
                          ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS GP, LLC,

                      A Delaware Limited Liability Company

                          FIRST AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS GP, LCC,
                      A Delaware Limited Liability Company

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


         1.01     Definitions..................................................1
         1.02     Construction.................................................1


         2.01     Formation....................................................2
         2.02     Name.........................................................2
         2.03     Registered Office; Registered Agent; Principal Office in the
                  United States; Other Offices.................................2
         2.04     Purposes.....................................................2
         2.05     Term.........................................................2
         2.06     No State-Law Partnership.....................................2


         3.02     Creation of Additional Membership Interest...................3
         3.03     Access to Information........................................3
         3.04     Liability to Third Parties...................................3
         3.05     Withdrawal...................................................3


         4.01     Capital Contributions........................................4
         4.02     Loans........................................................4
         4.03     Return of Contributions......................................4
         4.04     Capital Accounts.............................................4
         4.05     Deficit Capital Accounts.....................................5


         5.01     Distributions................................................5
         5.02     Distributions on Dissolution and Winding Up..................5
         5.03     Allocations..................................................5
         5.04     Varying Interests............................................5



         6.01     Management...................................................6
         6.02     Board of Directors...........................................7
         6.03     Executive Committee.........................................10
         6.04     Officers....................................................11
         6.04     Duties of Officers and Directors............................13
         6.05     Compensation................................................13
         6.06     Indemnification.............................................14
         6.07     Limitation of Indemnification...............................15


         7.01     Tax Returns.................................................16
         7.02     Tax Elections...............................................16
         7.03     Tax Matters Member..........................................17


         8.01     Maintenance of Books........................................17
         8.02     Reports.....................................................18
         8.03     Bank Accounts...............................................18


         9.01     Dispositions and Encumbrances of Membership Interests.......18
         9.02     Transfer of Tejas Energy Rights.............................19
         9.03     Transfer of EPC II Rights...................................20


         10.01    Representations, Warranties and Covenants...................20


         11.01    Dissolution.................................................21
         11.02    Winding-Up and Termination..................................21
         11.03    Certificate of Cancellation.................................22


         12.01    Intentionally Deleted.......................................22
         12.02    Notices.....................................................22
         12.03    Entire Agreement; Superseding Effect........................23
         12.04    Effect of Waiver or Consent.................................23
         12.05    Amendment or Restatement....................................23
         12.06    Binding Effect..............................................23
         12.07    Governing Law; Severability.................................23
         12.08    Further Assurances..........................................23
         12.09    Waiver of Certain Rights....................................24


         12.10    Counterparts................................................24

Attachment I Definitions
Exhibit A Members and Sharing Ratios


                          FIRST AMENDED AND RESTATED

                           ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS GP, LLC
                      A Delaware Limited Liability Company

"Agreement") of ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS GP, LLC (the "Company"),  dated effective as
of September 17,  1999 (the "Effective  Date"), is adopted,  executed and agreed
to, for good and valuable  consideration,  by EPC Partners II, Inc. , a Delaware
corporation  ("EPC  II"),  Dan Duncan  LLC, a Texas  limited  liability  company
("DDLLC") and Tejas Energy,  LLC, a Delaware limited  liability  company ("Tejas


     WHEREAS,  Enterprise  Products Company, a Delaware  corporation ("EPC") and
DDLLC formed the Company on April 9,  1998 with EPC as a 95% member and DDLLC as
a 5% member; and

     WHEREAS,  EPC assigned its 95% membership interest in the Company to EPC II
effective as of July 30, 1998.


     NOW,  THEREFORE,  for and in  consideration  of the  premises,  the  mutual
covenants  and   agreements  set  forth  herein  and  other  good  and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby  acknowledged and
agreed by the parties, EPC II, DDLLC and Tejas Energy hereby agree as follows:

                             ARTICLE 1: DEFINITIONS

     1.01 Definitions.  Each capitalized term used herein shall have the meaning
given such term in Attachment I.

     1.02 Construction.  Unless the context requires  otherwise:  (a) the gender
(or lack of gender) of all words used in this Agreement  includes the masculine,
feminine, and neuter;  (b) references to Articles and Sections refer to Articles
and Sections of this Agreement; (c) references to Exhibits refer to the Exhibits
attached  to  this  Agreement,  each of  which  is  made a part  hereof  for all
purposes;  (d) references to Laws refer to such Laws as they may be amended from
time to time,  and  references  to  particular  provisions  of a Law include any
corresponding  provisions of any  succeeding  Law; and  (e) references  to money
refer to legal currency of the United States of America.

                         ARTICLE2: ORGANIZATION

     2.01 Formation.  The Company was organized as a Delaware limited  liability
company by the filing of a Certificate of Formation (the "Delaware Certificate")
on April 9, 1998 with the Secretary of State of Delaware pursuant to the Act.

     2.02 Name. The name of the Company is "Enterprise Products GP, LLC" and all
Company  business must be conducted in that name or such other names that comply
with Law as the Board of Directors may select.

     2.03 Registered  Office;  Registered Agent;  Principal Office in the United
States;  Other Offices. The registered office of the Company required by the Act
to be  maintained  in the State of  Delaware  shall be the office of the initial
registered  agent named in the Delaware  Certificate or such other office (which
need not be a place of business of the  Company) as the Board of  Directors  may
designate in the manner provided by Law. The registered  agent of the Company in
the  State  of  Delaware  shall be the  initial  registered  agent  named in the
Delaware  Certificate  or such other Person or Persons as the Board of Directors
may designate in the manner provided by Law. The principal office of the Company
in the  United  States  shall be at such  place as the  Board of  Directors  may
designate,  which need not be in the State of  Delaware,  and the Company  shall
maintain  records  there or such  other  place as the Board of  Directors  shall
designate  and shall keep the street  address  of such  principal  office at the
registered office of the Company in the State of Delaware.  The Company may have
such other offices as the Board of Directors may designate.

     2.04  Purposes.  The purposes of the Company are the  transaction of any or
all lawful business for which limited liability companies may be organized under
the Act; provided, however, that for so long as it is the general partner of the
MLP,  (a) the  Company's sole business will be to act as the general  partner or
managing  member of the MLP,  the OLP,  and any  other  partnership  or  limited
liability  company of which the MLP or the OLP is,  directly  or  indirectly,  a
partner or managing  member and to undertake  activities  that are  ancillary or
related  thereto  (including  being a limited partner in the  partnership),  and
(b) The  Company shall not engage in any business or activity or incur any debts
or liabilities except in connection with or incidental to (i) its performance as
general  partner or managing member of one or more Group Members or as described
in or contemplated by the Registration  Statement or (ii) the acquiring,  owning
or disposing of debt or equity securities in any Group Member.

     2.05 Term. The period of existence of the Company (the "Term") commenced on
April 9, 1998,  and shall end at such time as a certificate of  cancellation  is
filed with the Secretary of State of Delaware in accordance with Section 11.03.

     2.06 No State-Law Partnership. The Members intend that the Company not be a
partnership  (including a limited  partnership)  or joint  venture,  and that no
Member be a partner or joint  venturer  of any other  Member,  for any  purposes
other  than  federal  and  state tax  purposes,  and this  Agreement  may not be
construed to suggest otherwise.



     3.01 Members.  DDLLC and EPC II were previously  admitted as Members of the
Company,  and  Tejas  Energy  is  hereby  admitted  as a Member  of the  Company
effective as of the date first set forth above.

     3.02  Creation of Additional  Membership  Interest.  Additional  Membership
Interests may be created and issued to existing  Members only with the unanimous
approval of all  Members.  Additional  Membership  Interests  may be created and
issued to other  Persons,  and such other Persons may be admitted to the Company
as Members,  only with the unanimous  consent of the existing  Members,  on such
terms and conditions as the existing  Members may  unanimously  determine at the
time of  admission.  The terms of admission or issuance must specify the Sharing
Ratios applicable  thereto and may provide for the creation of different classes
or groups of Members having different rights,  powers,  and duties. The Board of
Directors  may reflect the creation of any new class or group in an amendment to
this Agreement indicating the different rights, powers,  and duties, and such an
amendment need be executed only by the Board of Directors. Any such admission is
effective only after the new Member has executed and delivered to the Members an
instrument  containing  the notice  address of the new  Member,  the  Assignee's
ratification  of  this  Agreement  and  agreement  to be  bound  by it,  and its
confirmation that the  representations  and warranties in Section 10.01 are true
and correct with respect to it. The  provisions of this  Section 3.02  shall not
apply to  Dispositions  of  Membership  Interests or  admissions of Assignees in
connection therewith, such matters being governed by Section 9.01.

     3.03 Access to  Information.  Each Member  shall be entitled to receive any
information that it may request concerning the Company; provided,  however, that
this Section 3.03 shall not obligate the Company,  the Board of Directors or the
Officers to create any  information  that does not already  exist at the time of
such  request  (other than to convert  existing  information  from one medium to
another,  such as  providing  a  printout  of  information  that is  stored in a
computer  database).  Each  Member  shall also have the right,  upon  reasonable
notice,  and at all reasonable  times during usual business hours to inspect the
properties of the Company and to audit,  examine and make copies of the books of
account and other  records of the Company.  Such right may be exercised  through
any agent or  employee  of such  Member  designated  in  writing  by it or by an
independent  public  accountant,  engineer,  attorney  or  other  consultant  so
designated.  The Member  making the  request  shall bear all costs and  expenses
incurred in any inspection, examination or audit made on such Member's behalf.

     3.04 Liability to Third  Parties.  No Member shall be liable for the debts,
obligations or liabilities of the Company.

     3.05  Withdrawal.  A Member does not have the right to Withdraw;  provided,
however,  a Member  shall have the power to Withdraw at any time in violation of
this Agreement. If a Member exercises such power in violation of this Agreement,
(a) such Withdrawing Member shall be liable to the Company and the other Members
and their  Affiliates for all monetary  damages  suffered by them as a result of
such  Withdrawal;  (b) such other Members shall, in addition  thereto,  have the
rights set forth in Article 11;  and (c) such  Withdrawing Member shall not have
any rights


under  Section 18-604  of the Act.  In no event  shall the Company or any Member
have the right, through specific  performance or otherwise,  to prevent a Member
from Withdrawing in violation of this Agreement.


     4.01 Capital Contributions.  In exchange for its Membership Interest in the
Company, DDLLC has made certain Capital  Contributions.  EPC II and Tejas Energy
are the assignees of their respective Membership Interests in the Company.

     4.02  Loans.  If the  Company  does  not  have  sufficient  cash to pay its
obligations, any Member(s) that may agree to do so with the consent of the Board
of Directors  may advance all or part of the needed funds to or on behalf of the
Company.  An advance described in this Section 4.02  constitutes a loan from the
Member to the  Company,  bears  interest  at a rate  determined  by the Board of
Directors  from the date of the advance until the date of payment,  and is not a
Capital Contribution.

     4.03 Return of Contributions. Except as expressly provided herein, a Member
is not entitled to the return of any part of its Capital  Contributions or to be
paid  interest  in  respect  of  either  its  Capital  Account  or  its  Capital
Contributions.  An  unrepaid  Capital  Contribution  is not a  liability  of the
Company or of any Member.  A Member is not required to contribute or to lend any
cash or property  to the  Company to enable the  Company to return any  Member's
Capital Contributions.

     4.04  Capital  Accounts.   A  Capital  Account  shall  be  established  and
maintained for each Member.  Each Member's Capital Account shall be increased by
(a) the amount of money contributed by that Member to the Company,  (b) the fair
market  value of property  contributed  by that  Member to the  Company  (net of
liabilities secured by such contributed  property that the Company is considered
to assume or take subject to under Section 752 of the Code), and (c) allocations
to that Member of Company income and gain (or items thereof),  including  income
and gain exempt from tax and income and gain  described  in Treasury  Regulation
Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(g),   but  excluding  income  and  gain  described  in
Treasury Regulation Section 1.704-1(b)(4)(i),  and shall be decreased by (d) the
amount of money  distributed to that Member by the Company,  (e) the fair market
value of property  distributed to that Member by the Company (net of liabilities
secured by such distributed property that such Member is considered to assume or
take subject to under Section 752 of the Code),  (f) allocations  to that Member
of  expenditures  of  the  Company   described  (or  treated  as  described)  in
Section 705(a)(2)(B)  of the  Code,  and  (g) allocations  of  Company  loss and
deduction (or items thereof), including loss and deduction described in Treasury
Regulation  Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(g),  but excluding  items described in (f)
above   and   loss   or    deduction    described    in   Treasury    Regulation
Sections 1.704-1(b)(4)(i)  or 1.704-1(b)(4)(iii).  The Members' Capital Accounts
shall also be maintained and adjusted as permitted by the provisions of Treasury
Regulation  Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(f) and as required by the other provisions
of Treasury Regulation  Sections 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv) and 1.704-1(b)(4),  including
adjustments  to  reflect  the  allocations  to  the  Members  of   depreciation,
depletion,  amortization,  and gain or loss as computed for book purposes rather
than the allocation of the corresponding items as computed for tax purposes,  as
required by Treasury Regulation Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(g). Thus,


the  Members'  Capital  Accounts  shall be  increased  or decreased to reflect a
revaluation  of the  Company's  property  on its books  based on the fair market
value of the Company's  property on the date of adjustment  immediately prior to
(A) the  contribution  of money or other  property  to the  Company  by a new or
existing  Member as  consideration  for a  Membership  Interest or an  increased
Sharing Ratio, (B) the distribution of money or other property by the Company to
a Member as consideration for a Membership  Interest,  or (C) the liquidation of
the Company.  A Member that has more than one  Membership  Interest shall have a
single Capital Account that reflects all such Membership  Interests,  regardless
of the class of Membership  Interests owned by such Member and regardless of the
time or  manner in which  such  Membership  Interests  were  acquired.  Upon the
Disposition of all or a portion of a Membership Interest, the Capital Account of
the Disposing  Member that is  attributable  to such  Membership  Interest shall
carry  over to the  Assignee  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of  Treasury
Regulation  Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(l).  Within  forty-five days following the
Closing Date, the Company shall provide Tejas Energy with a written  calculation
of each Member's Capital Account.

     4.05  Deficit  Capital  Accounts.  No Member will be required to pay to the
Company,  to any other Member or to any third party any deficit balance that may
exist from time to time in the Member's Capital Account.


     5.01 Distributions. Subject to Section 6.03, distributions shall be made in
such amounts and at such times as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

     5.02  Distributions on Dissolution and Winding Up. Upon the dissolution and
winding  up of the  Company,  after  adjusting  the  Capital  Accounts  for  all
distributions  made under Section 5.01 and all allocations under this Article 5,
all  available  proceeds  distributable  to  the  Members  as  determined  under
Section 11.02 shall be distributed to all of the Members in amounts equal to the
Members' positive Capital Account balances.

     5.03  Allocations.  (a) For purposes of  maintaining  the Capital  Accounts
pursuant  to  Section 4.04  and for income tax  purposes,  except as provided in
Section 5.03(b),  each item of income,  gain, loss,  deduction and credit of the
Company  shall be  allocated  to the Members in  accordance  with their  Sharing

     (b) For income tax purposes, income, gain, loss, and deduction with respect
to  property  contributed  to the  Company by a Member or  revalued  pursuant to
Treasury  Regulation  Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(f)  shall be allocated among the
Members in a manner that takes into account the  variation  between the adjusted
tax basis of such property and its book value, as required by  Section 704(c) of
the Code and Treasury  Regulation  Section 1.704-1(b)(4)(i),  using the remedial
allocation method permitted by Treasury Regulation Section 1.704-3(d).

     5.04  Varying  Interests.  All items of income,  gain,  loss,  deduction or
credit shall be allocated,  and all distributions  shall be made, to the Persons
shown on the records of the Company


to have been  Members  as of the last  calendar  day of the period for which the
allocation or  distribution  is to be made.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if
during any taxable year there is a change in any  Member's  Sharing  Ratio,  the
Members  agree that their  allocable  shares of such items for the taxable  year
shall be determined based on any method  determined by the Board of Directors to
be permissible  under Code Section 706 and the related  Treasury  Regulations to
take account of the Members' varying Sharing Ratios.

                              ARTICLE 6: MANAGEMENT

     6.01 Management. All management powers over the business and affairs of the
Company shall be exclusively  vested in an Executive  Committee (the  "Executive
Committee") and a Board of Directors (the "Board of Directors")  and, subject to
the  direction  of the  Executive  Committee  and the  Board of  Directors,  the
Officers.  The Officers of the Company shall each  constitute a "manager" of the
Company  within the meaning of the Act and shall have the power and authority to
execute  documents and instruments in such capacity in the name and on behalf of
the Company to the same extent they have such power and authority as Officers of
the Company.  No Member, by virtue of having the status of a Member,  shall have
any  management  power over the business and affairs of the Company or actual or
apparent  authority to enter into contracts on behalf of, or to otherwise  bind,
the Company.  The authority and functions of the Executive Committee shall be as
set forth in Section  6.03.  Except as otherwise  specifically  provided in this
Agreement (including Section 6.03(c)),  the authority and functions of the Board
of Directors on the one hand and of the Officers on the other shall be identical
to the  authority  and  functions  of  the  board  of  directors  and  officers,
respectively,  of a corporation organized under the Delaware General Corporation
Law.  Thus,  except  as  otherwise   specifically  provided  in  this  Agreement
(including  Section  6.03(c)),  the business and affairs of the Company shall be
managed  under the  direction  of the  Board of  Directors,  and the  day-to-day
activities  of the Company  shall be  conducted on the  Company's  behalf by the
Officers, who shall be agents of the Company. In addition to the powers that now
or  hereafter  can be granted to managers  under the Act and to all other powers
granted  under  any  other  provision  of  this  Agreement  and  subject  to any
provisions of this Agreement that require  approval of specified  individuals or
entities prior to the taking of certain actions,  the Board of Directors and the
Officers  (subject to the direction of the Board of  Directors)  shall have full
power and authority to do all things on such terms as they may deem necessary or
appropriate  to conduct,  or cause to be conducted,  the business and affairs of
the Company, including the following:

          (a) the making of any expenditures, the lending or borrowing of money,
     the assumption or guarantee of, or other contracting for,  indebtedness and
     other  liabilities,  the  issuance of  evidences  of  indebtedness  and the
     incurring of any other obligations;

          (b) the making of tax,  regulatory and other filings,  or rendering of
     periodic  or  other  reports  to  governmental  or  other  agencies  having
     jurisdiction over the business or assets of the Company;

          (c) the  merger  or  other  combination  of the  Company  with or into
     another entity;


          (d) the use of the assets of the Company  (including cash on hand) for
     any purpose  consistent  with the terms of this Agreement and the repayment
     of obligations of the Company;

          (e) the  negotiation,  execution  and  performance  of any  contracts,
     conveyances or other instruments;

          (f) the distribution of Company cash;

          (g) the selection, engagement and dismissal of Officers, employees and
     agents,  outside  attorneys,   accountants,   engineers,   consultants  and
     contractors and the determination of their  compensation and other terms of
     employment or hiring;

          (h) the  maintenance of such insurance for the benefit of the Company,
     as it deems necessary or appropriate;

          (i) the acquisition or disposition of assets;

          (j) the  formation  of,  or  acquisition  of an  interest  in,  or the
     contribution of property to, any entity;

          (k) the control of any matters affecting the rights and obligations of
     the Company, including the commencement, prosecution and defense of actions
     at law or in equity and otherwise engaging in the conduct of litigation and
     the incurring of legal expense and the settlement of claims and litigation;

          (l)  the   indemnification   of  any   individual  or  entity  against
     liabilities and contingencies to the extent permitted by law.

     6.02  Board of  Directors.  (a)  Generally.  The Board of  Directors  shall
consist of not less than five nor more than nine natural persons.  Each Director
shall be elected as provided in Section 6.02(b) and shall serve in such capacity
until his successor has been elected and qualified or until such Director  dies,
resigns  or is  removed.  The Board of  Directors  may  determine  the number of
Directors  then  constituting  the whole  Board of  Directors,  but the Board of
Directors  shall not decrease the number of persons  that  constitute  the whole
Board of Directors if such decrease would shorten the term of any Director,  nor
may it increase the size during any 12-month period in a manner that would cause
the Board of Directors to elect more than two  additional  Directors to fill the
vacancies created by such increase. The Board of Directors as of the date hereof
shall consist of nine Directors,  consisting of the individuals named below (the
last three of which are the initial Tejas  Designated  Directors,  as defined in
Section 6.02(b)):


                                   Dan L. Duncan
                                   O.  S. Andras
                                   Randa L. Duncan
                                   Gary L. Miller
                                   Ralph S. Cunningham
                                   Lee W. Marshall, Sr.
                                   Charles R. Crisp
                                   Curtis R. Frasier
                                   Stephen H. McVeigh

          (b) Election of Directors. Except for Tejas Designated Directors, each
     member of the Board of  Directors  shall serve until such  member's  death,
     resignation  or removal,  any Director may be removed at any time,  with or
     without cause, by the Board of Directors,  and upon the death,  resignation
     or removal of such Director,  such Director's successor shall be elected by
     the Board of Directors.  Pursuant to the Unitholder Rights Agreement, Tejas
     Energy  has the right  from time to time as  specified  therein  to appoint
     members of the Board of Directors. Such designees are referred to herein as
     "Tejas  Designated  Directors."  So long as Tejas Energy has the continuing
     right to appoint a Tejas  Designated  Director  pursuant to the  Unitholder
     Rights Agreement,  such Director may only be removed by Tejas Energy,  and,
     in the event of the death,  resignation or removal of such Director,  Tejas
     Energy  shall be  entitled  to appoint  such  Director's  replacement.  If,
     pursuant to the Unitholder Rights Agreement, Tejas Energy no longer has the
     right to designate a Tejas Designated  Director,  then such Director may be
     removed  by the  Board  of  Directors,  and the  Board  of  Directors  may,
     notwithstanding  Section  6.02(a),  decrease  the  size  of  the  Board  of
     Directors accordingly or appoint such Director's  replacement (in the event
     of removal, resignation or death).

          (c)  Voting;  Quorum;  Required  Vote  for  Action.  Unless  otherwise
     required by the Act, other law or the provisions hereof,

               (1) each member of the Board of Directors shall have one vote;

               (2) the presence at a meeting of a majority of the members of the
          Board of Directors  shall  constitute a quorum at any such meeting for
          the transaction of business; and

               (3)  the  act of a  majority  of the  members  of  the  Board  of
          Directors  present at a meeting at which a quorum is present  shall be
          deemed to constitute the act of the Board of Directors.

          (d) Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held
     at such  times  and  places  as shall be  designated  from  time to time by
     resolution of the Board of Directors. Notice of such regular meetings shall
     not be required.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors or meetings of
     any committee thereof may be called by written request of any member of the
     Board of  Directors  or a  committee  thereof  on at  least 48 hours  prior
     written  notice to the other  members  of the  Board of  Directors  or such
     committee.  Any such notice, or waiver thereof,  need not state the purpose
     of such meeting except as may otherwise be required by law. Attendance of a
     Director  at a meeting  (including  pursuant  to the last  sentence of this
     Section 6.02(d)) shall constitute a waiver of notice


          of such meeting,  except where such  Director  attends the meeting for
     the express  purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the
     grounds  that the meeting is not lawfully  called or  convened.  Any action
     required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors or
     any committee thereof may be taken without a meeting,  without prior notice
     and without a vote if a consent or consents in writing,  setting  forth the
     action so taken,  is  signed  by at least as many  members  of the Board of
     Directors  or  committee  thereof as would have been  required to take such
     action at a meeting of the Board of Directors or such  committee;  provided
     that,  if any such  consent  has less than the  unanimous  approval  of the
     members of the Board of  Directors or such  committee,  as  applicable,  48
     hours prior written notice shall be provided to the  non-approving  members
     prior to the taking of such  action.  Members of the Board of  Directors or
     any  committee  thereof may  participate  in and hold a meeting by means of
     conference telephone,  videoconference or similar communications  equipment
     by means of which all  persons  participating  in the meeting can hear each
     other,  and  participation  in such meetings shall  constitute  presence in
     person at the meeting.

          (e) Committees.

          (i) The Board of Directors  may appoint one or more  committees of the
     Board of Directors to consist of two or more Directors,  which committee(s)
     shall have and may exercise  such of the powers and  authority of the Board
     of Directors  with respect to the management of the business and affairs of
     the Company as may be provided in a resolution  of the Board of  Directors.
     Any committee designated pursuant to this Section 6.02(e)  shall choose its
     own chairman,  shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report the
     same  to  the  Board  of  Directors  when   requested,   and,   subject  to
     Section 6.02(d),  shall fix its own rules or  procedures  and shall meet at
     such times and at such place or places as may be  provided by such rules or
     by resolution of such committee or resolution of the Board of Directors. At
     every meeting of any such committee,  the presence of a majority of all the
     members  thereof shall  constitute a quorum and the  affirmative  vote of a
     majority of the members  present  shall be necessary for the adoption by it
     of any  resolution.  The  Board  of  Directors  may  designate  one or more
     Directors as alternate  members of any committee who may replace any absent
     or disqualified member at any meeting of such committee; provided, however,
     that any such designated alternate of the Audit and Conflicts Committee may
     not be a member,  officer, or employee of the Company or a member, officer,
     director,  or employee of any  Affiliate of the Company.  In the absence or
     disqualification of a member of a committee,  the member or members present
     at  any  meeting  and  not  disqualified   from  voting,   whether  or  not
     constituting a quorum, may unanimously  appoint another member of the Board
     of  Directors  to  act at  the  meeting  in the  place  of  the  absent  or
     disqualified member; provided, however, that any such replacement member of
     the Audit and Conflicts Committee may not be a member, officer, or employee
     of the Company or a member, officer, director, or employee of any Affiliate
     of the Company.

          (ii) In addition to any other  committees  established by the Board of
     Directors  pursuant to  Section 6.02(e)(i),  the Board of  Directors  shall
     establish  an "Audit and  Conflicts  Committee,"  which  shall be  composed
     entirely of two or more directors who are neither  members,  officers,  nor
     employees of the Company nor members, officers,  directors, or employees of
     any Affiliate of the Company. The Audit and Conflicts Committee shall be


          responsible  for  approving or  disapproving,  as the case may be, any
     matters  regarding the business and affairs of the MLP and the OLP required
     to be considered  by, or submitted  to, such Audit and Conflicts  Committee
     pursuant to the terms of the MLP  Agreement  and the  Amended and  Restated
     Agreement of Limited  Partnership  of the OLP,  including the review of the
     external financial  reporting of the MLP, the recommendation of independent
     public  accountants  to be  engaged  by the MLP,  the  review  of the MLP's
     procedures  for  internal   auditing  and  the  adequacy  of  its  internal
     accounting  controls  and the  approval of any  proposed  increases  in the
     administrative services fee payable under the EPCO Agreement.

          (iii)  With  respect  to any  committees  established  by the Board of
     Directors  pursuant to the terms and  conditions of this  Agreement  (other
     than the Audit and Conflicts Committee and the Executive Committee),  Tejas
     Energy  shall be  entitled,  from  time to time  during  such time as Tejas
     Energy  is,  pursuant  to the  Unitholder  Rights  Agreement,  entitled  to
     designate at least one Director to the  Company's  Board of  Directors,  to
     designate  at least  one  member  or  representative  to serve on each such

          (f)  Chairman.  The Board of Directors may elect one of its members as
     Chairman of the Board (the  "Chairman of the  Board").  The Chairman of the
     Board, if any, and if present and acting,  shall preside at all meetings of
     the Board of Directors.  Otherwise, the President, if present, acting and a
     Director,  or any other  Director  chosen by the Board of Directors,  shall
     preside. Unless the Board of Directors provides otherwise,  the Chairman of
     the Board  shall be an Officer of the Company and shall have the same power
     and authority as the President. The Chairman of the Board as of the Closing
     Date shall be Dan L. Duncan.

     6.03 Executive  Committee.  (a) Generally.  The Executive  Committee  shall
consist  of five  members.  The  number  of  members  serving  on the  Executive
Committee  can only be  increased  with a  unanimous  vote of the members of the
Executive Committee.  Each member of the Executive Committee shall be elected as
provided in Section 6.03(b) and shall serve in such capacity until his successor
has been elected and qualified or until such member dies, resigns or is removed.
The initial members of the Executive  Committee are the individuals  named below
(the last two of which are the initial Tejas Designated  Members,  as defined in
Section 6.03(b)):

                                   Dan L. Duncan
                                   O. S. Andras
                                   Richard H. Bachmann
                                   Stephen H. McVeigh
                                   Curtis R. Frasier

          (b)  Election  of  Executive  Committee  Members.   Except  for  Tejas
     Designated  Members,  each member of the initial Executive  Committee shall
     serve until such member's death,  resignation or removal, any member of the
     Executive  Committee may be removed at any time,  with or without cause, by
     the Board of Directors,  and upon the death, resignation or removal of such
     member, such member's successor shall be elected by the Board of Directors.
     Pursuant to the  Unitholder  Rights  Agreement,  Tejas Energy has the right
     from time to time as specified  therein to appoint members of the Executive
     Committee.  Such  designees  are  referred  to herein as "Tejas  Designated


     So long as  Tejas  Energy  has the  continuing  right  to  appoint  a Tejas
     Designated Member pursuant to the Unitholder Rights Agreement,  such member
     may only be  removed  by Tejas  Energy,  and,  in the  event of the  death,
     resignation  or removal of such  member,  Tejas Energy shall be entitled to
     appoint such member's  replacement.  If, pursuant to the Unitholder  Rights
     Agreement,  Tejas  Energy no  longer  has the  right to  designate  a Tejas
     Designated  Member,  then  such  member  may be  removed  by the  Board  of
     Directors, and the Board of Directors may, notwithstanding Section 6.03(a),
     decrease the size of the Executive  Committee  accordingly  or appoint such
     member's replacement (in the event of removal, resignation or death).

          (c)  Approval  Authority;  Voting.  All matters  relating to the items
     listed  in  Section  2.2(b)  of the  Unitholder  Rights  Agreement  must be
     submitted  to and are subject to the approval of the  Executive  Committee.
     The Executive  Committee  shall decide matters by majority  vote,  provided
     that,  until such time as all of the Special  Units (other than any Special
     Units not  issued as a result of a failure  to meet the  performance  tests
     referenced in Section 5.3(d) of the MLP  Agreement)  have been converted to
     Common  Units and such Common  Units have a Closing  Price in excess of $24
     per Common  Unit  (appropriately  Adjusted)  for each  trading day during a
     period of 120 consecutive calendar days (with any trading days during which
     Tejas Energy is prevented  from trading such Common  Units,  as a result of
     (i) black-out  provisions under Section 2(b)(ii) of the Registration Rights
     Agreement  referenced  in the  Contribution  Agreement or (ii) in the event
     Tejas Energy  desires to sell such Common  Units in a manner not  requiring
     registration  under the  Securities Act and Tejas Energy advises the MLP of
     such intention in writing, Tejas Energy having been advised by the MLP that
     there is  material  non-public  information  relating to the MLP that would
     prevent such a sale, not counting  toward such 120-day total) the Executive
     Committee  must  receive  the vote of at least one of the Tejas  Designated
     Members in order to approve any of the actions by the  Company,  the MLP or
     any of their  respective  Subsidiaries  set forth in Section  2.2(b) of the
     Unitholder Rights Agreement.

          6.04  Officers.  (a) Generally.  The Board of Directors,  as set forth
     below,  shall appoint  agents of the Company,  referred to as "Officers" of
     the  Company.  Unless  provided  otherwise  by  resolution  of the Board of
     Directors,  the Officers shall have the titles, power, authority and duties
     described below in this Section 6.04.

          (b)  Titles and  Number.  The  Officers  of the  Company  shall be the
     Chairman of the Board (unless the Board of Directors  provides  otherwise),
     the President,  the Chief Executive  Officer,  any and all Vice Presidents,
     the Secretary,  the Chief Financial Officer,  any Treasurer and any and all
     Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers and the Chief Legal Officer.
     There  shall  be  appointed   from  time  to  time,  in   accordance   with
     Section 6.04(c)  below,  such  Vice  Presidents,   Secretaries,   Assistant
     Secretaries,  Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers as the Board of Directors
     may desire. Any person may hold two or more offices.

          (c) Appointment and Term of Office. The Officers shall be appointed by
     the  Board of  Directors  at such  time and for such  term as the  Board of
     Directors  shall  determine.  Any Officer  may be removed,  with or without
     cause,  only by the Board of  Directors.  Vacancies  in any  office  may be
     filled only by the Board of Directors.


     (d) President.  Subject to the limitations  imposed by this Agreement,  any
employment  agreement,  any employee plan or any  determination  of the Board of
Directors,  the  President,  subject to the direction of the Board of Directors,
shall be the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company  and,  as such,  shall be
responsible  for the  management  and direction of the  day-to-day  business and
affairs  of the  Company,  its  other  Officers,  employees  and  agents,  shall
supervise  generally the affairs of the Company and shall have full authority to
execute all  documents  and take all actions that the Company may legally  take.
The President  shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as
may be assigned to him by this  Agreement or the Board of  Directors,  including
any duties and powers stated in any employment  agreement  approved by the Board
of Directors.

     (e) Chief  Executive  Officer.  The President  shall be the Chief Executive
Officer of the Company. Subject to the limitation imposed by this Agreement, any
employment  agreement,  any employee plan or any  determination  of the Board of
Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors,  shall  be  responsible  for  the  management  and  direction  of the
day-to-day  business and affairs of the Company,  its other officers,  employees
and agents,  shall supervise generally the affairs of the Company and shall have
full  authority to execute all  documents  and take all actions that the Company
may legally take. The Chief  Executive  Officer shall exercise such other powers
and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by this Agreement or the
Board of Directors,  including  any duties and powers  stated in any  employment
agreement approved by the Board of Directors.

     (f) Vice Presidents.  In the absence of the President,  each Vice President
appointed  by the Board of  Directors  shall  have all of the  powers and duties
conferred  upon the  President,  including  the same power as the  President  to
execute  documents  on behalf of the  Company.  Each such Vice  President  shall
perform such other duties and may exercise such other powers as may from time to
time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the President.

     (g)  Secretary  and Assistant  Secretaries.  The Secretary  shall record or
cause to be  recorded  in books  provided  for that  purpose  the minutes of the
meetings  or actions of the Board of  Directors,  shall see that all notices are
duly given in accordance  with the  provisions of this Agreement and as required
by law, shall be custodian of all records (other than financial), shall see that
the books, reports, statements, certificates and all other documents and records
required by law are properly kept and filed, and, in general,  shall perform all
duties  incident to the office of Secretary  and such other duties as may,  from
time to time,  be assigned to him by this  Agreement,  the Board of Directors or
the  President.  The  Assistant  Secretaries  shall  exercise  the powers of the
Secretary during that Officer's absence or inability or refusal to act.

     (h) Chief Financial  Officer.  The Chief  Financial  Officer shall keep and
maintain,  or cause to be kept and  maintained,  adequate and correct  books and
records of account of the Company.  He shall  receive and deposit all moneys and
other  valuables  belonging  to the Company in the name and to the credit of the
Company  and  shall  disburse  the same and only in such  manner as the Board of
Directors  or the  appropriate  Officer  of the  company  may from  time to time
determine,  shall render to the Board of Directors and the  President,  whenever
any of them request it, an account of all his  transactions  as Chief  Financial
Officer and of the  financial  condition of the Company,  and shall perform such
further duties as the Board of Directors or the President may require. The Chief


Financial  Officer  shall  have  the  same  power as the  President  to  execute
documents on behalf of the Company.

     (i)  Treasurer  and Assistant  Treasurers.  The  Treasurer  shall have such
duties as may be specified by the Chief Financial  Officer in the performance of
his duties.  The Assistant  Treasurers shall exercise the power of the Treasurer
during  that  Officer's  absence or  inability  or  refusal to act.  Each of the
Assistant  Treasurers  shall possess the same power as the Treasurer to sign all
certificates, contracts, obligations and other instruments of the Company. If no
Treasurer or Assistant  Treasurer is appointed  and serving or in the absence of
the appointed Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer,  the Senior Vice President,  or
such other Officer as the Board of Directors shall select, shall have the powers
and duties conferred upon the Treasurer.

     (j) Chief Legal Officer. The Chief Legal Officer, subject to the discretion
of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the management and direction
of the  day-to-day  legal affairs of the Company.  The Chief Legal Officer shall
perform such other duties and may exercise such other powers as may from time to
time be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the President.

     (k) Powers of  Attorney.  The Company may grant powers of attorney or other
authority as appropriate to establish and evidence the authority of the Officers
and other persons.

     (l) Delegation of Authority. Unless otherwise provided by resolution of the
Board of Directors,  no Officer shall have the power or authority to delegate to
any person such Officer's rights and powers as an Officer to manage the business
and affairs of the Company.

     (m)  Officers.  The Board of Directors  initially  appoints  the  following
Officers  of the  Company  to serve  from  the  date  hereof  until  the  death,
resignation  or removal by the Board of Directors  with or without cause of such

                  Dan L. Duncan            Chairman of the Board
                  O. S. Andras             President and Chief Executive Officer
                  Randa L. Duncan          Group Executive Vice President
                  Albert W. Bell           Executive Vice President
                  Gary L. Miller           Executive Vice President,
                                           Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                  William D. Ray           Executive Vice President
                  Charles E. Crain         Senior Vice President
                  Michael Falco            Senior Vice President
                  Dannine D. Avara         Vice President
                  Frank A. Chapman         Vice President
                  Theodore Helfgott        Vice President
                  Terrance L. Hurlburt     Vice President
                  Michael J. Knesek        Vice President and Controller
                  A.M. (Monty) Wells       Vice President


                  William R. Morrow        Vice President
                  Rudy A. Nix              Vice President
                  John L. Tomerlin         Vice President
                  Richard H. Bachmann      Executive Vice President and
                                           Chief Legal Officer
                  Michael R. Johnson       General Counsel and Secretary
                  John E. Smith, II        Assistant Secretary

     6.04 Duties of Officers and  Directors.  Except as  otherwise  specifically
provided in this Agreement,  the duties and obligations  owed to the Company and
to the Board of  Directors  by the Officers of the Company and by members of the
Board of Directors of the Company shall be the same as the respective duties and
obligations  owed  to  a  corporation   organized  under  the  Delaware  General
Corporation Law by its officers and directors, respectively.

     6.05  Compensation.  The Officers shall receive such compensation for their
services  as may be  designated  by the Board of  Directors.  In  addition,  the
Officers shall be entitled to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket costs and expenses
incurred  in the  course  of  their  service  hereunder.  Except  for the  Tejas
Designated Directors, with respect to which only clause (iii) below shall apply,
the members of the Board of Directors that are neither officers nor employees of
the Company shall be entitled to (i) an annual  director's  fee set by the Board
of Directors (which fee shall initially equal $24,000),  (ii) a  per-meeting fee
set by the Board of Directors and payable with respect to each meeting  during a
given year in excess of four regular meetings of the Board of Directors and four
meetings of the Audit and Conflicts  Committee  (which fee shall initially equal
$500 per meeting) and  (iii) reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
connection  with  attending  meetings of the Board of  Directors  or  committees

     6.06  Indemnification.  (a) To  the  fullest  extent  permitted  by law but
subject to the limitations  expressly  provided in this  Agreement,  each person
shall be  indemnified  and held harmless by the Company from and against any and
all losses, claims, damages, liabilities,  joint or several, expenses (including
reasonable  legal fees and expenses),  judgments,  fines,  penalties,  interest,
settlements and other amounts arising from any and all claims, demands, actions,
suits or proceedings, whether civil, criminal,  administrative or investigative,
in which any such person may be involved,  or is threatened to be involved, as a
party or otherwise, by reason of such person's status as (i) a present or former
member of the Board of Directors or any  committee  thereof,  (ii) a  present or
former Officer,  employee,  partner,  agent or trustee of the Company or (iii) a
person  serving  at the  request of the  Company in another  entity in a similar
capacity as that referred to in the immediately  preceding  clauses (i) or (ii),
provided,  that in each case the person  described in the immediately  preceding
clauses  (i),  (ii) or (iii)  (the  "Indemnitee")  acted in good  faith and in a
manner  which such  Indemnitee  believed  to be in, or not  opposed to, the best
interests of the Company and,  with respect to any criminal  proceeding,  had no
reasonable  cause  to  believe  such  Indemnitee s  conduct  was  unlawful.  The
termination of any action,  suit or proceeding by judgment,  order,  settlement,
conviction  or upon a plea of nolo  contendere,  or its  equivalent,  shall  not
create a  presumption  that the  Indemnitee  acted in a manner  contrary to that
specified above. Any indemnification pursuant to this Section 6.06 shall be made
only out of the assets of the Company.


     (b) To the fullest extent permitted by law, expenses (including  reasonable
legal fees and expenses)  incurred by an Indemnitee who is indemnified  pursuant
to Section 6.06(a) in defending any claim,  demand,  action,  suit or proceeding
shall,  from  time to time,  be  advanced  by the  Company  prior  to the  final
disposition of such claim,  demand,  action,  suit or proceeding upon receipt by
the Company of an  undertaking  by or on behalf of the  Indemnitee to repay such
amount  if  it  shall  be  determined  in a  judicial  proceeding  or a  binding
arbitration  that the Indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified as authorized
in this Section 6.06.

     (c) The indemnification  provided by this Section 6.06 shall be in addition
to any other rights to which an Indemnitee  may be entitled under any agreement,
as a matter of law or otherwise, both as to actions in the Indemnitee's capacity
as (i) a  present or former  member of the Board of Directors  or any  committee
thereof, (ii) a present or former Officer,  employee,  partner, agent or trustee
of the  Company  or (iii) a  person  serving  at the  request of the  Company in
another entity in a similar  capacity,  and as to actions in any other capacity,
and shall  continue as to an Indemnitee who has ceased to serve in such capacity
and  shall  inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  heirs,  successors,   assigns  and
administrators of the Indemnitee.

     (d) The Company  may  purchase  and  maintain  insurance,  on behalf of the
members of the Board of  Directors,  the Officers and such other  persons as the
Board of Directors shall  determine,  against any liability that may be asserted
against or expense  that may be incurred by such person in  connection  with the
Company's activities,  regardless of whether the Company would have the power to
indemnify  such person  against  such  liability  under the  provisions  of this

     (e) For purposes of this Section 6.06,  the Company shall be deemed to have
requested  an  Indemnitee  to serve as  fiduciary  of an employee  benefit  plan
whenever the  performance by the Indemnitee of such  Indemnitee's  duties to the
Company  also  imposes  duties  on,  or  otherwise  involves  services  by,  the
Indemnitee to the plan or  participants  or  beneficiaries  of the plan;  excise
taxes  assessed  on an  Indemnitee  with  respect to an  employee  benefit  plan
pursuant  to  applicable  law shall  constitute  "fines"  within the  meaning of
Section 6.06(a);  and action taken or omitted by the Indemnitee  with respect to
an employee  benefit plan in the performance of such  Indemnitee's  duties for a
purpose  reasonably  believed by such  Indemnitee  to be in the  interest of the
participants  and  beneficiaries of the plan shall be deemed to be for a purpose
which is in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Company.

     (f) An Indemnitee shall not be denied  indemnification  in whole or in part
under  this  Section 6.06   because  the  Indemnitee  had  an  interest  in  the
transaction with respect to which the indemnification applies if the transaction
was otherwise permitted by the terms of this Agreement.

     (g)  The  provisions  of this  Section 6.06  are  for  the  benefit  of the
Indemnitees,  their heirs, successors,  assigns and administrators and shall not
be deemed to create any rights for the benefit of any other persons.

     (h) No  amendment,  modification  or  repeal  of this  Section 6.06  or any
provision  hereof  shall in any manner  terminate,  reduce or impair  either the
right of any past, present or future Indemnitee to be indemnified by the Company
or the obligation of the Company to indemnify any


such Indemnitee under and in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6.06
as in effect  immediately  prior to such amendment,  modification or repeal with
respect to claims arising from or relating to matters occurring,  in whole or in
part, prior to such amendment,  modification or repeal,  regardless of when such
claims may be asserted.


     6.07 Limitation of  Indemnification.  (a)  Notwithstanding  anything to the
contrary set forth in this Agreement, no Indemnitee shall be liable for monetary
damages to the  Company or any other  person or entity for losses  sustained  or
liabilities incurred as a result of any act or omission constituting a breach of
such Indemnitee's fiduciary duty if such Indemnitee acted in good faith.

     (b) Subject to its  obligations  and duties as set forth in this Agreement,
the Board of Directors and any committee  thereof may exercise any of the powers
granted to it by this  Agreement  and perform any of the duties  imposed upon it
hereunder either directly or by or through the Company's agents, and neither the
Board of  Directors  nor any  committee  thereof  shall be  responsible  for any
misconduct or negligence on the part of any such agent appointed by the Board of
Directors or any committee thereof in good faith.

     (c) Any  amendment,  modification  or  repeal of this  Section 6.06  or any
provision  hereof shall be prospective  only and shall not in any way affect the
limitations on liability under this Section 6.06 as in effect  immediately prior
to such amendment, modification or repeal with respect to claims arising from or
relating to matters  occurring,  in whole or in part,  prior to such  amendment,
modification or repeal, regardless of when such claims may be asserted.

                                ARTICLE 7: TAXES

     7.01 Tax  Returns.  The Board of  Directors  shall cause to be prepared and
timely filed (on behalf of the Company) all federal, state and local tax returns
required to be filed by the Company, including making the elections described in
Section 7.02.  Each Member shall furnish to the Board of Directors all pertinent
information  in its  possession  relating to the  Company's  operations  that is
necessary to enable the Company's  tax returns to be timely  prepared and filed.
The Company shall bear the costs of the preparation and filing of its returns.

     7.02 Tax Elections.  The Company shall make the following  elections on the
appropriate tax returns:

          (a) to adopt as the Company's fiscal year the calendar year;

          (b) to adopt the accrual method of accounting;


          (c) if a distribution  of the Company's  property as described in Code
     Section 734  occurs or upon a transfer of Membership  Interest as described
     in Code Section 743 occurs, on request by notice from any Member, to elect,
     pursuant  to  Code  Section 754,  to  adjust  the  basis  of the  Company's

          (d) to elect to amortize  the  organizational  expenses of the Company
     ratably over a period of 60 months as permitted  by  Section 709(b)  of the
     Code; and

          (e) any other election the Board of Directors may deem appropriate.

Neither the Company nor any Member  shall make an election for the Company to be
excluded from the  application of the provisions of subchapter K of chapter 1 of
subtitle A of the Code or any similar  provisions of applicable state law and no
provision  of this  Agreement  (including  Section 2.07)  shall be  construed to
sanction  or  approve  such an  election.  If an  election  is made  under  Code
Section 754  as provided in clause (c)  above,  such election may not be revoked
without the consent of all Members.

     7.03 Tax Matters Member.  (a) EPC shall be the "tax matters partner" of the
Company pursuant to  Section 6231(a)(7)  of the Code (the "Tax Matters Member").
The Tax Matters  Member  shall take such action as may be  necessary to cause to
the extent  possible each other Member to become a "notice  partner"  within the
meaning of Section 6223 of the Code.

          (b)  The  Tax  Matters   Member  shall  take  no  action  without  the
     authorization  of the Board of Directors,  other than such action as may be
     required by Law. Any cost or expense  incurred by the Tax Matters Member in
     connection  with its duties,  including the preparation for or pursuance of
     administrative or judicial proceedings, shall be paid by the Company.

          (c) The Tax Matters  Member shall not enter into any  extension of the
     period of  limitations  for  making  assessments  on behalf of the  Members
     without  first  obtaining  the consent of the Board of  Directors.  The Tax
     Matters Member shall not bind any Member to a settlement  agreement without
     obtaining  the  consent of such  Member.  Any  Member  that  enters  into a
     settlement agreement with respect to any Company item (as described in Code
     Section 6231(a)(3))  shall  notify  the other  Members  of such  settlement
     agreement and its terms within 90 Days from the date of the settlement.

          (d) No Member shall file a request  pursuant to Code  Section 6227 for
     an administrative  adjustment of Company items for any taxable year without
     first  notifying the other Members.  If the Board of Directors  consents to
     the requested adjustment, the Tax Matters Member shall file the request for
     the administrative  adjustment on behalf of the Members. If such consent is
     not obtained within 30 Days from such notice, or within the period required
     to timely file the request for administrative  adjustment,  if shorter, any
     Member,   including  the  Tax  Matters  Member,  may  file  a  request  for
     administrative adjustment on its own behalf. Any Member intending to file a
     petition under Code Sections 6226,  6228 or other Code Section with respect
     to any item  involving  the Company  shall notify the other Members of such
     intention and the nature of the contemplated proceeding.  In the case where
     the Tax Matters Member is the Member intending to file such petition


     on behalf of the  Company,  such notice  shall be given within a reasonable
     period of time to allow the other Members to participate in the choosing of
     the forum in which such petition will be filed.

          (e) If any Member intends to file a notice of  inconsistent  treatment
     under Code Section 6222(b),  such Member shall give reasonable notice under
     the  circumstances  to the other  Members of such  intent and the manner in
     which  the  Member's  intended   treatment  of  an  item  is  (or  may  be)
     inconsistent with the treatment of that item by the other Members.


     8.01  Maintenance of Books.  (a) The Board of Directors shall keep or cause
to be kept at the  principal  office of the  Company or at such  other  location
approved by the Board of Directors  complete  and accurate  books and records of
the Company,  supporting  documentation of the transactions  with respect to the
conduct of the Company's  business and minutes of the proceedings of its Members
and the Board of Directors, and any other books and records that are required to
be maintained by applicable Law.

          (b) The books of account of the  Company  shall be  maintained  on the
     basis of a fiscal year that is the calendar year and on an accrual basis in
     accordance  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  consistently

     8.02  Reports.  The  Board of  Directors  shall  cause to be  prepared  and
delivered to each Member such  reports,  forecasts,  studies,  budgets and other
information as the Members may reasonably request from time to time.

     8.03 Bank  Accounts.  Funds of the Company shall be deposited in such banks
or other  depositories  as shall be designated from time to time by the Board of
Directors.  All  withdrawals  from any  such  depository  shall be made  only as
authorized  by the Board of  Directors  and  shall be made  only by check,  wire
transfer, debit memorandum or other written instruction.


     9.01  Dispositions  and Encumbrances of Membership  Interests.  (a) General
Restriction.  A Member may not Dispose of or Encumber  all or any portion of its
Membership   Interest  except  in  strict  accordance  with  this  Section 9.01.
References in this Section 9.01 to Dispositions or Encumbrances of a "Membership
Interest"  shall also refer to  Dispositions  or  Encumbrances of a portion of a
Membership  Interest.  Any attempted  Disposition or Encumbrance of a Membership
Interest, other than in strict accordance with this Section 9.01,  shall be, and
is hereby declared,  null and void ab initio. The Members agree that a breach of
the provisions of this Section 9.01 may cause irreparable  injury to the Company
and to the other Members for which monetary damages (or other remedy at law) are
inadequate in view of (i) the  complexities  and  uncertainties in measuring the
actual  damages  that would be sustained by reason of the failure of a Member to
comply with such provision and (ii) the  uniqueness of the Company  business and
the relationship among the


Members. Accordingly, the Members agree that the provisions of this Section 9.01
may be enforced by specific performance.

     (b) Dispositions of Membership Interests.

     (i)  General  Restriction.  A  Member  may not  Dispose  of its  Membership
Interest  except by complying with all of the following  requirements:  (A) such
Member must receive the consent of the other Members, which consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld;  provided that nothing herein shall restrict the ability
of Tejas Energy to transfer its Membership  Interest to a Permitted Affiliate or
the  ability  of  EPC II  and  DDLLC to  transfer  their  respective  Membership
Interests to a Duncan Permitted Affiliate;  and (B) such Member must comply with
the requirements of Section 9.01(b)(iii)  and, if the Assignee is to be admitted
as a Member, Section 9.01(b)(ii).

     (ii)  Admission  of Assignee as a Member.  An Assignee  has the right to be
admitted to the Company as a Member, with the Membership Interest (and attendant
Sharing Ratio) so transferred to such Assignee, only if (A) the Disposing Member
making the  Disposition  has  granted  the  Assignee  either  (1) the  Disposing
Member's entire Membership  Interest or (2) the express right to be so admitted;
and  (B) such   Disposition   is  effected  in  strict   compliance   with  this
Section 9.01.

     (iii)  Requirements  Applicable  to All  Dispositions  and  Admissions.  In
addition to the requirements set forth in  Sections 9.01(b)(i)  and 9.01(b)(ii),
any  Disposition of a Membership  Interest and any admission of an Assignee as a
Member shall also be subject to the following requirements, and such Disposition
(and admission,  if applicable)  shall not be effective unless such requirements
are complied with; provided,  however, that the Board of Directors,  in its sole
and absolute discretion, may waive any of the following requirements:

          (A) Disposition  Documents.  The following documents must be delivered
     to the Board of Directors:

          (1) Disposition Instrument. A copy of the instrument pursuant to which
     the Disposition is effected.

          (2)  Ratification  of this Agreement.  An instrument,  executed by the
     Disposing Member and its Assignee, containing the following information and
     agreements,  to the  extent  they  are  not  contained  in  the  instrument
     described in  Section 9.01(b)(iii)(A)(1):  (aa) the  notice  address of the
     Assignee;  (bb) the  Sharing Ratios after the  Disposition of the Disposing
     Member and its Assignee (which together must total the Sharing Ratio of the
     Disposing  Member  before  the   Disposition);   and  (cc) the   Assignee's
     ratification  of this  Agreement  and  agreement to be bound by it, and its
     confirmation that the  representations  and warranties in Section 10.01 are
     true and correct with respect to it.


     (iv) Clarification  Regarding Transfer of Equity Interests in Members.  The
transfer or other  disposition by the equity  owner(s) of a Member of all or any
portion  of  the  equity  interests  in  such  Member  shall  not  constitute  a
Disposition of a Membership Interest for purposes of this Agreement.

     (c)  Encumbrances  of  Membership  Interest.  A Member may not Encumber its
Membership Interest except by complying with both of the following requirements:
(i) such Member must receive the consent of the other Member,  which consent may
be granted or withheld in the sole discretion of such other Member; and (ii) the
instrument  creating such  Encumbrance must provide that any foreclosure of such
Encumbrance  (or Disposition in lieu of such  foreclosure)  must comply with the
requirements of Section 9.01(b).

     9.02  Transfer of Tejas Energy  Rights.  In the event of a  Disposition  by
Tejas  Energy to a Permitted  Affiliate of all of its interest in the Company in
accordance  with the terms and  conditions of this  Agreement and the Unitholder
Rights  Agreement,  Tejas Energy may transfer to such  Permitted  Affiliate  the
rights of Tejas  Energy  under  this  Agreement;  provided  that such  Permitted
Affiliate  shall agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Unitholder
Rights  Agreement  and shall  execute  an  assignment  in the form  required  by
Section 9.01(b)(iii).

     9.03 Transfer of EPC II Rights.  In the event of a Disposition by EPC II to
a Duncan Permitted  Affiliate of all or part of its interest in the Company (the
"EPC II  Transferred  Interest") in accordance  with the terms and conditions of
this  Agreement,  EPC II may  transfer to such Duncan  Permitted  Affiliate  the
rights  of EPC II  under  this  Agreement  relating  to the  EPC II  Transferred
Interest;  provided that such Duncan Permitted Affiliate shall agree to be bound
by (i) the terms and conditions of the Unitholder  Rights  Agreement to the same
extent as EPC II was  bound  with  respect  to the EPC II  Transferred  Interest
(including, without limitation, Section 2.3(b)) and (ii) Section 6.13(a) and (b)
of the  Contribution  Agreement  to the same  extent  as EPC II was  bound  with
respect to the EPC II Transferred  Interest,  and shall execute an assignment in
the form required by Section 9.01(b)(iii).

                              COVENANTS OF MEMBERS

     10.01  Representations,   Warranties  and  Covenants.  Each  Member  hereby
represents, warrants and covenants to the Company and each other Member that the
following  statements are true and correct as of the Effective Date and shall be
true and correct at all times that such Member is a Member:

          (a)  that  Member  is  duly  incorporated,  organized  or  formed  (as
     applicable),  validly existing,  and (if applicable) in good standing under
     the  Law  of  the  jurisdiction  of  its  incorporation,   organization  or
     formation; if required by applicable Law, that Member is duly qualified and
     in good standing in the jurisdiction of its principal place of business, if
     different  from  its   jurisdiction  of   incorporation,   organization  or
     formation;  and that  Member has full power and  authority  to execute  and
     deliver this Agreement and to perform its  obligations  hereunder,  and all
     necessary actions by the board of directors, shareholders,


     managers, members, partners, trustees,  beneficiaries,  or other applicable
     Persons  necessary  for the due  authorization,  execution,  delivery,  and
     performance of this Agreement by that Member have been duly taken;

          (b) that Member has duly executed and delivered this Agreement and the
     other documents  contemplated  herein, and they constitute the legal, valid
     and binding obligation of that Member enforceable  against it in accordance
     with their terms  (except as may be limited by  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
     similar Laws of general application and by the effect of general principles
     of equity, regardless of whether considered at law or in equity); and

          (c) that Member's authorization,  execution, delivery, and performance
     of this Agreement does not and will not  (i) conflict  with, or result in a
     breach, default or violation of, (A) the  organizational  documents of such
     Member, (B) any contract or agreement to which that Member is a party or is
     otherwise  subject,  or  (C) any  Law,  order,   judgment,   decree,  writ,
     injunction  or  arbitral  award  to  which  that  Member  is  subject;   or
     (ii) require  any  consent,  approval  or  authorization  from,  filing  or
     registration  with,  or notice  to,  any  Governmental  Authority  or other
     Person, unless such requirement has already been satisfied.


     11.01  Dissolution.  (a) Subject to  Section 11.01(b),  the  Company  shall
dissolve  and its  affairs  shall  be  wound  up on the  first  to  occur of the
following events (each a "Dissolution Event"):

          (i)  the unanimous consent of the Members;

          (ii) the dissolution, Withdrawal or Bankruptcy of a Member; or

          (iii) entry of a decree of judicial  dissolution  of the Company under
     Section 18-802 of the Act.

          (b) If a Dissolution  Event  described in  Section 11.01(a)(ii)  shall
     occur and there shall be at least one other Member  remaining,  the Company
     shall not be dissolved, and the business of the Company shall be continued,
     if such Member elects to do so within 90  days  following the occurrence of
     such  Dissolution  Event  (such  agreement  is  referred  to  herein  as  a
     "Continuation Election").

     11.02  Winding-Up and  Termination.  (a) On the occurrence of a Dissolution
Event,  unless a  Continuation  Election  has been made,  the Board of Directors
shall appoint a liquidator.  The liquidator shall proceed  diligently to wind up
the affairs of the Company and make final  distributions  as provided herein and
in the Act. The costs of winding up shall be borne as a Company  expense.  Until
final  distribution,  the  liquidator  shall  continue  to operate  the  Company
properties  with all of the power and authority of the Members.  The steps to be
accomplished by the liquidator are as follows:


          (i) as promptly as possible  after  dissolution  and again after final
     winding up, the  liquidator  shall cause a proper  accounting to be made of
     the Company's assets, liabilities, and operations through the last calendar
     day of the month in which the dissolution occurs or the final winding up is
     completed, as applicable;

          (ii) the  liquidator  shall  discharge  from Company  funds all of the
     indebtedness  and other debts,  liabilities  and obligations of the Company
     (including all expenses  incurred in winding up and any loans  described in
     Section 4.01)  or  otherwise  make  adequate   provision  for  payment  and
     discharge  thereof  (including the  establishment of a cash escrow fund for
     contingent  liabilities  in such amount and for such term as the liquidator
     may reasonably determine); and

          (iii) all remaining  assets of the Company shall be distributed to the
     Members as follows:

          (A) the liquidator may sell any or all Company property,  including to
     Members,  and any  resulting  gain or loss from each sale shall be computed
     and allocated to the Capital Accounts of the Members in accordance with the
     provisions of Article 5;

          (B) with respect to all Company  property that has not been sold,  the
     fair market  value of that  property  shall be  determined  and the Capital
     Accounts  of the  Members  shall be adjusted to reflect the manner in which
     the unrealized income,  gain, loss, and deduction inherent in property that
     has  not  been  reflected  in the  Capital  Accounts  previously  would  be
     allocated  among the  Members if there were a taxable  disposition  of that
     property  for the  fair  market  value  of  that  property  on the  date of
     distribution; and

          (C) Company property  (including cash) shall be distributed  among the
     Members in accordance with Section 5.02;  and those  distributions shall be
     made by the  end of the  taxable  year  of the  Company  during  which  the
     liquidation of the Company occurs (or, if later,  90 Days after the date of
     the liquidation).

          (b) The  distribution  of cash or property  to a Member in  accordance
     with the provisions of this Section 11.02  constitutes a complete return to
     the Member of its Capital  Contributions and a complete distribution to the
     Member  of its  Membership  Interest  and all the  Company s  property  and
     constitutes  a compromise to which all Members have  consented  pursuant to
     Section 18-502(b)  of the Act. To the extent that a Member returns funds to
     the Company, it has no claim against any other Member for those funds.

     11.03  Certificate of  Cancellation.  On completion of the  distribution of
Company assets as provided herein,  the Members (or such other Person or Persons
as the Act may require or permit) shall file a certificate of cancellation  with
the  Secretary of State of Delaware,  cancel any other  filings made pursuant to
Section 2.05,  and take such other  actions as may be necessary to terminate the
existence of the Company.  Upon the filing of such  certificate of cancellation,
the existence of the


Company  shall  terminate  (and the Term shall end),  except as may be otherwise
provided by the Act or other applicable Law.

                         ARTICLE 12: GENERAL PROVISIONS

     12.01 Intentionally Deleted

     12.02  Notices.  Except  as  expressly  set forth to the  contrary  in this
Agreement,  all  notices,  requests or consents  provided for or permitted to be
given  under this  Agreement  must be in writing  and must be  delivered  to the
recipient  in person,  by courier or mail or by  facsimile  or other  electronic
transmission.  A notice,  request  or consent  given  under  this  Agreement  is
effective  on receipt by the Member to receive  it;  provided,  however,  that a
facsimile or other electronic  transmission that is transmitted after the normal
business hours of the recipient  shall be deemed  effective on the next Business
Day. All  notices,  requests and consents to be sent to a Member must be sent to
or made at the addresses given for that Member on Exhibit A or in the instrument
described in  Section 9.01(b)(iii)(A)(2)  or 3.02, or such other address as that
Member  may  specify  by notice to the other  Members.  Any  notice,  request or
consent to the Company must be given to all of the Members.  Whenever any notice
is required to be given by Law, the Delaware  Certificate or this  Agreement,  a
written waiver thereof,  signed by the Person entitled to notice, whether before
or after the time stated  therein,  shall be deemed  equivalent to the giving of
such notice.

     12.03 Entire Agreement;  Superseding  Effect. This Agreement (together with
the Unitholder Rights Agreement) constitutes the entire agreement of the Members
and their Affiliates  relating to the Company and the transactions  contemplated
hereby  and  supersedes  all  provisions  and  concepts  contained  in all prior
contracts  or  agreements  between the Members or any of their  Affiliates  with
respect to the Company and the transactions contemplated hereby, whether oral or

     12.04  Effect of Waiver or Consent.  Except as  otherwise  provided in this
Agreement,  a waiver or  consent,  express  or  implied,  to or of any breach or
default by any Member in the performance by that Member of its obligations  with
respect to the  Company is not a consent or waiver to or of any other  breach or
default in the  performance by that Member of the same or any other  obligations
of that Member with respect to the Company. Except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement,  failure on the part of a Member to complain of any act of any Member
or to declare any Member in default with respect to the Company, irrespective of
how long that failure continues,  does not constitute a waiver by that Member of
its   rights   with   respect   to   that   default    until   the    applicable
statute-of-limitations period has run.

     12.05 Amendment or Restatement.  This Agreement or the Delaware Certificate
may be amended or restated  only by a written  instrument  executed  (or, in the
case of the Delaware Certificate, approved) by all Members.


     12.06  Binding  Effect.  Subject to the  restrictions  on  Dispositions  of
Membership  Interests set forth in this Agreement,  this Agreement is binding on
and shall inure to the benefit of the  Members and their  respective  successors
and permitted assigns.

     12.07 Governing Law; Severability.  THIS AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY AND SHALL
of a direct conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any mandatory,
non-waivable  provision of the Act, such provision of the Act shall control.  If
any  provision  of the Act  provides  that it may be varied or  superseded  in a
limited liability company agreement (or otherwise by agreement of the members or
managers  of a  limited  liability  company),  such  provision  shall be  deemed
superseded  and waived in its  entirety if this  Agreement  contains a provision
addressing the same issue or subject matter.  If any provision of this Agreement
or the  application  thereof to any Member or  circumstance  is held  invalid or
unenforceable  to any  extent,  (a) the  remainder  of  this  Agreement  and the
application of that provision to other Members or  circumstances is not affected
thereby,  and (b) the  Members  shall  negotiate  in good faith to replace  that
provision with a new provision that is valid and  enforceable  and that puts the
Members in substantially the same economic,  business and legal position as they
would have been in if the original provision had been valid and enforceable.

     12.08  Further  Assurances.  In  connection  with  this  Agreement  and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  each Member  shall  execute and deliver any
additional documents and instruments and perform any additional acts that may be
necessary  or  appropriate  to  effectuate  and perform the  provisions  of this
Agreement and those transactions.

     12.09 Waiver of Certain Rights. Each Member irrevocably waives any right it
may have to maintain any action for  dissolution of the Company or for partition
of the property of the Company.

     12.10  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any  number  of
counterparts  with the same effect as if all signing parties had signed the same
document.  All counterparts  shall be construed together and constitute the same



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Members have executed this Agreement as of the date
set forth above.


                                                    EPC PARTNERS II, INC.

                                               By:  /s/ Francis B. Jacobs II
                                                    Francis B. Jacobs II

                                                    DAN DUNCAN LLC

                                               By:  /s/ Dan L. Duncan
                                                    Dan L. Duncan

                                                    TEJAS ENERGY, LLC

                                               By:  /s/ Curtis R. Frasier
                                                    Curtis R. Frasier
                                                    Executive Vice President and
                                                    Chief Operating Officer

                                  Attachment I

                                  Defined Terms

     Act--the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act.

     Affiliate--with  respect to any  Person, (a) each  entity  that such Person
Controls; (b) each Person that Controls such Person; and (c) each entity that is
under common Control with such Person, including, in the case of a Member.

     Agreement--introductory paragraph.

     Assignee--any Person  that  acquires a  Membership  Interest or any portion
thereof through a Disposition;  provided,  however, that, an Assignee shall have
no right to be  admitted to the Company as a Member  except in  accordance  with
Section 9.01(b)(ii).  The  Assignee  of a dissolved  Member is the  shareholder,
partner,  member or other equity owner or owners of the dissolved Member to whom
such  Member's  Membership  Interest is assigned  by the Person  conducting  the
liquidation or winding up of such Member.  The Assignee of a Bankrupt  Member is
(a) the  Person or Persons (if any) to whom such  Bankrupt  Member's  Membership
Interest  is  assigned by order of the  bankruptcy  court or other  Governmental
Authority having  jurisdiction  over such  Bankruptcy,  or (b) in the event of a
general  assignment  for the benefit of  creditors,  the  creditor to which such
Membership Interest is assigned.

     Bankruptcy or Bankrupt--with  respect to any Person,  that (a) such  Person
(i) makes  a general  assignment  for the  benefit of  creditors;  (ii) files  a
voluntary bankruptcy petition;  (iii) becomes the subject of an order for relief
or is  declared  insolvent  in any  federal or state  bankruptcy  or  insolvency
proceedings;  (iv) files  a  petition  or  answer  seeking  for  such  Person  a
reorganization,    arrangement,    composition,    readjustment,    liquidation,
dissolution,  or  similar  relief  under any Law;  (v) files  an answer or other
pleading admitting or failing to contest the material  allegations of a petition
filed  against such Person in a proceeding  of the type  described in subclauses
(i) through (iv) of this clause (a); or  (vi) seeks,  consents to, or acquiesces
in the  appointment of a trustee,  receiver,  or liquidator of such Person or of
all or any substantial  part of such Person's  properties;  or (b) against  such
Person,  a  proceeding   seeking   reorganization,   arrangement,   composition,
readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under any Law has been
commenced and 120 Days have expired without dismissal thereof or with respect to
which, without such Person's consent or acquiescence,  a trustee,  receiver,  or
liquidator  of such Person or of all or any  substantial  part of such  Person's
properties has been appointed and 90 Days have expired without the appointment's
having  been  vacated  or  stayed,  or 90 Days  have  expired  after the date of
expiration of a stay, if the appointment has not previously been vacated.

     Board of Directors--Section 6.01.

     Business  Day--any  day other than a  Saturday,  a Sunday,  or a holiday on
which national banking associations in the State of Texas are closed.

     Capital  Account--the  account to be  maintained  by the  Company  for each
Member in accordance with Section 4.04.

     Capital  Contribution--with  respect to any Member, the amount of money and
the net agreed  value of any  property  (other  than money)  contributed  to the
Company  by  the  Member.  Any  reference  in  this  Agreement  to  the  Capital
Contribution   of  a  Member  shall  include  a  Capital   Contribution  of  its
predecessors in interest.

     Chairman of the Board--Section 6.02(e).

     Closing Date--September 17, 1999.

     Code--the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     Common Units--as defined in the MLP Agreement.

     Company--introductory paragraph.

     Continuation Election--Section 11.01(b).

     Contribution Agreement--Contribution  Agreement by and among Tejas  Energy,
Tejas Midstream Enterprises, LLC, the MLP, the OLP, EPC, the Company and EPC II,
dated September 17, 1999.

     Control--the possession,  directly  or  indirectly,  through  one  or  more
intermediaries, of either of the following:

          (a) (i) in the case of a corporation, more than 50% of the outstanding
     voting securities thereof; (ii) in the case of a limited liability company,
     partnership,  limited partnership or venture, the right to more than 50% of
     the distributions therefrom (including liquidating distributions); (iii) in
     the case of a trust or estate, including a business trust, more than 50% of
     the beneficial interest therein;  and (iv) in the case of any other entity,
     more than 50% of the economic or beneficial interest therein; or

          (b) in the  case  of any  entity,  the  power  or  authority,  through
     ownership of voting  securities,  by contract or  otherwise,  to exercise a
     controlling influence over the management of the entity.

     Day--a  calendar  day;  provided,  however,  that,  if any  period  of Days
to in this  Agreement  shall end on a Day that is not a Business  Day,  then the
expiration of such period shall be  automatically  extended until the end of the
first succeeding Business Day.

     DDLLC--introductory paragraph.


     Delaware Certificate--Section 2.01.

     Dispose, Disposing or Disposition--with  respect to a Membership  Interest,
the sale, assignment,  transfer, conveyance, gift, exchange or other disposition
of such Membership Interest, excluding, however, any sale, assignment, transfer,
conveyance, gift, exchange or other disposition of such Membership Interest that
occurs  involuntarily  or by operation of Law.  With respect to any other asset,
the transfer, sale, assignment or other disposition of the asset in question.

     Dissolution Event--Section 11.01(a).

     Duncan Permitted  Affiliate--means  any Person in which Dan L. Duncan,  his
wife and heirs,  devisees and legatees  (and trusts for any of their  respective
benefit) (the "Duncan Interests") own, directly or indirectly,  more than 50% of
such Person's equity  interests and that is controlled by the Duncan  Interests.
For  the  purposes  of this  definition,  "controlled"  means  that  the  Duncan
Interests  possess,  directly  or  indirectly,  the power to direct or cause the
direction of management and policies of such controlled  Person,  by contract or

     Effective Date--introductory paragraph.

     Encumber, Encumbering, or Encumbrance--the creation of a security interest,
lien,  pledge,  mortgage  or other  encumbrance,  whether  such  encumbrance  be
voluntary, involuntary or by operation of Law.


     EPC II--introductory paragraph.

     EPC II Transferred Interest--Section 9.03.

     Executive Committee--Section 6.01.

     Governmental Authority--a  federal,  state,  local or foreign  governmental
authority;  a state,  province,  commonwealth,  territory or district thereof; a
county or parish;  a city,  town,  township,  village or other  municipality;  a
district,  ward or other  subdivision  of any of the  foregoing;  any executive,
legislative  or  other  governing  body  of any of the  foregoing;  any  agency,
authority,  board, department,  system, service, office, commission,  committee,
council or other administrative body of any of the foregoing; any court or other
judicial body; and any officer,  official or other  representative of any of the

     Group Member--a member of the Partnership Group.

     including--including, without limitation.

     Indemnitee--Section 6.06(a).


     Law--any applicable constitutional provision, statute, act, code (including
the  Code),  law,  regulation,   rule,   ordinance,   order,   decree,   ruling,
proclamation,  resolution, judgment, decision, declaration, or interpretative or
advisory   opinion  or  letter  of  a   Governmental   Authority   having  valid

     Member--any  Person  executing  this  Agreement  as of  the  date  of  this
Agreement  as a member  or  hereafter  admitted  to the  Company  as a member as
provided  in this  Agreement,  but such term does not include any Person who has
ceased to be a member in the Company.

     Membership  Interest--with  respect to any Member, (a) that Member's status
as a Member;  (b) that Member's share of the income,  gain, loss,  deduction and
credits of, and the right to receive  distributions  from, the Company;  (c) all
other  rights,  benefits and  privileges  enjoyed by that Member (under the Act,
this  Agreement,  or  otherwise)  in its  capacity  as a  Member;  and  (d)  all
obligations,  duties and liabilities imposed on that Member (under the Act, this
Agreement or otherwise) in its capacity as a Member,  including any  obligations
to make Capital Contributions.

     MLP--Enterprise Products Partners L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

     MLP Agreement--Second Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership
of Enterprise Products Partners L.P., dated September 17, 1999.

     Officer--any Person  designated as an officer of the Company as provided in
Section 6.04,  but such term does not include any Person who has ceased to be an
officer of the Company.

     OLP--Enterprise Products Operating L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

     Permitted Affiliates--as defined in the Unitholder Rights Agreement.

     Person--the meaning assigned that term in Section 18-101(11) of the Act and
also includes a Governmental Authority and any other entity.

     Partnership Group--the  MLP,  the OLP and any  Subsidiary  of  either  such
entity, treated as a single consolidated entity.

     Registration    Statement--the   Registration   Statement   on   Form   S-1
(Registration  No.  333-52537)  as it  has  been  or as it  may  be  amended  or
supplemented  from time to time, filed by the Partnership with the United States
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  Securities  Act to register the
offering and sale of the Common Units in the Initial Offering.

     Securities  Act--the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  supplemented,  or
restated from time to time and any such successor statute.

     Sharing  Ratio--subject in each case to adjustments in accordance with this
Agreement or in connection with Dispositions of Membership Interests, (a) in the
case of a Member  executing this Agreement as of the date of this Agreement or a
Person acquiring such Member's Membership


Interest,  the  percentage  specified  for that Member as its  Sharing  Ratio on
Exhibit  A, and  (b) in  the case of  Membership  Interest  issued  pursuant  to
Section 3.02, the Sharing Ratio established pursuant thereto; provided, however,
that the total of all Sharing Ratios shall always equal 100%.

     Special Units--as defined in the Unitholder Rights Agreement.

     Subsidiary--with  respect to any Person,  (a) a  corporation  of which more
than  50%  of the  voting  power  of  shares  entitled  (without  regard  to the
occurrence  of any  contingency)  to vote in the  election of directors or other
governing body of such corporation is owned, directly or indirectly, at the date
of determination,  by such Person, by one or more Subsidiaries of such Person or
a combination  thereof,  (b) a partnership (whether general or limited) in which
such Person or a Subsidiary of such Person is, at the date of  determination,  a
general or limited partner of such partnership, but only if more than 50% of the
partnership  interests of such  partnership  (considering all of the partnership
interests  of  the  partnership  as  a  single  class)  is  owned,  directly  or
indirectly,  at the  date  of  determination,  by  such  Person,  by one or more
Subsidiaries of such Person, or a combination  thereof,  or (c) any other Person
(other than a corporation  or a partnership)  in which such Person,  one or more
Subsidiaries of such Person, or a combination  thereof,  directly or indirectly,
at the date of determination,  has (i) at least a majority ownership interest or
(ii) the power to elect or direct the election of a majority of the directors or
other governing body of such Person.

     Tax Matters Member--Section 7.03(a).

     Tejas Designated Directors--Section 6.02(b).

     Tejas Designated Members--Section 6.03(b).

     Tejas Energy--introductory paragraph.

     Term--Section 2.05.

     Treasury  Regulations--the  regulations  (including temporary  regulations)
promulgated by the United States  Department of the Treasury  pursuant to and in
respect of  provisions  of the Code.  All  references  herein to sections of the
Treasury Regulations shall include any corresponding  provision or provisions of
succeeding, similar or substitute, temporary or final Treasury Regulations.

     Unitholder  Rights   Agreement--Unitholder  Rights  Agreement  among  Tejas
Energy, Tejas Midstream Enterprises, LLC, the MLP, the OLP, EPC, the Company and
EPC II, dated September 17, 1999.

     Withdraw,   Withdrawing  or  Withdrawal--the  withdrawal,   resignation  or
retirement  of a Member  from the  Company  as a Member.  Such  terms  shall not
include any  Dispositions of Membership  Interest (which are governed by Section
9.01), even though the Member making a Disposition may cease to be a Member as a
result of such Disposition.


                                    Exhibit A

                           MEMBERS AND SHARING RATIOS

Name and Address

EPC Partners II, Inc.
2727 North Loop West
Houston, Texas 77008
Attn: President
Telecopier: (713) 880-6570

Tejas Energy, LLC
1301 McKinney Street, Suite 700
Houston, Texas 77010
Attn:  Chief Operating Officer
Telecopier:  (713) 230-1800

Dan Duncan LLC
c/o Dan L. Duncan
2727 North Loop West
Houston, Texas  77008
Attn: President
Telecopier:  (713) 880-6570
