This AGREEMENT OF MERGER,  dated, this ___ day of April,  1999, entered
into  pursuant  to  Section  264 of Title 8 of the  General  Corporation  Law of
Delaware and Section  2B-20(b) of Title 42 of the New Jersey  Limited  Liability
Company Act, is between Ridgewood Power VI Corporation,  a Delaware  corporation
(the  "Non-Surviving  Corporation")  and  Ridgewood  Power VI LLC,  a New Jersey
limited liability company (the "Surviving Company").

         WITNESSETH that:

         WHEREAS, the Non-Surviving Corporation and the Surviving Company desire
to merge into a single limited liability company;

         NOW, THEREFORE,  the parties to this Agreement, in consideration of the
mutual covenants,  agreements and provisions  hereinafter  contained,  do hereby
prescribe the terms and  conditions of said merger and mode of carrying the same
into effect as follows:

         FIRST: The Non-Surviving Corporation hereby merges itself into and with
the Surviving  Company,  which shall be the surviving company and which shall be
governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey.

     SECOND:  Upon the filing of the  appropriate  Certificate  of Merger in the
Office of the Secretary of State of Delaware,  the separate corporate  existence
of the Non-Surviving Corporation shall terminate.

         THIRD:  The manner of converting the outstanding  shares of the capital
stock of the  Non-Surviving  Corporation,  and the  membership  interests in the
Surviving  Company  existing  prior to the  effective  date of the merger,  into
membership  interests in the Surviving  Company after the effective  date of the
mergers shall be as follows:

                  (a)  All   shares  of  common   stock  of  the   Non-Surviving
Corporation  which shall be issued and outstanding on the effective date of this
merger,  and all rights in respect  thereof,  shall from and after the effective
date of the merger be  converted  into 100% of the  membership  interests in the
Surviving Company,  with each such share representing a proportional  membership
interest. The rights and obligations of the holders of such shares as members of
the  Surviving  Company  are as set  forth  in the  operating  agreement  of the
Surviving Company.

                  (b) Each  membership  interest of the Surviving  Company which
shall be issued and  outstanding  on the effective  date of the merger,  and all
rights in respect thereof, shall from and after the effective date of the merger
be converted to cash in the amount of $100.00.

         FOURTH:  The terms and conditions of the merger are as follows:

         (a) The operating  agreement of the Surviving Company as it shall exist
on the effective date of this merger shall be and remain the operating agreement
of the Surviving  Company after the effective  date of the merger until the same
shall be altered, amended or repealed as therein provided.

         (b) The manager and officers of the Surviving  Company  holding offices
immediately  prior to the  effective  date of the merger shall  continue in such
offices as the manager and officers of the Surviving Company after the effective
date of the merger until their respective  successors shall have been designated
or elected and qualified.

         (c) The merger  shall become  effective  upon filing a  Certificate  of
Merger with the Secretary of State of Delaware and a Certificate  of Merger with
the Secretary of State of New Jersey.

         (d) Upon the  merger  becoming  effective,  all the  property,  rights,
privileges,  franchises, patents, trademarks,  licenses, registrations and other
assets of every kind and description of the  Non-Surviving  Corporation shall be
transferred to, vested in and devolve upon the Surviving Company without further
act  or  deed  and  all  property,  rights  and  every  other  interest  of  the
Non-Surviving  Corporation and the Surviving Company shall be as effectively the
property of the Surviving Company after the effective date of the merger as they
were of the  Non-Surviving  Corporation and the Surviving  Company  respectively
immediately  prior  to the  effective  date  of the  merger.  The  Non-Surviving
Corporation  hereby  agrees  from  time to time,  as and when  requested  by the
Surviving  Company or by its  successors  or assigns,  to execute and deliver or
cause to be executed and delivered all such deeds and instruments and to take or
cause to be taken such further or other action as the Surviving Company may deem
necessary or desirable in order to vest in and confirm to the Surviving  Company
title  to and  possession  of any  property  of  the  Non-Surviving  Corporation
acquired  or to be  acquired  by reason of or as a result of the  merger  herein
provided for and otherwise to carry out the intent and purposes hereof,  and the
proper  officers and directors of the  Non-Surviving  Corporation and the proper
officers and directors of the Surviving Company are fully authorized in the name
of the Non-Surviving Corporation or otherwise to take any and all such action.

         (e) The  Surviving  Company may be served with  process in the State of
Delaware in any  proceeding for  enforcement of any obligation of  Non-Surviving
Corporation  as well  as for  enforcement  of any  obligation  of the  Surviving
Company  arising  from the merger,  including  any suit or other  proceeding  to
enforce the right of any  stockholder  as  determined  in appraisal  proceedings
pursuant to the  provisions  of Section 262 of the  General  Corporation  Law of
Delaware,  and  the  Surviving  Company  does  hereby  irrevocably  appoint  the
Secretary of State of Delaware as its agent to accept  service of process in any
such suit or other proceeding. The address to which a copy of such process shall
be mailed by the Secretary of State of Delaware is Ms. Mirna  Valdes,  Assistant
Secretary,  Ridgewood Power VI LLC, 947 Linwood Avenue,  Ridgewood,  New Jersey,
07450, until the Surviving Company shall have hereafter designated in writing to
the said  Secretary of State a different  address for such  purpose.  Service of
such  process  may be made by  personally  delivering  to and  leaving  with the
Secretary of State of Delaware  duplicate  copies of such process,  one of which
copies the  Secretary of State of Delaware  shall  forthwith  send by registered
mail to Ridgewood Power VI LLC at the above address.

         FIFTH:  Anything  herein or elsewhere to the contrary  notwithstanding,
this Agreement may be terminated and abandoned by the President or the Executive
Vice President of any constituent entity at any time prior to the time that this
merger becomes effective.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties to this Agreement,  have caused these
presents to be executed by the President of each party hereto as the  respective
act,  deed and  agreement  of each of said  entities,  on this ___ day of April,

                   Ridgewood Power VI Corporation, a Delaware Corporation

                          Robert E. Swanson, President

                 Ridgewood Power VI LLC, a New Jersey Limited Liability Company

                      By: __________________________________
                          Robert E. Swanson, President
