

                          ROTUNDA OIL, AND MINING, INC.


          WE, the undersigned natural persons, bona fide residents of Utah, over

the age of twenty-one  years,  associating  to establish a  corporation  for the

business  purposes  hereinafter  stated,  do hereby  act as  incorporators  of a

corporation  pursuant to the Utah Business  Corporation Act, and we do adopt and

declare the following as Articles of Incorporation for the same:

                                    ARTICLE I

          The name of this Corporation is ROTUNDA 0IL, AND MINING, INC.

                                   ARTICLE II

          The initial registered agent and the registered office are:

              Registered Agent:         Gary C. Thompson
              Registered Office:        327 South Main Street
                                        Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

                                   ARTICLE III

          The duration of this corporation is perpetual.

                                   ARTICLE TV

          The powers of this corporation shall be those enumerated,  granted and

specified in the Utah Business  Corporation Act, or implied  therefrom;  and any

and all powers  necessary or convenient to effect any or all of the purposes for

which the corporation is organized.

                                    ARTICLE V

          The purposes for which this corporation is organized, are:

          Sec. l. To generally  engage in the oil and gas, uranium and coal, and

hard-rock mining business for profit;  to engage in, conduct  ventures,  perform

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contracts  and have dealings in all kinds of mineral  operations,  explorations,

geologic and engineering activities, drilling, recovery, refining and marketing,

and to have  dealings  in  other  various  interests,  investments,  rights  and

royalties related to mining.

          Sec. 2. To  deal and  invest in the  securities  of other  public  and
private corporations for profit, including mining entities and any and all other
lawful business corporations.

          Sec. 3. To buy,  sell,  hold and deal in  non-mineral  real  property,
particularly undeveloped acreage, and to improve and develop the same.

          Sec. 4. To engage In any and all other lawful business endeavor.

                                   ARTICLE VI

          The aggregate number of shares which this  corporation  shall have the

authority to issue shall be Fifty Million Shares  (50,000,000) of a par value of

1 mill ($0.001) per share, or $50,OOO

                                   ARTICLE VII

          There shall be but one class of stock, namely common stock. Each share

shall be entitled to one vote in shareholder  meetings and cumulative  voting is

denied.  All shares shall be  non-assessable  with equal rights and  privileges.

Shareholder pre-emptive rights are not accorded shareholders.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

          The board of  Directors  shall  consist of no less than three nor more

than seven. The initial Board shall be three Directors, as follows:

Gary C. Thompson        6400 South 2300 East          Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Tom S. Thompson         2569 Canterbury Lane          Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Milton C. Jones         Route 2 Box 192-5             Highland, Utah 84003

                                   ARTICLE IX

          The names and addresses of the incorporators are:

Gary C. Thompson         6400 South 2300 East         Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Tom S.   Thompson        2569 Canterbury Lane         Salt Lake City, Utah 84121

Milton C. Jones          Route 2 Box 192-5            Highland, Utah 84003

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                                    ARTICLE X

          This corporation shall not commence business until consideration of at

least ONE THOUSAND  DOLLARS  ($1,000.00)  has been paid into the corporation for

the  issuance  of  shares.   However,   this  requirement   shall  not  preclude

transactions  or the  incurring  of  indebtedness  which  is  incidental  to its

organization or to the obtaining of  subscriptions  to or payment for its shares

by the founding group of individuals.

                                   ARTICLE XI

          The following provisions shall govern shareholder meetings:

          Sec. 1. An annual meeting of the!  shareholders  shall be held at time

and place within or without the State of Utah,  and in further  manner as may be

provided in By-Laws or other action of the Board of  Directors.  Failure to hold

an annual meeting shall not work a forfeiture or dissolution of the corporation.

         Sec. 2. Thirty  percent (30%) of the shares of common stock entitled to

vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum of shareholders. Affirmative vote

of the majority of shares  represented shall be the act of the shareholders,  at

any annual or special  meeting-unless  a greater  approval  is  required  by law

concerning a specific subject matter of proposition.

          Sec. 3.  Special  meetings  of the  shareholders  may be called by the

Board, the Chairman of the Board, the President, or the holders of not less than

ten percent (10%) of the shares outstanding.

                                   ARTICLE XII

          Other  provisions  regulating the internal affairs of this corporation

          Sec. 1.  Board   of  Directors.   The  business  and  affairs  of  the

corporation shall be managed by its board of directors. A director need not be a

shareholder.  Directors terms shall continue until proper stockholder meeting is

called and  successors  are  elected  and  qualify.  A majority  of the Board is

necessary to constitute a quorum.  Board  meetings may be held within or without

the state. Unless other-wise later required by By-Laws,  neither the purpose nor

the business to be transacted at any regular or special Board  meeting,  need be

specified in the notice of meeting or waiver thereunto appertaining.

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          Sec. 2.  Officers.  Corporate  officers  shall include a President,  a

Vice-President,  a Secretary  and a Treasurer.  The  positions of Secretary  and

Treasurer may, by the Directors, be at any time combined in one person. Officers

shall  be  elected  by  the  Board  in  meeting  immediately   following  annual

shareholder meeting, for each year-to-year period (unless replaced or removed by

the Board,  with officer tenure being at the ultimate  discretion of the Board).

Duties of the officers are those usually and normally  incumbent upon holders of

office of that title,  subject to specific  direction  of the Board of Directors

and as provided by  By-Laws.  The  President  shall be the  principal  executive

officer to put into effect the decisions of the Board of Directors, and he shall

supervise and control the business and affairs of the corporation subject to the

Board  decisions,  and  shall  preside  at  meetings  of  the  shareholders  and

directors. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President when the

President is absent or  unable to act.  The  Secretary  shall  keep  minutes  of

meetings and have general charge of the stock records of the corporation.

          Sec. 3. Fiscal  Year.  Until  changed by the Board of  Directors,  the

fiscal  period shall end each year on the  anniversary  date (month and year) of

incorporation in Utah.

          Sec. 4. By-Laws.  The affairs of this corporation shall be governed by

these  articles  until By-Laws are adopted and  thereafter  shall be governed by

these articles and and By-Laws.  The Board shall have the power to adopt By-Laws

and to amend same at any regular or special Board meeting.

          Sec. 5. The Board of Directors  may  authorize any officer or agent to

enter into any contract or to execute any instrument for the  corporation.  Such

authority may be general or be confined to specific instances.

          Sec. 6. Action Without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be

taken by the Board of  Directors or the  shareholders  at a meeting may be taken

without a meeting if a consent in  writing,  setting  forth the action so taken,

shall be signed by all directors or shareholders, as the case may be.

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          Sec. 7. Waiver of Notice.  Whenever any notice is required to be given

to any  shareholder  or director of the  corporation  under  provisions of these

Articles,  By-Laws,  or the Utah Business  Corporation  Act, a waiver thereof in

writing signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice.  whether before

or after the time stated  therein,  shall be deemed  equivalent to the giving of

such notice.

                                  ARTICLE X111

          No contract or other  transaction  between  this  corporation  and any

other corporation or entity shall be affected or invalidated  solely by the fact

that any  director  or officer of this  corporation  is  interested  in, or is a

director  or officer  of such other  corporation  or  entity--provided  that the

extent of the Interest and  connection  of such  director or officer  shall have

been fully or  satisfactorily  disclosed to this corporation Board of Directors,

and no Board  member  disapproves  of such  contract  or  transaction  under the

circumstances disclosed.

          IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,   we,  the   undersigned,   being  all  of  the

incorporators of ROTUNDA OIL AND MINING, INC.

stated are truly set forth and constitute our desire,  and we do now accordingly

hereunto  set our  hands to same on this  l8th day of  November,  1980 Salt Lake

City, Utah.

/s/ Gary C. Thompson        Residing at:     6400 South 2300 East
- --------------------
Gary C. Thompson                             Salt Lake City, 84121

/s/ Tom S. Thompson         Residing at:     2569 Canterbury Lane
- -------------------
Tom S. Thompson                              Salt Lake  City, Utah 8412

/s/ Gary C. Thompson, Jr.   Residing at:     2240 East 3300 So.
- -------------------------
Gary C. Thompson, Jr.                        Salt Lake City, Utah 84109

                                    - - - - -

                    : ss.
County of Salt Lake )

          BE IT KNOWN AND REMEMBERED, That personally appeared before me, Rodney

B. Tunks, a Notary Public in and for the: County and the State  aforesaid,  Gary

C. Thompson, Tom S. Thompson and Gary C. Thompson, Jr.

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personally  known to me to be the same and  being the  incorporators  and all of

same who signed the foregoing Articles of Incorporation: and I having made known

to them and each of them the  contents  of said  Articles,  they did under  oath

severally  acknowledge  their  signature as their free act and deed and that the

facts are truly set forth therein.

          Given  under my hand and seal of  office  this  18th day of  November,

1980, at Salt Lake City, Utah.

                                                      /s/ Rodney B. Tunks
                                                      Notary Public
                                                      Residing at:

My Commission Expires:

March 25, 1983
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