RADIATE RESEARCH INC.

                                    ARTICLE 1


1.01     Definitions

         In this by-law:

         "Act" means the Canada Business Corporations Act and the regulations
         enacted pursuant to it and any statute and regulations that may be
         substituted for them, as amended from time to time;

         "articles" means the articles, as that term is defined in the Act, of
         the Corporation;

         "auditor" means the auditor of the Corporation;

         "board" means the board of directors of the Corporation;

         "by-law" means a by-law of the Corporation;

         "Corporation" means the corporation incorporated on June 10, 2004 under
         the name "RADIATE RESEARCH INC. ";

         "director" means a director of the Corporation;

         "officer"  means an officer of the  Corporation,  and  reference to
          any specific  officer is to the  individual
         holding that office of the Corporation;

         "person" means an individual, body corporate, partnership, joint
         venture, trust, unincorporated organization, association, the Crown or
         any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any entity recognized by law;

         "proxyholder" means an individual holding a valid proxy for a

         "shareholder" means a shareholder of the Corporation; and

         "voting person" means, in respect of a meeting of shareholders, an
         individual who is either a shareholder entitled to vote at that
         meeting, a duly authorized representative of a shareholder entitled to
         vote at the meeting or a proxyholder entitled to vote at that meeting.

1.02     Number, Gender and Headings

         In this by-law, words in the singular include the plural and vice-versa
and words in one gender include all genders. The insertion of headings in this
by-law and its division into articles, sections and other subdivisions are for
convenience of reference only, and shall not affect the interpretation of this

1.03     By-Law Subordinate to Other Documents

         This by-law is subordinate to, and should be read in conjunction with,
the Act, the articles and any unanimous shareholder agreement of the

1.04     Computation of Time

         The computation of time and any period of days shall be determined in
accordance with the Act and the provisions of the Interpretation Act (Canada)
and any statute that may be substituted for it, as amended from time to time.

                                    ARTICLE 2


2.01     Notice of Meeting

         Any director or the president may call a meeting of the board by giving
notice stating the time and place of the meeting to each of the directors other
than the director giving that notice. Notices sent by delivery or by telephone
or electronic means shall be sent no less than 5 days before the day of the

         The board may appoint, by resolution, dates, time and places for
meetings of the board. A copy of any such resolution shall be sent to each
director forthwith after being passed, but no other notice is required for any
such meeting except where the Act requires the purpose of or the business to be
transacted at a meeting to be specified.

2.02     Meetings Without Notice

         A meeting of the board may be held without notice immediately following
the first or any annual meeting of shareholders.

2.03     Place of Meeting

         A meeting of the board may be held at any place within or outside
Ontario, and no such meeting need be held at a place within Canada.

2.04     No Notice to Newly Appointed Director

         An individual need not be given notice of the meeting at which that
individual is appointed by the other directors to fill a vacancy on the board,
if that individual is present at that meeting.

2.05     Quorum for Board Meetings

         If there are 1 or 2 directors, all of the directors constitute a quorum
at a meeting of the board. If there are 3, 4 or 5 directors, a majority of the
directors constitute a quorum at a meeting of the board. Otherwise, Such a
quorum consists of the next whole number not less than 2/5ths of the number of
directors. In this section, the "number of directors" is either:

         (a) the number of directors specified in the articles; or

         (b) if a minimum and maximum number of directors is provided for in the
articles, the number determined from time to time by special resolution or, if
the special resolution empowers the directors to determine the number, by
resolution of the directors, or if no such resolution has been passed, the
number of directors named in the articles.
(i) the number elected at the last annual meeting of the shareholders; or
(ii) the number determined by resolution of the shareholders; or
(iii) the number created by the directors appointing an
      additional director or directors in accordance with
      any right provided in the articles which allows such
      an appointment or appointments;

and until such annual meeting has been held or action taken in accordance with
this subsection, then the number of directors is the number of directors named
in the notice of directors filed with the articles.

2.06     Chairman of Board Meetings

         The chairman of a meeting of the board must be a director present at
the meeting who consents to preside as chairman. The first-mentioned of the
chairman of the board, the managing director or the president who so qualifies
shall preside as chairman of the meeting. If none of them is so qualified, the
directors present at the meeting shall choose a director to preside as chairman
of the meeting.

2.07     Votes at Board Meetings

         Each director present at a meeting of the board shall have 1 vote on
each motion arising. Motions arising at meetings of the board shall be decided
by a majority vote. The chairman of the meeting shall not have a second or
casting vote.

2.08     Officers

         Each officer shall hold office during the pleasure of the board. Any
officer may, however, resign at any time by giving notice to the Corporation.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                            MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS

3.01     Notice of Shareholders' Meetings

         The board may call a meeting of shareholders by causing notice of the
time and place of the meeting to be sent to each shareholder entitled to vote at
the meeting, each director and the auditor. Such notice shall be sent no less
than 10 days and no more than 40 days before the meeting.

3.02     Quorum at Meetings of Shareholders

         If the Corporation has only 1 shareholder entitled to vote at a meeting
of shareholders, that shareholder constitutes a quorum. Otherwise, any 2 voting
persons present shall constitute a quorum, but only to appoint a chairman and
adjourn the meeting. For all other purposes, a quorum consists of at least 2
voting persons present and authorized to cast in the aggregate not less than 25%
of the total number of votes attaching to all shares carrying the right to vote
at that meeting.

3.03     Chairman's Vote

         The chairman of any meeting of shareholders shall not have a second or
casting vote.

3.04     Voting

         Unless the chairman of a meeting of shareholders directs a ballot, or a
voting person demands one, each motion shall be voted upon by a show of hands.
Each voting person has 1 vote in a vote by show of hands. A ballot may be
directed or demanded either before or after a vote by show of hands. If a ballot
is taken, a prior vote by show of hands has no effect.

3.05     Scrutineers

         The chairman of a meeting of shareholders may appoint for that meeting
1 or more scrutineers, who need not be voting persons.

3.06     Who May Attend Shareholders' Meeting

         The only persons entitled to attend a meeting of shareholders are
voting persons, the directors, the auditor and, if any, the chairman, the
managing director and the President, as well as others permitted by the chairman
of the meeting.

                                    ARTICLE 4

                         SECURITY CERTIFICATES, PAYMENTS

4.01     Certificates

         Security certificates shall be in such form as the board may approve or
the Corporation adopt. The president or the board may order the cancellation of
any security certificate that has become defaced and the issuance of a
replacement certificate for it when the defaced certificate is delivered to the
Corporation or to a transfer agent or branch transfer agent of the Corporation.

4.02     Cheques

         Any amount payable in cash to shareholders (including dividends payable
in cash) may be paid by cheque drawn on any of the Corporation's bankers to the
order of each registered holder of shares of the class or series in respect of
which such amount is to be paid. Cheques may be sent by delivery or first class
mail to such registered holder at that holder's address appearing on the
register of shareholders, unless that holder otherwise directs in writing. By
sending a cheque, as provided in this by-law, in the amount of the dividend less
any tax that the Corporation is required to withhold, the Corporation discharges
its liability to pay the amount of that dividend, unless the cheque is not paid
on due presentation.

4.03     Cheques to Joint Shareholders

         Cheques payable to joint shareholders shall be made payable to the
order of all such joint shareholders unless such joint shareholders direct
otherwise. Such cheques may be sent to the joint shareholders at the address
appearing on the register of shareholders in respect of that joint holding, to
the first address so appearing if there is more than one, or to such other
address as those joint shareholders direct in writing.

4.04     Non-Receipt of Cheques

         The Corporation shall issue a replacement cheque in the same amount to
any person who does not receive a cheque sent as provided in this by-law, if
that person has satisfied the conditions regarding indemnity, evidence of
non-receipt and title set by the board from time to time, either generally or
for that particular case.

4.05     Currency of Dividends

         Dividends or other distributions payable in cash may be paid to some
shareholders in Canadian currency and to other shareholders in equivalent
amounts of a currency or currencies other than Canadian currency. The board may
declare dividends or other distributions in any currency or in alternative
currencies and make such provisions as it deems advisable for the payment of
such dividends or other distributions.

                                    ARTICLE 5

                            SIGNATORIES, INFORMATION

5.01     Signatories

         The following are the only persons authorized to sign any document on
behalf of the Corporation, other than in the usual and ordinary course of the
Corporation's business:

         (a)      any individual appointed by resolution of the board to sign a
                  specific document, that type of document or generally on
                  behalf of the Corporation; or

         (b)      any director or any officer appointed to office by the board.

         Any document so signed may, but need not, have the corporate seal
applied, if there is one.

5.02     Facsimile Signatures

         The signature of any individual authorized to sign on behalf of the
Corporation may, if specifically authorized by resolution of the board, be
written, printed, stamped, engraved, lithographed or otherwise mechanically
reproduced. Anything so signed shall be as valid as if it had been signed
manually, even if that individual has ceased to hold office when anything so
signed is issued or delivered, until revoked by resolution of the board.

5.03     Restriction on Information Disclosed

         Except as required by the Act or authorized by the board, no
shareholder is entitled by virtue of being a shareholder to disclosure of any
information, document or records respecting the Corporation or its business.

                                    ARTICLE 6

                            PROTECTION AND INDEMNITY

6.01     Transactions with the Corporation

         No director or officer shall be disqualified, by virtue of being a
director, or by holding any other office of, or place of profit under, the
Corporation or any body corporate in which the Corporation is a shareholder or
is otherwise interested, from entering into, or from being concerned or
interested in any manner in, any contract, transaction or arrangement made, or
proposed to be made, with the Corporation or any body corporate in which the
Corporation is interested and no such contract, transaction or arrangement shall
be void or voidable for any such reason. No director or officer shall be liable
to account to the Corporation for any profit arising from any such office or
place of profit or realized in respect of any such contract, transaction or
arrangement. Except as required by the Act, no director or officer must make any
declaration or disclosure of interest or, in the case of a director, refrain
from voting in respect of any such contract, transaction or arrangement.

6.02     Limitation of Liability

         Subject to the Act, no director or officer shall be liable for:

         (a)      the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of any other person;

         (b)      joining in any receipt or act for conformity;

         (c)      any loss, damage or expense to the Corporation arising from
                  the insufficiency or deficiency of title to any property
                  acquired by or on behalf of the Corporation;

         (d)      the insufficiency or deficiency of any security in or upon
                  which any moneys of the Corporation are invested;

         (e)      any loss, damage or expense arising from the bankruptcy,
                  insolvency, act or omission of any person with whom any
                  monies, securities or other property of the Corporation are
                  lodged or deposited;

         (f)      any loss, damage or expense occasioned by any error of
                  judgment or oversight; or

         (g)      any other loss, damage or expense related to the performance
                  or non-performance of the duties of that individual's office.

6.03     Contracts on Behalf of the Corporation

         Subject to the Act, any contract entered into, or action taken or
omitted, by or on behalf of the Corporation shall, if duly approved by a
resolution of the shareholders, be deemed for all purposes to have had the prior
authorization of the shareholders.

6.04     Indemnity of Directors and Officers

         As required or permitted by the Act, the Corporation shall indemnify
each Indemnified Person (as defined in this section) against all costs, charges
and expenses, including an amount paid to settle an action or satisfy a
judgment, which that Indemnified Person reasonably incurs in respect of any
civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding to which that Indemnified
Person is made a party by reason of being or having been a director or officer
of the Corporation or of a body corporate of which the Corporation is or was a
shareholder or creditor if:

         (a)      the Indemnified Person acted honestly and in good faith with a
                  view to the best interests of the Corporation; and

         (b)      in the case of a criminal or administrative action or
                  proceeding that is enforced by a monetary penalty, the
                  Indemnified Person had reasonable grounds for believing that
                  the conduct was lawful.

                  "Indemnified Person" means

         (a)      each director and former director of the Corporation;

         (b)      each officer and former officer of the Corporation;

         (c)      each individual who acts or acted at the Corporation's request
                  as a director or officer of a body corporate of which the
                  Corporation is or was a shareholder or creditor; and

         (d)      the respective heirs and legal representatives of each of the
                  persons designated in the preceding paragraphs (a) through

6.05     Indemnities Not Limiting

         The provisions of this Article 6 shall be in addition to and not in
substitution for any rights, immunities and protections to which an Indemnified
Person is otherwise entitled.

                                    ARTICLE 7


7.01     Procedure for Sending Notices

         Notice shall be deemed to have been sufficiently sent if sent in
writing to the address of the addressee on the books of the Corporation and
delivered in person, sent by prepaid first class mail or sent by any electronic
means of sending messages, including telex or facsimile transmission, which
produces a paper record. Notice shall not be sent by mail if there is any
general interruption of postal services in the municipality in which or to which
it is mailed. Each notice so sent shall be deemed to have been received on the
day it was delivered or sent by electronic means or on the fifth day after it
was mailed.

7.02     Notices to Successors in Title

         Notice to a shareholder is sufficient notice to each successor in title
to that shareholder until the name and address of that successor have been
entered on the Corporation's share register.

7.03     Notice to Joint Shareholders

         Notice to one joint shareholder is sufficient notice to all of them.
Such notice shall be addressed to all such joint shareholders and sent to the
address for them on the Corporation's register of shareholders, or to the first
such address if there is more than one.

7.04     Facsimile Signatures on Notices

         The signature on any notice or other communication or document to be
sent by the Corporation may be written, printed, stamped, engraved, lithographed
or otherwise mechanically reproduced.

7.05     Omission of Notice Does Not Invalidate Actions

         All actions taken at a meeting in respect of which a notice has been
sent shall be valid even if:

         (a) by accident, notice was not sent to any person;

         (b) notice was not received by any person; or

         (c) there was an error in a notice that did not affect the substance of
that notice.

7.06     Waiver of Notice

         Any person entitled to notice under the Act, the articles or the
by-laws may waive that notice. Waiver, either before or after the event referred
to in the notice, shall cure any default in sending that notice.

                                    ARTICLE 8

                            REPEAL OF FORMER BY-LAWS

8.01     Former By-Laws May be Repealed

         The board may repeal one or more by-laws by passing a by-law that
contains provisions to that effect.

8.02     Effect of Repeal of By-Laws

         The repeal of any by-law in whole or part shall not in any way affect
the validity of any act done or right, privilege, obligation or liability
acquired or incurred thereunder prior to such repeal. All directors, officers
and other persons acting under any by-law repealed in whole or part shall
continue to act as if elected or appointed under the provisions of this by-law.

         MADE by the board on July 5th, 2004.

John A. Roberts - President                      John A. Roberts - Secretary

                                 BY-LAW NUMBER 2


         THE FOLLOWING IS ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation:

1.       The directors of the Corporation are authorized to:

(a)      borrow money upon the credit of the Corporation;

(b)      issue, re-issue, sell or pledge debt obligations of the Corporation;

(c)      charge, mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or create a security interest in
         any property of the Corporation, whether real or personal, moveable or
         immovable, tangible or intangible, to secure any indebtedness,
         liabilities or other obligations of the Corporation; and

2.       The directors may by resolution delegate to one or more of the
         directors of the Corporation all or any of the foregoing powers.

3.       The powers conferred by this by-law are in addition to and not in
         substitution for any borrowing powers possessed by the directors
         independently of this by-law, including, without limiting the
         generality of the foregoing, borrowing powers set forth in the Canada
         Business Corporations Act.

         PASSED as of ______ ____, 2004.

John A. Roberts - President                      John A. Roberts - Secretary