Washington, D.C. 20549

                                          FORM 8-K

                                       CURRENT REPORT

                             Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                            The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

         Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): May 14, 2003

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              Delaware             001-31563           47-1284989
    (State or other jurisdiction  (Commission         (IRS Employer
          of incorporation)      File Number)      Identification No.)

              5800 Corporate Drive
            Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                   15237-7000
    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)           (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:   (800) 341-7400

Item 9.  Regulation FD Disclosure.

      The following information is furnished pursuant to Item 9 of Form 8-K :

     Following is  information  that may be made publicly  available on or after
May 14, 2003.

Information as of 4/30/03 unless otherwise noted.



     Current  income exempt from federal income tax,  including the  alternative
minimum tax (AMT)

Market Price $13.66 (Source: Bloomberg)
Daily NAV $14.50

Yield (%)
Current Yield based on Market Price       5.49
Current Yield based on NAV                5.17
Taxable Equivalent Market Yield*          8.94

Paid Monthly
Record Date: 23rd or the preceding business day of the month
4/03 $0.06250
3/03 $0.06250
2/03 $0.06250

Investment Concentration
Intermediate-term municipal securities

Portfolio Assets
$161.7 million

Portfolio Profile
Weighted Average Effective Maturity             8.90 Years
Weighted Average Effective Duration to Common** 8.29 Years
Weighted Average Effective Duration to Gross    5.16 Years
Weighted Average Quality                  Aa2/AA (Rated Only)
Average Coupon                                  5.59%
Number of Securities                            96

Recommended Benchmark
Lehman Brothers Aggregate Municipal Bond Index

Portfolio Managers
Mary Jo Ochson, CFA
Began Managing Fund: 12/02
Lee R. Cunningham, II
Began Managing Fund: 12/02
R.J. Gallo
Began Managing Fund: 12/02

Fund History
NYSE Ticker       FPT
CUSIP       31423M105
Inception 12/20/02
Inception NAV     $14.33
Inception Share Price $15.00

Portfolio Manager Commentary
Fund Performance

     The fund's NAV rose 0.55% to end April at $14.50.  Based on NAV, the fund's
monthly total return,  which includes the monthly dividend of 6.25  cents/share,
was 0.99%.  The fund's common market price increased 0.44% over the month to end
at $13.66.  Based on the common market price,  the fund's total return for April
was 0.88%.

     The discount of share price to NAV was 5.80% on April 30,  similar to 5.70%
at the end of March.  Trading  volume of the  fund's  common  shares on the NYSE
averaged about 18,500 shares per day, down from 23,900 last month.

     The annualized  current yield of the fund relative to its month-end closing
market price was 5.49%, which equates to 8.94% on a taxable equivalent basis for
shareholders in the 38.6% federal tax bracket.

Municipal Market

     The military success of U.S. forces in Iraq allowed market  participants to
refocus on the economy  during  April.  Anticipation  of  accelerating  economic
growth  following  the end of fighting in Iraq seemed to diminish in the face of
generally weak economic data.  Treasury and municipal yields rose early in April
as imminent military success was clear, but reversed course as signs of economic
acceleration failed to emerge. On net, the AAA 10-year yield fell 7 basis points
to 3.54% during April,  and yields across the municipal  yield curve fell from 1
to 14 basis points. (All yields from Municipal Market Data).

     Seasonal upward pressure on short-term  municipal  yields during tax season
contributed  to a slight  flattening in the slope of the municipal  yield curve,
with the difference  between one-year and 10-year AAA yields ending April at 246
basis points,  down from 256 basis points last month. The tepid pace of economic
recovery continues to underpin the ongoing steep slope of yield curve.

     The total return on the Lehman Brothers Aggregate  Municipal Bond Index was
0.66% for the month. The healthcare, education and insured segments of the index
were the three strongest  performing  credit sectors.  Holdings in these sectors
contributed  to the  fund's  positive  performance  in  April  and  cumulatively
represent over 65% of the fund portfolio.

Investment Strategy

     The portfolio  management team continued to increase the fund's holdings of
BBB or lower-rated bonds, consistent with the fund's income objective.  The fund
purchased  such  securities in the  hospital,  life care and special tax sectors
during the month. The use of leverage continues to enhance the fund's ability to
pay  attractive  dividends to common  shareholders.  The fund paid an average of
1.16% in preferred share dividends during April,  while the capital  contributed
by preferred  shareholders  was invested in the fund's portfolio of intermediate
bonds, which had an average yield to effective maturity of 4.52% for the month.

Cumulative Total Return (%)
                        1 month           Since Inception
Market Price             0.88              (7.74)
NAV (based on $15.00)   (3.56)             (2.13)
NAV (based on $14.33)    0.99               2.51

Premium/Discount of Market Price to NAV
5.79% Discount

Top Ten Holdings
Total % of Portfolio: 24.37%
Metropolitan Transportation Authority,          2.89%
NY (MBIA Insured)
Pennsylvania State IDA, Economic                2.78%
Development (AMBAC Insured)
Salt River Project, AZ, Agricultural            2.77%
Improvement & Power
California State, Refunding UT GO Bonds         2.69%
Alaska State Housing Finance Corp.              2.64%
(MBIA Insured)
Delaware Health Facilities Authority            2.54%
(AMBAC Insured)
Austin, TX, Electric Utility System             2.13%
(AMBAC Insured)
North Carolina Municipal Power                  2.03%
Agency No. 1
Ohio State Air Quality Development              1.96%
Kentucky Economic Development Finance           1.94%

Sector Breakdown (Top Six) (%)
Total % of Portfolio: 86.13%
Insured           48.95
Hospital          12.05
Special Tax        7.98
Lifecare           6.62
Public Power       5.54
Electric and Gas   4.99

Quality Breakdown (%)
AAA   50.25
AA    5.88
A     10.97
BBB   20.88
BB    1.79
B     1.00
Non Rated   9.23

Percent of Portfolio Callable
2003        2.54%
2004        0.00%
2005        0.00%
2006        1.24%
2007        1.96%
As of 5/8/03

Preferred Share Ratings
Moody's Aaa
Fitch AAA
Face Value of Preferred Shares $61,025,000

     *Taxable Equivalent Market Yields - In calculating these yields, the market
yield is divided by (1 minus the applicable tax rate).  The maximum  federal tax
rate  (38.6%) is used when  calculating  the taxable  equivalent  market  yield.
Federal Tax Rates are based on the 2003 rates as stated in the  Economic  Growth
and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001.

     **Duration  is a measure of a security's  price  sensitivity  to changes in
interest rates.  Securities with longer  durations are more sensitive to changes
in interest rates than securities of shorter durations. The Fund is a closed-end
fund.Unlike open-end funds,  closed-end funds are not continually  offered.There
is a one-time public offering,  and once issued,  shares of closed-end funds are
bought and sold in the open market.Consequently,  shares of closed-end funds may
trade at, above or below their net asset values ("NAV").  If a closed-end fund's
shares  trade at a price  below  their  NAV,  they are said to be  trading  at a

     Conversely, if a closed-end fund's shares trade at a price above their NAV,
they  are  said  to be  trading  at a  "premium."  Shares  of  closed-end  funds
frequently  trade at a discount.  The Fund offers  Common  Shares and  Preferred
Shares. The Pricing, Yield, Dividends, Fund History and Total Return information
provided herein relates to Common Shares only. Unlike Preferred  Shares,  Common
Shares are not rated.

     The Fund's issuance of Preferred  Shares creates leverage risks for holders
of Common Shares.Two major types of risks created by leverage  include:  (1) the
likelihood  of  greater  volatility  of NAV and market  price of Common  Shares,
because  changes  in the  value of the  Fund's  portfolio  securities  are borne
entirely by holders of Common Shares; and (2) the possibility either that income
available for Common Share dividends will fall if the Preferred  Shares dividend
rate rises, or that income  available for Common Shares dividends will fluctuate
because the Preferred Shares dividend rate varies.

     The Fund  invests in  high-yield,  lower-rated  securities  that  generally
entail  greater  market,   credit  and  liquidity  risks  than  investment-grade

     Please refer to the Fund's  prospectus  for more  information  on the risks
associated with an investment in the Fund.

Income may be subject to state and local taxes.

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future results.  Total return,  price,
yields,  and  NAV  will  fluctuate.  Total  returns  of  less  than 1  year  are

     Portfolio  composition is subject to change. Credit ratings pertain only to
the  securities  in the Fund's  portfolio  and do not protect  the Fund  against
market risk.

     For  additional  information,  including  definitions  of related terms and
indexes,  see the Financial Glossary and Benchmark Index Glossary.

Total return data assumes full reinvestment of dividends.
Not FDIC Insured May Lose Value No Bank Guarantee


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                  FEDERATED PREMIER
                                                  INTERMEDIATE MUNICIPAL INCOME

                                          By     /s/ Mary Jo Ochson
                                                     Mary Jo Ochson
                                                     Vice President

Date:  May 14, 2003