Tejas  Natural  Gas  Liquids,  LLC and  Subsidiaries  Statement  of  Assets
     Acquired and Liabilities  Assumed As of December 31, 1998 and Statements of
     Revenues and Direct  Operating  Expenses  for the Years Ended  December 31,
     1998, 1997 and 1996 and Independent Auditors' Report


Tejas Natural Gas Liquids, LLC and Subsidiaries:

We have audited the  accompanying  statement of assets  acquired and liabilities
assumed of Tejas Natural Gas Liquids,  LLC and subsidiaries  (the "Company"),  a
wholly owned subsidiary of Tejas Midstream Enterprises,  LLC, as of December 31,
1998,  pursuant  to the  Contribution  Agreement  by and among  Tejas  Midstream
Enterprises,   LLC,  Tejas  Energy,  LLC,  Enterprise  Products  Partners  L.P.,
Enterprise  Products Operating L.P.,  Enterprise  Products GP, LLC, EPC Partners
II,  Inc.  and  Enterprise  Products  Company,  dated  September  17,  1999 (the
"Agreement"),  and the  related  statements  of  revenues  and direct  operating
expenses for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996.  These statements
are the  responsibility of the Company's  management.  Our  responsibility is to
express an opinion on these statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable   assurance  about  whether  the  statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the statements.  An audit also includes assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management,  as
well as evaluating the overall  presentation of the statements.  We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

The  statements  referred  to above were  prepared to present the net assets and
operations of Tejas  Natural Gas Liquids,  LLC and  subsidiaries  to be acquired
pursuant  to the  Agreement  described  in Note 1 and are not  intended  to be a
complete  presentation  of the net assets or  operations  of Tejas  Natural  Gas
Liquids, LLC and subsidiaries.

In our opinion,  such statements present fairly, in all material  respects,  the
assets  acquired  and  liabilities  assumed as of  December  31,  1998,  and the
revenues and direct  operating  expenses for the years ended  December 31, 1998,
1997 and 1996 of Tejas Natural Gas Liquids,  LLC and  subsidiaries,  pursuant to
the  Agreement   referred  to  above,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.

Houston, Texas
September 17, 1999


DECEMBER 31, 1998 (In Thousands)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - Trade, net of allowance for doubtful         $ 55,536
   accounts of $1,789

INVENTORIES                                                          18,494

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, Net                                   99,605


   Trade                                                            (49,126)
   Affiliate                                                         (8,739)

ACCRUED EXPENSES                                                     (4,135)


ASSETS ACQUIRED AND LIABILITIES ASSUMED, Net                       $177,229

See notes to statements.


FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1998, 1997 AND 1996 (In Thousands)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         1998        1997      1996

   Sales                                              $589,528   $819,523   $857,499
   Dividend income                                       4,461        903      1,081
   Equity earnings from unconsolidated affiliates        1,592      3,100
                                                         -----      -----      -----
                Total                                  595,581    823,526    858,580

   Cost of goods sold and operating expenses           573,266    765,078    786,405
   Depreciation                                          4,911      4,344      3,258
                                                         -----      -----      -----

                Total                                  578,177    769,422    789,663
                                                       -------    -------    -------

   OPERATING EXPENSES                                 $ 17,404   $ 54,104   $ 68,917
                                                      ========   ========   ========

See notes to statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     TejasNatural  Gas Liquids,  LLC ("TNGL" or the "Company") is a wholly owned
     subsidiary  of  Tejas  Midstream  Enterprises,  LLC  ("TME"),  which  is an
     affiliate  of Shell  Oil  Company  ("Shell").  The  Company  was  formed on
     January 7,  1998 in connection with Shell's  contribution of certain of its
     interests in natural gas processing  plants,  natural gas liquids ("NGLs"),
     fractionation  facilities and pipelines, and NGL marketing activities which
     were previously part of approximately  eight separate Shell divisions.  The
     various  assets  owned and  operated by TNGL are located in  Louisiana  and

     As of July 31, 1999, TNGL distributed to its parent all of its interests in
     Tejas Biogas,  LLC,  Tejas C Gas Plants LP, LLC,  Texas Gas Plants GP, LLC,
     and Tejas Sheridan  Pipeline,  LLC, and its  subsidiary,  Texas Gas Plants,
     L.P. The Company also  transferred  certain other assets and liabilities to
     its parent.  In  addition,  pursuant  to a  Contribution  Agreement  (dated
     September  17,  1999) by and  among  TME,  Tejas  Energy,  LLC,  Enterprise
     Products  Partners  L.P.  ("EPD"),   Enterprise  Products  Operating  L.P.,
     Enterprise  Products Company,  Enterprise Products GP, LLC and EPC Partners
     II, Inc.,  effective August 1, 1999, TME contributed the limited  liability
     company  interest of TNGL and its  subsidiaries to EPD for cash and certain
     of  EPD's  general  and  limited   partnership  units  as  defined  in  the
     Contribution  Agreement.  The sale closed on September 20, 1999. The assets
     acquired  under the  Contribution  Agreement  included  the TNGL assets and
     liabilities  (the "TNGL  Assets'),  located in Louisiana  and  Mississippi,
     which   includes:   (a) interest   in  a  number  of  gas   processing  and
     fractionation   facilities  and  related  assets;   (b) NGL  pipelines  and
     (c) additional  assets including  transportation  and  terminalling  assets
     required  to support  the NGL  marketing  operations  and  certain  related
     contracts and working capital.

     The  accompanying  statement  of assets  acquired and  liabilities  assumed
     represents  the  assets  and  liabilities  of  the  TNGL  Assets  at  their
     historical cost. The statements of revenues and direct  operating  expenses
     include only those amounts related to the operations of the TNGL Assets and
     do not include  selling,  general and  administrative  allocations from the
     parent company.  Historically, the Company has provided service and support
     functions for Shell's  integrated  operations.  In this role, the strategic
     direction  and  economic  development  of the Company has been for the sole
     benefit of Shell. Consequently,  certain business decisions made in periods
     of  volatile  market  conditions  were  influenced  by  Shell's  integrated
     operations and strategic  direction and, as such, were not necessarily made
     autonomously for the profit of the individual  assets.  As a result,  these
     statements  are not  necessarily  indicative of the financial  condition or
     results of  operations  that would have  resulted  had the TNGL Assets been
     operated as a stand-alone entity.  Additionally,  the distinct and separate
     accounts  necessary to present an  individual  balance sheet as of December
     31,  1998 and the  related  statements  of income and of cash flows for the
     years ended December 31, 1998,  1997 and 1996 in accordance  with generally
     accepted accounting principles have not been maintained and, therefore, are
     not presented.


     Investments  in  Unconsolidated  Affiliates - The  accompanying  statements
     include  the  accounts  of the TNGL  Assets  and those of 50% or more owned
     subsidiaries  controlled  by the Company and also part of the TNGL  Assets.
     The equity  method is used to account  for  investments  in  unconsolidated
     entities in which the Company owns more than 20% of the voting interest but
     by definition does not have control. The cost method is used to account for
     investments  in  unconsolidated  affiliates  in which the Company owns less
     than 20% of the voting interest and by definition does not execute control.

     Inventories -  Inventories  consisting of NGLs and NGL products are carried
     at the lower of cost, on a last-in  first-out (LIFO) basis, or market,  and
     include  certain costs  directly  related to the  production  process.  The
     replacement  cost of the  inventory at December 31, 1998 was  approximately
     $18.0 million.

     Property,  Plant and Equipment - Property,  plant and equipment is recorded
     at cost and is generally  depreciated using the  straight-line  method over
     the  assets'  estimated  useful  lives.  Some  processing   facilities  are
     depreciated  on  a  units-of-production   basis  to  the  extent  that  the
     processing  facilities'  sole  operations are directly  related to specific
     gas-producing  properties.  The  unit-of-production  rate is based on total
     proven  reserves  related  to  the  dedicated  gas  producing   properties.
     Maintenance   and  repair  costs  are  expensed  as  incurred;   additions,
     improvements and replacements are capitalized.

     Variable  Ownership  Percentage  Adjustments - The ownership  percentage of
     certain natural gas processing  plants varies  according to the plants' gas
     throughput associated with the Company. These plants are jointly owned with
     other  entities  which pay or are  reimbursed  by the Company to adjust the
     ownership percentage on an annual basis.

     Long-Lived  Assets - The Company  records  impairment  losses on long-lived
     assets if the carrying  amount of such assets,  grouped at the lowest level
     for which there are identifiable cash flows that are largely independent of
     the cash flows from other assets, exceeds the estimated undiscounted future
     cash flows of such assets.  Measurement of any impairment  loss is based on
     the fair value of the asset.  For the years ended  December 31, 1998,  1997
     and 1996, there were no charges for impairments  included in the statements
     of revenues and direct operating expenses.

     Excess  Cost  Over  Underlying  Equity  in Net  Assets - The  excess of the
     Company's  cost over the  underlying  equity in net assets of K/D/S Promix,
     LLC, is being amortized using the  straight-line  method over the estimated
     remaining  life of the assets  over a period  not to exceed 20 years.  Such
     amortization  is  reflected  in the  equity  earnings  from  unconsolidated
     affiliates.  The  unamortized  excess was  approximately  $20.3  million at
     December 31, 1998.

     Revenue Recognition - Revenue from processing and fractionation services is
     recognized when the services are provided. Revenue from the sale of natural
     gas liquids is generally recognized upon the passage of title. Revenue from
     pipeline  transportation  of natural gas liquids is recognized upon receipt
     of the natural gas liquids into the pipeline systems.

     Federal Income Taxes - The Company is a limited  liability  company and is,
     therefore,  not taxable for federal tax purposes; as a result, income taxes
     have been excluded from the statements.

     Use of  Estimates  - The  preparation  of  statements  in  conformity  with
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make
     estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts of certain
     assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities
     at the date of the statements,  and the related reported amounts of revenue
     and expenses during the reporting period.  Actual results could differ from
     these estimates.

     Significant Risks - The Company is subject to a number of risks inherent in
     the industry in which it operates,  primarily  fluctuating  gas and liquids
     prices and gas supply.  The  Company's  financial  condition and results of
     operations  will depend  significantly  on the prices received for NGLs and
     the price paid for gas consumed in the NGL extraction process. These prices
     are  subject to  fluctuations  in  response  to  changes in supply,  market
     uncertainty and a variety of additional factors that are beyond the control
     of the Company. In addition, the Company must continually connect new wells
     through  third-party  gathering  systems which serve the plants in order to
     maintain  or  increase  throughput  levels to offset  natural  declines  in
     dedicated volumes. The number of wells drilled by third parties will depend
     on, among other factors, the price of gas and oil, the energy policy of the
     federal  government,  and the  availability of foreign oil and gas, none of
     which is within the Company's control.

     Recently  Issued  Accounting  Standards - On June 6,  1999,  the  Financial
     Accounting   Standards  Board  ("FASB")   issued   Statement  of  Financial
     Accounting   Standards   ("SFAS")  No.  137,   "Accounting  for  Derivative
     Instruments and Hedging Activities - Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB
     Statement  No.  133 - an  amendment  of  FASB  Statement  No.  133,"  which
     effectively delays and amends the application of SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting
     for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," for one year, to fiscal
     years beginning after June 15,  2000. Management is currently studying this
     item to determine the financial statement impact of adopting SFAS No. 133.

     Dollar Amounts - Amounts  presented in the tabulations  within the notes to
     the  statements  are  stated in  thousands  of  dollars,  unless  otherwise


     Property,  plant and equipment and accumulated depreciation at December 31,
     1998 were as follows:

                                         Useful Life
                   Description           (in Years)

Plants                                     15 - 20                $ 99,673
Pipelines                                  10 - 20                  21,497
Transportation equipment                     22                      3,313
Land                                                                   175
Construction-in-progress                                            54,186
Total property                                                     178,844

Accumulated depreciation                                           (79,239)

Property, net                                                     $ 99,605


     At December 31,  1998, the Company's significant  unconsolidated affiliates
     included the following:

     K/D/S  Promix,  LLC  ("Promix") - A 33.33%  economic  interest in a Limited
     Liability Company ("LLC") owning a fractionation plant and related pipeline
     and storage facilities near Napoleonville, Louisiana. The economic interest
     was acquired  during 1997.  The LLC is owned by three entities and operated
     by Koch Hydrocarbon Southeast, Inc. At December 31, 1998, the Company had a
     payable to Promix for capital expansions.

     Dixie  Pipeline  Company  ("Dixie")  -  An  11.5%  economic  interest  in a
     corporation  owning  a  1,300-mile  propane  pipeline  and  the  associated
     facilities extending from Mt. Belvieu, Texas, to North Carolina.  Dixie has
     seven owners, and Phillips Pipeline Company is the operator of the assets.

     Venice Energy Services  Company,  LLC ("Vesco") - A 13.1% economic interest
     in an LLC owning a natural gas processing plant with processing capacity of
     1,300  MMCF/day,  fractionation  facilities,  storage,  and  gas  gathering
     pipelines in Louisiana.  Vesco is jointly owned by five entities  including
     TNGL. Dynegy Midstream Services L.P. is the operator of the assets.

     Tri-States NGL Pipeline,  LLC ("Tri-States") - A 16.7% economic interest in
     an LLC owning a 161-mile  NGL  pipeline  which  stretches  from Mobile Bay,
     Alabama, to Kenner,  Louisiana.  The pipeline  construction  started in the
     latter part of 1997 and was completed in January 1999.  Tri-States is owned
     by six  entities,  including  TNGL,  and  WSF-NGL  Pipeline  Company,  Inc.
     ("Williams")  is the  operator of the assets.  Because the  Tri-States  LLC
     agreement was not signed until  January 1999,  payment for a portion of its
     capital  contribution  by  TNGL  was  recorded  as an  advance  payable  to
     unconsolidated affiliates as of December 31, 1998.

     Belle Rose NGL Pipeline,  LLC ("Belle Rose") - A 41.7% economic interest in
     an LLC owning a 48-mile NGL pipeline  extending  from Kenner,  Louisiana to
     Belle Rose,  Louisiana.  The pipeline  construction began during the latter
     part of 1997 and began operations during March 1999. At December 31,  1998,
     the LLC agreement was not finalized.  As a result,  payment by TNGL has not
     been made for the  investment  in Belle Rose.  Consequently,  a payable was
     recorded  as  advances   payable  to   unconsolidated   affiliates   as  of
     December 31,  1998.  Belle Rose will be owned by three entities,  including
     TNGL, with TNGL being the operator of the assets.

     Following  is a summary of the  Company's  investments  in and  advances to
     unconsolidated affiliates at December 31, 1998:

                                 Unconsolidated Affiliates
                               Investments in           Advances
                              and Advances To          Payable To

Promix                           $60,610                $ 7,000
Dixie                             10,639
Vesco                              1,345
Tri-States                        13,058                 13,058
Belle Rose                        11,137                 11,137
                                  ------                 ------

Total                            $96,789                $31,195
                                 =======                =======

          Equity  earnings from  unconsolidated  affiliates  for the years ended
          December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996 are as follows:

                            Unconsolidated Affiliates
                                1998                           1997                     1996
                ------------------------------   ----------------------------   ------------------
                  Dividend        Equity in       Dividend       Equity in            Dividend
                   Income          Earnings        Income         Earnings             Income
                --------------   -------------   -----------    -------------   ------------------

Promix                             $1,592                         $3,100
Dixie              $1,373                          $903                                $1,081
Vesco               3,088
Belle Rose        --------        --------        --------       --------             --------
Total              $4,461          $1,592          $903           $3,100               $1,081
                   ======          ======          ====           ======               ======

          Following is selected  financial data for Promix, the most significant
          investment of the Company:

BALANCE SHEET DATA                                                         1998

Current assets                                                          $ 12,801
Property, plant and equipment, net                                       114,945
               Total assets                                             $127,746

Current liabilities                                                     $ 30,533
Members' equity                                                           97,213
                Total liabilities and members' equity                   $127,746

INCOME STATEMENT DATA                                        1997          1998

Revenues                                                   $24,563      $ 23,994
Expenses                                                    12,639        16,009
                                                            ------        ------
                Net income                                 $11,924      $  7,985
                                                           =======      ========


     Sales to Affiliates - The Company has  transactions in the normal course of
     business with the  unconsolidated  affiliates  and other  subsidiaries  and
     divisions  of Shell.  Such  transactions  include the  buying,  selling and
     transportation of NGL products.

     Products  sold to related  parties  during 1998,  1997 and 1996 amounted to
     $168.8 million, $250.5 million and $312.6 million, respectively.

     Purchase of Raw  Materials  and  Products - A contract  exists  between the
     Company and other Shell affiliates to allow processing of natural gas owned
     by Shell in the Company's operated and outside operated plants.  Under this
     agreement,  the  Shell  affiliates  are  paid for the gas  volumes  lost in
     processing at market prices. In addition, affiliates are reimbursed for any
     additional  royalty  expense as a result of processing  the gas. In return,
     the Company receives 100% of the liquids  extracted in these plants.  Also,
     the Company purchases NGL products from unconsolidated affiliates and other
     subsidiaries  and  divisions  of Shell.  During  1998,  1997 and 1996,  the
     Company paid Shell and its affiliates  $377.1  million,  $492.3 million and
     $466.3  million,  respectively,   representing  raw  material  and  product

     Cost  Allocations  - The  Company has no  employees.  All  individuals  who
     perform the day-to-day  operational functions are employed by affiliates of
     Shell.  However,  all direct  operational  salary costs are directly passed
     through  to  the  Company  and,   therefore,   do  not  represent   partial


     Capital Expenditures Commitments - As of December 31, 1998, the Company had
     capital expenditures commitments totaling approximately $ 38.3 million, the
     majority of which relates to the construction of projects of unconsolidated

     Litigation  - The Company is sometimes  named as a defendant in  litigation
     relating to its normal  business  operations.  Although the Company insures
     itself against various business risks, to the extent management believes it
     is  prudent,  there is no  assurance  that the  nature  and  amount of such
     insurance will be adequate, in every case, to indemnify the Company against
     liabilities  arising  from  future  legal  proceedings  as a result  of its
     ordinary business activity.  Except for the note below, management is aware
     of no significant litigation or audit claims,  pending or threatened,  that
     would have a materially adverse effect on the Company's  financial position
     or results of operations.

     The State of Louisiana has conducted an audit of fuel gas consumed in plant
     operations.  Consumption of this fuel gas was exempt from taxation prior to
     1987.  However,  in 1987 the state  rescinded the fuel tax exemption,  thus
     making the gas subject to tax at 3% of its value. The audit period reviewed
     by the state was January  1991  through  December  1994 and  included  TNGL
     operated plants (Toca, Calumet and North Terrebone).  The state claims TNGL
     Assets owes approximately $4.6 million in tax, interest and penalties based
     on total fuel gas usage at those  plants for this  period.  However,  it is
     expected that TNGL's tax liability will only be equivalent to its ownership
     in these  plants.  It also appears TNGL will be liable for tax on its share
     of the fuel at  outside-operated  plants located in Louisiana in which TNGL
     owns  an  interest.   Although  the  ultimate  liability  is  difficult  to
     determine,  the Company has $4.0 million included in accrued expenses as of
     December  31,  1998 which  represents  the  Company's  share of tax on fuel
     consumed at the operated as well as the outside-operated properties for the
     period from 1991 through 1998, including interest.


     The  disclosure  of the  estimated  fair value of accounts  receivable  and
     accounts  payable was  determined  by the Company  using  available  market
     information and appropriate valuation methodologies. Considerable judgment,
     however,  is  necessary  to  interpret  market data and develop the related
     estimates of fair value.  Accordingly,  the estimates  presented herein are
     not  necessarily  indicative  of the amounts that the Company could realize
     upon disposition of the financial instruments.  The use of different market
     assumptions and/or estimation methodologies could have a material effect on
     the estimated fair value amounts.  Accounts receivable and accounts payable
     are carried at amounts that approximate their fair value.


     Substantial  portions  of the  Company's  revenues  are  derived  from  the
     fractionation,  processing, marketing and transportation of NGLs to various
     companies in the NGL industry  located in the United States.  Although this
     concentration  could affect the Company's  overall exposure to credit risk,
     since its  customers  might be  influenced  by  similar  economic  or other
     conditions,  management  believes  that the  Company  is exposed to minimal
     credit risk,  because the majority of its business is conducted  with major
     companies  within the industry  and much of the business is conducted  with
     companies with whom the Company has joint operations. The Company generally
     does not require collateral for its accounts receivable.
