THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the 1st day of January, 1998
(the  "Commencement  Date")  by and  among  Integrated  Marketing
Professionals,  Inc.,  a  Nevada  Corporation  (hereinafter   the
"Company"), and William Forhan an individual residing in  Florida

WHEREAS,  the Company desires to retain the services of  Employee
and Employee is willing to continue employment by Company, on the
terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties as follows:

Section  1. As used in this Agreement, the following terms  shall
have the meanings set forth below:

"Affiliate"   shall  mean  a  corporation  which,   directly   or
indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control
with  the  Company, or which is a successor in  interest  to  the
Company,  and  for  purposes hereof,  "control"  shall  mean  the
ownership  of 20% or more of the voting shares of the corporation
in question.

"Basic Salary" shall have the meaning assigned to it in Section 5
of this Agreement.

"The  Business" shall mean the business conducted by the  Company
in  the  past  and  on the date of execution of  this  Agreement,
including   business   Activities  under  investigation   or   in
developmental  stages, all other business activities  which  flow
therefrom by a reasonable expansion of the present activities  of
the  Company,  all business activities which may be developed  by
the  Company  during  the Term, and all business  activities  now
conducted by the Company or any Affiliate thereof or which may be
developed by the Company or such Affiliates, during the  term  of
this   Agreement,  as  reasonable  expansions  of  their  present

"Commencement  Date"  shall  be  the  effective  date   of   this
Agreement, as stated on page 1.

"Confidential  Information"  shall include,  without  limitation,
trade  "know-how,"  trade  secrets,  subscriber,  advertiser  and
customer lists, pricing policies, operational methods, methods of
doing business, technical processes, formulae, designs and design
projects,  inventions,  research  projects,  and  other  business
affairs of the Company or its Subsidiaries and Affiliates,  which
(i) were, in the case of the Company, or is or are designed to be
used  in  or are or may be useful in connection with the business
of  the Company or any Subsidiary or Affiliate thereof, or which,
in  the  case of any of these entities, results from any  of  the
research or development activities of any such entity, which (ii)
is  private or confidential in that it is not generally known  or
available  to  the public, except as the result  of  unauthorized
disclosure by or information supplied by Employee or (iii)  which
gives  the Company or any Subsidiary or Affiliate of the  Company
an  opportunity or the possibility of obtaining an advantage over
competitors who may not know or use such information or  who  are
not lawfully permitted to use the same.

"Employment  Year" shall mean each twelve-month period,  or  part
thereof,  during which Employee is employed hereunder, commencing
on  the  Commencement  Date or on January  I  of  any  subsequent
calendar  year, the first such subsequent Employment  Year  being
the twelve-month period which will begin on January 1, 1998.

"Fiscal  Quarter"  shall  mean each four-month  period,  or  part
thereof,  during which Employee is employed hereunder, commencing
on  the  Commencement  Date or on January  I  of  any  subsequent
calendar year, the first such subsequent Fiscal Quarter being the
four-month period which will begin on January 1, 1998.

"Incentive  Bonus"  shall  have the meaning  assigned  to  it  in
Section 6.

"Person"   shall   mean  any  individual,  sole   proprietorship,
partnership,  joint venture, trust, unincorporated  organization,
association,    corporation,    institution,    public    benefit
corporation,  entity  or  government  (whether  Federal,   state,
county,   city,   municipal  or  otherwise,  including,   without
limitation, any      instrumentality, division, agency,  body  or
department thereof).

"Restricted Period" shall mean the term of employment of Employee
under  this  Agreement or any extension thereof and  the  twelve-
month  month period thereafter, or such shorter period as may  be
provided  pursuant  to any sections of this Agreement;  provided,
however,  that the Restricted Period shall terminate  immediately
upon  the  occurrence  of any termination of  the  employment  of
Employee by the Company other than pursuant to this Agreement  or
as authorized by law.

"Subsidiary"  shall  mean  a corporation,  50%  or  more  of  the
outstanding  voting  shares  of  which  is  owned  or  controlled
directly or indirectly by the Company.

"Term"  shall mean the term of employment of Employee under  this

"Termination  Date"  shall have the meaning  assigned  to  it  in
Section 8.

"Termination Payment" shall have the meaning assigned  to  it  in
Section 8.

Wherever  from the context it appears appropriate, each  word  or
phrase  stated in either the singular or the plural shall include
the  singular  and  the  plural and each pronoun  stated  in  the
masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall include the masculine,
feminine and neuter.

     Section 2. Employment and Duties of Employee.

2.1.  Employment;  Title,  Duties.  The  Company  hereby  employs
Employee, and Employee

hereby accepts appointment as, and his election as, President and
Chief  Executive Officer of the Company.  The principal  duty  of
Employee  shall  be  to  serve  in  such  capacities.   In   such
capacities, Employee shall render such services as are  necessary
and  desirable to protect and advance the best interests  of  the
Company, acting, in all instances, under the supervision  of  and
in accordance with the policies set by the Board of Directors.

2.2.  Place of Employment.  The principal place of employment  of
Employee  shall  be  888  E.  Las Olas  Blvd.,  Suite  700,  Fort
Lauderdale,  Florida,  33301,  or  such  other  location  as   is
consented  to  by  Employee  and  the  Company.   It  is  however
distinctly understood and agreed that Employee may be required in
connection with the performance of his duties, to work from  time
to  time  at other locations designated by the Board of Directors
or  as  required in connection with the Business of the  Company.
When  required  to  travel to and/or spend  time  at  such  other
locations,  Employee's reasonable traveling and temporary  living
expenses  shall  be  reimbursed to him by the Company,  upon  his
submittal  of detailed written vouchers, supported by appropriate
documentation  and subject to the general reimbursement  policies
of  the Company with respect to executive officers.  Employee may
not  be assigned duties that would require Employee to change his
principal residence to a location outside the state of Florida.

2.3.  Performance  of  Duties.  Employee shall  devote  his  full
working time and efforts to the performance of his duties  as  an
executive  of  the Company and to the performance of  such  other
duties  as  are assigned him from time to time by  the  Board  of
Directors of the Company.  Employee shall not engage in or become
employed,   directly  or  indirectly,  in   the   commercial   or
professional  business  of any other Person,  without  the  prior
written  consent  of the Board of Directors of the  Company,  nor
shall  he  act  as  a consultant to or provide any  services  to,
whether  on a remunerative basis or otherwise, the commercial  or
professional  business of any other Person, without such  written
consent,  which, in both instances, may be given or  withheld  by
the Board of Directors in its absolute discretion.  Attention  to
Employee's  personal investments shall not be deemed  to  violate
this  Subsection to the extent such attention does not constitute
the conduct of a separate business.

2.4.  Services to the Company and/or its Affiliates.  During  the
term  of  this Agreement, it is understood that Employee  may  be
requested from time to time to provide assistance or consultative
or other services to, or to act temporarily as an Executive of an
Affiliate  or Subsidiary of the Company.  Employee shall  perform
such  services and, if elected as an officer or director  of  any
such  other  company, shall hold such office (and  discharge  its
duties)   without   additional  compensation   other   than   the
compensation  set forth in this Agreement.  During  the  term  of
this   Agreement,   Employee  shall  also  accept   election   or
appointment, and serve, during all or any part of the Term, as an
officer  and  director  of any Subsidiary  of  the  Company,  and
perform   the  duties  appropriate  thereto,  without  additional
compensation other than as set forth in this Agreement.

     Section 3. Term of Employment

The  employment  of  Employee pursuant to  this  Agreement  shall
commence  as of the Commencement Date and end on the  earlier  to
occur  of  (i) January 1, 2008, or (ii) the first date  on  which
such  employment  is  terminated in accordance  with  Section  10
hereof (the "Termination Date").

Section 4. Compensation and Benefits.

The  Company shall pay Employee as compensation for  all  of  the
services to be rendered by him hereunder during the Term, and  in
consideration  of the various restrictions imposed upon  Employee
during  the  Term and the Restricted Period, and otherwise  under
this  Agreement, the Basic Salary and other benefits as  provided
for  and  determined  to  Sections 5 to 10,  inclusive,  of  this

Section 5. Basic Salary.

The  Company shall pay Employee, as compensation for all  of  the
services to be rendered hereunder by him during the Term a salary
of  one hundred ninety-nine thousand dollars ($199,000) per  year
(the  "Basic  Salary"), payable in accordance  with  the  regular
payroll  practices  of  the  Company for  executives,  less  such
deductions or amounts as are required to be deducted or  withheld
by  applicable laws or regulations and less such other deductions
or  amounts, if any, as are authorized by Employee.   Such  Basic
Salary  may be increased but not decreased, from time to time  in
the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.

Section 6. Incentive Bonus.

6.1.  Obligation  to  Pay  Incentive Bonus.   Employee  shall  be
eligible to receive as additional compensation, 30 days after the
day  the Board of Directors approves interim financial statements
for  the  last-ended  Fiscal Quarter, a  payment  equal  to  five
percent  (5%) of the Company's pre-tax net income for  the  last-
ended  Fiscal Quarter for each Fiscal Quarter during the term  be
after  December  31,  1996 (the "Incentive Bonus").   It  is  the
intention  of  the  parties  that  Employee's  right  to  receive
Incentive  Bonus payments shall be offset by an equal  percentage
of  pre-tax net losses, if any, realized from time to  time.   In
the event of a pre-tax net loss for a Fiscal Quarter, there shall
be set up an offset amount equal to five percent (5%) of such net
loss, which amount shall be deducted from, or offset against  the
entirety  of, the next Incentive Bonus payment to which  Employee
becomes eligible.  Likewise, if there are consecutive loss Fiscal
Quarters, the offset amounts shall accumulate and Employee  shall
not  be  entitled  to receive a further Incentive  Bonus  payment
until  the  entire  accumulated loss  amounts  have  been  offset
against  amounts earned in subsequent profitable Fiscal Quarters.
It  is  also  the  intention of the parties that  Employee  shall
receive  the benefit of, or suffer the detriment resulting  from,
any  adjustment to the pre-tax net profit or loss as reported  in
the  final  audited financial statements for each Fiscal  Quarter
subject to the provisions of this Section 6. Any additions to, or
subtraction from, any Incentive Bonus payment made on  the  basis
of  interim financial statements shall be taken into account  and
used  to adjust, as appropriate, the next Incentive Bonus payment
which Employee shall become entitled to receive.  Notwithstanding
any such adjustment or subsequent net loss Fiscal Quarter, in  no
event  shall  Employee be obligated to return to the Company  any
amount which he shall have received in good faith pursuant to the
terms of this Subsection 6. 1, it being expressly understood  and
agreed  that  all such amounts may only be used to offset  future
Incentive Bonus payment obligations arising hereunder.

6.2. Partial Quarter Adjustment Provisions.

If,  at  any time during the Term, Employee is employed hereunder
for  less  than  a  full  Fiscal  Quarter  as  a  result  of  the
termination  of this Agreement (except in the case of termination
pursuant  to  Subsections 9.3 or 9.6 hereof), then the  Incentive
Bonus  in  respect of such Fiscal Quarter shall  be  prorated  by
determining the Incentive Bonus which would have been payable  if
Employee  had  been employed for the entire Fiscal  Quarter,  and
multiplying  the resultant Incentive Bonus by the Fiscal  Quarter
Fraction.   The Fiscal Quarter Fraction shall mean the number  of
days  in  any  period of less than a full Fiscal  Quarter  during
which Employee is employed hereunder divided by 91.

6.3.  No  Assignment.  Employee shall have no right to assign  or
give  any third parties any rights in and to the Incentive Bonus,
except that his rights thereto, in the event of his death,  shall
be transferred to the personal representatives of his estate.

6.4.  Limitation  on Payments.  Employee's right  to  receive  an
Incentive  Bonus  shall be determined on a  quarterly  basis  and
shall  not be subject to cumulation, nor to diminution by  reason
of  an excess or underage of gross business receipts in any other
Fiscal Quarter.

Section 7.     Additional Benefits and Reimbursement for Expenses

7.1.   Additional  Benefits.   The  Company  shall  provide   the
following additional benefits to Employee during the Tern:

(i)   Payment of premiums on a term life insurance policy  to  be
maintained by the Company on Employee's life, to pay benefits  in
the   aggregate  amount  of  $1  million  to  a  beneficiary   or
beneficiaries designated by Employee.  It is understood that  the
Company  shall report the amount of premiums paid on such  policy
to  the  Internal Revenue Service in accordance with the Internal
Revenue  Code  and  the Regulations issued thereunder  as  income
payable to Employee;

(ii)   Participation   on   an   equitable   basis   in   medical
hospitalization or accident/disability insurance plans and health
programs; and

(iii)      Four  (4)  weeks vacation with pay in each  Employment
Year  comparable to that afforded other executives of the Company
and  its subsidiaries.  Provided however, Employee shall  not  be
entitled to take more than ten (10) consecutive business days  as
vacation  days without prior approval of the Company's  Board  of
Directors  upon Employee's request made not less than  three  (3)
weeks  prior to the intended vacation days, which approval  shall
not  be  unreasonably withheld.  There will be  no  carryover  of
unused  vacation time or pay from year to year.   Employee  shall
also be entitled to all holiday privileges regularly observed  by
the Company during the Tern.

(iv) Company car shall be provided for Employee, monthly cost not
to exceed $ 1,000.

In  addition,  the Company, in its sole discretion,  may  include
Employee  in  any  benefit  plans  which  it  now  maintains   or
establishes in the future for executives.

7.2.  Reimbursement  for  Expenses.  The  Company  shall  pay  or
reimburse Employee for all reasonable expenses actually  incurred
or paid by him during the Term in the performance of his services
under  this  Agreement, upon presentation of such bills,  expense
statements, vouchers or such other supporting information as  the
Company may reasonably require.  The Board of Directors may  from
time  to time require prior approval for individual expense items
in excess of pre-established aggregate amounts for a fixed period
or   in  excess  of  pre-established  amounts  for  any  type  of
expenditure during any fixed period.

Section 8. Termination of Employment.

8.1   Death. If Employee dies during the Term, within sixty  (60)
days   of  his  death,  the  Company  shall  pay  his  designated
beneficiary  an  amount  equal to one  year's  salary,  in  equal
payments  over the next twelve months.  If Employee  dies  during
the Term, his rights to receive his Incentive Bonus hereunder for
any  Fiscal  Quarter which has ended shall remain vested  in  his
estate,  but  his right to receive his Incentive  Bonus  for  the
Fiscal Quarter in which he has died shall be prorated to the date
of his death.  If Employee dies during the Term, neither Employee
nor  his  estate  shall  have any further  right  to  receive  an
Incentive Bonus except as stated hereinabove.

8.2. Disability.

8.2.1.     If  during  the Term, Employee becomes  physically  or
mentally  disabled, whether totally or partially, so that  he  is
unable  to  perform substantially all his services hereunder  for
(i)  a  period of six (6) consecutive months, or (H) for  shorter
periods  aggregating six (6) months during any twelve (12)  month
period,  the Company may, at any time after the last day  of  the
sixth  consecutive month of disability, or after the day on which
the shorter periods of disability shall have equaled an aggregate
of six (6) months, reduce compensation due Employee from that day
forward   by   twenty-five   percent  (25%).    Employee's   full
compensation  shall  be reinstated upon the Board  of  Directors'
determination that Employee has become able again to perform  all
his   services  hereunder.   If,  during  the  Term,   Employee's
disability  continues  such that Employee is  unable  to  perform
substantially all his services hereunder for (i) a period of nine
(9)  consecutive months, or (ii) for shorter periods  aggregating
nine  (9) months during any twelve (12) month period, the Company
may, at any time after the last day of the ninth consecutive such
month,  or  after  the last day on which the shorter  periods  of
disability  shall have equaled an aggregate of nine  (9)  months,
terminate  Employee's employment by written notice to  him.   The
date  on which Company sends written notice of termination  under
this Subsection 8.2 shall be the Termination Date hereunder.   In
case  of  any  dispute as to whether or not Employee is  disabled
within  the meaning of this Subsection 8.2, the determination  of
disability is to be made by a licensed physician selected by  the
Board of Directors of the Company and acceptable to Employee,  in
his reasonable judgment, which physicians decision shall be final
and  binding  on  the  parses hereto.  In  the  event  Employee's
employment  is  terminated pursuant to this Subsection  8.2,  the
Company  shall  pay  him  an  amount equal  to  all  compensation
remaining  unpaid at the time of the Termination  Date  plus  any
compensation that would accrue to Employee through the end of the
month  of  the  Termination  Date.  If Employee's  employment  is
terminated  under this Subsection 8.2, his right to  receive  his
Incentive Bonus hereunder for any Fiscal Quarter which has  ended
shall remain vested, but his right to receive his Incentive Bonus
for  the  Fiscal  Quarter  in which he  is  terminated  shall  be
prorated to the Termination Date, as provided in Subsection  6.2,
and  Employee  shall have no right to receive  further  Incentive
Bonus payments thereafter.

8.2.2.     The  Company  shall maintain  a  disability  insurance
policy  for  the  benefit of Employee in the amount  of  $150,000

8.3.  Termination  for Cause.  If Employee  is  convicted  of  or
indicted  for  an offense involving (i) fraud, (ii) embezzlement,
or  (iii)  any  other  crime involving  moral  turpitude,  or  if
Employee  commits (iv) gross or willful neglect of  duty,  (v)  a
breach  of  any  of  the material provisions of  this  Employment
Agreement, on his part to be performed (including breach  of  the
representations and warranties of Section 9), (vi)  such  conduct
as results or as is likely to result in substantial damage to the
reputation  of  the  Company,  or  any  of  its  Subsidiaries  or
Affiliates,  or  (vii)  if  Employee  declines  to   follow   any
significant instruction adopted by the Board of Directors of  the
Company and communicated to Employee, and if Employee adheres  to
persistent  refusal  or neglect to follow  such  instructions  or
policy,   the  Company  may  at  any  time  thereafter  terminate
Employee's  employment  hereunder  by  written  notice   to   him
effective  immediately and the date of the  notice  shah  be  the
Termination Date hereunder.  Any such termination shall be deemed
to  be termination for cause, for purposes of this Agreement.  If
Employee's  employment  is terminated for cause  hereunder,  then
Employee   shall  be  entitled  to  receive  only  the  following
payments: any portion of his Basic Salary accrued to the date  of
such  termination  and  not theretofore  paid  to  him-  and  any
Incentive Bonus to which he is entitled for any completed  Fiscal
Quarter  under this contract which has not theretofore been  paid
to  him; plus reimbursement for any expenses properly incurred by
Employee,  and supported by appropriate vouchers, which  expenses
have  been  incurred  prior to the date of such  termination  and
which  have not theretofore been reimbursed.  Except as set forth
in  the  immediately preceding sentence, all of Employee's rights
to  compensation hereunder shall be terminated, in the  event  of
termination for cause, as of the Termination Date.

8.4.  Constructive Termination of Employee.   In  the  event  the
Company removes Employee from the position of President and Chief
Executive Officer, or if Employee is removed as a Director of the
Company  without  his consent (or fails to be re-elected  at  any
meeting  of  the Board of Directors of the Company held  for  the
purpose  of electing or re-electing Directors of the Company)  or
substantially  changes his duties or his reporting responsibility
to  the Board of Directors under Section 2. 1, the employment  of
Employee, at his option, exercisable by written notice  given  to
the  Company  at  any time within sixty (60) days following  such
event (or failure to re-elect) (time of notice being deemed to be
of  the  essence),  shall be deemed to have  been  constructively
terminated by the Company hereunder, as of the date of Employee's
notice,  provided, however, that such constructive  notice  shall
not  be  deemed a breach by the Company of its obligations  under
this  Agreement  and further provided, however, that  termination
for cause pursuant to Subsection 8.3 shall make the provisions of
this  Subsection  8.4  inapplicable.  The date  of  such  written
notice shall be deemed the Termination Date hereunder.

If Employee's employment is terminated under this Subsection 8.4,
and the Termination Date is within four years of the Commencement
Date,  Employee shall receive, within thirty (30)  days  of  such
written notice to the Company, a Termination Payment, which shall
be  determined according to the following schedule:  (i)  if  the
Termination Date hereunder is within one year of the Commencement
Date,  the  Termination  Payment shall  be  two  million  dollars
($2,000,000); (ii) if the Termination Date is within two years of
the  Commencement  Date, the Termination  Payment  shall  be  one
million eight hundred thousand dollars ($1,800,000); (ii) if  the
Termination Date is within three years of the Commencement  Date,
the Termination Payment shall be one million six hundred thousand
dollars ($1,600,000); (iv) if the Termination Date is within four
years of the Commencement Date, the Termination Payment shall  be
one  million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000);  and  so
forth.   Additionally,  Employee shall continue  to  receive  the
additional  benefits provided in Subsection 7.1 for a  period  of
two (2) years from the Termination Date.

If Employee's employment is terminated under this Subsection 8.4,
and  the  Termination  Date is later than four  years  after  the
Commencement Date, Employee shall receive an amount equal to  his
aggregate  Base Salary for two (2) years following  the  date  of
such  Constructive  Termination,  or  an  amount  equal  to   his
aggregate  Base Salary through the end of the Term  whichever  is
the  lesser  amount, and Employee shall continue to  receive  the
additional benefits provided in Subsection 7.1 during the  period
he  is entitled to receive Base Salary pursuant to the provisions
of this Subsection 8.4.

In  the  event  of  the  Constructive Termination  of  Employee's
Employment  pursuant  to this Section 8.4,  Employee's  right  to
receive  an  Incentive  Bonus for each Fiscal  Quarter  completed
during  the  period of such continued Base Salary payments  shall
remain  in  effect, and Employee's right to remove  an  Incentive
Bonus  on  account of the year in which his employment terminated
by  virtue of Constructive Termination shall be prorated  to  the
date of such termination.

8.5.  Other  Termination of Employment by the  Company.   In  the
event the Company terminates the employment of Employee hereunder
other than pursuant to any of the prior provisions hereof without
Employee's  consent,  Employee  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been
constructively  terminated by the Company, and  such  termination
shall be subject to the provisions of Subsection 8.4.

8.6.  Other  Termination of Employment by Employee   If  Employee
quits  his  employment (other than as authorized under Subsection
8.4  hereof), he shall be deemed to have been terminated  by  the
Company  for  cause  and shall be subject to  the  provisions  of
Subsection 8.3 hereof.

Section 9.     Representations and Warranties by Employee.

Employee hereby represents and warrants, the same being  part  of
the essence of this Agreement, that, as of the Commencement Date,
he  is  not  a party to any agreement, contract or understanding,
and no other facts or circumstances exist, which would in any way
restrict  or prohibit him from undertaking or performing  any  of
his    obligations   under   this   Agreement.    The   foregoing
representation and warranty shall remain in effect throughout the

Section   10.      Confidential   Information   and   Proprietary

10.1. Acknowledgment of Confidentility.  Employee understands and
acknowledges that he may obtain Confidential Information  in  the
perfomance  of his services.  Employee further acknowledges  that
the  services to be rendered by him are of a special, unique  and
extraordinary  character  and  that,  in  connection  with   such
services,  he will have access to Confidential Information  vital
to  the Company's, its Subsidiaries' and Affiliates' business and
perhaps  vital  to  the  business of the  Company.   Accordingly,
Employee agrees that he shall not, either during the Term  or  at
any  time  thereafter, (i) use or disclose any such  Confidential
Information  outside  the  Company,  and  its  Subsidiaries   and
Affiliates-  (ii)  publish any works, speeches or  articles  with
respect  thereto;  or  (iii), except as required  in  the  proper
performance  of  his services hereunder, remove  or  aid  in  the
removal from the premises of the Company, or its Subsidiaries  or
Affiliates,  of any Confidential Information or any  property  or
material relating thereto.

The  foregoing  confidentiality  provisions  shall  cease  to  be
applicable   to   any  Confidential  Information  which   becomes
generally  available to the public (except by  reason  of  or  in
consequence of a breach by Employee of his obligations under this
Section 10).

In  the  event  Employee is required by law or a court  order  to
disclose  any  such Confidential Information, he  shall  promptly
notify  the  Company of such requirement and provide the  Company
with a copy of any court order or of any law which in his opinion
requires  such  disclosure and, if the Company so elects,  permit
the  Company  an  adequate opportunity, at its  own  expense,  to
contest such law or court order.

10.2.      Delivery  of Material.  Employee shall  promptly,  and
without charge, deliver to the Company on the termination of  his
employment  hereunder, or at any other time the  Company  may  so
request,   all  memoranda,  notes,  records,  reports,   manuals,
computer  disks,  videotapes,  drawings,  blueprints  and   other
documents  (and all copies thereof) relating to the  business  of
the  Company,  and  its  Subsidiaries  and  Affiliates,  and  all
property associated therewith, which he may then possess or  have
under his control.

10.3.      Customer Lists.  Employee acknowledges  that  (i)  all
fists  of  suppliers, advertisers, customers and vendors  of  the
Company or of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates developed during the
course  of  Employee's employment and/or by the Company  are  and
shall  be  the  sole and exclusive property of the  Company,  its
Subsidiaries  or  Affiliates, as the case may  be,  and  Employee
further  acknowledges and agrees that he neither  has  nor  shall
have  any  personal right, title or interest therein;  (ii)  that
such  lists are and must continue to be confidential-  and  (iii)
that such lists are not readily accessible to competitors of  the
Company or its Subsidiaries or Affiliates.

10.4.      Ideas,  Programs, Etc.  If during the  Term,  Employee
invents  or  develops  any  ideas,  programs,  formats,  software
systems  or  the likes, source codes, proprietary  codes  or  the
like,  relating to or useful in connection with the  Business  of
the  Company, the same are and shall remain the property  of  the
Company, and he will promptly deliver all copies of the  same  to
the  Company,  assign his interest therein  to  the  Company  and
execute  such documents as the Company's counsel may  request  to
convey title thereto to the Company including, but not limited to
patent    applications,    copyright   applications,    trademark
Applications and the like.  Employee shall not be entitled to any
compensation,  other  than as provided  in  this  Agreement,  for
carrying out his obligations to the Company under Subsection 10.4
or any other Subsection of this Section 10.

Section 11.  Non-Competition Provisions.

Employee  agrees that he will not, during the Restricted  Period,
compete  directly or indirectly with the business of the Company.
The  phrase "compete directly or indirectly with the business  of
the Company" shall be deemed to include, without limitingting the
generality  thereof  (1) engaging or having a material  interest,
directly  or  indirectly, as owner, employee, officer,  director,
partner,  sales  representative, stockholder,  capital  investor,
lessor, renderer of consultation services or advise, either alone
or  in association with another or others, in the opmfion of  any
aspect of any type of business or enterprise competitive with the
business or operation of the Company, (2) soliciting any  of  the
employees  of the Company to leave the employ of the Company,  or
so  soliciting any employee of any Subsidiary or Affiliate of the
Company;  (3) soliciting any of the employees of the  Company  to
become  employees  of  any other Person,  or  so  soliciting  any
employee  of any Subsidiary or Affiliate of the Company;  or  (4)
soliciting  any  customer  or supplier  of  the  Company  or  any
Affiliate or Subsidiary of either of them with respect  to  their
business.   Similarly, Employee shall not raid, entice or  induce
any Person who on the Termination Date is, or within one (1) year
immediately  preceding the Termination Date was,  a  customer  or
supplier   of  the  Company,  or  any  of  its  Subsidiaries   or
Affiliates, to become a customer of any other Person for products
or  services  the  same  as, or similar to,  those  products  and
services  as from time to time shall be provided by the  Company,
or any of its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, and Employee shall not
approach  any  Person for such purpose- nor shall Employee  raid,
entice  or induce any Person who on the Termination Date  is,  or
within  one year immediately preceding the Termination Date  was,
an  employee  of  the  Company  or any  of  its  Subsidiaries  or
Affiliates,  to  become employed by any other Person,  similarly,
Employee shall not approach any such employee for such purpose or
authorize or knowingly approve the taking of such actions by  any
other  Person or assist any such other Person in taking any  such

The  phrase "compete directly or indirectly with the business  of
the Company" shall not be deemed to include an ownership interest
as  an  inactive investor, which, for purposes of this Agreement,
shall  mean only the beneficial ownership of less than five  (5%)
percent  of  the  outstanding shares of any series  or  class  of
securities of any competitor of the Company, which securities  of
such  series  or  class  are publicly traded  in  the  securities

     Section 12.  Disputes and Remedies.

12.1.  Waiver  of  Jury Trial.  EMPLOYEE AND THE  COMPANY  HEREBY

12.2.      Injunctive Relief  If Employee commits  a  breach,  or
threatens to commit a breach, of any of the provisions of Section
2  or of Sections 10 or I 1, the Company shall have the following
rights  and remedies (each of which shall be independent  of  the
other, and shall be severally enforceable, and all of which shall
be  in  addition  to,  and not in lieu of any  other  rights  and
remedies available to the Company):

(i)   the  right  and  remedy  to have  the  provisions  of  this
Agreement  specifically  enforced  by  any  court  having  equity
jurisdiction,  it being acknowledged by Employee  that  any  such
breach  or threatened breach will or may cause irreparable injury
to  the Company and that money damages will or may not provide an
adequate remedy to the Company; and

(ii) the right and remedy to require Employee to account for  and
pay  over  to  the  Company  all  compensation  profits,  monies,
increments,  things  of  value or other  benefits,  delivered  or
received  by  Employee as the result of any acts or  transactions
constituting a breach of any of the provisions of Section 2 or of
Sections  10 or 11 of this Agreement, and Employee hereby  agrees
to  account  for  and  pay  over all such compensation,  profits,
monies,  increments,  things of value or other  benefits  to  the

Employee  specifically agrees not to object  to  any  application
made  by  the  Company  to any court having equity  jurisdiction,
seeking   an   injunction  restraining   him   from   committing,
threatening or continuing any violation of Section 2 or  Sections
10 or 11 of this Agreement.

12.3.     Partial Enforceability.  If any provision contained  in
Section  2  or  in  Section 10 or 11,  or  any  part  thereof  is
construed  to  be invalid or unenforceable, the  same  shall  not
affect  the  remainder  of Employee's agreements,  covenants  and
undertakings, or the other restrictions which he has accepted, in
Section  2  or  in  Sections 10 or 11,  and  the  remaining  such
agreements,  covenants, undertakings and  restrictions  shall  be
given  the fullest possible effect, without regard to the invalid

12.4 Adjustment of Restrictions.  Despite the prior provisions of
this  Section  12,  if  any covenant or  agreement  contained  in
Sections 2, 10 or 11, or any part thereof is held by any court of
competent  jurisdiction  to  be  unenforceable  because  of   the
duration  of  such  provision  or  the  geographic  area  covered
thereby, the court making such determination shall have the power
to  reduce the duration or geographic area of such provision and,
in its reduced form such provision shall be enforceable.

12.5.      Attorneys  Fees and Expenses  In the  event  that  any
action,  suit or other proceeding at law or in equity is  brought
to  enforce the provisions of this Agreement, or to obtain  money
damages  for the breach thereof, and such action results  in  the
award  of a judgment for money damages or in the granting of  any
injunction in favor of the Company, then all reasonable expenses,
including,  but  not limited to, reasonable attorneys'  fees  and
disbursements (including those incurred on appeal) of the Company
in  such action, suit or other proceeding shall (on demand of the
Company)  forthwith be paid by Employee.  If such action  results
in a judgment in favor of Employee, then all reasonable expenses,
including  but  not  limited to, reasonable attorney's  fees  and
disbursements (including those incurred on appeal) of Employee in
such  action,  suit  or  other proceeding  shall  (on  demand  of
Employee) forthwith be paid by the Company.

12.6.      Limited  Enforceability . In the event  that  Employee
elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Subsection 8.4, or
the Company terminates the employment of Employee hereunder other
than  pursuant  to  any  of  the provisions  of  this  Agreement,
Employee  shall be released as of the Termination Date  from  any
and  all  further restrictions pursuant to Section 2 and  Section

Section 13.  Survival.

The  provisions of Sections 10, 11, 12 and this Section 13  shall
survive  termination  of  this Agreement and  remain  enforceable
according to their terms.

Section 14.  Severability.

The  invalidity  or  unenforceability of any  provision  of  this
Agreement  shall in no way affect the validity or  enforceability
of any other provisions hereof

Section 15.  Notices.

All  notices,  demands and requests required or permitted  to  be
given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed duly
given  if  made in writing and delivered personally or mailed  by
postage  prepaid  certified or registered  mail,  return  receipt
request,  accompanied  by a second copy sent  by  ordinary  mail,
which notices shall be addressed as follows:

If to the Company:

Casino Airlink, Inc.
888 East Las Olas Blvd., Suite 700
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

with a copy to:

Niesar & Diamond LLP
90 New Montgomery Street, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

If to Employee:

William Forhan
888 East Las Olas Blvd., Suite 700
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

By  notifying  the other parties in writing, given as  aforesaid,
any party may from time to time change its address or the name of
any  person to whose attention notice is to be given, or may  add
another  person,  to whose attention notice is to  be  given,  in
connection with notice to any party.

Section 16. Assignment and Successors.

Neither  this Agreement nor any of his rights or duties hereunder
may  be assigned or delegated by Employee.  This Agreement is not
assignable  by  the Company except to any successor  in  interest
which takes over all or substantially all of the business of  the
Company, as it is conducted at the time of such assignment.   Any
corporation  into  or  with  which  the  Company  is  merged   or
consolidated or which takes over all or substantially all of  the
business  of  Company shall be deemed to be a  successor  of  the
Company for purposes hereof This Agreement shall be binding  upon
and,  except  as  aforesaid, shall inure to the  benefit  of  the
parties and their respective successors and ed assigns.

Section 17.  Entire Agreement and Waiver.

17.1.  Integration.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement
of  the  parties hereto on its subject matter and supersedes  all
previous agreements between the parties hereto, written or  oral,
express  or  implied,  covering the subject  matter  hereof.   No
representations,  inducements, promises or  agreements,  oral  or
otherwise,  not embodied herein shall be of any force or  effect.
Provided,  however,  that  this Agreement  shall  not  affect  or
operate to reduce any benefit or compensation inuring to Employee
of  a  kind elsewhere provided and not expressly provided in this
Agreement, including, without limitation, any grant of  Incentive
Stock Options to Employee.

17.2.      No  Waiver.  No waiver or modification of any  of  the
provisions of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and
signed  by  or  on behalf of the party granting  such  waiver  or
modification.   No waiver by any party of any breach  or  default
hereunder  shall  be  deemed a waiver of any repetition  of  such
breach or default or shall be deemed a waiver of any other breach
or default, nor shall it in any way affect any of the other terms
or  conditions of this Agreement or the enforceability thereof No
failure  of the Company to exercise any power given it  hereunder
or  to  insist  upon  strict  compliance  by  Employee  with  any
obligation hereunder, and no custom or practice at variance  with
the  terms hereof shall constitute a waiver of the right  of  the
Company to demand strict compliance with the terms hereof

Employee  shall  not  have  the  right  to  sign  any  waiver  or
modification of any provisions of this Agreement on behalf of the
Company,  nor  shall any action taken by Employee,  as  the  Vice
President  of Marketing of the Company, or otherwise, reduce  Ins
obligations under this Agreement.

This  Agreement  may not be supplemented or rescinded  except  by
instrument  in writing signed by all of the parties hereto  after
the  Commencement Date.  Neither this Agreement nor  any  of  the
rights  of any of the parties hereunder may be terminated  except
as provided herein.

Section 18.  Governing Law.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed, and the rights
and  obligations  of the parties hereto enforced,  in  accordance
with the laws of the State of Florida.

Section 19.  Headings.

The  Section  and Subsection headings contained  herein  are  for
reference  purposes  only and shall not in  any  way  affect  the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement  as
of  the  date  written above, which shall be  deemed  to  be  the
Commencement Date.
     "The Company"
     By:  /s/ William Forhan
     William Forhan, President and CEO


/s/ William Forhan
William Forhan