Wells Fargo Bank MN, N. A.         First Union National Bank-
Corporate Trust Services           Chase Manhattan Bank
11000 Broken Land Parkway          Commercial Mortgage Trust
Columbia, MD 21044                 Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                                   Series 1999-C2

For Additional Information, please contact
CTSLink Customer Service

Reports Available on the World Wide Web
@ www.ctslink.com/cmbs

Payment Date: 08/17/2000
Record Date:  07/31/2000

                            DISTRIBUTION DATE STATEMENT

                                  Table of Contents
STATEMENT SECTIONS                                               PAGE(s)

Certificate Distribution Detail                                          2
Certificate Factor Detail                                                3
Reconciliation Detail                                                    4
Other Required Information                                               5
Ratings Detail                                                           6
Current Mortgage Loan and Property Stratification Tables                 7 - 9
Mortgage Loan Detail                                                     10 - 16
Principal Prepayment Detail                                              17
Historical Detail                                                        18
Delinquency Loan Detail                                                  19
Specially Serviced Loan Detail                                           20 - 21
Modified Loan Detail                                                     22
Liquidated Loan Detail                                                   23

This report has been compiled from information provided to Wells Fargo MN, N.A.
by various third parties, which may include the Servicer, Master Servicer,
Special Servicer and others. Wells Fargo MN, N.A. has not independently
confirmed the accuracy of information received from these third parties and
assumes no duty to do so. Wells Fargo MN, N.A. expressly disclaims any
responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information furnished by
third parties.

First Union Capital Markets
One First Union Center
301 South College Street
Charlotte, NC  28288
Contact: Craig M. Lieberman
Phone Number: (704) 383-7407

Chase Securities, Inc.
270 Park Avenue, 6th Floor
New York NY   10017
Contact: Steven Schwartz
Phone Number: (212) 834-5612

     Master Servicer
First Union National Bank
Charlotte Plaza, Floor 23 NC-1075
201 South College Street
Charlotte, NC  28288
Contact:  Timothy S. Ryan
Phone Number:  (704) 593-7878

     Special Servicer
ORIX Real Estate Capital Markets, LLC
1717 Main Street, 14th Floor
Dallas TX 75201
Contact: Paul G. Smyth
Phone Number: (214) 237-2010

Copyright 1997, Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.

                      Certificate Distribution Detail

    Class         CUSIP                Pass-Through    Original            Beginning          Principal
                                           Rate         Balance             Balance          Distribution

    A-1         337366AA6                6.363000%   203,500,000.00       187,882,193.49      993,885.24
    A-2         337366AB4                6.645000%   673,747,967.00       673,747,967.00            0.00
     B          337366AD0                6.795000%    47,260,093.00        47,260,093.00            0.00
     C          337366AE8                6.944000%    62,028,874.00        62,028,874.00            0.00
     D          337366AF5                7.062000%    14,768,779.00        14,768,779.00            0.00
     E          337366AG3                7.399621%    41,352,582.00        41,352,582.00            0.00
     F          337366AH1                7.399621%    17,722,535.00        17,722,535.00            0.00
     G          337366AJ7                5.950000%    41,352,582.00        41,352,582.00            0.00
     H          337366AK4                5.950000%    11,815,024.00        11,815,024.00            0.00
     J          337366AL2                5.950000%    11,815,023.00        11,815,023.00            0.00
     K          337366AM0                5.950000%    11,815,024.00        11,815,024.00            0.00
     L          337366AN8                5.950000%    11,815,023.00        11,815,023.00            0.00
     M          337366AP3                5.950000%    11,815,024.00        11,815,024.00            0.00
     N          337366AQ1                5.950000%    20,676,291.00        20,676,291.00            0.00
    R-I            N/A                   0.000000%             0.00                 0.00            0.00
    R-II           N/A                   0.000000%             0.00                 0.00            0.00
   R-III           N/A                   0.000000%             0.00                 0.00            0.00
                                                   1,181,484,821.00     1,165,867,014.49      993,885.24

   Class          CUSIP                Interest      Prepayment    Realized Loss/      Total
                                     Distribution    Penalties   Additional Trust  Distribution
                                                                    Fund Expenses
    A-1         337366AA6             996,245.33        0.00            0.00       1,990,130.57
    A-2         337366AB4           3,730,879.37        0.00            0.00       3,730,879.37
     B          337366AD0             267,610.28        0.00            0.00         267,610.28
     C          337366AE8             358,940.42        0.00            0.00         358,940.42
     D          337366AF5              86,914.26        0.00            0.00          86,914.26
     E          337366AG3             254,994.54        0.00            0.00         254,994.54
     F          337366AH1             109,283.37        0.00            0.00         109,283.37
     G          337366AJ7             205,039.89        0.00            0.00         205,039.89
     H          337366AK4              58,582.83        0.00            0.00          58,582.83
     J          337366AL2              58,582.82        0.00            0.00          58,582.82
     K          337366AM0              58,582.83        0.00            0.00          58,582.83
     L          337366AN8              58,582.82        0.00            0.00          58,582.82
     M          337366AP3              58,582.83        0.00            0.00          58,582.83
     N          337366AQ1             102,197.11        0.00            0.00         102,197.11
    R-I            N/A                      0.00        0.00            0.00               0.00
    R-II           N/A                      0.00        0.00            0.00               0.00
   R-III           N/A                      0.00        0.00            0.00               0.00
                                    6,405,018.70        0.00            0.00       7,398,903.94

   Class          CUSIP               Ending Balance         Level(1)
    A-1         337366AA6             186,888,308.25          26.12%
    A-2         337366AB4             673,747,967.00          26.12%
     B          337366AD0              47,260,093.00          22.06%
     C          337366AE8              62,028,874.00          16.74%
     D          337366AF5              14,768,779.00          15.47%
     E          337366AG3              41,352,582.00          11.92%
     F          337366AH1              17,722,535.00          10.40%
     G          337366AJ7              41,352,582.00           6.85%
     H          337366AK4              11,815,024.00           5.83%
     J          337366AL2              11,815,023.00           4.82%
     K          337366AM0              11,815,024.00           3.80%
     L          337366AN8              11,815,023.00           2.79%
     M          337366AP3              11,815,024.00           1.77%
     N          337366AQ1              20,676,291.00           0.00%
    R-I            N/A                          0.00           0.00%
    R-II           N/A                          0.00           0.00%
   R-III           N/A                          0.00           0.00%

                                             Original              Beginning
                    Pass-Through             Notional               Notional
Class    CUSIP         Rate                   Amount                 Amount
IO     337366AC2     0.906751%            1,181,484,821.00      1,165,867,014.49

                       Interest        Prepayment        Total            Notional
Class   CUSIP        Distribution      Penalties       Distribution        Amount
IO    337366AC2      880,959.48          0.00          880,959.48       1,164,873,129.25

(1)  Calculated by taking (A) the sum of the ending certificate balance of all
classes less (B) the sum of (i) the ending certificate balance of the designated
class and (ii) the ending certificate balance of all classes which are not
subordinate to the designated class and dividing the result by (A).

                        Certificate Factor Detail

                                               Beginning         Principal       Interest
 Class            CUSIP                         Balance         Distribution    Distribution
    A-1         337366AA6                     923.25402206       4.88395695       4.8955545
    A-2         337366AB4                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       5.5375000
     B          337366AD0                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       5.6625001
     C          337366AE8                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       5.7866667
     D          337366AF5                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       5.8849997
     E          337366AG3                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       6.1663511
     F          337366AH1                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       6.1663509
     G          337366AJ7                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9583334
     H          337366AK4                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9583336
     J          337366AL2                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9583331
     K          337366AM0                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9583336
     L          337366AN8                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9583331
     M          337366AP3                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9583336
     N          337366AQ1                   1,000.00000000       0.00000000       4.9427197
    R-I            N/A                          0.00000000       0.00000000       0.0000000
    R-II           N/A                          0.00000000       0.00000000       0.0000000
   R-III           N/A                          0.00000000       0.00000000       0.0000000

                                         Prepayment    Realized Loss/       Ending
   Class          CUSIP                  Penalties    Additional Trust      Balance
                                                                          Fund Expenses
    A-1         337366AA6                0.00000000     0.00000000         918.37006511
    A-2         337366AB4                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     B          337366AD0                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     C          337366AE8                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     D          337366AF5                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     E          337366AG3                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     F          337366AH1                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     G          337366AJ7                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     H          337366AK4                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     J          337366AL2                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     K          337366AM0                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     L          337366AN8                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     M          337366AP3                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
     N          337366AQ1                0.00000000     0.00000000       1,000.00000000
    R-I            N/A                   0.00000000     0.00000000           0.00000000
    R-II           N/A                   0.00000000     0.00000000           0.00000000
   R-III           N/A                   0.00000000     0.00000000           0.00000000

                               Beginnning                                           Ending
                               Notional           Interest         Prepayment      Notional
Class          CUSIP            Amount          Distribution       Penalties        Amount
IO           337366AC2       986.78120427        0.74563758        0.00000000      985.93998716

                         Reconciliation Detail

Advance Summary

P & I Advances Outstanding                                68,925.88
Servicing Advances Outstanding                            20,361.44

Reimbursement for Interest on Advances                       322.84
paid from general collections

Reimbursement for Interest on Servicing Advances               0.00
paid from general collections

Aggregate amount of Nonrecoverable Advances                    0.00

Servicing Fee Breakdowns

Current Period Accrued Servicing Fees                    70,114.54
Less Delinquent Servicing Fees                              472.14
Less Reductions to Servicing Fees                             0.00
Plus Servicing Fees for Delinquent Payments Received      1,058.77
Plus Adjustments for Prior Servicing Calculation              0.00
Total Servicing Fees Collected                           70,701.17

Certificate Interest Reconciliation

   Class                 Accrued     Net Aggregate  Distributable  Distributable
                       Certificate    Prepayment     Certificate    Certificate
                         Interest      Interest       Interest        Interest
                                       Shortfall                     Adjustment
    A-1                 996,245.33        0.00        996,245.33         0.00
    A-2               3,730,879.37        0.00      3,730,879.37         0.00
     IO                 880,959.48        0.00        880,959.48         0.00
     B                  267,610.28        0.00        267,610.28         0.00
     C                  358,940.42        0.00        358,940.42         0.00
     D                   86,914.26        0.00         86,914.26         0.00
     E                  254,994.54        0.00        254,994.54         0.00
     F                  109,283.37        0.00        109,283.37         0.00
     G                  205,039.89        0.00        205,039.89         0.00
     H                   58,582.83        0.00         58,582.83         0.00
     J                   58,582.82        0.00         58,582.82         0.00
     K                   58,582.83        0.00         58,582.83         0.00
     L                   58,582.82        0.00         58,582.82         0.00
     M                   58,582.83        0.00         58,582.83         0.00
     N                  102,519.94        0.00        102,519.94         0.00
   Total              7,286,301.01        0.00      7,286,301.01         0.00

                     Additional                  Remaining Unpaid
                     Trust Fund     Interest      Distributable
 Class                Expenses    Distribution  Certificate Interest
    A-1                 0.00       996,245.33         0.00
    A-2                 0.00     3,730,879.37         0.00
     IO                 0.00       880,959.48         0.00
     B                  0.00       267,610.28         0.00
     C                  0.00       358,940.42         0.00
     D                  0.00        86,914.26         0.00
     E                  0.00       254,994.54         0.00
     F                  0.00       109,283.37         0.00
     G                  0.00       205,039.89         0.00
     H                  0.00        58,582.83         0.00
     J                  0.00        58,582.82         0.00
     K                  0.00        58,582.83         0.00
     L                  0.00        58,582.82         0.00
     M                  0.00        58,582.83         0.00
     N                322.84       102,197.11       703.49
   Total              322.84     7,285,978.18       703.49

                      Other Required Information

Available Distribution Amount                                       8,279,863.42

Aggregate Number of Outstanding Loans                                        223
Aggregate Unpaid Principal Balance of Loans                     1,164,880,069.13
Aggregate Stated Principal Balance of Loans                     1,164,873,129.63

Aggregate Amount of Service Fee                                        70,701.17
Aggregate Amount of Special Servicing Fee                                   0.00
Aggregate Amount of Trustee Fee                                         2,186.00
Aggregate Trust Fund Expenses                                             322.84
Interest Reserve Deposit                                                    0.00
Interest Reserve Withdrawal                                                 0.00

Specially Serviced Loans not Delinquent
        Number of Outstanding Loans                                            0
        Aggregate Unpaid Principal Balance                                  0.00

                     Original Subordination Level


Class A-1               25.75%
Class A-2               25.75%
Class B                 21.75%
Class C                 16.50%
Class D                 15.25%
Class E                 11.75%
Class F                 10.25%
Class G                  6.75%
Class H                  5.75%
Class J                  4.75%
Class K                  3.75%
Class L                  2.75%
Class M                  1.75%
Class N                  0.00%

Appraisal Reduction Amount

                              Appraisal               Date Appraisal
Loan                          Reduction               Reduction
Number                        Amount                  Effected



                           Ratings Detail

                                             Original Ratings
   Class               Cusip            DCR     Fitch    Moody's    S&P
       A-1             337366AA6         X       AAA       Aaa        X
       A-2             337366AB4         X       AAA       Aaa        X
        IO             337366AC2         X       AAA       Aaa        X
        B              337366AD0         X        AA       Aa2        X
        C              337366AE8         X         A        A2        X
        D              337366AF5         X        A-        A3        X
        E              337366AG3         X       BBB      Baa2        X
        F              337366AH1         X       BBB-     Baa3        X
        G              337366AJ7         X        BB+      Ba1        X
        H              337366AK4         X         BB      Ba2        X
        J              337366AL2         X        BB-      Ba3        X
        K              337366AM0         X         B+       B1        X
        L              337366AN8         X          B       B2        X
        M              337366AP3         X         B-       B3        X
        N              337366AQ1         X         NR       NR        X

                                             Current Ratings(1)
      Class            Cusip            DCR     Fitch     Moody's    S&P


       A-1             337366AA6         X       AAA       Aaa        X
       A-2             337366AB4         X       AAA       Aaa        X
        IO             337366AC2         X       AAA       Aaa        X
        B              337366AD0         X        AA       Aa2        X
        C              337366AE8         X         A        A2        X
        D              337366AF5         X        A-        A3        X
        E              337366AG3         X       BBB      Baa2        X
        F              337366AH1         X       BBB-     Baa3        X
        G              337366AJ7         X        BB+      Ba1        X
        H              337366AK4         X         BB      Ba2        X
        J              337366AL2         X        BB-      Ba3        X
        K              337366AM0         X         B+       B1        X
        L              337366AN8         X          B       B2        X
        M              337366AP3         X         B-       B3        X
        N              337366AQ1         X         NR       NR        X

NR -  Designates that the class was not rated by the above agency at the
time of original issuance.
X - Designates that the above rating agency did not rate any classes in this
transaction at the time of original issuance.
N/A - Data not available this period.

1) For any class not rated at the time of original issuance by any particular
rating agency, no request has been made subsequent to issuance to obtain rating
information, if any, from such rating agency. The current ratings were obtained
directly from the applicable rating agency within 30 days of the payment date
listed above. The ratings may have changed since they were obtained. Because the
ratings may have changed, you may want to obtain current ratings directly from
rating agencies.

Fitch, Inc.
One State Street Plaza
New York, New York 10004
(212) 908-0500

Moody's Investors Service
99 Church Street
New York, New York 10007
(212) 553-0300

Standard & Poor's Rating Services
55 Water Street
New York, New York 10041
(212) 438-2000


         Current Mortgage Loan and Property Stratification Tables

                                Scheduled Balance

                                                                      % Of
          Scheduled                 # of           Scheduled           Agg.      WAM                       Weighted
           Balance                  Loans            Balance           Bal.      (2)             WAC      Avg DSCR(1)
       Below 1,000,000                 6           4,286,728.24        0.37      122           7.4741      1.620769
    1,000,001 to 2,000,000            59          84,938,837.62        7.29      137           7.5753      1.353576
    2,000,001 to 3,000,000            49         123,410,482.35       10.59      145           7.4242      1.382463
    3,000,001 to 4,000,000            16          56,433,152.78        4.84      123           7.5614      1.833094
    4,000,001 to 5,000,000            22          96,875,102.17        8.32      119           7.4451      1.530096
    5,000,001 to 6,000,000            17          91,239,959.94        7.83      117           7.3068      1.444585
    6,000,001 to 7,000,000            10          63,963,830.05        5.49      101           7.3309      1.442341
    7,000,001 to 8,000,000             6          46,018,889.40        3.95      122           7.1542      1.352609
    8,000,001 to 9,000,000             5          44,538,647.93        3.82      101           7.2616      1.390641
   9,000,001 to 10,000,000             3          28,300,587.28        2.43      139           7.0724      1.338010
   10,000,001 to 15,000,000           15         176,824,983.27       15.18       99           7.4520      1.363180
   15,000,001 to 20,000,000            8         138,767,993.07       11.91      101           7.2485      1.550946
   20,000,001 to 25,000,000            4          92,996,689.00        7.98       98           7.4879      1.375784
    25,000,001 and greater             3         116,277,246.53        9.98      101           7.1012      1.577217
            Totals                   223       1,164,873,129.63      100.00      113           7.3602      1.458723


                          # of            Scheduled       % of                                  Weighted
       State              Props.           Balance         Agg.       WAM            WAC       Avg DSCR(1)
                                                           Bal.       (2)
      Alabama               5           33,515,551.46       2.88      108           7.3388       1.081918
      Arizona               5           23,976,409.63       2.06      103           7.5151       1.366866
     Arkansas               1            3,807,506.16       0.33      190           7.2350            NAP
    California             40          150,534,642.12      12.92      104           7.6745       1.434738
    Connecticut             6           52,681,638.06       4.52      106           7.6665       1.368679
     Delaware               1           22,050,006.80       1.89       99           6.7500       1.930000
      Florida              21           79,889,106.61       6.86      113           7.2953       1.386413
      Georgia              17          113,987,325.11       9.79      103           7.4675       1.269367
      Hawaii                1            6,217,767.55       0.53      103           6.9100       0.970000
     Illinois              10           26,954,581.89       2.31      106           7.0435       1.709414
      Indiana               3           16,331,512.14       1.40      102           7.3587       1.394391
       Iowa                 1            4,011,430.56       0.34      240           8.1100            NAP
      Kansas                4           20,177,936.17       1.73      100           6.7813       1.619004
     Kentucky               4            5,181,336.13       0.44      162           7.4001       1.204982
     Louisiana              2            5,870,693.00       0.50      159           7.8630       2.005352
     Maryland               2            9,437,963.35       0.81      126           7.2557       1.170000
   Massachusetts            6           23,495,815.62       2.02      123           7.6394       1.267484
     Michigan               3           18,105,102.88       1.55      147           7.3928       1.360000
     Minnesota              2           14,105,708.68       1.21       99           6.7711       1.530540
    Mississippi             1            1,148,157.43       0.10      133           7.4100       1.310000
     Missouri               5           27,640,325.33       2.37      106           6.9004       1.659116
     Nebraska               8           11,069,380.52       0.95      103           7.6543       1.563239
      Nevada                5           34,407,133.60       2.95      111           7.6145       1.218013
   New Hampshire            1            2,483,340.52       0.21      238           6.9420            NAP
    New Jersey              7           54,746,308.90       4.70       99           6.7461       1.546274
     New York              16           67,300,875.13       5.78      105           7.7199       1.735282
  North Carolina           21           72,864,853.86       6.26      141           7.3451       1.325603
       Ohio                 5           11,397,550.03       0.98      136           7.7541       1.226508
      Oregon                1            2,598,904.19       0.22      102           7.7500       1.230000
   Pennsylvania             9           63,530,233.44       5.45      110           7.2165       1.335126
   Rhode Island             1            1,046,540.55       0.09      103           8.5000       1.320000
  South Carolina            4           19,366,758.63       1.66      134           8.0979       0.740000
     Tennessee              4           10,460,004.38       0.90      152           7.3235       1.415187
       Texas               14           84,380,936.49       7.24      108           6.8551       1.798036
       Utah                 1            3,265,218.90       0.28      105           7.8500       1.300000
     Virginia              19           37,945,081.28       3.26      164           7.3251       1.754905
    Washington              1           18,414,093.11       1.58       95           7.2130       1.890000
     Wisconsin              3           10,475,399.41       0.90      103           7.8590       1.365212
      Totals              260        1,164,873,129.63     100.00      113           7.3602       1.458723

                                    Note Rate

          Note                # of            Scheduled        % of                                  Weighted
          Rate                Loans            Balance          Agg.       WAM            WAC       Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                Bal.       (2)
     6.749% or Less             18          141,926,340.39      12.18      102           6.5528      1.747362
    6.750% to 6.999%            21          131,060,622.59      11.25      129           6.8231      1.693733
    7.000% to 7.249%            32          176,203,725.03      15.13      116           7.1132      1.558387
    7.250% to 7.499%            58          200,575,868.10      17.22      128           7.3680      1.286896
    7.500% to 7.749%            36          303,946,691.31      26.09      103           7.6199      1.383750
    7.750% to 7.999%            30          109,577,007.07       9.41      107           7.8167      1.359220
    8.000% to 8.249%            13           37,216,510.62       3.19      117           8.0702      1.318856
    8.250% to 8.499%             7           38,208,271.87       3.28      100           8.2700      1.431702
    8.500% to 8.999%             5           19,548,101.65       1.68      114           8.5707      0.942405
   9.000% and greater            3            6,609,991.00       0.57      155           9.3436      1.963629
         Totals                223        1,164,873,129.63     100.00      113           7.3602      1.458723


                                 # of           Scheduled          % of                                 Weighted
          Seasoning              Loans           Balance           Agg.       WAM            WAC       Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                   Bal.       (2)

     12 months or less              0                   0.00        0.00        0           0.0000      0.000000
      13 to 24 months             192       1,001,196,763.11       85.95      109           7.3480      1.461096
      25 to 36 months              31         163,676,366.52       14.05      140           7.4343      1.441048
      37 to 48 months               0                   0.00        0.00        0           0.0000      0.000000
   49 months and greater            0                   0.00        0.00        0           0.0000      0.000000
          Totals                  223       1,164,873,129.63      100.00      113           7.3602      1.458723

                                Debt Service Coverage Ratio(1)

      Debt Service            # of            Scheduled         % of                                 Weighted
     Coverage Ratio           Loans            Balance           Agg.      WAM           WAC        Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                 Bal.      (2)
      Credit Lease              27           76,174,602.88       6.54      212           7.2001            NAP
      1.19 or less              34          239,336,141.94      20.55      107           7.5175       1.067128
      1.20 to 1.24               7           32,919,393.39       2.83      109           7.4787       1.228717
      1.25 to 1.29              19          115,322,786.46       9.90      102           7.5340       1.267953
      1.30 to 1.34              40           94,815,446.70       8.14      123           7.4783       1.315097
      1.35 to 1.39              11           65,122,163.18       5.59      102           7.5324       1.364006
      1.40 to 1.44              13           75,713,101.87       6.50       99           7.0628       1.425856
      1.45 to 1.49              12           91,430,728.49       7.85      102           7.6019       1.475036
      1.55 to 1.59              10           67,556,527.74       5.80      108           7.6977       1.571438
      1.60 to 1.69              10           37,550,385.74       3.22      102           7.4142       1.637810
    1.7 and greater             35          240,812,142.29      20.67      108           7.0175       1.991518
         Totals                223        1,164,873,129.63     100.00      113           7.3602       1.458723

                                               Property Type

         Property             # of           Scheduled         % of                                 Weighted
          Type                Loans           Balance           Agg.     WAM             WAC       Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                Bal.     (2)
      Health Care               9          24,129,963.56        2.07      111           7.7369      1.743249
      Industrial               13          36,754,617.53        3.16      103           7.6834      1.446414
        Lodging                27         183,489,151.54       15.75      121           7.2284      1.553650
       Mixed Use                9          42,821,669.17        3.68      103           7.6559      1.493888
   Mobile Home Park             3           9,319,339.96        0.80      101           7.5680      1.227864
     Multi-Family              85         361,936,324.54       31.07      109           7.4530      1.268781
        Office                 23         148,484,074.70       12.75       99           7.5725      1.513949
         Other                  1           1,375,258.98        0.12      273           7.7500           NAP
        Retail                 89         354,624,407.93       30.44      122           7.1428      1.586755
     Self Storage               1           1,938,321.72        0.17      103           7.3750      1.900000
        Totals                260       1,164,873,129.63      100.00      113           7.3602      1.458723

                           Anticipated Remaining Term (ARD and Balloon Loans)

      Anticipated             # of            Scheduled         % of                                  Weighted
    Remaining Term(2)         Loans            Balance           Agg.      WAM            WAC        Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                 Bal.      (2)
   108 months or less          154          986,906,867.61      84.72      100           7.3734       1.454479
   109 to 120 months             1           12,000,000.00       1.03      109           6.8600       1.850000
   121 to 156 months            29           48,293,164.99       4.15      139           7.3392       1.303201
   157 to 216 months             7           23,080,764.81       1.98      187           7.2112            NAP
   217 to 240 months             6           19,855,214.25       1.70      233           7.1266            NAP
   241 to 252 months             0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
   253 to 300 months             0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
    301 and greater              0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
         Totals                197        1,090,136,011.66      93.58      106           7.3583       1.452035

                             Remaining Stated Term (Fully Amortizing Loans)

       Remaining               # of            Scheduled        % of                                  Weighted
      Stated Term              Loans            Balance          Agg.     WAM            WAC         Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                 Bal.     (2)
   108 months or less            0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
   109 to 120 months             0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
   121 to 156 months             3            5,225,579.47       0.45      153           7.5205       1.410000
   157 to 216 months             6           21,950,922.72       1.88      203           7.4688       1.572826
   217 to 240 months            13           39,937,077.54       3.43      226           7.2794       1.810709
   241 to 252 months             0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
   253 to 300 months             2            4,594,106.99       0.39      277           7.3997       1.590000
    301 and greater              2            3,029,431.25       0.26      335           7.9753       1.078267
         Totals                 26           74,737,117.97       6.42      222           7.3875       1.627495

                    Remaining Amortization Term (ARD and Balloon Loans)

      Remaining                # of           Scheduled         % of                                 Weighted
   Amortization Term           Loans            Balance          Agg.      WAM           WAC        Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                 Bal.      (2)
   180 months or less            0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
   181 to 228 months            10           26,139,251.52       2.24      115           7.4824       1.505283
   229 to 240 months             0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
   241 to 264 months             7           25,839,216.51       2.22      196           7.1352            NAP
   265 to 288 months            62          262,179,474.27      22.51      109           7.3317       1.468297
   289 to 300 months             3           13,652,955.13       1.17      146           6.9795       1.280000
   301 to 348 months           115          762,325,114.23      65.44      101           7.3775       1.446994
    349 and greater              0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000       0.000000
         Totals                197        1,090,136,011.66      93.58      106           7.3583       1.452035

                           Age of Most Recent NOI

         Age of Most               # of            Scheduled         % of                                Weighted
         Recent NOI                Loans            Balance           Agg.     WAM            WAC       Avg DSCR(1)
                                                                      Bal.     (2)
        Credit Lease                 27           76,174,602.88       6.54      212           7.2001           NAP
  Underwriter's Information          28           37,294,277.74       3.20      129           7.5056      1.308368
       1 year or less               167        1,049,571,416.06      90.10      106           7.3651      1.464151
        1 to 2 years                  1            1,832,832.95       0.16      103           8.2500      1.410000
     2 years or greater               0                    0.00       0.00        0           0.0000      0.000000
           Totals                   223        1,164,873,129.63     100.00      113           7.3602      1.458723

(1) The Trustee makes no representations as to the accuracy of the data provided
by the borrower for this calculation. "NAP" means not applicable and relates to
the ommision of credit lease loans in the calculation of DSCR.

(2)Anticipated Remaining Term and WAM are each calculated based upon the term
from the current month to the earlier of the Anticipated Repayment Date, if
applicable, and the maturity date.

(3) Data in this table was calculated by allocating pro-rata the current loan
information to the properties based upon the Cut-off Date balance of each
property as disclosed in the offering document.


                         Mortgage Loan Detail

        Loan                    Property                                                    Interest        Principal   Gross
       Number        ODCR        Type(1)     City                      State                Payment          Payment    Coupon
     480000001         1          LO       Various                    Various              287,630.35       66,834.63    6.75%
     265300078         2        Various    Various                       CA                243,321.53       21,714.28    7.61%
     265999996         3          MF       Newnan                        GA                177,330.14            0.00    7.05%
     480000004         4          LO       Hoover                        AL                152,940.31       34,579.41    7.40%
     480000005         5          OF       Los Angeles                   CA                166,870.23       17,326.66    8.25%
     480000006         6          MF       Smyrna                        GA                146,822.19       12,960.43    7.65%
     480000007         7          RT       Amarillo                      TX                122,870.87       17,835.10    6.57%
     480000008         8          OF       Stamford                      CT                131,294.21       11,573.83    7.72%
     480000009         9          RT       South Plainfield              NJ                107,063.86       15,417.19    6.57%
     480000010         10         RT       Lewisville                    TX                105,742.09       15,226.84    6.57%
     480000011         11         LO       Seattle                       WA                114,520.56       23,673.96    7.21%
     265300024         12         RT       Phoenix                       AZ                108,615.08       10,271.39    7.50%
     265300057         13         MF       Bellflower                    CA                101,010.04        9,465.85    7.50%
     265300050         14         MF       Henderson                     NV                 98,473.00        9,771.44    7.37%
     265300048         15         MF       New York                      NY                100,087.38        8,639.05    7.70%
     265300038         16         MF       Philadelphia                  PA                 95,694.42        8,297.07    7.69%
     480000017         17         RT       Allentown                     PA                 85,194.08       10,788.37    6.95%
     480000018         18         OF       Marlboro                      NJ                 77,505.72       11,489.47    6.50%
     480000019         19         MF       Raleigh                       NC                 85,519.36        9,587.09    7.38%
     265999976         20         LO       Charleston                    SC                 93,474.63       11,204.89    8.50%
     480000021         21         RT       Novi                          MI                 81,225.83        7,210.03    7.60%
     255999863         22         OF       Maryland Heights              MO                 70,886.67            0.00    6.86%
     480000023         23         RT       Philadelphia                  PA                 67,945.45        7,890.07    7.28%
     480000024         24         MF       Roswell                       GA                 69,955.69        6,175.19    7.65%
     480000025         25         MF       Clarkston                     GA                 68,965.71        6,216.93    7.55%
     265300045         26         MF       Various                       CA                 69,352.60        6,147.76    7.63%
     480000027         27         RT       Derby                         CT                 71,054.36        5,803.00    7.88%
     255999598         28         MF       Matawan                       NJ                 64,649.17        6,976.28    7.24%
     480000029         29         MF       Largo                         FL                 66,761.07        5,893.19    7.65%
     480000030         30         OF       New York                      NY                 67,198.01        5,702.17    7.70%
     355132452         31         MF       Charlotte                     NC                 55,850.52       20,483.43    6.80%
     480000032         32         RT       Miami                         FL                 57,794.49        7,065.91    7.05%
     480000033         33         MF       Atlanta                       GA                 58,913.34        6,604.43    7.38%
     480000034         34         RT       Minnetonka                    MN                 50,923.16        7,332.93    6.57%
     480000035         35         MF       Clearwater                    FL                 59,133.09        5,219.86    7.65%
     265300042         36         MF       Las Vegas                     NV                 59,459.25        5,017.85    7.75%
     255999747         37         OF       Various                       PA                 53,253.99        8,649.35    7.00%
     265300018         38         MF       Indianapolis                  IN                 55,928.57        5,742.34    7.34%
     480000039         39         LO       Kissimmee                     FL                 48,070.40        9,708.80    7.00%
     825999751         40         RT       Norwalk                       CT                 50,302.98        8,232.07    7.75%
     480000041         41         RT       Oxnard                        CA                 43,688.18        6,291.09    6.57%
     480000042         42         RT       Wichita                       KS                 43,688.18        6,291.09    6.57%
     480000043         43         MF       Pikesville                    MD                 48,714.36        5,461.09    7.38%
     265300052         44         RT       Auburn                        MA                 47,608.97        4,080.64    7.70%
     265300025         45         RT       Cerritos                      CA                 46,068.92        3,808.41    7.78%
     265300007         46         MF       Various                       IL                 42,270.49        7,111.25    7.47%
     480000047         47         MF       Fayetteville                  NC                 42,861.86        3,863.80    7.55%
     480000048         48         OF       New York                      NY                 40,207.10        4,763.61    7.13%
     265300060         49         OF       New York                      NY                 42,411.60        3,618.83    7.71%
     255999680         50         RT       Lafayette                     IN                 39,678.24        7,280.78    7.38%
     265300016         51         MF       Ewa                           HI                 37,024.28        4,509.68    6.91%
     480000052         52         RT       Manchester                    MO                 35,061.85        5,048.90    6.57%
     255999829         53         RT       Norwalk                       CT                 37,970.17        4,399.99    7.13%
     825999708         54         LO       Raleigh                       NC                 35,399.58            0.00    7.24%
     265999995         55         RT       Mission Viejo                 CA                 40,536.26        3,700.85    7.63%
     255999783         56         LO       Tampa                         FL                 36,112.32        7,162.91    7.10%
     255999600         57         LO       Gastonia                      NC                 36,988.14        6,346.04    7.63%
     480000058         58         RT       Dallas                        TX                 32,000.89        4,608.13    6.57%
     480000059         59         MF       Smyrna                        GA                 37,292.31        3,291.91    7.65%
     265300073         60         MF       Euless                        TX                 33,758.62        3,574.73    7.20%
     480000061         61         MF       Charlotte                     NC                 35,385.21        3,189.81    7.55%
     825999870         62         RT       Chesapeake                    VA                 29,953.09        8,947.68    6.75%
     255999781         63         LO       Sarasota                      FL                 32,380.87        6,422.78    7.10%
     255999950         64         MF       Wallkill                      NY                 34,436.50        3,321.08    7.50%
     265999999         65         HC       New Rochelle                  NY                 41,840.43       14,555.79    9.38%
     255999936         66         MH       Monticello                    MN                 31,402.07        6,123.53    7.13%
     265300066         67         MF       Grand Island                  NE                 33,288.97        3,105.80    7.51%
     265300010         68         OF       Boston                        MA                 34,972.56        4,921.05    7.93%
     480000069         69         RT       Wichita                       KS                 28,800.80        4,147.32    6.57%
     255999917         70         MF       Tallahassee                   FL                 30,073.51        3,561.25    6.88%
     480000071         71         IN       Exton                         PA                 31,204.84        5,658.31    7.25%
     480000072         72         RT       Wichita                       KS                 28,383.40        4,087.21    6.57%
     480000073         73         MF       Cincinnati                    OH                 34,314.93        2,666.81    8.00%
     245114243         74         LO       Alexandria                    VA                 31,145.06        8,162.81    7.38%
     255999833         75         MF       Roselle Park                  NJ                 25,870.47        4,510.06    6.13%
     255999780         76         LO       Knoxville                     TN                 29,684.95        5,888.03    7.10%
     265999981         77         MU       Monroe                        CT                 31,009.49        3,178.93    7.38%
     255999948         78         HC       Macon                         GA                 26,116.53        6,293.41    6.50%
     480000079         79         MF       Lutz                          FL                 28,947.18        2,555.25    7.65%
     255999726         80         HC       Various                       GA                 28,262.36        8,334.06    7.63%
     480000081         81         OF       Wellesley                     MA                 29,298.65        2,375.65    7.80%
     265300033         82         IN       Green Bay                     WI                 29,379.41        2,342.38    7.88%
     480000083         83         IN       Exton                         PA                 26,615.89        4,826.21    7.25%
     480000084         84         RT       Joplin                        MO                 24,209.37        3,486.15    6.57%
     265999978         85         RT       Orange                        CA                 27,770.83            0.00    7.50%
     480000086         86         OF       Atlanta                       GA                 28,734.09        2,336.84    7.90%
     825999709         87         LO       Hilton Head                   SC                 24,028.80            0.00    7.24%
     265300029         88         OF       Fenton                        MO                 27,256.57        4,110.50    7.73%
     245114242         89         LO       Alexandria                    VA                 25,513.80        6,686.91    7.38%
     265300040         90         RT       Las Vegas                     NV                 28,792.82        3,651.90    8.25%
     480000091         91         OF       Pasadena                      CA                 27,643.81        2,212.20    7.92%
     825999748         92         RT       Davenport                     IA                 27,145.41        5,152.59    8.11%
     255999954         93         RT       San Diego                     CA                 25,216.60        2,752.63    7.25%
     480000094         94         MF       Marietta                      GA                 26,600.11        2,348.07    7.65%
     825999697         95         LO       Little Rock                   AR                 22,956.09            0.00    7.24%
     265300000         96         OF       Bronx                         NY                 26,110.27        2,188.01    7.75%
     265300034         97         IN       Green Bay                     WI                 25,128.60        6,461.74    7.83%
     265300044         98         RT       Flower Mound                  TX                 24,820.81        2,070.57    7.76%
     480000099         99         IN       North Haven                   CT                 24,713.83        2,021.81    7.91%
     480000100        100         IN       Vernon                        CA                 25,002.18        1,831.13    8.02%
     245114332        101         LO       Asheville                     NC                 23,571.56        6,734.48    7.81%
     265300058        102         RT       San Francisco                 CA                 24,860.49        1,781.25    8.09%
     480000103        103         RT       Baton Rouge                   LA                 24,533.47        1,637.93    8.20%
     255999931        104         RT       Scarsdale & New Ro            NY                 20,750.96        2,534.63    7.00%
     480000105        105         RT       Philadelphia                  PA                 19,720.09        2,656.54    6.75%
     480000106        106         OF       Draper                        UT                 22,083.80        1,750.08    7.85%
     255999965        107         MF       Boone                         NC                 20,118.76        3,733.87    7.25%
     255999563        108         HC       Statesville                   NC                 19,393.79        2,333.63    7.13%
     825999678        109         LO       Sparks                        NV                 17,967.97            0.00    7.24%
     480000110        110         OF       Southborough                  MA                 18,139.89       11,035.02    7.13%
     825999696        111         LO       Mobile                        AL                 17,485.25            0.00    7.24%
     255999804        112         HC       Burlington                    NC                 18,348.78        2,275.60    7.00%
     825999591        113         RT       Commerce Township             MI                 17,311.29        3,994.60    6.94%
     265300069        114         MU       Savannah                      GA                 22,312.74        2,351.57    8.75%
     480000115        115         OF       Las Vegas                     NV                 20,446.42        1,566.52    8.00%
     480000116        116         OF       Carpinteria                   CA                 19,398.60        1,663.92    7.75%
     265999979        117         MF       Denton                        TX                 20,001.59        1,571.09    8.00%
     255999650        118         RT       Ft. Meyers                    FL                 16,462.50        5,711.05    7.00%
     825999914        119         RT       Colleyville                   TX                 15,190.74        6,319.26    6.70%
     265300074        120         MF       Fort Worth                    TX                 17,827.57        1,692.95    7.47%
     480000121        121         MF       Charlotte                     NC                 17,918.19        1,615.24    7.55%
     825999588        122         RT       Holland                       MI                 15,712.48        3,625.67    6.94%
     245114238        123         LO       Fredericksburg                VA                 16,778.36        4,397.44    7.38%
     265300081        124         MF       Los Angeles                   CA                 17,806.12        2,104.50    7.75%
     825999906        125         RT       Pembroke Pines                FL                 14,573.20        6,080.45    6.75%
     25-5999947       126         LO       Richmond                      VA                 15,351.41        5,379.56    6.88%
     825999874        127         RT       York                          PA                 14,998.48        6,248.66    7.02%
     265999982        128         RT       Medford                       OR                 17,361.79        2,654.42    7.75%
     255999933        129         MF       Orange                        NJ                 17,274.55        1,502.62    7.75%
     255999782        130         LO       Mobile                        AL                 15,622.09        3,098.66    7.10%
     265300008        131         MF       St. Augustine Beach           FL                 16,138.99        1,685.85    7.30%
     825114249        132         RT       Franklin                      TN                 14,787.35        5,477.00    7.13%
     265300041        133         MU       Lawrenceville                 GA                 17,478.28        1,306.09    8.00%
     825114317        134         RT       Yarmouth                      MA                 15,465.94        2,972.55    7.38%
     825999895        135         RT       Dallas                        TX                 13,910.59        5,758.08    6.75%
     265300013        136         MF       San Francisco                 CA                 16,154.27        2,690.01    7.50%
     825999574        137         RT       Claremont                     NH                 14,383.99        3,088.20    6.94%
     265300064        138         MF       North Platte                  NE                 16,151.55        1,506.91    7.51%
     265300062        139         MH       Ranch Mirage                  CA                 16,657.69        1,395.90    7.75%
     265300028        140         MF       Grand Prairie                 TX                 15,827.19        1,577.82    7.38%
     265300055        141         IN       Phoenix                       AZ                 16,277.35        1,443.30    7.64%
     245114237        142         LO       Shreveport                    LA                 15,253.61        3,997.81    7.38%
     265300032        143         IN       Green Bay                     WI                 16,452.47        1,311.73    7.88%
     265300017        144         MF       Phoenix                       AZ                 15,386.24        1,556.02    7.38%
     825999929        145         RT       Oviedo                        FL                 13,103.21        5,012.46    6.69%
     265300035        146         MF       Topeka                        KS                 17,053.62        2,070.08    8.38%
     825999592        147         RT       Ironton                       OH                 13,574.02        2,914.29    6.94%
     480000148        148         RT       Various                       NY                 15,513.74        1,228.11    7.88%
     265999990        149         MF       Arlington                     VA                 14,994.13        1,304.25    7.75%
     245114239        150         LO       Charlotte                     NC                 14,032.59        3,677.80    7.38%
     255999890        151         MU       Livingston                    NJ                 13,308.26        2,651.73    7.04%
     265999998        152         MF       Los Angeles                   CA                 13,790.68        1,404.17    7.38%
     265300019        153         RT       Commack                       NY                 14,815.65        2,043.46    8.05%
     265300047        154         RT       Copperas Cove                 TX                 14,604.27        1,111.76    7.96%
     255999651        155         RT       Montgomery                    AL                 12,375.65        4,293.28    7.00%
     480000156        156         OF       Pasadena                      CA                 14,677.67        1,010.44    8.19%
     255999966        157         RT       East Northport                NY                 12,243.12        1,552.39    6.88%
     265300022        158         MF       Nashville                     TN                 12,873.98        1,343.51    7.27%
     265300014        159         HC       Woodstock                     VA                 14,024.27        1,325.95    8.25%
     265300020        160         SS       Charlottesville               VA                 12,332.72        3,626.62    7.38%
     245114188        161         MF       Long Branch                   NJ                 12,609.88        1,333.35    7.47%
     255999988        162         MF       Radford                       VA                 11,465.88        1,466.16    6.88%
     265300051        163         MF       Chesapeake                    VA                 13,642.89        1,656.07    8.38%
     265999993        164         IN       North Miami                   FL                 12,127.54        2,321.90    7.75%
     265999991        165         IN       Margate                       FL                 12,029.62        1,474.75    7.75%
     265999975        166         MF       Omaha                         NE                 13,319.13          879.02    8.38%
     265300026        167         HC       Charlottesville               VA                 13,026.94          871.49    8.25%
     815114264        168         RT       Tallahassee                   FL                 10,825.77        3,560.00    7.25%
     825999776        169         RT       Lansdowne                     MD                  9,979.62        4,076.55    6.74%
     480000170        170         RT       Winter Park                   FL                 10,101.28        1,430.27    6.63%
     255999603        171         LO       Asheville                     NC                 12,094.65        3,129.74    8.15%
     265300049        172         MH       Hamilton                      OH                 12,730.35        1,403.07    8.63%
     255999951        173         MF       New Windsor                   NY                 10,696.23        1,114.32    7.38%
     255999856        174         RT       Wilson                        NC                 10,629.80        1,899.57    7.41%
     825999949        175         RT       Tarboro                       NC                  9,780.73        3,216.56    7.13%
     265999977        176         RT       New York                      NY                 11,572.56        1,582.37    8.12%
     265300065        177         MF       Norfolk                       NE                 10,242.76          955.63    7.51%
     265300039        178         MF       Sarasota                      FL                 10,969.01        1,464.96    8.08%
     255999846        179         RT       Santa Rosa                    CA                  9,779.42        1,747.60    7.41%
     825999797        180         RT       Rocky Mount                   VA                  8,685.09        2,337.49    7.00%
     265300063        181         MF       Marietta                      GA                 10,311.67          788.62    7.95%
     245114240        182         LO       Mount Sterling                KY                  9,355.06        2,451.87    7.38%
     255999850        183         RT       Riverside                     CA                  9,460.52        1,690.62    7.41%
     265999983        184         MF       Bronx                         NY                  9,886.24          859.94    7.75%
     255999848        185         RT       Richmond                      VA                  9,354.23        1,671.61    7.41%
     255999987        186         MF       Radford                       VA                  8,338.82        1,066.30    6.88%
     255999859        187         RT       Garner                        NC                  8,929.03        1,595.64    7.41%
     255999727        188         MF       Lowell                        MA                  8,731.47          885.56    7.32%
     265300056        189         IN       Phoenix                       AZ                  9,115.32          808.24    7.64%
     825999800        190         OT       Rock Hill                     SC                  8,888.41        1,011.59    7.75%
     255999852        191         RT       Fresno                        CA                  8,397.54        1,500.66    7.41%
     265999994        192         IN       Margate                       FL                  8,399.89        1,608.22    7.75%
     825114352        193         RT       Greenville                    SC                  7,426.26        4,188.97    7.13%
     255999843        194         RT       Forsyth                       IL                  8,078.65        1,443.67    7.41%
     255999838        195         RT       Owensboro                     KY                  8,078.65        1,443.67    7.41%
     255999839        196         RT       Peru                          IL                  8,078.65        1,443.67    7.41%
     255999860        197         RT       Dothan                        AL                  7,972.35        1,424.68    7.41%
     255999847        198         RT       Evansville                    IN                  7,972.35        1,424.68    7.41%
     255999842        199         RT       Hopkinsville                  KY                  7,866.05        1,405.68    7.41%
     255999844        200         RT       Tallahassee                   FL                  7,866.05        1,405.68    7.41%
     255999849        201         RT       Visalia                       CA                  7,866.05        1,405.68    7.41%
     255999841        202         RT       Pikeville                     KY                  7,759.76        1,386.68    7.41%
     255999837        203         RT       Albany                        GA                  7,653.46        1,367.68    7.41%
     255999855        204         RT       Heath                         OH                  7,653.46        1,367.68    7.41%
     255999845        205         RT       Marion                        IL                  7,653.46        1,367.68    7.41%
     255999836        206         RT       Temple                        TX                  7,547.16        1,348.69    7.41%
     255999858        207         RT       Zanesville                    OH                  7,440.86        1,329.70    7.41%
     255999851        208         RT       Fresno                        CA                  7,334.56        1,310.70    7.41%
     255999857        209         RT       Jackson                       MS                  7,334.56        1,310.70    7.41%
     255999840        210         RT       Modesto                       CA                  7,228.27        1,291.70    7.41%
     255999853        211         RT       Champaign                     IL                  7,015.67        1,253.71    7.41%
     255999854        212         RT       Sanford                       NC                  6,909.37        1,234.72    7.41%
     255999830        213         RT       Moberly                       MO                  6,909.37        1,234.72    7.41%
     895096319        214         MF       Knoxville                     TN                  7,944.07          684.21    8.90%
     265300027        215         RT       Pawtucket                     RI                  7,672.22        1,656.88    8.50%
     805114051        216         RT       Ormond Beach                  FL                  7,877.52        2,469.01    9.13%
     255999970        217         MF       Radford                       VA                  6,254.12          799.72    6.88%
     825999672        218         LO       Lumberton                     NC                  5,899.93            0.00    7.24%
     265300054        219         IN       Phoenix                       AZ                  5,859.85          519.58    7.64%
     255999986        220         MF       Radford                       VA                  4,508.17          576.46    6.88%
     265300031        221         MF       Corpus Christi                TX                  4,791.94          452.17    7.50%
     255999969        222         MF       Radford                       VA                  3,005.44          384.31    6.88%
     265300012        223         RT       Douglasville                  GA                  3,341.99          275.11    9.50%
      Totals                                                                             7,358,601.52      993,885.24

  Loan                Anticipated                    Neg               Beginning            Ending            Paid
  Number               Repayment      Maturity      Amort              Scheduled           Scheduled          Thru
                         Date          Date         (Y/N)               Balance             Balance           Date
     480000001        11/10/2008     11/10/2023       N              49,484,791.02        49,417,956.39    08/01/2000
     265300078           N/A         04/01/2009       N              37,131,004.42        37,109,290.14    08/01/2000
     265999996           N/A         01/01/2009       N              29,750,000.00        29,750,000.00    08/01/2000
     480000004           N/A         06/10/2008       N              24,801,131.67        24,766,552.26    08/01/2000
     480000005           N/A         10/01/2008       N              24,272,033.25        24,254,706.59    08/01/2000
     480000006           N/A         03/10/2009       N              22,287,998.04        22,275,037.61    08/01/2000
     480000007        11/10/2008     11/10/2028       N              21,718,227.64        21,700,392.54    08/01/2000
     480000008           N/A         12/10/2008       N              19,750,090.29        19,738,516.46    08/01/2000
     480000009        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N              18,924,235.29        18,908,818.10    08/01/2000
     480000010        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N              18,690,602.95        18,675,376.11    08/01/2000
     480000011        07/10/2008     11/10/2023       N              18,437,767.07        18,414,093.11    08/01/2000
     265300024           N/A         03/01/2009       N              16,817,818.31        16,807,546.92    08/01/2000
     265300057           N/A         04/01/2009       N              15,640,264.19        15,630,798.34    08/01/2000
     265300050           N/A         04/01/2009       N              15,516,383.63        15,506,612.19    08/01/2000
     265300048           N/A         03/01/2009       N              15,094,870.89        15,086,231.84    08/01/2000
     265300038           N/A         03/01/2009       N              14,451,105.63        14,442,808.56    08/01/2000
     480000017        08/10/2008     08/10/2028       N              14,235,259.73        14,224,471.36    08/01/2000
     480000018           N/A         12/10/2005       N              13,847,176.03        13,835,686.56    08/01/2000
     480000019           N/A         04/10/2009       N              13,466,142.77        13,456,555.68    08/01/2000
     265999976           N/A         12/01/2008       N              12,770,727.96        12,759,523.07    08/01/2000
     480000021           N/A         05/10/2009       N              12,411,417.80        12,404,207.77    08/01/2000
     255999863           N/A         09/01/2009       N              12,000,000.00        12,000,000.00    08/01/2000
     480000023           N/A         03/10/2013       N              10,845,965.24        10,838,075.17    08/01/2000
     480000024           N/A         03/10/2009       N              10,619,459.16        10,613,283.97    08/01/2000
     480000025           N/A         06/10/2009       N              10,607,841.91        10,601,624.98    08/01/2000
     265300045           N/A         04/01/2009       N              10,562,427.01        10,556,279.25    08/01/2000
     480000027           N/A         01/10/2004       N              10,478,062.18        10,472,259.18    08/01/2000
     255999598        01/01/2009     01/21/2029       N              10,369,675.53        10,362,699.25    08/01/2000
     480000029           N/A         03/10/2009       N              10,134,507.17        10,128,613.98    08/01/2000
     480000030           N/A         05/10/2009       N              10,134,596.66        10,128,894.49    08/01/2000
     355132452           N/A         08/01/2018       N               9,538,038.99         9,517,555.56    08/01/2000
     480000032           N/A         07/10/2008       N               9,520,025.90         9,512,959.99    08/01/2000
     480000033           N/A         04/10/2009       N               9,276,676.16         9,270,071.73    08/01/2000
     480000034        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               9,001,000.88         8,993,667.95    08/01/2000
     480000035           N/A         03/10/2009       N               8,976,560.42         8,971,340.56    08/01/2000
     265300042           N/A         03/01/2009       N               8,909,606.69         8,904,588.84    08/01/2000
     255999747           N/A         07/01/2008       N               8,834,762.49         8,826,113.14    08/01/2000
     265300018           N/A         02/01/2009       N               8,848,679.78         8,842,937.44    08/01/2000
     480000039           N/A         11/10/2008       N               7,974,812.99         7,965,104.19    08/01/2000
     825999751           N/A         01/01/2019       N               7,788,848.48         7,780,616.41    08/01/2000
     480000041        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               7,722,170.13         7,715,879.04    08/01/2000
     480000042        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               7,722,170.13         7,715,879.04    08/01/2000
     480000043           N/A         04/10/2009       N               7,670,713.93         7,665,252.84    08/01/2000
     265300052           N/A         04/01/2009       N               7,180,238.52         7,176,157.88    08/01/2000
     265300025           N/A         04/01/2009       N               6,876,527.81         6,872,719.40    08/01/2000
     265300007           N/A         02/01/2009       N               6,571,393.50         6,564,282.25    08/01/2000
     480000047           N/A         06/10/2009       N               6,592,724.16         6,588,860.36    08/01/2000
     480000048           N/A         07/10/2008       N               6,553,279.29         6,548,515.68    08/01/2000
     265300060           N/A         04/01/2009       N               6,388,091.10         6,384,472.27    08/01/2000
     255999680           N/A         07/01/2008       N               6,247,858.47         6,240,577.69    08/01/2000
     265300016           N/A         03/01/2009       N               6,222,277.23         6,217,767.55    08/01/2000
     480000052        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               6,197,410.45         6,192,361.55    08/01/2000
     255999829           N/A         10/01/2008       N               6,188,686.78         6,184,286.79    08/01/2000
     825999708           N/A         06/01/2016       N               5,871,388.00         5,871,388.00    08/01/2000
     265999995           N/A         01/01/2009       N               6,173,687.36         6,169,986.51    08/01/2000
     255999783           N/A         09/01/2008       N               5,906,603.91         5,899,441.00    08/01/2000
     255999600           N/A         06/01/2008       N               5,633,306.74         5,626,960.70    08/01/2000
     480000058        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               5,656,366.65         5,651,758.52    08/01/2000
     480000059           N/A         03/10/2009       N               5,661,072.29         5,657,780.38    08/01/2000
     265300073           N/A         05/01/2009       N               5,444,938.38         5,441,363.65    08/01/2000
     480000061           N/A         06/10/2009       N               5,442,715.12         5,439,525.31    08/01/2000
     825999870           N/A         10/01/2018       N               5,324,994.27         5,316,046.59    08/01/2000
     255999781           N/A         09/01/2008       N               5,296,280.70         5,289,857.92    08/01/2000
     255999950           N/A         01/01/2009       N               5,332,103.57         5,328,782.49    08/01/2000
     265999999           N/A         01/01/2014       N               5,182,814.77         5,168,258.98    08/01/2000
     255999936           N/A         10/01/2008       N               5,118,164.26         5,112,040.73    08/01/2000
     265300066           N/A         04/01/2009       N               5,147,557.26         5,144,451.46    08/01/2000
     265300010           N/A         04/01/2009       N               5,121,474.46         5,116,553.41    08/01/2000
     480000069        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               5,090,729.94         5,086,582.62    08/01/2000
     255999917           N/A         10/01/2008       N               5,079,865.37         5,076,304.12    08/01/2000
     480000071           N/A         02/10/2009       N               4,998,327.72         4,992,669.41    08/01/2000
     480000072        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               5,016,951.27         5,012,864.06    08/01/2000
     480000073           N/A         12/10/2008       N               4,981,198.95         4,978,532.14    08/01/2000
     245114243           N/A         03/01/2020       N               4,904,197.46         4,896,034.65    08/01/2000
     255999833           N/A         11/01/2008       N               4,905,000.52         4,900,490.46    08/01/2000
     255999780           N/A         09/01/2008       N               4,855,329.64         4,849,441.61    08/01/2000
     265999981           N/A         12/01/2008       N               4,882,850.74         4,879,671.81    07/01/2000
     255999948           N/A         10/01/2008       N               4,665,980.66         4,659,687.25    08/01/2000
     480000079           N/A         03/10/2009       N               4,394,259.02         4,391,703.77    08/01/2000
     255999726           N/A         07/01/2008       N               4,304,368.46         4,296,034.40    08/01/2000
     480000081           N/A         05/10/2009       N               4,362,081.99         4,359,706.34    08/01/2000
     265300033           N/A         03/01/2009       N               4,332,448.04         4,330,105.66    08/01/2000
     480000083           N/A         02/10/2009       N               4,263,279.49         4,258,453.28    08/01/2000
     480000084        12/10/2008     12/10/2028       N               4,279,164.33         4,275,678.18    08/01/2000
     265999978           N/A         12/01/2008       N               4,300,000.00         4,300,000.00    08/01/2000
     480000086           N/A         12/10/2008       N               4,223,876.20         4,221,539.36    08/01/2000
     825999709           N/A         06/01/2016       N               3,985,427.02         3,985,427.02    08/01/2000
     265300029           N/A         04/01/2009       N               4,094,798.64         4,090,688.14    08/01/2000
     245114242           N/A         03/01/2020       N               4,017,481.97         4,010,795.06    08/01/2000
     265300040           N/A         03/01/2009       N               4,052,948.46         4,049,296.56    08/01/2000
     480000091           N/A         01/10/2009       N               4,053,345.11         4,051,132.91    08/01/2000
     825999748           N/A         08/01/2020       N               4,016,583.15         4,011,430.56    08/01/2000
     255999954           N/A         11/01/2008       N               4,039,143.59         4,036,390.96    08/01/2000
     480000094           N/A         03/10/2009       N               4,037,967.73         4,035,619.66    08/01/2000
     825999697           N/A         06/01/2016       N               3,807,506.16         3,807,506.16    08/01/2000
     265300000           N/A         04/01/2009       N               3,912,464.56         3,910,276.55    08/01/2000
     265300034           N/A         04/01/2009       N               3,726,896.29         3,720,434.55    08/01/2000
     265300044           N/A         04/01/2009       N               3,714,454.30         3,712,383.73    08/01/2000
     480000099           N/A         11/10/2008       N               3,628,309.22         3,626,287.41    08/01/2000
     480000100           N/A         05/10/2009       N               3,620,298.59         3,618,467.46    08/01/2000
     245114332           N/A         05/01/2008       N               3,504,920.01         3,498,185.53    08/01/2000
     265300058           N/A         04/01/2009       N               3,568,633.93         3,566,852.68    08/01/2000
     480000103           N/A         06/10/2009       N               3,474,448.35         3,472,810.42    08/01/2000
     255999931           N/A         10/01/2008       N               3,442,555.77         3,440,021.14    08/01/2000
     480000105           N/A         11/10/2008       N               3,392,704.17         3,390,047.63    08/01/2000
     480000106           N/A         05/10/2009       N               3,266,968.98         3,265,218.90    08/01/2000
     255999965           N/A         11/01/2023       N               3,222,581.88         3,218,848.01    08/01/2000
     255999563           N/A         05/01/2008       N               3,160,956.88         3,158,623.25    08/01/2000
     825999678           N/A         06/01/2016       N               2,980,174.23         2,980,174.23    08/01/2000
     480000110           N/A         08/10/2013       N               2,956,585.84         2,945,550.82    08/01/2000
     825999696           N/A         06/01/2016       N               2,900,109.84         2,900,109.84    08/01/2000
     255999804           N/A         08/01/2008       N               3,044,037.94         3,041,762.34    08/01/2000
     825999591           N/A         06/01/2020       N               2,992,443.54         2,988,448.94    08/01/2000
     265300069           N/A         04/01/2009       N               2,961,321.98         2,958,970.41    08/01/2000
     480000115           N/A         02/10/2009       N               2,968,028.30         2,966,461.78    08/01/2000
     480000116           N/A         02/10/2009       N               2,906,761.85         2,905,097.93    08/01/2000
     265999979           N/A         11/01/2008       N               2,903,457.33         2,901,886.24    08/01/2000
     255999650           N/A         08/01/2013       N               2,731,105.75         2,725,394.70    08/01/2000
     825999914           N/A         11/01/2018       N               2,720,730.32         2,714,411.06    08/01/2000
     265300074           N/A         04/01/2009       N               2,771,484.04         2,769,791.09    08/01/2000
     480000121           N/A         06/10/2009       N               2,756,056.17         2,754,440.93    08/01/2000
     825999588           N/A         06/01/2020       N               2,716,071.84         2,712,446.17    08/01/2000
     245114238           N/A         03/01/2020       N               2,641,972.65         2,637,575.21    08/01/2000
     265300081           N/A         05/01/2009       N               2,668,139.25         2,666,034.75    07/01/2000
     825999906           N/A         09/01/2018       N               2,590,791.85         2,584,711.40    08/01/2000
     25-5999947          N/A         11/01/2008       N               2,593,082.20         2,587,702.64    08/01/2000
     825999874           N/A         12/01/2013       N               2,563,843.55         2,557,594.89    08/01/2000
     265999982           N/A         02/01/2009       N               2,601,558.61         2,598,904.19    08/01/2000
     255999933           N/A         12/01/2008       N               2,588,486.29         2,586,983.67    08/01/2000
     255999782           N/A         09/01/2008       N               2,555,180.40         2,552,081.74    08/01/2000
     265300008           N/A         02/01/2009       N               2,567,403.76         2,565,717.91    08/01/2000
     825114249           N/A         12/01/2018       N               2,490,501.76         2,485,024.76    08/01/2000
     265300041           N/A         04/01/2009       N               2,537,170.16         2,535,864.07    08/01/2000
     825114317           N/A         01/01/2019       N               2,516,491.15         2,513,518.60    08/01/2000
     825999895           N/A         10/01/2018       N               2,472,993.35         2,467,235.27    08/01/2000
     265300013           N/A         02/01/2009       N               2,501,306.46         2,498,616.45    08/01/2000
     825999574           N/A         06/01/2020       N               2,486,428.72         2,483,340.52    08/01/2000
     265300064           N/A         04/01/2009       N               2,497,555.23         2,496,048.32    08/01/2000
     265300062           N/A         04/01/2009       N               2,496,053.28         2,494,657.38    08/01/2000
     265300028           N/A         03/01/2009       N               2,492,198.01         2,490,620.19    08/01/2000
     265300055           N/A         03/01/2009       N               2,474,179.72         2,472,736.42    08/01/2000
     245114237           N/A         03/01/2020       N               2,401,880.39         2,397,882.58    08/01/2000
     265300032           N/A         03/01/2009       N               2,426,170.93         2,424,859.20    08/01/2000
     265300017           N/A         02/01/2009       N               2,422,764.66         2,421,208.64    08/01/2000
     825999929           N/A         08/01/2018       N               2,351,230.38         2,346,217.92    08/01/2000
     265300035           N/A         03/01/2009       N               2,364,680.53         2,362,610.45    08/01/2000
     825999592           N/A         06/01/2020       N               2,346,415.76         2,343,501.47    08/01/2000
     480000148           N/A         04/10/2009       N               2,287,739.84         2,286,511.73    08/01/2000
     265999990           N/A         12/01/2008       N               2,246,778.53         2,245,474.28    08/01/2000
     245114239           N/A         03/01/2020       N               2,209,615.09         2,205,937.29    08/01/2000
     255999890           N/A         11/01/2008       N               2,195,277.11         2,192,625.38    08/01/2000
     265999998           N/A         01/01/2009       N               2,171,523.89         2,170,119.72    08/01/2000
     265300019           N/A         02/01/2009       N               2,137,301.25         2,135,257.79    08/01/2000
     265300047           N/A         04/01/2009       N               2,130,628.47         2,129,516.71    08/01/2000
     255999651           N/A         08/01/2013       N               2,053,103.89         2,048,810.61    08/01/2000
     480000156           N/A         03/10/2009       N               2,081,201.18         2,080,190.74    08/01/2000
     255999966           N/A         12/01/2008       N               2,068,045.47         2,066,493.08    08/01/2000
     265300022           N/A         03/01/2009       N               2,056,455.75         2,055,112.24    08/01/2000
     265300014           N/A         02/01/2009       N               1,974,090.34         1,972,764.39    08/01/2000
     265300020           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,941,948.34         1,938,321.72    08/01/2000
     245114188           N/A         03/01/2028       N               1,960,338.83         1,959,005.48    08/01/2000
     255999988           N/A         11/01/2008       N               1,936,759.36         1,935,293.20    08/01/2000
     265300051           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,891,744.42         1,890,088.35    07/01/2000
     265999993           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,877,812.41         1,875,490.51    08/01/2000
     265999991           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,862,650.47         1,861,175.72    08/01/2000
     265999975           N/A         11/01/2008       N               1,846,851.60         1,845,972.58    08/01/2000
     265300026           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,833,704.44         1,832,832.95    08/01/2000
     815114264           N/A         05/01/2018       N               1,791,851.40         1,788,291.40    08/01/2000
     825999776           N/A         12/01/2018       N               1,776,787.06         1,772,710.51    08/01/2000
     480000170           N/A         11/10/2008       N               1,769,309.19         1,767,878.92    08/01/2000
     255999603           N/A         06/01/2008       N               1,723,361.67         1,720,231.93    08/01/2000
     265300049           N/A         04/01/2009       N               1,714,044.92         1,712,641.85    08/01/2000
     255999951           N/A         10/01/2005       N               1,684,262.10         1,683,147.78    08/01/2000
     255999856           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,665,895.67         1,663,996.10    08/01/2000
     825999949           N/A         07/01/2018       N               1,647,280.57         1,644,064.01    08/01/2000
     265999977           N/A         12/01/2008       N               1,655,061.11         1,653,478.74    08/01/2000
     265300065           N/A         04/01/2009       N               1,583,863.79         1,582,908.16    08/01/2000
     265300039           N/A         04/01/2009       N               1,576,511.03         1,575,046.07    08/01/2000
     255999846           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,532,624.03         1,530,876.43    08/01/2000
     825999797           N/A         05/01/2018       N               1,488,872.34         1,486,534.85    08/01/2000
     265300063           N/A         04/01/2009       N               1,506,269.63         1,505,481.01    08/01/2000
     245114240           N/A         03/01/2020       N               1,473,076.61         1,470,624.74    08/01/2000
     255999850           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,482,647.13         1,480,956.51    08/01/2000
     265999983           N/A         12/01/2008       N               1,481,392.51         1,480,532.57    08/01/2000
     255999848           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,465,988.30         1,464,316.69    08/01/2000
     255999987           N/A         11/01/2008       N               1,408,552.24         1,407,485.94    08/01/2000
     255999859           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,399,352.37         1,397,756.73    08/01/2000
     255999727           N/A         04/01/2009       N               1,385,214.13         1,384,328.57    08/01/2000
     265300056           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,385,540.70         1,384,732.46    08/01/2000
     825999800           N/A         05/01/2023       N               1,376,270.57         1,375,258.98    08/01/2000
     255999852           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,316,057.62         1,314,556.96    08/01/2000
     265999994           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,300,628.48         1,299,020.26    08/01/2000
     825114352           N/A         01/01/2013       N               1,250,738.53         1,246,549.56    08/01/2000
     255999843           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,266,080.71         1,264,637.04    08/01/2000
     255999838           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,266,080.71         1,264,637.04    08/01/2000
     255999839           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,266,080.71         1,264,637.04    08/01/2000
     255999860           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,249,421.69         1,247,997.01    08/01/2000
     255999847           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,249,421.69         1,247,997.01    08/01/2000
     255999842           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,232,762.86         1,231,357.18    08/01/2000
     255999844           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,232,762.86         1,231,357.18    08/01/2000
     255999849           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,232,762.85         1,231,357.17    08/01/2000
     255999841           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,216,103.85         1,214,717.17    08/01/2000
     255999837           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,199,445.03         1,198,077.35    08/01/2000
     255999855           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,199,445.03         1,198,077.35    08/01/2000
     255999845           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,199,445.03         1,198,077.35    08/01/2000
     255999836           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,182,785.98         1,181,437.29    08/01/2000
     255999858           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,166,126.92         1,164,797.22    08/01/2000
     255999851           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,149,468.13         1,148,157.43    08/01/2000
     255999857           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,149,468.13         1,148,157.43    08/01/2000
     255999840           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,132,809.08         1,131,517.38    08/01/2000
     255999853           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,099,491.24         1,098,237.53    08/01/2000
     255999854           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,082,832.18         1,081,597.46    08/01/2000
     255999830           N/A         09/01/2011       N               1,082,832.18         1,081,597.46    08/01/2000
     895096319           N/A         02/01/2029       N               1,071,109.98         1,070,425.77    08/01/2000
     265300027           N/A         03/01/2009       N               1,048,197.43         1,046,540.55    08/01/2000
     805114051           N/A         12/01/2012       N               1,035,948.10         1,033,479.09    08/01/2000
     255999970           N/A         11/01/2008       N               1,056,414.21         1,055,614.49    08/01/2000
     825999672           N/A         06/01/2016       N                 978,564.67           978,564.67    08/01/2000
     265300054           N/A         03/01/2009       N                 890,704.77           890,185.19    08/01/2000
     255999986           N/A         11/01/2008       N                 761,496.58           760,920.12    08/01/2000
     265300031           N/A         03/01/2009       N                 741,977.35           741,525.18    08/01/2000
     255999969           N/A         11/01/2008       N                 507,664.46           507,280.15    08/01/2000
     265300012           N/A         02/01/2009       N                 408,528.04           408,252.93    08/01/2000
      Totals                                                      1,165,867,014.87     1,164,873,129.63

                      Appraisal               Appraisal                  Res              Mod
                      Reduction               Reduction                 Strat.            Code
                         Date                   Amount                    (2)              (3)

Totals                                            0.00
(1) Property Type Code

SS- Self Storage
MF- Multi-Family
RT- Retail
HC- Health Care
IN- Industrial
WH- Warehouse
MH- Mobile Home Park
OF- Office
LO- Lodging
MU- Mixed Use
OT- Other

(2) Resolution Strategy Code
1- Modification
2- Foreclosure
3- Bankruptcy
4- Extension
5- Note Sale
6- DPO
7- REO
8- Resolved
9- Pending Return to Master Server
10- Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure
11- Full Payoff
12- Reps and Warranties
13- Other or TBD

(3) Modification Code
1- Maturity Date Extension
2- Amortization Change
3- Principal Write-Off
4- Combination


Principal Prepayment Detail

No Principal Prepayments this Period

                            Historical Detail


Distribution         30-59 Days         60-89 Days       90 Days or More       Foreclosure        REO              Modifications
Date                 #       Balance    #      Balance   #     Balance         #      Balance     #     Balance    #     Balance
08/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
07/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
06/16/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
05/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
04/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
03/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
02/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
01/18/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
12/17/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
11/18/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
10/18/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00
09/17/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00     0       $0.00        0       $0.00      0       $0.00    0       $0.00


Distribution         Curtailments           Payoff
Date                 #     Amount         #    Amount
08/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
07/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
06/16/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
05/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
04/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
03/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
02/17/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
01/18/2000            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
12/17/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
11/18/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
10/18/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00
09/17/1999            0       $0.00      0       $0.00

Rate and Maturities

Distribution      Next Weighted Avg.             WAM
Date              Coupon        Remit
08/17/2000        7.360171%     7.285750%        113
07/17/2000        7.360136%     7.285719%        114
06/16/2000        7.360108%     7.285690%        115
05/17/2000        7.360044%     7.285604%        116
04/17/2000        7.360015%     7.285579%        117
03/17/2000        7.359981%     7.285547%        118
02/17/2000        7.359958%     7.285528%        119
01/18/2000        7.359924%     7.285497%        120
12/17/1999        7.359889%     7.285465%        121
11/18/1999        7.359823%     7.285366%        122
10/18/1999        7.359789%     7.285335%        123
09/17/1999        7.359760%     7.285310%        124

Note: Foreclosure and REO Totals are excluded from the delinquencies aging


                        Delinquency Loan Detail

                      Offering         # of                             Current        Outstanding   Status of
     Loan Number      Document         Months         Paid Through       P & I            P & I       Mortgage
                   Cross-Reference     Delinq.            Date          Advances         Advances**    Loan(1)
     265999981            77             0              07/01/2000      33,944.28         33,944.28      B
     265300081           124             0              07/01/2000      19,777.22         19,777.22      B
     265300051           163             0              07/01/2000      15,204.38         15,204.38      B
       Totals             3                                             68,925.88         68,925.88

                     Resolution                                     Actual           Outstanding        Bank-          REO
    Loan Number       Strategy      Servicing     Foreclosure      Principal          Servicing         ruptcy         date
                       Code(2)    Transfer Date      Date           Balance            Advances          Date
     265999981                                                    4,882,850.74          0.00
     265300081                                                    2,668,139.25          0.00
     265300051                                                    1,891,744.42          0.00
       Totals                                                     9,442,734.41          0.00

                                        Current       Outstanding        Actual           Outstanding
                                         P & I          P & I           Principal          Servicing
                                        Advances       Advances          Balance            Advances
Totals by deliquency code:
Totals for status code = B (3 Loans)    68,925.88     68,925.88        9,442,734.41           0.00

(1) Status of Mortgage Loan
A- Payment Not Received But Still in Grace Period
B- Late Payment But Less Than 1 Month Delinquent
0- Current
1- One Month Delinquent
2- Two Months Delinquent
3- Three Or More Months Delinquent
4- Assumed Scheduled Payment (Performing Matured Balloon)
7- Foreclosure
9- REO

(2) Resolution Strategy Code
1- Modification
2- Foreclosure
3- Bankruptcy
4- Extension
5- Note Sale
6- DPO
7- REO
8- Resolved
9- Pending Return to Master Server
10-Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure
11-Full Payoff
12-Reps and Warranties
13-Other or TBD

                  Specially Serviced Loan Detail - Part 1

                 No Specially Serviced Loans this Period

                  Specially Serviced Loan Detail - Part 2

                   No Specially Serviced Loans this Period

                            Modified Loan Detail

                             No Modified Loans

                            Liquidated Loan Detail

                         No Liquidated Loans this Period