EX-33.17 (logo) WELLS FARGO Commercial Mortgage Servicing P.O. Box 31388, Oakland, CA 94604 1901 Harrison St., 2nd Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Tel: 800 986 9711 Management's Assessment Management of Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Servicing, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, (the "Company") is responsible for assessing compliance with the applicable servicing criteria set forth in Item 1122(d) of Regulation AB of the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to the servicing of commercial loans (the "Platform"), except for servicing criteria 1122(d)(1)(iii), 1122(d)(3)(i)(B-D), 1122(d)(3)(ii-iv), and 1122(d)(4)(xv), which the Company has determined are not applicable to the activities it performs with respect to the Platform, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013. Appendix A identifies the commercial mortgage pools and other structures involving the commercial loans constituting the Platform. Appendix B identifies the applicable servicing criteria with respect to the Platform. With respect to servicing criteria 1122(d)(4)(xi) and 1122(d)(4)(xii), the Company performs applicable activities covered by these criteria, with respect to the Platform, except the Company has engaged various vendors to perform certain tax payment activities. Such vendors have provided separate Regulation AB Item 1122 management assessments and attestations for such activities. With respect to applicable servicing criterion 1122(d)(4)(iii), there were no activities performed during the year ended December 31, 2013 with respect to the Platform, because there were no occurrences of events that would require the Company to perform such activities. With respect to servicing criteria 1122(d)(1)(i), 1122(d)(3)(i)(A), 1122(d)(4)(i), and 1122(d)(4)(vi), the Company has engaged various vendors to perform the activities required by these servicing criteria. The Company's management has determined that none of these vendors is considered a "servicer" as defined in Item 1101(j) of Regulation AB, and the Company's management has elected to take responsibility for assessing compliance with the servicing criteria applicable to each vendor as permitted by Interpretation 17.06 of the SEC Division of Corporation Finance Manual of Publicly Available Telephone Interpretations ("Interpretation 17.06"). The Company has policies and procedures in place designed to provide reasonable assurance that the vendors' activities comply in all material respects with the servicing criteria applicable to each vendor. The Company's management is solely responsible for determining that it meets the SEC requirements to apply Interpretation 17.06 for the vendors and related criteria. The Company's management has assessed the Company's compliance with the applicable servicing criteria as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013. In making this assessment, management used the criteria set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission in paragraph (d) of Item 1122 of Regulation AB. Based on such assessment, management believes that, as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013, the Company has complied in all material respects with the servicing criteria set forth in Item 1122(d) of Regulation AB of the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to the servicing of the Platform. KPMG LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, has issued an attestation report with respect to management's assessment of compliance with the applicable servicing criteria as of and for the year ended December 31, 2013. (logo) Together we'll go far (page) March 7, 2014 /s/ Daniel E. Bober Daniel E. Bober Executive Vice President, Commercial Mortgage Servicing Wells Fargo Bank, National Association (page) APPENDIX A COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE POOLS AND OTHER STRUCTURES 2001-CMLB-1 1345FB2005 1997-WF1 1998-WF1 1999-LIFE1 BANC OF AMERICA COMM MTG 2006-1 BANC OF AMERICA COMM MTG 2005-6 BANC OF AMERICA COMM MTG 2006-2 BANC OF AMERICA COMM MTG 2006-5 BACM2007-1 BANC OF AMERICA COMM MTG 2007-3 BA-FUNB 2001-3 BEAR 1999-C1 BS01TOP2 BSC00WF1 BSC00WF2 BSC01TP4 BSC02TP6 BSC03PWR2 BSC04PWR3 BSC04PWR4 BSC04PWR5 BSC04PWR6 BSC05PWR10 BSC05PWR7 BSC05PWR8 BSC05PWR9 BSC06PWR11 BSC06PWR12 BSC06PWR13 BSC06PWR14 BSC07PWR15 BSC07PWR16 BSC07PWR17 BSC07PWR18 BSC99WF2 BSCM02TOP8 BSCM03TOP10 BSCM03TOP12 BSCM04TOP14 BSCM04TOP16 BSCM05TOP18 BSCM06TOP22 BSCM06TOP24 BSCM07TOP26 BSCM07TOP28 BSCMS05TOP20 CITIGROUP CMT 2004 C1 CITIGROUP 2005 C3 CITIGROUP 2006 C5 CITIGROUP 2007-C6 COUNTRYWIDE 2007-MF1 CITIGROUP 2012-GC8 CD 2006-CD2 CD 2006-CD3 CD 2007-CD4 CD 2007-CD5 CGCMT 2013-GC15 CGCMT 2013-GC17 CITIGROUP 2013-GCJ11 CHASE 1999-2 CHASE 2000-2 CHASE 2000-3 CHASE-FUNB 1999-1 CMAT 1999 C1 COBALT 2006-C1 COBALT 2007-C2 COBALT 2007-C3 COMM07FL14 (NONPOOLED) COMM 2009-K3 COMM 2009-K4 PRIMARY COMM 2010-C1 COMM 2012-CCRE1 COMM 2012-CCRE2 COMM 2012-CCRE3 COMM 2012-CCRE4 COMM 2012-LC4 COMM 2013-CCRE10 COMM 2013-CCRE12 COMM 2013-CCRE13 COMM 2013-CCRE6 COMM 2013-FL3 CSFB 2006-C2 CSCMT 2007-C2 CSCMT 2007-C2 CSCMT 2007-C3 CSCMT 2007-C3 CSCMC 2007-C4 CS FIRST BOSTON 1997 C2 CSF99C01 CSFB94CFB1 CS FIRST BOSTON 1997 C1 CS FIRST BOSTON 1998 C2 DBUBS 2011-LC1 DBUBS 2011-LC2 DBUBS 2011-LC3 DDR I 2009-DDR1 DLJ 1998-CGl DLJ 1999-CGl DLJ 1999-CG2 DLJ I999-CG3 FREMF 2010-K6 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2010-K7 FREMF 2010-K8 FREMF 2010-K9 FREDDIE MAC 2010 K-SCT FREMF 2011-K10 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2011-K11 FREMF 2011 K12 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2011-K13 FREMF 2011-K14 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2011-K15 FREMF 2011-K16 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2011-K701 FREMF 2011-K702 FREMF 2011-K703 FREMF 2011-K704 FREMF 2011-KAIV PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K17 PRIMARY AND SPECIAL FREMF 2012-K18 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K19 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K20 FREMF 2012-K21 - PRIMARY ONLY (page) FREMF 2012-K22 (PRIMARY ONLY) FREMF 2012-K23 FREMF 2012-K501 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K705 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K706 FREMF 2012-K707 FREMF 2012-K708 FREMF 2012-K709 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K710 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2012-K7ll FREMF 2012-KP01 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2013-K24 (PRIMARY ONLY) FREMF 2013-K26 FREMF 2013-K26 FREMF 2013-K27 FREMF 2013 K28 (PRIMARY) FREMF 2013 K29 (MASTER) FREMF 2013 K29 (MASTER) FREMF 2013 K30 MASTER FREMF 2013-K31 FREMF 2013 K32 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2013-K33 FREMF 2013-K33 FREMF 2013-K34 FREMF 2013-K34 FREMF 2013-K35 (PRIMARY) FREMF 2013-K502 - PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2013-K712 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2013 K713 FREMF 2013 KF02 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2013 KF02 PRIMARY ONLY FREMF 2013-KS01 PRIMARY FREMF 2013-K25 FUNB-BA 2001 C1 FULB 1997 C2 FUNB 1999 C4 FUNB 2000 C1 FUNB 2000 C2 FUNB 2001 C2 FUNB 2001 C3 FUNB 2001 C4 FUNB 2002 C1 FUNB99C1 FUNB/CHASE 1999 C2 GREENWICH CCFC 2002 C1 GREENWICH CCFC 2003-C1 GREENWICH CCFC 2003-C2 GREENWICH CCFC 2004-GG1 GREENWICH CCFC 2005-GG5 GREENWICH CCFC 2007-GG11 GREENWICH CCFC 2007-GG9 GE 2002 C2 GECC 2000-1 GECC 2001-1 GECC 2001-3 GECC 2002-1 GECC 2002-3 GECC 2003-C2 GECMC 2004 C2 GE 2006 C1 GECMC 2007-C1 GECMC 2007-C1 GOLDMAN 2007-GG10 GSMS 2010-C2 GSMS 2011-GC3 GSMS 2011-GC5 GSMS 2012-GCJ7 GSMS 2012-GCJ9 GSMS 2013-GC10 GSMS 2013-GC13 GSMS 2013-GCJ12 GSMS 2013-GCJ14 GSMS 2013-GCJ16 GSMSC04GG2 GOLDMAN 2006-GG6 GOLDMAN 2006-GG8 GOLDMAN 2006-GG8 GSMSC 2010-C1 GOLDMAN 2010-K5 - PRIMARY ONLY HMAC 1999 PH1 IRVINE CORE OFFICE TRUST 2013-IRV JPM05LDP3 JPM06CIBC15 JPM06CIBC17 JPM07CIBC19 JPM08C2 JPM2006LDP8 JPM2007LDP12 JPM6LDP9 JPMBB 2013-C15 JPMBB 2013-C17 JPMC 2001 CIBC3 JPMC 2002 C1 JPMC 2002 C2 JPMC 2002 CIBC5 JPMC 2003-C1 JPMC 2003 CIBC6 JPMC03LN1 JPMC 2003 ML1 JPMC04-CIBC9 JPMC 2005 LDP1 JPMC 2005 LDP1 JPMC 2005-LDP2 JPMC 2006-LDP7 JPMC 2006-LDP9 JPMCC 2007-LDP10 JPMCC 2007-LDP11 JPMCC 2012-C6 JPMC 2012-CIBX JPMCC 2013-C16 LB 1998 C4 LB 1999 C1 LB 1999 C2 LB-UBS 2003-C1 LB-UBS 2003-C3 LB-UBS 2003 C5 LB-UBS 2003 C7 LB UBS 2003 C8 LB UBS 2004 C1 LB UBS 2004 C4 LB UBS 2004 C6 LB UBS 2004 C7 LB UBS 2004 C8 LB UBS 2005 C1 LBUBS05C2 LBUBS05C3 LB-UBS 2005 C5 LB-UBS 2005 C7 LB-UBS 2006 C1 LB-UBS 2006 C3 LB UBS 2006-C4 LB UBS 2006-C6 (page) LB UBS 2006-C6 LB UBS 2006-C7 LB-UBS 2007-C2 LB-UBS 2007-C6 LB-UBS 2007-C7 LB UBS 2008-C1 LB UBS 2000 C3 LB UBS 2000 C5 LB UBS 2001 C2 LB UBS 2001 C3 LB UBS 2002 C1 LB UBS 2002 C2 LB UBS 2002 C4 LB UBS 2002 C7 MAIDEN 2008-1 MEZZ CAP 2004-C1 MEZZ CAP 2004-C2 MEZZ CAP 2005-C3 MEZZ CAP 2006-C4 MEZZ CAP 2007-C5 MDC01TP5 MDC02TP7 ML 1997-C2 ML 1998-C3 MERRILL LYNCH 1998 C2 ML-CFC 2006-1 ML-CFC 2006-2 MLCFC06-4 MLCFC07-5 ML-CFC 2007-6 MLCFC07-6 ML-CFC 2007-7 MLCFC07-8 MLCFC07-9 MLFT2006-1 MERRILL LYNCH 1996 C2 MLMT 2002 MWl MLMT 2005-CK11 MLMT06C1 MLMT 2006-C2 MLMT07C1 MERRILL LYNCH 2008-C1 MS01TOP1 MS03TOP11 MS04TOP13 MS04TOP15 MS05TOP17 MS05TOP19 MS06TOP21 MS06TOP23 MS07TOP25 MS07TOP27 MS07TOP27 AW34 (NONPOOLED) MS08TOP29 MS2000LIFE1 MS2000PRIN MORGAN STANLEY BAML 2012-C6 MSBAM 2013-C11 MSBAM 2013-C12 MSBAM 2013-C13 MSBAM 2013-C8 MSC04HQ4 MORGAN STANLEY 2005-HQ5 MSC05HQ6 MSC05HQ7 MSC05HQ7 MSC06HQ10 MSC061Q11 MSC07HQ12 MSC07IQ13 MSC07IQ14 MSC07IQ16 MORGAN STANLEY 2011-C3 MSC98WF2 MSC99WF1 MSCI03IQ6 MSCI04HQ3 MSCI04IQ7 MSCI04IQ8 MSCI05IQ9 MSCI06HQ8 MSCI06HQ9 MSCI06TOP21 (NONPOOLED) MORGAN STANLEY 2007-HQ13 MSCI2007IQ16 MSD00LIFE2 MSD01TP3 MSDW03HQ2 MSDW03TOP9 NORTHSTAR 2013-1 (CLO) PCMT03PWR1 RBS 2010-MB1 RITE AID 1999-1 RESOURCE 2013-CRE1 TIAA 2007-C4 UBS 2012-C1 UBS-BARCLAYS 2012-C2 UBS-BARCLAYS 2012-C4 UBS-CITIGROUP 2011-C1 WACHOVIA 2002 C1 WACHOVIA 2002 C2 WACHOVIA 2003 C3 WACHOVIA 2003-C4 WACHOVIA 2003-C5 WACHOVIA 2003-C6 WACHOVIA 2003-C7 WACHOVIA 2003-C8 WACHOVIA 2003-C9 WACHOVIA 2004 C10 WACHOVIA 2004 C11 WACHOVIA 2004-C12 WACHOVIA 2004 C14 WACHOVIA 2004 C15 WACHOVIA 2005-C16 WACHOVIA 2005 C17 WACHOVIA 2005-C18 WACHOVIA 2005-C19 WACHOVIA 2005-C20 WACHOVIA 2005-C21 WACHOVIA 2005-C22 WACHOVIA 2006-C23 WACHOVIA 2006-C24 WACHOVIA 2006-C25 WACHOVIA 2006-C25 WACHOVIA 2006-C26 WACHOVIA 2006-C27 WACHOVIA 2006-C27 WACHOVIA 2006-C28 WACHOVIA 2006-C29 WACHOVIA 2007-C30 WACHOVIA 2007-C31 WACHOVIA 2007-C32 WACHOVIA 2007-C32 WACHOVIA 2007-C33 WACHOVIA 2007-C34 WFCM10C1 WFCM 2012-LC5 WFCM 2013-LC12 WFRBS11C2 WFRBS 2011-C3 WFRBS 2011-C3 WFRBS11C4 WFRBS 2011-C5 WFRBS 2012-C10 WFRBS 2012-C6 WFRBS 2012-C7 WFRBS 2012-C8 WFRBS 2012-C9 WFRBS 2013-C11 WFRBS 2013-C12 WFRBS 2013-C13 WFRBS 2013-C14 WFRBS 2013-C15 WFRBS 2013-C16 WFRBS 2013-C17 WFRBS 2013-C18 (page) WFRBS 2013-UBS1 FANNIE MAE WS CAPLEASE CDO 2005-1 CONCORD REAL ESTATE CDO 2006-1 CAPITAL SOURCE RELT 2006-A MARATHON REAL ESTATE CDO 2006-1 NEWCASTLE CDO VIII NEWCASTLE CDO IX NORTHSTAR CDO IV LTD NORTHSTAR CDO VI NORTHSTAR CDO IX PRIMARY (MEMORIAL MALL) NORTHSTAR CDO IX PRIMARY (MEMORIAL MALL) NORTHSTAR CDO VIII RESOURCE REAL ESTATE FUNDING CDO 2006-1 RESOURCE REF CDO 2007-1 WACHOVIA CRE CDO 2006-1 RBS CITIZENS WORLD SAVINGS INTERNAL CREST 2003-2 MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST CO. OF NY NATIONWIDE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACM TRAFFORD V LLC WAREHOUSE ARCHETYPE & BARCLAYS REPO DEXIA REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO ALABAMASAVES WAREHOUSE BANCORP BANK WAREHOUSE BARCLAYS WAREHOUSE BASIS RE CAPITAL II (REPO) BB&T WAREHOUSE BICOASTAL (A BLACKSTONE CREDIT FACILITY) BISHOPSGATE PARTICIPANTS (GBP) 003 BLACKSTONE (BRE/MWT) BANK OF AMERICA WAREHOUSE BREDS LOAN CAPITAL IV REPO WAREHOUSE BREDS EHY REPO WAREHOUSE BREDS LOAN CAPITAL II REPO WAREHOUSE BREDS LOAN CAPITAL REPO WAREHOUSE BREDS SOCGEN WAREHOUSE RIVER MARKET BROE WAREHOUSE BMC MORTGAGES VI BUCHANAN MORTGAGE CAPITAL BUCKINGHAM CANTOR CRE LENDING LP CAPITAL LEASE WAREHOUSE-398 & 526 CF BRANCH WAREHOUSE CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS REALTY CORP FIVE MILE WAREHOUSE MC FIVE MILE SPE B LLC (COLUMN REPO) WACHOVIA RED - TAX CREDIT WACHOVIA RED - TAX CREDIT GERMAN AMERICAN CAPITAL CORPORATION WARE GREENWICH CAPITAL FINANCIAL PRODUCTS INC H2 WAREHOUSE 2013 JLC WAREHOUSE IV LLC (DEUTSCHE REPO) JP MORGAN CHASE KEARNY CREDIT FACILITY WAREHOUSE LADDER DEUTSCHE REPO LADDER JPM REPO LADDER MET LIFE REPO LADDER CAPITAL LLC REPO LEHMAN BROTHERS WAREHOUSE LEHMAN BROTHERS WAREHOUSE LIBREMAX WAREHOUSE LOANCORE (JEFFERIES) WAREHOUSE LONESTAR (RELIUS) WAREHOUSE 2013 MACQUARIE WAREHOUSE MODERN BANK, N.A. MORGAN STANLEY MORGAN STANLEY NORTHSTAR-DB REPO WAREHOUSE (NRFC) NORTHSTAR-DORAL WAREHOUSE (NRFC) NRFC REPO WAREHOUSE NORTHSTAR-DB REPO WAREHOUSE (NSINCOME) NORTHSTAR-DORAL WAREHOUSE (NSREIT) NORTHSTAR WAREHOUSE NXT CAPITAL FUNDING II, LLC OWS I ACQUISITIONS, LLC WH OWS I ACQUISITIONS, LLC WH ONE WILLIAM STREET CAP MASTER FUND WH OWS COF I MASTER WH OWS CREDIT OPPORTUNITY I WH PRIME FINANCE PARTNERS III, LP PFP III SUB I, LLC PRIME AND METLIFE REPO PFP III SUB I, LLC PIMCO (TOCU I LLC) PIMCO (GCCU I LLC) PRIME FINANCE PARTNERS II, L.P. PRIME REPO WITH METLIFE PRIME REPO WITH U.S. BANK RAITH WAREHOUSE RBS WAREHOUSE RESOURCE CAPITAL REPO WAREHOUSE (PAGE) REXFORD INDUSTRIAL FUND V LP WAREHOUSE RIALTO REPO WITH WF RIALTO WAREHOUSE 2013 RLJ III-FINANCE HOLDINGS, LLC ROCKWOOD (375 PARK) WAREHOUSE SAP FUNDING, LLC SAS WAREHOUSE 2013 (H2) SL GREEN REALTY CORP/GRAMERCY SL GREEN -JPM REPO SL GREEN WAREHOUSE SQUARE MILE/RAM ACQ, LLC STARWOOD AND CITI REP STARWOOD CITI REPO SUB 6 STARWOOD MORTGAGE CAPITAL WAREHOUSE STARWOOD PROPERTY MORTGAGE LLC WAREHOUSE STARWOOD PROPERTY SUB-2, L.L.C. WACHOVIA RED - STRUCTURED FINANCE TALOS WAREHOUSE TEACHERS INSURANCE & ANNUITY ASSOCIATION TRT LENDING SUBSIDIARY LLC TRT LENDING REPO WAREHOUSE TUEBOR WAREHOUSE (LADDER) UBS WAREHOUSE VALSTONE WAREHOUSE VORNADO REALTY L.P. WAREHOUSE WASHINGTON SUB, LLC WBI WAREHOUSE (EUR) 007 WBI WAREHOUSE (GBP) 008 WBNA WAREHOUSE (EUR) 004 WBNA WAREHOUSE (GBP) 014 WFIL WAREHOUSE (EUR) 005 YELLOW BRICK REAL ESTATE CAPITAL I, LLC STRATEGIC LAND JOINT VENTURE 2 ACRE 2013-FL1 BAMLL 2013-DSNY BSB06001 CITIGROUP 2006-FL2 COMM 2006 FL12 COMM07FL14 COMM 2011-FL1 COMM 2012-FL2 COMM 2013-THL CSFB 2006 TFL2 (TITAN) FREMF 2012-KF01 PRIMARY ONLY GREENWICH CCFC 2004-FL2 GREENWICH CCFC 2006-FL4 GRAND PACIFIC BUSINESS LOAN TRUST 2005-1 JPMC 2006 FL2 JPMCC 2007-FL1 LEHMAN 2006 LLF-C5 NS 2012-1 UCB07-1 WACHOVIA 2005-WHALE 6 WACHOVIA 2006-WHALE 7 WACHOVIA 2007-WHALE 8 CREXUS WAREHOUSE MARATHON STRUCTURED FINANCE FUND LP RESOURCE CAPITAL CORP. WAREHOUSE ALL STATE_PPG (PARTICIPATION) BANK OF EAST ASIA_724 FIFTH AVE(PARTICI BANK OF TAIWAN_724 FIFTH AVE(PARTICIPAT CIBC (WESTSHORE MALL PARTICIPATION) IMMG (4 UNION SOUTH PARTICIPATION) MORGAN STANLEY 2007 IQ14 PB CAPITAL (OLYMPIC TOWER PARTICIPATION) PB REALTY_THREEFIRST (PARTICIPATION) PEOPLE'S UNITED BANK_COLE MT AND PPG (PA PNC BANK, N.A._SOUTHEAST RT RAYMOND JAMES BANK (WESTSHORE MALL PARTI SOVEREIGN BANK (4 UNION SOUTH PARTICIPA TD BANK (OLYMPIC TOWER PARTICIPATION) UNITED OVERSEAS BANK_724 FIFTH AVE (PART 1166 AVENUE OF AMERICAS 2005-C6 1166 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS 2002-C5 ONE LINCOLN 2004-C3 7 WORLD TRADE CENTER 2012-WTC AMERICOLD 2010-ART BAMLL 2013-WBRK BB 2013-TYSN BB-UBS 2012-SHOW BB-UBS 2012-TFT TIMES SQUARE HOTEL TRUST BWAY 2013-1515 CITIGROUP 2013-375P CITY CENTER 2011-CCHP CGBAM 2013-BREH CITIGROUP 2013-SMP CGRBS 2013-VNO5TH COMM 2012-9W57 COMM 2012-MVP COMM 2013-SFS COMM 2013-WWP ENERGY PLAZA LEASE TRUST 2002 FOUR TIMES SQUARE 2006-4TS DOLLAR GENERAL GSMS 2012-ALOHA GSMS 2012-BWTR GSMS 2012-SHOP GSMS 2012-TMSQ (PAGE) GSMS 2013-KING GSMS 2013-KYO GOLDMAN SACHS 2005-ROCK JPMC 2011-PLSD JPMC 2013-ALC LCCM2013GCP NORTEL NETWORKS TRUST 2001-1 OBP DEPOSITOR, LLC TRUST 2010-OBP QCMT13QC RBSCF 2013-GSP RBSCF 2013-SMV SCG 2013-SRP1 VDNO 2013-PENN VORNADO DP LLC 2010-VNO VNO 2012-6AVE WFCM 2013-120B WFCM 2013-BTC ACCOR MEZZ WAREHOUSE NRFC WAREHOUSE (SOHO HOUSE) 1345FB2005 (COMPANION) BSCM07TOP28 (COMPANION) 1_BALDEAGLE BSCM07TOP28 (COMPANION) 2_STARWOOD BSCMS05TOP20 (COMPANION)_LANDESBANK BSCMS05TOP20 (COMPANION) 1_NYLIFE BSCMS05TOP20 (COMPANION) 2_HARTFORDLIFE BSCMS05TOP20 (COMPANION) 3_METLIFE CBA-MEZZANINE CAPITAL FINANCE COMM 2006-FL12 COMPANION COMM07FL14 (COMPANION) 1_DEUTSCHEBANK COMM07FL14 (COMPANION) 2_SOCIETE GENERAL CONCORD REAL ESTATE CDO 2006-1 (CERRITOS CRESS 2008-1 CDO_PLAZAELSEGUNDO FUNB 2001 C2 B NOTES FUNB 2001 C3 B NOTES GREENWICH CCFC 05 GG5 (COMPANION) GREENWICH CCFC 2003 C2 (COMPANION) GOLDMAN 2006-GG6 COMPANIONS GOLDMAN 2006-GG8 COMPANIONS GSMSC04GG2 (COMPANION) 1_VARIABLELIFE JPMC 2006-LDP7 COMPANION JPMC04-CIBC9 (COMPANION) JPMC 2005-LDP2 COMPANIONS LEHMAN 2005-LLF C4 (COMPANIONS) LEHMAN 2006 LLF-C5C LBUBS 2005-C2 (COMPANION)_LEHMAN LBUBS05C3 (COMPANION) 1_SORINRE LBUBS05C3 (COMPANION) 2_HARTFORDAI LBUBS05C3 (COMPANION) 3_PRIMA LBUBS05C3 (COMPANION) 4_QUADRANTFUND LBUBS05C3 (SENIOR MEZZ) 1_METLIFE LBUBS05C3 (SENIOR MEZZ) 2_ING LBUBS05C3 (SENIOR MEZZ) 3_LRP LBUBS05C3 (SENIOR MEZZ) 4_AIBDEBT LBUBS05C3 (SENIOR MEZZ) 5_BAYERISCHE LB-UBS 2005-C7 COMPANION LB-UBS 2006 C1 COMPANION LB UBS 2006-C4 COMPANION MLCFC07-5 (COMPANION)_LEXINGTON MLCFC07-6 (COMPANION)_ASTAR MLCFC07-9 (COMPANION)_NBSRE MLFT 2006-1 (COMPANION)_CAPTRUST MLFT 2006-1 (COMPANION)_CAPTRUST MS06TOP23 (COMPANION)_LANDESBANK MSC04HQ4 (COMPANION)_1_METLIFE MSC05HQ6 (COMPANION)_PRUDENTIAL MSC07HQ12 (COMPANION) 1_CIT MSC07HQ12 (COMPANION) 2_DEUTSCHEAG MSC07HQ12 (COMPANION) 3_LEM MSCI04IQ7 (COMPANION) MSCI06HQ8 (COMPANION)_LENDESBANK VERTICAL CRE CDO 2006-1_ROYAL HOLIDAY WACHOVIA 2004-C11 (COMPANION) WACHOVIA 2005-C21 (COMPANION) WACHOVIA 2006-C24 (COMPANION) WACHOVIA 2006-C25 (COMPANION) WACHOVIA 2006-C27 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2006 WHALE 7 NON TRUST WFCM10C1 (PARTICIPATION)_BASIS WFRBS11C2 (PARTICIPATION)_WESTRIVER WFRBS11C4 (COMPANION)_LIBERTYLIFE 7 WORLD TRADE CENTER 2012-WTC COMPANION BRE SELECT HOTELS MEZZ WAREHOUSE CITIGROUP 2006-FL2 COMPANION CITIGROUP 2007-C6 (COMPANION) CITIGROUP 2013-375P COMPANION CITY CENTER 2011-CCHP COMPANION CD 2007-CD4 COMPANION COBALT 2007-C3 COMPANION COMM 2010-C1 COMPANION COMM 2013-CCRE10 COMPANION (page) COMM 2013-CCRE6 COMPANION COMM2013-FL3 COMPANION DBUBS 2011-LC1 COMPANION FOUR TIMES SQUARE 2006-4TS COMPANION GREENWICH CCFC 2007-GG11 COMPANION GREENWICH CCFC 2006-FL4 COMPANION GREENWICH CCFC 2007-GG9 COMPANION GOLDMAN 2007-GG10 COMPANION GSMS 2010-C2 COMPANION GSMS 2011-GC3 COMPANION GSMS 2011-GC5 COMPANION GSMS 2012-GCJ7 COMPANION GSMSC 2010-C1 COMPANION JPMCC 2007-LDP10 COMPANION JPMCC 2007-LDP11 COMPANION JPMC 2006-LDP9 COMPANION JPM 2012-CIBX COMPANION JPMBB 2013-C15 COMPANION JPMBB 2013-C17 COMPANION JPMCC 2013-C16 COMPANION LB-UBS 2006-C6 COMPANION LB UBS 2006-C7 COMPANION LB UBS 2007-C2 COMPANION ML-CFC 2007-7 COMPANION MORGAN STANLEY 2007-HQ13 COMPANION MSBAM 2013-C11 COMPANION MSBAM 2013-C13 COMPANION MSBAM 2013-C8 COMPANION MSBAM 2013-C12 COMPANION NS 2012-1 COMPANION RBS 2010-MB1 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2004-C15 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2005-C20 (COMPANION) WACHOVIA 2006-C28 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2007-C30 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2007-C31 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2007-C32 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2007-C33 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2007-C34 COMPANION WACHOVIA 2007-WHALE 8 NON TRUST WFRBS 2013-C13 COMPANION CITIGROUP 2012-GC8 COMPANION COMM 2013-WWP COMPANION FII F DEBT ACCT PTE LTD LONE STAR REPO WITH WELLS FARGO MEZZ CAP LLC (FKA CBA MEZZ) MEZZ CAP REIT I, INC NBS REAL ESTATE CAPITAL WAREHOUSE SRE FW MEZZ WAREHOUSE (RIDGMAR MEZZ) WACHOVIA GENERAL PARTICIPANT WEST RIVER WAREHOUSE MSDWMC 2000-F1 (page) APPENDIX B APPLICABLE SERVICING CRITERIA WITH RESPECT TO THE PLATFORM INAPPLICABLE APPLICABLE SERVICING SERVICING CRITERIA SERVICING CRITERIA CRITERIA Performed NOT by Vendor(s) Performed performed by for which by vendor(s) the Company Performed the for which the or by Directly Company Company is subservicer(s) by is the NOT the or vendor(s) the Responsible Responsible retained by Company Party Party the Company Reference Criteria <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> General Servicing Considerations Policies and procedures are instituted X X to monitor any performance or other triggers and events of default in accordance with the transaction 1122(d)(1)(i) agreements. If any material servicing activities X are outsourced to third parties, policies and procedures are instituted to monitor the third party's performance and compliance with such servicing 1122(d)(1)(ii) activities. Any requirements in the transaction X agreements to maintain a back-up servicer 1122(d)(1)(iii) for the mortgage loans are maintained. A fidelity bond and errors and X omissions policy is in effect on the party participating in the servicing function throughout the reporting period in the amount of coverage required by and otherwise in accordance with the terms of 1122(d)(1)(iv) the transaction agreements. Cash Collection and Administration Payments on mortgage loans are deposited X into the appropriate custodial bank accounts and related bank clearing accounts no more than two business days following receipt, or such other number of days specified in the transaction 1122(d)(2)(i) agreements. Disbursements made via wire transfer on X behalf of an obligor or to investor are 1122(d)(2)(ii) made only by authorized personnel. Advances of funds or guarantees X regarding collections, cash flows or distributions, and any interest or other fees charged for such advances, are made, reviewed and approved as specified in 1122(d)(2)(iii) the transaction agreements. The related accounts for the X transaction, such as cash reserve accounts or accounts established as a form of overcollateralization, are 1122(d)(2)(iv) separately (page) INAPPLICABLE APPLICABLE SERVICING SERVICING CRITERIA SERVICING CRITERIA CRITERIA Performed NOT by Vendor(s) Performed performed by for which by vendor(s) the Company Performed the for which the or by Directly Company Company is subservicer(s) by is the NOT the or vendor(s) the Responsible Responsible retained by Company Party Party the Company Reference Criteria <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> maintained (e.g., with respect to commingling of cash) as set forth in the transaction agreements. Each custodial account is maintained at X a federally insured depository institution as set forth in the transaction agreements. For purposes of this criterion, "federally insured depository institution" with respect to a foreign financial institution means a foreign financial institution that meets the requirements of Rule 13k-1(b)(1) 1122(d)(2)(v) of the Securities Exchange Act. Unissued checks are safeguarded so as X 1122(d)(2)(vi) to prevent unauthorized access. Reconciliations are prepared on a X monthly basis for all asset-backed securities related bank accounts, including custodial accounts and related bank clearing accounts. These reconciliations are (A) mathematically accurate; (B) prepared within 30 calendar days after the bank statement cutoff date, or such other number of days specified in the transaction agreements; (C) reviewed and approved by someone other than the person who prepared the reconciliation; and (D) contain explanations for reconciling items. These reconciling items are resolved within 90 calendar days of their original identification, or such other number of days specified in the 1122(d)(2)(vii) transaction agreements. Investor Remittances and Reporting Reports to investors, including those X X to be filed with the Commission, are maintained in accordance with the transaction agreements and applicable Commission requirements. Specifically, such reports (A) are prepared in accordance with timeframes and other terms set forth 1122(d)(3)(i)(A) in the transaction agreements; (B) provide information calculated in X accordance with the terms specified in 1122(d)(3)(i)(B) the transaction agreements; (C) are filed with the Commission as X 1122(d)(3)(i)(C) required by its rules and regulations; (page) INAPPLICABLE APPLICABLE SERVICING SERVICING CRITERIA SERVICING CRITERIA CRITERIA Performed NOT by Vendor(s) Performed performed by for which by vendor(s) the Company Performed the for which the or by Directly Company Company is subservicer(s) by is the NOT the or vendor(s) the Responsible Responsible retained by Company Party Party the Company Reference Criteria <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> (D) agree with the investors' or trustee's X records as to the total unpaid principal balance and number of mortgage loans 1122(d)(3)(i)(D) serviced by the Servicer. Amounts due to investors are allocated X and remitted in accordance with timeframes, distribution priority and other terms set forth in the transaction 1122(d)(3)(ii) agreements. Disbursements made to an investor are X posted within two business days to the Servicer's investor records, or such other number of days specified in the transaction 1122(d)(3)(iii) agreements Amounts remitted to investors per the X investor reports agree with cancelled checks, or other form of payment, or 1122(d)(3)(iv) custodial bank statements. Pool Asset Administration Collateral or security on mortgage loans X X is maintained as required by the transaction agreements or related 1122(d)(4)(i) mortgage loan documents. Mortgage loan and related documents are X safeguarded as required by the 1122(d)(4)(ii) transaction agreements Any additions, removals or substitutions X(1) to the asset pool are made, reviewed and approved in accordance with any conditions or requirements in the 1122(d)(4)(iii) transaction agreements. Payments on mortgage loans, including any X payoffs, made in accordance with related [pool asset] documents are posted to the Servicer's obligor records maintained no more than two business days after receipt, or such other number of days specified in the transaction agreements, and allocated to principal, interest or other items (e.g., escrow) in accordance 1122(d)(4)(iv) with the related mortgage loan documents. The Servicer's records regarding the X mortgage loans agree with the Servicer's records with respect to an obligor's 1122(d)(4)(v) unpaid principal balance. (page) INAPPLICABLE APPLICABLE SERVICING SERVICING CRITERIA SERVICING CRITERIA CRITERIA Performed NOT by Vendor(s) Performed performed by for which by vendor(s) the Company Performed the for which the or by Directly Company Company is subservicer(s) by is the NOT the or vendor(s) the Responsible Responsible retained by Company Party Party the Company Reference Criteria <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> Changes with respect to the terms or X X status of an obligor's mortgage loans (e.g., loan modifications or re-agings) are made, reviewed and approved by authorized personnel in accordance with the transaction agreements and 1122(d)(4)(vi) related pool asset documents. Loss mitigation or recovery actions X (e.g., forbearance plans, modifications and deeds in lieu of foreclosure, foreclosures and repossessions, as applicable) are initiated, conducted and concluded in accordance with the timeframes or other requirements established by the transaction 1122(d)(4)(vii) agreements. Records documenting collection efforts X are maintained during the period a mortgage loan is delinquent in accordance with the transaction agreements. Such records are maintained on at least a monthly basis, or such other period specified in the transaction agreements, and describe the entity's activities in monitoring delinquent mortgage loans including, for example, phone calls, letters and payment rescheduling plans in cases where delinquency is deemed temporary (e.g., 1122(d)(4)(viii) illness or unemployment). Adjustments to interest rates or rates X of return for mortgage loans with variable rates are computed based on the related 1122(d)(4)(ix) mortgage loan documents. Regarding any funds held in trust for X an obligor (such as escrow accounts): (A) such funds are analyzed, in accordance with the obligor's mortgage loan documents, on at least an annual basis, or such other period specified in the transaction 1122(d)(4)(x)(A) agreements; (B) interest on such funds is X paid, or credited, to obligors in accordance with applicable mortgage 1122(d)(4)(x)(B) loan documents and state laws; (C) such funds are returned to the obligor X within 30 calendar days of full repayment of the related mortgage loans, or such other number of days specified in the 1122(d)(4)(x)(C) transaction agreements. (page) INAPPLICABLE APPLICABLE SERVICING SERVICING CRITERIA SERVICING CRITERIA CRITERIA Performed NOT by Vendor(s) Performed performed by for which by vendor(s) the Company Performed the for which the or by Directly Company Company is subservicer(s) by is the NOT the or vendor(s) the Responsible Responsible retained by Company Party Party the Company Reference Criteria <s> <c> <c> <c> <c> <c> Payments made on behalf of an obligor X X(2) (such as tax or insurance payments) are made on or before the related penalty or expiration dates, as indicated on the appropriate bills or notices for such payments, provided that such support has been received by the Servicer at least 30 calendar days prior to these dates, or such other number of days specified in 1122(d)(4)(xi) the transaction agreements. Any late payment penalties in connection X X(2) with any payment to be made on behalf of an obligor are paid from the Servicer's funds and not charged to the obligor, unless the late payment was due 1122(d)(4)(xii) to the obligor's error or omission. Disbursements made on behalf of an X obligor are posted within two business days to the obligor's records maintained by the Servicer, or such other number of days specified in the transaction 1122(d)(4)(xiii) agreements. Delinquencies, charge-offs and X uncollectible accounts are recognized and recorded in accordance with the 1122(d)(4)(xiv) transaction agreements. Any external enhancement or other X support, identified in Item 1114(a)(1) through (3) or Item 1115 of Regulation AB, is maintained as set 1122(d)(4)(xv) forth in the transaction agreements. <FN> (1) There were no activities performed during the year ended December 31, 2012 with respect to the Platform, because there were no occurences of events that would require the Company to perform such activities. (2) The vendors, CoreLogic, Inc. and National Tax Search, LLC, provided separate Reg. AB 1122(d) attestations for their tax payment activities as they relate to criteria 1122(d)(4)(xi) and (xii). </FN>