Impac Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates

Record Date:            7/31/2000
Distribution Date:      8/25/2000

IMP  Series: 2000-1

Contact: Customer Service - CTSLink
         Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.
         Securities Administration Services
         7485 New Horizon Way
         Frederick, MD 21703
         Telephone: (301) 815-6600
         Fax:       (301) 846-8152

                                             Certificateholder Distribution Summary

                         Certificate      Certificate         Beginning
                               Class     Pass-Through       Certificate        Interest       Principal
Class           CUSIP    Description             Rate           Balance    Distribution    Distribution

     A1        45254TBU7         SEN          7.50000%     76,098,625.89      475,616.41    1,138,500.00
     A2        45254TBV5         SEN          7.37000%    119,590,734.74      734,486.43    1,163,989.96
     A3        45254TBW3         SEN          1.63000%              0.00      162,444.08            0.00
     A4        45254TBX1         SEN          9.00000%              0.00       95,123.28            0.00
     A5        45254TBY9         SEN          8.00000%      2,410,900.00       16,072.67            0.00
     A6        45254TBZ6         SEN          9.00000%              0.00        2,009.08            0.00
     A8        45254TCB8         SEN          8.15000%     25,000,000.00      169,791.67            0.00
     A9        45254TCC6         SEN          7.90000%     19,000,000.00      125,083.33            0.00
     A7        45254TCA0         SEN          9.00000%              0.00       35,125.00            0.00
    A10        45254TCD4         SEN          0.00000%      2,376,056.47            0.00       14,457.05
    A11        45254TCE2         SEN          9.00000%              0.00      104,723.30            0.00
     RI        45254TCK8         SEN          9.00000%              0.00            0.00            0.00
    RII        45254TCL6         SEN          9.00000%              0.00            0.00            0.00
     M1        45254TCF9         MEZ          8.00000%     11,285,947.20       75,239.65        6,199.42
     M2        45254TCH5         MEZ          8.15000%      4,954,441.01       33,648.91        2,721.50
     MX        45254TCG7         MEZ          9.00000%              0.00       12,914.35            0.00
     M3        45254TCJ1         MEZ          9.00000%      2,340,012.93       17,550.10        1,285.38
     B1        45254TCM4         SUB          9.00000%      1,651,480.34       12,386.10          907.17
     B2        45254TCN2         SUB          9.00000%        688,532.59        5,163.99          378.21
     B3        45254TCP7         SUB          9.00000%      1,789,355.65       13,420.17          982.90
Totals                                                    267,186,086.82    2,090,798.52    2,329,421.59

                                       Certificateholder Distribution Summary (continued)

                           Current                 Ending                                         Cumulative
                          Realized            Certificate                    Total                  Realized
Class                         Loss                Balance             Distribution                    Losses

A1                             0.00          74,960,125.89             1,614,116.41                      0.00
A2                             0.00         118,426,744.78             1,898,476.39                      0.00
A3                             0.00                   0.00               162,444.08                      0.00
A4                             0.00                   0.00                95,123.28                      0.00
A5                             0.00           2,410,900.00                16,072.67                      0.00
A6                             0.00                   0.00                 2,009.08                      0.00
A8                             0.00          25,000,000.00               169,791.67                      0.00
A9                             0.00          19,000,000.00               125,083.33                      0.00
A7                             0.00                   0.00                35,125.00                      0.00
A10                            0.00           2,361,599.42                14,457.05                      0.00
A11                            0.00                   0.00               104,723.30                      0.00
RI                             0.00                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00
RII                            0.00                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00
M1                             0.00          11,279,747.78                81,439.07                      0.00
M2                             0.00           4,951,719.52                36,370.41                      0.00
MX                             0.00                   0.00                12,914.35                      0.00
M3                             0.00           2,338,727.55                18,835.48                      0.00
B1                             0.00           1,650,573.17                13,293.27                      0.00
B2                             0.00             688,154.37                 5,542.20                      0.00
B3                             0.00           1,788,372.74                14,403.07                      0.00
Totals                         0.00         264,856,665.22             4,420,220.11                      0.00
All distributions required by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement have been calculated by the
Certificate Administrator on behalf of the Trustee.


                                                Principal Distribution Statement

                         Original          Beginning          Scheduled     Unscheduled
                             Face        Certificate          Principal       Principal                       Realized
Class                      Amount            Balance       Distribution    Distribution      Accretion        Loss (1)

A1                   80,115,000.00      76,098,625.89          65,757.28    1,072,742.72           0.00            0.00
A2                  124,150,000.00     119,590,734.74          67,229.52    1,096,760.44           0.00            0.00
A3                            0.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A4                            0.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A5                    2,410,900.00       2,410,900.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A6                            0.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A8                   25,000,000.00      25,000,000.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A9                   19,000,000.00      19,000,000.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A7                            0.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
A10                   2,418,208.00       2,376,056.47           2,147.76       12,309.29           0.00            0.00
A11                           0.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
RI                          100.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
RII                         100.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
M1                   11,310,000.00      11,285,947.20           6,199.42            0.00           0.00            0.00
M2                    4,965,000.00       4,954,441.01           2,721.50            0.00           0.00            0.00
MX                            0.00               0.00               0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
M3                    2,345,000.00       2,340,012.93           1,285.38            0.00           0.00            0.00
B1                    1,655,000.00       1,651,480.34             907.17            0.00           0.00            0.00
B2                      690,000.00         688,532.59             378.21            0.00           0.00            0.00
B3                    1,793,169.15       1,789,355.65             982.90            0.00           0.00            0.00
Totals              275,852,477.15     267,186,086.82         147,609.14    2,181,812.45           0.00            0.00
(1) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankruptcy, or Fraud Losses Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.


                                          Principal Distribution Statement (continued)

                                    Total                Ending               Ending             Total
                                Principal           Certificate          Certificate         Principal
Class                           Reduction               Balance           Percentage      Distribution

A1                            1,138,500.00         74,960,125.89           0.93565657      1,138,500.00
A2                            1,163,989.96        118,426,744.78           0.95390048      1,163,989.96
A3                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
A4                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
A5                                    0.00          2,410,900.00           1.00000000              0.00
A6                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
A8                                    0.00         25,000,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
A9                                    0.00         19,000,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
A7                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
A10                              14,457.05          2,361,599.42           0.97659069         14,457.05
A11                                   0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
RI                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
RII                                   0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
M1                                6,199.42         11,279,747.78           0.99732518          6,199.42
M2                                2,721.50          4,951,719.52           0.99732518          2,721.50
MX                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
M3                                1,285.38          2,338,727.55           0.99732518          1,285.38
B1                                  907.17          1,650,573.17           0.99732518            907.17
B2                                  378.21            688,154.37           0.99732517            378.21
B3                                  982.90          1,788,372.74           0.99732518            982.90
Totals                        2,329,421.59        264,856,665.22           0.96013880      2,329,421.59

                                              Principal Distribution Factors Statement

                           Original           Beginning          Scheduled         Unscheduled
                               Face         Certificate          Principal           Principal
Class (2)                    Amount             Balance       Distribution        Distribution         Accretion

A1                     80,115,000.00        949.86738925         0.82078612         13.39003582        0.00000000
A2                    124,150,000.00        963.27615578         0.54151849          8.83415578        0.00000000
A3                              0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A4                              0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A5                      2,410,900.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A6                              0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A8                     25,000,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A9                     19,000,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A7                              0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A10                     2,418,208.00        982.56910489         0.88816181          5.09025278        0.00000000
A11                             0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
RI                            100.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
RII                           100.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
M1                     11,310,000.00        997.87331565         0.54813616          0.00000000        0.00000000
M2                      4,965,000.00        997.87331521         0.54813696          0.00000000        0.00000000
MX                              0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
M3                      2,345,000.00        997.87331770         0.54813646          0.00000000        0.00000000
B1                      1,655,000.00        997.87331722         0.54813897          0.00000000        0.00000000
B2                        690,000.00        997.87331884         0.54813043          0.00000000        0.00000000
B3                      1,793,169.15        997.87331831         0.54813568          0.00000000        0.00000000

                                      Principal Distribution Factors Statement (continued)
                                                Total                 Ending               Ending              Total
                         Realized           Principal            Certificate          Certificate          Principal
Class                    Loss (3)           Reduction                Balance           Percentage       Distribution
A1                      0.00000000         14.21082194            935.65656731          0.93565657        14.21082194
A2                      0.00000000          9.37567427            953.90048151          0.95390048         9.37567427
A3                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
A4                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
A5                      0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A6                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
A8                      0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A9                      0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A7                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
A10                     0.00000000          5.97841459            976.59069030          0.97659069         5.97841459
A11                     0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
RI                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
RII                     0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
M1                      0.00000000          0.54813616            997.32517949          0.99732518         0.54813616
M2                      0.00000000          0.54813696            997.32518026          0.99732518         0.54813696
MX                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
M3                      0.00000000          0.54813646            997.32518124          0.99732518         0.54813646
B1                      0.00000000          0.54813897            997.32517825          0.99732518         0.54813897
B2                      0.00000000          0.54813043            997.32517391          0.99732517         0.54813043
B3                      0.00000000          0.54813568            997.32517705          0.99732518         0.54813568
(3) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankrupcy, or Fraud Losses
    Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                                 Interest Distribution Statement
                                                         Beginning                         Payment of
                       Original         Current       Certificate/             Current         Unpaid          Current
                           Face     Certificate           Notional             Accrued       Interest         Interest
Class                    Amount            Rate            Balance            Interest      Shortfall        Shortfall

A1                 80,115,000.00        7.50000%      76,098,625.89          475,616.41           0.00             0.00
A2                124,150,000.00        7.37000%     119,590,734.74          734,486.43           0.00             0.00
A3                          0.00        1.63000%     119,590,734.74          162,444.08           0.00             0.00
A4                          0.00        9.00000%      12,683,104.32           95,123.28           0.00             0.00
A5                  2,410,900.00        8.00000%       2,410,900.00           16,072.67           0.00             0.00
A6                          0.00        9.00000%         267,877.78            2,009.08           0.00             0.00
A8                 25,000,000.00        8.15000%      25,000,000.00          169,791.67           0.00             0.00
A9                 19,000,000.00        7.90000%      19,000,000.00          125,083.33           0.00             0.00
A7                          0.00        9.00000%       4,683,333.33           35,125.00           0.00             0.00
A10                 2,418,208.00        0.00000%       2,376,056.47                0.00           0.00             0.00
A11                         0.00        9.00000%      13,963,106.12          104,723.30           0.00             0.00
RI                        100.00        9.00000%               0.00                0.00           0.00             0.00
RII                       100.00        9.00000%               0.00                0.00           0.00             0.00
M1                 11,310,000.00        8.00000%      11,285,947.20           75,239.65           0.00             0.00
M2                  4,965,000.00        8.15000%       4,954,441.01           33,648.91           0.00             0.00
MX                          0.00        9.00000%       1,721,913.56           12,914.35           0.00             0.00
M3                  2,345,000.00        9.00000%       2,340,012.93           17,550.10           0.00             0.00
B1                  1,655,000.00        9.00000%       1,651,480.34           12,386.10           0.00             0.00
B2                    690,000.00        9.00000%         688,532.59            5,163.99           0.00             0.00
B3                  1,793,169.15        9.00000%       1,789,355.65           13,420.17           0.00             0.00
Totals            275,852,477.15                                           2,090,798.52           0.00             0.00


                                            Interest Distribution Statement (continued)

                                                                                       Remaining             Ending
                      Non-Supported                                    Total              Unpaid       Certificate/
                           Interest             Realized            Interest            Interest           Notional
 Class                    Shortfall           Losses (4)        Distribution           Shortfall            Balance
 A1                             0.00                0.00           475,616.41                0.00      74,960,125.89
 A2                             0.00                0.00           734,486.43                0.00     118,426,744.78
 A3                             0.00                0.00           162,444.08                0.00     118,426,744.78
 A4                             0.00                0.00            95,123.28                0.00      12,493,354.32
 A5                             0.00                0.00            16,072.67                0.00       2,410,900.00
 A6                             0.00                0.00             2,009.08                0.00         267,877.78
 A8                             0.00                0.00           169,791.67                0.00      25,000,000.00
 A9                             0.00                0.00           125,083.33                0.00      19,000,000.00
 A7                             0.00                0.00            35,125.00                0.00       4,683,333.33
 A10                            0.00                0.00                 0.00                0.00       2,361,599.42
 A11                            0.00                0.00           104,723.30                0.00      13,844,651.29
 RI                             0.00                0.00                 0.00                0.00               0.00
 RII                            0.00                0.00                 0.00                0.00               0.00
 M1                             0.00                0.00            75,239.65                0.00      11,279,747.78
 M2                             0.00                0.00            33,648.91                0.00       4,951,719.52
 MX                             0.00                0.00            12,914.35                0.00       1,720,967.71
 M3                             0.00                0.00            17,550.10                0.00       2,338,727.55
 B1                             0.00                0.00            12,386.10                0.00       1,650,573.17
 B2                             0.00                0.00             5,163.99                0.00         688,154.37
 B3                             0.00                0.00            13,420.17                0.00       1,788,372.74
 Totals                         0.00                0.00         2,090,798.52                0.00
 (4) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankrupcy, or Fraud Losses Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
     Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.


                                            Interest Distribution Factors Statement

                                                             Beginning                          Payment of
                         Original         Current         Certificate/           Current            Unpaid           Current
                             Face     Certificate             Notional           Accrued          Interest          Interest
Class (5)                  Amount            Rate              Balance          Interest         Shortfall         Shortfall
A1                   80,115,000.00        7.50000%         949.86738925        5.93667116        0.00000000        0.00000000
A2                  124,150,000.00        7.37000%         963.27615578        5.91612106        0.00000000        0.00000000
A3                            0.00        1.63000%         963.27615578        1.30845010        0.00000000        0.00000000
A4                            0.00        9.00000%         949.86738963        7.12400524        0.00000000        0.00000000
A5                    2,410,900.00        8.00000%        1000.00000000        6.66666805        0.00000000        0.00000000
A6                            0.00        9.00000%        1000.00291178        7.50000933        0.00000000        0.00000000
A8                   25,000,000.00        8.15000%        1000.00000000        6.79166680        0.00000000        0.00000000
A9                   19,000,000.00        7.90000%        1000.00000000        6.58333316        0.00000000        0.00000000
A7                            0.00        9.00000%        1000.00007046        7.50000053        0.00000000        0.00000000
A10                   2,418,208.00        0.00000%         982.56910489        0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
A11                           0.00        9.00000%         968.62902817        7.26471800        0.00000000        0.00000000
RI                          100.00        9.00000%           0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
RII                         100.00        9.00000%           0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
M1                   11,310,000.00        8.00000%         997.87331565        6.65248895        0.00000000        0.00000000
M2                    4,965,000.00        8.15000%         997.87331521        6.77722256        0.00000000        0.00000000
MX                            0.00        9.00000%         997.87350710        7.48405032        0.00000000        0.00000000
M3                    2,345,000.00        9.00000%         997.87331770        7.48405117        0.00000000        0.00000000
B1                    1,655,000.00        9.00000%         997.87331722        7.48404834        0.00000000        0.00000000
B2                      690,000.00        9.00000%         997.87331884        7.48404348        0.00000000        0.00000000
B3                    1,793,169.15        9.00000%         997.87331831        7.48405135        0.00000000        0.00000000
(5) All Classes are per $1,000 denomination


                                       Interest Distribution Factors Statement (continued)

                                                                                Remaining               Ending
                   Non-Supported                                 Total             Unpaid         Certificate/
                        Interest          Realized            Interest           Interest             Notional
Class                  Shortfall        Losses (6)        Distribution          Shortfall              Balance
A1                    0.00000000        0.00000000         5.93667116          0.00000000          935.65656731
A2                    0.00000000        0.00000000         5.91612106          0.00000000          953.90048151
A3                    0.00000000        0.00000000         1.30845010          0.00000000          953.90048151
A4                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.12400524          0.00000000          935.65656768
A5                    0.00000000        0.00000000         6.66666805          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A6                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.50000933          0.00000000         1000.00291178
A8                    0.00000000        0.00000000         6.79166680          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A9                    0.00000000        0.00000000         6.58333316          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A7                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.50000053          0.00000000         1000.00007046
A10                   0.00000000        0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000          976.59069030
A11                   0.00000000        0.00000000         7.26471800          0.00000000          960.41174572
RI                    0.00000000        0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000            0.00000000
RII                   0.00000000        0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000            0.00000000
M1                    0.00000000        0.00000000         6.65248895          0.00000000          997.32517949
M2                    0.00000000        0.00000000         6.77722256          0.00000000          997.32518026
MX                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.48405032          0.00000000          997.32537351
M3                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.48405117          0.00000000          997.32518124
B1                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.48404834          0.00000000          997.32517825
B2                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.48404348          0.00000000          997.32517391
B3                    0.00000000        0.00000000         7.48405135          0.00000000          997.32517705
(6) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankrupcy,or Fraud Losses Unless
    Otherwise Disclosed. Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                             Certificateholder Component Statement
                      Component        Beginning             Ending        Beginning             Ending           Ending
                   Pass-Through         Notional           Notional        Component          Component        Component
                           Rate          Balance            Balance          Balance            Balance       Percentage
      MX1               9.00000%     1,253,994.13       1,253,305.31             0.00               0.00     99.73249158%
      MX2               9.00000%       467,919.43         467,662.40             0.00               0.00     99.73266001%

                                             CERTIFICATEHOLDER ACCOUNT STATEMENT
                                                      CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT

Beginning Balance                                                                                        0.00
    Payments of Interest and Principal                                                           4,533,729.43
    Liquidations, Insurance Proceeds, Reserve Funds                                                      0.00
    Proceeds from Repurchased Loans                                                                      0.00
    Other Amounts (Servicer Advances)                                                                    0.00
    Realized Losses                                                                                      0.00
Total Deposits                                                                                   4,533,729.43

    Reimbursement for Servicer Advances                                                                  0.00
    Payment of Service Fee                                                                         113,509.32
    Payment of Interest and Principal                                                            4,420,220.11
Total Withdrawals (Pool Distribution Amount)                                                     4,533,729.43

Ending Balance                                                                                           0.00

                                            PREPAYMENT/CURTAILMENT INTEREST SHORTFALL


Total Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                          0.00
Servicing Fee Support                                                                                    0.00

Non-Supported Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                  0.00

                                                         SERVICING FEES

Gross Servicing Fee                                                                                111,004.47
Indenture Trustee: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.                                                            2,504.85
Supported Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                      0.00
Net Servicing Fee                                                                                  113,509.32

                                                         DELINQUENCY STATUS

         DELINQUENT             BANKRUPTCY             FORECLOSURE            REO                    Total
          No of Loans           No of Loans            No of Loans            No of Loans            No of Loans
          Principal Balance     Principal Balance      Principal Balance      Principal Balance      Principal Balance
30 Days   27                    2                      0                      0                      29
          4,510,939.29          162,754.49             0.00                   0.00                   4,673,693.78

60 Days   9                     0                      0                      0                      9
          1,455,721.33          0.00                   0.00                   0.00                   1,455,721.33

90 Days   3                     0                      0                      0                      3
          402,383.55            0.00                   0.00                   0.00                   402,383.55

120 Days  1                     4                      0                      0                      5
          140,713.32            991,105.00             0.00                   0.00                   1,131,818.32

150 Days  0                     0                      0                      0                      0
          0.00                  0.00                   0.00                   0.00                   0.00

180 Days  0                     0                      0                      0                      0
          0.00                  0.00                   0.00                   0.00                   0.00

Totals    40                    6                      0                      0                      46
          6,509,757.49          1,153,859.49           0.00                   0.00                   7,663,616.98

          No of Loans           No of Loans            No of Loans            No of Loans            No of Loans
          Principal Balance     Principal Balance      Principal Balance      Principal Balance      Principal Balance
30 Days   1.432361%             0.106101%              0.000000%              0.000000%              1.538462%
          1.703162%             0.061450%              0.000000%              0.000000%              1.764612%

60 Days   0.477454%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.477454%
          0.549626%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.549626%

90 Days   0.159151%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.159151%
          0.151925%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.151925%

120 Days  0.053050%             0.212202%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.265252%
          0.053128%             0.374204%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.427332%

150 Days  0.000000%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%
          0.000000%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%

180 Days  0.000000%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%
          0.000000%             0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%              0.000000%

Totals    2.122016%             0.318302%              0.000000%              0.000000%              2.440318%
          2.457842%             0.435654%              0.000000%              0.000000%              2.893496%

                                                       OTHER INFORMATION

Current Period Realized Loss - Includes Interest Shortfall                                           0.00
Cumulative Realized Losses - Includes Interest Shortfall                                             0.00
Current Period Class A Insufficient Funds                                                            0.00
Principal Balance of Contaminated Properties                                                         0.00
Periodic Advance                                                                                     0.00


                                                                                           Current           Next
                      Original $     Original %           Current $      Current %          Class%     Prepayment%

Class    A         22,758,369.15      8.25019568%      22,697,295.13    8.56965223%      91.430348%      0.000000%
Class    R-I       22,758,269.15      8.25015943%      22,697,295.13    8.56965223%       0.000000%      0.000000%
Class    R-II      22,758,169.15      8.25012318%      22,697,295.13    8.56965223%       0.000000%      0.000000%
Class    M-1       11,448,169.15      4.15010562%      11,417,547.35    4.31084011%       4.258812%     49.696441%
Class    M-2        6,483,169.15      2.35023054%       6,465,827.83    2.44125547%       1.869585%     21.816342%
Class    M-3        4,138,169.15      1.50013848%       4,127,100.28    1.55823916%       0.883016%     10.303992%
Class    B-1        2,483,169.15      0.90018012%       2,476,527.11    0.93504428%       0.623195%      7.272114%
Class    B-2        1,793,169.15      0.65004642%       1,788,372.74    0.67522286%       0.259821%      3.031878%
Class    B-3                0.00      0.00000000%               0.00    0.00000000%       0.675223%      7.879233%
Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description of Loss Exposure

                                                       CREDIT ENHANCEMENT

                                    Original $        Original %         Current $        Current %
                 Bankruptcy         151,819.00       0.05503630%        151,819.00       0.05732119%
                      Fraud       5,517,049.54       2.00000000%      5,517,049.54       2.08303217%
             Special Hazard       2,758,525.00       1.00000008%      2,758,525.00       1.04151617%
Limit of Subordinate's Exposure to Certain Types of Losses

                               COLLATERAL STATEMENT
 Collateral Description                                              Mixed Fixed

 Weighted Average Gross Coupon                                         9.900102%
 Weighted Average Net Coupon                                           9.401553%
 Weighted Average Pass-Through Rate                                    9.390303%
 Weighted Average Maturity (Stepdown Calculation)                            344
 Beginning Scheduled Collateral Loan Count                                 1,897

 Number Of Loans Paid In Full                                                 12
 Ending Scheduled Collateral Loan Count                                    1,885
 Beginning Scheduled Collateral Balance                           267,186,086.81
 Ending Scheduled Collateral Balance                              264,856,665.22
 Ending Actual Collateral Balance at 31-Jul-2000                  264,856,665.22
 Monthly P&I Constant                                               2,351,917.03
 Class A Optimal Amount                                             4,222,965.21
 Ending Scheduled Balance for Premium Loans                       264,856,665.22

Senior Accelerated Distribution Percentage                               100.00%
Lockout Priority Percentage                                                0.00%
Senior Percentage                                                  91.424127823%