OF THE DIRECTORS OF
                      CASINO AIRLINK, INC.

The  undersigned,  constituting all of the  directors  of  Casino
Airlink,  Inc.  (the  "corporation")  acting  pursuant   to   the
authority  of  Section 78.315.2 of the Nevada  Revised  Statutes,
hereby  consent to the adoption of the following resolutions,  to
have  the  same force and effect as if duly adopted at a  meeting
duly noticed and held:

Grant of Incentive Stock 0ptions To James Muldowney

WHEREAS,  the board of directors believes it to be  in  the  best
interest  of the corporation to grant incentive stock options  to
James  Muldowney, under the 1996 stock option plan, in  order  to
ensure  his  commitment  to the success of  the  corporation,  to
secure  his  efforts to effect the profitable  operation  of  the
corporation in the near future, and to provide an ongoing forward
looking incentive to his performance,

NOW,  THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the corporation  shall  and
hereby does grant to James Muldowney options to purchase up to  a
total   of  four  hundred  thousand  (400,000)  shares   of   the
corporation's  stock, as specified in detail and subject  to  the
limitations,  restrictions and specifications set  forth  in  the
Grant of Incentive Stock Option, dated as of the same date as and
accompanying these resolutions.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that such options shall be exercisable  at  the
price  of  $0.21  per  share,  the  fair  market  value  of   the
corporation's stock as of December 31, 1997.

RESOLVED  FURTHER, that the President and such other officers  of
the  corporation  as  he may designate be, and  each  hereby  is,
authorized,  directed and empowered (or in  the  event  any  such
action has already been taken it is ratified and confirmed),  for
and  on behalf of the corporation, to execute all other documents
and  to  take  such  other action as they may deem  necessary  or
advisable in order to carry out and perform the purposes of these
     Date:     January 18, 1998.
     /s/ William Forhan
     William Forhan, Director

/s/ Ellen Forhan
Ellen Forhan, Director