM Forum, Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF), T1-Telecommunications,
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), most International
Telecommunications Union (ITU-T) Study Groups, State Department
Preparatory Groups, Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF), Network
Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NIIF), and Industry Numbering
Committee (INC)).
3) Development and presentation of technical and procedural contributions
in relevant Standards Development Organizations (SDOs).
4) Access to Telcordia's Standards Management Services and Information
Products (e.g., via reports, briefings, teleconferences, web sites) and
provide timely information relevant to network planning.
h. Identify Telcordia Generic Requirements & Information Documents for CTC
procurement that, in Telcordia's reasonable opinion, may be appropriate
and relevant to CTC's selection of equipment, interfaces, and operations
i. Provide ongoing PSTN interconnectivity related consulting Services,
consisting of in-person interactions, telephone discussions, and/or
electronic-mail exchange with CTC representatives throughout the term of
this Professional Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 440 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.

Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with PSTN
interconnectivity coordination:
a. Written reports related to requirements and processes to support State
regulatory agency certification in CTC's targeted market, interpretation
of the ILEC tariffs and business rules, information which may help CTC
develop a strategy in the area of operational requirements, and the
preparation and submission of appropriate industry accepted access/local
service order interconnection requirements. Specific reports and/or
service orders will be developed in cooperation with CTC representatives
in the course of the consulting Services.
b. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
c. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified in
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	March 27, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.
telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment A authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment B to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment B, effective upon the date the last
Party executes, is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment B
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services in the area of design and implementation
of CTC's SS7 interconnection plan.
Telcordia shall provide consulting Services to assist in the design and
implementation of CTC's SS7 interconnection plan. Telcordia shall provide
overall coordination for the Services and one (1) or more subject matter
experts ("SMEs") to be engaged throughout the term of this Professional
Services Attachment.  Telcordia will work with CTC to identify SMEs to meet
the appropriate expertise required and to accommodate the availability of the
SMEs. Telcordia shall undertake the following activities as part of these
a. Work cooperatively with CTC to assess the scope of the work involved in
the design and implementation of CTC's SS7 network interconnection. In
conjunction with this assessment, develop a detailed project plan that
identifies elements of the work effort addressed in this Professional
Services Attachment and provides a proposed schedule for completion of the
work. Potential areas to be addressed may, at CTC's option, include:
1) Work cooperatively with CTC to implement, test, assess according to
Telcordia criteria, and deploy SS7 network interconnections and
associated Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) features. The AIN
services to be deployed and the schedule for deployment shall be
defined in cooperation with CTC. Potential work includes assisting CTC
in developing the AIN service logic (e.g., Automatic Message Accounting
and Billing).
2) Test and assess, in accordance with Telcordia-developed procedures and
criteria, SS7 functions to include route establishment, local number
portability (LNP), 800/toll-free, Line Information Data Base (LIDB),
Circuit Information Data Base (CIDB), and billing between CTC's ICN and
the PSTN. In the performance of this testing, Telcordia shall work
cooperatively with CTC to analyze current CTC processes so that test
plans can be tailored to specific CTC- stated processes.
b. Provide ongoing consulting related to design and deployment of CTC's SS7
interconnection, consisting of in-person interactions, telephone
discussions, and electronic-mail exchange with CTC throughout the term of
this Professional Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 200 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.
Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with CTC's SS7
interconnection plan:
a. A written project plan which details the elements of the work in this
Professional Services Attachment and a proposed schedule for completion of
the work.
b. A written SS7 interconnection plan specific to CTC's stated network.
c. A written test plan to be used in the testing, assessment, and deployment
of CTC's SS7 network interconnections, associated Advanced Intelligent
Network (AIN) features, and SS7 network features.
d. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
e. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified in
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	May 8,, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.

telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment B authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment C to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment C, effective upon the date the last
Party executes,  is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment C
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services in the area of number resource
strategies and methodologies.
Telcordia shall provide consulting Services to address issues associated with
PSTN number plan administration. Telcordia shall provide overall coordination
of these Services as well as one (1) or more subject matter experts ("SMEs")
to be engaged throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia will work with CTC to identify SMEs to meet the appropriate
expertise required and to accommodate the availability of the SMEs. Telcordia
shall undertake the following activities as part of these Services:
a. Work cooperatively with CTC to assess the scope of the work involved in
CTC's number plan administration. In conjunction with this assessment,
develop a detailed project plan that identifies elements of the work
effort addressed in this Professional Services Attachment and provides a
proposed schedule for completion of the work. Potential areas to be
addressed may, at CTC's option, include:
1) Project planning to document the strategies and methodologies for
obtaining number resources on both an immediate and an ongoing basis:
a) Telcordia shall assist CTC in developing strategies to synchronize
CTC market plans with PSTN number resource acquisition plans.
b) Telcordia shall develop a plan for integrating number administration
with CTC marketing and planning resources.
c) Telcordia shall develop methods and procedures for number
administration within CTC.
2) Consulting Services in, but not limited to, the following areas:
Central Office (CO) NXX assignments, Location Routing Number (LRN)
assignments, Thousand Block assignments, Carrier Identification Code
(CIC) assignments, NPA relief process, Central Office Code Utilization
Survey (COCUS) requirements, and number administration activities:
a) Telcordia shall develop a documented application plan by NPA and
rate center for obtaining PSTN numbering resources in CTC projected
service area(s).
b) Telcordia shall develop and present training seminars related to
numbering resources for CTC personnel.
3) Leadership in the processes, application for, and assignment of CO
Codes, Thousand Blocks, NPA/NXX, and LRN for CTC's ICN throughout the
term of this Professional Services Attachment. This activity may, at
CTC's option, include:
a) Training, assistance, and support for CTC personnel in the CO Code
and Thousand Block Application process.
b) Assistance for CTC personnel in the design and implementation of
CTC's number administration system.
4) Leadership throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment
in managing number administration and in understanding regulatory
requirements. This activity may, at CTC's option, include training
assistance and support to help CTC personnel in understanding
regulatory requirements for 800/SMS database, NPAC, local exchange
routing guide, and the 800 Responsible Organization (RESPORG)
b. Ongoing numbering plan related consulting Services, consisting of in-
person interactions, telephone discussions, and electronic-mail exchange
with CTC throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 1000 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.
Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with number
resource strategies and methodologies.
a. A written project plan which details the elements of the work in this
Professional Services Attachment and a proposed schedule for completion of
the work.
b. A written plan for integrating number administration with CTC's stated
market planning.
c. A written application plan by NPA and rate center for obtaining PSTN
numbering resources in CTC projected service area(s).
d. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
e. A written methods and procedures document for number administration.
f. A written report outlining the guidelines, methodologies and strategies
for CO NXX assignments, LRN assignments, Thousand Block assignments, CIC
assignments, NPA relief process, COCUS requirements, and number
administration activities.
g. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified in
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	March 27, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.
telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment C authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment D to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment D, effective upon the date the last
Party executes,  is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment D
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services in the area of voice routing and rating
Telcordia shall provide consulting Services to address issues associated with
PSTN architecture as it applies to voice routing and rating plans. Telcordia
shall provide overall coordination of these Services as well as one (1) or
more subject matter experts ("SMEs") to be engaged throughout the term of
this Professional Services Attachment.  Telcordia ^ will work with CTC to
identify SMEs to meet the appropriate expertise required and to accommodate
the availability of the SMEs. Telcordia shall undertake the following
activities as part of these Services:
a. Work cooperatively with CTC to assess the scope of the work involved in
CTC's PSTN architecture as it applies to voice routing and rating plans.
In conjunction with this assessment, develop a detailed project plan that
identifies elements of the work effort addressed in this Professional
Services Attachment and provides a proposed schedule for completion of the
work. Potential areas to be addressed may, at CTC's option, include:
1) Consulting associated with the PSTN architecture, including, but not
limited to, the local exchange routing guide information, tariff
filing, and administrative and regulatory requirements.
2) Consulting related to numbering and its alignment with network
engineering and operational support systems for capacity and related
planning purposes.
3) Consulting related to the process of establishing a customized routing
administration organization in CTC. This effort will include
information on the procedure to become a participating Telcordia
Traffic Routing Administration (TRA) Fair Share Plan (FSP) data
services client, and procedures in the subsequent use of the FSP
services to directly distribute CTC's routing data to their industry
trading partners (other carriers).
b. Ongoing PSTN architecture and voice routing and rating related consulting
Services, consisting of in-person interactions, telephone discussions, and
electronic-mail exchange with CTC throughout the term of this Professional
Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 100 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.
Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with PSTN
architecture as it applies to voice routing and rating plans:
a. A written project plan which details the elements of the work in this
Professional Services Attachment and a proposed schedule for completion of
the work.
b. A written report containing a voice routing plan for CTC's specific
network architecture.
c. A written plan to form the basis for the establishment of a CTC-customized
routing administration organization.
d. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
e. Information related to the procedure for obtaining enterprise licenses for
the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG), and Termination Point Master.
f. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified in
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	May 8, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.

telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road		200 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment D authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment E to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001

Intentionally Deleted

Professional Services Attachment F to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
Intentionally Deleted

Professional Services Attachment G to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment G, effective upon the date the last
Party executes,  is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment G
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services related to Operational Support System
(OSS) planning.
Telcordia shall provide consulting Services to address issues associated with
OSS planning. Telcordia shall provide overall coordination of this project as
well as one (1) or more subject matter experts ("SMEs") to be engaged
throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment. Telcordia
^ will work with CTC to identify SMEs to meet the appropriate expertise
required and to accommodate the availability of the SMEs. Telcordia shall
undertake the following activities as part of these Services:
a. Work cooperatively with CTC to assess the scope of the work involved in
CTC's OSS planning. In conjunction with this assessment, develop a
detailed project plan that identifies elements of the work effort
addressed in this Professional Services Attachment and provides a proposed
schedule for completion of the work. Potential areas to be addressed may,
at CTC's option, include:
Working in cooperation with CTC to define the present method of operation
(PMO) for OSSs, assess CTC's possible future method of operation (FMO) for
OSSs, and identify any major gaps that exist in transitioning from the PMO
to the planned FMO. OSS issues that may be addressed in this work are
ordering, provisioning, inventory asset management, billing, customer
care, network management, and service assurance.
b. Telcordia shall provide ongoing OSS (e.g., service activation, service
assurance, and billing) planning related consulting Services, consisting
of in-person interactions, telephone discussions, and/or electronic-mail
exchange with CTC representatives throughout the term of this Professional
Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 160 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.
Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with OSS
a. A written project plan which details the elements of the work in this
Professional Services Attachment and a proposed schedule for completion of
the work.
b. A written report that outlines the PMO for OSSs, analyzes CTC's FMO for
OSSs, and identifies any major gaps that, in Telcordia's estimation, exist
in transitioning from the PMO to the planned FMO. This document will form
the basis for cooperative work with CTC in developing additional
Deliverables associated with the CTC OSSs.
c. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
d. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified in
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	May 8, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
Continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.
telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment G authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment H to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment H, effective upon the date the last
Party executes,  is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment H
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services related to CTC's end-to-end network
Telcordia shall provide consulting Services related to CTC's end-to-end
network architecture that incorporates the deployment of Telcordia's Licensed
Software Call Agent. Telcordia shall provide overall coordination of this
project as well as one (1) or more subject matter experts ("SMEs") to be
engaged throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia will work with CTC to identify SMEs to meet the appropriate
expertise required and to accommodate the availability of the SMEs. Telcordia
shall undertake the following activities as part of these Services:
a. Work cooperatively with CTC to assess the scope of the work involved in
network architecture, network performance, quality of service (QoS)
issues, and network security related to CTC's next generation network. In
conjunction with this assessment, develop a detailed project plan that
identifies elements of the work effort addressed in this Professional
Services Attachment and provides a proposed schedule for completion of the
work. Potential areas to be addressed may, at CTC's option, include:
1) Investigation of the details of CTC's network as related to the current
Voice/IP/ATM/SS7 infrastructure and the relevant services provided by
the current infrastructure.
2) Development of models of a proposed future network infrastructure,
including voice switching components.
3) Development of an end-to-end architecture, including, but not limited
to, necessary protocol support, that will facilitate the use of
Telcordia's Call Agent Licensed Software.
4) Presentation of an overview of Telcordia's network security consulting
programs and capabilities with a view toward developing a detailed
proposal to address network security for CTC's end-to-end network.
5) Presentation of an overview of network performance and QoS issues
related to CTC's next generation network and development of a plan to
include network performance and QoS considerations in the Professional
Service consulting effort for the CTC network.
b. Telcordia shall provide ongoing network architecture and related
consulting Services, consisting of in-person interactions, telephone
discussions, and/or electronic-mail exchange with CTC representatives
throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 160 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.
Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with CTC's end-
to-end network architecture:
a. A written project plan which details the elements of the work in this
Professional Services Attachment and a proposed schedule for completion of
the work.
b. A written report documenting CTC's current Voice/IP/ATM/SS7 infrastructure
and the relevant services provided by the current infrastructure,
detailing a proposed future architecture for CTC's end-to-end network that
identifies any major gaps that, in Telcordia's opinion, could hinder the
transition from the current state to the planned future state. The report
will include information regarding voice switching components and
necessary protocol support.
c. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
d. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified to
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	May 8, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.

telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment H authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date:

Professional Services Attachment I to
Professional Services Work Statement
Contract No. CTC001
This Professional Services Attachment I, effective upon the date the last
Party executes,  is between  CTC Communications Corp. ("CTC") and Telcordia
Technologies, Inc. ("Telcordia"). This Professional Services Attachment I
incorporates by reference the Master Agreement for NGN Software and
Professional Services Contract No. 20000315JQ9492 ("Agreement") and
Professional Services Work Statement No. 0NSICC.  Telcordia shall provide the
following Services and Deliverables under the Terms and Conditions of the
Agreement, Work Statement No. 0NSICC and any additional terms contained in
this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia shall provide CTC Services related to integration of CTC's next
generation network.
Telcordia shall provide Consulting Services related to integration of CTC's
next generation network that incorporates the deployment of Telcordia's
Licensed Software Call Agent. Telcordia shall provide overall coordination of
this project as well as one (1) or more subject matter experts ("SMEs") to be
engaged throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment.
Telcordia will work with CTC to identify SMEs to meet the appropriate
expertise required and to accommodate the availability of the SMEs. Telcordia
shall undertake the following activities as part of these Services:
a. Work cooperatively with CTC to assess the scope of the work involved
network and systems integration for CTC's next generation network. In
conjunction with this assessment, develop a detailed project plan that
identifies elements of the work effort addressed in this Professional
Services Attachment and provides a proposed schedule for completion of the
work. Potential areas to be addressed may, at CTC's option, include:
1) Network integration assessment incorporating a review of the end-to-end
network architecture and services to determine the elements of a
network integration effort.
2) System integration assessment incorporating a review of CTC's business
and operational processes and OSS architecture to determine elements of
a systems integration effort.
3) Develop a network and operation integration strategy with goals to
shorten time to market, reduce defects in the deployed solution, and
minimize the impact on day-to-day operations.
4) Develop a detailed integration plan to include schedules, milestones,
and responsibilities.
5) Review of third party vendors and development of a Vendor Management
6) Identify network test and monitoring tools which, in Telcordia's
opinion, are recommended for use in CTC's network.
7) Develop network and equipment conformance, equipment interoperability,
network integration, and end-to-end network acceptance test plans.
8) Develop a regression testing methodology for new product releases and a
customized CTC equipment regression test plan.
9) Conduct a CTC network operations training assessment and develop a
recommended training curriculum for CTC network operations personnel.
b. Telcordia shall provide ongoing network and systems integration related
consulting Services, consisting of in-person interactions, telephone
discussions, and/or electronic-mail exchange with CTC representatives
throughout the term of this Professional Services Attachment.
See Section 4, CTC Responsibilities, in the Professional Services Work
CTC shall pay Telcordia for the Services and Deliverables on a Time and
Materials basis.
Estimated effort associated with the Services and Deliverables in this
Professional Services Attachment: 350 Staff Hours.
This estimate is not binding. The actual fees are based on the number of
hours worked by Telcordia and on the mix of Consultants and Senior
Consultants performing the work.
Telcordia shall provide the following Deliverables associated with CTC's next
generation network and systems integration effort:
a. A written project plan which details the elements of the work in this
Professional Services Attachment and a proposed schedule for completion of
the work.
b. Telcordia agrees that CTC shall own the copyright to any portions of the
above Deliverables which consist of conclusions and recommendations that
are specific to CTC and CTC acknowledges and agrees that Telcordia may
perform work for its other customers which may result in the creation of
the same or similar conclusions and recommendations.
c. Additional Deliverables as may be developed or defined in cooperation with
CTC representatives will be specified in an amendment to this Professional
Services Attachment. Ownership issues related to Deliverables specified in
amendments to this Professional Services Attachment will be addressed in
the applicable amendment.
Schedule of Services
Activity	Approximate Date

Services Begin	May 8, 2000
Services Completed	May 5, 2003
Deliverables provided to CTC	Schedule developed in cooperation with CTC
Location of services
Telcordia shall provide the Services at CTC's Locations within the
continental United States and Telcordia's Morristown, Piscataway, and Red
Bank locations in New Jersey.

telcordia's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Barry H. Lerich		Christine Kordalski
Program Manager		Account Executive
Telcordia Technologies, Inc.		Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
445 South Street, (Room 1J112G)		3 Corporate Place (room 2H335)
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438		Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telephone: 	(973) 829-2959		Telephone: 	(732) 699-7898
Fax:	(973) 829-5866		Fax:	(732) 336-3482
Email:		Email:
CTC's contact(s)
Technical Contact		Administrative Contact
Steve McGrath		Steve McGrath
Program Manager		Program Manager
CTC Communications Corp.		CTC Communications Corp.
220 Bear Hill Road		220 Bear Hill Road
Waltham, MA 02451		Waltham, MA 02451
Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753		Telephone: 	(781) 522-8753
Fax:	(781) 522-8629		Fax:	(781) 522-8629
Email:		Email:
The Parties to this Professional Services Attachment I authorize the start of
work on the Services and Deliverables described in this Professional Services
Attachment and represent that this Professional Services Attachment is
executed by duly authorized representatives as of the dates below.
By: 			By:
Name:			Name:	Pamela J. Keen
Title:			Title:	Senior Contract Manager
Date:			Date: