WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                        Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                        Date of Report: October 4, 1999

                         Commission File Number 1-14323

                       ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

DELAWARE                                        76-0568219
(State or other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. Employer Identification
incorporation or organization)                            Number)

                              2727 North Loop West
                              Houston, Texas 77008
                   (Address of principal executive (Zip Code)

                                 (713) 880-6500
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

Acquisition of Tejas Natural Gas Liquids, LLC

     On September 17, 1999,  Enterprise  Products  Partners L.P.  ("Enterprise")
acquired  Tejas  Natural Gas Liquids,  LLC ("TNGL")  from a subsidiary  of Tejas
Energy,  LLC  ("Tejas"),  an  affiliate  of Shell  Oil  Company.  Tejas  has the
opportunity to earn an additional  6.0 million  contingent  convertible  special
partnership  units over the next two years upon the  achievement  of certain gas
production  thresholds under a 20 year natural gas processing  agreement entered
into among  TNGL,  Shell Oil  Company  and a number of its  affiliates  covering
substantially  all of the Shell  entities'  Gulf of Mexico gas  production.  The
effective date of the transaction was August 1, 1999.

     TNGL  engages in natural gas  processing  and  natural  gas liquid  ("NGL")
fractionation,   transportation,   storage  and   marketing  in  Louisiana   and
Mississippi.  TNGL's  assets  include  varying  interests in eleven  natural gas
processing  plants  (including  one under  construction)  with a combined  gross
capacity of 11.0 billion cubic feet per day (Bcfd) and net capacity of 3.1 Bcfd;
four NGL  fractionation  facilities  with a combined  gross  capacity of 281,000
barrels  per day  (BPD)  and net  capacity  of  131,500  BPD;  four NGL  storage
facilities  with  approximately  29.5 million  barrels of gross capacity and 8.8
million  barrels  of net  capacity;  and  over  2,100  miles  of  NGL  pipelines
(including a 12.5 percent interest in Dixie Pipeline).

     The 14.5 million  convertible  special  units  received by Tejas at closing
represent a 17.6 percent equity ownership in Enterprise.  These special units do
not accrue  distributions and are not entitled to cash distributions until their
conversion  into common units,  which occurs  automatically  with respect to 1.0
million  units on August  1,  2000 (or the day  following  the  record  date for
determining  units  entitled to receive  distributions  in the second quarter of
2000),  5.0 million  units on August 1, 2001 and 8.5 million  units on August 1,
2002. If all of the 6.0 million contingent special convertible units are earned,
Tejas' ownership  interest in Enterprise would increase to 23.8 percent based on
the currently  outstanding  units, and 1.0 million of the contingent units would
convert  into common  units on August 1, 2002 and 5.0 million  would  convert on
August 1, 2003.

     Under the rules of the New York Stock  Exchange,  conversion of the special
units into common units  requires  approval of the Enterprise  unitholders.  The
General  Partner  has  agreed to call a special  meeting of the  unitholders  of
Enterprise for the purpose of soliciting  such  approval.  EPC Partners II, Inc.
("EPC II"),  which owns in excess of 81% of the  outstanding  common units,  has
agreed to vote its  units in favor of such  approval,  which  will  satisfy  the
approval requirement.

     The $166  million  cash  portion  of the  purchase  price was  funded  with
borrowings  under  Enterprise's  existing  credit  facility  led  by  The  Chase
Manhattan Bank.

     The  consideration  for  the  acquisition  was  determined  by  arms-length
negotiation among the parties.

Unitholder Rights Agreement

     In connection with the transactions  described above,  Tejas purchased from
EPC II a 30%  membership  interest in Enterprise  Products GP, LLC (the "General
Partner"),  which serves as the sole general partner of Enterprise,  and entered
into a  Unitholder  Rights  Agreement  with  Enterprise,  the  General  Partner,
Enterprise  Products Operating L.P., EPC II and Enterprise Products Company (the
"Unitholder Rights Agreement"). The Unitholder Rights Agreement provides that as
long as Tejas owns more than a 20% interest in the General  Partner,  it will be
entitled to designate one-third of the General Partner's board of directors, and
that as long as it owns at least a 10%  interest in the General  Partner it will
also be entitled to designate two members of a newly created Executive Committee
of the General  Partner.  Tejas'  rights to board and  committee  representation
would decrease if their ownership interest decreases.

     The Unitholder Rights Agreement  provides that the General Partner will not
permit Enterprise,  Enterprise  Operating or the General Partner to take certain
actions  without  the  consent  of at least  one of the Tejas  designees  on the
Executive Committee, including, among other things, paying special distributions
not in accordance with Enterprise's current cash distribution  policy;  material
dispositions  of assets;  dispositions  of assets  that could  adversely  affect
production or delivery of gas by Shell Oil Company or its affiliates in the Gulf
of Mexico;  material  acquisitions;  mergers or  similar  transactions;  issuing
partnership units in private financing transactions;  incurrence of indebtedness
in excess of certain  limits;  repurchases  of  partnership  units other than in
connection with employee benefit plans; entering into or modifying  transactions
with  affiliates;  and  submitting  matters to a unitholder  vote. The foregoing
limitations  will  terminate  when the special  units  issued to Tejas have been
converted  to common units and the market price of the common units has exceeded
$24 per unit for 120 consecutive calendar days (subject to certain extensions).

     Pursuant to the Unitholder Rights Agreement,  the board of directors of the
General  Partner has been  increased  by three  members to a total of nine,  and
Tejas has designated Charles R. Crisp,  Curtis R. Frasier and Stephen H. McVeigh
as its board  designees.  Tejas has designated  Curtis R. Frasier and Stephen H.
McVeigh to serve on the Executive Committee, with the Enterprise designees being
Dan L. Duncan, O. S. Andras and Richard H. Bachmann.  Mr. Crisp is President and
Chief Executive  Officer of Coral Energy LLC, an affiliate of Shell Oil Company,
Mr. Frasier is Chief Operating, Administrative and Legal Officer of Coral Energy
LLC, and Mr. McVeigh is Manager of Production and Surveillance  (Gulf of Mexico)
for Shell Offshore Inc.

     The  Unitholder  Rights  Agreement  grants EPC II certain rights to acquire
Tejas'  interest  in the  General  Partner if Tejas  disposes  of its special or
common  units,  and to acquire  Tejas'  special or common  units if it wishes to
dispose of them.  Each of these purchase rights would also apply in the event of
specified  change of control events  relating to Tejas.  The  Unitholder  Rights
Agreement grants Tejas preemptive  rights to acquire  additional units issued by
Enterprise in private equity financing transactions,  and grants Tejas the right
to acquire all of the  partnership  units owned by EPC II,  Enterprise  Products
Company and their  affiliates  if certain  change of control  events  occur with
respect to Enterprise.

     The  Unitholder  Rights  Agreement  provides that if Tejas sells any of the
common units it receives upon conversion of the special units in specified types
of sale  transactions  for less  than $18 per unit  within  one year  after  the
applicable conversion date for the special units in question, then

     Enterprise  will pay to Tejas the  difference  between  the sales price and
$18, either in cash or in additional units at Enterprise's option.

Other Agreements

     In connection with the  transactions  described above,  Enterprise  entered
into a Registration Rights Agreement with Tejas granting Tejas certain rights to
require  Enterprise to register for resale under the  Securities Act of 1933 all
of the common units issuable upon  conversion of the special units,  and certain
"piggy  back" rights to require  Enterprise  to include such common units in any
registration begun by Enterprise.

     Also, the  partnership  agreement of Enterprise  and the limited  liability
agreement  of the  General  Partner  were  amended  to give  effect to the above
transactions, including the issuance of the special units.

     The  foregoing  summaries  of  the  Contribution  Agreement  governing  the
acquisition, the Unitholder Rights Agreement, the Registration Rights Agreement,
the  amended  partnership  agreement  of  Enterprise  and  the  amended  limited
liability  company  agreement  of the  General  Partner are  qualified  in their
entirety by reference to the complete documents.

Item 7 .  Exhibits

  1.  Contribution Agreement dated September 17, 1999.
  2.  Unitholder Rights Agreement dated September 17, 1999.
  3.  Registration Rights Agreement dated September 17, 1999.
  4.  Second Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Enterprise
      Products Partners L.P. dated as of September 17, 1999.

Note:The Company  incorporates by reference the above documents  included in the
     Schedule 13 D filed September 27, 1999, by Tejas Energy LLC.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P.
                             By Enterprise Products GP, LLC, its general partner

Date: October 4, 1999      By: ___/s/ Gary L. Miller
                           Gary L. Miller
                           Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                                            of Enterprise Products GP, LLC

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX


   1. Contribution Agreement dated September 17, 1999.
   2. Unitholder Rights Agreement dated September 17, 1999.
   3. Registration Rights Agreement dated September 17, 1999.
   4. Second Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Enterprise
      Products Partners L.P. dated as of September 17, 1999.

Note: The Company incorporates by reference the above documents included in the
      Schedule 13 D filed September 27, 1999, by Tejas Energy LLC.