Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Letter To Shareholders

To All Shareholders:

Turnaround! That word best describes 1997 at Integrated Marketing
Professionals,  Inc. Turnaround; That was the  goal  of  the  new
management team: Jim Muldowney, President of Casino Airlink,  and
myself.  When  we took control of Casino Airlink on  December  8,
1996,  we  had the challenge of making Casino Airlink profitable.
Our  goal  was to focus on increasing market penetration  in  our
Florida  departure cities and stop the losses incurred  with  the
Midwest  departure  gateways. Our Florida customers  are  unique;
they  can  travel  midweek  (Sunday through  Thursday),  assuring
Casino  Airlink full air charters seven days per week, plus  they
will travel to an exciting gaming destination year-round.

Highlights of changes in 1997 included:

Eliminated  all Midwest departure cities to the Mississippi  Gulf
Coast  Focused  on  Florida  tour &  travel  marketplace  Started
scheduled  air  service in April 1997 from  Tampa,  Orlando,  and
Atlanta  Invested $250,000 marketing dollars into  new  departure
city:  Atlanta, Georgia Increased marketing budget in all Florida
cities,  creating  30 second TV and 60 second radio  ads  Results
for 1997 are $1,046,041 profit, including extraordinary income

Strategic  planning also paid off for IMPI: we decided to  reduce
Casino  Airlink's aircraft commitments from two planes to one  in
an  effort  to eliminate risk. The reduction in aircraft  reduced
casino  junket revenue, but management felt it was  important  to
build   our   tour  and  travel  product  (casino  vacations   to
individuals).  We  accomplished  that  goal  with  our  strategic
alliance  with  Reno Air, offering daily scheduled  service  from
Orlando,  Tampa,  and  Atlanta,  and  charter  service  from  Ft.
Lauderdale,  Palm  Beach, and Ft. Myers, to the Mississippi  Gulf
Coast.  We also implemented a "yield management" philosophy  from
all departure cities, which called for special promotional prices
to  fill  seats  on  flights with low bookings.  This  philosophy
maximized our profits.

The  results are more clearly reflected in the financial  section
of  this annual report: 1997 Profits of $1,046,041 versus a  1996
loss of $1,569,964; and a 1997 per share value of $0.092 versus a
per share loss of $0.42.

That's a turnaround.

IMPI's  management  team and employees from  Casino  Airlink  and
ReSer  Corporation look forward to the challenges in the  future;
our  team  is dedicated to increasing profits, improving supplier
and  customer  relations, and continuing to create a  company  of
enthusiastic employees.

We thank you, our shareholders, for your support.

"Turnaround.   That  word  best  describes  1997  at   Integrated
Marketing Professionals, Inc".


William Forhan, Chairman; CEO

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Executive Summary

Integrated  Marketing Professionals' challenge  for  1998  is  to
promote  the company to new investors, increase stock value,  and
complete  a  secondary offering; providing the cash required  for
acquisitions; and working capital to expand our two subsidiaries:
ReSer Corporation and Casino Airlink.

The   company  has  targeted  several  profitable  travel-related
companies  to acquire; these acquisitions will increase  revenues
and  profits,  plus  provide synergism with Integrated  Marketing
Professionals' current subsidiaries.

The  corporate  objective is to be a diversified holding  company
focusing on TRAVEL - RELATED industries.

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Subsidiary Information

Subsidiary Information: ReSer Corp.

ReSer Corp. is an ARC appointed travel agency that specializes in
planning,  organizing,  and presenting  educational  seminars  to
travel agents across the United States.

In  1997,  ReSer  held  40 seminars to which  over  2,000  agents
attended  to  learn  about Latin America,  Florida,  Mexico,  and

Another  major  activity at ReSer is to process reservations  for
tour  operators.  The expansive hardware and  software  owned  by
ReSer is perfect for small tour operators who do not wish to have
the overhead expenses of their own reservation center.

During  1997,  ReSer was brought on-line with the Casino  Airlink
operations  center  in Clearwater, Florida,  providing  effective
disaster  recovery  both from a system and telephone  reservation
standpoint. In the fourth quarter of 1997, ReSer began  accepting
Casino  Airlink  reservations  from  clients  in  Georgia,  North
Carolina, and South Carolina.

Subsidiary Information: Casino Airlink

Casino  Airlink is a wholesale travel company that  is  currently
the  exclusive  provider of packaged casino vacations  from  five
cities  in  Florida and from Atlanta, Georgia to the  Mississippi
Gulf  Coast.  Casino Airlink's travel packages include  non-stop,
round-trip  jet  service, destination airport  transfers,  ground
handling,  2-3 night deluxe hotel accommodations, nightly  buffet
meals,  and  access  to  24-hour  Las  Vegas  style  gaming   and

Casino  Airlink  offers  air service from  Ft.  Lauderdale,  Palm
Beach,  Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Myers, and Atlanta, Georgia. A  total
of 75 flights operate round-trip monthly.

Casino  Airlink  promotes its packages via television  and  radio
advertising,  travel  agent faxes, and weekly  newspaper  ads  in
Sunday  travel  sections.  The customers  call  Casino  Airlink's
reservations  offices in Tampa or Atlanta, or their local  travel
agent  to  book their travel dates. Casino Airlink  sends  travel
documents  via  mail, and greets all travelers upon  arrivals  in
Gulfport, Mississippi.

Casino   Airlink   delivered  over  85,000  passengers   to   the
Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1997.

The  future of Casino Airlink is to specialize in offering casino
vacations  to  other  gaming destinations: Tunica  (Mississippi),
Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and Reno, Nevada.

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Market Conditions || Marketing Strategies

Market Conditions

Mississippi Gulf Coast

The  travel  industry is enjoying record growth and profits.  The
economy is strong and Americans have more disposable income  with
which to experience the excitement of travel.

Casino  Airlink  is  capitalizing on the growth  of  retirees  in
Florida by offering a great travel value to the Mississippi  Gulf
Coast,  one  of  the fastest growing gaming destinations  in  the

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is expanding with new casinos, hotels,
and  enlarged  convention centers. Legalized gambling  has  grown
this  sleepy  village  into an exciting resort  destination  that
features  7,000  deluxe casino hotel rooms, 13  casinos  open  24
hours per day, 19 challenging golf courses, and entertainment  in
hotel lounges and showrooms.

The  Mississippi  Gulf  Coast  is expanding  and  Casino  Airlink
intends  to  add new departure cities from the Carolinas,  Texas,
and  other  nearby states. Casino Airlink's goal is  to  maintain
being the largest travel supplier to this exciting destination.

Marketing Strategies

Integrated  Marketing Professionals' strategy for  growth  is  to
acquire  companies in TRAVEL-RELATED industries and to  grow  the
revenues and profits of Casino Airlink and ReSer Corporation.

Casino  Airlink's growth will be generated by increasing  current
marketplaces and adding new departure gateways to the Mississippi
Gulf Coast.

ReSer Corporation's marketing strategy is to sell its teleservice
capabilities  to  Convention & Visitor's Bureaus,  and  wholesale
travel  companies;  plus  continue  expanding  their  destination
travel seminars to travel agents.

Acquisitions,   of  travel-related  companies,   will   be   done
throughout  1998  utilizing cash and stock to  acquire  companies
from the following industries:

Wholesale Travel

Corporate Travel

Incentive Travel

Retail Travel

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Management Team


Chairman; CEO of Integrated Marketing Professionals:

William  Forhan's  goal  is to expand IMPI  through  Mergers  and
Acquisitions  of travel-related companies. His responsibility  is
to  improve  shareholders' return on investment and  provide  the
vision to grow revenues and net income.


President; Casino Airlink:

Jim  Muldowney's challenge is to grow Casino Airlink and increase
its  net  income. The challenge is to find new markets interested
in  the  Mississippi Gulf Coast, minimizing risk  and  maximizing
market penetration.


Vice President; Casino Airlink:

Sue   Guttowsky  oversees  the  operations  of  Casino   Airlink:
reservations  center, customer service, and coordination  of  air
and  hotel manifests to suppliers. Her responsibility starts with
the  customer's initial phone inquiries and extends  through  the
traveler's completed trip.


Vice President; ReSer Corporation:

Tricia  Wys'  twenty years of experience in travel,  reservations
centers,  and  teleservices  are  an  asset  to  ReSer.  She   is
responsible  for  day-to-day  operations  and  accomplishing  the
business plan goals.

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Financial Information

Harvey Judkowitz


14281 S.W. 74 Terrace (305) 387 - 2968

Miami, Florida 33183 Fax: (305) 383 - 1559

Independent Auditor's Report

I  have  audited the accompanying consolidated balance  sheet  of
Casino Airlink, Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and
the  related  consolidated statements of operations,  changes  in
stockholders'  equity  and cash flows for the  year  then  ended.
These   financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of   the
Company's management. My responsibility is to express an  opinion
on these financial statements based on my audit.

I  conducted  my  audit  in  accordance with  generally  accepted
auditing  standards.  Those standards require  that  I  plan  and
perform  the  audit to obtain reasonable assurance about  whether
the  financial  statements are free of material misstatement.  An
audit  includes,  examining on a test basis, evidence  supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also  includes  assessing  the  accounting  principles  used  and
significant  estimates made by management, as well as  evaluating
the  overall financial statement presentation. I believe that  my
audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion.

In my opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly,  in  all  material respects, the  financial  position  of
Casino Airlink, Inc. and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and
the  results of its operations and its cash flows for  the  years
then  ended  in  conformity  with generally  accepted  accounting

Certified Public Accountant

Miami, Florida

February 23, 1998

NOTE: The financial statements are included by reference to  Item
13 of the Form 10.

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Notes To Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 1997



The  Company  was formed in the state of Michigan on January  14,
1994, under the name of Integrated Marketing Professionals,  Inc.
to serve as a full service travel agency, specializing in cruises
and tour packages. In October, 1995 the Company reincorporated in
the  state  of  Nevada  and increased its  authorized  shares  to
25,000,000,  $0.10  par  value shares.  Accordingly,  the  shares
already  issued  were split 100 to 1. In May,  1996  the  Company
purchased  the outstanding capital stock of Dav-Jen, Inc.,  doing
business  under the name of Casino Airlink. Casino Airlink  is  a
wholesale  tour and travel company, which operates tours  between
Florida cities and Biloxi, Mississippi. The transaction has  been
treated  as  a purchase transaction in accordance with  generally
accepted accounting principles.

On  October  31, 1996, the Company's name was changed  to  Casino
Airlink,  Inc.  In  November, 1996, the  Company  authorized  the
issuance  of  2,000,000 shares of Series A  Preferred  stock  and
1,700,000  shares  of  Series B Preferred stock.  Each  share  of
Preferred  A  stock carries a $0.10 par value, has voting  rights
and is convertible into two shares of common stock. Each share of
Preferred B is convertible into one share of common stock.  There
are no voting rights associated with the Series B Preferred.

In  December 1996, the Company purchased the outstanding  capital
stock of ReSer Corporation, a Georgia Corporation, engaged in the
Travel  Service and Seminar Business. This transaction  has  also
been  treated  as  a  purchase  transaction  in  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles.

Fixed Assets

Fixed   assets   are  carried  at  cost.  The  Company   provides
depreciation  over  the estimated useful lives  of  fixed  assets
using  the straight line method. Upon retirement or sale of fixed
assets, their net book value is removed from the accounts and the
difference  between such net book value and proceeds received  is
recorded  as  income  or loss. Expenditures for  maintenance  and
repairs are charged to income while renewals and betterments  are

Estimated useful lives are as follows: Furniture: 7 years  Office
equipment: 5 years

Income Taxes

The  Company  has adopted SFAS 109. The Company has  not  made  a
provision  for income tax purposes due to incurring losses  since
inception.  The  net losses of approximately  $1,580,000  can  be
carried  forward  to  offset  future  taxable  income.  The   net
operating loss carry forward begins to expire in 2009.

Revenue Recognition

The Company receives reservations for tours for future dates. The
amount  received  is  booked  as unearned  revenues  and  is  not
recognized as income until the tour actually occurs. At the  date
that  the  tour commences, the unearned revenues are  taken  into
income and the estimated cost to complete the tour are accrued.

Intangible Assets

In  connection with the purchase of Casino Airlink,  the  Company
paid  costs  in excess of the net tangible assets acquired.  (See
Note  6)  The cost paid in excess of the net tangible  assets  is
attributable  to  long-lived intangible assets having  continuing
value.  These  intangible  assets will be  amortized  over  their
estimated useful lives, as follows:

Non  compete  agreement:  5 years Trademark:  10  years  Customer
lists: 7 years Goodwill: 40 years

Use of Estimates

The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with
generally  accepted accounting principles requires management  to
make  estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts  reported
in the financial statements and footnotes thereto. Actual results
may differ from those estimates.

Net Income Per Share

The  Company has elected early adoption of SFAS 128, Earnings per
Share  issued  by  the Financial Accounting Standards  Board.  It
replaces  the presentation of primary and fully diluted EPS  with
basic  and  diluted EPS. Basic EPS excludes all dilution.  It  is
based  on the weighed average number of common shares outstanding
during  the  period. Diluted EPS reflects the potential  dilution
that would occur if securities or other contracts to issue common
stock were exercised or converted into common stock. The Series A
and Series B preferred shares were issued on December 7, 1996 and
December 12, 1996, respectively.


Operating Leases

The  Company leases office space in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on  a
month  to  month basis. The Company also leases office facilities
and   certain  equipment,  in  Clearwater,  Florida,  under   non
cancelable operating leases which expire at various dates through
the year 2000, as follows:

1998: $105,000 1999: $110,000 2000: $57,500 Total: $272,500

Rent expense for the year ended December 31, 1997 was $101,040.

Capitalized Leases

The Company acquired office equipment under provisions of a long-
term  lease.  Cost and accumulated amortization  of  such  assets
totaled $84,453. At December 31, 1997 future annual payments  are
as follows:

1998:$ 2,0691999:1,978Total:4,047Less current portion:2,069Amount
due long-term:$ 1,978


The  Company  became  a  Nevada  Corporation  in  late  1995  and
restructured its capital stock to authorize 25,000,000 shares  of
common  stock, $0.10 par value. The outstanding 5,000  shares  of
$1.00  par value thereby became 500,000 shares of the new  Common
stock. Accordingly, an additional 495,000 shares of common  stock
were  issued to the Company's shareholders and the par  value  on
the balance sheet was adjusted to reflect the shares issued. This
non  monetary transaction necessitated an increase in  par  value
and  a  decrease  in additional paid-in capital  of  $45,000.  In
December,  1995  an additional 2,500,000 shares of  Common  stock
were sold.


The  purchase price of Dav-Jen was originally $3,500,000, subject
to  adjustment, if necessary upon completion of an audit  of  the
Casino  Airlink financial statements at May 31, 1996. The  amount
was  payable  in  seven  successive equal quarterly  payments  of
$500,000 beginning June 3, 1996. Additional payments were due  on
the  first  day of September and December 1996 and  March,  June,
September and December 1997. The outstanding balance was to  bear
interest at the rate of 8% per year commencing September 1, 1996.
On  June  3,  the  Company paid $500,000 to the former  principal
stockholder of Casino Airlink as the initial quarterly payment.

The  audit  of Casino Airlink for the five months ended  May  31,
1996 required an adjustment (reduction) to the purchase price  in
the  amount  of  $684,198. Accordingly, the  scheduled  quarterly
payment  for September 3, 1996 of $500,000 was canceled  and  the
amount due at December 3, 1996 was reduced to $315,802.

In  addition,  the  Company was to pay $2.50 for  each  passenger
flying  via  Casino  Airlink  for  a  period  of  two  years,  in
consideration for Mr. Schoen's guarantee of a Surety  Bond  owned
by  the  Company, and the guarantee of the Company's credit  card
merchant account.

The  allocation  of  the  $3,500,000  purchase  price,  less  the
adjustment of $684,198 was as follows:

Non     compete     agreement$500,000Office     furniture     and

On December 6, 1996, the sales agreement was amended, retroactive
to  May  31,  1996. The outstanding debt was reduced to  $745,000
payable  over  a 24 month period commencing on January  15,  1997
bearing  interest  at  10%.  In  addition  the  sellers  received
1,700,000 shares of Series B Convertible preferred stock.


The  purchase price of ReSer Corp. was the net asset value of the
Company at December 31, 1996 a total of $252,720 in excess of the
net  worth  of  the  Company. This excess was  accounted  for  as
follows: Notes payable in the amount of $195,000 and the issuance
of  156,000 shares of common stock, which were valued at $.37 per
share, or $57,720.

In the event that the trading price of the Company's Common stock
is  less  than $1.25 a share, on January 3, 1999, the Company  is
liable  to pay the seller the amount of 156,000 shares multiplied
by  the difference of $1.25 and the actual selling price on  that
date.  Therefore  the  Company is contingently  liable  for  this


On  June 17, 1996 , the Company entered into employment contracts
with  certain  key  employees, as follows:  Mr.  William  Forhan;
President, $149,000 per annum. As an incentive bonus, Mr.  Forhan
is  eligible  to  receive, 30 days after the Board  of  Directors
approves  interim financial statements for the last-ended  fiscal
quarter,  a  payment equal to five percent (5%) of the  Company's
pre-tax  net  income for the last-ended fiscal quarter  for  each
fiscal  quarter  after December 31, 1996. Mr. Forhan's  right  to
receive  this  incentive  bonus  will  be  offset  by  an   equal
percentage of pre-tax net losses, if any, realized from  time  to

Mr.  James  Muldowney; President of Casino Airlink, $150,000  per
annum.  Mr. Muldowney is also eligible to receive the same  bonus
as  Mr. Forhan, above. However, Mr. Muldowney's rate of bonus  is

As  part  of the amendment to the Purchase agreement, Mr.  Steven
Schoen's contract was amended and he will receive $125,000 a year
for  a  five year consulting agreement, plus a 5% bonus of Casino
Airlink (Subsidiary) pre-tax income.


Effective December 27, 1996, the 1996 Stock Option Plan has  been
adopted  to encourage stock ownership by directors and  employees
of  Casino  Airlink, Inc., in order to increase  the  proprietary
interest in the success of the Company and to encourage  them  to
provide future services to the Company.

On  January  18,  1997, William Forhan was granted  an  incentive
stock  option to purchase up to 2,000,000 shares of Common  stock
at  a  price  of $0.30 per share, the fair market  value  of  the
Company's stock at the date of grant. The expiration date of this
grant is January 18, 2007.

In December, 1997, James Muldowney was granted an incentive stock
option  to purchase 400,000 shares of common stock at a price  of
$0.21 per share, the fair market value of the Company's stock  at
the  date of grant. The expiration of this grant is December  29,


As  of  December 31, 1996, the Company had accrued  $375,000  for
federal excise taxes. During the six months ended June 30,  1997,
it  was determined that this amount was not due and an adjustment
was made to correct the over accrual. This amount is reflected in
the  accompanying statement of operations as a cumulative  effect
of an accounting change.


On  December 29, 1997, the Company modified the terms of its  10%
Notes  payable to the seller. The amount of debt at December  31,
1997   was  $1,676,846  and  the  seller  has  agreed  to  accept
$1,360,000   at  the  same  10%  rate  over  the   same   period.
Accordingly, the amount of the note has been reduced by  $316,846
and  an  extraordinary gain of $316,846 ($0.05 a share) has  been
included in net income in 1997.


During  the year ended December 31, 1997, certain claims  against
the  Company were settled by the issuance of Common stock.  Under
the  terms  of these settlements, 670,483 shares were  issued  in
exchange  of $160,901 in claims. The difference between  the  par
value  of  $67,048 and the $160,901 in claims,  or  $93,852,  was
charged against income during the year.

Integrated Marketing Professionals, Inc.

Corporate & Shareholders' Information


Incorporation        Date10/31/96Original        State         of
incorporationMichiganCurrent State of IncorporationNevadaStandard
&  Poor's  ListingYesMoody's OTC Industrial ListingNoFiscal  Year
End 12/31Annual Shar. Meeting DateFloatsIn Good StandingYes


OTC Bulletin BoardSymbol "POKR"Bid Price$0.19Offer 12/31/97$0.21


1933 - Act Registration No1934 - Act RegistrationNo


1996 Employee Stock Compensation Plan

1996 Stock Option Plan


United Stock Transfer

13275 East Fremont Place, Suite 302

Englewood, Colorado 80112-3910

Tel.: (303) 792-3650 - Fax: (303) 792-3675


Harvey Judkowitz, CPA

14281 SW 74 Terrace - Miami, FL 33183

Tel.: (305) 387-2968 - Fax: (305) 383-1559


William ForhanChairman of the Board;

Chief Executive Officer

James Muldowney Director; Secretary/Treasurer;

President of Casino Airlink

IMPI  BOARD  OF DIRECTORS William Forhan Chairman of Board  James
Muldowney  Director Derek Lewin Director; James Ponder  Director;
VP  of  Target  Marketing, Jefferson Pilot Steve  York  Director;
President of Contract Professionals, Inc.


TROP  &  BORKSON,  PA200  E. Las Olas  Blvd.,  Ste.  1900  -  Ft.
Lauderdale,  FL 33301 Tel.: (954) 763-1200 - Fax: (954)  766-7800

888 E. Las Olas Blvd., Ste. 700 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Tel.: (954) 938-2500 - Fax: (954) 523-4820