by and among

                               TEJAS ENERGY, LLC,
                       TEJAS MIDSTREAM ENTERPRISES, LLC,
                       ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P.,
                       ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATING L.P.,
                          ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS COMPANY,
                          ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS GP, LLC
                             EPC PARTNERS II, INC.

                            Dated September 17, 1999


                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


DEFINITIONS AND TERMS..........................................................2
         Section  1.01   Specific Definitions..................................2
         Section  1.02   General Definitions..................................10
         Section  1.03   Construction and Interpretation......................10


CONTRIBUTION AND RELATED ITEMS................................................11
         Section  2.01   The Closing..........................................11
         Section  2.02   The Transactions.....................................11
         Section  2.03   Special Units........................................11
         Section  2.04   Other Closing Matters................................11
         Section  2.05   Additional Special Units Following Closing...........12
         Section  2.06   Prorations of Property Taxes.........................12
         Section  2.07   Adjustment for Interim Operations....................13


TO TEJAS AND TEJAS ENERGY.....................................................14
         Section  3.01   Organization.........................................14
         Section  3.02   Ownership of Company Interest........................14
         Section  3.03   Validity and Enforceability..........................14
         Section  3.04   Approvals and Consents...............................15
         Section  3.05   No Violation.........................................15
         Section  3.06   Litigation...........................................15
         Section  3.07   Investment Intent....................................15
         Section  3.08   No Brokers...........................................16


TO THE COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES...........................................17
         Section  4.01   Organization.........................................17
         Section  4.02   Capitalization.......................................17
         Section  4.03   No Violation.........................................18
         Section  4.04   Permits..............................................18
         Section  4.05   Compliance With Applicable Law.......................19
         Section  4.06   Litigation...........................................19


         Section  4.07   Taxes................................................19
         Section  4.08   Financial Statements.................................20
         Section  4.09   Absence of Certain Changes...........................20
         Section  4.10   Bank Accounts........................................21
         Section  4.11   Conduct of Business From the Effective Date to the
                         Closing Date.........................................21
         Section  4.12   Material Contracts or Indebtedness...................22
         Section  4.13   Assets...............................................24
         Section  4.14   Employees, Employee Benefits.........................24
         Section  4.15   Sufficiency of Assets Held by the Company
                         and its Subsidiaries.................................24
         Section  4.16   Intellectual Property................................24
         Section  4.17   Non-Business Related Assets..........................25


         Section  5.01   Organization.........................................25
         Section  5.02   Authorization of Agreement...........................26
         Section  5.03   No Violations........................................27
         Section  5.04   Approvals............................................27
         Section  5.05   Litigation; Impairment...............................27
         Section  5.06   Compliance With Applicable Law.......................28
         Section  5.07   Permits..............................................28
         Section  5.08   Taxes................................................28
         Section  5.09   SEC Reports..........................................29
         Section  5.10   Ownership; Issuance of Special Units.................29
         Section  5.11   Financing............................................30
         Section  5.12   No Brokers...........................................30
         Section  5.13   Investment Intent....................................31


         Section  6.01  Access to Information Following the Closing...........31
         Section  6.02  Intentionally Deleted.................................32
         Section  6.03  Public Announcements..................................32
         Section  6.04  Removal of Tradenames.................................32
         Section  6.05  Further Assurances....................................32
         Section  6.06  Books and Records.....................................33
         Section  6.07  Intercompany Indebtedness.............................33
         Section  6.08  Excluded Assets.......................................33
         Section  6.09  Acts of Amendment.....................................34
         Section  6.10  Collections...........................................34
         Section  6.11  Preferential Rights...................................34


         Section  6.12    Preparation of Historical Financials................34
         Section  6.13    Unitholder Approval.................................34


EMPLOYEE MATTERS..............................................................35
         Section  7.01    Employees...........................................35
         Section  7.02    Solicitation of Employees...........................35
         Section  7.03    Employee Benefit Plans..............................36
         Section  7.04    Vacation............................................36
         Section  7.05    Access to Information and Personnel.................37
         Section  7.06    Tejas and Affiliates Benefit Plans..................37
         Section  7.07    Third-Party Beneficiaries...........................37


INDEMNIFICATION; SURVIVAL.....................................................37
         Section  8.01    Indemnification by the Enterprise Parties, EPC II and
                  Enterprise Products.........................................37
         Section  8.02   Indemnification by Tejas and Tejas Energy............38
         Section  8.03   Indemnification Procedure............................39
         Section  8.04   Survival.............................................40
         Section  8.05   Limitation on Claims.................................41
         Section  8.06   Tejas Environmental Indemnity........................42
         Section  8.07   Enterprise Contingent Environmental Payment..........43
         Section  8.08   Louisiana Fuel Tax Audit.............................44


GENERAL PROVISIONS............................................................44
         Section  9.01   Expenses and Taxes; Tax Returns......................44
         Section  9.02   Amendment............................................45
         Section  9.03   Waiver...............................................45
         Section  9.04   Notices..............................................45
         Section  9.05   Headings; Disclosure Memorandum......................47
         Section  9.06   Applicable Law.......................................47
         Section  9.07   No Third Party Rights................................47
         Section  9.08   Counterparts.........................................47
         Section  9.09   Severability.........................................47
         Section  9.10   Entire Agreement.....................................47
         Section  9.11   Arbitration; Waiver..................................47
         Section  9.12   Fair Construction....................................48
         Section  9.13   Disclaimer of Other Representations and Warranties...48



Exhibit 1.01(a)                     EPC II Assignment of GP Interest
Exhibit 1.01(b)                     Tejas Assignment of Company Interest
Exhibit 9.11                        Arbitration Procedures



Schedule 1.01(a)    Assets of the Business
Schedule 1.01(b)    Excluded Assets
Schedule 1.01(c)    Permitted Liens
Schedule 1.01(d)    Retained Liabilities
Schedule 2.02(c)    Other Consideration
Schedule 2.04(d)    Ancillary Agreements
Schedule 2.07       Interim Operations
Schedule 3.04       Tejas Required Consents
Schedule 3.06       Litigation Against Tejas or Tejas Energy
Schedule 4.02(b)    Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures
Schedule 4.03       No Violation
Schedule 4.04       Permits
Schedule 4.05       Compliance with Applicable Law
Schedule 4.06(a)    Pending Litigation Against the Company or its Subsidiaries
Schedule 4.06(b)    Material Litigation
Schedule 4.07       Taxes
Schedule 4.08       Financial Statements
Schedule 4.09       Absence of Certain Changes
Schedule 4.10       Bank Accounts
Schedule 4.12(a)    Material Contracts
Schedule 4.12(c)    Defaults or Breaches
Schedule 4.13(a)    Real Property
Schedule 4.13(b)    Facilities
Schedule 4.13(c)    Encumbered Assets
Schedule 4.15       Sufficiency of Assets
Schedule 4.16       Material Intellectual Property Rights
Schedule 5.04       Enterprise Required Consents
Schedule 5.10(e)    Ownership of Units
Schedule 5.10(f)    Enterprise Options/Obligations to Issue Units
Schedule 6.09       Act of Amendment
Schedule 7.01       Business Employees


                             CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT

     THIS CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT dated September 17, 1999, is by and among TEJAS
ENERGY,  LLC, a Delaware  limited  liability  company  ("Tejas  Energy"),  TEJAS
MIDSTREAM  ENTERPRISES,  LLC, a Delaware limited  liability  company  ("Tejas"),
ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P., a Delaware limited  partnership  ("Enterprise
Partners"),  ENTERPRISE  PRODUCTS OPERATING L.P., a Delaware limited partnership
("Enterprise  Operating"),  ENTERPRISE  PRODUCTS  GP,  LLC, a  Delaware  limited
liability company  ("Enterprise GP" and,  together with Enterprise  Partners and
Enterprise  Operating,  the "Enterprise  Parties"),  EPC  PARTNERS  II, INC., a
Delaware  corporation  ("EPC  II")  and  ENTERPRISE  PRODUCTS  COMPANY,  a Texas
corporation  ("Enterprise Products") for the limited purposes of its obligations
in Articles V, VII and VIII hereof.

     WHEREAS, Tejas Energy is the sole member of Tejas;

     WHEREAS,  Tejas is the owner of all of the issued and  outstanding  limited
liability  company  membership  interests of Tejas  Natural Gas Liquids,  LLC, a
Delaware  limited  liability  company  (the  "Company"),  which  along  with its
Subsidiaries (as defined herein) operates the Business (as defined herein);

     WHEREAS,  Tejas  desires  to  contribute  its  interest  in the  Company to
Enterprise  Partners (or  Enterprise  Operating  as the  designee of  Enterprise
Partners) in exchange for Enterprise  Partners issuing to Tejas (or Tejas Energy
as the  designee of Tejas)  certain  special  partnership  units and  Enterprise
Operating  paying to Tejas the Other  Consideration  (as defined  herein) on the
terms and conditions as hereinafter provided;

     WHEREAS,   the  parties   acknowledge  and  agree  that  the   transactions
contemplated  herein  involve a transfer by Tejas of its interest in the Company
to  Enterprise  Partners  and a  subsequent  contribution  of such  interest  by
Enterprise Partners to Enterprise Operating;

     WHEREAS,  Tejas Energy (as the  designee of Tejas)  desires to acquire from
EPC II and EPC II desires to sell to Tejas Energy a 30%  membership  interest in
Enterprise  GP,  which  is  the  general  partner  of  Enterprise  Partners  and
Enterprise  Operating,  for a cash payment to EPC II on the terms and conditions
hereinafter provided; and

     WHEREAS,  the parties  hereto  desire to enter into this  Agreement  to set
forth the terms, conditions and procedures of the above-described transactions.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for and in  consideration  of the premises and the mutual
covenants  and  agreements  contained  herein  and for other  good and  valuable
consideration (the


receipt and  sufficiency of which are hereby  confirmed and  acknowledged),  the
parties hereto hereby agree as follows:



     Section - Specific  Definitions.  As used in this Agreement,  the following
terms have the following meanings:

     "Affiliate"  means,  with  respect to any  Person,  any Person  directly or
indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with, such Person.
For the purposes of this  definition, "control"  (including,  with  correlative
meaning,  the terms  "controlling,"  "controlled  by" and "under common  control
with") means the possession,  directly or indirectly,  of the power to direct or
cause the  direction of management  and policies of such Person,  by contract or

     "Agreement" means this Contribution  Agreement,  as the same may be amended
or supplemented from time to time.

     "Ancillary Agreements" shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.04(d).

     "Business"  means  all of the  midstream  natural  gas  processing  and NGL
business  generated by the NGL assets,  properties and  commercial  arrangements
listed  on  Schedule 1.01(a)  and  the NGL  assets,  properties  and  commercial
arrangements  transferred or intended to be transferred  pursuant to the acts of
amendment and conveyances  referenced in Section 6.09 (which includes all of the
midstream  natural gas processing and NGL business  conducted by the Company and
its  Subsidiaries)  which  involves  the  processing  of raw natural gas and the
fractionation  of  NGLs  in the  States  of  Louisiana  and  Mississippi  at the
Facilities  listed on Schedule  1.01(a) and all related  transporting,  storing,
exchanging and marketing of NGLs. The parties intend that the Business  includes
all business  generated by the assets,  properties and  commercial  arrangements
(other than the  distribution  or  marketing  of  pipeline-quality  natural gas)
related  to  such  gas  processing  and NGL  operations  to the  extent  located
downstream  of the  inlet  flange of each gas  processing  plant  referenced  on
Schedule 1.01(a)  including: (i) the fractionation facilities listed on Schedule
1.01(a), (ii) pipelines,  underground storage, shipping and receiving facilities
and  transportation  assets listed on Schedule 1.01(a) and related rights of way
and other real property  interests used in such gas processing and fractionation
operations,   (iii)  processing,   exchange,   storage,   marketing,  sales  and
transportation  agreements related to the business conducted at such Facilities,
(iv) rail tank cars used to transport  NGLs as listed on Schedule  1.01(a),  (v)
equity  interests in Venice Energy  Services  Company,  L.L.C.,  Dixie  Pipeline
Company,  Entell NGL Services,  L.L.C.,  Tri-States NGL Pipeline,  L.L.C., K/D/S
Promix  L.L.C.,  Belle Rose NGL Pipeline,  L.L.C.  and Progas,  LLC as listed on
Schedule  1.01(a) and (vi) all assets used in the  Business,  wherever  located,
including,  without  limitation,  contracts,  intangibles,  books  and  records,
financial and accounting systems and records,  management  information  systems,
files, computer hardware and software (including the Solarc


RightAngle license and the risk control model relating to the Business),  office
equipment and other assets currently used in the Business, and the assets listed
for purposes of  illustration  but not  limitation on  Schedule 1.01(a)  hereto;
provided,  however,  that the term Business  shall not include any of the assets
listed on Schedule 1.01(b) hereto (the "Excluded Assets").

     "Benefit Plan Date" has the meaning specified in Section 7.03.

     "Business  Day"  means any day other than a  Saturday,  a Sunday or a legal
holiday on which banks in Houston,  Texas and New York,  New York are authorized
or obligated by Law to close.

     "Business Employees" has the meaning specified in Section 7.01.

     "Claim Notice" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03(a).

     "Closing"  means  the  closing  of the  transactions  provided  for in this

     "Closing Date" means the date on which the Closing occurs.

     "Code" means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     "Common  Units"  means  the  common  units  representing   limited  partner
interests in Enterprise  Partners having the rights  specified in the Enterprise
Partners Amended Partnership Agreement.

     "Company" has the meaning specified in the recitals.

     "Company  Interest"  means  100% of the  outstanding  membership  and other
equity interests in the Company.

     "Company Required Consents" has the meaning specified in Section 4.03.

     "Confidentiality  Agreement"  means  the  Confidentiality  Agreement  dated
January 19,  1999, between the Company and Enterprise  Operating,  as adopted by
Tejas and Enterprise Partners.

     "Consent" means any consent,  waiver, approval,  authorization,  exemption,
registration or declaration.

     "Contingent   Environmental   Payments"   has  the  meaning   specified  in
Section 8.07(a).

     "Conversion Dates" has the meaning specified in Section 2.03.


     "Court" shall mean any federal, state, or local court, arbitration tribunal
or other judicial authority.

     "Damages" means all claims,  liabilities,  damages,  penalties,  Judgments,
assessments, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

     "Direct Claim" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03(a).

     "Effective Date" means 12:01 a.m. on August 1, 1999.

     "Employment Commencement Date" has the meaning specified in Section 7.01.

     "Enterprise   Environmental   Payments"   has  the  meaning   specified  in
Section 8.07(a).

     "Enterprise GP" has the meaning specified in the introductory  paragraph of
this Agreement.

     "Enterprise Indemnified Parties" has the meaning specified in Section 8.02.

     "Enterprise  Operating"  has  the  meaning  specified  in the  introductory
paragraph of this Agreement.

     "Enterprise Operating Partnership Agreement" means the Amended and Restated
Agreement of Limited Partnership of Enterprise Operating dated July 31, 1998, as
amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise as defined.

     "Enterprise   Parties"  has  the  meaning  specified  in  the  introductory
paragraph of this Agreement.

     "Enterprise  Partners"  has  the  meaning  specified  in  the  introductory
paragraph of this Agreement.

     "Enterprise Partners Partnership  Agreement" means the Amended and Restated
Agreement of Limited  Partnership of Enterprise Partners dated July 31, 1998, as
amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise updated.

     "Enterprise  Partners  Amended  Partnership  Agreement"  means  the  Second
Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Enterprise Partners.

     "Enterprise  Products"  has  the  meaning  specified  in  the  introductory
paragraph of this Agreement.


     "Enterprise  Representations  and Warranties" has the meaning  specified in
Section 8.01.

     "Enterprise  Required  Consents" means the  requirements of the HSR Act and
the Consents listed in Schedule 5.04.

     "Enterprise Third-Party  Environmental Claims" has the meaning specified in
Section 8.07(a).

     "Environmental  Law"  means  any Law that  relates  to (i) the  prevention,
abatement,  remediation or elimination of pollution,  (ii) the protection of the
environment,  (iii) the  protection  of  individuals  or property from actual or
potential exposure (or the effects of exposure) to an actual or potential spill,
release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance, or petroleum or produced
brine, or (iv) the operation,  manufacture,  processing,  production, gathering,
transportation,  importation,  use, treatment, storage or disposal,  arrangement
for transportation or arrangement for disposition of a Hazardous  Substance,  or
petroleum or produced brine. The term "Environmental Law" includes the Clean Air
Act, the Comprehensive Environmental,  Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
of 1980, the Federal Water Pollution  Control Act, the  Occupational  Safety and
Health Act of 1970, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, the Safe
Drinking  Water Act, the Toxic  Substances  Control  Act, the  Hazardous & Solid
Waste Amendments Act of 1984, the Superfund  Amendments and  Reauthorization Act
of 1986, the Hazardous  Materials  Transportation  Act, the Oil Pollution Act of
1990,  any state  Laws  implementing  the  foregoing  federal  Laws and any Laws
pertaining to the handling of oil and gas exploration  and production  wastes or
the use,  maintenance,  and  closure  of pits and  impoundments,  and all  other
environmental conservation or protection Laws.

     "EPC II" has the meaning  specified in the  introductory  paragraph of this

     "EPC  II  Assignment"  means  the  Assignment  Agreement  in  the  form  of
Exhibit 1.01(a)  hereto  pursuant to which EPC II will assign the GP Interest to
Tejas Energy.

     "Exchange  Act" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or
any successor  federal statute,  and the rules and regulations of the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  promulgated  thereunder,  and as the same shall be in
effect from time to time.

     "Facilities"  means  the  gas  processing  plants,   fractionation  plants,
pipeline assets and storage facilities specified on Schedule 1.01(a) hereto.

     "Governmental   Authority"   shall  mean  any   federal,   state  or  local
governmental agency or authority.

     "Governmental Authorization" shall mean any required consent or approval by
a Governmental Authority.


     "GP Interest"  means a membership  interest in Enterprise GP representing a
30% ownership interest in Enterprise GP.

     "Hazardous Substance" means any substance,  chemical,  pollutant,  waste or
other  material (i) that  consists,  wholly or in part,  of a substance  that is
regulated as toxic or hazardous  to human  health or the  environment  under any
Environmental  Law, or (ii) that exists in a  condition  or under  circumstances
that  constitute  a  violation  of an  Environmental  Law.  The term  "Hazardous
Substance"  includes  any  petroleum  products,  oils  or  derivatives  thereof;
asbestos or asbestos- containing materials;  polychlorinated  biphenols; as well
as any  "hazardous  substance"  as that  term is  defined  in the  Comprehensive
Environmental,  Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, any "hazardous
material" as that term is defined in the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act,
any "hazardous  chemical substance" or "pollutant" as those terms are defined in
the Federal  Water  Pollution  Control Act, and any "solid  waste" or "hazardous
waste" as those terms are defined in the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act
of 1976  and any  toxic  substance  as that  term is  defined  under  the  Toxic
Substances Control Act.

     "HSR Act" means the United States Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust Improvements
Act of 1976, as amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

     "Indebtedness for Borrowed Money" means all obligations for borrowed money,
including (a) any capital lease obligation, (b) any obligation (whether fixed or
contingent)  to reimburse any bank or other Person in respect of amounts paid or
payable under a standby letter of credit (other than  obligations  under standby
letters of credit securing  performance  under Material  Contracts),  or (c) any
guarantee with respect to indebtedness for borrowed money (of the kind otherwise
described in this definition) of another Person.

     "Indemnified Party" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03.

     "Indemnifying Party" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03.

     "Intellectual  Property  Right" means all  registered  trade  marks,  trade
names,  patents  and  copyrights,  unregistered  trade  marks,  trade  names and
copyrights and all patent applications,  all technology, trade secrets, designs,
drawings, computer programs,  processes and know how, both domestic and foreign,
used in connection with the Business.

     "IRS" means the United States Internal Revenue Service.

     "Joint  Venture"  means any  corporation,  partnership,  limited  liability
company,  association,  trust,  joint  venture or other  entity or  organization
(other than Subsidiaries) in which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has an

     "Judgments"  means any  judgments,  injunctions,  orders,  decrees,  writs,
rulings  or awards  of any  Court or any  Governmental  Authority  of  competent


     "Knowledge" or  "knowledge"  means,  with respect to any party hereto,  the
actual knowledge of the executive officers of such party;  provided that none of
the executive  officers  shall be deemed to have  performed,  or be obligated to
perform, any independent  investigation or inquiry with respect to the matter to
which such Knowledge relates other than, in each case, making reasonable inquiry
with the head of the department who is principally  responsible  for the subject
matter of any representation or warranty given to the knowledge of such party.

     "Laws" means any federal, state, local or foreign law, statute,  ordinance,
rule, regulation, order or decree.

     "Lien" means mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, pledges, security interests,
leases,  conditional sale contracts,  claims, rights of first refusal,  options,
charges, liabilities, obligations, agreements, privileges, liberties, easements,
rights-of-way, limitations, reservations, restrictions and other encumbrances of
any kind.

     "Material  Adverse Effect" means a material adverse effect on the business,
assets,  liabilities, or condition (financial or otherwise) of the subject party
and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole.

     "Material Contract" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.12.

     "NGLs" means natural gas liquids.

    "Other Consideration" has the meaning prescribed in Section 2.02(c).

     "Permits"  means all  permits,  authorizations,  approvals,  registrations,
licenses, certificates or variances granted by or obtained from any Governmental

     "Permitted Liens" means (i) Liens for or in respect of Taxes,  impositions,
assessments,  fees, rents and other  governmental  charges levied or assessed or
imposed  which are not yet  delinquent  or are being  contested in good faith by
appropriate proceedings and, if being contested, for which the appropriate party
has set forth  reserves  on its  books,  records  and  financial  statements  in
accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applied in a manner
consistent  with past  practice,  (ii) the  rights of lessors and lessees  under
leases  executed  in the  ordinary  course  of  business,  (iii) the  rights  of
licensors  and  licensees  under  licenses  executed in the  ordinary  course of
business,  and  (iv) Liens,  and rights to Liens,  of  mechanics,  warehousemen,
carriers,  repairmen and others  arising by operation of law and incurred in the
ordinary  course of business,  securing  obligations not yet delinquent or being
contested  in good faith by  appropriate  proceedings,  (v) any Liens  which are
publicly  recorded,  (vi) other Liens  entered  into in the  ordinary  course of
business that do not secure the payment of  indebtedness  for borrowed money and
that do not materially and adversely affect the ability of Enterprise Operating,
directly or  indirectly,  to use the  encumbered  assets and  properties  in the
conduct of the  Business  and (vii) Liens set forth on  Schedule  1.01(c) of the
Tejas Disclosure Memorandum.


     "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a limited liability company, a
partnership, an association, a trust or other entity or organization,  including
a government or political subdivision or an agency or instrumentality thereof.

     "Proceeding"   means   any   action,   suit,   demand,   claim  or   legal,
administrative,  arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution proceeding,
hearing or investigation.

     "Retained  Liabilities"  means  the  liabilities  identified  as  "Retained
Liabilities" on Schedule 1.01(d) of the Tejas Disclosure Memorandum.

     "Securities  Act"  means the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended  or any
successor or federal  statute,  and the rules and  regulations of the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  promulgated  thereunder,  and as the same shall be in
effect from time to time.

     "Shell Affiliate" means any Affiliate of Shell Oil Company.

     "Shell  Processing  Agreement"  means  that  certain  Fourth  Amendment  to
Conveyance of Gas Processing Rights among the Company,  Shell Oil Company, Shell
Exploration  &  Production   Company,   Shell  Offshore  Inc.,  Shell  Deepwater
Development  Inc., Shell Deepwater  Production Inc., Shell  Consolidated  Energy
Resources  Inc.,  Shell Land & Energy Company and Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Inc.,
and any other parties thereto, dated as of August 1, 1999.

     "Special  Units" means each series of the Class A Special  Units of limited
partnership  interest in Enterprise  Partners as described in Sections 2.03  and
2.05 and in the Enterprise Partners Amended Partnership Agreement.

     "Subordinated Units" means the subordinated units representing  partnership
interests in Enterprise  Partners created under the Enterprise  Partners Amended
Partnership Agreement.

     "Subsidiary"  or  "Subsidiaries"  of  any  Person  means  any  corporation,
partnership,  limited liability  company,  association,  trust, joint venture or
other entity or  organization  of which such Person,  either alone or through or
together with any other Subsidiary,  owns, directly or indirectly, more than 50%
of the issued and outstanding stock or other equity or ownership interests,  the
holder of which is  generally  entitled to vote for the election of the board of
directors or other  governing  body of such  corporation,  partnership,  limited
liability  company,  association,  trust,  joint  venture  or  other  entity  or

    "Taxes"  means all taxes,  however  denominated,  including any interest or
penalties  that  may  become  payable  in  respect   thereof,   imposed  by  any
Governmental Authority, which taxes shall include all net income, alternative or
add-on  minimum  tax,  gross  income,  gross  receipts,  sales,  use,  goods and
services,  ad  valorem  or  property,  earnings,  franchise,  profits,  license,
withholding  (including all obligations to withhold or collect for Taxes imposed
on others), payroll, employment, excise, severance, stamp, occupation,  premium,
property, excess profit or windfall profit tax, custom


     duty,  value added or other tax,  governmental fee or other like assessment
or charge of any kind  whatsoever,  together  with any interest and any penalty,
addition to tax or additional amount (whether payable  directly,  by withholding
or otherwise).

     "Tax  Returns"  means  any  report,  return,  declaration  or other  filing
required to be supplied to any taxing authority or jurisdiction  with respect to
Taxes including any amendments thereto.

     "Tax Statute of  Limitations  Date" shall mean the close of business on the
30th day after the  expiration of the  applicable  statute of  limitations  with
respect to Taxes, including any tollings or extensions thereof.

     "Tejas" has the meaning  specified  in the  introductory  paragraph of this

     "Tejas  Assignment"  means the Assignment  Agreement in the form of Exhibit
1.01(b)  hereto  pursuant to which  Tejas will  assign the  Company  Interest to
Enterprise Operating (as Enterprise Partners' designee).

     "Tejas  Co-ownership" means a co-ownership  arrangement wherein the Company
or its Subsidiary is a co-owner of assets and the co-owners have elected (or are
deemed to have elected under Treasury  Regulation,  Paragraph  1.761-2(b)) under
Section 761(a) of the Code to be excluded from the provisions of subchapter K of
chapter 1 of the Code.

     "Tejas Disclosure  Memorandum" means the disclosure memorandum delivered by
Tejas to the Enterprise Parties prior to execution of this Agreement  containing
the disclosures contemplated by this Agreement.

     "Tejas Energy" has the meaning  specified in the introductory  paragraph to
this Agreement.

     "Tejas Indemnified Parties" has the meaning specified in Section 8.01.

     "Tejas  Joint  Venture"  means a limited  liability  company,  association,
trust,  partnership,  joint venture or other entity or organization in which the
Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  owns,  either  alone or through or together
with any  Subsidiary,  directly or indirectly,  less than 100% of the issued and
outstanding stock or other equity or ownership interests.

     "Tejas LLC" means a limited  liability  company  wherein the Company or its
Subsidiary owns 100% of the equity interests.

     "Tejas  Representations  and  Warranties"  has  the  meaning  specified  in
Section 8.02.

     "Tejas Required Consents" has the meaning specified in Section 3.04.


     "Tejas  Third-Party  Environmental  Claims"  has the meaning  specified  in
Section 8.06(a).

     "Third Party Claim" has the meaning specified in Section 8.03(a).

     "Transactions"  means  the  transactions  contemplated  by the  Transaction

    "Transaction  Agreements"  means this Agreement,  and the other  agreements
referred to in Sections 2.04(a), (b), (c), (e) and (g).

     "Transferred Employees" has the meaning specified in Section 7.01.

     "United  States" means the United States of America,  its  territories  and
possessions, any state of the United States, and the District of Columbia.

     "Unitholder Rights Agreement" has the meaning specified in Section 2.04(b).

     "Units" means,  collectively or individually or in any combination,  as the
context  may  require,  the  Special  Units and any Common  Units into which the
Special Units are converted in accordance with the Enterprise  Partners  Amended
Partnership Agreement.

     Section  General Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Agreement and
not defined in Section 1.01  shall have the meanings  ascribed to them elsewhere
in this Agreement.

     Section    Construction  and   Interpretation.   The  following  rules  of
construction and interpretation shall apply to this Agreement,  unless elsewhere
specifically indicated to the contrary:

          (a) all terms defined herein in the singular shall include the plural,
     as the context requires, and vice-versa;

          (b) pronouns  stated in the neuter gender shall include the masculine,
     the feminine and the neuter genders;

          (c) the  term  "or" is not  exclusive  and  shall  be  deemed  to mean

          (d) the term  "including"  (or any form thereof) shall not be limiting
     or exclusive and shall be deemed to mean "including,  without  limitation;"

          (e) unless otherwise  indicated,  any reference made in this Agreement
     to a Section is a reference to a section of this  Agreement,  any reference
     to an exhibit is a reference to an exhibit to this Agreement.




     Section   The  Closing.  Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of  this
Agreement,  the consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
as set forth in Section 2.02 (the "Closing") will take place simultaneously with
the execution  hereof or on such other date as may be agreed upon by the parties
hereto at 4:00 p.m.  local time at the offices of Andrews & Kurth L.L.P.  at 600
Travis, Houston, Texas.

     Section   The  Transactions.  Subject to the terms and  conditions of this
Agreement, at the Closing:

          (a)  Tejas  will  contribute  and  assign  the  Company   Interest  to
     Enterprise  Operating (as Enterprise  Partner's  designee) by executing and
     delivering the Tejas Assignment to Enterprise Operating;

          (b)  Enterprise  Partners  will issue and deliver to Tejas  Energy (as
     Tejas' designee) 14,500,000 Special Units;

          (c) Enterprise  Operating (as Enterprise  Partners' designee) will pay
     to Tejas  $166,000,000  in cash as reflected on  Schedule 2.02(c)  attached
     hereto (the "Other Consideration");

          (d) EPC II will  convey  the GP  Interest  to Tejas  Energy (as Tejas'
     designee)  by  executing  and  delivering  the EPC II  Assignment  to Tejas
     Energy; and

          (e)  Tejas  Energy  shall  pay   $4,000,000  in  cash  to  EPC  II  in
     consideration for the GP Interest.

     Section   Special  Units.  The  Special  Units  shall  be  represented  by
certificates  in the  form  contemplated  by  the  Enterprise  Partners  Amended
Partnership  Agreement and will have the rights and features set forth  therein.
The Special Units will be  automatically  converted on a one- for-one basis into
Common Units of Enterprise  Partners  effective as of the Class A  Special Units
Conversion  Dates  set  forth in the  Enterprise  Partners  Amended  Partnership
Agreement (the "Conversion Dates").

     Section   Other Closing  Matters.  Subject to the terms and  conditions of
this Agreement,  simultaneously  with the execution  hereof unless waived by the

     Enterprise  Partners  and Tejas  will enter  into the  Registration  Rights
Agreement in the form agreed upon by the parties;


     Tejas, the Enterprise  Parties,  Enterprise  Products and EPC II will enter
into the Unitholder Rights Agreement in the form agreed upon by the parties;

     Tejas  and  Enterprise  Operating  will  enter  into the  Interim  Services
Agreement in the form agreed upon by the parties;

     Each of the agreements set forth on Schedule 2.04(d) hereto (the "Ancillary
Agreements") shall be or have been executed by the appropriate parties thereto;

     Enterprise GP shall enter into the Enterprise  Partners Amended Partnership
Agreement in the form agreed upon by the parties;

     Tejas shall receive the opinion of counsel to the Enterprise Parties in the
form agreed upon by the parties and the  Enterprise  Parties  shall  receive the
opinion of counsel to Tejas in the form agreed upon by the parties; and

     Tejas,  Dan Duncan  LLC,  EPC II and Tejas shall enter into the Amended and
Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement of Enterprise GP in the form agreed
upon by the parties.

     Section   Additional Special Units Following Closing.  Enterprise Partners
will issue to Tejas up to an additional  6,000,000  Special Units,  at the times
and in accordance with and subject to the  performance  tests and procedures set
forth in the Enterprise Partners Amended Partnership Agreement.

     Section  Prorations of Property Taxes.

          (a) The 1999 general  property tax assessed  against or  pertaining to
     the assets  included in the Business for the taxable  period that  includes
     the Closing  Date shall be prorated  between  Tejas and the Company and its
     Subsidiaries  as of the Closing  Date.  Tejas' 1999  general  property  tax
     responsibility  will be for the period January 1,  1999 up to and including
     the Closing Date (the "Tejas Property  Tax").  The Tejas Property Tax shall
     be an  amount  equal  to the  product  of (i) the  amount  of such  general
     property Tax for the entire  taxable  period that includes the Closing Date
     (or the amount of such general  property Tax for the immediately  preceding
     taxable  period in the case of those  assets and  properties,  if any,  for
     which  such  general   property  Tax  for  the  current  period  cannot  be
     determined), times (ii) a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of
     days from January 1, 1999 to the Closing Date and the  denominator of which
     is the total number of days in the entire taxable period.

          (b) Tejas shall pay the 1999 general  property  tax  statement in full
     and shall invoice  Enterprise  Partners and its Subsidiaries for the period
     from the Closing Date to December 31,  1999.  Enterprise Partners agrees to
     make or cause to be made such payment


     (reimbursement)  for the amount of the general property tax so prorated and
     invoiced.  Enterprise  Partners shall provide the name and address to which
     such invoice shall be sent.

          Section  Adjustment for Interim Operations.

          The parties  acknowledge  and agree that the operations of the Company
     and its  Subsidiaries  from and after the  Effective  Date shall be for the
     account of Enterprise  Partners;  provided,  Tejas and Tejas Energy will be
     responsible for administering and shall administer,  the financial accounts
     of the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  from  the  Effective  Date  through
     September 30,  1999  (the  "Interim  Period"),  including  processing  cash
     collections and making required expenditures.

          As promptly  as  practicable,  but no later than  November  15,  1999,
     Enterprise  Partners  (with the assistance of Tejas and Tejas Energy to the
     extent  requested  by  Enterprise  Partners)  will cause to be prepared and
     delivered  to  Tejas  a  certificate  setting  forth  Enterprise  Partners'
     calculation  of the Interim  Period  Adjustment as determined in accordance
     with the procedures set forth in Schedule 2.07  hereto (the "Interim Period

          If  Tejas  or  Tejas  Energy   disagrees  with  Enterprise   Partners'
     calculation of the Interim  Period  Adjustment,  Tejas may,  within 20 days
     after delivery of such calculation, deliver a notice to Enterprise Partners
     disagreeing  with  Enterprise  Partners'  calculation of the Interim Period
     Adjustment  and setting  forth  Tejas'  calculation  of the Interim  Period

          If a notice  of  disagreement  shall  be duly  delivered  pursuant  to
     paragraph (c),  Enterprise  Partners,  Tejas and Tejas Energy shall, during
     the 30 days following such delivery,  use their reasonable efforts to reach
     agreement on the amounts in order to  determine  the final  Interim  Period
     Adjustment.  If, during such period,  Enterprise Partners,  Tejas and Tejas
     Energy are unable to reach such agreement,  they shall promptly  thereafter
     retain  independent  accountants  (a "big 5"  accounting  firm  other  than
     Deloitte &  Touche LLP and  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP) to promptly review
     this Agreement and the disputed  amounts for the purpose of calculating the
     final Interim Period Adjustment.  The independent accountants shall deliver
     to Enterprise Partners, Tejas and Tejas Energy, as promptly as practicable,
     a report  setting forth each such  calculation.  Such report shall be final
     and binding upon Enterprise  Partners,  Tejas and Tejas Energy. The cost of
     such review and report shall be borne  equally by  Enterprise  Partners and

          If the final Interim Period Adjustment is a positive number, then such
     amount will be paid by Tejas or Tejas Energy to Enterprise  Partners within
     ten days following  calculation of the final Interim Period  Adjustment and
     if the final  Interim  Period  Adjustment is a negative  number,  then such
     amount will be paid by Enterprise  Partners to Tejas or Tejas Energy within
     ten days following calculation of the final Interim Period Adjustment.




     Tejas and Tejas Energy, jointly and severally, represent and warrant to the
Enterprise Parties that the following statements were true and correct as of the
Effective Date and are true and correct as of the Closing Date:

     Section    Organization.   Tejas  is  a  limited  liability  company  duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the Laws of the State of
Delaware,  with all  requisite  power and  authority  to own the Company and its
Subsidiaries  (each  of  which  is  listed  in  Schedule 4.02(b)  of  the  Tejas
Disclosure  Memorandum)  and to carry on its  business  as it is now  conducted.
Tejas is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Tejas Energy.  Tejas Energy is a limited
liability  company duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under
the Laws of the State of Delaware,  with all  requisite  power and  authority to
carry on its  business  as it is now  conducted.  Tejas  Energy  is an  indirect
majority-owned subsidiary of Shell Oil Company.

     Section   Ownership of Company Interest.  Tejas is the owner,  beneficially
and of record,  of all the Company  Interest  free and clear of any Lien. At the
Closing, Tejas will assign and contribute all the Company Interest to Enterprise
Operating (as  Enterprise  Partners'  designee)  free and clear of any Lien as a
result of which Enterprise Operating (as Enterprise Partners' designee) will own
100% of the outstanding equity interests in the Company.

     Section   Validity and  Enforceability.  Each of Tejas Energy and Tejas has
the  requisite  power and  authority  to execute  and  deliver  the  Transaction
Agreements  to which it is a party and to  perform  its  obligations  under such
Transaction Agreements. The execution and delivery of the Transaction Agreements
to  which  Tejas  or  Tejas  Energy  is a  party  and  the  consummation  of the
Transactions have been duly authorized by Tejas and Tejas Energy,  respectively,
and no  additional  authorization  on the part of Tejas or Tejas  Energy  or any
Affiliate thereof is necessary in order to authorize the Transaction  Agreements
or consummate the Transactions  contemplated thereby. The Transaction Agreements
to which Tejas or Tejas  Energy is a party have been or at Closing  will be duly
executed and delivered by Tejas and Tejas Energy,  respectively,  and constitute
legal,  valid and binding  obligations of Tejas and Tejas Energy,  respectively,
enforceable  against  Tejas and Tejas  Energy in  accordance  with their  terms,
except  as  such  enforceability  may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium and similar laws of general application  relating to
or affecting the rights and remedies of creditors,  or by general  principles of


(regardless  of whether such  enforceability  is  considered  in a proceeding in
equity or at law), including the availability of specific performance.

     Section   Approvals  and  Consents.  (a)  Except for the  requirements  of
(i) the   requirements  and  Consents  listed  in  Schedule 3.04  of  the  Tejas
Disclosure  Memorandum (the "Tejas  Required  Consents"),  and (ii) those  Laws,
noncompliance  with which  could not  reasonably  be expected to have an adverse
effect on the  ability  of Tejas or Tejas  Energy to  perform  their  respective
obligations   under  the  Transaction   Agreements,   no  filing  or  notice  or
registration  with, no waiting  period  imposed by and no Permit or Judgment of,
any  Governmental  Authority is required  under any Law  applicable  to Tejas or
Tejas  Energy and no notice to or Consent  of any Person is  required  to permit
Tejas or Tejas Energy to execute, deliver or perform their obligations under the
Transaction  Agreements  to be executed  and  delivered by either of them at the

     (b) Tejas represents that all filings required under the HSR Act to be made
by Tejas or its  Affiliates  in order for Tejas to consummate  the  Transactions
have been made and the applicable waiting period thereunder has expired.

     Section   No Violation.  Assuming  receipt of all Tejas Required  Consents,
neither the execution and delivery by Tejas Energy and Tejas of the  Transaction
Agreements  nor the  performance  by Tejas  Energy or Tejas of their  respective
obligations  thereunder  will  violate or breach the terms of or cause a default
under  (i) any Law or Judgment  applicable  to Tejas or Tejas  Energy,  (ii) the
certificate  of  formation,  the limited  liability  company  agreement or other
organizational  documents of Tejas or Tejas  Energy,  or  (iii) any  contract or
agreement to which Tejas or Tejas Energy or any of their  respective  Affiliates
(other than the Company and its  Subsidiaries)  is a party or by which it or any
of its  properties  or assets is bound,  except in any such case for any matters
described in this  Section 3.05 that would not reasonably be expected to have an
adverse  effect  upon the  ability  of Tejas or Tejas  Energy to  perform  their
respective obligations under the Transaction Agreements.

     Section   Litigation.  Except as set forth on  Schedule  3.06 of the Tejas
Disclosure Memorandum, there are no Proceedings pending, or, to the Knowledge of
Tejas or Tejas Energy,  threatened,  against Tejas or Tejas Energy, at law or in
equity,  in  any  Court  or  before  or  by  any  Governmental   Authority  that
(i) questions  the validity of any  Transaction  Agreement or seeks to restrain,
prohibit,  invalidate,  set aside,  prevent  or make  unlawful  any  Transaction
Agreement or any of the Transactions,  or (ii) if adversely determined (x) would
prevent or impair the  ability of Tejas or Tejas  Energy to perform any of their
obligations  under the  Transaction  Agreements  or  (y) would  have a  Material
Adverse Effect on the Company.

     Section  Investment Intent.

          (a) Each of Tejas and Tejas Energy is capable of evaluating the merits
     and risks of its investment in the Units and the GP Interest.  Tejas Energy
     is taking the Units and the GP  Interest  for its own  account and not with
     any current view to or intent to sell in


     connection  with any  distribution  of such  securities  as such  terms are
     defined  under the  Securities  Act.  Each of Tejas and  Tejas  Energy  has
     reviewed Enterprise Partners' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
     December 31, 1998 and Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended
     March 31, 1999 and June 30, 1999 (the  "Enterprise  Partners SEC Reports").
     Each of Tejas and Tejas Energy has had an opportunity to discuss Enterprise
     Partners' and Enterprise GP's business and financial condition, properties,
     operations and prospects  with  Enterprise  Partners' and  Enterprise  GP's
     management  and to ask  questions  of officers of  Enterprise  Partners and
     Enterprise GP.

          (b) Tejas and Tejas  Energy  understand  that (i) the Units and the GP
     Interest  will be  "restricted  securities"  under the  applicable  federal
     securities  laws,  (ii) the Securities Act and the rules of the SEC provide
     in  substance  that such  unitholder  may  dispose  of the Units and the GP
     Interest only  pursuant to an effective  registration  statement  under the
     Securities   Act  or  in  a  transaction   exempt  from  the   registration
     requirements  of the  Securities  Act, and (iii) except as set forth in the
     Registration  Rights  Agreement,  Enterprise  Partners has no obligation or
     intention to register the sale of the Units or the GP Interest  pursuant to
     the Securities  Act, and that,  accordingly,  Tejas Energy and Tejas may be
     required to bear the economic  risk of the  investment  in Units and the GP
     Interest for a substantial period of time.

          (c) Tejas and Tejas Energy agree that  certificates  representing  the
     Units  shall be subject to  appropriate  stop-transfer  instructions  to be
     given by Enterprise Partners to its transfer agents and shall have endorsed
     thereon a legend substantially as follows:

               The  securities  represented  by this  certificate  have not been
          registered  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),
          or under any applicable state law, and may not be transferred  without
          registration  under the Act or such  applicable  state  law  unless an
          exemption from such registration is available thereunder.

               Enterprise  Partners agrees to remove such legend at such time as
          the Units are freely tradeable under Rule 144 or otherwise.

     Section  No Brokers.  None of Tejas Energy,  Tejas, the Company nor any of
their respective Subsidiaries or Affiliates has, directly or indirectly, entered
into any agreement with any Person that would  obligate the Company,  any of its
Subsidiaries or any of the Enterprise  Parties to pay any commission,  brokerage
fee or "finder's fee" in connection with the Transactions.




     Tejas and Tejas Energy, jointly and severally, represent and warrant to the
Enterprise  Parties as to the Company and its  Subsidiaries  that the  following
statements  were true and correct at the Effective Date and are true and correct
as of the Closing Date:

     Section    Organization.  Each of the Company and its  Subsidiaries is duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of the
jurisdiction  of its  organization  and has all requisite power and authority to
carry on its business as it is now being conducted and to own, lease and operate
its  properties  where now  conducted,  owned,  leased or operated.  Each of the
Company and its Subsidiaries is duly licensed or qualified to do business and is
in good standing in each  jurisdiction  where such license or  qualification  is
required to carry on its business as now conducted,  except where the failure to
be so qualified or licensed or in good  standing,  as the case may be, could not
reasonably be expected to have,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  a Material
Adverse Effect on the Company.

     Section   Capitalization.

          (a)  All of the issued and outstanding  Company Interest has been duly
     authorized  and is validly  issued.  There are no outstanding or authorized
     (i) options,  warrants,  purchase rights,  subscription rights,  conversion
     rights, exchange rights, or other contracts or commitments, other than this
     Agreement,  that could  require  the  Company or Tejas to issue,  sell,  or
     otherwise cause to become  outstanding any member  interests in the Company
     or  (ii)  securities  or  rights   convertible   into  or  exchangeable  or
     exercisable  for,  membership  interests  of the Company or any  contracts,
     commitments,  understandings  or arrangements by which the Company or Tejas
     is or may be bound to issue, redeem,  purchase or sell membership interests
     in the Company or securities  convertible into or exchangeable for any such
     membership interests in the Company.

          (b) Schedule 4.02(b) of the Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum sets forth a
     complete  list  of  (i)  all  of  the  Subsidiaries  of  the  Company,  the
     jurisdiction of  incorporation or formation of each such Subsidiary and the
     number  of  issued  and  outstanding  membership  interests  of  each  such
     Subsidiary  and the  record  holders  thereof,  (ii)  all  Joint  Ventures,
     including a description of the type of such entity,  the ownership interest
     of the Company its Subsidiaries therein and, to the Knowledge of Tejas, the
     names and ownership  interests of the other  holders  thereof and (iii) the
     ownership  interest  of the  Company  and each  Company  Subsidiary  in any
     co-ownership  arrangement  wherein the Company or its  Subsidiary  is a co-
     owner of  assets.  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule 4.02(b)  of the Tejas


     Memorandum  all of the  outstanding  membership  interests of the Company's
     Subsidiaries  are owned  beneficially  and of record by the  Company or the
     Company's  Subsidiaries,  free  and  clear  of  all  Liens.  There  are  no
     outstanding  or  authorized   (i) options,   warrants,   purchase   rights,
     subscription rights, conversion rights, exchange rights, or other contracts
     or commitments  other than as contemplated  by this  Agreement,  that would
     require the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries or Tejas to issue,  sell or
     otherwise  cause to become  outstanding  any  membership  interests  of the
     Company or any of its Subsidiaries or (ii) securities or rights convertible
     into or exchangeable or exercisable  for, any such membership  interests or
     any contracts,  commitments,  understandings  or  arrangements by which the
     Company or Tejas is or may be bound to issue, redeem, purchase or sell such
     membership interests or securities convertible into or exchangeable for any
     such membership  interests.  Except as set forth on Schedule 4.02(b) of the
     Tejas  Disclosure   Memorandum,   all  of  the  Company's  or  any  of  its
     Subsidiary's  interests in the Joint Ventures are owned beneficially and of
     record by the Company or the Company's Subsidiaries,  free and clear of all
     Liens and neither  Tejas,  the Company nor any  Subsidiary has entered into
     any contracts or agreements by which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
     is or may be bound to sell or otherwise  transfer,  directly or indirectly,
     such  interests  provided  this  representation  is not  intended  to cover
     preferential  rights and other similar rights of refusal or purchase rights
     contained in any of the Material Contracts listed on Schedule 4.12(a).

     Section   No Violation.  Assuming receipt of all Company required  consents
("Company  Required  Consents")  indicated as required in  Schedule 4.03  of the
Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum,  neither the  execution and delivery by Tejas and
Tejas Energy of the Transaction Agreements nor the performance by Tejas or Tejas
Energy of their  obligations  hereunder or  thereunder  will (a) (i)  violate or
breach the terms of or cause a default under any Law or any Judgment  applicable
to the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  (ii)  conflict  with or violate any
provisions  of the  certificate of organization,  the limited  liability company
agreement  or  other  organizational  documents  of  the  Company  or any of its
Subsidiaries or (iii) conflict with, or result in the breach of, or constitute a
default  under,  or  result in the  termination,  cancellation  or  acceleration
(whether  after the  giving of notice or the lapse of time or both) of any right
or obligation  under,  any note,  bond,  mortgage,  indenture,  license,  lease,
agreement,  contract,  arrangement  or commitment to which the Company or any of
its  Subsidiaries  is a party or by which  they or any of  their  properties  or
assets are bound, or (b) result in the creation or imposition of any Lien on any
of the properties or assets of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, except in
any such case for any matters  described in this  Section 4.03 that individually
or in the aggregate could not reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse
Effect on the Company.

     Section   Permits.  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule  4.04 of the  Tejas
Disclosure Memorandum, the Company and each of its Subsidiaries have all Permits
required to conduct their respective  businesses as currently  conducted and the
Company  and each of the  Subsidiaries  have  been  operating  their  respective
businesses  pursuant to and in  compliance  with the terms of all such  Permits,
except for such failures to comply which have not resulted in,  individually  or
in the aggregate, a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.  Except as set forth
on Schedule 4.04 of the


Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum,   such  Permits  held  by  the  Company  and  its
Subsidiaries  are valid and in full force and  effect  and none of such  Permits
will,  assuming the Company Required Consents have been obtained,  be cancelled,
forfeited,  revoked,  suspended or  terminated  as a result of the  transactions
contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  except,  in  each  case,  such  Permits  the
cancellation,  forfeiture,  revocation, suspension or termination of which would
not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.

     Section    Compliance   With  Applicable  Law.  Except  as  set  forth  on
Schedule 4.05  of the Tejas Disclosure  Memorandum,  each of the Company and its
Subsidiaries  is presently  complying with and in the past has complied with all
applicable  Laws and  Judgments,  except  for such  failures  to  comply  which,
individually or in the aggregate,  would not reasonably be expected to result in
a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.

     Section   Litigation.

          (a) Except as set forth on  Schedule  4.06(a) of the Tejas  Disclosure
     Memorandum,  there are no Proceedings pending or, to the Knowledge of Tejas
     or Tejas Energy, threatened, against the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
     or to which the Company or any of the Subsidiaries is or will be a party.

          (b) Except as set forth on  Schedule  4.06(b) of the Tejas  Disclosure
     Memorandum,  none of the  Proceedings  referred to in Section 4.06(a) above
     would  reasonably be expected to result in a Material Adverse Effect on the
     Company or materially impair Tejas' or Tejas Energy's ability to effect the

     Section   Taxes.

     (a) The Company,  its Subsidiaries,  the Tejas Joint Ventures and the Tejas
Co-  ownerships  have not,  on or prior to the Closing  Date,  filed an election
under  Treasury   Regulation,   Paragraph  301.7701-3  to  be  classified  as  a
corporation  for federal income Tax purposes.  During the entirety of the period
from the date of its formation through the Closing Date, each of the Company and
the Tejas  LLCs has been a business  entity  that has had and will have a single
owner at any  given  point in time and is and will be  disregarded  as an entity
separate  from  its  owner  for  federal  income  Tax  purposes  under  Treasury
Regulation Sections 301.7701-2 and -3 and any comparable provision of applicable
state or local Tax law that  permits  such  treatment.  Each of the Tejas  Joint
Ventures (other than the Dixie Pipeline  Company) is treated and classified as a
partnership for federal income Tax purposes under Treasury Regulation, Paragraph
301.7701-2 and -3. Each of the Tejas  Co-ownerships is classified and treated as
a co-ownership rather than a partnership or association taxable as a corporation
for federal income Tax purposes under Treasury Regulation,  Paragraph 301.7701-2
and -3.

          (b)  Except as set  forth on  Schedule  4.07 of the  Tejas  Disclosure
     Memorandum,  all Tax Returns of the Company,  its  Subsidiaries,  the Tejas
     Joint Ventures and the Tejas Co-


     ownerships  that  are  required  to  be  filed  (taking  into  account  any
     extensions of time within which to file) before the Closing Date, have been
     filed,  the  information  provided  in such Tax  Returns  is  complete  and
     accurate in all material respects,  and all Taxes owed by the Company,  its
     Subsidiaries,  the Tejas Joint  Ventures and the Tejas  Co-ownerships  have
     been timely paid in full.

          (c) There are no Liens for Taxes upon the assets of any of the Company
     and its  Subsidiaries or the Tejas  Co-Ownerships,  or, to the Knowledge of
     Tejas or Tejas Energy,  upon the assets of any of the Tejas Joint  Ventures
     (excluding  the  Company's  Subsidiaries),  other  than with  respect to ad
     valorem Taxes which are not yet delinquent or Permitted Liens.  Each of the
     Company  and its  Subsidiaries,  and,  to the  Knowledge  of Tejas or Tejas
     Energy,   each  of  the  Tejas  Joint  Ventures  (excluding  the  Company's
     Subsidiaries)  has fully  complied with all applicable  federal,  state and
     local employment Tax, withholding and contribution obligations with respect
     to its employees,  and all other Tax  withholding  obligations  required by

          (d) Each of the Company and its Subsidiaries  and, to the Knowledge of
     Tejas  or  Tejas  Energy,  the  Joint  Ventures  (excluding  the  Company's
     Subsidiaries) (or the operators of the Joint Ventures and/or Tejas), to the
     extent  required  by  Section  4081 et seq.  of the Code,  has  obtained  a
     currently effective IRS Form 637 registration number.

     Section   Financial  Statements.  Copies of the financial statements of the
Company and its  Subsidiaries  consisting of a statement of assets  acquired and
liabilities assumed of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1998,
and the related statement of revenues and direct operating expenses for the year
ended  December  31,  1998  (including  the  notes  thereto),   which  financial
statements  have been  audited,  and are  accompanied  by the audit  opinion  of
Deloitte  & Touche  LLP (the  "Financial  Statements")  have  been  provided  to
Enterprise  Partners.  Except  for  the  Retained  Liabilities,  such  Financial
Statements  present fairly,  in all material  respects,  the assets acquired and
liabilities  assumed  as of  December  31,  1998  and the  revenues  and  direct
operating  expenses for the year ended  December 31, 1998 of the Company and its
Subsidiaries  pursuant to this Agreement in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles consistently applied.

     Section   Absence of Certain Changes.  Since December 31, 1998,  except as
set forth in Schedule 4.09 of the Tejas Disclosure  Memorandum,  the Company and
its  Subsidiaries  have conducted  their  respective  businesses in the ordinary
course consistent with past practices and there has not been:

          (a) any event,  occurrence,  development or state of  circumstances or
     facts (other than economic conditions or facts or circumstances  applicable
     to the natural gas liquids  industry in general) which,  individually or in
     the aggregate,  has had or could  reasonably be expected to have a Material
     Adverse Effect on the Company;


          (b) any damage,  destruction  or other  casualty  loss (whether or not
     covered by  insurance)  affecting the Company and its  Subsidiaries  which,
     individually or in the aggregate,  has had or could  reasonably be expected
     to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company;

          (c) any material  transaction  or  commitment  made,  or, any Material
     Contract entered into, by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries (including
     the acquisition or disposition of any assets) or any  relinquishment by the
     Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  of any Material  Contract,  other than
     transactions and commitments in the ordinary course of business  consistent
     with past practices and those contemplated by the Transaction Agreements;

          (d) except as  contemplated  by this Agreement and except for any such
     change after the date of this Agreement  required by reason of a concurrent
     change in  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  any  change in any
     method of accounting or accounting practice with respect to the Company and
     its Subsidiaries; and

          (e) any  amendment of the terms of or breach of the  provisions of (or
     any event which,  with notice or passage of time or both would constitute a
     breach  by the  Company  or  the  Subsidiaries  of)  the  Shell  Processing
     Agreement  which could result in the  termination  of such agreement by any
     Shell Affiliate party thereto.

     Section   Bank Accounts.  Schedule 4.10 of the Tejas Disclosure  Memorandum
includes the names and locations of all banks in which the Company or any of its
Subsidiaries  has an account or safe deposit box related to the Business and the
names of all persons authorized to draw thereon or to have access thereto.

     Section    Conduct of Business From the Effective Date to the Closing Date.
From  the  Effective  Date  to  the  Closing  Date  and,   except  as  otherwise
contemplated by this Agreement, Tejas and Tejas Energy:

          (a) have  caused the  Company  and its  Subsidiaries  to  conduct  the
     business and operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries in the ordinary

          (b) have not permitted the Company or its  Subsidiaries  to dispose of
     any assets of the Business except for Excluded Assets and inventory sold in
     the ordinary course of business;

          (c) have not  permitted  the Company or its  Subsidiaries  to make any
     loans,  advances,  distributions  or dividends  to Tejas or its  Affiliates
     (other than the Company or its Subsidiaries);


          (d) have not  permitted the Company or its  Subsidiaries  to use their
     respective cash or properties to pay any Retained Liabilities other than as
     adjusted for in Section 2.07;

          (e) have not  permitted  the  Company  or its  Subsidiaries  to incur,
     create or assume  any Lien on any  individual  asset of the  Company or its
     Subsidiaries other than Permitted Liens; and

          (f) have not  permitted the Company or its  Subsidiaries  to incur any
     Indebtedness  for Borrowed Money except for amounts  borrowed from Tejas or
     its Affiliates which will be extinguished pursuant to Section 6.07 below.

     Section   Material Contracts or Indebtedness.

          (a) Schedule  4.12(a) of the Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum  includes a
     list of the following  agreements,  arrangements or understandings to which
     the Company or any  Subsidiary or any Joint Venture of which the Company or
     a  Company  Subsidiary  is the  operator  is a party  (or with  respect  to
     subsection (xii)  below to which any such party or Tejas or Tejas Energy or
     any other Shell Affiliate is a party) (each, a "Material Contract"):

               (i) any site lease with respect to a Facility;

               (ii) any lease (whether of real or personal  property)  providing
          for annual rental payments or receipts of $1,500,000 or more;

               (iii) any  operating  agreements  under  which the Company or any
          Company Subsidiary is the operator;

               (iv) any construction agreements providing for annual payments by
          the Company or any Subsidiary of $1,500,000 or more;

               (v) any pipeline tariff agreements;

               (vi) any  storage  agreements  providing  for annual  payments or
          receipts by the Company or any Subsidiary of $1,500,000 or more, other
          than  agreements  which  have a term  of 30  days  or  less  or can be
          terminated with 30 days or less notice without penalty;

               (vii) partnership  agreements,  limited liability  agreements and
          joint venture agreements and construction and operation agreements;

               (viii) any gas processing agreements,  fractionation  agreements,
          NGL  supply  and  sale  agreements,   marketing  agreements,  straddle
          agreements,   balancing  agreements,   interconnection  agreements  or
          utility contracts in each case providing


          for annual  payments or receipts  in excess of  $1,500,000  other than
          agreements  which have a term of 30 days or less or can be  terminated
          with 30 days or less notice without penalty;

               (ix)  any  agreement  (other  than  the  Transaction  Agreements)
          relating to the  acquisition  or  disposition  of a Subsidiary  or any
          material  asset  outside the ordinary  course of business  (whether by
          merger, sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise), other than as set
          forth on Schedule 4.12(a)(ix) of the Tejas Disclosure Memorandum;

               (x) any  agreement  or series of related  agreements  relating to
          Indebtedness for Borrowed Money or any guarantee  thereof in excess of

               (xi) any agreement or  arrangement  with Tejas Energy or Tejas or
          an  Affiliate  of Shell Oil Company on the one hand and the Company or
          any of its Subsidiaries on the other hand; and

               (xii)  any   agreement   which   restricts  the  Company  or  its
          Subsidiaries  or  Enterprise  Partners or any of its  Affiliates  from
          engaging  in any line of  business  which  the  Company  or any of the
          Subsidiaries is conducting immediately prior to the Closing Date.

          (b) True and complete copies of each such Material  Contract have been
     made available to Enterprise Partners.

          (c) Except as  disclosed in Schedule  4.12(c) of the Tejas  Disclosure
     Memorandum, each Material Contract is a legal, valid and binding obligation
     of each of the Company and/or any  Subsidiary  that is a party thereto and,
     to the  Knowledge  of Tejas  or  Tejas  Energy,  each  other  party to such
     Material Contract,  enforceable  against the Company and/or such Subsidiary
     and, to the  Knowledge of Tejas or Tejas  Energy,  each such other party in
     accordance  with its terms  (except as limited  by  applicable  bankruptcy,
     insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar laws relating to or
     affecting  creditors'  rights  generally and general  equitable  principles
     (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding at
     law or in equity)),  and neither the Company nor any Subsidiary nor, to the
     Knowledge  of Tejas  Energy or  Tejas,  any  other  party to such  Material
     Contract  is in  material  default or has failed to  perform  any  material
     obligation  under  such  Material  Contract,  and there  does not exist any
     event,  condition or omission which would  constitute a material  breach or
     material default  (whether by lapse of time or notice or both),  except for
     any  such  defaults,  failures  or  breaches  as,  individually  or in  the
     aggregate,  have not had and could not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a
     Material Adverse Effect.

          (d)  Neither the  Company  nor any  Subsidiary  is in breach of or has
     failed to perform  or has taken any action or failed to perform  any action
     that, with notice or passage of time or both, would be a breach,  under any
     Material Contract referred to in clause (a)(xi)


     above where such  breach  could  result in the Shell Oil Company  Affiliate
     terminating  or having the right to terminate  or cancel such  agreement or
     which would otherwise have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.

     Section   Assets.

          (a)  Schedule  4.13(a) of the Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum  correctly
     describes all real property (the "Real  Property") which the Company or any
     of its Subsidiaries owns, leases or subleases, any title insurance policies
     and surveys with respect to such Real  Property,  specifying in the case of
     leases or subleases,  the name of the lessor or  sublessor,  the lease term
     and the basic annual rent.

          (b) Schedule  4.13(b) of the Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum sets forth,
     with  respect to each  Facility,  the name and  location of such  Facility,
     whether  such  Facility  is a gas  processing,  fractionation,  storage  or
     pipeline facility, the capacity of such Facility, the ownership interest of
     the Company and its  Subsidiaries in each such Facility and the name of the
     operator of each Facility.

          (c)  Subject  to  execution  and filing of the acts of  amendment  and
     conveyances  (as  described in Section  6.09),  the Company or a Subsidiary
     thereof has good and  indefeasible  title to, or in the case of leased Real
     Property or personal property,  valid leasehold  interests in, all material
     assets (whether real,  personal,  tangible or intangible)  reflected in the
     Audited Financial Statements or acquired after December 31, 1998, including
     the interests in the Facilities  described in Schedule 1.01(a) of the Tejas
     Disclosure Memorandum. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.13(c) of the Tejas
     Disclosure  Memorandum,  no  material  asset of the  Company  or any of its
     Subsidiaries is subject to any Lien, except for Permitted Liens.

     Section    Employees,  Employee  Benefits.  None  of the  Company  nor  any
Subsidiary  thereof  has any  employees  or  maintains  or is  liable  under any
employee compensation, benefit, pension or welfare plan or arrangement.

     Section    Sufficiency of Assets Held by the Company and its  Subsidiaries.
Except as provided  in Schedule  4.15 of the Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum,  the
assets to be held by the Company  and its  Subsidiaries  as of the Closing  will
constitute all of the properties or assets  necessary to conduct the Business as
conducted at the Effective Date.

     Section   Intellectual Property.

          (a) Schedule 4.16 of the Tejas Disclosure  Memorandum  contains a list
     of all Intellectual  Property Rights owned or licensed by Tejas Energy,  or
     Tejas or the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  that Enterprise  Partners
     has  identified  that it desires to use  following  the Closing  ("Material
     Intellectual Property Rights").


          (b) Schedule 4.16 of the Tejas Disclosure Memorandum sets forth a list
     of all  material  licenses,  sublicenses  and  other  agreements  involving
     Material Intellectual Property Rights as to which the Company or any of its
     Subsidiaries is a party.

          (c) (i) Except as set forth in Schedule  4.16 of the Tejas  Disclosure
     Memorandum,   since  February  2,  1998,   none  of  the  Company  and  its
     Subsidiaries  has been a defendant in any action,  suit,  investigation  or
     proceeding  relating  to, or  otherwise  has been  notified of, any alleged
     claim of infringement of any Material Intellectual Property Right, and none
     of Tejas or the Company or any of its Subsidiaries has any Knowledge of any
     other such infringement by the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, and (ii)
     none of the Company and its Subsidiaries has any outstanding  claim or suit
     for,  and has no Knowledge  of, any  continuing  infringement  by any other
     Person  of  any  Material   Intellectual   Property  Rights.   No  Material
     Intellectual  Property  Right  is  subject  to  any  outstanding  judgment,
     injunction, order, decree or agreement restricting the use of such Material
     Intellectual  Property Right by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  or
     restricting the licensing of such Material  Intellectual  Property Right by
     the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries to any Person.  None of the Company
     and its  Subsidiaries has entered into any agreement to indemnify any other
     Person  against any charge of  infringement  of any  Material  Intellectual
     Property Right.

     Section    Non-Business  Related  Assets.  Since its  formation in 1998 and
other than the Excluded Assets,  neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries
has owned any assets which were not involved in, used in or otherwise related to
the conduct of the Business.



     The Enterprise Parties,  jointly and severally,  and EPC II,  severally and
only as to  representations  and  warranties  applicable  to EPC II in  Sections
5.01(b),  5.02(b),  5.03,  5.04(a),  and 5.05,  and to the  representations  and
warranties in 5.01(c) and 5.10(a), (b), (c), (e) and (h) and Enterprise Products
severally and only as to the  representations  applicable to Enterprise Products
in Sections 5.02(a),  5.03, 5.04(a) and 5.05, represent and warrant to Tejas and
Tejas  Energy  that the  following  statements  were true and  correct as of the
Effective Date and are true and correct as of the Closing Date:

     Section   Organization.

          (a) Each of Enterprise Partners and Enterprise  Operating is a limited
     partnership duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
     Laws of the State of Delaware  with all  requisite  power and  authority to
     own,  lease and  operate  its  properties  and to carry on its  business as
     currently conducted.


          (b) EPC II is a corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in
     good standing  under the laws of Delaware  with all requisite  power and to
     own,  lease and  operate  its  properties  and to carry on its  business as
     currently conducted.

          (c)  Enterprise  GP is a limited  liability  company  duly  organized,
     validly  existing  and in good  standing  under  the  laws of the  State of
     Delaware with all requisite  power and authority to own,  lease and operate
     its properties and to carry on its business as currently conducted.

                  Section   Authorization of Agreement.

          (a) Each of the  Enterprise  Parties and  Enterprise  Products has all
     requisite power and authority to enter into the  Transaction  Agreements to
     which  it  is a  party,  to  perform  its  obligations  thereunder  and  to
     consummate  the  Transactions  to which it is a party.  The  execution  and
     delivery by each of the Enterprise Parties and Enterprise  Products of such
     Transaction   Agreements,   and  the   performance  of  their   obligations
     thereunder,  have been duly and validly  authorized by all requisite action
     on  the  part  of the  Enterprise  Parties  and  Enterprise  Products.  The
     Transaction  Agreements  to which  the  Enterprise  Parties  or  Enterprise
     Products are a party have been  executed and  delivered by such  Enterprise
     Parties  and  Enterprise  Products,  constitute  legal,  valid and  binding
     obligations of such  Enterprise  Parties and Enterprise  Products,  and are
     enforceable against them in accordance with their terms, except as the same
     may be limited by bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium and
     similar laws of general application relating to or affecting the rights and
     remedies of creditors,  or by general  principles of equity  (regardless of
     whether such  enforceability  is considered in a proceeding in equity or at
     law), including the availability of specific performance.

          (b) EPC II has all  requisite  corporate  power and authority to enter
     into the  Transaction  Agreements  to which it is a party,  to perform  its
     obligations  thereunder and to consummate the  Transactions.  The execution
     and  delivery  by EPC II of the  Transaction  Agreements  to  which it is a
     party,  and the performance of its obligations  thereunder,  have been duly
     and validly  authorized by all requisite action on the part of EPC II. Each
     Transaction Agreement to which EPC II is a party has been duly executed and
     delivered by EPC II,  constitutes a legal,  valid and binding obligation of
     EPC II, and is  enforceable  against EPC II in  accordance  with its terms,
     except   as  the   same  may  be   limited   by   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
     reorganization, moratorium and similar laws of general application relating
     to or  affecting  the  rights  and  remedies  of  creditors,  or by general
     principles  of  equity  (regardless  of  whether  such   enforceability  is
     considered in a proceeding in equity or at law), including the availability
     of specific performance.


     Section   No  Violations.  The execution,  delivery and  performance by the
Enterprise   Parties,   EPC  II  and  Enterprise  Products  of  the  Transaction
Agreements,  and  the  consummation  of the  Transactions  do not and  will  not
(i) conflict  with or violate any provision of the  organizational  documents of
the Enterprise Parties, EPC II or Enterprise Products, (ii) subject to obtaining
the Enterprise Required Consents,  conflict with, or result in the breach of, or
constitute  a  default  under,  or result in the  termination,  cancellation  or
acceleration  (whether  after the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both)
of any right or  obligation  of the  Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II or  Enterprise
Products,  under any note, bond, mortgage,  indenture,  Permit,  license, lease,
agreement,  contract,  arrangement  or commitment to which any of the Enterprise
Parties,  EPC II or  Enterprise  Products is a party or by which the  Enterprise
Parties,  EPC II or Enterprise Products or any of their assets or properties are
bound or  affected,  or  (iii) subject  to  obtaining  the  Enterprise  Required
Consents, violate or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any Law
or Judgment applicable to the Enterprise Parties, EPC II or Enterprise Products,
or by which the Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II or Enterprise  Products,  or any of
their respective  assets are bound or affected,  except, in the cases of clauses
(ii) and (iii), for any conflict,  breach, default,  termination,  cancellation,
acceleration,  loss or violation which, individually or in the aggregate,  would
not materially impair the Enterprise Parties',  EPC II's or Enterprise Products'
ability to effect the Closing or have a Material  Adverse  Effect on  Enterprise
Partners,   Enterprise  Operating  and  their  respective   Subsidiaries  or  on
Enterprise GP.

     Section   Approvals. (a) Except for the requirements of the Consents listed
in Schedule 5.04  ("Enterprise Required Consents"), no Consent is required to be
obtained by the Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II or Enterprise  Products,  or any of
their  respective  Affiliates  from,  and no notice or filing is  required to be
given by the Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II or Enterprise Products or any of their
respective Affiliates to or made by the Enterprise Parties, EPC II or Enterprise
Products or any of their respective Affiliates with, any Governmental  Authority
or other Person in connection  with the execution,  delivery and  performance by
the  Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II or  Enterprise  Products  of  the  Transaction
Agreements,  other than in all cases where the failure to obtain such Consent or
approval or to give or make such notice or filing would not,  individually or in
the aggregate,  impair the Enterprise Parties', EPC II's or Enterprise Products'
ability to effect the Closing or have a Material  Adverse  Effect on  Enterprise
Partners,   Enterprise  Operating  and  their  respective   Subsidiaries  or  on
Enterprise GP.

     (b) The Enterprise  Parties  represent that all filings  required under the
HSR Act to be made by the  Enterprise  Parties or their  Affiliates in order for
the Enterprise  Parties to consummate the Transactions  have been made and early
termination of the applicable waiting period thereunder has expired.

     Section   Litigation;  Impairment.  There are no actions,  suits, claims or
proceedings  pending  (whether at law or in equity) or, to the  Knowledge of the
Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II and  Enterprise  Products,  threatened  against  or
involving  Enterprise  Partners,   Enterprise  Operating,  or  their  respective
Subsidiaries  or  Enterprise  GP in any Court or  before or by any  Governmental
Authority which (i) questions the validity of any Transaction Agreement or seeks


restrain,  prohibit,  invalidate,  set  aside,  prevent  or  make  unlawful  any
Transaction  Agreement  or  any  of  the  Transactions,   or  (ii) if  adversely
determined  (x) would  prevent or impair the ability of  Enterprise  Partners or
Enterprise Operating to purchase the Company Interest,  the ability of EPC II to
sell the GP  Interest  to Tejas or the  ability  of the  Enterprise  Parties  or
Enterprise  Products to perform any of their  obligations  under the Transaction
Agreements or (y) would have a Material  Adverse Effect on Enterprise  Partners,
Enterprise Operating and their respective Subsidiaries or on Enterprise GP.

     Section    Compliance  With  Applicable  Law. Each of Enterprise  Partners,
Enterprise  Operating  and  its  Subsidiaries  and  Enterprise  GP is  presently
complying  with all applicable  Laws and Judgments,  except for such failures to
comply which, individually or in the aggregate, would not reasonably be expected
to result  in a  Material  Adverse  Effect on  Enterprise  Partners,  Enterprise
Operating or its Subsidiaries or Enterprise GP.

     Section   Permits.  Each of the Enterprise  Partners,  Enterprise Operating
and each of their  respective  Subsidiaries  and  Enterprise GP have all Permits
required to conduct their  respective  business as currently  conducted and such
entities have been  operating  their  respective  businesses  pursuant to and in
compliance  with the terms of all such  Permits,  except  for such  failures  to
comply which have not resulted in, individually or in the aggregate,  a Material
Adverse  Effect  on the  Enterprise  Parties,  Enterprise  Operating  and  their
respective Subsidiaries or on Enterprise GP. Such Permits held by the Enterprise
Partners,  Enterprise Operating and their respective Subsidiaries and Enterprise
GP are valid and in full force and effect and none of the Permits will, assuming
the Enterprise  Required  Consents have been  obtained,  be terminated or become
terminable  as a result  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,
except,  in each case, such Permits the termination or impairment of which would
not have a Material Adverse Effect on Enterprise Partners,  Enterprise Operating
and their respective Subsidiaries or Enterprise GP.

     Section   Taxes.

          (a) All Tax  Returns of  Enterprise  Partners,  Enterprise  Operating,
     Enterprise  GP and their  respective  Subsidiaries  that are required to be
     filed  (taking  into account any  extensions  of time within which to file)
     before  the  Closing  Date,  have  been or will be filed,  the  information
     provided  in such Tax  Returns is complete  and  accurate  in all  material
     respects, and all Taxes shown to be due and payable by Enterprise Partners,
     Enterprise  Operating,  Enterprise GP and their respective  Subsidiaries on
     such Tax Returns have been or will be paid in full.

          (b) Enterprise  Partners and  Enterprise  Operating have not, and will
     not on or prior to the Closing Date,  file an election  under Treasury Reg.
     Paragraph  301.7701-3 to be classified as a corporation  for federal income
     tax  purposes.  During  the  entirety  of the  period  from the date of the
     formation  through  the  Closing,  each  of  the  Enterprise  Partners  and
     Enterprise  Operating  has been and will be  treated  and  classified  as a
     partnership  for federal income tax purposes under Treasury Reg.  Paragraph
     301.7701-2 and -3 and ninety percent (90%) or more of


     Enterprise  Partners' gross income is income derived from the  exploration,
     development, mining or production,  processing, refining, transportation or
     marketing of any mineral or natural  resource or other items of "qualifying
     income" within the meaning of Section 7704 of the Code.

          Section   SEC Reports.  Since August 1, 1998 (a)  Enterprise  Partners
     has timely made all filings  required to be made by the  Securities Act and
     the Exchange Act, (b) all filings by  Enterprise  Partners with the SEC, at
     the time filed (in the case of  documents  filed  pursuant to the  Exchange
     Act) or when  declared  effective  by the SEC (in the case of  registration
     statements  filed  under  the  Securities  Act)  complied  in all  material
     respects with the  applicable  requirements  of the  Securities Act and the
     Exchange Act and the rules and  regulations of the SEC  thereunder,  (c) no
     such filing, at the time described above, contained any untrue statement of
     a material fact or omitted to state any material fact required to be stated
     therein in order to make the statements  contained therein, in light of the
     circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not  misleading,  and (d) all
     financial   statements  contained  or  incorporated  by  reference  therein
     complied as to form when filed in all material  respects with the rules and
     regulations  of the SEC with respect  thereto,  were prepared in accordance
     with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis
     throughout  the periods  involved  (except as may be indicated in the notes
     thereto),  and  fairly  present  in all  material  respects  the  financial
     condition and results of operations of Enterprise Partners at and as of the
     respective dates thereof and the consolidated results of its operations and
     changes in cash flows for the  periods  indicated  (subject  in the case of
     unaudited statements, to normal year-end audit adjustments).

     Section   Ownership; Issuance of Special Units.

          (a) Enterprise GP is the sole general partner of Enterprise  Partners,
     with a 1% general partner interest in Enterprise Partners.

          (b) Enterprise GP is the sole general partner of Enterprise Operating,
     with a 1.0101% general partner interest in Enterprise Operating.

          (c) All of the general  partner  interests in Enterprise  Partners and
     Enterprise Operating have been duly authorized and have been validly issued
     to Enterprise GP in accordance  with the  Enterprise  Partners  Partnership
     Agreement and Enterprise Operating Partnership Agreement,  and are owned by
     Enterprise GP free and clear of all Liens.

          (d)  Enterprise  Partners is the sole  limited  partner of  Enterprise
     Operating with a 98.9899% limited partner interest in Enterprise Operating;
     such limited  partner  interest has been duly authorized and validly issued
     in accordance with the Enterprise Operating Partnership Agreement, is fully
     paid  (to the  extent  required  by the  Enterprise  Operating  Partnership
     Agreement) and nonassessable (as such  nonassessability  may be affected by
     matters  described in the Enterprise  Partners'  Prospectus  dated July 27,
     1998 under the


     caption "The  Partnership  Agreement--Limited  Liability")  and is owned by
     Enterprise Partners free and clear of all Liens.

          (e) Except as set forth on  Schedule  5.10(e),  all of the  membership
     interests in Enterprise GP have been duly authorized and validly issued and
     are fully paid and nonassessable, and are owned 95% by EPC II and 5% by Dan
     Duncan LLC free and clear of Liens.

          (f) The only  outstanding  limited  partner  interests  of  Enterprise
     Partners  (other than the Special  Units) are  45,552,915  Common Units and
     21,409,870  Subordinated  Units,  which  have been duly  authorized  by the
     Enterprise Partners Partnership  Agreement and are validly issued and fully
     paid (to the extent  required  under the  Enterprise  Partners  Partnership
     Agreement)  and  nonassessable  (except  as  such  nonassessability  may be
     affected by matters described in the Enterprise  Partners' Prospectus dated
     July  27,  1998  under  the  caption  "The  Partnership  Agreement--Limited
     Liability").  Except  as  set  forth  on  Schedule  5.10(f),  there  are no
     outstanding or authorized options, warrants,  purchase rights, subscription
     rights, conversion rights, exchange rights or other contracts,  commitments
     or  obligations  that  could  require  Enterprise  Partners  to  issue  any
     additional  units or  equity  other  than as set  forth in this  Agreement.
     Enterprise Partners has not granted any registration rights with respect to
     partnership units or other equity to any third parties.

          (g) When issued and  delivered  to Tejas at the  Closing,  the Special
     Units  shall  have  been duly  authorized  and  validly  issued to Tejas in
     accordance with the Enterprise Partners Amended  Partnership  Agreement and
     fully  paid  and  nonassessable  (except  as such  nonassessability  may be
     affected by matters described in the Enterprise  Partners' Prospectus dated
     July  27,  1998  under  the  caption "The  Partnership   Agreement--Limited
     Liability.")  Upon its receipt of the Special Units at Closing,  Tejas will
     receive good and indefeasible  title to the Special Units free and clear of

          (h) EPC II owns Common  Units  representing  73.657% of the issued and
     outstanding Common Units.

     Section    Financing.  Enterprise  Partners  has, or has arranged  for, the
funds necessary to pay the Other Consideration to Tejas.

     Section    No Brokers.  None of the  Enterprise  Parties has  employed  any
investment  banker,  broker,  or  finder  in  connection  with the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, nor has any of them taken any action which would
give  rise to a valid  claim  against  Tejas or  Tejas  Energy  for a  brokerage
commission, finde's fee, or other like payment.


     Section  Investment Intent.

          (a) The  Enterprise  Parties are capable of evaluating  the merits and
     risks of their investment in the Company Interest.  The Enterprise  Parties
     are  taking  the  Company  Interest  for their own  account  and not with a
     current view to or intent to sell in connection  with any  distribution  of
     such  securities  as such terms are defined under the  Securities  Act. The
     Enterprise Parties have had an opportunity to discuss the Company's and its
     Subsidiaries'  and its Joint  Ventures'  and  co-ownerships'  business  and
     financial  condition,   properties,   operations  and  prospects  with  the
     Company's and its Subsidiaries' management and to ask questions of officers
     of the Company and its Subsidiaries.

          (b) The Enterprise  Parties  understand that (i) the Company Interests
     will be "restricted  securities":  under the applicable  federal securities
     laws,  and (ii) that the Securities Act and the rules of the SEC provide in
     substance that such equity holder may dispose of the Company Interests only
     pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act or
     in  a  transaction  exempt  from  the  registration   requirements  of  the
     Securities  Act,  and that,  accordingly,  the  Enterprise  Parties  may be
     required  to bear  the  economic  risk  of the  investment  in the  Company
     Interests for a substantial period of time.



     Section  Access to Information Following the Closing.

          (a)  To the extent  reasonably  necessary or  desirable in  connection
     with  Tejas'  ownership  of the  Company  Interest  (including  tax related
     matters),  after the  consummation  of the  Transactions,  Tejas  will have
     reasonable  access  at all  reasonable  times  and in a manner so as not to
     interfere  with the  normal  business  operations  of the  Company  and its
     Subsidiaries, to all premises, properties,  personnel, books, records, work
     papers, contracts and documents of or pertaining to each of the Company and
     its  Subsidiaries  to the extent  relating to the Business or assets of the
     Business as existing at the Closing. Enterprise Partners shall preserve all
     such  information,  records and  documents  for a period of seven (7) years
     following the Closing.

          (b) Each of the parties hereto will preserve and retain all schedules,
     work  papers and other  documents  relating  to any Tax  Returns of or with
     respect to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or to any claims,  audits
     or other proceedings affecting the Company or any of its Subsidiaries until
     the  expiration  of  the  statute  of  limitations  (including  extensions)
     applicable to the taxable  period to which such  documents  relate or until
     the final  determination  of any  controversy  with respect to such taxable
     period  and until  the  final  determination  of any  payments  that may be
     required with respect to such taxable period under this Agreement.


     Section   Intentionally Deleted.

     Section   Public Announcements.  The Enterprise Parties and Tejas and Tejas
Energy  will  consult  with each  other  before  issuing  any press  release  or
otherwise  making any public  statements  with respect to this  Agreement or the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement and,  except as may be required by
applicable Law or any securities exchange on which the securities of the parties
or their Affiliates are listed (following notice and consultation),  neither the
Enterprise  Parties nor Tejas or Tejas Energy shall issue any such press release
or make any such public statement  without the prior approval of the other party
to this Agreement, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

     Section    Removal of Tradenames.  As soon as reasonably  practicable after
the  Closing  (and in any event,  within  180 days after the actual  date of the
Closing  (or  such  later  date as may be  reasonably  requested  by  Enterprise
Operating  and  consented  to by  Tejas,  such  consent  not to be  unreasonably
withheld),  the Enterprise  Parties will remove the "Tejas," "Coral" and "Shell"
names (and all derivatives thereof),  trademarks and symbols from the properties
and assets of the Company and its Subsidiaries  (including  changing all signage
relating thereto) and provide the requisite notices to, the appropriate federal,
state or local  agencies  to place the title or other  evidences  of  ownership,
including  operation of the properties and assets, in a name other than any name
of Tejas or any of its Affiliates or any variations thereof. In addition, within
15 days of the actual date of Closing (and 90 days of the actual date of Closing
with respect to Tejas NGL Pipelines,  LLC), Enterprise Operating will change all
of the legal names of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  to delete from the name
thereof the word "Tejas".

     Section   Further Assurances.

          (a) The parties  hereto agree to  cooperate  fully with each other and
     from time to time after the  Closing,  upon  request  and  without  further
     consideration,  to  (i)  execute,  deliver,  acknowledge  and  file  (where
     necessary) all such further instruments,  agreements and documents,  as may
     be  reasonably  required to more  effectively  evidence the transfer of the
     assets  comprising the Business to the Company and its  Subsidiaries  or to
     consummate the  Transactions  and carry out the intent and purposes of this
     Agreement and (ii) take such actions as may be reasonably required to cause
     Enterprise   Operating  (or  its  designee)  to  have  actual  control  and
     possession of the assets  comprising  the  Business.  Without in any manner
     limiting the generality of the foregoing, if record and beneficial title to
     any of the assets comprising the Business is not held by the Company or its
     Subsidiaries but rather is held by an Affiliate of Tejas as of the Closing,
     Tejas  Energy and Tejas agree to execute and to cause their  Affiliates  to
     execute such agreements as shall be reasonably required to cause such title
     to  effectively  be  transferred  and conveyed from Tejas,  Tejas Energy or
     their Affiliates to the Company or its Subsidiaries.

          (b) As to pre-closing  Consents or  governmental  filings  required to
     transfer  the  Business  to the Company or its  Subsidiaries  which are not
     obtained prior to Closing, Tejas


     will (i) designate an in-house  lawyer or business  person (at Tejas' cost)
     to assist  Enterprise  Partners in obtaining  such Consents for a period of
     twelve  months  following  the  Closing,  (ii)  subject  to the  limitation
     contained in subsection (c)  below, will be obligated to provide Enterprise
     Partners  funds to obtain  such  Consents  and (iii)  will,  to the  extent
     possible  (without  any cost to Tejas or its  Affiliates,  which  shall not
     include the loss of such economic  benefit)  provide to the Company and its
     Subsidiaries the economic benefit of such items if the necessary Consent is
     not obtained  within the  above-referenced  twelve month period.  Except as
     provided in this Section 6.05, neither Tejas nor Tejas Energy will have any
     liability for obtaining Consents after the Closing.

          (c)  Tejas'  payments  to  unaffiliated   third  parties  pursuant  to
     paragraphs  (a) and (b) of this Section  6.05 shall not exceed  $500,000 in
     the aggregate;  provided,  however,  that if Tejas or its Affiliates  shall
     incur a cost that exceeds such amount,  in connection  with  undertaking an
     action  requested by  Enterprise  Partners or one of its  Affiliates,  then
     Enterprise Partners and Enterprise Operating shall reimburse such amount to
     Tejas or its Affiliates as the case may be. The cost of the in-house lawyer
     or  business  person  referenced  in  subsection (b)(i)  above  and loss of
     economic benefit pursuant to  subsection (b)(iii)  shall not be included in
     or charged against the $500,000 ceiling.  Tejas,  subject to and as part of
     the  above-referenced  $500,000  ceiling,  agrees to  reimburse  Enterprise
     Partners  for local  counsel  fees  incurred in  connection  with  remedial
     actions pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) above.

     Section    Books and  Records.  Within a  reasonable  period of time  after
Closing, Tejas Energy and Tejas will, and will cause their respective Affiliates
to deliver to  Enterprise  Operating  (or its  designee)  all books,  accounting
records, contracts,  leases, property files and other files and records relating
to the Business.

     Section    Intercompany  Indebtedness.  On or prior to the  Closing,  Tejas
Energy and Tejas shall  (i pay or cause their  Affiliates to pay to the Company
and its  Subsidiaries  all long- term debt  (including  current  maturities) and
other  Indebtedness  for  Borrowed  Money  owed by  Tejas,  Tejas  Energy or any
Affiliate of Tejas or Tejas Energy (other than the Company and its  Subsidiaries
and Joint  Ventures)  as of such date to the  Company and its  Subsidiaries  and
(ii) pay  to  the  Company  a  capital   contribution  and  cause  such  capital
contribution  to be applied  to pay or satisfy  all  long-term  debt  (including
current  maturities)  and other  Indebtedness  for  Borrowed  Money  owed by the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  to  Tejas,  Tejas  Energy  or  their  respective
Affiliates  (other than the Company and its  Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures) as
of such  date.  Tejas  and  Tejas  Energy  further  agree  to pay  all  Retained
Liabilities when, as and if they become due and payable.

     Section    Excluded  Assets.  On or prior to the  Closing,  Tejas and Tejas
Energy will cause the Excluded  Assets to be transferred and conveyed out of the
Company and its Subsidiaries pursuant to documentation  reasonably acceptable to
Enterprise Partners.


     Section    Acts of  Amendment.  Tejas  Energy and Tejas  shall  cause their
Affiliates which conveyed, assigned and contributed assets and properties to the
Company  and  its  Subsidiaries  as  reflected  in  Section  6.09  of the  Tejas
Disclosure  Memorandum to enter into with the Company and its Subsidiaries,  and
shall cause the Company and its  Subsidiaries  to execute an act of amendment to
the  applicable  conveyance  and  assignments  or acts of sale or conveyances as
reflected on Schedule 6.09, effective as of the date of the original conveyance,
assignment and/or contribution.

     Section   Collections.

          (a) After Closing, Tejas and Tejas Energy agree to cause to be paid to
     the Company any amounts received in respect of accounts  receivable related
     to the Business after the Effective Date promptly upon receipt thereof.

          (b) After Closing,  the Enterprise  Parties agree to, and to cause the
     Company and its  Subsidiaries  to, pay to Tejas or Tejas Energy any amounts
     received  in  respect  of the  Excluded  Assets  after the  Effective  Date
     promptly upon receipt thereof.

     Section    Preferential  Rights.  The parties hereto  acknowledge and agree
that  if  following  the  Closing  and  as a  consequence  of  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement,  the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or Tejas
or any of its  Affiliates  is required  to  transfer  title to any of the assets
included in the Business to satisfy a  preferential  right,  then the Company or
its Subsidiary (as the case may be) shall be entitled to receive and retain such
proceeds paid by the Person exercising the preferential right.

     Section    Preparation  of  Historical  Financials.  Tejas and Tejas Energy
agree (at no  out-of-pocket  cost to Tejas or Tejas  Energy) to  cooperate  with
Enterprise  Partners and to provide  Enterprise  Partners with reasonable access
(at all reasonable  times and in a manner so as not to interfere with the normal
business  operations of Tejas and Tejas Energy) to books,  records and personnel
reasonably  required for  Enterprise  Partners to prepare  statements  of direct
operating  revenues and expenses of the Company and its  Subsidiaries for fiscal
years 1996 and 1997 as may be required for  Enterprise  Partners' SEC filings in
connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     Section   Unitholder Approval.

     Enterprise  GP and EPC II agree to and shall call and schedule a meeting of
the  Unitholders  of  Enterprise  Partners  and  submit  to the  Unitholders  of
Enterprise Partners for their approval a proposal to approve the issuance of the
Common  Units to be  issued  upon  conversion  of the  Special  Units as soon as
practicable following the Closing Date and in any event prior to May 1, 2000.


     EPC II  represents  that it (alone and without any other  equity  holder in
Enterprise  Partners)  has the  requisite  ownership in  Enterprise  Partners to
approve the issuance of the Common Units upon  conversion of the Special  Units.
EPC II  covenants  and  agrees  that it will not  dispose  of any of its  equity
interests in Enterprise  Partners prior to such meeting of the  Unitholders  and
will vote its equity  interests  in favor of the  issuance  of the Common  Units
required to be issued upon conversion of the Special Units.

     The  Enterprise  Partners  will,  as soon  as  practicable,  following  the
Unitholders'  meeting  referenced  in (a) above and in any event  within 20 days
following such  Unitholders'  meeting,  use its best efforts to cause the Common
Units which are to be issued upon  conversion  of the Special Units to be listed
on the New York Stock Exchange.



     Section   Employees. Tejas has furnished Enterprise Products with a list of
the employees of Tejas or its  Affiliates  who are assigned to the Business (the
"Business   Employees"),   which  list  is  attached  hereto  as  Schedule 7.01.
Enterprise  Products shall have the sole and absolute  discretion in determining
which, if any, of the Business Employees it will offer employment and the terms,
conditions and benefits relating to such offers of employment, provided that the
same shall be substantially  comparable with the terms,  conditions and benefits
Enterprise  Products  provides to similarly  situated  employees  of  Enterprise
Products. Employment under such offers shall commence on the later of October 1,
1999, or the date such Business Employee,  if not actively at work on October 1,
1999 for any reason,  excluding vacation, sick leave or regularly scheduled days
off,  returns to full-time  active  employment  with  Enterprise  Products  (the
"Employment  Commencement Date"), provided such Business Employee returns within
180 days of the Closing  Date.  The Business  Employees  who accept and actually
commence  employment  with  Enterprise  Products  are  hereinafter  collectively
referred to as "Transferred Employees."

     Section   Solicitation of Employees.

          (a) Without the prior written  consent of Enterprise  Products,  Tejas
     shall  cause its  Affiliates  to refrain  for a period of one year from the
     Closing Date, from soliciting directly or indirectly,  the employment of or
     otherwise seeking to engage the services of any Transferred Employee. Tejas
     shall be responsible for all obligations and liabilities, if any, under the
     Worker Adjustment and Retraining  Notification Act and any comparable state
     laws with respect to the current and former  Business  Employees who do not
     become Transferred Employees.

          (b)  Without  the  prior  written  consent  of Tejas,  the  Enterprise
     Parties,  Enterprise Products and their respective Affiliates shall refrain
     for a period of one year from the Closing Date, from soliciting directly or
     indirectly, the employment of or otherwise seeking to


     engage  the  services  of any  employee  of Tejas or any of its  respective
     Affiliates, other than the Transferred Employee.

          (c)  Notwithstanding  paragraphs  (a) and (b) of  this  Section  7.02,
     nothing  herein  shall  prevent a party  hereto (the  "Hiring  Party") from
     hiring any employee of another  party  hereto if such person  responds to a
     general   advertisement  of  employment  which  is  not  directed  to  such
     individual  specifically  or  was  otherwise  not  directly  or  indirectly
     solicited by the Hiring Party.

     Section    Employee  Benefit  Plans.   Effective  as  of  their  Employment
Commencement  Dates,  Enterprise  Products  shall  provide  to  the  Transferred
Employees its employee benefit plans and programs ("Enterprise Products' Benefit
Plans") on substantially  the same basis such plans and programs are provided to
similarly situated employees of Enterprise Products,  except that coverage under
Enterprise  Products' group health,  life and disability plans shall commence as
of the Benefit  Plan Date (as defined  below).  With  respect to the  Enterprise
Products'  Benefit  Plans,  Enterprise  Products  shall  grant  the  Transferred
Employees  credit for their service with Tejas Affiliates as of their Employment
Commencement  Date for all purposes  (other than the accrual of benefits under a
defined  benefit  pension  plan) for which such service was  recognized by Tejas
Affiliates under a similar plan or program. With respect to Enterprise Products'
Benefit Plans that provide  group  health,  life and  disability  benefits:  (i)
Enterprise Products shall make Transferred  Employees eligible to participate on
their Employment  Commencement  Date (the "Benefit Plan Date"),  (ii) Enterprise
Products  shall cause such plans to waive any  exclusions  or  limitations  with
respect  to  pre-existing  conditions,   waiting  periods  and  actively-at-work
exclusions,  except to the same extent the Transferred  Employee is subject to a
pre-existing  condition or actively-at-work  exclusion on the Closing Date under
any health plan of Tejas Affiliates, and (iii) Enterprise Products shall provide
that any  health  expenses  incurred  by a  Transferred  Employee  or his or her
covered dependents during 1999 on or before the Benefit Plan Date shall be taken
into account under such plan for purposes of satisfying  applicable  deductible,
coinsurance and maximum  out-of-pocket  provisions.  Enterprise  Products' group
health plan shall be responsible for all benefit claims by Transferred Employees
and their dependents for covered  services  rendered on and after the date their
participation  in  Enterprise  Products'  group health plan  commences,  and the
respective  group health plans of Tejas  Affiliates shall be responsible for all
benefit  claims by  Transferred  Employees  and  their  dependents  for  covered
services  rendered  before their  participation  in Enterprise  Products'  group
health plan commences.

     Section    Vacation.  The Transferred  Employees shall receive credit under
Enterprise  Products'  vacation  schedule  such that the vacation time they earn
with  Enterprise  Products is not less than that which they are eligible to earn
under  the  vacation  schedules  of Tejas  Affiliates  as of the  Closing  Date.
Transferred  Employees  shall be  entitled  to  vacation  time  with  Enterprise
Products  for the  remainder  of 1999 based only on their  actual  service  with
Enterprise  Products,  and  Enterprise  Products'  vacation  schedule  shall  be
prorated  for the  remainder  of 1999 for this  purpose.  Tejas  shall cause its
Affiliates to pay each  Transferred  Employee his or her accrued but unused paid
personal leave as soon as reasonably practicable following the Closing Date.


     Section  Access to Information and Personnel.  (a) After the Closing Date,
Tejas shall cause its  Affiliates  to make  reasonably  available to  Enterprise
Products such financial,  personnel and related information as may be reasonably
requested  by  Enterprise  Products  with respect to any  Transferred  Employee,
including,  but not limited to,  compensation and employment  histories;  except
that neither Tejas nor its Affiliates  will provide any  historical  performance
related data with respect to any Transferred Employee.

     (b) After the Closing Date,  Enterprise  shall make  available to Tejas any
Transferred  Employees with respect to continuing  litigation,  audits and other
reasonable business requests at no cost to Tejas.

     Section   Tejas and Affiliates  Benefit Plans.  (a) Enterprise  Products is
not assuming any employee  benefit plan or program or any liability of Tejas and
its Affiliates  thereunder or any other liability of Tejas or any Affiliate with
respect to any Business Employee or other current or former employee of Tejas or
any Affiliate, including, without limitation, any liability under COBRA.

     (b) Tejas and its Subsidiaries shall cause each Transferred  Employee to be
fully vested as of the Closing  Date in each plan of Tejas and its  Subsidiaries
that is a qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the Code.

     (c) Each Transferred  Employee who would be eligible to immediately  retire
from Tejas and its  Subsidiaries  on the Closing Date and receive retiree health
benefits  under a health  plan of Tejas and its  Subsidiaries  shall be eligible
notwithstanding   his  active  employment  with  Enterprise   Products  and  its
Affiliates to immediately  begin  receiving  retiree health or pension  benefits
under the retiree health plan of Tejas and its Subsidiaries  subject to the then
terms of such plan.

     Section   Third-Party Beneficiaries. No provision of this Article VII shall
create any third-party beneficiary rights in any Transferred Employee (including
any beneficiary or dependent thereof),  including, without limitation, any right
to employment or employment in any particular  position with Enterprise Products
for any specified period of time after the Closing Date.



     Section    Indemnification by the Enterprise Parties, EPC II and Enterprise
Products. Subject to the limitations set forth in this Article VIII,

               (i) the Enterprise Parties,  jointly and severally,  hereby agree
          to indemnify  and hold harmless  Tejas,  Tejas Energy and any of their
          respective  Affiliates  and  their  respective  officers,   directors,
          partners,   members   and   shareholders   (collectively   the  "Tejas
          Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all Damages incurred by
          Tejas Indemnified Parties in


          connection with (a) any breach of any  representation  or any warranty
          made by the  Enterprise  Parties under  Sections 5.01  (Organization),
          5.02  (Authorization  of  Agreement),   5.03  (No  Violations),   5.04
          (Approvals),  5.08  (Taxes),  5.09  (SEC  Reports),  5.10  (Ownership;
          Issuance of Special  Units),  5.12 (No Brokers)  and 5.13  (Investment
          Intent)   (collectively,    the  "Enterprise    Representations   and
          Warranties");  or (b) any failure by any of the Enterprise  Parties to
          perform any covenant or other agreement hereunder;

               (ii) EPC II hereby  agrees to  indemnify  and hold  harmless  the
          Tejas  Indemnified  Parties  from  and  against  any and  all  Damages
          incurred by the Tejas  Indemnified  Parties in connection with (a) any
          breach of any of the Enterprise  Representations and Warranties to the
          extent and only to the extent that such representations and warranties
          are made by EPC II under  Article V hereof,  or (b) any failure by EPC
          II to perform any covenant or other  agreement  made by it  hereunder;

               (iii)  Enterprise  Products  hereby  agrees to indemnify and hold
          harmless  the Tejas  Indemnified  Parties from and against any and all
          Damages incurred by the Tejas  Indemnified  Parties in connection with
          (a) any breach of any of the Enterprise Representations and Warranties
          to the  extent and only to the extent  that such  representations  and
          warranties are made by Enterprise  Products under Article V hereof, or
          (b) any failure by  Enterprise  Products  to perform  any  covenant or
          other agreement made by it hereunder;

          in each case regardless of whether such Damages are caused in whole or
          in part by the strict  liability or  negligent  act or omission of the
          Indemnified Party.

     Section    Indemnification  by  Tejas  and  Tejas  Energy.  Subject  to the
limitations  set forth in this  Article  VIII,  Tejas and  Tejas  Energy  agree,
jointly and severally, to indemnify and hold harmless the Enterprise Parties and
their  respective  officers,  directors,   partners,  members  and  shareholders
(collectively,  the "Enterprise  Indemnified  Parties") from and against any and
all Damages  arising in  connection  with or out of (a) any  breach by Tejas and
Tejas  Energy  of any of  their  representations  and  warranties  contained  in
Sections  3.01  (Organization);  3.02  (Ownership  of Company  Interest),  3.03
(Validity  and  Enforceability),   3.04  (Approvals  and  Consents),   3.05  (No
Violation),  3.07 (Investment Intent),  3.08 (No Brokers),  4.01 (Organization),
4.02  (Capitalization),  4.06(a)  (Litigation),  4.07 (Taxes),  4.11 (Conduct of
Business From the Effective Date to the Closing Date), and 4.12(a),  (b) and (d)
(Material  Contracts or  Indebtedness)  and 4.17  (Non-Business  Related Assets)
(collectively,  the "Tejas Representations and Warranties"),  (b) any failure by
Tejas or Tejas  Energy to perform  any  covenant or other  agreement  hereunder,
(c) the Excluded Assets,  (d) the Retained Liabilities,  or (e) any claims which
may  hereafter be made against the Company or its  Subsidiaries  pursuant to the
Contribution  Agreement  dated as of  January 12,  1998 among Shell Oil Company,
Tejas  Holdings,   LLC,  Sierra  Capital   Acquisition   Corp.,  and  Tejas  Gas
Corporation, in each case regardless of whether such Damages are caused in whole
or in  part  by  the  strict  liability  or  negligent  act or  omission  of the
Indemnified Party.


     Section    Indemnification  Procedure.  The party or parties making a claim
for  indemnification  under this Article VIII shall be, for the purposes of this
Agreement,  referred  to as the  "Indemnified  Party"  and the party or  parties
against whom such claims are asserted under this Article VIII  shall be, for the
purposes of this Agreement,  referred to as the "Indemnifying Party." All claims
by any Indemnified  Party under this Article VIII shall be asserted and resolved
as follows:

          (a) In the event that (i) any claim,  demand or Proceeding is asserted
     or  instituted  by any Person  other than the parties to this  Agreement or
     their Affiliates which could give rise to Damages for which an Indemnifying
     Party could be liable to an Indemnified  Party under this  Agreement  (such
     claim, demand or Proceeding, a "Third Party Claim") or (ii) any Indemnified
     Party  under this  Agreement  shall have a claim to be  indemnified  by any
     Indemnifying  Party  under this  Agreement  which does not  involve a Third
     Party Claim (such claim, a "Direct  Claim"),  the Indemnified  Party shall,
     with reasonable promptness, send to the Indemnifying Party a written notice
     specifying the nature of such claim, demand or Proceeding and the amount or
     estimated  amount  thereof  (which amount or estimated  amount shall not be
     conclusive  of  the  final  amount,  if  any,  of  such  claim,  demand  or
     Proceeding)  (a "Claim  Notice"),  provided  that a delay in notifying  the
     Indemnifying  Party  shall  not  relieve  the  Indemnifying  Party  of  its
     obligations under this Agreement except to the extent that (and only to the
     extent  that)  such  failure  shall  have  caused  the  Damages  for  which
     Indemnifying  Party is obligated to be greater than such Damages would have
     been had the Indemnified Party given the Indemnifying Party proper notice.

          (b) In the event of a Third Party Claim, the Indemnifying  Party shall
     be entitled to appoint  counsel of the  Indemnifying  Party's choice at the
     expense of the  Indemnifying  Party to represent the  Indemnified  Party in
     connection  with such  claim,  demand  or  Proceeding  (in  which  case the
     Indemnifying  Party shall not  thereafter be  responsible  for the fees and
     expenses of any separate counsel  retained by any Indemnified  Party except
     as set forth below); provided that such counsel is reasonably acceptable to
     the Indemnified Party.  Notwithstanding an Indemnifying Party's election to
     appoint  counsel to represent an  Indemnified  Party in  connection  with a
     Third  Party  Claim,  an  Indemnified  Party shall have the right to employ
     separate  counsel,  and the  Indemnifying  Party shall bear the  reasonable
     fees, costs and expenses of such separate counsel if (i) the use of counsel
     selected by the Indemnifying Party to represent the Indemnified Party would
     present such  counsel with a conflict of interest or (ii) the  Indemnifying
     Party shall not have employed  counsel to represent the  Indemnified  Party
     within a  reasonable  time after  notice of the  institution  of such Third
     Party Claim. If requested by the Indemnifying  Party, the Indemnified Party
     agrees  to  cooperate  with  the  Indemnifying  Party  and its  counsel  in
     contesting any claim,  demand or Proceeding  which the  Indemnifying  Party
     defends,  or, if appropriate and related to the claim, demand or Proceeding
     in question,  in making any  counterclaim  against the Person asserting the
     Third Party  Claim,  or any  cross-complaint  against any Person.  No Third
     Party  Claim may be settled or  compromised  (i) by the  Indemnified  Party
     without the prior written consent of the Indemnifying  Party, which consent
     shall not be unreasonably  withheld or delayed or (ii) by the  Indemnifying
     Party without the prior written consent of the


     Indemnified  Party,  which  consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or
     delayed.  In the event any  Indemnified  Party  settles or  compromises  or
     consents to the entry of any Judgment with respect to any Third Party Claim
     without  the  prior  written  consent  of  the  Indemnifying   Party,  each
     Indemnified  Party  shall be deemed to have  waived all rights  against the
     Indemnifying Party for indemnification under this Article VIII.

          (c) In the  event of a Direct  Claim,  the  Indemnifying  Party  shall
     notify the Indemnified  Party within 30 Business Days of receipt of a Claim
     Notice whether or not the Indemnifying Party disputes such claim.

          (d) From and after the delivery of a Claim Notice under this Agreement
     relating  to a  Third  Party  Claim,  at  the  reasonable  request  of  the
     Indemnifying  Party,  each  Indemnified  Party shall grant the Indemnifying
     Party and its representatives  all reasonable access to the books,  records
     and properties of such Indemnified Party to the extent  reasonably  related
     to the matters to which the Claim Notice relates.  All such access shall be
     granted during normal business hours and shall be granted under  conditions
     which will not  unreasonably  interfere with the business and operations of
     such Indemnified  Party. The Indemnifying Party will not, and shall require
     that its  representatives do not, use (except in connection with such Claim
     Notice) or disclose to any third Person other than the Indemnifying Party's
     representatives   (except  as  may  be  required  by  applicable  Law)  any
     information obtained pursuant to this  Section 8.03(d)  which is designated
     as confidential by an Indemnified Party.

     Section    Survival.  The  representations  and  warranties  of the parties
contained  in this  Agreement  shall  terminate  at and not survive the Closing;
provided  that the  Tejas  Representations  and  Warranties  and the  Enterprise
Representations  and  Warranties  shall each survive the Closing for the periods
set forth below:

          (a) the  representations  and  warranties of Tejas and Tejas Energy in
     Sections 3.04, 3.05, 3.07, 4.02, 4.06(a) and 4.12(a),  (b) and (d) and 4.17
     and the representations  and warranties of the Enterprise Parties,  EPC II,
     and Enterprise Products in Sections 5.03, 5.04, 5.09 and 5.13 shall survive
     the Closing until the second anniversary of the Closing Date;

          (b) the  representations  and  warranties of Tejas and Tejas Energy in
     Section 4.07 and of the  Enterprise  Parties in Section 5.08 shall  survive
     the  Closing  until  the  expiration  of  the  applicable  Tax  Statute  of
     Limitations Date; and

          (c) the  representations  and  warranties of Tejas and Tejas Energy in
     Sections 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.08, 4.01, and 4.11 and the representations and
     warranties of the Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II and  Enterprise  Products in
     Sections  5.01,  5.02,  5.10 and 5.12 shall  survive  the  Closing  for the
     applicable statute of limitations.

Following  the  Closing,  no party  shall  have the  right to make any claim for
indemnification for any representations or warranties under this Agreement which
do not expressly survive the Closing or


after the expiration of the applicable  survival period thereof;  provided that,
with  respect to any  representation  or warranty  that  survives the Closing in
respect  of  which   indemnity  may  be  sought  under  this   Agreement,   such
representation  or warranty  shall survive the time at which it would  otherwise
terminate  pursuant  to the  preceding  sentence,  only if a bona fide,  written
notice of the inaccuracy of such  representation or warranty giving rise to such
right of indemnity (including the specific nature of such inaccuracy) shall have
been given to the party against whom such  indemnity may be sought prior to such
time.  The  covenants  and  agreements  of  the  parties   (including,   without
limitation,  the  covenants  and  agreements  of the  parties  set forth in this
Article VIII) contained in this Agreement or in any other Transaction  Agreement
shall survive the Closing indefinitely.

     Section   Limitation on Claims.

          (a) Each party  hereto  acknowledges  and agrees  that  (except as set
     forth in subsection (d) below),  the provisions of this Article VIII  shall
     be the  exclusive  remedy of such party with respect to any matter  arising
     under this Agreement;  provided,  however, that (i) the foregoing shall not
     limit the right of any such party to seek any equitable  remedy  (including
     specific  performance)  available to enforce the rights of such party under
     this Agreement or any other  Transaction  Agreement in accordance  with the
     terms of this Agreement and (ii) nothing herein is intended to restrict the
     rights of Tejas (or its  Affiliates)  as a unitholder  under the Enterprise
     Partners  Amended  Partnership  Agreement,  applicable  securities  laws or
     otherwise arising independently of this Agreement.

          (b) The liability of Tejas or Tejas Energy for Damages for breaches of
     any Tejas Representations and Warranties pursuant to Section 8.02(a), other
     than with  respect to  breaches of  Sections  3.02,  3.08 and 4.07 shall be
     limited as follows:

               (i)  Tejas  and Tejas  Energy  shall  not be  liable  for or have
          responsibility  for any  such  Damages  until  the  aggregate  of such
          Damages incurred by the Enterprise Indemnified Parties with respect to
          such claims  exceeds  $8,000,000 in the aggregate and then only to the
          extent of the excess over such amount; and

               (ii) The  obligations  and  total  liability  of Tejas  and Tejas
          Energy for such Damages shall not exceed $60,000,000 in the aggregate.

          (c)  The  liability  of  any  of  the  Enterprise  Parties,  EPC II or
     Enterprise   Products   for   Damages  for   breaches  of  any   Enterprise
     Representations  and Warranties pursuant to Sections  8.01(i)(a),  (ii)(a),
     and (iii)(a), other than with respect to Sections 5.08, 5.10(f) and (g) and
     5.12 shall be limited as follows:

               (i) None of the Enterprise Parties, EPC II or Enterprise Products
          shall be liable for or have  responsibility for any such Damages until
          the  aggregate  of such  Damages  incurred  by the  Tejas  Indemnified
          Parties with respect to such claims


          exceeds  $8,000,000 in the  aggregate,  and then only to the extent of
          the excess over such amount; and

               (ii)  The  obligations  and  total  liability  of the  Enterprise
          Parties,  EPC II and  Enterprise  Products for such Damages  shall not
          exceed $60,000,000 in the aggregate.

          (d) Nothing in this Section 8.05 shall prevent any party from making a
     claim against the other party for actual and intentional  fraud (as opposed
     to  a  fraud  claim  based  on   constructive   knowledge,   or   negligent
     misrepresentation or similar theory).

     Section   Tejas Environmental Indemnity.

          (a) Subject to the  limitations  set forth in Section  8.06(b)  below,
     Tejas and Tejas Energy agree, jointly and severally,  to indemnify and hold
     harmless each of the  Enterprise  Indemnified  Parties from and against all
     Damages to the extent  resulting  from or arising out of Tejas  Third-Party
     Environmental  Claims  made  against  the  Company  (or its  successors  or
     assigns) or any of its  Subsidiaries  or any of the Enterprise  Indemnified
     Parties following the Closing Date. For purposes hereof, "Tejas Third-Party
     Environmental  Claims"  shall mean (x) a bona fide  claim by a third  party
     (other than a Governmental  Authority  acting in its  regulatory  capacity)
     alleging  property damage  resulting from exposure to Hazardous  Substances
     prior to the  Closing  Date from  properties  owned by the  Company  or its
     Subsidiaries  on or prior to the Closing  Date and (y) a written  directive
     from a Governmental  Authority requiring remediation of properties owned by
     the Company or its Subsidiaries on or prior to the Closing Date pursuant to
     Environmental Laws in effect at the Closing Date.

          (b) The  liability  of Tejas or Tejas  Energy for  Damages  under this
     Section 8.06 shall be limited as follows:

               (i)  Tejas  and  Tejas   Energy  shall  not  be  liable  or  have
          responsibility  for any  Damages  under  this  Section  8.06 until the
          aggregate  Damages incurred by the Company and its  Subsidiaries  with
          respect  to  all  Tejas   Third-Party   Environmental   Claims  exceed
          $5,000,000  in the aggregate and then only to the extent of the excess
          over $5,000,000.  Individual Tejas  Third-Party  Environmental  Claims
          shall not be included in the $5,000,000  deductible  until the Company
          or its Subsidiaries  incurs Damages in excess of $500,000 with respect
          to such  Tejas  Third-Party  Environmental  Claim and then only to the
          extent of the excess over the $500,000 deductible.

               (ii) The obligations and total liability for Damages of Tejas and
          Tejas Energy under this Section 8.06 shall not exceed  $100,000,000 in
          the aggregate.

               (iii) The  obligations  and  liability  of Tejas and Tejas Energy
          under this Section 8.06 shall cease in their  entirety  five (5) years
          after the Closing Date except


          with respect to bona fide claims for  indemnification  made in writing
          prior to such date which remain unresolved as of such date.

          (c) The Enterprise  Indemnified Parties acknowledge and agree that the
     liability of Tejas, Tejas Energy or any of their Affiliates (other than the
     Company and the  Subsidiaries)  for Damages resulting out of or relating to
     environmental  claims,  matters or  liabilities  (including  violations  of
     Environmental  Law  and  required  remediation  of  properties  due  to the
     presence of Hazardous Substances in the soil, groundwater or surface water)
     shall be governed  exclusively by the indemnification  provisions contained
     in this Section 8.06.

          (d) With regard to all Tejas  Third  Party-Environmental  Claims,  the
     Enterprise  Indemnified  Parties shall give written notice identifying such
     claim to  Tejas  and  Tejas  Energy  so that  Tejas  or  Tejas  Energy  may
     participate,  at its expense,  in any discussions or negotiations  with any
     applicable  Governmental  Authority  concerning  the  remediation  plan  or

     Section   Enterprise Contingent Environmental Payment.

          (a) If,  following  the  Closing  Date,  any of  Enterprise  Partners,
     Enterprise Operating or any of their respective  Subsidiaries or Enterprise
     GP incurs any Damages with respect to Enterprise Third-Party  Environmental
     Claims  (the  "Enterprise  Environmental  Payments")  then  the  Enterprise
     Parties  shall  within  20 days  following  such  Enterprise  Environmental
     Payment make a payment to Tejas (or its  successors or designees)  equal to
     25% of such Enterprise Environmental Payment (the "Contingent Environmental
     Payments").  For purposes  hereof,  "Enterprise  Third-Party  Environmental
     Claims'  shall mean (x) a bona fide claim by a third  party  (other  than a
     Governmental   Authority)  alleging  personal  injury  or  property  damage
     resulting  from exposure to Hazardous  Substances  prior to the Closing and
     (y) a written directive from a Governmental Authority requiring remediation
     of  properties,  now,  previously  or  hereafter,  owned by the  Enterprise
     Parties  or any of their  Subsidiaries;  provided,  however,  that the term
     Enterprise  Third-Party  Environmental  Claim shall not include any matters
     relating  to  the  properties  or  assets   included  in  the  Business  as
     contemplated by this Agreement.

          (b) The  obligation of the  Enterprise  Parties to make the Contingent
     Environmental Payments will be subject to the following limitations:

               (i) The  Enterprise  Parties  shall not be  required  to make any
          Contingent  Environmental  Payments  under this Section 8.07 until the
          aggregate  Damages incurred by the Enterprise  Parties with respect to
          all Enterprise Third-Party  Environmental Claims exceeds $5,000,000 in
          the aggregate.  Individual Enterprise Third-Party Environmental claims
          shall not be included in the $5,000,000 threshold unless and until the
          Enterprise Parties incur Damages in excess of $500,000 with respect to
          such Enterprise Third-Party Environmental Claim.


               (ii)  The   obligations   and  total   liability  for  Contingent
          Environmental  Payments  under  this  Section  8.07  shall not  exceed
          $100,000,000 in the aggregate .

               (iii) The  obligation  and  liability of the  Enterprise  Parties
          under this Section 8.07 shall cease in their  entirety  five (5) years
          after the Closing  Date,  except with  respect to bona fide claims for
          indemnification  made prior to such date which remain unresolved as of
          such date.

     Section   Louisiana Fuel Tax Audit.  Tejas and Tejas Energy, agree, jointly
and severally, to indemnify and hold harmless each of the Enterprise Indemnified
Parties  from and against any Taxes which may be assessed  against the  Company,
any of its  Subsidiaries  or the assets of the Business as a result of any audit
by the State of  Louisiana  of fuel gas  consumed  in plant  operations  for any
period prior to the Effective Date.

          (b) The Enterprise Parties, agree, jointly and severally, to indemnify
     and hold  harmless each of the Tejas  Indemnified  Parties from and against
     any  Taxes  which  may  be  assessed  against  the  Company,   any  of  its
     Subsidiaries  or the assets of the Business as a result of any audit by the
     State of Louisiana of fuel gas consumed in plant  operations for any period
     after the Effective Date.



     Section   Expenses and Taxes; Tax Returns.

          (a)  Each  party to this  Agreement  shall  pay all fees and  expenses
     incurred  by it in  connection  with this  Agreement  and the  transactions
     contemplated  by this  Agreement.  The parties to this Agreement agree that
     all applicable excise, sales, transfer,  documentary,  filing,  recordation
     and other  similar  Taxes,  levies,  fees and charges,  if any, that may be
     imposed upon,  or payable or  collectible  or incurred in connection  with,
     this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be
     borne by the party on which such Taxes, levies, fees or charges are imposed
     by  operation  of law.  Each  party to this  Agreement  agrees  to file all
     necessary  documentation  (including  all Tax Returns) with respect to such
     Taxes in a timely manner.

          (b) Tejas  shall  timely file  (taking  into  account  any  extensions
     received  from the relevant  Tax  authorities)  all Tax Returns  accurately
     reflecting the operations of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  for periods
     ending  prior to the  Closing  Date and shall pay all  Taxes  with  respect

          (c)  Enterprise  Partners  shall  timely file (taking into account any
     extensions  received  from the  relevant Tax  authorities)  all Tax Returns
     accurately reflecting the


     operations  of the Company and its  Subsidiaries  for periods  ending on or
     after the Closing  Date and shall pay all Taxes with respect  thereto.  For
     purposes of this  Section  9.01(c),  in the case of any Taxes based upon or
     related to income or receipts,  including franchise Taxes, that are payable
     for a Tax period  that  includes  (but does not end on) the  Closing  Date,
     Tejas  shall pay to  Enterprise  Partners,  the  portion  of such Tax which
     relates to the portion of such Tax period ending prior to the Closing Date.
     This amount due from Tejas shall be deemed  equal to the amount which would
     be payable if the relevant Tax period ended on the Closing Date.

          (d) Enterprise  Partners  agrees to and shall  reimburse Tejas for any
     Taxes  relating to the Business  which may be paid by Tejas with respect to
     the Interim Period, within ten (10) days following notice from Tejas.

     Section    Amendment.  This  Agreement  may  not be  amended  except  by an
instrument in writing signed by the  Enterprise  Parties,  Enterprise  Products,
EPC II, Tejas and Tejas Energy.

     Section    Waiver.  Either  the  Enterprise  Parties  or the Tejas or Tejas
Energy may (a) extend the time for the  performance of any of the obligations or
other acts of the other, (b) waive any inaccuracies in the  representations  and
warranties of the other contained in this Agreement or in any document delivered
by the other pursuant to this Agreement or (c) waive  compliance with any of the
agreements,  or  satisfaction  of any  of  the  conditions,  contained  in  this
Agreement by the other.  Any agreement on the part of a party to this  Agreement
to any  such  extension  or  waiver  shall  be  valid  only if set  forth  in an
instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.

     Section    Notices.  Any  notices  or  other  communications   required  or
permitted  under,  or otherwise in connection  with,  this Agreement shall be in
writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when  delivered in person or
upon  confirmation of receipt when  transmitted by facsimile  transmission or on
receipt  after  dispatch by  registered  or  certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,
addressed, as follows:

                  If to Tejas or Tejas Energy:

                           Tejas Midstream Enterprises, LLC
                           1301 McKinney Street, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77010
                           Attn: Chief Operating Officer
                           Phone:  (713) 230-3000
                           Fax:      (713) 230-2900


                           Tejas Energy, LLC
                           1301 McKinney Street, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77010
                           Attn: Chief Operating Officer
                           Phone:  (713) 230-3000
                           Fax:      (713) 230-1800

                  With a copy to:

                           Tejas Energy, LLC
                           1301 McKinney Street, Suite 700
                           Houston, TX 77010
                           Attn: General Counsel
                           Phone:  (713) 230-3000
                           Fax:      (713) 230-2900

                  If to an Enterprise Party:

                           Enterprise Products Company
                           P. O. Box 4324 (77210-4324)
                           2727 North Loop West, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77008
                           Attention: President
                           Telephone: 713-880-6500
                           Facsimile: 713-880-6570

                  With a copy to:

                           Enterprise Products Company
                           P. O. Box 4324 (77210-4324)
                           2727 North Loop West, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77008
                           Attention: Chief Legal Officer
                           Telephone: 713-880-6500
                           Facsimile: 713-880-6570

or such other  address as the person to whom notice is to be given has furnished
in writing  to the other  parties.  A notice of change in  address  shall not be
deemed to have been given until received by the addressee.


     Section   Headings;  Disclosure Memorandum. The descriptive headings of the
Articles and Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do
not  constitute  a part of  this  Agreement.  The  Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum
constitutes  an integral  part of this  Agreement  and modifies  the  respective
representations,  warranties,  covenants  or  agreements  of the Tejas and Tejas
Energy  contained  herein to the extent that such  representations,  warranties,
covenants or agreements  expressly refer  specifically to the applicable section
of the Tejas  Disclosure  Memorandum.  Each item of disclosure  set forth in the
Tejas Disclosure  Memorandum  specifically  refers to the article and section of
the Agreement to which such disclosure  responds,  and shall not be deemed to be
disclosed with respect to any other article or section of the Agreement.

     Section   Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in  accordance  with the laws of the State of Texas  regardless of principles of
conflicts of laws.

     Section    No Third  Party  Rights.  Except  as  specifically  provided  in
Article VIII,  this  Agreement  is  intended to be solely for the benefit of the
parties to this  Agreement  and is not intended to confer any benefits  upon, or
create  any  rights in favor of,  any  Person  other  than the  parties  to this

     Section   Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in any number of
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute a single instrument.

     Section    Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement  shall be held
invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  the validity,  legality or enforceability of
the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby,  and there
shall be  deemed  substituted  for the  provision  at issue a valid,  legal  and
enforceable provision as similar as possible to the provision at issue.

     Section    Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement  (including the documents and
instruments  referred to in this Agreement) sets forth the entire  understanding
and agreement  among the parties as to the matters covered in this Agreement and
supersedes  and  replaces  any prior  understanding,  agreement,  including  the
Confidentiality   Agreement,  the  Term  Sheet  dated  April  19,  1999  between
Enterprise  Partners and Tejas Energy or any other statement of intent,  in each
case,   written  or  oral,  of  any  and  every  nature  with  respect  to  such
understanding, agreement or statement.

     Section   Arbitration; Waiver.

          (a) Any controversy or claim, whether based on contract, tort, statute
     or other  legal or  equitable  theory  arising  out of or  related  to this
     Agreement  (including  any  amendments  or  extensions),  or the  breach of
     termination hereof or any right to indemnity  hereunder shall be settled by
     arbitration in accordance with the  arbitration  terms set forth in Exhibit
     9.11 hereto.


          (b)  Without  any way  limiting  Section 9.11(a),  each of the parties
     hereto hereby  irrevocably waives all right to trial by jury in any action,
     proceeding or counterclaim  (whether based on contract,  tort or otherwise)
     arising out of or relating to this  Agreement or the actions of any of them
     in the negotiation, administration, performance and enforcement thereof.

     Section   Fair Construction. This Agreement shall be deemed to be the joint
work product of the Enterprise Parties,  Enterprise Products,  EPC II, Tejas and
Tejas Energy without regard to the identity of the draftsperson, and any rule of
construction  that a document  shall be  interpreted  or  construed  against the
drafting party shall not be applicable.

     Section   Disclaimer of Other Representations and Warranties.




     Each of the  parties to this  Agreement  has caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed  on its behalf by its duly  authorized  officer,  all as of the day and
year first above written.

                           TEJAS ENERGY, LLC

                           By:      /s/ Curtis R. Frasier
                           Name:    Curtis R. Frasier
                           Title:   Executive Vice President and Chief Operating

                           TEJAS MIDSTREAM ENTERPRISES, LLC

                           By:      /s/ Curtis R. Frasier
                           Name:    Curtis R. Frasier
                           Title:   President and Chief Operating Officer

                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P.

                           By Enterprise Products GP, LLC, General Partner

                           By:      /s/ O.S. Andras
                           Name:    O. S. Andras
                           Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer

                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS OPERATING L.P.

                           By Enterprise Products GP, LLC, General Partner

                           By:      /s/ O.S. Andras
                           Name:    O. S. Andras
                           Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer

                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS GP, LLC

                           By:      /s/ O.S. Andras
                           Name:    O. S. Andras
                           Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer


                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS COMPANY
                           (for limited purposes of Articles V, VII and VIII

                           By:      /s/ O.S. Andras
                           Name:    O. S. Andras
                           Title:   President and Chief Executive Officer

                           EPC PARTNERS II, INC.

                           By:      /s/ Francis B. Jacobs
                           Name:    Francis B. Jacobs
                           Title:   President
