First Union Residential Securitization Transact
Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates
Record Date:            08/31/1998
Distribution Date:     09/25/1998

FURST  Series: 1998-A

Contact: Customer Service
         Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.
         Securities Administration Services
         7485 New Horizon Way
         Frederick, MD 21703
         Telephone: (301) 846-8130
         Fax:       (301) 846-8152

                                             Certificateholder Distribution Summary

                       Certificate      Certificate        Beginning                              
                          Class        Pass-Through      Certificate       Interest      Principal
Class          CUSIP   Description             Rate          Balance   Distribution   Distribution
    SA-1       337403AK5         SEQ          7.00000%     45,218,475.12      263,774.44      742,457.56
    SA-2       337403AL3         SEQ          6.90000%     69,281,200.41      398,366.90    1,137,551.64
    SA-3       337403AM1         SEQ          7.00000%      9,700,000.00       56,583.33            0.00
    SA-4       337403AN9         SEQ          7.00000%     15,161,942.77       88,444.67       23,623.29
    SA-5       337403AP4         IO           7.00000%              0.00        5,773.43            0.00
    SA-X       337403AQ2         IO           0.57256%              0.00       69,971.96            0.00
    A-1        337403AR0         SEQ          6.87000%    115,721,113.76      662,503.38    2,968,452.60
    A-2        337403AS8         SEQ          7.00000%     19,168,000.00      111,813.33            0.00
    A-3        337403AT6         SEQ          7.00000%     18,130,000.00      105,758.33            0.00
    A-4        337403AU3         SEQ          7.00000%      9,500,000.00       55,416.67            0.00
    A-5        337403AV1         SEQ          7.00000%      2,700,000.00       15,750.00            0.00
    A-6        337403AW9         IO           7.00000%              0.00       12,536.45            0.00
    A-7        337403AX7         SEQ          7.50000%      2,500,000.00       15,625.00            0.00
     AX        337403AY5         IO           0.66109%              0.00       97,023.83            0.00
    R-I        337403BF5          R           7.00000%              0.00            0.00            0.00
    R-II       337403BG3          R           7.00000%              0.00            0.00            0.00
     M         337403AZ2         MEZ          7.00000%      7,668,859.02       44,735.01        8,725.30
    B-1        337403BA6         SUB          7.00000%      2,962,967.83       17,283.98        3,371.14
    B-2        337403BB4         SUB          7.00000%      2,091,506.64       12,200.46        2,379.63
    B-3        337403BC2         SUB          7.00000%      1,220,045.46        7,116.93        1,388.12
    B-4        337403BD0         SUB          7.00000%        697,168.55        4,066.82          793.21
    B-5        337403BE8         SUB          7.00000%      1,045,755.13        6,100.24        1,189.82
Totals                                                    322,767,034.69    2,050,845.16    4,889,932.31


                                       Certificateholder Distribution Summary (continued)

                          Current                Ending                                       Cumulative
                         Realized           Certificate                   Total                 Realized
Class                        Loss               Balance            Distribution                   Losses
SA-1                           0.00          44,476,017.57             1,006,232.00                      0.00
SA-2                           0.00          68,143,648.77             1,535,918.54                      0.00
SA-3                           0.00           9,700,000.00                56,583.33                      0.00
SA-4                           0.00          15,138,319.48               112,067.96                      0.00
SA-5                           0.00                   0.00                 5,773.43                      0.00
SA-X                           0.00                   0.00                69,971.96                      0.00
A-1                            0.00         112,752,661.15             3,630,955.98                      0.00
A-2                            0.00          19,168,000.00               111,813.33                      0.00
A-3                            0.00          18,130,000.00               105,758.33                      0.00
A-4                            0.00           9,500,000.00                55,416.67                      0.00
A-5                            0.00           2,700,000.00                15,750.00                      0.00
A-6                            0.00                   0.00                12,536.45                      0.00
A-7                            0.00           2,500,000.00                15,625.00                      0.00
AX                             0.00                   0.00                97,023.83                      0.00
R-I                            0.00                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00
R-II                           0.00                   0.00                     0.00                      0.00
M                              0.00           7,660,133.72                53,460.31                      0.00
B-1                            0.00           2,959,596.69                20,655.12                      0.00
B-2                            0.00           2,089,127.02                14,580.09                      0.00
B-3                            0.00           1,218,657.34                 8,505.05                      0.00
B-4                            0.00             696,375.34                 4,860.03                      0.00
B-5                            0.00           1,044,565.31                 7,290.06                      0.00
Totals                         0.00         317,877,102.39             6,940,777.47                      0.00
All distributions required by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement have been calculated by the
Certificate Administrator on behalf of the Trustee.
Edward M. Frere, Jr.
Vice President, Norwest Bank Minnesota, N.A.

                                                Principal Distribution Statement

                        Original         Beginning        Scheduled     Unscheduled                             
                            Face       Certificate        Principal       Principal                     Realized
Class                     Amount           Balance     Distribution    Distribution     Accretion       Loss (1)
SA-1                 51,614,813.00      45,218,475.12         84,687.09       657,770.47           0.00            0.00
SA-2                 79,081,309.00      69,281,200.41        129,752.78     1,007,798.86           0.00            0.00
SA-3                  9,700,000.00       9,700,000.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
SA-4                 15,253,691.00      15,161,942.77          2,694.55        20,928.74           0.00            0.00
SA-5                          0.00               0.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
SA-X                          0.00               0.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
A-1                 126,652,919.00     115,721,113.76        129,615.67     2,838,836.93           0.00            0.00
A-2                  19,168,000.00      19,168,000.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
A-3                  18,130,000.00      18,130,000.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
A-4                   9,500,000.00       9,500,000.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
A-5                   2,700,000.00       2,700,000.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
A-6                           0.00               0.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
A-7                   2,500,000.00       2,500,000.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
AX                            0.00               0.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
R-I                          50.00               0.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
R-II                         50.00               0.00              0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00
M                     7,701,171.00       7,668,859.02          8,725.30             0.00           0.00            0.00
B-1                   2,975,452.00       2,962,967.83          3,371.14             0.00           0.00            0.00
B-2                   2,100,319.00       2,091,506.64          2,379.63             0.00           0.00            0.00
B-3                   1,225,186.00       1,220,045.46          1,388.12             0.00           0.00            0.00
B-4                     700,106.00         697,168.55            793.21             0.00           0.00            0.00
B-5                   1,050,161.64       1,045,755.13          1,189.82             0.00           0.00            0.00
Totals              350,053,227.64     322,767,034.69        364,597.31     4,525,335.00            0.00           0.00
(1) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankruptcy, or Fraud Losses Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                          Principal Distribution Statement (continued)

                                   Total               Ending              Ending            Total
                               Principal          Certificate         Certificate        Principal
Class                          Reduction              Balance          Percentage     Distribution
SA-1                            742,457.56         44,476,017.57           0.86169096        742,457.56
SA-2                          1,137,551.64         68,143,648.77           0.86169096      1,137,551.64
SA-3                                  0.00          9,700,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
SA-4                             23,623.29         15,138,319.48           0.99243649         23,623.29
SA-5                                  0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
SA-X                                  0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
A-1                           2,968,452.60        112,752,661.15           0.89024921      2,968,452.60
A-2                                   0.00         19,168,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
A-3                                   0.00         18,130,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
A-4                                   0.00          9,500,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
A-5                                   0.00          2,700,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
A-6                                   0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
A-7                                   0.00          2,500,000.00           1.00000000              0.00
AX                                    0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
R-I                                   0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
R-II                                  0.00                  0.00           0.00000000              0.00
M                                 8,725.30          7,660,133.72           0.99467129          8,725.30
B-1                               3,371.14          2,959,596.69           0.99467129          3,371.14
B-2                               2,379.63          2,089,127.02           0.99467130          2,379.63
B-3                               1,388.12          1,218,657.34           0.99467129          1,388.12
B-4                                 793.21            696,375.34           0.99467129            793.21
B-5                               1,189.82          1,044,565.31           0.99467098          1,189.82
Totals                        4,889,932.31        317,877,102.39           0.90808219      4,889,932.31

                                              Principal Distribution Factors Statement

                          Original          Beginning         Scheduled        Unscheduled                 
                              Face        Certificate         Principal          Principal                 
Class (2)                   Amount            Balance      Distribution       Distribution        Accretion
SA-1                   51,614,813.00        876.07553901         1.64075166         12.74383131        0.00000000
SA-2                   79,081,309.00        876.07553904         1.64075155         12.74383129        0.00000000
SA-3                    9,700,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-4                   15,253,691.00        993.98517841         0.17664905          1.37204431        0.00000000
SA-5                            0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-X                            0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A-1                   126,652,919.00        913.68690650         1.02339268         22.41430322        0.00000000
A-2                    19,168,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A-3                    18,130,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A-4                     9,500,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A-5                     2,700,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A-6                             0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
A-7                     2,500,000.00       1000.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
AX                              0.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
R-I                            50.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
R-II                           50.00          0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000        0.00000000
M                       7,701,171.00        995.80427704         1.13298354          0.00000000        0.00000000
B-1                     2,975,452.00        995.80427780         1.13298417          0.00000000        0.00000000
B-2                     2,100,319.00        995.80427545         1.13298504          0.00000000        0.00000000
B-3                     1,225,186.00        995.80427788         1.13298715          0.00000000        0.00000000
B-4                       700,106.00        995.80427821         1.13298558          0.00000000        0.00000000
B-5                     1,050,161.64        995.80396976         1.13298749          0.00000000        0.00000000
(2) per $1000 denomination

                                      Principal Distribution Factors Statement (continued)
                                              Total                Ending              Ending             Total
                        Realized          Principal           Certificate         Certificate         Principal
Class                   Loss (3)          Reduction               Balance          Percentage      Distribution

SA-1                    0.00000000         14.38458297            861.69095624          0.86169096        14.38458297
SA-2                    0.00000000         14.38458283            861.69095620          0.86169096        14.38458283
SA-3                    0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
SA-4                    0.00000000          1.54869336            992.43648504          0.99243649         1.54869336
SA-5                    0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
SA-X                    0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
A-1                     0.00000000         23.43769590            890.24921052          0.89024921        23.43769590
A-2                     0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A-3                     0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A-4                     0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A-5                     0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
A-6                     0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
A-7                     0.00000000          0.00000000          1,000.00000000          1.00000000         0.00000000
AX                      0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
R-I                     0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
R-II                    0.00000000          0.00000000              0.00000000          0.00000000         0.00000000
M                       0.00000000          1.13298354            994.67129350          0.99467129         1.13298354
B-1                     0.00000000          1.13298417            994.67129364          0.99467129         1.13298417
B-2                     0.00000000          1.13298504            994.67129517          0.99467130         1.13298504
B-3                     0.00000000          1.13298715            994.67129073          0.99467129         1.13298715
B-4                     0.00000000          1.13298558            994.67129263          0.99467129         1.13298558
B-5                     0.00000000          1.13298749            994.67098227          0.99467098         1.13298749
(3) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankrupcy, or Fraud Losses
    Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
    Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                                 Interest Distribution Statement

                                                      Beginning                       Payment of                
                      Original        Current      Certificate/            Current        Unpaid         Current
                          Face    Certificate          Notional            Accrued     Interest         Interest
Class                   Amount           Rate           Balance           Interest     Shortfall       Shortfall
SA-1               51,614,813.00        7.00000%      45,218,475.12          263,774.44           0.00             0.00
SA-2               79,081,309.00        6.90000%      69,281,200.41          398,366.90           0.00             0.00
SA-3                9,700,000.00        7.00000%       9,700,000.00           56,583.33           0.00             0.00
SA-4               15,253,691.00        7.00000%      15,161,942.77           88,444.67           0.00             0.00
SA-5                        0.00        7.00000%         989,731.43            5,773.43           0.00             0.00
SA-X                        0.00        0.57256%     146,651,791.75           69,971.96           0.00             0.00
A-1               126,652,919.00        6.87000%     115,721,113.76          662,503.38           0.00             0.00
A-2                19,168,000.00        7.00000%      19,168,000.00          111,813.33           0.00             0.00
A-3                18,130,000.00        7.00000%      18,130,000.00          105,758.33           0.00             0.00
A-4                 9,500,000.00        7.00000%       9,500,000.00           55,416.67           0.00             0.00
A-5                 2,700,000.00        7.00000%       2,700,000.00           15,750.00           0.00             0.00
A-6                         0.00        7.00000%       2,149,106.40           12,536.45           0.00             0.00
A-7                 2,500,000.00        7.50000%       2,500,000.00           15,625.00           0.00             0.00
AX                          0.00        0.66109%     176,115,242.94           97,023.83           0.00             0.00
R-I                        50.00        7.00000%               0.00                0.00           0.00             0.00
R-II                       50.00        7.00000%               0.00                0.00           0.00             0.00
M                   7,701,171.00        7.00000%       7,668,859.02           44,735.01           0.00             0.00
B-1                 2,975,452.00        7.00000%       2,962,967.83           17,283.98           0.00             0.00
B-2                 2,100,319.00        7.00000%       2,091,506.64           12,200.46           0.00             0.00
B-3                 1,225,186.00        7.00000%       1,220,045.46            7,116.93           0.00             0.00
B-4                   700,106.00        7.00000%         697,168.55            4,066.82           0.00             0.00
B-5                 1,050,161.64        7.00000%       1,045,755.13            6,100.24           0.00             0.00
Totals            350,053,227.64                                           2,050,845.16           0.00             0.00

                                            Interest Distribution Statement (continued)
                                                                                   Remaining            Ending
                     Non-Supported                                  Total             Unpaid      Certificate/
                          Interest            Realized           Interest          Interest           Notional
 Class                   Shortfall          Losses (4)       Distribution          Shortfall           Balance
 SA-1                           0.00                0.00           263,774.44                0.00      44,476,017.57
 SA-2                           0.00                0.00           398,366.90                0.00      68,143,648.77
 SA-3                           0.00                0.00            56,583.33                0.00       9,700,000.00
 SA-4                           0.00                0.00            88,444.67                0.00      15,138,319.48
 SA-5                           0.00                0.00             5,773.43                0.00         973,480.70
 SA-X                           0.00                0.00            69,971.96                0.00     144,736,800.70
 A-1                            0.00                0.00           662,503.38                0.00     112,752,661.15
 A-2                            0.00                0.00           111,813.33                0.00      19,168,000.00
 A-3                            0.00                0.00           105,758.33                0.00      18,130,000.00
 A-4                            0.00                0.00            55,416.67                0.00       9,500,000.00
 A-5                            0.00                0.00            15,750.00                0.00       2,700,000.00
 A-6                            0.00                0.00            12,536.45                0.00       2,093,977.99
 A-7                            0.00                0.00            15,625.00                0.00       2,500,000.00
 AX                             0.00                0.00            97,023.83                0.00     173,140,301.68
 R-I                            0.00                0.00                 0.00                0.00               0.00
 R-II                           0.00                0.00                 0.00                0.00               0.00
 M                              0.00                0.00            44,735.01                0.00       7,660,133.72
 B-1                            0.00                0.00            17,283.98                0.00       2,959,596.69
 B-2                            0.00                0.00            12,200.46                0.00       2,089,127.02
 B-3                            0.00                0.00             7,116.93                0.00       1,218,657.34
 B-4                            0.00                0.00             4,066.82                0.00         696,375.34
 B-5                            0.00                0.00             6,100.24                0.00       1,044,565.31
 Totals                         0.00                0.00         2,050,845.16                0.00
 (4) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankrupcy, or Fraud Losses Unless Otherwise Disclosed.
     Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                            Interest Distribution Factors Statement

                                                          Beginning                        Payment of                 
                        Original        Current        Certificate/          Current           Unpaid          Current
                            Face    Certificate            Notional          Accrued        Interest          Interest
Class (5)                 Amount           Rate             Balance         Interest        Shortfall        Shortfall
SA-1                 51,614,813.00        7.00000%         876.07553901        5.11044068        0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-2                 79,081,309.00        6.90000%         876.07553904        5.03743432        0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-3                  9,700,000.00        7.00000%        1000.00000000        5.83333299        0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-4                 15,253,691.00        7.00000%         993.98517841        5.79824713        0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-5                          0.00        7.00000%         876.07553179        5.11043764        0.00000000        0.00000000
SA-X                          0.00        0.57256%         899.79145806        0.42931744        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-1                 126,652,919.00        6.87000%         913.68690650        5.23085757        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-2                  19,168,000.00        7.00000%        1000.00000000        5.83333316        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-3                  18,130,000.00        7.00000%        1000.00000000        5.83333315        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-4                   9,500,000.00        7.00000%        1000.00000000        5.83333368        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-5                   2,700,000.00        7.00000%        1000.00000000        5.83333333        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-6                           0.00        7.00000%         913.68690662        5.32983859        0.00000000        0.00000000
A-7                   2,500,000.00        7.50000%        1000.00000000        6.25000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
AX                            0.00        0.66109%         941.44523009        0.51865256        0.00000000        0.00000000
R-I                          50.00        7.00000%           0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
R-II                         50.00        7.00000%           0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000        0.00000000
M                     7,701,171.00        7.00000%         995.80427704        5.80885816        0.00000000        0.00000000
B-1                   2,975,452.00        7.00000%         995.80427780        5.80885862        0.00000000        0.00000000
B-2                   2,100,319.00        7.00000%         995.80427545        5.80886046        0.00000000        0.00000000
B-3                   1,225,186.00        7.00000%         995.80427788        5.80885678        0.00000000        0.00000000
B-4                     700,106.00        7.00000%         995.80427821        5.80886323        0.00000000        0.00000000
B-5                   1,050,161.64        7.00000%         995.80396976        5.80885815        0.00000000        0.00000000
(5) per $1000 denomination


                                       Interest Distribution Factors Statement (continued)

                                                                           Remaining               Ending
                 Non-Supported                              Total             Unpaid         Certificate/
                      Interest         Realized          Interest           Interest             Notional
Class                Shortfall       Losses (6)      Distribution          Shortfall              Balance
SA-1                  0.00000000        0.00000000         5.11044068          0.00000000          861.69095624
SA-2                  0.00000000        0.00000000         5.03743432          0.00000000          861.69095620
SA-3                  0.00000000        0.00000000         5.83333299          0.00000000         1000.00000000
SA-4                  0.00000000        0.00000000         5.79824713          0.00000000          992.43648504
SA-5                  0.00000000        0.00000000         5.11043764          0.00000000          861.69095584
SA-X                  0.00000000        0.00000000         0.42931744          0.00000000          888.04190786
A-1                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.23085757          0.00000000          890.24921052
A-2                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.83333316          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A-3                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.83333315          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A-4                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.83333368          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A-5                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.83333333          0.00000000         1000.00000000
A-6                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.32983859          0.00000000          890.24920880
A-7                   0.00000000        0.00000000         6.25000000          0.00000000         1000.00000000
AX                    0.00000000        0.00000000         0.51865256          0.00000000          925.54232349
R-I                   0.00000000        0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000            0.00000000
R-II                  0.00000000        0.00000000         0.00000000          0.00000000            0.00000000
M                     0.00000000        0.00000000         5.80885816          0.00000000          994.67129350
B-1                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.80885862          0.00000000          994.67129364
B-2                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.80886046          0.00000000          994.67129517
B-3                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.80885678          0.00000000          994.67129073
B-4                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.80886323          0.00000000          994.67129263
B-5                   0.00000000        0.00000000         5.80885815          0.00000000          994.67098227
(6) Amount Does Not Include Excess Special Hazard, Bankrupcy,or Fraud Losses Unless
    Otherwise Disclosed. Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description.

                                                      CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT

Beginning Balance                                                                                        0.00
    Payments of Interest and Principal                                                           7,037,305.71
    Liquidations, Insurance Proceeds, Reserve Funds                                                      0.00
    Proceeds from Repurchased Loans                                                                      0.00
    Other Amounts (Servicer Advances)                                                                    0.00
    Realized Losses                                                                                      0.00
Total Deposits                                                                                   7,037,305.71

    Reimbursement for Servicer Advances                                                                  0.00
    Payment of Service Fee                                                                          97,569.91
    Payment of Interest and Principal                                                            6,939,735.80
Total Withdrawals (Pool Distribution Amount)                                                     7,037,305.71

Ending Balance                                                                                           0.00

                                            PREPAYMENT/CURTAILMENT INTEREST SHORTFALL


Total Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                          0.00
Servicing Fee Support                                                                                    0.00
Non-Supported Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                  0.00

                                                         SERVICING FEES

Gross Servicing Fee                                                                                 94,778.12
Trustee Fee                                                                                          2,689.73
Spread 1 Fee                                                                                           102.07
Supported Prepayment/Curtailment Interest Shortfall                                                      0.00
Net Servicing Fee                                                                                   97,569.91

                                                         OTHER ACCOUNTS

                                               Beginning          Current          Current          Ending
Account Type                                     Balance      Withdrawals         Deposits         Balance
Capitalized Interest Account                          0.00              0.00              0.00             0.00
Prefunding Account                                    0.00              0.00              0.00             0.00
A7 Interest Reserve Account                       8,333.35          1,041.66              0.00         7,291.69

                                                       DELINQUENCY STATUS

                                                                            Percentage Delinquent
                                                                                  Based On
                                   Current           Unpaid                                         
                                    Number        Principal                 Number            Unpaid
                                  Of Loans          Balance               Of Loans           Balance
30 Days                                  30      2,342,950.00               3.015075%          0.737062%
60 Days                                   0              0.00               0.000000%          0.000000%
90+ Days                                  1        247,558.00               0.100503%          0.077879%
Foreclosure                               0              0.00               0.000000%          0.000000%
REO                                       0              0.00               0.000000%          0.000000%
Totals                                   31      2,590,508.00               3.115578%          0.814940%

                                                       OTHER INFORMATION

Current Period Realized Loss - Includes Interest Shortfall                                           0.00
Cumulative Realized Losses - Includes Interest Shortfall                                             0.00
Current Period Class A Insufficient Funds                                                            0.00
Principal Balance of Contaminated Properties                                                         0.00
Periodic Advance                                                                             2,163,013.00


                                                                                       Current          Next
                      Original $    Original %          Current $     Current %         Class%    Prepayment%
Class    M          8,051,224.64      2.30000012%       8,008,321.70    2.51931380%       2.409778%     48.888889%
Class    B-1        5,075,772.64      1.45000024%       5,048,725.01    1.58826319%       0.931051%     18.888886%
Class    B-2        2,975,453.64      0.85000034%       2,959,597.99    0.93105102%       0.657212%     13.333331%
Class    B-3        1,750,267.64      0.50000043%       1,740,940.65    0.54767727%       0.383374%      7.777776%
Class    B-4        1,050,161.64      0.30000056%       1,044,565.31    0.32860665%       0.219071%      4.444442%
Class    B-5                0.00      0.00000000%               0.00    0.00000000%       0.328607%      6.666677%
Please Refer to the Prospectus Supplement for a Full Description of Loss Exposure

                                                       CREDIT ENHANCEMENT

                                    Original $        Original %         Current $        Current %
                 Bankruptcy         100,000.00       0.02856708%        100,000.00       0.03145870%
                      Fraud       3,500,532.00       0.99999992%      3,500,532.00       1.10122182%
             Special Hazard       2,941,436.00       0.84028250%      2,941,436.00       0.92533749%
Limit of Subordinate's Exposure to Certain Types of Losses

                              COLLATERAL STATEMENT
Collateral Description                                         Fixed 30 Year

Weighted Average Gross Coupon                                      7.882487%
Weighted AverageNet Coupon                                         7.620866%
Weighted Average Pass-Through Rate                                 7.000000%
Weighted Average Maturity(Stepdown Calculation )                         297
Begin Scheduled Collateral Loan Count                                  1,008

Number Of Loans Paid In Full                                              13
End Scheduled Collateral Loan Count                                      995
Begining Scheduled Collateral Balance                         322,767,034.69
Ending Scheduled Collateral Balance                           317,877,102.38
Ending Actual Collateral Balance at 31-Aug-1998               318,206,630.90
Monthly P &I Constant                                           2,484,769.65
Class A Optimal Amount                                          6,831,426.82
Ending Scheduled Balance for Premium Loans                    317,877,102.38
Unpaid Principal Balance Of Outstanding Mortgage Loans 
With Original LTV:
    Less Than Or Equal To 80%                                 271,293,345.60
    Greater Than 80%, less than or equal to 85%                10,533,092.36
    Greater than 85%, less than or equal to 95%                32,973,302.46
    Greater than 95%                                            3,406,890.48