Washington D.C. 20549

                                     FORM 8-K

                                  CURRENT REPORT
    Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

 Date of Report: January 10, 2006
 (Date of earliest event reported)

 Commission File No.: 333-125248-02

 GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation
 Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
 Series 2005-C4
 (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

 New York (governing law of Pooling and Servicing Agreement)
 (State of Incorporation)


 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

 c/o Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
 9062 Old Annapolis Road
  Columbia, MD                                           21045
 (Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip Code)

 (410) 884-2000
 Registrant's Full Telephone Number

 (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

 Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to

 simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any

 of the following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):

 [ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act

     (17 CFR 230.425)

 [ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act
     (17 CFR 240.14a-12)

 [ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the

     Exchange Act(17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

 [ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the

     Exchange Act(17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

 ITEM 8.01  Other Events

 On January 10, 2006, a distribution was made to holders of GE Commercial
 Mortgage Corporation, Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates,
 Series 2005-C4.

 ITEM 9.01  Financial Statements and Exhibits

 (c) Exhibits

 Exhibit Number    Description

 (EX-99.1)      Monthly report distributed to holders of Commercial Mortgage
                Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-C4, relating to the
                January 10, 2006 distribution.

 Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
 registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
 undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                   GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation
             Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
                             Series 2005-C4
            By:      Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Trustee
            By:      /s/ Beth Belfield, Officer
            By:      Beth Belfield, Officer

            Date:    January 10, 2006

                           INDEX TO EXHIBITS

 Exhibit Number               Description

 (EX-99.1)           Monthly report distributed to holders of Commercial
                     Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-C4,
                     relating to the January 10, 2006 distribution.

 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
 Corporate Trust Services
 9062 Old Annapolis Road
 Columbia, MD 21045-1951

 GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation
 Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
 Series 2005-C4

 For Additional Information, please contact
 CTSLink Customer Service
 (301) 815-6600

 Reports Available on the World Wide Web
 @ www.ctslink.com/cmbs

 Payment Date:   January 10, 2006
 Record Date:    December 30, 2005

                          DISTRIBUTION DATE STATEMENT

                               Table of Contents

 STATEMENT SECTIONS                                                  PAGE(s)

 Certificate Distribution Detail                                       2
 Certificate Factor Detail                                             3
 Reconciliation Detail                                                 4
 Other Required Information                                            5
 Cash Reconciliation                                                   6
 Ratings Detail                                                        7
 Mortgage Loan Detail                                               17 - 22
 Principal Prepayment Detail                                           23
 Historical Detail                                                     24
 Delinquency Loan Detail                                               25
 Specially Serviced Lease Detail                                    26 - 27
 Modified Loan Detail                                                  28
 Liquidated Loan Detail                                                29
 Bond / Collateral Realized Loss Reconciliation                        30


 GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation
 292 Long Ridge Road
 Stamford, CT 06927

 Contact:      General Information Number
 Phone Number: (203) 357-4000

    Master Servicer

 Midland Loan Services, Inc.
 10851 Mastin Street, Building 82
 Overland Park, KS 66210

 Contact:      Brad Hauger
 Phone Number: (913) 253-9000

    Special Servicer

 Midland Loan Services, Inc.
 10851 Mastin Street, Building 82
 Overland Park, KS 66210

 Contact:      Brad Hauger
 Phone Number: (913) 253-9000

 This report has been compiled from information provided to
 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. by various third parties, which
 may include the Servicer, Master Servicer, Special Servicer and others.
 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. has not independently confirmed
 the accuracy of information received from these third parties and assumes
 no duty to do so. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. expressly disclaims
 any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information
 furnished by third parties.

 Copyright 2006, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

                                               Certificate Distribution Detail

 Class            CUSIP       Pass-Through          Original           Beginning          Principal             Interest
                                  Rate              Balance             Balance          Distribution         Distribution
 <s>               <c>            <c>                 <c>                 <c>                <c>                  <c>
 A-1            36828QPY6      5.082000%          27,300,000.00       27,300,000.00        278,108.54           115,615.50
 A-1D           36828QPZ3      3.925000%          75,000,000.00       75,000,000.00        764,034.46           245,312.50
 A-2            36828QQA7      5.305000%         224,800,000.00      224,800,000.00              0.00           993,803.33
 A-3A           36828QQB5      5.333432%         197,000,000.00      197,000,000.00              0.00           875,571.76
 A-3B           36828QQC3      5.333432%          25,000,000.00       25,000,000.00              0.00           111,113.17
 A-SB           36828QQD1      5.301432%         140,040,000.00      140,040,000.00              0.00           618,677.12
 A-4            36828QQE9      5.333432%         775,100,000.00      775,100,000.00              0.00         3,444,952.65
 A-1A           36828QQF6      5.333432%         214,384,000.00      214,384,000.00         74,046.04           952,835.41
 A-M            36828QQG4      5.333432%         239,803,000.00      239,803,000.00              0.00         1,065,810.84
 A-J            36828QQH2      5.333432%         152,876,000.00      152,876,000.00              0.00           679,461.47
 B              36828QQJ8      5.333432%          23,980,000.00       23,980,000.00              0.00           106,579.75
 C              36828QQK5      5.333432%          29,975,000.00       29,975,000.00              0.00           133,224.69
 D              36828QQL3      5.333432%          23,981,000.00       23,981,000.00              0.00           106,584.19
 E              36828QQM1      5.333432%          44,963,000.00       44,963,000.00              0.00           199,839.25
 F              36828QQQ2      5.333432%          26,978,000.00       26,978,000.00              0.00           119,904.44
 G              36828QQS8      5.333432%          32,973,000.00       32,973,000.00              0.00           146,549.38
 H              36828QQU3      5.333432%          23,980,000.00       23,980,000.00              0.00           106,579.75
 J              36828QQW9      5.333432%          26,978,000.00       26,978,000.00              0.00           119,904.44
 K              36828QQY5      5.013000%          11,990,000.00       11,990,000.00              0.00            50,088.22
 L              36828QRA6      5.013000%          11,990,000.00       11,990,000.00              0.00            50,088.23
 M              36828QRC2      5.013000%           8,993,000.00        8,993,000.00              0.00            37,568.26
 N              36828QRE8      5.013000%           8,993,000.00        8,993,000.00              0.00            37,568.26
 O              36828QRG3      5.013000%           5,995,000.00        5,995,000.00              0.00            25,044.11
 P              36828QRJ7      5.013000%           8,992,000.00        8,992,000.00              0.00            37,564.08
 Q              36828QRL2      5.013000%          35,971,314.50       35,971,314.50              0.00           150,270.17
 R                 N/A         0.000000%                   0.00                0.00              0.00                 0.00
 LR                N/A         0.000000%                   0.00                0.00              0.00                 0.00
 S                 N/A         0.000000%                   0.01                0.01              0.00                 0.00

 Totals                                        2,398,035,314.51    2,398,035,314.51      1,116,189.04        10,530,510.97


 Class            CUSIP            Prepayment         Realized Loss/         Total             Ending          Current
                                   Penalties         Additional Trust     Distribution        Balance       Subordination
                                                      Fund Expenses                                           Level (1)
 <s>               <c>                <c>                  <c>                <c>               <c>              <c>
 A-1            36828QPY6               0.00                   0.00         393,724.04      27,021,891.46       30.01%
 A-1D           36828QPZ3               0.00                   0.00       1,009,346.96      74,235,965.54       30.01%
 A-2            36828QQA7               0.00                   0.00         993,803.33     224,800,000.00       30.01%
 A-3A           36828QQB5               0.00                   0.00         875,571.76     197,000,000.00       30.01%
 A-3B           36828QQC3               0.00                   0.00         111,113.17      25,000,000.00       30.01%
 A-SB           36828QQD1               0.00                   0.00         618,677.12     140,040,000.00       30.01%
 A-4            36828QQE9               0.00                   0.00       3,444,952.65     775,100,000.00       30.01%
 A-1A           36828QQF6               0.00                   0.00       1,026,881.45     214,309,953.96       30.01%
 A-M            36828QQG4               0.00                   0.00       1,065,810.84     239,803,000.00       20.01%
 A-J            36828QQH2               0.00                   0.00         679,461.47     152,876,000.00       13.63%
 B              36828QQJ8               0.00                   0.00         106,579.75      23,980,000.00       12.63%
 C              36828QQK5               0.00                   0.00         133,224.69      29,975,000.00       11.38%
 D              36828QQL3               0.00                   0.00         106,584.19      23,981,000.00       10.38%
 E              36828QQM1               0.00                   0.00         199,839.25      44,963,000.00        8.50%
 F              36828QQQ2               0.00                   0.00         119,904.44      26,978,000.00        7.38%
 G              36828QQS8               0.00                   0.00         146,549.38      32,973,000.00        6.00%
 H              36828QQU3               0.00                   0.00         106,579.75      23,980,000.00        5.00%
 J              36828QQW9               0.00                   0.00         119,904.44      26,978,000.00        3.88%
 K              36828QQY5               0.00                   0.00          50,088.22      11,990,000.00        3.38%
 L              36828QRA6               0.00                   0.00          50,088.23      11,990,000.00        2.88%
 M              36828QRC2               0.00                   0.00          37,568.26       8,993,000.00        2.50%
 N              36828QRE8               0.00                   0.00          37,568.26       8,993,000.00        2.13%
 O              36828QRG3               0.00                   0.00          25,044.11       5,995,000.00        1.88%
 P              36828QRJ7               0.00                   0.00          37,564.08       8,992,000.00        1.50%
 Q              36828QRL2               0.00                   0.00         150,270.17      35,971,314.50        0.00%
 R                 N/A                  0.00                   0.00               0.00               0.00        0.00%
 LR                N/A                  0.00                   0.00               0.00               0.00        0.00%
 S                 N/A                  0.00                   0.00               0.00               0.01        0.00%

 Totals                                 0.00                   0.00      11,646,700.01   2,396,919,125.47


 Class         CUSIP       Pass-Through           Original              Beginning              Interest
                               Rate               Notional               Notional             Distribution
                                                   Amount                Amount

 <s>            <c>            <c>                   <c>                   <c>                    <c>
 X-W         36828QQN9      0.063863%         2,398,035,314.50       2,398,035,314.50           127,621.03



 Class            CUSIP           Prepayment            Total              Ending
                                   Penalties         Distribution         Notional
 <s>               <c>                <c>                <c>                 <c>
 X-W            36828QQN9               0.00           127,621.03     2,396,919,125.46

 (1) Calculated by taking (A) the sum of the ending certificate balance of all
 classes less (B) the sum of (i) the ending certificate balance of the designated
 class and (ii) the ending certificate balance of all classes which are not
 subordinate to the designated class and dividing the result by (A).

                                                   Certificate Factor Detail

 Class          CUSIP        Beginning        Principal          Interest      Prepayment      Realized Loss/      Ending
                              Balance        Distribution      Distribution    Penalties         Additional       Balance
                                                                                                 Trust Fund
 <s>             <c>            <c>              <c>                <c>           <c>               <c>             <c>
 A-1          36828QPY6   1,000.00000000     10.18712601        4.23500000     0.00000000        0.00000000      989.81287399
 A-1D         36828QPZ3   1,000.00000000     10.18712613        3.27083333     0.00000000        0.00000000      989.81287387
 A-2          36828QQA7   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.42083332     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 A-3A         36828QQB5   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452670     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 A-3B         36828QQC3   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452680     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 A-SB         36828QQD1   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.41786004     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 A-4          36828QQE9   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452671     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 A-1A         36828QQF6   1,000.00000000      0.34538977        4.44452669     0.00000000        0.00000000      999.65461023
 A-M          36828QQG4   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452672     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 A-J          36828QQH2   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452674     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 B            36828QQJ8   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452669     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 C            36828QQK5   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452677     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 D            36828QQL3   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452650     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 E            36828QQM1   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452661     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 F            36828QQQ2   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452665     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 G            36828QQS8   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452673     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 H            36828QQU3   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452669     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 J            36828QQW9   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.44452665     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 K            36828QQY5   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17749958     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 L            36828QRA6   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17750042     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 M            36828QRC2   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17750028     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 N            36828QRE8   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17750028     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 O            36828QRG3   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17749958     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 P            36828QRJ7   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17750000     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 Q            36828QRL2   1,000.00000000      0.00000000        4.17750010     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000
 R               N/A          0.00000000      0.00000000        0.00000000     0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
 LR              N/A          0.00000000      0.00000000        0.00000000     0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
 S               N/A      1,000.00000000      0.00000000        0.00000000     0.00000000        0.00000000    1,000.00000000



 Class           CUSIP          Beginning           Interest         Prepayment         Ending
                                Notional          Distribution       Penalties         Notional
                                 Amount                                                 Amount
 <s>              <c>              <c>                <c>               <c>               <c>
 X-W           36828QQN9     1,000.00000000        0.05321900        0.00000000       999.53454020



                                   Reconciliation Detail

                                      Advance Summary

 <s>                                                                              <c>
 P & I Advances Outstanding                                                           0.00
 Servicing Advances Outstanding                                                       0.00

 Reimbursement for Interest on Advances                                               0.00
 paid from general collections




                                   Servicing Fee Summary
 <s>                                                                              <c>
 Current Period Accrued Servicing Fees                                           50,923.17
 Less Delinquent Servicing Fees                                                       0.00
 Less Reductions to Servicing Fees                                                    0.00
 Plus Servicing Fees for Delinquent Payments Received                                 0.00
 Plus Adjustments for Prior Servicing Calculation                                     0.00
 Total Servicing Fees Collected                                                  50,923.17


                                   Certificate Interest Reconciliation

 Class             Accrued         Net Aggregate                      Distributable      Distributable
                 Certificate        Prepayment                         Certificate        Certificate
                  Interest           Interest                            Interest           Interest
                                     Shortfall                                             Adjustment
 <s>                 <c>                <c>                                <c>                <c>
 A-1              115,615.50              0.00                          115,615.50               0.00
 A-1D             245,312.50              0.00                          245,312.50               0.00
 A-2              993,803.33              0.00                          993,803.33               0.00
 A-3A             875,571.76              0.00                          875,571.76               0.00
 A-3B             111,113.17              0.00                          111,113.17               0.00
 A-SB             618,677.12              0.00                          618,677.12               0.00
 A-4            3,444,952.65              0.00                        3,444,952.65               0.00
 A-1A             952,835.41              0.00                          952,835.41               0.00
 X-W              127,621.03              0.00                          127,621.03               0.00
 A-M            1,065,810.84              0.00                        1,065,810.84               0.00
 A-J              679,461.47              0.00                          679,461.47               0.00
 B                106,579.75              0.00                          106,579.75               0.00
 C                133,224.69              0.00                          133,224.69               0.00
 D                106,584.19              0.00                          106,584.19               0.00
 E                199,839.25              0.00                          199,839.25               0.00
 F                119,904.44              0.00                          119,904.44               0.00
 G                146,549.38              0.00                          146,549.38               0.00
 H                106,579.75              0.00                          106,579.75               0.00
 J                119,904.44              0.00                          119,904.44               0.00
 K                 50,088.23              0.00                           50,088.23               0.00
 L                 50,088.23              0.00                           50,088.23               0.00
 M                 37,568.26              0.00                           37,568.26               0.00
 N                 37,568.26              0.00                           37,568.26               0.00
 O                 25,044.11              0.00                           25,044.11               0.00
 P                 37,564.08              0.00                           37,564.08               0.00
 Q                150,270.17              0.00                          150,270.17               0.00

 Total         10,658,132.01              0.00                       10,658,132.01               0.00



      Class           Additional           Interest            Remaining Unpaid
                      Trust Fund         Distribution            Distributable
                       Expenses                              Certificate Interest
 <s>                    <c>                   <c>                   <c>
 A-1                         0.00          115,615.50                    0.00
 A-1D                        0.00          245,312.50                    0.00
 A-2                         0.00          993,803.33                    0.00
 A-3A                        0.00          875,571.76                    0.00
 A-3B                        0.00          111,113.17                    0.00
 A-SB                        0.00          618,677.12                    0.00
 A-4                         0.00        3,444,952.65                    0.00
 A-1A                        0.00          952,835.41                    0.00
 X-W                         0.00          127,621.03                    0.00
 A-M                         0.00        1,065,810.84                    0.00
 A-J                         0.00          679,461.47                    0.00
 B                           0.00          106,579.75                    0.00
 C                           0.00          133,224.69                    0.00
 D                           0.00          106,584.19                    0.00
 E                           0.00          199,839.25                    0.00
 F                           0.00          119,904.44                    0.00
 G                           0.00          146,549.38                    0.00
 H                           0.00          106,579.75                    0.00
 J                           0.00          119,904.44                    0.00
 K                           0.00           50,088.22                    0.00
 L                           0.00           50,088.23                    0.00
 M                           0.00           37,568.26                    0.00
 N                           0.00           37,568.26                    0.00
 O                           0.00           25,044.11                    0.00
 P                           0.00           37,564.08                    0.00
 Q                           0.00          150,270.17                    0.00

      Total                  0.00       10,658,132.00                    0.00


                               Other Required Information
  <s>                                                                      <c>

  Available Distribution Amount  (1)                                   11,774,321.04

  Principal Distribution Amount                                         1,116,189.04

         (a) Principal portion of Monthly Payments                      1,116,189.04
              and any Assumed Monthly Payments
         (b) Principal Prepayments                                              0.00

         (c) Collection of Principal on a Balloon                               0.00
              Loan after its stated Maturity Date

         (d) Liquidation Proceeds and Insurance                                 0.00
              Proceeds received on a Mortgage Loan

         (e) Liquidation Proceeds, Insurance Proceeds,                          0.00
              or REO Revenues received on an REO

         Plus the excess of the prior Principal Distribution                    0.00
         Amount over the principal paid to the Sequential
         Pay Certificates

  Aggregate Number of Outstanding Loans                                          166

  Aggregate Unpaid Principal Balance of Loans                       2,396,919,125.46

  Aggregate Stated Principal Balance of Loans                       2,396,919,125.46

  Aggregate Amount of Servicing Fee                                        50,923.17
  Aggregate Amount of Special Servicing Fee                                     0.00
  Aggregate Amount of Trustee Fee                                           1,918.43
  Aggregate Trust Fund Expenses                                                 0.00

  Interest Reserve Deposit                                                355,271.07
  Interest Reserve Withdrawal                                                   0.00

  Excess Liquidation Proceeds Account Balance                                   0.00

  Specially Serviced Loans not Delinquent
         Number of Outstanding Loans                                               0
         Aggregate Unpaid Principal Balance                                     0.00

                              Appraisal Reduction Amount



                                     Cash Reconciliation Detail

   Total Funds Collected
   Scheduled Interest                                                             11,066,244.73
   Interest reductions due to Nonrecoverability Determinations                             0.00
   Interest Adjustments                                                                    0.00
   Deferred Interest                                                                       0.00
   Net Prepayment Interest Shortfall                                                       0.00
   Net Prepayment Interest Excess                                                          0.00
   Extension Interest                                                                      0.00
   Interest Reserve Withdrawal                                                             0.00
   Total Interest Collected                                                                          11,066,244.73

   Scheduled Principal                                                             1,116,189.04
   Unscheduled Principal                                                                   0.00
   Principal Prepayments                                                                   0.00
   Collection of Principal after Maturity Date                                             0.00
   Recoveries from Liquidation and Insurance Proceeds                                      0.00
   Excess of Prior Principal Amounts paid                                                  0.00
   Curtailments                                                                            0.00
   Negative Amortization                                                                   0.00
   Principal Adjustments                                                                   0.00
   Total Principal Collected                                                                          1,116,189.04

   Prepayment Penalties/Yield Maintenance                                                  0.00
   Repayment Fees                                                                          0.00
   Borrower Option Extension Fees                                                          0.00
   Equity Payments Received                                                                0.00
   Net Swap Counterparty Payments Received                                                 0.00
   Total Other Collected:                                                                                     0.00
   Total Funds Collected                                                                             12,182,433.77

   Total Funds Distributed
   Master Servicing Fee                                                               50,923.17
   Trustee Fee                                                                         1,918.43
   Certificate Administration Fee                                                          0.00
   Insurer Fee                                                                             0.00
   Miscellaneous Fee                                                                       0.00
   Total Fees                                                                                            52,841.60

   Additional Trust Fund Expenses:
   Reimbursement for Interest on Advances                                                  0.00
   ASER Amount                                                                             0.00
   Special Servicing Fee                                                                   0.00
   Rating Agency Expenses                                                                  0.00
   Attorney Fees & Expenses                                                                0.00
   Bankruptcy Expense                                                                      0.00
   Taxes Imposed on Trust Fund                                                             0.00
   Non-Recoverable Advances                                                                0.00
   Other Expenses                                                                          0.00
   Total Additional Trust Fund Expenses                                                                       0.00

   Interest Reserve Deposit                                                                             355,271.07

   Payments to Certificateholders & Others:
   Interest Distribution                                                          10,658,132.00
   Principal Distribution                                                          1,116,189.04
   Prepayment Penalties/Yield Maintenance                                                  0.00
   Borrower Option Extension Fees                                                          0.00
   Equity Payments Paid                                                                    0.00
   Net Swap Counterparty Payments Paid                                                     0.00
   Total Payments to Certificateholders & Others                                                     11,774,321.04
   Total Funds Distributed                                                                           12,182,433.71



                                             Ratings Detail

      Class         CUSIP           Original Ratings                       Current Ratings  (1)
                                Fitch     Moody's    S & P              Fitch    Moody's     S & P
  <s>                <c>         <c>        <c>       <c>                <c>       <c>        <c>
       A-1        36828QPY6       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-1D       36828QPZ3       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-2        36828QQA7       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-3A       36828QQB5       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-3B       36828QQC3       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-SB       36828QQD1       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-4        36828QQE9       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-1A       36828QQF6       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       X-W        36828QQN9       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-M        36828QQG4       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
       A-J        36828QQH2       X         Aaa       AAA                 X        Aaa        AAA
        B         36828QQJ8       X         Aa1       AA+                 X        Aa1        AA+
        C         36828QQK5       X         Aa2       AA                  X        Aa2        AA
        D         36828QQL3       X         Aa3       AA-                 X        Aa3        AA-
        E         36828QQM1       X         A2        A                   X        A2         A
        F         36828QQQ2       X         A3        A-                  X        A3         A-
        G         36828QQS8       X         Baa1      BBB+                X        Baa1       BBB+
        H         36828QQU3       X         Baa2      BBB                 X        Baa2       BBB
        J         36828QQW9       X         Baa3      BBB-                X        Baa3       BBB-
        K         36828QQY5       X         Ba1       BB+                 X        Ba1        BB+
        L         36828QRA6       X         Ba2       BB                  X        Ba2        BB
        M         36828QRC2       X         Ba3       BB-                 X        Ba3        BB-
        N         36828QRE8       X         B1        B+                  X        B1         B+
        O         36828QRG3       X         B2        B                   X        B2         B
        P         36828QRJ7       X         B3        B-                  X        B3         B-
        Q         36828QRL2       X         NR        NR                  X        NR         NR

  NR   - Designates that the class was not rated by the above agency at the time of
         original issuance.

   X   - Designates that the above rating agency did not rate any classes in this transaction at the time of
         original issuance.

  N/A  - Data not available this period.

 1) For any class not rated at the time of original issuance by any particular
 rating agency, no request has been made subsequent to issuance to obtain rating
 information, if any, from such rating agency. The current ratings were obtained
 directly from the applicable rating agency within 30 days of the payment date
 listed above. The ratings may have changed since they were obtained. Because the
 ratings may have changed, you may want to obtain current ratings directly from the
 rating agencies.

 Fitch, Inc.
 One State Street Plaza
 New York, New York 10004
 (212) 908-0500

 Moody's Investors Service
 99 Church Street
 New York, New York 10007
 (212) 553-0300

 Standard & Poor's Rating Services
 55 Water Street
 New York, New York 10041
 (212) 438-2430



                               Mortgage Loan Detail

       Loan                   Property                                        Interest       Principal       Gross
      Number         ODCR     Type (1)     City                  State        Payment         Payment       Coupon
        <s>          <c>         <c>         <c>                  <c>           <c>             <c>           <c>
     30256000         1          OF     Chicago                   IL           544,187.78           0.00    5.180%
     30252655         2          RT     Various                 Various        476,882.49           0.00    5.211%
     30251456         3          RT     Dania Beach               FL           472,119.54           0.00    5.927%
     30253595         4          OF     Novato                    CA           431,738.92      96,632.89    5.548%
     30253556         5          RT     Traverse City             MI           387,876.53      96,154.39    5.016%
     30253557         6          LO     New York                  NY           412,571.25           0.00    5.915%
     30252092         7          RT     Savannah                  GA           314,074.30      83,574.23    4.891%
     30253559         8          OF     Sandy                     UT           301,895.22      66,226.92    5.272%
     30255954         9          RT     Various                 Various        271,415.33           0.00    5.520%
     30253558         10         OF     Torrance                  CA           245,865.24      50,286.94    5.450%
     30256013         11         MF     Atlanta                   GA           211,854.00           0.00    5.695%
     30256015         12         OF     Sterling                  VA           194,034.17           0.00    5.365%
     30256018         13         RT     Brooklyn                  NY           183,036.99      39,581.93    5.320%
     30256027         14         OF     Wilmington                DE           169,218.67           0.00    5.520%
     30253596         15       Various  Redondo Beach             CA           170,224.44      31,763.83    5.648%
     30256030         16         OF     West Paterson             NJ           147,999.17           0.00    5.729%
     30256024         17         LO     Tampa                     FL           147,300.29      26,095.96    5.785%
     30256010         18         RT     Thornton                  CO           127,616.67           0.00    5.200%
     30255934         19         OF     Austin                    TX           124,413.33           0.00    5.160%
     30253560         20         MF     Glenview                  IL           119,036.56           0.00    4.937%
     30256026         21         LO     Greensboro                NC           140,917.02      23,755.44    5.901%
     30255982         22         RT     North Little Rock         AR           109,132.92      58,733.48    4.970%
     30253591         23       Various  Various                 Various         99,877.32           0.00    5.331%
     30255999         24         MF     Lubbock                   TX            96,844.00           0.00    5.280%
     30253597         25         RT     Canton                    MI            86,801.55           0.00    5.091%
     30256007         26         LO     Orlando                   FL            94,157.33      28,555.08    5.440%
     30256036         27         OF     Upland                    CA            99,960.19           0.00    5.848%
     30253592         28         RT     Stone Mountain            GA            92,201.45           0.00    5.559%
     30256016         29         OF     Burtonsville              MD            86,025.09           0.00    5.274%
     30255921         30         OF     Austin                    TX            81,570.76      18,160.63    5.280%
     30253561         31         OF     Plano                     TX            84,348.76           0.00    5.503%
     30256009         32         LO     Carlsbad                  CA            81,162.68      24,614.20    5.440%
     30253562         33         RT     Selden                    NY            71,730.56           0.00    4.900%
     30256020         34         OF     Washington                DC            76,041.28           0.00    5.272%
     30256005         35         OF     Brea                      CA            74,865.00           0.00    5.400%
     30256022         36         MF     Brooklyn                  NY            75,088.89           0.00    5.450%
     30253563         37         OF     Doral                     FL            69,394.89      16,390.88    5.128%
     30256001         38         MH     Various                   WA            73,195.89      14,714.18    5.490%
     30255926         39         RT     Centennial                CO            65,875.00           0.00    5.100%
     30256004         40         MF     Fayetteville              AR            65,589.73      15,130.99    5.170%
     30256017         42         MU     Seattle                   WA            63,412.22           0.00    5.260%
     30255928         43         LO     Austin                    TX            66,563.86      19,659.39    5.530%
     30255997         44         RT     Chesapeake                VA            66,532.06      13,222.11    5.530%
     30255958         45         RT     Dallas                    TX            60,593.06      13,918.08    5.180%
     30253564         46         MF     Austin                    TX            59,474.69      13,229.55    5.295%
     30255957         47         MF     Fayetteville              NC            60,785.83           0.00    5.430%
     30253565         48         SS     Various                   MD            66,058.42      11,057.64    5.901%
     30255993         49         IN     Frazer                    PA            59,316.16      12,954.20    5.310%
     30253568         50         SS     Richmond                  CA            60,908.89           0.00    5.462%
     30253566         51         RT     Gaithersburg              MD            58,635.44           0.00    5.349%
     30255939         52         OF     Dallas                    TX            54,899.28           0.00    5.020%
     30255940         53         RT     Denver                    CO            54,467.00           0.00    5.040%
     30253567         54         RT     Augusta                   ME            56,456.60           0.00    5.245%
     30255929         55         MH     El Mirage                 AZ            52,872.22           0.00    5.000%
     30256019         56         RT     New York                  NY            54,198.33           0.00    5.245%
     30256011         57         SS     Vancouver                 WA            53,490.50           0.00    5.220%
     30255918         58         OF     Duluth                    GA            53,095.25           0.00    5.270%
     30253569         59         RT     Bellingham                MA            52,297.12           0.00    5.193%
     30253570         60         MF     Manhattan                 KS            46,813.37           0.00    4.755%
     30255979         61         MH     Largo                     FL            50,209.67           0.00    5.160%
     30253571         62         RT     Concord                   NC            49,861.78           0.00    5.170%
     30253599         63         OF     Malibu                    CA            52,229.65      10,365.24    5.520%
     30255938         64         SS     Lanham                    MD            46,927.11           0.00    5.240%
     30253572         65         RT     St. George                UT            48,687.20       9,988.64    5.471%
     30253573         66         RT     Tucson                    AZ            47,652.03      10,617.40    5.380%
     30253574         67         OF     Fountain Valley           CA            45,174.74           0.00    5.308%
     30255995         68         RT     Henrietta                 NY            46,208.08       8,182.41    5.770%
     30253575         69         MF     Arlington                 TX            43,821.60           0.00    5.472%
     30255922         70         OF     Nashville                 TN            43,030.60       8,913.98    5.420%
     30255960         71         SS     Alhambra                  CA            42,387.18       9,197.35    5.340%
     30253576         72         RT     Augusta                   ME            41,155.94           0.00    5.195%
     30256031         73         MF     Los Angeles               CA            40,462.75           0.00    5.221%
     30255987         74         OF     Jackson                   MS            40,878.15           0.00    5.310%
     30255920         75         OF     Naples                    FL            38,280.69           0.00    5.230%
     30256032         76         MF     Richardson                TX            37,924.37           0.00    5.243%
     30256035         77         RT     Fresno                    CA            39,623.82       7,829.91    5.530%
     30256012         78         IN     Bridgeport                NJ            38,377.14           0.00    5.435%
     30253600         79         RT     Lake Forest               CA            37,584.06           0.00    5.560%
     30253593         80         RT     Various                   FL            37,046.24           0.00    5.544%
     30253577         81         MU     New York                  NY            36,082.56      10,476.99    5.612%
     30255943         82         MH     Boise                     ID            33,818.93       7,449.55    5.290%
     30255981         83         RT     North Richland Hills      TX            30,864.98           0.00    4.870%
     30255986         84         MF     Dallas                    TX            32,152.17           0.00    5.080%
     30255992         85         RT     Newton                    MA            34,070.72           0.00    5.420%
     30256023         86         OF     Marietta                  GA            31,651.00           0.00    5.105%
     30255980         87         RT     Pewaukee                  WI            33,425.53           0.00    5.410%
     30255971         88         SS     Van Nuys                  CA            33,211.53       7,084.02    5.380%
     30256008         89         LO     Louisville                KY            33,540.62      10,171.86    5.440%
     30253578         90         RT     Henderson                 NV            34,228.27       6,677.30    5.560%
     30256006         91         RT     Ponte Vedra               FL            31,766.39           0.00    5.270%
     30255944         92         OF     San Ramon                 CA            32,754.81       6,727.31    5.440%
     30253579         93         RT     Andover                   MA            30,320.33           0.00    5.103%
     30255935         94         MH     Westminster               CA            32,341.05       7,740.47    5.450%
     30256028         95         RT     Las Vegas                 NV            30,520.36       6,643.45    5.290%
     30255955         96         RT     Jupiter                   FL            32,251.99       5,936.08    5.680%
     30255970         97         SS     Stanton                   CA            29,590.36       6,420.64    5.340%
     30255978         98         IN     Jupiter                   FL            30,057.48       6,120.56    5.460%
     30255990         99         MH     Canby                     OR            27,059.51       6,873.60    4.960%
     30255988        100         MF     Charleston                SC            26,439.35       6,845.13    4.930%
     30256014        101         MH     Boise                     ID            26,934.69           0.00    5.045%
     30253580        102         MF     Cincinnati                OH            27,511.21           0.00    5.415%
     30255964        103         SS     Burbank                   CA            27,088.27       5,777.93    5.380%
     30255996        104         MH     Tulsa                     OK            26,720.28           0.00    5.350%
     30255968        105         SS     Northridge                CA            26,580.31       5,669.58    5.380%
     30255967        106         SS     North Hollywood           CA            26,321.71       5,614.42    5.380%
     30255977        107         SS     Jupiter                   FL            26,659.90       5,313.53    5.510%
     30253601        108         RT     Pasadena                  CA            25,788.13           0.00    5.445%
     30255927        109         RT     Virginia Beach            VA            25,208.64       5,469.88    5.340%
     30253581        110         MF     Los Angeles               CA            24,024.98           0.00    5.213%
     30255963        111         SS     Anaheim                   CA            24,788.04       5,186.07    5.410%
     30255966        112         SS     San Diego                 CA            23,458.40       5,546.52    5.140%
     30255973        113         OF     Eden Prairie              MN            24,025.22           0.00    5.350%
     30255933        114         SS     Costa Mesa                CA            24,941.22           0.00    5.570%
     30255984        115         MH     Middletown                PA            23,374.00           0.00    5.220%
     30256033        116         RT     Oceanside                 CA            23,150.11           0.00    5.170%
     30255975        117         RT     Jamestown                 NC            23,425.55       7,704.66    5.240%
     30256021        118         RT     Belleair Bluffs           FL            24,900.75           0.00    5.670%
     30255962        119         SS     Anaheim                   CA            23,676.94       4,953.62    5.410%
     30255951        120         SS     Phoenix                   AZ            22,130.56           0.00    5.140%
     30253582        121         RT     San Jose                  CA            21,945.42           0.00    5.097%
     30255952        122         MH     Lansing                   MI            21,366.74       5,413.26    4.980%
     30255948        123         RT     Utica                     MI            22,228.48       5,089.79    5.200%
     30255937        124         RT     Stockbridge               GA            22,030.67           0.00    5.330%
     30255985        125         MF     Dallas                    TX            20,778.61           0.00    5.080%
     30255950        126         SS     Aurora                    CO            20,802.72           0.00    5.140%
     30255983        127         RT     Little Rock               AR            18,854.89      29,397.40    4.760%
     30256002        128         SS     Santa Rosa                CA            21,113.95       4,323.73    5.460%
     30255961        129         SS     Danville                  CA            19,540.07       4,782.18    5.060%
     30253583        130         MF     Los Angeles               CA            20,118.97           0.00    5.211%
     30255998        131         IN     Centennial                CO            19,006.44           0.00    4.960%
     30255972        132         SS     Ventura                   CA            20,433.96       4,358.56    5.380%
     30253584        133         MF     Los Angeles               CA            19,785.63           0.00    5.211%
     30255953        134         SS     Avondale                  AZ            20,005.33           0.00    5.280%
     30255941        135         SS     Virginia Beach            VA            18,239.76       4,898.74    4.820%
     30255917        136         OF     Reston                    VA            19,799.10           0.00    5.410%
     30255974        137         OF     Suwanee                   GA            18,017.58       4,438.40    5.070%
     30255976        138         IN     Jupiter                   FL            19,526.90       3,891.86    5.510%
     30255924        139         MF     Tuscaloosa                AL            18,692.20       4,135.21    5.280%
     30255969        140         SS     San Gabriel               CA            19,028.02       3,980.99    5.410%
     30253594        141         OF     Incline Village           NV            18,780.19           0.00    5.385%
     30253585        142         SS     Bonita Springs            FL            18,989.22           0.00    5.513%
     30255930        143         MH     Moreno Valley             CA            18,587.86           0.00    5.410%
     30255965        144         SS     Concord                   CA            18,471.37       3,939.95    5.380%
     30255942        145         MH     Phoenix                   AZ            17,816.78       4,122.95    5.190%
     30255989        146         MH     Newhall                   CA            16,307.88       4,233.52    4.910%
     30256025        147         SS     Tucson                    AZ            16,995.86       3,870.35    5.200%
     30253586        148         MF     Huntsville                TX            16,122.82       4,020.65    5.029%
     30255925        149         SS     Ventura                   CA            17,364.31           0.00    5.450%
     30255931        150         MF     Kalamazoo                 MI            15,745.42       3,412.59    5.300%
     30255949        151         RT     Glen Burnie               MD            15,636.71       3,444.41    5.290%
     30256003        152         IN     Chesapeake                VA            14,805.73           0.00    5.250%
     30255959        153         SS     Fullerton                 CA            12,958.48       7,312.24    4.890%
     30255994        154         MH     Sacramento                CA            13,185.29       3,121.64    5.110%
     30255991        155         SS     Ithaca                    NY            13,410.08           0.00    5.370%
     30255946        156         SS     Greenville                SC            12,326.29       3,042.87    5.040%
     30255947        157         SS     Peoria                    AZ            12,558.73       2,850.99    5.220%
     30253587        158         MF     Los Angeles               CA            12,284.18           0.00    5.214%
     30253588        159         RT     Aurora                    CO            11,852.85           0.00    5.098%
     30255956        160         MH     Ormond Beach              FL            12,455.97           0.00    5.500%
     30255923        161         MH     Lutz                      FL            12,269.11           0.00    5.480%
     30255936        162         RT     Atlanta                   GA            12,473.78       3,616.95    5.580%
     30255919        163         RT     Donaldsonville            LA            12,199.17       2,498.16    5.460%
     30255945        164         SS     Lakewood                  WA            10,722.54       2,341.72    5.310%
     30255932        165         OF     Springfield               VA             9,390.74       1,927.42    5.470%
     30253589        166         SS     Palm Bay                  FL             8,833.56           0.00    5.329%
     30253590        167         RT     Jasper                    TX             8,993.22       1,811.47    5.514%

     Totals                                                                 11,066,244.73   1,116,189.04

       Loan     Anticipated       Maturity       Neg.       Beginning           Ending           Paid Thru
      Number     Repayment          Date        Amort       Scheduled          Scheduled           Date
                    Date                        (Y/N)        Balance            Balance
       <s>          <c>             <c>          <c>           <c>                <c>               <c>

     30256000       N/A          10/01/2015       N      122,000,000.00       122,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30252655       N/A          10/01/2010       N      106,275,000.00       106,275,000.00      01/01/2006
     30251456       N/A          08/01/2015       N       92,500,000.00        92,500,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253595       N/A          10/01/2015       N       90,372,694.12        90,276,061.23      01/01/2006
     30253556       N/A          10/01/2012       N       89,796,510.39        89,700,356.00      01/01/2006
     30253557       N/A          12/01/2010       N       81,000,000.00        81,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30252092       N/A          07/01/2012       N       74,567,383.86        74,483,809.63      01/01/2006
     30253559       N/A          06/01/2015       N       66,500,000.00        66,433,773.08      01/01/2006
     30255954       N/A          11/01/2015       N       57,100,000.00        57,100,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253558       N/A          11/01/2015       N       52,392,045.12        52,341,758.18      01/01/2006
     30256013       N/A          10/01/2015       N       43,200,000.00        43,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256015       N/A          10/01/2015       N       42,000,000.00        42,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256018       N/A          11/01/2015       N       39,954,714.41        39,915,132.48      01/01/2006
     30256027       N/A          12/01/2015       N       35,600,000.00        35,600,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253596       N/A          12/01/2015       N       35,000,000.00        34,968,236.17      01/01/2006
     30256030       N/A          12/01/2015       N       30,000,000.00        30,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256024       N/A          11/01/2015       N       29,569,300.42        29,543,204.46      01/01/2006
     30256010       N/A          12/01/2015       N       28,500,000.00        28,500,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255934       N/A          09/01/2012       N       28,000,000.00        28,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253560       N/A          09/01/2015       N       28,000,000.00        28,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256026       N/A          11/01/2015       N       27,731,837.34        27,708,081.90      01/01/2006
     30255982       N/A          12/01/2015       N       25,500,000.00        25,441,266.52      01/01/2006
     30253591       N/A          09/01/2015       N       21,757,000.00        21,757,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255999       N/A          10/01/2015       N       21,300,000.00        21,300,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253597       N/A          12/01/2015       N       19,800,000.00        19,800,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256007       N/A          12/01/2015       N       20,100,000.00        20,071,444.92      01/01/2006
     30256036       N/A          12/01/2010       N       19,850,000.00        19,850,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253592       N/A          11/01/2015       N       19,261,135.00        19,261,135.00      01/01/2006
     30256016       N/A          10/01/2015       N       18,942,000.00        18,942,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255921       N/A          09/01/2015       N       17,940,783.01        17,922,622.38      01/01/2006
     30253561       N/A          09/01/2012       N       17,800,000.00        17,800,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256009       N/A          12/01/2015       N       17,326,000.00        17,301,385.80      01/01/2006
     30253562       N/A          12/01/2015       N       17,000,000.00        17,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256020       N/A          11/01/2015       N       16,750,000.00        16,750,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256005       N/A          11/01/2015       N       16,100,000.00        16,100,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256022       N/A          11/01/2015       N       16,000,000.00        16,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253563       N/A          10/01/2015       N       15,715,212.57        15,698,821.69      01/01/2006
     30256001       N/A          11/01/2010       N       15,483,002.43        15,468,288.25      01/01/2006
     30255926       N/A          07/01/2015       N       15,000,000.00        15,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256004       N/A          11/01/2015       N       14,732,827.20        14,717,696.21      01/01/2006
     30256017       N/A          11/01/2015       N       14,000,000.00        14,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255928       N/A          11/01/2015       N       13,978,293.42        13,958,634.03      01/01/2006
     30255997       N/A          10/01/2012       N       13,971,615.24        13,958,393.13      01/01/2006
     30255958       N/A          11/01/2015       N       13,584,195.53        13,570,277.45      01/01/2006
     30253564       N/A          08/01/2015       N       13,043,885.96        13,030,656.41      01/01/2006
     30255957       N/A          10/01/2015       N       13,000,000.00        13,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253565       N/A          12/01/2015       N       13,000,000.00        12,988,942.36      01/01/2006
     30255993       N/A          10/01/2015       N       12,972,370.02        12,959,415.82      01/01/2006
     30253568       N/A          11/01/2015       N       12,950,000.00        12,950,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253566       N/A          09/01/2015       N       12,730,000.00        12,730,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255939       N/A          10/01/2015       N       12,700,000.00        12,700,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255940       N/A          09/01/2015       N       12,550,000.00        12,550,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253567       N/A          10/01/2015       N       12,500,000.00        12,500,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255929       N/A          09/01/2015       N       12,280,000.00        12,280,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256019       N/A          11/01/2015       N       12,000,000.00        12,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256011       N/A          12/01/2015       N       11,900,000.00        11,900,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255918       N/A          10/01/2015       N       11,700,000.00        11,700,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253569       N/A          10/01/2015       N       11,695,000.00        11,695,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253570       N/A          07/01/2015       N       11,433,000.00        11,433,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255979       N/A          10/01/2015       N       11,300,000.00        11,300,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253571       N/A          09/01/2015       N       11,200,000.00        11,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253599       N/A          11/01/2015       N       10,988,005.11        10,977,639.87      01/01/2006
     30255938       N/A          11/01/2015       N       10,400,000.00        10,400,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253572       N/A          05/01/2015       N       10,334,485.59        10,324,496.95      01/01/2006
     30253573       N/A          02/01/2015       N       10,285,843.97        10,275,226.57      01/01/2006
     30253574       N/A          05/01/2015       N        9,883,381.00         9,883,381.00      01/01/2006
     30255995       N/A          12/01/2015       N        9,300,000.00         9,291,817.59      01/01/2006
     30253575       N/A          05/01/2015       N        9,300,000.00         9,300,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255922       N/A          11/01/2015       N        9,219,744.25         9,210,830.27      01/01/2006
     30255960       N/A          09/01/2015       N        9,217,944.09         9,208,746.74      01/01/2006
     30253576       N/A          10/01/2015       N        9,200,000.00         9,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256031       N/A          10/01/2015       N        9,000,000.00         9,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255987       N/A          11/01/2015       N        8,940,000.00         8,940,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255920       N/A          10/01/2012       N        8,500,000.00         8,500,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256032       N/A          10/01/2015       N        8,400,000.00         8,400,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256035       N/A          11/01/2015       N        8,320,933.69         8,313,103.78      01/01/2006
     30256012       N/A          09/01/2015       N        8,200,000.00         8,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253600       N/A          11/01/2015       N        7,850,000.00         7,850,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253593       N/A          06/01/2015       N        7,760,000.00         7,760,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253577       N/A          09/01/2010       N        7,466,557.81         7,456,080.82      01/01/2006
     30255943       N/A          10/01/2010       N        7,424,119.79         7,416,670.24      01/01/2006
     30255981       N/A          10/01/2015       N        7,360,000.00         7,360,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255986       N/A          10/01/2015       N        7,350,000.00         7,350,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255992       N/A          11/01/2015       N        7,300,000.00         7,300,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256023       N/A          11/01/2015       N        7,200,000.00         7,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255980       N/A          09/01/2015       N        7,175,000.00         7,175,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255971       N/A          09/01/2015       N        7,168,815.71         7,161,731.69      01/01/2006
     30256008       N/A          12/01/2015       N        7,160,000.00         7,149,828.14      01/01/2006
     30253578       N/A          11/01/2015       N        7,149,092.45         7,142,415.15      01/01/2006
     30256006       N/A          12/01/2015       N        7,000,000.00         7,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255944       N/A          11/01/2015       N        6,992,251.21         6,985,523.90      01/01/2006
     30253579       N/A          10/01/2015       N        6,900,000.00         6,900,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255935       N/A          11/01/2010       N        6,891,255.98         6,883,515.51      01/01/2006
     30256028       N/A          12/01/2015       N        6,700,000.00         6,693,356.55      01/01/2006
     30255955       N/A          12/01/2015       N        6,594,000.00         6,588,063.92      01/01/2006
     30255970       N/A          09/01/2015       N        6,435,018.06         6,428,597.42      01/01/2006
     30255978       N/A          11/01/2015       N        6,392,941.96         6,386,821.40      01/01/2006
     30255990       N/A          10/01/2010       N        6,335,473.85         6,328,600.25      01/01/2006
     30255988       N/A          09/01/2015       N        6,227,942.29         6,221,097.16      01/01/2006
     30256014       N/A          10/01/2015       N        6,200,000.00         6,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253580       N/A          09/05/2015       N        5,900,000.00         5,900,000.00      01/05/2006
     30255964       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,847,090.23         5,841,312.30      01/01/2006
     30255996       N/A          12/01/2015       N        5,800,000.00         5,800,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255968       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,737,444.82         5,731,775.24      01/01/2006
     30255967       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,681,625.35         5,676,010.93      01/01/2006
     30255977       N/A          11/01/2015       N        5,618,854.70         5,613,541.17      01/01/2006
     30253601       N/A          11/01/2015       N        5,500,000.00         5,500,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255927       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,482,125.04         5,476,655.16      01/01/2006
     30253581       N/A          05/01/2015       N        5,352,000.00         5,352,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255963       N/A          10/01/2013       N        5,320,906.78         5,315,720.71      01/01/2006
     30255966       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,300,003.07         5,294,456.55      01/01/2006
     30255973       N/A          11/01/2015       N        5,215,000.00         5,215,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255933       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,200,000.00         5,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255984       N/A          12/01/2015       N        5,200,000.00         5,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30256033       N/A          10/01/2015       N        5,200,000.00         5,200,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255975       N/A          11/01/2015       N        5,191,576.46         5,183,871.80      01/01/2006
     30256021       N/A          11/01/2015       N        5,100,000.00         5,100,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255962       N/A          10/01/2013       N        5,082,404.02         5,077,450.40      01/01/2006
     30255951       N/A          08/01/2015       N        5,000,000.00         5,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253582       N/A          09/01/2015       N        5,000,000.00         5,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255952       N/A          09/01/2015       N        4,982,528.52         4,977,115.26      01/01/2006
     30255948       N/A          10/01/2015       N        4,964,176.89         4,959,087.10      01/01/2006
     30255937       N/A          09/01/2015       N        4,800,000.00         4,800,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255985       N/A          10/01/2015       N        4,750,000.00         4,750,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255950       N/A          08/01/2015       N        4,700,000.00         4,700,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255983       N/A          12/01/2015       N        4,600,000.00         4,570,602.60      01/01/2006
     30256002       N/A          10/01/2015       N        4,490,737.67         4,486,413.94      01/01/2006
     30255961       N/A          09/01/2015       N        4,484,524.92         4,479,742.74      01/01/2006
     30253583       N/A          05/01/2015       N        4,483,585.00         4,483,585.00      01/01/2006
     30255998       N/A          10/01/2015       N        4,450,000.00         4,450,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255972       N/A          09/01/2015       N        4,410,735.48         4,406,376.92      01/01/2006
     30253584       N/A          05/01/2015       N        4,409,299.00         4,409,299.00      01/01/2006
     30255953       N/A          10/01/2015       N        4,400,000.00         4,400,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255941       N/A          11/01/2015       N        4,394,534.83         4,389,636.09      01/01/2006
     30255917       N/A          10/01/2015       N        4,250,000.00         4,250,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255974       N/A          07/01/2015       N        4,126,950.68         4,122,512.28      01/01/2006
     30255976       N/A          11/01/2015       N        4,115,498.91         4,111,607.05      01/01/2006
     30255924       N/A          10/01/2012       N        4,111,187.43         4,107,052.22      01/01/2006
     30255969       N/A          10/01/2013       N        4,084,484.51         4,080,503.52      01/01/2006
     30253594       N/A          09/01/2015       N        4,050,000.00         4,050,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253585       N/A          12/01/2015       N        4,000,000.00         4,000,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255930       N/A          11/01/2015       N        3,990,000.00         3,990,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255965       N/A          09/01/2015       N        3,987,105.51         3,983,165.56      01/01/2006
     30255942       N/A          09/01/2010       N        3,986,599.01         3,982,476.06      01/01/2006
     30255989       N/A          10/01/2012       N        3,857,064.08         3,852,830.56      01/01/2006
     30256025       N/A          11/01/2015       N        3,795,600.46         3,791,730.11      01/01/2006
     30253586       N/A          08/01/2015       N        3,723,060.79         3,719,040.14      01/01/2006
     30255925       N/A          10/01/2015       N        3,700,000.00         3,700,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255931       N/A          12/01/2015       N        3,450,000.00         3,446,587.41      01/01/2006
     30255949       N/A          10/01/2015       N        3,432,657.55         3,429,213.14      01/01/2006
     30256003       N/A          10/01/2015       N        3,275,000.00         3,275,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255959       N/A          09/01/2015       N        3,077,413.59         3,070,101.35      01/01/2006
     30255994       N/A          11/01/2015       N        2,996,468.07         2,993,346.43      01/01/2006
     30255991       N/A          10/01/2015       N        2,900,000.00         2,900,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255946       N/A          09/01/2015       N        2,840,159.83         2,837,116.96      01/01/2006
     30255947       N/A          10/01/2015       N        2,793,934.28         2,791,083.29      01/01/2006
     30253587       N/A          05/01/2015       N        2,736,000.00         2,736,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253588       N/A          09/01/2015       N        2,700,000.00         2,700,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255956       N/A          10/01/2015       N        2,630,000.00         2,630,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255923       N/A          09/01/2015       N        2,600,000.00         2,600,000.00      01/01/2006
     30255936       N/A          11/01/2015       N        2,595,999.27         2,592,382.32      01/01/2006
     30255919       N/A          10/01/2015       N        2,594,648.42         2,592,150.26      01/01/2006
     30255945       N/A          10/01/2015       N        2,345,005.34         2,342,663.62      01/01/2006
     30255932       N/A          09/01/2015       N        1,993,670.31         1,991,742.89      01/01/2006
     30253589       N/A          11/01/2015       N        1,925,000.00         1,925,000.00      01/01/2006
     30253590       N/A          09/01/2015       N        1,894,040.83         1,892,229.36      01/01/2006

     Totals                                            2,398,035,314.50     2,396,919,125.46



       Loan         Appraisal          Appraisal         Res.       Mod.
      Number        Reduction          Reduction        Strat.      Code
                      Date               Amount          (2)        (3)
        <s>            <c>                <c>            <c>        <c>

     Totals                                   0.00


  (1) Property Type Code
  MF  - Multi-Family
  RT  - Retail
  HC  - Health Care
  IN  - Industrial
  WH  - Warehouse
  MH  - Mobile Home Park
  OF  - Office
  MU  - Mixed Use
  LO  - Lodging
  SS  - Self Storage
  OT  - Other

  (2) Resolution Strategy Code
  1   - Modification
  2   - Foreclosure
  3   - Bankruptcy
  4   - Extension
  5   - Note Sale
  6   - DPO
  7   - REO
  8   - Resolved
  9   - Pending Return to Master Servicer
  10  - Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure
  11  - Full Payoff
  12  - Reps and Warranties
  13  - Other or TBD

  (3) Modification Code
  1   - Maturity Date Extension
  2   - Amortization Change
  3   - Principal Write-Off
  4   - Combination


                               Principal Prepayment Detail

                               No Principal Prepayments this Period


                               Historical Detail


   Distribution         30-59 Days               60-89 Days             90 Days or More
       Date         #         Balance       #          Balance        #         Balance

        <s>        <c>          <c>         <c>          <c>          <c>         <c>
   01/10/2006      0             $0.00      0              $0.00      0             $0.00



    Distribution         Foreclosure                  REO                  Modifications
        Date        #         Balance         #         Balance        #         Balance
         <s>        <c>         <c>           <c>         <c>          <c>         <c>
      01/10/2006    0              $0.00      0             $0.00      0             $0.00



                                    Prepayments                             Rate and Maturities
    Distribution       Curtailments                Payoff                 Next Weighted Avg.         WAM
        Date       #           Amount       #         Amount          Coupon            Remit
         <s>       <c>          <c>         <c>         <c>              <c>             <c>        <c>
     01/10/2006    0             $0.00      0            $0.00        5.359049%       5.332606%      107

  Note: Foreclosure and REO Totals are excluded from the delinquencies aging

                               Delinquency Loan Detail

                               No Delinquent Loans this Period

                               Specially Serviced Loan Detail - Part 1

                               No Specially Serviced Loans this Period

                               Specially Serviced Loan Detail - Part 2

                               No Specially Serviced Loans this Period

                               Modified Loan Detail

                               No Modified Loans

                               Liquidated Loan Detail

                               No Liquidated Loans this Period

                               Bond/Collateral Realized Loss Reconciliation

                               No Realized Losses this Period