Exhibit 10.52 ***Text Omitted Filed Separately
                                          Confidential Treatment Request
                                Under 17 C.F.R. Subsection 200.80(b)(4),
                                                    200.83 and 240.24b-2


                                                          EXHIBITS 10.53


     Global NAPs, INC. ("GLOBAL") and eFax.com("CLIENT") hereby agree, subject 
to the GLOBAL's General Terms and Conditions, which are incorporated herein by 
reference, that GLOBAL shall provide to CLIENT the  following service as set 
out below:

1.   Description of Service: GLOBAL shall provide  CLIENT with telephone 
     service as may be more particularly described as follows: To Be 
     Determined By Separate Letter Agreement PRIs. Client shall be serviced 
     from GLOBAL's facility/facilities at To Be Determined By Separate
     Letter Agreement.

2.   Start Date: To Be Determined By Separate Letter Agreement               

3.   Compensation

     CLIENT agrees to pay GLOBAL a one time set up fee of [...***...]
     per trunk, and an annual charge of [...***...] per trunk to be paid in
     Twelve (12) monthly installments of [...***...] per month per trunk. 
     CLIENT acknowledges that this figure reflects a discount which shall be 
     granted if, and only if, payment is received by GLOBAL on or before the 
     first day of the month. If payment is not received by the first day of 
     the month, CLIENT will pay [...***...] per month per trunk. CLIENT
     shall pay for electrical power. In addition thereto, CLIENT shall pay 
     GLOBAL for all outgoing telephone calls according to the rates and 
     terms set forth in GLOBAL's tariff, or in accordance with the rates and
     terms set forth in the special agreement between GLOBAL and CLIENT, if 

4.   Payment

     4.1   CLIENT shall pay GLOBAL the set up fee and the first monthly trunk 
           charge upon execution of this Agreement. Subsequent monthly trunk 
           charges shall be paid in advance of the month to which they apply. 
           GLOBAL shall invoice CLIENT for outbound service, and these 
           invoices shall be paid within Thirty (30) days following the date 
           of CLIENT's invoice. CLIENT's payments to GLOBAL shall be made 
           without set off.

     4.2   Any charges not paid when due, shall be subject to late charges at 
           one and  one-half percent (1 1/2%) per month.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                    Page 1

     4.3   GLOBAL may terminate this Agreement upon Ten (10) days written  
           notice and without waiving any other rights if any charge is not 
           paid in full within Fifteen (15) days after the due date. In such 
           event, CLIENT shall be responsible for all unpaid charges plus all 
           of GLOBAL's costs and expenses associated with the collection of 
           said unpaid charges (including attorneys' fees) .

5.   Certain Federal. State and Local Taxes

     5.1   Any state or local excise, sales, or use taxes (excluding any 
           taxes on income) resulting from the performance of this Agreement 
           shall be borne by the Party upon which the obligation for payment 
           is imposed under applicable law even if the obligation to collect 
           and remit such taxes is placed upon the other Party. Each Party 
           shall be responsible for filing all returns for federal, state or 
           local sales, use, excise, governmental, or other taxes or tax-like 
           fees imposed on or with respect to its services.

     5.2   To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Party obligated to 
           pay such taxes may contest the same in good faith and shall be 
           entitled to the benefit of any refund, provided that such Party 
           cannot permit any lien to exist on any assets of the other Party 
           by reason of any such contest.

WITNESS our hands and seals this 20th day of April, 1999.

                                         Global NAPs Realty, Inc. ("GLOBAL") 
                                         By:   /s/ WILLIAM ROONEY 
                                                  William Rooney    
                                                   Vice President   
1378 Willow Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025-1430
tel: 650-688-3815
fax: 650-688-6880

e-mail: josh@efax.com
                                     Page 2

By:     /s/  ROBERT POLLOCK 
      Robert Pollock, President & COO

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