UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) X QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1999 OR TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission Registrant, State of Incorporation, I.R.S. Employer File Number Address, and Telephone Number Identification No. 001-14786 CMP GROUP, INC. 01-0519429 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, Maine 04336 (207) 623-3521 1-5139 CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY 01-0042740 83 Edison Drive, Augusta, Maine 04336 (207) 623-3521 Indicate by check mark whether the registrants (1) have filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to the filing requirements for at least the past 90 days. CMP Group, Inc.: Yes X No Central Maine Power Company: Yes X No This combined Form 10-Q is separately filed by CMP Group, Inc., and Central Maine Power Company. Information contained herein relating to either individual registrant is filed by such registrant on its own behalf. Each registrant makes no representation as to information relating to the other registrant. As of August 6, 1999, the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding for each registrant was as follows: Registrant Shares CMP Group, Inc., Common Stock, $5 Par Value 32,442,552 Central Maine Power Company, Common Stock, $5 Par Value (All held by CMP Group, Inc.) 31,211,471 Table of Contents Page Number Glossary 1 Part I. Financial Information Item 1 - Consolidated Financial Statements CMP Group, Inc. Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the Three Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 5 Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 6 Consolidated Balance Sheet - June 30, 1999 and December 31, 1998: Assets 7 Stockholders' Equity and Liabilities 8 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 9 Central Maine Power Company Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the Three Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 10 Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 11 Consolidated Balance Sheet - June 30, 1999 and December 31, 1998: Assets 12 Stockholders' Equity and Liabilities 13 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 and 1998 14 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 15 Item 2 - Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 28 Item 3 - Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk 46 Part II. Other Information 48 Signatures 51 GLOSSARY The following abbreviations or acronyms are used in the text of this Form 10-Q as defined below: Term Definition Form 10-K Annual Report on Form 10-K ARP Alternative Rate Plan APB Accounting Principles Board Assigned Agreements Maine Yankee's Power Contracts, Additional Power Contracts and Capital Funds Agreements, as amended, with its Sponsors. Central Maine Central Maine Power Company, a regulated electric utility and subsidiary of CMP Group. Central Securities Central Securities Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Central Maine which owns and manages real estate. CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. CMP Group CMP Group, Inc., is the holding company organized effective September 1, 1998, which owns all of the common stock of Central Maine Power Company, Union Water Power Company, MaineCom Services, CNEX, MainePower, TeleSmart and New England Gas Development. CMP Group System CMP Group and its wholly-owned and directly and indirectly controlled subsidiaries. CMP Natural Gas CMP Natural Gas, L.L.C., a limited- liability company owned by subsidiaries of CMP Group and Energy East to distribute natural gas in Maine. CNEX A wholly owned subsidiary of CMP Group, (previously called CMP International Consultants), which provides utility consulting (domestic and international) and research. Connecticut DPUC Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control Cumberland Securities Cumberland Securities Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Central Maine which owns and manages real estate. Connecticut Yankee Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company D&P Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Co. DOE United States Department of Energy DOJ United States Department of Justice EE Merger Corp. A Maine corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy East EITF Emerging Issues Task Force of FASB Energy East Energy East Corporation, a New York holding company which is an energy delivery, products and services company doing business in New York, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire, in addition to being the parent company of NYSEG effective May 1, 1998, and which entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of June 14, 1999, with CMP Group and EE Merger Corp. EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. EPS Earnings per share ERAM Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board FCC Federal Communications Commission FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FEV Fairfield Energy Venture FPL FPL Group, Inc. Indenture General and Refunding Mortgage Indenture between Central Maine and State Street Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, dated as of April 15, 1976, as amended and supplemented. IPO Initial Public Offering IRC Internal Revenue Code IRS United States Internal Revenue Service ISO Independent System Operator Kwh Kilowatt-hour MaineCom MaineCom Services, a CMP Group subsidiary which arranges fiber-optic data service for bulk carriers. Maine Yankee Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, a 38-percent owned subsidiary of Central Maine. MEPCO Maine Electric Power Company, Inc., a 78-percent owned subsidiary of Central Maine which owns a 345-KV transmission line from Wiscasset, Maine, to New Brunswick, Canada. Merger Agreement The Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of June 14, 1999, by and among CMP Group, Energy East and EE Merger Corp. MRS Monitored Retrievable Storage Moody's Moody's Investors Service MPUC Maine Public Utilities Commission NB Power New Brunswick Power Corporation. NEON NorthEast Optic Network, Inc., a corporation of which MaineCom owns 38.5-percent of the common stock, which is building a fiber optic network in New England and New York. NEPOOL New England Power Pool NERC North American Electric Reliability Council NORVARCO A wholly-owned subsidiary of Central Maine. NORVARCO is one of two general partners with 50% interests in Chester SVC Partnership, which owns a static var compensator facility located in Chester, Maine. NPCC Northeast Power Coordinating Council NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission NYSEG New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, a utility subsidiary of Energy East. NUG Non-utility generator New England Gas Development New England Gas Development Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMP Group created in September 1998 to hold up to a 50-percent ownership interest in CMP Natural Gas. OASIS Open Access Same-time Information System. OPA Maine Office of the Public Advocate Plant Maine Yankee nuclear generating plant at Wiscasset, Maine PURPA Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. SAB Securities and Exchange Commission's Staff Accounting Bulletins. S&P Standard & Poor's Corp. SEC Securities and Exchange Commission Secondary Purchasers 28 municipal and cooperative utilities that had purchased Maine Yankee power under identical contracts with Maine Yankee sponsors. SFAS Statement of Financial Accounting Standards TeleSmart A wholly owned subsidiary of CMP Group which provides accounts receivable management. Union Water The Union Water Power Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of CMP Group. Vermont Yankee Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation. Waste Act Federal Low-level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act. Yankee Atomic Yankee Atomic Electric Company PART 1 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION Item 1. Financial Statements In the opinion of CMP Group, the unaudited financial statements included herein reflect all adjustments necessary to present fairly the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1999, and the Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Cash Flows for the periods ended June 30, 1999 and 1998. CMP Group is the parent holding company of Central Maine, Union Water, MaineCom, CNEX and New England Gas Development. Central Maine constitutes substantially all of CMP Group's assets, revenues and expenses. All nonutility operating transactions are included in other non-utility revenues and operating expenses in CMP Group's Consolidated Statement of Income. CMP Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement Of Earnings (Unaudited) (Dollars in thousands, except per-share amounts) For the Three Months Ended June 30, 1999 1998 Revenues Electric operating revenues $ 214,686 $ 208,216 Other non-utility revenues 10,482 1,113 Total Revenues 225,168 209,329 Operating Expenses Fuel used for company generation 1,260 7,909 Purchased power Energy 88,842 85,469 Other (capacity) 31,214 21,086 Other operation 64,747 52,180 Maintenance 8,025 8,564 Depreciation and amortization 12,005 13,808 Taxes other than income taxes 4,748 5,987 Total Operating Expenses 210,841 195,003 Operating Income 14,327 14,326 Other Income (Expense) Equity in earnings of associated companies 320 157 Allowance for equity funds used during construction 115 115 Other, net 6,961 975 Minority interest in consolidated net income (69) (66) Gain on sale of investments and properties 6,022 12 Total Other Income (Expense) 13,349 1,193 Interest Charges Long-term debt 7,579 10,649 Other interest 11,950 2,351 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (77) (72) Total Interest Charges 19,452 12,928 Income Before Income Taxes and Preferred Dividends 8,224 2,591 Income taxes 3,264 945 Dividends on Preferred Stock of Subsidiary 919 1,074 Net Income $ 4,041 $ 572 Weighted Average Number Of Shares Of Common Stock Outstanding 32,442,552 32,442,752 Earnings Per Share Of Common Stock - Basic $ 0.12 $ 0.02 Earnings Per Share Of Common Stock - Diluted $ 0.12 $ 0.02 Dividends Declared Per Share Of Common Stock $ 0.225 $0.225 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. CMP Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement Of Earnings (Unaudited) (Dollars in thousands, except per-share amounts) For the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 1998 Revenue Electric operating revenues $485,380 $456,961 Other non-utility revenues 16,421 1,810 Total Revenues 501,801 458,771 Operating Expenses Fuel used for company generation 10,207 11,981 Purchased power Energy 183,317 189,764 Other (capacity) 53,988 45,462 Other operation 117,951 97,954 Maintenance 16,299 18,679 Depreciation and amortization 26,677 27,630 Taxes other than income taxes 12,153 13,041 Total Operating Expenses 420,592 404,511 Operating Income 81,209 54,260 Other Income (Expense) Equity in earnings of associated companies (2,659) 1,748 Allowance for equity funds used during construction 307 289 Other, net 8,196 1,611 Minority interest in consolidated net income (694) (114) Gain on sale of investments and properties 13,033 11 Total Other Income (Expense) 18,183 3,545 Interest Charges Long-term debt 18,132 21,499 Other interest 13,330 4,027 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (214) (199) Total Interest Charges 31,248 25,327 Income Before Income Taxes 68,144 32,478 Income taxes 29,008 12,537 Dividends on Preferred Stock of Subsidiary 1,838 2,971 Net Income $ 37,298 $ 16,970 Weighted Average Number Of Shares Of Common Stock Outstanding 32,442,552 32,442,752 Earnings Per Share Of Common Stock - Basic $1.15 $0.52 Earnings Per Share Of Common Stock - Diluted $1.14 $0.52 Dividends Declared Per Share Of Common Stock $0.45 $0.45 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements CMP Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet (Dollars in thousands) ASSETS June 30, December 31, 1999 1998 (Unaudited) Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 335,094 $ 30,540 Accounts receivable, less allowance for uncollectible accounts of $2,953 in 1999 and $3,136 in 1998 Service - billed 69,277 81,169 - unbilled 44,918 53,296 Other accounts receivable 11,559 13,753 Inventories, at average cost Fuel oil 100 5,879 Materials and supplies 8,899 13,126 Funds on deposit with trustee 1 1 Prepayments and other current assets 4,230 10,268 Total Current Assets 474,078 208,032 Electric Property, at original cost 1,321,053 1,750,837 Less: Accumulated depreciation 540,591 694,410 Net electric property in service 780,462 1,056,427 Property, non utility 19,464 23,244 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 5,592 6,802 Net Non-Utility property 13,872 16,442 Construction work in progress 14,823 19,538 Nuclear fuel 1,830 1,147 Total net property 810,987 1,093,554 Investments In Associated Companies, at equity 58,209 71,880 Total Net Property and Investments in Associated Companies 869,196 1,165,434 Deferred Charges And Other Assets Recoverable costs of Seabrook 1 and abandoned projects, net 75,795 78,539 Yankee Atomic purchased-power contract 5,466 7,761 Connecticut Yankee purchased-power contract 27,927 29,913 Maine Yankee purchased-power contract 256,410 273,895 Regulatory assets-nuclear impairment 82,982 -- Regulatory assets - deferred taxes 212,045 235,451 Other deferred charges and other assets 253,691 263,859 Deferred Charges and Other Assets, Net 914,316 889,418 Total Assets $2,257,590 $2,262,884 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements CMP Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet (Dollars in thousands) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES June 30, December 31, 1999 1998 (Unaudited) Current Liabilities and Interim Financing Interim financing $ 101,628 $ 298,356 Sinking-fund requirements 18,716 11,455 Accounts payable 63,931 90,960 Dividends payable 8,243 7,304 Accrued interest 3,604 7,524 Accrued income taxes 154,386 19,911 Miscellaneous current liabilities 18,402 15,909 Total Current Liabilities and Interim Financing 368,910 451,419 Commitments and Contingencies (Note 4) Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits Accumulated deferred income taxes 68,744 376,043 Unamortized investment tax credits 14,347 29,064 Yankee Atomic purchased-power contract 5,466 7,761 Connecticut Yankee purchased-power contract 27,927 29,913 Maine Yankee purchased-power contract 256,410 273,895 Regulatory assets-nuclear impairment 16,642 - Regulatory liabilities - deferred taxes 60,504 58,376 Deferred gain on generation asset sale 520,861 - Other reserves and deferred credits 197,658 116,805 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 1,168,559 891,857 Long-Term Debt Mortgage debt - 117,683 Other long-term obligations 124,205 228,598 Total Long-Term Obligations 124,205 346,281 Redeemable Preferred Stock 18,910 18,910 Stockholders' Equity Common-stock 162,213 162,213 Other paid in capital 286,035 285,835 Reacquired common stock (987) (827) Retained earnings 94,217 71,668 Preferred stock 35,528 35,528 Total Stockholders' Equity 577,006 554,417 Total Stockholders' Equity and Liabilities $2,257,590 $2,262,884 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. CMP Group, Inc. and Subsidiaries CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Unaudited) (Dollars in thousands) For the Six Months ended June 30, 1999 1998 CASH FROM OPERATIONS Net income $ 37,298 $ 16,970 Items not requiring (not providing) cash: Depreciation 21,627 22,566 Amortization 19,269 19,062 Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits, net (14,739) 24,676 Allowance for equity funds used during construction (307) (289) Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary 1,838 2,971 Gain on sale of investments and properties (13,033) -- Incremental power supply (13,903) -- Changes in certain assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 22,464 27,262 Other current assets 4,302 2,827 Inventories 1,455 (2,523) Accounts payable (22,246) (25,424) Accrued taxes and interest 4,103 (12,528) Miscellaneous current liabilities 2,220 7,767 Deferred ice storm cost -- (51,323) Deferred energy-management costs (631) (1,428) Restructuring of purchased power contract -- (22,500) Carrying cost 4,631 -- Other, net 1,323 5,954 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 55,671 14,040 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Construction expenditures (21,470) (21,059) Investments in and loans to affiliates -- (18,120) Central Maine sale of assets 850,629 -- Tax payments related to sale of assets (153,650) -- Selling expense for sale of generation assets (11,697) -- Proceeds from sale of investments and properties 18,119 -- Changes in accounts payable - investing activities (4,783) (2,090) Net Cash Provided (Used) by Investing Activities 677,148 (41,269) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Issuances: Revolving credit agreement -- 18,500 Medium-term notes -- 117,000 Redemptions: Mortgage bonds (118,717) (117,283) Preferred stock -- (41,618) Medium-term note (217,000) (10,000) Revolving credit agreement (50,000) -- Other long-term obligations (11,860) (575) Short-term obligations, net (15,000) -- Funds on deposit with trustee -- 61,694 Purchase of treasury stock (160) -- Dividends: Common stock (14,609) (14,609) Preferred stock of subsidiary (919) (3,794) Net Cash Provided (Used) by Financing Activities (428,265) 9,315 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash 304,554 (17,914) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 30,540 20,841 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR $ 335,094 $ 2,927 For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all highly liquid instruments purchased having a maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION Item 1. Financial Statements In the opinion of Central Maine, the unaudited financial statements included herein reflect all adjustments necessary to present fairly the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1999, and the Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Cash Flows for the periods ended June 30, 1999 and 1998. Central Maine's consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Central Maine and its wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries. All nonutility operating transactions are included in other non-utility revenues and operating expenses in Central Maine's Consolidated Statement of Income. Central Maine Power Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement Of Earnings (Unaudited) (Dollars in thousands, except per-share amounts) For the Three Months Ended June 30, 1999 1998 Revenues Electric operating revenues $214,737 $208,216 Other non-utility revenues 631 1,113 Total Revenues 215,368 209,329 Operating Expenses Fuel used for company generation 1,260 7,909 Purchased power Energy 88,842 85,469 Other (capacity) 31,214 21,086 Other operation 55,518 52,180 Maintenance 7,978 8,564 Depreciation and amortization 11,757 13,808 Taxes other than income taxes 4,735 5,987 Total Operating Expenses 201,304 195,003 Operating Income 14,064 14,326 Other Income (Expense) Equity in earnings of associated companies 2,712 157 Allowance for equity funds used during construction 115 115 Other, net 6,225 975 Minority interest in consolidated net income (69) (66) Gain on sale of investments and properties 24 12 Total Other Income (Expense) 9,007 1,193 Interest Charges Long-term debt 7,534 10,649 Other interest 11,793 2,351 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (77) (72) Total Interest Charges 19,250 12,928 Income Before Income Taxes 3,821 2,591 Income taxes 567 945 Net Income 3,254 1,646 Dividends on Preferred Stock 919 1,074 Earnings Applicable to Common Stock $ 2,335 $ 572 Weighted Average Number Of Shares Of Common Stock Outstanding 31,211,471 32,442,752 Earnings Per Share Of Common Stock - Basic and Diluted $0.07 $0.02 Dividends Declared Per Share Of Common Stock $0.36 $0.225 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Central Maine Power Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Statement Of Earnings (Unaudited) (Dollars in thousands, except per-share amounts) For the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 1998 Revenues Electric operating revenues $485,307 $456,961 Other non-utility revenues 1,110 1,810 Total Revenues 486,417 458,771 Operating Expenses Fuel used for company generation 10,207 11,981 Purchased power Energy 183,317 189,764 Other (capacity) 53,988 45,462 Other operation 103,367 97,954 Maintenance 16,039 18,679 Depreciation and amortization 26,206 27,630 Taxes other than income taxes 12,096 13,041 Total Operating Expenses 405,220 404,511 Operating Income 81,197 54,260 Other Income (Expense) Equity in earnings of associated companies 3,683 1,748 Allowance for equity funds used during construction 307 289 Other, net 6,799 1,611 Minority interest in consolidated net income (694) (114) Gain on sale of investments and properties 7,034 11 Total Other Income (Expense) 17,129 3,545 Interest Charges Long-term debt 18,038 21,499 Other interest 13,166 4,027 Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction (214) (199) Total Interest Charges 30,990 25,327 Income Before Income Taxes 67,336 32,478 Income taxes 26,435 12,537 Net Income 40,901 19,941 Dividends on Preferred Stock 1,838 2,971 Earnings Applicable to Common Stock $ 39,063 $ 16,970 Weighted Average Number Of Shares Of Common Stock Outstanding 31,211,471 32,442,752 Earnings Per Share Of Common Stock (Basic and Diluted) $1.25 $0.52 Dividends Declared Per Share Of Common Stock $0.585 $0.450 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements Central Maine Power Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet (Dollars in thousands) ASSETS June 30, December 31, 1999 1998 (Unaudited) Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 314,097 $ 22,628 Accounts receivable, less allowance for uncollectible accounts of $2,953 in 1999 and $3,136 in 1998 Service - billed 68,676 81,082 - unbilled 44,918 53,110 Other accounts receivable 19,504 12,698 Inventories, at average cost Fuel oil 100 5,879 Materials and supplies 8,431 12,755 Funds on deposit with trustee 1 1 Prepayments and other current assets 4,136 10,161 Total Current Assets 459,863 198,314 Electric Property, at original cost 1,321,024 1,750,777 Less: Accumulated depreciation 540,565 694,463 Net electric property in service 780,459 1,056,314 Property, Non-Utility 12,838 15,895 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 3,603 4,150 Non-Utility Property 9,235 11,745 Construction work in progress 14,092 19,483 Nuclear fuel 1,830 1,147 Total net property 805,616 1,088,689 Investments In Associated Companies, at equity 40,472 48,406 Total Net Property and Investments in Associated Companies 846,088 1,137,095 Deferred Charges And Other Assets Recoverable costs of Seabrook 1 and abandoned projects, net 75,795 78,539 Yankee Atomic purchased-power contract 5,466 7,761 Connecticut Yankee purchased-power contract 27,927 29,913 Maine Yankee purchased-power contract 256,410 273,895 Regulatory assets-nuclear impairment 82,982 - Regulatory assets - deferred taxes 212,045 235,451 Other deferred charges and other assets 249,081 262,512 Deferred Charges and Other Assets, Net 909,706 888,071 Total Assets $2,215,657 $2,223,480 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Central Maine Power Company and Subsidiaries Consolidated Balance Sheet (Dollars in thousands) STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES June 30, December 31, 1999 1998 (Unaudited) Current Liabilities and Interim Financing Interim financing $ 101,383 $ 298,183 Sinking-fund requirements 18,716 11,455 Accounts payable 69,230 93,012 Dividends payable 943 5 Accrued interest 3,579 7,491 Income taxes payable to parent company 154,502 20,822 Miscellaneous current liabilities 17,423 15,455 Total Current Liabilities and Interim Financing 365,776 446,423 Commitments and Contingencies (Note 4) Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits Accumulated deferred income taxes 65,281 372,243 Unamortized investment tax credits 14,347 29,064 Yankee Atomic purchased-power contract 5,466 7,761 Connecticut Yankee purchased-power contract 27,927 29,913 Maine Yankee purchased-power contract 256,410 273,895 Regulatory liabilities-nuclear impairment 16,642 - Regulatory liabilities - deferred taxes 60,504 58,376 Deferred gain on generation asset sale 520,861 - Other reserves and deferred credits 189,370 111,506 Total Other Liabilities and Deferred Credits 1,156,808 882,758 Long-Term Debt Mortgage debt - 117,683 Other long-term obligations 121,803 226,151 Total Long-Term Obligations 121,803 343,834 Redeemable Preferred Stock 18,910 18,910 Stockholders' Equity Common-stock 162,213 162,213 Other paid in capital 276,572 276,422 Reacquired common stock (19,000) (19,000) Retained earnings 97,004 76,349 Preferred stock 35,571 35,571 Total Stockholders' Equity 552,360 531,555 Total Stockholders' Equity and Liabilities $2,215,657 $2,223,480 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Central Maine Power Company and Subsidiaries CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Unaudited) (Dollars in thousands) For the Six Months Ended June 30, 1999 1998 CASH FROM OPERATIONS Net income $ 40,901 $ 19,941 Items not requiring (not providing) cash: Depreciation 21,161 22,566 Amortization 19,262 19,062 Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits, net (14,407) 24,676 Allowance for equity funds used during construction (307) (289) Gain on Sale of Investments and Properties (7,034) - Incremental power supply (13,903) - Changes in certain assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 13,792 27,262 Other current assets 4,669 2,827 Inventories 1,552 (2,523) Accounts payable (18,989) (25,424) Accrued taxes and interest 3,316 (12,528) Miscellaneous current liabilities 1,695 7,767 Deferred Ice storm costs - (51,323) Deferred energy-management costs (631) (1,428) Restructuring of purchased power contract - (22,500) Carrying cost 4,631 - Other, net 36 5,954 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities 55,744 14,040 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Construction expenditures (20,786) (21,059) Investments in and loans to affiliates - (18,120) Central Maine sale of assets 850,629 - Tax payments related to sale of assets (153,650) - Selling expense for sale of generation assets (11,697) - Proceeds from sale of investments and properties 7,813 - Changes in accounts payable - investing activities (4,793) (2,090) Net Cash Provided (Used) by Investing Activities 667,516 (41,269) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Issuances: Revolving credit agreement - 18,500 Medium-term notes - 117,000 Redemptions: Mortgage bonds (118,717) (117,283) Preferred stock - (41,618) Medium term notes (217,000) (10,000) Revolving Credit Agreement (50,000) - Other long-term obligations (11,887) (575) Short-term obligations (15,000) - Funds on deposit with trustee - 61,694 Dividends: Common stock (18,268) (14,609) Preferred stock (919) (3,794) Net Cash Provided (Used) by Financing Activities (431,791) 9,315 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash 291,469 (17,914) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD 22,628 20,841 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD $314,097 $ 2,927 For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all highly liquid instruments purchased having a maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements CMP Group and Central Maine Power Company NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies General Description - CMP Group was organized effective September 1, 1998, at which time all of the shares of common stock of Central Maine were converted into an equal number of shares of common stock of CMP Group. CMP Group owns all of the shares of common stock of Central Maine and the former non-utility subsidiaries of Central Maine (TeleSmart, MaineCom, CNEX and Union Water Power Company) in addition to New England Gas Development Corporation, a subsidiary organized in 1998. Central Maine is a public utility primarily engaged in the sale, transmission, and distribution of electric energy at the wholesale and retail levels to residential, commercial, industrial, and other classes of customers in the State of Maine. Basis of Presentation - This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q is a combined report of CMP Group and Central Maine, a regulated electric-utility subsidiary of CMP Group. The Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements apply to both CMP Group and Central Maine. CMP Group's consolidated financial statements include the accounts of CMP Group and its wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries, including Central Maine. Central Maine's consolidated financial statements include its accounts as well as those of its wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries. Certain immaterial majority owned subsidiaries, which were previously accounted for on the equity method, were consolidated in September 1998. For all periods prior to September 1, 1998, the historic financial position and results of operations of CMP Group reflect the activity of Central Maine. Central Maine's financial position and results of operations account for substantially all of CMP Group's consolidated financial position and results of operations. This quarterly report should be read in conjunction with CMP Group's and Central Maine's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998. CMP Group and Central Maine believe that the accompanying statements reflect all adjustments necessary to present a fair statement of the consolidated financial position and results of operations for the interim periods. All material adjustments are of a normal recurring nature unless otherwise disclosed in this Form 10-Q. All significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated from the consolidated financial statements. Results shown for the respective interim periods being reported herein are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected for the fiscal years due to seasonal factors which are inherent in electric utilities in New England. A greater proportionate amount of revenues is earned in the first and fourth quarters (winter season) of most years because more electricity is sold due to weather conditions, fewer day-light hours, and related factors. For purposes of the statement of cash flows, CMP Group and Central Maine consider all highly liquid instruments purchased having maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Supplemental Cash Flow Disclosure - Cash paid for the six months ended June 30, 1999 and 1998: (In Millions) 1999 1998 CMP Group Interest, net of amounts capitalized $ 26.9 $24.0 Income taxes 195.6 2.6 Central Maine Interest, net of amounts capitalized 26.8 24.0 Income Taxes 193.4 2.6 Stock-Based Compensation - Under CMP Group's Long-Term Incentive Plan, options on CMP Group common stock were granted in 1998 and 1999 with an exercise price equal to the fair market value on the date of the grants. The term of all options granted is seven (7) years. One third of the options vest annually, commencing on the first anniversary of the option grant date, except for 1998 options which were entirely vested in 1999. Upon vesting, the stock options are exercisable during periods of active employment or within thirty (30) days after termination of employment, provided termination did not occur due to cause. Upon the effectiveness of the proposed merger of CMP Group with Energy East all such stock options will be cancelled and the holders of the options will be entitled to payment by CMP Group of the excess of $29.50 per share over the exercise price per share of the options. Performance shares are granted at the beginning of a 3-year performance cycle. Performance shares were granted in 1997, 1998 and 1999. All three grants have a three-year cycle and are being accrued accordingly; in the event performance goals for a performance cycle are achieved, common stock is awarded at the end of that performance cycle. If performance goals are not achieved, the performance shares are forfeited. As of the effective date of the proposed merger, it is intended that performance shares for cycles that are not completed will vest and grantees will be entitled to payment of $29.50 for each performance share that vests. 1997 1998 1999 ---- ---- ---- Options granted - 233,359 254,304 Performance Shares* 59,125 64,518 67,150 *Accrue over a 3-year cycle. Earnings per Share - Stock options and performance shares granted to date under CMP Group's Long-Term Incentive Plan resulted in incremental shares of common stock outstanding for purposes of computing both basic and diluted earnings per share for the three and six month periods ended June 30, 1999. The incremental number of shares for the three months ending June 30, 1999 is 216,524 and 173,487 for the six months ending June 30, 1999. Reclassification - Certain amounts from prior years financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation. Impact of New Accounting Standards - In June 1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 133, Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging Activities. It requires companies to record derivatives on the balance sheet at their fair value depending on the intended use of the derivative. The new standard applies to all entities and the original effective date was June 15, 1999. On May 19, 1999 the FASB determined that the statement should be delayed for one year. Based on CMP Group and Central Maine's current business practices the adoption of this standard is not anticipated to have a significant impact on their financial statements. 2. Merger Agreement With Energy East On June 14, 1999, CMP Group, Energy East and EE Merger Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy East, entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Merger Agreement"). Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, EE Merger Corp. will merge into CMP Group, with CMP Group becoming the surviving company and becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy East. CMP Group shareholders will receive $29.50 per share in cash if the merger is consummated. The merger is subject to certain customary closing conditions, including without limitation the receipt of the required approvals of CMP Group's shareholders and a number of governmental agencies, including the MPUC, Connecticut DPUC, SEC, FERC, NRC and the FCC, and the making of all other necessary governmental filings. It is anticipated that the shareholder vote will take place in the fall of 1999 and that all regulatory approvals can be obtained by June of 2000. 3. Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation Central Maine prepares its financial statements in accordance with SFAS No. 71 "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," which requires rate regulated companies to reflect the effects of regulatory decisions in their financial statements. Central Maine has deferred certain costs pursuant to rate actions of the MPUC and FERC and is recovering, or expects to recover, such costs in electric, transmission and distribution rates charged to customers. The FASB's EITF has addressed the appropriateness of continued application of SFAS No. 71 by entities in states that have enacted restructuring legislation similar to Maine's. The EITF issued its statement No. 97-4 "Deregulation of Pricing Electricity Issues Related to the Application of FASB Statements 71 and 101", which concluded that an entity should cease to apply SFAS 71 when a deregulation plan is in place and its terms are known. With respect to the generation portion of Central Maine's business, this occurred during the second quarter of 1999 with the completion of the sale of most of its generation assets to FPL and the subsequent development of a compliance filing with the MPUC in Phase II of the ongoing MPUC proceeding on stranded costs, revenue requirements and rate design. Effective June 30,1999, Central Maine adopted SFAS 101 for the generation segment of its business. SFAS No. 101 "Regulated Enterprises - Accounting for the Discontinuation of Application of FASB Statement No. 71," requires a determination of impairment of plant assets under SFAS No. 121 "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of," and the elimination of all effects of rate regulation that have been recognized as assets and liabilities under SFAS 71. Central Maine performed impairment tests on its two operating nuclear generation facilities, Millstone 3 and Vermont Yankee, on a plant specific basis and determined that $82.9 million was impaired as of June 30,1999. Impaired plant is the excess of net plant investment at June 30, 1999 over the value of net cash flows during the remaining lives of the investments. Annual net cash flows were determined by subtracting estimated generation sustenance costs from the estimated market value of power from the plants. The MPUC in its Phase I order dated March 19,1999 in the ongoing proceeding provided for future recovery of nuclear generation and other generation related stranded costs. Central Maine has established a regulatory asset as of June 30, 1999 for $82.9 million consistent with that order associated with the two operating nuclear investments. As a result there is no income impact from these impairment tests but rather recognition of the impairment and a corresponding regulatory asset. Central Maine has long term power purchase contracts with NUGs which require payments above anticipated market rates. The estimate of above-market payment is approximately $800 million. The costs associated with these NUG contracts remain a regulated obligation of the transmission and distribution company as a statutory requirement and have been provided for by the MPUC in its revenue requirement determination in Phase I of the above mentioned proceeding. Central Maine believes that its electric transmission and distribution operations continue to meet the requirements of SFAS 71 and that regulatory assets associated with those operations as well as any generation-related costs that the MPUC has determined to be recoverable from ratepayers also meet the criteria. At June 30,1999, $958.7 million of regulatory assets remain on Central Maine's books. Approximately $214.4 million will be charged against the estimated deferred gain and associated carrying costs through March 1, 2000 of $548.6 million resulting from the generation asset sale while the remainder will be amortized over periods to be determined by the MPUC in Phase II of the above mentioned proceeding. 4. Commitments and Contingencies Permanent Shutdown of Maine Yankee Plant - In August 1997 the board of directors of Maine Yankee voted to permanently cease power operations at the Maine Yankee plant at Wiscasset, Maine (the "Plant") and to decommission the Plant. In November 1997 Maine Yankee submitted to FERC revised rates reflecting the decision to shut down the Plant, including amendments to its Power Contracts. On January 14, 1998, FERC accepted the new rates for filing, subject to refund, and set the new rates, the Power Contract amendments, and issues concerning the prudence of the Plant-shutdown decision for hearing. Since the filing of the rate request, Maine Yankee and the active intervenors, including among others the MPUC Staff, the Maine Office of the Public Advocate ("OPA"), Central Maine and other owners, municipal and cooperative purchasers of Maine Yankee Power (the "Secondary Purchasers"), and a Maine environmental group (the "Settling Parties"), engaged in extensive discovery and negotiations which resulted in a settlement agreement filed by those parties with the FERC on January 19, 1999. A separately negotiated settlement filed with the FERC on February 5, 1999, resolved the issues raised by the Secondary Purchasers by limiting the amounts they will pay for decommissioning the Plant and by settling other points of contention affecting individual Secondary Purchasers. Both settlements were found to be in the public interest and approved by the FERC on June 1, 1999. The settlement constitutes a full settlement of all issues raised in the consolidated FERC proceeding, including decommissioning-cost issues and issues pertaining to the prudence of the management, operation, and decision to permanently cease operation of the Plant. The primary settlement provides for Maine Yankee to collect $33.1 million in the aggregate annually, effective August 1, 1999, including both decommissioning costs and ISFSI-related costs. The original filing with FERC on November 6, 1997, called for an aggregate annual collection rate of $36.4 million for decommissioning and the ISFSI, based on a 1997 estimate. Under the approved settlement the amount collected annually is to be reduced to approximately $24.4 million as a result of legislation allowing Maine Yankee to (1) use for construction of the ISFSI funds held in trust under Maine law for spent-fuel disposal, and (2) access approximately $6.8 million held by the State of Maine for eventual payment to the State of Texas pursuant to a compact for low-level nuclear waste disposal, the future of which is in question after rejection of the selected disposal site in west Texas by a Texas regulatory agency. Both required authorizing legislation in Maine, which was adopted on May 13, 1999. The settlement also provides for recovery of the unamortized investment (including fuel) in the Plant, together with a return on equity of 6.50 percent, effective January 15, 1998, on equity balances up to maximum allowed equity amounts, which resulted in a pro-rata refund of $9.3 million (including tax impacts) to the sponsors on July 15, 1999. The Settling Parties also agreed in the settlement not to contest the effectiveness of the Amendatory Agreements submitted to FERC as part of the original filing, subject to certain limitations including the right to challenge any accelerated recovery of unamortized investment under the terms of the Amendatory Agreements after a required informational filing with the FERC by Maine Yankee. In addition, the settlement contains incentives for Maine Yankee to achieve further savings in its decommissioning and ISFSI-related costs and resolves issues concerning restoration and future use of the Plant site and environmental matters of concern to certain of the intervenors in the proceeding. As a separate part of the settlement, Central Maine, the other two Maine utilities which own interests in Maine Yankee, the MPUC Staff, and the OPA entered into a further agreement resolving retail rate issues and other issues specific to the Maine parties, including those that had been raised concerning the prudence of the operation and shutdown of the Plant (the "Maine Agreement"). Under the Maine Agreement Central Maine will continue to recover its Maine Yankee costs in accordance with its most recent ARP order from the MPUC without any adjustment reflecting the outcome of the FERC proceeding. To the extent that Central Maine has collected from its retail customers a return on equity in excess of the 6.50 percent contemplated by the settlement, no refunds would be required, but such excess amounts would be credited to the customers to the extent required by the ARP. Finally, a major provision of the Maine Agreement requires the Maine owners, for the period from March 1, 2000, through December 1, 2004, to hold their Maine retail ratepayers harmless from the amounts by which the replacement power costs for Maine Yankee exceed the replacement power costs assumed in the report to the Maine Yankee Board of Directors that served as a basis for the Plant shutdown decision, up to a maximum cumulative amount of $41.0 million. Central Maine's share of that amount would be $31.16 million for the period. The Maine Agreement, which was approved by the MPUC on December 22, 1998, also sets forth the methodology for calculating such replacement power costs. CMP Group and Central Maine believe that the approved settlement, including the Maine Agreement, constitutes a reasonable resolution of the issues raised in the Maine Yankee FERC proceeding, and should eliminate significant uncertainties concerning CMP Group's and Central Maine's future financial performance. Legal and Environmental Matters - Central Maine and certain of its affiliates are subject to regulation by federal and state authorities with respect to air and water quality, the handling and disposal of toxic substances and hazardous and solid wastes, and the handling and use of chemical products. Electric utility companies generally use or generate in their operations a range of potentially hazardous products and by-products that are the focus of such regulation. Central Maine believes that its current practices and operations are in compliance with all existing environmental laws except for such non-compliance as would not have a material adverse effect on Central Maine's financial position. Central Maine reviews its overall compliance and measures the liability quarterly by assessing a range of reasonably likely costs for each identified site using currently available information, including existing technology, presently enacted laws and regulations, experience gained at similar sites, and the probable level of involvement and financial condition of other potentially responsible parties. These estimates include costs for site investigations, remediation, operation and maintenance, monitoring and site closure. New and changing environmental requirements could hinder the construction and/or modification of transmission and distribution lines, substations and other facilities, and could raise operating costs significantly. As a result, Central Maine may incur significant additional environmental costs, greater than amounts reserved, in connection with the generation and transmission of electricity and the storage, transportation and disposal of by-products and wastes. Central Maine may also encounter significantly increased costs to remedy the environmental effects of prior waste handling activities. The cumulative long-term cost impact of increasingly stringent environmental requirements cannot accurately be estimated. Central Maine has recorded a liability, based upon currently available information, for what it believes are the estimated environmental remediation costs that it expects to incur for identified waste disposal sites. In most cases, additional future environmental cleanup costs are not reasonably estimable due to a number of factors, including the unknown magnitude of possible contamination, the appropriate remediation methods, the possible effects of future legislation or regulation and the possible effects of technological changes. Central Maine cannot predict the schedule or scope of remediation due to the regulatory process and involvement of non-governmental parties. At June 30, 1999, the liability recorded by Central Maine for its estimated environmental remediation costs amounted to $3.0 million, which management has determined to be the most probable amount within the range of $3.0 million to $10.3 million. Such costs may be higher if Central Maine is found to be responsible for cleanup costs at additional sites or identifiable possible outcomes change. Wyman No. 4 Arbitration - By notice of claim dated June 24, 1999, the non-operator owners of the Wyman No. 4 oil-fired generating unit in Yarmouth, Maine, which was approximately 60-percent owned by Central Maine, served notice on Central Maine that they believe they are entitled to a portion of the proceeds of the sale of Central Maine's interest in the unit as part of the April 1999 sale of its non-nuclear generation assets to FPL Energy. The claimants contend that certain sections of the joint ownership agreement under which they share in the output of the unit require a pro-rata distribution to them of part of those proceeds as a result of Central Maine's sale of its interest in the unit. The joint ownership agreement provides for arbitration of claims arising under the agreement. Central Maine believes that although the amount of the claim is substantial ($62 million), the claimants have suffered no loss and are not entitled to any part of the generation-asset sale proceeds. Central Maine intends to contest any such claim vigorously, but cannot predict the result of any arbitration proceeding that the non-operator owners may initiate. Millstone Unit No. 3 Litigation - On August 7, 1997, Central Maine and the other minority owners of Millstone Unit No. 3 filed suit in Massachusetts Superior Court against Northeast Utilities and its trustees, and initiated an arbitration claim against two of its subsidiaries, alleging mismanagement of the unit by the defendants. The minority owners are seeking to recover their additional costs resulting from such mismanagement, including their replacement power costs. The parties have been engaged in resolving preliminary issues and in extensive pre-hearing discovery on a schedule calling for an arbitration hearing in November of 1999. Central Maine cannot predict the outcome of the litigation and arbitration or whether the current schedule will be maintained. Tax Settlement - On September 12, 1997, Central Maine received a notice of deficiency from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") as a result of its audit of Central Maine's federal income tax returns for the years 1992 through 1994. There were two significant adjustments among those proposed by the IRS. The first was a disallowance of Central Maine's write-off of the under-collected balance of fuel and purchased-power costs and the unrecovered balance of its unbilled Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism ("ERAM") revenues, both as of December 31, 1994, which had been charged to income in 1994 in connection with the adoption of the ARP effective January 1, 1995. The second major adjustment disallowed Central Maine's 1994 deduction of the cost of the buyout of the Fairfield Energy Venture ("FEV") purchased-power contract. On December 10, 1997 Central Maine filed a petition in the United States Tax Court contesting the entire amount of the deficiencies. Subsequently, Central Maine sought review of the asserted deficiencies by an IRS Appeals Officer to determine whether all or part of the dispute could be resolved in advance of a court determination. In June 1999, the IRS Appeals Officer and Central Maine reached agreement resolving all issues. Under the proposed agreement the ERAM component was allowed as fully deductible in 1994, while $24 million of the fuel and purchased-power costs were deemed to be deductible in 1994 and the remaining $30 million deductible in 1995. The parties also agreed to increase the tax basis of the FEV plant from $2 million to $11 million, to be depreciated over 20 years, and that the remaining FEV contract buyout costs would be fully deductible in 1994. As a result of the settlement, Central Maine made payments to the IRS and the State of Maine totaling $11.8 million for the 1992 to 1994 tax deficiencies, as well as $6.0 million in associated interest. Substantially all of the tax impacts were normalized, as Central Maine will be deducting any disallowed costs for tax purposes in future years. The net impact of the tax and interest true-up for all the years under consideration reduced net income in the second quarter of 1999 by $0.6 million due primarily to interest expense. Of the $6.0 million interest payment, approximately $1.0 million was previously accrued, $1.8 million associated with the FEV facility was deferred consistent with regulatory practice, and $2.0 million of interest income was accrued for the years 1995 through June 1999. Due to the materiality of the amounts involved, approval of the settlement from the Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation is required and is being sought by the IRS. Natural Gas Distribution. CMP Group and Energy East, through subsidiaries, have entered into a joint-venture agreement to pursue opportunities to distribute natural gas at retail in many Maine communities. They would offer natural-gas service in several areas of Maine, primarily the Augusta, Bangor, Bath-Brunswick, Bethel, Windham and Waterville areas, none of which had a natural-gas distribution system in place. The gas is to be drawn from two new gas-pipeline projects that will carry Canadian gas through Maine and into the regional energy market using substantial portions of electric transmission-line corridors owned by Central Maine and MEPCO. On July 24, 1998, the MPUC authorized the joint venture to serve the areas it had applied to serve. The new company, CMP Natural Gas could face competition from new or existing gas utilities in some of the areas it has targeted. CMP Natural Gas began construction of its first local distribution system in Windham, Maine, in early 1999 and began serving its first customer in May. On July 8, 1999, CMP Natural Gas and Calpine Corporation, a California-based independent power company, announced the signing of a 20-year contract for CMP Natural Gas to provide natural gas delivery service to Calpine's proposed 540-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant under construction in Westbrook, Maine. CMP Natural Gas expects to commence service to the plant by June 1, 2000, after MPUC approval and construction of a two-mile lateral pipeline along an existing Central Maine right of way that would interconnect with the new interstate pipeline facilities. Upon completion of the proposed merger of Energy East and CMP Group, Energy East will hold all of the interests in CMP Natural Gas. 5. Regulatory Matters and Electric-Utility Industry Restructuring Alternative Rate Plan - On March 15, 1999, Central Maine submitted its 1999 ARP compliance filing to the MPUC. In the filing Central Maine recommended that rates remain unchanged for the period July 1, 1999 to February 29, 2000. On July 13, 1999, the MPUC issued an order which provided for no increase in rates effective July 1, 1999. In a related matter, on August 2, 1999, the MPUC issued an order regarding the treatment of gains on the sale of easements by Central Maine in late 1998 and early 1999. The order allocated 90 percent of the proceeds from the sale of easements to ratepayers and 10 percent to shareholders. Further the ratepayer portion must be amortized over a 5 year period. Central Maine believes that both under Maine Law Court precedent and under the terms of the ARP these gains should be recognized when the property was sold and accrue to the benefit of shareholders; accordingly, Central Maine will vigorously work to overturn the decision through reconsideration by the Commission and/or appeal to Maine's Law Court. As of June 30, 1999, approximately $9.9 million of the gain would be deferred and net income reduced accordingly, if the MPUC position prevails. The design and levels of Central Maine's rates as a transmission-and-distribution company, effective March 1, 2000, will be determined in Phase II of the MPUC proceeding discussed below in this note under "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements, and Rate Design." Stranded Costs - The enactment by Congress of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 accelerated planning by electric utilities, including Central Maine, for a transition to a more competitive industry. In Maine, legislation that will restructure the electric-utility industry on March 1, 2000, was enacted by the Maine Legislature in May 1997, and is discussed in detail below. Such a departure from traditional regulation, however, could have a substantial impact on the value of utility assets and on the ability of electric utilities to recover their costs through rates. In the absence of full recovery, utilities would find their above-market costs to be "stranded", or unrecoverable, in the new competitive setting. Central Maine has substantial exposure to cost stranding relative to its size. In general, its stranded costs reflect the excess costs of Central Maine's purchased-power obligations over the market value of the power, and the costs of deferred charges and other regulatory assets. The major portion of Central Maine's stranded costs is related to above-market costs of purchased-power obligations arising from Central Maine's long-term, noncancelable contracts for the purchase of capacity and energy from NUGs estimated at $800 million, with lesser estimated amounts related to Central Maine's deferred regulatory assets. Maine Restructuring Legislation. The 1997 Maine restructuring legislation requires the MPUC, when retail access to generation begins on March 1, 2000, to provide a "reasonable opportunity" to recover stranded costs through the rates of the transmission-and-distribution company, comparable to the utility's opportunity to recover stranded costs before the implementation of retail access under the legislation. Stranded costs are defined as the legitimate, verifiable and unmitigable costs made unrecoverable as a result of the restructuring required by the legislation. Central Maine's recoverable amount and timing of recovery will be determined by the MPUC in the second phase of the ongoing proceeding discussed under the heading "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements, and Rate Design," below. The principal restructuring provisions of the legislation provide for customers to have direct retail access to generation services and for deregulation of competitive electric providers, commencing March 1, 2000, with transmission-and-distribution companies continuing to be regulated by the MPUC. By that date, subject to possible extensions of time granted by the MPUC to improve the sale value of generation assets, investor-owned utilities are required to divest all generation assets and generation-related business activities, with two major exceptions: (1) non-utility generator contracts with qualifying facilities and contracts with demand-side management or conservation providers, brokers or hosts, and (2) ownership interests in nuclear power plants. As discussed below under "Sale of Generation Assets," Central Maine completed the sale of its non-nuclear generating assets on April 7, 1999. The legislation also requires investor-owned utilities, after February 29, 2000, to sell their rights to the capacity and energy from all generation assets, including the purchased-power contracts that had not previously been divested pursuant to the legislation, with certain immaterial exceptions. On July 30, 1998, Central Maine offered its rights to the capacity and energy from its nuclear generation assets and its NUG contracts to prospective bidders. Upon the commencement of retail access on March 1, 2000, Central Maine, as a transmission-and-distribution utility, will be prohibited from selling electric energy to retail customers. Any competitive electricity provider that is affiliated with Central Maine would be allowed to sell electricity outside Central Maine's service territory without limitation as to amount, but within Central Maine's service territory the affiliate would be limited to providing not more than 33 percent of the total kilowatt-hours sold within Central Maine's service territory, as determined by the MPUC. CMP Group does not now intend to engage in the sale of electric energy after March 1, 2000. For a summary of other provisions of the 1997 legislation, see the Annual Report on Form 10-K of CMP Group and Central Maine for the twelve months ended December 31, 1998. MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements, and Rate Design. By order dated March 19, 1999, the MPUC completed the first phase of the proceeding contemplated by Maine's restructuring legislation that will ultimately determine the recovery of Central Maine's stranded costs, its revenue requirements, and the design of its rates to be effective when Central Maine becomes a transmission-and-distribution utility at the time retail access to generation begins in Maine on March 1, 2000. The MPUC stressed in its Phase I order that it was deciding the "principles" by which it would set Central Maine's transmission-and-distribution rates, effective March 1, 2000, but was deferring calculating the rates themselves until Phase II of the proceeding because such calculations at that time would rely excessively on estimates. With respect to stranded costs, the MPUC indicated that it would set the amount of recoverable stranded costs for Central Maine in Phase II of the proceeding pursuant to its mandate under the restructuring statute to provide transmission-and-distribution utilities a reasonable opportunity to recover such costs that is equivalent to the utility's opportunity to recover those costs prior to the commencement of retail access. The MPUC also reviewed the prescribed methodology for determining the amount of a utility's stranded costs, including among other factors the application of excess value from Central Maine's divested generation assets to offset stranded costs. In the area of revenue requirements, the Phase I order did not include definitive amounts, but did contain the MPUC's conclusions as to the appropriate cost of common equity for Central Maine as a transmission-and-distribution company beginning March 1, 2000. Central Maine had recommended a 12-percent cost of common equity with a 55-percent common equity component in the capital structure. The MPUC approved a common-equity cost of 10.50 percent with a common-equity component of 47 percent, and an overall weighted-average cost of capital of 8.68 percent. In dealing with rate design, the MPUC limited itself in the first phase of the proceeding primarily to establishing principles that would guide it in designing Central Maine's rates to be effective March 1, 2000. Central Maine submitted its Phase II filing to the MPUC on July 1, 1999. The filing is organized into sections covering revenue requirements, a sales forecast, stranded costs, and rate design, with updated information provided in each area. As with Phase I, some of the calculations submitted in the Phase II filing are still estimates, since some of the information that will provide the basis for the MPUC's decisions in the proceeding is not yet available. This information will include the results of the auctioning of Central Maine's energy and capacity of undivested generation-related assets and NUG contracts and the market prices for electricity, including the standard-offer price, all of which Central Maine expects to be able to provide the MPUC in an updated filing in December 1999. Central Maine's requested revenue requirement amount, together with its interim assumption for market electricity prices, would result in an average 10.4-percent price decrease for its core rate customers effective March 1, 2000. This amount will change, however, depending on the information to be submitted in the December filing and the MPUC's decision on Central Maine's revenue requirements. Sale of Generation Assets On April 7, 1999, Central Maine completed the sale of all of its hydro, fossil and biomass power plants with a combined generating capacity of 1,185 megawatts for $846 million in cash, including approximately $18 million for assets of Union Water, to affiliates of Florida-based FPL Group. The related book value for these assets was approximately $217.8 million. In addition, as part of its agreement with FPL Group, Central Maine entered into energy buy-back agreements to assist in fulfilling its obligation to supply its customers with power until March 1, 2000. Subsequently, an agreement was reached to sell related storage facilities to FPL Group for an additional $4.6 million ($1.5 million for the assets and $3.1 million estimated for lease revenue associated with the properties that CMP will retain), including $2.0 million for Union Water assets. The related book value of these assets was approximately $11.9 million. Central Maine recorded a pre-tax deferred gain of $515.7 million net of selling costs and certain non-normalized income tax impacts from the sale of generation assets by establishing a regulatory liability in the second quarter of 1999 eliminating any income recognition. Central Maine also recorded curtailment and special termination deferred charges of $8.1 million associated with pension and postretirement benefit costs of employees leaving the company as a result of the generation asset sale. These deferred charges will be amortized over a three year period beginning March 1, 2000 as required by the MPUC. In Phase II of the above described "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements and Rate Design," the MPUC will determine the amount of the regulatory liability that will be used to reduce stranded costs and the utilization and timing of the recognition of any remaining regulatory liability. Central Maine also recorded a pre-tax deferred gain amounting to $30.8 million to offset the income impact of the flow-through of unamortized investment tax credits and excess deferred taxes associated with the assets sold. Central Maine has requested a private letter ruling from the IRS regarding the appropriate treatment of these items based on directives from the MPUC. Central Maine is of the opinion, based on its review of the rules and regulation and IRS rulings in similar situations, that any unamortized investment tax credits and excess deferred taxes relating to the property sold become nonregulated property at the point of sale. Central Maine believes that regulatory agencies, therefore, are precluded from considering these unamortized investment tax credits and excess deferred tax reserves in establishing regulated rates because they would constitute a violation of the normalization requirement of the Internal Revenue Code. The MPUC has directed Central Maine to seek the private ruling to be absolutely clear in this particular case whether ratepayers can continue to benefit from these excess reserves. Central Maine does not know when the IRS will rule on its requests, but expects a ruling before the end of 1999. Union Water's net income reflects a $3.7 million increase during the second quarter of 1999 due to its portion of the proceeds of the sale of generation assets as determined by the MPUC. Central Maine is appealing to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court the imputation of $13.2 million of value of the Union Water assets to Central Maine. The $13.2 million imputation is included in the Central Maine deferred gain of $515.7 million. With the cash proceeds of the sale Central Maine redeemed the remaining $118.7 million of its outstanding General and Refunding Mortgage Bonds on May 10, 1999, and paid at maturity $47 million of its medium-term notes on May 4, 1999. On June 1, 1999, Central Maine redeemed $180 million of its medium-term notes, as well as all of the outstanding $10 million Town of Yarmouth Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, which had been issued in 1977 and 1978. Approximately $294.5 million of the proceeds will be required for federal and state income taxes resulting from the sale and, after providing for closing costs and energy purchases to meet power-supply obligations until the start of retail competition on March 1, 2000, Central Maine expects to transfer the balance to its parent, CMP Group. Proceeds that have not been applied have been invested in accordance with Central Maine's cash investment policy. Uses of the balance of the proceeds are under consideration by CMP Group. Storm Damage to Company's System - In January 1998, an ice storm of unprecedented breadth and severity struck Central Maine's service territory, causing power outages for approximately 280,000 of Central Maine's 528,000 customers, and substantial widespread damage to Central Maine's transmission and distribution system. To restore its electrical system, Central Maine supplemented its own crews with utility and tree-service crews from throughout the northeastern United States and the Canadian maritime provinces, with assistance from the Maine national guard. On January 15, 1998, the MPUC issued an order allowing Central Maine to defer on its books the incremental non-capital costs associated with Central Maine's efforts to restore service in response to the damage resulting from the storm. Based on the MPUC order, Central Maine has deferred $52.7 million in storm related costs as of June 30, 1999, including $2.8 million of carrying costs. In October 1998, the MPUC staff issued a report of its summary investigation of the Maine utilities' response to the ice storm. The report found no basis for formal adjudicatory investigation into the response and supported the utilities' actions. On May 1, 1998, President Clinton signed a Congressional appropriation bill that included $130 million for Presidentially declared disasters in 1998, including storm-damage cost reimburse- ment for electric utilities. On November 5, 1998 the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") announced that of those funds, $2.2 million had been awarded to Maine, with none designated for utility infrastructure, which Central Maine and the Maine Congressional delegation protested as inadequate and inconsistent with Congressional intent. On March 23, 1999, HUD announced that Maine would receive an additional $2.15 million, and later announced that another $17 million would be available for Maine. The MPUC has stated its belief that Central Maine's prudently incurred ice-storm costs should be recovered through rates commencing March 1, 2000, but has deferred action pending the determination of the amount of federal reimbursement. Central Maine believes that it will receive a substantial portion of the funds now designated for Maine, but cannot predict with certainty what portion of its ice storm-related costs it will recover through federal assistance, or from its customers, or when any such recovery will take place. 6. Income Taxes The CMP Group effective tax rate is higher than the statutory rate and the prior year's effective tax rate primarily due to losses associated with a CMP Group equity investment in a subsidiary. 7. Transactions with Affiliated Companies Central Maine provides certain services to CMP Group and its subsidiaries, including administrative support services and pension and employee benefit arrangements. Charges related to those services have been determined based on a combination of direct charges and allocations designed to recover Central Maine's cost. These assessments are reflected as an offset to Central Maine's expenses and totaled approximately $3.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 1999. CMP Group provides certain managerial services to its subsidiaries. Charges related to those services have been determined based on a combination of direct charges and allocation in order to recover the majority of their expenses. These assessments are reflected as an offset to CMP Group's expenses and totaled approximately $5.0 million for the six months ended June 30, 1999. In addition, a subsidiary of CMP Group has been providing certain real estate and river management services charged to Central Maine at cost and environmental, engineering, utility locator and construction services based on a contracted rate. These expenses amounted to $3.5 million for the six months ended June 30, 1999. Central Maine provides services to CMP Group and its subsidiaries as well as non-affiliated parties. As of June 30, 1999, Central Maine's accounts receivable and accounts payable included the following: (Dollars in thousands) Accounts Accounts Receivable Payable CMP Group $ 373 $1,681 CNEX 275 10 MaineCom 40 6 Telesmart 29 57 Union Water 13,908 999 ------ ------ $14,625 $2,753 ====== ===== Item 2: Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of CMP Group and Central Maine Power Company This is a combined Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q of CMP Group and Central Maine. Therefore, our Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A) applies to both CMP Group and Central Maine. CMP Group's consolidated financial statements include the accounts of CMP Group and its wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries, including Central Maine (collectively, the CMP Group System). Central Maine's consolidated financial statements include its accounts as well as those of its wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries. The MD&A should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements included in this report. Note re Forward-Looking Statements This Report on Form 10-Q contains forecast information items that are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. CMP Group and Central Maine undertake no obligation to republish revised forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this report or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Readers are urged to carefully review and consider the factors in the succeeding paragraph. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among other matters, the outcome of the shareholder vote and the regulatory proceedings involving the proposed acquisition of CMP Group by Energy East; the costs of decommissioning the Maine Yankee plant; failure to resolve any significant aspect of the "Year 2000 problem"; electric utility industry restructuring, including the ongoing state and federal activities that will determine Central Maine's ability to recover its stranded costs and establish its revenue requirements and rate design as a transmission-and-distribution utility commencing March 1, 2000; Central Maine's ability to recover its costs resulting from the January 1998 ice storms that damaged its transmission and distribution system; future economic conditions; earnings-retention and dividend-payout policies; developments in the legislative, regulatory, and competitive environments in which CMP Group and Central Maine operate; CMP Group's investments in unregulated businesses; other circumstances that could affect anticipated revenues and costs, such as unscheduled maintenance or repair requirements at nuclear plants and other facilities; and compliance with laws and regulations. Corporate Organization General. CMP Group is a holding company organized effective September 1, 1998, which owns all of the common stock of Central Maine and the former non-utility subsidiaries of Central Maine. As part of the reorganization, all of the shares of Central Maine's common stock were converted into an equal number of shares of CMP Group common stock, which are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol CTP. The reorganization was approved by Central Maine's shareholders on May 21, 1998, and on various dates in 1998 by the appropriate state and federal regulatory agencies. On June 14, 1999, CMP Group and Energy East entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger. See "Proposed Merger" below, for a discussion of this matter. Operating Results CMP Group Central Maine (dollars in millions) Net income Six months ended: June 30, 1999 $37.3 $1.15/share $40.9 June 30, 1998 17.0 $.52/share 19.9 ---- ---- Increase $20.3 $21.0 Earnings applicable to common stock Six months ended: June 30, 1999 N/A $39.1 $1.25/share June 30, 1998 N/A $17.0 $.52/share The increase in net income of $20.3 million for the six months ended June 30, 1999 versus the same period last year is driven primarily by improvements in operations, particularly electric service revenues, while operation expenses have remained relatively flat year to year. Revenues increased $43.0 million for the first six months of 1999 and when adjusted to exclude approximately $15 million of subsidiary operations revenue not consolidated in 1998, the basic electric business revenues show an increase of $28 million, or 6.1 percent. The residential and commercial sectors have seen the strongest growth in Kwh sales year-to-date, rising 3.3 percent and 2.8 percent, respectively. The improvement in electric revenues is due to higher sales volume attributed to colder weather in the first quarter of 1999 as compared to the same period in 1998. Also, in 1998 Central Maine lost sales due to the unprecedented ice storm. Overall growth in electric sales was up 0.5 percent for the period ended June 1999 over June 1998. Operating expenses were $16.1 million higher than 1998 for the six months ended June 1999. Similar to the revenues, subsidiary operations not consolidated in 1998 account for approximately $15 million of the increase, resulting in essentially flat expense growth year to year. While operation expenses associated with generation are expected to decrease year over year due to the sale of generation assets on April 7, 1999, purchased-power costs are expected to increase due to Central Maine's interim purchase power agreements entered into with FPL to provide power until March 1, 2000. The MPUC has segregated $49 million of sales proceeds to offset these costs. Service Area Kwh Sales - Central Maine's service area sales of electricity totaled approximately 2.16 billion kilowatt-hours in the second quarter of 1999, down 1.3 percent from the 2.19 billion kilowatt-hour level of a year ago, as follows: Service Area Kilowatt-hour Sales (Millions of KWHs) Period Ended June 30, Three Months Six Months 1999 1998 % Change 1999 1998 % Change Residential 644.2 648.1 (0.6)% 1,436.9 1,391.3 3.3 % Commercial 622.9 615.5 1.2 1,270.8 1,236.5 2.8 Industrial 875.0 868.2 0.8 1,708.4 1,714.2 (0.3) Other 17.6 57.2 (69.2) 65.0 117.8 (44.8) 2,159.7 2,189.0 (1.3)% 4,481.1 4,459.8 0.5% The changes in service area kilowatt-hour sales reflect the following: Kilowatt-hour sales to residential customers decreased by 0.6 percent in the second quarter, but increased 3.3 percent when compared to the same six-month period in 1998. The decrease for the quarter related primarily to June 1999 having 1.2 fewer meter-reading days than June 1998. Most of the overall growth for the first six months in 1999 is due to the absence of an ice-storm in 1999 of the kind that caused widespread customer outages in January 1998. Another contributor was the return to colder winter weather, with the temperatures through April being 6.6 percent colder than the same period last year. There was also an increase in the number of new residential customers added to Central Maine's system. Commercial kilowatt-hour sales increased by 1.2 percent in the second quarter and by 2.8 percent for the six months ended June 30, 1999. The increase sales in the retail trade and service sectors, which comprise the largest percentage of commercial sales, were due primarily to the absence of widespread storm-caused outages in 1999 and the return to colder winter weather conditions in 1999. Industrial kilowatt-hour sales increased by 0.8 percent in the second quarter and were slightly lower for the six months ended June 30, 1999 as compared to the same period in 1998. Decreased sales of 28.5 million kwh to the paper industry more than offset the positive sales growth of 22.7 million kwh experienced in the other industrial sector. The primary factors contributing to the 3.0 percent drop in sales to the paper industry were 1) the shutdown of two of the four paper machines at one mill in November of 1998 to balance production with demand. The same mill had internal generation problems that boosted purchases by about 5 million kwh for that period; and 2) the closure of another mill in 1998, continued to impact 1999 results. The absence of sales to that mill in 1999, compared to the same time period in 1998 amounted to a decrease of 6.1 million kwh. The pulp-and-paper sector of the industrial class accounts for approximately 55 percent of the industrial sales category. Wholesale kilowatt-hour sales, which is included under `Other' in the chart above, decreased by 52.2 percent through June 1999 compared to 1998 due to the expected loss through contract expirations with three wholesale companies - one ending in February, and the other two ending in May of 1999. Operating Expenses Central Maine's fuel used for company generation decreased by approximately $6.6 million in the second quarter of 1999 compared to 1998 due to the sale of its generation assets. Central Maine's purchased power-capacity expense increased $10.1 million in the second quarter and $8.5 million year-to-date compared to 1998. The increase is due primarily to increased capacity costs associated with the restructuring of a NUG contract and the FPL contract for increased power, partially offset by the effects of the permanent shutdown of the Maine Yankee plant in August 1997 and the resulting decline in operating costs. CMP Group's maintenance expense decreased $2.4 million for the six months ended June 30, 1999 compared to 1998. This decrease was due primarily to the temporary increase in costs in 1998 caused by Central Maine's operations personnel working in a maintenance capacity and to subsequent cleanup efforts that resulted from the 1998 ice storm. CMP Group's other operations expense increased by $12.6 million in the second quarter of 1999 and $20 million year-to-date as compared to 1998. The increase is due primarily to the consolidation of its subsidiaries in 1999 which accounts for approximately $14.6 million of the increase year-to-date. Federal and state income taxes fluctuate with the level of pre-tax earnings and the regulatory treatment of taxes by the MPUC. This expense increased by $2.3 million and $16.5 million, respectively, for the second quarter ended June 30, 1999, and year to date compared to the same period in 1998, as a result of higher pre-tax earnings. Other Income and Expense Equity in Earnings of Associated Companies for CMP Group decreased by $4.4 million in the first half of 1999 compared to 1998.This decrease is due primarily to losses associated with NEON, which is an equity investment of MaineCom, a CMP Group subsidiary. The increase in gain on sale of investments and properties of $6.0 million and $13.0 million for the three and six month periods ending June 30, 1999, respectively, is due primarily to the sale of Union Water's generation assets to FPL and the sale of transmission line right-of-way access to a gas-pipeline project. Long-term debt interest expense has decreased by $3.0 million and $3.4 million, respectively, for the second quarter of 1999 and year-to-date, as compared to 1998. The decrease is due to the repurchase of mortgage bonds with asset sale proceeds. Other Interest Expense increased by $9.6 million during the second quarter of 1999 and $9.3 million year-to-date as compared to 1998. The increase was due primarily to interest accruing to ratepayers of $5.1 million associated with the deferred gain of $515.0 million relating to Central Maine's generation asset sale to FPL and $4.5 million due to the interest expense on the settlement of tax years 1992 - 1994 with the IRS. Other income increased $6.0 million in the second quarter of 1999 and $6.6 million year-to-date over the same period in 1998 due primarily to interest income associated with sales proceeds from the generation asset sale. For the quarter ended June 30, 1999, Central Maine reduced preferred-stock dividends by $155 thousand as a result of the earlier redemption of its 8 7/8% Series Preferred Stock at par, under the mandatory and optional sinking-fund provisions of that series. Year-to-date preferred stock dividends were reduced by $1.1 million as compared to 1998 due to redemptions in several series of preferred stock. Liquidity and Capital Resources Increases in Central Maine's retail rates are limited by Central Maine's ARP. For a discussion of the ARP, see Note 3, "Regulatory Matters," "Alternative Rate Plan" of CMP Group and Central Maine's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998. Approximately $63.1 million of cash was provided during the six months ended June 30, 1999, from net income before non-cash items, primarily depreciation, amortization and deferred income taxes. During that period approximately $17.6 million of cash was used for fluctuations in certain assets and liabilities and from other operating activities. In addition $13.9 million of incremental power costs were incurred due to the sale of generation assets and $13.0 million was provided due to the gain on sale of investments of properties. Investing activities provided approximately $677.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 1999. The $677.1 million is comprised of the following; proceeds of $850.6 million for generation assets sale, utilization of $153.7 for tax payments and $11.7 for selling expenses associated with the generation asset sale, proceeds of $18.1 million for sale of investments and properties, along with construction expenditures, which utilized $26.2 million in cash during second half of 1999 for generation, transmission, distribution, and general construction expenditures. In order to accommodate existing and future loads on its electric system Central Maine is engaged in a continuing construction program. Central Maine's plans for improvements and expansions, its load forecast and its power-supply sources are under a process of continuing review. Actual construction expenditures depend upon the availability of capital and other resources, load forecasts, the timing of its divestiture of its generating assets, customer growth and general business conditions. The ultimate nature, timing and amount of financing for Central Maine's total construction programs, refinancing and energy-management capital requirements will be determined in light of market conditions, earnings and other relevant factors. During the six months ended June 30, 1999, CMP Group paid dividends on common stock of $14.6 million and preferred-stock dividends of $.9 million. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of Central Maine on May 15, 1997, the holders of Central Maine's outstanding preferred stock consented to the issuance of $350 million in principal amount of Central Maine's medium-term notes in addition to the $150 million in principal amount to which they had previously consented. This expansion of the medium-term note program was implemented to increase Central Maine's financing flexibility in anticipation of restructuring and increased competition. On June 30, 1999, Central Maine had $110 million of its medium-term notes outstanding. To support its short-term capital requirements, in October 1996, Central Maine entered into a $125 million Credit Agreement with several banks, with BankBoston, N.A., and The Bank of New York acting as agents for the lenders. The arrangement originally had two credit facilities: a $75 million, 364-day revolving credit facility and a $50-million, 3-year revolving credit facility. Effective December 15, 1998, the banks' commitments under the 364-day facility were reduced from $75 million to $25 million by agreement of the parties, and other provisions were amended to reflect the reorganization of Central Maine into a holding-company structure and recognize other changed circumstances. Both credit facilities require annual fees on the total credit lines. The fees are based on Central Maine's credit ratings and allow for various borrowing options including LIBOR-priced, base-rate-priced and competitive-bid-priced loans. The amount of outstanding short-term borrowing will fluctuate with day-to-day operational needs, the timing of long-term financing, and market conditions. Central Maine had no outstanding notes as of June 30, 1999 under the credit facilities. On May 10, 1999, Central Maine redeemed its last two series of General and Refunding Mortgage Bonds. On July 27, 1999, Central Maine discharged its General and Refunding Mortgage Indenture, leaving no class of secured debt outstanding. On August 5, 1998, the MPUC approved Central Maine's application to purchase up to 11 million shares of its outstanding common stock over a three-year period. The amount of any stock purchases and their timing by Central Maine or CMP Group would depend on the need for equity in the respective company's capital structure, investment opportunities and other considerations and, in the case of CMP Group, would require the consent of Energy East under the Merger Agreement. Neither Central Maine nor CMP Group has adopted a formal stock-purchase plan. On February 12, 1999, Central Maine restructured a power-purchase contract with a NUG in Livermore, Maine, which it expects will save its customers the equivalent of $21 million in net present value.. Securities Ratings The current ratings assigned Central Maine's securities by the three major securities-rating agencies on April 7, 1999, coincident with the completion of the sale of its non-nuclear generation assets to FPL Energy, Inc., are shown below: Mortgage Unsecured Commercial Preferred Bonds Notes Paper Stock S&P A A- A-2 BBB Moody's A3 Baa1 P2 Baa2 D&P A- A- D1 BBB+ Proposed Merger On June 14, 1999, CMP Group and Energy East, a New York holding company which is an energy delivery, products and services company doing business in New York, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire and EE Merger Corp., a Maine corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy East, entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of June 14, 1999 (the "Merger Agreement"), providing for a merger transaction among CMP Group, Energy East and EE Merger Corp. Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, EE Merger Corp. will merge with and into CMP Group (the "Merger"), with CMP Group being the surviving corporation and becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy East. The Merger, which was unanimously approved by the respective boards of directors of CMP Group, Energy East and EE Merger Corp., is expected to occur shortly after all of the conditions to the consummation of the Merger, including the receipt of required regulatory and shareholder approvals, are satisfied. CMP Group expects that decisions of regulatory agencies can be obtained within 12 months. CMP Group filed its petition for approval of the merger with the MPUC on July 1, 1999, and requested expedited consideration to assure receipt of approval on or before December 31, 1999. Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, each outstanding share of CMP Group common stock, $5.00 par value per share (the "CMP Group Common Stock"), other than any treasury shares or shares owned by Energy East or any subsidiary of CMP Group or Energy East, will be converted into the right to receive $29.50 in cash (the "Merger Consideration"). Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, approximately $957 million in cash will be paid to holders of shares of CMP Group Common Stock, with additional payments being made to holders of stock options and performance shares awarded under CMP Group's performance incentive plans. The Board of Directors of CMP Group received an opinion from its financial advisor, Warburg Dillon Read LLC, to the effect that as of the date of the Merger Agreement, the Merger Consideration to be received was fair from a financial point of view to the holders of CMP Group Common Stock. The Merger is subject to certain customary closing conditions, including without limitation, the receipt of the required approval of CMP Group's shareholders and of all necessary governmental approvals and the making of all necessary governmental filings. Approvals of the MPUC, the Connecticut DPUC, the SEC under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended, FERC, the NRC and the FCC are necessary. Filings of the requisite notifications with the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended, and the expiration of the associated waiting period are also required. A meeting of CMP Group's shareholders to vote on the Merger will be convened as soon as practicable and is expected to be held in the fall of 1999. The Merger Agreement contains certain covenants of the parties pending the consummation of the Merger. Generally, unless the parties have otherwise agreed with respect to specified business activities, CMP Group and its subsidiaries must carry on their respective businesses in the ordinary course consistent with past practice and use all commercially reasonable efforts to preserve intact their present business organizations and goodwill. CMP Group is permitted to declare and pay its regular quarterly dividends, but may not increase dividends or issue or repurchase any capital stock. The Merger Agreement contains other restrictions or limitations on CMP Group's activities, including amendments of its Articles of Incorporation or bylaws, acquisitions and dispositions of assets, capital expenditures, incurrence of indebtedness, modification of employee compensation and benefits, changes in accounting methods, discharge of liabilities, and matters relating to CMP Group's investment in NEON. The Merger Agreement prevents CMP Group and its subsidiaries from initiating, soliciting or encouraging any inquiry or offer that constitutes or may reasonably be expected to lead to any alternative business combination proposal, or engaging in discussions or negotiations with or providing any confidential information to any third party relating to an alternative proposal. CMP Group must notify Energy East of any such inquiry, offer or proposal. Prior to the time of any approval by CMP Group's shareholders of the Merger Agreement, CMP Group may enter into discussions or negotiations with a third party that were not initiated, solicited or encouraged by CMP Group and furnish confidential business information to such third party if (i) CMP Group gives Energy East at least two business days' prior notice, (ii) the third party has made an alternative proposal that is financially superior to the terms of the Merger and the proposal can be financed, (iii) CMP Group's Board of Directors concludes, based on the advice of outside counsel, that failure to engage in such discussions or negotiations or provide such information could constitute a breach of fiduciary duty, (iv) CMP Group provides Energy East a reasonable opportunity to respond to the alternative proposal, and (v) CMP Group executes a confidentiality agreement with the third party. Upon five days' prior notice to Energy East, CMP Group may terminate the Merger Agreement to accept a superior alternative proposal upon paying a termination fee of $33.5 million plus expenses, except that prior to any such termination, CMP Group must negotiate with Energy East to attempt to make adjustments in the terms and conditions of the Merger Agreement that would enable the transactions contemplated therein to proceed. On the consummation of the Merger, CMP Group's President and Chief Executive Officer, David T. Flanagan, and two current directors of CMP Group will be elected as members of the Board of Directors of Energy East. At that time, Mr. Flanagan will become President of Energy East, and Arthur W. Adelberg, who serves as Executive Vice President of CMP Group, will become Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Energy East. Sara J. Burns, who currently serves as President of Central Maine, will continue serving as President of Central Maine after consummation of the Merger. F. Michael McClain, CMP Group's Vice President, Corporate Development, will serve as the President of one or more subsidiaries after the Merger becomes effective. In addition to the circumstances described above, the Merger Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of the parties; by either party if the Merger is not consummated by June 14, 2000, with an automatic six-month extension if all required statutory approvals have not been obtained by June 14, 2000 but all other conditions to closing have been satisfied; by either party if the approval of CMP Group's shareholders is not obtained at a special meeting of the shareholders; by either party if any state or federal law, regulation or order that is adopted or issued has the effect of prohibiting the Merger, or by a non-breaching party for an uncured material breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement contained in the Merger Agreement. Upon termination of the Merger Agreement by a party for a non-willful breach, the breaching party must reimburse the non-breaching party up to $10 million of out-of-pocket fees and expenses incurred in connection with the Merger Agreement or the Merger. In addition to recovery of such out-of-pocket fees and expenses, a non-breaching party may pursue all available legal remedies in the event of a willful breach of the Merger Agreement by the other party. "Year 2000" Computer Issues The "Year 2000 problem" arose because many computer programs have used only the last two digits to refer to a year. Therefore those computer programs do not properly recognize a year that begins with "20" instead of the familiar "19". If not corrected, many computer applications could fail or create erroneous results, with potentially serious and widespread adverse consequences. CMP Group, through Central Maine, began its Year 2000 problem remediation efforts in 1996, and since that time has developed a broad-based and comprehensive project plan for addressing Year 2000 issues. The plan includes both Information Technology ("IT") and non-IT systems, addresses both centralized and distributed systems, and encompasses systems critical to the transmission and distribution of electric energy as well as the traditional business systems necessary to the CMP Group System. CMP Group has met the target date for systems critical to the delivery of electric power. CMP Group reported to the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) at the end of June 1999 that all "mission critical" systems (those systems essential to the delivery of power to customers) had been made Year 2000 ready. This target had been established at the direction of the Department of Energy. Utility progress in achieving this goal has been tracked by NERC. CMP Group has been reporting to NERC on a monthly basis since August 1998. CMP Group has also completed remediation efforts for most of its internal technology infrastructure systems. All components and systems required to support telephone, radio, microwave and fiber optics communications have been readied for Year 2000. In addition, Year 2000 readiness is complete for all hardware in the company's mainframe, client server, and local and wide area network environments. Additional work on non-critical systems and components is scheduled for completion during the third quarter of 1999. In addition to the internal Year 2000 readiness activities discussed above, CMP Group is actively participating in a joint ISO/NEPOOL initiative designed to assess, and assure, power reliability within the NEPOOL area. This initiative encompasses all participants, including Central Maine, within the New England area. CMP Group also has an active program in place to identify and address issues associated with third-party providers. The program addresses business relationships with all third-party providers, but focuses on those suppliers deemed critical to CMP Group's business. At this time CMP Group has no indication that any third-party with which CMP Group has a material relationship is expecting a Year 2000-related business interruption, although some vendors are reporting increased lead time as a result of inventory build up within the industry. CMP Group will continue to monitor and assess its third-party relationships. CMP Group estimates it will incur approximately $4.1 million of costs associated with making the necessary modifications identified to date to both the centralized and non-centralized systems. As of June 30, 1999, approximately $3.7 million of such costs has been incurred. Some of these costs are associated with the generation facilities sold to FPL Energy on April 7, 1999. CMP Group recognizes that failure to correct problems associated with Year 2000 issues has the potential to result in material operational and financial risks if the affected systems either cease to function or produce erroneous results. Such risks could include disruptions in the operation of Central Maine's transmission and distribution systems, an inability to access interconnections with other utilities, and disruptions to Central Maine's major business systems (customer information and service, administrative, financial). Central Maine believes, however, that the most likely worst-case scenario resulting from these risks would be a temporary, and short-term, disruption of electric service. This could occur either as a failure on the part of Central Maine to successfully address all critical Year 2000 issues, as a failure on the part of a critical third-party provider, or as a failure on the part of other entities, including ISO-New England, to successfully maintain the short-term reliability of power supply and delivery on a regional basis. Central Maine does not expect that any such short-term service disruption would have a material impact on its operations, liquidity, or financial condition. In order to minimize these risks, and the potential recovery time, from Year 2000 problems, CMP Group is actively involved in contingency planning. Although CMP Group has extensive knowledge and specific experience in disaster/recovery planning and execution, CMP Group recognizes the importance of Year 2000 specific contingency planning. Accordingly, Central Maine is participating in the integrated contingency planning effort headed by NERC and the Northeast Power Coordinating Council. Further, Central Maine has completed a comprehensive Year 2000 specific contingency plan for its own independent operations. This plan includes provisions for additional staffing during the date change at critical substations, operations centers, and other key locations throughout the company. Central Maine will be positioned to respond rapidly to any situation that might occur, and will have staff prepared to confirm functionality of systems after the date has changed. CMP Group believes its plans are adequate to attain Year 2000 readiness, and that the contingency plans currently under development both internally and at a regional level should substantially mitigate the risks discussed above. Storm Damage to Company's System - In January 1998, an ice storm of unprecedented breadth and severity struck Central Maine's service territory, causing power outages for approximately 280,000 of Central Maine's 528,000 customers, and substantial widespread damage to Central Maine's transmission and distribution system. To restore its electrical system, Central Maine supplemented its own crews with utility and tree-service crews from throughout the northeastern United States and the Canadian maritime provinces, with assistance from the Maine national guard. On January 15, 1998, the MPUC issued an order allowing Central Maine to defer on its books the incremental non-capital costs associated with Central Maine's efforts to restore service in response to the damage resulting from the storm. Based on the MPUC order, Central Maine has deferred $52.7 million in storm related costs as of June 30, 1999, including $2.8 million of carrying costs. In October 1998, the MPUC staff issued a report of its summary investigation of the Maine utilities' response to the ice storm. The report found no basis for formal adjudicatory investigation into the response and supported the utilities' actions. On May 1, 1998, President Clinton signed a Congressional appropriation bill that included $130 million for Presidentially declared disasters in 1998, including storm-damage cost reimbursement for electric utilities. On November 5, 1998 the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") announced that of those funds, $2.2 million had been awarded to Maine, with none designated for utility infrastructure, which Central Maine and the Maine Congressional delegation protested as inadequate and inconsistent with Congressional intent. On March 23, 1999, HUD announced that Maine would receive an additional $2.15 million, and later announced that another $17 million would be available for Maine. The MPUC has stated its belief that Central Maine's prudently incurred ice-storm costs should be recovered through rates commencing March 1, 2000, but has deferred action pending the determination of the amount of federal reimbursement. Central Maine believes that it will receive a substantial portion of the funds now designated for Maine, but cannot predict with certainty what portion of its ice storm-related costs it will recover through federal assistance, or from its customers, or when any such recovery will take place. Permanent Shutdown of Maine Yankee Plant On August 6, 1997, the Board of Directors of Maine Yankee voted to permanently cease power operations at its nuclear generating plant at Wiscasset, Maine (the "Plant") and to begin decommissioning the Plant. As reported in detail in Central Maine's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998, the Plant had experienced a number of operational and regulatory problems and did not operate after December 6, 1996. The decision to close the Plant permanently was based on an economic analysis of the costs, risks and uncertainties associated with operating the Plant compared to those associated with closing and decommissioning it. The Plant's operating license from the NRC was scheduled to expire on October 21, 2008. FERC Rate Case. On November 6, 1997, Maine Yankee submitted to FERC for filing certain amendments to the Power Contracts (the "Amendatory Agreements") and revised rates to reflect the decision to shut down the Plant and to request approval of an increase in the decommissioning component of its formula rates. Maine Yankee's submittal also requested certain other rate changes, including recovery of unamortized investment (including fuel) and certain changes to its billing formula, consistent with the non-operating status of the Plant. By Order dated January 14, 1998, the FERC accepted Maine Yankee's new rates for filing, subject to refund after a minimum suspension period, and set Maine Yankee's Amendatory Agreements, rates and issues concerning the prudence of the Plant-shutdown decision for hearing. Since the filing of the rate request, Maine Yankee and the active intervenors, including among others the MPUC Staff, the Maine Office of the Public Advocate ("OPA"), Central Maine and other owners, municipal and cooperative purchasers of Maine Yankee Power (the "Secondary Purchasers"), and a Maine environmental group (the "Settling Parties"), engaged in extensive discovery and negotiations which resulted in a settlement agreement filed by those parties with the FERC on January 19, 1999. A separately negotiated settlement filed with the FERC on February 5, 1999, resolved the issues raised by the Secondary Purchasers by limiting the amounts they will pay for decommissioning the Plant and by settling other points of contention affecting individual Secondary Purchasers. Both settlements were found to be in the public interest and approved by the FERC on June 1, 1999. The settlement constitutes a full settlement of all issues raised in the consolidated FERC proceeding, including decommissioning-cost issues and issues pertaining to the prudence of the management, operation, and decision to permanently cease operation of the Plant. The primary settlement provides for Maine Yankee to collect $33.1 million in the aggregate annually, effective August 1, 1999, including both decommissioning costs and ISFSI-related costs. The original filing with FERC on November 6, 1997, called for an aggregate annual collection rate of $36.4 million for decommissioning and the ISFSI, based on a 1997 estimate. Under the approved settlement the amount collected annually is to be reduced to approximately $24.4 million as a result of legislation allowing Maine Yankee to (1) use for construction of the ISFSI funds held in trust under Maine law for spent-fuel disposal, and (2) access approximately $6.8 million held by the State of Maine for eventual payment to the State of Texas pursuant to a compact for low-level nuclear waste disposal, the future of which is in question after rejection of the selected disposal site in west Texas by a Texas regulatory agency. Both required authorizing legislation in Maine, which was adopted on May 13, 1999. The settlement also provides for recovery of the unamortized investment (including fuel) in the Plant, together with a return on equity of 6.50 percent, effective January 15, 1998, on equity balances up to maximum allowed equity amounts, which resulted in a pro-rata refund of $9.3 million (including tax impacts) to the sponsors on July 15, 1999. The Settling Parties also agreed in the settlement not to contest the effectiveness of the Amendatory Agreements submitted to FERC as part of the original filing, subject to certain limitations including the right to challenge any accelerated recovery of unamortized investment under the terms of the Amendatory Agreements after a required informational filing with the FERC by Maine Yankee. In addition, the settlement contains incentives for Maine Yankee to achieve further savings in its decommissioning and ISFSI-related costs and resolves issues concerning restoration and future use of the Plant site and environmental matters of concern to certain of the intervenors in the proceeding. As a separate part of the settlement, Central Maine, the other two Maine utilities which own interests in Maine Yankee, the MPUC Staff, and the OPA entered into a further agreement resolving retail rate issues and other issues specific to the Maine parties, including those that had been raised concerning the prudence of the operation and shutdown of the Plant (the "Maine Agreement"). Under the Maine Agreement Central Maine will continue to recover its Maine Yankee costs in accordance with its most recent ARP order from the MPUC without any adjustment reflecting the outcome of the FERC proceeding. To the extent that Central Maine has collected from its retail customers a return on equity in excess of the 6.50 percent contemplated by the settlement, no refunds would be required, but such excess amounts would be credited to the customers to the extent required by the ARP. Finally, a major provision of the Maine Agreement requires the Maine owners, for the period from March 1, 2000, through December 1, 2004, to hold their Maine retail ratepayers harmless from the amounts by which the replacement power costs for Maine Yankee exceed the replacement power costs assumed in the report to the Maine Yankee Board of Directors that served as a basis for the Plant shutdown decision, up to a maximum cumulative amount of $41 million. Central Maine's share of that amount would be $31.16 million for the period. The Maine Agreement, which was approved by the MPUC on December 22, 1998, also sets forth the methodology for calculating such replacement power costs. CMP Group and Central Maine believe that the approved settlement, including the Maine Agreement, constitutes a reasonable resolution of the issues raised in the Maine Yankee FERC proceeding, and should eliminate significant uncertainties concerning CMP Group's and Central Maine's future financial performance. Other Maine Yankee Shareholders. Periodically-higher nuclear-related costs have affected the financial condition of other stockholders of Maine Yankee in varying degrees. A default by a Maine Yankee stockholder in making payments under its Power Contract or Capital Funds Agreement could have a material adverse effect on Maine Yankee, depending on the magnitude of the default. CMP Group and Central Maine cannot predict, however, what effect, if any, the financial and regulatory difficulties experienced by some Maine Yankee stockholders might have on Maine Yankee or Central Maine. Regulatory Matters and Electric-Utility Industry Restructuring Alternative Rate Plan - On March 15, 1999, Central Maine submitted its 1999 ARP compliance filing to the MPUC. In the filing Central Maine recommended that rates remain unchanged for the period July 1, 1999 to February 29, 2000. On July 13, 1999, the MPUC issued an order which provided for no increase in rates effective July 1, 1999. In a related matter, on August 2, 1999, the MPUC issued an order regarding the treatment of gains on the sale of easements by Central Maine in late 1998 and early 1999. The order allocated 90 percent of the proceeds from the sale of easements to ratepayers and 10 percent to shareholders. Further the ratepayer portion must be amortized over a 5 year period. Central Maine believes that both under Maine Law Court precedent and under the terms of the ARP these gains should be recognized when the property was sold and accrue to the benefit of shareholders; accordingly, Central Maine will vigorously work to overturn the decision through reconsideration by the Commission and/or appeal to Maine's Law Court. As of June 30, 1999, approximately $9.9 million of the gain would be deferred and net income reduced accordingly, if the MPUC position prevails. The design and levels of Central Maine's rates as a transmission-and-distribution company, effective March 1, 2000, will be determined in Phase II of the MPUC proceeding discussed below in this note under "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements, and Rate Design." Stranded Costs. The enactment by Congress of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 accelerated planning by electric utilities, including Central Maine, for a transition to a more competitive industry. In Maine, legislation that will restructure the electric-utility industry on March 1, 2000, was enacted by the Maine Legislature in May 1997, and is discussed in detail under this heading below. Such a departure from traditional regulation, however, could have a substantial impact on the value of utility assets and on the ability of electric utilities to recover their costs through rates. In the absence of full recovery, utilities would find their above-market costs to be "stranded", or unrecoverable, in the new competitive setting. Central Maine has substantial exposure to cost stranding relative to its size. In general, its stranded costs reflect the excess costs of Central Maine's purchased-power obligations over the market value of the power, and the costs of deferred charges and other regulatory assets. The major portion of Central Maine's stranded costs is related to above-market costs of purchased-power obligations arising from Central Maine's long-term, noncancelable contracts for the purchase of capacity and energy from NUGs, with lesser estimated amounts related to Central Maine's deferred regulatory assets. Maine Restructuring Legislation. The 1997 Maine restructuring legislation requires the MPUC, when retail access to generation begins on March 1, 2000, to provide a "reasonable opportunity" to recover stranded costs through the rates of the transmission-and-distribution company, comparable to the utility's opportunity to recover stranded costs before the implementation of retail access under the legislation. Stranded costs are defined as the legitimate, verifiable and unmitigable costs made unrecoverable as a result of the restructuring required by the legislation. Central Maine's recoverable amount and timing of recovery will be determined by the MPUC in the second phase of the ongoing proceeding discussed under the heading "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements, and Rate Design," below. The principal restructuring provisions of the legislation provide for customers to have direct retail access to generation services and for deregulation of competitive electric providers, commencing March 1, 2000, with transmission-and-distribution companies continuing to be regulated by the MPUC. By that date, subject to possible extensions of time granted by the MPUC to improve the sale value of generation assets, investor-owned utilities are required to divest all generation assets and generation-related business activities, with two major exceptions: (1) non-utility generator contracts with qualifying facilities and contracts with demand-side management or conservation providers, brokers or hosts, and (2) ownership interests in nuclear power plants. As discussed below under "Sale of Generation Assets," Central Maine completed the sale of its non-nuclear generating assets on April 7, 1999. The legislation also requires investor-owned utilities, after February 29, 2000, to sell their rights to the capacity and energy from all generation assets, including the purchased-power contracts that had not previously been divested pursuant to the legislation, with certain immaterial exceptions. On July 30, 1999, Central Maine offered its rights to the capacity and energy from its nuclear generation assets and its NUG to prospective bidders. Upon the commencement of retail access on March 1, 2000, Central Maine, as a transmission-and-distribution utility, will be prohibited from selling electric energy to retail customers. Any competitive electricity provider that is affiliated with Central Maine would be allowed to sell electricity outside Central Maine's service territory without limitation as to amount, but within Central Maine's service territory the affiliate would be limited to providing not more than 33 percent of the total kilowatt-hours sold within Central Maine's service territory, as determined by the MPUC. CMP Group does not now intend to engage in the sale of electric energy after March 1, 2000. For a summary of other provisions of the 1997 legislation, see the Annual Report on Form 10-K of CMP Group and Central Maine for the twelve months ended December 31, 1998. MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements, and Rate Design. By order dated March 19, 1999, the MPUC completed the first phase of the proceeding contemplated by Maine's restructuring legislation that will ultimately determine the recovery of Central Maine's stranded costs, its revenue requirements, and the design of its rates to be effective when Central Maine becomes a transmission-and-distribution utility at the time retail access to generation begins in Maine on March 1, 2000. The MPUC stressed in its Phase I order that it was deciding the "principles" by which it would set Central Maine's transmission-and-distribution rates, effective March 1, 2000, but was deferring calculating the rates themselves until Phase II of the proceeding because such calculations at that time would rely excessively on estimates. With respect to stranded costs, the MPUC indicated that it would set the amount of recoverable stranded costs for Central Maine in Phase II of the proceeding pursuant to its mandate under the restructuring statute to provide transmission-and-distribution utilities a reasonable opportunity to recover such costs that is equivalent to the utility's opportunity to recover those costs prior to the commencement of retail access. The MPUC also reviewed the prescribed methodology for determining the amount of a utility's stranded costs, including among other factors the application of excess value from Central Maine's divested generation assets to offset stranded costs. In the area of revenue requirements, the Phase I order did not include definitive amounts, but did contain the MPUC's conclusions as to the appropriate cost of common equity for Central Maine as a transmission-and-distribution company beginning March 1, 2000. Central Maine had recommended a 12-percent cost of common equity with a 55-percent common equity component in the capital structure. The MPUC approved a common-equity cost of 10.50 percent with a common-equity component of 47 percent, and an overall weighted-average cost of capital of 8.68 percent. In dealing with rate design, the MPUC limited itself in the first phase of the proceeding primarily to establishing principles that would guide it in designing Central Maine's rates to be effective March 1, 2000. Central Maine submitted its Phase II filing to the MPUC on July 1, 1999. The filing is organized into sections covering revenue requirements, a sales forecast, stranded costs, and rate design, with updated information provided in each area. As with Phase I, some of the calculations submitted in the Phase II filing are still estimates, since some of the information that will provide the basis for the MPUC's decisions in the proceeding is not yet available. This information will include the results of the auctioning of Central Maine's energy and capacity of undivested generation-related assets and NUG contracts and the market prices for electricity, including the standard-offer price, all of which Central Maine expects to be able to provide the MPUC in an updated filing in December 1999. Central Maine's requested revenue requirement amount, together with its interim assumption for market electricity prices, would result in an average 10.4-percent price decrease for its core rate customers effective March 1, 2000. This amount will change, however, depending on the information to be submitted in the December filing and the MPUC's decision on Central Maine's revenue requirements. Sale of Generation Assets On April 7, 1999, Central Maine completed the sale of all of its hydro, fossil and biomass power plants with a combined generating capacity of 1,185 megawatts for $846 million in cash, including approximately $18 million for assets of Union Water, to affiliates of Florida-based FPL Group. The related book value for these assets was approximately $217.8 million. In addition, as part of its agreement with FPL Group, Central Maine entered into energy buy-back agreements to assist in fulfilling its obligation to supply its customers with power until March 1, 2000. Subsequently, an agreement was reached to sell related storage facilities to FPL Group for an additional $4.6 million ($1.5 million for the assets and $3.1 million estimated for lease revenue associated with the properties that CMP will retain), including $2.0 million for Union Water assets. The related book value of these assets was approximately $11.9 million. Central Maine recorded a pre-tax deferred gain of $515.7 million net of selling costs and certain non-normalized income tax impacts from the sale of generation assets by establishing a regulatory liability in the second quarter of 1999 eliminating any income recognition. Central Maine also recorded curtailment and special termination deferred charges of $8.1 million associated with pension and postretirement benefit costs of employees leaving the company as a result of the generation asset sale. These deferred charges will be amortized over a three year period beginning March 1, 2000 as required by the MPUC. In Phase II of the above described "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements and Rate Design," the MPUC will determine the amount of the regulatory liability that will be used to reduce stranded costs and the utilization and timing of the recognition of any remaining regulatory liability. Central Maine also recorded a pre-tax deferred gain amounting to $30.8 million to offset the income impact of the flow-through of unamortized investment tax credits and excess deferred taxes associated with the assets sold. Central Maine has requested a private letter ruling from the IRS regarding the appropriate treatment of these items based on directives from the MPUC. Central Maine is of the opinion, based on its review of the rules and regulation and IRS rulings in similar situations, that any unamortized investment tax credits and excess deferred taxes relating to the property sold become nonregulated property at the point of sale. Central Maine believes that regulatory agencies, therefore, are precluded from considering these unamortized investment tax credits and excess deferred tax reserves in establishing regulated rates because they would constitute a violation of the normalization requirement of the Internal Revenue Code. The MPUC has directed Central Maine to seek the private ruling to be absolutely clear in this particular case whether ratepayers can continue to benefit from these excess reserves. Central Maine does not know when the IRS will rule on its requests, but expects a ruling before the end of 1999. Union Water's net income reflects a $3.7 million increase during the second quarter of 1999 due to its portion of the proceeds of the sale of generation assets as determined by the MPUC. Central Maine is appealing to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court the imputation of $13.2 million of value of the Union Water assets to Central Maine. The $13.2 million imputation is included in the Central Maine deferred gain of $515.7 million. With the cash proceeds of the sale Central Maine redeemed the remaining $118.7 million of its outstanding General and Refunding Mortgage Bonds on May 10, 1999, and paid at maturity $47 million of its medium-term notes on May 4, 1999. On June 1, 1999, Central Maine redeemed $180 million of its medium-term notes, as well as all of the outstanding $10 million Town of Yarmouth Pollution Control Revenue Bonds, which had been issued in 1977 and 1978. Approximately $294.5 million of the proceeds will be required for federal and state income taxes resulting from the sale and, after providing for closing costs and energy purchases to meet power-supply obligations until the start of retail competition on March 1, 2000, Central Maine expects to transfer the balance to its parent, CMP Group. Proceeds that have not been applied have been invested in accordance with Central Maine's cash investment policy. Uses of the balance of the proceeds are under consideration by CMP Group. Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation Central Maine prepares its financial statements in accordance with SFAS No. 71, which requires rate regulated companies to reflect the effects of regulatory decisions in their financial statements. Central Maine has deferred certain costs pursuant to rate actions of the MPUC and FERC and is recovering, or expects to recover, such costs in electric, transmission and distribution rates charged to customers. The FASB's EITF has addressed the appropriateness of continued application of SFAS No. 71 by entities in states that have enacted restructuring legislation similar to Maine's. The EITF issued its statement No. 97-4 "Deregulation of Pricing Electricity - Issues Related to the Application of FASB Statements 71 and 101", which concluded that an entity should cease to apply SFAS 71 when a deregulation plan is in place and its terms are known. With respect to the generation portion of Central Maine's business, this occurred during the second quarter of 1999 with the completion of the sale of most of its generation assets to FPL and the subsequent development of a compliance filing with the MPUC in Phase II of the ongoing MPUC proceeding on stranded costs, revenue requirements and rate design. Effective June 30,1999, Central Maine adopted SFAS 101 for the generation segment of its business. SFAS 101 requires a determination of impairment of plant assets under SFAS 121, and the elimination of all effects of rate regulation that have been recognized as assets and liabilities under SFAS 71. Central Maine performed impairment tests on its two operating nuclear generation facilities, Millstone 3 and Vermont Yankee, on a plant specific basis and determined that $82.9 million was impaired as of June 30,1999. Impaired plant is the excess of net plant investment at June 30,1999 over the value of net cash flows during the remaining lives of the investments. Annual net cash flows were determined by subtracting estimated generation sustenance costs from the estimated market value of power from the plants. The MPUC in its decision in Phase I order dated March 19,1999 of the "Investigation of Stranded Cost, Transmission and Distribution Utility Revenue Requirements and Rate Design" provided for future recovery of nuclear generation and other generation related stranded costs. Central Maine has established a regulatory asset as of June 30, 1999 for $82.9 million consistent with that order associated with the two operating nuclear investments. As a result there is no income impact from these impairment test but rather recognition of the future obligation and regulatory asset on the balance sheet. Central Maine has long term power purchase contracts requiring payment of above anticipated market rates from NUGs. The estimate of above-market payment is approximately $800 million. The costs associated with these NUG contracts remain a regulated obligation of the transmission and distribution company as a statutory requirement and have been provided for by the MPUC in its revenue requirement determination in Phase I of the above mentioned proceeding. Central Maine believes that its electric transmission and distribution operations continue to meet the requirements of SFAS 71 and that regulatory assets associated with those operations as well as any generation-related costs that the MPUC has determined to be recoverable from ratepayers also meet the criteria. At June 30,1999 $958.7 million of regulatory assets remain on Central Maine's books. Approximately $214.4 million will be charged against the estimated deferred gain and associated carrying costs through March 1, 2000 of $548.6 million resulting from the generation asset sale while the remainder will be amortized over periods to be determined by the MPUC in Phase II of the above mentioned proceeding. Tax Settlement On September 12, 1997, Central Maine received a notice of deficiency from the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") as a result of its audit of Central Maine's federal income tax returns for the years 1992 through 1994. There were two significant adjustments among those proposed by the IRS. The first was a disallowance of Central Maine's write-off of the under-collected balance of fuel and purchased-power costs and the unrecovered balance of its unbilled Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism ("ERAM") revenues, both as of December 31, 1994, which had been charged to income in 1994 in connection with the adoption of the ARP effective January 1, 1995. The second major adjustment disallowed Central Maine's 1994 deduction of the cost of the buyout of the Fairfield Energy Venture ("FEV") purchased-power contract. On December 10, 1997 Central Maine filed a petition in the United States Tax Court contesting the entire amount of the deficiencies. Subsequently, Central Maine sought review of the asserted deficiencies by an IRS Appeals Officer to determine whether all or part of the dispute could be resolved in advance of a court determination. In June 1999, the IRS Appeals Officer and Central Maine reached agreement resolving all issues. Under the proposed agreement the ERAM component was allowed as fully deductible in 1994, while $24 million of the fuel and purchased-power costs were deemed to be deductible in 1994 and the remaining $30 million deductible in 1995. The parties also agreed to increase the tax basis of the FEV plant from $2 million to $11 million, to be depreciated over 20 years, and that the remaining FEV contract buyout costs would be fully deductible in 1994. As a result of the settlement, Central Maine made payments to the IRS and the State of Maine totaling $11.8 million for the 1992 to 1994 tax deficiencies, as well as $6.0 million in associated interest. Substantially all of the tax impacts were normalized, as Central Maine will be deducting any disallowed costs for tax purposes in future years. The net impact of the tax and interest true-up for all the years under consideration reduced net income in the second quarter of 1999 by $0.6 million due primarily to interest expense. Of the $6.0 million interest payment, approximately $1 million was previously accrued, $1.8 million associated with the FEV facility was deferred consistent with regulatory practice, and $2.0 million of interest income was accrued for the years 1995 through June 1999. Due to the materiality of the amounts involved, approval of the settlement from the Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation is required and is being sought by the IRS. Expansion of Lines of Business General. CMP Group is also preparing for competition by expanding its business opportunities through investments that capitalize on core competencies. MaineCom Services is a subsidiary that arranges, through other investments fiber-optic data service for bulk carriers, offering support for cable television or "super-cellular" personal communication vendors, and providing other telecommunications consulting services. TeleSmart is a wholly-owned accounts receivable management subsidiary. Another wholly-owned subsidiary, CNEX, formerly CMP International Consultants, provides utility consulting (domestic and international) and research. The wholly-owned Union Water Power Company provides locating of underground utility facilities and thermovision (infrared) detection services, real estate brokerage and management, modular housing, energy-efficiency contracting, and utility construction services. Union Water's operating divisions include On Target Utility Services, UnionLand Services, Maine HomeCrafters, and Combined Energies(TM). These subsidiaries often utilize skills of former Central Maine employees and regularly compete for business with other companies. Natural Gas Distribution. CMP Group and Energy East, through subsidiaries, have entered into a joint-venture agreement to pursue opportunities to distribute natural gas at retail in many Maine communities. They would offer natural-gas service in several areas of Maine, primarily the Augusta, Bangor, Bath-Brunswick, Bethel, Windham and Waterville areas, none of which had a natural-gas distribution system in place. The gas is to be drawn from two new gas-pipeline projects that will carry Canadian gas through Maine and into the regional energy market using substantial portions of electric transmission-line corridors owned by Central Maine and MEPCO. On July 24, 1998, the MPUC authorized the joint venture to serve the areas it had applied to serve. The new company, CMP Natural Gas could face competition from new or existing gas utilities in some of the areas it has targeted. CMP Natural Gas began construction of its first local distribution system in Windham, Maine, in early 1999 and began serving its first customer in May. On July 8, 1999, CMP Natural Gas and Calpine Corporation, a California-based independent power company, announced the signing of a 20-year contract for CMP Natural Gas to provide natural gas delivery service to Calpine's proposed 540-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant under construction in Westbrook, Maine. CMP Natural Gas expects to commence service to the plant by June 1, 2000, after MPUC approval and construction of a two-mile lateral pipeline along an existing Central Maine right of way that would interconnect with the new interstate pipeline facilities. Upon completion of the proposed merger of Energy East and CMP Group, Energy East will hold all of the interests in CMP Natural Gas. Fiber Optic Network. CMP Group, through its wholly-owned subsidiary MaineCom Services, owns 38.5 percent of the common stock of Northeast Optic Network, Inc. ("NEON"), which is a facilities-based provider of technologically advanced, high-bandwidth, fiber optic transmission capacity for communications carriers on local loop, inter-city and interstate facilities. NEON is currently expanding its fiber optic network in New England and New York, utilizing primarily electric-utility rights-of-way, including some of Central Maine's in Maine and some owned by other electric utilities including Northeast Utilities, another substantial minority stockholder. NEON is creating a continuous fiber optic link between New York City and Portland, Maine, with access into and around Boston and numerous other major service areas in the Northeast. On July 13, 1999, NEON announced that it had activated its first high-capacity carrier circuit into the borough of Manhattan, which NEON said fulfilled its goal of providing carrier customers with such high-capacity facilities into the New York City market before the end of 1999. On August 5, 1998, NEON completed initial public offerings of $48.0 million of common stock and $180.0 million of senior notes, and Central Maine, as part of the common-stock offering, sold some of the shares in NEON it then owned for proceeds of approximately $3.1 million. In addition, with some of the proceeds of the offering NEON repaid approximately $18 million Central Maine had advanced under an earlier construction loan agreement. CMP Group believes there is a growing need for such a fiber optic network in the Northeast and that NEON's outside financing will provide substantial assistance in completing construction of the network, but cannot predict the results of this venture. Environmental Matters CMP Group and its subsidiaries assess compliance with laws and regulations related to hazardous substance remediation on an ongoing basis. At June 30, 1999, Central Maine had an accrued liability of $3.0 million for remediation costs at various sites. The costs at identified sites may be significantly higher if, among other things, other potentially responsible parties are not financially able to contribute to these costs or identified possible outcomes change. See Note 2, "Commitments and Contingencies." - "Legal and Environmental Matters" for further discussion of this subject. Item 3: Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk Central Maine is exposed to interest rate risk through the use of fixed-rate and variable-rate debt and preferred stock as sources of capital. As of June 30, 1999, Central Maine had $110 million of medium-term notes outstanding, $10 million of which bear floating, LIBOR-based rates. Variable Long Term Fixed Long Term (dollars in thousands) Weighted Average Rates 9.12% 6.82% Balance at June 30, 1999 34,593 236,224 Maturity Period 1999 - 2019 1999 - 2021 PART II - OTHER INFORMATION Item 1. Legal Proceedings Claim Against Central Maine - By notice of claim dated June 24, 1999, the non-operator owners of the Wyman No. 4 oil-fired generating unit in Yarmouth, Maine, which was approximately 60-percent owned by Central Maine, served notice on Central Maine that they believe they are entitled to a portion of the proceeds of the sale of Central Maine's interest in the unit as part of the April 1999 sale of its non-nuclear generation assets to FPL Energy. The claimants contend that certain sections of the joint ownership agreement under which they share in the output of the unit require a pro-rata distribution to them of part of those proceeds as a result of Central Maine's sale of its interest in the unit. The joint ownership agreement provides for arbitration of claims arising under the agreement. Central Maine believes that although the amount that may be claimed could be substantial, the claimants have suffered no loss and are not entitled to any part of the generation-asset sale proceeds. Central Maine intends to contest any such claim vigorously, but cannot predict the result of any arbitration proceeding that the non-operator owners may initiate. Regulatory Matters - For a discussion of certain significant regulatory matters affecting CMP Group and Central Maine, including those related to the permanent shutdown of the Maine Yankee Plant, the proposed merger with Energy East, and an MPUC proceeding that will determine Central Maine's stranded costs and related matters, see Item 2 of Part I, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operation" - "Permanent Shutdown of Maine Yankee Plant", "Proposed Merger," and "MPUC Proceeding on Stranded Costs, Revenue Requirements and Rate Design," which are incorporated herein by reference. Tax Settlement - For a discussion of Central Maine's settlement of significant federal income tax adjustments see Note 4, "Commitments and Contingencies" - "Tax Settlement." Environmental Matters - For a discussion of administrative and judicial proceedings concerning cleanup of hazardous waste sites, see Note 2, "Commitments and Contingencies," "Legal and Environmental Matters," which is incorporated herein by reference. Item 2. and Item 3. Not applicable Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders The annual meetings of the stockholders of CMP Group and Central Maine were held concurrently on May 20, 1999. Proxies for the meeting were solicited pursuant to Regulation 14 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. There was no solicitation in opposition to the managements' nominees as listed in the proxy statement, and all of such nominees were elected. Two matters were voted on at the CMP Group annual meeting and one matter was voted on at the Central Maine meeting. The first was the election of four directors to Class I of the Board of Directors of CMP Group for a three-year term. The following are the vote tabulations for the four nominees: Charleen M. Chase Votes for -26,606,143 Votes withheld -754,431 David T. Flanagan Votes for -26,619,205 Votes withheld -741,369 Robert H. Gardiner Votes for -26,605,923 Votes withheld -754,651 Peter J. Moynihan Votes for -26,615,468 Votes withheld -745,106 The second matter voted on at the CMP Group meeting was approval of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors for CMP Group for 1999. The appointment was approved, with the following vote tabulations: Votes for -27,151,514 Votes against -65,814 Abstentions -143,246 The only matter voted on at the Central Maine meeting was the election of four directors to Class III of the Board of Directors of Central Maine for a three-year term. The four nominees were elected, with the following vote tabulations: Charleen M. Chase Votes for -3,125,192 Votes withheld -96 David T. Flanagan Votes for -3,125,192 Votes withheld -96 Robert H. Gardiner Votes for -3,125,192 Votes withheld -96 Peter J. Moynihan Votes for -3,125,192 Votes withheld -96 Item 5. Not Applicable. Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K (a) Exhibits. None. (b) Reports on Form 8-K. CMP Group and Central Maine filed one report on Form 8-K during the second quarter of 1999 and thereafter to date: Date of Report Items Reported June 14, 1999 Item 5 The registrants reported that CMP Group and Energy East had entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger. Signatures Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrants have duly caused this report to be signed on their respective behalfs by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. CMP GROUP, INC. Date: August 10, 1999 By _____________________________________ ----------------- David E. Marsh, Chief Financial Officer (Principal Financial Officer and duly authorized officer) CENTRAL MAINE POWER COMPANY Date: August 10, 1999 By _____________________________________ ----------------- Michael W. Caron, Comptroller (Chief Accounting Officer and duly authorized officer)