CCMI FUNDS
                                      CCMI Equity Fund
                                       CCMI Bond Fund

                                  TO BE HELD JUNE 27, 2003

     A special  meeting of the  shareholders of CCMI Funds (the "Trust") will be
held at 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15237-7010, at 2:00 p.m.
(Eastern  time),  on June 27, 2003,  to elect five Trustees and to transact such
other  business  as may  properly  come  before the  meeting or any  adjournment
thereof.  The Trust is  composed of two  separate  investment  portfolios:  CCMI
Equity  Fund  and CCMI  Bond  Fund  (individually  referred  to as a  "Fund"  or
collectively as the "Funds").

     The Board of  Trustees  has  fixed May 16,  2003,  as the  record  date for
determination of shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting.

                                               By Order of the Board of Trustees

                                               John W. McGonigle

June 11, 2003



                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

About the Proxy Solicitation and the Special Meeting.. ....3

PROPOSAL: ELECTION OF FIVE TRUSTEES........................3



INFORMATION ABOUT THE TRUST................................12

Proxies, Quorum and Voting at the  Special Meeting.........12

Share Ownership of the Trust...............................13

Other Matters and Discretion of Attorneys Named in the

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                                   CCMI FUNDS
                                CCMI Equity Fund
                                 CCMI Bond Fund

                              5800 Corporate Drive
                            Pittsburgh, PA 15237-7010

About the Proxy Solicitation and the Special Meeting

     The  enclosed  proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust (the  "Board" or  "Trustees").  The  proxies  will be voted at the special
meeting  of  shareholders  of the  Trust  to be held on June 27,  2003,  at 5800
Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010, at 2:00 p.m. (such special
meeting and any  adjournment  or  postponement  thereof  are  referred to as the
"Special Meeting").

     The cost of the  solicitation,  including the printing and mailing of proxy
materials,  will be borne by the Trust. In addition to solicitations through the
mails,  proxies may be  solicited  by officers,  employees,  and agents,  of the
Trust. Such  solicitations  may be by telephone,  telegraph,  or otherwise.  Any
telephonic  solicitations will follow procedures designed to ensure accuracy and
prevent  fraud,   including  requiring  identifying   shareholder   information,
recording the  shareholder's  instructions,  and  confirming to the  shareholder
after the fact.  Shareholders  who communicate  proxies by telephone or by other
electronic  means  have the same  power  and  authority  to  issue,  revoke,  or
otherwise  change their voting  instruction as currently exists for instructions
communicated in written form. The Trust will reimburse custodians, nominees, and
fiduciaries  for the  reasonable  costs  incurred  by them  in  connection  with
forwarding  solicitation  materials to the  beneficial  owners of shares held of
record by such persons.

     The purpose of the Special Meeting is set forth in the accompanying Notice.
The Trustees  know of no business  other than that  mentioned in the Notice that
will be  presented  for  consideration  at the  Special  Meeting.  Should  other
business  properly be brought before the Special Meeting,  proxies will be voted
in accordance with the best judgment of the persons named as proxies. This proxy
statement  and the  enclosed  proxy cards are  expected to be mailed on or about
June 11,  2003,  to  shareholders  of record at the close of business on May 16,
2003 (the "Record Date").  On the Record Date, the Funds had outstanding  shares
of beneficial  interest as follows:  CCMI Equity Fund had  7,325,986  Shares and
CCMI Bond Fund had 10,477,496 Shares.

     The most recent annual report for CCMI Equity Fund,  which includes audited
financial statements for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2002, and the most recent
semi-annual reports for both Funds, which include unaudited financial statements
for the six months ended  November 30, 2002,  have been mailed to  shareholders.
The Fund will  furnish  these  reports  without  charge upon  either  written or
telephone request.  The Trust's principal  executive offices are located at 5800
Corporate  Drive,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  15237-7010.  The Trust's toll free
number is 1-800-386-3111.

                            PROPOSAL: ELECTION OF FIVE TRUSTEES

     The Trust is managed by a Board of Trustees  (the  "Board" or  "Trustees").
The Board is  responsible  for  managing  the Trust's  business  affairs and for
exercising all of the Trust's powers except those reserved to the  shareholders.
As of the date of this proxy statement, the Board (the "Present Board") consists
of twelve Trustees (the "Present  Trustees").  All of the Present  Trustees have
served in that capacity  continuously since January 13, 1992, with the exception
of Thomas G. Bigley who has served continuously since November 15, 1994, John E.
Murray,  Jr., who has served  continuously since February 14, 1995, and Nicholas
P.  Constantakis,  John F.  Cunningham,  Charles F. Mansfield,  Jr., and John S.
Walsh,  who have served  continuously  since January 1, 1999 and J.  Christopher
Donahue who has served continuously since January 1, 2000.

     The Present Board recently approved a proposal for the appointment of a new
board  (the  "Nominees")  that  would  serve in place of the  Present  Trustees,
subject to approval by shareholders of the Trust.  The reason for this action is
to facilitate  implementation of the joint decision of Federated Investors, Inc.
("Federated"),  the Funds'  current  principal  service  provider,  and Commerce
Capital  Management,  Inc. (the "Adviser"),  the Funds' Adviser,  that the Funds
withdraw from the Federated  complex of funds served by the Present  Board,  and
become  part of a fund  complex  which  uses  Unified  Fund  Services,  Inc.  as
principal service provider and is served by a board consisting of the Nominees.

     While the Present  Trustees have  proposed  that the Nominees  listed below
succeed  the  Present  Board  (subject  to  shareholder  approval),  the Present
Trustees,  as of the  date of this  proxy  statement,  have not  considered  any
changes in the service  providers  to the Trust.  The Adviser  will  continue to
manage the Trust's  investments.  The Present Trustees are currently  serving as
Trustees and will continue to serve in their capacities until the results of the
shareholder  vote at the Special  Meeting are certified  and  recorded,  and the
Nominees will then become  Trustees.  In the event that the  shareholders do not
elect the Nominees at the Special Meeting, the Present Trustees will continue to
serve in their current capacities, and will consider what action, if any, should
be taken.

     At the Special Meeting, votes will be taken on the election of the Nominees
to serve as  Trustees  of the  Trust  to hold  office  until  the  election  and
qualification  of their  successors.  None of the  Nominees  is  related  to one
another.  None of the Nominees is  presently  serving as a Trustee of the Trust.
All of the Nominees have  consented to serve if elected at the Special  Meeting.
The  Nominees  will be  elected  by a  plurality  of votes  cast at the  Special
Meeting, which means that the individuals receiving the greatest number of votes
at the Special  Meeting  will be elected.  If elected,  the  Nominees  will hold
office without limit in time until death, resignation,  retirement or removal or
until the next meeting of  shareholders  to elect  Trustees and the election and
qualifications of their successors.

     Shares of both Funds will be voted  together as a single class of shares on
the election of Trustees.

     The Trustees shall hold office during the lifetime of this Trust, and until
its termination as hereinafter provided;  except (a) that any Trustee may resign
his office at any time by written  instrument signed by him and delivered to the
other  Trustees,  which shall take effect upon such  delivery or upon such later
date as is specified therein; (b) that any Trustee may be removed at any time by
written instrument signed by at least two-thirds of the number of Trustees prior
to such removal,  specifying the date when such removal shall become  effective;
(c) that any  Trustee  who  requests  in writing to be retired or who has become
mentally or physically incapacitated may be retired by written instrument signed
by a majority of the other Trustees,  specifying the date of his retirement; and
(d) a Trustee may be removed at any special meeting of Shareholders of the Trust
by a vote of two-thirds of the  outstanding  Shares.  The Trustees will not fill
any vacancy by appointment if, immediately after filling such vacancy, less than
two-thirds  of the Trustees  then holding  office would have been elected by the
shareholders.  If, at any time,  less than a majority  of the  Trustees  holding
office have been elected by the  shareholders,  the Trustees then in office will
call a  shareholders'  meeting  for the  purpose of  electing  Trustees  to fill
vacancies.  Otherwise,  there will normally be no meeting of shareholders called
for the purpose of electing Trustees.


     The Table below  provides a listing of each  Nominee  standing for election
along with their addresses,  birth dates,  principal occupations during the past
five years, other directorships held by each Nominee, and aggregate compensation
from the Trust.  None of the Nominees is affiliated with the Adviser or with the
Funds' principal  underwriter,  Federated Securities Corp. ("FSC"), a subsidiary
of Federated.  None of the Nominees (1) own shares of the Trust,  the Adviser or
FSC, or (2)  directly or  indirectly  controls,  is  controlled  by, or is under
common control with the Adviser or FSC.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Name, Address & Date    Principal Occupation(s) During     Aggregate
      of Birth         Past 5 Years Other Directorships   Compensation
                                     Held                  From Trust
                            and Previous Positions
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Timothy L. Ashburn    Principal Occupation: Chairman of       $0
(1)                   Unified Financial Services, Inc.
1104 Buttonwood       since 1989 and Chief Executive
Court                 Officer from 1989 to 1992 and 1994
Lexington, KY 40515   to April 2002; President of
                      Unified Financial Services from
Year of Birth: 1950   November 1997 to April 2000.

                      Other Directorships Held: Director
                      of Unified Financial Services,
                      Inc., Unified Fund Services, Inc.,
                      and Unified Financial Securities,
                      Inc.; Trustee of AmeriPrime Funds,
                      AmeriPrime Advisors Trust and
                      Unified Series Trust.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ronald C. Tritschler  Principal Occupation: Chief             $0
(1)                   Executive Officer, Director and
2361 Old Hickory Lane legal counsel of The Webb
Lexington, KY 40515   Companies, a national real estate
                      company, from 2001 to present;
Year of Birth: 1952   Executive Vice President and
                      Director of The Webb Companies
                      from 1990 to 2000.

                      Other Directorships Held: Director
                      of  The Lexington Bank and The
                      Traxx Companies, an owner and
                      operator of convenience stores.
                      Trustee of AmeriPrime Funds,
                      Unified Series Trust  and
                      AmeriPrime Advisors Trust.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary E. Hippenstiel   Principal Occupation: Director,         $0
600 Jefferson Street  Vice President and Chief
Suite 350             Investment Officer of Legacy Trust
Houston, TX 77002     Company since 1992.

Year of Birth: 1947
                      Other Directorships Held: Trustee
                      of AmeriPrime Funds, AmeriPrime
                      Advisors Trust , Unified Series
                      Trust and Access Variable
                      Insurance Trust.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Name, Address, Date         Principal Occupations         Aggregate
      of Birth               for Past Five Years,         Compensation
                           Other Directorships Held        From Trust
                            and Previous Positions
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephen A. Little     Principal Occupations: President        $0
3647 Totem Lane       and founder, The Rose, Inc., a
Indianapolis, IN      registered investment advisor,
46208                 since April 1993.

Year of Birth: 1946
                      Other Directorships Held: Trustee
                      of AmeriPrime Funds, Unified
                      Series Trust and AmeriPrime
                      Advisors Trust.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel J. Condon      Principal Occupation: Vice              $0
2385 The Woods Lane   President and General Manager,
Lexington, KY 40502   International Crankshaft Inc., an
                      automotive equipment manufacturing
Year of Birth: 1950   company, 1990 to present.

                      Other Directorships Held: Trustee
                      of AmeriPrime Funds, Unified
                      Series Trust and AmeriPrime
                      Advisors Trust.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1) It is  anticipated  that  following  their  election as  Trustees,  the
Nominees willl consider the selection of Unified  Financial  Securities Inc., to
replace FSC as the Funds' principal  underwriter.  If such proposal is approved,
Mr. Ashburn will be deemed to be an "interested  person" of the Trust because he
is a director of Unified Financial  Securities,  Inc. and Mr. Tritschler will be
deemed to be an  "interested  person" of the Trust  because he has an  ownership
interest  in Unified  Financial  Services,  Inc.,  parent of  Unified  Financial
Securities, Inc.

     The Present Board is comprised of twelve Trustees, three of whom are deemed
to be "interested persons" of the Trust as defined in the Investment Company Act
of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act").  If the Nominees are elected,  the Trust's
Board will be comprised  of three  non-interested  Trustees  and two  interested
Trustees.  The Present Board met four times during the fiscal year ended May 31,
2002, and each of the Present Trustees attended all of the Board meetings. It is
anticipated that the Nominees,  upon being elected Trustees,  will meet at least
four times a year at regularly scheduled meetings. The committees,  organization
and activity of the Present  Board are  described in the section  entitled  "The
Present  Board of Trustees and Officers" in this proxy  statement.  The Nominees
have  not  yet  made  any   decision   with  respect  to  whether  to  designate
responsibilities to similar committees.

     If a Nominee for election as a Trustee named above shall by reason of death
or for any  other  reason  become  unavailable  as a  candidate  at the  Special
Meeting,  votes  pursuant to the  enclosed  proxy will be cast for a  substitute
candidate by the proxies named on the proxy card, or their substitutes,  present
and acting at the Special Meeting. Any such substitute candidate for election as
a Trustee  who is an  "interested  person"  (as  defined in the 1940 Act) of the
Trust shall be  nominated  by the  Executive  Committee.  The  selection  of any
substitute candidate for election as a Trustee who is not an "interested person"
shall be made by a majority of the Trustees who are not "interested  persons" of
the  Trust.  The Board has no reason to believe  that any  Nominee  will  become
unavailable for election as a Trustee.

                              SHAREHOLDERS ELECT THE NOMINEES

     The  following  table  gives  information  about each Board  member and the
senior officers of the Funds.  The tables  separately list Board members who are
"interested  persons" of the Fund (i.e.,  "Interested"  Board members) and those
who are not (i.e.,  "Independent"  Board members).  Unless  otherwise noted, the
address of each person listed is Federated Investors Tower, 1001 Liberty Avenue,
Pittsburgh,  PA. The CCMI Complex consists of two investment company portfolios.
Unless  otherwise  noted,  each Officer is elected  annually.  Unless  otherwise
noted, each Board member oversees all portfolios in the CCMI Complex; serves for
an  indefinite  term;  and  also  serves  as a  Board  member  of the  following
investment  company  complexes:   Banknorth  Funds-four  portfolios;   Federated
Investors  Funds - 138  portfolios;  Regions  Morgan  Keegan  Select  Funds-nine
portfolios;  Riggs Funds-eight  portfolios;  WesMark Funds-five portfolios;  and
Golden Oak(R) Family of Funds- seven portfolios.



Name                  Principal Occupation(s) for Past   Aggregate
Birth Date            Five Years, Other Directorships    Compensation
Address               Held and Previous Position(s)      From Trust
Positions Held with                                      (past
Trust                                                    fiscal
Date Service Began                                       year)
                      Principal Occupations: Chairman    $0
John F. Donahue*      and Director or Trustee of the
Birth Date: July 28,  Federated Fund Complex; Chairman
1924                  and Director, Federated
Began serving:        ---------------------------------
January 31, 1992
                      Previous Positions: Trustee,
                      Federated Investment Management
                      Company and Chairman and
                      Director, Federated Investment

                      Principal Occupations: Principal   $0
J. Christopher        Executive Officer and President
Donahue*              of the Federated Fund Complex;
Birth Date: April     Director or Trustee of some of
11, 1949              the Funds in the Federated Fund
EXECUTIVE VICE        Complex; President, Chief
PRESIDENT AND TRUSTEE Executive Officer and Director,
Began serving:        Federated Investors, Inc.;
January 2000          Chairman and Trustee, Federated
                      Investment Management Company;
                      Trustee, Federated Investment
                      Counseling; Chairman and
                      Director, Federated Global
                      Investment Management Corp.;
                      Chairman, Passport Research,
                      Ltd.; Trustee, Federated
                      Shareholder Services Company;
                      Director, Federated Services

                      Previous Positions: President,
                      Federated Investment Counseling;
                      President and Chief Executive
                      Officer, Federated Investment
                      Management Company; President
                      and Chief Executive Officer,
                      Federated Global Investment
                      Management Corp.; President and
                      Chief Executive Officer,
                      Passport Research, Ltd.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                  Principal Occupation(s) for Past   Aggregate
Birth Date            Five Years, Other Directorships    Compensation
Address               Held and Previous Position(s)      From Trust
Positions Held with                                      (past
Trust                                                    fiscal
Date Service Began                                       year)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Principal Occupations: Director
Lawrence D. Ellis,    or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,056.71
M.D.*                 Complex; Professor of Medicine,
Birth Date: October   University of Pittsburgh;
11, 1932              Medical Director, University of
3471 Fifth Avenue     Pittsburgh Medical Center
Suite 1111            Downtown; Hematologist,
Pittsburgh, PA        Oncologist and Internist,
TRUSTEE               University of Pittsburgh Medical
Began serving:        Center.
January 1992
                      Other Directorships Held:
                      Member, National Board of
                      Trustees, Leukemia Society of

                      Previous Positions: Trustee,
                      University of Pittsburgh;
                      Director, University of
                      Pittsburgh Medical Center.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name                  Principal Occupation(s) for Past   Aggregate
Birth Date            Five Years, Other Directorships    Compensation
Address               Held and Previous Position(s)      From Trust
Positions Held with                                      past
Trust                                                   (fiscal
- --------------------                                     year)
Date Service Began
                      Principal Occupation: Director
Thomas G. Bigley      or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,162.55
Birth Date:           Complex.
February 3, 1934
15 Old Timber Trail   Other Directorships Held:
Pittsburgh, PA        Director, Member of Executive
TRUSTEEE              Committee, Children's Hospital
Began serving:        of Pittsburgh; Director,
November 1994         University of Pittsburgh.

                      Previous Position: Senior
                      Partner, Ernst & Young LLP.

                      Principal Occupations: Director
John T. Conroy, Jr.   or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,162.55
Birth Date: June      Complex; Chairman of the Board,
23, 1937              Investment Properties
Grubb &               Corporation; Partner or Trustee
Ellis/Investment      in private real estate ventures
Properties            in Southwest Florida.
3838 Tamiami Trail    Previous Positions: President,
N.                    Investment Properties
Naples, FL            Corporation; Senior Vice
TRUSTEE               President, John R. Wood and
Began serving:        Associates, Inc., Realtors;
January 1992          President, Naples Property
                      Management, Inc. and Northgate
                      Village Development Corporation.

                      Principal Occupation: Director
Nicholas P.           or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,162.55
Constantakis          Complex.
Birth Date:
September 3, 1939     Other Directorships Held:
175 Woodshire Drive   Director, Michael Baker
Pittsburgh, PA        Corporation (engineering and
TRUSTEE               energy services worldwide).
Began serving:
January 1999          Previous Position: Partner,
                      Andersen Worldwide SC.

     * Family relationships and reasons for "interested" status: John F. Donahue
is the  father  of J.  Christopher  Donahue;  both are  "interested"  due to the
positions they hold with Federated and its subsidiaries. Lawrence D. Ellis, M.D.
is  "interested"  because his  son-in-law  is  employed by the Fund's  principal
underwriter, Federated Securities Corp.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name                  Principal Occupation(s) for Past   Aggregate
Birth Date            Five Years, Other Directorships    Compensation
Address               Held and Previous Position(s)      From Trust
Positions Held with                                      past
Trust                                                   (Fiscal
- --------------------                                     year)
Date Service Began
                      Principal Occupation: Director
John F. Cunningham    or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,056.71
Birth Date: March     Complex.
5, 1943
353 El Brillo Way     Other Directorships Held:
Palm Beach, FL        Chairman, President and Chief
TRUSTEE               Executive Officer, Cunningham &
Began serving:        Co., Inc. (strategic business
January 1999          consulting); Trustee Associate,
                      Boston College.

                      Previous Positions: Director,
                      Redgate Communications and EMC
                      Corporation (computer storage
                      systems); Chairman of the Board
                      and Chief Executive Officer,
                      Computer Consoles, Inc.;
                      President and Chief Operating
                      Officer, Wang Laboratories;
                      Director, First National Bank of
                      Boston; Director, Apollo
                      Computer, Inc.

                      Principal Occupation: Director
Peter E. Madden       or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,056.71
Birth Date: March     Complex; Management Consultant.
16, 1942
One Royal Palm Way    Other Directorships Held: Board
100 Royal Palm Way    of Overseers, Babson College.
Palm Beach, FL
TRUSTEE               Previous Positions:
Began serving:        Representative, Commonwealth of
January 1992          Massachusetts General Court;
                      President, State Street Bank and
                      Trust Company and State Street
                      Corporation (retired); Director,
                      VISA USA and VISA International;
                      Chairman and Director,
                      Massachusetts Bankers
                      Association; Director,
                      Depository Trust Corporation;
                      Director, The Boston Stock

                      Principal Occupations: Director
Charles F.            or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,162.55
Mansfield, Jr.        Complex; Management Consultant;
Birth Date: April     Executive Vice President, DVC
10, 1945              Group, Inc. (marketing,
80 South Road         communications and technology)
Westhampton Beach,    (prior to 9/1/00).
TRUSTEE               Previous Positions: Chief
Began serving:        Executive Officer, PBTC
January 1999          International Bank; Partner,
                      Arthur Young & Company (now
                      Ernst & Young LLP); Chief
                      Financial Officer of Retail
                      Banking Sector, Chase Manhattan
                      Bank; Senior Vice President,
                      HSBC Bank USA (formerly, Marine
                      Midland Bank); Vice President,
                      Citibank; Assistant Professor of
                      Banking and Finance, Frank G.
                      Zarb School of Business, Hofstra

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                  Principal Occupation(s) for Past   Aggregate
Birth Date            Five Years, Other Directorships    Compensation
Address               Held and Previous Position(s)      From Trust
Positions Held with                                      past
Trust                                                   (Fiscal
- --------------------                                     year)
Date Service Began
John E. Murray,       Principal Occupations: Director
Jr., J.D., S.J.D.     or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,089.29
Birth Date:           Complex; Chancellor and Law
December 20, 1932     Professor, Duquesne University;
Chancellor,           Consulting Partner, Mollica &
Duquesne University   Murray.
Pittsburgh, PA
TRUSTEE               Other Directorships Held:
Began serving:        Director, Michael Baker Corp.
February 1995         (engineering, construction,
                      operations and technical

                      Previous Positions: President,
                      Duquesne University; Dean and
                      Professor of Law, University of
                      Pittsburgh School of Law; Dean
                      and Professor of Law, Villanova
                      University School of Law.

                      Principal Occupations: Director
Marjorie P. Smuts     or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,056.71
Birth Date: June      Complex; Public
21, 1935              Relations/Marketing
4905 Bayard Street    Consultant/Conference
Pittsburgh, PA        Coordinator.
Began serving:        Previous Positions: National
January 1992          Spokesperson, Aluminum Company
                      of America; television producer;
                      President, Marj Palmer Assoc.;
                      Owner, Scandia Bord.

                      Principal Occupations: Director
John S. Walsh         or Trustee of the Federated Fund   $1,056.71
Birth Date:           Complex; President and Director,
November 28, 1957     Heat Wagon, Inc. (manufacturer
2604 William Drive    of construction temporary
Valparaiso, IN        heaters); President and
TRUSTEE               Director, Manufacturers
Began serving:        Products, Inc. (distributor of
January 1999          portable construction heaters);
                      President, Portable Heater
                      Parts, a division of
                      Manufacturers Products, Inc.

                      Previous Position: Vice
                      President, Walsh & Kelly, Inc.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name                           Principal Occupation(s) and Previous Position(s)
Birth Date
Positions Held with Trust
- -----------------------------
Date Service Began

                              Principal Occupations: Senior Vice President and
Peter J. Germain              Director of Proprietary Fund Services, Federated
Birth Date: September 3, 1959 Services Company.
- -----------------------------
Began serving: August 2000

                              Principal Occupations: Executive Vice President and
John W. McGonigle             Secretary of the Federated Fund Complex; Executive Vice
Birth Date: October 26, 1938  President, Secretary and Director, Federated Investors,
Began serving: June 1995

Richard J. Thomas             Principal Occupations: Principal Financial Officer and
Birth Date: June 17, 1954     Treasurer of the Federated Fund Complex; Senior Vice
TREASURER                     President, Federated Administrative Services.
Began serving: August 2000

                              Principal Occupations: Vice President, Federated
Beth S. Broderick             Services Company.
Birth Date: August 2, 1965
- -----------------------------
Began serving: August 2000

**    Officers do not receive any compensation from the Fund.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Thomas R. Donahue,  Chief Financial Officer, Vice President,  Treasurer and
Assistant Secretary of Federated  Investors,  Inc. and an officer of its various
advisory and underwriting subsidiaries, has served as a Term Member on the Board
of Directors of Duquesne  University,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  since May 12,
2000.  Mr. John E. Murray,  Jr., an Independent  Trustee of the Fund,  served as
President of Duquesne from 1988 until his retirement from that position in 2001,
and became  Chancellor  of Duquesne on August 15, 2001.  It should be noted that
Mr.  Donahue  abstains on any matter  that comes  before  Duquesne's  Board that
affects Mr. Murray personally.

COMMITTEES of the board
                           Committee Functions                         Meetings Held
Board     Committee                                                    During Last
Committee Members                                                      Fiscal Year
Executive John F. Donahue  In between meetings of the full Board,           One
          John E. Murray,  the Executive Committee generally may
          Jr.              exercise all the powers of the full Board
                           in the management and direction of the
                           business and conduct of the affairs of
                           the Trust in such manner as the Executive
                           Committee shall deem to be in the best
                           interests of the Trust. However, the
                           Executive Committee cannot elect or
                           remove Board members, increase or
                           decrease the number of Trustees, elect or
                           remove any Officer, declare dividends,
                           issue shares or recommend to shareholders
                           any action requiring shareholder approval.

 Audit    Thomas G. Bigley The Audit Committee reviews and                 Three
          John T. Conroy,  recommends to the full Board the
          Jr.              independent auditors to be selected to
          Nicholas P.      audit the Fund's financial statements;
          Constantakis     meet with the independent auditors
          Charles F.       periodically to review the results of the
          Mansfield, Jr.   audits and report the results to the full
                           Board; evaluate the independence of the
                           auditors, review legal and regulatory
                           matters that may have a material effect
                           on the financial statements, related
                           compliance policies and programs, and the
                           related reports received from regulators;
                           review the Fund`s internal audit
                           function; review compliance with the
                           Fund`s code of conduct/ethics; review
                           valuation issues; monitor inter-fund
                           lending transactions; review custody
                           services and issues and investigate any
                           matters brought to the Committee's
                           attention that are within the scope of
                           its duties.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Board  ownership of shares in the fund and in the CCMI family of Investment
companies AS OF dECEMBER 31, 2002

                      Dollar       Dollar Range of
                      Range of     Shares Owned in
                      Shares       CCMI Family of
Interested            Owned        Investment
Board Member Name     in Fund      Companies
John F. Donahue            NONE             NONE
J. Christopher             NONE             NONE
Lawrence D. Ellis,         NONE             NONE

Board Member Name
Thomas G. Bigley           NONE             NONE
John T. Conroy, Jr.        NONE             NONE
Nicholas P.                NONE             NONE
John F. Cunningham         NONE             NONE
Peter E. Madden            NONE             NONE
Charles F.                 NONE             NONE
Mansfield, Jr.
John E. Murray,            NONE             NONE
Jr., J.D., S.J.D.  --

Marjorie P. Smuts          NONE             NONE
John S. Walsh              NONE             NONE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                INFORMATION ABOUT THE TRUST
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proxies, Quorum and Voting at the Special Meeting

     Only  shareholders of record on the Record Date will be entitled to vote at
the  Special  Meeting.  Each  share of each  Fund is  entitled  to one vote with
respect to matters impacting that Fund or the Trust generally. Fractional shares
are entitled to proportionate  shares of one vote. Election of Trustees shall be
decided by a plurality of the votes cast.

     ......  Any person giving a proxy has the power to revoke it any time prior
to its  exercise by  executing a  superseding  proxy or by  submitting a written
notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Trust.  In addition,  although mere
attendance at the Special Meeting will not revoke a proxy, a shareholder present
at the Special  Meeting may  withdraw  his or her proxy and vote in person.  All
properly executed and unrevoked proxies received in time for the Special Meeting
will be voted in accordance with the instructions  contained in the proxies.  If
no instruction is given on the proxy, the persons named as proxies will vote the
shares  represented  thereby in favor of the matters  set forth in the  attached

     In order to hold the Meeting,  a "quorum" of shareholders  must be present.
Holders of more than fifty percent of the shares of the Trust  entitled to vote,
present in person or by proxy,  shall be required to constitute a quorum for the
purpose of voting on the election of Trustees.

     ......If a quorum is not  present,  the  persons  named as proxies may vote
those proxies,
which have been received to adjourn the Special Meeting to a later date.

Share Ownership of the Trust

     Officers  and  Trustees  of the  Trust  own  less  than  1% of the  Trust's
outstanding shares.

     At the close of business on the Record Date,  the following  persons owned,
to the knowledge of management,  more than 5% of the  outstanding  shares of the

CCMI Equity Fund

     Central  Carolina  Bank & Trust owned  approximately  6,550,  853  (89.42%)

CCMI Bond Fund

     Central  Carolina  Bank & Trust  owned  approximately  10,474,783  (99.97%)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     ......The  Trust  is not  required,  and does not  intend,  to hold  annual
meetings  of  shareholders.   Shareholders   wishing  to  submit  proposals  for
consideration  for  inclusion  in a proxy  statement  for the  next  meeting  of
shareholders  should send their written  proposals to CCMI Funds, 5800 Corporate
Drive, Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15237-7010,  so that they are received within a
reasonable time before any such meeting.

     ......No business other than the matter described above is expected to come
before the  Special  Meeting,  but should any other  matter  requiring a vote of
shareholders arise,  including any question as to an adjournment or postponement
of the Special  Meeting,  the persons named on the enclosed proxy card will vote
on such matters according to their best judgment in the interests of the Trust.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNITED                                                                   STATES.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        By Order of the Trustees

                                                            John W. McGonigle

June 11, 2003


Investment Adviser


850 Ridgelake Boulevard #101
Memphis, TN 38120



Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779



Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-3779

Cusip 12501 K 302
Cusip 12501 K 401


                                  SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[   ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[   ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted
         by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ X]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[   ] Definitive Additional Materials
[   ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

                                         CCMI FUNDS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
                             Federated Administrative Services
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee  (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required.
[   ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3.   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5.   Total fee paid:

[    ] Fee paid previously with preliminary proxy materials.

[    ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1)....Amount Previously Paid:

      2)....Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      3)....Filing Party:

      4)....Date Filed:

KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned Shareholders of CCMI
Funds, hereby appoint C. Grant Anderson, Suzanne W. Land, Alecia A. Allison,
Catherine C. Ryan and Heidi B. Loeffert, or any one of them, true and lawful
attorneys, with the power of substitution of each, to vote all shares of CCMI
Funds, which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Special Meeting of
Shareholders to be held on June 27, 2003, at 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 15237-7010, at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), and at any adjournment

     The  attorneys  named  will vote the  shares  represented  by this proxy in
accordance with the choices made on this ballot. If no choice is indicated as to
the item, this proxy will be voted  affirmatively on the matters.  Discretionary
authority  is hereby  conferred  as to all other  matters as may  properly  come
before the Special Meeting or any adjournment thereof.


     Proposal  1 To elect  Timothy L.  Ashburn,  Ronald C.  Tritschler,  Gary E.
Hippenstiel, Stephen A. Little and Daniel J. Condon as Trustees of the Trust.

                        FOR                     [   ]
                        WITHHOLD ALL            [   ]
                        FOR ALL EXCEPT*         [   ]

     Proposal 2 To transact such other  business as may properly come before the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                        FOR                     [   ]
                        AGAINST                 [   ]

     *If you do not wish your  shares to be voted  "FOR" a  particular  nominee,
mark the "For All Except" box and strike a line  through the nominee  (s') name.
Your shares will be voted for the remaining nominees.

                                        YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                                  Please complete, sign and return this
                                  card as soon as possible.




                                  Signature (Joint Owners)

     Please  sign this proxy  exactly  as your name  appears on the books of the
Trust. Joint owners should each sign personally.  Trustees and other fiduciaries
should  indicate the  capacity in which they sign,  and where more than one name
appears,  a majority must sign. If a corporation,  this signature should be that
of an authorized officer who should state his or her title.