File No. 333-_______

                        As filed with the SEC on _______, 2003
                                 Washington, DC 20549
                                      FORM N-14
                         Pre-Effective Amendment No. __
                         Post-Effective Amendment No.  __
                           (Check appropriate box or boxes)

                  (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                           (Area Code and Telephone Number)
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                       (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                              John W. McGonigle, Esquire
                              Federated Investors Tower
                                 1001 Liberty Avenue
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-3779
                       (Name and Address of Agent for Service)

                                      Copies to:

                             Matthew G. Maloney, Esquire
                        Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky LLP
                                  2101 L Street, NW
                              Washington, DC 20037-1526
                                    (202) 828-2218

               Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering: As soon as
           practicable after this Registration Statement becomes effective
                    under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     No filing fee is due because  Registrant is relying on Section 24(f) of the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

                                     RIGGS FUNDS

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010

Dear Shareholder,

     The Board of  Trustees  of the Riggs  Funds is  pleased  to submit to you a
proposed  reorganization  of Riggs Stock Fund,  Riggs Small  Company Stock Fund,
Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund,  Riggs Bond Fund, Riggs Short Term Tax
Free Bond Fund, Riggs  Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, Riggs Prime Money Market
Fund and Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund (each a "Riggs Fund";  together
the "Riggs Funds") into Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund, Federated Kaufmann
Fund,  Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond
Fund,  Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust,  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal
Trust,  Automated Cash  Management  Trust and Automated  Government  Money Trust
(each a "Federated Fund";  together the "Federated  Funds"),  respectively.  The
shareholders  of each  Riggs  Fund  will  vote  separately  on the  proposal  to
reorganize  their  fund.  If  approved  by  shareholders  of a Riggs  Fund,  the
shareholders  of that Riggs Fund will receive  shares of a comparable  Federated
Fund.  Riggs  Investment  Advisors Inc. is the investment  adviser for the Riggs
Funds, and Federated Investment Management Company is the investment adviser for
the Federated Funds.

     We are  recommending  the  reorganization  of the Riggs Funds and Federated
Funds because the  long-term  viability of the Riggs Funds is in jeopardy due to
its shrinking  asset base caused by the current  difficult  market  environment.
Both the Riggs Funds and Federated Funds have similar investment objectives, and
the  combination  of  the  two  Fund  groups  would  provide  the  Riggs  Funds'
shareholders  with the benefit of higher Fund asset levels and potentially lower
Fund expenses.

     Your vote on this  proposal is very  important.  Whether or not you plan to
attend the meeting, please vote your shares by mail. If you are a shareholder of
more than one  Riggs  Fund,  you will  receive  more  than one  Prospectus/Proxy
Statement and Proxy Card and will need to vote the shares you hold of each Fund.
In addition, you may receive more than one Prospectus/Proxy  Statement and Proxy
Card if you own shares through more than one financial  intermediary  or under a
different account registration.

     Remember,  your vote is important.  PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO SIGN,  DATE AND
and  direction  for voting the proxy is  included  on the next page.  IT IS VERY

     If you have any questions  regarding the shareholder  meeting,  please feel
free to call a Riggs Client Service Representative at 1-800-934-3883.


                                          Peter J. Germain

_________, 2003


Riggs Funds

Prospectus and Proxy Statement - Please Vote!


     The Riggs Funds will hold a special  meeting of  shareholders  on September
25,  2003.  It is  important  for  you to vote on the  issue  described  in this
Prospectus  and Proxy  Statement.  We recommend that you read the Prospectus and
Proxy Statement in its entirety; the explanations will help you to decide on the

The following is an introduction to the process and the proposal.

Why am I being asked to vote?

     Mutual funds are required to obtain shareholders' approval of certain types
of changes like the one described in this  Prospectus and Proxy  Statement.  You
have a right to vote on such changes.

How do I vote my shares?

     You may vote in person at the special  meeting of  shareholders or complete
and return the enclosed proxy card.

If you:

     1. do not respond at all, we may contact you by  telephone  to request that
you cast your vote.

     2. sign and return the proxy card  without  indicating a  preference,  your
vote will be cast "for" the proposal.

What is the issue?

     The proposed reorganization of the Riggs Funds into the acquiring Federated

Why is the reorganization being proposed?

The Board of Trustees and investment adviser of the Riggs Funds believe that the
Reorganization is in the best interest of the Riggs Funds and its shareholders.

     Pronounced  declines in the asset levels of the Riggs Funds during the past
few years have, in the opinion of the Riggs Funds' adviser, caused the long-term
viability of the Riggs Funds to become questionable. After considering available
alternatives,  the  adviser  has  recommended,  and the  Board of  Trustees  has
approved,  the  Reorganization  of the Riggs Funds into the acquiring  Federated
Funds. The Federated Funds have substantial  management expertise and investment
flexibility that has produced a strong long-term  performance  record. The Riggs
investment adviser and the Board of Trustees have concluded that the best way to
provide  improved  performance to the Riggs Funds'  shareholders  is through the
proposed Reorganization.

When will this reorganization become effective?

The reorganization is currently anticipated to occur in September, assuming
shareholder approval is obtained. Shortly after the reorganization has been
approved, you will receive new account information on your new ownership in the
acquiring Federated Fund.

     If I am a  Riggs  Fund  shareholder,  what  do I  have  to do to  become  a
shareholder in the acquiring Federated Fund?

Riggs Fund shareholders are being asked to approve this reorganization through
voting at the Special Meeting of Riggs Fund shareholders, which is scheduled to
occur on September 25, 2003. Your vote is very important.

     Shortly after the Riggs Fund  shareholder  approval of the  reorganization,
Riggs Fund shareholders' accounts will be transferred to the acquiring Federated
Fund. You will not pay any sales charges in connection with the reorganization.

What will happen to my Riggs Fund account?

     After the  reorganization,  Riggs Fund  shareholders will be assigned a new
account with the acquiring Federated Fund, and their Riggs Fund accounts will be
closed. This process will occur  automatically,  with no action required by you.
There will be no change in the  aggregate  value of your  account as a result of
the  reorganization,  although  the number of shares and the net asset value per
share may change.

     Will all of my current account options,  such as systematic  investment and
withdrawal programs, transfer over to the acquiring Federated Fund?

     Various types of account servicing features will transfer  automatically to
new Federated Fund accounts. Shortly after the reorganization, shareholders will
receive  information that further describes these options,  along with materials
concerning  the  acquiring   Federated  Fund's  diversified   product  line  and
shareholder services.

Will I incur taxes as a result of this reorganization?

     This  reorganization  is  expected  to  be  a  tax-free  event.  Generally,
shareholders will not incur capital gains or losses on the conversion from Riggs
Fund Shares into Federated Fund Shares as a result of this reorganization.

     Shareholders  will incur  capital  gains or losses if they sell their Riggs
Fund Shares before the reorganization  becomes effective or sell/exchange  their
Federated Fund Shares after the  organization  becomes  effective.  Shareholders
will also be responsible for tax obligations associated with monthly or periodic
dividend  and  capital  gains  distributions  that occur  prior to and after the
reorganization.  Please note that retirement  accounts generally are exempt from
such tax consequences.

Who do I call with questions about the Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus?

     Call your Investment Professional or a Riggs Client Service Representative.
Riggs' toll-free number is 1-800-934-3883.

     After careful consideration, the Board of Trustees has unanimously approved

       this proposal. The Board recommends that you read the enclosed materials
                         carefully and vote for the proposal.

                                     RIGGS FUNDS
                                   Riggs Stock Fund
                            Riggs Small Company Stock Fund
                        Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund
                                   Riggs Bond Fund
                         Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                        Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
                            Riggs Prime Money Market Fund
                        Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

                            TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 24, 2003

meeting of the shareholders of Riggs Stock Fund, Riggs Small Company Stock Fund,
Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund,  Riggs Bond Fund, Riggs Short Term Tax
Free Bond Fund, Riggs  Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, Riggs Prime Money Market
Fund and Riggs  U.S.  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund  (collectively,  the  "Riggs
Funds"),  will  be  held  at  5800  Corporate  Drive,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania
15237-7010,  at 2:00  p.m.  (Eastern  time),  on  September  24,  2003,  for the
following purposes:

     1. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund, a portfolio of Federated
Equity  Funds,  would  acquire all of the assets of Riggs Stock Fund in exchange
for Class A Shares of Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund to be distributed pro
rata by Riggs  Stock  Fund to its  shareholders,  in  complete  liquidation  and
termination of Riggs Stock Fund;

     2. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which  Federated  Kaufmann  Fund, a portfolio  of  Federated  Equity
Funds,  would  acquire  all of the assets of Riggs Small  Company  Stock Fund in
exchange for Class A Shares of Federated  Kaufmann  Fund to be  distributed  pro
rata by  Riggs  Small  Company  Stock  Fund  to its  shareholders,  in  complete
liquidation and termination of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund;

     3. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund would acquire all
of the  assets  of  Riggs  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund  in  exchange  for
Institutional  Service Shares of Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund to
be  distributed  pro  rata  by  Riggs  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund to its
shareholders,  in complete  liquidation and termination of Riggs U.S. Government
Securities Fund;

     4. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which  Federated  Total  Return Bond Fund,  a portfolio of Federated
Total Return Series, Inc., would acquire all of the assets of Riggs Bond Fund in
exchange for Institutional Service Shares of Federated Total Return Bond Fund to
be  distributed  pro rata by Riggs Bond Fund to its  shareholders,  in  complete
liquidation and termination of Riggs Bond Fund;

     5. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which Federated  Short-Term Municipal Trust would acquire all of the
assets of Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free Bond Fund in  exchange  for  Institutional
Service Shares of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust to be distributed  pro
rata by Riggs  Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund to its  shareholders,  in  complete
liquidation and termination of Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund;

     6. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant  to which  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust,  a  portfolio  of
Intermediate  Municipal  Trust,  would  acquire  all  of  the  assets  of  Riggs
Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund in exchange for Shares of Federated Intermediate
Municipal Trust to be distributed pro rata by Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond
Fund to its  shareholders,  in complete  liquidation  and  termination  of Riggs
Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund;

     7. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which Automated Cash  Management  Trust, a portfolio of Money Market
Obligations  Trust,  would acquire all of the assets of Riggs Prime Money Market
Fund in exchange for  Institutional  Service Shares of Automated Cash Management
Trust to be  distributed  pro  rata by  Riggs  Prime  Money  Market  Fund to its
shareholders,  in  complete  liquidation  and  termination  of Riggs Prime Money
Market Fund; and

     8. To approve or disapprove a proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
pursuant to which Automated  Government Money Trust, a portfolio of Money Market
Obligations  Trust, would acquire all of the assets of Riggs U.S. Treasury Money
Market Fund in exchange  for Shares of  Automated  Government  Money Trust to be
distributed  pro  rata  by  Riggs  U.S.   Treasury  Money  Market  Fund  to  its
shareholders,  in complete  liquidation and  termination of Riggs U.S.  Treasury
Money Market Fund;

     9. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the special
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The Board of  Trustees  has fixed  August 14,  2003 as the record  date for
determination of shareholders entitled to vote at the special meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                          C. Grant Anderson
                                          Assistant Secretary

_____________, 2003

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THE                                UNITED                                STATES.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              PROSPECTUS/PROXY STATEMENT

                                _______________, 2003

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                                   RIGGS STOCK FUND
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                       By and in exchange for Class A Shares of

                        a portfolio of Federated Equity Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                            RIGGS SMALL COMPANY STOCK FUND
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                       By and in exchange for Class A Shares of

                               FEDERATED KAUFMANN FUND,
                        a portfolio of Federated Equity Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of


                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                                   RIGGS BOND FUND
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of

                          FEDERATED TOTAL RETURN BOND FUND,
                  a portfolio of Federated Total Return Series, Inc.

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                         RIGGS SHORT TERM TAX FREE BOND FUND
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of


                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                           By and in exchange for Shares of

                     a portfolio of Intermediate Municipal Trust

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                            RIGGS PRIME MONEY MARKET FUND
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of

                           AUTOMATED CASH MANAGEMENT TRUST,
                    a portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                        RIGGS U.S. TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                           By and in exchange for Shares of

                          AUTOMATED GOVERNMENT MONEY TRUST,
                    a portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

     This   Prospectus/Proxy   Statement   describes   the   proposal   for  the
reorganizations  (the  "Reorganizations")  pursuant to separate  Agreements  and
Plans of Reorganization  (together, the "Plans"),  pursuant to which Riggs Stock
Fund,  Riggs Small Company Stock Fund,  Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities Fund,
Riggs Bond Fund,  Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund,  Riggs  Intermediate  Tax
Free Bond Fund,  Riggs Prime Money  Market  Fund and Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money
Market Fund (each a "Riggs Fund"; together the "Riggs Funds") would transfer all
their assets to Federated Capital  Appreciation  Fund,  Federated Kaufmann Fund,
Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond Fund,
Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust,  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust,
Automated Cash  Management  Trust and Automated  Government  Money Trust (each a
"Federated Fund";  together, the "Federated Funds"),  respectively,  in exchange
for shares of the  respective  Federated  Fund  (collectively,  "Federated  Fund
Shares"),  which,  in the  case  of  Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund  and
Federated  Kaufmann  Fund,  will  consist  of  Class A  Shares;  in the  case of
Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond Fund,
Federated  Short-Term Municipal Trust and Automated Cash Management Trust , will
consist  of  Institutional   Service  Shares;  and  in  the  case  of  Federated
Intermediate  Municipal Trust and Automated Government Money Trust, will consist
of Shares.  Shares of the respective Federated Fund will be distributed pro rata
by each Riggs Fund to its  shareholders in complete  liquidation and dissolution
of the Riggs Fund. As a result of the Reorganization,  each owner of shares of a
Riggs Fund will become the owner of the applicable  Federated Fund Shares having
a total  net  asset  value  equal to the  total  net  asset  value of his or her
holdings in the  applicable  Riggs Fund on the date of the  Reorganization  (the
"Closing  Date").   The  separate  Plans  of  Reorganization  are  substantially
identical, and a form of such plans is attached as Exhibit A.

     For a  comparison  of the  investment  policies  of the Riggs Funds and the
Federated  Funds with which your Riggs Fund would be  combined,  see  "Summary -
Comparison  of  Investment   Objectives,   Policies,   Limitations  and  Risks."
Information concerning Federated Fund Shares, as compared to shares of the Riggs
Funds, is included in this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement in the sections entitled
"Summary - Comparative Fee Tables" and "Information About the  Reorganizations -
Description of Federated Fund Shares and Capitalization."

     This Prospectus/Proxy Statement should be retained for future reference. It
sets  forth  concisely  the  information   about  each  Federated  Fund  that  a
prospective  investor  should know  before  voting on the  Reorganization.  This
Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  is  accompanied  by the  Prospectuses  of Federated
Capital Appreciation Fund dated December 31, 2002; Federated Kaufmann Fund dated
December 31, 2002;  Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund dated April 30,
2003;  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund dated  January  31,  2003;  Federated
Short-Term  Municipal  Trust  dated  August  31,  2002;  Federated  Intermediate
Municipal  Trust dated July 31,  2003;  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust dated
September  30, 2002;  or Automated  Government  Money Trust dated  September 30,
2003, as applicable,  each of which are incorporated  herein by reference.  This
Prospectus/Proxy  Statement is also  accompanied  by the Prospectus of the Riggs
Funds dated June 30, 2003, and a Statement of Additional Information relating to
this Prospectus/Proxy  Statement dated ____, 2003, which are incorporated herein
by  reference.  Statements  of  Additional  Information  for  Federated  Capital
Appreciation  Fund dated  December 31, 2002,  revised  April 7, 2003;  Federated
Kaufmann Fund dated December 31, 2002;  Federated  Total Return  Government Bond
Fund dated April 30, 2003;  Federated  Total Return Bond Fund dated  January 31,
2003;  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust dated August 31, 2002;  Federated
Intermediate  Municipal  Trust dated July 31, 2003;  Automated  Cash  Management
Trust dated September 30, 2002; Automated Government Money Trust dated September
30, 2003;  and a Statement of Additional  Information  for the Riggs Funds dated
June 30, 2003, have been filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the
"Commission")  and are  incorporated  herein by reference.  Further  information
about  Federated  Capital   Appreciation  Fund's  performance  is  contained  in
Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund's Annual Report for its fiscal year ended
October 31, 2002, and the Semi-Annual  Report relating to the period ended April
30, 2003, each of which is incorporated herein by reference. Further information
about Federated  Kaufmann Fund's  performance is contained in Federated Kaufmann
Fund's  Annual  Report  for its fiscal  year ended  October  31,  2002,  and the
Semi-Annual Report relating to the period ended April 30, 2003, each of which is
incorporated  herein by reference.  Further  information  about  Federated Total
Return Government Bond Fund's performance is contained in Federated Total Return
Government  Bond Fund's  Annual  Report for its fiscal year ended  February  28,
2003,  which is  incorporated  herein by reference.  Further  information  about
Federated  Total Return Bond Fund's  performance is contained in Federated Total
Return Bond Fund's  Annual  Report for its fiscal year ended  November 30, 2002,
and the  Semi-Annual  Report  relating to the period ended May 31, 2003, each of
which is incorporated  herein by reference.  Further information about Federated
Short-Term  Municipal Trust's  performance is contained in Federated  Short-Term
Municipal Trust's Annual Report for its fiscal year ended June 30, 2002, and the
Semi-Annual Report relating to the period ended December 31, 2002, each of which
is  incorporated  herein  by  reference.  Further  information  about  Federated
Intermediate   Municipal   Trust's   performance   is   contained  in  Federated
Intermediate  Municipal  Trust's Annual Report for its fiscal year ended May 31,
2003,  which is  incorporated  herein by reference.  Further  information  about
Automated  Cash  Management  Trust's  performance is contained in Automated Cash
Management  Trust's  Annual Report for its fiscal year ended July 31, 2002,  and
the  Semi-Annual  Report  relating to the period ended January 31, 2003, each of
which is incorporated  herein by reference.  Further information about Automated
Government Money Trust's performance is contained in Automated  Government Money
Trust's  Annual  Report  for its  fiscal  year  ended  July  31,  2002,  and the
Semi-Annual  Report relating to the period ended January 31, 2003, each of which
is incorporated herein by reference.  Further information about the Riggs Funds'
performance  is contained in the Riggs Funds'  Annual Report for its fiscal year
ended April 30, 2003, which is incorporated herein by reference. Copies of these
materials and other information about the Federated Funds and Riggs Funds may be
obtained  without  charge by writing or by calling the Federated  Funds or Riggs
Funds at the addresses and telephone numbers shown on the previous pages.  THESE




 SUMMARY                                                                  2
   Reasons for the Proposed Reorganizations                                   2
   Comparison of Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks                3
   Investment Limitations-Each Federated Fund and Riggs Fund              7
   Comparative Fee Tables                                                 8
   Comparison of Potential Risks and Rewards; Performance Information         26
   Investment Advisers                                                   62
   Portfolio Managers                                                    63
   Advisory and Other Fees                                               65
   Purchases, Redemptions and Exchange Procedures; Dividends and Distributions

INFORMATION ABOUT THE REORGANIZATIONS                                    71
   Description of the Plans of Reorganization                                 71
   Description of Federated Fund Shares and Capitalization               72
   Federal Income Tax Consequences                                       74
   Agreement Among Riggs Investment Advisors, Inc., Riggs National Corporation
   and Federated Investors, Inc.                                         74
   Reasons for the Reorganizations                                       75
   Comparative Information on Shareholder Rights and Obligations         75

   Federated Funds                                                       78
   Riggs Funds                                                           78

   Proxies, Quorum and Voting at the Special Meeting                     79
   Share Ownership of the Funds                                          80


AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION (Exhibit A)                         84



     This summary is  qualified  in its entirety by reference to the  additional
information   contained  elsewhere  in  this  Prospectus/Proxy   Statement,   or
incorporated by reference into this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement.  A form of the
Plan is  attached  to this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  as  Exhibit A. For more
complete information, please read the Prospectuses of the Federated Fund and the
Riggs  Funds,  and the  Statement  of  Additional  Information  relating to this
Prospectus/Proxy   Statement,  all  of  which  accompany  this  Prospectus/Proxy

Reasons for the Proposed ReorganizationS

     The Board of Trustees  ("Board" or "Trustees") of the Riggs Funds has voted
to  recommend  to holders of shares of each Riggs Fund the approval of the Plans
whereby (a) Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund would acquire all of the assets
of Riggs Stock Fund in exchange for Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund's Class
A Shares to be distributed  pro rata by Riggs Stock Fund to its  shareholders in
complete liquidation and dissolution of Riggs Stock Fund; (b) Federated Kaufmann
Fund  would  acquire  all of the  assets of Riggs  Small  Company  Stock Fund in
exchange for Federated Kaufmann Fund's Class A Shares to be distributed pro rata
by Riggs Small Company Stock Fund to its  shareholders  in complete  liquidation
and  dissolution of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund;  (c) Federated  Total Return
Government  Bond Fund would  acquire all of the assets of Riggs U.S.  Government
Securities  Fund in exchange for Federated  Total Return  Government Bond Fund's
Institutional Service Shares to be distributed pro rata by Riggs U.S. Government
Securities Fund to its  shareholders in complete  liquidation and dissolution of
Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund;  (d) Federated  Total Return Bond Fund
would  acquire  all of the assets of Riggs Bond Fund in exchange  for  Federated
Total Return Bond Fund's Institutional Service Shares to be distributed pro rata
by Riggs Bond Fund to its  shareholders in complete  liquidation and dissolution
of Riggs Bond Fund; (e) Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust would acquire all
of the assets of Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund in exchange  for  Federated
Short-Term Municipal Trust's  Institutional Service Shares to be distributed pro
rata by Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free Bond Fund to its  shareholders  in  complete
liquidation  and  dissolution  of  Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free  Bond  Fund;  (f)
Federated  Intermediate Municipal Trust would acquire all of the assets of Riggs
Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund in exchange for Federated Intermediate Municipal
Trust's Shares to be distributed  pro rata by Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond
Fund to its  shareholders  in  complete  liquidation  and  dissolution  of Riggs
Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund;  (g)  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust would
acquire  all of the assets of Riggs Prime  Money  Market  Fund in  exchange  for
Automated Cash Management Trust's Institutional Service Shares to be distributed
pro rata by Riggs  Prime  Money  Market  Fund to its  shareholders  in  complete
liquidation  and dissolution of Riggs Prime Money Market Fund; and (h) Automated
Government  Money Trust would  acquire all of the assets of Riggs U.S.  Treasury
Money Market Fund in exchange for Automated  Government  Money Trust's Shares to
be  distributed  pro  rata by  Riggs  U.S.  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund to its
shareholders  in complete  liquidation  and  dissolution of Riggs U.S.  Treasury
Money Market Fund. As a result of the  Reorganizations,  each  shareholder  of a
Riggs Fund will become the owner of the applicable  Federated Fund Shares having
a total  net  asset  value  equal to the  total  net  asset  value of his or her
holdings in the applicable Riggs Fund on the date of the Reorganizations,  i.e.,
the Closing Date.

     The  Board  of  the  Riggs  Funds,  including  the  Trustees  who  are  not
"interested  persons"  within the meaning of Section  2(a)(19) of the Investment
Company  Act  of  1940,  as  amended  ("1940  Act"),   has  concluded  that  the
Reorganizations  would  be in the  best  interest  of each  Riggs  Fund  and its
existing shareholders, and that the interests of existing shareholders would not
be diluted as a result of the transactions  contemplated by the Reorganizations.
Management of each Riggs Fund believes that the  shareholders of each Riggs Fund
would benefit from the larger asset base and anticipated economies of scale that
are expected to result from the Reorganization.

     As  a  condition  to  each  Reorganization,  the  Federated  Fund  and  the
corresponding  Riggs Fund each will  receive  an  opinion  of  counsel  that the
Reorganization will be considered a tax-free  "reorganization"  under applicable
provisions of the Internal  Revenue  Code,  as amended,  so that no gain or loss
will be recognized by the Federated  Fund, the  corresponding  Riggs Fund or the
Riggs Fund's  shareholders.  The tax basis of the Federated Fund Shares received
by the applicable Riggs Fund's shareholders will be the same as the tax basis of
their shares in the applicable Riggs Fund.

                         APPROVAL OF THE REORGANIZATION.

Comparison of Investment Objectives, Policies and Risks


     The  investment  objectives  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs Fund are
similar in that the Federated Fund seeks to provide capital appreciation,  while
the Riggs Fund seeks to provide growth of capital and income.

     Both Funds pursue  their  investment  objective  by investing  primarily in
common stock. In addition,  both Funds are "blend" Funds, in that they invest in
both the growth and value areas of the market.  Growth stocks have the potential
to increase  their earnings  faster than the rest of the market,  carry a higher
level of risk for the short-term and are generally priced higher relative to the
issuer's earnings, since the higher growth potential means paying a higher price
in the market.  Value  stocks are  considered  "bargains";  many have records of
consistently paying dividends to shareholders, and they are considered defensive
in that they often resist the fluctuations  associated with growth stocks during
periods of volatility.  However, the Funds differ in that the Riggs Fund invests
primarily in stock of large cap companies whose  capitalizations  are $5 billion
or more,  while the  Federated  Fund  invests  primarily  in stocks of large and
medium cap companies whose  capitalizations  are $500 million or more. Also, the
Federated  Fund may, as a  principal  strategy,  invest in  American  Depository
Receipts  (ADRs) and securities  issued in initial public  offerings,  while the
Riggs Fund may not.

     Both  Funds  have stock  market  risk,  which is posed by the fact that the
value of equity  securities  rises and falls over short or  extended  periods of
time.  However,  the risks for the Funds differ in that the Federated  Fund also
has liquidity  risk,  which is posed by the fact that the medium  capitalization
equity  securities in which the Fund invests may be less readily  marketable and
may be subject  to greater  fluctuation  in price  than other  securities;  risk
related  to  company  size,   which  is  posed  by  the  fact  that  the  medium
capitalization   companies  in  which  the  Fund  invests  tend  to  have  fewer
shareholders,  less liquidity, more volatility,  unproven track records, limited
product or service base and limited access to capital;  and risk of investing in
ADRs,  which  is posed by the fact  that the ADRs in which  the  Federated  Fund
invests are issued by foreign  companies,  and therefore  the  Federated  Fund's
share price may be more affected by foreign  economic and political  conditions,
taxation policies and accounting and auditing  standards than would otherwise be
the case.


     The  investment  objectives  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs Fund are
similar in that the Federated Fund seeks capital  appreciation,  while the Riggs
Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation.

     Both Funds pursue  their  investment  objective  by investing  primarily in
common stocks.  However,  the Federated Fund invests primarily in both small and
medium  capitalization  companies,  while the Riggs Fund  invests  primarily  in
companies whose market  capitalizations  are less than $2 billion.  In addition,
the  Federated  Fund may invest up to 25% of its  assets in foreign  securities,
while the Riggs Fund may not invest  significantly in foreign securities.  Also,
the Federated  Fund uses the growth style of  investing,  whereas the Riggs Fund
uses a "blend" of the growth and value styles.

     Both  Funds  have stock  market  risk,  which is posed by the fact that the
value of equity  securities  rises and falls over short or  extended  periods of
time;  liquidity risk, which is posed by the fact that the equity  securities in
which the Fund  invests  may be less  readily  marketable  and may be subject to
greater  fluctuation  in price than other  securities;  risk  related to company
size, which is posed by mid and small market capitalization companies tending to
have  fewer  shareholders,  less  liquidity,  more  volatility,  unproven  track
records, limited product or service base and limited access to capital. However,
the risks for the Funds differ in that the Federated  Fund also has risk related
to investing for growth, which is posed by the fact that due to their relatively
high  valuations,  growth stocks are typically  more volatile than value stocks;
risk of  foreign  investing,  which  is  posed  by the  fact  that  the  foreign
securities in which the  Federated  Fund invests may be more affected by foreign
economic and political conditions, taxation policies and accounting and auditing
standards than could otherwise be the case;  currency risk which is posed by the
fact  that the  foreign  securities  in which the  Federated  Fund  invests  are
normally  denominated  and traded in foreign  currencies  and, as a result,  the
value of the Federated Fund's foreign  investments may be affected  favorably or
unfavorably by changes in currency exchange rates relative to the U.S. dollar.


     The  investment  objectives  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs Fund are
similar in that the Federated  Fund seeks total return  consistent  with current
income, and the Riggs Fund seeks to achieve current income. The Federated Fund's
total return will consist of two components:  (1) changes in the market value of
its portfolio  securities (both realized and unrealized  appreciation);  and (2)
income received from its portfolio  securities.  The Federated Fund expects that
income will comprise the largest component of its total return.

     Both Funds pursue their  investment  objective by investing at least 80% of
their net assets in U.S. government securities,  consisting of U.S. Treasury and
government  agency   securities,   including   mortgage  backed  securities  and
collateralized  mortgage  obligations (CMOs).  However,  the Riggs Fund may also
invest in non-governmental debt securities,  such as investment grade securities
issued by corporations or banks;  and privately  issued CMOs. Also, with respect
to the Riggs Fund,  under ordinary market  conditions,  the portfolio's  average
duration will be equal to not less than 80%, nor more than 120%, of the duration
of the Merrill Lynch U.S. Treasury Agency Master Index, while the Federated Fund
has no stated average duration limits.

     In selecting  securities for the Funds, the advisers  consider factors such
as current yield,  capital  appreciation  potential,  the  anticipated  level of
interest rates,  and the maturity of the instrument  relative to the maturity of
the entire Fund.

     Both Funds have interest rate risk,  which is posed by the fact that prices
of fixed income  securities rise and fall inversely in response to interest rate
changes. In addition, this risk increases with the length of the maturity of the
debt. Generally,  prices of fixed income securities fall when prices of interest
rates rise and vice versa;  and prepayment  risk, which is posed by the relative
volatility  of  mortgage  backed  securities.   The  likelihood  of  prepayments
increases in a declining  interest  rate  environment  and decreases in a rising
interest rate environment. This adversely affects the value of these securities.
However,  the  risks  for the  Funds  differ  in that the  Riggs  Fund  also has
liquidity risk,  which is posed by the fact that the fixed income  securities in
which the Riggs Fund invests may be less readily  marketable  and may be subject
to greater fluctuation in price than other securities;  and credit risk which is
the  possibility  that an issuer  will  default on a security  by failing to pay
interest or principal when due.


     The  investment  objectives  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs Fund are
similar in that the Federated Fund seeks to provide total return,  and the Riggs
Fund  seeks to  provide  a high  level of  current  income  consistent  with the
preservation of capital.  The Federated  Fund's total return will consist of two
components:  (1) changes in the market value of its portfolio (both realized and
unrealized  capital  appreciation);  and (2) income  received from its portfolio
securities.  The  Federated  Fund expects that income will  comprise the largest
part of its total return.

     Each Fund pursues its  investment  objective  by  investing  primarily in a
diversified  portfolio of fixed income securities  consisting  primarily of U.S.
Treasury and government agency securities,  including mortgage backed securities
and CMOs;  and corporate  obligations  rated BBB or higher by a national  rating
agency.  However,  the  Federated  Fund may also  invest a portion of its assets
(normally no more than 10%, but opportunistically up to 25%) in below-investment
grade  securities  and may invest up to 20% of its assets in unhedged,  non-U.S.
dollar  securities.  Also,  with respect to the Riggs Fund,  under normal market
conditions, the portfolio's average duration will be equal to not less than 80%,
nor more than 120%,  of the  duration of the Lehman  Brothers  Government/Credit
(Total) Index, while the Federated Fund has no stated duration limits.

     In selecting  securities for the Funds, the advisers  consider factors such
as current yield,  capital  appreciation  potential,  the  anticipated  level of
interest rates,  and the maturity of the instrument  relative to the maturity of
the entire Fund. In addition,  the Funds may purchase only  securities that meet
certain  SEC  requirements  relating  to  maturity,  diversification  and credit

     Both Funds have credit risk,  which is the possibility  that an issuer will
default on a security by failing to pay interest or principal when due; interest
rate risk,  which is posed by the fact that  prices of fixed  income  securities
rise and fall inversely in response to interest rate changes. In addition,  this
risk increases with the length of the maturity of the debt. Generally, prices of
fixed  income  securities  fall when  interest  rates rise and vice  versa;  and
prepayment  risk,  which is posed by the relative  volatility of mortgage backed
securities. The likelihood of prepayments increases in a declining interest rate
environment and decreases in a rising interest rate environment.  This adversely
affects the value of these securities.  However,  the risks for the Funds differ
in that the Federated Fund also has liquidity  risk,  which occur when the fixed
income  securities  in which the  Federated  Fund  invests  may be less  readily
marketable  and may be  subject  to  greater  fluctuation  in price  than  other
securities;  risk associated with  noninvestment  grade securities,  which occur
because  the  Federated  Fund may invest a portion  of its assets in  securities
rated below  investment  grade,  which may be subject to greater  interest rate,
credit and liquidity risks than  investment  grade  securities;  risk of foreign
investing,  which is posed by the fact that the foreign  securities in which the
Federated  Fund invests may be more  affected by foreign  economic and political
conditions,  taxation policies and accounting and auditing  standards than would
otherwise be the case;  and currency  risk,  which is posed by the fact that the
foreign securities in which the Fund invests are normally denominated and traded
in  foreign  currencies  and,  as a  result,  the  value of the  Fund's  foreign
investments  may be affected  favorably  or  unfavorable  by changes in currency
exchange rates relative to the U.S. dollar


     The  investment  objectives  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs Fund are
similar in that each Fund seeks  dividend  income  which is exempt from  federal
income tax.  However,  while 80% of the income which the Riggs Fund  distributes
will be free from the federal  alternative  minimum tax (AMT), all of the income
of the Federated Fund may be subject to the federal AMT.

     Both Funds invest  primarily in tax exempt  securities which are investment
grade at time of purchase.  The  Federated  Fund has a  dollar-weighted  average
portfolio  maturity of less than three years,  while the average duration of the
Riggs Fund's portfolio is three years or less.

     In selecting  securities for the Funds, the advisers  consider factors such
as current yield,  capital  appreciation  potential,  the  anticipated  level of
interest rates,  and the maturity of the instrument  relative to the maturity of
the entire Fund.

     Both Funds have liquidity  risk,  which is posed by the fact that the fixed
income  securities in which the Fund invests may be less readily  marketable and
may be subject to greater  fluctuation  in price than other  securities;  credit
risk,  which  is posed by the  possibility  that an  issuer  will  default  on a
security by failing to pay  interest or principal  when due;  and interest  rate
risk, which is posed by the fact that prices of fixed income securities rise and
fall  inversely in response to interest  rate  changes.  In addition,  this risk
increases  with the length of the  maturity  of the debt.  Generally,  prices of
fixed income securities fall when interest rates rise and vice versa; call risk,
which is the  possibility  that an issuer  may  redeem a fixed  income  security
before maturity at a price below its current market price; tax risk, which posed
by the  possibility  that a municipal  security may fail to meet  certain  legal
requirements which could cause the interest received and distributed by the Fund
to shareholders to be taxable;  and sector risk, which is posed by the fact that
a  substantial  part of the Fund's  portfolio  could be comprised of  securities
credit  enhanced  by  insurance  companies,  banks  or  companies  with  similar
characteristics. As a result, the Fund will be more susceptible to any economic,
business, political or other developments which generally affect these entities.


     The  investment  objectives  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs Fund are
similar in that each Fund seeks to provide  current  income  exempt from federal
income tax.  However,  while 80% of the Riggs Fund will be free from the federal
AMT, all of the income  distributed  by the Federated Fund may be subject to the
federal AMT.

     Both Funds invest  primarily in tax exempt  securities which are investment
grade at time of purchase.  The  Federated  Fund has a  dollar-weighted  average
maturity  of not less  than  three nor more than ten  years,  while the  average
duration of the Riggs Fund's  portfolio  will be equal to not less than 80%, nor
more than 120%, of the Lehman  Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond Index;  i.e., its
duration will range from three to ten years.

     In selecting  securities for the Funds, the advisers  consider factors such
as current yield,  capital  appreciation  potential,  the  anticipated  level of
interest rates,  and the maturity of the instrument  relative to the maturity of
the entire Fund.

     Both Funds have credit risk,  which is posed by is the possibility  that an
issuer will default on a security by failing to pay  interest or principal  when
due;  interest rate risk, which is posed by the fact that prices of fixed income
securities  rise and fall  inversely in response to interest  rate  changes.  In
addition, this risks increases with the length of the maturity of the debt; call
risk, which is the possibility that an issuer may redeem a fixed income security
before maturity at a price below its current market price; sector risk, which is
posed by the fact that if a substantial  part of the Fund's  portfolio  could be
comprised  of  securities  credit  enhanced  by banks,  insurance  companies  or
companies  with  similar  characteristics.  As a  result,  the Fund will be more
susceptible to any economic,  business,  political,  or other developments which
generally affect these issuers;  liquidity risk, which is posed by the fact that
the fixed income securities in which the Fund invests may be less marketable and
may be subject to greater  fluctuation in price than other  securities;  and tax
risk,  which is posed by the possibility  that a municipal  security may fail to
meet  certain  legal  requirements  which may cause the  interest  received  and
distributed by the Fund to shareholders to be taxable.


     The  investment  objective  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs  Fund are
similar  in that  they both  seek to  provide  current  income  consistent  with
stability of principal and  liquidity.  Each fund pursues this goal by investing
in  short-term,   high-quality   fixed  income   securities   issued  by  banks,
corporations  and the U.S.  government  maturing in 397 days or less.  The Funds
will have a dollar-weighted  average portfolio  maturity of 90 days or less. The
securities  in which each Fund invests  must be rated in the highest  short-term
category by two nationally recognized  statistical rating organizations or be of
comparable quality to securities having such ratings.

     In selecting  securities for the Funds, the advisers  consider factors such
as current yield,  the anticipated  level of interest rates, and the maturity of
the  instrument  relative to the maturity of the entire Fund.  In addition,  the
Funds may purchase only securities that meet certain SEC  requirements  relating
to maturity, diversification and credit quality.

     Both Funds have  credit  risk,  which is posed by the  possibility  that an
issuer will default on a security by failing to pay  interest or principal  when
due;  interest rate risk, which is posed by the fact that prices of fixed income
securities  rise and fall inversely in response to interest rate changes,  which
risk  increases  with the length of the  maturity of the debt;  and sector risk,
which is posed by the fact that a  substantial  portion of the Fund's  portfolio
may be  comprised  of  securities  credit  enhanced by banks or  companies  with
similar  characteristics.  As a result, the Fund will be more susceptible to any
economic,  business, political or other developments that generally affect these
entities.  Although  the each Fund seeks to preserve  the value of its Shares at
$1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in a Fund.


     The  investment  objective  of the  Federated  Fund and the Riggs  Fund are
similar  in that  they both  seek to  provide  current  income  consistent  with
stability of principal and  liquidity.  Each fund pursues this goal by investing
in  short-term  U.S.  Treasury  obligations  maturing  in 397  days or less  and
repurchase  agreements fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury  obligations.  Each
Fund will have a dollar-weighted average maturity of 90 days or less.

     In selecting  securities for the Funds, the advisers  consider factors such
as current yield,  the anticipated  level of interest rates, and the maturity of
the  instrument  relative to the maturity of the entire Fund.  In addition,  the
Funds may purchase only securities that meet certain SEC  requirements  relating
to maturity, diversification and credit quality.

     Both Funds  have  interest  rate risk,  which is the posed by the fact that
prices  of fixed  income  securities  rise and fall  inversely  in  response  to
interest rate changes.  In addition,  this risk increases with the length of the
maturity of debt.  Although  each Fund seeks to preserve the value of its Shares
at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund.


     In addition to the objectives and policies  described above, each Federated
Fund and Riggs  Fund is  subject to  certain  investment  limitations  which are
substantially identical to one another, all as described in the Prospectuses and
Statements of Additional  Information  of Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund
dated December 31, 2002  (Statement of Additional  Information  revised April 7,
2003);  Federated Kaufmann Fund dated December 31, 2002;  Federated Total Return
Government  Bond Fund dated April 30,  2003;  Federated  Total  Return Bond Fund
dated January 31, 2003;  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust dated August 31,
2002; Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust dated July 31, 2003; Automated Cash
Management Trust dated September 30, 2002; and Automated  Government Money Trust
dated September 30, 2003, as applicable,  and the  Prospectuses and Statement of
Additional  Information of the Riggs Funds dated June 30, 2003,  which set forth
in full the investment  objectives,  policies and  limitations of each Federated
Fund and Riggs Fund, all of which are incorporated by reference herein.

     A full  description  of  the  risks  inherent  in the  investment  in  each
Federated  Fund  and  each  Riggs  Fund  is  also  set  forth  their  respective
Prospectuses and Statements of Additional Information of the same date.

Comparative Fee Tables

     The  Funds,  like  all  mutual  funds,  incur  certain  expenses  in  their
operations.  These  expenses  include  management  fees, as well as the costs of
maintaining   accounts,   administration,   providing  shareholder  liaison  and
distribution  services  and other  activities.  Set forth in the tables below is
information  regarding the fees and expenses incurred by (i) Class R and Class Y
Shares of Riggs Stock Fund and Class A Shares of Federated Capital  Appreciation
Fund as of April 30, 2003 and October 31, 2002, respectively, and pro forma fees
for Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund's Class A Shares after giving effect to
the Reorganization; (ii) Class R and Class Y Shares of Riggs Small Company Stock
Fund and  Class A Shares of  Federated  Kaufmann  Fund as of April 30,  2003 and
October 31, 2002, respectively, and pro forma fees for Federated Kaufmann Fund's
Class A Shares  after  giving  effect to the  Reorganization;  (iii) Class R and
Class Y Shares  of  Riggs  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund and  Institutional
Service Shares of Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund as of April 30,
2003 and February 28, 2003, respectively, and pro forma fees for Federated Total
Return Government Bond Fund's  Institutional  Service Shares after giving effect
to the Reorganization;  (iv) Class R Shares of Riggs Bond Fund and Institutional
Service  Shares of  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund as of April 30, 2003 and
November 30, 2002,  respectively,  and pro forma fees for Federated Total Return
Bond  Fund's   Institutional   Service   Shares  after  giving   effect  to  the
Reorganization;  (v) Class R Shares of Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free Bond Fund and
Institutional Service Shares of Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust as of April
30,  2003 and June 30,  2002,  respectively,  and pro forma  fees for  Federated
Short-Term Municipal Trust's Institutional Service Shares after giving effect to
the Reorganization; (vi) Class R Shares of Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
and Shares of Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust as of April 30, 2003 and
May 31,  2003,  respectively,  and pro  forma  fees for  Federated  Intermediate
Municipal Trust's Shares after giving effect to the Reorganization;  (vii) Class
R and Class Y Shares of Riggs Prime Money Market Fund and Institutional  Service
Shares of Automated Cash Management Trust as of June 30, 2003 and July 31, 2002,
respectively,   and  pro  forma  fees  for  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust's
Institutional  Service  Shares after giving  effect to the  Reorganization;  and
(viii) Class R and Class Y Shares of Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund and
Automated  Government  Money  Trust's  Shares as of April 30,  2003 and July 31,
2002, respectively,  and pro forma fees in respect of Automated Government Money
Trust's Shares after giving effect to the Reorganization.



     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold Riggs Stock Fund Class R Shares, Riggs Stock Fund Class Y Shares, Federated
Capital Appreciation Fund Class A Shares and Federated Capital Appreciation Fund
Class A Shares Pro Forma Combined.

                                                                  Federated  Federated Capital
                                                                  Capital    Appreciation Fund
                                         Riggs       Riggs Stock  AppreciatioClass A
                                         Stock       Fund         Fund       Shares
                                            Fund     Class Y      Class A    Pro Forma
                                            Class    Shares       Shares     Combined
Shareholder Fees                         R

Fees Paid Directly From Your
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed      None        None         5.50%      5.50%
on Purchases (as a percentage of
offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load)
(as a percentage of original             2.00%       None         None       None
purchase price or redemption
proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed
on Reinvested Dividends (and other       None        None         None       None
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of       None        None         None       None
amount redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                             None        None         None       None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Before Waivers) 1
Expenses That are Deducted From Fund
Assets (as percentage of average net
Management Fee                           0.75%2      0.75%2       0.75%      0.75%
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee                0.25%       None         0.25%3     0.25%4
Shareholder Services Fee                 0.25%5      0.25%6       0.25%      0.25%
Other Expenses                           0.89%       0.89%        0.23%      0.23%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses     2.14%7      1.89%7       1.48%      1.48%

1 With respect to Riggs Stock Fund
Class R Shares and Riggs Stock Fund
Class Y Shares, although not
contractually obligated to do so,
the adviser and shareholder services
provider expect to voluntarily waive
certain amounts.  These are shown
below along with the net expenses
the Fund expects to pay for the
fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.
With respect to Federated Capital
Appreciation Fund Class A Shares,
although not contractually obligated
to do so, the distributor waived
certain amounts.  These are shown
below along with the net expenses
the Fund actually paid for the
fiscal year ended October 31,
2002.   With respect to Federated
Capital Appreciation Fund Class A
Shares Pro Forma Combined, although
not contractually obligated to do
so, the distributor expects to
voluntarily waive certain amounts.
These are shown below along with the
net expenses the Fund expects to pay
for the fiscal year ending October
31, 2003.

Total Waivers of Fund                    0.46%       0.46%        0.25%      0.25%
Total Actual Annual Fund Operating       1.68%       1.43%        1.23%      1.23%
Expenses (after waivers)

     2 For Riggs Stock Fund, the adviser expects to voluntarily  waive a portion
of the  management  fee. The adviser can terminate  this  anticipated  voluntary
waiver at any time. The  management fee paid by the Fund (after the  anticipated
voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 0.48% for the fiscal year ending  April 30,

     3 For Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund, Class A Shares did not pay or
accrue the distribution  (12b-1) fee for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2002.
Class A Shares have no present  intention of paying or accruing the distribution
(12b-1) fee for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2003.

     4 For  Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund Pro Forma  Combined,  Class A
Shares have no present intention of paying or accruing the distribution  (12b-1)
fee for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2003.

     5 For Riggs  Stock  Fund  Class R  Shares,  a  portion  of the  shareholder
services fee is expected to be voluntarily  waived.  This anticipated  voluntary
waiver can be terminated at any time. The shareholder services fee to be paid by
the Fund's Class R Shares (after the anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected
to be 0.06% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     6 For Riggs  Stock  Fund  Class Y  Shares,  a  portion  of the  shareholder
services fee is expected to be voluntarily  waived.  This anticipated  voluntary
waiver can be terminated at any time. The shareholder services fee to be paid by
the Fund's Class Y Shares (after the anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected
to be 0.06% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     7 With  respect to Riggs  Stock  Fund  Class R Shares and Riggs  Stock Fund
Class Y Shares,  total  annual fund  operating  expenses  have been  restated to
reflect current fees.


     This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Riggs
Stock Fund Class R Shares,  Riggs Stock Fund Class Y Shares,  Federated  Capital
Appreciation  Fund Class A Shares and the Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund
Class A Shares Pro Forma  Combined  with the cost of  investing  in other mutual

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Fund's
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the Table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                               1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years
Riggs Stock Fund Class R
Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 417    $ 870   $ 1,349  $ 2,472
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 217    $ 670   $ 1,149  $ 2,472
Riggs Stock Fund Class Y Shares
Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 192    $ 594   $ 1,021  $ 2,212
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 192    $ 594   $ 1,021  $ 2,212
Federated Capital Appreciation Fund Class A
Shares                                       ----------          --------------------

Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 692    $ 992   $ 1,314  $ 2,221
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 692    $ 992   $ 1,314  $ 2,221
Federated Capital Appreciation Fund Class A
Shares Pro Forma Combined                    ----------          --------------------

Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 692    $ 992   $ 1,314  $ 2,221
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 692    $ 992   $ 1,314  $ 2,221
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold Riggs Small  Company  Stock Fund Class R Shares,  Riggs Small Company Stock
Fund  Class Y Shares,  Federated  Kaufmann  Fund  Class A Shares  and  Federated
Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares Pro Forma Combined.

                                        Riggs        Riggs                   Federated
                                                     Small       Federated   Kaufmann
                                     Small           Company     Kaufmann    Fund Class
                                                     Stock       Fund        A Shares
                                     Company      Fund           Class A     Pro Forma
                                        Stock        Class Y     Shares      Combined
Shareholder Fees                     Fund            Shares

Fees Paid Directly From Your
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)          None         None           5.50%       5.50%
Imposed on Purchases (as a
percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge
(Load) (as a percentage of           2.00%        None           None        None
original purchase price or
redemption proceeds, as
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)
Imposed on Reinvested Dividends      None         None           None        None
(and other Distributions)
(as a percentage of offering
Redemption Fee (as a percentage      None         None           None        None
of amount redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                         None         None           None        None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Before Waivers)1
Expenses That are Deducted From
Fund Assets (as percentage of
average net assets)
Management Fee                       0.800%2      0.800%2        1.425%3     1.425%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee            0.250%       None           0.250%5     0.250%6
Shareholder Services Fee             0.250%       0.250%         0.250%      0.250%
Other Expenses                       0.870%       0.870%         0.200%      0.200%
Total Annual Fund Operating          2.170%7      1.920%7        2.125%      2.125%

1 With respect to Riggs Small
Company Stock Fund Class R Shares
and Riggs Small Company Stock
Fund Class Y Shares, although not
contractually obligated to do so,
the adviser expects to
voluntarily waive certain
amounts.  These are shown below
along with the net expenses the
Fund expects to pay for the
fiscal year ending April 30,
2004.  With respect to the
Federated Kaufmann Fund Class A
Shares, although not
contractually obligated to do so,
the adviser and distributor
voluntarily waived certain
amounts.  These are shown below
along with the net expenses the
Fund actually paid for the fiscal
year ended October 31, 2002.
With respect to the Federated
Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares Pro
Forma Combined, although not
contractually obligated to do so,
the adviser expects to
voluntarily waive certain
amounts.  These are shown below
along with the net expenses the
Fund expects to pay for the
fiscal year ending October 31,
Total Waivers of Fund                0.370%       0.370%         0.175%      0.175%
Total Actual Annual Fund             1.800%       1.550%         1.950%      1.950%
Operating Expenses (after

     2 For Riggs Small Company Stock Fund,  the adviser  expects to  voluntarily
waive  a  portion  of  the  management  fee.  The  adviser  can  terminate  this
anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any time.  The management fee paid by the Fund
(after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.430% for the fiscal
year ending April 30, 2004.

     3 For Federated Kaufmann Fund, the adviser  voluntarily waived a portion of
the management fee. The adviser can terminate this voluntary waiver at any time.
The management fee paid by the Fund (after the voluntary  waiver) was 1.275% for
the fiscal year ended October 31, 2002.

     4 For Federated  Kaufmann Fund Pro Forma  Combined,  the adviser expects to
voluntarily  waive a portion of the  management  fee. The adviser can  terminate
this  anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any time. The management fee paid by the
Fund (after the anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 1.275% for the
fiscal year ending October 31, 2003.

     5 For Federated Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares, a portion of the distribution
(12b-1) fee has been voluntarily waived. This voluntary waiver can be terminated
at any time.  The  distribution  (12b-1)  fee paid by the Fund's  Class A Shares
(after the  voluntary  waiver) was 0.225% for the fiscal year ended  October 31,

     6 For Federated Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares Pro Forma Combined,  a portion
of the  distribution  (12b-1)  fee is expected to be  voluntarily  waived.  This
anticipated  voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  distribution
(12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's Class A Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary
waiver) is expected to be 0.225% for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2003.

     7 With respect to Riggs Small  Company  Stock Fund Class R Shares and Riggs
Small Company Stock Fund Class Y Shares,  total annual fund  operating  expenses
have been restated to reflect current fees.


     This  Example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the
Riggs Small  Company  Stock Fund Class R Shares,  Riggs Small Company Stock Fund
Class Y Shares,  Federated  Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares and Federated  Kaufmann
Fund  Class A Shares  Pro Forma  Combined  with the cost of  investing  in other
mutual funds.

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Fund's
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                           1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years
Riggs Small Company Stock Fund Class R
Expenses assuming redemption                  $ 420    $ 879   $ 1,364  $ 2,503
Expenses assuming no redemption               $ 220    $ 679   $ 1,164  $ 2,503
Riggs Small Company Stock Fund Class Y
Expenses assuming redemption                  $ 195    $ 603   $ 1,037  $ 2,243
Expenses assuming no redemption               $ 195    $ 603   $ 1,037  $ 2,243
Federated Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares
Expenses assuming redemption                  $ 754  $ 1,179   $ 1,629  $ 2,872
Expenses assuming no redemption               $ 754  $ 1,179   $ 1,629  $ 2,872
Federated Kaufmann Fund Class A Shares Pro
Forma Combined
Expenses assuming redemption                  $ 754  $ 1,179   $ 1,629   $ 2,872
Expenses assuming no redemption               $ 754  $ 1,179   $ 1,629   $ 2,872

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold  Riggs  U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund  Class R Shares  and Riggs  U.S.
Government  Securities Fund Class Y Shares,  Federated  Total Return  Government
Bond Fund  Institutional  Service Shares and Federated  Total Return  Government
Bond Fund Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma Combined.

                                                                            Federated Total
                                      Riggs      Riggs      Federated Total Return
                                      U.S.       U.S.       Return          Government
                                                            Government      Bond Fund
                                      Government Government Bond Fund       Institutional
                                                            Institutional   Service
                                      Securities Securities Service         Shares Pro
                                      Fund       Fund       Shares          Forma
Shareholder Fees                      Class R    Class                      Combined
                                      Shares     Y

Fees Paid Directly From Your
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)           None       None      None           None
Imposed on Purchases (as a
percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge
(Load) (as a percentage of            2.00%      None      None           None
original purchase price or
redemption proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)
Imposed on Reinvested Dividends       None       None      None           None
(and other Distributions)
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of    None       None      None           None
amount redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                          None       None      None           None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Before Waivers and Reimbursement)
Expenses That are Deducted From
Fund Assets (as percentage of
average net assets)
Management Fee                        0.75%2     0.75%2    0.50%3         0.50%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee             0.25%      None      0.25%5         0.25%6
Shareholder Services Fee              0.25%7     0.25%8    0.25%          0.25%
Other Expenses                        0.53%      0.53%     0.27%9         0.27%10
Total Annual Fund Operating           1.78%11    1.53%11   1.27%          1.27%

1 With respect to Riggs U. S.
Government Securities Fund Class R
Shares and Class Y Shares,
although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser
and shareholder services provider
expect to voluntarily waive
certain amounts. These are shown
below along with the net expenses
the Fund expects to pay for the
fiscal year ending April 30,
2004.  With respect to Federated
Total Return Government Bond Fund
Institutional Service Shares,
although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser
and distributor waived and
reimbursed certain amounts. These
are shown below along with the net
expenses the Fund actually paid
for the fiscal year ended February
28, 2003. With respect to
Federated Total Return Government
Bond Fund Institutional Service
Shares Pro Forma Combined,
although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser
and distributor expect to waive
and reimburse certain amounts.
These are shown below along with
the net expenses the Fund expects
to pay for the fiscal year ending
February 28, 2004.

Total Waivers and Reimbursement of    0.81%      0.81%     0.67%          0.67%
Fund Expenses
Total Actual Annual Fund Operating    0.97%      0.72%     0.60%          0.60%
Expenses (after waivers and

     2 For Riggs U. S.  Government  Securities  Fund,  the  Adviser  expects  to
voluntarily  waive a portion of the  management  fee. The Adviser can  terminate
this  anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any time. The management fee paid by the
Fund (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 0.19% for the
fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     3 For Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund, the Adviser  voluntarily
waived a portion of the management fee. The Adviser can terminate this voluntary
waiver at any time.  The  management  fee paid by the Fund (after the  voluntary
waiver) was 0.02% for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2003.

     4 For Federated  Total Return  Government Bond Fund  Institutional  Service
Shares Pro Forma Combined, the Adviser expects to voluntarily waive a portion of
the management fee. The Adviser can terminate this anticiapted  voluntary waiver
at any  time.  The  management  fee  paid by the  Fund  (after  the  anticipated
voluntary  waiver) is expected  to be 0.02% for the fiscal year ending  February
28, 2004. . 5 For  Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund  Institutional
Service Shares, a portion of the  distribution  (12b-1) fee has been voluntarily
waived.  This voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time. The  distribution
(12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's Institutional Service Shares (after the voluntary
waiver) was 0.09% for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2003.

     6 For Federated  Total Return  Government Bond Fund  Institutional  Service
Shares Pro Forma Combined, a portion of the distribution (12b-1) fee is expected
to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated voluntary waiver can be terminated at
any time. The distribution (12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's Institutional  Service
Shares (after the anticipated  voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.09% for the
fiscal year ending February 28, 2004.

     7  For  Riggs  U.  S.  Government  Securities  Fund  Class  R  Shares,  the
shareholder  services fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  shareholder  services fee
paid by the Fund's Class R Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is
expected to be 0.00% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     8  For  Riggs  U.  S.  Government  Securities  Fund  Class  Y  Shares,  the
shareholder  services fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  shareholder  services fee
paid by the Fund's Class Y Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary  wavier) is
expected to be 0.00% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     9 For Federated  Total Return  Government Bond Fund  Institutional  Service
Shares, the Adviser  voluntarily  reimbursed  certain other operating  expenses.
This  voluntary  reimbursement  can be terminated at any time.  Other  operating
expenses paid by the Fund's  Institutional  Service  Shares (after the voluntary
reimbursement) was 0.24% for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2003.

     10 For Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund  Institutional  Service
Shares Pro Forma Combined,  the Adviser expects to voluntarily reimburse certain
other  operating  expenses.  This  anticipated  voluntary  reimbursement  can be
terminated  at  any  time.   Other   operating   expenses  paid  by  the  Fund's
Institutional Service Shares (after the anticipated voluntary reimbursement) are
expected to be 0.24% for the fiscal year ending February 28, 2004.

     11 With respect to Riggs U. S. Government Securities Fund Class R and Class
Y Shares,  Total Annual Fund  Operating  Expenses  have been restated to reflect
current fees.


     This  Example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the
Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund  Class R and Class Y Shares,  Federated
Total Return Government Bond Fund Institutional  Service Shares and Total Return
Government  Bond Fund  Institutional  Service Shares Pro Forma Combined with the
cost of investing in other mutual funds.

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Funds'
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the Table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                               1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years

Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund Class
Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 381    $ 760   $ 1,164  $ 2,095
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 181    $ 560     $ 964  $ 2,095
Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund Class
Y Shares
Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 156    $ 483     $ 834  $ 1,824
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 156    $ 483     $ 834  $ 1,824
Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
Institutional Service Shares                 ----------          --------------------

Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 129    $ 403     $ 697  $ 1,534
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 129    $ 403     $ 697  $ 1,534
Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma       ----------          --------------------
Expenses assuming redemption                      $ 129    $ 403     $ 697  $ 1,534
Expenses assuming no redemption                   $ 129    $ 403     $ 697  $ 1,534

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold  Riggs  Bond  Fund  Class  R  Shares,  Federated  Total  Return  Bond  Fund
Institutional  Service Shares and Federated Total Return Bond Fund Institutional
Service Shares Pro Forma Combined.

                                                                              Total Return
                                                              Federated       Bond Fund
                                                   Riggs      Total Return    Institutional
                                                Bond          Bond Fund       Service
                                                   Fund       Institutional   Shares
Shareholder Fees                                   Class R    Service Shares  Pro Forma
                                                   Shares                     Combined
Fees Paid Directly From Your Investment
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on          None          None            None
Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a
percentage of original purchase price or        2.00%         None            None
redemption proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on
Reinvested Dividends (and other                 None          None            None
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount       None          None            None
redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                                    None          None            None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses (Before
Waivers) 1
Expenses That are Deducted From Fund Assets
(as percentage of average net assets)
Management Fee                                  0.75%2        0.40%3          0.40%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee                       0.25%5        0.25%6          0.25%7
Shareholder Services Fee                        0.25%8        0.25%           0.25%
Other Expenses                                  0.82%         0.18%           0.18%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses            2.07%9        1.08%           1.08%

1 With respect to Riggs Bond Fund Class R
Shares, although not contractually obligated
to do so, the adviser, distributor and
shareholder services provider expect to
voluntarily waive certain amounts.  These
are shown below along with the net expenses
the Fund expects to pay for the fiscal year
ending April 30, 2004.  With respect to
Federated Total Return Bond Fund
Institutional Service Shares, although not
contractually obligated to do so, the
adviser and distributor waived certain
amounts. These are shown below along with
the net expenses the Fund actually paid for
the fiscal year ended November 30, 2002.
With respect to Federated Total Return Bond
Fund Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma
Combined, although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser and
distributor expect to voluntarily waive
certain amounts. These are shown below along
with the net expenses the Fund expects to
pay for the fiscal year ending November 30,

Total Waivers of Fund                           1.02%         0.43%           0.43%
Total Actual Annual Fund Operating Expenses     1.05%         0.65%           0.65%
(after waivers)

2 For Riggs Bond Fund, the adviser expects to voluntarily waive a portion of
the management fee.  The adviser can terminate this anticipated voluntary
waiver at any time. The management fee paid by the Fund (after the anticipated
voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.13% for the fiscal year ending April 30,

3 For Federated Total Return Bond Fund, the adviser voluntarily waived a
portion of the management fee. The adviser can terminate this voluntary waiver
at any time. The management fee paid by the Fund (after the voluntary waiver)
was 0.17% for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2002.

4 For Federated Total Return Bond Fund Pro Forma Combined, the adviser expects
to voluntarily waive a portion of the management fee. The adviser can
terminate this anticipated voluntary waiver at any time. The management fee
paid by the Fund (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be
0.17% for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2003.

5 For Riggs Bond Fund Class R Shares, the distribution (12b-1) fee is expected
to be voluntarily waived.  This anticipated voluntary waiver can be terminated
at any time. The distribution (12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's Class R Shares
(after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.00% for the
fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

6 For Federated Total Return Bond Fund Institutional Service Shares, a portion
of the distribution (12b-1) fee has been voluntarily waived.  This voluntary
waiver can be terminated at any time.  The distribution (12b-1) fee paid by
the Fund's Institutional Service Shares (after the voluntary waiver) was 0.05%
for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2002.

7 For Federated Total Return Bond Fund Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma
Combined, a portion of the distribution (12b-1) fee is expected to be
voluntarily waived.  This anticipated voluntary waiver can be terminated at
any time.  The distribution (12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's Institutional
Service Shares (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be
0.05% for the fiscal year ending November 30, 2003.

8 For Riggs Bond Fund Class R Shares, a portion of the shareholder services
fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated voluntary waiver
can be terminated at any time. The shareholder services fee paid by the Fund's
Class R Shares (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be
0.10% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

9 For Riggs Bond Fund Class R Shares, total annual fund operating expenses
have been restated to reflect current fees.


     This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Riggs
Bond Fund Class R Shares, Federated Total Return Bond Fund Institutional Service
Shares and Federated  Total Return Bond Fund  Institutional  Service  Shares Pro
Forma Combined with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Fund's
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the Table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                       1 Year       3 Years      5 Years  10 Years
Riggs Bond Fund Class R Shares
Expenses assuming redemption           $ 410        $ 849        $ 1,314  $ 2,400
Expenses assuming no redemption        $ 210        $ 649        $ 1,114  $ 2,400
Federated Total Return Bond Fund
Institutional Service Shares
Expenses assuming redemption           $ 110        $ 343          $ 595  $ 1,317
Expenses assuming no redemption        $ 110        $ 343          $ 595  $ 1,317
Federated Total Return Bond Fund
Institutional Service Shares Pro
Forma Combined
Expenses assuming redemption           $ 110        $ 343          $ 595  $ 1,317
Expenses assuming no redemption        $ 110        $ 343          $ 595  $ 1,317

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund,  Federated  Short-Term Municipal Trust
Institutional   Service  Shares  and  Federated   Short-Term   Municipal   Trust
Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma Combined.

                                              Riggs Short  Federated      Municipal
                                               Term Tax    Short-Term     Trust-
                                               Free Bond   Municipal      Institutional
                                              Fund         Trust-         Service
                                               Class R     Institutional  Shares Pro
Shareholder Fees                               Shares      Service Shares Forma
Fees Paid Directly From Your Investment
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on        None         None           None
Purchases (as a percentage of offering
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a
percentage of original purchase price or      2.00%        None           None
redemption proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on
Reinvested Dividends (and other               None         None           None
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount     None         None           None
redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                                  None         None           None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses (Before
Voluntary Waivers) 1
Expenses That are Deducted From Fund
Assets (as percentage of average net
Management Fee                                0.75%2       0.40%3         0.40%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee                     0.25%5       0.25%6         0.25%7
Shareholder Services Fee                      0.25%8       0.25%          0.25%
Other Expenses                                0.45%        0.19%          0.19%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses          1.70%        1.09%          1.09%
Total Contractual Waivers of Fund Expenses    0.00%        0.12%          0.12%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses          1.70%        0.97%          0.97%
(after contractual waiver)

1 With respect to Riggs Short Term Tax
Free Bond Fund, although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser,
distributor and shareholder services
provider expect to voluntarily waive
certain amounts. These are shown below
along with the net expenses the Fund
expects to pay for the fiscal year ending
April 30, 2004.  With respect to Federated
Short-Term Municipal Trust Institutional
Service Shares, although not contractually
obligated to do so, the distributor
voluntarily waived certain amounts.  These
are shown below along with the net
expenses the Fund actually paid for the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2002. With
respect to Federated Short-Term Municipal
Trust Institutional Service Shares Pro
Forma Combined, although not contractually
obligated to do so, the distributor
expects to voluntarily waive certain
amounts.  These are shown below along with
the net expenses the Fund expects to pay
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.
Total Waivers of Fund Expenses                0.72%        0.25%          0.25%
Total Actual Annual Fund Operating            0.98%9       0.72%          0.72%
Expenses (after voluntary waivers)

     2 For  Riggs  Short  Term  Tax Free  Bond  Fund,  the  advisor  expects  to
voluntarily  waived a portion of the  management  fee. The advisor can terminate
this  anticipated  voluntary  waiver at anytime.  The management fee paid by the
Fund (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 0.43% for the
fiscal year ended April 30, 2004.

     3 For Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust Institutional  Service Shares,
pursuant to the investment  advisory  contract,  the advisor waived a portion of
the  management  fee.  The  management  fee  paid  for by the  Fund  (after  the
contractual  waiver)  was  0.28%  for the  fiscal  year  ended  June  30,  2002.
Shareholders must approve any changes to the contractual waiver.

     4 For Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust Institutional Service Shares Pro
Forma  Combined,  pursuant  to the  investment  advisory  contract,  the advisor
expects to  contractually  waive a portion of the management fee. The management
fee paid by the Fund (after the contractual  waiver) is expected to be 0.28% for
the fiscal year ended June 30,  2003.  Shareholders  must approve any changes to
the contractual waiver.

     5 For Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund Class R Shares,  the distribution
(12b-1) fee is expected to be voluntarily  waived.  This  anticipated  voluntary
waiver can be terminated at any time. The  distribution  (12b-1) fee paid by the
Fund's Class R Shares (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be
0.00% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     6 For Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust Institutional  Service Shares,
the distribution  (12b-1) fee has been voluntarily waived. This voluntary waiver
can be terminated at any time. The  distribution  (12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's
Institutional  Service  Shares  (after the  voluntary  waiver) was 0.00% for the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.

     7 For Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust Institutional Service Shares Pro
Forma  Combined,  the  distribution  (12b-1) fee is  expected to be  voluntarily
waived.  This  anticipated  voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time. The
distribution  (12b-1)  fee  paid by the  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust
Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma Combined (after the anticipated voluntary
waiver) is expected to be 0.00% for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.

     8 For Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund Class R Shares,  a portion of the
shareholder  services fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time. The  shareholder  services fees
paid by the Fund's Class R Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is
expected to be 0.10% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     9 For Riggs  Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund,  total  fund  annual  operating
expenses have been restated to reflect current fees.


     This  Example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund, the Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust
Institutional  Service  Shares,  and the Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust
Institutional  Service  Shares Pro Forma  Combined with the cost of investing in
other mutual funds.

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Fund's
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the Table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                         1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
Expenses assuming redemption                $ 373    $ 736   $ 1,123  $ 2,009
Expenses assuming no redemption             $ 173    $ 536     $ 923  $ 2,009
Federated Short-Term Municipal
Trust-Institutional Shares
Expenses assuming redemption                 $ 99    $ 309     $ 536  $ 1,190
Expenses assuming no redemption              $ 99    $ 309     $ 536  $ 1,190
Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
- -Institutional Shares Pro Forma Combined
Expenses assuming redemption                 $ 99    $ 309     $ 536  $ 1,190
Expenses assuming no redemption              $ 99    $ 309     $ 536  $ 1,190

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold Shares of Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund,  Federated  Intermediate
Municipal Trust and Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust Pro Forma Combined.

                                                     Riggs       Federated   Federated
                                                  IntermediateIntermediate   Municipal
                                                     Tax         Municipal   Trust Pro
                                                  Free           Trust       Forma
                                                     Bond                    Combined
Shareholder Fees                                  Fund

Fees Paid Directly From Your Investment
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on            None        None           None
Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a
percentage of original purchase price or          2.00%       None           None
redemption proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on
Reinvested Dividends (and other                   None        None           None
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of amount         None        None           None
redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                                      None        None           None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses (Before
Expenses That are Deducted From Fund Assets
(as percentage of average net assets)
Management Fee                                    0.75%2      0.40%3         0.40%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee                         0.25%5      None           None
Shareholder Services Fee                          0.25%6      0.25%7         0.25%8
Other Expenses                                    0.51%       0.18%          0.18%
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses              1.76%9      0.83%          0.83%

1 With respect to Riggs Intermediate Tax Free
Bond Fund, although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser, distributor
and shareholder services provider expect to
voluntarily waive certain amounts.  These are
shown below along with the net expenses the
Fund expects to pay for the fiscal year
ending April 30, 2004.  With respect to
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust,
although not contractually obligated to do
so, the adviser and shareholder services
provider voluntarily waived certain amounts.
These are shown below along with the net
expenses the Fund actually paid for the
fiscal year ended May 31, 2003.  With respect
to Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust Pro
Forma Combined, although not contractually
obligated to do so, the adviser and
shareholder services provider expect to
voluntarily waive certain amounts.  These are
shown below along with the net expenses the
Fund expects to pay for the fiscal year
ending May 31, 2004.
Total Waivers of Fund Expenses                    0.78%       0.23%          0.23%
Total Actual Annual Fund Operating Expenses       0.98%       0.60%          0.60%
(after waivers)

     2 For Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free  Bond  Fund,  the  adviser  expects  to
voluntarily  waive a portion of the  management  fee. The adviser can  terminate
this  anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any time. The management fee paid by the
Fund (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 0.37% for the
fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     3 For  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust,  the adviser  voluntarily
waived a portion of the management fee. The adviser can terminate this voluntary
waiver at any time.  The  management  fee paid by the Fund (after the  voluntary
waiver) was 0.36% for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2003.

     4 For  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust  Pro Forma  Combined,  the
adviser  expects to  voluntarily  waive a portion  of the  management  fee.  The
adviser  can  terminate  this  anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any  time.  The
management  fee paid by the Fund  (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is
expected to be 0.36% for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2004.

     5 For Riggs  Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, the distribution  (12b-1) fee
is expected to be voluntarily waived.  This anticipated  voluntary waiver can be
terminated at any time. The distribution (12b-1) fee paid by the Fund (after the
anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.00% for the fiscal year ending
April 30, 2004.

     6 For Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund, a portion of the shareholder
services fee is expected to be voluntarily  waived.  This anticipated  voluntary
waiver can be terminated at any time. The  shareholder  services fee paid by the
Fund (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 0.10% for the
fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     7 For Federated  Intermediate Municipal Trust, a portion of the shareholder
services  fee  has  been  voluntarily  waived.  This  voluntary  waiver  can  be
terminated at any time. The shareholder services fee paid by the Fund (after the
voluntary waiver) was 0.06% for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2003.

     8 For Federated  Intermediate Municipal Trust Pro Forma Combined, a portion
of the  shareholder  services  fee is expected to be  voluntarily  waived.  This
anticipated  voluntary  waiver can be  terminated at any time.  The  shareholder
services  fee paid by the Fund  (after  the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver)  is
expected to be 0.06% for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2004.

     9 With respect to Riggs  Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, Total Annual Fund
Operating Expenses have been restated to reflect current fees.


     This  Example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the
Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund,  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust
and Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust Pro Forma Combined with the cost of
investing in other mutual funds.

     The Example  assumes that you invest  $10,000 in each Fund's Shares for the
time  periods  indicated  and then redeem all of your Shares at the end of those
periods. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year
and that each Fund's operating expenses are before waivers as shown or estimated
in the table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs and returns may be
higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

                                            1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years
Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
Expenses assuming redemption                   $ 379    $ 754   $ 1,154  $ 2,073
Expenses assuming no redemption                $ 179    $ 554     $ 954  $ 2,073
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust
Expenses assuming redemption                    $ 85    $ 265     $ 460  $ 1,025
Expenses assuming no redemption                 $ 85    $ 265     $ 460  $ 1,025
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust Pro
Forma Combined
Expenses assuming redemption                    $ 85    $ 265     $ 460  $ 1,025
Expenses assuming no redemption                 $ 85    $ 265     $ 460  $ 1,025

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold Riggs Prime Money Market Fund Class R Shares, Riggs Prime Money Market Fund
Class Y Shares, Automated Cash Management Trust Institutional Service Shares and
Automated Cash Management Trust Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma Combined.

                                      Riggs        Riggs                    Automated
                                      Prime        Prime       Automated    Cash
                                      Money        Money       Cash         Management
                                      Market       Market      Management   Trust
                                      Fund         Fund        Trust        Institutional
                                      Class R      Class Y     InstitutionalService
Shareholder Fees                       Shares      Shares      Service      Shares
                                                               Shares       Pro Forma
Fees Paid Directly From Your
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)        None         None           None         None
Imposed on Purchases (as a
percentage of offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge
(Load) (as a percentage of         None         None           None         None
original purchase price or
redemption proceeds, as
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)
Imposed on Reinvested Dividends    None         None           None         None
(and other Distributions)
(as a percentage of offering
Redemption Fee (as a percentage    None         None           None         None
of amount redeemed, if
Exchange Fee                       None         None           None         None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Before Waivers)1
Expenses That are Deducted From
Fund Assets (as percentage of
average net assets)
Management Fee                     0.50%2       0.50%2         0.50%3       0.50%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee          0.50%5       None           None         None
Shareholder Services Fee           0.25%6       0.25%7         0.25%8       0.25%9
Other Expenses                     0.25%        0.25%          0.15%        0.15%
Total Annual Fund Operating        1.50%10      1.00%10        0.90%        0.90%

1  With respect to Riggs Prime
Money Market Fund Class R
Shares and Riggs Prime Money
Market Fund Class Y Shares,
although not contractually
obligated to do so, the
adviser, distributor and
shareholder services provider
expects to voluntarily waive
certain amounts.  These are
shown below along with the net
expenses the Fund expects to
pay for the fiscal year ending
April 30, 2004.  With respect
to Automated Cash Management
Trust Institutional Service
Shares, although not
contractually obligated to do
so, the adviser and shareholder
services provider waived
certain amounts.  These are
shown below along with the net
expenses the Fund actually paid
for the fiscal year ended July
31, 2002.  With respect to
Automated Cash Management Trust
Institutional Service Shares
Pro Forma Combined, although
not contractually obligated to
do so, the adviser and
shareholder services provider
expect to voluntarily waive
certain amounts.  These are
shown below along with the net
expenses the Fund expects to
pay for the fiscal year ending
July 31, 2003.
Total Waivers of Fund              0.42%        0.27%          0.26%        0.26%
Total Actual Annual Fund           1.08%        0.73%          0.64%        0.64%
Operating Expenses (after

     2 For Riggs Prime Money Market  Fund,  the adviser  expects to  voluntarily
waive  a  portion  of  the  management  fee.  The  adviser  can  terminate  this
anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any time.  The management fee paid by the Fund
(after the anticipated  voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.48% for the fiscal
year ending April 30, 2004.

     3 For Automated Cash Management  Trust,  the adviser  voluntarily  waived a
portion of the management  fee. The adviser can terminate this voluntary  waiver
at any time. The  management  fee paid by the Fund (after the voluntary  waiver)
was 0.25% for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2002.

     4 For  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust Pro Forma  Combined,  the adviser
expects to voluntarily  waive a portion of the  management  fee. The adviser can
terminate this anticipated voluntary waiver at any time. The management fee paid
by the Fund (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.25% for
the fiscal year ending July 31, 2003.

     5 For Riggs  Prime  Money  Market  Fund  Class R Shares,  a portion  of the
distribution  (12b-1) fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  distribution  (12b-1) fee
paid by the Fund's Class R Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is
expected to be 0.25% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     6 For Riggs  Prime  Money  Market  Fund  Class R Shares,  a portion  of the
shareholder  services fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  shareholder  services fee
paid by the Fund's Class R Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is
expected to be 0.10% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     7 For  Riggs  Prime  Money  Market  Fund  Class Y Shares,  the  shareholder
services fee is expected to be voluntarily  waived.  This anticipated  voluntary
waiver can be terminated at any time. The  shareholder  services fee paid by the
Fund's Class Y Shares (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be
0.00% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     8 For Automated Cash  Management  Trust  Institutional  Service  Shares,  a
portion  of the  shareholder  services  fee has been  voluntarily  waived.  This
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  shareholder  services fee
paid by the Fund's Institutional Service Shares (after the voluntary waiver) was
0.24% for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2002.

     9 For Automated Cash  Management  Trust  Institutional  Services Shares Pro
Forma  Combined,  a portion of the  shareholder  services  fee is expected to be
voluntarily waived.  This anticipated  voluntary waiver can be terminated at any
time.  The  shareholder  services fee paid by the Fund's  Institutional  Service
Shares (after the anticipated  voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.24% for the
fiscal year ending July 31, 2003.

     10 For Riggs Prime  Money  Market Fund Class R Shares and Riggs Prime Money
Market Fund Class Y Shares,  total  annual  fund  operating  expenses  have been
restated to reflect current fees.


     This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Riggs
Prime Money  Market Fund Class R Shares,  Riggs Prime Money  Market Fund Class Y
Shares,  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust  Institutional  Service  Shares  and
Automated Cash Management Trust Institutional  Service Shares Pro Forma Combined
with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Fund's
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the Table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                               1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years

Riggs Prime Money Market Fund Class R Shares      $ 153    $ 474     $ 818  $ 1,791
Riggs Prime Money Market Fund Class Y Shares      $ 102    $ 318     $ 552  $ 1,225
Automated  Cash Management Trust                   $ 92    $ 287     $ 498  $ 1,108
Institutional Service Shares
Automated Cash Management Trust                    $ 92    $ 287     $ 498  $ 1,108
Institutional Service Shares Pro Forma

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This table  describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and
hold Riggs U.S.  Treasury Money Market Fund Class R Shares,  Riggs U.S. Treasury
Money Market Fund Class Y Shares, Automated Government Money Trust and Automated
Government Money Trust Pro Forma Combined.

                                            Riggs       Riggs
                                            U.S.        U.S.                     Automated
                                         Treasury    Treasury       Automated    Government
                                            Money       Money       Government   Money Trust
                                                        Market      Money        Pro Forma
                                         Market      Fund           Trust        Combined
Shareholder Fees                         Fund           Class Y
                                            Class       Shares


Fees Paid Directly From Your
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed      None        None           None         None
on Purchases (as a percentage of
offering price)
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load)
(as a percentage of original             None        None           None         None
purchase price or redemption
proceeds, as applicable)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed
on Reinvested Dividends (and other       None        None           None         None
(as a percentage of offering price)
Redemption Fee (as a percentage of       None        None           None         None
amount redeemed, if applicable)
Exchange Fee                             None        None           None         None

Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(Before Waivers)1
Expenses That are Deducted From Fund
Assets (as percentage of average net
Management Fee                           0.50%2      0.50%2         0.50%3       0.50%4
Distribution (12b-1)  Fee                0.50%5      None           None         None
Shareholder Services Fee                 0.25%6      0.25%7         0.25%8       0.25%9
Other Expenses                           0.38%       0.38%          0.11%10      0.11%11
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses     1.63%12     1.13%12        0.86%        0.86%

1 With respect to Riggs U.S.
Treasury Money Market Fund Class R
Shares and Riggs U.S. Treasury Money
Market Fund Class Y Shares, although
not contractually obligated to do
so, the adviser, distributor and
shareholder services provider expect
to voluntarily waive certain
amounts.  These are shown below
along with the net expenses the Fund
expects to pay for the fiscal year
ending April 30, 2004.  With respect
to Automated Government Money Trust,
although not contractually obligated
to do so, the adviser, shareholder
services provider and transfer and
dividend disbursing agent waived
certain amounts.  These are shown
below along with the net expenses
the Fund actually paid for the
fiscal year ended July 31, 2002.
With respect to Automated Government
Money Trust Pro Forma Combined,
although not contractually obligated
to do so, the adviser, shareholder
services provider and transfer and
dividend disbursing agent expect to
voluntarily waive certain amounts.
These are shown below along with the
net expenses the Fund expects to pay
for the fiscal year ending July 31,
Total Waivers of Fund                    0.72%       0.34%          0.27%        0.27%
Total Actual Annual Fund Operating       0.91%       0.79%          0.59%        0.59%
Expenses (after waivers)

     2 For Riggs  U.S.  Treasury  Money  Market  Fund,  the  adviser  expects to
voluntarily  waive a portion of the  management  fee. The adviser can  terminate
this  anticipated  voluntary  waiver at any time. The management fee paid by the
Fund (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is expected to be 0.41% for the
fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     3 For Automated  Government Money Trust, the adviser  voluntarily  waived a
portion of the management  fee. The adviser can terminate this voluntary  waiver
at any time. The  management  fee paid by the Fund (after the voluntary  waiver)
was 0.25% for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2002.

     4 For  Automated  Government  Money Trust Pro Forma  Combined,  the adviser
expects to voluntarily  waive a portion of the  management  fee. The adviser can
terminate this anticipated voluntary waiver at any time. The management fee paid
by the Fund (after the anticipated voluntary waiver) is expected to be 0.25% for
the fiscal year ending July 31, 2003.

     5 For Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund Class R Shares,  a portion of
the  distribution  (12b-1)  fee  is  expected  to be  voluntarily  waived.  This
anticipated  voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  distribution
(12b-1) fee paid by the Fund's Class R Shares (after the  anticipated  voluntary
waiver) is expected to be 0.02% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     6 For Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund Class R Shares,  a portion of
the  shareholder  services  fee  is  expected  to be  voluntarily  waived.  This
anticipated  voluntary  waiver can be  terminated at any time.  The  shareholder
services fee paid by the Fund's Class R Shares (after the anticipated  voluntary
waiver) is expected to be 0.10% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     7 For Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund Class Y Shares,  a portion of
the  shareholder  services  fee  is  expected  to be  voluntarily  waived.  This
anticipated  voluntary  waiver can be  terminated at any time.  The  shareholder
services fee paid by the Fund's Class Y Shares (after the anticipated  voluntary
waiver) is expected to be 0.00% for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2004.

     8 For  Automated  Government  Money  Trust,  a portion  of the  shareholder
services  fee  has  been  voluntarily  waived.  This  voluntary  waiver  can  be
terminated at any time. The shareholder services fee paid by the Fund (after the
voluntary waiver) was 0.24% for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2002.

     9 For Automated Government Money Trust Pro Forma Combined, a portion of the
shareholder  services fee is expected to be voluntarily waived. This anticipated
voluntary  waiver can be terminated at any time.  The  shareholder  services fee
paid by the Fund  (after the  anticipated  voluntary  waiver) is  expected to be
0.24% for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2003.

     10  For  Automated  Government  Money  Trust,  the  transfer  and  dividend
disbursing agent voluntarily waived certain operating expenses of the Fund. This
voluntarily  waiver can be terminated at any time.  Total other expenses paid by
the Fund (after the voluntary  waiver) were 0.10% for the fiscal year ended July
31, 2002.

     11 For Automated  Government  Money Trust Pro Forma Combined,  the transfer
and dividend  disbursing  agent expects to voluntarily  waive certain  operating
expenses of the Fund. This anticipated  voluntarily  waiver can be terminated at
any time. Total other expenses paid by the Fund (after the anticipated voluntary
waiver) are expected to be 0.10% for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2003.

     12 For Riggs U.S.  Treasury Money Market Fund Class R Shares and Riggs U.S.
Treasury Money Market Fund Class Y Shares,  total annual fund operating expenses
have been restated to reflect current fees.


     This  Example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the
Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund Class R Shares,  Riggs U.S. Treasury Money
Market  Fund Class Y Shares,  Automated  Government  Money  Trust and  Automated
Government  Money Trust Pro Forma  Combined  with the cost of investing in other
mutual funds.

     The  Example  assumes  that you invest  $10,000 in each  respective  Fund's
Shares for the time periods  indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the
end of those  periods.  The Example also assumes that your  investment  has a 5%
return each year and that each Fund's  operating  expenses are before waivers as
shown or estimated in the table and remain the same.  Although your actual costs
and returns may be higher or lower,  based on these assumptions your costs would

                                               1 Year    3 Years  5 Years  10 Years
Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund Class       $ 166    $ 514     $ 887  $ 1,933
R Shares
Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund Class       $ 115    $ 359     $ 622  $ 1,375
Y Shares
Automated Government Money Trust                   $ 88    $ 274     $ 477  $ 1,061
Automated Government Money Trust Pro Forma         $ 88    $ 274     $ 477  $ 1,061
Comparison of Potential Risks and Rewards; Performance Information
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     ......The  bar charts and tables  below  compare  the  potential  risks and
rewards of  investing  in each  Federated  Fund and Riggs  Fund.  The bar charts
provide an indication of the risks of investing in each Fund by showing  changes
in each Fund's  performance  from year to year.  The tables show how each Fund's
average  annual  total  returns  for the one year,  five years and ten years (or
start of performance)  compare to the returns of a broad-based market index. The
figures assume reinvestment of dividends and distributions.  Attached as Exhibit
B to this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  are a  Management's  Discussion  of Fund
Performance  and a line graph for the most recent fiscal year of each Riggs Fund
and each Federated Fund (with the exception of money market funds).


federated capital appreciation fund-class a shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Federated Capital Appreciation Fund-Class A Shares

     The  performance  information  shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment  risks in light of its  historical  returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability   of  the  Fund's  Class  A  Shares  total  returns  on  a  calendar
year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged
over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance  information.  The
Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes)
is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the  Federated  Capital  Appreciation
Fund's Class A Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-30.00%" and
increasing in increments of 10.00% up to 50.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 11.31%,  (0.30)%,  37.17%, 18.39%, 30.62%, 20.07%, 43.39%,
(3.76)%, (6.19)% and (18.76)%, respectively.

     The total  returns shown in the bar chart do not reflect the payment of any
sales  charges or recurring  shareholder  account fees. If these charges or fees
had been included, the returns shown would have been lower.

     The Fund's  total return for the  six-month  period from January 1, 2003 to
June 30, 2003 was 9.14%.

     Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class A Shares highest
quarterly  return was 27.57%  (quarter  ended  December  31,  1999).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (17.40)% (quarter ended September 30, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table

The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class A Shares are reduced to
reflect applicable sales charges.  Return Before Taxes is shown.  In addition,
Return After Taxes is shown for the Fund's Class A Shares to illustrate the
effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depends on
each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those
shown. The table also shows returns for the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P
500), a broad-based market index and the Lipper Multi Cap Core Funds Average
(LMCCFA), an average of funds with similar objectives.  Index and average
returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the
SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes and averages
are unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index or

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)
                                    1 Year       5 Years          10 Years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class A
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------
  Return Before Taxes              (23.22)%       3.60%            10.88%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------
  Return After Taxes on            (23.36)%       2.77%            9.31%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Return After Taxes on Distributions
       and Sale of Fund Shares1    (14.25)%       2.89%            8.68%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S&P 500                            (22.10)%      (0.59)%           9.34%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LMCCFA                             (23.96)%      (1.46)%           7.39%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment
in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Return After
Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all shares were
redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any
taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of
taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not reflect the
effect of any applicable state and local taxes. After-tax returns for Class B,
Class C and Class F Shares will differ from those shown above for Class A
Shares.  After-tax returns are not relevant to investors holding Shares
through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.

riggs stock fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Stock Fund-Class R Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the Riggs Stock Fund's Class R Shares
as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-40.00%" and
increasing in increments of 10.00% up to 50.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 18.51%, 3.44%, 37.59%, 19.90%,  27.82%,  16.50%,  (0.47)%,
(5.21)%, (15.85)% and (24.74)%, respectively.

The total returns shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class R Shares do not
reflect the payment of any sales charges or recurring shareholder account fees.
If these charges or fees had been included, the returns shown would have been

The Fund's Class R Shares total return for the six-month period from January 1,
2003 to June 30, 2003 was 12.60%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly return was 22.00% (quarter ended December 31, 1998). Its lowest
quarterly return was (17.49)% (quarter ended September 30, 2001).

Average Annual Total Return

The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class R Shares are reduced to
reflect applicable sales charges.  Return Before Taxes is shown. In addition,
Return After Taxes is shown for Class R Shares to illustrate the effect of
federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend on each
investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown.
The table also shows returns for the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500), a
broad-based market index. Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges,
expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's
performance.  Indexes are unmanaged and it is not possible to invest directly
in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                    1 Year        5 Years        10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class R Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                (26.25)%       (7.21)%          6.05%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on              (26.25)%       (9.28)%          3.13%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares1           (16.12)%       (4.98)%          4.92%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S&P 500                            (22.10)%       (0.59)%          9.34%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment
in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Return After
Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all Shares were
redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any
taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of
taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not reflect the
effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax returns are not
relevant to investors holding shares through tax-deferred programs, such as
IRA or 401(k) plans.


Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Stock Fund-Class Y Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class Y Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the Riggs Stock Fund's Class Y Shares
as of the calendar year-end for each of three years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-30.00%" and
increasing in increments of 5.00% up to 0.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features three distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the bottom
of  each  respective  bar,  for  the  calendar  years  2000  through  2002.  The
percentages noted are (4.78)%, (15.57)% and (24.43)%, respectively.

     The Fund's Class Y Shares are sold without a sales charge (load). The total
returns shown in the bar chart are based upon net asset value.  The Fund's Class
Y Shares total return for the six-month  period from January 1, 2003 to June 30,
2003 was 12.74%.

     Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class Y Shares highest
quarterly  return  was 9.76%  (quarter  ended  December  31,  2001).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (17.37)% (quarter ended September 30, 2001).

Average Annual Total Return Table

     Return Before Taxes is shown. In addition,  Return After Taxes is shown for
Class Y Shares to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns. Actual
after-tax  returns depend on each  investor's  personal tax  situation,  and are
likely to differ from those shown. The table also shows returns for the Standard
& Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500), a broad-based  market index.  Index returns do not
reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to be
reflected  in  the  Fund's  performance.  Indexes  are  unmanaged  and it is not
possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                          1 Year        Start of Performance1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Y Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                      (24.43)%             (14.31)%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions2     (24.43)%             (15.73)%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares2                 (15.00)%             (10.59)%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------
S&P 500                                  (22.10)%             (13.41)%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class Y Shares start of performance date was December 20, 1999.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued
investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all
Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the
effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the
effects of taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not
reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax
returns are not relevant to investors holding shares through tax-deferred
programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.



Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Federated Kaufmann Fund - Class A Shares

     The  performance  information  shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment  risks in light of it  historical  returns.  The bar chart  shows the
variability   of  the  Fund's  Class  A  Shares  total  returns  on  a  calendar
year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged
over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance  information.  The
Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes)
is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Federated  Kaufmann Fund's Class A
Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-30.00%" and
increasing in increments of 10.00% up to 40.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 17.86%,  8.68%,  36.51%,  20.58%,  12.75%,  0.43%, 25.66%,
10.55%, 7.78% and (21.41)%, respectively.

     The Fund is the  successor  to the  Kaufmann  Fund,  Inc.  (Kaufmann  Fund)
pursuant to a  reorganization  that took place on April 23, 2001.  Prior to that
date, the Fund's Class A Shares had no investment operations.  Accordingly,  the
performance information provided is historical information of the Kaufmann Fund.

     The total  returns  shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class A Shares do
not reflect the payment of any sales  charges or recurring  shareholder  account
fees. If these charges or fees had been  included,  the returns shown would have
been lower.

     The Fund's  Class A Shares  total  return  for the  six-month  period  from
January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 21.16%.

     Within the periods  shown in the chart,  the Fund's Class A Shares  highest
quarterly  return was 35.47%  (quarter  ended  December  31,  1999).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (18.76)% (quarter ended September 30, 1998).

Average Annual Total Return Table

     The Average  Annual  Total Return for the Fund's Class A Shares are reduced
to reflect applicable sales charges. Returns Before Taxes is shown. In addition,
Return  After  Taxes is shown  for Class A Shares to  illustrate  the  effect of
federal  taxes  on  Fund  returns.  Actual  after-tax  returns  depend  on  each
investor's  personal tax  situation,  and are likely to differ from those shown.
The table also shows returns for the Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index (RMGI) and the
Lipper Mid-Cap Growth Index (LMCGI),  a broad-based  market index. Index returns
do not reflect taxes, sales charges,  expenses or other fees that the Securities
Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes
are unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                         1 Year        5 Years        10 Years
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------
Class A Shares1 :
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                     (25.73)%        2.23%          10.21%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions 2   (25.73)%       (0.94)%          8.20%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
     and Sale of Fund Shares 2          (15.80)%        1.60%           8.51%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RMGI                                    (27.41)%       (1.82)%          6.71%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LMCGI                                   (28.47)%       (1.49)%          6.41%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class A Shares total return for the period prior to April 23,
2001 are those of Kaufmann Fund, but have been adjusted to reflect the sales
charges and expenses applicable to the Fund's Class A Shares.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment
in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Returns
After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all shares were
redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any
taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of
taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not reflect the
effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax returns are not
relevant to investors holding Shares through tax-deferred programs, such as
IRA or 401 (k) plans.

riggs small company stock fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Small Company Stock Fund-Class R Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the Riggs Small  Company Stock Fund's
Class R Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of seven years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-20.00%" and
increasing in increments of 10.00% up to 50.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features seven distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1996 through 2002. The
percentages  noted are 21.92%,  38.90%,  (10.44)%,  (0.24)%,  1.27%,  13.12% and
(14.27)%, respectively.

The Fund's Class R Shares total return for the six-month period from January
1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 18.86%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly return was 24.61% (quarter ended December 31, 2001).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (29.19)% (quarter ended September 30, 1998).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class R Shares are reduced to
reflect applicable sales charges.  Return Before Taxes is shown.  In
addition, Return After Taxes is shown for Class R Shares to illustrate the
effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend on
each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those
shown.  The table also shows returns for the Russell 2000 Index (RUS2), a
broad-based market index. Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges,
expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's
performance.  Indexes are unmanaged and it is not possible to invest directly
in an index.
(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                     1 Year       5 Years        Start of
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class R Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                 (15.96)%      (2.86)%          8.15%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on               (16.26)%      (4.93)%          5.42%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on
and Sale of Fund Shares2             (9.51)%      (3.09)%          5.61%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RUS2                                (20.48)%      (1.36)%          6.86%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class R Shares start of performance date was February 27, 1995.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued
investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all
Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the
effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the
effects of taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not
reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax
returns are not relevant to investors holding shares through tax-deferred
programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.

riggs small company stock fund-class y shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Small Company Stock Fund-Class Y Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class Y Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the Riggs Small  Company Stock Fund's
Class Y Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of three years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-20.00%" and
increasing in increments of 5.00% up to 30.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features three distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 2000 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 1.67%, 13.80% and (14.05)%, respectively.

The Fund's Class Y Shares are sold without a sales charge (load). The total
returns shown in the bar chart are based upon net asset value.

The Fund's Class Y Shares total return for the six-month period from January
1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 19.01%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class Y Shares highest
quarterly return was 24.69% (quarter ended December 31, 2001).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (19.26)% (quarter ended September 30, 2001).

Average Annual Total Return Table
Return Before Taxes is shown. In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for
Class Y Shares to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.
Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor's personal tax situation, and
are likely to differ from those shown.  The table also shows returns for the
Russell 2000 Index (RUS2), a broad-based market index. Index returns do not
reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to
be reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes are unmanaged and it is not
possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                        1 Year         Start of Performance1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Y Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                    (14.05)%                1.86%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on                  (14.35)%               (0.18)%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on
and Sale of Fund Shares2                (8.34)%                0.59%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RUS2                                   (20.48)%               (5.06)%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class Y Shares start of performance date was December 20, 1999.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued
investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all
Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the
effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the
effects of taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not
reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax
returns are not relevant to investors holding shares through tax-deferred
programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.


Federated total return government bond fund-institutional service shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund-Institutional Service Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Institutional Service Shares total returns on a
calendar year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows
returns averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative
performance information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past
performance (before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Federated Total Return  Government
Bond Fund's Institutional Service Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of
seven years.

     The `y' axis  reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-6.00%" and
increasing in increments of 2.00% up to 16.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features seven distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1996 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 1.54%, 9.29%, 10.74%,  (4.16)%,  13.16%, 7.07% and 11.94%,

The Fund's Institutional Service Shares are sold without a sales charge
(load).  The total returns displayed above are based upon net asset value.

The Fund's Institutional Service Shares total return for the three-month period
from January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 3.67%.

Within the periods shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Institutional Service
Shares highest quarterly return was 7.37% (quarter ended September 30, 1998).
Its lowest quarterly return was (2.93)% (quarter ended March 31, 1996).

Average Annual Total Return Table
Return Before Taxes is shown.  In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for
the Fund's Institutional Service Shares to illustrate the effect of federal
taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor's
personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown.  The table
also shows returns for the Lehman Brothers Government Bond Index (LBGB), an
index composed of U.S. government and government agency bonds.  Total returns
for the index shown do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other
fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. The
index is unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)
                                                                     Start of
Fund                                           1 Year    5 Years   Performance1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                            11.94%     7.56%        7.26%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------
Return After Taxes on                          9.89%      5.32%        4.98%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions and        7.26%      4.94%        4.69%
Sale of Fund Shares2
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LBGB                                           11.50%     7.77%        7.76%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Institutional Service Shares start of performance date was October
19, 1995.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment
in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Return After
Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all shares were redeemed
at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain
(or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of taxes on Fund
distributions. These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any
applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax returns are not relevant to
investors holding shares through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k)

riggs u.s. government securities fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund-Class R Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities
Fund's Class R Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-10.00%" and
increasing in increments of 5.00% up to 35.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 11.06%,  (4.39)%,  17.28%,  1.81%, 8.74%, 8.88%,  (2.20)%,
11.80%, 5.51% and 9.94%, respectively.

The total returns shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class R Shares do
not reflect the payment of any sales charges or recurring shareholder
account fees. If these charges or fees had been included, the returns shown
would have been lower.

The Fund's Class R Shares total return for the six-month period from January
1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 2.55%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly return was 6.49% (quarter ended June 30, 1995). Its lowest
quarterly return was (3.03)% (quarter ended March 31, 1994).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class R Shares are reduced
to reflect applicable sales charges.  Return Before Taxes is shown.  In
addition, Return After Taxes is shown for Class R Shares to illustrate the
effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend on
each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from those
shown. The table also shows returns for the Merrill Lynch U.S. Treasury
Agency Master Index (MLTAM), a broad based market index. Index returns do
not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the SEC
requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance. Indexes are unmanaged
and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.
(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                   1 Year         5 Years       10 Years
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class R Shares
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                 7.94%          6.36%         6.65%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on               5.93%          4.21%         4.15%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares1            4.81%          4.01%         4.05%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MLTAM                              11.30%          7.73%         7.54%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital
gains tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued
investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all
Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the
effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as
the effects of taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not
reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax
returns are not relevant to investors holding shares through tax-deferred
programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.

riggs u.s. government securities fund-class y shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs U. S. Government Securities Fund-Class Y Shares

     The  performance  information  shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment  risks in light of its  historical  returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability   of  the  Fund's  Class  Y  Shares  total  returns  on  a  calendar
year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged
over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance  information.  The
Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes)
is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities
Fund's Class Y Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of three years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 3.00% up to 15.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features three distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 2000 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 12.08%, 5.78% and 10.21%, respectively.

The Fund's Class Y Shares are sold without a sales charge (load). The total
returns shown in the bar chart are based upon net asset value.
The Fund's Class Y Shares total return for the six-month period from January 1,
2003 to June 30, 2003 was 2.68%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class Y Shares highest
quarterly return was 5.01% (quarter ended September 30, 2002).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (0.62)% (quarter ended March 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
Return Before Taxes is shown.  In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for
Class Y Shares to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.
Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor's personal tax situation,
and are likely to differ from those shown. The table also shows returns for
the Merrill Lynch U.S. Treasury Agency Master Index (MLTAM), a broad based
market index. Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or
other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.
Indexes are unmanaged and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                             1 Year      Start of Performance1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------
Class Y Shares
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                          10.21%              9.13%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions2         8.10%               6.91%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares2                     6.21%               6.23%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MLTAM                                        11.30%              10.39%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class Y Shares start of performance date was December 20, 1999.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued
investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all
Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement period, and shows the
effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the
effects of taxes on Fund distributions.  These after-tax returns do not
reflect the effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax
returns are not relevant to investors holding shares through tax-deferred
programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.


federated total return bond fund-institutional service shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Federated Total Return Bond Fund-Institutional Service
The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns. The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Institutional Service Shares total returns on a
calendar year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows
returns averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative
performance information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past
performance (before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Federated Total Return Bond Fund's
Institutional Service Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of six years.

     The `y' axis  reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-2.00%" and
increasing in increments of 2.00% up to 12.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features six distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1997 through 2002. The
percentages  noted  are  10.25%,  8.91%,  (1.15)%,   10.94%,  7.77%  and  8.80%,

     The Fund's  Institutional  Service  Shares are sold  without a sales charge
(load). The total returns in the bar chart above are based upon net asset value.

     The Fund's  Institutional  Service  Shares  total return for the six months
period from January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 4.11%.

     Within the periods shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Institutional Service
Shares highest  quarterly  return was 4.47% (quarter ended  September 30, 1998).
Its lowest quarterly return was (0.95%) (quarter ended June 30, 1999).

Average Annual Total Return Table

Return Before Taxes is shown.  In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for
Institutional Service Shares to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on
Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend upon each investor's personal
tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown.  The table also
shows returns for the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index (LBAB), a
broad-based market index.  The LBAB is an unmanaged index composed of
securities from the Lehman Brothers Government/Credit Total Index, Mortgage
Backed Securities Index and the Asset Backed Securities Index.  Total return
comprises price appreciation/depreciation and income as a percentage of the
original investment.  The index is rebalanced monthly by market
capitalization.  Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses
or other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's
performance.  Indexes are unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest
directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31,
                                                                 Start of
                                           1 Year     5 Years  Performance1
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Institutional Service Shares
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                            8.80%     6.97%        7.70%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions2           6.43%     4.45%        5.12%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares2                       5.33%     4.31%        4.89%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LBAB                                          10.25%     7.55%        8.08%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Institutional Service Shares start of performance date was
October 1, 1996.

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume
the highest historical federal income and capital gains tax rates.  Return
After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment in the Fund and
shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Returns After Taxes on
Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all shares were redeemed at
the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain
(or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of taxes  on Fund
distributions.  These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any
applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax returns are not relevant to
investors holding shares through tax-deferred program, such as IRA or 401(k)

riggs bond fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Bond Fund-Class R Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing the annual total returns of the Riggs Bond Fund's Class R Shares as
of the calendar year-end for each of three years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 2.00% up to 14.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features three distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 2000 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 11.58%, 5.85% and 9.89%, respectively.

     The total  returns  shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class R Shares do
not reflect the payment of any sales  charges or recurring  shareholder  account
fees. If these charges or fees had been  included,  the returns shown would have
been lower.

     The Fund's  Class R Shares  total  return  for the  six-month  period  from
January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 3.24%.

     Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly  return was 4.86%  (quarter  ended  September  30,  2002).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (0.78)% (quarter ended December 31, 2001).

Average Annual Total Return

The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class R Shares are reduced
to reflect applicable sales charges. Return Before Taxes is shown. In
addition, Return After Taxes is shown for Class R Shares to illustrate the
effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend
on each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from
those shown.  The table also shows returns for the Lehman Brothers
Government Credit (Total) Index (LBGCT), a broad-based market index.
Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees
that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes
are unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)
                                       1 Year       Start of Performance1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class R Shares:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                      7.89%              8.30%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions2     5.76%              6.06%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares2                 4.78%              5.54%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LBGCT                                   11.04%             10.12%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class R Shares start of performance date was December 20,

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.
The stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and
capital gains tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a
continued investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund
distributions.  Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund
Shares assumes all Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement
period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on
redemption, as well as the effects of taxes on Fund distributions. These
after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any applicable state and
local taxes.  After-tax returns are not relevant to investors holding
Shares through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.


federated short-term municipal trust-institutional service shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust-Institutional Service Shares

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
Institutional Service Shares investment risks in light of its historical
returns.  The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund's Institutional
Service Shares total returns on a calendar year-by-year basis.  The Average
Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged over the stated periods, and
includes comparative performance information.  The Fund's performance will
fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes) is no guarantee of
future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal
Trust's  Institutional  Service  Shares as of the calendar  year-end for each of
nine years.

     The `y' axis  reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-1.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 9.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features nine distinct  vertical bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1994 through 2002. The
percentages noted are (0.13)%,  7.82%,  3.75%, 4.23%, 4.58%, 1.23%, 4.84%, 5.24%
and 4.86%, respectively.

The Fund's Institutional Service Shares are sold without a sales charge
(load). The total returns shown in the bar chart above are based upon net
asset value.

The Fund's Institutional Service Shares total return for the six month period
from January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 1.69%.

Within the periods shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Institutional Service
Shares highest quarterly return was 3.02% (quarter ended March 31, 1995).
Its lowest quarterly return was (0.65)% ( quarter ended March 31, 1994).

Average Annual Total Return Table
Return Before Taxes is shown.  In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for the
Fund's Institutional Service Shares to illustrate the effect of federal taxes
on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend on each investor's personal
tax situation, and are likely to differ from those shown.  The table also shows
returns for the Lehman Brothers 1-Year Municipal Index (LB1MI) and Lehman
Brothers 3-Year Municipal Index (LB3MI), broad based market indexes.  Index
returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the
SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes are unmanaged,
and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)
                                                                   Start of
                                       1 Year        5 Year      Performance1
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------       ------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------                           ---------------
Return Before Taxes                     4.86%        4.14%          4.01%
- -------------------------------------            ------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions     4.86%        4.14%          4.01%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return after Taxes on Distributions and Sale of
Fund Shares 2                           4.21%        4.08%          3.99%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LB1MI                                   3.81%        4.52%          4.44%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------            ------------------------------
LB3MI                                   6.72%        5.33%          5.09%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Institutional Service Shares start of performance date was
September 1, 1993.
2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.
The stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and
capital gains tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a
continued investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund
distributions.  Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund
Shares assumes all Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement
period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on
redemption, as well as the effects of taxes on Fund distributions.
These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any applicable
state and local taxes.  After-tax returns are not relevant to investors
holding Shares through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k)

riggs short term tax free bond fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund-Class R Shares
(formerly Riggs Intermediate Tax Free
Bond Fund)

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual  total  returns  of the Riggs  Short Term Tax Free Bond
Fund's Class R Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of three years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 8.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features three distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 2000 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 6.89%, 4.71% and 7.33%, respectively.

     The total  returns  shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class R Shares do
not reflect the payment of any sales  charges or recurring  shareholder  account
fees. If these charges or fees had been  included,  the returns shown would have
been lower.

     The Fund's  Class R Shares  total  return  for the  six-month  period  from
January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 1.08%.

     Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly  return was 3.56%  (quarter  ended  September  30,  2002).  Its lowest
quarterly return was (0.18)% (quarter ended December 31, 2001).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class R Shares are
reduced to reflect applicable sales charges. Return Before Taxes is
shown. In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for Class R Shares to
illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual
after-tax returns depend on each investor's personal tax situation, and
are likely to differ from those shown.  The table also shows returns
for the Lehman Brothers 3 Year Municipal Bond Index (LB3MB) and the
Lehman Brothers 5 Year Municipal Bond Index (LB5MB), both broad-bases
market indexes. The Fund has elected as its benchmark from the LB5MB to
the LB3MB. The LB3MB is more representative of the securities typically
held by the Fund.  Index returns do not reflect taxes, sales charges,
expenses or other fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in the
Fund's performance.  Indexes are unmanaged, and it is not possible to
invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                      1 Year       Start of Performance1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class R Shares:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                    5.33%               5.73%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on                  5.09%               5.64%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares2               4.95%               5.41%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LB3MB                                  6.72%               6.39%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LB5MB                                  9.27%               7.53%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class R Shares start of performance date was December 20,

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of
assumptions.  The stated returns assume the highest historical federal
income and capital gains tax rates.  Return After Taxes on
Distributions assumes a continued investment in the Fund and shows the
effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Return After Taxes on
Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all Shares were redeemed
at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any
taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects
of taxes on Fund distributions. These after-tax returns do not reflect
the effect of any applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax returns
are not relevant to investors holding Shares through tax-deferred
programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.


federated intermediate municipal trust

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's total returns on a calendar year-by-year basis.
The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged over the stated
periods, and includes comparative performance information.  The Fund's
performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes) is
no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Federated  Intermediate  Municipal
Trust as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis  reflects the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "-6.00%" and
increasing in increments of 2.00% up to 14.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage  for the  Fund for  each  calendar  year is  stated  directly  at the
top/bottom of each respective bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The
percentages noted are 9.72%,  (3.79)%,  11.56%,  3.98%, 6.85%,  5.24%,  (2.57)%,
8.86%, 4.17% and 8.03%, respectively.

     The Fund's shares are sold without a sales charge (load). The total returns
shown in the bar chart above are based upon net asset value.

     The Fund's  total return for the  six-month  period from January 1, 2003 to
June 30, 2003 was 2.97%.

     Within the  period  shown in the bar chart,  the Fund's  highest  quarterly
return was 4.55% (quarter ended March 31, 1995). Its lowest quarterly return was
(3.85)% (quarter ended March 31, 1994).

Average Annual Total Return Table
Return Before Taxes is shown.  In addition, Return After Taxes is shown for the
Fund to illustrate the effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after
- -tax returns depend on each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to
differ from those shown.  The table also shows returns for the Lehman Brothers 7
Year General Obligation Municipal Bond Index (LB7GO), a broad-based market
index, and the Lipper Intermediate Municipal Debt Funds Average (LIMDFA).  The
LB7GO is an unmanaged index of municipal bonds, issued after January 1, 1991,
with a minimum credit rating of at least Baa, which have been issued as part of
a deal of at least $50 million, have a maturity value of at least $5 million and
a maturity range of six to eight years.  As of January 1996, the index also
includes zero coupon bonds and bonds subject to AMT.  The LIMDFA represents the
average of the total returns reported by all mutual funds designated by Lipper,
Inc. as falling into the category.  Index and average returns do not reflect
taxes, sales charges, expenses and other fees that the SEC requires to be
reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes and averages are unmanaged, and it
is not possible to invest directly in an index or average.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)
                                                 1 Year    5 Years    10 Years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns Before Taxes                             8.03%      4.68%      5.10%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns After Taxes on Distributions1            8.03%      4.68%      5.10%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns after Taxes on
    and Sale of Fund Shares1                     6.70%      4.67%      5.07%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LB7GO                                            9.99%      5.99%      6.36%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LIMDFA                                           8.53%      5.09%      5.73%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.  The
stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and capital gains
tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a continued investment
in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund distributions.  Return After
Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares assumes all shares were redeemed
at the end of each measurement period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain
(or offsetting loss) on redemption, as well as the effects of taxes on Fund
distributions.  These after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any
applicable state and local taxes.  After-tax returns are not relevant to
investors holding Shares through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k)

riggs intermediate tax free bond fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund-Class R Shares
(formerly, Riggs Long Term Tax Free Bond Fund)

The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of its historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis.  The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns
averaged over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance
information.  The Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance
(before and after taxes) is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond
Fund's Class R Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of three years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 2.00% up to 12.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features three distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 2000 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 9.64%, 3.89% and 9.92%, respectively.

     The total  returns  shown in the bar chart for the Fund's Class R Shares do
not reflect the payment of any sales  charges or recurring  shareholder  account
fees. If these charges or fees had been  included,  the returns shown would have
been lower.

     The Fund's  Class R Shares  total  return  for the  six-month  period  from
January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 3.29%.

     Within the  period  shown in the bar chart,  the Fund's  highest  quarterly
return was 5.57% (quarter ended September 30, 2002). Its lowest quarterly return
was (0.62)% (quarter ended December 31, 2001).

Average Annual Total Return

The Average Annual Total Returns for the Fund's Class R Shares are reduced
to reflect applicable sales charges. Return Before Taxes is shown. In
addition, Return After Taxes is shown for Class R Shares to illustrate the
effect of federal taxes on Fund returns.  Actual after-tax returns depend
on each investor's personal tax situation, and are likely to differ from
those shown.  The table also shows returns for the Lehman Brothers 10 Year
Municipal Bond Index (LB10MB), a broad-based market index.  Index returns
do not reflect taxes, sales charges, expenses or other fees that the SEC
requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  Indexes are
unmanaged, and it is not possible to invest directly in an index.

(For the periods ended December 31, 2002)

                                     1 Year        Start of Performance1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class R Shares:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return Before Taxes                  7.92%                 7.10%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on                7.58%                 6.87%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return After Taxes on Distributions
and Sale of Fund Shares2             6.63%                 6.54%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LB10MB                               10.17%                8.21%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class R Shares start of performance date was December 20,

2 After-tax returns are calculated using a standard set of assumptions.
The stated returns assume the highest historical federal income and
capital gains tax rates.  Return After Taxes on Distributions assumes a
continued investment in the Fund and shows the effect of taxes on Fund
distributions.  Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund
Shares assumes all Shares were redeemed at the end of each measurement
period, and shows the effect of any taxable gain (or offsetting loss) on
redemption, as well as the effects of taxes on Fund distributions. These
after-tax returns do not reflect the effect of any applicable state and
local taxes.  After-tax returns are not relevant to investors holding
Shares through tax-deferred programs, such as IRA or 401(k) plans.


automated cash management trust-institutional service shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Automated Cash Management Trust -Institutional Service Shares

     The  performance  information  shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment  risks in light of it  historical  returns.  The bar chart  shows the
variability  of the  Fund's  Institutional  Shares  total  returns on a calendar
year-by-year basis. The Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged
over the stated periods, and includes comparative performance  information.  The
Fund's performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes)
is no guarantee of future results.


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Automated Cash Management  Trust's
Institutional Service Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 7.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 2.79%,.  3.91%,  5.61%,  5.04%,  5.18%, 5.13%, 4.77%, 6.02%, 3.83% and
1.36%, respectively.

Historically, the Fund has maintained a constant $1.00 NAV per Share.  The bar
chart shows the variability of the Fund's Institutional Service Shares total
returns on a calendar year-end basis.

The Fund's Institutional Service Shares are sold without a sales charge (load).
The total returns displayed above are based upon NAV.

     The Fund's  Institutional  Service  Shares total  return for the  six-month
period from January 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 0.39%.

Within the periods shown in the Chart, the Fund's Institutional Service Shares
highest quarterly return was 1.55% (quarter ended December 31, 2000). Its lowest
quarterly return was 0.28% (quarter ended December 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The following table represents the Fund's Institutional Service Shares Average
Annual Total Returns for the calendar periods ending December 31, 2002.

- --------------------------------------------
   Calendar Period             Fund
- --------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------
        1 Year                1.36%
- --------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------
       5 Years                4.21%
- --------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------
       10 Years               4.36%
- --------------------------------------------

The Fund's Institutional Service Shares 7-Day Net Yield as of December 31, 2002
was 0.93%.

Investors may call the Fund at 1-800-341-7400 to acquire the current 7-Day Net

     Past  performance  is no  guarantee  of future  results.  This  information
provides you with  historical  performance  information  so that you can analyze
whether the Fund's investment risks are balanced by its potential returns.

riggs prime money market fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Prime Money Market Fund-Class R Shares


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the Riggs Prime Money  Market  Fund's
Class R Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of seven years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 8.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features seven distinct  vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 1996 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 4.58%, 4.83%, 4.73%, 4.26%, 5.42%, 3.18% and 0.82%, respectively.

Historically, the Fund has maintained a constant $1.00 net asset value per
Share.  The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund's Class R Shares total
returns on a calendar year-end basis.

The Fund's Class R Shares are sold without a sales charge (load).  The total
returns displayed above are based upon net asset value.

The Fund's Class R Shares total return for the six-month period from January
1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 was 0.38%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly return was 1.43% (quarter ended December 31, 2000).  Its lowest
quarterly return was 0.15% (quarter ended December 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The following table represents the Fund's Class R Shares Average Annual
Total Returns

(For the calendar periods ended December 31, 2002)

Calendar Period              Class R Shares
- ----------------------------------------------
1 Year                            0.82%
- ----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------
5 Years                           3.67%
- ----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------
Start of Performance1             3.93%
- ----------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class R Shares start of performance dates was December 12,

The Fund's Class R Shares 7-Day Net Yield as of December 31, 2002 was
0.37%.  You may call the Fund at (202) 835-5300 or outside the Washington
D.C. metropolitan area toll-free 1-800-934-3883 for current 7-Day Net Yield.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  This information
provides you with historical performance information so that you can
analyze whether the Fund's investment risks are balanced by its potential

riggs prime money market fund-class y shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs Prime Money Market Fund-Class Y Shares


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total  returns of the Riggs Prime Money  Market  Fund's
Class Y Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 8.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 3.12%,  4.01%,  5.68%,  5.10%,  5.22%,  4.99%, 4.61%, 5.79%, 3.54% and
1.17%, respectively.

Historically, the Fund has maintained a constant $1.00 net asset value per
Share.  The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund's Class Y Shares total
returns on a calendar year-end basis.

The Fund's Class Y Shares are sold without a sales charge (load).  The total
returns displayed above are based upon net asset value.

The Fund's Class Y Shares total return for the six-month period from January 1,
2003 to June 30, 2003 was 0.56%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class Y Shares highest
quarterly return was 1.52% (quarter ended December 31, 2000).  Its lowest
quarterly return was 0.24% (quarter ended December 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The following table represents the Fund's Class Y Shares Average Annual Total

(For the calendar periods ended December 31, 2002)

Calendar Period                Class Y Shares
- ----------------------------------------------------
1 Year                              1.17%
- ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------
5 Year                              4.01%
- ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------
10 Years                            4.31%
- ----------------------------------------------------

The Fund's Class Y Shares 7-Day Net Yield as of December 31, 2002 was 0.72%.

     You may call the Fund at (202)  835-5300  or outside  the  Washington  D.C.
metropolitan  area toll-free  1-800-934-3883  for current 7-Day Net Yield.  Past
performance is no guarantee of future  results.  This  information  provides you
with  historical  performance  information  so that you can analyze  whether the
Fund's investment risks are balanced by its potential returns.


automated government money trust

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Automated Government Money Trust
The performance information shown below will help you analyze the Fund's
investment risks in light of it historical returns.  The bar chart shows the
variability of the Fund's total returns on a calendar year-by-year basis.  The
Average Annual Total Return table shows returns averaged over the stated
periods, and includes comparative performance information.  The Fund's
performance will fluctuate, and past performance (before and after taxes) is no
guarantee of future results.

The graphic presentation displayed here consists of a bar chart representing
the annual total returns of the Automated Government Money Trust as of the
calendar year-end for each of ten years.
The `y' axis reflects the "% Total Return" beginning with "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 7.00%.
The `x' axis represents calculation periods (from the earliest calendar year
end of the Fund's start of business) through the calendar year ended 2002.  The
chart features ten distinct vertical bars, each shaded in light gray, and each
visually representing by height the total return percentages for the calendar
year stated directly at its base. The calculated total return percentage for
the Fund for each calendar year is stated directly at the top of each
respective bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002.  The percentages
noted are 2.70%, 3.70%, 5.50%, 4.93%, 5.07%, 4.96%, 4.49%, 5.75%, 3.48% and
1.34%, respectively.

Historically, the Fund has maintained a constant $1.00 NAV per Share. The bar
chart shows the variability of the Fund's total returns on a calendar year-end

     The Fund's Shares are sold without a sales charge (load). The total returns
displayed above are based upon NAV.

The Fund's total return for the six-month period from January 1, 2003 to June
30, 2003 was 0.37%

Within the periods shown in the chart, the Fund's highest quarterly return was
1.50% (quarter ended December 31, 2000). Its lowest quarterly return was 0.26%
(quarter ended December 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The following table represents the Fund's Shares Average Annual Total Return
for the calendar periods ending December 31, 2002.

- -------------------------------------------------
   Calendar Period               Fund
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
        1 Year                   1.34%
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
       5 Years                   3.99%
- -------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------
       10 Years                  4.18%
- -------------------------------------------------

The Fund's 7-Day Net Yield as of December 31, 2002 was 0.80%.
You may call the Fund at 1-800-341-7400 to acquire the current
7-Day Net Yield.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This information provides
you with historical performance information so that you can analyze whether the
Fund's investment risks are balanced by its potential returns.

Riggs u.s. treasury money market fund-class r shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund-Class R Shares


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market
Fund's Class R Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of four years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 7.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features four distinct  vertical bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 1999 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 3.89%, 5.19%, 2.99% and 0.65%, respectively.

     Historically,  the Fund has maintained a constant $1.00 net asset value per
Share.  The bar chart shows the  variability  of the Fund's Class R Shares total
returns on a calendar year-end basis.

The Fund's Class R Shares are sold without a sales charge (load).  The total
returns displayed above are based upon net asset value.

The Fund's Class R Shares total return for the six-month period from January 1,
2003 to June 30, 2003 was 0.15%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class R Shares highest
quarterly return was 1.36% (quarter ended December 31, 2000).  Its lowest
quarterly return was 0.12% (quarter ended December 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The following table represents the Fund's Class R Shares Average Annual Total

(For the calendar periods ended December 31, 2002)

Calendar Period                    Class R Shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------
1 Year                                  0.65%
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Start of Performance1                   3.29%
- --------------------------------------------------------------

1 The Fund's Class R Shares start of performance date was July 7, 1998.

The Fund's Class R Shares 7-Day Net Yield as of December 31, 2002 was 0.44%.
You may call the Fund at (202) 835-5300 or outside the Washington D.C.
metropolitan area toll-free 1-800-934-3883 for current 7-Day Net Yield.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  This information provides
you with historical performance information so that you can analyze whether the
Fund's investment risks are balanced by its potential returns.

riggs u.s. treasury money market fund-class y shares

Risk/Return Bar Chart and Table
Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund-Class Y Shares


     The  graphic   presentation   displayed   here  consists  of  a  bar  chart
representing  the annual total returns of the Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market
Fund's Class Y Shares as of the calendar year-end for each of ten years.

     The `y' axis  reflects  the "% Total  Return"  beginning  with  "0.00%" and
increasing in increments of 1.00% up to 8.00%.

     The `x' axis  represents  calculation  periods (from the earliest  calendar
year end of the Fund's start of business)  through the calendar year ended 2002.
The chart features ten distinct  vertical  bars,  each shaded in light gray, and
each  visually  representing  by height  the total  return  percentages  for the
calendar  year  stated  directly  at  its  base.  The  calculated  total  return
percentage for the Fund for each calendar year is stated  directly at the top of
each  respective  bar, for the calendar years 1993 through 2002. The percentages
noted are 2.60%,  3.55%,  5.40%,  4.85%,  5.00%,  4.75%, 4.24%, 5.56%, 3.35% and
0.97%, respectively.

Historically, the Fund has maintained a constant $1.00 net asset value per
Share.  The bar chart shows the variability of the Fund's Class Y Shares
total returns on a calendar year-end basis.

The Fund's Class Y Shares are sold without a sales charge (load).  The total
returns displayed above are based upon net asset value. The Fund's Class Y
Shares total return for the six-month period from January 1, 2003 to June 30,
2003 was 0.21%.

Within the period shown in the bar chart, the Fund's Class Y Shares highest
quarterly return was 1.45% (quarter ended December 31, 2000).  Its lowest
quarterly return was 0.18% (quarter ended December 31, 2002).

Average Annual Total Return Table
The following table represents the Fund's Class Y Shares Average Annual Total

(For the calendar periods ended December 31, 2002)

Calendar Period           Class Y Shares
- ---------------------------------------------
1 Year                        0.97%
- ---------------------------------------------
5 Years                       3.76%
- ---------------------------------------------
10 Years                      4.02%
- ---------------------------------------------

The Fund's Class Y Shares 7-Day Net Yield as of December 31, 2002 was 0.54%.
You may call the Fund at (202) 835-5300 or outside the Washington D.C.
metropolitan area toll-free 1-800-934-3883 for current 7-Day Net Yield.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  This information
provides you with historical performance information so that you can analyze
whether the Fund's investment risks are balanced by its potential returns.

Investment Advisers

     The Board of  Trustees  governs  the Riggs  Funds.  The Board  selects  and
oversees the adviser,  Riggs Investment  Advisors Inc. ("RIA"),  a subsidiary of
Riggs National Corporation,  who manages the Funds' assets, including buying and
selling portfolio  securities.  RIA is registered as an investment adviser under
the Investment  Advisers Act of 1940 (the "Advisers Act"). The address of RIA is
800 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.

     The Adviser or its affiliates  have advised the Riggs Funds since September
1991,  and as of April 30, 2003,  provide  investment  advice for assets of over
$1.9  billion.  RIA  has  a  varied  client  base  of  approximately  200  other
relationships including corporate pension plans,  foundations,  endowments,  and

     A Board of Trustees or a Board of Directors  governs each  Federated  Fund.
This Board  selects and oversees the adviser,  Federated  Investment  Management
Company ("FIMC"), a subsidiary of Federated Investors,  Inc. ("Federated"),  who
manages the Fund's assets,  including buying and selling  portfolio  securities.
FIMC is registered as an investment  adviser under the Advisers Act. The address
of FIMC is Federated  Investors  Tower,  1001  Liberty  Avenue,  Pittsburgh,  PA

     FIMC and other  subsidiaries of Federated advise  approximately  138 mutual
funds and a variety of  separate  accounts,  which  totaled  approximately  $195
billion in assets as of December 31, 2002. Federated was established in 1955 and
is one of the largest mutual fund investment  managers in the United States with
approximately  1,700 employees.  More than 5,000 investment  professionals  make
Federated funds available to their customers.

Portfolio Managers

Federated Capital Appreciation Fund

     David P.  Gilmore has been the Fund's  Portfolio  Manager  since  September
2000.  He is Vice  President of  Federated  Equity  Funds.  Mr.  Gilmore  joined
Federated  in August 1997 as an  Investment  Analyst.  He was promoted to Senior
Investment  Analyst in July 1999 and became an Assistant  Vice  President of the
Fund's Adviser in July 2000.  Mr. Gilmore was a Senior  Associate with Coopers &
Lybrand  from  January 1992 to May 1995.  Mr.  Gilmore is a Chartered  Financial
Analyst and attended  the  University  of Virginia,  where he earned his M.B.A.,
from September 1995 to May 1997. Mr. Gilmore has a B.S. from Liberty University.

     Linda A. Duessel has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since November 2001.
Ms. Duessel joined Federated in 1991and has been a Portfolio Manager since 1995.
She became a Senior Vice  President  of the Fund's  Adviser in January  2000 and
served as a Vice  President of the Fund's  Adviser from 1995 through  1999.  Ms.
Duessel was a Senior  Investment  Analyst and an Assistant Vice President of the
Fund's  Adviser  from 1991 until  1995.  Ms.  Duessel is a  Chartered  Financial
Analyst and received her M.S. in Industrial  Administration from Carnegie Mellon

Federated Kaufmann Fund

     Lawrence Auriana has been the Fund's portfolio manager since April 2001. He
is Co-Head of Investment  Area.  Mr.  Auriana was the  portfolio  manager of the
Fund's predecessor,  the Kaufmann Fund, from 1985 to 2001. From 1984 to 2001, he
was the President and Treasurer of Edgemont Asset Management  Corp., the adviser
to the Kaufmann Fund.  Mr.  Auriana has been engaged in the securities  business
since 1965.

     Hans P. Utsch has been the Fund's portfolio manager since April 2001. He is
Co-Head of Investment  Area.  Mr. Utsch was the portfolio  manager of the Fund's
predecessor,  the Kaufmann  Fund,  from 1985 to 2001.  From 1984 to 2001, he was
Chairman of the Board and  Secretary of Edgemont  Asset  Management  Corp.,  the
adviser to the  Kaufmann  Fund.  Mr.  Utsch has been  engaged in the  securities
business since 1962.

Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund

     Susan M. Nason has been the Fund's  Portfolio  Manager since its inception.
She is Vice President of the Trust.  Ms. Nason joined  Federated in 1987 and has
been a Senior Portfolio  Manager and Senior Vice President of the Fund's Adviser
since 1997.  Ms. Nason served as a Portfolio  Manager and Vice President of FIMC
from 1993 to 1997. Ms. Nason is a Chartered  Financial  Analyst and received her
M.S.I.A. concentrating in Finance from Carnegie Mellon University.

     Todd A. Abraham has been the Fund's Portfolio  Manager since February 2003.
Mr. Abraham has been a Portfolio Manager since 1995 and a Vice President of FIMC
since 1997. Mr. Abraham  joined  Federated in 1993 as an Investment  Analyst and
served as Assistant  Vice  President  from 1995 to 1997. Mr. Abraham served as a
Portfolio  Analyst at Ryland  Mortgage Co. from 1992 to 1993.  Mr.  Abraham is a
Chartered  Financial  Analyst and  received  his M.B.A.  in Finance  from Loyola

Federated Total Return Bond Fund

     Joseph M. Balestrino has been the Fund's Portfolio  Manager since September
1996. He is Vice President of Federated Total Return Series, Inc. Mr. Balestrino
joined Federated in 1986 and has been a Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Vice
President of FIMC since 1998. He was a Portfolio Manager and a Vice President of
FIMC from 1995 to 1998.  Mr.  Balestrino  served as a  Portfolio  Manager and an
Assistant  Vice  President  of FIMC  from  1993 to  1995.  Mr.  Balestrino  is a
Chartered  Financial  Analyst  and  received  his  Master's  Degree in Urban and
Regional Planning from the University of Pittsburgh.

     Mark E. Durbiano has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since inception. Mr.
Durbiano joined Federated in 1982 and has been a Senior Portfolio  Manager and a
Senior Vice President of FIMC since 1996.  From 1988 through 1995, Mr.  Durbiano
was a  Portfolio  Manager  and a Vice  President  of  FIMC.  Mr.  Durbiano  is a
Chartered  Financial  Analyst  and  received  his  M.B.A.  in  Finance  from the
University of Pittsburgh.

     Donald T. Ellenberger has been the Fund's Portfolio  Manager since November
1997. Mr. Ellenberger joined Federated in 1996 as a Portfolio Manager and a Vice
President of a Federated  advisory  subsidiary.  He has been a Vice President of
FIMC since 1997. From 1986 to 1996, he served as a Trader/Portfolio  Manager for
Mellon Bank, N.A. Mr.  Ellenberger  received his M.B.A. in Finance from Stanford

     Christopher J. Smith has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since June 2000.
Mr. Smith joined  Federated in 1995 as a Portfolio  Manager and a Vice President
of a Federated advisory  subsidiary.  He has been a Vice President of FIMC since
1997. He was an Assistant Vice President of Provident Life & Accident  Insurance
Company from 1987 through 1994. Mr. Smith is a Chartered  Financial Analyst.  He
received his M.A. in Economics and Finance from the University of Kentucky.

Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust

     Jeff A. Kozemchak has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since June 1996. He
is Vice President of the Fund. Mr.  Kozemchak  joined  Federated in 1987 and has
been a Senior  Portfolio  Manager since 1996 and a Senior Vice President of FIMC
since 1999. He was a Portfolio  Manager until 1996 and a Vice  President of FIMC
from 1993 to 1998. Mr. Kozemchak is a Chartered  Financial  Analyst and received
his M.S. in Industrial Administration from Carnegie Mellon University in 1987.

     Mary Jo Ochson has been the Fund's  Portfolio  Manager  since January 1997.
Ms. Ochson joined Federated in 1982 and has been a Senior Portfolio  Manager and
a Senior Vice  President of FIMC since 1996.  From 1988 through 1995, Ms. Ochson
served as a Portfolio  Manager and a Vice  President  of FIMC.  Ms.  Ochson is a
Chartered  Financial  Analyst  and  received  her  M.B.A.  in  Finance  from the
University of Pittsburgh.

Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust

     J. Scott Albrecht has been the Fund's Portfolio Manager since July 1995. He
is Vice President of Intermediate Municipal Trust. Mr. Albrecht joined Federated
in 1989. He has been a Senior Portfolio  Manager since 1997 and a Vice President
of FIMC since 1994. He was a Portfolio  Manager from 1994 to 1996. Mr.  Albrecht
is a Chartered Financial Analyst and received his M.S. in Public Management from
Carnegie Mellon University.

     Mary Jo Ochson has been the Fund's  Portfolio  Manager since July 1997. Ms.
Ochson joined  Federated in 1982 and has been a Senior  Portfolio  Manager and a
Senior Vice  President of FIMC since 1996.  From 1988 through  1995,  Ms. Ochson
served as a Portfolio  Manager and a Vice  President  of FIMC.  Ms.  Ochson is a
Chartered  Financial  Analyst  and  received  her  M.B.A.  in  Finance  from the
University of Pittsburgh.

Advisory and Other Fees

     The annual  investment  advisory fee for each Federated Fund and each Riggs
Fund, as a percentage of the each  Federated  Fund's and each Riggs Fund's daily
net assets, is as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             FEES                                   FEE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Capital            0.75%      Riggs Stock Fund            0.75%
Appreciation Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Kaufmann Fund      1.425%     Riggs Small Company Stock   0.80%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Total Return       0.50%      Riggs U.S. Government       0.75%
Government Bond Fund                    Securities Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Total Return Bond  0.40%      Riggs Bond Fund             0.75%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Short-Term         0.40%      Riggs Short Term Tax Free   0.75%
Municipal Trust                         Bond Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Intermediate       0.40%      Riggs Intermediate Tax      0.75%
Municipal Trust                         Free Bond Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Automated Cash Management    0.50%      Riggs Prime Money Market    0.50%
Trust                                   Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Automated Government Money   0.50%      Riggs U.S. Treasury Money   0.50%
Trust                                   Market Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Both  the  investment  adviser  to  the  Federated  Funds,  FIMC,  and  the
investment  adviser to the Riggs Funds,  RIA, may voluntarily  choose to waive a
portion of its advisory fee or reimburse  other expenses of the respective  Fund
advised  by  FIMC or RIA.  These  voluntary  waivers  or  reimbursements  may be
terminated  by FIMC  and  RIA,  respectively,  at any  time  in  each  adviser's

     Federated  Services  Company  ("FServ"),  an  affiliate  of FIMC,  provides
certain administrative personnel and services necessary to operate the Federated
Funds.  FServ  provides  these services at an annual rate based upon the average
daily net assets  advised by FIMC and its  affiliates.  The rate charged  ranges
from 0.150% to 0.075%. FServ's minimum annual administrative fee with respect to
Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund,  Federated Kaufmann Fund,  Federated Total
Return  Government  Bond Fund,  Federated  Total  Return  Bond  Fund,  Federated
Short-Term  Municipal Trust and Automated Cash Management  Trust is $125,000 per
portfolio plus $30,000 for each additional class of shares;  and the minimum fee
for Federated  Intermediate Municipal Trust and Automated Government Money Trust
is $125,000 per portfolio.  FServ may choose to  voluntarily  waive a portion of
its  fee.   FServ  and  Riggs  Bank,   N.A.,  an  affiliate  of  RIA,  serve  as
co-administrators  to  the  Riggs  Funds  and  provide  certain   administrative
personnel   and   services   necessary   to  operate   the  Riggs   Funds.   The
co-administrators  provide  these  services  at an annual  rate  based  upon the
average  aggregate net assets of the Riggs Funds. For FServ, the rate charged is
based on a scale that  ranges  from  0.125% to 0.075% of the  average  daily net
assets. In addition, FServ receives additional compensation from the Riggs Funds
for serving as Riggs  Funds'  transfer  agent.  For Riggs Bank,  N.A.,  the rate
charged for co-administrative  services is 0.02% of the average daily net assets
of the Riggs Funds. There is no minimum fee chargeable to each Riggs Fund. FServ
and Riggs Bank, N.A. may each voluntarily choose to waive a portion of its fee.

Administrative Fee Expenses

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fund (Fiscal Year End)         Amount/         Fund (Fiscal Year End)  Amount/
                               Percentage of                           Percentage
                               Average Daily                           of Average
                               Net Assets                              Daily Net
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Capital              $1,189,539/     Riggs Stock Fund        $60,192/
Appreciation Fund (October     0.075%          (April 30, 2003)        0.16%
31, 2002)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Kaufmann Fund        $2,736,022/     Riggs Small Company     $52,635/
(October 31, 2002)             0.075%          Stock Fund (April 30,   0.16%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Total Return         $155,000/       Riggs U.S. Government   $120,097/
Government Bond Fund           0.10%           Securities Fund (April  0.16%
(February 28, 2003)                            30, 2003)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Total Return Bond    $497,702/       Riggs Bond Fund(April   $41,952/
Fund (November 30, 2002)       0.075%          30, 2003)               0.16%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Short-Term           $163,792/       Riggs Short Term Tax    $84,679/
Municipal Trust (June 30,      0.075%          Free Bond Fund (April   0.16%
2002)                                          30, 2003)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federated Intermediate         $125,000/       Riggs Intermediate Tax  $71,058/
Municipal Trust (May 31,       0.076%          Free Bond Fund (April   0.16%
2002)                                          30, 2003)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Automated Cash Management      $3,321,590/     Riggs Prime Money       $372,180/
Trust (July 31, 2002)          0.075%          Market Fund (April 30,  0.16%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Automated Government Money     $1,269,366/     Riggs U.S. Treasury     $144,244/
Trust (July 31, 2002)          0.075%          Money Market Fund       0.16%
                                               (April 30, 2003)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Each  Federated  Fund and each Riggs Fund has  entered  into a  Shareholder
Services  Agreement  under which it may make payments up to 0.25% of the average
daily net asset  value of its Shares to obtain  certain  personal  services  for
shareholders  and the  maintenance  of  shareholder  accounts.  The  Shareholder
Services  Agreements  provide  that  Federated   Shareholder   Services  Company
("FSSC"),  an  affiliate  of FIMC,  either  will  perform  shareholder  services
directly  or will  select  financial  institutions  to  perform  such  services.
Financial  institutions  will  receive  fees  based upon  shares  owned by their
clients or customers.

     Federated  Securities Corp. ("FSC"), an affiliate of FIMC, is the principal
distributor  for Shares of both the Federated  Funds and Riggs Funds.  Federated
Capital  Appreciation  Fund,  Federated  Kaufmann Fund,  Federated  Total Return
Government  Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond Fund,  Federated  Short-Term
Municipal Trust; and Class R Shares of the Riggs Funds have adopted a Rule 12b-1
Distribution Plan (the "Distribution Plan") pursuant to which each such Fund may
pay a fee to the  distributor  in an amount  computed at an annual rate of 0.25%
(0.50%  for Class R Shares  of Riggs  Prime  Money  Market  Fund and Riggs  U.S.
Treasury  Money  Market  Fund) of the  average  daily net  assets of the Fund to
finance  any  activity  which is  principally  intended to result in the sale of
Shares subject to the Distribution  Plan.  Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund,
Federated Kaufmann Fund,  Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund, Federated
Total Return Bond Fund, Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust; and Class R Shares
of the Riggs  Funds do not  anticipate  making or  accruing  payments  under the
Distribution  Plan in the immediate  future.  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal
Trust,  Automated Cash Management Trust,  Automated  Government Money Trust; and
Class Y Shares of the Riggs  Funds do not have a Rule 12b-1 Plan in effect  and,
accordingly,  do not, nor does FSC, compensate brokers and dealers for sales and
administrative  services  performed in connection with sales Shares of the Funds
pursuant to a plan of distribution adopted pursuant to Rule 12b-1.

     FSC and  FSSC,  from  their  own  assets,  may pay  financial  institutions
supplemental  fees as  financial  assistance  for  providing  substantial  sales
services,  distribution-related  support  services or shareholder  services with
respect to the Federated  Funds.  Such  assistance  will be predicated  upon the
amount of shares the financial  institution  sells or may sell,  and/or upon the
type and  nature  of sales  or  marketing  support  furnished  by the  financial
institution.  Any  payments  made  by  FSC  may be  reimbursed  by  FIMC  or its

     The total annual operating expenses for Class A Shares of Federated Capital
Appreciation Fund were 1.23% of average daily net assets (after waivers) for the
fiscal year ended October 31, 2002.  Without such waivers,  the expense ratio of
Class A Shares of Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund would have been 1.48%, or
higher  by 0.25%,  of  average  daily net  assets.  The total  annual  operating
expenses for Class R Shares of Riggs Stock Fund were 1.68% of average  daily net
assets  (after  waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without such
waivers, the expense ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs Stock Fund would have been
1.68%,  or higher by 0.00%,  of  average  daily  net  assets.  The total  annual
operating  expenses for Class Y Shares of Riggs Stock Fund were 1.43% of average
daily net assets  (after  waivers)  for the fiscal  year ended  April 30,  2003.
Without such  waivers,  the expense  ratio of Class Y Shares of Riggs Stock Fund
would have been 1.43%, or higher by 0.00% of average daily net assets.

     The  total  annual  operating  expenses  for  Class A Shares  of  Federated
Kaufmann  Fund were 1.95% of average  daily net assets  (after  waivers) for the
fiscal year ended October 31, 2002.  Without such waivers,  the expense ratio of
Class A Shares of Federated  Kaufmann Fund would have been 2.125%,  or higher by
0.175%,  of average daily net assets.  The total annual  operating  expenses for
Class R Shares of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund were 1.70% of average daily net
assets  (after  waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without such
waivers,  the expense  ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund
would have been 1.70%,  or higher by 0.00%,  of average  daily net  assets.  The
total annual operating  expenses for Class Y Shares of Riggs Small Company Stock
Fund were 1.45% of average daily net assets (after  waivers) for the fiscal year
ended April 30, 2003. Without such waivers,  the expense ratio of Class Y Shares
of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund would have been 1.45%,  or higher by 0.00%, of
average daily net assets.

     The total annual operating expenses for the Institutional Service Shares of
Federated  Total  Return  Government  Bond Fund were 0.60% of average  daily net
assets (after waivers) for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2003. Without such
waivers,  the expense  ratio of the  Institutional  Service  Shares of Federated
Total Return  Government Bond Fund would have been 1.27%, or higher by 0.67%, of
average daily net assets. The total annual operating expenses for Class R Shares
of Riggs U.S. Government  Securities Fund were 0.96% of average daily net assets
(after waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without such waivers,
the expense  ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund
would have been 1.51%,  or higher by 0.55%,  of average  daily net  assets.  The
total  annual  operating  expenses  for Class Y Shares of Riggs U.S.  Government
Securities  Fund were 0.71% of average daily net assets (after  waivers) for the
fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without such  waivers,  the expense  ratio of
Class Y Shares of Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities Fund would have been 1.26%,
or higher by 0.55%, of average daily net assets.

     The total annual operating expenses for the Institutional Service Shares of
Federated  Total Return Bond Fund were 0.65% of average  daily net assets (after
waivers) for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2002. Without such waivers,  the
expense ratio of the Institutional Service Shares of Federated Total Return Bond
Fund would have been 1.08%, or higher by 0.43%, of average daily net assets. The
total annual operating expenses for Class R Shares of Riggs Bond Fund were 0.94%
of average daily net assets (after  waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30,
2003.  Without such  waivers,  the expense ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs Bond
Fund would have been 1.62%, or higher by 0.68%, of average daily net assets.

     The total annual operating expenses for the Institutional Service Shares of
Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust were  0.72% of average  daily net assets
(after  waivers) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2002.  Without such waivers,
the expense ratio of the  Institutional  Service Shares of Federated  Short-Term
Municipal  Trust would have been 0.97%, or higher by 0.25%, of average daily net
assets.  The total annual  operating  expenses for Class R Shares of Riggs Short
Term Tax Free Bond Fund were 0.94% of average daily net assets  (after  waivers)
for the fiscal year ended April 30,  2003.  Without  such  waivers,  the expense
ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free Bond Fund would have been
1.52%, or higher by 0.58%, of average daily net assets.

     The  total  annual  operating  expenses  for the  Institutional  Shares  of
Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust were 0.60% of average daily net assets
(after  waivers) for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2003.  Without such  waivers,
the expense ratio of the Institutional Service Shares of Federated  Intermediate
Municipal  Trust would have been 0.83%, or higher by 0.23%, of average daily net
assets.  The  total  annual  operating  expenses  for  Class R  Shares  of Riggs
Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund were 0.94% of average  daily net assets  (after
waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without  such  waivers,  the
expense ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund would
have been 1.54%, or higher by 0.60%, of average daily net assets.

     The total annual operating expenses for the Institutional Service Shares of
Automated  Cash  Management  Trust were 0.64% of average daily net assets (after
waivers) for the fiscal year ended July 31,  2002.  Without  such  waivers,  the
expense ratio of the  Institutional  Service Shares of Automated Cash Management
Trust would have been 0.90%,  or higher by 0.26%,  of average  daily net assets.
The total  annual  operating  expenses  for Class R Shares of Riggs  Prime Money
Market  Fund were 1.07% of  average  daily net assets  (after  waivers)  for the
fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without such  waivers,  the expense  ratio of
Class R Shares of Riggs Prime Money Market Fund would have been 1.47%, or higher
by 0.40%, of average daily net assets.  The total annual operating  expenses for
Class Y Shares of Riggs Prime Money Market Fund were 0.72% of average  daily net
assets  (after  waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without such
waivers,  the expense  ratio of Class Y Shares of Riggs Prime Money  Market Fund
would have been 0.97%, or higher by 0.25%, of average daily net assets.

     The total annual  operating  expenses for Automated  Government Money Trust
were 0.59% of average daily net assets (after waivers) for the fiscal year ended
July 31, 2002. Without such waivers,  the expense ratio of Automated  Government
Money  Trust  would have been 0.86%,  or higher by 0.27%,  of average  daily net
assets.  The total  annual  operating  expenses for Class R Shares of Riggs U.S.
Treasury  Money  Market  Fund were  1.01% of  average  daily net  assets  (after
waivers) for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003.  Without  such  waivers,  the
expense ratio of Class R Shares of Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund would
have been 1.49%,  or higher by 0.48%,  of average  daily net  assets.  The total
annual operating expenses for Class Y Shares of Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market
Fund were 0.76% of average daily net assets (after  waivers) for the fiscal year
ended April 30, 2003. Without such waivers,  the expense ratio of Class Y Shares
of Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money  Market Fund would have been 1.01%,  or higher by
0.25%, of average daily net assets.

Purchases, Redemptions and Exchange Procedures; Dividends and Distributions

     The transfer agent and dividend disbursing agent for the Funds is the same,
FSSC.  Procedures  for the purchase,  exchange,  and redemption of the Federated
Funds' Shares are  substantially  identical to the procedures  applicable to the
purchase, exchange, and redemption of the Riggs Funds' Shares. Reference is made
to the  Prospectuses  of the Federated  Funds and the  Prospectuses of the Riggs
Funds for a complete  description  of the  purchase,  exchange,  and  redemption
procedures applicable to purchases,  exchanges, and redemptions of the Federated
Funds' and Riggs Funds' Shares,  respectively,  each of which is incorporated by
reference  thereto.  Set forth below is a brief  description of the  significant
purchase, exchange, and redemption procedures applicable to the Federated Funds'
Shares and Riggs Funds' Shares.


     The maximum  front-end  sales charge with respect to purchases of shares of
each Federated Fund is as follows:  Federated Capital Appreciation Fund (Class A
Shares) and Federated  Kaufmann Fund (Class A Shares),  5.50%;  Federated  Total
Return  Government Bond Fund  (Institutional  Service  Shares),  Federated Total
Return Bond Fund (Institutional Service Shares),  Federated Short-Term Municipal
Trust (Institutional  Service Shares),  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust
(Shares),  Automated Cash Management  Trust  (Institutional  Service Shares) and
Automated  Government  Money Trust (Shares),  none.  Shareholders of Riggs Funds
will  not  be  charged   front-end   sales  charges  in   connection   with  the

     The  Federated  Funds are  subject to the  following  investment  minimums:
Federated Capital Appreciation Fund (Class A Shares),  initial investment $1,500
($250 for retirement  plans),  subsequent  investment  $100 ($100 for retirement
plans and $50 for systematic investment plans); Federated Kaufmann Fund (Class A
Shares),  initial  investment  $1,500 ($250 for  retirement  plans),  subsequent
investment  $100 ($100 for retirement  plans and $50 for  systematic  investment
plans);  Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund  (Institutional  Service
Shares),  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund  (Institutional  Service  Shares),
Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust (Institutional  Service Shares),  Federated
Intermediate   Municipal  Trust  (Shares),   Automated  Cash  Management   Trust
(Institutional  Service Shares) and Automated  Government  Money Trust (Shares),
initial  investment  $25,000,  subsequent  investment,  none. Initial investment
minimums  of the  Federated  Funds  will  be  waived  for  the  purposes  of the
Reorganization.  Purchases of shares of  Federated  Funds may be made through an
investment  professional,  directly  from the Fund or through an  exchange  from
another Federated mutual fund. Purchases through investment professionals may be
subject to higher or lower minimum investment requirements

     Class R Shares  and Class Y Shares of each Riggs Fund are sold at net asset
value,  without any front-end load.  Class R Shares,  however,  are subject to a
2.00%  contingent  deferred sales load ("CDSC") if redeemed within five years of
purchase, as described under the subheading  "Redemptions" below. Class R Shares
of each Riggs Fund are subject to the  following  investment  minimums:  initial
investment outside of Automated  Investment Programs $1,000 ($500 for Individual
Retirement Accounts);  subsequent investment $100 ($50 for Individual Retirement
Accounts).   Within  Automatic  Investments  Programs,  the  minimum  investment
requirements  would  be  specified  in the  Riggs  Bank,  N.A.  or  RSI  Service
Agreement.  Class Y Shares  of each  Riggs  Fund are  subject  to the  following
investment minimums:  initial investment $100,000;  subsequent  investment $100.
Purchases of Class R Shares of Riggs Funds may be made through RSI,  Riggs Bank,
N.A., a Riggs-affiliated broker/dealer or through an exchange from another Riggs
Fund.  Purchases  of Class Y Shares of Riggs  Funds may be made  through  RSI or
Riggs Bank, N.A. Riggs Funds reserve the right to reject any purchase request.

     Purchase  orders for  Federated  Funds and Riggs Funds are  effected at the
offering price next calculated  after receipt of the order.  The net asset value
per share for Federated  Kaufmann Fund,  Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund,
Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond Fund,
Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust,  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust,
Riggs  Stock Fund,  Riggs,  Small  Company  Stock  Fund,  Riggs U.S.  Government
Securities  Fund, Riggs Bond Fund, Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund and Riggs
Intermediate  Tax Free  Bond  Fund is  calculated  as of the  close  of  trading
(normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) on the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE") on
each day on which the NYSE is open for  business.  The net asset value per share
for Automated  Cash  Management  Trust and Automated  Government  Money Trust is
calculated  as of 5:00 p.m.  (Eastern  time) each day the NYSE is open.  The net
asset value per share for Riggs Prime Money Market Fund and Riggs U.S.  Treasury
Money Market Fund is  calculated as of 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m.  (Eastern  time)
each day the NYSE is open.

     The Federated Capital  Appreciation  Fund and Federated  Kaufmann Fund also
provide the  following  purchase  options:  by a Systematic  Investment  Program
established with the Fund; through a depository institution that is an automated
clearing house (ACH) member and through a Retirement  Account.  Federated  Total
Return  Government  Bond Fund,  Federated  Total  Return  Bond  Fund,  Federated
Short-Term  Municipal  Trust and  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust also
provide the following purchase option:  through a depository institution that is
an ACH member.  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust also  provides the  following
purchase options: by Automatic Investments;  Invest-By-Phone; Direct Deposit; by
a  Systematic  Investment  Program  established  with the  Fund;  and  through a
depository  institution that is an ACH member.  Automated Government Money Trust
also provides the following  purchase  options:  by Automatic  Investments;  and
through a depository  institution  that is an ACH member.  Class R Shares of the
Riggs Funds also  provide the  following  purchase  options:  through  Automatic
Investing  Programs  offered  through  Riggs Bank;  by a  Systematic  Investment
Program  established with the Fund; through a depository  institution that is an
ACH member;  and  through  Retirement  Investments.  Class Y Shares of the Riggs
Funds also provide the following  purchase options:  by a Systematic  Investment
Program  established with the Fund; through a depository  institution that is an
ACH member; and through Retirement Investments.


     Class A Shares of Federated Capital Appreciation Fund and Class A Shares of
Federated  Kaufmann  Fund may be exchanged at net asset value for Class A Shares
of other funds for which FIMC (or its  affiliates)  serves as  adviser.  Class A
Shares of Federated Capital Appreciation Fund and Federated Kaufmann Fund may be
exchanged through an investment  professional if you purchased shares through an
investment  professional  or  directly  from  the Fund if you  purchased  shares
directly  from the Fund.  The  exchange is subject to any initial or  subsequent
minimum  investment  amounts of the fund into which the  exchange is being made,
and is treated as a sale of your shares for federal income tax purposes. Class R
Shares of the Riggs Funds may be exchanged at net asset value for Class R Shares
of Riggs Funds (with the  exception  of Riggs Prime Money  Market Fund and Riggs
U.S.  Treasury Money Market Fund,  unless the Riggs Prime Money Market Fund's or
Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market  Fund's  Shares were acquired in exchange for
Class R of a Fund  which is not a Money  Market  Fund).  Class R  Shares  may be
exchanged through an investment  professional if you purchased shares through an
investment professional, directly from the Fund if you purchased shares directly
from the Fund,  or through  RSI.  The  exchange  is  subject  to any  initial or
subsequent  minimum  investment  amounts of the fund into which the  exchange is
being  made,  and is treated as a sale of your  shares  for  federal  income tax
purposes.  Class R Shares of the Riggs  Funds may be  exchanged  through RSI for
Class R Shares of another Riggs Fund.  The exchange is subject to any initial or
subsequent  minimum  investment  amounts of the fund into which the  exchange is
being  made,  and is treated as a sale of your  shares  for  federal  income tax


     Redemptions of Class A Shares of Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund and
Federated Kaufmann Fund;  Institutional Service Shares of Federated Total Return
Government  Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond Fund,  Federated  Short-Term
Municipal  Trust and Automated Cash  Management  Trust;  and Shares of Federated
Intermediate  Municipal Trust and Automated  Government  Money Trust may be made
through  an  investment  professional,  by  telephone  or by  mailing  a written
request.  Shares are redeemed at their net asset value next determined after the
redemption  request  is  received  in proper  form on each day on which the Fund
computes  its net asset value less,  in the case of Class A Shares of  Federated
Capital  Appreciation  Fund and Federated  Kaufmann Fund, a CDSC of 0.75% of the
redemption  amount with respect to Class A Shares redeemed up to 24 months after
purchase  under certain  investment  programs  where an investment  professional
received an advance payment on the transaction. Class A Shares received by Riggs
Fund shareholders in the  Reorganizations  will not be subject to this CDSC, but
the CDSC may  apply on future  purchases  of Class A Shares  depending  upon the
nature of the  arrangement  under  which  such  shares are  purchased.  Proceeds
normally are wired or mailed  within one business day after  receiving a request
in proper  form,  although  payment may be delayed up to seven  days.  Federated
Funds offer the following  redemption  options:  an electronic  transfer to your
account at a financial  institution  that is an ACH member,  or wire  payment to
your  account at a domestic  commercial  bank that is a Federal  Reserve  System

     Redemptions  of Class R Shares or Class Y Shares of the Riggs  Funds may be
made through  Riggs Bank for its trust  customers or through RSI by telephone or
by mailing a written request.  Class R Shares of the Riggs Funds are redeemed at
the net asset value next determined after the redemption  request is received in
proper form on each day that the Funds  compute  their net asset value,  less in
the case of Class R Shares  (except  Class R Shares of Riggs Prime Money  Market
Fund and Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market  Fund,  unless the Riggs Prime Money
Market Fund's or Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund's Shares were acquired in
exchange  for Class R Shares of a Fund which is not a Money  Market Fund) a CDSC
applicable to shares  redeemed  within five years of purchase  equal to 2.00% on
the lesser of the net asset value of the redeemed shares at the time of purchase
or the net  asset  value  of the  redeemed  shares  at the  time of  redemption.
Proceeds  normally are wired or mailed within one business day after receiving a
request in proper form,  although payment may be delayed up to seven days. Riggs
Funds offers the following  redemption  options:  an electronic transfer to your
account at a financial  institution  that is an ACH member,  or wire  payment to
your  account at a domestic  commercial  bank that is a Federal  Reserve  System

Dividends and Other Distributions

     With respect to Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund and Federated Kaufmann
Fund, dividends are declared and paid annually. With respect to Riggs Stock Fund
and Riggs Small Company Stock Fund,  dividends are declared and paid  quarterly,
and capital gain distributions,  if any, at least annually.  With respect to the
Federated Total Return  Government Bond Fund,  Federated Total Return Bond Fund,
Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust,  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust,
Automated Cash Management Trust,  Automated  Government Money Trust,  Riggs U.S.
Government  Securities  Fund,  Riggs Bond Fund,  Riggs  Short Term Tax Free Bond
Fund,  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund, Riggs Prime Money Market Fund and Riggs
U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund,  dividends are declared daily and paid monthly.
With  respect  to all  Federated  Funds  and  all  Riggs  Funds,  capital  gains
distributions,  if any,  are  paid  at  least  annually.  Unless  a  shareholder
otherwise  instructs,  dividends  and/or  capital  gain  distributions  will  be
reinvested automatically in additional shares at net asset value.


Description of the Plans of Reorganization

     The following summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the form
of Plan found in Exhibit A. Each Plan provides for the  Reorganization  to occur
on the Closing Date, which is expected to be on or about September 26, 2003. The
Plans provide that all of the assets of each Riggs Fund will be  transferred  to
the  corresponding  Federated Fund at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time on the Closing Date
of the  Reorganization.  In  exchange  for the  transfer of these  assets,  each
Federated  Fund  will  simultaneously  issue a  number  of full  and  fractional
Federated  Fund  Shares to the  corresponding  Riggs  Fund equal in value to the
aggregate net asset value of the corresponding Riggs Fund calculated at the time
of the Reorganization.

     Following the transfer of assets in exchange for the  respective  Federated
Fund Shares,  each  corresponding  Riggs Fund will  distribute all the Federated
Fund  Shares pro rata to its  shareholders  of record in  complete  liquidation.
Shareholders of each Riggs Fund owning shares at the time of the  Reorganization
will receive a number of the  corresponding  Federated Fund Shares with the same
aggregate value as the shareholder had in the Riggs Fund immediately  before the
Reorganization.  Such  distribution will be accomplished by the establishment of
accounts in the names of each Riggs Fund's  shareholder  on the share records of
the corresponding Federated Fund's transfer agent. Each account will receive the
respective pro rata number of full and  fractional  Federated Fund Shares due to
the  shareholder of the  corresponding  Riggs Fund. The Riggs Funds will then be
terminated. The Federated Funds do not issue share certificates to shareholders.
Federated Fund Shares to be issued will have no preemptive or conversion rights.
No sales charges will be imposed in  connection  with the receipt of such shares
by Riggs Funds' shareholders.

     The Plans contain  customary  representations,  warranties and  conditions.
Each Plan provides that the consummation of the  Reorganization  with respect to
the Riggs Fund and the  corresponding  Federated Fund is conditioned upon, among
other things:  (i) approval of the Reorganization by the applicable Riggs Fund's
shareholders; and (ii) the receipt by the Riggs Fund and the Federated Fund of a
tax opinion to the effect that the Reorganization  will be tax-free to the Riggs
Fund and its  shareholders,  and the Federated  Fund. Any Plan may be terminated
if, before the Closing Date, any of the required  conditions  have not been met,
the representations and warranties are not true, or the Board of Trustees of the
Riggs Funds,  Federated  Equity Funds,  Federated  Total Return  Government Bond
Fund,  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust,  Intermediate  Municipal Trust or
Money Market  Obligations  Trust,  and the Board of Directors of Federated Total
Return Series,  Inc., as the case may be, determines that the  Reorganization is
not in  the  best  interest  of  the  shareholders  of  the  Riggs  Fund  or the
corresponding Federated Fund, respectively.

     Costs of Reorganization.  The expenses of each  Reorganization will be paid
by FIMC and/or RIA.  Reorganization  expenses include,  without limitation:  (a)
expenses  associated with the  preparation  and filing of this  Prospectus/Proxy
Statement;  (b) postage;  (c)  printing;  (d)  accounting  fees;  (e) legal fees
incurred  by  each  Fund;  (f)   solicitation   costs;  and  (g)  other  related
administrative  or operational  costs. Any registration or licensing fee will be
borne by the Federated Fund incurring such fee.

Description of Federated Fund Shares and Capitalization

     Federated Fund Shares to be issued to shareholders of the Riggs Funds under
the  Plans  will be fully  paid and  non-assessable  when  issued,  transferable
without restriction and will have no preemptive or conversion rights.  Reference
is hereby made to the Prospectus of each  Federated  Fund provided  herewith for
additional information about Federated Fund Shares.

     The following tables show the capitalization of each Federated Fund and the
corresponding  Riggs Fund as of July 15,  2003,  and on a pro forma  basis as of
that date to:


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs Stock       Riggs Stock      Federated         Federated
                   Fund-Class R      Fund-Class Y     Capital           Capital
                   Shares            Shares           Appreciation      Appreciation
                                                      Fund-Class A      Fund-Class A
                                                      Shares            Shares Pro
                                                                        Forma Combined
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $14,596,246       $5,380,483       $1,946,803,407    $1,966,780,136
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $6.73             $6.80            $21.58            $21.58
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 2,167,463         791,370          90,195,114        91,139,024
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs Small       Riggs Small      Federated         Federated
                   Company Stock     Company Stock    Kaufmann          Kaufmann
                   Fund-Class R      Fund-Class Y     Fund-Class A      Fund-Class A
                   Shares            Shares           Shares            Shares Pro
                                                                        Forma Combined
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $12,948,174       $14,885,675      $808,636,673      836,470,522
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $12.53            $12.71           $4.41             $4.41
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 1,033,567         1,171,505        183,206,752       189,675,855
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs U.S.      Riggs U.S.     Federated Total    Federated Total
                   Government      Government     Return Government  Return Government
                   Securities      Securities     Bond               Bond
                   Fund-Class R    Fund-Class Y   Fund-Institutional Fund-Institutional
                   Shares          Shares         Service Shares     Service Shares Pro
                                                                     Forma Combined
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $15,542,163     $17,402,863    $46,546,655        $79,491,681
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $10.36          $10.36         $11.12             $11.12
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 1,500,782       1,679,004      4,184,689          7,148,532
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs Bond         Federated Total Return   Federated Total Return
                   Fund-Class R       Bond Fund-Institutional  Bond Fund-Institutional
                   Shares             Service Shares           Service Shares Pro Forma
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $17,634,868        $412,099,932             $429,734,800
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $10.98             $10.83                   $10.83
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 1,606,405          38,050,050               39,680,037
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs Short Term   Federated Short-Term     Federated Short-Term
                   Tax Free Bond      Municipal                Municipal
                   Fund-Class R       Trust-Institutional      Trust-Institutional
                   Shares             Service Shares           Service Shares Pro Forma
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $42,159,837        $24,128,938              $66,288,775
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $10.46             $10.45                   $10.45
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 4,030,262          2,310,094                6,343,423
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs Intermediate    Federated             Federated Capital
                   Tax Free Bond         Intermediate          Appreciation Fund-Shares
                   Fund-Class R Shares   Municipal Trust-      Pro Forma Combined
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $35,427,461           $156,850,946          $192,278,407
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $10.75                $10.66                $10.66
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 3,296,928             14,712,219            18,037,374
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs Prime     Riggs Prime     Automated Cash   Automated Cash
                   Money Market    Money Market    Management       Management
                   Fund-Class R    Fund-Class Y    Trust-InstitutionTrust-Institutional
                   Shares          Shares          Service Shares   Service Shares Pro
                                                                    Forma Combined
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $34,465,993     $175,937,900    $1,833,879,326   $2,044,283,219
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $1.00           $1.00           $1.00            $1.00
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 34,416,085      175,973,669     1,833,885,820    2,044,275,574
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   Riggs U.S.        Riggs U.S.       Automated        Automated
                   Treasury Money    Treasury Money   Government       Government Money
                   Market Fund       Market           Money            Trust-Shares Pro
                   Fund-Class R      Fund-Class Y     Trust-Shares     Forma Combined
                   Shares            Shares
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets         $25,946,424       $54,603,698      $1,106,845,626   $1,187,395,748
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value    $1.00             $1.00            $1.00            $1.00
Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares Outstanding 25,947,324        54,604,426       1,106,774,083    1,187,325,833
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Federal Income Tax Consequences

     As  a  condition  to  each  Reorganization,  the  Federated  Fund  and  the
corresponding Riggs Fund will receive an opinion of counsel, to the effect that,
on the basis of the existing provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code"),  current  administrative  rules and court  decisions,  for
federal income tax purposes:

o    the   Reorganization   as  set  forth  in  the  Plan  will   constitute   a
     "reorganization"  under section  368(a) (1) of the Code,  and the Federated
     Fund  and  the  corresponding  Riggs  Fund  each  will  be  a  "party  to a
     reorganization" within the meaning of section 368(b) of the Code;

o    no gain or loss will be recognized  by the Federated  Fund upon its receipt
     of the  corresponding  Riggs  Fund's  assets  solely  in  exchange  for the
     Federated Fund Shares;

o    no gain or loss will be  recognized  by the Riggs Fund upon transfer of its
     assets to the  corresponding  Federated  Fund  solely in  exchange  for the
     Federated Fund Shares or upon the distribution of the Federated Fund Shares
     to the Riggs Fund's shareholders in exchange for their Riggs Fund Shares;

o     no gain or loss will be recognized by shareholders of the Riggs Fund upon
      exchange of their Riggs Fund Shares for the corresponding Federated Fund

o    the tax basis of the assets of the Riggs  Fund  acquired  by the  Federated
     Fund  will be the same as the tax basis of such  assets  to the Riggs  Fund
     immediately prior to the Reorganization;

o    the  aggregate  tax basis of the  Federated  Fund  Shares  received by each
     shareholder of the corresponding  Riggs Fund pursuant to the Reorganization
     will be the same as the aggregate tax basis of the shares of the Riggs Fund
     held by such shareholder immediately prior to the Reorganization;

o    the  holding  period  of  the  Riggs  Fund's  assets  in the  hands  of the
     corresponding  Federated  Fund will  include the period  during which those
     assets were held by the Riggs Fund; and

o    the  holding  period  of  the  Federated  Fund  Shares   received  by  each
     shareholder  of the  corresponding  Riggs  Fund  pursuant  to the Plan will
     include  the period  during  which the  shares of the Riggs Fund  exchanged
     therefor  were held by such  shareholder,  provided the shares of the Riggs
     Fund were held as capital assets on the date of the Reorganization.

     The  foregoing  opinion  may state that no opinion is  expressed  as to the
effect of the  Reorganizations  on the Federated  Funds,  the Riggs Funds or the
Riggs Funds'  shareholders with respect to any asset as to which unrealized gain
or loss is required to be recognized  for federal income tax purposes at the end
of a  taxable  year  (or  on  the  termination  or  transfer  thereof)  under  a
mark-to-market system of accounting.

     Shareholders of the Riggs Funds should consult their tax advisors regarding
the  effect,  if any,  of the  Reorganizations  in  light  of  their  individual
circumstances.  Because the  foregoing  discussion  only  relates to the federal
income tax consequences of the  Reorganizations,  those shareholders also should
consult their tax advisors  about state and local tax  consequences,  if any, of
the Reorganizations.

Agreement Among Riggs Investment Advisors Inc., Riggs National Corporation and
Federated Investors, Inc.

     Riggs Bank N.A.  ("Riggs  Bank"),  RIA and  Federated  have  entered into a
definitive agreement (the "Fund Purchase  Agreement")  regarding the sale by RIA
of certain of its assets to Federated, Riggs Bank's and RIA's cooperation in the
reorganization  of  the  Riggs  Funds  and  related  matters.  Pursuant  to  the
agreement,  RIA will  receive  from  Federated a lump sum payment on the closing
date of the  Reorganization  based  primarily  upon the net  assets of the Riggs
Funds, as well as installment  payments subsequent to that date. The installment
payments will be based upon the amount of certain  classes of assets  maintained
in certain  Federated  mutual  funds by Riggs Fund  shareholders  following  the
Reorganization.  Consummation of the agreement is conditioned  upon, among other
things, shareholders of the Riggs Funds approving the Reorganization.

     Also in connection with the Reorganization,  it is expected that Riggs Bank
or one of its  subsidiaries  will enter into an agreement with  subsidiaries  of
Federated  pursuant  to which  Riggs  Bank or one of its  subsidiaries  would be
entitled to receive servicing and/or account  administration fees on shareholder
accounts in certain  Federated  mutual  funds for which Riggs Bank or one of its
subsidiaries provides services.  For more information with respect to applicable
arrangements  for the payment of servicing and/or account  administration  fees,
see "Comparative Fee Tables" and "Advisory and Other Fees" herein.

Reasons for the ReorganizationS

     Pronounced  declines in the asset levels of the Riggs Funds during the past
few years have,  in the opinion of RIA,  caused the  long-term  viability of the
Riggs Funds to become questionable.  Accordingly,  RIA has over the past several
months actively pursued  alternatives which would allow Riggs Funds shareholders
to continue their original investment  objectives through a tax-free combination
of their Riggs Fund with a comparable  portfolio  of another  fund group.  After
extensive  discussions between  representatives of RIA and FServ, RIA determined
to recommend to the Board of Riggs Funds and the Federated Funds to consider and
approve  the  Reorganizations  as  being  in the best  interest  of  Riggs  Fund

     The  Board  of  Trustees  met on  July  10,  2003  to  receive  information
concerning the Riggs Funds, to review this information and to consider the terms
of the proposed  Reorganizations.  After  consultation  with legal counsel,  the
Board of  Trustees,  including  the trustees  who are not  "interested  persons"
(within  the  meaning  of the 1940  Act),  unanimously  approved  the  Plans and
recommended  their approval by the shareholders of the Riggs Funds. In approving
the Reorganizations,  the Board of Trustees determined that participation in the
Reorganizations  is in the  best  interests  of the  Riggs  Funds  and  that the
interests  of the  shareholders  of the Riggs  Funds  would not be  diluted as a
result of the  Reorganizations.  In approving  the Plans,  the Board of Trustees
considered a number of factors, including the following:

- -     the terms and conditions of the Plans;

- -     the compatibility of the Funds' objectives, limitations, and policies;

- -     performance history of the Riggs Funds and the Federated Funds;

- -    historic  expenses  ratios of the Riggs Funds and the Federated  Funds on a
     comparative  basis and projected pro forma estimated expense ratios for the
     Federated Funds;

- -     possible economies of scale to be gained from the Reorganization;

- -    the fact that the Reorganization is expected to be free from federal taxes;

- -    the agreement by FIMC and/or RIA, or their respective  affiliates,  to bear
     the expenses of the Reorganizations incurred by the Riggs Funds.

                                 OF EACH RIGGS
                           FUND APPROVE THE REORGANIZATION.

Comparative Information on Shareholder Rights and Obligations

     GENERAL. Both the Federated Funds and Riggs Funds are open-end, diversified
series of management  investment  companies registered under the 1940 Act, which
continuously  offer to sell  shares at their  current net asset  value.  Each of
Federated  Funds and the Riggs Funds is a series of a business trust pursuant to
a  Declaration  of Trust under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,
except  that  Federated  Total  Return  Bond  Fund is  organized  as a  Maryland
corporation  pursuant  to its  Articles of  Incorporation  under the laws of the
State of Maryland.  Each of the Federated  Funds and the Riggs Funds is governed
by its respective  Declaration of Trust/Articles  of  Incorporation,  Bylaws and
Board of  Trustees/Directors,  in addition to applicable  state and federal law.
The rights of shareholders of the Federated Funds and  shareholders of the Riggs
Funds  as  set  forth  in  the  applicable   Declaration  of  Trust/Articles  of
Incorporation and Bylaws are substantially identical. Set forth below is a brief
summary of the  significant  rights of  shareholders  of the Federated Funds and
shareholders of the Riggs Funds.

authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest,  which
have no par value.  The Board of  Federated  Equity Funds has  established  four
classes of shares of Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund and Federated Kaufmann
Fund,  known  has Class A Shares,  Class B  Shares,  Class C Shares  and Class K
Shares.  The Board of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust has established two
classes of shares,  known as  Institutional  Shares  and  Institutional  Service
Shares.  The Board of Intermediate  Municipal Trust has established one class of
Shares of Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust. The Board of Federated Total
Return  Government  Bond Fund has  established  two classes of shares,  known as
Institutional  Shares and Institutional  Service Shares.  The Board of Federated
Total Return  Series,  Inc. has  established  six classes of shares of Federated
Total Return Bond Fund, known as Class A Shares, Class B Shares, Class C Shares,
Class K Shares, Institutional Shares and Institutional Service Shares. The Board
of Money Market  Obligations  Trust has  established  three classes of shares of
Automated Cash Management Trust,  known as Institutional  Shares,  Institutional
Service  Shares  and Cash II  Shares,  and one  class  of  Shares  of  Automated
Government  Money Trust.  The Riggs Funds are  authorized  to issue an unlimited
number of shares of beneficial  interest,  which have no par value. The Board of
Riggs Funds has  established  two  classes of shares of Riggs Stock Fund,  Riggs
Small Company Stock Fund,  Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund, Riggs Prime
Money Market Fund and Riggs U.S.  Treasury  Money Market Fund,  known as Class R
Shares and Class Y Shares. The Board of Riggs Funds has established one class of
shares  of Riggs  Bond  Fund,  Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free  Bond  Fund and Riggs
Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, known as Class R Shares. Issued and outstanding
shares  of both of the  Federated  Funds and  Riggs  Funds  are  fully  paid and
non-assessable, and freely transferable.

     VOTING RIGHTS.  Neither the Federated  Funds nor Riggs Funds is required to
hold annual  meetings of  shareholders,  except as required  under the 1940 Act.
Shareholder  approval is necessary only for certain changes in operations or the
election of trustees under certain  circumstances.  Each of the Federated  Funds
and the Riggs Funds requires that a special  meeting of  shareholders  be called
for any permissible  purpose upon the written request of the holders of at least
10% of the  outstanding  shares of the series or class of the Federated Funds or
the  Riggs  Funds,  as the case may be,  entitled  to vote.  Each  share of each
Federated  Fund and each Riggs Fund  gives the  shareholder  one vote in trustee
elections and other matters  submitted to  shareholders  for vote. All shares of
each portfolio or class in each of the Federated  Funds and the Riggs Funds have
equal voting rights with other  portfolios or classes  within the business trust
or  corporation  (referred to as the "Riggs  Trust" or a "Federated  Entity") of
which they are a series,  except  that in matters  affecting  only a  particular
portfolio or class, only shares of that portfolio or class are entitled to vote.

     TRUSTEES/DIRECTORS. The Declarations of Trust/Articles of Incorporation for
the  Federated  Entities and the  Declaration  of Trust for the Riggs Trust each
provide  that  the  term of  office  of each  Trustee/Director  shall be for the
lifetime of the applicable  Federated  Trust or the Riggs Trust, as the case may
be, or the  earlier of his or her  death,  resignation,  retirement,  removal or
mental or physical incapacity.  A Trustee/Director of either Federated Entity or
the Riggs  Funds may be removed by : (i) written  instrument  signed by at least
two-thirds   of  the   Trustees/Directors,   (ii)  a   majority   vote   of  the
Trustees/Directors  if the  Trustee/Director  has become  mentally or physically
incapacitated  or (iii) a vote of  two-thirds of the  outstanding  shares at any
special  meeting  of  shareholders.  A vacancy on the Board may be filled by the
Trustees/Directors  remaining  in  office.  A meeting  of  shareholders  will be
required  for the purpose of  electing  additional  Trustees/Directors  whenever
fewer than a majority of the  Trustees/Directors  then in office were elected by

Trust/Articles of Incorporation  for the Federated  Entities and the Declaration
of Trust for the Riggs Trust, a  Trustee/Director  or officer will be personally
liable only for his or her own willful misfeasance,  bad faith, gross negligence
or  reckless  disregard  of the  duties  involved  in the  conduct of his or her
office. The Bylaws for the Federated Entities and the Bylaws for the Riggs Trust
each further  provide that  Trustees and  officers  will be  indemnified  by the
applicable  Federated  Entity  or the  Riggs  Funds,  as the case may be, to the
fullest  extent  permitted by law against  liability and against all expenses of
litigation  unless the person's  conduct is  determined  to  constitute  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence or reckless disregard of the person's

     SHAREHOLDER LIABILITY. Under certain circumstances,  shareholders of any of
the  Federated   Funds  may  be  held   personally   liable  as  partners  under
Massachusetts  law or  Maryland  law,  as  applicable,  for  obligations  of the
applicable  Federated  Entity on behalf of the  applicable  Federated  Fund.  To
protect its shareholders, each Federated Fund has filed legal documents with the
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts  or  State  of  Maryland,  as  applicable,  that
expressly   disclaim  the  liability  of  its  shareholders  for  such  acts  or
obligations of the applicable  Federated  Entity.  These documents  require that
notice of this disclaimer be given in each  agreement,  obligation or instrument
that the applicable  Federated  Entity or its  Trustees/Directors  enter into or

     In the  unlikely  event a  shareholder  is  held  personally  liable  for a
Federated  Entity's  obligations  on behalf of a Federated  Fund,  the Federated
Entity is required to use its property to protect or compensate the shareholder.
On  request,  such  Federated  Entity  will  defend  any claim  made and pay any
judgment  against  a  shareholder  for any act or  obligation  on behalf of such
Federated  Fund.  Therefore,  financial  loss  resulting  from  liability  as  a
shareholder  will occur only if such  Federated  Entity  itself  cannot meet its
obligations to indemnify shareholders and pay judgments against them from assets
of such Federated Fund.

        Shareholders of the Riggs Funds have the same potential liability under
Massachusetts law.

     TERMINATION. In the event of the termination of any Federated Entity or any
portfolio or class of such Federated  Entity or of the  termination of the Riggs
Trust or any  portfolio or class of the Riggs  Trust,  the  shareholders  of the
respective  portfolio or class are entitled to receive,  when and as declared by
its  Trustees/Directors,  the excess of the assets  belonging to the  respective
portfolio or class over the liabilities belonging to the respective portfolio or
class.  In either case,  the assets  belonging to the portfolio or class will be
distributed  among the shareholders in proportion to the number of shares of the
respective portfolio or class held by them.



     Each  Federated  Trust,  on behalf of the  applicable  Federated  Fund,  is
subject to the  informational  requirements  of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as
amended,  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the 1940 Act, and
in accordance  therewith files reports and other information with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.  Reports, proxy and information  statements,  and other
information filed by such Federated Trust, on behalf of such Federated Fund, can
be obtained by calling or writing such Federated Trust and can also be inspected
and copied by the public at the public  reference  facilities  maintained by the
Securities and Exchange  Commission in Washington,  DC located at Room 1024, 450
Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,  DC 20549 and at certain of its regional offices
located at Room 1204,  Everett  McKinley  Dirksen  Building,  219 South Dearborn
Street,  Chicago, IL 60604 and 233 Broadway,  New York, NY 10007. Copies of such
material can be obtained at prescribed rates from the Public  Reference  Branch,
Office of Consumer  Affairs and  Information  Services,  Securities and Exchange
Commission, Washington, DC 20549, or obtained electronically from the Securities
and Exchange Commission's Internet Web site (

     This Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,  which constitutes part of a Registration
Statement filed by each Federated  Trust, on behalf of the applicable  Federated
Fund,  with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, omits certain of the information contained in the Registration
Statement.  Reference is hereby made to the  Registration  Statement  and to the
exhibits  thereto  for  further  information  with  respect  to  the  applicable
Federated  Trust,  the applicable  Federated Fund and the shares offered hereby.
Statements   contained  herein   concerning  the  provisions  of  documents  are
necessarily summaries of such documents, and each such statement is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the copy of the applicable documents filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

Riggs Funds

     Each  Riggs  Fund  is  subject  to the  informational  requirements  of the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  and the 1940 Act, and in accordance  therewith files reports and other
information with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Reports, the proxy and
information  statements,  and other  information filed by the Riggs Funds can be
obtained  by calling or writing the Riggs  Funds and can also be  inspected  and
copied by the  public  at the  public  reference  facilities  maintained  by the
Securities  and Exchange at the  addresses  listed in the previous  section,  or
obtained  electronically from the Securities and Exchange  Commission's Internet
Web site (


     Proxies are being  solicited by the Board of the Riggs Funds,  on behalf of
its  portfolios,  the Riggs  Funds.  The  proxies  will be voted at the  special
meeting of  shareholders  of the Riggs Funds to be held on September 24, 2003 at
5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  15237-7000,  at 2:00 p.m. (such
special meeting and any  adjournment or postponement  thereof are referred to as
the "Special Meeting").

     The cost of the  solicitation,  including the printing and mailing of proxy
materials,  will be borne by FIMC  and/or  RIA.  In  addition  to  solicitations
through the mail, proxies may be solicited by officers, employees, and agents of
FIMC, or, if necessary,  a communications  firm retained for this purpose.  Such
solicitations may be by telephone, telegraph, through the Internet or otherwise.
Any telephonic  solicitations will follow procedures designed to ensure accuracy
and prevent fraud,  including  requiring  identifying  shareholder  information,
recording the  shareholder's  instructions,  and  confirming to the  shareholder
after the fact.  Shareholders  who communicate  proxies by telephone or by other
electronic  means  have the same  power  and  authority  to  issue,  revoke,  or
otherwise change their voting instructions as shareholders submitting proxies in
written  form.  FIMC  and/or  RIA  may  reimburse  custodians,   nominees,   and
fiduciaries  for the  reasonable  costs  incurred  by them  in  connection  with
forwarding  solicitation  materials to the  beneficial  owners of shares held of
record by such persons.

     The purpose of the Special Meeting is set forth in the accompanying Notice.
The Trustees  know of no business  other than that  mentioned in the Notice that
will be  presented  for  consideration  at the  Special  Meeting.  Should  other
business  properly be brought before the Special Meeting,  proxies will be voted
in  accordance  with the best  judgment  of the persons  named as proxies.  This
Prospectus/Proxy Statement and the enclosed proxy card are expected to be mailed
on or about August 25, 2003 to  shareholders  of record at the close of business
on August 14, 2003 (the "Record Date").

     Annual and  semi-annual  reports of Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund,
which includes  audited  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended October
31, 2002 and unaudited financial statements for the period ended April 30, 2003,
respectively;  annual and semi-annual  reports of Federated Kaufmann Fund, which
includes audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2002
and  unaudited  financial  statements  for the  period  ended  April  30,  2003,
respectively;  annual  report of Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund,
which includes audited  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended February
28, 2003;  annual and  semi-annual  reports of Federated Total Return Bond Fund,
which includes audited  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended November
30, 2002 and unaudited  financial  statements for the period ended May 31, 2003,
respectively;  annual and semi-annual reports of Federated  Short-Term Municipal
Trust,  which includes  audited  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2002 and unaudited  financial  statements for the period ended December
31, 2002,  respectively;  the annual report of Federated  Intermediate Municipal
Trust, which includes the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended
May 31,  2003 ; annual and  semi-annual  reports of  Automated  Cash  Management
Trust, which includes the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended
July 31,  2002 and the  unaudited  financial  statements  for the  period  ended
January 31,  2003,  respectively;  annual and  semi-annual  reports of Automated
Government  Money Trust,  which includes  audited  financial  statements for the
fiscal  year ended July 31,  2002 and  unaudited  financial  statements  for the
period ended  January 31,  2003;  and the annual  report of Riggs  Funds,  which
includes audited financial  statements for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2003,
were previously  mailed to shareholders.  The Federated Funds or Riggs Funds, as
the case may be, will promptly provide, without charge and upon request, to each
person to whom  this  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  is  delivered,  a copy of the
annual reports and/or the  semi-annual  reports for the Federated  Funds and the
Riggs  Funds.  Requests  for  annual  reports  or  semi-annual  reports  for the
Federated  Funds and the Riggs  Funds may be made by  writing  to the  Federated
Funds' or the  Riggs  Funds'  principal  executive  offices  or by  calling  the
Federated Funds or the Riggs Funds. The principal  executive offices of both the
Federated Funds and Riggs Funds are located at 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania  15237-7000.  The Federated  Funds'  toll-free  telephone number is
1-800-341-7400,   and  the   Riggs   Funds'   toll-free   telephone   number  is

Proxies, Quorum and Voting at the Special Meeting

     Only  shareholders of record on the Record Date will be entitled to vote at
the Special Meeting. Each share of the Funds is entitled to one vote. Fractional
shares  are  entitled  to  proportionate  shares  of  one  vote.  The  votes  of
shareholders of the Federated Funds are not being solicited since their approval
is not required in order to effect each Reorganization.

     Any person  giving a proxy has the power to revoke it any time prior to its
exercise by executing a superseding  proxy or by submitting a written  notice of
revocation  to the  Secretary of the Riggs Funds.  In  addition,  although  mere
attendance at the Special Meeting will not revoke a proxy, a shareholder present
at the Special  Meeting may  withdraw  his or her proxy and vote in person.  All
properly executed and unrevoked proxies received in time for the Special Meeting
will be voted in accordance with the instructions  contained in the proxies.  If
no instruction is given on the proxy, the persons named as proxies will vote the
shares  represented  thereby in favor of the  matter  set forth in the  attached

     Each Riggs Fund will vote separately on the approval of each Plan. In order
to hold the  Special  Meeting  with  respect  to a Riggs  Fund,  a  "quorum"  of
shareholders of that Fund must be present. Holders of greater than fifty percent
(50%) of the total number of outstanding  shares of the  applicable  Riggs Fund,
present in person or by proxy,  shall be required to constitute a quorum for the
purpose of voting on the proposal relating to that Fund.

     Shareholder  approval with respect to a Riggs Fund requires the affirmative
vote of more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of each of such Riggs Fund. In
the  event  that  shareholders  of one  Riggs  Fund  do not  approve  the  Plan,
Reorganizations  will proceed with respect to the Riggs Funds that have approved
the Plan, subject to the other conditions contained in the Plan having been met.

     For  purposes  of  determining  a quorum for  transacting  business  at the
Special  Meeting,  abstentions  and broker  "non-votes"  (that is,  proxies from
brokers or nominees indicating that such persons have not received  instructions
from  the  beneficial  owner or  other  persons  entitled  to vote  shares  on a
particular  matter  with  respect to which the  brokers or  nominees do not have
discretionary  power)  will be treated as shares that are present but which have
not been voted. For this reason,  abstentions and broker non-votes will have the
effect of a "no" vote for purposes of obtaining the  requisite  approval of each

     If a quorum is not  present,  the  persons  named as proxies may vote those
proxies that have been received to adjourn the Special  Meeting to a later date.
In the  event  that a quorum is  present  but  sufficient  votes in favor of the
proposal have not been received, the persons named as proxies may propose one or
more  adjournments  of the Special  Meeting to permit further  solicitations  of
proxies with respect to the  proposal.  All such  adjournments  will require the
affirmative  vote of a majority  of the shares  present in person or by proxy at
the session of the Special Meeting to be adjourned. The persons named as proxies
will vote AGAINST an  adjournment  those  proxies that they are required to vote
against the proposal,  and will vote in FAVOR of such an  adjournment  all other
proxies that they are authorized to vote. A shareholder vote may be taken on the
proposal in this Proxy Statement and Prospectus prior to any such adjournment if
sufficient votes have been received for approval.

Share Ownership of the Funds

Officers and Trustees of Riggs Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs Stock Fund's
outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following persons owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class R Shares of Riggs
Stock Fund:

[To be supplied]

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following persons owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class Y Shares of Riggs
Stock Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers  and  Trustees of the  Federated  Equity Funds own less than 1% of
Federated Capital Appreciation Fund's outstanding Shares.

     At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to
the knowledge of management,  more than 5% of the outstanding  Class A Shares of
Federated Capital Appreciation Fund:

[To be supplied]

Officers and Trustees of the Riggs Funds own less than 1% of Riggs Small Company
Stock Fund's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class R Shares of Riggs
Small Company Stock Fund:

[To be supplied]

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class Y Shares of Riggs
Small Company Stock Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers  and  Trustees of the  Federated  Equity Funds own less than 1% of
Federated Kaufmann Fund's outstanding Shares.

     At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to
the knowledge of management,  more than 5% of the outstanding  Class A Shares of
Federated Kaufmann Fund:

[To be supplied]

Officers and Trustees of the Riggs Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs U.S.
Government Securities Fund's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class R Shares of Riggs
U.S. Government Securities Fund:

[To be supplied]

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class Y Shares of Riggs
U.S. Government Securities Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund own
less than 1% of the Fund's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Institutional Service
Shares of Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of the Riggs Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs Bond
Fund's outstanding Shares.

     At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to
the knowledge of management,  more than 5% of the outstanding  Class R Shares of
Riggs Bond Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of the Federated  Total Return Bond Series,  Inc. own
less than 1% of Federated Total Return Bond Fund's Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Institutional Service
Shares of Federated Total Return Bond Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers  and  Trustees  of the  Riggs  Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs
Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund's outstanding Shares.

     At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to
the knowledge of management,  more than 5% of the outstanding  Class R Shares of
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust.  own less
than 1% of the Fund's Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Institutional Service
Shares of Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust.

[To be supplied]

     Officers  and  Trustees  of the  Riggs  Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs
Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class R Shares of Riggs
Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of the Intermediate  Municipal Trust own less than 1%
of the Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Institutional Shares of
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust:

[To be supplied]

     Officers  and  Trustees  of the  Riggs  Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs
Prime Money Market Fund's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class R Shares of Riggs
Prime Money Market Fund:

[To be supplied]

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class Y Shares of Riggs
Prime Money Market Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of the Money Market  Obligations  Trust own less than
1% of the Automated Cash Management Trust's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Institutional Service
Shares of Automated Cash Management Trust:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of the Riggs Funds own less than 1% of the Riggs U.S.
Treasury Money Market Fund's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class R Shares of Riggs
U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund:

[To be supplied]

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Class Y Shares of Riggs
U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund:

[To be supplied]

     Officers and Trustees of the Money Market  Obligations  Trust own less than
1% of the Automated Government Money Trust's outstanding Shares.

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following person owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding Shares of Automated
Government Money Trust:

[To be supplied]


     The Riggs Funds are not required, and do not intend, to hold regular annual
meetings  of  shareholders.   Shareholders   wishing  to  submit  proposals  for
consideration for inclusion in a Prospectus/Proxy Statement for the next meeting
of  shareholders  should  send their  written  proposals  to Riggs  Funds,  5800
Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15237-7010, so that they are received
within a reasonable time before any such meeting.

     No  business  other than the  matters  described  above is expected to come
before the  Special  Meeting,  but should any other  matter  requiring a vote of
shareholders arise,  including any question as to an adjournment or postponement
of the Special  Meeting,  the persons named on the enclosed proxy card will vote
on such matters  according to their best  judgment in the interests of the Riggs

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                                              C. Grant Anderson
                                                            Assistant Secretary
__________, 2003

                                                                      EXHIBIT A


     AGREEMENT  AND  PLAN  OF  REORGANIZATION   dated   __________,   2003  (the
"Agreement"),  by and between,  Federated  Total Return  Government Bond Fund, a
Massachusetts  business  trust,  (the  "Acquiring  Fund"),  and Riggs  Funds,  a
Massachusetts business trust ("Riggs Funds"), on behalf of its portfolio,  Riggs
U.S. Government Securities Fund (the "Acquired Fund").

     This Agreement is intended to be and is adopted as a plan of reorganization
and liquidation  within the meaning of Section 368 of the United States Internal
Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended  (the  "Code").  The  reorganization  (the
"Reorganization")  will  consist  of the  transfer  of all of the  assets of the
Acquired  Fund in  exchange  solely  for  Institutional  Service  Shares  of the
Acquiring Fund (the  "Acquiring  Fund Shares") and the  distribution,  after the
Closing Date  hereinafter  referred to, of the Acquiring Fund Shares as provided
herein,  all  upon  the  terms  and  conditions  hereinafter  set  forth in this

     WHEREAS,   the  Acquired  Fund  is  a  separate   series  of  Riggs  Funds,
respectively;  the Acquiring Fund and Riggs Funds are each a registered open-end
management  investment  company;  and the Acquired Fund owns securities in which
the Acquiring Fund is permitted to invest;

     WHEREAS,  each of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund is authorized to
issue their shares of beneficial interest;

     WHEREAS,  the Board of  Trustees,  including a majority of the Trustees who
are not  "interested  persons" (as defined under the  Investment  Company Act of
1940, as amended (the "1940 Act")),  of the Acquiring Fund has  determined  that
the exchange of all of the assets of the Acquired Fund for Acquiring Fund Shares
is in the  best  interests  of the  Acquiring  Fund  shareholders  and  that the
interests  of the  existing  shareholders  of the  Acquiring  Fund  would not be
diluted as a result of this transaction; and

     WHEREAS,  the Board of  Trustees,  including a majority of the Trustees who
are not "interested persons" (as defined under the 1940 Act), of Riggs Funds has
determined  that the  exchange  of all of the  assets of the  Acquired  Fund for
Acquiring Fund Shares is in the best interests of the Acquired Fund shareholders
and that the interests of the existing  shareholders  of the Acquired Fund would
not be diluted as a result of this transaction;

     NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and of the covenants and
agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows:


     1.1 Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, the Acquired Fund
agrees to assign, transfer and convey to the Acquiring Fund all of the assets of
the Acquired  Fund,  including all  securities  and cash, and the Acquiring Fund
agrees in  exchange  therefor  to  deliver  to the  Acquired  Fund the number of
Acquiring Fund Shares, including fractional Acquiring Fund Shares, determined as
set forth in paragraph  2.3.  Such  transaction  shall take place at the Closing
(the  "Closing")  on the  closing  date (the  "Closing  Date")  provided  for in
paragraph 3.1. In lieu of delivering certificates for the Acquiring Fund Shares,
the Acquiring Fund shall credit the Acquiring Fund Shares to the Acquired Fund's
account on the stock  record  books of the  Acquiring  Fund and shall  deliver a
confirmation thereof to the Acquired Fund.

        1.2     The Acquired Fund will discharge all of its liabilities and
obligations prior to the Closing Date.

     1.3 Delivery of the assets of the Acquired Fund to be transferred  shall be
made on the Closing  Date and shall be  delivered to State Street Bank and Trust
Company,  the Acquiring Fund's custodian (the  "Custodian"),  for the account of
the  Acquiring  Fund,  together  with  proper  instructions  and  all  necessary
documents to transfer such assets to the account of the Acquiring Fund, free and
clear of all liens,  encumbrances,  rights,  restrictions  and claims.  All cash
delivered  shall be in the form of  currency  and  immediately  available  funds
payable to the order of the Custodian for the account of the Acquiring Fund.

     1.4 The Acquired  Fund will pay or cause to be paid to the  Acquiring  Fund
any dividends or interest  received on or after the Closing Date with respect to
assets  transferred  to the  Acquiring  Fund  hereunder.  The Acquired Fund will
transfer  to the  Acquiring  Fund any  distributions,  rights  or  other  assets
received by the Acquired Fund after the Closing Date as distributions on or with
respect to the securities  transferred.  Such assets shall be deemed included in
assets  transferred  to the Acquiring  Fund on the Closing Date and shall not be
separately valued.

     1.5 As soon after the  Closing  Date as is  conveniently  practicable,  the
Acquired Fund will  liquidate  and  distribute  pro rata to the Acquired  Fund's
shareholders  of record,  determined  as of the close of business on the Closing
Date (the "Acquired Fund  Shareholders"),  the Acquiring Fund Shares received by
the Acquired Fund pursuant to paragraph 1.1. Such  liquidation and  distribution
will be  accomplished by the transfer of the Acquiring Fund Shares then credited
to the account of the Acquired Fund on the books of the  Acquiring  Fund to open
accounts on the share  record  books of the  Acquiring  Fund in the names of the
Acquired Fund  Shareholders  and  representing the respective pro rata number of
the  Acquiring  Fund Shares due such  shareholders.  All issued and  outstanding
Class R Shares and Class Y Shares of the Acquired Fund  ("Acquired Fund Shares")
will  simultaneously  be  canceled  on the  books of the  Acquired  Fund.  Share
certificates representing interests in the Acquired Fund will represent a number
of Acquiring Fund Shares after the Closing Date as determined in accordance with
Section 2.3. The Acquiring Fund shall not issue  certificates  representing  the
Acquiring Fund Shares in connection with such exchange.  After the Closing Date,
the Acquired Fund shall not conduct any business  except in connection  with its

     1.6  Ownership of  Acquiring  Fund Shares will be shown on the books of the
Acquiring  Fund's  transfer  agent.  Acquiring Fund Shares will be issued in the
manner  described in the Acquiring  Fund's  current  prospectus and statement of
additional information.

     1.7 Any transfer  taxes payable upon issuance of the Acquiring  Fund Shares
in a name other than the  registered  holder of the Acquired  Fund Shares on the
books  of the  Acquired  Fund as of that  time  shall,  as a  condition  of such
issuance and transfer,  be paid by the person to whom such Acquiring Fund Shares
are to be issued and transferred.

     1.8 Any reporting  responsibility  of the Acquired Fund is and shall remain
the responsibility of the Acquired Fund up to and including the Closing Date and
such later dates,  with respect to liquidation  and  termination of the Acquired
Fund, on which the Acquired Fund is liquidated and terminated.

        2.      VALUATION

     2.1 The value of the  Acquired  Fund's  net  assets to be  acquired  by the
Acquiring  Fund hereunder  shall be the value of such assets  computed as of the
close of the New York Stock Exchange  (normally 4:00 p.m.,  Eastern time) on the
Closing Date (such time and date being hereinafter called the "Valuation Date"),
using the valuation  procedures set forth in the Acquiring  Fund's  then-current
prospectus  or statement  of  additional  information.  The  Acquiring  Fund and
Acquired Fund agree to use all  commercially  reasonable  efforts to resolve any
material  differences between the prices of portfolio  securities  determined in
accordance  with the pricing  policies and  procedures of the Acquiring Fund and
those  determined in accordance with the pricing  policies and procedures of the
Acquired Fund. Where a pricing  difference  results from a difference in pricing
methodology,  the parties will eliminate such  difference by using the Acquiring
Fund's methodology in valuing the Acquired Fund's assets.

     2.2 The net asset value of an  Acquiring  Fund Share shall be the net asset
value  per  share  computed  as of the  close  of the New  York  Stock  Exchange
(normally  4:00 p.m.  Eastern time) on the Valuation  Date,  using the valuation
procedures  set  forth  in  the  Acquiring  Fund's  then-current  prospectus  or
statement of additional information.

     2.3 The number of Acquiring Fund Shares  (including  fractional  shares, if
any to be rounded to the third decimal place) to be issued by the Acquiring Fund
in exchange for the Acquired  Fund's net assets shall be  determined by dividing
the  aggregate  net  asset  value of each  class  of the  Acquired  Fund  Shares
determined using the same valuation  procedures  referred to in paragraph 2.1 by
the net  asset  value per  share of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  determined  in
accordance with paragraph 2.2.

        2.4     All computations of value shall be made in accordance with the
regular practices of the Acquiring Fund.

      3.               CLOSING AND CLOSING DATE

     3.1 The  Closing  Date shall be  _________,  2003 or such later date as the
parties may mutually  agree.  All acts taking place at the Closing Date shall be
deemed to take place  simultaneously  as of the close of business on the Closing
Date unless otherwise provided.  The Closing shall be held at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern
time) at the offices of Federated Services Company,  Federated  Investors Tower,
Pittsburgh,  PA  15222-3779,  or such other time and/or place as the parties may
mutually agree.

     3.2 If on the Valuation  Date (a) the primary  trading market for portfolio
securities of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund shall be closed to trading
or trading  thereon  shall be  restricted;  or (b) trading or the  reporting  of
trading  shall be disrupted so that  accurate  appraisal of the value of the net
assets of the Acquiring Fund or the Acquired Fund is impracticable,  the Closing
Date shall be postponed  until the first business day after the day when trading
shall have been fully resumed and reporting shall have been restored.

     3.3 Federated Services Company, as transfer agent for the Acquired Fund and
the Acquiring Fund,  shall deliver at the Closing a certificate of an authorized
officer stating that its records contain the names and addresses of the Acquired
Fund Shareholders and the number and percentage  ownership of outstanding shares
owned by each such shareholder  immediately prior to the Closing.  The Acquiring
Fund shall issue and deliver a confirmation evidencing the Acquiring Fund Shares
to be credited on the Closing Date to the  Secretary of the  Acquired  Fund,  or
provide  evidence  satisfactory  to the Acquired  Fund that the  Acquiring  Fund
Shares have been  credited to the  Acquired  Fund's  account on the books of the
Acquiring Fund. At the Closing, each party shall deliver to the other such bills
of sale, checks, assignments, assumption agreements, share certificates, if any,
receipts or other  documents  as such other party or its counsel may  reasonably


4.1  Riggs Funds,  on behalf of itself and the  Acquired  Fund,  represents  and
     warrants to the Acquiring Fund, as follows:

(a)  Riggs Funds is a business  trust duly  organized,  validly  existing and in
     good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and has
     power  to own all of its  properties  and  assets  and to  carry  out  this
     Agreement. The Acquired Fund is a duly established and designated series of
     Riggs Funds.

(b)  Riggs Funds is  registered  under the 1940 Act, as an open-end,  management
     investment company, and such registration has not been revoked or rescinded
     and is in full force and effect.

(c)  Riggs Funds is not, and the  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this
     Agreement  will not result,  in material  violation of its  Declaration  of
     Trust or  By-Laws or of any  agreement,  indenture,  instrument,  contract,
     lease or other  undertaking  to which  the  Acquired  Fund is a party or by
     which it is bound or result in the  acceleration of any obligation,  or the
     imposition of any penalty, under any agreement, judgment or decree to which
     the Acquired Fund is a party or by which it is bound.

(d)  The  Acquired  Fund  has  no  material   contracts  or  other   commitments
     outstanding  (other than this Agreement)  which will result in liability to
     it after the Closing Date.

(e)  No litigation or  administrative  proceeding or  investigation of or before
     any court or  governmental  body is currently  pending or to its  knowledge
     threatened  against the Acquired  Fund or any of its  properties  or assets
     which, if adversely  determined,  would materially and adversely affect its
     financial condition or the conduct of its business. The Acquired Fund knows
     of no  facts  which  might  form  the  basis  for the  institution  of such
     proceedings,  and is not a party to or  subject  to the  provisions  of any
     order,  decree  or  judgment  of  any  court  or  governmental  body  which
     materially and adversely  affects its business or its ability to consummate
     the transactions herein contemplated.

(f)  The current  prospectus  and  statement of  additional  information  of the
     Acquired  Fund  conform  in  all  material   respects  to  the   applicable
     requirements  of the  Securities  act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"),
     and the  1940 Act and the  rules  and  regulations  of the  Securities  and
     Exchange  Commission (the  "Commission")  thereunder and do not include any
     untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact
     required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein,
     in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

(g)  The  statements  of  assets  and  liabilities,   including   portfolios  of
     investments,  of the  Acquired  Fund at April 30,  2003 and  2002,  and the
     related  statements of operations,  statements of changes in net assets and
     financial  highlights  for the years then ended,  have been audited by KPMG
     LLP, independent accountants. Such audited statements have been prepared in
     accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  consistently
     applied,  and such  statements  (copies of which have been furnished to the
     Acquiring Fund) fairly reflect the financial condition of the Acquired Fund
     as of such  dates,  and there are no known  contingent  liabilities  of the
     Acquired Fund as of such dates not disclosed therein.

(h)  Since April 30, 2003, there has not been any material adverse change in the
     Acquired Fund's financial condition,  assets, liabilities or business other
     than  changes  occurring  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business,  or  any
     incurrence by the Acquired Fund of indebtedness maturing more than one year
     from the date such indebtedness was incurred, except as otherwise disclosed
     to and accepted by the Acquiring Fund.

(i)  At the Closing  Date,  all Federal and other tax returns and reports of the
     Acquired  Fund  required  by law to have been filed by such date shall have
     been filed,  and all Federal and other taxes shall have been paid so far as
     due, or provision shall have been made for the payment thereof,  and to the
     best of the Acquired  Fund's  knowledge  no such return is currently  under
     audit and no assessment has been asserted with respect to such returns.

(j)  For  each  fiscal  year of its  operation,  the  Acquired  Fund has met the
     requirements of Subchapter M of the Code for qualification and treatment as
     a regulated investment company.

(k)  All  Acquired  Funds  Shares are, and at the Closing Date will be, duly and
     validly issued and outstanding,  fully paid and non-assessable.  All of the
     Acquired  Fund  Shares  will,  at the time of the  Closing,  be held by the
     persons and in the amounts set forth in the records of the  transfer  agent
     as provided in paragraph  3.3. The Acquired Fund does not have  outstanding
     any options,  warrants or other rights to subscribe  for or purchase any of
     the Acquired Fund Shares, nor is there outstanding any security convertible
     into any of the Acquired Fund Shares.

(l)  On the Closing  Date,  the  Acquired  Fund will have full right,  power and
     authority  to  sell,  assign,   transfer  and  deliver  the  assets  to  be
     transferred by it hereunder.

(m)  The  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this Agreement has been duly
     authorized by all necessary action on the part of the Trustees of the Riggs
     Funds,  this  Agreement  will  constitute  the  valid and  legally  binding
     obligation of the Acquired Fund  enforceable in accordance  with its terms,
     subject  to  the   effect  of   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   reorganization,
     moratorium,  fraudulent  conveyance  and other  similar laws relating to or
     affecting  creditors'  rights  generally and court  decisions  with respect
     thereto,  and to general  principles  of equity and the  discretion  of the
     court  (regardless  of  whether  the  enforceability  is  considered  in  a
     proceeding in equity or at law).

(n)  The prospectus/proxy  statement of the Acquired Fund (the "Prospectus/Proxy
     Statement")  to be included in the  Registration  Statement  referred to in
     paragraph 5.5 (other than information therein that relates to the Acquiring
     Fund) will, on the effective date of the Registration  Statement and on the
     Closing Date, not contain any untrue statement of a material factor or omit
     to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make
     the  statements  therein,  in light of the  circumstances  under which such
     statements were made, not misleading.

(o)  Federated Investors,  Inc. and Riggs Investment Advisors,  Inc. have agreed
     to assume the expense of the  Reorganization  including  accountants' fees,
     legal fees,  transfer taxes (if any), the fees of banks and transfer agents
     and  the  costs  of   preparing,   printing,   copying  and  mailing  proxy
     solicitation  materials to the Acquired Fund  Shareholders and the costs of
     holding the Special Meeting of Shareholders.

4.2  The Acquiring Fund represents and warrants to Riggs Funds, on behalf of the
     Acquired Fund, as follows:

(a)  The Acquiring Fund is a business trust duly organized, validly existing and
     in good standing under the laws of the  Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and
     has the power to carry on its business as it is now being  conducted and to
     carry out this Agreement.

(b)  The  Acquiring  Fund is  registered  under  the  1940  Act as an  open-end,
     management  investment company,  and such registration has not been revoked
     or rescinded and is in full force and effect.

(c)  The current  prospectus  and  statement of  additional  information  of the
     Acquiring  Fund  conform  in  all  material   respects  to  the  applicable
     requirements of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations
     of the Commission  thereunder and do not include any untrue  statement of a
     material  fact or omit to state any  material  fact  required  to be stated
     therein  or  necessary  to make  the  statements  therein,  in light of the
     circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

(d)  The Acquiring Fund is not, and the execution,  delivery and  performance of
     this Agreement will not result, in material violation of its Declaration of
     Trust or  By-Laws or of any  agreement,  indenture,  instrument,  contract,
     lease or other  undertaking  to which the  Acquiring  Fund is a party or by
     which it is bound or result in the  acceleration of any obligation,  or the
     imposition of any penalty under any agreement, judgement or decree to which
     the Acquiring Fund is a party or by which it is bound.

(e)  No litigation or  administrative  proceeding or  investigation of or before
     any court or  governmental  body is currently  pending or to its  knowledge
     threatened  against the Acquiring  Fund or any of its  properties or assets
     which, if adversely  determined,  would materially and adversely affect its
     financial  condition or the conduct of its  business.  The  Acquiring  Fund
     knows of no facts  which might form the basis for the  institution  of such
     proceedings,  and is not a party to or  subject  to the  provisions  of any
     order,  decree  or  judgment  of  any  court  or  governmental  body  which
     materially and adversely  affects its business or its ability to consummate
     the transactions contemplated herein.

(f)  The  statements  of  assets  and  liabilities,   including   portfolios  of
     investments,  of the  Acquiring  Fund at February  28,  2003 and 2002,  and
     related  statements of operations,  statements of changes in net assets and
     financial  highlights for the years then ended,  have been audited by Ernst
     and Young LLP,  independent  auditors.  Such audited  statements  have been
     prepared in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,
     consistently  applied,  and such  statements  (copies  of which  have  been
     furnished to the Acquired Fund) fairly  reflect the financial  condition of
     the  Acquiring  Fund as of such  date and  there  are no  known  contingent
     liabilities of the Acquiring Fund as of such dates not disclosed therein.

(g)  Since February 28, 2003,  there has not been any material adverse change in
     the Acquiring Fund's financial condition,  assets,  liabilities or business
     other than changes  occurring in the  ordinary  course of business,  or any
     incurrence by the Acquiring Fund of any  indebtedness,  except as otherwise
     disclosed to and accepted by the Acquired Fund.

(h)  At the Closing  Date,  all Federal and other tax returns and reports of the
     Acquiring Fund required by law then to be filed shall have been filed,  and
     all Federal and other taxes shown as due on said returns and reports  shall
     have been paid or provision shall have been made for the payment thereof.

(i)  For each  fiscal  year of its  operation,  the  Acquiring  Fund has met the
     requirements of Subchapter M of the Code for qualification and treatment as
     a regulated investment company.

(j)  All  Acquiring  Fund Shares are,  and at the Closing Date will be, duly and
     validly  issued  and  outstanding,  fully  paid  and  non-assessable.   The
     Acquiring  Fund does not have  outstanding  any options,  warrants or other
     right to subscribe for or purchase any of the Acquiring Fund Shares, nor is
     there outstanding any security convertible into any Acquiring Fund Shares.

(k)  The  execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement will have been
     duly authorized prior to the Closing Date by all necessary  action, if any,
     on the part of the  Acquiring  Fund's  Trustees,  and this  Agreement  will
     constitute the valid and legally  binding  obligation of the Acquiring Fund
     enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  to the  effect  of
     bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium, fraudulent conveyance
     and other similar laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights generally
     and court  decisions  with respect  thereto,  and to general  principles of
     equity  and  the  discretion  of  the  court  (regardless  of  whether  the
     enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

(l)  The Prospectus/Proxy Statement to be included in the Registration Statement
     (only insofar as it relates to the  Acquiring  Fund) will, on the effective
     date of the Registration Statement and on the Closing Date, not contain any
     untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact
     required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein,
     in light of the  circumstances  under which such  statements were made, not

(m)  Federated Investors,  Inc. and Riggs Investment Advisors,  Inc. have agreed
     to assume the expenses of the Reorganization  including  accountants' fees,
     legal fees,  transfer taxes (if any), the fees of banks and transfer agents
     and  the  costs  of   preparing,   printing,   copying  and  mailing  proxy
     solicitation  materials to the Acquired Fund  Shareholders and the costs of
     holding the Special Meeting of Shareholders.

(n)  No  consideration  other  than  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  will be  issued in
     exchange for the assets of the Acquired Fund in the Reorganization.

(o)  No governmental consents, approvals, authorizations or filings are required
     under the 1933 Act, the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"),
     or the 1940 Act for the execution or  performance  of this Agreement by the
     Acquiring Fund, on behalf of the Acquiring Fund,  except for (a) the filing
     with  the  SEC  of the  Registration  Statement;  and  (b)  such  consents,
     approvals, authorizations, and filings as may have been made or received or
     as may be required subsequent to the Closing.


5.1  The Acquiring  Fund and the Acquired Fund each will operate its business in
     the ordinary  course between the date hereof and the Closing Date, it being
     understood  that such ordinary  course of business  will include  customary
     dividends and distributions.

5.2  Riggs  Funds  will call a meeting  of the  Acquired  Fund  Shareholders  to
     consider and act upon this Agreement and to take all other action necessary
     to obtain approval of the transactions contemplated herein.

5.3  Subject to the  provisions of this  Agreement,  the Acquiring  Fund and the
     Acquired Fund will each take, or cause to be taken,  all action,  and do or
     cause to be done, all things reasonably  necessary,  proper or advisable to
     consummate  and  make  effective  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this

5.4  As promptly  as  practicable,  but in any case within  sixty days after the
     Closing Date,  the Acquired  Fund shall  furnish to the Acquiring  Fund, in
     such form as is reasonably  satisfactory to the Acquiring Fund, a statement
     of the  earnings and profits of the  Acquired  Fund for Federal  income tax
     purposes  which will be carried over to the  Acquiring  Fund as a result of
     Section 381 of the Code and which will be certified by the Acquired  Fund's
     President and its Treasurer.

5.5  The  Acquired  Fund  will  provide  the  Acquiring  Fund  with  information
     reasonably  necessary for the preparation of a Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,
     referred to in  paragraph  4.1(n),  all to be  included  in a  Registration
     Statement  on  Form  N-14  of  the   Acquiring   Fund  (the   "Registration
     Statement"),  in  compliance  with the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act, and the 1940
     Act in connection  with the meetings of the Acquired Fund  Shareholders  to
     consider  approval  of this  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated

5.6  The  Acquiring  Fund  agrees to use all  reasonable  efforts  to obtain the
     approvals  and  authorizations  required by the 1933 Act,  the 1940 Act and
     such of the state Blue Sky or securities laws as it may deem appropriate in
     order to continue its operations after the Closing Date.

5.7  On or before the Valuation  Date, the Acquired Fund shall have declared and
     paid a dividend or dividends, with a record date and ex-dividend date on or
     before the Valuation  Date,  which,  together with all previous  dividends,
     shall  have the  effect  of  distributing  to its  shareholders  all of its
     investment company taxable income (computed without regard to any deduction
     for dividends  paid),  if any, plus the excess of its interest  income,  if
     any, excludible from gross income under Section 103(a) of the Code over its
     deductions  disallowed  under Section 265 and 171(a)(2) of the Code for all
     taxable  periods or years ending on or the Closing Date, and all of its net
     capital gain realized (after reduction for any capital loss  carryforward),
     if any,  in all  taxable  periods or years  ending on or before the Closing


     The obligations of the Acquiring Fund to complete the transactions provided
for herein shall be subject, at its election, to the performance by the Acquired
Fund of all the  obligations  to be  performed  by it hereunder on or before the
Closing Date and, in addition thereto, the following conditions:

6.1  All  representations  and warranties of the Acquired Fund contained in this
     Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date
     hereof and, except as they may be affected by the transactions contemplated
     by this Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as
     if made on and as of the Closing Date.

6.2  The Acquired Fund shall have delivered to the Acquiring Fund a statement of
     the Acquired  Fund's  assets,  together with a list of the Acquired  Fund's
     portfolio  securities  showing the tax costs of such  securities by lot and
     the holding periods of such securities,  as of the Closing Date,  certified
     by the Treasurer of the Acquired Fund.

6.3  The Acquired Fund shall have delivered to the Acquiring Fund on the Closing
     Date a certificate  executed in its name by its President or Vice President
     and  its   Treasurer  or  Assistant   Treasurer,   in  form  and  substance
     satisfactory to the Acquiring Fund, to the effect that the  representations
     and  warranties  of the Acquired  Fund made in this  Agreement are true and
     correct at and as of the  Closing  Date,  except as they may be affected by
     the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and as to such  other
     matters as the Acquiring Fund shall reasonably request.


     The  obligations  of the  Acquired  Fund  to  consummate  the  transactions
provided  herein shall be subject,  at its election,  to the  performance by the
Acquiring  Fund of all the  obligations  to be  performed  by it hereunder on or
before the Closing Date and, in addition thereto, the following conditions:

7.1  All  representations and warranties of the Acquiring Fund contained in this
     Agreement shall be true and correct in all material respects as of the date
     hereof and, except as they may be affected by the transactions contemplated
     by this Agreement, as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as
     if made on and as of the Closing Date.

7.2  The Acquiring Fund shall have delivered to the Acquired Fund on the Closing
     Date a certificate  executed in its name by its President or Vice President
     and its Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer,  in form and substance reasonably
     satisfactory  to the Acquired Fund, to the effect that the  representations
     and  warranties of the Acquiring  Fund made in this  Agreement are true and
     correct at and as of the  Closing  Date,  except as they may be affected by
     the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  and as to such  other
     matters as the Acquired Fund shall reasonably request.


     If any of the  conditions  set forth  below do not  exist on or before  the
Closing Date with respect to the Acquired Fund or the Acquiring  Fund, the other
party to this Agreement shall, at its option,  not be required to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

8.1  The  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated  herein shall have been
     approved by the requisite vote of the holders of the outstanding  shares of
     the  Acquired  Fund in  accordance  with the  provisions  of  Riggs  Funds'
     Declaration of Trust.

8.2  On the Closing Date, no action,  suit or other  proceeding shall be pending
     before any court or  governmental  agency in which it is sought to restrain
     or prohibit,  or obtain  damages or other relief in connection  with,  this
     Agreement or the transactions contemplated herein.

8.3  All consents of other parties and all other consents, orders and permits of
     Federal,  state and local  regulatory  authorities  (including those of the
     Commission  and of  state  Blue  Sky  and  securities  authorities)  deemed
     necessary  by  the   Acquiring   Fund  or  the  Acquired   Fund  to  permit
     consummation,  in all material respects,  of the transactions  contemplated
     hereby shall have been  obtained,  except where  failure to obtain any such
     consent,  order or permit  would not  involve a risk of a material  adverse
     effect on the assets or properties  of the  Acquiring  Fund or the Acquired
     Fund,  provided  that either  party hereto may for itself waive any of such

8.4  The  Registration  Statement shall have become effective under the 1933 Act
     and no stop orders  suspending  the  effectiveness  thereof shall have been
     issued and, to the best knowledge of the parties hereto,  no  investigation
     or proceeding  for that purpose  shall have been  instituted or be pending,
     threatened or contemplated under the 1933 Act.

8.5  The parties  shall have  received an opinion of Dickstein  Shapiro  Morin &
     Oshinsky  LLP  substantially  to the  effect  that for  Federal  income tax

(a)  The  transfer  of all of the  Acquired  Fund assets to the  Acquiring  Fund
     solely in exchange for the Acquiring  Fund Shares and the  distribution  of
     the  Acquiring  Fund Shares to the  shareholders  of the  Acquired  Fund in
     dissolution  and  liquidation  of  the  Acquired  Fund  will  constitute  a
     "reorganization"  within the meaning of Section 368(a) (1) of the Code, and
     the  Acquiring  Fund and the  Acquired  Fund  each  will be a  "party  to a
     reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code.

(b)  No gain or loss will be recognized  by the Acquiring  Fund upon the receipt
     of the assets of the  Acquired  Fund solely in exchange  for the  Acquiring
     Fund Shares.

(c)  No gain or loss will be  recognized  by the Acquired Fund upon the transfer
     of the Acquired  Fund assets to the  Acquiring  Fund solely in exchange for
     the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares or upon the  distribution  (whether  actual or
     constructive)   of  the   Acquiring   Fund  Shares  to  the  Acquired  Fund
     Shareholders in exchange for their shares of the Acquired Fund Shares.

(d)  No gain or loss will be recognized by any Acquired  Fund  Shareholder  upon
     the exchange of its Acquired Fund Shares for Acquiring Fund Shares.

(e)  The  aggregate  tax basis of the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares  received by each
     Acquired Fund Shareholder  pursuant to the Reorganization  will be the same
     as the  aggregate  tax  basis  of  the  Acquired  Fund  Shares  held  by it
     immediately  prior  to  the  Reorganization.  The  holding  period  of  the
     Acquiring  Fund Shares  received by each  Acquired  Fund  Shareholder  will
     include the period during which the Acquired Fund Shares exchanged therefor
     were held by such  shareholder,  provided the Acquired Fund Shares are held
     as capital assets at the time of the Reorganization

(f)  The tax basis of the Acquired  Fund's assets acquired by the Acquiring Fund
     will be the  same as the tax  basis of such  assets  to the  Acquired  Fund
     immediately prior to the  Reorganization.  The holding period of the assets
     of the Acquired  Fund in the hands of the  Acquiring  Fund will include the
     period during which those assets were held by the Acquired Fund.

8.6  The  foregoing  opinion  may state  that no opinion as to the effect of the
     Reorganization  on the  Acquiring  Fund,  the Acquired Fund or any Acquired
     Fund  Shareholder with respect to any asset as to which any unrealized gain
     or loss is required to be recognized for federal income tax purposes at the
     end of a taxable year (or on the  termination or transfer  thereof) under a
     mark-to-market system of accounting.


9.1  This Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby with respect to the
     Reorganization  may be terminated  and abandoned by resolution of the Board
     of Trustees of the  Acquiring  Fund or Riggs Funds at any time prior to the
     Closing Date if circumstances should develop that, in the opinion of either
     of the parties' Board of Trustees,  make proceeding with the Agreement with
     respect to the Reorganization inadvisable.

9.2  If this  Agreement is terminated  and the exchange  contemplated  hereby is
     abandoned  pursuant to the  provisions  of this  Section 9, this  Agreement
     shall become void and have no effect,  without any liability on the part of
     any party hereto or the trustees, officers or shareholders of the Acquiring
     Fund or Riggs Funds, in respect of this Agreement.

10.  WAIVER.

     At any time prior to the Closing Date, any of the foregoing  conditions may
be waived by the Board of Trustees of the Acquiring Fund or Riggs Funds,  if, in
the judgment of either,  such waiver will not have a material  adverse effect on
the benefits  intended under this Agreement to the shareholders of the Acquiring
Fund or of the Acquired Fund, as the case may be.


11.1 None of the  representations and warranties included or provided for herein
     shall survive consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

11.2 This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding  between the
     parties hereto with respect to the subject  matter  hereof,  and merges and
     supersedes all prior discussions,  agreements,  and understandings of every
     kind and nature between them relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither
     party   shall  be  bound  by  any   condition,   definition,   warranty  or
     representation, other than as set forth or provided in this Agreement or as
     may be set  forth  in a later  writing  signed  by the  party  to be  bound

11.3 This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed in  accordance  with the
     internal laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  without giving effect
     to principles of conflict of laws.

11.4 This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any number of  counterparts,  each of
     which, when executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original.

11.5 This  Agreement  shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto
     and their respective  successors and assigns, but no assignment or transfer
     hereof of any rights or  obligations  hereunder  shall be made by any party
     without the written consent of the other party. Nothing herein expressed or
     implied  is  intended  or shall be  construed  to  confer  upon or give any
     person,  firm or  corporation,  other  than the  parties  hereto  and their
     respective  successors  and  assigns,  any rights or  remedies  under or by
     reason of this Agreement.

11.6 It is expressly agreed that the obligations of the Acquiring Fund shall not
     be binding upon any of the Acquiring Fund Trustees, shareholders, nominees,
     officers,  agents or employees of the Acquiring Fund personally,  but shall
     bind only the trust  property  of the  Acquiring  Fund as  provided  in the
     Declaration  of Trust of the Acquiring  Fund. The execution and delivery of
     this Agreement  have been  authorized by the Trustees of the Acquiring Fund
     and signed by  authorized  officers of the  Acquiring  Fund acting as such.
     Neither the  authorization  of such Trustees nor the execution and delivery
     by  such  officers  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  made  by any of them
     individually  or to impose any  liability  on any of them  personally,  but
     shall bind only the trust property of the Acquiring Fund as provided in the
     Acquiring Fund's Declaration of Trust.

11.7 It is expressly  agreed that the obligations of the Acquired Fund hereunder
     shall not be binding upon any of the Riggs Funds'  Trustees,  shareholders,
     nominees,  officers,  agents or  employees of Riggs Funds  personally,  but
     shall bind only the trust property of the Acquired Fund, as provided in the
     Declaration  of Trust of Riggs Funds.  The  execution  and delivery of this
     Agreement have been  authorized by the Trustees of Riggs Funds on behalf of
     the Acquired Fund and signed by authorized  officers of Riggs Fund,  acting
     as such.  Neither the  authorization by such Trustees nor the execution and
     delivery of such officers  shall be deemed to have been made by any of them
     individually  or to impose any  liability  on any of them  personally,  but
     shall bind only the trust  property of the Acquired Fund as provided in the
     Riggs Funds' Declaration of Trust.

11.8 The obligations of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund hereunder shall
     be enforceable against the assets held with respect to the Acquired Fund or
     Acquiring  Fund only and not against any other series of Riggs Funds or the
     Acquiring Fund, as the case may be, or against Riggs Funds or the Acquiring
     Fund generally.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund, and
with respect to sections 4.1(o) and 4.2(m) hereof, Federated Investors, Inc. and
Riggs  Investment  Advisors,  Inc.,  has  caused  this  Agreement  and  Plan  of
Reorganization  to be executed and attested on its behalf by its duly authorized
representatives as of the date first above written.

                                       Acquired Fund:

                                       RIGGS FUNDS
                                       on behalf of its Portfolio,
                                       RIGGS U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FUND

        Assistant Secretary


                                       Acquiring Fund:

                                  FEDERATED TOTAL RETURN GOVERNMENT BOND FUND

        Assistant Secretary


                                    FEDERATED INVESTORS, INC.
                                    with respect to the Agreement described in
                                    Sections 4.1(o) and 4.2(m) of the Agreement

        Assistant Secretary


                                    RIGGS INVESTMENT ADVISORS, INC.
                                    with respect to the Agreement described in
                                    Sections 4.1(o) and 4.2(m) of the Agreement


        Assistant Secretary


                                                                     EXHIBIT B

Annual Report October 31, 2002

David P. Gilmore

Vice President
Federated Investment Management Company
Investment Review

Q.   How would you characterize  the investment  environment for stocks over the
     past 12 months?

A.   Economic  recovery in the United States has been less sure-footed than many
     analysts  had  expected,  and it certainly  has  occurred  more slowly than
     investors have hoped.  After a period of positive  returns late in 2001 and
     early this year, especially for small- and mid-cap stocks, equities resumed
     their downward trend.  Hopes of stronger earnings growth faded mid-year due
     to corporate  earnings warnings.  Any economic  improvements that did occur
     were  overshadowed  by news of corporate  fraud and accounting  scandals as
     well as terrorism  fears and concerns about  conflicts  with Iraq.  Against
     this backdrop,  the third quarter of 2002 was the thirteenth-worst  quarter
     on record since 1924 for the S&P 500 Index, which returned (17.00)% for the

     Overall,  no equity  class was immune to deeper  bear  market  losses,  and
stocks  at all  capitalization  levels,  in both the  growth  and  value  camps,
delivered  negative  performances.  Later  in the  fund's  fiscal  year,  larger
companies  and growth  stocks fared  somewhat  better than  others,  potentially
reflecting a change in the market  leadership that has favored smaller companies
and the value style of  investing  since the stock bubble burst in the spring of
2000.  Sectors that performed  well on a relative  basis  included  Health Care,
Consumer  Staples  and  Financials.   Telecommunication  Services,   Information
Technology and Materials were the worst performers.

Q.   How did Federated  Capital  Appreciation Fund perform during this reporting
     period, and what factors influenced performance?

A.   For the 12-month  reporting period ended October 31, 2002, the fund's Class
     A, B and C  shares  produced  total  returns  of  (13.10)%,  (13.76)%,  and
     (13.73)%, respectively, based on net asset value. The fund's benchmark, the
     S&P 500 Index, returned  (15.11)%during the reporting period.  Although the
     fund's  returns  were  negative,   Federated   Capital   Appreciation  Fund
     outperformed  its peer group as measured by the Lipper Multi-Cap Core Funds
     Average,2 which produced a total return of (14.82)% for the same period.

     Earlier this year, our underweighted position in the Information Technology
and Telecommunications Services sectors, together with stock selection in Health
Care,   Industrials  and  Information   Technology,   drove  fund   performance.
Additionally,  our initial  overweighted  position in Energy proved to be a good
move for the fund. Stocks within the Consumer Discretionary and Consumer Staples
areas,  however,  along  with our  Financials  sector  underweighting  held back
returns  somewhat.   Top-performing   holdings  for  the  fund  included  Abbott
Laboratories,  Omnicom Group, Inc., Zimmer Holdings,  Inc.,  Pharmacia Corp. and
Mylan  Laboratories.  Positions  that  impacted  the  fund  negatively  included
Microsoft Corp., St. Jude Medical, Inc., Bowater, Inc. and MeadWestvaco Corp.

     As you may recall, the split between value and growth holdings in Federated
Capital Appreciation Fund ranges between 60%-40% either way. We have been adding
recently to the growth  portion of our  portfolio  as the  risk/reward  in these
securities  has been looking more  attractive.  As of October 31, 2002, the fund
held 44% of its assets in value stocks and the remaining 56% in growth stocks.

Q.   What industry sectors have you underweighted and overweighted in the fund?

A.   Earlier this year,  we trimmed our exposure in Health Care,  Utilities  and
     Energy.  We used proceeds from those sales to take  advantage of attractive
     opportunities  in  Financials,  Technology  and  Telecommunications,  after
     having been  underweight in those areas during the first half of the fund's
     fiscal  year.   We   continued   to  add  to  our  regional   Bell  carrier
     exposure--bringing  the  fund  to  its  first  overweight  position  in the
     Telecommunications  sector in two  years--on the belief that there is value
     to be  recognized  in this sector.  We also have  maintained a  significant
     emphasis on pharmaceuticals  companies, which generally have low valuations
     at this time,  but we have little  exposure to retail stocks given concerns
     about consumer spending.

Q.   What were the fund's top ten holdings and industry weightings?

A.   The top ten holdings and sector  weightings  as of October 31, 2002 were as

Security Name                     Security Sector             Percentage of
                                                              Net Assets
Microsoft Corp.                   Information Technology      2.7%
Pfizer, Inc.                      Health Care                 2.3%
Pharmacia Corp.                   Health Care                 2.0%
Abbott Laboratories               Health Care                 1.9%
Bear Stearns Cos., Inc.           Financials                  1.9%
Block (H&R), Inc.                 Industrials                 1.8%
Citigroup, Inc.                   Financials                  1.8%
Exxon Mobil Corp.                 Energy                      1.8%
Wells Fargo & Co.                 Financials                  1.8%
Coca-Cola Co.                     Consumer Staples            1.7%
TOTAL                                                         19.7%

                                  Percentage of               Percentage of
Sector                            Net Assets                  S&P 500 Index
Health Care                       19.5%                       14.9%
Financials                        15.7%                       20.6%
Industrials                       12.3%                       11.4%
Information Technology            11.7%                       14.3%
Consumer Staples                  11.4%                       9.8%
Consumer Discretionary            9.2%                        13.6%
Energy                            6.7%                        5.8%
Telecommunication Services        5.2%                        4.4%
Utilities                         3.1%                        2.6%
Materials                         2.6%                        2.6%
Other                             2.6%                        --

Q.   What were some of the fund's recent purchases?

A.   Purchases  of special  note made during the  reporting  period  include the

     Lincoln National Corp. (0.7%of net assets):  We used proceeds from our sale
of  Metropolitan  Life  Insurance  to buy this leading life insurer at near-book
value. The company has a leading  franchise in the variable annuity market which
we believe is under appreciated.  It also is right-sizing its cost structure and
cleaning up its balance sheet.

     UST, Inc. (0.8% of net assets) is the leader in moist,  smokeless  tobacco,
and the stock  currently  provides yields of over 7% without the litigation risk
that plagues the cigarette manufacturers.

     Wal-Mart Stores,  Inc. (1.3% of net assets) is the world's largest retailer
(7% market share) and has plenty of room to grow as it expands its "supercenter"
format and  international  operations.  Strong cost  controls  and a low pricing
strategy make the company less  vulnerable  to a potential  slowdown in consumer

     Verizon  Communications,  Inc.  (1.7% of net  assets)  is a  regional  Bell
carrier well positioned to grow faster in a deregulated  market as it enters the
long  distance  market.  A strong  wireless  operation  has  helped to  mitigate
wireline cannibalization, and strong free cash flow has enabled Verizon to pay a
healthy 4% dividend. 1 The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged capitalization-weighted
index of 500  stocks  designed  to  measure  performance  of the broad  domestic
economy through changes in the aggregate market value of 500 stocks representing
all major industries.  Investments  cannot be made in an index. 2 Lipper figures
represent the average total returns  reported by all mutual funds  designated by
Lipper Inc. as falling into the respective categories indicated.  Lipper figures
do not reflect sales charges.



     The graph below illustrates the hypothetical  investment of $10,0001 in the
Federated  Capital  Appreciation Fund (Class A Shares) (the "Fund") from October
31, 1992 to October 31, 2002  compared to the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (S&P
500)2 and the Lipper Multi Cap Core Funds Average (LMCCFA).3


The  graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of  a  line
graph. The  corresponding  components of the line graph are listed
underneath.  The Class A Shares of Federated Capital  Appreciation
Fund (the "Fund") is  represented  by a solid line. The Standard &
Poor's 500 Index ("S&P 500") is  represented  by a dotted line and
the Lipper Multi Cap Core Funds Average  "LMCCFA") is  represented
by a broken line. The line graph is a visual  representation  of a
comparison   of  change   in  value  of  a  $10,000   hypothetical
investment in the Class A Shares of the Fund,  the S&P 500 and the
LMCCFA. The "x" axis reflects  computation periods from 10/31/1992
to 10/31/2002.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the  investment.
The right margin  reflects  the ending  value of the  hypothetical
investment  in the Fund's  Class A Shares,  as compared to the S&P
500 and the LMCCFA.  The ending values were  $31,769,  $25,655 and
$22,952, respectively.

Average Annual Total Return4 for the Period Ended October 31, 2002
1 Year                                                              (17.89)%
5 Years                                                             4.21%
10 Years                                                            11.62%
Start of Performance (1/1/1977)                                     12.68%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions  or the redemption of Fund shares.  For after-tax  returns,  visit Investment return and principal value will fluctuate
so that an investors shares when redeemed,  may be worth more or less than their
original cost. Mutual funds are not obligations of or guaranteed by any bank and
are not federally insured.

1    Represents a  hypothetical  investment of $10,000 in the Fund with no sales
     load.  Effective  November  14,  1995,  the maximum  sales charge was 5.50%
     ($10,000 investment minus $550 sales charge = $9,450). Effective January 1,
     1996,  the fiscal  year end of this Fund was  changed  from  December 31 to
     October  31.  The  Fund's  performance  assumes  the  reinvestment  of  all
     dividends and distributions.  The S&P 500 and the LMCCFA have been adjusted
     to reflect  reinvestment  of dividends on  securities  in the index and the

2    The S&P 500 is not adjusted to reflect sales  charges,  expenses,  or other
     fees that the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (SEC)  requires to be
     reflected in the Fund's performance. The index is unmanaged.

3    The LMCCFA  represents the average of the total returns  reported by all of
     the mutual funds designated by Lipper Analytical Services,  Inc. as falling
     into the  category  indicated,  and is not  adjusted  to reflect  any sales
     charges. However, these total returns are reported net of expenses or other
     fees that the SEC requires to be reflected in a fund's performance.

4    Total returns quoted reflect all applicable sales charges.

Annual Report October 31, 2002

Lawrence Auriana

Portfolio Co-Manager Federated Investment Management Company

Hans Utsch

Portfolio Co-Manager Federated Investment Management Company

Investment Review
Dear Shareholder:

     We are pleased to report that, despite a highly difficult stock market, the
Federated  Kaufmann  Fund (the  "Fund")  outperformed  its peer  group by a wide
margin.  The Fund's total  returns,  based on net asset value were  (8.90)%1 for
Class A Shares,  and  (9.20)%1  for Class B and Class C Shares for the 12 months
ended  October 31,  2002,  compared  with a decline of  (20.60)%  for the Lipper
Multi-Cap Growth Index (LMCGI).2

     The following  graphs  illustrate a hypothetical  investment of $10,0001 in
the Fund for the 15-year period ended October 31, 2002,  compared to the Russell
Mid-Cap Growth Index (RMGI)3 and the LMCGI.

     The Fund is the  successor  to The  Kaufmann  Fund,  Inc.  (Kaufmann  Fund)
pursuant to a  reorganization  on April 23, 2001. Prior to that date, the Fund's
Class A, B, and C Shares had no investment operations.

     Accordingly, the performance information provided is historical information
of the Kaufmann  Fund,  but has been  adjusted to reflect the sales  charges and
expenses  applicable  to the  Fund's  Class  A,  B,  and C  Shares.  The  Fund's
performance assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions.

     The equity  markets  continue to be challenged  by economic,  budgetary and
geopolitical  uncertainties  and, in addition,  by growing investor  distrust of
corporate managements.  In such an environment, we believe that it is especially
important to genuinely know the managements and understand the business  models,
competitive  advantages  and  corporate  cultures of the  companies in which one
invests.  Fortunately,  this  has  been  the  essence  of  Federated  Kaufmann's
investment process for over 15 years and, we believe, the basis for our superior
long-term performance.

     The biggest  gainers over the  reporting  period have all been  profitable,
well-managed, fast-growing companies including: PETsMART, Inc. (pet superstores,
9.0% of net assets),  Lincare Holdings,  Inc. (home respiratory therapy, 5.6% of
net assets),  Concord EFS, Inc. (electronic fund transfer services,  1.2% of net
assets) and Affiliated Computer Services,  Inc. (data processing services,  2.9%
of net assets).

     These  investments  have something  else in common.  They are in businesses
that we have come to know well after many years of  observation  and study.  For
example, we started buying PETsMART, Inc. in 1998, having followed it since 1993
when it went public.  We first bought  Lincare  Holdings,  Inc. in 1992,  and we
initially  bought Concord EFS, Inc. and Affiliated  Computer  Services,  Inc. in

     Of course,  we are always  establishing  new positions in companies that we
believe--based  on  fundamental  research,  personal  contacts with  management,
customers and competitors--have  excellent growth prospects,  strong franchises,
superior  returns on  capital,  solid  balance  sheets  and,  above  all,  great
management.  Recently,  for example, the Fund bought shares of Inveresk Research
Group, Inc. and Advance Auto Parts, Inc. on their initial public offerings.  The
decision to add these  positions to our portfolio was based,  to a large extent,
on years of buying and selling stocks of other companies in similar  businesses.
We believe our many years of experience give us an information  advantage in our
stock selection.

     Our investment strategy has not changed: We continue to focus on individual
companies (not market  sectors) that have  strengthening  fundamentals  for both
near-term and long-term growth in sales and earnings. While many of the elements
necessary  for an  economic  recovery  appear  to be in  place,  there is a good
likelihood that the pace of recovery will continue to be relatively  modest.  In
such a case,  companies with strong growth  prospects  should become  relatively
more valuable because they will be harder to find.

     The Fund's underweight in the Technology sectors helped the Fund outperform
its benchmark  over the reporting  period.  In these  sectors,  we are patiently
waiting either for prices to correct or for business fundamentals to catch up to
prices.  Once the supply and demand  disturbances of the last few years begin to
be  resolved,  we think some of the great  companies  that we have  followed for
years, and know well, should present attractive investment opportunities.

     Looking ahead, we are optimistic that the U.S.  economy may be coming off a
bottom.  Many of our  portfolio  holdings  have the potential to benefit from an
economic upturn, and they are dominant competitors.

     In summary,  we are pleased with the fund's  portfolio and despite the many
economic and  geopolitical  uncertainties  affecting  the market,  our intensive
company-specific  fieldwork  has  been  turning  up  attractive  new  investment

     As always,  we thank you for your  support and look  forward to serving you
for many years to come.

Sincerely yours,

Hans Utsch                    Lawrence Auriana
Portfolio Co-Manager                Portfolio Co-Manager

December 16, 2002

1    Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Investment  return and
     principal value will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed,
     may be worth more or less than the  original  cost.  Total  returns for the
     period, based on offering price, (i.e., less any sales charge or redemption
     fee) for Class A , B, and C Shares were (13.91)%,  (13.79)%,  and (10.03)%,
     respectively. Current performance information is available at our Web sites or by calling 1-800-341-7400.

2    Lipper figures  represent the average of the total returns  reported by all
     mutual  funds  designated  by Lipper,  Inc.  as falling  into the  category
     indicated. Lipper figures do not reflect sales charges.

3    The RMGI measures the performance of those Russell  mid-cap  companies with
     higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. The stocks
     are also members of the Russell 1000 Growth  Index.  Investments  cannot be
     made in an index.

Growth of a $10,0000 Investment


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class A
Shares of Federated  Kaufmann Fund (the "Fund") is  represented by a solid line.
The Russell  Mid-Cap  Growth Index  ("RMGI") is represented by a dotted line and
the Lipper  MultiCap Growth Index ("LMCGI") is represented by a broken line. The
line graph is a visual  representation  of a comparison  of change in value of a
$10,000 hypothetical  investment in the Class A Shares of the Fund, the RMGI and
the  LMCGI.  The "x"  axis  reflects  computation  periods  from  10/31/1987  to
10/31/2002.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment.  The right margin
reflects the ending value of the  hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class A
Shares,  as compared to the RMGI and the LMCGI. The ending values were $113,861,
$45,732 and $41,254, respectively.

Average Annual Total Return for the Period Ended 10/31/2002

                                                        5       10      15
                                        1 Year  2 Years Years   Years   Years
Federated Kaufmann Fund -- Class A
Shares2                                 (8.90)% (9.20)% 3.81%   12.83%  17.92%
Russell Mid-Cap Growth Index3           (17.62)%(31.34)%(1.62)% 7.43%   10.50%
Lipper Multi-Cap Growth Index3          (20.60)%(32.16)%(2.75)% 7.19%   9.91%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions  or the redemption of Fund shares.  For after-tax  returns,  visit   Investment   return  and   principal   value  will
fluctuate,  so that when an investor's shares, when redeemed,  may be worth more
or less than original cost. Mutual funds are not obligations of or guaranteed by
any bank and are not federally insured.

1    Represent a hypothetical  investment of $10,000 in the Fund after deducting
     the maximum  sales  charge of 5.50%  ($10,000  investment  minus $550 sales
     charge = $9,450).  The Fund's  performance  assumes the reinvestment of all
     dividends and  distributions.  The RMGI and the LMCGI have been adjusted to
     reflect reinvestment of all dividends on securities in the index.

2    Performance  shown is for the  Fund's  Class A Shares at net  asset  value.
     Based on the  maximum  sales  charge of 5.50%,  the Fund's  Class A Shares'
     average annual 1-year,  2-year,  5-year,  10-year and 15-year total returns
     were (13.91)%, (11.73)%, 2.64%, 12.20% and 17.48%, respectively. Additional
     classes of shares are  available.  Performance  for these classes will vary
     due to differences in charges and expenses.

3    The RMGI and the LMCGI are not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses,
     or other fees that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires to
     be reflected in the Fund's performance. These indexes are unmanaged.

Annual Report for the 12 Months Ended February 28, 2003
Investment Review

     Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund  invests in U.S.  government
securities that include U.S. Treasury,  agency and  mortgage-backed  securities.
The fund's average  duration is managed within 20% of the duration of the Lehman
Brothers Government Bond Index (LBGB).1

     U.S.  government  bonds were top performers  again during the fund's annual
reporting period as economic growth was dampened by corporate  scandals,  equity
market declines and the war on terrorism.  Treasury yields moved higher early in
the  reporting  period as the economy  showed  signs of recovery and the Federal
Reserve Board (the "Fed")  shifted from its easing bias in effect since December
2000 to a neutral  bias in March  2002.  Yields of 5-year and  10-year  Treasury
notes rose from 4.19% and 4.88%,  respectively,  at the end of February  2002 to
4.84% and 5.43% in late March/early April 2002.

     However,  corporate accounting scandals and equity market declines fueled a
flight to quality into U.S. government  securities,  especially the front end of
the yield curve, during the summer.  Also,  geopolitical  uncertainty was on the
rise due to the looming war with Iraq and escalating  tensions with North Korea.
These  factors,  combined  with weaker  economic  data in the latter half of the
reporting period, drove market speculation of a double-dip recession. Heightened
geopolitical  risks  and  weaker  economic  data  prompted  the Fed to lower the
federal funds target rate to 1.25% in early November 2002 after leaving the rate
unchanged at 1.75% all year. The Treasury yield curve steepened significantly as
shorter-term  yields declined more than longer-term  yields and yields of 5-year
and 10-year Treasury notes fell to 2.66% and 3.69%, respectively,  by the end of
February 2003.

     Almost one third of the fund was invested in government  agency  securities
and one fourth in  government  mortgage  backed  securities  during  much of the
reporting  period.  The fund's agency and mortgage backed positions were reduced
late  in the  reporting  period  as a  result  of  agency  and  mortgage  backed
securities  outperforming  Treasury  securities  on a  duration--adjusted  basis
during the reporting  period.  At the end of February  2003, 26% of the fund was
invested in  government  agency  securities  and 18% was invested in  government
mortgage  backed  securities,  and the fund's  average  duration  was within its
neutral  range at 4.7  years.  The  fund's  net total  return for the year ended
February 28, 2003 was 11.81% for the Institutional  Shares versus 11.26% for the

1    Duration  is a measure  of a  security's  price  sensitivity  to changes in
     interest  rates.  Securities  with longer  durations are more  sensitive to
     changes in interest rates than securities of shorter  durations.  LBGB is a
     material  value weighted  index of U.S.  government  and government  agency
     securities  with  maturities of one year or more.  This index is unmanaged,
     and investments cannot be made in an index.

2    Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Investment  return and
     principal  value  will  fluctuate,  so  that  an  investor's  shares,  when
     redeemed,  may be worth  more or less than  their  original  cost.  Current
     performance     information     is     available     at     our     website or by calling 1-800-341-7400.


Growth of a $25,000 Investment in Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund

     The graph below illustrates the hypothetical  investment of $25,0001 in the
Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund (Institutional  Service Shares) (the
"Fund")  from  October 19, 1995 (start of  performance)  to February  28,  2003,
compared to the Lehman Brothers Government Bond Index (LBGB).2


The graphic  presentation here displayed  consists of a line graph. The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed underneath.  The
Institutional  Service Shares of Federated Total Return Government Bond
Fund (the "Fund") is represented  by a solid line. The Lehman  Brothers
Government  Bond Index  ("LBGB) is  represented  by a dotted line.  The
line  graph is a visual  representation  of a  comparison  of change in
value  of  a  $25,000  hypothetical  investment  in  the  Institutional
Service  Shares  of the  Fund  and  the  LBGB.  The "x"  axis  reflects
computation  periods  from  10/19/1995  to  2/28/2003.   The  "y"  axis
reflects  the cost of the  investment.  The right  margin  reflects the
ending   value   of  the   hypothetical   investment   in  the   Fund's
Institutional  Service  Shares,  as  compared  to the LBGB.  The ending
values were $42,085 and 43,393, respectively.

Average Annual Total Returns for the Period Ended 2/28/2003
1 Year                                                                  11.48%
5 Years                                                                 7.59%
Start of Performance (10/19/1995)                                       7.33%

     Past  performance  is no  guarantee of future  results.  The line graph and
table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund
distributions  or the redemption of Fund shares.  For after-tax  returns,  visit Investment return and principal value will fluctuate
so that an  investor's  shares,  when  redeemed,  may be worth more or less than
their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or guaranteed by any
bank and are not federally insured.

     This report must be preceded or accompanied by the Fund's  prospectus dated
April 30, 2003,  and,  together with  financial  statements  contained  therein,
constitutes the Fund's annual report.

1    The Fund's  performance  assumes  the  reinvestment  of all  dividends  and
     distributions.  The LBGB has  been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of
     dividends on securities in the index.

2    The LBGB is not adjusted to reflect sales charges,  expenses, or other fees
     that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  The index
     is unmanaged.

November 30, 2002

Joseph M. Balestrino
Senior Vice President
Federated Investment Management Corporation
Investment Review

     [Shareholders'  Note:  The  fund  is  co-managed  by a  team  of  portfolio
managers,  in addition to lead manager Joseph M. Balestrino,  who are experts in
key bond market sectors: U.S.  government--Christopher J. Smith, Vice President,
Federated  Investment  Management  Corp.;  high-yield  corporate  bonds--Mark E.
Durbiano,  Senior Vice President,  Federated  Investment  Management  Corp.; and
Donald T. Ellenberger, Vice President, Federated Investment Management Corp.]

     The 12-month  reporting period ended November 30, 2002 was positive for all
high-quality,  fixed-income  investors.  Interest  rates fell  across the entire
majority  spectrum,  most notably in the two- to five-year  maturity  range.  In
general,  the bond market could be  characterized  as  exhibiting a  significant
"flight to quality" impact,  specifically  related to an assortment of terrorist
activities,  corporate accounting scandals, earnings shortfalls and intermittent
economic indicator weakness. In such an uncertain  environment,  investor demand
for  high-quality  debt  securities  stayed at a high level for much of the past
year. Further augmenting the safety-conscious investor pattern was the fact that
the Federal  Reserve  Board (the "Fed")  lowered the federal  funds  target rate
twice over the past 12 months in a continued  effort to help  stimulate the U.S.
economy. Despite all of the financial market's volatility and seemingly negative
corporate  developments,  it must be noted  that most  economic  indicators  had
improved from the beginning to the end of the fund's reporting period.  The most
notable were improvements in manufacturing, jobless claims, commodity prices and
year-over-year earnings' rates.

     Overall,  the fund had a good year in terms of  performance.  Institutional
Shares and Institutional  Service Shares posted total returns of 6.10% and 5.79.
This  exceeded the 5.33%  average  return of its peers in the Lipper  Investment
Grade  Debt  Funds  category.1  However,  over  the  reporting  period  the fund
underperformed  the 7.32% return for its benchmark,  Lehman  Brothers  Aggregate
Bond Index.2

     The past year was not one of significant portfolio composition adjustments.
The fund's  duration,3 or sensitivity to interest rate movements,  was generally
maintained within a range of 95-105% of the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index
duration.  In addition,  quality  parameters  were also maintained with a fairly
constant  overweight to the higher  yielding  corporate  bond sector.  Thus, the
portfolio  generated an income flow well in excess of either the Lehman Index or
the Lipper peer group category.

1    Lipper figures  represent the average of the total returns  reported by all
     of the mutual funds designated by Lipper, Inc. as falling into the category
     indicated. Lipper returns do not take sales charges into account.

2    Lehman  Brothers  Aggregate  Bond Index is an unmanaged  index  composed of
     securities  from  the  Lehman  Brothers  Government/Corporate  Bond  Index,
     Mortgage-Backed  Securities  Index, and the Asset-Backed  Securities Index.
     Total  return  comprises  price  appreciation/depreciation  and income as a
     percentage of the original amount  invested.  Indexes are unmanaged and are
     rebalanced monthly by market capitalization.  Investments cannot be made in
     an index.

3    Duration  is a measure  of a  security's  price  sensitivity  to changes in
     interest  rates.  Securities  with longer  durations are more  sensitive to
     change in interest rates than securities of shorter durations.



     The graph below illustrates the hypothetical  investment of $25,0001 in the
Federated  Total Return Bond Fund  (Institutional  Service  Shares) (the "Fund")
from October 1, 1996 (start of performance) to November 30, 2002 compared to the
Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond Index (LBAB).2

The graphic  presentation  here displayed  consists of a line graph. The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The
Institutional  Service  Shares of Federated  Total Return Bond Fund (the
"Fund") is represented by a solid line.  The Lehman  Brothers  Aggregate
Bond Index  ("LBAB") is  represented by a dotted line. The line graph is
a visual  representation of a comparison of change in value of a $25,000
hypothetical  investment in the Institutional Service Shares of the Fund
and the LBAB. The "x" axis reflects  computation  periods from 10/1/1996
to  11/30/2002.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the  investment.  The
right margin  reflects the ending value of the  hypothetical  investment
in the Fund's  Institutional  Service  Shares,  as compared to the LBAB.
The ending values were $38,946 and $39,800, respectively.

Average Annual Total Returns for the Year Ended 11/30/2002
1 Year                                                                   5.79%
5 Years                                                                  6.74%
Start of Performance (10/1/1996)                                         7.45%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions  or the redemption of Fund shares.  For after-tax  returns,  visit   Investment   return  and   principal   value  will
fluctuate,  so that an investor's  shares,  when redeemed,  may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Mutual funds are not obligations of or guaranteed
by any bank and are not federally insured.

1    The Fund's  performance  assumes  the  reinvestment  of all  dividends  and
     distributions.  The LBAB has  been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of
     dividends on securities in the index.

2    The LBAB is not adjusted to reflect sales charges,  expenses, or other fees
     that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.  The index
     is unmanaged.

Annual Report for the 12 Months Ended June 30, 2002
Investment Review

Jeff A. Kozemchak, CFA, Vice President, Federated Investment Management Company


     For the twelve months ended June 30, 2002,  Federated  Short-Term Municipal
Trust produced a total return of 4.63%1 for Institutional Shares (IS) and 4.37%1
for  Institutional  Service  Shares  (ISS),  as tax-exempt  dividend  income was
enhanced by price  appreciation  due to falling  interest  rates.  These returns
handily exceeded the Lipper Short-Term Municipal Debt Funds average total return
of 3.96% over the period.2 For the  one-year,  five-year,  and ten-year  periods
ended  June  30,  2002,  the  fund  had the  following  rankings  in the  Lipper
Short-Term  Municipal  Debt  Funds  category:  7th (IS) and 14th (ISS) out of 40
funds; 6th (IS) and 13th (ISS) out of 26 funds; and 4th (IS) out of 7 funds. The
fund's  one-year  total returns are equivalent to taxable total returns of 7.05%
(IS) and 6.63% (ISS) for  investors in the highest  federal tax  bracket.  These
total returns  significantly  exceeded  those of taxable money market funds over
the one-year period.3

     Nevertheless,  the fund is managed  predominately  for tax-exempt  income,4
with a secondary goal of minimizing the fluctuation of principal value. The fund
produced  income   dividends   exempt  from  federal  regular  income  taxes  of
approximately  $0.3876  per  share  (IS) and  $0.3618  per  share  (ISS).  These
dividends are equivalent to annualized tax-free distribution rates of 3.74% (IS)
and 3.50%  (ISS).  For  investors  at the  highest  federal tax  bracket,  these
distributions are comparable to tax-equivalent  distribution rates of 6.09% (IS)
and 5.70% (ISS).

     The fund's 30-day net  distribution  yield on June 30, 2002, was 3.44% (IS)
and 3.19%  (ISS).5  The fund's  30-day SEC yield on June 30, 2002 was 2.66% (IS)
and 2.41% (ISS).6 After a period of sharply declining interest rates, the fund's
yield remains  significantly  above similar maturity and quality municipal bonds
that are currently being issued in the market. For example, a "AAA" rated 2-year
maturity  municipal  bond  issued  on June 30,  2002 had a yield of only  1.97%,
illustrating the attractiveness of the fund's income stream.


     Mixed economic data, continued  geopolitical distress, and a bear market in
equities has  resulted in a flight to quality that has helped to make  municipal
bonds the preferred sector for high net worth investors.  The corporate and high
yield bond  markets  continued  to suffer  from a  weakening  economy,  earnings
reliability,  and management credibility problems.  While not immune to economic
slowdowns  and the  impact on state  and local  governments,  the  effects  of a
recession  and the impact on credit  quality in the  municipal  market have been
rather muted,  especially  when compared  with the corporate  bond market.  As a
result,  flows  into  municipal  bond  funds,   including  Federated  Short-Term
Municipal Trust, have been consistently  positive. The increased level of demand
from both retail and institutional  sources has helped the municipal bond market
perform well relative to other fixed income asset classes.

     In the latter half of 2001, the Federal Reserve Board (the "Fed") eased six
times,  moving the federal  funds target rate from 4.00% to 1.75%.  As a result,
short-term  interest  rates fell rapidly  during 2001,  but  exhibited  moderate
volatility in early 2002 as the market expected an economic recovery that failed
to  materialize.  Interest  rates for  2-year  municipal  bonds are now at their
lowest  point in the past  decade.  Interest  rates as  measured  by the 2-year,
AAA-rated,  municipal  bond  started the period at a high of 3.15%,  declined to
2.25% by early  November,  traded in range between 2.10% and 2.85% from December
through  March,  but  steadily  moved lower to end the period at 1.97%.  In this
interest rate  environment,  bonds on the short-end of the curve  performed very
well on a risk-adjusted basis relative to their longer-term counterparts, as the
yield curve steepened significantly as short-term bond yields fell.


     Because  short-term  rates  were  falling  rapidly  and  the  fund's  yield
generally  was  higher  than the  yields of direct  market  securities  over the
reporting period, investors found the fund to be an attractive investment versus
direct securities.

     Because  high-quality  bonds  perform  best  in a bull  markets  for  bonds
(declining interest rates) and a slowing economy, our new purchases for the fund
mainly  concentrated  on quality  and  liquidity.  However,  because the fund is
managed  primarily to maximize the  distribution of tax-exempt  income,  we also
purchased a number of attractively  priced higher yielding  short-term  bonds in
the healthcare, utilities, paper, oil and refining, and transportation sectors.

     At the end of the reporting period,  the fund had over 70% of its assets in
issues rated "A" or better. The average rating of the fund's portfolio was "AA".
For the first nine  months of the  reporting  period,  the  duration of the fund
ranged from 2.0 to 2.4 years,  slightly  longer than our Lipper peer  group.7 In
the final three months,  we shortened the duration to 1.75 years after  interest
rates had fallen considerably.


     We anticipate a continuation  of slow economic  growth into the second half
of 2002,  and for the Fed to leave the federal  funds target rate  unchanged for
the remainder of the year. As a result,  the municipal yield curve should remain
rather  steep,  providing  incentive  for  management  to move out of  overnight
vehicles into short and  short-intermediate  bonds for  incremental  return.  We
expect issuance will continue to surge as low interest rates and the need to fix
state and local  budget  deficits  persists.  At the same  time,  turmoil in the
equity and  corporate  bond markets make  municipals  an  attractive  choice for
investors  seeking lower  volatility  in their  portfolios.  As always,  we will
continue to watch,  with great  interest,  market  developments in order to best
serve our municipal clients.

1    Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Investment  return and
     principal  value  will  fluctuate,  so  that  an  investor's  shares,  when
     redeemed,  may be worth  more or less than  their  original  cost.  Current
     performance     information     is     available     at     our     website or by calling 1-800-341-7400.

2    Lipper figures  represent the average of the total returns  reported by all
     of the  mutual  funds  designated  by  Lipper,  Inc.  as  falling  into the
     respective  categories  indicated.  These  figures  do  not  reflect  sales

3    Unlike money market funds,  which seek to maintain a $1.00 share price, the
     fund's share price fluctuates in value.

4    Income may be subject to the federal  alternative minimum tax and state and
     local taxes.

5    The  30-day  distribution  rate  reflects  actual   distributions  made  to
     shareholders.  It is calculated by dividing the monthly annualized dividend
     plus  short-term  capital  gains,  if any, by the average  30-day  offering

6    The 30-day SEC yield is  calculated by dividing the net  investment  income
     per share for the 30 days ended on the date of  calculation  by the maximum
     offering  price per  share on that  date.  The  figure  is  compounded  and

7    Duration  is a measure  of a  security's  price  sensitivity  to changes in
     interest  rates.  Securities  with longer  durations are more  sensitive to
     changes in interest rates than securities of shorter durations.


     Growth of $25,000  Invested in  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust The
graph below illustrates the hypothetical investment of $25,0001 in the Federated
Short-Term  Municipal  Trust  (Institutional  Service  Shares) (the "Fund") from
September 1, 1993 (start of  performance)  to June 30, 2002,  compared  with the
Lehman Brothers 1-Year  Municipal Index (LB1MI),2 and the Lehman Brothers 3-Year
Municipal Index (LB3MI).2

The graphic  presentation  here displayed  consists of a line graph. The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The
Institutional  Service Shares of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust
(the "Fund") is represented by a solid line. The Lehman  Brothers 1-Year
Municipal  Index  ("LB1MI") is  represented  by a dotted line and Lehman
Brothers  3-Year  Municipal  Index  ("LB3MI") is represented by a broken
line.  The line  graph is a visual  representation  of a  comparison  of
change  in  value  of  a   $25,000   hypothetical   investment   in  the
Institutional  Service Shares of the Fund, the LB1MI and the LB3MI.  The
"x" axis reflects  computation  periods from 9/1/1993 to 6/30/2002.  The
"y" axis reflects the cost of the investment.  The right margin reflects
the  ending  value  of  the   hypothetical   investment  in  the  Fund's
Institutional  Service  Shares,  as compared to the LB1MI and the LB3MI.
The ending values were $35,269, $38,913 and $37,161, respectively.

Average Annual Total Return for the Period Ended 6/30/2002
1 Year                                                                   4.37%
5 Years                                                                  4.18%
Start of Performance (9/1/1993)                                          3.97%

     Past  performance  is no  guarantee of future  results.  The line graph and
table do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund
distributions  or the redemption of Fund shares.  For after-tax  returns,  visit   Investment   return  and   principal   value  will
fluctuate,  so that an investor's  shares,  when redeemed,  may be worth more or
less than their original cost. Mutual funds are not obligations of or guaranteed
by any bank and are not federally insured.

     This report must be preceded or accompanied by the Fund's  prospectus dated
August 31, 2002,  and,  together with financial  statements  contained  therein,
constitutes the Fund's annual report.

1    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $25,000 in the Fund.  The Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The LB1MI and LB3MI have been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends
     on securities in the indexes.

2    The LB1MI and LB3MI are not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or
     other fees that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires to be
     reflected  in the Fund's  performance.  These  indexes  are  unmanaged  and
     investments cannot be made in an index.

Annual Report for the 12 Months Ended May 31, 2002
Investment Review


     Mixed economic data and continued  geopolitical  distress has resulted in a
flight to quality that has helped to make municipal  bonds the preferred  sector
for all types of investors.  As a result,  flows into  municipal bond funds have
been consistently  positive.  The increased level of demand from both retail and
institutional  sources  has helped the  municipal  bond  market to perform  well
relative  to other  fixed  income  asset  classes.  The  municipal  yield  curve
steepened as the Federal Reserve Board (the "Fed") appeared to be in no hurry to
change interest rate policy and demand for short-term  debt continued  unabated.
The 5, 10 and  30-year AAA  municipal  bond  yields  changed by,  minus 76 basis
points, minus 45 basis points and minus 15 basis points,  respectively.  General
obligation  debt  (states,  counties  and cities) came under  increased  ratings
pressure as budget shortfalls resulted from the recession's effects on sales and
income  taxes.  Municipal  Bond  yields,  as  represented  by the Bond  Buyer 40
Municipal  Index,1  declined  moderately  over  the  period  from  5.44%  at the
beginning of April to 5.28% at the end of June.


     The  fund's  total  return  over  the  reporting  period  was  5.93%.2  The
portfolio's  positioning in intermediate maturities with convex structures had a
positive  impact as interest  rates  declined.  Sector  exposure to hospital and
industrial  development debt also provided positive  incremental return over the


     The fund  attempts to maximize  tax-exempt  income3  within  specific  risk
parameters.  Incremental  return is provided to the portfolio by making relative
value decisions  involving  credit spreads  relationships  to benchmarks,  yield
curve positioning, state and sector allocations, and appropriate bond structures
(coupon and callability).

     Strategy has involved  maintaining fund duration at a neutral  weighting to
the respective  benchmark.  A combination of low absolute interest rates,  clear
signs of the emerging  economic  recovery and municipal bond valuations that are
fair value to treasury and corporate bonds,  make a neutral  duration4  position
prudent. Total return should be driven by income generation at this stage of the
business cycle and less so by price return.  The municipal yield curve's current
steepness  provides  attractive yields and the best opportunity to roll down the
curve in the 2012 to 2016 year maturity range.  This is the portion of the yield
curve where  purchases have been  concentrated.  Credit spreads should narrow as
the economic recovery  accelerates.  As a result,  the purchase of lower quality
municipal debt (A and BBB rated) is being undertaken.


     A delay in the Fed's expected  action on interest rates means the municipal
yield curve should remain steep in the short term.  This provides an opportunity
for  leveraged  trades  to  outperform  as  short-term   interest  rates  remain
significantly below long term interest rates. Issuance will continue to surge as
low interest rates and the need to fix state and local budget deficits persists.
Numerous state and local governments will have to work through budget shortfalls
resulting  from  regional  economic  slowdown  and the  resulting  increases  in
short-term and long-term debt. This reality will continue to put pressure on the
yields at which  states  like New York and  California  are able to borrow.  The
forecasts for municipal  debt issuance have been  increased for the remainder of
2002. The low level of interest rates and deepening state budget problems should
lead to  continued  heavy  issuance.  This could result in pressure on municipal
bond prices if the demand for tax-exempt debt is unable to be accommodative.

1    The  Bond  Buyer  Index is  comprised  of 40  actively  quoted  and  traded
     municipal bonds.

2    Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Investment  return and
     principal  value  will  fluctuate,  so  that  an  investor's  shares,  when
     redeemed,  may be worth  more or less than  their  original  cost.  Current
     performance     information     is     available     at     our     website or by calling 1-800-341-7400.

3    Income may be subject to the federal  alternative minimum tax and state and
     local taxes.

4    Duration  is a measure  of a  security's  price  sensitivity  to changes in
     interest  rates.  Securities  with longer  durations are more  sensitive to
     changes in interest rates than securities of shorter durations.


     Growth of $25,000 Invested in Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust

     The graph below illustrates the hypothetical  investment of $25,0001 in the
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust (the "Fund") from May 31, 1992 to May 31,
2002 compared to the Lehman  Brothers 7 Year General  Obligation  Municipal Bond
Index  (LB7GO)2  and  the  Lipper  Intermediate  Municipal  Debt  Funds  Average

The graphic  presentation here displayed  consists of a line graph. The
corresponding  components  of the line  graph  are  listed  underneath.
Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust (the "Fund") is represented by
a solid line. The Lehman Brothers 7 Year General  Obligation  Municipal
Bond Index  ("LB7GO")  is  represented  by a dotted line and the Lipper
Intermediate  Municipal Debt Funds Average ("LIMDFA") is represented by
a  broken  line.  The  line  graph  is  a  visual  representation  of a
comparison of change in value of a $25,000  hypothetical  investment in
the  Shares  of the  Fund,  the  LB7GO  and the  LIMDFA.  The "x"  axis
reflects computation periods from 5/31/1992 to 5/31/2002.  The "y" axis
reflects  the cost of the  investment.  The right  margin  reflects the
ending value of the  hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Shares,  as
compared to the LB7GO and the LIMDFA.  The ending  values were $41,562,
$46,919 and 42,565, respectively.

Average Annual Total Return for the Period Ended 5/31/2002
1 Year                                                                  5.93%
5 Years                                                                 4.83%
10 Years                                                                5.21%
Start of Performance (12/26/1985)                                       5.87%

     Past  performance  is no  guarantee of future  results.  The line graph and
table do not reflect the  deduction of taxes that a  shareholder  may pay on the
redemption     of    Fund    shares.     For    after-tax     returns,     visit  Your  investment  return and  principal  value will
fluctuate,  so when  shares  are  redeemed,  they may be worth more or less than
their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or guaranteed by any
bank and are not federally insured.

     This report must be preceded or accompanied by the Fund's  prospectus dated
July 31,  2002,  and  together  with  financial  statements  contained  therein,
constitutes the Fund's annual report.

1    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $25,000 in the Fund.  The Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The  LB7GO and  LIMDFA  have  been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of
     dividends on securities in the index and average.

2    The LB7GO is an unmanaged index of municipal bonds, issued after January 1,
     1991,  with a minimum credit rating of at least Baa, which have been issued
     as part of a deal of at least $50 million,  a maturity value of at least $5
     million and a maturity range of six to eight years. As of January 1996, the
     index also includes zero coupon bonds and bonds subject to the  Alternative
     Minimum  Tax. It is not adjusted to reflect  sales  charges,  expenses,  or
     other fees that the Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") requires to
     be reflected in the Fund's performance. This index is unmanaged.

3    The LIMDFA  represents the average of the total returns  reported by all of
     the mutual funds designated by Lipper,  Inc. as falling into the respective
     category, and is not adjusted to reflect any sales charges.  However, these
     total  returns are  reported  net of  expenses  and other fees that the SEC
     requires to be reflected in the Fund's performance.





     We maintained our investment strategy in the extremely volatile environment
that persisted in the year ended April 30, 2003. We remained  extremely close to
our benchmark's  sector weighting and were focused on individual stock selection
to add alpha to the portfolio.  We continued to emphasize  those  companies that
have solid revenue and earnings  growth,  strong  management  teams and had good
relative multiples.  During the reporting period,  large cap stocks outperformed
small cap stocks for the first time since 1999,  reflecting  a flight to quality
and avoidance of the most economically sensitive segments of the market.

     The Riggs Stock Fund  generated a return of (13.72)%2  (Class Y Shares) for
the year ended April 30, 2003,  performing  similarly to the total return of our
benchmark,  the Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500)3, which lost 13.31%. Stock
selection contributed most to the relative performance,  as we maintained sector
weights close to those of the  benchmark.  The Fund  benefited from strong stock
selection in Consumer Discretionary,  Energy and Technology, while the selection
in Health Care and Utility detracted it.

     In the Consumer Discretionary category, our overweight position in The Gap,
Inc. and Clear Channel  Communications,  Inc. added value to the portfolio.  Gap
has  been  restructuring  successfully,  its  new  merchandise  assortment  that
includes Old Navy has been well received,  and its strategy to frequently change
store  displays  became a reason for  shoppers  to visit Gap stores  more often.
Clear Channel  Communications  benefited  from the strong  improvement  in radio
advertising.  In the Energy sector,  our position in  Halliburton  Company had a
positive  effect on the portfolio.  Halliburton  moved closer to a settlement on
its asbestos  exposure,  while executing in an improved  environment for oil and
gas exploration and oil well services. In the Technology sector, our position in
Hewlett-Packard Co. added value to the portfolio.  Hewlett-Packard  continued to
deliver  gains from  synergies  achieved  thorough its merger with Compaq,  with
strong products and performance in the printer segment, which has benefited from
the growing  digital  imaging  market.  Our holdings of Cigna and El Paso in the
Health  Care  and  Utility  sectors,   respectively,   adversely   affected  our

     Despite generating  negative returns for the year ended April 30, 2003, the
Riggs Small Company Stock Fund  significantly  outperformed  its benchmark,  the
Russell 2000 Index4,  with a return of (11.65)%2  (Class Y Shares),  compared to
(20.75)% for the benchmark.  Stock  selection  contributed  most to the relative
performance,  as we maintained  sector  weights close to those of the benchmark.
The Fund benefited from strong stock  selection in the  Industrial,  Health Care
and Financial  sectors,  while  selection in Technology  adversely  affected the
relative returns.

     In the Industrial  sector our positions in Mesa Air Group,  Inc. and Wabash
National Corp. added strongly to the relative performance of the portfolio. As a
low cost operator,  Mesa Air continued to gain share,  particularly  as its code
share  partners were able to avoid  liquidation.  Wabash has been  executing its
restructuring plan successfully,  cutting costs heavily and moving to divest its
non-core  divisions.  In the Health Care sector, our holding of Owens and Minor,
Inc. added value to our performance. Owens and Minor is a distributor of medical
supplies;  the firm is growing by supplying more of non-commodity  type and high
tech supplies with better  revenues and margins.  In the Financial  sector,  our
position in First Bancorp contributed  positively to the relative performance of
the  portfolio.  First  Bancorp has gained from  strong loan  growth,  increased
market share, and improved  diversification of its portfolio.  In the Technology
sector,  our  holding of  Axcelis  Technologies,  Inc.  adversely  affected  our
relative  performance,  as demand  from its  semiconductor  customers  fell more
sharply than expected.

     Both the Riggs Stock Fund and the Riggs Small Company Stock Fund  benefited
from the  settlement  of class  action  lawsuits,  the  proceeds  of which  were
received in April 2003. The lawsuits  related to two of the Funds' holdings were
in the late 1990s.


     The Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund produced a total return of 9.56%2
(Class Y Shares) for the twelve-month  period ended April 30, 2003,  compared to
an 11.09% return for the Merrill Lynch U.S.  Treasury  Agency Master Index7 over
the same period.  During the  reporting  period the yield curve  steepened by 86
basis points,  with the middle of the yield curve outperforming the longer-dated
maturities.  The Treasury and Mortgage sectors were the worst performing  during
the reporting period, while the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) and
Corporate  sectors were the best performing.  The Fund's  duration6  underweight
relative to its index caused a drag on the Fund's performance. Additionally, the
Fund's  overweight in mortgage  bonds hurt the Fund's  relative  performance  as
rates declined and prepayments accelerated during the reporting period.


     The Riggs Bond Fund produced a total return of 9.84%2 for the  twelve-month
period ended April 30, 2003, compared to a 12.43% return for the Lehman Brothers
Government Credit Total Index5 over the same period. During the reporting period
the yield curve steepened by 86 basis points, with the middle of the yield curve
outperforming  the  longer-dated  maturities.  The Treasury and Mortgage sectors
were the  worst  performing  during  the  reporting  period,  while the CMBS and
Corporate  sectors were the best performing.  The Fund's  duration6  underweight
relative to its index caused a drag on the Fund's performance. Additionally, the
Fund's higher credit quality hurt the Fund's relative performance,  as BBB rated
corporate bonds were stellar performers.


     The Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund  produced a total  return of 5.78%2
for the twelve-month period ended April 30, 2003, compared to a 5.82% return for
the Lehman  Brothers 3 Year Municipal  Bond Index.9 During the reporting  period
the  tax-exempt  yield  curve  steepened  by 71 basis  points,  with the  longer
maturities  outperforming  the  shorter-dated   maturities.   The  Hospital  and
Education sectors were the best performing  during the reporting  period,  while
the Housing and  Industrial  Development  Revenue  Bond (IDRB)  sectors were the
worst performing. Demand for municipals was robust, as investors were willing to
pay very  aggressive  levels for lower rated credits and specialty  states.  The
Fund's neutral  positioning  regarding  maturity and its focus on higher quality
credits produced returns that were in line with that of the index.4


     The Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund produced a total return of 9.43%2
for the  twelve-month  period ended April 30, 2003,  compared to an 8.50% return
for the Lehman  Brothers 10 Year  Municipal  Bond Index.10  During the reporting
period the tax-exempt yield curve steepened by 71 basis points,  with the longer
maturities  outperforming  the  shorter-dated   maturities.   The  Hospital  and
Education sectors were the best performing  during the reporting  period,  while
the  Housing  and the  IDRB  sectors  were  the  worst  performing.  Demand  for
municipals was robust,  as investors were willing to pay very aggressive  levels
for lower-rated  credits and specialty  states.  The Fund's overweight in longer
maturities constituted the bulk of its outperformance versus its index.

1    Small  company  stocks  may be less  liquid and  subject  to greater  price
     volatility than large capitalization stocks.

2    Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Investment  return and
     principal  value  will  fluctuate,  so  than  an  investor's  shares,  when
     redeemed,  may be worth more or less than their original cost.  Yields will
     vary.   Current   performance   information   is   available   by   calling

3    The S&P 500 is an  unmanaged  capitalization-weighted  index of 500  stocks
     designed  to measure  performance  of the broad  domestic  economy  through
     changes in the aggregate market value of 500 stocks  representing all major
     industries. Investments cannot be made in an index.

4    The Russell  2000 Index  measures  the  performance  of the 2,000  smallest
     companies in the Russell 3000 Index, which represents  approximately 10% of
     the total market  capitalization  of the Russell  3000 Index.  The index is
     unmanaged, and investments cannot be made in an index.

5    The  Lehman  Brothers   Government  Credit  Total  Index  is  comprised  of
     approximately  5,000 issues which include:  non-convertible  bonds publicly
     issued by the U.S.  government or its agencies;  corporate bonds guaranteed
     by the U.S. government and quasi-federal corporations; and publicly issued,
     fixed rate, non-convertible domestic bonds of companies in industry, public
     utilities,  and finance.  The average maturity of these bonds  approximates
     nine years.  Tracked by Lehman  Brothers,  Inc., the index calculates total
     returns for one month, three-month,  twelve-month, and ten-year periods and
     year-to-date.  The index is unmanaged, and investments cannot be made in an

6    Duration  is a measure  of a  security's  price  sensitivity  to changes in
     interest  rates.  Securities  with longer  durations are more  sensitive to
     changes in interest rates than securities of shorter durations.

7    The Merrill Lynch U.S.  Treasury  Agency Master Index is an unmanaged index
     comprised of long-term bonds publicly issued by the U.S.  government or its
     agencies. Investments cannot be made in an index.

8    Income may be subject to the federal  alternative minimum tax and state and
     local taxes.

9    The Lehman  Brothers 3 Year Municipal  Bond Index is an unmanaged  index of
     municipal  bonds issued after January 1, 1991 with a minimum  credit rating
     of at least  Baa,  been  issued as part of a deal of at least $50  million,
     have a maturity  value of at least $5 million  and a maturity  range of 1-5
     years.  As of January  1996 the index also  includes  zero coupon bonds and
     bonds subject to Alternative Minimum Tax.  Investments cannot be made in an

10   The Lehman  Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond Index is an unmanaged  index of
     municipal  bonds issued after January 1, 1991 with a minimum  credit rating
     of at least  Baa,  been  issued as part of a deal of at least $50  million,
     have a  maturity  value of at least $3 million  and a maturity  range of 10
     years or greater.  As of January 1996 the index also  includes  zero coupon
     bonds and bonds subject to Alternative  Minimum Tax.  Investments cannot be
     made in an index.

Riggs Stock Fund
Class R Shares

Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs Stock Fund, Class R Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Stock Fund,  Class R Shares (the  "Fund") from April 30, 1993 to April 30,
2003 compared to the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500).**


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class R
Shares of Riggs Stock Fund (the "Fund") is  represented by a solid diamond line.
The Standard & Poor's 500 Index ("S&P 500") is  represented  by a dotted  square
line.  The line graph is a visual  representation  of a comparison  of change in
value of a $10,000 hypothetical investment in the Class R Shares of the Fund and
the S&P  500.  The "x" axis  reflects  computation  periods  from  4/30/1993  to
4/30/2003.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the  investment.  The right margin
reflects the ending value of the  hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class R
Shares,  as compared to the S&P 500. The ending values were $18,668 and $25,218,

1 Year            (15.58)%
5 Years             (8.39)%
10 Years        6.44%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

     *  Represents  a  hypothetical  investment  of  $10,000  in the Fund  after
deducting  the maximum  sales  charge in effect May 11,  1992 of 3.50%  ($10,000
investment minus $350 sales charge = $9,650).  Effective  December 18, 1995, the
maximum sales charge  increased to 5.75%.  Effective July 1, 1998, the front end
sales charge was eliminated, and a contingent deferred sales charge of 2.00% for
newly purchased Class R Shares was implemented.  The Fund's performance  assumes
the  reinvestment  of all  dividends  and  distributions.  The S&P 500 has  been
adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends on securities in the index.

     ** The S&P 500 is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other
fees that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the
Fund's performance. The index is unmanaged.

     ***  Total  returns  quoted  reflect  all  applicable   sales  charges  and
contingent deferred sales charges.

Riggs Stock Fund
Class Y Shares

Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs Stock Fund, Class Y Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Stock Fund,  Class Y Shares (the "Fund") from  December 20, 1999 (start of
performance)  to April 30, 2003  compared to the  Standard  and Poor's 500 Index
(S&P 500).**


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class Y
Shares of Riggs Stock Fund (the "Fund") is  represented by a solid diamond line.
The Standard & Poor's 500 Index ("S&P 500") is  represented  by a dotted  square
line.  The line graph is a visual  representation  of a comparison  of change in
value of a $10,000 hypothetical investment in the Class Y Shares of the Fund and
the S&P 500.  The "x" axis  reflects  computation  periods  from  12/20/1999  to
4/30/2003.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the  investment.  The right margin
reflects the ending value of the  hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class Y
Shares,  as compared to the S&P 500.  The ending  values were $6,691 and $6,763,

1 Year                              (13.72)%
Start of Performance (12/20/1999)         (11.27)%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000 in the Fund.  The Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The S&P 500 has been  adjusted  to reflect  reinvestment  of  dividends  on
     securities in the index.

**   The S&P 500 is not adjusted to reflect sales  charges,  expenses,  or other
     fees that the Securities and Exchange  Commission  requires to be reflected
     in the Fund's performance. The index is unmanaged.

Riggs Small Company Stock Fund
Class R Shares

Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs Small Company Stock Fund, Class R Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Small  Company  Stock Fund,  Class R Shares (the "Fund") from February 27,
1995 (start of performance) to April 30, 2003 compared to the Russell 2000 Index


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class R
Shares of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund (the "Fund") is  represented by a solid
diamond line.  The Russell 200 Index  ("RUS2") is represented by a dotted square
line.  The line graph is a visual  representation  of a comparison  of change in
value of a $10,000 hypothetical investment in the Class R Shares of the Fund and
the RUS2. The "x" axis reflects computation periods from 2/27/1995 to 4/30/2003.
The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment.  The right margin reflects the
ending value of the  hypothetical  investment  in the Fund's Class R Shares,  as
compared to the RUS2. The ending values were $18,921 and $17,481, respectively.

1 Year                              (13.67)%
5 Years                               (4.94)%
Start of Performance (2/27/1995)               8.59%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund after deducting
     the maximum  sales  charge in effect  February  27, 1995 of 3.50%  ($10,000
     investment minus $350 sales charge = $9,650).  Effective December 18, 1995,
     the maximum sales charge  increased to 5.75%.  Effective  July 1, 1998, the
     front end sales  charge was  eliminated,  and a contingent  deferred  sales
     charge of 2.00% for newly  purchased  Class R Shares was  implemented.  The
     Fund's   performance   assumes  the   reinvestment  of  all  dividends  and
     distributions.  The RUS2 has  been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of
     dividends on securities in the index.

**   The RUS2 is not adjusted to reflect sales charges,  expenses, or other fees
     that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the
     Fund's performance. The index is unmanaged.

***  Total returns quoted  reflect all  applicable  sales charges and contingent
     deferred sales charges.

Riggs Small Company Stock Fund
Class Y Shares

Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs Small Company Stock Fund, Class Y Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Small  Company  Stock Fund,  Class Y Shares (the "Fund") from December 20,
1999 (start of performance) to April 30, 2003 compared to the Russell 2000 Index


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class Y
Shares of Riggs Small Company Stock Fund (the "Fund") is  represented by a solid
diamond line.  The Russell 2000 Index ("RUS2") is represented by a dotted square
line.  The line graph is a visual  representation  of a comparison  of change in
value of a $10,000 hypothetical investment in the Class Y Shares of the Fund and
the  RUS2.  The  "x"  axis  reflects  computation  periods  from  12/20/1999  to
4/30/2003.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the  investment.  The right margin
reflects the ending value of the  hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class Y
Shares,  as compared  to the RUS2.  The ending  values were  $11,233 and $8,952,

1 Year                              (11.65)%
Start of Performance (12/20/1999)              3.52%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000 in the Fund.  The Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The RUS2  has  been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of  dividends  on
     securities in the index.

**   The RUS2 is not adjusted to reflect sales charges,  expenses, or other fees
     that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the
     Fund's performance. The index is unmanaged.

Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund
Class R Shares

     Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs U.S. Government  Securities Fund, Class
R Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund, Class R Shares (the "Fund") from April
30, 1993 to April 30, 2003  compared to the Merrill Lynch U.S.  Treasury  Agency
Master Index (MLTAM).**


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class R
Shares of Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund (the "Fund") is represented by a
solid  diamond  line.  The  Merrill  Lynch U.S.  Treasury  Agency  Master  Index
("MLTAM") is  represented  by a dotted  square line.  The line graph is a visual
representation  of a  comparison  of change  in value of a $10,000  hypothetical
investment  in the  Class R  Shares  of the  Fund  and the  MLTAM.  The "x" axis
reflects computation periods from 4/30/1993 to 4/30/2003.  The "y" axis reflects
the cost of the  investment.  The right margin  reflects the ending value of the
hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class R Shares, as compared to the MLTAM.
The ending values were $18,269 and $19,903, respectively.

1 Year                  7.29%
5 Years                 6.23%
10 Years          6.21%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a hypothetical investment of $10,000 in the Fund after deducting
     the  maximum  sales  charge  in  effect  May  11,  1992 of  3.50%  ($10,000
     investment minus $350 sales charge = $9,650).  Effective December 18, 1995,
     the maximum sales charge  increased to 4.75%.  Effective  July 1, 1998, the
     front-end  sales charge was  eliminated,  and a contingent  deferred  sales
     charge of 2.00% for newly  purchased  Class R Shares was  implemented.  The
     Fund's   performance   assumes  the   reinvestment  of  all  dividends  and
     distributions.  The MLTAM has been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of
     dividends on securities in the index.

**   The MLTAM is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
     that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the
     Fund's  performance.  MLTAM is an  unmanaged  index  comprised of long-term
     bonds publicly issued by the U.S.  government or its agencies.  Investments
     cannot be made in an index.

***  Total returns quoted  reflect all  applicable  sales charges and contingent
     deferred sales charges.

Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund
Class Y Shares

     Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs U.S. Government  Securities Fund, Class
Y Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund, Class Y Shares (the "Fund") from December
20, 1999 (start of  performance) to April 30, 2003 compared to the Merrill Lynch
U.S. Treasury Agency Master Index (MLTAM).**


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class Y
Shares of Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund (the "Fund") is represented by a
solid  diamond  line.  The  Merrill  Lynch U.S.  Treasury  Agency  Master  Index
("MLTAM") is  represented  by a dotted  square line.  The line graph is a visual
representation  of a  comparison  of change  in value of a $10,000  hypothetical
investment  in the  Class Y  Shares  of the  Fund  and the  MLTAM.  The "x" axis
reflects computation periods from 12/20/1999 to 4/30/2003. The "y" axis reflects
the cost of the  investment.  The right margin  reflects the ending value of the
hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class Y Shares, as compared to the MLTAM.
The ending values were $13,196 and $13,660, respectively.

1 Year                              9.56%
Start of Performance (12/20/1999)         8.60%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000 in the Fund.  The Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The MLTAM  has been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of  dividends  on
     securities in the index.

**   The MLTAM is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
     that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the
     Fund's performance. The index is unmanaged.

Riggs Bond Fund
Class R Shares

Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs Bond Fund, Class R Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Bond Fund,  Class R Shares (the "Fund")  from  December 20, 1999 (start of
performance) to April 30, 2003 compared to the Lehman Brothers Government Credit
Total Index (LBGCT).**


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class R
Shares of Riggs Bond Fund (the "Fund") is  represented  by a solid diamond line.
The Lehman Brothers  Government Credit Total Index ("LBGCT") is represented by a
dotted square line. The line graph is a visual representation of a comparison of
change in value of a $10,000  hypothetical  investment  in the Class R Shares of
the  Fund  and the  LBGCT.  The  "x"  axis  reflects  computation  periods  from
12/20/1999 to 4/30/2003.  The "y" axis reflects the cost of the investment.  The
right margin  reflects the ending value of the  hypothetical  investment  in the
Fund's Class R Shares,  as compared to the LBGCT. The ending values were $12,940
and $13,759, respectively.

1 Year                              7.84%
Start of Performance (12/20/1999)         7.97%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000 in the Fund.  The ending
     value of the Fund reflects a 2.00% contingent  deferred sales charge on any
     redemption  less  than  five  years  from the  purchase  date.  The  Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The LBGCT  has been  adjusted  to  reflect  reinvestment  of  dividends  on
     securities in the index.

**   The LBGCT is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
     that the Securities and Exchange Commission requires to be reflected in the
     Fund's performance.  LBGCT is comprised of approximately 5,000 issues which
     include:  non-convertible  bonds publicly issued by the U.S.  government or
     its  agencies;  corporate  bonds  guaranteed  by the  U.S.  government  and
     quasifederal corporations; and publicly issued, fixed rate, non-convertible
     domestic bonds of companies in industry, public utilities, and finance. The
     average maturity of these bonds approximates nine years.  Tracked by Lehman
     Brothers,   Inc.,  the  index  calculates  total  returns  for  one  month,
     three-month, twelve-month, and ten-year periods and year-to-date. The index
     is unmanaged, and investments cannot be made in an index. *** Total returns
     quoted reflect all applicable  sales charges and contingent  deferred sales

Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
Class R Shares

     Growth of $10,000  Invested in Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund, Class R

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund,  Class R Shares (the "Fund") from  December
20,  1999  (start of  performance)  to April 30,  2003  compared  to the  Lehman
Brothers 3 Year  Municipal Bond Index  (LB3MB)** and the Lehman  Brothers 5 Year
Municipal Bond Index (LB5MB).***


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class R
Shares of Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund (the "Fund") is  represented  by a
solid diamond line. The Lehman Brothers 3 year Municipal Bond Index ("LB3MB") is
represented  by a dotted  square line and the Lehman  Brothers 5 Year  Municipal
Bond Index is  represented  by a dotted circle line.  The line graph is a visual
representation  of a  comparison  of change  in value of a $10,000  hypothetical
investment in the Class R Shares of the Fund,  the LB3MB and the LB5MB.  The "x"
axis reflects  computation  periods from  12/20/1999 to 4/30/2003.  The "y" axis
reflects the cost of the investment.  The right margin reflects the ending value
of the hypothetical  investment in the Fund's Class R Shares, as compared to the
LB3MB and the LB5 MB. The ending  values  were  $11,892,  $12,200  and  $12,659,

1 Year                              3.78%
Start of Performance (12/20/1999)         5.29%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000 in the Fund.  The ending
     value of the Fund reflects a 2.00% contingent  deferred sales charge on any
     redemption  less  than  five  years  from the  purchase  date.  The  Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The LB3MB and LB5MB have been adjusted to reflect reinvestment of dividends
     on securities in the index.

**   The LB3MB is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
     that the Securities and Exchange  Commission (SEC) requires to be reflected
     in the Fund's  performance.  The LB3MB is an  unmanaged  index of municipal
     bonds issued after January 1, 1991 with a minimum credit rating of at least
     Baa, been issued as part of a deal of at least $50 million, have a maturity
     value of at least $5  million  and a  maturity  range of 1-5  years.  As of
     January  1996,  the index also includes zero coupon bonds and bonds subject
     to the Alternative Minimum Tax. Investments cannot be made in an index. The
     Fund has elected to change its benchmark  from the LB5MB to the LB3MB.  The
     LB3MB is more representative of the securities typically held by the Fund.

***  The LB5MB is not adjusted to reflect sales charges, expenses, or other fees
     that the SEC requires to be reflected in the Fund's  performance.  LB5MB is
     an unmanaged  index of municipal  bonds issued after January 1, 1991 with a
     minimum  credit rating of at least Baa, been issued as part of a deal of at
     least $50  million,  have a  maturity  value of at least $3  million  and a
     maturity range of 1-9.99 years. As of January 1996, the index also includes
     zero coupon bonds and bonds subject to Alternative Minimum Tax. Investments
     cannot be made in an index.  + Total returns  quoted reflect all applicable
     sales charges and contingent deferred sales charges.

Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
Class R Shares

     Growth of $10,000 Invested in Riggs  Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, Class
R Shares

     The graph below  illustrates  the  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000* in
Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund, Class R Shares (the "Fund") from December
20,  1999  (start of  performance)  to April 30,  2003  compared  to the  Lehman
Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond Index (LB10MB).**


     The graphic  presentation  here  displayed  consists  of a line graph.  The
corresponding  components of the line graph are listed  underneath.  The Class R
Shares of Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund (the "Fund") is represented by a
solid diamond line. The Lehman Brothers 10 Year Municipal Bond Index  ("LB10MB")
is   represented   by  a  dotted  square  line.  The  line  graph  is  a  visual
representation  of a  comparison  of change  in value of a $10,000  hypothetical
investment  in the  Class R  Shares  of the Fund  and the  LB10MB.  The "x" axis
reflects computation periods from 12/20/1999 to 4/30/2003. The "y" axis reflects
the cost of the  investment.  The right margin  reflects the ending value of the
hypothetical investment in the Fund's Class R Shares, as compared to the LB10MB.
The ending values were $12,550 and $12,952, respectively.

1 Year                              7.43%
Start of Performance (12/20/1999)         6.99%

     Past  performance is no guarantee of future  results.  Returns shown do not
reflect  the  deduction  of  taxes  that  a   shareholder   would  pay  on  Fund
distributions or the redemption of Fund Shares.  Investment return and principal
value will fluctuate,  so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth
more or less than their  original cost.  Mutual funds are not  obligations of or
guaranteed by any bank and are not federally insured.

*    Represents a  hypothetical  investment  of $10,000 in the Fund.  The ending
     value of the Fund reflects a 2.00% contingent  deferred sales charge on any
     redemption  less  than  five  years  from the  purchase  date.  The  Fund's
     performance  assumes the  reinvestment of all dividends and  distributions.
     The LB10MB  has been  adjusted  to reflect  reinvestment  of  dividends  on
     securities in the index.

**   The LB10MB is not adjusted to reflect  sales  charges,  expenses,  or other
     fees that the Securities and Exchange  Commission  requires to be reflected
     in the Fund's performance.  LB10MB is an unmanaged index of municipal bonds
     issued after January 1, 1991 with a minimum  credit rating of at least Baa,
     been  issued as part of a deal of at least  $50  million,  have a  maturity
     value of at least $3 million  and a maturity  range of 10 years or greater.
     As of January  1996 the index also  includes  zero  coupon  bonds and bonds
     subject to Alternative Minimum Tax. Investments cannot be made in an index.

*** Total returns quoted reflect all applicable sales charges and contingent
deferred sales charges.


                                  ___________, 2003

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                                  RIGGS STOCK FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                       By and in exchange for Class A Shares of

                        a portfolio of Federated Equity Funds

                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                           RIGGS SMALL COMPANY STOCK FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                       By and in exchange for Class A Shares of

                               FEDERATED KAUFMANN FUND,
                        a portfolio of Federated Equity Funds

                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                        RIGGS U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of


                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                                   RIGGS BOND FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of

                          FEDERATED TOTAL RETURN BOND FUND,
                  a portfolio of Federated Total Return Series, Inc.

                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                         RIGGS SHORT TERM TAX FREE BOND FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of


                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                           By and in exchange for Shares of

                     a portfolio of Intermediate Municipal Trust

                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                            RIGGS PRIME MONEY MARKET FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                By and in exchange for Institutional Service Shares of

                           AUTOMATED CASH MANAGEMENT TRUST,
                    a portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust

                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

                             Acquisition of the assets of

                        RIGGS U.S. TREASURY MONEY MARKET FUND,
                              a portfolio of Riggs Funds

                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7010
                             Telephone No: 1-800-934-3883

                           By and in exchange for Shares of

                          AUTOMATED GOVERNMENT MONEY TRUST,
                    a portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust

                              Federated Investors Funds
                                 5800 Corporate Drive
                         Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000
                             Telephone No: 1-800-341-7400

     This  Statement of  Additional  Information,  dated _____,  2003,  is not a
prospectus. A Combined Prospectus and Proxy Statement, dated ____, 2003, related
to the  above-referenced  matter may be obtained from Federated Equity Funds, on
behalf of Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund and  Federated  Kaufmann  Fund,
Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund,  Federated  Total Return Series,
Inc.,  on behalf of  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund,  Federated  Short-Term
Municipal   Trust,   Intermediate   Municipal  Trust,  on  behalf  of  Federated
Intermediate  Municipal Trust, and Money Market  Obligations Trust, on behalf of
Automated  Cash  Management  Trust and  Automated  Government  Money  Trust,  at
Federated  Investors  Funds,  5800  Corporate  Drive,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania
15237-7000.   This  Statement  of  Additional  Information  should  be  read  in
conjunction with such Combined Prospectus and Proxy Statement.

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   Statement of Additional Information of Federated Capital Appreciation Fund,
     a portfolio of Federated  Equity Funds,  dated  December 31, 2002,  revised
     April 7, 2003.

2.   Statement of Additional Information of Federated Kaufmann Fund, a portfolio
     of Federated Equity Funds, dated December 31, 2002.

3.   Statement of Additional  Information of Federated  Total Return  Government
     Bond Fund dated April 30, 2003.

4.   Statement of Additional  Information of Federated Total Return Bond Fund, a
     portfolio of Federated Total Return Series, Inc., dated January 31, 2002.

5.   Statement  of  Additional  Information  of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal
     Trust, dated August 31, 2002.

6.   Statement of Additional  Information  of Federated  Intermediate  Municipal
     Trust, a portfolio of Intermediate Municipal Trust, dated July 31, 2003.

7.   Statement of Additional  Information of Automated Cash Management  Trust, a
     portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust, dated September 30, 2002.

8.   Statement of Additional  Information of Automated Government Money Trust, a
     portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust, dated September 30, 2002.

9.   Statement of Additional Information of Riggs Funds, dated April 30, 2003.

10.  Audited  Financial  Statements of Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund, a
     portfolio of Federated Equity Funds, dated October 31, 2002.

11.  Audited  Financial  Statements of Federated  Kaufmann  Fund, a portfolio of
     Federated Equity Funds, dated October 31, 2002.

12.  Audited Financial Statements of Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
     dated February 28, 2003.

13.  Audited  Financial  Statements  of  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund,  a
     portfolio of Federated Total Return Series, Inc., dated November 30, 2002.

14.  Audited Financial Statements of Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust, dated
     June 30, 2002.

15.  Audited Financial Statements of Federated  Intermediate  Municipal Trust, a
     portfolio of Intermediate Municipal Trust, dated May 31, 2003.

16.  Audited  Financial   Statements  of  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust,  a
     portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust, dated July 31, 2002.

17.  Audited  Financial  Statements  of  Automated  Government  Money  Trust,  a
     portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust, dated July 31, 2002.

18.  Audited Financial Statements of Riggs Funds, dated April 30, 2003.

19.  Unaudited  Financial  Statements of Federated Capital  Appreciation Fund, a
     portfolio of Federated Equity Funds, dated April 30, 2003.

20.  Unaudited  Financial  Statements of Federated Kaufmann Fund, a portfolio of
     Federated Equity Funds, dated April 30, 2003.

21.  Unaudited  Financial  Statements  of  Federated  Total  Return Bond Fund, a
     portfolio of Federated Total Return Series, Inc., dated May 31, 2003.

22.  Unaudited  Financial  Statements of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust,
     dated December 31, 2002.

23.  Unaudited  Financial  Statements  of Automated  Cash  Management  Trust,  a
     portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust, dated January 31, 2003.

24.  Unaudited  Financial  Statements  of Automated  Government  Money Trust,  a
     portfolio of Money Market Obligations Trust, dated January 31, 2003.

25.   Pro Forma Financial Information for the acquisition:

     A.   Acquisition  of Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund by  Federated
          Total Return Government Bond Fund.

     B.   Acquisition  of  Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free  Bond  Fund by  Federated
          Short-Term Municipal Trust.

     C.   Acquisition  of Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond  Fund by  Federated
          Intermediate Municipal Trust.

Pursuant to Item 14(a) of Form N-14, the pro forma financial statements required
by  Rule  11-01  of   Regulation   S-X  are  not  prepared  for  the   following
reorganizations  because the net asset value of the company being  acquired does
not exceed ten percent of the Acquiring  Fund's net asset value,  measured as of
____, 2003:

          A.   Acquisition of Riggs Stock Fund by Federated Capital Appreciation

          B.   Acquisition  of  Riggs  Small  Company  Stock  Fund by  Federated
               Kaufmann Fund.

          C.   Acquisition  of Riggs Bond Fund by  Federated  Total  Return Bond

          D.   Acquisition  of Riggs Prime Money Market Fund by  Automated  Cash
               Management Trust

          E.   Acquisition of Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund by Automated
               Government Money Trust.


     The Statement of Additional  Information of Federated Capital  Appreciation
Fund, a portfolio of Federated  Equity Funds,  is  incorporated  by reference to
Federated  Equity Funds'  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 57 to its  Registration
Statement on Form N-1A (File No.  2-91090),  which was filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  on or about  December 26, 2002. A copy may be obtained
from the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The  Statement of  Additional  Information  of Federated  Kaufmann  Fund, a
portfolio of Federated  Equity Funds,  is incorporated by reference to Federated
Equity Funds' Post-Effective  Amendment No. 57 to its Registration  Statement on
Form N-1A (File No.  2-91090),  which was filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission  on or about  December 26, 2002. A copy may be obtained from the Fund
at 1-800-341-7400.

     The  Statement  of  Additional   Information  of  Federated   Total  Return
Government  Bond Fund is  incorporated  by reference  to Federated  Total Return
Government  Bond  Fund's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No. 11 to its  Registration
Statement on Form N-1A (File No. 33-60411),  which was filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission on or about April 30, 2003 . A copy may be obtained from
the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The  Statement of  Additional  Information  of Federated  Total Return Bond
Fund,  a portfolio  Federated  Total  Return  Series Inc.,  is  incorporated  by
reference to Federated Total Return Series Inc.'s  Post-Effective  Amendment No.
35 to its  Registration  Statement  on Form N-1A (File No.  2-98237),  which was
filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on or about July 29, 2002. A
copy may be obtained from the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The Statement of Additional  Information of Federated  Short-Term Municipal
Trust is incorporated by reference to the Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust's
Post-Effective Amendment No. 40 to its Registration Statement on Form N-1A (File
No. 2-72277),  which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on or
about August 28, 2002. A copy may be obtained from the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The Statement of Additional Information of Federated Intermediate Municipal
Trust, a portfolio of Intermediate Municipal Trust, is incorporated by reference
to  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  35 to  its
Registration Statement on Form N-1A (File No. 2-98237), which was filed with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on or about July 29,  2002. A copy may be
obtained from the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The Statement of Additional Information of Automated Cash Management Trust,
a portfolio of Money Market  Obligations  Trust, is incorporated by reference to
Money  Market  Obligations  Trust's  Post-Effective  Amendment  No.  58  to  its
Registration  Statement on Form N-1A (File No.  33-31602),  which was filed with
the  Securities and Exchange  Commission on or about  September 30, 2002. A copy
may be obtained from the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The  Statement of  Additional  Information  of Automated  Government  Money
Trust,  a portfolio  of Money  Market  Obligations  Trust,  is  incorporated  by
reference to Money Market Obligations Trust's Post-Effective Amendment No. 58 to
its  Registration  Statement on Form N-1A (File No.  33-31602),  which was filed
with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission on or about  September 30, 2002. A
copy may be obtained from the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.

     The Statement of Additional  Information of Riggs Funds, is incorporated by
reference  to  the  Riggs  Fund's   Post-Effective   Amendment  No.  23  to  its
Registration  Statement on Form N-1A (File No.  33-40428),  which was filed with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission on or about June 27, 2003. A copy may be
obtained from the Fund at 1-800-934-3883.

     The audited financial  statements of Federated Capital  Appreciation  Fund,
dated October 31, 2002,  are  incorporated  by reference to the Annual Report to
shareholders of Federated  Capital  Appreciation  Fund, which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about December 26, 2002.

     The audited financial  statements of Federated Kaufmann Fund, dated October
31, 2002, are  incorporated by reference to the Annual Report to shareholders of
Federated  Kaufmann  Fund,  which was filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended, on or about December 26, 2002.

     The audited financial  statements of Federated Total Return Government Bond
Fund,  dated  February 28,  2003,  are  incorporated  by reference to the Annual
Report to shareholders of Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund, which was
filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of
the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about April 30, 2003.

     The audited financial statements of Federated Total Return Bond Fund, dated
November  30,  2002,  are  incorporated  by  reference  to the Annual  Report to
shareholders  of  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund,  which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about January 28, 2003.

     The audited financial  statements of Federated  Short-Term Municipal Trust,
dated June 30, 2002,  are  incorporated  by  reference  to the Annual  Report to
shareholders of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust, which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about August 26, 2002.

     The audited financial statements of Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust,
dated May 31,  2003,  are  incorporated  by  reference  to the Annual  Report to
shareholders of Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust, which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about July 30, 2002.

     The audited financial  statements of Automated Cash Management Trust, dated
July  31,  2002,  are   incorporated  by  reference  to  the  Annual  Report  to
shareholders  of  Automated  Cash  Management  Trust,  which was filed  with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about September 30, 2002.

     The audited financial statements of Automated Government Money Trust, dated
July  31,  2002,  are   incorporated  by  reference  to  the  Annual  Report  to
shareholders  of  Automated  Government  Money  Trust,  which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about October 1, 2002.

     The audited financial  statements of Riggs Funds, dated April 30, 2003, are
incorporated  by reference to the Annual Report to  shareholders of Riggs Funds,
which was filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission pursuant to Section
30(b) of the  Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended,  on or about June 27,

     The unaudited financial  statements of Federated Capital Appreciation Fund,
dated April 30, 2003 are incorporated by reference to the Semi-Annual  Report to
shareholders of Growth  Strategies Fund, which was filed with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended, on or about June __, 2003.

     The unaudited financial  statements of Federated Kaufmann Fund, dated April
30, 2003 are incorporated by reference to the Semi-Annual Report to shareholders
of Federated  Kaufmann  Fund,  which was filed with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended, on or about June 27, 2003.

     The unaudited  financial  statements  of Federated  Total Return Bond Fund,
dated May 31, 2003 are  incorporated by reference to the  Semi-Annual  Report to
shareholders  of  Federated  Total  Return  Bond Fund,  which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about July 28, 2003

     The unaudited financial  statements of Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
dated December 31, 2002 are incorporated by reference to the Semi-Annual  Report
to shareholders of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal Trust,  which was filed with
the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  pursuant  to  Section  30(b)  of the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about February 27, 2003.

     The unaudited  financial  Statements of Automated  Cash  Management  Trust,
dated January 31, 2003 are  incorporated by reference to the Semi-Annual  Report
to  shareholders of Automated Cash  Management  Trust,  which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about March 28, 2003.

     The unaudited  financial  Statements of Automated  Government  Money Trust,
dated April 30, 2002 are incorporated by reference to the Semi-Annual  Report to
shareholders  of  Automated  Government  Money  Trust,  which was filed with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended, on or about March 28, 2003.

     The unaudited financial Statements of Riggs Funds, dated April 30, 2003 are
incorporated by reference to the Semi-Annual Report to shareholders of Automated
Government  Money  Trust,  which  was filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  pursuant to Section 30(b) of the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended, on or about December 27, 2002.

                        Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund
                     Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
                       Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements
                              Year Ended April 30, 2003
                           and Year Ended February 28, 2003

Basis of Combination

     The accompanying  unaudited Pro Forma Combining  Portfolios of Investments,
Statements of Assets and  Liabilities  and Statements of Operations  ("Pro Forma
Financial Statements") reflect the accounts of Federated Total Return Government
Bond Fund and Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund, collectively ("the Funds"),
for the year ended  February  28, 2003 and April 30, 2003,  respectively.  These
statements have been derived from the books and records  utilized in calculating
daily net asset values at February 28, 2003 and April 30, 2003, respectively.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements  should be read in conjunction with the
historical  financial  statements of the Funds which have been  incorporated  by
reference in the Statement of Additional Information. The Funds follow generally
accepted accounting  principles  applicable to management  investment  companies
which are disclosed in the historical financial statements of each fund.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements give effect to the proposed exchange of
assets of Federated  Total Return  Government Bond Fund for shares of Riggs U.S.
Government  Securities Fund.  Under generally  accepted  accounting  principles,
Federated  Total Return  Government  Bond Fund will be the surviving  entity for
accounting  purposes  with its  historical  cost of  investment  securities  and
results of operations being carried forward.

     The Pro Forma  Financial  Statements  have been  adjusted  to  reflect  the
anticipated  advisory fee  arrangement for the surviving  entity.  Certain other
operating costs have also been adjusted to reflect  anticipated  expenses of the
combined   entity.   Other   costs,   which  may  change  as  a  result  of  the
reorganization, are currently undeterminable.

     For the year ended  February 28, 2003,  Federated  Total Return  Government
Bond Fund paid investment  advisory fees computed at the annual rate of 0.50% as
a  percentage  of average  daily net assets.  For the year ended April 30, 2003,
Riggs U.S. Government  Securities Fund paid investment advisory fees computed at
the annual rate of 0.75% as a percentage of average daily net assets.

Shares of Beneficial Interest

     The Pro Forma net asset value per share  assumes the  issuance of 3,963,710
Institutional Service Shares of Federated Total Return Bond Fund in exchange for
1,693,689 Class R Shares of Riggs U.S. Government  Securities Fund and 2,583,333
Class Y Shares of Riggs U.S.  Government  Securities  Fund which would have been
issued at February 28, 2003 and April 30, 2003, respectively, in connection with
the proposed reorganization.

Pro Forma Combining Portfolio of Investments

Riggs U.S.        Federated                                               Riggs U.S.      Federated
Government        Total Return                                            Government      Total Return
Securities        Government                                              Securities      Government
Fund              Bond Fund        Pro Forma                              Fund            Bond Fund           Pro Forma
April 30, 2003    February 28,     Combined                               April 30, 2003  February 28, 2003   Combined
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal Amount                                                                                              Market
or Shares                                                                                                     Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$318,800           -                318,800      EQCC Home Equity Loan     324,423         -                   $ 324,423
                                                 Trust 1997-3, Class A8,
                                                 6.41%, 12/15/2004
                                                 (IDENTIFIED COST
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Finance - 0.1%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 115,080           -                115,080      Federal National          131,074         -                   131,074
                                                 Mortgage Association,
                                                 Series 1988-16, Class
                                                 B, 9.50%, 6/25/2018
 43,598            -                 43,598      Federal National          49,757          -                   49,757
                                                 Mortgage Association,
                                                 Series 1989-35, Class
                                                 G, 9.50%, 7/25/2019
                                                 TOTAL COLLATERALIZED      180,831         -                   180,831
                                                 MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS
                                                 (IDENTIFIED COST
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. - 0.1%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 291,786           -                291,786      6.50%, 7/1/2004           295,870         -                   295,870
 Federal National Mortgage Association - 0.1%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 112,440           -                112,440      7.50%, 6/1/2012           120,719         -                   120,719
 Government National Mortgage Association - 3.9%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1,360,537         -                1,360,537    6.50%, 5/15/2028          1,433,240       -                   1,433,240
 2,883,883         -                2,883,883    6.50%, 10/15/2031         3,033,820       -                   3,033,820
 3,571,169         -                3,571,169    7.00%, 8/15/2027          3,797,810       -                   3,797,810
  3,527            -                3,527        7.50%, 6/15/2026          3,780           -                   3,780
    12,069         -                 12,069      7.50%, 10/15/2026         12,933          -                   12,933
 731,044           -                731,044      7.50%, 10/15/2027         782,117         -                   782,117
 486,665           -                486,665      8.00%, 10/15/2027         528,572         -                   528,572
                                                  Total                    9,592,272       -                   9,592,272
                                                 TOTAL MORTGAGE BACKED     10,008,861      -                   10,008,861
                                                 SECURITIES (IDENTIFIED
                                                 COST $9,561,037)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 U.S. Treasury Bonds - 17.8%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 325,000           -                325,000      12.00%, 8/15/2013         468,000         -                   468,000
 -                 2,200,000        2,200,000    11.250%, 2/15/2015        -               3,709,398           3,709,398
 -                 3,700,000        3,700,000    7.250%, 5/15/2016         -               4,819,842           4,819,842
 -                 2,050,000        2,050,000    8.750%, 5/15/2017         -               3,013,828           3,013,828
 350,000           -                350,000      7.875%, 2/15/2021         483,602         -                   483,602
 -                 1,000,000        1,000,000    8.125%, 5/15/2021         -               1,432,030           1,432,030
 1,800,000         -                1,800,000    18.00%, 11/15/2021        2,523,654       -                   2,523,654
 250,000           1,800,000        2,050,000    7.250%, 8/15/2022         327,773         2,388,654           2,716,427
 -                 6,000,000        6,000,000    6.250%, 8/15/2023         -               7,191,540           7,191,540
 1,000,000         4,000,000        5,000,000    17.125%, 2/15/2023        1,297,340       5,248,120           6,545,460
 245,000           -                245,000      16.50%, 11/15/2026        300,240         -                   300,240
 219,000           -                219,000      16.125%, 11/15/2027       257,461         -                   257,461
 63,000            -                 63,000      6.125%, 8/15/2029         74,438          -                   74,438
 216,000           9,000,000        9,216,000    15.375%, 2/15/2031        235,676         9,977,310           10,212,986
                                                  Total                    5,968,184       37,780,722          43,748,906
 U.S. Treasury Notes - 26.1%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -                 5,000,000        5,000,000    1.625%, 1/31/2005         -               5,012,500           5,012,500
  1,000            -                1,000        16.50%, 5/15/2005         1,100           -                   1,100
 600,000           4,000,000        4,600,000    17.000%, 7/15/2006        690,282         4,636,240           5,326,522
 -                 3,100,000        3,100,000    6.500%, 10/15/2006        -               3,562,086           3,562,086
 -                 5,500,000        5,500,000    3.500%, 11/15/2006        -               5,745,795           5,745,795
 -                 2,000,000        2,000,000    6.250%, 2/15/2007         -               2,296,880           2,296,880
 -                 2,000,000        2,000,000    6.625%, 5/15/2007         -               2,337,820           2,337,820
 -                 1,000,000        1,000,000    5.500%, 2/15/2008         -               1,131,720           1,131,720
 -                 2,750,000        2,750,000    4.750%, 11/15/2008        -               3,014,688           3,014,688
 -                 2,800,000        2,800,000    5.500%, 5/15/2009         -               3,189,816           3,189,816
 -                 2,000,000        2,000,000    6.000%, 8/15/2009         -               2,336,560           2,336,560
 5,109,000         7,000,000        12,109,000   14.875%, 2/15/2012        5,540,097       7,674,870           13,214,967
 -                 15,109,650       15,109,650   3.000%, 7/15/2012         -               16,769,294          16,769,294
                                                  Total                    6,231,479       57,708,269          63,939,748
 U.S. Treasury Strips - 0.5%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 3,404,445         -                3,404,445    7.25%, 8/15/2022 (held    1,255,287       -                   1,255,287
                                                 as collateral for
                                                 securities lending)
                                                 TOTAL U.S. TREASURY       13,454,950      95,488,991          108,943,941
                                                 OBLIGATIONS (IDENTIFIED
                                                 COST $99,450,219)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Association - 0.8%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1,700,000         -                1,700,000    8.07%, 4/16/2007          2,042,220       -                   2,042,220
 Federal Home Loan Bank - 9.4%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -                 7,000,000        7,000,000    7.250%, 2/15/2007         -               8,216,110           8,216,110
 -                 3,000,000        3,000,000    6.730%, 6/22/2009         -               3,558,330           3,558,330
 -                  900,000         900,000      6.500%, 11/13/2009        -               1,055,646           1,055,646
 -                 1,300,000        1,300,000    7.375%, 2/12/2010         -               1,595,269           1,595,269
 -                 4,450,000        4,450,000    7.625%, 5/14/2010         -               5,553,244           5,553,244
- -                  2,500,000        2,500,000    6.875%, 8/13/2010         -               3,008,275           3,008,275
                                                  Total                    -               22,986,874          22,986,874
 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. - 8.8%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1,000,000        -                 1,000,000    7.375%, 5/15/2003         1,002,419       -                   1,002,419
 3,000,000         -                3,000,000    13.25%, 1/15/2004         3,045,450       -                   3,045,450
 -                 6,000,000        6,000,000    5.250%, 1/15/2006         -               6,519,180           6,519,180
 8,249,000        -                 8,249,000    15.50%, 7/15/2006         9,076,870       -                   9,076,870
 900,000           -                900,000      6.943%, 3/21/2007         1,047,029       -                   1,047,029
 -                 70,000            70,000      6.750%, 9/15/2029         -               85,187              85,187
 2,070,949        -                 2,070,949    6.00%-8.50%,              800,494         -                   800,494
                                                 (held as collateral for
                                                 securities lending)
                                                  Total                    14,972,262      6,604,367           21,576,629
 Federal National Mortgage Association - 10.1%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -                 8,900,000        8,900,000    6.500%, 8/15/2004         -               9,548,988           9,548,988
- -                  11,000,000       11,000,000   5.500%, 3/15/2011         -               12,231,010          12,231,010
 2,000,000         -                2,000,000    6.00%, 5/15/2011          2,276,260       -                   2,276,260
 1,848,725        -                 1,848,725    5.00%-10.75%,             760,154         -                   760,154
                                                 (held as collateral for
                                                 securities lending)
                                                  Total                    3,036,414       21,779,998          24,816,412
 Student Loan Marketing Association - 0.5%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1,000,000         -                1,000,000    7.30%, 8/1/2012           1,236,970       -                   1,236,970
                                                 TOTAL U.S. GOVERNMENT     21,287,866      51,371,239          72,659,105
                                                 AGENCY OBLIGATIONS
                                                 (IDENTIFIED COST
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1,806,000         -                1,806,000    Repurchase agreement      1,806,000       -                   1,806,000
                                                 with PaineWebber Group,
                                                 Inc., dated 4/30/2003
                                                 due 5/1/2003 at 1.23%,
                                                 collateralized by U.S.
                                                 Treasury obligations
                                                 with various maturity
                                                 to 5/15/2006
                                                 (repurchase proceeds
 12,352,586        -                12,352,586   Morgan Stanley, Inc.,     12,352,586      -                   12,352,586
                                                 1.35%, dated 4/30/2003
                                                 due 5/1/2003 at 1.35%,
                                                 collateralized by U. S.
                                                 government agency
                                                 obligations with
                                                 various maturities to
                                                 2/1/2037 (repurchase
                                                 proceeds $12,353,049)
                                                 (held as collateral for
                                                 securities lending)
                                                 TOTAL REPURCHASE          14,158,586      -                   14,158,586
                                                 AGREEMENTS (IDENTIFIED
                                                 COST $14,158,586)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -                 3,551,210        3,551,210    Federated Mortgage Core   -               36,719,513          36,719,513
 -                 16,028,105       16,028,105   Government Obligations    -               16,028,105          16,028,105
                                                 TOTAL MUTUAL FUNDS        -               52,747,618          52,747,618
                                                 (IDENTIFIED COST
                                                 TOTAL INVESTMENTS -      $ 59,415,517    $ 199,607,848       $ 259,023,365
                                                 105.6% (IDENTIFIED COST
                                                 OTHER ASSETS AND          (14,781,135)     993,255            (13,787,880)
                                                 LIABILITIES - NET (5.6)%
                                                 TOTAL NET ASSETS - 100%   $ 44,634,382    $ 200,601,103       $ 245,235,485

1    Certain principal amounts on loan to broker.

2    The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to $241,057,984.

     Note: The categories of investments  are shown as a percentage of pro forma
combined  total  net  assets as shown on the Pro Forma  Combining  Statement  of
Assets and Liabilities.

     See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements

                     Riggs U. S. Government Securities Fund
                   Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
            Pro Forma Combining Statements of Assets and Liabilities

                                Riggs           Return
                                U. S.         Government
                              Securities      Bond Fund      Pro Forma     Pro Forma
                              April 30,        February     Adjustment     Combined
                                2003           28, 2003
- --------------------------
Investments in                         $                $                 244,864,779
securities, at value          45,256,931      199,607,848              -
- --------------------------
- --------------------------
Investments in
repurchase agreements         14,158,586                -              -   14,158,586
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
                              59,415,517      199,607,848              -
- --------------------------
                                   6,506                -              -        6,506
- --------------------------
Income receivable
                                 518,578        1,129,687              -    1,648,265
- --------------------------
Receivable for shares
sold                               1,711          204,897              -      206,608
- --------------------------
Receivable for
Investments sold                       -                -              -            -
- --------------------------
Expense Reimbursement
from Advisor                           -                -              -            -
- --------------------------
Prepaid Expenses
                                  14,923                -              -       14,923
- --------------------------
Other Assets
                                       -                -              -            -
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
     Total assets                                                         260,899,667
                              59,957,235      200,942,432              -
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
- --------------------------
Income distributions
payable                          126,094          178,591                     304,685
- --------------------------
Payable for investments
purchased                              -                -              -            -
- --------------------------
Payable upon return of
securities loaned             15,168,521                -                  15,168,521
- --------------------------
Payable for shares
redeemed                          16,683          128,192              -      144,875
- --------------------------
Payable to bank                                                        -
                                       -               31                          31
- --------------------------
Accrued Expenses
                                  11,555           34,515              -       46,070
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
     Total liabilities
                              15,322,853          341,329              -   15,664,182
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Net Assets                             $                $       $      -  $245,235,485
                              44,634,382      200,601,103
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Net Assets Consists of:
- --------------------------
Paid in capital               $                         $      $       -
                              39,911,064      188,797,841                 228,708,905
- --------------------------
Net unrealized
  of investments
                               3,516,568       14,818,666              -   18,335,234
- --------------------------
Accumulated net realized
gain (loss) on
                               1,208,672      (2,999,626)              -  (1,790,954)
- --------------------------
Undistributed net
investment income (net
operating loss)
                                 (1,922)         (15,778)              -     (17,700)
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- --------------
     Total Net Assets                  $                $       $      -  $245,235,485
                              44,634,382      200,601,103
- --------------------------   ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------

Net Assets:
Class R Shares                         $                $  $(17,674,706)     $      -
                              17,674,706                -            (a)
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Class Y Shares                         $                $              $     $      -
                              26,959,676                -   (26,959,676)
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Institutional Shares                   $                $                 $156,974,877
                                       -      156,974,877        $
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Institutional Service                  $                $   $ 44,634,382  $88,260,608
Shares                                 -       43,626,226            (a)
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Shares Outstanding:
Class R Shares                 1,693,689                -
                                                             (1,693,689)            -
                                             ------------- -------------- ------------
Class Y Shares                 2,583,333
                                                        -    (2,583,333)            -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Institutional Shares
                                       -       13,942,017              -   13,942,017
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
                             ------------    -------------
Institutional Service
Shares                                          3,874,710      3,963,710    7,838,420
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Net Asset Value,
Offering Price and
  Redemption Proceeds
Per Shares:
Net Asset Value Per Share
Class R Shares                         $                $       $      -     $      -
                                   10.44                -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Class Y Shares                         $                $       $      -     $      -
                                   10.44                -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Institutional Shares                   $      $     11.26       $      -    $   11.26
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Institutional Service                  $      $     11.26       $      -    $   11.26
Shares                                 -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------

Redemption Proceeds Per
Class R Shares               $           **             $       $      -     $      -
                             10.23                      -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Class Y Shares                         $                $       $      -     $      -
                                   10.44                -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------
Institutional Service                  $                $       $      -     $      -
Shares                                 -                -
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------

Investments, at                        $          $             $      -  $
identified cost               55,898,949     184,789,182                  240,688,131
                             ------------    ------------- -------------- ------------

(a)  Adjustment  to reflect  share  balance  and  combined  net asset value as a
     result of the combination.

* See "What Do Shares Cost" in the Prospectus.
**Computation of offering price per share
98/100 of net asset value.
See Notes to Pro Forma Financial


                     Riggs U. S. Government Securities Fund
                   Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
                  Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations

                             Riggs       Return
                             U. S.     Government
                          Securities    Bond Fund     Pro Forma            Pro
                             Fund                                          Forma
                           April 30,      February                         Combined
                              2003        28, 2003    Adjustment
Investment Income:
Dividends                  $                      $      $     -          $2,035,278
                                    -     2,035,278
                            3,659,058     5,795,026            -           9,454,084
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
     Total investment
income                      3,659,058     7,830,304            -          11,489,362
Investment advisory fee                                           (a)
                              562,956       748,968     (85,747)           1,226,177
Administrative personnel                                          (b)
and services fee              120,097       155,000    (120,097)             155,000
Custodian fees                                                    (c)
                               15,012        10,606     (15,012)              10,606
Transfer and dividend
disbursing agent
  fees and expenses                                               (d)
                                9,154        66,507      (9,154)              66,507
Director's/Trustee's fees                                         (e)
                                  820        12,100        (820)              12,100
Auditing fees                                                     (f)
                               17,484        23,893     (17,484)              23,893
Legal fees                                                        (g)
                                3,024         3,723      (3,024)               3,723
Portfolio accounting fees                                         (h)
                                1,883        61,705      (1,883)              61,705
Distribution service fee                                          (i)
- - Class R Shares               50,086             -     (50,086)                   -
Distribution service fee                                          (i)
- - Class Y Shares               50,086             -     (50,086)                   -
Distribution service fee                                          (j)
- - Institutional Service             -        94,225      126,427             220,652
Shareholder services                                              (k)
fees - Class Y Shares         137,566             -    (137,566)                   -
Shareholder services                                              (l)
fees - Institutional                -       280,259      112,178             392,437
Shareholder services
fees - Institutional                -        94,225      126,427 (l)         220,652
Service Shares
Share registration costs                                          (m)
                               21,439    43,328         (21,439)              43,328
Printing and postage                                              (n)
                                6,508    21,232          (6,508)              21,232
Insurance premiums                                                (o)
                                1,425     1,092          (1,425)               1,092
Miscellaneous                                                     (p)
                                  930     8,315            (930)               8,315
                          -------------------------- ------------
                                                     ------------      --------------
     Total expenses
                              998,470     1,625,178    (156,229)           2,467,419
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
Waivers and
Waiver of investment
adviser fee                 (300,243)     (720,443)    (156,444) (q)     (1,177,130)
Waiver of distribution
fees - Institutional                -      (60,304)     (80,913) (r)       (141,217)
Service Shares
Waiver of shareholder
services fee - Class R       (30,052)             -       30,052 (s)               -
Waiver of shareholder
services fee - Class Y       (82,540)             -       82,540 (s)               -
Waiver of shareholder
services fee -                      -     (235,417)     (94,230) (t)       (329,647)
Institutional Shares
Waiver of transfer agent
fee-Institutional Shares            -       (2,068)        (828) (u)         (2,896)
Waiver of transfer agent
fee-Institutional                   -         (758)        (831) (u)         (1,589)
Service Shares
Reimbursement of
investment adviser fee              -       (6,552)        (263) (v)         (6,815)
Reimbursement of other
operating expenses                  -      (29,858)     (31,451) (w)        (61,309)
                          -------------------------- ------------
     Total waivers and
reimbursements              (412,835)   (1,055,400)     (45,063)           (402,256)
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
Net expenses
                              585,635       569,778                        2,065,163
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
Net investment             $                      $   $                   $9,424,199
income/(net operating        ,073,423     7,260,526      156,229
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
Realized and Unrealized
Gain (Loss) on
Investments and Foreign
Currency Transactions:

Net realized loss on
investments                 3,099,217      (59,506)                        3,039,711
Net change in unrealized
(depreciation) on
                            1,125,114     9,383,896                       10,509,010
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
     Net realized and
unrealized gain (loss)      4,224,331     9,324,390            -          13,548,721
on investments
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------
          Change in net             $             $                      $22,972,920
assets resulting from       7,297,754    16,584,916            -
                          -------------------------- ------------      --------------

See Legend to Pro Forma Adjustments on the
following page
See Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements

                         Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund
                     Federated Total Return Government Bond Fund
                Notes to Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations
                              Year Ended April 30, 2003
                                and February 28, 2003

(a)  Federated  Investment  Management Company (the "Adviser")  receives for its
     services an annual investment  advisory fee equal to 0.50% of the Federated
     Total Return  Government Bond Fund's average daily net assets.  The Adviser
     may  voluntarily  choose to waive a portion  of its fee.  The  Adviser  can
     modify or terminate this voluntary waiver at any time.

(b)  Federated Services Company ("FServ") provides the Fund with  administrative
     personnel and services necessary to operate the Fund. The fee paid to FServ
     is  based on a scale  that  ranges  from  0.15% to  0.075%  of the  average
     aggregate  daily  net  assets  of all  funds  advised  by  subsidiaries  of
     Federated investors,  Inc., subject to a $125,000 minimum per portfolio and
     $30,000 per each additional class.

(c)  Adjustment to reflect the custodian fees reductions due to the combining of
     two portfolios into one.

(d)  FServ  through its  subsidiary,  Federated  Shareholder  Services  Company,
     serves as transfer and  dividend  disbursing  agent for the Funds.  The fee
     paid to FServ is based on the number of share classes and accounts per fund
     on the level of average  aggregate  net assets of the Trust for the period.
     The adjustment is due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

(e)  Adjustment to reflect the Director's fee reductions due to the combining of
     two portfolios into one.

(f)  Adjustment to reflect the Audit fee  reductions due to the combining of two
     portfolios into one.

(g)  Adjustment to reflect the Legal Fee  reductions due to the combining of two
     portfolios into one.

(h)  Adjustment to reflect the Portfolio  Accounting  Fee  reductions due to the
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(i)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  elimination  of  the  Riggs  U.S.  Government
     Securities12b-1  fee for  Class R  Shares  and  Class Y  Shares  due to the
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(j)  Adjustment to reflect the distribution  (12b-1) accrual of 0.25% due to the
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(k)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  elimination  of  the  Riggs  U.S.  Government
     Securities shareholder services fee for Class Y Shares due to the combining
     of two portfolios into one.

(l)  Adjustment to reflect the shareholder  services fee accrual of 0.25% due to
     the combining of two portfolios into one.

(m)  Adjustment to reflect the Share  registration  costs  reductions due to the
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(n)  Adjustment  to reflect the printing and postage  expense  reduction  due to
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(o)  Adjustment  to reflect  the  insurance  premium  expense  reduction  due to
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(p)  Miscellaneous  expenses  are  reduced  to reflect  estimated  savings to be
     realized by combining two portfolios into one.

(q)  Adjustment  to reflect  waiver of  investment  adviser fee being brought in
     line based on the combined net assets of funds.

(r)  Adjustment to reflect waiver of  distribution  (12b-1) fee being brought in
     line based on the combined net assets of funds.

(s)  Adjustment to reflect the  elimination of  shareholder  services fee waiver
     for RiggsU.S. Government Securities Fund, Class R Shares and Class Y Shares
     which is no longer  applicable due to the combining of two portfolios  into

(t)  Adjustment to reflect waiver of  shareholder  services fee being brought in
     line based on the net assets of funds.

(u)  Adjustment  to reflect  waiver of transfer  agent fee being brought in line
     based on the net assets of funds.

(v)  Adjustment to reflect  reimbursement  of the  investment  adviser fee being
     brought in line based on the net assets of funds.

(w)  Adjustment  to reflect  reimbursement  of other  operating  expenses  being
     brought in line based on the net assets of funds.

                       Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                      Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
                     Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements
                   Year Ended April 30, 2003 and June 30, 2002

Basis of Combination

     The accompanying  unaudited Pro Forma Combining  Portfolios of Investments,
Statements of Assets and  Liabilities  and Statements of Operations  ("Pro Forma
Financial  Statements")  reflect the accounts of Federated  Short-Term Municipal
Trust and Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund,  collectively ("the Funds"),  for
the year ended June 30, 2002, and April 30, 2003, respectively. These statements
have been derived from the books and records  utilized in calculating  daily net
asset values at June 30, 2002 and April 30, 2003, respectively.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements  should be read in conjunction with the
historical  financial  statements of the Funds which have been  incorporated  by
reference in the Statement of Additional Information. The Funds follow generally
accepted accounting  principles  applicable to management  investment  companies
which are disclosed in the historical financial statements of each fund.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements give effect to the proposed exchange of
assets of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust for shares of Riggs Short Term
Tax Free Bond Fund. Under generally accepted  accounting  principles,  Federated
Short-Term  Municipal Trust will be the surviving entity for accounting purposes
with its  historical  cost of  investment  securities  and results of operations
being carried forward.

     The Pro Forma  Financial  Statements  have been  adjusted  to  reflect  the
anticipated  advisory fee  arrangement for the surviving  entity.  Certain other
operating costs have also been adjusted to reflect  anticipated  expenses of the
combined   entity.   Other   costs,   which  may  change  as  a  result  of  the
reorganization, are currently undeterminable.

     For the year ended June 30, 2002, Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust paid
investment advisory fees computed at the annual rate of 0.40% as a percentage of
average  daily net assets.  For the year ended April 30, 2003,  Riggs Short Term
Tax Free Bond Fund paid investment  advisory fees computed at the annual rate of
0.75% as a percentage of average daily net assets.

Shares of Beneficial Interest

     The Pro Forma net asset value per share  assumes the  issuance of 4,190,384
Institutional Service Shares of Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust in exchange
for 4,133,706  Class R Shares of Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund which would
have  been  issued  at June 30,  2002  and  April  30,  2003,  respectively,  in
connection with the proposed reorganization.

Pro Forma Combining Portfolio of Investments

Riggs                                                                   Riggs
Short Term         Federated                                            Short Term     Federated
Tax Free           Short-Term                                           Tax Free       Short-Term
Bond Fund          Municipal    Pro Forma                               Bond Fund      Municipal Trust  Pro Forma
April 30, 2003     June 30,      Combined                               April 30, 2003 June 30, 2002    Combined
        or Shares                                                       Value          Value            Value
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Maricopa County, AZ,    $1,064,580            -         $1,064,580
                                                Unified School
                                                District No. 97, GO
                                                UT, 5.20% (FGIC
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 5.30%),
500,000            -            500,000         Delaware State,         519,610               -         519,610
                                                (Series B), 5.00%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                4.80%), 5/1/2004
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Volusia County, FL,     1,048,310             -         1,048,310
                                                School District, GO
                                                UT, 5.00% (FGIC
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 3.35%), 8/1/2004
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Henry County, GA,       1,032,080             -         1,032,080
                                                School District, GO
                                                UT, 3.75% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 3.58%),
950,000            -            950,000         Georgia Municipal       1,008,349             -         1,008,349
                                                Electric Authority,
                                                Refunding Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series Z),
                                                5.10% (FSA
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 5.15%), 1/1/2005
                                                Total                   2,040,429             -         2,040,429
2,000,000          -            2,000,000       Hawaii State, GO UT     2,254,560             -         2,254,560
                                                (Series CB) Refunding
                                                Bonds, 5.75% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.90%),
                   -                            Illinois--1.7%                                -
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Chicago, IL, O'Hare     1,091,660             -         1,091,660
                                                International Airport,
                                                (Series A), 6.375%
                                                (MBIA LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 6.735%),
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Chicago, IL, O'Hare     1,101,950             -         1,101,950
                                                International Airport,
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                A), 5.375% (AMBAC
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 5.50%), 1/1/2007
1,550,000          -            1,550,000       Chicago, IL, GO UT      1,674,713             -         1,674,713
                                                Refunding Bonds, 6.30%
                                                (AMBAC LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 6.40%),
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Lake County, IL,        1,024,610             -         1,024,610
                                                (Series A) Water &
                                                Sewer Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                                (AMBAC LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.65%),
                                                Total                   4,892,933             -         4,892,933
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Johnson County, KS,     1,013,990             -         1,013,990
                                                Unified School
                                                District No. 233, GO
                                                UT, 5.25% (FGIC
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 5.30%), 9/1/2017
                   -                            Massachusetts--0.4%
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Lawrence, MA, GO UT,    1,126,400             -         1,126,400
                                                5.50% (AMBAC
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 4.71%),
                   -                            Michigan--1.1%
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Forest Hills, MI,       1,041,290             -         1,041,290
                                                Public School, GO UT,
                                                5.25% (Original Issue
                                                Yield: 4.55%), 5/1/2004
1,090,000          -            1,090,000       Grandville, MI, Public  1,098,720             -         1,098,720
                                                Schools District,
                                                2.00%, 5/1/2004
865,000            -            865,000         Michigan State          933,430               -         933,430
                                                Building Authority,
                                                (Series I) Health,
                                                Hospital, Nursing Home
                                                Improvement Revenue
                                                Bonds, 5.40% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.50%),
                                                Total                   3,073,440             -         3,073,440
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Washoe County, NV,      1,068,220             -         1,068,220
                                                Hospital Facilities,
                                                Revenue Bonds, 6.00%
                                                (AMBAC LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 6.10%),
                   -                            New Jersey--0.4%
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       New Jersey State, GO    1,063,570             -         1,063,570
                                                UT, 6.50% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 4.95%),
                   -                            New Mexico--0.4%
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Santa Fe, NM,           1,121,070             -         1,121,070
                                                Community College
                                                District, GO UT, 5.45%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                5.55%), 8/1/2010
                   -                            North Carolina--0.8%
1,200,000          -            1,200,000       North Carolina State,   1,300,104             -         1,300,104
                                                (Series A), 5.00%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                4.40%), 9/1/2005
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       North Carolina State,   1,098,130             -         1,098,130
                                                GO UT Bonds, 5.00%,
                                                Total                   2,398,234             -         2,398,234
450,000            -            450,000         Ohio State, GO UT,      468,972               -         468,972
                                                4.00%, 9/15/2012
                   -                            Rhode Island--0.5%
1,435,000          -            1,435,000       Rhode Island Housing &  1,488,425             -         1,488,425
                                                Mortgage Finance
                                                Corp., (Series A)
                                                Refunding Revenue
                                                Bonds, 5.45% (AMBAC
                                                LOC), 7/1/2004
                   -                            Texas--3.1%
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Austin, TX, Hotel       1,116,580             -         1,116,580
                                                Occupancy, 5.625%
                                                (AMBAC LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.71%),
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Dallas-Fort Worth, TX,  1,032,530             -         1,032,530
                                                Regional Airport,
                                                Refunding Revenue
                                                Bond, (Series A),
                                                7.75% (FGIC LOC),
1,195,000          -            1,195,000       Fort Worth, TX, ISD,    1,255,360             -         1,255,360
                                                GO UT, 4.25% (PSFG
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 2.10%),
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Harris County, TX, GO   1,104,280             -         1,104,280
                                                LT Correctional
                                                Facility Improvement
                                                Bonds, 5.50% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.55%),
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Johnson County, TX, GO  1,061,040             -         1,061,040
                                                UT, 5.00% (FSA
                                                LOC)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 4.85%),
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       North Texas Tollway     1,090,870             -         1,090,870
                                                Authority Dallas,
                                                (Series A), 5.10%
                                                (FGIC LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.20%),
335,000            -            335,000         San Antonio, TX,        390,811               -         390,811
                                                Electric & Gas,
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                5.625%), 2/1/2007
130,000            -            130,000         San Antonio, TX,        144,078               -         144,078
                                                Electric & Gas,
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                5.625%), 2/1/2015
535,000            -            535,000         San Antonio, TX,        606,112               -         606,112
                                                Electric & Gas,
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                5.625%), 2/1/2015
1,000,000          -            1,000,000       Spring Texas ISD,       1,070,920             -         1,070,920
                                                5.25%, 2/15/2019
                                                Total                   8,872,581             -         8,872,581
580,000            -            580,000         Intermountain Power     590,718               -         590,718
                                                Agency, UT, (Series
                                                B), 5.25% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.79%),
420,000            -            420,000         Intermountain Power     431,050               -         431,050
                                                Agency, UT, (Series
                                                B), 5.25% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.79%),
440,000            -            440,000         Intermountain Power     451,365               -         451,365
                                                Agency, UT, (Series
                                                C), 5.00% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 4.70%),
560,000            -            560,000         Intermountain Power     574,823               -         574,823
                                                Agency, UT, (Series
                                                C), 5.00% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 4.999%),
                                                Total                   2,047,956             -         2,047,956
605,000            -            605,000         Chesapeake, VA, IDA,     642,940               -        642,940
                                                Public Facility Lease
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.40%
                                                (MBIA LOC)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 5.50%),
                                                Washington--0.8%                               -
1,000,000           -           1,000,000       Snohomish County, WA,    1,099,220             -        1,099,220
                                                School District No. 6,
                                                UT GO Refunding Bonds,
                                                5.45% (FGIC INS),
1,000,000           -           1,000,000       Washington State Public  1,079,590             -        1,079,590
                                                Power Supply System,
                                                (Series B), 5.40%
                                                (Energy Northwest,
                                                WA)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 5.45%), 7/1/2005
                                                Total                    2,178,810             -        2,178,810
                                                West Virginia--0.4%
1,000,000           -           1,000,000       West Virginia State, GO  1,041,630             -        1,041,630
                                                UT, 5.00% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 3.45%),
                    -                           Wisconsin--1.0%                                -
1,315,000           -           1,315,000       Milwaukee, WI, (Series   1,327,808             -        1,327,808
                                                Y), 4.00%, 9/1/2003
1,300,000           -           1,300,000       Wisconsin State,         1,391,975             -        1,391,975
                                                (Series F), 5.00%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                3.10%), 5/1/2005
                                                Total                    2,719,783             -        2,719,783
                                                Total Long-Term          42,146,443            -        42,146,443
                                                Municipals (identified
                                                cost $40,448,012)
                                                Short-Intermediate Municipal Securities--75.7%
 -                 978,032      978,032         (1) Birmingham, AL,       -             1,019,119       1,019,119
                                                Fire Equipment Lease
                                                Obligation No. 2,
                                                5.60%, 11/5/2004
 -                 860,000      860,000         Huntsville, AL Health     -             890,023         890,023
                                                Care Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds , 4.75%
                                                (Huntsville Hospital
                                                System), 6/1/2004
 -                 3,280,000    3,280,000       Huntsville, AL, GO UT     -             3,297,023       3,297,023
                                                Warrants , 5.375%,
 -                 1,275,000    1,275,000       Lauderdale County &       -             1,390,260       1,390,260
                                                Florence, AL Health
                                                Care Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                                5.50% (Coffee Health
                                                Group), 7/1/2006
 -                 1,190,000    1,190,000       Lauderdale County &       -             1,285,474       1,285,474
                                                Florence, AL Health
                                                Care Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds Series 2000A),
                                                5.50% (Coffee Health
                                                Group), 7/1/2005
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Mobile, AL IDB, (Series   -             2,000,840       2,000,840
                                                1994A), 3.25% TOBs
                                                (International Paper
                                                Co.), Optional Tender
                                                Total                     -             9,882,739       9,882,739
                                                Alaska--3.2%              -
 -                 3,000,000    3,000,000       Alaska State Housing      -             3,250,470       3,250,470
                                                Finance Corp., State
                                                Capital Project Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 2001A),
                                                5.00%, 12/1/2006
 -                 1,260,000    1,260,000       Anchorage, AK, UT GO      -             1,317,695       1,317,695
                                                Bonds (Series B), 5.00%
                                                (FGIC INS), 12/1/2003
 -                 3,500,000    3,500,000       Valdez, AK Marine         -             3,505,460       3,505,460
                                                Terminal, (Series
                                                1994B), 3.10% TOBs
                                                Transportation Alaska,
                                                Petroleum Co. GTD),
                                                Optional Tender 1/1/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Valdez, AK Marine         -             998,800         998,800
                                                Terminal, (Series
                                                1994C), 2.90% TOBs
                                                Transportation Alaska,
                                                Petroleum Co. GTD),
                                                Optional Tender 1/1/2003
                                                Total                     -             9,072,425       9,072,425
                                                Arizona--2.7%             -
 -                 3,000,000    3,000,000       Arizona State             -             3,103,920       3,103,920
                                                Transportation Board,
                                                Transportation Excise
                                                Tax Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2000), 5.00%
                                                (Maricopa County, AZ
                                                Regional Area Road
                                                Fund), 7/1/2003
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Maricopa County, AZ       -             1,501,770       1,501,770
                                                Pollution Control
                                                Corp., (Series 1994E),
                                                3.75% TOBs (Arizona
                                                Public Service Co.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Maricopa County, AZ       -             1,994,540       1,994,540
                                                Pollution Control
                                                Corp., Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1994B), 3.30% TOBs
                                                (Arizona Public Service
                                                Co.), Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Maricopa County, AZ,      -             1,000,000       1,000,000
                                                IDA, 2.00% CP (American
                                                Water Capital Corp.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
                                                Total                     -             7,600,230       7,600,230
                                                Arkansas--0.6%            -
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Arkansas Development      -             1,000,030       1,000,030
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Exempt Facilities
                                                Revenue Bonds, 3.50%
                                                TOBs (Waste Management,
                                                Inc. GTD), Mandatory
                                                Tender 8/1/2002
 -                 677,922      677,922         Arkansas Development      -             666,221         666,221
                                                Finance Authority, SFM
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1997A-R), 6.50% (MBIA
                                                INS), 2/1/2011
                                                Total                     -             1,666,251       1,666,251
                                                California--0.7%          -
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       California Statewide      -             1,003,000       1,003,000
                                                Communities Development
                                                Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 2002C),
                                                3.70% TOBs (Kaiser
                                                Permanente), Mandatory
                                                Tender 2/1/2005
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       California Statewide      -             1,023,650       1,023,650
                                                Communities Development
                                                Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 2002D),
                                                4.35% TOBs (Kaiser
                                                Permanente), Mandatory
                                                Tender 2/1/2007
                                                Total                     -             2,026,650       2,026,650
                                                Colorado--0.8%            -
 -                 415,000      415,000         Colorado HFA, SFM         -             434,576         434,576
                                                Revenue Bond, (Series
                                                C-1), 7.65%, 12/1/2025
 -                 142,000      142,000         Colorado HFA, SFM         -             143,123         143,123
                                                Program Senior Bonds,
                                                (Series 1998C-2),
                                                4.50%, 11/1/2005
 -                 105,000      105,000         Colorado HFA, SFM         -             105,870         105,870
                                                Program Subordinate
                                                Bonds, (Series 1998B),
                                                4.625%, 11/1/2005
 -                 500,000      500,000         Colorado Health           -             501,330         501,330
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Hospital Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds, 4.50%
                                                (Parkview Medical
                                                Center), 9/1/2002
 -                 500,000      500,000         Colorado Health Facilities Authority,   509,565
                                                Hospital Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                                4.75% (Parkview Medical Center),
 -                                                                        -                             509,565
 -                 640,000      640,000         Colorado Health           -             662,419         662,419
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Hospital Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                                (Parkview Medical
                                                Center), 9/1/2004
                                                Total                     -             2,356,883       2,356,883
                                                District Of
 -                 1,200,000    1,200,000       District of Columbia,     -             1,234,332       1,234,332
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1999), 5.30% TOBs (819
                                                7th Street, LLC
                                                Issue)/(Branch Banking
                                                & Trust Co.,
                                                Winston-Salem LOC),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 995,000      995,000         Florida Housing Finance   -             1,028,711       1,028,711
                                                Corp., Homeowner
                                                Mortgage Revenue Bonds,
                                                (Series 2), 4.75% (MBIA
                                                INS), 7/1/2019
 -                 1,300,000    1,300,000       Florida State Board of    -             1,372,462       1,372,462
                                                Education Capital
                                                Outlay, UT GO Bonds
                                                (Series 2001E), 5.00%
                                                (Florida State),
 -                 500,000      500,000         Miami Beach, FL Health    -             469,690         469,690
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Hospital Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2001B), 5.50%
                                                TOBs (Mt. Sinai Medical
                                                Center, FL) 5/15/2005
 -                 1,885,000    1,885,000       Miami-Dade County, FL     -             2,065,922       2,065,922
                                                School District, COPS
                                                (Series A), 5.25%,
 -                 1,600,000    1,600,000       Palm Beach County, FL     -             1,692,480       1,692,480
                                                Health Facilities
                                                Authority, Hospital
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2001), 5.00%
                                                (BRCH Corp. Obligated
                                                Group), 12/1/2004
                                                Total                     -             6,629,265       6,629,265
 -                 1,700,000    1,700,000       Decatur                   -             1,700,068       1,700,068
                                                County-Bainbridge, GA
                                                IDA, Revenue Bonds ,
                                                4.00% TOBs (John B.
                                                Sanifilippo &
                                                Son)/(LaSalle Bank,
                                                N.A. LOC), Mandatory
                                                Tender 6/1/2006
 -                                              Illinois--4.3%
 -                 1,585,000    1,585,000       Broadview, IL, Tax        -             1,585,238       1,585,238
                                                Increment Financing
                                                Revenue Bonds, 4.40%,
 -                 45,000       45,000          Chicago, IL SFM,          -             46,170          46,170
                                                Collateralized SFM
                                                Revenue Bonds, (Series
                                                A-1), 4.85% (GNMA COL),
 -                 1,030,000    1,030,000       Illinois Health           -             1,062,239       1,062,239
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Revenue Bonds, (Series
                                                1998), 5.25% (Centegra
                                                Health System), 9/1/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Illinois Health           -             1,003,660       1,003,660
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series A), 4.80%
                                                (Advocate Health Care
                                                Issue Yield: 4.90%),
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Illinois Health           -             2,061,100       2,061,100
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series A), 5.00%
                                                (Advocate Health Care
                                                Network), 8/15/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Illinois State, UT GO     -             1,080,500       1,080,500
                                                Bonds (First Series of
                                                December 2000), 5.50%,
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Illinois State, UT GO     -             2,078,460       2,078,460
                                                Bonds (Series 2000),
                                                5.25%, 8/1/2003
 -                 3,050,000    3,050,000       Will & Kendall            -             3,397,456       3,397,456
                                                Counties, IL Community
                                                Consolidated School
                                                District No. 202, UT GO
                                                Bonds , 5.50%,
                                                Total                     -             12,314,823      12,314,823
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Indiana Development       -             1,006,620       1,006,620
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 1998A), 4.75%
                                                TOBs (Southern Indiana
                                                Gas & Electric Co.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,200,000    1,200,000       Indiana Health Facility   -             1,268,376       1,268,376
                                                Financing Authority,
                                                Health System Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 2001),
                                                5.00% (Sisters of St.
                                                Francis Health
                                                Services), 11/1/2004
 -                 760,000      760,000         Indiana State HFA, SFM    -             783,636         783,636
                                                Revenue Bonds, (Series
                                                C-3), 4.75%, 1/1/2029
                                                Total                     -             3,058,632       3,058,632
 -                 1,880,000    1,880,000       Iowa Finance Authority,   -             1,994,454       1,994,454
                                                Iowa State Revolving
                                                Fund Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2001), 5.00%,
 -                                              Kansas--2.2%              -
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Burlington, KS, (Series   -             2,002,820       2,002,820
                                                B), 3.25% TOBs (Kansas
                                                City Power And Light
                                                Co.), Optional Tender
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       La Cygne, KS,             -             2,026,600       2,026,600
                                                Improvement Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds,
                                                (Series 1994), 3.90%
                                                TOBs (Kansas City Power
                                                And Light Co.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 265,000      265,000         Sedgwick & Shawnee        -             269,979         269,979
                                                Counties, KS, SFM
                                                Revenue Bonds,
                                                Securities Program,
                                                (Series 1998 A-1),
                                                4.70% (GNMA
                                                Collateralized Home
                                                Mortgage Program COL),
 -                 1,640,000    1,640,000       Sedgwick & Shawnee        -             1,708,732       1,708,732
                                                Counties, KS, SFM
                                                Revenue Bonds,
                                                Securities Program,
                                                (Series 1998 A-1),
                                                5.00% (GNMA
                                                Collateralized Home
                                                Mortgage Program COL),
 -                 340,000      340,000         Sedgwick & Shawnee        -             346,501         346,501
                                                Counties, KS, SFM
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2001B-1), 4.00% (GNMA
                                                Collateralized Home
                                                Mortgage Program GTD),
 -                                              Total                     -             6,354,632       6,354,632
 -                                              Louisiana--4.2%
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Calcasieu Parish, LA,     -             1,037,500       1,037,500
                                                IDB, PCR Refunding
                                                Bonds, (Series 2001),
                                                4.80% (Occidental
                                                Petroleum Corp.),
 -                 2,200,000    2,200,000       Lake Charles, LA Harbor   -             2,281,246       2,281,246
                                                & Terminal District,
                                                Port Facilities Revenue
                                                Refunding Bond,
                                                Trunkline Lining Co
                                                Project, 7.75% (Duke
                                                Energy Corp.), 8/15/2022
 -                 1,935,000    1,935,000       Louisiana Agricultural    -             2,005,182       2,005,182
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.20%
                                                National Bank LOC),
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Louisiana State Energy    -             2,038,400       2,038,400
                                                & Power Authority,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2000), 5.25%
                                                (Rodemacher Unit No. 2
                                                Project), 1/1/2003
 -                 2,500,000    2,500,000       St. Charles Parish, LA,   -             2,537,775       2,537,775
                                                PCR Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series 1999-C), 5.35%
                                                TOBs (Entergy
                                                Louisiana, Inc.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       St. Charles Parish, LA,   -             2,005,320       2,005,320
                                                PCR Refunding Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 1999A),
                                                4.90% TOBs (Entergy
                                                Louisiana, Inc.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
                                                Total                     -             11,905,423      11,905,423
                                                Maryland--0.4%            -
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Prince Georges County,    -             1,002,650       1,002,650
                                                MD, IDRB (Series 1993),
                                                4.25% TOBs
                                                (International Paper
                                                Co.), Optional Tender
 -                                              Massachusetts--1.3%       -
 -                 2,495,000    2,495,000       Massachusetts HEFA,       -             2,564,810       2,564,810
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1999A), 5.25% (Caritas
                                                Christi Obligated
                                                Group), 7/1/2004
 -                 1,060,000    1,060,000       Massachusetts HEFA,       -             1,105,548       1,105,548
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                C), 5.00% (Milton
                                                Hospital), 7/1/2004
                                                Total                     -             3,670,358       3,670,358
                                                Michigan--2.5%            -
 -                 2,500,000    2,500,000       Michigan Municipal Bond   -             2,752,450       2,752,450
                                                Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds, 5.25% (Clean
                                                Water Revolving Fund),
 -                 1,005,000    1,005,000       Michigan State Hospital   -             1,027,040       1,027,040
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Hospital Revenue &
                                                Refunding Bonds (Series
                                                1998A), 4.70% (Hackley
                                                Hospital Obligated
                                                Group), 5/1/2004
 -                 1,265,000    1,265,000       Michigan State Hospital   -             1,320,913       1,320,913
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series A), 5.50%
                                                (Trinity Healthcare
                                                Credit Group), 12/1/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Michigan State Hospital   -             1,067,540       1,067,540
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series A), 5.50%
                                                (Trinity Healthcare
                                                Credit Group), 12/1/2004
 -                 820,000      820,000         Michigan State Hospital   -             847,806         847,806
                                                Finance Authority,
                                                Revenue & Refunding
                                                Bonds (Series 1998A),
                                                4.40% (McLaren Health
                                                Care Corp.)/(Original
                                                Issue Yield: 4.45%),
                                                Total                     -             7,015,749       7,015,749
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Missouri Highways &       -             1,606,065       1,606,065
                                                Commission, State Road
                                                Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                                5.25%, 2/1/2005
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Missouri Highways &       -             1,627,275       1,627,275
                                                Commission, State Road
                                                Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                                5.25%, 2/1/2006
                                                Total                     -             3,233,340       3,233,340
                                                Nebraska--0.5%            -
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Nebraska Public Power     -             1,528,245       1,528,245
                                                District, Construction
                                                Notes, 3.50%, 12/1/2003
 -                                              New Mexico--0.4%          -
 -                 1,245,000    1,245,000       Santa Fe Solid Waste      -             1,274,756       1,274,756
                                                Management Agency, NM,
                                                Facility Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 1996), 5.00%,
 -                                              New York--3.9%
 -                 4,000,000    4,000,000       New York City, NY, UT     -             4,078,400       4,078,400
                                                GO Bonds (Series
                                                1991B), 7.50% (Original
                                                Issue Yield: 7.70%),
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       New York City, NY, UT     -             1,067,420       1,067,420
                                                GO Bonds (Series D),
                                                5.00%, 8/1/2006
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       New York City, NY, UT     -             1,065,670       1,065,670
                                                GO Bonds (Series E),
                                                5.00%, 8/1/2007
 -                 2,360,000    2,360,000       New York State Mortgage   -             2,441,491       2,441,491
                                                Agency, Homeowner
                                                Mortgage Revenue Bonds,
                                                (Series 71), 4.75%,
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       New York State Thruway    -             1,059,340       1,059,340
                                                Authority, Highway and
                                                Bridge Transportation
                                                Fund Revenue Bd.,
                                                (Series B-1), 5.50%
                                                (MBIA INS), 4/1/2004
 -                 1,185,000    1,185,000       Niagara Falls, NY City    -             1,225,053       1,225,053
                                                School District, COPS
                                                (Series 1998), 5.625%,
                                                Total                     -             10,937,374      10,937,374
                                                North Carolina--1.8%      -
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       North Carolina Eastern    -             2,029,000       2,029,000
                                                Municipal Power Agency,
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series C), 5.125%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                5.25%), 1/1/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       North Carolina Eastern    -             1,034,880       1,034,880
                                                Municipal Power Agency,
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series C), 5.25%
                                                (Original Issue Yield:
                                                5.40%), 1/1/2004
 -                 1,100,000    1,100,000       North Carolina HFA, SFM   -             1,114,003       1,114,003
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1997TT), 4.90%, 9/1/2024
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       North Carolina            -             1,018,390       1,018,390
                                                Municipal Power Agency
                                                No. 1, Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds, 5.90%
                                                Issue Yield: 5.95%),
                                                Total                     -             5,196,273       5,196,273
                                                Ohio--5.7%                -
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Beavercreek, OH Local     -             1,034,180       1,034,180
                                                School District,
                                                Special TANs, 4.25%,
 -                 1,170,000    1,170,000       Franklin County, OH,      -             1,188,346       1,188,346
                                                Revenue Refunding
                                                Bonds, 4.35% (Capitol
                                                South Community Urban
                                                Redevelopment Corp.),
 -                 3,000,000    3,000,000       Hamilton County, OH,      -             3,031,710       3,031,710
                                                Local Cooling
                                                Facilities Revenue
                                                Bonds (Series 1998),
                                                4.90% TOBs
                                                Solutions of Cincinnati
                                                LLC)/(Cinergy Corp.
                                                GTD), Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,750,000    1,750,000       Knox County, OH,          -             1,817,357       1,817,357
                                                Hospital Facilities
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series 1998), 4.30%
                                                (Knox Community
                                                Hospital)/(Radian Asset
                                                INS)/(Original Issue
                                                Yield: 4.40%), 6/1/2004
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Mahoning County, OH       -             1,501,095       1,501,095
                                                Hospital Facilities,
                                                Adjustable Rate Demand
                                                Health Care Facilities
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series 2002), 4.00%
                                                TOBs (Copeland Oaks
                                                Project), Mandatory
                                                Tender 3/31/2005
 -                 610,000      610,000         Ohio HFA Multifamily      -             627,281         627,281
                                                Housing, Residential
                                                Mortgage Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 1997D-1), 4.85%
                                                (GNMA COL), 3/1/2015
 -                 1,350,000    1,350,000       Ohio HFA Multifamily      -             1,369,197       1,369,197
                                                Housing, Residential
                                                Mortgage Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 1998A-1), 4.60%
                                                (GNMA  COL), 9/1/2026
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Ohio State Air Quality    -             1,000,000       1,000,000
                                                Development Authority,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2002A), 3.85%
                                                TOBs (Pennsylvania
                                                Power Co.), Mandatory
                                                Tender 7/1/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Ohio State Air Quality    -             1,000,460       1,000,460
                                                Development Authority,
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2001A), 3.70% TOBs
                                                (Cincinnati Gas and
                                                Electric Co.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Ohio State Water          -             1,002,710       1,002,710
                                                Development Authority
                                                Pollution Control
                                                Facilities, Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                B), 4.40% TOBs (Ohio
                                                Edison Co.), Mandatory
                                                Tender 12/1/2003
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Ohio State Water          -             1,501,710       1,501,710
                                                Development Authority,
                                                Refunding Facility PCR
                                                Bonds, 4.30% TOBs (Ohio
                                                Edison Co.), Mandatory
                                                Tender 6/1/2003
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       University of             -             1,097,260       1,097,260
                                                Cincinnati, OH, General
                                                Receipts Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series A), 5.50%,
                                                Total                     -             16,171,306      16,171,306
 -                 3,335,000    3,335,000       Oklahoma HFA, SFM         -             3,570,885       3,570,885
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1998D-2), 6.25% (GNMA
                                                Collateralized Home
                                                Mortgage Program COL),
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Tulsa, OK International   -             2,057,200       2,057,200
                                                Airport, General
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                                (FGIC INS), 6/1/2003
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Tulsa, OK International   -             2,098,560       2,098,560
                                                Airport, General
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                                (FGIC INS), 6/1/2004
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Tulsa, OK Municipal       -             1,910,060       1,910,060
                                                Airport, Transportation
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2000A), 5.80%
                                                TOBs (American
                                                Airlines, Inc.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
                                                Total                     -             9,636,705       9,636,705
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Clackamas County, OR      -             1,049,590       1,049,590
                                                Hospital Facilities
                                                Authority, Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds (Series
                                                2001), 5.00% (Legacy
                                                Health System), 5/1/2004
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Clackamas County, OR      -             1,065,850       1,065,850
                                                Hospital Facilities
                                                Authority, Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds (Series
                                                2001), 5.00% (Legacy
                                                Health System), 5/1/2006
                                                Total                     -             2,115,440       2,115,440
 -                 5,000,000    5,000,000       Montgomery County, PA     -             5,221,950       5,221,950
                                                IDA, PCR Refunding
                                                Bonds (Series 1999A),
                                                5.20% TOBs (Peco Energy
                                                Co.), Mandatory Tender
 -                 3,000,000    3,000,000       Northampton County, PA    -             3,000,000       3,000,000
                                                IDA, 2.10% CP (American
                                                Water Capital Corp.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Pennsylvania EDFA,        -             1,544,325       1,544,325
                                                Resource Recovery
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series B), 6.75%
                                                Generating), 1/1/2007
 -                 2,500,000    2,500,000       Pennsylvania State        -             2,511,925       2,511,925
                                                Higher Education
                                                Assistance Agency,
                                                (Series 2002 A), 2.35%
                                                TOBs (FSA
                                                Girozentrale, Lloyds
                                                TSB Bank PLC, London,
                                                State Street Bank and
                                                Trust Co. and
                                                Westdeutsche Landesbank
                                                Girozentrale LIQs),
                                                Optional Tender 7/1/2003
 -                 200,000      200,000         Pennsylvania State        -             214,820         214,820
                                                Higher Education
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2001A), 5.75% (UPMC
                                                Health System),
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Pennsylvania State        -             1,072,140       1,072,140
                                                Higher Education
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2001A), 5.75% (UPMC
                                                Health System),
 -                 1,250,000    1,250,000       Pennsylvania State        -             1,372,550       1,372,550
                                                Turnpike Commission,
                                                Turnpike Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2001S), 5.50%, 6/1/2006
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Pennsylvania State        -             2,099,820       2,099,820
                                                University, Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds, 5.00%,
 -                 2,010,036    2,010,036       Philadelphia, PA          -             2,141,793       2,141,793
                                                Municipal Authority,
                                                Equipment Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 1997A), 5.297%
                                                (Philadelphia, PA Gas
                                                Works)/(AMBAC INS),
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Sayre, PA, Health Care    -             1,068,260       1,068,260
                                                Facilities Authority,
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2002A), 5.50% (Guthrie
                                                Healthcare System),
 -                 640,000      640,000         Scranton-Lackawanna, PA   -             671,494         671,494
                                                Health & Welfare
                                                Authority, Revenue
                                                Bonds , 7.125% (Allied
                                                Services Rehabilitation
                                                Hospitals, PA),
                                                Total                     -             20,919,077      20,919,077
                                                Rhode Island--2.2%
 -                 1,498,000    1,498,000       Cranston, RI, 3.75%       -             1,501,985       1,501,985
                                                BANs, 11/14/2002
 -                 2,775,000    2,775,000       Johnston, RI, (2002       -             2,799,087       2,799,087
                                                Series), 3.00% BANs,
 -                 600,000      600,000         Rhode Island State        -             616,926         616,926
                                                Health and Educational
                                                Building Corp.,
                                                Hospital Financing
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2002), 5.00% (Lifespan
                                                Obligated Group),
 -                 650,000      650,000         Rhode Island State        -             671,990         671,990
                                                Health and Educational
                                                Building Corp.,
                                                Hospital Financing
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2002), 5.25% (Lifespan
                                                Obligated Group),
 -                 700,000      700,000         Rhode Island State        -             727,909         727,909
                                                Health and Educational
                                                Building Corp.,
                                                Hospital Financing
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2002), 5.50% (Lifespan
                                                Obligated Group),
                                                Total                     -             6,317,897       6,317,897
                                                South Carolina--0.4%
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Piedmont Municipal        -             1,045,040       1,045,040
                                                Power Agency, SC,
                                                Refunding Electric
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2002A) , 5.00%, 1/1/2004
 -                                              South Dakota--0.5%
 -                 1,240,000    1,240,000       South Dakota State        -             1,317,103       1,317,103
                                                Health & Educational
                                                Authority, Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds , 5.25%
                                                (Sioux Valley Hospital
                                                & Health System),
 -                              0               Tennessee--3.9%
 -                 485,000      485,000         Clarksville, TN Natural   -             487,275         487,275
                                                Gas Acquisition Corp.,
                                                Gas Refunding Revenue
                                                Bonds, 4.00% (Dominion
                                                Resources, Inc.),
 -                 490,000      490,000         Clarksville, TN Natural   -             497,316         497,316
                                                Gas Acquisition Corp.,
                                                Gas Refunding Revenue
                                                Bonds, 4.50% (Dominion
                                                Resources, Inc.),
 -                 500,000      500,000         Clarksville, TN Natural   -             513,050         513,050
                                                Gas Acquisition Corp.,
                                                Gas Refunding Revenue
                                                Bonds, 5.00% (Dominion
                                                Resources, Inc.),
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Metropolitan Government   -             1,030,560       1,030,560
                                                Nashville & Davidson
                                                County, TN HEFA,
                                                Multifamily Housing
                                                Revenue Bonds, 5.20%
                                                TOBs (American Housing
                                                Corp.)/(FNMA LOC),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,995,000    1,995,000       Metropolitan Government   -             2,117,114       2,117,114
                                                Nashville & Davidson
                                                County, TN HEFA,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series B), 4.50%
                                                University), 10/1/2005
 -                 2,085,000    2,085,000       Metropolitan Government   -             2,222,381       2,222,381
                                                Nashville & Davidson
                                                County, TN HEFA,
                                                Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series B), 4.50%
                                                University), 10/1/2006
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Metropolitan Government   -             2,264,000       2,264,000
                                                Nashville & Davidson
                                                County, TN HEFA,
                                                Revenue Bonds, 6.875%
                                                (Meharry Medical
                                                Issue Yield: 7.27%),
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Metropolitan Government   -             2,003,200       2,003,200
                                                Nashville & Davidson
                                                County, TN IDB, Revenue
                                                Bonds, 4.10% TOBs
                                                (Waste Management,
                                                Inc.), Mandatory Tender
                                                Total                     -             11,134,896      11,134,896
 -                 3,000,000    3,000,000       Brazos River Authority,   -             3,046,320       3,046,320
                                                TX, (Series 1995B),
                                                5.05% TOBs (TXU
                                                Electric Co.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Brazos River Authority,   -             981,530         981,530
                                                TX, Revenue Refunding
                                                Bonds (Series 1999C),
                                                5.20% TOBs (Reliant
                                                Energy, Inc.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,370,000    1,370,000       Gregg County, TX HFDC,    -             1,418,964       1,418,964
                                                Hospital Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 2002A), 5.50%
                                                (Good Shepherd Medical
                                                Center), 10/1/2005
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Gulf Coast, TX Waste      -             2,009,600       2,009,600
                                                Disposal Authority,
                                                Facilities Refunding
                                                Revenue Bonds , 4.20%
                                                (Occidental Petroleum
                                                Corp.), 11/1/2006
 -                 2,070,000    2,070,000       Lewisville, TX,           -             2,156,257       2,156,257
                                                Combination Contract
                                                Revenue & Special
                                                Assessment Bonds
                                                (Series 1997), 4.95%
                                                (United States Treasury
                                                GTD), 5/1/2021
 -                 3,000,000    3,000,000       Matagorda County, TX      -             2,997,930       2,997,930
                                                Navigation District
                                                Number One, PCR
                                                Refunding Bonds (Series
                                                1999A), 3.75% TOBs
                                                (Central Power & Light
                                                Co.), Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       North Central Texas       -             1,037,630       1,037,630
                                                HFDC, Hospital Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds (Series
                                                2002), 4.00%
                                                (Children's Medical
                                                Center of
                                                Dallas)/(AMBAC INS),
 -                 750,000      750,000         Sabine River Authority,   -             754,650         754,650
                                                TX, PCR Revenue
                                                Refunding Bonds (Series
                                                2001C), 4.00% TOBs (TXU
                                                Electric Co.),
                                                Mandatory Tender
 -                 1,130,000    1,130,000       Tarrant County, TX Jr.    -             1,179,867
                                                College District,
                                                Refunding LT GO Bonds
                                                (Series 2001A), 4.75%,    -                             1,179,867
                                                Total                     -             15,582,748      15,582,748
                                                Utah--0.6%                -
 -                 1,650,000    1,650,000       Alpine, UT School         -             1,788,484       1,788,484
                                                District, UT GO Bonds,
                                                5.25%, 3/15/2006
 -                                              Virginia--0.7%            -
 -                 2,000,000    2,000,000       Louisa, VA IDA, Solid     -             2,002,780       2,002,780
                                                Waste & Sewage Disposal
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2000A), 3.15% TOBs
                                                (Virginia Electric &
                                                Power Co.), Mandatory
                                                Tender 4/1/2003
 -                                              Washington--4.0%
 -                 1,155,000    1,155,000       Clark County, WA Public   -             1,237,421       1,237,421
                                                Utilities District No.
                                                001, Generating System
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series 2000), 5.50%,
 -                 2,065,000    2,065,000       Clark County, WA Public   -             2,244,676       2,244,676
                                                Utilities District No.
                                                001, Generating System
                                                Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                                (Series 2000), 5.50%,
 -                 1,310,000    1,310,000       Spokane, WA, Refunding    -             1,456,248       1,456,248
                                                UT GO Bonds , 5.50%,
 -                 1,400,000    1,400,000       Tacoma, WA Solid Waste    -             1,423,548       1,423,548
                                                Utility, (Series B)
                                                Revenue Refunding
                                                Bonds, 5.50% (AMBAC
                                                INS), 12/1/2002
 -                 280,000      280,000         Tacoma, WA Solid Waste    -             284,777         284,777
                                                Utility, (Series B)
                                                Revenue Refunding
                                                Bonds, 5.50% (AMBAC
                                                INS), 12/1/2002
 -                 2,500,000    2,500,000       Washington State Public   -             2,594,200       2,594,200
                                                Power Supply System,
                                                Nuclear Project No. 2
                                                Revenue Refunding Bond,
                                                (Series 1997B), 5.50%
                                                (Energy Northwest, WA),
                   2,000,000    2,000,000       Washington State,         -             2,162,020       2,162,020
                                                Refunding UT GO Bonds ,
                                                5.25%, 9/1/2005
                                                Total                     -             11,402,890      11,402,890
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       Wisconsin State HEFA,     -             1,586,206       1,586,206
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                2002A), 5.00% (Ministry
                                                Health Care), 2/15/2005
 -                 2,150,000    2,150,000       Albany County, WY,        -             2,172,209       2,172,209
                                                Pollution Control
                                                Revenue Bonds (Series
                                                1985), 3.30% TOBs
                                                (Union Pacific Railroad
                                                Co.)/(Union Pacific
                                                Corp. GTD), Optional
                                                Tender 12/1/2002
                                                Total Short-              -             214,848,333     214,848,332
                                                Intermediate  Municipal
                                                Securities (identified
                                                cost $210,531,118)
                                                Short-Term Municipal securities--8.9%
 -                 1,200,000    1,200,000       Prescott, AZ IDA,         -             1,200,000       1,200,000
                                                (Series A) Weekly VRDNs
                                                (Prescott Convention
                                                Finance Corp. GTD)
 -                 1,200,000    1,200,000       Prescott, AZ IDA,         -             1,200,000       1,200,000
                                                (Series B) Weekly VRDNs
                                                (Prescott Convention
                                                Finance Corp. GTD)
                                                Total                     -             2,400,000       2,400,000
 -                                              Georgia--0.4%
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Bibb County, GA           -             1,000,000       1,000,000
                                                Development Authority,
                                                (Series 1991IR-1)
                                                Weekly VRDNs
                                                (Temple-Inland, Inc.)
 -                 8,100,000    8,100,000       Jackson County, MS Port   -             8,100,000       8,100,000
                                                Facility Daily VRDNs
                                                (ChevronTexaco Corp.
                                                New York--0.5%
 -                 1,500,000    1,500,000       New York State Energy     -             1,500,000       1,500,000
                                                Research & Development
                                                Authority, Poll Ctrl
                                                Revenue Adj Rate Bonds
                                                (1988 Series A) Daily
                                                VRDNs (Niagara Mohawk
                                                Power Corp.)/(JPMorgan
                                                Chase Bank LOC)
                                                Tennessee--0.4%           -
 -                 1,000,000    1,000,000       Carter County, TN IDB,    -             1,000,000       1,000,000
                                                (Series 1983) Weekly
                                                VRDNs (Inland Container
                                                Inc. GTD)
 -                 10,500,000   10,500,000      Harris County, TX HFDC,   -             10,500,000      10,500,000
                                                (Series 1994) Daily
                                                VRDNs (Methodist
                                                Hospital, Harris
                                                County, TX)
 -                 800,000      800,000         Port Grays Harbor, WA    -             800,000
                                                Industrial Development
                                                Corp., Solid Waste
                                                Disposal Revenue Bonds
                                                (Series 1993) Weekly
                                                VRDNs (Weyerhaeuser
                                                Total Short-Term Municipal securities  25,300,000
                                                (identified cost $25,300,000)
                                                Mutual Fund--0.2%
670,489                         670,489         SEI Tax Exempt Money    670,489
                                                Market Fund (at net
                                                asset value)
                                                Total Investments       $42,816,932    $240,148,333
                                                (identified cost
                                                $276,949,619) (2)

1    Denotes a  restricted  security  which is subject to resale  under  Federal
     Securities laws. These securities  amounted to $2,026,638 for the Federated
     Short-Term  Municipal Trust Pro Forma Combined which represents 0.4% of net

2    The cost of investments  for Federal Tax purposes  amounts to  $276,911,006
     for the Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust Pro Forma Combined.

                         The following acronyms are used
                           throughout this portfolio:

                       AMBAC    --American Municipal Bond Assurance
                       AMT      --Alternative Minimum
                       BANs     --Bond Anticipation
                       COL      --COL
                       COPs     --Certificates of
                       CP       --Commercial Paper
                       EDFA     --Economic Development
                                Financing Authority
                       FGIC     --Financial Guaranty Insurance
                       FNMA     --Federal National
                                Mortgage Association
                       FSA      --Financial Security
                       GNMA     --Government National Mortgage
                       GO       --General Obligation
                       GTD      --Guaranteed
                       HEFA     --Health and Education
                                Facilities Authority
                       HFA      --Housing Finance
                       HFDC     --Health Facility Development
                       IDA      --Industrial
                                Development Authority
                       IDB      --Industrial
                                Development Bond
                       IDRB     --Industrial
                                Development Revenue
                       IFA      --Industrial Finance
                       INS      --Insured
                       LIQs     --Liquidity Agreements
                       LOC      --Letter of Credit
                       LT       --Limited Tax
                       MBIA     --Municipal Bond
                                Investors Assurance
                       PCR      --Pollution Control
                       PSFG     --Permanent School
                                Fund Guarantee
                       SFM      --Single Family
                       TOBs     --Tender Option Bonds
                       UT       --Unlimited Tax
                       VRDNs    --Variable Rate Demand

     Note: The categories of investments  are shown as a percentage of pro forma
combined  total net  assets as shown on the Pro Forma  Combining  Statements  of
Assets and Liabilities.

                       Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                      Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
            Pro Forma Combining Statements of Assets and Liabilities


                             Short Term       Federated
                              Tax Free        Short-Term
                              Bond Fund       Municipal      Pro Forma     Pro Forma
Assets:                    April 30, 2003   June 30, 2002    Adjustment     Combined
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ---------------------------

- --------------------------
Investments in                           $               $
securities, at value            42,816,932     240,148,333           -      282,965,265
- --------------------------
                                     2,261          16,784           -           19,045
- --------------------------
Income receivable
                                   662,995       2,811,259           -        3,474,254
- --------------------------
Receivable for shares
sold                                     -         339,604           -          339,604
- --------------------------
Receivable for
Investments sold                         -         610,000           -          610,000
- --------------------------
                           ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Total assets
                                43,482,188     243,925,980           -      287,408,168
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
- --------------------------
Payable for investments
purchased                                -       3,022,069           -        3,022,069
- --------------------------
Income distribution
payable                            101,015         371,717           -          472,732
- --------------------------
Payable for shares
redeemed                                 -         107,315           -          107,315
- --------------------------
Accrued expenses
                                    10,701          13,178           -           23,879
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Total liabilities
                                   111,716       3,514,279           -        3,625,995
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
Net Assets                               $               $    $                       $
                                43,370,472     240,411,701           -      283,782,173
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
Net Assets Consists of:
- --------------------------
Paid in capital                          $               $    $
                                40,946,423     241,532,571           -      282,478,994
- --------------------------
Net unrealized
  of investments
                                 1,698,431       4,317,215           -        6,015,646
- --------------------------
Accumulated net realized
gain (loss) on
                                   725,564     (5,438,008)           -      (4,712,444)
- --------------------------
undistributed net
(Distributions in excess
of net
   investment income)
                                        54            (77)           -             (23)
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Total Net Assets                    $               $    $                       $
                                43,370,472     240,411,701           -      283,782,173
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
                           ---------------- ---------------              ---------------
Class R Shares                           $               $   ($43,370,4(a)            $
                                43,370,472               -                            -
                           ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
                           ---------------- ---------------  ----------
Institutional Shares                     $               $    $            $211,834,535
                                         -     211,834,535           -
                           ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
                           ---------------- ---------------
Institutional Service                    $               $   $43,370,47(a)  $71,947,638
Shares                                   -      28,577,166
                           ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------

Net Asset Value,
Offering Price and
   Redemption Proceeds
Per Share
- --------------------------
Net Asset Value and
Offering Price Per Share
     Class R Shares                      $               $
                                     10.49               -
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Institutional Shares                $               $                            $
                                         -           10.35                        10.35
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Institutional                       $               $                            $
Service Shares                           -           10.35                        10.35
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
Redemption Proceeds Per
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Class R Shares                      $  **           $                            $
                                     10.28               -                            -
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Institutional Shares                                $
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Institutional                                       $
Service Shares                                       10.35
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
Shares Outstanding:
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Class R Shares                                                    (a)
                                 4,133,706               -   (4,133,706)              -
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Institutional Shares                                                    20,473,034
                                         -      20,473,034
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
     Institutional                                                     (a)    6,952,183
Service Shares                           -       2,761,799   4,190,384
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------
Investments, at                          $               $    $                       $
identified cost                 41,118,501     235,831,118           -      276,949,619
- -------------------------- ---------------- ---------------  ----------  ---------------

(a) Adjustment to reflect share balance and combined net asset value as a result of
the combination.
*     See "What Do Shares Cost" in the Prospectus
**   Computation offering price per share
98/100 of net asset value.
(See Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements)

                                          Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                                          Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
                                   Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations

                              Short Term
                               Tax Free    Federated
                              Bond Fund    Short-Term
                                 Fund      Municipal     Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                              April 30,     June 30,      Adjustment      Combined
                                 2003         2002
                              ----------- ------------- ------------------------------
Investment Income:
                               2,426,029     9,192,484            -        11,618,513
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
Total Investment Income
                               2,426,029     9,192,484            -        11,618,513
Investment advisory fee
                                 396,933       871,572    (133,377) (a)     1,135,128
Administrative personnel and
services fee                      84,679       163,792     (35,634) (b)       212,837
Custodian fees
                                  10,585        11,264     (10,585) (c)        11,264
Transfer and dividend
disbursing agent fees and            435        54,322        (435) (d)        54,322
Directors' fees
                                   1,287        11,589      (1,287) (e)        11,589
Auditing fees
                                  17,075        12,900     (17,075) (f)        12,900
Legal fees
                                   4,234         3,514      (4,234) (g)         3,514
Portfolio accounting fees
                                   4,647        78,569      (4,647) (h)        78,569
Shareholder services fee -
Class R Shares                   132,311             -
                                                          (132,311) (i)             -
Shareholder services fee -
Institutional Service Shares           -        59,968
                                                            119,901 (j)       179,869
Shareholder services fee -
Institutional Shares                   -       484,764
                                                                  -           484,764
Distribution services fee -
Class R Shares                   132,311             -    (132,311) (k)             -
Distribution services fee -
Institutional Service Shares           -        59,968
                                                            119,901 (l)       179,869
Share registration costs                                            (m)
                                  13,465        43,675     (13,465)            43,675
Printing and postage
                                   3,603        26,568      (3,603) (n)        26,568
Insurance premiums
                                   1,272         1,141      (1,272) (o)         1,141
                                     129        10,391        (129) (p)        10,391
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
                                                        ------------   ---------------
     Total expenses
                                 802,966     1,893,997    (250,563)         2,446,400
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
Waiver of investment adviser                 (260,224)              (q)
fee                             (92,878)                     40,942         (312,160)
Waiver of transfer and
dividend  disbursing agent             -       (4,879)
fees and expenses                                                 -           (4,879)
Waiver of shareholder
services fee - Class R Shares   (79,387)             -       79,387 (r)
Waiver of shareholder
services fee - Institutional           -     (484,764)
Shares                                                            -         (484,764)
Waiver of distribution
services fee - Class R Shares  (132,311)             -              (s)             -
Waiver of distribution
services fee - Institutional           -        59,968              (t)       179,869
Service Shares                                              119,901
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
     Total waivers             (304,576)     (689,899)      372,541         (621,934)
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
         Net expenses            498,390     1,204,098      121,978         1,824,466
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
            Net investment     1,927,639     7,988,386    (121,978)         9,794,047
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
Realized and Unrealized Gain
(Loss) on Investments:
Net realized gain (loss) on
investments                    1,037,551     (315,236)            -           722,315
Net change in unrealized
   on investments
                                 111,300     1,883,229            -         1,994,529
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
     Net realized and
unrealized gain on             1,148,851     1,567,993
investments                                                       -         2,716,844
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------
          Change in net        $                     $                   $ 12,510,891
assets resulting from          3,076,490     9,556,379    (121,978)
                              ----------- ------------- ------------   ---------------

                       Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                      Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
              Notes to Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations
                   Year Ended April 30, 2003 and June 30, 2002

(a)  Federated  Investment  Management Company (the "Adviser")  receives for its
     services an annual investment  advisory fee equal to 0.40% of the Federated
     Short-Term  Municipal  Trust's  average  daily net assets.  The Adviser may
     voluntarily choose to waive a portion of its fee. The Adviser can modify or
     terminate this voluntary waiver at any time.

(b)  Federated Services Company ("FServ") provides the Fund with  administrative
     personnel and services necessary to operate the Fund. The fee paid to FServ
     is based on a scale of 0.15% to 0.075% of the average  aggregate  daily net
     assets of all funds advised by subsidiaries of Federated  Investors,  Inc.,
     subject to a $125,000 minimum per portfolio and $30,000 per each additional

(c)  Adjustment to reflect the custodian fees reductions due to the combining of
     two portfolios into one.

(d)  FServ  through its  subsidiary,  Federated  Shareholder  Services  Company,
     serves as transfer and  dividend  disbursing  agent for the Funds.  The fee
     paid to FServ is based on the number of share classes and accounts per fund
     on the level of average  aggregate  net assets of the Trust for the period.
     The adjustment is due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

(e)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  Directors  Fee  due to the  combining  of two
     portfolios into one.

(f)  Adjustment to reflect the Audit Fee due to the combining of two  portfolios
     into one.

(g)  Adjustment to reflect the Legal fee due to the combining of two  portfolios
     into one.

(h)  Adjustment to reflect the Portfolio  Accounting Fee due to the combining of
     two portfolios into one.

(i)  Adjustment to reflect the elimination of the Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond
     Fund Shareholder Service Fee for Class R Shares due to the combining of two
     portfolios into one.

(j)  Adjustment to reflect the Shareholder Service Fee for Institutional Service
     Shares  accrual of 0.25% of average net assets due to the  combining of two
     portfolios into one.

(k)  Adjustment to reflect the elimination of the Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond
     Fund  Distribution  Service  Fee  (12B-1)  for  Class R  Shares  due to the
     combining of two portfolios into one.

(l)  Adjustment   to  reflect   the   Distribution   Service   Fee  (12B-1)  for
     Institutional  Service Shares accrual of 0.25% of average net assets due to
     the combining of two portfolios into one.

(m)  Adjustment to reflect the Share  registration costs due to the combining of
     two portfolios into one.

(n)  Adjustment to reflect the printing and postage  expense  reductions  due to
     the combining two portfolios into one.

(o)  Adjustment to reflect the Insurance  premium  expense  reduction due to the
     combining two portfolios into one.

(p)  Miscellaneous  expenses  are  reduced  to reflect  estimated  savings to be
     realized by combining two portfolios into one.

(q)  Adjustment  to reflect  waiver of  investment  adviser fee being brought in
     line based on the combined average net assets of funds.

(r)  Adjustment to reflect  elimination  of  shareholder  service fee waiver for
     Riggs  Short  Term Tax Free  Bond  Fund  Class R Shares  which is no longer
     applicable due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

(s)  Adjustment  to reflect  elimination  of  distribution  service  fee (12B-1)
     waiver for Riggs  Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund Class R Shares  which is no
     longer applicable due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

(t)  Adjustment  to  reflect  waiver  of   distribution   fee  (12B-1)  for  the
     Institutional  Service  Shares being  brought in line based on the combined
     average net assets of funds.

                         Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                              Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
                       Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements
                  Year Ended October 31, 2002 and December 31, 2002
Basis of Combination

     The accompanying  unaudited Pro Forma Combining  Portfolios of Investments,
Statements of Assets and  Liabilities  and Statements of Operations  ("Pro Forma
Financial  Statements")  reflect the accounts of Federated  Short-Term Municipal
Trust and Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund,  collectively ("the Funds"),  for
the year ended  December 31, 2002,  and October 31,  2002,  respectively.  These
statements have been derived from the books and records  utilized in calculating
daily net asset values at June 30, 2002 and April 30, 2003, respectively.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements  should be read in conjunction with the
historical  financial  statements of the Funds which have been  incorporated  by
reference in the Statement of Additional Information. The Funds follow generally
accepted accounting  principles  applicable to management  investment  companies
which are disclosed in the historical financial statements of each fund.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements give effect to the proposed exchange of
assets of Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust for shares of Riggs Short Term
Tax Free Bond Fund. Under generally accepted  accounting  principles,  Federated
Short-Term  Municipal Trust will be the surviving entity for accounting purposes
with its  historical  cost of  investment  securities  and results of operations
being carried forward.

     The Pro Forma  Financial  Statements  have been  adjusted  to  reflect  the
anticipated  advisory fee  arrangement for the surviving  entity.  Certain other
operating costs have also been adjusted to reflect  anticipated  expenses of the
combined   entity.   Other   costs,   which  may  change  as  a  result  of  the
reorganization, are currently undeterminable.

     For the year ended December 31, 2002,  Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
paid  investment  advisory  fees  computed  at the  annual  rate of  0.40%  as a
percentage  of average  daily net assets.  For the year ended  October 31, 2002,
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund paid  investment  advisory  fees computed at
the annual rate of 0.75% as a percentage of average daily net assets.

Shares of Beneficial Interest

     The Pro Forma net asset value per share  assumes the  issuance of 5,117,414
Institutional Service Shares of Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust in exchange
for 5,057,977  Class R Shares of Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund which would
have been issued at December  31, 2002 and October 31,  2002,  respectively,  in
connection with the proposed reorganization.


Pro Forma Combining Portfolio of Investments

Riggs                                                               Riggs
Short Term      Federated                                           Short Term     Federated
Tax Free        Short-Term                                          Tax Free       Short-Term
Bond Fund       Municipal    Pro Forma                              Bond Fund      Municipal      Pro Forma
                Trust                                                              Trust
October 31,     December      Combined                              October 31,    December 31,    Combined
2002            31, 2002                                            2002           2002
or Shares                                                           Value          Value          Value
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Maricopa County, AZ,     1,069,280       -             1,069,280
                                           Unified School District
                                           No. 97, GO UT, 5.20%
                                           (FGIC INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.30%),
950,000             -        950,000       Georgia Municipal        1,013,470       -             1,013,470
                                           Electric Authority,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series Z), 5.10% (FSA
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 5.15%), 1/1/2005
2,000,000           -        2,000,000     Hawaii State, GO UT      2,235,020       -             2,235,020
                                           (Series CB), Refunding
                                           Bonds, 5.75% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.90%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Chicago, IL, O'Hare      1,095,550       -             1,095,550
                                           International Airport
                                           (Series A), 6.375%
                                           (MBIA INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 6.735%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Chicago, IL, O'Hare      1,096,590       -             1,096,590
                                           International Airport,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           A), 5.375% (AMBAC
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 5.50%), 1/1/2007
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Chicago, IL, Public      1,026,900       -             1,026,900
                                           Building Commission,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           C), 5.80% (Park
                                           District) /(FGIC
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 5.886%), 1/1/2013
1,550,000           -        1,550,000     Chicago, IL, GO UT       1,689,035       -             1,689,035
                                           Refunding Bonds, 6.30%
                                           (AMBAC INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 6.40%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Lake County, IL,         1,036,050       -             1,036,050
                                           (Series A) Water &
                                           Sewer Refunding Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.50% (AMBAC
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 5.65%), 12/1/2009
                                           Total                    5,944,125       -             5,944,125
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Johnson County, KS,      1,030,200       -             1,030,200
                                           Unified School District
                                           No. 233, GO UT, 5.25%
                                           (FGIC INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.30%),
2,000,000           -        2,000,000     Louisiana PFA,           2,024,580       -             2,024,580
                                           Refunding Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.95% (AXA LOC),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Lawrence, MA, GO UT,     1,107,790       -             1,107,790
                                           5.50% (AMBAC
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 4.71%), 2/1/2015
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Massachusetts State      1,037,470       -             1,037,470
                                           Special Obligation
                                           Revenue, (Series A),
                                           5.00%, 6/1/2017
                    -                      Total                    2,145,260       -             2,145,260
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Central Michigan         1,023,140       -             1,023,140
                                           University, Refunding
                                           Revenue Bond, 6.00%
                                           (MBIA INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 6.40%),
865,000             -        865,000       Michigan State Building  935,299         -             935,299
                                           Authority (Series I)
                                           Health, Hospital,
                                           Nursing Home
                                           Improvement Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.40% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.50%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Oxford, MI, Area         1,089,170       -             1,089,170
                                           Community Schools, GO
                                           UT, 5.50% (Q-SBLF INS),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Wyoming, MI, Public      1,050,340       -             1,050,340
                                           Schools, GO UT, 5.25%
                                           (Original Issue Yield:
                                           5.425%), 5/1/2017
                                           Total                    4,097,949       -             4,097,949
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Hopkins, MN, ISD, No.    1,068,250       -             1,068,250
                                           270, GO UT, 5.00% (FGIC
                                           INS), 2/1/2015
1,500,000           -        1,500,000     Minnesota State, GO UT,  1,622,625       -             1,622,625
                                           5.00% (Original Issue
                                           Yield: 4.37%),
                                           Total                    2,690,875       -             2,690,875
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Clark County, NV,        1,098,350       -             1,098,350
                                           School District, GO LT
                                           (Series B), 5.50% (FGIC
                                           INS), 6/15/2015
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Washoe County, NV,       1,074,590       -             1,074,590
                                           Hospital Facilities,
                                           Revenue Bonds, 6.00%
                                           (AMBAC INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 6.10%),
                                           Total                    2,172,940       -             2,172,940
                                           New Jersey--0.3%
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     West Deptford Township,  1,073,200       -             1,073,200
                                           GO, 5.375% (FGIC INS),
                                           New Mexico--0.3%
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Santa Fe, NM Community   1,096,220       -             1,096,220
                                           College District, GO
                                           UT, 5.45% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.55%),
                                           North Carolina--0.3%
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     North Carolina State,    1,077,110       -             1,077,110
                                           GO UT Bonds, 5.00%,
                                           Rhode Island--0.4%
1,435,000           -        1,435,000     Rhode Island Housing &   1,493,218       -             1,493,218
                                           Mortgage Finance Corp.
                                           (Series A), Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds, 5.45%
                                           (AMBAC INS), 7/1/2004
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Austin, TX, Hotel        1,083,440       -             1,083,440
                                           Occupancy, 5.625%
                                           (AMBAC INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.71%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Dallas-Fort Worth, TX,   1,058,780       -             1,058,780
                                           Regional Airport,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bond,
                                           (Series A), 7.75% (FGIC
                                           INS), 11/1/2003
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Harris County, TX, GO    1,098,890       -             1,098,890
                                           LT Correctional
                                           Facility Improvement
                                           Bonds, 5.50% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.55%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Houston, TX, (Series     1,071,310       -             1,071,310
                                           A), 5.375% (FSA
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 4.83%), 3/1/2017
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Johnson County, TX, GO   1,043,020       -             1,043,020
                                           UT, 5.00% (FSA
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 4.85%), 2/15/2016
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     North Texas Tollway      1,069,410       -             1,069,410
                                           Authority, Dallas,
                                           (Series A), 5.10% (FGIC
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 5.20%), 1/1/2013
535,000             -        535,000       San Antonio, TX,         601,078         -             601,078
                                           Electric & Gas, Revenue
                                           Bond, 5.500%, 2/1/2015
335,000             -        335,000       San Antonio, TX,         371,525         -             371,525
                                           Electric & Gas, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.50% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.625%),
                                           2/1/2015 (2/1/2007 @101)
130,000             -        130,000       San Antonio, TX,         140,682         -             140,682
                                           Electric & Gas, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.500%, 2/15/2015
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Spring TX, ISD, 5.25%,   1,038,930       -             1,038,930
820,000             -        820,000       Texas Water Development  834,768         -             834,768
                                           Board, Revenue Bond,
                                           3.95% (AMBAC INS),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Travis Country, TX, GO   1,083,940       -             1,083,940
                                           UT, 5.25%, 3/1/2015
                                           Total                    10,495,773      -             10,495,773
420,000             -        420,000       Intermountain Power      437,060         -             437,060
                                           Agency, Utah, (Series
                                           B), 5.25% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.79%),
580,000             -        580,000       Intermountain Power      588,810         -             588,810
                                           Agency, Utah, (Series
                                           B), 5.25% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.79%),
440,000             -        440,000       Intermountain Power      457,296         -             457,296
                                           Agency, Utah, (Series
                                           C), 5.00% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 4.70%),
560,000             -        560,000       Intermountain Power      583,050         -             583,050
                                           Agency, Utah, (Series
                                           C), 5.00% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 4.999%),
                                           Total                    2,066,216       -             2,066,216
605,000             -        605,000       Chesapeake, VA, IDA,     648,633         -             648,633
                                           Public Facility Lease
                                           Revenue Bonds, 5.40%
                                           (MBIA INS)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.50%),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Kitsap County, WA,       1,099,260       -             1,099,260
                                           School District No.
                                           400, GO UT, 5.50%
                                           (Original Issue Yield:
                                           4.97%), 12/1/2015
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Snohomish County, WA,    1,097,920       -             1,097,920
                                           School District No. 6,
                                           GO UT Refunding Bonds,
                                           5.45% (FGIC INS),
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Washington State Public  1,078,220       -             1,078,220
                                           Power Supply System
                                           (Series B), 5.40%
                                           (Energy Northwest,
                                           WA)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 5.45%), 7/1/2005
                                           Total                    3,275,400       -             3,275,400
1,315,000           -        1,315,000     Milwaukee, WI, (Series   1,340,800       -             1,340,800
                                           Y), 4.00%, 9/1/2003
1,000,000           -        1,000,000     Wyoming Building Corp.,  1,065,270       -             1,065,270
                                           Correctional Facility
                                           Improvement Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.00% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 5.05%),
                                           Total Long-Term          48,055,539                    48,055,539
                                           Municipals (identified
                                           cost $45,854,319)
                                           SHORT-INTERMEDIATE MUNICIPAL
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Alabama State Public         -          2,218,420      2,218,420
                                           School & College
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.00%, 2/1/2007
 -              3,040,000    3,040,000     Alabama State Public         -          3,387,563      3,387,563
                                           School & College
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.00%, 2/1/2008
 -              502,335      502,335       (1) Birmingham, AL,          -          526,638        526,638
                                           Fire Equipment Lease
                                           Obligation No. 2,
                                           5.60%, 11/5/2004
 -              2,760,000    2,760,000     DCH Health Care              -          2,836,148      2,836,148
                                           Authority, Health Care
                                           Facilities Revenue
                                           Bonds, 3.50%, 6/1/2005
 -              860,000      860,000       Huntsville, AL, Health       -          887,210        887,210
                                           Care Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 4.75%
                                           (Huntsville Hospital
                                           System), 6/1/2004
 -              1,190,000    1,190,000     Lauderdale County &          -          1,294,875      1,294,875
                                           Florence, AL, Health
                                           Care Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                           5.50% (Coffee Health
                                           Group)/(MBIA INS),
 -              1,275,000    1,275,000     Lauderdale County &          -          1,415,314      1,415,314
                                           Florence, AL, Health
                                           Care Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                           5.50% (Coffee Health
                                           Group)/(MBIA INS),
 -              2,500,000    2,500,000     Mobile, AL, IDB (Series      -          2,500,775      2,500,775
                                           1994A), 3.20% TOBs
                                           (International Paper
                                           Co.), Optional Tender
                                           Total                        -          15,066,943     15,066,943
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Alaska State Housing         -          3,328,770      3,328,770
                                           Finance Corp., State
                                           Capital Project Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 2001A),
                                           5.00% (MBIA INS),
 -              1,260,000    1,260,000     Anchorage, AK, UT GO         -          1,304,213      1,304,213
                                           Bonds (Series B), 5.00%
                                           (FGIC INS), 12/1/2003
 -              3,500,000    3,500,000     Valdez, AK, Marine           -          3,552,745      3,552,745
                                           Terminal (1994 Series
                                           B), 3.10% TOBs
                                           Transportation Alaska,
                                           Petroleum Co. GTD),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Valdez, AK, Marine           -          1,013,150      1,013,150
                                           Terminal (1994 Series
                                           C), 2.90% TOBs
                                           Transportation Alaska,
                                           Petroleum Co. GTD),
                                           Mandatory Tender
                                           Total                        -          9,198,878      9,198,878
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Arizona State                -          3,058,560      3,058,560
                                           Transportation Board,
                                           Transportation Excise
                                           Tax Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2000), 5.00%
                                           (Maricopa County, AZ
                                           Regional Area Road
                                           Fund), 7/1/2003
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Maricopa County, AZ,         -          1,505,400      1,505,400
                                           Pollution Control Corp.
                                           (Series 1994E), 3.75%
                                           TOBs (Arizona Public
                                           Service Co.), Mandatory
                                           Tender 4/8/2003
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Salt River Project, AZ,      -          2,218,580      2,218,580
                                           Improvement & Power
                                           District, Electric
                                           System Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002D), 5.00%, 1/1/2007
                                           Total                        -          6,782,540      6,782,540
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Arkansas Development         -          999,580        999,580
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Exempt Facilities
                                           Revenue Bonds, 3.50%
                                           TOBs (Waste Management,
                                           Inc. GTD), Mandatory
                                           Tender 8/1/2003
 -              530,000      530,000       Arkansas Development         -          542,619        542,619
                                           Finance Authority, SFM
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1997A-R), 6.50% (MBIA
                                           INS), 2/1/2011
 -              1,420,000    1,420,000     Pulaski County, AR,          -          1,459,618      1,459,618
                                           Hospital Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002B), 4.00% (Arkansas
                                           Children's Hospital),
 -              1,595,000    1,595,000     Pulaski County, AR,          -          1,677,621      1,677,621
                                           Hospital Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002B), 4.75% (Arkansas
                                           Children's Hospital),
                                           Total                        -          4,679,438      4,679,438
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     California State             -          1,076,260      1,076,260
                                           Department of Water
                                           Resources Power Supply
                                           Program, Power Supply
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           A), 5.50%, 5/1/2005
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     California Statewide         -          1,031,280      1,031,280
                                           Communities Development
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 2002C),
                                           3.70% TOBs (Kaiser
                                           Permanente), Mandatory
                                           Tender 2/1/2005
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     California Statewide         -          1,054,520      1,054,520
                                           Communities Development
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 2002D),
                                           4.35% TOBs (Kaiser
                                           Permanente), Mandatory
                                           Tender 2/1/2007
                                           Total                        -          3,162,060      3,162,060
 -              325,000      325,000       Colorado HFA, SFM            -          333,037        333,037
                                           Revenue Bond (Series
                                           C-1), 7.65%, 12/1/2025
 -              17,000       17,000        Colorado HFA, SFM            -          17,139         17,139
                                           Senior Bonds (Series
                                           1998C-2), 4.50%,
 -              75,000       75,000        Colorado HFA, SFM            -          75,630         75,630
                                           Subordinate Bonds
                                           (Series 1998B), 4.625%,
 -              500,000      500,000       Colorado Health              -          506,670        506,670
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Hospital Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds, 4.75%
                                           (Parkview Medical
                                           Center), 9/1/2003
 -              640,000      640,000       Colorado Health              -          660,819        660,819
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Hospital Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                           (Parkview Medical
                                           Center), 9/1/2004
 -              3,810,000    3,810,000     Countrydale, CO,             -          3,845,966      3,845,966
                                           Metropolitan District,
                                           LT GO Refunding Bonds,
                                           3.50% TOBs (Compass
                                           Bank, Birmingham LOC),
                                           Mandatory Tender
                                           Total                        -          5,439,261      5,439,261
 -              6,000,000    6,000,000     Delaware State, UT GO        -          6,640,920      6,640,920
                                           Bonds (Series 2002A),
                                           5.00%, 7/1/2006
 -                                         District Of                  -
 -              1,130,000    1,130,000     District of Columbia,        -          1,168,318      1,168,318
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1999), 5.30% TOBs (819
                                           7th Street, LLC
                                           Issue)/(Branch Banking
                                           & Trust Co.,
                                           Winston-Salem LOC),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              880,000      880,000       Florida Housing Finance      -          922,390        922,390
                                           Corp., Homeowner
                                           Mortgage Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2), 4.75% (MBIA
                                           INS), 7/1/2019
 -              1,300,000    1,300,000     Florida State Board of       -          1,368,432      1,368,432
                                           Education Capital
                                           Outlay, UT GO Bonds
                                           (Series 2001E), 5.00%
                                           (Florida State),
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Highlands County, FL,        -          1,021,390      1,021,390
                                           Health Facilities
                                           Authority, Hospital
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002B), 3.50%
                                           (Adventist Health
                                           System), 11/15/2004
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Highlands County, FL,        -          2,035,040      2,035,040
                                           Health Facilities
                                           Authority, Hospital
                                           Revenue Bonds, 3.35%
                                           TOBs (Adventist Health
                                           System), Mandatory
                                           Tender 9/1/2005
 -              500,000      500,000       Miami Beach, FL, Health      -          472,600        472,600
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Hospital Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2001B), 5.50%
                                           TOBs (Mt. Sinai Medical
                                           Center, FL), Mandatory
                                           Tender 5/15/2005
 -              1,885,000    1,885,000     Miami-Dade County, FL,       -          2,107,750      2,107,750
                                           School District, COPs
                                           (Series A), 5.25%,
 -              1,600,000    1,600,000     Palm Beach County, FL,       -          1,691,504      1,691,504
                                           Health Facilities
                                           Authority, Hospital
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2001), 5.00%
                                           (BRCH Corporation
                                           Obligated Group),
                                           Total                        -          9,619,106      9,619,106
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Burke County, GA,            -          3,000,000      3,000,000
                                           Development Authority
                                           (Georgia Power Co.),
                                           Auction Note (Series
                                           2002), 2/20/2003
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Burke County, GA,            -          3,000,000      3,000,000
                                           Development Authority
                                           (Georgia Power Co.),
                                           SAVRS (Series 1994),
 -              1,700,000    1,700,000     Decatur                      -          1,701,241      1,701,241
                                           County-Bainbridge, GA,
                                           IDA, Revenue Bonds,
                                           4.00% TOBs (John B.
                                           Sanifilippo &
                                           Son)/(Lasalle Bank,
                                           N.A. LOC), Mandatory
                                           Tender 6/1/2006
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Municipal Electric           -          3,363,630      3,363,630
                                           Authority of Georgia,
                                           Combustion Turbine
                                           Project Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2002A), 5.00%
                                           (MBIA INS), 11/1/2008
                                           Total                        -          11,064,871     11,064,871
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Chicago, IL, Gas Supply      -          2,000,080      2,000,080
                                           Revenue (Series B),
                                           1.95% TOBs (Peoples Gas
                                           Light & Coke Co.),
                                           Optional Tender
 -              1,030,000    1,030,000     Illinois Health              -          1,050,981      1,050,981
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1998), 5.25% (Centegra
                                           Health System), 9/1/2003
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Illinois Health              -          2,040,460      2,040,460
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series A), 5.00%
                                           (Advocate Health Care
                                           Network), 8/15/2003
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Illinois State, UT GO        -          1,078,110      1,078,110
                                           Bonds (First Series of
                                           December 2000), 5.50%,
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Illinois State, UT GO        -          3,338,280      3,338,280
                                           Bonds (First Series of
                                           July 2002), 5.00% (MBIA
                                           INS), 7/1/2007
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Illinois State, UT GO        -          2,047,760      2,047,760
                                           Bonds (Series 2000),
                                           5.25%, 8/1/2003
 -              3,050,000    3,050,000     Will & Kendall               -          3,486,181      3,486,181
                                           Counties, IL Community
                                           Consolidated School
                                           District No. 202, UT GO
                                           Bonds, 5.50% (FSA INS),
                                           Total                        -          15,041,852     15,041,852
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Indiana Development          -          1,032,460      1,032,460
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1998A), 4.75%
                                           TOBs (Southern Indiana
                                           Gas & Electric Co.),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              1,200,000    1,200,000     Indiana Health Facility      -          1,268,352      1,268,352
                                           Financing Authority,
                                           Health System Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 2001),
                                           5.00% (Sisters of St.
                                           Francis Health
                                           Services, Inc.),
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Indiana Health Facility      -          1,116,730      1,116,730
                                           Financing Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002G), 5.50%
                                           (Ascension Health
                                           Credit Group),
 -              665,000      665,000       Indiana State HFA, SFM       -          687,524        687,524
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           C-3), 4.75%, 1/1/2029
                                           Total                        -          4,105,066      4,105,066
 -              1,880,000    1,880,000     Iowa Finance Authority,      -          1,988,250      1,988,250
                                           Iowa State Revolving
                                           Fund Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2001), 5.00%,
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Burlington, KS,              -          2,070,320      2,070,320
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1998B), 4.75%
                                           TOBs (Kansas City Power
                                           And Light Co.),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     La Cygne, KS,                -          2,043,860      2,043,860
                                           Improvement Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           1994), 3.90% TOBs
                                           (Kansas City Power And
                                           Light Co.), Mandatory
                                           Tender 9/1/2004
 -              1,370,000    1,370,000     Sedgwick & Shawnee           -          1,445,994      1,445,994
                                           Counties, KS, SFM
                                           Revenue Bonds,
                                           Securities Program
                                           (Series 1998 A-1),
                                           5.00% (GNMA COL Home
                                           Mortgage Program COL),
 -              235,000      235,000       Sedgwick & Shawnee           -          239,413        239,413
                                           Counties, KS, SFM
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2001B-1), 4.00% (GNMA
                                           COL Home Mortgage
                                           Program GTD), 12/1/2013
                                           Total                        -          5,799,587      5,799,587
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Calcasieu Parish, LA,        -          1,060,440      1,060,440
                                           IDB, Pollution Control
                                           Revenue Refunding
                                           Bonds, Series 2001,
                                           4.80% (Occidental
                                           Petroleum Corp.),
 -              2,200,000    2,200,000     Lake Charles, LA,            -          2,300,320      2,300,320
                                           Harbor & Terminal
                                           District, Port
                                           Facilities Revenue
                                           Refunding Bond,
                                           Trunkline Lining Co
                                           Project, 7.75% (Duke
                                           Energy Corp.),
                                           8/15/2022, Callable @
                                           103, 1/31/2003
 -              1,935,000    1,935,000     Louisiana Agricultural       -          2,014,857      2,014,857
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds, 5.20%
                                           National Bank LOC),
 -              1,750,000    1,750,000     Louisiana Public             -          1,942,570      1,942,570
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.00% (Ochsner
                                           Clinic Foundation
                                           Project)/(MBIA INS),
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Louisiana State Energy       -          2,000,000      2,000,000
                                           & Power Authority,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2000), 5.25%
                                           (Rodemacher Unit No. 2
                                           Project), 1/1/2003
 -              2,500,000    2,500,000     St. Charles Parish, LA,      -          2,504,525      2,504,525
                                           PCR Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series 1999-C), 5.35%
                                           TOBs (Entergy
                                           Louisiana, Inc.),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     St. Charles Parish, LA,      -          2,015,100      2,015,100
                                           PCR Refunding Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 1999A),
                                           4.90% TOBs (Entergy
                                           Louisiana, Inc.),
                                           Mandatory Tender
                                           Total                        -          13,837,812     13,837,812
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Prince Georges County,       -          1,001,700      1,001,700
                                           MD, IDRB (Series 1993),
                                           3.10% TOBs
                                           (International Paper
                                           Co.), Optional Tender
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Commonwealth of              -          1,671,705      1,671,705
                                           Construction Loan LT GO
                                           Bonds (Series 2001C),
                                           5.00%, 12/1/2010
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Commonwealth of              -          2,247,620      2,247,620
                                           Construction Loan UT GO
                                           Bonds (Series 2002D),
                                           5.25%, 8/1/2007
 -              2,495,000    2,495,000     Massachusetts HEFA,          -          2,569,526      2,569,526
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1999A), 5.25% (Caritas
                                           Christi Obligated
                                           Group), 7/1/2004
 -              1,060,000    1,060,000     Massachusetts HEFA,          -          1,100,132      1,100,132
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           C), 5.00% (Milton
                                           Hospital), 7/1/2004
                                           Total                        -          7,588,983      7,588,983
 -              1,250,000    1,250,000     Detroit, MI, Capital         -          1,388,813      1,388,813
                                           Improvement LT GO Bonds
                                           (Series 2002A), 5.00%
                                           (MBIA INS), 4/1/2007
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Michigan Municipal Bond      -          1,135,040      1,135,040
                                           Authority, Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.25% (Clean
                                           Water Revolving Fund),
 -              2,500,000    2,500,000     Michigan Municipal Bond      -          2,831,775      2,831,775
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.25% (Clean
                                           Water Revolving Fund),
 -              1,450,000    1,450,000     Michigan Municipal Bond      -          1,637,891      1,637,891
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 5.25% (Drinking
                                           Water Revolving Fund),
 -              4,000,000    4,000,000     Michigan Public Power        -          4,275,240      4,275,240
                                           Agency, Belle River
                                           Project Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.00%, 1/1/2005
 -              1,250,000    1,250,000     Michigan Public Power        -          1,365,737      1,365,737
                                           Agency, Belle River
                                           Project Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.00% (MBIA
                                           INS), 1/1/2006
 -              1,005,000    1,005,000     Michigan State Hospital      -          1,026,497      1,026,497
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Hospital Revenue &
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           1998A), 4.70% (Hackley
                                           Hospital Obligated
                                           Group), 5/1/2004
 -              1,265,000    1,265,000     Michigan State Hospital      -          1,309,402      1,309,402
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series A), 5.50%
                                           (Trinity Healthcare
                                           Credit Group), 12/1/2003
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Michigan State Hospital      -          1,069,090      1,069,090
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series A), 5.50%
                                           (Trinity Healthcare
                                           Credit Group), 12/1/2004
 -              820,000      820,000       Michigan State Hospital      -          847,552        847,552
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Revenue & Refunding
                                           Bonds (Series 1998A),
                                           4.40% (McLaren Health
                                           Care Corp.)/(Original
                                           Issue Yield: 4.45%),
                                           Total                        -          16,887,037     16,887,037
 -              895,000      895,000       Cape Girardeau County,       -          934,863        934,863
                                           MO, IDA, Health Care
                                           Facilities Revenue
                                           Bonds, Series A, 4.50%
                                           (St. Francis Medical
                                           Center, MO), 6/1/2006
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Missouri Highways &          -          1,618,185      1,618,185
                                           Commission, State Road
                                           Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                           5.25%, 2/1/2005
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Missouri Highways &          -          1,655,850      1,655,850
                                           Commission, State Road
                                           Bonds (Series 2000A),
                                           5.25%, 2/1/2006
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Missouri State HEFA,         -          2,181,380      2,181,380
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.00% (SSM
                                           Health Care Credit
                                           Group), 6/1/2007
                                           Total                        -          6,390,278      6,390,278
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Nebraska Public Power        -          1,529,550      1,529,550
                                           District, Construction
                                           Notes, 3.50%, 12/1/2003
 -              1,665,000    1,665,000     Nebraska Public Power        -          1,769,745      1,769,745
                                           District, General
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002B), 4.00% (AMBAC
                                           INS), 1/1/2006
                                           Total                        -          3,299,295      3,299,295
                                           New Mexico--0.2%
 -              635,000      635,000       Santa Fe Solid Waste         -          643,573        643,573
                                           Management Agency, NM,
                                           Facility Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1996), 5.00%,
                                           New York--4.4%
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Metropolitan                 -          3,357,720      3,357,720
                                           Authority, NY,
                                           Dedicated Tax Fund
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.00% (FSA
                                           INS), 11/15/2007
 -              1,250,000    1,250,000     Metropolitan                 -          1,418,425      1,418,425
                                           Authority, NY,
                                           Dedicated Tax Fund
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.25% (FSA
                                           INS), 11/15/2008
 -              705,000      705,000       New York City, NY, UT        -          708,398        708,398
                                           GO Bonds (Series
                                           1991B), 7.50% (Original
                                           Issue Yield: 7.70%),
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     New York City, NY, UT        -          1,072,370      1,072,370
                                           GO Bonds (Series D),
                                           5.00%, 8/1/2006
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     New York City, NY, UT        -          1,073,060      1,073,060
                                           GO Bonds (Series E),
                                           5.00%, 8/1/2007
 -              1,960,000    1,960,000     New York State Mortgage      -          2,079,599      2,079,599
                                           Agency, Homeowner
                                           Mortgage Revenue Bonds,
                                           Series 71, 4.75%,
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     New York State Thruway       -          1,053,110      1,053,110
                                           Authority, Highway and
                                           Bridge Transportation
                                           Fund Revenue Bd.
                                           (Series B-1), 5.50%
                                           (MBIA INS), 4/1/2004
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     New York State Thruway       -          2,194,120      2,194,120
                                           Authority, Local
                                           Highway & Bridge
                                           Service Contract
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.00%, 4/1/2006
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     New York State Thruway       -          2,216,960      2,216,960
                                           Authority, Local
                                           Highway & Bridge
                                           Service Contract
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.00%, 4/1/2007
 -              1,185,000    1,185,000     Niagara Falls, NY, City      -          1,206,472      1,206,472
                                           School District,
                                           Certificates of
                                           Participation (Series
                                           1998), 5.625%, 6/15/2003
                                           Total                        -          16,380,234     16,380,234
                                           North Carolina--1.4%
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     North Carolina Eastern       -          2,000,000      2,000,000
                                           Municipal Power Agency,
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series C), 5.125%
                                           (Original Issue Yield:
                                           5.25%), 1/1/2003
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     North Carolina Eastern       -          1,034,340      1,034,340
                                           Municipal Power Agency,
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series C), 5.25%
                                           (Original Issue Yield:
                                           5.40%), 1/1/2004
 -              1,100,000    1,100,000     North Carolina HFA, SFM      -          1,114,410      1,114,410
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1997TT), 4.90%, 9/1/2024
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     North Carolina               -          1,000,000      1,000,000
                                           Municipal Power Agency
                                           No. 1, Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds, 5.90%
                                           Issue Yield: 5.95%),
                                           Total                        -          5,148,750      5,148,750
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Beavercreek, OH, Local       -          1,042,820      1,042,820
                                           School District,
                                           Special Tax
                                           Anticipation Notes,
                                           4.25%, 12/1/2004
 -              1,170,000    1,170,000     Franklin County, OH,         -          1,181,571      1,181,571
                                           Revenue Refunding
                                           Bonds, 4.35% (Capitol
                                           South Community Urban
                                           Redevelopment Corp.),
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Hamilton County, OH,         -          3,025,200      3,025,200
                                           Local Cooling
                                           Facilities Revenue
                                           Bonds (Series 1998),
                                           4.90% TOBs
                                           Solutions of Cincinnati
                                           LLC)/(Cinergy Corp.
                                           GTD), Mandatory Tender
 -              1,750,000    1,750,000     Knox County, OH,             -          1,817,025      1,817,025
                                           Hospital Facilities
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series 1998), 4.30%
                                           (Knox Community
                                           Hospital)/(Radian Asset
                                           INS)/(Original Issue
                                           Yield: 4.40%), 6/1/2004
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Mahoning County, OH,         -          1,501,380      1,501,380
                                           Hospital Facilities,
                                           Adjustable Rate Demand
                                           Health Care Facilities
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series 2002), 4.00%
                                           TOBs (Copeland Oaks
                                           Project)/(Skybank LOC),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              530,000      530,000       Ohio HFA Multifamily         -          545,052        545,052
                                           Housing, Residential
                                           Mortgage Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1997D-1), 4.85%
                                           (GNMA COL Home Mortgage
                                           Program COL), 3/1/2015
 -              980,000      980,000       Ohio HFA Multifamily         -          995,621        995,621
                                           Housing, Residential
                                           Mortgage Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1998A-1), 4.60%
                                           (GNMA COL Home Mortgage
                                           Program COL), 9/1/2026
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Ohio State Air Quality       -          1,001,570      1,001,570
                                           Development Authority,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2002A), 3.85%
                                           TOBs (Pennsylvania
                                           Power Co.), Mandatory
                                           Tender 7/1/2003
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Ohio State Water             -          996,570        996,570
                                           Development Authority
                                           Pollution Control
                                           Facilities, Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1999B), 4.50% TOBs
                                           (Toledo Edison Co.),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Ohio State Water             -          1,017,040      1,017,040
                                           Development Authority
                                           Pollution Control
                                           Facilities, Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           B), 4.40% TOBs (Ohio
                                           Edison Co.), Mandatory
                                           Tender 12/1/2003
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Ohio State Water             -          998,110        998,110
                                           Development Authority,
                                           PCR Bonds (Series A),
                                           3.40% TOBs (Cleveland
                                           Electric Illuminating
                                           Co.), Mandatory Tender
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Ohio State Water             -          1,500,960      1,500,960
                                           Development Authority,
                                           Refunding Facility PCR
                                           Bonds, 4.30% TOBs (Ohio
                                           Edison Co.), Mandatory
                                           Tender 6/1/2003
 -              6,000,000    6,000,000     Ohio State, Higher           -          6,733,800      6,733,800
                                           Education Capital
                                           Facilities UT GO Bonds
                                           (Series II-A), 5.00%,
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     University of                -          1,119,060      1,119,060
                                           Cincinnati, OH, General
                                           Receipts Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series A), 5.50% (FGIC
                                           INS), 6/1/2006
                                           Total                        -          23,475,779     23,475,779
 -              2,845,000    2,845,000     Oklahoma HFA, SFM            -          3,073,766      3,073,766
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1998D-2), 6.25% (GNMA
                                           COL Home Mortgage
                                           Program COL), 9/1/2029
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Tulsa, OK,                   -          2,029,900      2,029,900
                                           International Airport,
                                           General Revenue Bonds,
                                           5.00% (FGIC INS),
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Tulsa, OK,                   -          2,094,020      2,094,020
                                           International Airport,
                                           General Revenue Bonds,
                                           5.00% (FGIC INS),
                                           Total                        -          7,197,686      7,197,686
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Clackamas County, OR,        -          1,043,640      1,043,640
                                           Hospital Facilities
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           2001), 5.00% (Legacy
                                           Health System), 5/1/2004
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Clackamas County, OR,        -          1,083,420      1,083,420
                                           Hospital Facilities
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           2001), 5.00% (Legacy
                                           Health System), 5/1/2006
 -              750,000      750,000       Port of Portland, OR,        -          750,555        750,555
                                           3.00% TOBs (Union
                                           Pacific Railroad
                                           Co.)/(Union Pacific
                                           Corp. GTD), Optional
                                           Tender 12/1/2003
                                           Total                        -          2,877,615      2,877,615
 -              5,000,000    5,000,000     Montgomery County, PA,       -          5,228,500      5,228,500
                                           IDA, PCR Refunding
                                           Bonds (Series 1999A),
                                           5.20% TOBs (Peco Energy
                                           Co.), Mandatory Tender
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Pennsylvania EDFA,           -          1,542,060      1,542,060
                                           Resource Recovery
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series B), 6.75%
                                           Generating), 1/1/2007
 -              2,500,000    2,500,000     Pennsylvania State           -          2,509,450      2,509,450
                                           Higher Education
                                           Assistance Agency
                                           (Series 2002 A), 2.35%
                                           TOBs (FSA
                                           Girozentrale, Lloyds
                                           TSB Bank PLC, London,
                                           State Street Bank and
                                           Trust Co. and WestLB AG
                                           LIQs), Optional Tender
 -              200,000      200,000       Pennsylvania State           -          220,420        220,420
                                           Higher Education
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2001A), 5.75% (UPMC
                                           Health System),
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Pennsylvania State           -          1,106,510      1,106,510
                                           Higher Education
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2001A), 5.75% (UPMC
                                           Health System),
 -              1,250,000    1,250,000     Pennsylvania State           -          1,397,938      1,397,938
                                           Turnpike Commission,
                                           Turnpike Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2001S), 5.50%, 6/1/2006
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Pennsylvania State           -          2,088,360      2,088,360
                                           University, Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds, 5.00%,
 -              1,628,765    1,628,765     Philadelphia, PA,            -          1,731,214      1,731,214
                                           Municipal Authority,
                                           Equipment Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1997A), 5.297%
                                           (Philadelphia, PA Gas
                                           Works)/(AMBAC INS),
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Sayre, PA, Health Care       -          1,070,390      1,070,390
                                           Facilities Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.50% (Guthrie
                                           Healthcare System, PA),
 -              640,000      640,000       Scranton-Lackawanna,         -          669,197        669,197
                                           PA, Health & Welfare
                                           Authority, Revenue
                                           Bonds, 7.125% (Allied
                                           Services Rehabilitation
                                           Hospitals, PA),
                                           Total                        -          17,564,039     17,564,039
                                           Rhode Island--1.3%
 -              2,775,000    2,775,000     Johnston, RI (2002           -          2,790,956      2,790,956
                                           Series), 3.00% BANs,
 -              600,000      600,000       Rhode Island State           -          623,562        623,562
                                           Health and Educational
                                           Building Corp.,
                                           Hospital Financing
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.00% (Lifespan
                                           Obligated Group),
 -              650,000      650,000       Rhode Island State           -          681,025        681,025
                                           Health and Educational
                                           Building Corp.,
                                           Hospital Financing
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.25% (Lifespan
                                           Obligated Group),
 -              700,000      700,000       Rhode Island State           -          740,243        740,243
                                           Health and Educational
                                           Building Corp.,
                                           Hospital Financing
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.50% (Lifespan
                                           Obligated Group),
                                           Total                        -          4,835,786      4,835,786
                                           South Carolina--0.9%
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Piedmont Municipal           -          1,037,410      1,037,410
                                           Power Agency, SC,
                                           Refunding Electric
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A) , 5.00%, 1/1/2004
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Richland County, SC,         -          994,420        994,420
                                           Improvement Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 4.25%
                                           (International Paper
                                           Co.), 10/1/2007
 -              1,100,000    1,100,000     South Carolina State         -          1,209,560      1,209,560
                                           Public Service
                                           Authority, UT GO
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           D), 5.00% (Santee
                                           Cooper), 1/1/2007
                                           Total                        -          3,241,390      3,241,390
                                           South Dakota--0.4%
 -              1,240,000    1,240,000     South Dakota State           -          1,335,889      1,335,889
                                           Health & Educational
                                           Authority, Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds,  5.25%
                                           (Sioux Valley Hospital
                                           & Health System),
 -              490,000      490,000       Clarksville, TN,             -          493,866        493,866
                                           Natural Gas Acquisition
                                           Corp., Gas Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds, 4.50%
                                           (Dominion Resources,
                                           Inc.), 5/1/2003
 -              500,000      500,000       Clarksville, TN,             -          511,735        511,735
                                           Natural Gas Acquisition
                                           Corp., Gas Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                           (Dominion Resources,
                                           Inc.), 11/1/2003
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Metropolitan Government      -          1,083,990      1,083,990
                                           Nashville & Davidson
                                           County, TN, HEFA,
                                           Multifamily Housing
                                           Revenue Bonds, 5.20%
                                           TOBs (American Housing
                                           Corp.)/(FNMA LOC),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              1,995,000    1,995,000     Metropolitan Government      -          2,147,757      2,147,757
                                           Nashville & Davidson
                                           County, TN, HEFA,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series B), 4.50%
                                           University), 10/1/2005
 -              2,085,000    2,085,000     Metropolitan Government      -          2,275,903      2,275,903
                                           Nashville & Davidson
                                           County, TN, HEFA,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series B), 4.50%
                                           University), 10/1/2006
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Metropolitan Government      -          2,244,720      2,244,720
                                           Nashville & Davidson
                                           County, TN, HEFA,
                                           Revenue Bonds , 6.875%
                                           (Meharry Medical
                                           Issue Yield: 7.27%),
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Metropolitan Government      -          2,009,080      2,009,080
                                           Nashville & Davidson
                                           County, TN, IDB,
                                           Revenue Bonds , 4.10%
                                           TOBs (Waste Management,
                                           Inc.), Mandatory Tender
                                           Total                        -          10,767,051     10,767,051
 -              5,000,000    5,000,000     Austin, TX, Water and        -          5,644,050      5,644,050
                                           Wastewater System,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2002A), 5.25%
                                           (AMBAC INS), 11/15/2007
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Brazos River Authority,      -          2,875,140      2,875,140
                                           TX (Series 1995B),
                                           5.05% TOBs (TXU
                                           Energy), Mandatory
                                           Tender 6/19/2006
 -              1,370,000    1,370,000     Gregg County, TX, HFDC,      -          1,417,690      1,417,690
                                           Hospital Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2002A), 5.50%
                                           (Good Shepherd Medical
                                           Center), 10/1/2005
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Gulf Coast, TX, Waste        -          2,059,360      2,059,360
                                           Disposal Authority,
                                           Facilities Refunding
                                           Revenue Bonds , 4.20%
                                           (Occidental Petroleum
                                           Corp.), 11/1/2006
 -              2,265,000    2,265,000     Gulf Coast, TX, Waste        -          2,525,113      2,525,113
                                           Disposal Authority,
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 5.00% (Bayport
                                           Area System)/(AMBAC
                                           INS), 10/1/2007
 -              2,070,000    2,070,000     Lewisville, TX,              -          2,132,141      2,132,141
                                           Combination Contract
                                           Revenue & Special
                                           Assessment Bonds
                                           (Series 1997), 4.95%
                                           (United States Treasury
                                           GTD), 5/1/2021
 -              3,000,000    3,000,000     Matagorda County, TX,        -          2,968,080      2,968,080
                                           Navigation District
                                           Number One, PCR
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           1999A), 3.75% TOBs
                                           (Central Power & Light
                                           Co.), Mandatory Tender
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     North Central Texas          -          1,040,150      1,040,150
                                           HFDC, Hospital Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           2002), 4.00%
                                           (Children's Medical
                                           Center of
                                           Dallas)/(AMBAC INS),
 -              750,000      750,000       Sabine River Authority,      -          739,320        739,320
                                           TX, PCR Revenue
                                           Refunding Bonds (Series
                                           2001C), 4.00% TOBs (TXU
                                           Energy), Mandatory
                                           Tender 11/1/2003
 -              750,000      750,000       San Antonio, TX,             -          843,863        843,863
                                           Electric & Gas,
                                           Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 2002), 5.25%,
 -              1,130,000    1,130,000     Tarrant County, TX, Jr.      -          1,175,087      1,175,087
                                           College District,
                                           Refunding LT GO Bonds
                                           (Series 2001A), 4.75%,
 -              2,700,000    2,700,000     Texas State Public           -          2,994,759      2,994,759
                                           Finance Authority,
                                           Refunding UT GO Bonds
                                           (Series 2001A), 5.00%
                                           (Texas State), 10/1/2006
 -              6,000,000    6,000,000     Texas Turnpike               -          6,681,000      6,681,000
                                           Authority, Second Tier
                                           Bond Anticipation Notes
                                           (Series 2002), 5.00%,
                                           Total                        -          33,095,753     33,095,753
                                           Utah--0.5%                   -
 -              1,650,000    1,650,000     Alpine, UT, School           -          1,822,904      1,822,904
                                           District, UT GO Bonds,
                                           5.25%, 3/15/2006
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Chesterfield County,         -          1,030,050      1,030,050
                                           VA, IDA, PCR Bonds,
                                           4.95% (Virginia
                                           Electric & Power Co.),
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Louisa, VA, IDA, Solid       -          2,006,400      2,006,400
                                           Waste & Sewage Disposal
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2000A), 3.15% TOBs
                                           (Virginia Electric &
                                           Power Co.), Mandatory
                                           Tender 4/1/2003
                                           Total                        -          3,036,450      3,036,450
 -              1,155,000    1,155,000     Clark County, WA,            -          1,246,765      1,246,765
                                           Public Utilities
                                           District No. 001,
                                           Generating System
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series 2000), 5.50%
                                           (FSA INS), 1/1/2005
 -              2,065,000    2,065,000     Clark County, WA,            -          2,283,663      2,283,663
                                           Public Utilities
                                           District No. 001,
                                           Generating System
                                           Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                           (Series 2000), 5.50%
                                           (FSA INS), 1/1/2006
 -              1,310,000    1,310,000     Spokane, WA, Refunding       -          1,494,972      1,494,972
                                           UT GO Bonds , 5.50%
                                           (MBIA INS), 12/15/2007
 -              2,500,000    2,500,000     Washington State Public      -          2,552,975      2,552,975
                                           Power Supply System,
                                           Nuclear Project No. 2
                                           Revenue Refunding Bond
                                           (Series 1997B), 5.50%
                                           (Energy Northwest, WA),
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Washington State,            -          2,186,760      2,186,760
                                           Refunding UT GO Bonds,
                                           5.25%, 9/1/2005
 -              2,000,000    2,000,000     Washington State,            -          2,099,420      2,099,420
                                           Various Purpose
                                           Refunding UT GO Bonds
                                           (Series 2002R), 3.50%
                                           (MBIA INS), 1/1/2007
                                           Total                        -          11,864,555     11,864,555
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Pleasant Prairie, WI,        -          1,040,950      1,040,950
                                           Water & Sewer System,
                                           BANs, 4.00%, 10/1/2007
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000     Wisconsin State HEFA,        -          1,600,935      1,600,935
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           2002A), 5.00% (Ministry
                                           Health Care)/(MBIA
                                           INS), 2/15/2005
                                           Total                        -          2,641,885      2,641,885
 -              2,150,000    2,150,000     Albany County, WY,           -          2,151,591      2,151,591
                                           Pollution Control
                                           Revenue Bonds (Series
                                           1985), 3.00% TOBs
                                           (Union Pacific Railroad
                                           Co.)/(Union Pacific
                                           Corp. GTD), Optional
                                           Tender 12/1/2003
                                           Total Short-Intermediate Municipal      296,843,125    296,843,125
                                           Securities (identified cost
                                           Short-Term Municipal
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Maricopa County, AZ,         -          1,000,000      1,000,000
                                           IDA, 1.85% CP (American
                                           Water Capital Corp.),
                                           Mandatory Tender
 -              1,200,000    1,200,000     Prescott, AZ, IDA            -          1,200,000      1,200,000
                                           (Series A), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Prescott
                                           Convention Center,
                                           Finance Corp. GTD)
 -              1,200,000    1,200,000     Prescott, AZ, IDA            -          1,200,000      1,200,000
                                           (Series B), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Prescott
                                           Convention Center,
                                           Finance Corp. GTD)
                                           Total                        -          3,400,000      3,400,000
 -                                         Georgia--0.7%
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Bibb County, GA,             -          1,000,000      1,000,000
                                           Development Authority
                                           (Series 1991IR-1),
                                           Weekly VRDNs
                                           (Temple-Inland, Inc.)
 -              5,400,000    5,400,000     Indiana Health Facility      -          5,400,000      5,400,000
                                           Financing Authority
                                           (Series 2000B), Daily
                                           VRDNs (Clarian Health
                                           Inc.)/(JPMorgan Chase
                                           Bank LIQ)
                                           New York--0.8%
 -              1,400,000    1,400,000     New York City, NY,           -          1,400,000      1,400,000
                                           Transitional Finance
                                           Authority, New York
                                           City Recovery Bonds
                                           (2003 Subseries 1-D),
                                           Daily VRDNs (Landesbank
                                           Frankfurt LIQ)
 -              1,500,000    1,500,000      (1)(2) Triborough           -          1,500,000      1,500,000
                                           Bridge & Tunnel
                                           Authority, NY, Trust
                                           Receipt (Series 2000
                                           FR/RI-N15), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Bank of New York
                                           Total                        -          2,900,000      2,900,000
                                           North Carolina--0.5%
 -              1,700,000    1,700,000     Martin County, NC, IFA       -          1,700,000      1,700,000
                                           (Series 1993), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Weyerhaeuser Co.)
 -                                         Ohio--0.5%
 -              1,900,000    1,900,000     Franklin County, OH,         -          1,900,000      1,900,000
                                           Mortgage Revenue
                                           (Series 2000F), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Trinity
                                           Healthcare Credit
                                           Group)/(JPMorgan Chase
                                           Bank LIQ)
 -              1,000,000    1,000,000     Carter County, TN, IDB       -          1,000,000      1,000,000
                                           (Series 1983), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Inland Container
                                           Inc. GTD)
 -              1,600,000    1,600,000     Harris County, TX, HFDC      -          1,600,000      1,600,000
                                           (Series 2002), Daily
                                           VRDNs (Methodist
                                           Hospital, Harris
                                           County, TX)
 -              800,000      800,000       Port Grays Harbor, WA,       -          800,000        800,000
                                           Industrial Development
                                           Corp., Solid Waste
                                           Disposal Revenue Bonds
                                           (Series 1993), Weekly
                                           VRDNs (Weyerhaeuser Co.)
                                           Total Short-Term Municipal Securities   19,700,000     19,700,000
                                           (identified cost $19,700,000)
                                           Mutual Funds--0.4%
1,094,427           -                      SEI Tax Exempt Money     1,094,427       -             1,094,427
                                           Market Fund
500,000             -                      SEI Tax Exempt Money     500,000         -             500,000
                                           Market Fund, Series A
                                           Total Mutual Funds (at   1,594,427                     1,594,427
                                           net asset value)
                                           Total Investments        $49,649,966    $316,543,125   $366,193,091
                                           (identified cost
                                           $356,748,587) (3)

1    Denotes a  restricted  security  which is subject to resale  under  Federal
     Securities laws. These securities  amounted to $2,026,638 for the Federated
     Short-Term  Municipal Trust Pro Forma Combined which represents 0.5% of net
     assets. Included in these amounts, securities which have been deemed liquid
     amounted to $1,500,000 which represents 0.4% of net assets.

2    Denotes a  restricted  security  that has been  deemed  liquid by  criteria
     approved by the Fund's Board of Trustees.

3    The cost of investments  for Federal Tax purposes  amounts to  $356,685,668
     for the  Federated  Short-Term  Municipal  Trust  Pro Forma  Combined.  The
     following acronyms are used throughout this portfolio:

                 AMBAC    --American Municipal Bond
                          Assurance Corporation
                 AMT      --Alternative Minimum
                 BANs     --Bond Anticipation
                 COL      --COL
                 COPs     --Certificates of
                 CP       --Commercial Paper
                 EDFA     --Economic Development
                          Financing Authority
                 FGIC     --Financial Guaranty
                          Insurance Company
                 FNMA     --Federal National
                          Mortgage Association
                 FSA      --Financial Security
                 GNMA     --Government National
                          Mortgage Association
                 GO       --General Obligation
                 GTD      --Guaranteed
                 HEFA     --Health and Education
                          Facilities Authority
                 HFA      --Housing Finance
                 HFDC     --Health Facility
                          Development Corporation
                 IDA      --Industrial Development
                 IDB      --Industrial
                          Development Bond
                 IDRB     --Industrial Development
                          Revenue Bond
                 IFA      --Industrial Finance
                 INS      --Insured
                 LIQs     --Liquidity Agreements
                 LOC      --Letter of Credit
                 LT       --Limited Tax
                 MBIA     --Municipal Bond
                          Investors Assurance
                 PCR      --Pollution Control
                 PFA      --Public Facility
                 Q--SBLF  --Qualified State Loan
                          Bond Fund
                 SFM      --Single Family
                 TOBs     --Tender Option Bonds
                 UT       --Unlimited Tax
                 VRDNs    --Variable Rate
                          Demand Notes

Note:  The  categories  of  investments  are shown as a percentage  of pro forma
combined  total net  assets as shown on the Pro Forma  Combining  Statements  of
Assets and Liabilities.

See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements

                       Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                      Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
            Pro Forma Combining Statements of Assets and Liabilities

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                            Short Term        Federated
                             Tax Free        Short-Term
                            Bond Fund      Municipal Trust   Pro Forma       Pro Forma
                           October 31,      December 31,     Adjustment       Combined
                               2002             2002
                          ---------------  ----------------  ----------------------------
- ------------------------
Investments in                         $                 $
securities, at value          49,649,966       316,543,125            -      366,193,091
- ------------------------
                                   9,997            72,290            -           82,287
- ------------------------
Income receivable
                                 812,190         3,495,283            -        4,307,473
- ------------------------
Receivable for
Investments sold               3,140,300           340,000            -        3,480,300
- ------------------------
                          ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Total assets
                              53,612,453       320,450,698            -      374,063,151
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
- ------------------------
Payable for
investments purchased                  -                 -            -                -
- ------------------------
Income distribution
payable                          167,881           795,955            -          963,836
- ------------------------
Payable for shares
redeemed                               -         1,314,268            -        1,314,268
- ------------------------
Accrued expenses
                                  18,771             5,703            -           24,474
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Total liabilities
                                 186,652         2,115,926            -        2,302,578
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
Net Assets                             $                 $    $                        $
                              53,425,801       318,334,772            -      371,760,573
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
Net Assets Consists of:
- ------------------------
Paid in capital                        $                 $    $
                              50,668,847       317,048,148            -      367,716,995
- ------------------------
Net unrealized
  of investments
                               2,201,220         7,243,284            -        9,444,504
- ------------------------
Accumulated net
realized gain (loss)
on investments

                                 565,133       (5,956,693)            -      (5,391,560)
- ------------------------
undistributed net
investment  income/
(Distributions in
excess of net
investment income)

                                 (9,399)                33            -          (9,366)
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Total Net Assets                  $                 $    $                        $
                              53,425,801       318,334,772            -      371,760,573
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
                          ---------------  ----------------                --------------
Class R Shares                         $                 $   ($53,425,80(a)            $
                              53,425,801                 -                             -
                          ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
                          ---------------  ----------------
Institutional Shares                   $                 $    $             $289,196,338
                                       -       289,196,338            -
                          ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
                          ---------------  ----------------
Institutional Service                  $                 $   $53,425,801(a)  $82,564,235
Shares                                 -        29,138,434
                          ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
Net Asset Value,
Offering Price and
Redemption Proceeds
Per Share

- ------------------------
Net Asset Value and
Offering Price Per Share
     Class R Shares                    $                 $
                                   10.56                 -
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Institutional                     $                 $                             $
Shares                                 -             10.44                         10.44
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Institutional                     $                 $                             $
Service Shares                         -             10.44                         10.44
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
Redemption Proceeds
Per Share*
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Class R Shares                    $                 $                             $
                                   10.35 **              -                             -
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Institutional                     $                 $                             $
Shares                                 -             10.44                         10.44
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Institutional                     $                 $                             $
Service Shares                         -             10.44                         10.44
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
Shares Outstanding:
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Class R Shares                                                     (a)
                               5,057,977                 -   (5,057,977)               -
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Institutional                                                            27,705,105
Shares                                 -        27,705,105
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
     Institutional                                                      (a)    7,908,920
Service Shares                         -         2,791,506    5,117,414
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------
Investments, at                        $                 $    $                        $
identified cost               47,448,746       309,299,841            -      356,748,587
- ------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------   --------------

(a) Adjustment to reflect share balance and combined net asset value
as a result of the combination.
*   See "What Do Shares Cost" in the Prospectus.
**   Computation of offering price per share 98/100 of net asset value.

(See Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements)

                                                 Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                                                 Federated Short-Term Municipal
                                                     Pro Forma Combining Statements
                                                   of Operations


                                   Short Term     Federated
                                    Tax Free     Short-Term
                                   Bond Fund      Municipal    Pro          Pro
                                                    Trust       Forma        Forma
                                October 31, 2002  December      Adjustment  Combined
                                                  31, 2002
                                -----------------------------  ----------------------
Investment Income:
                                       2,754,115  10,041,995         -      12,796,110
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
Total Investment Income
                                       2,754,115  10,041,995         -      12,796,110
Investment advisory fee
                                         420,952   1,055,635    10,455 (a)  1,487,042
Administrative personnel and
services fee                              89,803     198,146   (9,129) (b)   278,820
Custodian fees
                                          11,226      11,630   (11,226)(c)    11,630
Transfer and dividend
disbursing agent fees and                  8,038      62,221   (8,038) (d)    62,221
Directors' fees
                                             804      11,810     (804) (e)    11,810
Auditing fees
                                          15,906       8,658   (15,906)(f)     8,658
Legal fees
                                           3,095       4,431   (3,095) (g)     4,431
Portfolio accounting fees
                                           6,876      95,541   (6,876) (h)    95,541
Shareholder services fee -
Class R Shares                           140,317           -   (140,317(i)         -
Shareholder services fee -
Institutional Service Shares                   -      75,036   131,375 (j)   206,411
Shareholder services fee -
Institutional Shares                           -     584,736         -       584,736
Distribution services fee -
Class R Shares                           140,317           -   (140,317(k)         -
Distribution services fee -
Institutional Service Shares                   -      75,036   131,375 (l)   206,411
Share registration costs
                                          16,920      42,890   (16,920)(m)    42,890
Printing and postage
                                           2,862      31,500   (2,862) (n)    31,500
Insurance premiums
                                           1,057       1,086   (1,057) (o)     1,086
                                           1,097       7,445   (1,097) (p)     7,445
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
                                                               --------     ---------
     Total expenses
                                         859,270   2,265,801   (84,439)     3,040,632
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
Waiver of investment adviser                       (291,499)           (q)
fee                                    (107,027)               (10,411)     (408,937)
Waiver of transfer and                               (9,015)
dividend  disbursing agent                     -                     -       (9,015)
fees and expenses
Waiver of shareholder services                                         (r)
fee - Class R Shares                    (84,191)               (84,191)     (168,382)
Waiver of shareholder services                     (584,736)
fee - Institutional Shares                     -                     -      (584,736)
Waiver of distribution                                                 (s)
services fee - Class R Shares          (140,317)           -   (140,317)    (280,634)
Waiver of distribution service                      (75,036)           (t)
fee - Institutional Service                    -               (131,375)    (206,411)
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
     Total waivers                     (331,535)   (960,286)   (366,294)    (1,658,115)
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
         Net expenses                    527,735   1,305,515   (450,733)    1,382,517
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
            Net investment             2,226,380   8,736,480   450,733      11,413,593
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on
Net realized gain (loss) on
investments                              468,672   (386,121)         -        82,551
Net change in unrealized
   on investments
                                          46,027   4,448,006         -      4,494,033
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
     Net realized and
unrealized gain (loss) on                514,699   4,061,885         -      4,576,584
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------
          Change in net assets    $    2,741,079           $   $450,733
resulting from operations                         12,798,365                $15,990,177
                                -----------------------------  --------     ---------

                              Riggs Short Term Bond Fund
                              Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust
                Notes to Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations
                  Year Ended October 31, 2002 and December 31, 2002

     (a) Federated  Investment  Management Company (the "Adviser")  receives for
its services an annual  investment  advisory fee equal to 0.40% of the Federated
Short-Term   Municipal  Trust's  average  daily  net  assets.  The  Adviser  may
voluntarily  choose to waive a portion  of its fee.  The  Adviser  can modify or
terminate this voluntary waiver at any time.

     (b)  Federated   Services   Company   ("FServ")   provides  the  Fund  with
administrative  personnel  and services  necessary to operate the Fund.  The fee
paid to FServ is based on a scale of 0.15% to  0.075% of the  average  aggregate
daily net assets of all funds advised by  subsidiaries  of Federated  Investors,
Inc.,  subject  to a  $125,000  minimum  per  portfolio  and  $30,000  per  each
additional class.

     (c)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  custodian  fees  reductions  due  to the
combining of two portfolios into one.

     (d) FServ through its subsidiary,  Federated  Shareholder Services Company,
serves as transfer and dividend  disbursing agent for the Funds. The fee paid to
FServ is based on the number of share classes and accounts per fund on the level
of average aggregate net assets of the Trust for the period.

     (e)  Adjustment  to reflect the  Directors  Fee due to the combining of two
portfolios into one.

     (f)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  Audit  Fee due to the  combining  of two
portfolios into one.

     (g)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  Legal  fee due to the  combining  of two
portfolios into one.

     (h) Adjustment to reflect the Portfolio Accounting Fee due to the combining
of two portfolios into one.

     (i) Adjustment to reflect the  elimination of the Riggs Short Term Tax Free
Bond Fund Shareholder Service Fee for Class R Shares due to the combining of two
portfolios into one.

     (j)  Adjustment to reflect the  Shareholder  Service Fee for  Institutional
Service  Shares  accrual of 0.25% of average net assets due to the  combining of
two portfolios into one.

     (k) Adjustment to reflect the  elimination of the Riggs Short Term Tax Free
Bond  Fund  Distribution  Service  Fee  (12B-1)  for  Class R Shares  due to the
combining of two portfolios into one.

     (l)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  Distribution  Service  Fee  (12B-1)  for
Institutional  Service  Shares accrual of 0.25% of average net assets due to the
combining of two portfolios into one.

     (m) Adjustment to reflect the Share registration costs due to the combining
of two portfolios into one.

     (n) Adjustment to reflect the printing and postage  expense  reductions due
to the combining two portfolios into one.

     (o) Adjustment to reflect the Insurance  premium  expense  reduction due to
the combining two portfolios into one.

     (p)  Miscellaneous  expenses are reduced to reflect estimated savings to be
realized by combining two portfolios into one.

     (q) Adjustment to reflect waiver of investment adviser fee being brought in
line based on the combined average net assets of funds.

     (r) Adjustment to reflect elimination of shareholder service fee waiver for
Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund Class R Shares which is no longer applicable
due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (s) Adjustment to reflect  elimination of distribution  service fee (12B-1)
waiver for Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund Class R Shares which is no longer
applicable due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (t)  Adjustment  to reflect  waiver of  distribution  fee  (12B-1)  for the
Institutional Service Shares being brought in line based on the combined average
net assets of funds.

                      Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
                     Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust
                     Notes to Pro Forma Financial Statements
              Year Ended April 30, 2003 and Year Ended May 31, 2003

Basis of Combination

     The accompanying  unaudited Pro Forma Combining  Portfolios of Investments,
Statements of Assets and  Liabilities  and Statements of Operations  ("Pro Forma
Financial  Statements") reflect the accounts of Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond
Fund and Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust, collectively ("the Funds"), for
the year ended April 30, 2003 and May 31, 2003,  respectively.  These statements
have been derived from the books and records  utilized in calculating  daily net
asset values at April 30, 2003 and May 31, 2003, respectively.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements  should be read in conjunction with the
historical  financial  statements of the Funds which have been  incorporated  by
reference in the Statement of Additional Information. The Funds follow generally
accepted accounting  principles  applicable to management  investment  companies
which are disclosed in the historical financial statements of each fund.

     The Pro Forma Financial  Statements give effect to the proposed exchange of
assets  of  Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free  Bond  Fund for  shares  of  Federated
Intermediate  Municipal Trust. Under generally accepted  accounting  principles,
Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust  will  be  the  surviving  entity  for
accounting  purposes  with its  historical  cost of  investment  securities  and
results of operations being carried forward.

     The Pro Forma  Financial  Statements  have been  adjusted  to  reflect  the
anticipated  advisory fee  arrangement for the surviving  entity.  Certain other
operating costs have also been adjusted to reflect  anticipated  expenses of the
combined   entity.   Other   costs,   which  may  change  as  a  result  of  the
reorganization, are currently undeterminable.

     For the year ended April 30, 2003,  Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund
paid  investment  advisory  fees  computed  at the  annual  rate of  0.75%  as a
percentage  of  average  daily net  assets.  For the year  ended  May 31,  2003,
Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust paid investment advisory fees computed at
the annual rate of 0.40% as a percentage of average daily net assets.

Shares of Beneficial Interest

     The Pro Forma net asset value per share  assumes the  issuance of 3,413,633
Class IS  Shares of  Federated  Intermediate  Municipal  Trust in  exchange  for
3,423,124  Class R Shares of Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund which would
have been issued at May 31, 2003 and April 30, 2003, respectively, in connection
with the proposed reorganization.


Pro Forma Combining Portfolio of Investments

Riggs            Federated                                              Riggs           Federated
 Intermediate    Intermediate                                           Intermediate    Intermediate
Tax Free         Municipal                                              Tax Free        Municipal
Bond Fund        Trust          Pro Forma                               Bond Fund       Trust           Pro Forma
April 30,2003    May 31,2003    Combined                                April 30,2003   May 31,2003     Combined
                                              Long-Term Municipals -
                                              Alabama -- 1.7%
 $ 1,000,000      -                           Alabama State Public       $               -               $
                                1,000,000     School & College          1,099,110                       1,099,110
                                              Authority, Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.125%
                                              (FSA LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 4.78%),
 -                                            Courtland, AL IDB,         -                               1,032,780
                 1,000,000      1,000,000     Environmental                             1,032,780
                                              Improvement Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                              (International Paper
                                              Co.), 11/1/2013
 1,115,000        -                           University of Alabama,     1,222,386       -               1,222,386
                                1,115,000     Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.00% (FGIC
                                              LOC)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 4.53%), 10/1/2013
                                                  Total                 2,321,496                       3,354,276
                                               Alaska -- 2.3%
 -                                            Alaska State Housing       -               4,267,920       4,267,920
                 4,000,000      4,000,000     Finance Corp., General
                                              Mortgage Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series A), 5.65% (MBIA
                                              INS), 12/1/2012
 275,000          -              275,000      Alaska State Housing       287,427         -               287,427
                                              Finance Corp., Revenue
                                              Bonds (Series 1),
                                              Veterans Mortgage
                                              Program, 6.30% (GNMA
                                              LOC), 12/1/2009
                                                  Total                 287,427                         4,555,347
                                               Arizona -- 4.8%
 -                1,800,000      1,800,000    Arizona Student Loan       -               1,996,722      1,996,722
                                              Acquisition Authority,
                                              Student Loan Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              1999A-1), 5.50%, 5/1/2012
 -                2,200,000      2,200,000    Arizona Student Loan       -               2,434,894      2,434,894
                                              Acquisition Authority,
                                              Student Loan Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              1999A-1), 5.60%, 5/1/2013
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Maricopa County, AZ,       -               2,064,740      2,064,740
                                              IDA, Solid Waste
                                              Disposal Revenue Bonds,
                                              4.80% TOBs (Waste
                                              Management, Inc.),
                                              Mandatory Tender
 -                2,500,000      2,500,000    Salt River Project, AZ     -               2,873,650       2,873,650
                                              Agricultural Improvement
                                              & Power District,
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 2002A), 5.25%,
                                                  Total                  -                              9,370,006
                                               Arkansas -- 1.0%
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Pope County, AR,           -               2,061,800       2,061,800
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.05% TOBs (Entergy
                                              Arkansas, Inc.),
                                              Mandatory Tender 9/1/2005
                                               California -- 4.2%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    California State           -               1,164,980      1,164,980
                                              Department of Water
                                              Resources Power Supply
                                              Program, Power Supply
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              A), 5.50%, 5/1/2012
 -                335,000        335,000      California State           -               403,494        403,494
                                              Department of Water
                                              Resources, Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds, 5.50%,
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    California State,          -               1,109,190      1,109,190
                                              Refunding UT GO Bonds,
                                              5.00%, 2/1/2009
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    California Statewide       -               1,065,310      1,065,310
                                              Communities Development
                                              Authority, Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 2002D), 4.35%
                                              TOBs (Kaiser
                                              Permanente), Mandatory
                                              Tender 2/1/2007
 -                4,000,000      4,000,000    Los Angeles, CA            -               4,543,120       4,543,120
                                              Department of Water &
                                              Power, Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 2001A), 5.25%
                                              (Los Angeles, CA
                                              Department of Water &
                                              Power (Electric/Power
                                              System)), 7/1/2015
                                                  Total                  -                              8,286,094
                                               Colorado -- 0.2%
 -                340,000        340,000      Colorado HFA, SFM          -               346,790         346,790
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1997C-3), 6.75%, 5/1/2017
                                               Connecticut -- 0.0%
 25,000           -              25,000       Madison, CT, GO UT,        26,485          -               26,485
                                              4.875% (FGIC
                                              LOC)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.00%), 12/15/2010
                                               District of Columbia --
 500,000          -              500,000      District of Columbia,      563,915         -               563,915
                                              Carnegie Endowment
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.75%
                                              (Original Issue Yield:
                                              5.75%), 11/15/2010
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    District of Columbia,      1,127,980       -               1,127,980
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.50% (Catholic
                                              University of
                                              America)/(AMBAC LOC),
 -                3,000,000      3,000,000    District of Columbia,      -               3,489,990       3,489,990
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.75%
                                              (Catholic University of
                                              America)/(AMBAC INS),
                                                   Total                1,691,895                       5,181,885
                                               Florida -- 0.4%
 -                790,000        790,000      Lee County, FL HFA, SFM    -               859,623         859,623
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1998A-2), 6.30% (GNMA
                                              COL), 3/1/2029
                                               Georgia -- 1.2%
 -                1,035,000      1,035,000    Cartersville, GA           -               1,150,661      1,150,661
                                              Development Authority
                                              Waste & Wastewater
                                              Facilities Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.10%
                                              (Anheuser-Busch Cos.,
                                              Inc.), 2/1/2012
 55,000           -              55,000       Municipal Electric         65,485          -              65,485
                                              Authority of Georgia,
                                              (Series Y), PRF Revenue
                                              Bonds, 6.40%, 1/1/2009
 945,000          -              945,000      Municipal Electric         1,098,213       -              1,098,213
                                              Authority of Georgia,
                                              (Series Y), 6.40%,
                                                   Total                1,163,698                       2,314,359
                                               Idaho -- 0.3%
 -                510,000        510,000      Idaho Housing Agency,      -               540,075         540,075
                                              SFM Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series D-2) Subordinate
                                              Bonds, 5.25%, 7/1/2011
                                               Illinois -- 3.2%
 300,000          -              300,000      Chicago, IL Metropolitan   334,143         -              334,143
                                              Water Reclamation
                                              District, GO UT
                                              Refunding Bonds, 5.20%
                                              (Original Issue Yield:
                                              5.25%), 12/1/2013
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Illinois Department        1,130,690       -              1,130,690
                                              Central Management
                                              Services, COP, 5.50%
                                              (MBIA LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.55%),
 -                1,260,000      1,260,000    Illinois Health            -               1,498,770      1,498,770
                                              Facilities Authority,
                                              Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                              (Series A), 5.70%
                                              (Advocate Health Care
                                              Network)/(United States
                                              Treasury GTD)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.75%),
 -                2,540,000      2,540,000    Illinois Health            -               2,798,851      2,798,851
                                              Facilities Authority,
                                              Revenue Refunding Bonds
                                              (Series B), 5.70%
                                              (Advocate Health Care
                                              Network)/(United States
                                              Treasury GTD)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.75%),
 500,000          -              500,000      Metropolitan Pier &        601,355         -              601,355
                                              Exposition Authority,
                                              IL, Dedicated State Tax
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              6.75% (Original Issue
                                              Yield: 6.85%), 6/1/2010
                                                  Total                 2,066,188                       6,363,809
                                               Indiana -- 3.5%
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Central High School        1,138,230       -               1,138,230
                                              Building Corp., IN,
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.50%, 8/1/2010
 -                500,000        500,000      Indiana Development        -               514,380        514,380
                                              Finance Authority,
                                              Improvement Revenue
                                              Bonds, 5.25% TOBs (USX
                                              Corp.), Mandatory Tender
 -                4,800,000      4,800,000    Indiana Health Facility    -               5,259,888      5,259,888
                                              Financing Authority,
                                              Hospital Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 1996A), 5.50%
                                              (Clarian Health
                                              Inc.)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.65%), 2/15/2010
                                                  Total                 1,138,230                       6,912,498
                                               Kansas -- 0.2%
 -                305,000        305,000      Sedgwick County, KS, SFM   -               309,746         309,746
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1997A-2), 6.50% (GNMA
                                              COL), 12/1/2016
                                               Louisiana -- 2.1%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    De Soto Parish, LA         -               1,045,470      1,045,470
                                              Improvement Authority,
                                              PCR Bonds (Series
                                              2002A), 5.00%
                                              (International Paper
                                              Co.), 10/1/2012
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Lake Charles, LA Harbor    -               1,012,530      1,012,530
                                              & Terminal District,
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                              (Reynolds Metals Co.),
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    St. Charles Parish, LA,    -               2,039,340      2,039,340
                                              PCR Refunding Revenue
                                              Bonds (Series 1999A),
                                              4.90% TOBs (Entergy
                                              Louisiana, Inc.),
                                              Mandatory Tender 6/1/2005
                                                  Total                  -                              4,097,340
                                               Michigan -- 12.0%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Cornell Township MI,       -              1,020,450       1,020,450
                                              Economic Development
                                              Corp., Refunding Revenue
                                              Bonds, 5.875%
                                              (MeadWestvaco Corp.),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Lincoln Park, MI, School   1,165,590       -              1,165,590
                                              District, GO UT, 7.00%
                                              (FGIC LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.95%),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Michigan Municipal Bond    1,159,850       -              1,159,850
                                              Authority, Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.375%,
 1,025,000        -              1,025,000    Michigan Municipal Bond    1,222,620       -              1,222,620
                                              Authority, Water Utility
                                              Improvements, 5.875%
                                              (Original Issue Yield:
                                              5.40%), 10/1/2017
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Michigan State Hospital    -               1,115,370      1,115,370
                                              Finance Authority,
                                              Hospital Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.25%
                                              (Sparrow Obligated
                                              Group, MI), 11/15/2011
 -                4,000,000      4,000,000    Michigan State Hospital    -               4,248,280      4,248,280
                                              Finance Authority,
                                              Revenue & Refunding
                                              Bonds (Series 1998A),
                                              5.10% (McLaren Health
                                              Care Corp.)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.15%),
 -                5,000,000      5,000,000    Michigan State Hospital    -               5,825,900      5,825,900
                                              Finance Authority,
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1999A), 6.00% (Ascension
                                              Health Credit
                                              Group)/(MBIA INS),
 -                3,705,000      3,705,000    Michigan State Housing     -               3,979,726      3,979,726
                                              Development Authority,
                                              (Series B) Rental
                                              Housing Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.65% (MBIA INS),
 -                3,605,000      3,605,000    Michigan State Housing     -               3,875,267       3,875,267
                                              Development Authority,
                                              (Series B), Rental
                                              Housing Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.65% (MBIA INS),
                                                  Total                 3,548,060          20,064,993   23,613,053
                                               Minnesota -- 0.5%
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Minneapolis Special        1,088,940       -               1,088,940
                                              School District No. 001,
                                              MN, (Series B) COP
                                              School Improvement
                                              Bonds, 5.125%, 2/1/2014
                                               Missouri -- 6.9%
 870,000          -              870,000      Missouri State             945,577         -              945,577
                                              Improvement & Energy
                                              Authority, PRF Revenue
                                              Bonds, 6.00%, 1/1/2016
 130,000          -              130,000      Missouri State             140,041         -              140,041
                                              Improvement & Energy
                                              Authority, Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 6.00%,
 -                5,000,000      5,000,000    Missouri State HEFA,       -               5,326,850      5,326,850
                                              Health Facilities
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              A), 6.00% (BJC Health
                                              System, MO)/(United
                                              States Treasury
                                              GTD)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 6.05%), 5/15/2005
 -                5,000,000      5,000,000    Missouri State HEFA,       -               5,317,600      5,317,600
                                              Health Facilities
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              A), 6.10% (BJC Health
                                              System, MO)/(United
                                              States Treasury
                                              GTD)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 6.15%), 5/15/2006
 -                740,000        740,000      Missouri State Housing     -               784,837        784,837
                                              Development Commission,
                                              SFM Loan Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 1998B), 5.20%,
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Taney County, MO,          1,114,140       -              1,114,140
                                              Reorganized School
                                              District Number R-V, GO
                                              UT, 5.80%, 3/1/2017
                                                  Total                 2,199,758           11,429,287  13,629,045
                                               Nevada -- 0.6%
 -                1,100,000      1,100,000    Clark County, NV,          -               1,136,894      1,136,894
                                              Industrial Development
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              2003C), 5.45% TOBs
                                              (Southwest Gas Corp.),
                                              Mandatory Tender 3/1/2013
                                               New York -- 10.5%
 -                1,500,000      1,500,000    Hempstead, NY IDA,         -               1,575,315      1,575,315
                                              Resource Recovery
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 2001), 5.00%
                                              TOBs (American Ref-Fuel
                                              Co. of Hempstead),
                                              Mandatory Tender 6/1/2010
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Metropolitan               -               2,352,140      2,352,140
                                              Authority, NY, Service
                                              Contract Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              2002A), 5.50%, 1/1/2015
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    New York City, NY IDA,     -               1,116,360      1,116,360
                                              Civic Facility Revenue
                                              Bonds (Series 2002A),
                                              5.50% (Lycee Francais de
                                              New York
                                              Capital Access INS),
 -                4,500,000      4,500,000    New York City, NY, UT GO   -               5,251,950      5,251,950
                                              Bonds (Series 1999G),
                                              6.00% (AMBAC INS),
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    New York City, NY, UT GO   -               1,110,220      1,110,220
                                              Bonds (Series 2002E),
                                              5.25%, 8/1/2007
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    New York City, NY, UT GO   -               1,122,230      1,122,230
                                              Bonds (Series 2002F),
                                              5.25%, 8/1/2009
 -                2,500,000      2,500,000    New York State             -               2,631,450      2,631,450
                                              Environmental Facilities
                                              Corp., State Water
                                              Pollution Control Bonds
                                              (Series 1994E), 6.15%
                                              (Original Issue Yield:
                                              6.25%), 6/15/2004
 -                4,000,000      4,000,000    New York State Thruway     -               4,227,160      4,227,160
                                              Authority, Highway &
                                              Bridge Trust Fund
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              B), 5.625% (FGIC
                                              INS)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.75%), 4/1/2005
 -                1,250,000      1,250,000    Suffolk County, NY IDA,    -               1,213,400      1,213,400
                                              Industrial Development
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1998), 5.30%
                                              (Nissequogue Cogen
                                              Issue Yield: 5.325%),
                                                  Total                  -                  20,600,225  20,600,225
                                               North Carolina -- 2.9%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    North Carolina Eastern     -               1,105,000      1,105,000
                                              Municipal Power Agency,
                                              Power System Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              2003A), 5.50%, 1/1/2012
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    North Carolina Eastern     1,204,760       -              1,204,760
                                              Municipal Power Agency,
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              6.00% (AMBAC LOC),
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    North Carolina Municipal   -               2,333,220      2,333,220
                                              Power Agency No. 1,
                                              Catawba Electric Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds, 7.25%
                                              (Catawba Electric),
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    North Carolina Municipal   -               1,139,630      1,139,630
                                              Power Agency No. 1,
                                              Electric Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 2003A), 5.50%
                                              (Catawba Electric),
                                                  Total                  1,204,760                      5,782,610
                                               North Dakota -- 0.6%
 1,055,000        -              1,055,000    North Dakota State         1,171,862       -              1,171,862
                                              Building Authority,
                                              (Series B) Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.00%
                                              (AMBAC LOC), 12/1/2010
                                               Ohio -- 2.9%
 -                3,195,000      3,195,000    Lucas County, OH HDA,      -               3,574,374      3,574,374
                                              Hospital Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              1996), 5.50% (ProMedica
                                              Healthcare Obligated
                                              INS)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.75%), 11/15/2008
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Montgomery County, OH      -               1,104,860      1,104,860
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                              (Catholic Health
                                              Initiatives), 9/1/2016
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Ohio State Air Quality     -               1,054,120      1,054,120
                                              Development Authority,
                                              PCR Refunding Bonds
                                              (Series 2002A), 6.00%
                                              (Cleveland Electric
                                              Illuminating Co.),
                                                  Total                  -                              5,733,354
                                               Pennsylvania -- 5.8%
 -                805,000        805,000      (1) Allegheny County, PA   -               758,672        758,672
                                              IDA, Cargo Facilities
                                              Lease Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 1999), 6.00%
                                              (AFCO Cargo PIT LLC
                                              Project), 9/1/2009
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    New Wilmington, PA         -               1,030,540      1,030,540
                                              Municipal Authority,
                                              College Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.30% (Westminster
                                              College)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.40%), 3/1/2018
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Pennsylvania               1,104,090       -              1,104,090
                                              Intergovernmental Coop
                                              Authority, Special Tax,
                                              5.25% (FGIC
                                              LOC)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.012%), 6/15/2015
 -                1,210,000      1,210,000    Pennsylvania State         -               1,362,133      1,362,133
                                              Higher Education
                                              Facilities Authority,
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              2001A), 5.75% (UPMC
                                              Health System), 1/15/2012
 -                5,000,000      5,000,000    Philadelphia, PA           -               5,327,750      5,327,750
                                              Hospitals & Higher
                                              Education Facilities
                                              Authority, Health System
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1997A), 5.00% (Jefferson
                                              Health System)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.40%),
 -                1,605,000      1,605,000    Sayre, PA, Health Care     -               1,828,721      1,828,721
                                              Facilities Authority,
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              2002A), 6.00% (Guthrie
                                              Healthcare System, PA),
                                                  Total                  1,104,090          10,307,816  11,411,906
                                               Rhode Island -- 0.6%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Rhode Island Economic      -               1,152,970      1,152,970
                                              Development Corp.,
                                              Revenue Note Obligations
                                              (2000 Senior Obligation
                                              Series), 5.75%
                                              (Providence Place Mall
                                              Project)/(Radian Asset
                                              Assurance INS), 7/1/2010
                                               South Carolina -- 0.6%
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Beaufort County, SC        1,122,700       -              1,122,700
                                              School District, GO,
                                              5.50%, 3/1/2016
                                               South Dakota -- 0.6%
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Pierre, SD, School         1,142,470       -              1,142,470
                                              District, GO UT, 5.70%
                                              (FSA LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.70%),
                                               Tennessee -- 5.2%
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Memphis-Shelby County,     -               2,191,520      2,191,520
                                              TN Airport Authority,
                                              Special Facilities
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.00% (FedEx Corp.),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Metropolitan Government    1,082,880       -              1,082,880
                                              Nashville & Davidson
                                              County, TN, GO UT,
                                              5.125% (Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.125%),
                                              5/15/2009 (@101)
 -                4,000,000      4,000,000    Shelby County, TN,         -               4,582,880      4,582,880
                                              Public Improvement UT GO
                                              School Bonds (Series A),
                                              5.50%, 4/1/2017
 -                500,000        500,000      Sullivan County, TN        -               570,015        570,015
                                              Health Educational &
                                              Housing Facilities
                                              Board, Hospital Revenue
                                              Bonds, 6.25% (Wellmont
                                              Health System), 9/1/2010
 -                500,000        500,000      Sullivan County, TN        -               568,660        568,660
                                              Health Educational &
                                              Housing Facilities
                                              Board, Hospital Revenue
                                              Bonds, 6.25% (Wellmont
                                              Health System), 9/1/2011
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Sullivan County, TN        -               1,139,460      1,139,460
                                              Health Educational &
                                              Housing Facilities
                                              Board, Hospital Revenue
                                              Bonds, 6.25% (Wellmont
                                              Health System), 9/1/2012
                                                  Total                  1,082,880                      10,135,415
                                               Texas -- 7.3%
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Bell County, TX, HFDC,     1,086,320       -              1,086,320
                                              Refunding Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.375% (FSA LOC),
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Brazos River Authority,    -               1,055,540      1,055,540
                                              TX, PCR Refunding Bonds
                                              (Series 2003A), 6.75%
                                              TOBs (TXU Energy),
                                              Mandatory Tender 4/1/2013
 500,000          -              500,000      Carroll, TX, ISD, GO UT    534,070         -              534,070
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              A), 5.00% (Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.02%),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    El Paso, TX, GO LT         1,088,050       -              1,088,050
                                              (Series 1998), 5.125%
                                              (FGIC LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.25%),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Fort Worth, TX, Water &    1,138,600       -              1,138,600
                                              Sewer, Revenue Bonds,
                                              5.75% (Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.52%), 2/15/2017
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    North Central Texas        -               2,265,280      2,265,280
                                              HFDC, Hospital Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              2002), 5.50% (Children's
                                              Medical Center of
                                              Dallas)/(AMBAC INS),
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Sabine River Authority,    -               1,022,730      1,022,730
                                              TX, PCR Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              2001A), 5.50% TOBs (TXU
                                              Energy), Mandatory
                                              Tender 11/1/2011
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    San Antonio, TX Water      -               1,158,060      1,158,060
                                              System, Revenue
                                              Refunding Bonds (Series
                                              2002), 5.50% (FSA INS),
 -                3,760,000      3,760,000    Texas State Department     -               3,979,697      3,979,697
                                              of Housing & Community
                                              Affairs, SFM Revenue
                                              Bonds (Series B), 5.45%
                                              (MBIA INS), 3/1/2015
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Travis Country, TX, GO     1,108,310       -              1,108,310
                                              UT, 5.25%, 3/1/2015
                                                  Total                 4,955,350                       14,436,657
                                               Utah -- 1.1%
 1,050,000        -              1,050,000    Salt Lake County, UT,      1,113,116       -              1,113,116
                                              Municipal Building
                                              Authority, Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.20%
                                              (AMBAC LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.33%),
                                              10/15/2011 (@100)
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Utah County, UT IDA,       -               1,026,870      1,026,870
                                              Improvement Revenue
                                              Bonds, 5.05% TOBs
                                              (Marathon Oil Corp.),
                                              Mandatory Tender
                                                  Total                 1,113,116                       2,139,986
                                               Virginia -- 1.7%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Chesapeake, VA IDA, PCR    -               1,054,500      1,054,500
                                              Bonds, 5.25% (Virginia
                                              Electric & Power Co.),
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Greater Richmond           -               2,279,480      2,279,480
                                              Convention Center
                                              Authority, VA, Hotel Tax
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.50%
                                              (Convention Center
                                              Expansion Project),
                                                  Total                  -                              3,333,980
                                               Washington -- 6.4%
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Clark County, WA, GO UT    1,096,930       -              1,096,930
                                              Refunding Bonds, 5.25%,
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Seattle, WA, (Series F)    1,085,680       -              1,085,680
                                              GO UT, 5.25% (Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.02%),
 -                4,500,000      4,500,000    Washington Health Care     -               4,916,745      4,916,745
                                              Facilities Authority,
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1996), 5.375% (Kadlec
                                              Medical Center,
                                              INS)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.63%), 12/1/2010
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Washington State,          1,063,030       -              1,063,030
                                              (Series B), GO UT, 5.00%
                                              (Original Issue Yield:
                                              5.20%), 1/1/2017
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Washington State Public    -               2,047,980      2,047,980
                                              Power Supply System,
                                              (Nuclear Project No. 3)
                                              Refunding & Revenue
                                              Bonds (Series B), 5.70%
                                              (Energy Northwest,
                                              WA)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.793%), 7/1/2010
 -                2,000,000      2,000,000    Washington State Public    -               2,326,440      2,326,440
                                              Supply System, (Nuclear
                                              Project No. 2) Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds (Series
                                              1997A), 6.00% (Energy
                                              Northwest, WA)/(AMBAC
                                              INS), 7/1/2007
                                                  Total                 3,245,640                       12,536,805
                                               Wisconsin -- 4.0%
 50,000           -              50,000       Appleton, WI,              55,709          -              55,709
                                              Waterworks, Refunding
                                              Revenue Bonds, 5.375%
                                              (FGIC LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 4.75%),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Menomonee Falls, WI,       1,113,220       -              1,113,220
                                              Sewage System, (Series
                                              A) Revenue Bonds, 5.65%
                                              (AMBAC LOC)/(Original
                                              Issue Yield: 5.70%),
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Milwaukee County, WI,      1,074,180       -              1,074,180
                                              (Series A), 5.00%
                                              (Original Issue Yield:
                                              4.87%), 10/1/2016
 -                980,000        980,000      Wisconsin State HEFA,      -               1,113,917      1,113,917
                                              Refunding Bonds, 6.00%
                                              (Wheaton Franciscan
                                              Services), 8/15/2014
 -                3,000,000      3,000,000    Wisconsin State            -               3,324,450      3,324,450
                                              Petroleum Inspection
                                              Fee, Revenue Bonds
                                              (Series 2000A), 6.00%,
 1,000,000        -              1,000,000    Wisconsin State            1,128,230       -              1,128,230
                                              Transportation, (Series
                                              A), 5.50% (FGIC
                                              LOC)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.25%), 7/1/2015
                                                  Total                 3,371,339                       7,809,706
                                               Wyoming -- 0.3%
 500,000          -              500,000      Laramie County, WY,        545,840         -              545,840
                                              School District No. 2,
                                              GO UT, 5.90% (MBIA
                                              LOC)/(Original Issue
                                              Yield: 5.90%), 6/1/2012
                                              Total Long-Term           35,592,224      157,512,327     193,104,551
                                              Municipals (identified
                                              cost $178,453,556)
                                              Short-Term Municipals -
                                              New York -- 0.1%
 -                200,000        200,000      New York State Dormitory   -               200,000        200,000
                                              Authority, (Series
                                              1990B) Daily VRDNs
                                              University)/(J.P. Morgan
                                              Chase Bank LIQ)
                                              Utah -- 0.5%
 -                1,000,000      1,000,000    Emery County, UT,          -               1,000,000      1,000,000
                                              (Series 1994) Daily
                                              INS)/(Bank of Novia
                                              Scotia, Toronto LIQ)
                                              --------------------------                -------------------------------
                                              Total Short-Term           -              1,200,000       1,200,000
                                              Municipals (at amortized
                                               Mutual Fund -- 0.5%
 944,014          -              944,014      SEI Tax Exempt Money       944,014         -              944,014
                                              Market Fund (at net
                                              asset value)
                                              Total Investments --      36,536,238      158,712,327     195,248,565
                                              99.3% (identified cost
                                              Other Assets and          391,914         970,666         1,362,580
                                              Liabilities -- Net --
                                              Total Net Assets -- 100%  $36,928,152    $159,682,993     $ 196,611,145

     Securities that are subject to alternative minimum tax (AMT) represent 7.6%
of the portfolio based upon total market value.

     (1)  Denotes a  restricted  security  which is subject to  restrictions  on
resale under federal securities laws. This security has been deemed liquid based
upon criteria  approved by the Fund's Board of Trustees.  At May 31, 2003,  this
security amounted to $758,672, which represents 0.5% of total net assets

(2)  The cost of investments for federal tax purposes amounts to

The following acronyms are used throughout this
AMBAC       -- American Municipal Bond Assurance
AMT         -- Alternative Minimum Tax
COL         -- Collateralized
COP         -- Certificate of Participation
FGIC        -- Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FSA         -- Financial Security Assurance
GNMA        -- Government National Mortgage Association
GO          -- General
GTD         -- Guaranteed
HDA         -- Hospital Development Authority
HEFA        -- Health and Education Facilities
HFA         -- Housing Finance Authority
HFDC        -- Health Facility Development Corporation
IDA         -- Industrial Development Authority
IDB         -- Industrial Development Bond
INS         --
ISD         -- Independent School District
LIQ         -- Liquidity
LOC         -- Letter of
LT          -- Limited Tax
MBIA        -- Municipal Bond Investors Assurance
PCR         -- Pollution Control Revenue
PRF         -- Pre-refunded
SFM         -- Single Family Mortgage
TOBs        -- Tender Option Bonds
UT          -- Unlimited Tax
VRDNs       -- Variable Rate Demand Notes

Note:  The  categories  of  investments  are shown as a percentage  of pro forma
combined total net assets shown on the Pro Forma  Combining  Statement of Assets
and Liabilities.

See Notes which are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

                      Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
                     Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust
                  Pro Forma Combining Statements of Assets and


                                    Riggs          Federated
                                  Intermediate     Intermediate
                                   Tax Free        Municipal
                                  Bond Fund          Trust       Pro         Pro Forma
                                  April 30,        May 31,       Adjustment   Combined
                                     2003             2003
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
- ------------------------------
Investments in securities,         $                $
at value                          36,536,238       158,712,327          -    195,248,565
- ------------------------------
                                       1,993           20,892           -        22,885
- ------------------------------
Income receivable
                                     510,536        2,103,521           -     2,614,057
- ------------------------------
Receivable for shares sold
                                           -          134,431           -       134,431
- ------------------------------
Receivable for Investments
sold                                       -           60,000           -        60,000
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
     Total assets
                                  37,048,767       161,031,171          -    198,079,938
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
- ------------------------------
Payable for investments
purchased                                  -                -           -             -
- ------------------------------
Payable for shares redeemed
                                           -          926,610           -       926,610
- ------------------------------
Income distribution payable
                                     113,215          407,113           -       520,328
- ------------------------------
Accrued expenses
                                       7,400           14,455           -        21,855
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
     Total liabilities
                                     120,615        1,348,178           -     1,468,793
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
Net Assets                         $                $             $           $
                                  36,928,152       159,682,993          -    196,611,145
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
Net Assets Consists of:
- ------------------------------
Paid in capital                    $                $             $
                                  33,393,781       154,116,825          -    187,510,606
- ------------------------------
- ----------------------------------
Net unrealized appreciation of
investments                        3,128,206       11,522,789           -    14,650,995
- ----------------------------------
Accumulated net realized gain
(loss) on investments                394,105       (5,956,606)          -    (5,562,501)
- ----------------------------------
Undistributed (distributions in
excess of) net
investment income
                                      12,060             (15)           -        12,045
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------
                                                                 ---------   -----------
     Total Net Assets              $                $             $           $
                                  36,928,152       159,682,993          -    196,611,145
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
Net Assets:
   Class R Shares                  $                $             $       (a) $
                                  36,928,152                -    (36,928,152)         -
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
   Class IS Shares                 $                $                     (a) $
                                           -       159,682,993   $36,928,152 196,611,145
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
Shares Outstanding:
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
   Class R Shares                  $                $             $       (a) $
                                   3,423,124                -    (3,423,124)          -
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
   Class IS Shares                 $                $             $       (a) $
                                           -       14,761,493    3,413,633   18,175,126
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
Net Asset Value Per Share and Offering
Price Per Share
   Class R Shares                  $                $             $           $
                                       10.79                -           -             -
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
   Class IS Shares                 $                $             $           $
                                           -            10.82           -         10.82
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
Redemption Proceeds Per
Share *
   Class R Shares                  $                $             $           $
                                       10.57 **             -           -             -
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------
   Class IS Shares                 $                $             $           $
                                           -            10.82           -         10.82
                                  -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------

Investments, at identified         $                $             $           $
cost                              33,408,032       147,189,538          -    180,597,570
- ------------------------------    -----------      -----------   ---------   -----------

(a) Adjustment to reflect share balance and combined net asset value as a result of
the combination.
*  See "What Do Shares Cost?" in the
**  Computation of offering price per share: 98/100 of net
assets value.

(See Notes to Pro Forma Financial

                                          Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
                                         Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust
                                      Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations


                                   Riggs     Federated
                                  Tax Free   Municipal
                                 Bond Fund   Trust           Pro Forma        Pro Forma
                                  April 30,  May 31, 2003   Adjustment        Combined
Investment Income:
Interest                          $           $                $      -       $
                                  2,116,548  8,248,341                        10,364,889
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------

Investment adviser fee
                                    333,085    662,072        (208,712) (a)      786,445
Administrative personnel and
services fee                         71,058    125,000         (71,058) (b)      125,000
Custodian fees
                                      8,882      6,358          (8,882) (c)        6,358
Transfer and dividend
disbursing agent
  fees and expenses
                                      1,042     42,069          (1,042) (d)       42,069
Trustees' fees
                                        945     10,336            (945) (e)       10,336
Auditing fees
                                     17,055     15,132         (17,055) (f)       15,132
Legal fees
                                      4,403      3,887          (4,403) (g)        3,887
Portfolio accounting fees
                                      6,849     57,031          (6,849) (h)       57,031
Distribution services fee -
Class R Shares                      111,028          -        (111,028) (i)            -
Shareholder services fee -
Class R Shares                      111,028          -        (111,028) (j)            -
Shareholder services fee -
Class IS Shares                           -    413,795           77,733 (k)      491,528
Share registration costs
                                     15,328     21,377         (15,328) (l)       21,377
Printing and postage
                                      3,099     16,491          (3,099) (m)       16,491
Insurance premiums
                                      1,304      1,413          (1,304) (n)        1,413
                                        586      7,136            (586) (o)        7,136
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
                                                            ------------     ------------
     Total expenses
                                    685,692  1,382,097        (483,586)        1,584,203
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
Waivers and Reimbursements --
     Waiver of investment
adviser fee                        (88,822)   (61,356)           71,534 (p)     (78,644)
     Waiver of transfer and
dividend disbursing agent fees            -    (5,038)            (860) (q)      (5,898)
     Waiver of distribution
service fee - Class R Shares      (111,028)          -          111,028 (r)            -
     Waiver of shareholder
services fee - Class R Shares      (66,617)          -           66,617 (s)            -
     Waiver of shareholder
services fee - Class IS Shares            -  (314,484)         (59,077) (t)    (373,561)
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
Total Waivers and
Reimbursements                    (266,467)  (380,878)          189,242        (458,103)
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
Net Expenses
                                    419,225  1,001,219        (294,344)        1,126,100
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
     Net operating loss           $           $              $                $
                                  1,697,323  7,247,122          294,344        9,238,789
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
Realized and Unrealized Loss on
Investments and
   Foreign Currency
Net realized gain on
investments                         725,283    564,629                -        1,289,912
Net change in unrealized
appreciation of investments       1,634,114  4,645,915                -        6,280,029
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
     Net realized and
unrealized gain (loss) on         2,359,397  5,210,544                -        7,569,941
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------
          Change in net assets    $                          $                $
resulting from operations         4,056,720  $12,457,666        294,344       16,808,730
                                 ----------- ----------     ------------     ------------

(See Legend to Pro Forma Adjustments on the
following page)
(See Notes to Pro Forma
Financial Statements)

                      Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
                     Federated Intermediate Municipal Trust
              Notes to Pro Forma Combining Statements of Operations
                            Year Ended April 30, 2003
                                and May 31, 2003

     (a) Federated  Investment  Management Company (the "Adviser")  receives for
its services an annual  investment  advisory fee equal to 0.40% of the Federated
Intermediate  Municipal  Trust's  average  daily net  assets.  The  Adviser  may
voluntarily  choose to waive a portion  of its fee.  The  Adviser  can modify or
terminate this voluntary waiver at any time.

     (b)  Federated   Services   Company   ("FServ")   provides  the  Fund  with
administrative  personnel  and services  necessary to operate the Fund.  The fee
paid to FServ is  based on a scale  that  ranges  from  0.15% to  0.075%  of the
average  aggregate  daily net  assets of all funds  advised by  subsidiaries  of
Federated  investors,  Inc.,  subject to a $125,000  minimum per  portfolio  and
$30,000 per each additional class.

     (c)  Adjustment  to  reflect  the  custodian  fees  reductions  due  to the
combining of two portfolios into one.

     (d) FServ through its subsidiary,  Federated  Shareholder Services Company,
serves as transfer and dividend  disbursing agent for the Funds. The fee paid to
FServ is based on the number of share classes and accounts per fund on the level
of average  aggregate net assets of the Trust for the period.  The adjustment is
due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (e) Adjustment to reflect the Trustees' fee reductions due to the combining
of two portfolios into one.

     (f)  Adjustment to reflect the Audit fee reductions due to the combining of
two portfolios into one.

     (g)  Adjustment to reflect the Legal Fee reductions due to the combining of
two portfolios into one.

     (h)  Adjustment to reflect the Portfolio  Accounting  Fee reductions due to
the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (i)  Adjustment to reflect the  elimination of the Riggs  Intermediate  Tax
Free  Bond  Fund  12b-1  fee for  Class R  Shares  due to the  combining  of two
portfolios into one.

     (j)  Adjustment to reflect the  elimination of the Riggs  Intermediate  Tax
Free Bond Fund shareholder  services fee for Class R Shares due to the combining
of the two portfolios into one.

     (k) Adjustment to reflect the shareholder services fee accrual of 0.25% due
to the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (l) Adjustment to reflect the Share  registration  costs  reductions due to
the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (m) Adjustment to reflect the printing and postage expense reduction due to
combining of two portfolios into one.

     (n) Adjustment to reflect the insurance  premium  expense  reduction due to
combining of two portfolios into one.

     (o)  Miscellaneous  expenses are reduced to reflect estimated savings to be
realized by combining two portfolios into one.

     (p) Adjustment to reflect waiver of investment adviser fee being brought in
line based on the combined net assets of funds.

     (q) Adjustment to reflect waiver of transfer and dividend  disbursing agent
fee being brought in line based on the net assets of funds.

     (r)  Adjustment to reflect the  elimination  of the waiver of  distribution
(12b-1) fee for Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund Class R Shares which is no
longer applicable due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (s)  Adjustment  to reflect the  elimination  of  shareholder  services fee
waiver  for Riggs  Intermediate  Tax Free Bond Fund  Class R Shares  which is no
longer applicable due to the combining of two portfolios into one.

     (t) Adjustment to reflect waiver of shareholder  services fee being brought
in line based on the net assets of funds.

                                   RIGGS FUNDS
                                Riggs Stock Fund
                         Riggs Small Company Stock Fund
                      Riggs U.S. Government Securities Fund
                                 Riggs Bond Fund
                       Riggs Short Term Tax Free Bond Fund
                      Riggs Intermediate Tax Free Bond Fund
                          Riggs Prime Money Market Fund
                      Riggs U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund

Investment Adviser
808 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20006-3950

Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779

Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779


Item 15.  Indemnification:

     Indemnification  is provided to Trustees and  officers of  Federated  Total
Return  Government  Fund  (the   "Registrant")   pursuant  to  the  Registrant's
Declaration  of Trust and  Bylaws,  except  where  such  indemnification  is not
permitted by law.  However,  the  Declaration of Trust and Bylaws do not protect
the Trustees or officers from liability based on willful misfeasance, bad faith,
gross negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties involved in the conduct of
their  office.  Trustees  and  officers of the  Registrant  are insured  against
certain liabilities,  including  liabilities arising under the Securities Act of
1933 (the "Act").

     Insofar as  indemnification  for  liabilities  arising under the Act may be
permitted to Trustees,  officers,  and controlling  persons of the Registrant by
the Registrant pursuant to the Declaration of Trust or otherwise, the Registrant
has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities and Exchange  Commission,
such  indemnification  is against  public policy as expressed in the Act and is,
therefore,  unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against
such liabilities  (other than the payment by the Registrant of expenses incurred
or paid by Trustees,  officers,  or  controlling  persons of the  Registrant  in
connection  with the  successful  defense of any act,  suit, or  proceeding)  is
asserted by such Trustees,  officers,  or controlling persons in connection with
the shares being  registered,  the Registrant will, unless in the opinion of its
counsel the matter has been settled by controlling precedent,  submit to a court
of appropriate  jurisdiction the question whether such  indemnification by it is
against  public policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final
adjudication of such issue.

     Insofar as  indemnification  for liabilities  may be permitted  pursuant to
Section 17 of the 1940 Act for Trustees, officers, or controlling persons of the
Registrant by the Registrant  pursuant to the Declaration of Trust or otherwise,
the  Registrant  is  aware  of the  position  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  as set  forth  in  Investment  Company  Act  Release  No.  IC-11330.
Therefore,  the  Registrant  undertakes  that in addition to complying  with the
applicable  provisions of the Declaration of Trust or otherwise,  in the absence
of a final  decision  on the  merits by a court or other body  before  which the
proceeding was brought, that an indemnification  payment will not be made unless
in the absence of such a decision, a reasonable determination based upon factual
review has been made (i) by a majority  vote of a quorum of  non-party  Trustees
who are not interested  persons of the  Registrant or (ii) by independent  legal
counsel in a written  opinion that the  indemnitee  was not liable for an act of
willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence,  or reckless  disregard of
duties.  The Registrant further undertakes that advancement of expenses incurred
in the defense of a proceeding  (upon  undertaking  for  repayment  unless it is
ultimately  determined that  indemnification is appropriate) against an officer,
Trustee,  or controlling  person of the  Registrant  will not be made absent the
fulfillment  of at least one of the  following  conditions:  (i) the  indemnitee
provides  security for his  undertaking;  (ii) the Registrant is insured against
losses arising by reason of any lawful advances; or (iii) a majority of a quorum
of disinterested  non-party  Trustees or independent  legal counsel in a written
opinion  makes a factual  determination  that  there is reason  to  believe  the
indemnitee will be entitled to indemnification.

Item 16.  Exhibits

1.    Conformed copy of Declaration of Trust of the Registrant; (1)
1.2   Conformed copy of Amendment No. 1 to the Declaration of Trust of the
      Registrant; (2)
1.3   Conformed Copy of Amendment Nos. 2-3 to the Declaration of Trust of the
      Registrant; (8)
2.    Copy of By-Laws of the Registrant; (1)
2.1   Copy of Amendment No. 1 to the By-Laws of the Registrant; (5)
2.2   Copy of Amendment No. 2 to the By-Laws of the Registrant; (5)
2.3   Copy of Amendment No. 3 to the By-Laws of the Registrant; (5)
2.4   Copy of Amendment No. 4 to the By-Laws of the Registrant; (9)

3.    Not Applicable

4.   Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  is  included  as  Exhibit  1 to the
     Combined Proxy Statement and Prospectus of the Registration Statement*

5.   Copy of  Specimen  Certificate  of Shares  of  Beneficial  Interest  of the
     Registrant's Institutional Shares; (2)

5.1  Copy of  Specimen  Certificate  of Shares  of  Beneficial  Interest  of the
     Registrant's Institutional Service Shares; (2)

6.    Conformed copy of Investment Advisory Contract of the Registrant; (2)
6.1   Conformed copy of an Amendment to the Investment Advisory Contract of the
      Registrant; (8)

7.    Conformed copy of Distributor's Contract of the Registrant; (3)

7.1  Conformed  copy  of an  Amendment  to  the  Distributor's  Contract  of the
     Registrant; (8)

8.    Not applicable;

9.    Conformed copy of Custodian Contract of the Registrant; (2)
9.1   Conformed copy of Custodian Fee Schedule; (4)

10.   Conformed copy of Distribution Plan of the Registrant; (2)

11.  Form of Opinion and  Consent of Counsel  regarding  the  legality of Shares
     being issued; *

12.   Form of Opinion regarding tax consequences of Reorganization; *

13.  Conformed  copy of  Amended  and  Restated  Agreement  for Fund  Accounting
     Services, Administrative Services, Shareholder Transfer Agency Services and
     Custody Services Procurement; (5)

13.1 Conformed copy of Amendment to the Agreement for Fund Accounting  Services,
     Administrative  Services,  Shareholder Transfer Agency Services and Custody
     Services Procurement; (8)

13.2 Conformed  copy  of  Second  Amended  and  Restated   Shareholder  Services
     Agreement; (8)

13.3 The Registrant  hereby  incorporates  the conformed copy of the Shareholder
     Services  Sub-Contract between Fidelity and Federated  Shareholder Services
     from Item 24(b)(9)(iii) of the Federated GNMA Trust Registration  Statement
     on Form  N-1A,  filed  with the  Commission  on March 26,  1996.(File  Nos.
     2-75670 and 811-3375).

14.  Conformed  copy  of  Consent  of  Independent   Auditors  of  Total  Return
     Government Bond Fund, Ernst & Young LLP; (to be filed by amendment)

14.2 Conformed copy of Consent of Independent Auditors of Riggs Funds, KPMG LLP;
     (to be filed by amendment)

15.  Not Applicable

16.  Conformed copy of Power of Attorney of the Registrant; (7)

*     All exhibits have been filed electronically.

1.   Response  is  incorporated  by  Reference  to  the   Registrant's   Initial
     Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  filed  June 20,  1995.  (File  Nos.
     33-60411 and 811-07309).

2.   Response is  incorporated  by Reference to the  Registrant's  Pre-Effective
     Amendment No. 1 on Form N-1A filed September 12, 1995. (File Nos.  33-60411
     and 811-07309).

3.   Response  is  incorporated  by  Reference  to  Registrant's  Post-Effective
     Amendment No. 2 on Form N-1A filed April 30, 1996. (File Nos.  33-60411 and

4.   Response is  incorporated by Reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
     Amendment No. 4 on Form N-1A filed April 24, 1998. (File Nos.  33-60411 and

5.   Response is  incorporated by Reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
     Amendment No. 5 on Form N-1A filed February 26, 1999.  (File Nos.  33-60411
     and 811-07309).

7.   Response is  incorporated by Reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
     Amendment No. 9 on Form N-1A filed April 26, 2001. (File Nos.  33-60411 and

8.   Response is  incorporated by Reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
     Amendment No. 10 on Form N-1A filed April 24, 2002. (File Nos. 33-60411 and

9.   Response is  incorporated by Reference to the  Registrant's  Post-Effective
     Amendment No. 11 on Form N-1A filed April 28, 2003. (File Nos. 33-60411 and

Item 17.  Undertakings

     (1) The undersigned  Registrant  agrees that prior to any public reoffering
of the securities  registered through the use of a prospectus which is a part of
this  Registration  Statement  by any  person  or party  who is  deemed to be an
underwriter within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act of 1933, the
reoffering  prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable
registration form for reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters,  in
addition  to the  information  called for by the other  items of the  applicable

     (2) The undersigned  Registrant  agrees that every prospectus that is filed
under  paragraph  (1)  above  will be  filed  as a part of an  amendment  to the
Registration  Statement  and will not be used until the  amendment is effective,
and that, in determining  any liability  under the Securities Act of 1933,  each
post-effective  amendment shall be deemed to be a new Registration Statement for
the securities offered therein,  and the offering of the securities at that time
shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide offering of them.

     (3) The undersigned  Registrant agrees to file by Post-Effective  Amendment
the  opinion  of  counsel   regarding  the  tax  consequences  of  the  proposed
reorganization  required by Item 16(12) of Form N-14  within a  reasonable  time
after receipt of such opinion.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the
Registrant,  FEDERATED  TOTAL RETURN  GOVERNMENT  BOND FUND, has duly caused its
Registration  Statement  on  Form  N-14  to be  signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned, thereto duly authorized, in the City of Pittsburgh and Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, on the 21st day of July, 2003.


                        BY: /s/ Andrew P. Cross
                        Andrew P. Cross, Assistant Secretary
                        July 21, 2003

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, this Amendment
to its  Registration  Statement has been signed below by the following person in
the capacity and on the date indicated:

     NAME                           TITLE                    DATE

By: /s Andrew P. Cross           Attorney In Fact           July 21, 2003
Andrew P. Cross                  For the Persons
ASSISTANT SECRETARY              Listed Below

     NAME                                          TITLE

John F. Donahue*                          Chairman and Trustee

J. Christopher Donahue*                   President and Trustee
                                          (Principal Executive Officer)

Richard J. Thomas*                        Treasurer
                                          (Principal Financial Officer)

William D. Dawson, III*                   Chief Investment Officer

Thomas G. Bigley*                         Trustee

John T. Conroy, Jr.*                      Trustee

Nicholas P. Constantakis*                 Trustee

John F. Cunningham*                       Trustee

Lawrence D. Ellis, M.D.*                  Trustee

Peter E. Madden*                          Trustee

Charles F. Mansfield, Jr.*                Trustee

John E. Murray, Jr., J.D., S.J.D.*        Trustee

Marjorie P. Smuts*                        Trustee

John S. Walsh*                            Trustee

*By Power of Attorney