This  Registration  Rights  Agreement  dated as of September  17, 1999
     (this  "Agreement"),  is made and entered  into by and among Tejas  Energy,
     LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Tejas") and Enterprise Products
     Partners L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Enterprise Partners").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Tejas has received certain units of a special class of partnership
interests (the "Special Units") issued by Enterprise  Partners  pursuant to that
certain Contribution Agreement dated as of September 17, 1999 (the "Contribution
Agreement") between Tejas, Tejas Midstream Enterprises, LLC ("Tejas Midstream"),
Enterprise   Partners,   Enterprise   Products   Operating   L.P.   ("Enterprise
Operating"),  Enterprise Products GP, LLC ("Enterprise GP"), Enterprise Products
Company ("EPC"), and EPC Partners II, Inc. ("EPC Partners II");
     WHEREAS,  the  Special  Units  will  be  automatically  convertible,  on  a
one-for-one  basis into Common Units (the "Tejas  Common  Units") of  Enterprise
Partners, effective as of the dates specified in the Contribution Agreement (the
"Conversion Date");
     WHEREAS, in order to improve the transferability of the Tejas Common Units,
Enterprise  Partners  is willing to provide  certain  registration  rights  with
respect thereto; and
     WHEREAS,  Enterprise  Partners and Tejas deem it to be in their  respective
best interests to enter into this Agreement to set forth certain rights of Tejas
in connection with public  offerings and sales of the Tejas Common Units and are
entering  into this  Agreement  as a  condition  to and in  connection  with the
Contribution Agreement.
     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants and
obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

     Section  Definitions.  As used in this Agreement,  the following terms have
the following meanings:

     "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person,  (i) a director or executive
officer of such Person,  and (ii) any other Person that,  directly or indirectly
through one or more  intermediaries,  controls,  is  controlled  by, or is under
common  control  with such  Person.  The term  "control"  means the  possession,
directly or indirectly,  of the power to direct the management and policies of a
Person,  whether  through the  ownership  of voting  securities,  by contract or

     "Best Efforts" as used herein means  reasonable  best efforts in accordance
with reasonable commercial practice.


     "Business  Day" means a day that is not a Saturday,  Sunday or other day on
which banks in Houston, Texas and New York, New York are authorized or obligated
to close.

    "Commission"  means the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  or any other
governmental body or agency succeeding to the functions thereof.

     "Common  Units" means the common  units  representing  limited  partnership
interests in Enterprise Partners.

     "Contribution  Agreement" means the Contribution  Agreement dated September
17, 1999, by and among Tejas, Tejas Midstream,  Enterprise Partners,  Enterprise
Operating,  Enterprise GP, EPC, and EPC Partners II, as the same may be amended,
supplemented, modified or restated.

    "Equity  Equivalents" means securities which are convertible,  exchangeable
or exercisable for or into Common Units.

     "Exchange  Act" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  or
any successor  federal statute,  and the rules and regulations of the Commission
promulgated thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect from time to time.

     "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee or other governing body
of Enterprise Partners.

     "Person"  shall be construed  broadly and shall  include an  individual,  a
partnership,  a corporation,  an association,  a joint stock company,  a limited
liability company, a trust, a joint venture, an unincorporated  organization and
a  governmental  entity  or any  department,  agency  or  political  subdivision

     "Public  Offering"  means a public  offering  of  Common  Units  or  Equity
Equivalents  pursuant to a registration  statement  declared effective under the
Securities Act, except that a Public Offering shall not include an offering made
in connection  with a business  acquisition  or otherwise on Form S-4  under the
Securities Act (or any successor form) or an employee  benefit plan or otherwise
on Form S-8 under the Securities Act (or any successor form).

     "Registrable Securities" shall mean (i) Tejas Common Units; (ii) any Common
Units or other  securities  issued  as a  dividend  or other  distribution  with
respect to or in exchange for or in replacement of the Tejas Common Units; (iii)
any  Common  Units  issued  to Tejas  under  Section  4.1(a)  of the  Unitholder
Agreement;  and (iv) any then outstanding securities into which the Tejas Common
Units shall have been changed by any reclassification or recapitalization of the
Tejas  Common  Units or  otherwise,  in each case to the  extent and only to the
extent such securities are held by Unitholders;  provided,  however,  that as to
any particular securities that would otherwise be Registrable  Securities,  such
securities  shall not be Registrable  Securities  until the Conversion Date with
respect to such  securities  has occurred and provided  further,  that as to any
particular Registrable


Securities,   once  issued,  such  securities  shall  cease  to  be  Registrable
Securities  if (A) a  registration  statement  with  respect to the sale of such
securities  shall  have  become  effective  under  the  Securities  Act and such
securities  shall have been  disposed of by the holder in  accordance  with such
registration  statement,  (B) such  securities  shall have been sold pursuant to
Rule 144,  (C) as to the  provisions  of Section 3 hereof  only, at any time the
Registrable  Securities  owned by a Unitholder  (together  with all  Registrable
Securities  owned by its  Affiliates)  represent  less than 200,000 Common Units
(adjusted  to reflect  splits,  reclassifications  and  similar  events) and the
holder of such securities may sell such securities  pursuant to paragraph (k) of
Rule 144 and without any  limitation as to timing,  volume or manner of sale, or
(D)  such securities shall have ceased to be outstanding.

     "Requesting   Unitholder"   means,   with   respect  to  any  request  for
registration  hereunder,  the Unitholders that have requested such  registration
under Section 2 or Section 3 hereof, as the case may be.

     "Required  Unitholders" means, as of the date of any determination thereof,
Unitholders  which  then hold  Registrable  Securities  representing  at least a
majority (by number of units) of the Registrable Securities,  on a fully diluted
basis, then held by all Unitholders.

     "Rule 144"  means  Rule 144  promulgated  under the  Securities  Act or any
successor rule thereto or any complementary rule thereto (such as Rule 144A).

    "Securities  Act" means the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended,  or any
successor  Federal  statute,  and the rules and  regulations  of the  Commission
thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect from time to time.

     "Tejas  Common  Units" has the meaning  specified  in the  preamble to this

     "Unitholder   Agreement"  means  the  Unitholder   Rights  Agreement  dated
September 17, 1999 among Tejas, Tejas Midstream, Enterprise Partners, Enterprise
GP, EPC, and EPC Partners II.

     "Unitholders" means, collectively, (i) Tejas and (ii) any Persons which, in
the future, may become parties to this Agreement pursuant to Section 13(e).

    "Unitholders'   Counsel"   means  one  counsel  chosen  by  the  Requesting

         Section  Required Registration.

     Subject to  Section 2(b)  below,  if, at any time  following the Conversion
Date with respect to any Registrable  Securities,  Enterprise  Partners shall be
requested  by the  Required  Unitholders  to effect the  registration  under the
Securities Act of Registrable Securities,  then Enterprise Partners shall within
15 days of receipt  thereof  give  written  notice of such  request to all other
holders of Registrable Securities and, thereafter, Enterprise Partners shall use
its Best  Efforts to effect the  registration  under the  Securities  Act of the
Registrable Securities which Enterprise


Partners has been requested to register by the Required  Unitholders  making the
request  and the  other  Requesting  Unitholders  to the  extent  notice of such
request is received by Enterprise  Partners  within  20 days of their receipt of
Enterprise Partners' notice. Any request for a registration under this Section 2
shall specify the number of  Registrable  Securities  proposed to be sold by the
Requesting Unitholders and the intended method of disposition thereof.

     Anything  contained in Section 2(a)  notwithstanding,  Enterprise  Partners
shall not be  obligated to effect any  registration  of  Registrable  Securities
under the Securities Act pursuant to Section 2(a)  except in accordance with the
following provisions:

     Enterprise  Partners shall not be obligated to use its Best Efforts to file
and cause to become  effective,  within the meaning of clause (iii)  below, more
than three  registration  statements in the aggregate  pursuant to  Section 2(a)

     Enterprise Partners may, upon written notice to the Requesting Unitholders,
delay the filing or effectiveness of any registration  statement  (A) during any
period  during which  Enterprise  Partners is in the process of  negotiating  or
preparing,  and ending on a date 90 days  following  the  effective  date of any
registration statement pertaining to a Public Offering of Common Units or Equity
Equivalents (other than on Form S-4 or Form S-8 or a comparable form),  provided
that Enterprise  Partners is throughout  that period actively  employing in good
faith its Best Efforts to cause such registration statement to become effective,
(B) until  a period of at least 90 days shall have  elapsed  from the  effective
date of any previously effected  registration pursuant to Section 2, (C)  during
any  period  during  which  Enterprise  Partners  is  engaged  in  any  material
acquisition or disposition transaction which could be significantly disrupted by
such registration,  qualification  and/or  compliance,  or (D) during any period
during  which  Enterprise  Partners is in  possession  of  material  information
concerning it or its business and affairs,  the public disclosure of which could
have a material adverse effect on Enterprise  Partners as reasonably  determined
by the Executive Committee;  provided, however, that Enterprise Partners may not
effect more than two periods of delay under clauses (A), (C) or (D) above within
any 12-month  period,  and any such two delay periods shall in the aggregate not
exceed 120 days within any 12-month period;

     At  any  time  before  the  registration   statement  covering  Registrable
Securities  becomes effective,  the Requesting  Unitholders which requested such
registration  may  request  Enterprise  Partners  to withdraw or not to file the
registration  statement.  In that event, if such request of withdrawal shall not
have been caused by, or made in response  to, a material  adverse  change in the
business,  properties,  condition,  financial or  otherwise,  or  operations  of
Enterprise  Partners occurring on or after the date of such request,  one demand
registration  right  shall be deemed  to have  been  effected,  as  provided  in
clause (i)  above,  unless the  Requesting  Unitholders  shall pay to Enterprise
Partners the expenses  incurred by Enterprise  Partners in connection  with such
registration  statement through the date of such request, which payment shall be
pro rata to the number of Registrable Securities originally requested


to be included in such registration,  in which case no such demand  registration
right shall be deemed to have been effected; and

     Subject to clause (iii) above, no registration shall be deemed to have been
requested  or effected  for any  purposes  under this  Section 2:  (A) unless  a
registration statement with respect thereto has become effective;  (B) if, after
it  has  become  effective,  any  stop  order,  injunction  or  other  order  or
requirement of the Commission or any other governmental agency or court, for any
reason, affecting any of the Registrable Securities covered by such registration
statement, is issued by the Commission or other governmental agency or court and
not  withdrawn  within  10  Business  Days;  (C) if the  conditions  to  closing
specified in the purchase  agreement or underwriting  agreement  entered into in
connection with such registration are not satisfied by reason of a failure by or
inability  of  Enterprise  Partners  to satisfy any of such  conditions,  or the
occurrence of an event outside the reasonable control of the relevant Requesting
Unitholders;  or  (D) if  the  request  for  withdrawal  made by the  Requesting
Unitholders pursuant to clause (iii) above shall have been caused by, or made in
response to, the material adverse change in the business properties,  condition,
financial  or  otherwise,  or  operations  of  Enterprise  Partners.  (c)  If  a
registration  effected pursuant to this Section 2 is for an underwritten  Public
Offering,  Enterprise  Partners may include in such  registration  the number of
securities (for its own account or the account of any  securityholder)  which in
the opinion of such  underwriters  can be sold without  adversely  affecting the
proposed  offering or the offering  price,  provided  the number of  Registrable
Securities  requested  by the  Requesting  Unitholders  to be  included  in such
registration shall not be reduced.

         Section  Piggyback Registration.

     If at any time after the  Conversion  Date with respect to any  Registrable
Securities,  Enterprise  Partners proposes for any reason to register any Common
Units  or  Equity   Equivalents  (other  than  in  connection  with  a  business
acquisition  or otherwise on Form S-4 under the Securities Act (or any successor
form) or an employee  benefit plan or otherwise on Form S-8 under the Securities
Act (or any successor form)) then it shall promptly give written notice at least
15 Business  Days before the  anticipated  filing date to each of the holders of
Registrable  Securities  of its  intention  to so register  such Common Units or
Equity  Equivalents  and,  upon the written  request,  delivered  to  Enterprise
Partners  within 10 Business Days after receipt of any such notice by Enterprise
Partners,  of the  Unitholders  to  include  in  such  registration  Registrable
Securities  (which  request shall specify the number of  Registrable  Securities
proposed to be included in such registration), Enterprise Partners shall use its
Best  Efforts to cause all such  Registrable  Securities  to be included in such
registration  on the same terms and  conditions  as the  Common  Units or Equity
Equivalents   otherwise  being  sold  in  such  registration,   subject  to  the
limitations set forth herein.

     If a registration  referred to in paragraph 3(a) relates to an underwritten
Public Offering on behalf of Enterprise Partners,  and the managing underwriters
advise Enterprise Partners


in writing that the  inclusion  of all  Registrable  Securities  requested to be
included in such registration would materially and adversely affect the proposed
offering  or the  offering  price,  Enterprise  Partners  will  include  in such
registration:  (i) first, all securities  Enterprise  Partners proposes to sell,
(ii) second, all Registrable  Securities which the Requesting Unitholders ask to
be included and (iii) third, such other securities (provided such securities are
of the same class as the  securities  being sold by Enterprise  Partners) as are
requested  to be included in such  registration  equal to the  balance,  if any,
allocated  pro rata  among the  holders of such  securities  on the basis of the
dollar amount or number of securities  requested to be included  therein by each
such  holder.  If a  registration  referred to in  paragraph  3(a) relates to an
underwritten secondary registration on behalf of holders of Enterprise Partners'
securities  (other than holders of  Registrable  Securities in their capacity as
such), and the managing  underwriters advise Enterprise Partners in writing that
in their opinion the  securities  requested to be included in such  registration
exceeds the  securities  which can be sold in such  offering  without  adversely
affecting the offering or the offering price,  Enterprise  Partners will include
in such  registration,  (i) first,  the securities  which in the opinion of such
underwriters  can be  sold  without  adversely  affecting  the  offering  or the
offering  price of the securities  intended to be included  therein on behalf of
the other  holders  of  Enterprise  Partners'  securities,  allocated  among the
holders of such securities in such  proportions as Enterprise  Partners and such
holders  may  agree,  and  (ii)  to the  extent  of the  balance,  if  any,  the
Registrable Securities requested to be included in such registration,  allocated
pro rata among the holders of such  Registrable  Securities  on the basis of the
securities requested to be included therein by each such holder.

     If the registration  referred to in paragraph 3(a) involves an underwritten
offering,  the right of any Unitholder to include any Registrable  Securities in
such  registration  pursuant to this  Section 3 shall be  conditioned  upon such
Unitholders'  participation in such underwriting.  The Unitholders  proposing to
include their Registrable Securities pursuant to this Section 3 shall enter into
an underwriting agreement in customary form with the underwriter or underwriters
selected for such underwriting by Enterprise Partners.

     (d)  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  in this  Section  3, if a
registration  referred to in paragraph 3(a) relates to an underwritten  offering
of a class of securities of Enterprise  Partners  different from the Registrable
Securities   proposed  to  be  included  in  such   offering  and  the  managing
underwriters advise that in their opinion Registrable  Securities of a different
class  cannot be included  in such  offering  without  adversely  affecting  the
offering or the offering price,  then the holders of the Registrable  Securities
shall not be entitled to include Registrable Securities in such registration.

     (e)  Enterprise  Partners  shall have the right to  terminate  any proposed
registration  under this  Section 3  at any time without any  obligation  to the
Requesting Holders requesting  inclusion in such registration under this Section

         Section  Holdback Agreement.

     If Enterprise  Partners at any time shall  register  Common Units or Equity
Equivalents  under the Securities Act  (including any  registration  pursuant to
Section 3) for sale in an


underwritten  Public Offering,  then to the extent requested by the underwriters
for such offering, the Unitholders shall not sell, make any short sale of, grant
any option for the purchase of, or otherwise dispose of, directly or indirectly,
any Registrable  Securities (other than those Registrable Securities included in
such registration) without the prior written consent of Enterprise Partners, for
a period  designated by the managing  underwriter in writing to the Unitholders,
which period shall begin not more than seven days prior to the  effectiveness of
the registration  statement pursuant to which such Public Offering shall be made
(or within  seven days prior to the  execution  of the  applicable  underwriting
agreement  in the case of an  offering  pursuant to Rule 415) and shall not last
more than 90 days after the  closing of such  Public  Offering  or such  shorter
holdback period to which Enterprise  Partners or other unitholders of Enterprise
Partners  holding at least 10% of the Common Units of Enterprise  Partners (on a
fully diluted  basis) are subject.  The Requesting  Unitholders  will enter into
agreements with the underwriters to the foregoing effect.

     If,  at any  time,  Enterprise  Partners  is  requested  by the  Requesting
Unitholders to register  Registrable  Securities pursuant to Section 2(a) hereof
under the Securities Act for sale in an underwritten  Public  Offering,  then to
the extent requested by the underwriters for such offering  Enterprise  Partners
shall not sell,  make any short  sale of,  grant any  option  (other  than under
compensatory  option or benefit plans of Enterprise  Partners or its Affiliates)
for the  purchase  of, or  otherwise  dispose of,  directly or  indirectly,  any
securities similar to those being registered or any Equity Equivalents,  without
the prior written consent of the managing  underwriter,  for a period designated
by the managing  underwriter  in writing to  Enterprise  Partners,  which period
shall  begin  not  more  than  seven  days  prior  to the  effectiveness  of the
registration  statement pursuant to which such public offering shall be made (or
within  seven  days  prior  to  the  execution  of the  applicable  underwriting
agreement in the case of an offering  pursuant to  Rule 415)  and shall not last
more  than 90 days  after  the  closing  of the sale of units  pursuant  to such
registration  statement or such shorter holdback period to which the Unitholders
are then subject.  Enterprise  Partners shall use its Best Efforts to cause each
holder of at least 10% (on a fully  diluted  basis) of Common  Units  other than
Unitholders  to agree not to sell  publicly,  make any short sale of,  grant any
option for the purchase of, or otherwise  dispose  publicly of, any Common Units
or Equity Equivalents  (except as part of the underwritten  offering pursuant to
such registration statement),  without the prior written consent of the managing
underwriter,  for a period designated by the managing  underwriter in writing to
such  holders,  which  period  shall begin not more than seven days prior to the
effectiveness  of the  registration  statement  pursuant  to which  such  public
offering  shall be made (or  within  seven days  prior to the  execution  of the
applicable  underwriting  agreement  in the  case  of an  offering  pursuant  to
Rule 415)  and shall not last more than 90 days after the closing of the sale of
units pursuant to such registration statement or such shorter holdback period to
which the Unitholders are then subject.

         Section  Preparation and Filing.

     If and whenever  Enterprise Partners is under an obligation pursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement to use its Best Efforts to effect the  registration
of any Registrable  Securities,  Enterprise  Partners shall, as expeditiously as


     use its Best Efforts to cause a registration  statement that registers such
Registrable  Securities  to be  filed  within  45  days  following  the  request
delivered  pursuant to Section 2 and to become and remain effective for a period
(the  "Registration  Period") of 180 days (or such extended  period  pursuant to
clause (viii)  below)  or until  all of such  Registrable  Securities  have been
disposed of (if earlier);

     furnish, at least five Business Days before filing a registration statement
that registers such Registrable Securities, a prospectus relating thereto or any
amendments  or  supplements  relating  to  such  a  registration   statement  or
prospectus, to Unitholders' Counsel, copies of all such documents proposed to be
filed (it being understood that such five-Business-Day  period need not apply to
successive  drafts  of the same  document  proposed  to be filed so long as such
successive  drafts  are  supplied  to  Unitholders'  Counsel  in  advance of the
proposed  filing by a period of time that is customary and reasonable  under the

     prepare and file with the Commission  such  amendments  and  supplements to
such registration  statement and the prospectus used in connection  therewith as
may be  necessary  to keep such  registration  statement  effective at all times
during  the  Registration  Period  and to  comply  with  the  provisions  of the
Securities Act with respect to the sale or other disposition of such Registrable

     notify in writing  Unitholders'  Counsel  promptly  of  (A) the  receipt by
Enterprise  Partners of any  notification  with  respect to any  comments by the
Commission  with respect to such  registration  statement or  prospectus  or any
amendment  or  supplement  thereto  or any  request  by the  Commission  for the
amending or  supplementing  thereof or for additional  information  with respect
thereto, (B) the receipt by Enterprise Partners of any notification with respect
to any stop order issued or threatened to be issued by the Commission suspending
the effectiveness of such registration  statement or prospectus or any amendment
or supplement  thereto or the  initiation or  threatening  of any proceeding for
that purpose and (C) the receipt by Enterprise Partners of any notification with
respect to the suspension of the  qualification of such  Registrable  Securities
for sale in any  jurisdiction or the initiation or threatening of any proceeding
for such purposes;

     use its Best  Efforts to register or qualify  such  Registrable  Securities
under  such  other  securities  or  blue  sky  laws  of  such  jurisdictions  as
Unitholders  reasonably  request and to keep such registration and qualification
in effect for so long as such registration statement remains in effect and to do
any and all other acts and things which may be reasonably necessary or advisable
to enable Unitholders to consummate the disposition in such jurisdictions of the
Registrable Securities owned by Unitholders;  provided, however, that Enterprise
Partners will not be required to qualify  generally to do business or consent to
general  service of process or taxation in any  jurisdiction  where it would not
otherwise be required to do so but for this clause (v);


     furnish, without charge, to the holders of such Registrable Securities such
number  of  copies  of such  registration  statement,  prospectus,  including  a
preliminary  prospectus,  in conformity with the  requirements of the Securities
Act,  and  such  other  documents  (including  exhibits  thereto  and  documents
incorporated  by reference  therein) as such holders may  reasonably  request in
order to facilitate  the public sale or other  disposition  of such  Registrable

     use its Best Efforts to cause such Registrable  Securities to be registered
with  or  approved  by  such  other  governmental  agencies  or  authorities  or
self-regulatory  organizations as may be necessary by virtue of the business and
operations  of  Enterprise  Partners  to enable  the  Unitholders  holding  such
Registrable  Securities  to  consummate  the  disposition  of  such  Registrable

     notify in writing  holders of  Registrable  Securities on a timely basis at
any time when a prospectus  relating to such Registrable  Securities is required
to be delivered under the Securities Act during the  Registration  Period of the
happening  of any  event as a result of which the  prospectus  included  in such
registration  statement,  as then in effect,  includes an untrue  statement of a
material fact or omits to state a material fact required to be stated therein or
necessary  to make  the  statements  therein  not  misleading  in  light  of the
circumstances  then existing  and, at the request of the holders of  Registrable
Securities, prepare and furnish to such holders a reasonable number of copies of
a supplement to or an amendment of such  prospectus as may be necessary so that,
as  thereafter  delivered  to the offerees and  purchasers  of such units,  such
prospectus  shall not include an untrue  statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material  fact  required to be stated  therein or  necessary to make the
statements  therein not misleading in light of the circumstances  then existing;
provided,  however,  that the Registration Period shall be deemed to be extended
by the number of days  constituting  the period  commencing on and including the
date of the giving of such notice to such seller and ending on and including the
date when  Enterprise  Partners  made  available  to such  seller an  amended or
supplemented prospectus;

     in the case of an  underwritten  offering,  use its Best  Efforts to obtain
from its independent certified public accountants "comfort" letters in customary
form and at customary times and covering matters of the type customarily covered
by comfort letters;

     in the case of an underwritten offering, (A) use its Best Efforts to obtain
from its counsel an opinion or opinions in  customary  form to the  underwriters
and the  holders of  Registrable  Securities  and (B) to  enter into a customary
underwriting   agreement  and  make   representations   and  warranties  to  the
underwriters, in form, substance and scope as are customarily made by issuers to
underwriters in comparable underwritten offerings;

     provide a transfer  agent and  registrar  (which may be the same entity and
which may be Enterprise Partners) for such Registrable Securities;


     if required,  issue to any  underwriter to which the holders of Registrable
Securities  may  sell  units  in  such  offering  certificates  evidencing  such
Registrable Securities;

     use its Best Efforts to list such  Registrable  Securities  on the New York
Stock Exchange or such other  securities  exchange on which the Common Units are

     use all reasonable  efforts to obtain the lifting at the earliest  possible
time of any  stop  order  suspending  the  effectiveness  of  such  registration
statement or of any order  preventing or suspending  the use of any  preliminary
prospectus included therein; and

     use its Best  Efforts  to take all other  steps  necessary  to  effect  the
registration of such Registrable Securities contemplated hereby.

     Each holder of the Registrable Securities,  upon receipt of any notice from
Enterprise  Partners of any event of the kind  described  in  Section 5(a)(viii)
hereof, shall forthwith  discontinue  disposition of the Registrable  Securities
pursuant to the  registration  statement  covering such  Registrable  Securities
until  such  holder's  receipt  of the  copies of the  supplemented  or  amended
prospectus  contemplated by  Section 5(a)(viii)  hereof,  and, if so directed by
Enterprise  Partners,  such holder  shall  deliver to  Enterprise  Partners  all
copies,  other than permanent file copies then in such holder's  possession,  of
the prospectus  covering such  Registrable  Securities at the time of receipt of
such notice.

     In the case of an underwritten  offering pursuant to Section 2 hereof,  the
Requesting Unitholders shall choose the managing underwriter,  provided that the
managing  underwriter is reasonably  acceptable to Enterprise  Partners.  In the
case of an  underwritten  offering  pursuant  to  Section 3  hereof,  Enterprise
Partners  shall choose the  managing  underwriter.  In either case,  the form of
underwriting agreement shall be reasonably acceptable to Enterprise Partners.

     Enterprise Partners may require each seller of Registrable Securities as to
which any  registration  is being  effected  hereunder to furnish to  Enterprise
Partners such information and complete such questionnaires  regarding the seller
and the distribution of such securities as Enterprise  Partners may from time to
time reasonably request.

     Section Expenses. All expenses (other than as provided in the last sentence
of this  Section 6)  incident  to the  registration  of  Registrable  Securities
pursuant to Section 2 and 3 hereof, including,  without limitation, the fees and
expenses of the underwriters,  all salaries and expenses of Enterprise Partners'
officers and employees performing legal or accounting duties, the expense of any
annual audit or quarterly review,  the expense of any liability  insurance,  all
registration and filing fees, the expense and fees for listing securities on one
or more securities exchanges, the fees and expenses of complying with securities
and blue sky laws, printing expenses,  messenger and delivery expenses, fees and
expenses of Enterprise  Partners'  counsel and  accountants,  and the reasonable
fees and expenses of one counsel to the  Unitholders  not to exceed  $25,000 for
any   registration   (all  such  expenses  being  herein  called   "Registration
Expenses"), shall be borne by Enterprise Partners;


provided,  however,  that with  respect to any  request for  registration  begun
pursuant  to  Section  2  that  is  subsequently  withdrawn  by  the  Requesting
Unitholders, other than if such withdrawal is caused by, or made in response to,
a material adverse change in the business,  properties,  condition, financial or
otherwise,  or operations of Enterprise  Partners occurring on or after the date
of such  request,  then  Enterprise  Partners  shall not be  required to pay the
Registration  Expenses of such registration and the Registration  Expenses shall
be  paid  by the  withdrawing  Unitholders  pro  rata  based  on the  number  of
Registrable  Securities to be included therein.  All underwriting  discounts and
selling  commissions  applicable to the Registrable  Securities and the fees and
expenses  of any  counsel  to the  Unitholders  not  provided  for in the  above
definition of  Registration  Expenses shall be borne by the holders selling such
securities, in proportion to the number of securities sold by each such holder.

         Section  Indemnification.

     In connection with any registration of any Registrable Securities under the
Securities Act pursuant to this Agreement,  Enterprise  Partners shall indemnify
and hold  harmless,  to the  fullest  extent  permitted  by law,  the holders of
Registrable Securities,  each other Person, if any, who controls any such holder
of  Registrable  Securities  within  the  meaning of the  Securities  Act or the
Exchange Act, and each of their  respective  directors,  partners,  officers and
agents,  against any and all losses,  claims,  damages or liabilities,  joint or
several (or actions or threatened  actions in respect thereof),  to which any of
the foregoing  Persons may become subject under the Securities Act or otherwise,
insofar as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions or threatened
actions  in  respect  thereof)  arise out of or are  based  upon  (i) an  untrue
statement or allegedly  untrue  statement  of a material  fact  contained in the
registration  statement under which such Registrable  Securities were registered
under  the  Securities  Act,  any  preliminary  prospectus  or final  prospectus
contained  therein or  otherwise  filed with the  Commission,  any  amendment or
supplement  thereto or any document incident to registration or qualification of
any  Registrable  Securities or (ii) the  omission or alleged  omission to state
therein a material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading or, with respect to any prospectus,  necessary
to make the statements  therein in light of the  circumstances  under which they
were made not  misleading.  Enterprise  Partners shall  reimburse each holder of
Registrable  Securities  and  each  such  controlling  Person  for any  expenses
(including reasonable  attorneys' fees,  disbursements and expenses as incurred)
reasonably incurred by any of them in connection with investigating or defending
against any such loss, claim,  damage,  liability,  action or threatened action.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 7,  Enterprise Partners
shall  not be  liable  to any such  indemnified  Person  in any such case to the
extent that any such loss, claim, damage, liability, action or threatened action
(including  any  reasonable  legal or other  fees,  disbursements  and  expenses
incurred) arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or allegedly untrue
statement or omission or alleged omission made in said  registration  statement,
preliminary  prospectus,  final  prospectus,  amendment,  supplement or document
incident to  registration  or  qualification  of any  Registrable  Securities in
reliance upon and in conformity with written information furnished to Enterprise
Partners by or on behalf of a holder of Registrable Securities  specifically for
use in the preparation  thereof. The foregoing indemnity agreement is subject to
the condition  that,  insofar as it relates to any untrue  statement,  allegedly
untrue statement, omission or alleged omission made in any preliminary


prospectus but eliminated or remedied in the final prospectus (filed pursuant to
Rule 424 of the Securities Act), such indemnity agreement shall not inure to the
benefit  of  any  underwriter  who  participates  in the  offering  or  sale  of
Registrable   Securities  or  any  other  Person,  if  any,  who  controls  such
underwriter  (within the meaning of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act) from
whom a Person asserting any loss, claim, damage,  liability or expense purchased
the  Registrable  Securities  which are the subject  thereof,  if a copy of such
final   prospectus  had  been  made  available  to  such  underwriter  and  such
controlling  Person and such final  prospectus  was not delivered to such Person
asserting  any loss,  claim,  damage,  liability or expense with or prior to the
written confirmation of the sale of such Registrable Securities to such Person.

     In connection  with any  registration of Registrable  Securities  under the
Securities Act pursuant to this Agreement, each holder of Registrable Securities
shall severally and not jointly indemnify and hold harmless,  in the same manner
and to the same  extent  as set  forth in the  preceding  paragraph (a)  of this
Section 7,  Enterprise  Partners,  each  director of Enterprise  Partners,  each
officer of Enterprise  Partners who shall sign such  registration  statement and
each Person who controls any of the foregoing Persons (within the meaning of the
Securities Act), against any losses,  claims,  damages or liabilities,  joint or
several (or actions or threatened  actions in respect thereof),  to which any of
the foregoing  Persons may become subject under the Securities Act or otherwise,
insofar as such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions or threatened
actions in respect  thereof)  arise out of or are based  upon any  statement  or
omission from such registration  statement,  any preliminary prospectus or final
prospectus  contained  therein  or  otherwise  filed  with the  Commission,  any
amendment or  supplement  thereto or any document  incident to  registration  or
qualification of any Registrable  Securities,  if such statement or omission was
made in reliance upon and in conformity  with written  information  furnished to
Enterprise  Partners by such holder with respect to such holder specifically for
use  in  connection  with  the  preparation  of  such  registration   statement,
preliminary  prospectus,  final prospectus,  amendment,  supplement or document;
provided,  however,  that the  maximum  amount of  liability  in respect of such
indemnification  shall be  limited,  in the case of each  seller of  Registrable
Securities,  to an amount  equal to the net proceeds  actually  received by such
seller  from  the  sale of  Registrable  Securities  effected  pursuant  to such

     Promptly  after  receipt  by  an   indemnified   party  of  notice  of  the
commencement  of any  action  involving  a claim  referred  to in the  preceding
paragraphs of this Section 7, such indemnified party will, if a claim in respect
thereof is to be made against an indemnifying  party, give written notice to the
latter of the  commencement  of such action.  In case any such action is brought
against  an  indemnified  party,  the  indemnifying  party will be  entitled  to
participate  in and to  assume  the  defense  thereof,  jointly  with any  other
indemnifying  party  similarly  notified  to the extent  that it may wish,  with
counsel reasonably satisfactory to such indemnified party, and after notice from
the indemnifying  party to such  indemnified  party of its election so to assume
the defense thereof,  (i) the indemnified party shall reasonably  cooperate with
the  indemnifying  party and its  counsel  in the  defense  of such  claim,  and
(ii) the  indemnifying  party  shall not be  responsible  for any legal or other
fees,  disbursements and expenses subsequently incurred by the indemnified party
in  connection  with  the  defense  thereof;  provided,  however,  that  if  any
indemnified party shall have reasonably  concluded that there may be one or more
legal or equitable defenses available to such indemnified


     party which are  additional  to or  conflict  with those  available  to the
indemnifying  party, the  indemnifying  party shall not have the right to assume
the  defense  of such  action  on  behalf  of such  indemnified  party  and such
indemnifying  party  shall  reimburse  such  indemnified  party  and any  Person
controlling such indemnified  party for that portion of the fees,  disbursements
and expenses of not more than one counsel  retained by the indemnified  party in
connection with the matters covered by the indemnity  agreement provided in this
Section 7 provided that no indemnifying party shall, in connection with any such
suit, be liable under this subsection for the fees and expenses of more than one
separate firm for all indemnified parties. No indemnifying party shall be liable
for any  compromise  or  settlement  of any such  action  effected  without  its
consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. No indemnifying party, in
the  defense of any such claim or suit,  shall,  except with the consent of each
indemnified  party  which  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  consent to any
compromise or settlement which does not include as an unconditional term thereof
the  giving by the  claimant  to such  indemnified  party of a release  from all
liability in respect of such claim or suit.

     If the indemnification  provided for in this Section 7 is unavailable to an
indemnified party hereunder with respect to any loss, claim, damage,  liability,
action or threatened action referred to herein,  then the indemnifying party, in
lieu of indemnifying such indemnified  party hereunder,  shall contribute to the
amounts  paid or  payable  by such  indemnified  party as a result of such loss,
claim, damage,  liability,  action or threatened action in such proportion as is
appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the  indemnifying  party on the one
hand and of the indemnified party on the other in connection with the statements
or omissions which resulted in such loss, claim,  damage,  liability,  action or
threatened action as well as any other relevant  equitable  considerations.  The
relative fault of the indemnifying  party and of the indemnified  party shall be
determined  by  reference  to,  among other  things,  whether any  statement  or
omission, including any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or
the omission or alleged omission to state a material fact relates to information
supplied by the indemnifying  party or by the indemnified party and the parties'
relative intent, knowledge,  access to information and opportunity to correct or
prevent such statement or omission;  provided,  however, that the maximum amount
of liability in respect of such  contribution  shall be limited,  in the case of
each seller of  Registrable  Securities,  to an amount equal to the net proceeds
actually  received  by such  seller  from  the  sale of  Registrable  Securities
effected  pursuant to such  registration.  The amount paid or payable by a party
under  this  Section 7(d)  as a result of the loss,  claim,  damage,  liability,
action or  threatened  action  referred  to above shall be deemed to include any
legal or other fees,  disbursements  and  expenses  reasonably  incurred by such
party in connection  with any  investigation  or proceeding.  The parties hereto
agree that it would not be just and equitable if contributions  pursuant to this
Section 7(d)  were to be determined  by pro rata  allocation or by any method of
allocation which does not take account of the equitable  considerations referred
to in the first and second sentences of this  Section 7(d).  No Person guilty of
fraudulent  misrepresentation  (within  the  meaning  of  Section 11(f)  of  the
Securities  Act) shall be entitled to  contribution  from any Person who was not
guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.


     The  provisions  of  this  Section 7  shall  be in  addition  to any  other
liability which any  indemnifying  party may have to any  indemnified  party and
shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

     Section  Underwriting   Agreement.  To  the  extent  that  the  holders  of
Registrable  Securities  participating  in any underwritten  registration  shall
enter into an underwriting or similar  agreement that contains  provisions which
conflict with any provision of Section 7 hereof, as between Enterprise  Partners
and  such  holders  of  Registrable  Securities,  the  provisions  contained  in
Section 7 hereof shall control.

     Section  Information by Holder. The Unitholders shall furnish to Enterprise
Partners such written information regarding the Unitholders and the distribution
proposed by the  Unitholders as Enterprise  Partners may  reasonably  request in
writing and as shall be reasonably required in connection with any registration,
qualification or compliance referred to in this Agreement.

     Section  Exchange Act Compliance.  Enterprise  Partners agrees to and shall
comply with all of the reporting  requirements of the Exchange Act applicable to
it.  Upon the  request  of any  holder  of  Registrable  Securities,  Enterprise
Partners  shall deliver to such holder a written  statement as to whether it has
complied with such  requirements.  Enterprise  Partners shall cooperate with the
Unitholders  in  supplying  such   information  as  may  be  necessary  for  the
Unitholders to complete and file any  information  reporting  forms presently or
hereafter  required by the  Commission  as a condition  to the  availability  of
Rule 144.

     Section No Conflict of Rights.  Enterprise  Partners  shall not,  after the
date hereof,  grant any  registration  rights which  conflict with or impair the
registration rights granted hereby.

     Section  Termination.  Except as  provided  in  Section 7(e)  hereof,  this
Agreement  shall terminate and be of no further force or effect when there shall
no longer be any Registrable Securities outstanding.

         Section  Miscellaneous.

     Notices. All notices,  requests and other communications  hereunder must be
in  writing  and will be  deemed  to have  been  duly  given  only if  delivered
personally at by facsimile transmission or mailed (prepaid first class certified
mail,  return  receipt  requested) to the parties at the following  addresses or
facsimile numbers: If to Enterprise Partners, to:

                           Enterprise Products Company
                           P.O. Box 4324 (77210-4324)
                           2727 North Loop West, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77008


                           Attention:  Chief Financial Officer
                           Phone:  (713) 880-6500
                           Fax No.  (713) 880-6570

                  With a copy to:

                           Enterprise Products Company
                           P.O. Box 4324 (77210-4324)
                           2727 North Loop West, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77008
                           Attention:  Chief Legal Officer
                           Phone:  (713) 880-6500
                           Fax No.  (713) 880-6570

         If to Tejas or its Affiliates, to:

                           Tejas Energy, LLC
                           1301 McKinney Street, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77010
                           Attention: Chief Operating Officer
                           Phone:    (713) 230-3000
                           Fax No.  (713) 230-2900

                  With a copy to:

                           Tejas Energy, LLC
                           1301 McKinney Street, Suite 700
                           Houston, Texas 77010
                           Attention: General Counsel
                           Phone:    (713) 230-3000
                           Fax No.  (713) 230-1800

All such  notices,  requests  and other  communications  will  (i) if  delivered
personally  against  written receipt to the address as provided in this Section,
be deemed given upon delivery,  (ii) if  delivered by facsimile  transmission to
the facsimile  number as provided in this Section,  be deemed given upon receipt
or upon the next Business Day if received  after normal  business hours or a day
which is not a  Business  Day,  and  (iii) if  delivered  by mail in the  manner
described above to the address as provided in this Section, be deemed given upon
receipt (in each case regardless of whether such notice is received by any other
person to whom a copy of such notice,  request or other  communication  is to be
delivered pursuant to this Section).  Any party from time to time may change its
address,  facsimile  number or other  information  for the purpose of notices to
that party by giving notice specifying such change to the other parties hereto.


     Specific  Performance.  The  parties  hereto  agree  that in the  event any
provision  of this  Agreement  was not  performed in  accordance  with the terms
hereof,  irreparable damage would occur, and that the parties shall therefore be
entitled to specific  performance of the terms hereof, in addition to any remedy
that  may be  available  to any of  them at law or  equity  and,  to the  extent
permitted by applicable  law, each party waives any objection to the  imposition
of such relief.

     Entire Agreement. This Agreement,  together with the Contribution Agreement
and the Unitholder  Agreement,  supersedes all prior  discussions and agreements
between the parties with respect to the subject  matter hereof and thereof,  and
contains the sole and entire  agreement  between the parties hereto with respect
to the subject matter hereof and thereof.

     Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit
of Enterprise Partners and the Unitholders and, subject to Section 13(e)  below,
the respective successors and assigns of Enterprise Partners and Unitholders.

     Assignment.  Subject  to the terms set forth in the  Unitholder  Agreement,
each  Unitholder may assign its rights  hereunder to any purchaser or transferee
of  Registrable  Securities;   provided,  however,  that  (i) such  transfer  is
otherwise  effected in accordance  with  applicable  securities  laws, (ii) such
purchaser  or  transferee  shall,  as a condition to the  effectiveness  of such
assignment,  be required to execute a counterpart to this Agreement  agreeing to
be treated as a Unitholder,  whereupon such  purchaser or transferee  shall have
the  benefits  of and shall be subject  to the  restrictions  contained  in this
Agreement as if such  purchaser or  transferee  was  originally  included in the
definition  of  a  Unitholder  and  had  originally  been  a  party  hereto  and
(iii) Enterprise  Partners is given written  notice of such transfer  after such
transfer,  setting forth the name and address of such  assignee and  identifying
the Registrable  Securities with respect to which such registration  rights have
been assigned. Schedule I hereto shall, from time to time, be amended to include
the name, address and numbers of Registrable Securities of each such Unitholder.

     Waiver.  Any term or condition of this  Agreement may be waived at any time
by the party that is entitled to the benefit  thereof,  but no such waiver shall
be effective  unless set forth in a written  instrument  duly  executed by or on
behalf of the party  waiving such term or  condition.  No waiver by any party of
any term or condition of this Agreement, in any one or more instances,  shall be
deemed to be or construed as a waiver of the same or any other term or condition
of this  Agreement  on any future  occasion.  All  remedies,  either  under this
Agreement  or  by  law  or  otherwise  afforded,  will  be  cumulative  and  not

     Amendment. This Agreement may be amended,  supplemented or modified only by
a written instrument duly executed by or on behalf of each party hereto.

     No Third Party Beneficiary.  The terms and provisions of this Agreement are
intended  solely  for the  benefit of each  party  hereto  and their  respective
successors or permitted  assigns,  and it is not the intention of the parties to
confer third-party beneficiary rights upon any other Person except to the extent
such Person is expressly given rights herein.


     Headings.  The  headings  used in this  Agreement  have been  inserted  for
convenience of reference only and do not define or limit the provisions hereof.

     Invalid  Provisions.  If any  provision  of  this  Agreement  is held to be
illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable  under any present or future law, and if the
rights or  obligations  of any party  hereto  under this  Agreement  will not be
materially  and adversely  affected  thereby,  (i) such  provision will be fully
severable,  (ii) this  Agreement  will  be  construed  and  enforced  as if such
illegal,  invalid or unenforceable  provision had never comprised a part hereof,
(iii) the  remaining  provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and
effect  and  will not be  affected  by the  illegal,  invalid  or  unenforceable
provision or by its severance herefrom and (iv) in lieu of such illegal, invalid
or unenforceable provision,  there will be added automatically as a part of this
Agreement a legal,  valid and enforceable  provision as similar in terms to such
illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible.

     Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Texas applicable to a contract executed
and  performed  in such State  without  giving  effect to the  conflicts of laws
principles thereof.

     Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
each of  which  will be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which  together  will
constitute one and the same instrument.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the date first written above.

                           TEJAS ENERGY, LLC

                           By:  /s/ Curtis R. Frasier
                                Curtis R. Frasier
                                Executive Vice President and
                                Chief Operating Officer

                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P.

                           By:  Enterprise Products GP, LLC, its General Partner

                           By:  /s/ O.S. Andras
                                O. S. Andras
                                President and Chief Executive Officer


                                   Schedule I

 Unitholders                            Number of Registrable Securities Held
