EXCLUSIVE Advertising
Balance Sheet as At 12/31/1999

Current Assets
     Petty Cash                             0.00
     Royal Bank Account                 4,786.38
     Scotia Bank Account               31,645.77
     Total Cash                                        36,432.15
     Accounts Receivable               66,333.15
     Allowance for Doubtful Accounts        0.00
     Advances                             895.00
     Total Receivable                                  67,228.15
     Prepaids                                             531.00
Total Current Assets                                  104,191.30

Fixed Assets
     Equipment                                        272,169.84
     Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment               -15,539.50
Total Fixed Assets                                    256,630.34

Other Assets
     Goodwill                                          36,000.00
     Incorporation Cost                                     0.00
Total Other Assets                                     36,000.00
TOTAL ASSETS                                          396,821.64


Current Liabilities
     Account Payable                                   85,004.94
     A/P-Gary Pare                        100.00
     Total Accounts Payable                               100.00
     Corporate Taxes payable                                0.00
     PST Payable                                            0.00
     GST Charged on Sales              20,299.30
     GST Paid on Purchases            -48,665.08
     GST Owing (Refund)               -28,365.75
Total Current Liabilities                              56,739.16

Long Term Liabilities
     Bank Loan - Nova Scotia                          218,860.68
     Due To LMGI                                            0.00
     Due To LSSC                                      163,697.23
Total Long Term Liabilities                           382,557.91

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                     439,297.07


Share Capital
    Common Shares                                           0.00
    Preferred Shares                                        0.00
Total Share Capital                                         0.00

Retained Earnings
    Investor's Equity                                 -19,057.53
    Retained Earnings - Previous Year                       0.00
    Current Earnings                                  -23,417.90
Total Retained Earnings                               -45,475.43

TOTAL EQUITY                                          -42,475.43
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                396,821.64

Income Statement 01/01/1999 to 12/31/1999

 Sales - Posters                    254,275.68
 Sales - L.E.D.                      41,850.19
Net Sales                           296,125.87

Other Revenue
 Miscellaneous Revenue                   56.36
Total Other Revenue                      56.36

TOTAL REVENUE                       296,182.23


Direct Costs
 Installations                       17,692.50
 L.E.D.'s                             2,957.24
 Deprecation - Equipment                  0.00
 Co Contract                        241,111.08
 Total Direct Costs                 261,760.82

General & Administrative Expenses
 Accounting                           3,750.00
 Advertising                         -5,022.51
 Bad Debts                                0.00
 Legal                                1,115.00
 Courier & postage                      873.66
 Consulting                               0.00
 Sales Agent                         24,309.05
 Depreciation Expense                15,539.50
 Income Taxes                             0.00
 Insurance                            1,062.00
 Interest Charges                     4,617.62
 Bank Charges                           675.96
 Office Supplies                         46.31
 Miscellaneous                           38.00
 Salaries & Wages                         0.00
 Rent                                 9,000.00
 Repair & Maintenance                     0.00
 Telephone                               36.94
 Travel & Entertainment               1,797.78
 Utilities                                0.00
Total General & Admin. Expenses      57,839.31

TOTAL EXPENSE                       319,600.13

NET INCOME                          -23,417.90