Washington D. C. 20549

                                     FORM 8-K/A

                                  CURRENT REPORT
      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  October 25, 2005

                    Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-WM1
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

New York (governing law of          333-127970-01
Pooling and Servicing Agreement)    (Commission           54-2184218
(State or other                     File Number)          54-2184219
jurisdiction                                              54-2184220
of Incorporation)                                         54-2184221
                                                          IRS EIN

       c/o Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
       9062 Old Annapolis Road
       Columbia, MD                                         21045
       (Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (410) 884-2000

       (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to
simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any
of the following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):

[ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act
    (17 CFR 230.425)

[ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act
    (17 CFR 240.14a-12)

[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the
    Exchange Act(17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

[ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the
    Exchange Act(17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

ITEM 8.01  Other Events

 Subsequent to filing the 8-K relating to the payment date on October 25, 2005,
 a revision was made to the ASSET BACKED FUNDING CORPORATION, Asset Backed
 Certificates, Series 2005-WM1 Trust which was not included in the original 8-K
 filed. The 8-K is being amended because a revision was made to the initial
 libor rate. This revision was not previously disclosed in a 1934 Act filing.
 The revised data has been and will continue to be available on the Wells Fargo
 Bank, website at www.ctslink.com.

ITEM 9.01  Financial Statements and Exhibits

      (c)  Exhibits

           Exhibit Number      Description

           EX-99.1             Amended monthly report distributed to holders of
                               Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-WM1 Trust,
                               relating to the October 25, 2005 distribution.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                 Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2005-WM1 Trust

              By:    Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Trustee
              By:   /s/   Beth Belfield as Officer
              By:    Beth Belfield as Officer
              Date:  12/19/2005

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit Number    Description
EX-99.1           Amended monthly report distributed to holders of Asset Backed
                  Certificates, Series 2005-WM1 Trust, relating to the
                  October 25, 2005 distribution.


Asset Backed Funding Corporation
Asset Backed Certificates

Record Date:             9/30/2005
Distribution Date:       10/25/2005

Asset Backed Funding Corporation
Asset Backed Certificates
Series 2005-WMC1

Contact: Customer Service - CTSLink
         Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
         Securities Administration Services
         7485 New Horizon Way
         Frederick, MD 21703
         Telephone: (301) 815-6600
         Fax:       (301) 815-6660

                                  Certificateholder Distribution Summary

                                     Certificate        Certificate          Beginning
                                           Class       Pass-Through        Certificate          Interest
Class               CUSIP             Description               Rate            Balance      Distribution

<s>          <c>              <c>               <c>                <c>                <c>
R                     ABF05WM1R               SUB           0.00000%               0.00              0.00
A-1                   04542BNX6               SEN           4.10063%     235,900,000.00        671,762.93
A-2A                  04542BNY4               SEN           3.95063%     216,231,000.00        593,228.25
A-2B                  04542BNZ1               SEN           4.02063%      86,365,000.00        241,140.08
A-2C                  04542BPA4               SEN           4.12063%     141,576,000.00        405,126.61
A-2D                  04542BPB2               SEN           4.20063%      45,876,000.00        133,825.07
A-2MZ                 04542BPC0               SEN           4.16063%      54,450,000.00        157,323.82
M-1                   04542BPD8               SUB           4.28063%      37,257,000.00        110,752.38
M-2                   04542BPE6               SUB           4.29063%      33,734,000.00        100,513.97
M-3                   04542BPF3               SUB           4.33063%      23,160,000.00         69,650.97
M-4                   04542BPG1               SUB           4.43063%      16,111,000.00         49,570.75
M-5                   04542BPH9               SUB           4.47063%      16,615,000.00         51,583.00
M-6                   04542BPJ5               SUB           4.52063%      14,098,000.00         44,258.22
M-7                   04542BPK2               SUB           4.96063%      15,104,000.00         52,031.50
M-8                   04542BPL0               SUB           5.14063%      11,580,000.00         41,339.23
M-9                   04542BPM8               SUB           5.59063%      10,070,000.00         39,095.59
M-10                  04542BPN6               SUB           5.84063%      15,104,000.00         61,261.72
M-11                  04542BPP1               SUB           6.84063%       6,042,000.00         28,702.14
M-12                  04542BPQ9               SUB           6.34063%       9,063,000.00         39,906.34
B-1                   04542BPR7               SUB           6.34063%      10,573,000.00         46,555.20
B-2                   04542BPS5               SUB           6.34063%       3,021,000.00         13,302.11
CE                    ABF5WM1CE               SUB           0.00000%       5,035,323.42      2,174,178.94
R-X                   ABF5WM1RX               SUB           0.00000%               0.00              0.00
P                     ABF05WM1P               SEN           0.00000%             100.00        291,883.84

Totals                                                                 1,006,965,423.42      5,416,992.65

                             Certificateholder Distribution Summary (continued)

                                           Current             Ending                           Cumulative
                      Principal           Realized        Certificate              Total          Realized
Class               Distribution               Loss            Balance       Distribution            Losses

<s>                            <c>                <c>                <c>                <c>
R                           0.00               0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00
A-1                 5,630,234.61               0.00     230,269,765.50       6,301,997.54              0.00
A-2A               14,827,650.94               0.00     201,403,349.04      15,420,879.19              0.00
A-2B                        0.00               0.00      86,365,000.00         241,140.08              0.00
A-2C                        0.00               0.00     141,576,000.00         405,126.61              0.00
A-2D                        0.00               0.00      45,876,000.00         133,825.07              0.00
A-2MZ               1,647,523.49               0.00      52,802,106.63       1,804,847.31              0.00
M-1                         0.00               0.00      37,257,000.00         110,752.38              0.00
M-2                         0.00               0.00      33,734,000.00         100,513.97              0.00
M-3                         0.00               0.00      23,160,000.00          69,650.97              0.00
M-4                         0.00               0.00      16,111,000.00          49,570.75              0.00
M-5                         0.00               0.00      16,615,000.00          51,583.00              0.00
M-6                         0.00               0.00      14,098,000.00          44,258.22              0.00
M-7                         0.00               0.00      15,104,000.00          52,031.50              0.00
M-8                         0.00               0.00      11,580,000.00          41,339.23              0.00
M-9                         0.00               0.00      10,070,000.00          39,095.59              0.00
M-10                        0.00               0.00      15,104,000.00          61,261.72              0.00
M-11                        0.00               0.00       6,042,000.00          28,702.14              0.00
M-12                        0.00               0.00       9,063,000.00          39,906.34              0.00
B-1                         0.00               0.00      10,573,000.00          46,555.20              0.00
B-2                         0.00               0.00       3,021,000.00          13,302.11              0.00
CE                          0.00               0.00       5,034,827.14       2,174,178.94              0.00
R-X                         0.00               0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00
P                           0.00               0.00             100.00         291,883.84              0.00

Totals             22,105,409.04               0.00     984,859,148.31      27,522,401.69              0.00

All distributions required by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement have been calculated by the
Certificate Administrator on behalf of the Trustee.

This report has been compiled from information provided to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. by various
third parties, which may include the Servicer, Master Servicer, Special Servicer and others.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has not independently confirmed the accuracy of information received
from these third parties and assumes no duty to do so. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. expressly
disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information furnished by
third parties.

                                               Principal Distribution Statement

                     Original          Beginning          Scheduled        Unscheduled
                         Face        Certificate          Principal          Principal                             Realized
Class                   Amount            Balance       Distribution       Distribution         Accretion           Loss (1)

<s>        <c>               <c>                <c>                <c>                <c>               <c>
R                         0.00               0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
A-1             235,900,000.00     235,900,000.00               0.00       5,630,234.61              0.00               0.00
A-2A            216,231,000.00     216,231,000.00               0.00      14,827,650.94              0.00               0.00
A-2B             86,365,000.00      86,365,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
A-2C            141,576,000.00     141,576,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
A-2D             45,876,000.00      45,876,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
A-2MZ            54,450,000.00      54,450,000.00               0.00       1,647,523.49              0.00               0.00
M-1              37,257,000.00      37,257,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-2              33,734,000.00      33,734,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-3              23,160,000.00      23,160,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-4              16,111,000.00      16,111,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-5              16,615,000.00      16,615,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-6              14,098,000.00      14,098,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-7              15,104,000.00      15,104,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-8              11,580,000.00      11,580,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-9              10,070,000.00      10,070,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-10             15,104,000.00      15,104,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-11              6,042,000.00       6,042,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
M-12              9,063,000.00       9,063,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
B-1              10,573,000.00      10,573,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
B-2               3,021,000.00       3,021,000.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
CE                5,035,323.42       5,035,323.42               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
R-X                       0.00               0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
P                       100.00             100.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00

Totals        1,006,965,423.42   1,006,965,423.42               0.00      22,105,409.04              0.00               0.00
(1) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankruptcy, or Fraud Losses Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.



                        Principal Distribution Statement (continued)

                           Total             Ending             Ending              Total
                       Principal        Certificate        Certificate          Principal
 Class                  Reduction            Balance         Percentage       Distribution

 <s>          <c>               <c>                <c>                <c>
 R                           0.00               0.00         0.00000000               0.00
 A-1                 5,630,234.61     230,269,765.50         0.97613296       5,630,234.61
 A-2A               14,827,650.94     201,403,349.04         0.93142680      14,827,650.94
 A-2B                        0.00      86,365,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 A-2C                        0.00     141,576,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 A-2D                        0.00      45,876,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 A-2MZ               1,647,523.49      52,802,106.63         0.96973566       1,647,523.49
 M-1                         0.00      37,257,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-2                         0.00      33,734,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-3                         0.00      23,160,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-4                         0.00      16,111,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-5                         0.00      16,615,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-6                         0.00      14,098,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-7                         0.00      15,104,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-8                         0.00      11,580,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-9                         0.00      10,070,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-10                        0.00      15,104,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-11                        0.00       6,042,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 M-12                        0.00       9,063,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 B-1                         0.00      10,573,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 B-2                         0.00       3,021,000.00         1.00000000               0.00
 CE                          0.00       5,034,827.14         0.99990144               0.00
 R-X                         0.00               0.00         0.00000000               0.00
 P                           0.00             100.00         1.00000000               0.00

 Totals             22,105,409.04     984,859,148.31         0.97804664      22,105,409.04


                                         Principal Distribution Factors Statement

                      Original             Beginning             Scheduled            Unscheduled
                          Face           Certificate             Principal              Principal
Class (2)                Amount               Balance          Distribution           Distribution             Accretion

<s>         <c>               <c>                   <c>                   <c>                    <c>
R                          0.00            0.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
A-1              235,900,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000            23.86703947            0.00000000
A-2A             216,231,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000            68.57319691            0.00000000
A-2B              86,365,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2C             141,576,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2D              45,876,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2MZ             54,450,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000            30.25754803            0.00000000
M-1               37,257,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-2               33,734,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-3               23,160,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-4               16,111,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-5               16,615,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-6               14,098,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-7               15,104,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-8               11,580,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-9               10,070,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-10              15,104,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-11               6,042,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
M-12               9,063,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
B-1               10,573,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
B-2                3,021,000.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
CE                 5,035,323.42         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
R-X                        0.00            0.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
P                        100.00         1000.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
(2) All Classes are per $1000 denomination.

                                     Principal Distribution Factors Statement (continued)

                                                   Total                Ending                 Ending                 Total
                         Realized              Principal           Certificate            Certificate             Principal
Class                     Loss (3)              Reduction               Balance             Percentage          Distribution

<s>        <c>                   <c>                    <c>                   <c>                    <c>
R                       0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
A-1                     0.00000000            23.86703947          976.13296100             0.97613296           23.86703947
A-2A                    0.00000000            68.57319691          931.42680300             0.93142680           68.57319691
A-2B                    0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
A-2C                    0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
A-2D                    0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
A-2MZ                   0.00000000            30.25754803          969.73565895             0.96973566           30.25754803
M-1                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-2                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-3                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-4                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-5                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-6                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-7                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-8                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-9                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-10                    0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-11                    0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
M-12                    0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
B-1                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
B-2                     0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
CE                      0.00000000             0.00000000          999.90144029             0.99990144            0.00000000
R-X                     0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000
P                       0.00000000             0.00000000        1,000.00000000             1.00000000            0.00000000
(3) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankruptcy, or Fraud Losses
    Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                                Interest Distribution Statement

                                                            Beginning                           Payment of
                         Original          Current       Certificate/            Current            Unpaid            Current
                             Face      Certificate           Notional            Accrued          Interest           Interest
Class                       Amount             Rate            Balance           Interest         Shortfall          Shortfall

<s>            <c>               <c>              <c>                <c>                <c>               <c>

R                             0.00         0.00000%               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
A-1                 235,900,000.00         4.10063%     235,900,000.00         671,762.93              0.00               0.00
A-2A                216,231,000.00         3.95063%     216,231,000.00         593,228.25              0.00               0.00
A-2B                 86,365,000.00         4.02063%      86,365,000.00         241,140.08              0.00               0.00
A-2C                141,576,000.00         4.12063%     141,576,000.00         405,126.61              0.00               0.00
A-2D                 45,876,000.00         4.20063%      45,876,000.00         133,825.07              0.00               0.00
A-2MZ                54,450,000.00         4.16063%      54,450,000.00         157,323.82              0.00               0.00
M-1                  37,257,000.00         4.28063%      37,257,000.00         110,752.38              0.00               0.00
M-2                  33,734,000.00         4.29063%      33,734,000.00         100,513.97              0.00               0.00
M-3                  23,160,000.00         4.33063%      23,160,000.00          69,650.97              0.00               0.00
M-4                  16,111,000.00         4.43063%      16,111,000.00          49,570.75              0.00               0.00
M-5                  16,615,000.00         4.47063%      16,615,000.00          51,583.00              0.00               0.00
M-6                  14,098,000.00         4.52063%      14,098,000.00          44,258.22              0.00               0.00
M-7                  15,104,000.00         4.96063%      15,104,000.00          52,031.50              0.00               0.00
M-8                  11,580,000.00         5.14063%      11,580,000.00          41,339.23              0.00               0.00
M-9                  10,070,000.00         5.59063%      10,070,000.00          39,095.59              0.00               0.00
M-10                 15,104,000.00         5.84063%      15,104,000.00          61,261.72              0.00               0.00
M-11                  6,042,000.00         6.84063%       6,042,000.00          28,702.14              0.00               0.00
M-12                  9,063,000.00         6.34063%       9,063,000.00          39,906.34              0.00               0.00
B-1                  10,573,000.00         6.34063%      10,573,000.00          46,555.20              0.00               0.00
B-2                   3,021,000.00         6.34063%       3,021,000.00          13,302.11              0.00               0.00
CE                    5,035,323.42         0.00000%       5,035,323.42               0.00              0.00               0.00
R-X                           0.00         0.00000%               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
P                           100.00         0.00000%             100.00               0.00              0.00               0.00

Totals            1,006,965,423.42                                           2,950,929.87              0.00               0.00

                                  Interest Distribution Statement (continued)

                                                                                Remaining             Ending
                    Non-Supported                                 Total            Unpaid       Certificate/
                         Interest           Realized           Interest          Interest           Notional
Class                    Shortfall         Losses (4)       Distribution         Shortfall            Balance

<s>            <c>               <c>                <c>                <c>              <c>
R                             0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
A-1                           0.00               0.00         671,762.93              0.00     230,269,765.50
A-2A                          0.00               0.00         593,228.25              0.00     201,403,349.04
A-2B                          0.00               0.00         241,140.08              0.00      86,365,000.00
A-2C                          0.00               0.00         405,126.61              0.00     141,576,000.00
A-2D                          0.00               0.00         133,825.07              0.00      45,876,000.00
A-2MZ                         0.00               0.00         157,323.82              0.00      52,802,106.63
M-1                           0.00               0.00         110,752.38              0.00      37,257,000.00
M-2                           0.00               0.00         100,513.97              0.00      33,734,000.00
M-3                           0.00               0.00          69,650.97              0.00      23,160,000.00
M-4                           0.00               0.00          49,570.75              0.00      16,111,000.00
M-5                           0.00               0.00          51,583.00              0.00      16,615,000.00
M-6                           0.00               0.00          44,258.22              0.00      14,098,000.00
M-7                           0.00               0.00          52,031.50              0.00      15,104,000.00
M-8                           0.00               0.00          41,339.23              0.00      11,580,000.00
M-9                           0.00               0.00          39,095.59              0.00      10,070,000.00
M-10                          0.00               0.00          61,261.72              0.00      15,104,000.00
M-11                          0.00               0.00          28,702.14              0.00       6,042,000.00
M-12                          0.00               0.00          39,906.34              0.00       9,063,000.00
B-1                           0.00               0.00          46,555.20              0.00      10,573,000.00
B-2                           0.00               0.00          13,302.11              0.00       3,021,000.00
CE                            0.00               0.00       2,174,178.94              0.00       5,034,827.14
R-X                           0.00               0.00               0.00              0.00               0.00
P                             0.00               0.00         291,883.84              0.00             100.00

Totals                        0.00               0.00       5,416,992.65              0.00

(4) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankruptcy, or Fraud Losses Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.


                                              Interest Distribution Factors Statement

                                                      Beginning                                 Payment of
                   Original        Current         Certificate/               Current               Unpaid               Current
                       Face    Certificate             Notional               Accrued            Interest               Interest
Class (5)             Amount           Rate              Balance              Interest            Shortfall             Shortfall

<s>        <c>             <c>            <c>                  <c>                   <c>                  <c>
R                       0.00       0.00000%           0.00000000            0.00000000           0.00000000            0.00000000
A-1           235,900,000.00       4.10063%        1000.00000000            2.84765972           0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2A          216,231,000.00       3.95063%        1000.00000000            2.74349306           0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2B           86,365,000.00       4.02063%        1000.00000000            2.79210417           0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2C          141,576,000.00       4.12063%        1000.00000000            2.86154861           0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2D           45,876,000.00       4.20063%        1000.00000000            2.91710417           0.00000000            0.00000000
A-2MZ          54,450,000.00       4.16063%        1000.00000000            2.88932639           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-1            37,257,000.00       4.28063%        1000.00000000            2.97265972           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-2            33,734,000.00       4.29063%        1000.00000000            2.97960417           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-3            23,160,000.00       4.33063%        1000.00000000            3.00738194           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-4            16,111,000.00       4.43063%        1000.00000000            3.07682639           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-5            16,615,000.00       4.47063%        1000.00000000            3.10460416           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-6            14,098,000.00       4.52063%        1000.00000000            3.13932639           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-7            15,104,000.00       4.96063%        1000.00000000            3.44488195           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-8            11,580,000.00       5.14063%        1000.00000000            3.56988194           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-9            10,070,000.00       5.59063%        1000.00000000            3.88238195           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-10           15,104,000.00       5.84063%        1000.00000000            4.05599305           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-11            6,042,000.00       6.84063%        1000.00000000            4.75043750           0.00000000            0.00000000
M-12            9,063,000.00       6.34063%        1000.00000000            4.40321528           0.00000000            0.00000000
B-1            10,573,000.00       6.34063%        1000.00000000            4.40321527           0.00000000            0.00000000
B-2             3,021,000.00       6.34063%        1000.00000000            4.40321529           0.00000000            0.00000000
CE              5,035,323.42       0.00000%        1000.00000000            0.00000000           0.00000000            0.00000000
R-X                     0.00       0.00000%           0.00000000            0.00000000           0.00000000            0.00000000
P                     100.00       0.00000%        1000.00000000            0.00000000           0.00000000            0.00000000


(5) All Classes are per $1000 denomination.


                                     Interest Distribution Factors Statement (continued)

                                                                                            Remaining                 Ending
                    Non-Supported                                        Total                 Unpaid           Certificate/
                         Interest               Realized              Interest               Interest               Notional
Class                    Shortfall             Losses (6)          Distribution              Shortfall                Balance

<s>        <c>                   <c>                    <c>                   <c>                     <c>
R                       0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000             0.00000000
A-1                     0.00000000             0.00000000            2.84765972             0.00000000           976.13296100
A-2A                    0.00000000             0.00000000            2.74349306             0.00000000           931.42680300
A-2B                    0.00000000             0.00000000            2.79210417             0.00000000          1000.00000000
A-2C                    0.00000000             0.00000000            2.86154861             0.00000000          1000.00000000
A-2D                    0.00000000             0.00000000            2.91710417             0.00000000          1000.00000000
A-2MZ                   0.00000000             0.00000000            2.88932639             0.00000000           969.73565895
M-1                     0.00000000             0.00000000            2.97265972             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-2                     0.00000000             0.00000000            2.97960417             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-3                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.00738194             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-4                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.07682639             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-5                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.10460416             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-6                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.13932639             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-7                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.44488195             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-8                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.56988194             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-9                     0.00000000             0.00000000            3.88238195             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-10                    0.00000000             0.00000000            4.05599305             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-11                    0.00000000             0.00000000            4.75043750             0.00000000          1000.00000000
M-12                    0.00000000             0.00000000            4.40321528             0.00000000          1000.00000000
B-1                     0.00000000             0.00000000            4.40321527             0.00000000          1000.00000000
B-2                     0.00000000             0.00000000            4.40321529             0.00000000          1000.00000000
CE                      0.00000000             0.00000000          431.78536176             0.00000000           999.90144029
R-X                     0.00000000             0.00000000            0.00000000             0.00000000             0.00000000
P                       0.00000000             0.00000000      2918838.40000000             0.00000000          1000.00000000
(6) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankruptcy,or Fraud Losses Unless
    Otherwise Disclosed. Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                         CERTIFICATEHOLDER ACCOUNT STATEMENT

                                                 CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT

<s>                                                                                      <c>
Beginning Balance                                                                                              0.00

     Payments of Interest and Principal                                                               27,656,777.74
     Liquidations, Insurance Proceeds, Reserve Funds                                                           0.00
     Proceeds from Repurchased Loans                                                                           0.00
     Other Amounts (Servicer Advances)                                                                         0.00
     Realized Loss (Gains, Subsequent Expenses & Recoveries)                                                   0.00
     Prepayment Penalties                                                                                291,883.84

Total Deposits                                                                                        27,948,661.58

     Reimbursement for Servicer Advances                                                                       0.00
     Payment of Service Fee                                                                              426,259.89
     Payment of Interest and Principal                                                                27,522,401.69

Total Withdrawals (Pool Distribution Amount)                                                          27,948,661.58

Ending Balance                                                                                                 0.00

                                      PREPAYMENT/CURTAILMENT INTEREST SHORTFALL
<s>                                                                                       <c>
Total Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                                0.00
Servicing Fee Support                                                                                          0.00

Non-Supported Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                        0.00

                                                   SERVICING FEES
<s>                                                                                       <c>

Gross Servicing Fee                                                                                      413,844.55
Credit Risk Manager Fee                                                                                   12,415.34
Supported Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                            0.00

Net Servicing Fee                                                                                        426,259.89

                                                    OTHER ACCOUNTS

                                                    Beginning            Current           Current            Ending
Account Type                                           Balance        Withdrawals          Deposits           Balance

<s>                                      <c>                 <c>                <c>               <c>
Cap Carryover Reserve Fund                                0.00               0.00              0.00              0.00


         DELINQUENT               BANKRUPTCY             FORECLOSURE             REO                     Total

<s>          <c>                    <c>                     <c>                     <c>                     <c>

          No of Loans             No of Loans            No of Loans             No of Loans             No of Loans
          Principal Balance       Principal Balance      Principal Balance       Principal Balance       Principal Balance
0-29 Days                         0                      0                       0                       0
                                  0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    0.00

30 Days   47                      0                      0                       0                       47
          8,920,046.60            0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    8,920,046.60

60 Days   2                       0                      0                       0                       2
          613,350.00              0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    613,350.00

90 Days   0                       0                      0                       0                       0
          0.00                    0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    0.00

120 Days  0                       0                      0                       0                       0
          0.00                    0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    0.00

150 Days  0                       0                      0                       0                       0
          0.00                    0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    0.00

180+ Days 0                       0                      0                       0                       0
          0.00                    0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    0.00

Totals    49                      0                      0                       0                       49
          9,533,396.60            0.00                   0.00                    0.00                    9,533,396.60

          No of Loans             No of Loans            No of Loans             No of Loans             No of Loans
          Principal Balance       Principal Balance      Principal Balance       Principal Balance       Principal Balance
0-29 Days                         0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%
                                  0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%

30 Days   0.916537%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.916537%
          0.905303%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.905303%

60 Days   0.039002%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.039002%
          0.062249%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.062249%

90 Days   0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%
          0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%

120 Days  0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%
          0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%

150 Days  0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%
          0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%

180+ Days 0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%
          0.000000%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.000000%

Totals    0.955538%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.955538%
          0.967553%               0.000000%              0.000000%               0.000000%               0.967553%


                                                  Delinquency Status By Groups

                         DELINQUENT           BANKRUPTCY            FORECLOSURE          REO                  Total
 1                       No of Loans          No of Loans           No of Loans          No of Loans          No of Loans
                         Principal Balance    Principal Balance     Principal Balance    Principal Balance    Principal Balance

 0-29 Days                                    0                     0                    0                    0
                                              0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 30 Days                 7                    0                     0                    0                    7
                         339,603.27           0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 339,603.27

 60 Days                 0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 90 Days                 0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 120 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 150 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 180+ Days               0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 Totals                  7                    0                     0                    0                    7
                         339,603.27           0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 339,603.27

 0-29 Days                                    0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                                              0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 30 Days                 0.851582%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.851582%
                         0.603101%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.603101%

 60 Days                 0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 90 Days                 0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 120 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 150 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 180+ Days               0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 Totals                  0.851582%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.851582%
                         0.603101%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.603101%

                         DELINQUENT           BANKRUPTCY            FORECLOSURE          REO                  Total
 1                       No of Loans          No of Loans           No of Loans          No of Loans          No of Loans
                         Principal Balance    Principal Balance     Principal Balance    Principal Balance    Principal Balance

 0-29 Days                                    0                     0                    0                    0
                                              0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 30 Days                 10                   0                     0                    0                    10
                         1,503,117.41         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 1,503,117.41

 60 Days                 1                    0                     0                    0                    1
                         221,350.00           0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 221,350.00

 90 Days                 0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 120 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 150 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 180+ Days               0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 Totals                  11                   0                     0                    0                    11
                         1,724,467.41         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 1,724,467.41

 0-29 Days                                    0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                                              0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 30 Days                 0.802568%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.802568%
                         0.639232%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.639232%

 60 Days                 0.080257%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.080257%
                         0.094134%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.094134%

 90 Days                 0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 120 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 150 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 180+ Days               0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 Totals                  0.882825%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.882825%
                         0.733366%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.733366%

                         DELINQUENT           BANKRUPTCY            FORECLOSURE          REO                  Total
 2                       No of Loans          No of Loans           No of Loans          No of Loans          No of Loans
                         Principal Balance    Principal Balance     Principal Balance    Principal Balance    Principal Balance

 0-29 Days                                    0                     0                    0                    0
                                              0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 30 Days                 12                   0                     0                    0                    12
                         1,148,735.89         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 1,148,735.89

 60 Days                 0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 90 Days                 0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 120 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 150 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 180+ Days               0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 Totals                  12                   0                     0                    0                    12
                         1,148,735.89         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 1,148,735.89

 0-29 Days                                    0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                                              0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 30 Days                 0.992556%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.992556%
                         0.904866%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.904866%

 60 Days                 0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 90 Days                 0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 120 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 150 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 180+ Days               0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 Totals                  0.992556%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.992556%
                         0.904866%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.904866%

                         DELINQUENT           BANKRUPTCY            FORECLOSURE          REO                  Total
 2                       No of Loans          No of Loans           No of Loans          No of Loans          No of Loans
                         Principal Balance    Principal Balance     Principal Balance    Principal Balance    Principal Balance

 0-29 Days                                    0                     0                    0                    0
                                              0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 30 Days                 18                   0                     0                    0                    18
                         5,928,590.03         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 5,928,590.03

 60 Days                 1                    0                     0                    0                    1
                         392,000.00           0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 392,000.00

 90 Days                 0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 120 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 150 Days                0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 180+ Days               0                    0                     0                    0                    0
                         0.00                 0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 0.00

 Totals                  19                   0                     0                    0                    19
                         6,320,590.03         0.00                  0.00                 0.00                 6,320,590.03

 0-29 Days                                    0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                                              0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 30 Days                 0.972447%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.972447%
                         1.071754%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            1.071754%

 60 Days                 0.054025%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.054025%
                         0.070865%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.070865%

 90 Days                 0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 120 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 150 Days                0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 180+ Days               0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%
                         0.000000%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            0.000000%

 Totals                  1.026472%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            1.026472%
                         1.142618%            0.000000%             0.000000%            0.000000%            1.142618%


                                               OTHER INFORMATION

<s>                                                                                 <c>

Current Period Class A Insufficient Funds                                                                  0.00
Principal Balance of Contaminated Properties                                                               0.00

Periodic Advance                                                                                      65,684.90


                        REO Detail - All Mortgage Loans in REO during Current Period

Summary                                                             12 Month REO History*
New REO Loans                                                     Month        REO Percentage
    <s>                          <c>                                <s>               <c>
    Loans in REO                               0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current REO Total                                                 Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in REO                               0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

1                                                                   12 Month REO History*
New REO Loans                                                     Month        REO Percentage
    <s>                          <c>                                <s>               <c>
    Loans in REO                               0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current REO Total                                                 Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in REO                               0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

1                                                                   12 Month REO History*
New REO Loans                                                     Month        REO Percentage
    <s>                          <c>                                <s>               <c>
    Loans in REO                               0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current REO Total                                                 Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in REO                               0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

2                                                                   12 Month REO History*
New REO Loans                                                     Month        REO Percentage
    <s>                          <c>                                <s>               <c>
    Loans in REO                               0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current REO Total                                                 Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in REO                               0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

2                                                                   12 Month REO History*
New REO Loans                                                     Month        REO Percentage
    <s>                          <c>                                <s>               <c>
    Loans in REO                               0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current REO Total                                                 Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in REO                               0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.


                               REO Loan Detail - All Mortgage Loans in REO during Current Period

                                                   Loan              First                                            Original
                                  Loan          Entered            Payment                            LTV at         Principal
Group                           Number              REO               Date          State        Origination           Balance
<s>                 <c>                <c>             <c>                <c>            <c>                <c>

No REO loans this period.

                         REO Loan Detail - All Mortgage Loans in REO during Current Period (continued)

                                                Current               Paid                         Current         Approximate
                                  Loan        Principal                 To         Months             Loan          Delinquent
Group                           Number          Balance               Date     Delinquent             Rate            Interest
<s>                 <c>                <c>              <c>                <c>            <c>              <c>

No REO loans this period.


                   Foreclosure Detail - All Mortgage Loans in Foreclosure during Current Period

Summary                                                           12 Month Foreclosure History*
New Foreclosure Loans                                             Month     Foreclosure Percentage
    <s>                            <c>                               <s>               <c>
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current Foreclosure Total                                         Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

1                                                                 12 Month Foreclosure History*
New Foreclosure Loans                                             Month     Foreclosure Percentage
    <s>                            <c>                               <s>               <c>
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current Foreclosure Total                                         Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

1                                                                 12 Month Foreclosure History*
New Foreclosure Loans                                             Month     Foreclosure Percentage
    <s>                            <c>                               <s>               <c>
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current Foreclosure Total                                         Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

2                                                                 12 Month Foreclosure History*
New Foreclosure Loans                                             Month     Foreclosure Percentage
    <s>                            <c>                               <s>               <c>
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current Foreclosure Total                                         Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.

2                                                                 12 Month Foreclosure History*
New Foreclosure Loans                                             Month     Foreclosure Percentage
    <s>                            <c>                               <s>               <c>
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Nov-04            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  Dec-04            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jan-05            0.000%
                                                                  Feb-05            0.000%
Current Foreclosure Total                                         Mar-05            0.000%
    Loans in Foreclosure                       0                  Apr-05            0.000%
    Original Principal Balance              0.00                  May-05            0.000%
    Current Principal Balance               0.00                  Jun-05            0.000%
                                                                  Jul-05            0.000%
                                                                  Aug-05            0.000%
                                                                  Sep-05            0.000%
                                                                  Oct-05            0.000%

                                                               *The text reported in the above table is presented graphically
                                                               on the monthly bond remittance report. The monthly bond
                                                               remittance report can be viewed online at www.ctslink.com.


                       Foreclosure Loan Detail - All Mortgage Loans in Foreclosure during Current Period

                                                   Loan              First                                            Original
                                  Loan          Entered            Payment                            LTV at         Principal
Group                           Number               FC               Date          State        Origination           Balance
<s>                 <c>                <c>              <c>                <c>            <c>               <c>

No Foreclosure loans this period.

                 Foreclosure Loan Detail - All Mortgage Loans in Foreclosure during Current Period (continued)

                                                Current               Paid                        Current          Approximate
                                  Loan        Principal                 To         Months            Loan           Delinquent
Group                           Number          Balance               Date     Delinquent            Rate             Interest
<s>                 <c>                <c>              <c>               <c>             <c>              <c>

No Foreclosure loans this period.


                                     COLLATERAL STATEMENT
 Collateral Description                                                    Fixed & Mixed ARM
 Weighted Average Gross Coupon                                                     7.083498%
 Weighted Average Net Coupon                                                       6.590319%
 Weighted Average Pass-Through Rate                                                6.583498%
 Weighted Average Maturity(Stepdown Calculation)                                         338

 Beginning Scheduled Collateral Loan Count                                             5,216
 Number Of Loans Paid In Full                                                             88
 Ending Scheduled Collateral Loan Count                                                5,128

 Beginning Scheduled Collateral Balance                                     1,006,965,423.42
 Ending Scheduled Collateral Balance                                          984,859,518.10
 Ending Actual Collateral Balance at 30-Sep-2005                              985,310,448.78

 Monthly P&I Constant                                                           6,384,638.69
 Special Servicing Fee                                                                  0.00
 Prepayment Penalties                                                             291,883.84
 Realized Loss Amount                                                                   0.00
 Cumulative Realized Loss                                                               0.00

 Ending Scheduled Balance for Premium Loans                                   971,121,022.38

 Scheduled Principal                                                              521,704.78
 Unscheduled Principal                                                         21,584,200.54

 Required Overcollateralization Amount                                                  0.00
 Overcollateralized Increase Amount                                                     0.00
 Overcollateralized reduction Amount                                                  496.28
 Specified O/C Amount                                                           5,034,827.12
 Overcollateralized Amount                                                      5,034,827.12
 Overcollateralized Deficiency Amount                                                   0.00
 Base Overcollateralized Amount                                                         0.00
 Extra principal distribution Amount                                                    0.00
 Excess Cash Amount                                                             2,161,197.87


                             Miscellaneous Reporting
   Group 1 Available Funds                                       7,553,576.67
   Group 2 Available Funds                                      20,293,301.85
   A1 Cap                                                                0.00
   A2 Cap                                                                0.00
   B1 Cap                                                                0.00
   B2 Cap                                                                0.00
   M1 Cap                                                                0.00
   M10 Cap                                                               0.00
   M11 Cap                                                               0.00
   M12 Cap                                                               0.00
   M2 Cap                                                                0.00
   M3 Cap                                                                0.00
   M4 Cap                                                                0.00
   M5 Cap                                                                0.00
   M6 Cap                                                                0.00
   M7 Cap                                                                0.00
   M8 Cap                                                                0.00
   M9 Cap                                                                0.00
   OC Amount                                                     5,034,827.12
   OC Deficiency Amount                                                  0.00
   Trigger Event                                                         0.00


                      Group Level Collateral Statement
Group                                                        1                                 1                                 2
Collateral Description                             Mixed Fixed                         Mixed ARM                       Mixed Fixed
Weighted Average Coupon Rate                          8.232451                          6.821530                          8.678795
Weighted Average Net Rate                             7.407140                          5.869155                          8.424208
Pass-Through Rate                                     7.732451                          6.321530                          8.178795
Weighted Average Maturity                                  340                               340                               335
Record Date                                         09/30/2005                        09/30/2005                        09/30/2005
Principal And Interest Constant                     434,263.10                      1,493,119.91                      1,019,585.27
Beginning Loan Count                                       831                             1,267                             1,227
Loans Paid In Full                                           9                                21                                18
Ending Loan Count                                          822                             1,246                             1,209
Beginning Scheduled Balance                      57,051,453.33                    239,886,662.07                    128,882,298.47
Ending Scheduled Balance                         56,275,350.07                    235,032,404.32                    126,880,133.97
Scheduled Principal                                  42,868.71                        129,458.26                         87,466.10
Unscheduled Principal                               733,234.55                      4,724,799.49                      1,914,698.40
Scheduled Interest                                  391,394.39                      1,363,661.65                        932,119.17
Servicing Fees                                       23,771.44                         99,952.78                         53,700.95
Master Servicing Fees                                     0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Trustee Fee                                               0.00                              0.00                              0.00
FRY Amount                                                0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Special Hazard Fee                                        0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Other Fee                                                 0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Pool Insurance Fee                                        0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Spread 1                                                  0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Spread 2                                                  0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Spread 3                                                  0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Net Interest                                        367,622.95                      1,263,708.87                        878,418.22
Realized Loss Amount                                      0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Cumulative Realized Loss                                  0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Percentage of Cumulative Losses                         0.0000                            0.0000                            0.0000
Prepayment Penalties                                      0.00                              0.00                              0.00
Special Servicing Fee                                     0.00                              0.00                              0.00

                      Group Level Collateral Statement
Group                                                        2                             Total
Collateral Description                               Mixed ARM                 Fixed & Mixed ARM
Weighted Average Coupon Rate                          6.716367                          7.083498
Weighted Average Net Rate                             6.244298                          6.590319
Pass-Through Rate                                     6.216367                          6.583498
Weighted Average Maturity                                  335                               338
Record Date                                         09/30/2005                        09/30/2005
Principal And Interest Constant                   3,437,670.41                      6,384,638.69
Beginning Loan Count                                     1,891                             5,216
Loans Paid In Full                                          40                                88
Ending Loan Count                                        1,851                             5,128
Beginning Scheduled Balance                     567,406,513.83                    993,226,927.70
Ending scheduled Balance                        552,933,134.02                    971,121,022.38
Scheduled Principal                                 261,911.71                        521,704.78
Unscheduled Principal                            14,211,468.10                     21,584,200.54
Scheduled Interest                                3,175,758.70                      5,862,933.91
Servicing Fees                                      236,419.38                        413,844.55
Master Servicing Fees                                     0.00                              0.00
Trustee Fee                                               0.00                              0.00
FRY Amount                                                0.00                              0.00
Special Hazard Fee                                        0.00                              0.00
Other Fee                                                 0.00                              0.00
Pool Insurance Fee                                        0.00                              0.00
Spread 1                                                  0.00                              0.00
Spread 2                                                  0.00                              0.00
Spread 3                                                  0.00                              0.00
Net Interest                                      2,939,339.32                      5,449,089.36
Realized Loss Amount                                      0.00                              0.00
Cumulative Realized Loss                                  0.00                              0.00
Percentage of Cumulative Losses                         0.0000                            0.0000
Prepayment Penalties                                      0.00                              0.00
Special Servicing Fee                                     0.00                              0.00

                                 Prepayment Detail - Prepayments during Current Period

Summary                            Loans Paid In Full                               Repurchased Loans

                                         Original            Current                      Original            Current
                                        Principal          Principal                     Principal          Principal
Group                    Count            Balance            Balance      Count            Balance            Balance
<s>                 <c>        <c>                <c>                <c>        <c>               <c>
1                            9         732,050.00         730,529.23          0               0.00               0.00
1                           21       4,737,761.00       4,726,566.46          0               0.00               0.00
2                           18       1,741,268.00       1,738,667.27          0               0.00               0.00
2                           40      14,231,304.00      14,206,138.76          0               0.00               0.00
Total                       88      21,442,383.00      21,401,901.72          0               0.00               0.00

                             Prepayment Detail - Prepayments during Current Period (continued)

Summary                         Substitution Loans                          Liquidated Loans                  Curtailments

                                     Original          Current                   Original         Current
                                    Principal        Principal                  Principal       Principal      Curtailment
Group                   Count         Balance          Balance     Count         Balance          Balance           Amount
<s>                <c>       <c>              <c>             <c>       <c>              <c>             <c>
1                           0            0.00             0.00         0             0.00            0.00         3,185.22
1                           0            0.00             0.00         0             0.00            0.00         1,291.41
2                           0            0.00             0.00         0             0.00            0.00       176,830.53
2                           0            0.00             0.00         0             0.00            0.00        12,932.65
Total                       0            0.00             0.00         0             0.00            0.00       194,239.81

                                   Prepayment Loan Detail - Prepayments during Current Period

                                                                                     First          Original
                                  Loan                            LTV at           Payment         Principal        Prepayment
Group                           Number          State        Origination              Date           Balance            Amount
<s>                <c>                <c>            <c>                 <c>              <c>               <c>
1                           0011190237             WA              80.00       01-Jun-2005        119,200.00        118,763.12
1                           0011190255             WA             100.00       01-Jun-2005         29,800.00         29,736.29
1                           0011212270             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005         66,000.00         65,901.94
1                           0011212393             WA             100.00       01-Jul-2005         20,000.00         19,964.08
1                           0011213042             FL              95.00       01-Jul-2005         17,250.00         17,229.94
1                           0011213574             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005         55,400.00         55,282.29
1                           0011214813             MD              90.00       01-Jul-2005        153,000.00        152,568.22
1                           0011218464             TN             100.00       01-Jul-2005         21,400.00         21,352.60
1                           0011220797             TN              55.56       01-Jul-2005        250,000.00        249,250.85
1                           0011165579             CA              95.00       01-May-2005        218,500.00        217,407.45
1                           0011184387             NY              90.00       01-Jun-2005        355,500.00        354,279.12
1                           0011185177             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        280,000.00        280,000.00
1                           0011189281             MD              90.00       01-Jun-2005        270,000.00        269,999.50
1                           0011195980             IL              72.58       01-Jun-2005         90,000.00         89,594.66
1                           0011196391             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        216,000.00        215,133.40
1                           0011196972             NV              90.00       01-Jul-2005        251,811.00        251,145.39
1                           0011200163             GA              90.00       01-Jun-2005        143,100.00        143,100.00
1                           0011202142             CA              94.01       01-Jun-2005        267,000.00        266,929.75
1                           0011203307             MD              80.00       01-Jun-2005        124,000.00        123,122.65
1                           0011203558             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        275,200.00        274,880.60
1                           0011209790             FL              80.00       01-Jul-2005        166,400.00        165,784.88
1                           0011212263             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        264,000.00        263,083.10
1                           0011215474             NJ              57.94       01-Jul-2005        135,000.00        134,585.31
1                           0011216608             IL              95.00       01-Jul-2005        289,750.00        289,040.37
1                           0011217421             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        252,000.00        251,054.41
1                           0011219250             CA              65.28       01-Jul-2005        235,000.00        234,011.49
1                           0011224163             NY              70.00       01-Jul-2005        315,000.00        313,571.98
1                           0011228419             AZ              90.00       01-Jun-2005        193,500.00        192,893.26
1                           0011228526             FL              80.00       01-Jun-2005        156,000.00        155,216.31
1                           0011230947             CA              35.04       01-Jun-2005        240,000.00        238,674.45
2                           0011179101             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005         85,000.00         84,870.26
2                           0011192714             CA              97.00       01-Jun-2005        128,000.00        127,761.11
2                           0011193096             FL              70.00       01-Jul-2005         72,800.00         72,638.80
2                           0011194317             CA             100.00       01-Jun-2005         65,600.00         65,452.16
2                           0011198614             CA             100.00       01-Jun-2005         43,000.00         42,919.80
2                           0011199501             AZ             100.00       01-Jul-2005         40,265.00         40,192.70
2                           0011199668             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005         76,000.00         75,887.08
2                           0011211038             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        115,000.00        114,814.79
2                           0011211446             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        125,000.00        124,692.98
2                           0011212161             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        123,995.00        123,734.87
2                           0011212221             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        120,520.00        120,340.95
2                           0011212898             NY             100.00       01-Jul-2005         77,200.00         77,026.69
2                           0011215761             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        124,000.00        123,696.33
2                           0011216345             MO             100.00       01-Jul-2005         31,980.00         31,916.31
2                           0011221033             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        127,200.00        126,971.61
2                           0011229638             MD             100.00       01-Jul-2005        119,000.00        118,736.53
2                           0011229984             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        151,708.00        151,421.40
2                           0011232097             CA             100.00       01-Jul-2005        115,000.00        114,793.50
2                           0011152773             AZ              90.00       01-Jul-2005        204,245.00        203,645.05
2                           0011172092             CA              80.00       01-May-2005        440,000.00        437,210.44
2                           0011178405             CT              80.00       01-Jul-2005        480,000.00        478,409.24
2                           0011179100             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        340,000.00        338,908.10
2                           0011182876             CA              80.00       01-Jun-2005        400,000.00        400,000.00
2                           0011185777             CA              85.00       01-Jun-2005        374,000.00        372,559.45
2                           0011190188             MA              83.80       01-Jul-2005        238,000.00        237,111.21
2                           0011191187             AZ              80.00       01-Jun-2005        123,200.00        122,759.59
2                           0011192160             DE              90.00       01-Jul-2005        377,910.00        376,589.60
2                           0011192628             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        185,965.00        185,343.87
2                           0011194041             CA              90.00       01-Jul-2005        607,500.00        605,643.07
2                           0011194658             CA              85.00       01-Jul-2005        382,500.00        381,353.82
2                           0011196394             CA              64.94       01-Jul-2005        250,000.00        249,250.85
2                           0011197564             VA              90.00       01-Jul-2005        211,500.00        210,914.99
2                           0011202705             AZ              80.00       01-Jun-2005        197,264.00        197,226.43
2                           0011202874             IL              95.00       01-Jun-2005        332,072.00        331,051.79
2                           0011203685             CA              85.00       01-Jun-2005        399,500.00        397,657.27
2                           0011205541             CA              68.64       01-Jun-2005        429,000.00        428,017.38
2                           0011206062             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        316,800.00        315,616.93
2                           0011206277             CA              90.00       01-Jul-2005        522,000.00        521,234.86
2                           0011210006             CA              75.00       01-Jul-2005        634,021.00        632,954.14
2                           0011211868             CA              67.42       01-Jul-2005        300,000.00        299,665.10
2                           0011212164             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        495,995.00        495,995.00
2                           0011213122             VA              85.00       01-Jul-2005        306,000.00        305,632.91
2                           0011213271             CA              85.00       01-Jul-2005        100,300.00        100,178.82
2                           0011214056             WI              90.00       01-Jul-2005        153,000.00        152,472.14
2                           0011216100             IL              85.00       01-Jul-2005         72,250.00         72,043.62
2                           0011217094             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        581,600.00        581,441.87
2                           0011219107             MD              85.00       01-Jul-2005        270,300.00        270,056.93
2                           0011219573             DC              80.00       01-Jul-2005        380,000.00        380,000.00
2                           0011220994             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        460,000.00        458,425.55
2                           0011221031             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        508,800.00        508,800.00
2                           0011221249             MD              80.00       01-Jul-2005        560,000.00        560,000.00
2                           0011222567             VA              85.00       01-Jun-2005        374,000.00        372,696.08
2                           0011225008             CA              67.61       01-Jul-2005        240,000.00        239,763.24
2                           0011229637             MD              80.00       01-Jul-2005        476,000.00        475,003.75
2                           0011229900             CA              80.00       01-Jul-2005        606,832.00        604,454.64
2                           0011234110             CA              88.03       01-Jul-2005        515,000.00        513,751.56
2                           0011237226             IL              44.62       01-Jul-2005         58,000.00         57,885.14
2                           0011237697             IL              95.00       01-Jul-2005        327,750.00        326,811.02

                             Prepayment Loan Detail - Prepayments during Current Period (continued)

                                  Loan                     PIF        Months              Loan        Original
Group                           Number                    Type    Delinquent              Rate            Term       Seasoning
<s>                 <c>               <c>                      <c>           <c>              <c>              <c>
1                           0011190237       Loan Paid in Full          (1)             7.625%             360               4
1                           0011190255       Loan Paid in Full          (1)            10.240%             180               4
1                           0011212270       Loan Paid in Full           0             10.875%             180               3
1                           0011212393       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.990%             180               3
1                           0011213042       Loan Paid in Full           0             11.990%             180               3
1                           0011213574       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.250%             180               3
1                           0011214813       Loan Paid in Full           1              7.800%             360               3
1                           0011218464       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.990%             180               3
1                           0011220797       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.500%             360               3
1                           0011165579       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.990%             360               5
1                           0011184387       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.950%             360               4
1                           0011185177       Loan Paid in Full           0              5.500%             360               3
1                           0011189281       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.700%             360               4
1                           0011195980       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.575%             360               4
1                           0011196391       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.000%             360               3
1                           0011196972       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.125%             360               3
1                           0011200163       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.825%             360               4
1                           0011202142       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.000%             360               4
1                           0011203307       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.275%             360               4
1                           0011203558       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.990%             360               3
1                           0011209790       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.990%             360               3
1                           0011212263       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.750%             360               3
1                           0011215474       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.375%             360               3
1                           0011216608       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.500%             360               3
1                           0011217421       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.350%             360               3
1                           0011219250       Loan Paid in Full          (1)             5.750%             360               3
1                           0011224163       Loan Paid in Full           0              5.350%             360               3
1                           0011228419       Loan Paid in Full           1              8.400%             360               4
1                           0011228526       Loan Paid in Full          (1)             7.250%             360               4
1                           0011230947       Loan Paid in Full           1              5.500%             360               4
2                           0011179101       Loan Paid in Full           0             10.750%             180               3
2                           0011192714       Loan Paid in Full           0             10.875%             180               4
2                           0011193096       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.990%             360               3
2                           0011194317       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.990%             180               4
2                           0011198614       Loan Paid in Full           1             10.875%             180               4
2                           0011199501       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.990%             180               3
2                           0011199668       Loan Paid in Full           1             10.875%             180               3
2                           0011211038       Loan Paid in Full           1             10.500%             180               3
2                           0011211446       Loan Paid in Full           0             10.850%             180               3
2                           0011212161       Loan Paid in Full          (1)             9.250%             180               3
2                           0011212221       Loan Paid in Full           0             10.875%             180               3
2                           0011212898       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.990%             180               3
2                           0011215761       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.500%             180               3
2                           0011216345       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.500%             180               3
2                           0011221033       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.990%             180               3
2                           0011229638       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.990%             180               3
2                           0011229984       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.750%             180               3
2                           0011232097       Loan Paid in Full           1              9.990%             180               3
2                           0011152773       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.600%             360               3
2                           0011172092       Loan Paid in Full           0              5.750%             360               5
2                           0011178405       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.990%             360               3
2                           0011179100       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.150%             360               3
2                           0011182876       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.990%             360               4
2                           0011185777       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.375%             360               4
2                           0011190188       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.375%             360               3
2                           0011191187       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.750%             360               4
2                           0011192160       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.250%             360               3
2                           0011192628       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.950%             360               3
2                           0011194041       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.400%             360               3
2                           0011194658       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.500%             360               3
2                           0011196394       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.500%             360               3
2                           0011197564       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.900%             360               3
2                           0011202705       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.250%             360               4
2                           0011202874       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.500%             360               4
2                           0011203685       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.451%             360               4
2                           0011205541       Loan Paid in Full           1              6.375%             360               4
2                           0011206062       Loan Paid in Full           1              6.375%             360               3
2                           0011206277       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.170%             360               3
2                           0011210006       Loan Paid in Full           1              6.675%             360               3
2                           0011211868       Loan Paid in Full           1              8.125%             360               3
2                           0011212164       Loan Paid in Full          (1)             6.490%             360               3
2                           0011213122       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.875%             360               3
2                           0011213271       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.850%             360               3
2                           0011214056       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.790%             360               3
2                           0011216100       Loan Paid in Full          (2)             7.740%             360               3
2                           0011217094       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.490%             360               3
2                           0011219107       Loan Paid in Full           1              8.865%             360               3
2                           0011219573       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.500%             360               3
2                           0011220994       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.825%             360               3
2                           0011221031       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.750%             360               3
2                           0011221249       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.550%             360               3
2                           0011222567       Loan Paid in Full           0              7.875%             360               4
2                           0011225008       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.550%             360               3
2                           0011229637       Loan Paid in Full           0              5.875%             360               3
2                           0011229900       Loan Paid in Full           0              6.125%             360               3
2                           0011234110       Loan Paid in Full           0              8.550%             360               3
2                           0011237226       Loan Paid in Full           0              9.525%             360               3
2                           0011237697       Loan Paid in Full          (1)             7.725%             360               3

                                            Prepayment - Voluntary Prepayments

   SMM                                     CPR                                      PSA
   <s>                    <c>              <s>                   <c>                <s>                         <c>
   Current Month              2.174%       Current Month             23.187%        Current Month               3,483.069%
   3 Month Average            0.000%       3 Month Average            0.000%        3 Month Average                 0.000%
   12 Month Average           0.000%       12 Month Average           0.000%        12 Month Average                0.000%

                CPR: Current vs 12mo Average*                                PSA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month        Current        12mo Avg.                        Month        Current        12mo Avg.
             <s>           <c>            <c>                             <s>           <c>            <c>

         Nov-2004          N/A           N/A                          Nov-2004          N/A           N/A
         Dec-2004          N/A           N/A                          Dec-2004          N/A           N/A
         Jan-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jan-2005          N/A           N/A
         Feb-2005          N/A           N/A                          Feb-2005          N/A           N/A
         Mar-2005          N/A           N/A                          Mar-2005          N/A           N/A
         Apr-2005          N/A           N/A                          Apr-2005          N/A           N/A
         May-2005          N/A           N/A                          May-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jun-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jun-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jul-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jul-2005          N/A           N/A
         Aug-2005          N/A           N/A                          Aug-2005          N/A           N/A
         Sep-2005          N/A           N/A                          Sep-2005          N/A           N/A
         Oct-2005      23.187%           N/A                          Oct-2005   3,483.069%           N/A

   *The text reported in the above table is presented          *The text reported in the above table is presented
   graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The      graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
   monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at      monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
   www.ctslink.com.                                            www.ctslink.com.

   SMM                                     CPR                                      PSA
   <s>                    <c>              <s>                   <c>                <s>                         <c>
   Current Month              1.286%       Current Month             14.388%        Current Month               2,143.952%
   3 Month Average            0.000%       3 Month Average            0.000%        3 Month Average                 0.000%
   12 Month Average           0.000%       12 Month Average           0.000%        12 Month Average                0.000%

                CPR: Current vs 12mo Average*                                PSA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month        Current        12mo Avg.                        Month        Current        12mo Avg.
             <s>           <c>            <c>                             <s>           <c>            <c>

         Nov-2004          N/A           N/A                          Nov-2004          N/A           N/A
         Dec-2004          N/A           N/A                          Dec-2004          N/A           N/A
         Jan-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jan-2005          N/A           N/A
         Feb-2005          N/A           N/A                          Feb-2005          N/A           N/A
         Mar-2005          N/A           N/A                          Mar-2005          N/A           N/A
         Apr-2005          N/A           N/A                          Apr-2005          N/A           N/A
         May-2005          N/A           N/A                          May-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jun-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jun-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jul-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jul-2005          N/A           N/A
         Aug-2005          N/A           N/A                          Aug-2005          N/A           N/A
         Sep-2005          N/A           N/A                          Sep-2005          N/A           N/A
         Oct-2005      14.388%           N/A                          Oct-2005   2,143.952%           N/A

   *The text reported in the above table is presented          *The text reported in the above table is presented
   graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The      graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
   monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at      monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
   www.ctslink.com.                                            www.ctslink.com.

   SMM                                     CPR                                      PSA
   <s>                    <c>              <s>                   <c>                <s>                         <c>
   Current Month              1.971%       Current Month             21.246%        Current Month               3,187.102%
   3 Month Average            0.000%       3 Month Average            0.000%        3 Month Average                 0.000%
   12 Month Average           0.000%       12 Month Average           0.000%        12 Month Average                0.000%

                CPR: Current vs 12mo Average*                                PSA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month        Current        12mo Avg.                        Month        Current        12mo Avg.
             <s>           <c>            <c>                             <s>           <c>            <c>

         Nov-2004          N/A           N/A                          Nov-2004          N/A           N/A
         Dec-2004          N/A           N/A                          Dec-2004          N/A           N/A
         Jan-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jan-2005          N/A           N/A
         Feb-2005          N/A           N/A                          Feb-2005          N/A           N/A
         Mar-2005          N/A           N/A                          Mar-2005          N/A           N/A
         Apr-2005          N/A           N/A                          Apr-2005          N/A           N/A
         May-2005          N/A           N/A                          May-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jun-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jun-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jul-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jul-2005          N/A           N/A
         Aug-2005          N/A           N/A                          Aug-2005          N/A           N/A
         Sep-2005          N/A           N/A                          Sep-2005          N/A           N/A
         Oct-2005      21.246%           N/A                          Oct-2005   3,187.102%           N/A

   *The text reported in the above table is presented          *The text reported in the above table is presented
   graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The      graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
   monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at      monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
   www.ctslink.com.                                            www.ctslink.com.

   SMM                                     CPR                                      PSA
   <s>                    <c>              <s>                   <c>                <s>                         <c>
   Current Month              1.487%       Current Month             16.451%        Current Month               2,424.256%
   3 Month Average            0.000%       3 Month Average            0.000%        3 Month Average                 0.000%
   12 Month Average           0.000%       12 Month Average           0.000%        12 Month Average                0.000%

                CPR: Current vs 12mo Average*                                PSA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month        Current        12mo Avg.                        Month        Current        12mo Avg.
             <s>           <c>            <c>                             <s>           <c>            <c>

         Nov-2004          N/A           N/A                          Nov-2004          N/A           N/A
         Dec-2004          N/A           N/A                          Dec-2004          N/A           N/A
         Jan-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jan-2005          N/A           N/A
         Feb-2005          N/A           N/A                          Feb-2005          N/A           N/A
         Mar-2005          N/A           N/A                          Mar-2005          N/A           N/A
         Apr-2005          N/A           N/A                          Apr-2005          N/A           N/A
         May-2005          N/A           N/A                          May-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jun-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jun-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jul-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jul-2005          N/A           N/A
         Aug-2005          N/A           N/A                          Aug-2005          N/A           N/A
         Sep-2005          N/A           N/A                          Sep-2005          N/A           N/A
         Oct-2005      16.451%           N/A                          Oct-2005   2,424.256%           N/A

   *The text reported in the above table is presented          *The text reported in the above table is presented
   graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The      graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
   monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at      monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
   www.ctslink.com.                                            www.ctslink.com.

   SMM                                     CPR                                      PSA
   <s>                    <c>              <s>                   <c>                <s>                         <c>
   Current Month              2.506%       Current Month             26.253%        Current Month               3,966.903%
   3 Month Average            0.000%       3 Month Average            0.000%        3 Month Average                 0.000%
   12 Month Average           0.000%       12 Month Average           0.000%        12 Month Average                0.000%

                CPR: Current vs 12mo Average*                                PSA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month        Current        12mo Avg.                        Month        Current        12mo Avg.
             <s>           <c>            <c>                             <s>           <c>            <c>

         Nov-2004          N/A           N/A                          Nov-2004          N/A           N/A
         Dec-2004          N/A           N/A                          Dec-2004          N/A           N/A
         Jan-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jan-2005          N/A           N/A
         Feb-2005          N/A           N/A                          Feb-2005          N/A           N/A
         Mar-2005          N/A           N/A                          Mar-2005          N/A           N/A
         Apr-2005          N/A           N/A                          Apr-2005          N/A           N/A
         May-2005          N/A           N/A                          May-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jun-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jun-2005          N/A           N/A
         Jul-2005          N/A           N/A                          Jul-2005          N/A           N/A
         Aug-2005          N/A           N/A                          Aug-2005          N/A           N/A
         Sep-2005          N/A           N/A                          Sep-2005          N/A           N/A
         Oct-2005      26.253%           N/A                          Oct-2005   3,966.903%           N/A

   *The text reported in the above table is presented          *The text reported in the above table is presented
   graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The      graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
   monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at      monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
   www.ctslink.com.                                            www.ctslink.com.


Calculation Methodology:
Single Month Mortality (SMM):  (Partial and full prepayments + Repurchases) / (Beginning Scheduled Balance - Scheduled
Conditional PrePayment Rate (CPR):  1 - ((1 - SMM)^12)
PSA Standard Prepayment Model:  100 * CPR / (0.2 * MIN(30,WAS))
Weighted Average Seasoning (WAS):  sum((Original Term - Remaining Term)*(Current Scheduled Balance/Deal Scheduled Principal


               Realized Loss Detail Report - Loans with Losses during Current Period

                                   # Loans              Prior          Realized            Current
                                      with          Principal       Loss/(Gain)               Loss
Group                               Losses            Balance            Amount         Percentage
<s>                    <c>                <c>                <c>                <c>
1                                        0               0.00              0.00             0.000%
1                                        0               0.00              0.00             0.000%
2                                        0               0.00              0.00             0.000%
2                                        0               0.00              0.00             0.000%
Total                                    0               0.00              0.00             0.000%

                          Realized Loss Loan Detail Report - Loans With Losses during Current Period

                                                  Original          Current
                                  Loan           Principal             Note                          LTV at         Original
Group                           Number             Balance             Rate           State     Origination             Term
<s>                <c>                <c>                  <c>             <c>             <c>             <c>

No losses this period.

             Realized Loss Loan Detail Report - Loans With Losses during Current Period (continued)

                                                    Prior                           Cumulative
                                  Loan          Principal          Realized           Realized
Group                           Number            Balance       Loss/(Gain)        Loss/(Gain)
<s>                <c>                <c>                <c>               <c>

No losses this period.


                                                    Realized Loss Report - Collateral



     MDR                                                      SDA
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   MDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                             SDA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.


     CDR                                                      Loss Severity Approximation
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   CDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                        Loss Severity: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.



     MDR                                                      SDA
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   MDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                             SDA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.


     CDR                                                      Loss Severity Approximation
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   CDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                        Loss Severity: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.



     MDR                                                      SDA
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   MDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                             SDA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.


     CDR                                                      Loss Severity Approximation
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   CDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                        Loss Severity: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.



     MDR                                                      SDA
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   MDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                             SDA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.


     CDR                                                      Loss Severity Approximation
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   CDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                        Loss Severity: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.



     MDR                                                      SDA
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   MDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                             SDA: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.


     CDR                                                      Loss Severity Approximation
       <s>                            <c>                     <s>                                       <c>
       Current Month                        0.000%            Current Month                                 0.000%
       3 Month Average                      0.000%            3 Month Average                               0.000%
       12 Month Average                     0.000%            12 Month Average                              0.000%


                   CDR: Current vs 12mo Average*                        Loss Severity: Current vs 12mo Average*
          Month            Current        12mo Avg.                    Month             Current          12mo Avg.
          <s>             <c>            <c>                          <s>               <c>            <c>

          Nov-2004             N/A             N/A                     Nov-2004              N/A               N/A
          Dec-2004             N/A             N/A                     Dec-2004              N/A               N/A
          Jan-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jan-2005              N/A               N/A
          Feb-2005             N/A             N/A                     Feb-2005              N/A               N/A
          Mar-2005             N/A             N/A                     Mar-2005              N/A               N/A
          Apr-2005             N/A             N/A                     Apr-2005              N/A               N/A
          May-2005             N/A             N/A                     May-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jun-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jun-2005              N/A               N/A
          Jul-2005             N/A             N/A                     Jul-2005              N/A               N/A
          Aug-2005             N/A             N/A                     Aug-2005              N/A               N/A
          Sep-2005             N/A             N/A                     Sep-2005              N/A               N/A
          Oct-2005          0.000%             N/A                     Oct-2005           0.000%               N/A

 *The text reported in the above table is presented           *The text reported in the above table is presented
 graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The       graphically on the monthly bond remittance report. The
 monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at       monthly bond remittance report can be viewed online at
 www.ctslink.com.                                             www.ctslink.com.



 Calculation Methodology:
 Monthly Default Rate (MDR): sum(Beg Principal Balance of Liquidated Loans)/ sum(Beg Principal Balance).
 Conditional Default Rate (CDR): 1-((1-MDR)^12)
 SDA Standard Default Assumption: If WAS is less than or equal to 30 then CDR/(WAS*0.02) else if WAS is greater than 30 and
 less than or equal to 60 then CDR/0.6 else if WAS is greater than 60 and less than or equal to 120 then CDR/(0.6 -
 ((WAS-60)*0.0095)) else if WAS is greater than 120 then CDR/0.03
 Loss Severity Approximation for current period: sum(Realized Loss Amount)/sum(Beg Principal Balance of Liquidated Loans)
