
                             Service Level Agreement



March 29, 2000

This document  contains proprietary  and confidential information.  Neither this
document  nor said  proprietary  information  shall  be  published,  reproduced,
copied, disclosed, or used for any purpose  without prior  written approval from
eAssist.com:   5005  Wateridge  Vista  Drive,   San  Diego,  California,  92121.

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Under   this   Agreement,   dated   3/31/00,   eAssist.com,  Inc.    ("eAssist",
"eAssist.com") and Concierge ("Concierge") agree to the following:

1.      Services

        Concierge wishes to contract  eAssist.com to provide multimedia customer
        relationship  management  (eCRM) services via the Internet to Concierge.
        eAssist.com  will  provide  outsourced  e-mail  management  services and
        software,  chat management  services and software,  and voice based call
        handling.  eAssist.com  will be  responsible  for the  management of all
        technical infrastructure, bandwidth, hardware, software and agents.

2.      Term

        The term of this  Agreement  shall be two years  commencing  on 3.29.00.
        Thereafter,  the  agreement  will  automatically  renew  for  successive
        one-year periods unless Concierge  notifies  eAssist.com sixty (60) days
        prior  to  the  Agreement  and  date  of its  intention  to  cancel  the
        Agreement.  eAssist.com  may terminate  this agreement for any reason on
        sixty (60) days written notice.  In the event of any form of termination
        Concierge  agrees  to pay  eAssist.com  all  costs  identified  in  this
        Agreement up to and including the date of termination.

3.      Payment of Invoices

        Setup fees are payable on agreement signature.

        All invoices are payable net thirty (30).

        If  invoices  are not paid  within  thirty  (30) days of the invoice due
        date,  eAssist.com will send a collection notice to Concierge requesting
        payment.  If the payment is not received within fifteen (15) days of the
        date  posted  on the  collection  notice,  eAssist.com  may at its  sole
        discretion  disable the service.  The service will only be re-enabled on
        full payment of all outstanding invoices.

4.      Implementation

        The work to be performed  in order to implement an eAssist  solution for
        Concierge site is described in Appendix A.

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

5.      Service Level by Type

        The  following  schedule  provides the  (OUTSOURCED)  service  levels by
        service type as measured monthly.

        o      All services will be available 24 hours per day 7 days per week
        o      90% of automatic  e-mail  response  within  10  minutes
        o      90% of personalized  e-mail  response  within  8 hours
        o      80% of chat requests commenced  within 120 seconds
        o      80% of calls (VolP)  answered within 120 seconds
        o      Net of  pre-authorized  maintenance  windows,   hardware/software
               uptime of 95%

6.      Compensation

        6.1.   Outsourced Pricing Schedule [Omitted Language]

        6.2.   Pricing Detail

               6.2.1.  One Time Installation and Set Up Services

                      eAssist.com will provide consulting services that include:

                      Facilities - eAssist.com Facility

                             o       Customization of secure data facilities
                             o       Hardware customization and configuration
                             o       Desktop configuration for required staffing

                      Implementation Planning

                             Discovery meeting

                             o       Domain strategy design and development
                             o       Technical     architecture    design    and
                             o       Operational process definition and design

                             Blueprint development

                             o       Single  specific   design  document   which
                                     outlines  all  components  of  the  domain,
                                     strategic, and technical agreement

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                             o       Becomes  an  addendum to  the contract once
                                     signed and  forms the  basis for all future
                                     design changes
                             o       Ensures  consistency   through   documented
                                     communication  without  raising unnecessary
                                     hurdles or barriers

                             Operational development

                             o      On-site operational development session with
                                    eAssist.com   specialists   to  design   and
                                    develop operational processes and procedures
                                    for  the   integrated   management   of  the
                                    customer contact center
                             o      Dedicated  off-site support  for development
                                    of  integrated  management  of  the customer
                                    contact center
                             o      We will provide domain expertise with regard
                                    to     the     recruiting,     prescreening,
                                    interviewing and hiring of ESRs - our proven
                                    methodologies  will minimize the recruitment
                                    cycle, maximize employee  satisfaction,  and
                                    reduce employee turnover
                             o      We will provide domain expertise with regard
                                    to  training  methodologies  which work best
                                    within    the    ESRs     environment    our
                                    methodologies  will  maximize  productivity,
                                    reduce the training cycle,  and minimize the
                                    learning curve

                      Technical Implementation

                             o      Team of  technical  architects  dedicated to
                                    the  conceptual  design  and  development of
                                    required technical infrastructure
                             o      Technical  consulting  work with Concierge's
                                    technical teams both on and off site
                             o      Design,    setup,     implementation     and
                                    integration    of    customized     software
                                    applications   for:      one-to-one     chat
                                    interaction,  processes for  integrating web
                                    pages  directly  with  our  chat  server and
                                    continual knowledge base expert system

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                             o      Design,     setup,     implementation    and
                                    integration     of    customized    software
                                    applications     for:      automated     and
                                    personalized e-mail
                             o      Design,     setup,     implementation    and
                                    integration     of    customized    software
                                    applications for: VolP
                             o      Design,     setup,     implementation    and
                                    integration     of    customized    software
                                    applications for: eCRM

                      Knowledge Base Development

                             o       Knowledge base "use" training
                             o       Knowledge base train-the-trainer training
                             o       Knowledge  base  deployment  and  structure
                                     design - professional and consumer portals

                      Reporting Design and Definition

                             o       Standardized    reporting    tools    query
                             o       Customized   report  design  per  Concierge
                             o       Tracking database setup and design


                             o      Additional   consulting    requirements   or
                                    changes to the initial design specifications
                                    may incur additional setup costs. Additional
                                    costs are subject to Concierge approval.

               6.2.2.  Monthly Management Services

                      eAssist.com  charges a flat-rate  monthly  management  fee
                      that  includes  domain  expertise,   system   maintenance,
                      account   management   and    administrative    functions.
                      eAssist.com will assign a dedicated team of specialists to
                      oversee the on-going management of this program and manage
                      a team of specialists to handle client interactions.

                      Domain Expertise

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                      Knowledge Base Management

                      o      Automated  e-mail response and content required for
                             Chat Content Push, Web IVR, VolP, and  Personalized
                             E-mail  response  necessitates  the development and
                             deployment of a knowledge base.
                      o      Deploy the necessary technology to accommodate this
                      o      Dedicate  expert  users to develop  this  knowledge
                             base.  These  specialists  will work with Concierge
                             and eAssist.com to maximize the rate of development
                             of the knowledge base.
                      o      The  objective  of  the  specialists   will  be  to
                             maximize  the   percentage  of  customer   contacts
                             handled by the auto-response engine and to maximize
                             the  productivity of the chat sessions through push
                             content availability and development.

                      Relationship Management

                      o      Single point of relationship  responsibility within
                             eAssist.com,     experienced    customer    contact
                             management    knowledge,    coordination   of   all
                             eAssist.com   operational   functions  including  -
                             technical,  finance and consulting - with Concierge
                             operations management.

                      Data Reporting/Mining Analysis

                      o      eAssist.com's  mission  provides  for   value-added
                             services to be an integral component of our service
                      o      Our  systems  will be  designed  with  data  mining
                             capabilities   as   well  as   advanced   reporting
                      o      In addition,  our system will be flexible enough to
                             handle  ad hoc  reporting  requirements  that  will
                             allow tailored reporting to meet outside-of-the-box
                      o      eAssist.com has anticipated providing the following
                             three value added services, more will be added when
                             the discovery meeting is complete:

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                      o       Staffing   recommendations  based   on   patterned
                              historical information analysis
                      o       Retention recommendations
                      o       Stimulation recommendations

                      Administrative Functions

                      o      Reporting  functions,   facilities  management  and
                             development of the knowledge  base,  data mining to
                             drive knowledge base development, train-the-trainer
                             sessions,    bandwidth   analysis,    and   ongoing
                             consulting for maintenance and modifications to the

                      System Maintenance

                      o      On-going  development  of the  Concierge's  system,
                             security management, firewall management, dedicated
                             system engineers,  server & server farm maintenance
                             and  management,  on-site and off-site  development
                             work (plus disbursements).

               6.2.3.  Channel Services


                      o      The  processing  and handling of inbound self- help
                             requests  designed to provide  companies with fast,
                             accurate  and  personalized  responses  to customer
                      o      Our   extensible   eCRM  system,   which  works  in
                             conjunction with the self-help  processing,  allows
                             for the capture of additional customer  information
                             to gain  valuable  insight  for  enhanced  customer


                      o      The   processing  and  handling  of  inbound  email
                             requests  designed to provide  companies with fast,
                             accurate  and  personalized  responses  to customer
                      o      We build in automation and artificial  intelligence
                             components to accommodate large volumes of web- and
                             e-mail-based inquiries.

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                      o      Our   extensible   eCRM  system,   which  works  in
                             conjunction with the e-mail processing,  allows for
                             the capture of additional  customer  information to
                             gain   valuable   insight  for  enhanced   customer


                      o      The   processing   and  handling  of  inbound  chat
                             requests  designed to provide  companies with fast,
                             accurate  and  personalized  responses  to customer
                      o      We  build  in  automation  and  routing  components
                             to accommodate large volumes of web chat inquiries.
                      o      Our   extensible   eCRM  system,   which  works  in
                             conjunction  with the chat  system,  allows for the
                             capture of additional customer  information to gain
                             valuable insight for enhanced customer retention.


                      o      The    processing    and    handling   of   inbound
                             collaboration    requests   designed   to   provide
                             companies  with  fast,  accurate  and  personalized
                             responses to customer questions.
                      o      We  build  in  automation and routing components to
                             accommodate   large    volumes   of   collaboration
                      o      Our   extensible   eCRM  system,   which  works  in
                             conjunction  with the chat  system,  allows for the
                             capture of additional customer  information to gain
                             valuable insight for enhanced customer retention.


                      o      The   processing   and  handling  of  inbound  VolP
                             requests  designed to provide  companies with fast,
                             accurate  and  personalized  responses  to customer
                      o      We  build  in  automation and routing components to
                             accommodate large volumes of VolP inquiries.
                      o      Our  extensible  eCRM   system,  which   works   in
                             conjunction with the VolP, allows for the

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                             capture of additional customer  information to gain
                             valuable insight for enhanced customer retention.

                      Live-Person Telephone Support

                      o      The  processing  and handling of inbound  telephone
                             requests  designed to provide  companies with fast,
                             accurate  and  personalized  responses  to customer

                      Overflow Voice Call Handling

                      o      The processing  and handling of overflow  telephone
                             requests  designed to provide  companies with fast,
                             accurate  and  personalized  responses  to customer
                      o      eAssist.com  provides  dedicated  staffing based on
                             pre-approved staffing schedules.

               6.2.4.  Monthly Software Usage Fees

                      For the hosted  solution only.  There is a monthly service
                      fee  associated  with the license to use the eCRM,  email,
                      chat, and/or VolP software.  This license fee is allocated
                      per  enabled   workstation.   The  enabling   software  is
                      proprietary and/or licensed software of eAssist.com.

               6.2.5. Additional Services and Incidentals


                      o      We design and build a training  program for the web
                             agents  to  understand  and be  efficient  with the
                             technologies  as well as with  the  content  of the
                             client with which we are working.
                      o      The training also includes training of  supervisors
                             and managers of the system.
                      o      Bandwidth   requirements   included  out   to   the
                             Internet, not included between eAssist.com

       facility and Concierge facility.


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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

                     o       Concierge upon mutual agreement and approval,  will
                             reimburse   eAssist.com   for   all   disbursements
                             associated  with  the  account  including  airfare,
                             ground    transportation,    hotel   accommodations
                             reasonable  travel-related  expenses  and any other
                             reasonable expense that results from the management
                             of the account.

7.      Warranties, Disclaimers and Miscellaneous

        7.1.   Limited Service Warranty

        eAssist.com  warrants  that it  will  use  its  commercially  reasonable
        efforts to minimize  downtime,  and that upon  notification of excessive
        downtime,  eAssist.com  will  provide  only the  following  remedies  to

        7.2.   Year 2000

        This  statement  is provided as a "Year 2000  Readiness  Disclosure"  as
        defined in the Year 2000  Information  and Readiness  Disclosure  Act of
        1998 (Public Law 105-271, 112 Stat. 2386), enacted on October 19, 1998.

        As the Company is a recent start-up venture, we have not had to evaluate
        existing  Company  equipment  and  processes  for  possible  turn of the
        century problems. Instead, we have evaluated the Year 2000 compliance of
        each new purchase,  lease,  license or other  "acquisition"  of computer
        hardware and software,  business  processes  and pertinent  non-computer
        equipment  and  embedded  processors  and  controllers  at the  time  of
        acquisition.   The  Company   recognizes   the  importance  of  business
        continuity  into the new century and  believes  its Year 2000 program is
        designed to achieve Year 2000 readiness at the Company.

        It is still  too  early to  measure  our  success,  however,  and we are
        dependent to a significant  extent on the Year 2000 fixes and assurances
        of our  vendors.  In  addition,  unresolved  Year 2000  problems  of our
        providers and customers could affect us.  Nevertheless,  while there are
        uncertainties  and  unknowns  inherent  in the Year 2000  problem and we
        cannot be responsible for Year 2000 failures outside of our control,  we
        feel  confident  that  the  steps  we  are  taking  are  reasonable  and

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

        7.3.   No Other Warranty

        Services are provided on an "AS IS" basis,  and  Concierge's  use of the
        eAssist.com  service is at its own risk.  eAssist.com does not make, and
        hereby  disclaims,  any and all other  express  or  implied  warranties,
        including,  but not limited to, warranties of  merchantability,  fitness
        for particular purpose,  non-infringement  and title, and any warranties
        arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice.  EAssist.com
        does not warrant that the service will be  uninterrupted,  error-free or
        completely secure.

        7.4.   Indemnification

        Concierge agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless eAssist.com from
        and  against  any and all suits and any  costs and  expenses,  including
        legal fees, which may be imposed on or suffered by Concierge as a result
        of eAssist.com's  representation  of Concierge or as a result of errors,
        misstatements  or omissions in any information  furnished to eAssist.com
        by  Concierge,  Concierge  employees or agents  regarding  Concierge and
        Concierge business activities.

        7.5.   Maximum Liability

        eAssist.com's  maximum aggregate liability to Concierge related to or in
        connection  with this Agreement will be limited to the total amount paid
        by Concierge to  eAssist.com  hereunder for the 3-month  period prior to
        the event or events giving rise to such liability.

        7.6.  Reliance on Disclaimers, Liability Limitations and Indemnification

        Concierge  acknowledges  that eAssist.com has set its prices and entered
        into this Agreement in reliance upon the  limitations  and exclusions of
        liability,  the  disclaimers of warranties  and damages and  Concierge's
        indemnity  obligations  set  forth  herein,  and that  the same  form an
        essential  basis of the bargain  between the parties.  The parties agree
        that  the  limitations  and  exclusions  of  liability  and  disclaimers
        specified in this Agreement will survive and apply even if the Agreement
        is found to have failed of their essential purpose.

        7.7.   Force Majeure

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

        eAssist.com will not be liable for any failure under this Agreement,  or
        for  credits,  or  reduction  in  charges  due to any cause  beyond  its
        reasonable  control,  including  acts of war,  acts of God,  earthquake,
        flood, embargo, riot, sabotage, labor shortage or dispute,  governmental
        act or failure of the Internet.

        7.8.   Marketing

        Concierge  agrees that  eAssist.com may refer to Concierge by trade name
        and  trademark,  and  may  briefly  describe  Concierge's  business,  in
        eAssist.com marketing materials and web site.

        7.9.   Confidentiality

        Definition  of  "Confidential  Information"  For  the  purposes  of this
        Agreement, "Confidential Information" means any information disclosed by
        either  party to the other  party,  either  directly or  indirectly,  in
        writing,  orally or by inspection of tangible  objects or by the viewing
        of  product  demonstrations  (including  without  limitation  documents,
        prototypes  and  equipment),  which is  designated  or  described by the
        disclosing  party  as  "Confidential,"  "Proprietary"  or  some  similar
        designation.   Information   communicated  orally  shall  be  considered
        Confidential  Information if such  information is designated at the time
        of disclosure as confidential. Confidential information may also include
        information   disclosed  to  a  disclosing   party  by  third   parties.
        Confidential  information shall not include any information which (i) is
        publicly  known and is generally  available in the public domain through
        no action or inaction of the  receiving  party;  (ii) was already in the
        possession  of the  receiving  party  at the time of  disclosure  by the
        disclosing  party as shown by the  receiving  party's  files and records
        immediately  prior to the time of  disclosure;  (iii) is obtained by the
        receiving party from an independent third party without a breach of such
        third party's obligations of  confidentiality;  or (iv) is independently
        developed  by  the  receiving  party  without  use  of or  reference  to
        materials provided by the disclosing party.

        Non-use  and  Nondisclosure  Each party  agrees that it will not use any
        Confidential  Information  of the other party for any purpose except for
        the Authorized Purpose.  Each party agrees that it will not disclose any
        of the other party's  Confidential  Information to (i) any third parties
        or (ii)

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)

        such party's own employees,  except for those employees who are required
        to have the  information  in  connection  with the  Authorized  Purpose.
        Neither  party shall  reverse  engineer,  disassemble  or decompile  any
        prototypes,  software or other  tangible  objects which embody the other
        party's  Confidential  Information  and which are  provided to the party

        Maintenance  of  Confidentiality  Each party  agrees  that it shall take
        reasonable  measures to protect the secrecy of and avoid the  disclosure
        and the unauthorized use of the other party's Confidential  Information.
        Without  limiting  the  foregoing,  each party shall take at least those
        measures  that it takes to  protect  its own  most  highly  confidential
        information  and shall ensure that each of its employees who have access
        to the other party's  Confidential  Information has signed a non-use and
        nondisclosure  Agreement in content  similar to the  provisions  hereof,
        prior to any disclosure of  Confidential  Information to such employees.
        Neither  party shall make any copies of the other  party's  Confidential
        Information  without the disclosing party's prior written consent.  Each
        party shall  reproduce the other party's  proprietary  rights notices on
        any such approved copies,  in the same manner in which such notices were
        set forth in or on the original.  In the event that a receiving party is
        required by law to disclose  Confidential  Information obtained from the
        disclosing  party,  the receiving party shall give the disclosing  party
        prompt written  notice of such  requirement as soon as possible prior to
        such  disclosure and shall provide the disclosing  party with assistance
        in obtaining an order protecting the information from disclosure.

        7.10.  Notices

        All notices shall be sent to the following addresses:

               o       If to eAssist.com:

                             c/o Ben Pak, Comptroller
                             5005 Wateridge Vista Drive, Suite 100
                             San Diego, CA

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                          Service Level Agreement (SLA)
                               o If to Concierge:

                             Allen E. Kahn
                             531 Main Street #963
                             El Segundo, CA 90245

        7.11.  Miscellaneous

        This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto
        and their  successors and assigns.  This Agreement  shall be governed by
        the laws of the State of  California,  without  reference to conflict of
        law  principles.  Each party  agrees that any  violation  or  threatened
        violation of this  Agreement may cause  irreparable  injury to the other
        party,  entitling the other party to seek injunctive  relief in addition
        to all legal remedies.  Each party agrees to submit any and all disputes
        regarding  this  Agreement,  if not  resolved  between the  parties,  to
        binding  arbitration  in  accordance  with the  Commercial  Rules of the
        American Arbitration  Association.  The decision and any award resulting
        from such arbitration shall be binding and final. This document contains
        the entire  Agreement  between the parties  with  respect to the subject
        matter hereof,  and neither party shall have any obligation,  express or
        implied by law, with respect to trade secret or proprietary  information
        of the other party  except as set forth  herein.  Any failure to enforce
        any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof or
        of any other  provision.  This  Agreement  may not be  amended,  nor any
        obligation waived, except by a writing signed by both parties hereto.

8.      Signatures

        Agreed to on March 31, 2000, at Los Angeles, CA.


eAssist.com                                Concierge

/s/ [signature illegible]                  /s/ Allen E. Kahn
- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
Name                                       Name

Controller                                 President
- ----------------------------------         -------------------------------------
Title                                      Title

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