Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)
(Mark one)

[X] Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998


[ ] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 for the transition period from __________ to ________

                           Commission File No. 0-15360

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Oregon                                  93-1099680
(State of other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. identification no.)
 incorporation or organization)

      7620 SW Bridgeport Road
       Portland, Oregon                                97224
(Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip code)

(Registrant's telephone number, including areas code)  (503) 639-7221

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

     Title of each class      Name of each exchange on which registered
          None                                    None

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                                 Title of Class
                           Common Stock, no par value

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrants  knowledge,  in definitive  proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [X]

State the aggregate market value of voting stock held by non-affiliates of the
registrant, as of May 31, 1998: $40,833,088

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's classes of
common stock, as of May 29, 1998: Common Stock, no par value, 27,218,758 shares.


Portions of the  registrant's  definitive  Proxy  Statement  for the 1998 Annual
Shareholders' Meeting are incorporated by reference into Part III.

                                Table of Contents

                                     PART I

Item 1.   Business

Item 2.   Properties

Item 3.   Legal Proceedings

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                                     PART II

Item 5.   Market for the Registrant's  Common Equity and Related  Stockholder

Item 6.   Selected Consolidated Financial Data

Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
          Results of Operations

Item 8.   Consolidated Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

Item 9.  Changes  in and  Disagreements  with  Accountants  on  Accounting  and
          Financial Disclosure

                                    PART III

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

                                     PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K

                                     PART I



Certain statements in this Report constitute "forward-looking statements" within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties and
other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of
the Company,  or industry  results,  to be materially  different from any future
results,   performance,   or   achievements   expressed   or   implied  by  such
forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and factors include, among
others, those described under "Business -- Risk Factors."


Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.  ("Bioject"  or  the  "Company")  develops,
manufactures  and markets a jet injection  system for needle-free drug delivery.
Using this technology to administer  injections virtually eliminates the risk of
contaminated   needlestick   injuries   and   resulting   blood-borne   pathogen
transmission,  a major concern throughout the healthcare  industry.  The Company
manufactures and markets a professional jet injection  system,  the Biojector(R)
2000, which allows healthcare  professionals to inject  medications  through the
skin, both  intramuscularly and subcutaneously,  without a needle. The Biojector
2000 system consists of two components: a hand-held,  reusable jet-injector (the
"Biojector 2000");  and a sterile,  single-use  disposable  syringe  ("Biojector
syringe").  The  system  is  capable  of  delivering  variable-dose  needle-free
injections up to 1 ml.  Additionally,  the Company has developed and is awaiting
regulatory  clearance  to begin  selling  the  B4000  jet-injection  system  for
self-delivery of various  medications up to 1 ml. for use by  non-professionals.
The Company is also developing systems for Hoffmann-La Roche to use with certain
of their products pursuant to an agreement signed January 10, 1995. On March 23,
1998 the Company entered into a transaction with Vitajet Corporation ("Vitajet")
whereby the Company acquired, along with certain other assets, the rights to the
Vitajet(R),   a  spring-powered   self-injection   device  which  currently  has
regulatory clearance for administering  injections of insulin. See "Research and
Product  Development."  In  October  1997,  the  Company  entered  into a  joint
development  agreement  with Elan  Corporation,  plc ("Elan") for the license of
certain blood glucose  monitoring  technology  from Elan and the development and
commercialization  of  that  technology  by a  newly  formed  subsidiary  of the
Company. See "See Research and Product Development."  Subsequent to year end, in
July 1998,  the Company  entered  into an agreement  with Merck & Co.  ("Merck")
which provides  Merck the rights to use the Biojector 2000 jet injection  system
with selected  Merck  vaccines.  Also  subsequent to year end, in July 1998, the
Company and  GeneMedicine,  Inc.  ("GeneMedicine")  entered into a collaborative
research  agreement  involving  GeneMedicine's   technology  and  the  Company's
needle-free  injection  technology.  See "See Research and Product Development."
The  Company  intends  to  operate  as  two  distinct  business  segments:   the
jet-injection business and the blood glucose monitoring business.

Needle-Free Injection Business.

Currently, medications are administered using various methods, each of which has
advantages and limitations.  The leading drug delivery  techniques  include oral
ingestion,  intravenous  infusion,  subcutaneous  and  intramuscular  injection,
inhalation and transdermal diffusion "patch." Many drugs are effective only when
administered  by  injection.  Published  data  indicates  more than 1.7  billion
needle-syringes   sold   annually  in  the  U.S.  The  Company   believes   that
approximately  80% of these syringes are used for  subcutaneous or intramuscular
injections up to 1 ml.

Injections  using  traditional  needle-syringes  suffer  from many  shortcomings
including (i) the risk of needlestick  injuries,  (ii) the risk of penetrating a
patient's vein and (iii) patients' aversion to needles and discomfort.  The most
important of these, the contaminated  needlestick  injury,  occurs when a needle
that has been exposed to a patient's blood accidentally  penetrates a healthcare
worker's skin.  Contaminated  needles can transmit deadly blood-borne  pathogens
including  such viruses as HIV and  hepatitis B.  Published  data  estimates the
total number of reported needlestick injuries in the U.S. at between 370,000 and
800,000 annually.

In  recent  years,   with  the  growing   awareness  of   blood-borne   pathogen
transmission,  safety has become a critical concern for hospitals and healthcare
professionals  as well as patients.  As a result,  pressures  on the  healthcare
industry  to  eliminate  the  risk of  contaminated  needlestick  injuries  have
increased.  For example, the U.S.  Occupational Safety and Health Administration
("OSHA")  issued  regulations,  effective  in  1992,  which  require  healthcare
institutions  to treat  all blood and other  body  fluids as  infectious.  These
regulations  require  the  implementation  of  "engineering  and  work  practice
controls"  to  "isolate  or remove the  blood-borne  pathogens  hazard  from the
workplace."  Among the required  controls  are special  handling and disposal of
contaminated  "sharps" in biohazardous "sharps" containers and follow-up testing
for  victims of  needlestick  injuries.  These  regulations  have  significantly
increased the cost of using needle-syringes.

The costs  resulting  from  needlestick  injuries  vary  widely.  Uncontaminated
needlesticks  involve relatively little cost, while  investigating and following
up  contaminated  needlestick  injuries are much more  expensive.  Investigation
typically includes  identifying the source of contamination,  testing the source
for blood-borne  pathogens and repeatedly testing the needlestick victim over an
extended period. Some healthcare  providers are requiring  additional  measures,
including presuming that all needlestick  injuries involve  contaminated needles
unless  proven  otherwise  and,  under  certain   circumstances,   administering
prophylactic  treatment  such as  zidovudine  (AZT) or other  drugs.  The  costs
associated  with  treating  needlestick  injuries  that result in  infection  by
life-threatening pathogens, such as HIV or hepatitis B, are dramatically higher.
In an effort to protect  healthcare  workers  from  needlestick  injuries,  many
healthcare facilities have adopted more expensive, alternative technologies. One
such  technology  is an  intravenous  ("IV") port that permits the  injection of
medication directly into the IV line without requiring the use of a sharp needle
for each administration. Another is the "safety syringe," generally a disposable
needle-syringe  with a plastic  sheath  mechanism  intended  to cover the needle
after use. Despite many efforts to reduce the risk of needlestick injuries, such
injuries remain a major health concern.

The Company's  long-term goal is to establish its needle-free  injection systems
as the  preferred  drug  delivery  method for all  medications  administered  by
intramuscular  or  subcutaneous  injection.  The Company  currently  markets the
Biojector  2000  system to  public  health  and flu  immunization  clinics,  has
developed and is awaiting regulatory  clearance of a gas-powered  self-injection
device for the delivery of various medications by  non-professionals in the home
and   is   developing   application-specific   devices   to   be   marketed   by
Hoffman-LaRoche.  In a  transaction  with Vitajet  Corporation,  the Company has
acquired  the  Vitajet   spring-powered   self-injection  system.  In  addition,
subsequent  to year end,  the Company  entered into two  agreements: i) one with
Merck & Co.  which  provides  Merck  the  rights to use the  Biojector  2000 jet
injection   system  with  selected   Merck   vaccines;   and  ii)  another  with
GeneMedicine,  Inc.  which  is  a  collaborative  research  agreement  involving
GeneMedicine's  technology and the Company's  needle-free  injection technology.
See   "Research   and  Product   Development."   The  Company  is  also  seeking
relationships  with  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  companies to market its
Biojector  2000 and self  injector  products  for specific  applications  and to
develop other application-specific devices and companion syringes.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Business.

Diabetes  mellitus  is a disorder of  carbohydrate  metabolism  that  affects an
estimated 16.5 million Americans and 125 million people worldwide,  half of whom
remain undiagnosed.  Insulin facilitates the uptake of circulating blood glucose
into tissues, a fundamental  process of metabolism.  A lack of, or resistance to
the hormone insulin characterizes the disease.  Incidence of the disease,  which
can originate from many factors, is rising, particularly in developing countries
as non-Caucasian populations begin to adopt western diet and culture.

Type I diabetics are individuals dependent on external administration of insulin
who must  frequently  measure their blood  glucose  level and,  depending on the
results,  administer injections of insulin or consume a carbohydrate-rich snack.
Fluctuation of a person's blood glucose level outside a normal range,  which may
occur in the time  interval  between  measurements,  frequently  causes  serious
health  complications  and even death.  Using currently  available blood glucose
monitoring  systems to check their blood glucose level,  diabetic  patients must
lance their finger with a disposable lancet, draw a drop of blood, and place the
blood on a  reagent  strip  which is then  read by an  electronic  reader  which
displays  the  results.   Many   patients  find  this   procedure   painful  and
inconvenient, and as a result, many diabetics do not measure their blood glucose
with sufficient frequency.

The  Company has  licensed  and  intends to develop a  convenient,  easy to use,
continuous blood glucose monitoring system which will permit diabetics to better
monitor and thereby better regulate their blood glucose levels so as to diminish
or eliminate the long-term complications of this disorder.


The  Company's  needle-free  jet injection  operations  are conducted by Bioject
Inc.,  an Oregon  corporation,  which is a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of Bioject
Medical  Technologies Inc., an Oregon  corporation.  The Company's blood glucose
monitoring system development operations are conducted by a subsidiary,  Bioject
JV Subsidiary Inc., an Oregon corporation.

Although  Bioject Inc.  commenced  operations in 1985, the Company was formed in
December 1992 for the sole purpose of acquiring all the capital stock of Bioject
Medical Systems Ltd., a company  organized  under the laws of British  Columbia,
Canada,  in a  stock-for-stock  exchange in order to  establish a U.S.  domestic
corporation  as the publicly  traded parent company for Bioject Inc. and Bioject
Medical Systems Ltd. Bioject Medical Systems Ltd. was terminated in fiscal 1997.
Bioject JV  Subsidiary  Inc. ("JV or JV Sub") was formed in October 1997 for the
purpose  of  developing  and   commercializing   the  blood  glucose  monitoring
technology.  All  references  to  the  Company  herein  are to  Bioject  Medical
Technologies Inc. and its subsidiaries,  unless the context requires  otherwise.
The Company's executive offices and operations are located at 7620 SW Bridgeport
Road, Portland, Oregon 97224, and its telephone number is (503) 639-7221.

"Biojector," "Bioject," "Vitajet" and "Medivax" are registered trademarks of the


Needle-free Injection Business.

The Company's current product, the Biojector 2000 system, is a refinement of jet
injection  technology that enables healthcare  professionals to reliably deliver
measured variable doses of medication  through the skin, either  intramuscularly
or subcutaneously,  without a needle.  Giving an injection with a Biojector 2000
system  is easy  and  straightforward.  The  healthcare  worker  checks  the CO2
pressure on the easy-to-read gauge at the rear of the injector, draws medication
up into a  disposable  plastic  syringe,  inserts  the  syringe  into the  power
injector, presses the syringe tip against the appropriate disinfected surface on
the  patient's  skin,  and  then  presses  an  actuator  thereby  injecting  the
medication.  Medication is expelled  rapidly through a precision  molded,  small
diameter orifice in a thin stream at a velocity sufficient to penetrate the skin
and force the  medication  into the tissue at the desired  level.  The Biojector
2000 system consists of two components: a hand-held,  reusable jet injector; and
a sterile, single-use, disposable plastic syringe capable of delivering variable
doses of medication up to 1 ml.

The first component,  the Biojector 2000, is a portable  hand-held unit which is
approximately  the size of a  flashlight  and is  designed  both for easy use by
healthcare  professionals,  as well as to be attractive and  non-threatening  to
patients. As described in the June 7, 1993 issue of BUSINESSWEEK,  the Biojector
2000  won  the  1993  Gold  Industrial  Design  Excellence  Award  given  by the
Industrial  Designers  Society of America  for its  aesthetically  pleasing  and
ergonomic design. In July 1994, the Biojector 2000 also received the Alliance of
Children's  Hospitals  Seal  of  Approval.  The  Biojector  2000  injector  uses
disposable  CO2  cartridges as a power  source.  The CO2  cartridges,  which are
purchased  by the  Company  from an  outside  supplier,  give an  average of ten
injections  before  requiring  replacement.  The  CO2 gas  provides  consistent,
reliable pressure on the plunger of the disposable  syringe,  thereby propelling
the medication  into the tissue.  The CO2 propellant  does not come into contact
with either the patient or the medication.

The second component,  the Biojector single-use  disposable syringe, is provided
in a  sterile,  peel-open  package  and  consists  of a plastic,  needle-  free,
variable dose syringe containing a plunger,  accompanied by a disposable plastic
vial adapter which is used to fill the syringe. (If requested by a customer, the
product can also be supplied  with a needle which is used as an  alternative  to
the  vial  adapter  for  filling  the  syringe.)  The  body  of the  syringe  is
transparent and has graduated markings to aid filling by healthcare workers.

There are five  different  Biojector  syringes,  each of which is intended for a
different  injection  depth or body type.  The  syringes  are  molded  using the
Company's  patented  manufacturing  process.  The healthcare  worker selects the
syringe appropriate for the intended type of injection.  One syringe size is for
subcutaneous  injections,  while  the  others  are  designed  for  intramuscular
injections, depending on the patient's body characteristics.

The Vitajet is also made-up of two  components,  a portable  injector unit and a
disposable  syringe.  It is smaller and lower in cost than other products in the
Company's  needle-free  offering.  The method of operation  and drug delivery is
similar to the Biojector,  except that the Vitajet is powered by a spring rather
than by CO2. It is designed for self-injection and was acquired to fill a gap in
the  Company's  product  line for a  low-cost,  home  use,  needle-free  device.
Vitajet's  current  regulatory  labeling  limits  its  use to the  injection  of
insulin.  The Company  believes  that the product has the  potential  to achieve
regulatory labeling for additional subcutaneous injections. See "Forward Looking
Statements" and "Risk Factors Government Regulation."

The current  suggested retail list price for the Biojector 2000 professional jet
injector is $995, and the suggested retail list price for Biojector  syringes is
$1.00 a piece. CO2 cartridges are sold for a suggested retail price of $0.50 per
cartridge and average ten injections  per  cartridge.  Discounts are offered for
volume  purchases.  The  current  suggested  retail  price  for  the  Vitajet  3
needle-free  injector  is $399.  A three  month  supply  (13-count)  of  Vitajet
syringes is sold for a suggested retail price of $60.

The Company  has other  products in  development  which are  intended to address
other markets or to enhance the Biojector 2000 system. See "Research and Product

Blood Glucose Monitoring Business.

The Company is currently in the development phase of its continuous blood
glucose monitoring product and currently has no products on the market in the
blood glucose monitoring business segment.  See "Research and Product


Needle-free Injection Business.

Currently,  the  traditional  needle-syringe  is the  primary  method  by  which
intramuscular and subcutaneous injections are administered.

During the last 20 years,  there  have been many  attempts  to develop  portable
one-shot jet  injection  hypodermic  devices.  Some of the  problems  which have
arisen in the attempts to develop such devices include: (a) inadequate injection
power;  (b) little or no  control  of  pressure  and depth of  penetration;  (c)
complexity of design,  with related  difficulties in cost and  performance;  (d)
difficulties in use,  including filling and cleaning;  and (e) the necessity for
sterilization between uses.

In recent years, several spring-driven needle-free injectors have been developed
and  marketed  primarily  for the  injection of insulin.  Each of these  devices
requires regular cleaning as well as filling from a separate  medication  bottle
or vial. Current prices for such injectors range from approximately $400 to $600
per injector.  The Company believes that market  acceptance of these devices has
been limited due to a  combination  of the cost of the devices  coupled with the
difficulties of their use.

Also in recent years,  various versions of a "safety syringe" have been designed
and marketed.  Most versions of the safety syringe generally  involve,  as their
basic  design,  a standard or modified  needle-syringe  with a plastic  guard or
sheathing  surrounding the needle. Such covering is usually retracted or removed
in order to give an injection.  Although the intent of the safety  syringe is to
reduce or eliminate  needlestick  injuries,  the syringes  require  manipulation
after injection and, therefore,  still pose the risk of needlestick injury. They
are also bulky and add to contaminated waste disposal problems.

The Company is currently  focusing it marketing efforts for the Biojector system
in two primary  directions.  The first of these marketing  efforts continues the
Company's  historical  strategy of  marketing  directly  to the  end-user of the
product  by  gaining  acceptance  of the  Biojector  system as a safe,  reliable
alternative to the needle-syringe and safety syringe. These efforts build on the
Company's  established  presence  in the  U.S.  public  health  clinic  and  flu
immunization  markets.  The Company is also  focusing  its direct  marketing  on
creating arrangements to market the Biojector 2000 system to the home healthcare
market and the U.S. military.

The second area of marketing  emphasis focuses on creating  licensing and supply
arrangements with leading  pharmaceutical  and biotechnical  companies for whose
products the Biojector  technology  provides either better medical efficacy or a
higher degree of market  acceptance.  Sales through this channel would be to the
pharmaceutical  or  biotechnology  company whose salesforce would then sell that
company's  own  products  along  with  the  Biojector  system  to the end  user.
Development  of  an  injection  system  for  specific   applications   which  is
anticipated  to be  marketed  by  Hoffmann-La  Roche  is an  example  of such an
arrangement. Other opportunities include the possibility of pre-filled Biojector
syringes which, if developed, could be filled and marketed by the pharmaceutical
or biotechnology company whose product is involved.

Pursuing both of these  marketing  strategies,  the Company plans  eventually to
expand into international markets.

To lead its direct sales and marketing efforts,  The Company currently employs a
national sales manager who manages a staff of two full-time nurse trainers, 5 to
8 per  diem  part-time  nurse  trainers  and a  half-time  U.S.  military  sales
representative.  Bioject's  direct sales efforts have resulted in the signing of
public  health  agreements  for the state of North  Carolina,  the New York City
Middle Schools, and the health departments in the states of New Mexico, Oklahoma
and  Illinois.  The Company  expects to sign  additional  agreements  with other
public  health  agencies.  In addition,  the Company works closely on a national
basis with the Visiting Nurses Associations for use of the Biojector 2000 system
for flu  immunization.  The  Company  intends to  leverage  its success in these
immunization  programs to attract  pharmaceutical  company strategic partners to
assist  it in  gaining  access to the  physician  office  and other  specialized
markets  where  the  benefits  of  jet  injection  drug  delivery  will  enhance
distribution of their injectable medications.

In August 1994,  Bioject  signed an agreement  with  Homecare  Management,  Inc.
("HMI"),  granting  HMI  exclusive  rights  to  purchase  Bioject's  Needle-Free
Injection  Management System, the Biojector 2000, for use in the home healthcare
market. Sales to HMI commenced in August 1994. In return for HMI's commitment to
purchase a minimum of 8,000  Biojector  units over the  ensuing  two years,  the
Company  granted  volume  pricing  discounts to HMI.  Throughout the term of the
contract the selling price of Biojectors to HMI exceeded  their  standard  cost.
During  fiscal 1995 and 1996,  the Company  sold  approximately  2,100 and 4,300
Biojectors to HMI for total sales revenue including syringes of $1.1 million and
$2.2  million,  respectively.  HMI had not  placed the great  majority  of these
Biojectors with patients pending completion of negotiations with  pharmaceutical
companies for certain pricing concessions for medication to be administered with
the Biojectors.  In January 1996, HMI requested that further shipments under the
contract be suspended.  In February 1996,  the Company  learned from HMI's press
releases  that HMI  expected  to  default  under its loan,  to take  significant
write-offs  for  accounts   receivable  and  inventories,   planned  operational
consolidations,  and would restate certain prior period financial statements. In
fiscal  1997,  the  Company  agreed  to  repurchase  certain  of  the  Biojector
inventories (including up to 6,000 devices) which HMI had on hand for a total of
$660,000 including $322,000 of forgiveness of accounts receivable and payment of
$338,000 in two  installments,  one-half of which was paid in July 1996 and with
the  balance  remaining  outstanding.  The Company  was under no  obligation  to
repurchase these inventories,  and the repurchase was at a substantial  discount
to the original selling price to HMI.

The sale of new  technologies  to  hospitals,  large  clinics  and  other  large
institutions is typically a lengthy process. Introduction of new technologies to
a hospital or other large institution  typically  involves  screening by several
individuals  and  committees  within  the  institution,  including  new  product
evaluation  committees,  infection control officers,  medical staff and business
office  personnel.  Therefore,  in order to shorten the sales cycle, the Company
has focused  its  primary  direct  sales  strategy on the public  health and flu
immunization  markets  where  there  are fewer  and more  concentrated  decision

The medical equipment market is highly competitive, and competition is likely to
intensify. Many of the Company's existing and potential competitors have been in
business  longer  than the  Company and have  substantially  greater  technical,
financial, marketing, sales and customer support resources. The Company believes
the primary competition for the Biojector 2000 system and other jet injectors it
may  develop  is the  traditional  disposable  needle-  syringe  and the  safety
syringe. Leading suppliers of needle-syringes  include:  Becton-Dickinson & Co.,
Sherwood  Medical Co., a subsidiary of American Home Products Corp.,  and Terumo
Corp. of Japan.  Manufacturers of traditional  needle-syringes compete primarily
on price,  which generally  ranges from  approximately  $0.17 to $0.15 per unit.
Manufacturers of safety syringes compete on features,  quality and price. Safety
syringes generally are priced in a range of $0.25 to $0.45 per unit.

The  Company  expects to compete  with  traditional  needle-syringes  and safety
syringes  based  on  healthcare  worker  safety,  ease of use,  reduced  cost of
disposal, patient comfort, and reduced cost of compliance with OSHA regulations,
but not on purchase price.  However, the Company believes that when all indirect
costs  (including  disposal of syringes  and  testing,  treatment  and  workers'
compensation  expense  related to  needlestick  injuries)  are  considered,  the
Biojector 2000 system will compete effectively. See "Forward Looking Statements"
and "Risk Factors."

The Company is aware of other portable needle-free injectors on the market today
which are generally focused on subcutaneous  self-injection  applications of 0.5
ml. or less and compete  with the  Vitajet.  However the Company is not aware of
any competing  products  with features and benefits  comparable to the Biojector
2000 system.  The Biojector is suitable for both  intramuscular and subcutaneous
injections  of up to 1 ml.  in the  professional  and  home  injection  markets.
Manufacturers of  needle-syringes,  as well as other companies,  may develop new
products that compete directly or indirectly with the Company's products.  There
can be no  assurance  that the Company will be able to compete  successfully  in
this market. See "Risk Factors - Competition,- "Dependence on Two Technologies."
A variety of new  technologies  (for  example,  transdermal  patches)  are being
developed as alternatives to injection for drug delivery. While the Company does
not believe such technologies have  significantly  affected the use of injection
for drug delivery to-date, there can be no assurance that they will not do so in
the future.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Business.

The diabetic  blood  glucose  monitoring  market is currently  dominated by four
companies:  LifeScan, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson,  Boehringer Mannheim,
Miles Laboratories, a subsidiary of Bayer, and MediSense, a subsidiary of Abbott
Laboratories.  All of these  companies  have in vitro blood  glucose  monitoring
systems which use blood test strips and an electronic reader.

Emerging technologies for less invasive monitoring of blood glucose have been in
development  for many years.  There are three broad  modalities of blood glucose
analysis:  Near infrared  spectroscopy  (near-IR),  measurement of  interstitial
fluid  ("ISF"),   the  liquid  between  cells  of  the  skin,  and   transdermal
technologies,  where a patch  applied  to the skin  causes  diffusion  of bodily
fluids to the skin surface from which levels of blood glucose can be measured.

There have been several recent  attempts to introduce  noninvasive in vivo blood
glucose sensors, based on near-IR spectroscopy.  These instruments are currently
large and costly  (around  $10,000),  as well as difficult to calibrate.  Though
some are billed as "portable," they are impractical for ambulatory use.

Two  companies,  TCPI  and  Cygnus  Therapeutics,  are  developing  systems  for
measuring  the blood glucose  concentration  with patch  membrane  technologies.
Through  application  of an electrical  current  through the skin,  interstitial
fluid is brought to the skin's  surface,  where it is  captured  by a patch from
which the glucose element can be measured.  In the case of the TCPI device,  the
patch  is then  removed  from  the skin and  placed  into a reader  for  glucose
measurement.  The  Cygnus  device  has a reader  and  membrane  integrated  in a
wristwatch  which takes periodic  readings and averages them to determine  blood
glucose levels.

The Company has not yet fully developed and  commercialized its continuous blood
glucose  monitoring  technology.  However,  based  on the  expected  design  and
performance  of its  continuous  blood glucose  monitoring  device,  the Company
expects to compete effectively based on the following anticipated key benefits:

To patients:
- - Real-time  measurement of blood glucose  concentration leading to better, more
  reliable monitoring of the blood sugar level with the resulting opportunity to
  reduce the near and long-term medical complications of diabetes.
- - Superior Information: Continuous availability of blood glucose levels in a
  convenient and pain free format.
- - Lightweight and discreet.
- - Convenience: Anticipated once-per-day application to provide continuous
  results all day without further activation by the patient.

To third party payors:
- - Real-time  measurement  of blood  glucose  concentration  leading to a better,
  steadier  regulation  of the blood  sugar  level,  translating  to a potential
  reduction of diabetic complications and their associated cost.
- - Freedom from the pain and  inconvenience  of frequent  blood tests  leading to
  better patient  compliance,  which translates to better blood glucose control,
  fewer long term complications, and lower costs.

To healthcare providers:
- - Superior Information: Real-time measurement of blood glucose concentration
  leads to steadier regulation of the blood sugar levels, superior provider
  capabilities, and improved patient care.
- - Continuous  monitoring via once-a-day  application  greatly reducing the labor
  requirements associated with patient-nurse interactions required by the static
  tests currently employed to monitor patients' blood glucose levels.


Needle-free Injection Business.

The Company  believes that  technology  incorporated  in its currently  marketed
injection  device and  single-dose  disposable  plastic  syringes as well as the
technology  of products  under  development  in both the jet injection and blood
glucose monitoring business segments coupled with the technology and ease of use
of the  products  acquired  in  the  Vitajet  acquisition  give  it  significant
advantages  over the  manufacturers  of other  jet  injection  systems  and over
prospective competitors seeking to develop similar systems. The Company attempts
to  protect   its   technology   through  a   combination   of  trade   secrets,
confidentiality agreements and procedures and patent prosecution.

The  Company  has three U.S.  patents  which  were  issued  with  respect to jet
injection  technology  incorporated  in earlier  versions  of its jet  injection
systems and which expire from July 2007 to November 2008.  Seven additional U.S.
patents  have  been  issued  which  protect  developments  incorporated  in  the
Biojector 2000 system.  These patents  incorporate a number of claims  including
claims regarding the jet injection system's design, method of operation, certain
aspects  of the  syringe  design  and the method of  manufacturing  the  syringe
orifice.  The  Company  has also  been  granted  a patent  relating  a drug vial
adapter.  The Company has made additional  patent filings  regarding  pre-filled
syringe  technologies  and  adapters  for drug vial  access.  The  Company  also
generally files patent applications in Canada, Europe and Japan at the times and
under the  circumstances it deems filing to be appropriate  under the procedures
in  place in each  jurisdiction.  There  can be no  assurance  that any  patents
applied for will be granted or that patents held by the Company will be valid or
sufficiently broad to protect the Company's  technology or provide a significant
competitive  advantage.  See "Risk  Factors."  The Company  also relies on trade
secrets   and   proprietary   know-how   that  it  seeks  to   protect   through
confidentiality  agreements  with  its  employees,  consultants,  suppliers  and
others.  There can be no assurance that these  agreements  will not be breached,
that the  Company  would have  adequate  remedies  for any  breach,  or that the
Company's  trade  secrets  will not  otherwise  become  known to or be developed
independently by competitors. In addition, the laws of foreign countries may not
protect the Company's  proprietary  rights to its technology,  including  patent
rights, to the same extent as the laws of the U.S.

Although the Company believes that it has independently developed its technology
and attempts to assure that its products do not infringe the proprietary  rights
of others,  if infringement  were alleged and proved,  there can be no assurance
that the Company could obtain  necessary  licenses on terms and conditions  that
would not have an adverse affect on the Company. The Company is not aware of any
asserted claim that the Biojector 2000, Vitajet or any product under development
violates the proprietary rights of any person.

If a dispute arises concerning the Company's  technology,  litigation that could
result in  substantial  cost to and  diversion of effort by the Company might be
necessary  to enforce the  Company's  patents,  to protect the  Company's  trade
secrets or  know-how  or to  determine  the scope of the  proprietary  rights of
others.  Adverse  findings  in any  proceeding  could  subject  the  Company  to
significant  liabilities to third parties,  require the Company to seek licenses
from third  parties or  otherwise  adversely  affect  the  Company's  ability to
manufacture and sell its products.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Business.

The continuous blood glucose  monitoring system concept and proprietary  aspects
of the design are covered by various patents.  Corresponding patent applications
have been filed with the PCT,  designating all member  countries,  including the
United States, E.U. and Japan, as well as in Taiwan and South Africa. Additional
patent  applications will be filed in the course of the blood glucose monitoring
technology  development  program.  These applications will cover new, innovative
aspects and refinements of the product.


Needle-free Injection and Blood Glucose Monitoring Businesses.

The Company's  products and  manufacturing  operations  are subject to extensive
government  regulations,  both in the U.S. and abroad. In the U.S., the Food and
Drug Administration  ("FDA") administers the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(the  "FD&C")  and  has  adopted  regulations,  including  those  governing  the
introduction of new medical  devices,  the observation of certain  standards and
practices with respect to the manufacturing and labeling of medical devices, the
maintenance  of certain  records and the  reporting  of  device-related  deaths,
serious injuries, and certain malfunctions to the FDA. Manufacturing  facilities
and certain  Company  records are also subject to FDA  inspections.  The FDA has
broad  discretion  in enforcing  the FD&C and the  regulations  thereunder,  and
noncompliance  can result in a variety of regulatory  steps ranging from warning
letters,  product  detentions,  device alerts or field  corrections to mandatory
recalls, seizures, injunctive actions and civil or criminal penalties.

The FD&C provides that,  unless exempted by regulation,  medical devices may not
be  commercially  distributed  in the U.S.  unless  they  have been  cleared  or
approved  by the  FDA.  The  FD&C  provides  two  basic  review  procedures  for
pre-market  clearance or approval of medical  devices.  Certain products qualify
for a  submission  authorized  by  Section  510(k)  of  the  FD&C,  wherein  the
manufacturer   provides   the  FDA  with  a  premarket   notification   ("510(k)
notification")  of  the  manufacturer's  intention  to  commence  marketing  the
product.  The  manufacturer  must,  among other things,  establish in the 510(k)
notification  that the  product to be marketed is  substantially  equivalent  to
another legally marketed  product,  (i.e., that it has the same intended use and
that it as safe and  effective as a legally  marketed  device and does not raise
questions of safety and  effectiveness  that are different from those associated
with the legally marketed device).  Marketing may commence when the FDA issues a
letter finding  substantial  equivalence to such a legally marketed device.  The
FDA may require,  in connection with the 510(k) submission,  that it be provided
with animal and/or human test results.  If a medical device does not qualify for
the 510(k) procedure,  the manufacturer  must file a premarket  approval ("PMA")
application.  A PMA must  show  that the  device  is safe and  effective  and is
generally a much more complex  submission than a 510(k)  notification  typically
requiring more extensive prefiling testing and a longer FDA review process.

A 510(k)  notification  is required when a device is being  introduced  into the
market for the first  time.  A 510(k)  notification  is also  required  when the
manufacturer  makes a change or modification to an already  marketed device that
could  significantly  affect safety or effectiveness,  or where there is a major
change or  modification  in the intended  use of the device.  When any change or
modification  is made in a device  or its  intended  use,  the  manufacturer  is
expected  to  make  the  initial  determination  as to  whether  the  change  or
modification  is of a kind that  would  necessitate  the  filing of a new 510(k)
notification. The FDA's regulations provide only limited guidance in making this

In April 1987,  the Company  received  510(k)  marketing  clearance from the FDA
allowing the Company to market a hand-held  CO2-powered  jet  injection  system.
Although the  Biojector  2000 system  incorporates  changes from the system with
respect to which the Company's 1987 510(k) marketing  clearance was received and
expands its intended use, the Company made the determination that these were not
major  changes or  modifications  in intended  use or changes in the device that
could  significantly  affect the safety or effectiveness of the device and that,
accordingly,  the 1987  510(k)  clearance  permitted  the  Company to market the
Biojector 2000 system in the U.S. In June 1994, the Company  received  clearance
from the FDA under 510(k) to market a version of its Biojector  2000 system in a
configuration targeted at high volume injection  applications.  In October 1996,
the Company  received 510(k)  clearance for a non-needle  disposable vial access
device.  In March 1997, the Company  received  additional  510(k)  clearance for
certain  enhancements  to its Biojector 2000 system.  The Company  currently has
applications  pending before the FDA for 510(k) clearance of the B2020 1.5ml jet
injector and the B4000  self-injector.  There can be no  assurance  that the FDA
will concur with the Company's  determination that the products can be qualified
by means of a 510(k) submission.

The  continuous  blood  glucose  monitoring  system  will  be  designed  to meet
international standards of product safety, reliability and biocompatibility.  In
the U.S., while the Company believes that the FDA, based on an earlier clearance
of a "Biostator Monitor", sold by Miles Laboratories,  will allow the continuous
blood  glucose   monitoring   system  to  be  sold  under  a  510(k)  pre-market
notification,  a final  determination has not been made in this regard and there
can be no  assurance  that the FDA  will  allow  the use of a 510(k)  pre-market
notification.  See "Risk Factors - Governmental Regulation." European regulatory
clearance will be in accordance with the essential  requirements  set out in the
new Medical Device Directives, which will come into law in June 1998.

The Company  continues to seek  arrangements  with  pharmaceutical  companies to
develop pre-filled  Biojector syringe  applications to permit the pharmaceutical
companies to market their products packaged in Biojector  prefilled  containers.
See "Research and Product Development." Before pre-filled Biojector syringes may
be distributed for use in the U.S., certain FDA-mandated  stability tests may be
required of those  pharmaceutical  companies.  Pre-filled syringes involve drugs
packaged as a component of a medical device.  It is current FDA policy that such
pre-filled  syringes,  which are  considered  to be  combination  products,  are
evaluated  by the  FDA as  drugs  rather  than  medical  devices.  Marketing  of
pre-filled syringes by pharmaceutical companies will require prior clearance via
a new or amended Drug Application ("NDA") or an Abbreviated New Drug Application
("ANDA").  An NDA is a complex submission required to establish that a drug will
be safe and effective for its intended uses. An ANDA is a less detailed  process
which does not require,  among other things, that the applicant provide complete
reports of  preclinical  and  clinical  studies of safety  and  efficacy  as are
required for NDAs. Assuming that the drugs used in the pre-filled  syringes have
previously  been approved by the FDA for injection,  the FDA will likely require
that ANDAs, rather than NDAs, be submitted.  The Company believes that if a drug
to be used in the  Company's  pre-filled  syringe were already the subject of an
approved NDA or ANDA for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, the main issue
affecting  clearance for use in the pre-filled  syringe would be the adequacy of
the syringe to store the drug, to assure its stability  until used and to safely
deliver the proper dose.  See "Forward  Looking  Statements"  and "Risk  Factors
Government Regulation."

The  FDA  also  regulates  the  Company's   quality  control  and  manufacturing
procedures  by  requiring  the  Company  and  its  contract   manufacturers   to
demonstrate   compliance  with  current  Good  Manufacturing   Practice  ("GMP")
Regulations.  These  regulations  require,  among  other  things,  that  (i) the
manufacturing  process must be regulated  and  controlled  by the use of written
procedures and (ii) the ability to produce devices which meet the manufacturer's
specifications  must be  validated by  extensive  and detailed  testing of every
aspect of the process.  They also require  investigation  of any deficiencies in
the   manufacturing   process  or  in  the   products   produced   and  detailed
record-keeping.  Further,  the FDA's  interpretation  and  enforcement  of these
requirements has been increasingly strict in recent years and seems likely to be
even more stringent in the future.  Failure to adhere to GMP requirements  would
cause the products produced to be considered in violation of the Act and subject
to enforcement  action.  The FDA monitors  compliance with these requirements by
requiring  manufacturers  to register  with the FDA, and by  subjecting  them to
periodic FDA inspections of manufacturing  facilities. If the inspector observes
conditions  that  might  be  violated,   the  manufacturer  must  correct  those
conditions or explain them  satisfactorily,  or face potential regulatory action
that might include physical removal of the product from the marketplace.

The FDA's Medical Device Reporting  Regulation requires that the Company provide
information  to the FDA on the  occurrence  of any  death  or  serious  injuries
alleged to have been associated with the use of the Company's products,  as well
as any product  malfunction  that would likely cause or contribute to a death or
serious injury if the malfunction  were to recur.  In addition,  FDA regulations
prohibit a device from being marketed for  unapproved or uncleared  indications.
If  the  FDA  believes  that  the  company  is  not  in  compliance  with  these
regulations,  it can institute proceedings to detain or seize products,  issue a
recall,  seek injunctive  relief or assess civil and criminal  penalties against
such company.

The use and manufacture of the Company's  products are subject to OSHA and other
federal,  state and local laws and regulations  relating to such matters as safe
working conditions for healthcare  workers and Company employees,  manufacturing
practices,  environmental  protection  and disposal of hazardous or  potentially
hazardous  substances  and the  policies of  hospitals  and clinics  relating to
compliance  therewith.  There can be no  assurance  that the Company will not be
required to incur  significant  costs to comply with such laws,  regulations  or
policies  in the future,  or that such laws,  regulations  or policies  will not
increase the costs or restrictions  related to the use of the Company's products
or otherwise have a materially  adverse effect upon the Company's  ability to do
business. See "Risk Factors."

Laws and regulations regarding the manufacture,  sale and use of medical devices
are  subject  to change and depend  heavily on  administrative  interpretations.
There can be no assurance that future changes in regulations or  interpretations
made by the FDA, OSHA or other regulatory bodies,  will not adversely affect the

Sales of medical  devices  outside of the United  States are  subject to foreign
regulatory requirements. The requirements for obtaining premarket clearance by a
foreign country may differ from those required for FDA clearance. Devices having
an  effective  510(k)  clearance  or PMA may be  exported  without  further  FDA
authorization.  FDA authorization is generally required in order to export other
medical devices.


Needle-free Injection Business.

Research and development  efforts are focused on enhancing the Company's current
product  offerings and on developing  both new jet injection  technology and new
products. The Company continues to use clinical,  magnetic resonance imaging and
tissue studies to determine the  reliability and performance of new and existing
products.  As of March 31, 1998, the Company's research and product  development
staff,  including  clinical  and  regulatory  staff  members,   consisted  of  7
employees.  During fiscal 1996,  1997 and 1998,  the Company spent $1.9 million,
$1.6 million, and $884,000, respectively, on research and development.

In March 1994,  the Company  entered into an agreement with Schering AG, Germany
("Schering"),  for the  development of a  self-injection  device for delivery of
Betaseron (R) to multiple sclerosis  patients.  During fiscal 1995 through 1997,
the Company developed prototypes to Schering  specifications which were accepted
by Schering.  During fiscal 1997,  the Company  entered into a supply  agreement
with Schering and commenced  activities  related to full  production of the self
injector.  Schering loaned the Company a total of $1.6 million to purchase molds
and tooling for production of the product. In January 1997, the Company received
notice that its contract with Schering would be cancelled.  Under  provisions of
the  contract,  Schering  had the option of canceling  the  agreement if the FDA
required  extensive  clinical studies beyond an originally planned safety study.
Schering  received  a review  letter  from the FDA  which  would  have  required
Schering  to  conduct  additional  material  clinical  studies  in  order to use
non-traditional  delivery mechanisms with its Betaseron (R) product. Under terms
of the contract, Schering was required to convert its $1.6 million note due from
Bioject  into  approximately  460,000  shares  of  Bioject  common  stock  at  a
conversion  price of $3.50 per share. In addition,  $106,000 of accrued interest
was converted  into  approximately  27,000  shares of Bioject  common stock at a
conversion price of $3.50 per share. The Company retained ownership of the molds
and tooling.  The B4000  self-injector,  which was  developed as a result of the
Schering  agreement,   is  currently  awaiting  regulatory  clearance  prior  to
marketing. See "Risk Factors - Governmental Regulation."

In  January  1995,  the  Company  signed  a  joint  development  agreement  with
Hoffmann-La  Roche ("Roche") to develop  proprietary  drug delivery  systems for
Roche products.  The agreement provides for Bioject to develop,  manufacture and
sell   Biojector  jet  injection  drug  delivery   systems   designed  to  Roche
specifications.  In return, Bioject has granted Roche exclusive worldwide rights
to  distribute  these  systems and their  components  for use with certain Roche
products.  Hoffmann-La  Roche  Inc.  is  the  United  States  affiliate  of  the
multinational group of companies headed by Roche Holding of Basel,  Switzerland,
one of the world's leading, research-intensive healthcare companies.

As of 1995 fiscal year end,  the  Company  had  commenced  design of a prototype
device and had agreed with Roche on product specifications.  During fiscal 1996,
the Company  developed  and  delivered  to Roche  preproduction  prototypes  for
testing and developed the clinical preproduction prototypes which were delivered
to Roche in April 1996.  As of fiscal 1997 year end,  the Company and Roche were
finalizing  their  submission  to obtain  regulatory  clearance  to  market  the
product.  As of the end of fiscal 1998,  the Company had submitted its component
of the proprietary drug delivery system for regulatory clearance.

In February  1995,  Hoffmann-La  Roche paid a one-time  licensing  fee  totaling
$500,000.  The agreement provides that it will pay specified product development
fees on an agreed upon schedule of which $400,000 was recognized in fiscal 1996,
$500,000 was  recognized  in fiscal 1997 and $500,000 was  recognized  in fiscal

In March,  1998 the  Company  acquired  the assets of Vitajet  Corporation  in a
stock-for-assets  exchange.  The Company paid 100,000 shares of its common stock
for certain molds, tooling, patent rights and customer lists, the value of which
totaled $134,400 at the date of acquisition. In addition to shares already paid,
the Company is obligated  to issue 60,000  shares of its common stock in each of
the three years subsequent to the acquisition if certain development  milestones
are met.  Up to an  additional  90,000  shares is also  payable  subject  to the
Company realizing specified,  aggregate levels of incremental revenue during the
three  years  subsequent  to the  Vitajet  acquisition  as a result  of sales of
products acquired from or developed by Vitajet

Subsequent to year end, in July 1998, the Company entered into an agreement with
Merck, a worldwide  leader in the  development,  manufacture and sale of a broad
range of human and animal health products and services.  The agreement  provides
Merck the rights to use the Biojector  2000 jet  injection  system with selected
Merck  vaccines.  The Company  believes that this agreement is the first step in
establishing a long-term  relationship  between the two companies  whereby Merck
will use the Company's needle-free  technology in connection with certain of its
vaccines.  There can be no assurance  that such long-term  relationship  will be
established. See "Forward Looking Statements."

Also  subsequent  to  year  end,  in  July  1998,  the  Company  entered  into a
collaborative  research  agreement  with  GeneMedicine,   a  developer  of  gene
medicines and genetic vaccine technologies for treatment or prevention of a wide
range of diseases.  This collaboration  involves the continued refinement of the
Biojector  2000  jet  injection  system  coupled  with   GeneMedicine's   unique
gene-based delivery platforms to create a combined product that will enhance the
delivery  and  activity  of  plasmid-based   genetic  vaccines.   The  agreement
contemplates  that  combined  products  developed  as a result  of the  research
collaboration   will  be  marketed  to  third  party   corporate   partners  for
commercialization  and sale rather than being  commercialized  or sold by either
Bioject  or  GeneMedicine.  There  can be no  assurance  that the  collaborative
alliance will result in marketable products. Further, should marketable products
be  developed  as a  result  of  the  collaborative  alliance,  there  can be no
assurance that the companies will be successful  either at locating  appropriate
third party corporate partners or at entering into the necessary agreements with
those partners to commercialize and sell the products so developed. See "Forward
Looking Statements." Additionally,  should such products be developed, there can
be no assurance that they will receive the required governmental clearance.  See
"Governmental Regulation."

In addition to activities  described above, the Company is seeking  arrangements
with  pharmaceutical  and  biotechnology  companies  for the  use of  pre-filled
syringes to  eliminate  the filling and  measuring  procedures  associated  with
traditional  injection of medications.  Before pre-filled Biojector syringes may
be distributed for use in the U.S., these companies must commit to the packaging
and  distribution of their products in this manner and to the time and financial
resources necessary for FDA review and clearance. This process could be lengthy.
See "Business -  Governmental  Regulation."  There can be no assurance that such
companies  will  commit  efforts  to  develop  pre-filled  packaging  and pursue
regulatory  clearance  or that  regulatory  clearance  of  pre-filled  Biojector
syringes will be obtained.

The Company  intends to continue  research and development  efforts  designed to
further its understanding of the physics and physiology of jet injection.  These
efforts will include  further  clinical  studies to demonstrate  efficacy of jet
injection  and to  evaluate  new  products  and  enhancements  to the  Company's
existing products.  To advance these studies, in April 1994 the Company formed a
Department of Clinical Affairs  research group,  which initiates and coordinates
these studies.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Business.

In October 1997,  the Company  signed a joint  development  agreement  with Elan
Corporation,  plc ("Elan") to license from Elan certain continuous blood glucose
monitoring  technology (the "License") and then to commercialize that technology
for manufacture and world-wide distribution.  To date, the Company has continued
testing and  development  of a clinical  prototype.  Subsequent  to year end, in
April 1998,  a small,  human  clinical  study with a prototype of the device was
conducted.  The prototype device was used to monitor the blood glucose levels of
six  diabetes  patients for fifteen  continuous  hours.  The system  tracked the
patients' actual blood glucose levels against whole blood reference samples with
significant  levels of  accuracy.  The Company is planning  further  preliminary
clinical studies as development of the product  continues.  Based on the results
of these studies, the Company will then plan and conduct comprehensive  clinical
trials of the monitoring  system which are intended to support its  applications
to the FDA to  market  the  product  in the  United  States.  See  "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."


Needle-free Injection Business.

The Company  assembles the Biojector 2000 and related  syringes from  components
purchased from outside  suppliers.  Prior to  introduction of the Biojector 2000
system in 1993,  the Company had not engaged in  manufacturing  on a  commercial
scale. However, in connection with that introduction,  the Company increased its
manufacturing  capabilities and built inventories to support anticipated product

Throughout  fiscal 1994 and 1995,  the Company's  manufacturing  processes  were
primarily  manual.  These  processes  did not permit the  Company to produce its
products  at costs which would  allow it to operate  profitably.  During  fiscal
1996,  the Company  implemented  a plan to increase  manufacturing  capacity and
refine  production  methods  to meet  anticipated  future  demand  and to reduce
product  costs.  For  the  Biojector  2000,  cost  reduction   efforts  included
converting  from a two-piece to a one-piece  housing,  converting  to continuous
process   manufacturing  and  implementing   volume  purchasing   programs  from
suppliers.  For  the  Biojector  syringes,  these  efforts  included  increasing
supplier mold capacity and automating  final  assembly and packaging.  See "Risk
Factors - Limited Manufacturing Experience, Need to Reduce Unit Cost."

During fiscal 1998, the Company,  having a sufficient inventory of jet injectors
on-hand  as a  result  of the  repurchase  of  product  from  HMI,  focused  its
manufacturing  efforts on refining the manufacturing  processes and efficiencies
of the syringe  manufacturing line. See "Marketing and Competition - Needle-Free
Injection Business."

In order to  succeed at  expanding  manufacturing  capacity  and  reducing  unit
production cost, the Company must attract and retain qualified  assembly workers
and must  establish and maintain  relationships  with suppliers that can deliver
large  quantities  of components  that meet  applicable  quality  standards in a
timely and reliable manner at acceptable prices.

Blood Glucose Monitoring Business.

At  present,  the Company has no  manufacturing  operation  related to the blood
glucose  monitoring  system.  When  approved  for sale,  the Company  intends to
manufacture the device in its own facilities,  the location of which has not yet
been determined.


As of March 31, 1998,  the Company had 33 full-time  employees  with 4 employees
engaged in research  and product  development,  2 in sales and  marketing,  2 in
technical  product support,  13 in manufacturing and 12 in  administration.  The
Company  engages a limited  number of  part-time  consultants  who  assist  with
research and development, sales and marketing and investor relations activities.
The Company also  employs  temporary  contract  workers  primarily  for assembly
operations,  the number of which varies, depending upon production requirements.
As of March 31,  1998,  there were 4  consultants,  5 to 8 per diem nurses and 1
contract/temporary  worker  employed  by the  Company.  None  of  the  Company's
employees is represented by a labor union.


The  Company  believes  that  its  products  reliably  inject  medications  both
subcutaneously  and  intramuscularly   when  used  in  accordance  with  product
guidelines.  The Company's current insurance  policies provide coverage at least
equal to an  aggregate  limit of $11  million  with  respect to certain  product
liability  claims.  The Company has not experienced any product liability claims
to date.  There can be no assurance,  however,  that the Company will not become
subject to such claims,  that the Company's  current  insurance would cover such
claims,  or that  insurance  will continue to be available to the Company in the
future.  The Company's  business may be adversely  affected by product liability


Investment in the  securities of the Company  involves a high degree of risk. In
addition to the other  information in this annual report,  the following factors
should be considered  carefully in evaluating the Company and its business.  The
Company cautions the reader that this list of factors may not be exhaustive.

Uncertainty of Market Acceptance.  The Company's success will depend upon market
acceptance of its jet injection drug delivery system, the Biojector 2000 system,
the blood glucose  monitoring  system and, to a lesser  extent,  other  products
under development. Currently, the dominant technology used for intramuscular and
subcutaneous injections is the hollow-needle syringe. Needle-syringes, while low
in cost, have  limitations,  particularly  relating to contaminated  needlestick
injuries.  Use of the Biojector 2000 system for  intramuscular  and subcutaneous
injections virtually eliminates the associated risk of these injuries;  however,
the cost per injection is significantly  higher.  There can be no assurance that
the Biojector  2000 system will compete  successfully.  A previous jet injection
system  manufactured by the Company did not achieve market  acceptance and is no
longer being  marketed.  The Biojector  2000 was  introduced in January 1993. To
date,  the major portion of sales have been to HMI,  which units were not placed
in service and which the Company has  repurchased  at a substantial  discount to
the original  selling price after the  cancellation  of its agreement  with HMI.
Failure of the  Biojector  2000  system to gain market  acceptance  would have a
material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  financial  condition and results of

Uncertainty of New Product  Development.  The Company's joint venture with Elan,
JV Sub, intends to develop certain  technology  licensed from Elan and to create
an ambulatory monitoring system which permits the continuous monitoring of blood
glucose  levels in persons with  diabetes.  The system is in the early stages of
development,  and there can be no assurance  that JV Sub will be  successful  in
developing a product or that any such product can be manufactured or marketed in
a commercially  viable  manner.  It also is likely that  significant  additional
levels of funding will be required to complete  development  of the  technology,
which will likely  require the future  issuance of debt or equity  securities by
either the Company or JV Sub. Further,  there can be no assurance that, should a
blood  glucose  monitoring  system be  developed,  such system would receive the
requisite governmental clearance. See "Governmental Regulation."

The Company's  collaborative  research agreement with GeneMedicine  involves the
continued  refinement of the Biojector  2000 jet injection  system  coupled with
GeneMedicine's unique gene-based delivery platforms to create a combined product
that will enhance the delivery and activity of plasmid-based  genetic  vaccines.
The agreement  contemplates that combined products  developed as a result of the
research  collaboration  will be marketed to third party corporate  partners for
commercialization  and sale rather than being  commercialized  or sold by either
Bioject or  GeneMedicine.  See "Research  and Product  Development - Needle-free
Injection  Business." There can be no assurance that the collaborative  alliance
will result in marketable products.  Further, should such marketable products be
developed,  there can be no  assurance  that the  companies  will be  successful
either at locating  appropriate  third party  corporate  partners or at entering
into the necessary  agreements with those partners to  commercialize or sell the
products so developed. See "Forward Looking Statements."  Additionally there can
be no assurance,  should such products be  developed,  that such products  would
receive the required governmental clearance. See "Governmental Regulation."

History of Losses;  Uncertain  Profitability.  Since its formation in 1985,  the
Company has incurred significant annual operating losses and negative cash flow.
At March 31, 1998, the Company had an accumulated deficit of $50.9 million,  $12
million of which related to the fiscal 1998 write-off,  after minority interest,
of  in-process  research  and  development   acquired  in  connection  with  the
acquisition of blood glucose monitoring technology from Elan. Historically,  the
Company's  revenues have been derived  primarily  from  licensing and technology
fees and from limited product sales, which were principally sales to dealers for
the stocking of inventories and to HMI. More recently,  the Company has sold its
products to end-users,  primarily to public health clinics for  vaccinations and
to nursing  organizations  for flu  immunizations.  The Company has not attained
profitability at these sales levels.  There can be no assurance that the Company
will be able to  generate  significant  revenues or achieve  profitability.  See
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of

Possible  Termination of the License.  Pursuant to the terms of the License, the
License may be terminated under certain conditions.  In the event that 15% of JV
Sub's  equity  is  acquired  by  any  one of a  number  of  specified  companies
identified  by Elan as actual or potential  competitors,  or any other entity to
which Elan does not consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld in
the case of such other  unspecified  companies,  the License may be  immediately
terminated at Elan's option.  Further,  the License  itself is contingent,  on a
country-by-country   basis,  on  JV  Sub's  diligently   seeking  and  obtaining
regulatory  marketing  clearance  for  licensed  products and on JV Sub's timely
commercial launch of the licensed products in countries where such clearance has
been obtained.  Termination of the License may have a material adverse effect on
the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

Need for Additional  Financing.  The Company's revenues from operations have not
been  sufficient  to  satisfy  its cash  requirements  and it has  relied on the
proceeds  of  sales  of  equity  securities  to fund  its  operations.  The Elan
transaction involves significant future financial  commitments by the Company to
fund the development and marketing  activities of JV Sub, as well as significant
payment  obligations,  totaling  $15.5  million,  by JV Sub to Elan  as  product
development milestones are met. These payment obligations are in addition to the
Company's  cash  requirements  relating  to  current  activities  involving  the
Company's  jet  injection  technology.  The  Company  plans  to  fund  its  cash
requirements  through  revenues,  debt  and  sales  of  equity  securities,  and
anticipates  that JV Sub will  fund its  activities  through  debt and  sales of
equity  securities to the Company and Elan or to third parties.  There can be no
assurance that  financing  sufficient to fund either the Company's jet injection
business  activities or blood glucose  monitoring  business  activities  will be
obtained on  favorable  terms or at all.  Failure to obtain  adequate  financing
would have a material adverse impact on the Company's  business and could result
in  defaults  on the  Company's  or JV Sub's  obligations  relating  to the Elan
Transactions,  loss of JV Sub's  rights to the  technology  under  the  License,
dilution of the Company's  interest in JV Sub or the need to curtail  operations
of the  Company or JV Sub due to  inadequate  cash  resources  or other  adverse
consequences.  The sale of equity  securities on  unfavorable  terms to meet the
Company's  obligations  could  result  in  material  dilution  to  the  existing

Effects of Convertible Preferred Stock. The Company's Common Stock is subject to
the rights and  preferences of the Series A and B Convertible  Preferred  Stock,
which has a liquidation  preference  of $12.405  million plus accrued and unpaid
dividends.   Further,  the  Series  A  and  B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  is
convertible  to  Common  Stock at a  conversion  price of $1.50 per share at any
time.  At the end of seven  years,  unless  earlier  converted by the holders or
redeemed by the Company,  the shares Series A and B Convertible  Preferred Stock
and accrued but unpaid dividends convert  automatically into Common Stock at the
conversion  price  equal to the  lesser  of $1.50  per  share or 80% of the then
prevailing market price of Common Stock. Accordingly, conversion of Series A and
B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock to Common  Stock could  result in  issuances of
significant  amounts  of Common  Stock at prices  lower than  prevailing  market
prices at the time of conversion.  Should the Company issue Series C Convertible
Preferred Stock or other similar series of Preferred Stock to Elan to enable the
Company  to fund  capital  contributions  to JV Sub,  the  aggregate  amount  of
Preferred  Stock   liquidation   preferences  and  Common  Stock  issuable  upon
conversion of Preferred Stock would increase.

Limited  Manufacturing  Experience;  Need to Reduce  Unit Cost.  The Company has
limited experience manufacturing its products in commercially viable quantities.
The Company has increased its production  capacity for the Biojector 2000 system
through automation of, and changes in, production methods.  The current cost per
injection  of the  Biojector  2000 system is  substantially  higher than that of
traditional  needle-syringes,  its principal  competition.  A key element of the
Company's  business strategy has been to reduce the overall  manufacturing  cost
through automating production and packaging.  There can be no assurance that the
Company will be able to develop and implement  effective high volume  production
or achieve necessary unit cost reductions.  Failure to do either would adversely
affect the Company's  financial  condition and results of operations.  While the
Company believes that its experience  manufacturing  the Biojector  enhances the
probability  of its success in  manufacturing  the  Vitajet,  the Company has no
experience  manufacturing the Vitajet and as of March 31, 1998 has not installed
a manufacturing line to produce the Vitajet.  There can be no assurance that the
Company will be able to successfully manufacture the Vitajet at a unit cost that
will allow the product to be sold  profitably.  Failure to do so would adversely
affect  the  Company's  financial  condition  and  results  of  operation.   See
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations" and "Manufacturing."

Governmental Regulation. The Company's products and manufacturing operations are
subject to extensive government regulation,  both in the U.S. and abroad. In the
U.S., the development,  manufacture,  marketing and promotion of medical devices
are  regulated  by the Food and Drug  Administration  ("FDA")  under the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act ("FD&C").  In 1987, the Company received  clearance
from the FDA under Section 510(k) of the FD&C to market a hand-held  CO2-powered
jet injection system. The FD&C provides that new premarket  notifications  under
Section  510(k) of the FD&C are required to be filed when,  among other  things,
there is a major  change or  modification  in the  intended use of a device or a
change or  modification to a legally  marketed  device that could  significantly
affect its safety or  effectiveness.  A device  manufacturer is expected to make
the initial determination as to whether the change to its device or its intended
use is of a kind that would necessitate the filing of a new 510(k) notification.
Although the  Biojector  2000 system  incorporates  changes from the system with
respect to which the Company's 1987 510(k) marketing  clearance was received and
expands its intended use, the Company made the determination that these were not
major  changes or  modifications  in intended  use or changes in the device that
could   significantly   affect  the  safety  or  effectiveness  of  the  device.
Accordingly,  the  Company  further  concluded  that the 1987  510(k)  clearance
permitted  the Company to market the  Biojector  2000 system in the U.S. In June
1994,  the  Company  received  clearance  from the FDA under  510(k) to market a
version of its Biojector 2000 system in a configuration  targeted at high volume
injection  applications.  In October 1996, the Company received 510(k) clearance
for a needle-free  disposable  vial access  device.  In March 1997,  the Company
received  additional 510(k) clearance for certain  enhancements to its Biojector
2000 system.  The Company currently has applications  pending before the FDA for
510(k)  clearance of the B2020 1.5ml jet  injector and the B4000  self-injector.
There  can  be no  assurance  that  the  FDA  will  concur  with  the  Company's
determination  that  the  products  can  be  qualified  by  means  of  a  510(k)

Future changes to manufacturing procedures could necessitate the filing of a new
510(k) notification.  Also, future products, product enhancements or changes, or
changes in product use may require  clearance under Section 510(k),  or they may
require FDA premarket approval ("PMA") or other regulatory clearances.  PMAs and
regulatory  clearances  other  than  510(k)  clearance  generally  involve  more
extensive  prefiling  testing  than a 510(k)  clearance  and a longer FDA review
process.  Under current FDA policy,  applications  involving  prefilled syringes
would be evaluated by the FDA as drugs rather than  devices,  requiring  FDA new
drug  applications  ("NDAS")  or ANDAs.  Depending  on the  circumstances,  drug
regulation can be much more extensive and time consuming than device regulation.
See "Governmental Regulation."

No clearances from the FDA have been obtained for the marketing of products that
may be developed based on the blood glucose monitoring  technology licensed from
Elan.  The  Company is  researching  and has not  finally  determined  which FDA
clearances will be required with respect to any products developed based on this
technology.  The Company  anticipates that extensive testing and FDA review will
be  required  of any  such  product,  and  there  can be no  assurance  that FDA
clearance will be obtained in a timely manner or at all.

FDA  regulatory  processes  are time  consuming and  expensive.  There can be no
assurance that product applications  submitted by the Company will be cleared or
approved by the FDA. In addition, the Company's products must be manufactured in
compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices ("GMP") as specified in regulations
under the FDA Act. The FDA has broad  discretion  in enforcing  the FDA Act, and
noncompliance  with the Act  could  result in a variety  of  regulatory  actions
ranging  from  product  detentions,  device  alerts  or  field  corrections,  to
mandatory  recalls,   seizures,   injunctive  actions,  and  civil  or  criminal

Distribution  of the Company's  products in countries other than the U.S. may be
subject to regulation in those  countries.  An application was made to the Japan
Ministry  of Health and  Welfare  to obtain  necessary  approvals  to market the
Biojector  2000  system in Japan  which was not  carried  to  completion  by the
Company's then current Japanese distributor. See "Governmental Regulations."

Uncertainty  in  Healthcare  Industry.  The  healthcare  industry  is subject to
changing  political,  economic  and  regulatory  influences  that may affect the
procurement practices and operations of healthcare  facilities.  During the past
several years, the healthcare industry has been subject to increased  government
regulation of reimbursement rates and capital expenditures.  Among other things,
third party payors are increasingly  attempting to contain or reduce  healthcare
costs by limiting  both  coverage  and levels of  reimbursement  for  healthcare
products and procedures.  Because the price of the Biojector 2000 system exceeds
the price of needle  injection  systems,  cost  control  policies of third party
payors, including government agencies, may adversely affect use of the Biojector
2000 system.

Dependence  on  Third-Party  Relationships.  The Company is  dependent  on third
parties  for  distribution  of the  Biojector  2000  system  to  certain  market
segments,  for the manufacture of component  parts,  and for assistance with the
development and distribution of future application-specific systems.

The  Company's  current  manufacturing  processes  for the  Biojector  2000  jet
injector and disposable syringes as well as manufacturing  processes anticipated
to produce the Vitajet consist primarily of assembling  component parts supplied
by outside  suppliers.  Certain of these components are currently  obtained from
single  sources,  with some  components  requiring  significant  production lead
times.  In the past,  the  Company  has  experienced  delays in the  delivery of
certain components,  although to-date no such delays have had a material adverse
effect on the Company's  operations.  There can be no assurance that the Company
will not experience  delays in the future,  or that such delays would not have a
material  adverse  effect on the  Company's  financial  condition  and result of
operations. See "Manufacturing."

The  Company has entered  into  agreements  with  certain  major  pharmaceutical
companies for development and distribution of jet injection systems,  for use of
the Company's jet injection  systems,  in  conjunction  with the  pharmaceutical
companies'  products  and  for  the  development  and   commercialization  of  a
continuous blood glucose  monitoring  system.  These companies have the right to
terminate these agreements at certain phases as defined in the agreements. There
can be no assurance  that these  companies'  interest and  participation  in the
projects  will  continue.  Failure  to  receive  additional  funding  from these
companies  under certain of the agreements or  termination  of these  agreements
could adversely  affect the development and production of the products  involved
and,   correspondingly,   the  Company's  financial  condition  and  results  of

Ability to Manage Growth. If the Company's  products achieve market  acceptance,
the Company  expects to achieve rapid growth.  This growth strategy will require
expanded  customer  services and support,  increased  personnel  throughout  the
Company,  expanded  operational and financial systems, and the implementation of
new and expanded control procedures.  There can be no assurance that the Company
will be able to attract  qualified  personnel or  successfully  manage  expanded
operations.  As the  Company  expands,  it may  from  time  to  time  experience
constraints  that would adversely  affect its ability to satisfy customer demand
in a timely fashion. Failure to manage growth effectively could adversely affect
the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

Competition.  The medical equipment market is highly competitive and competition
is  likely  to  intensify.   The  Company's   products  compete  primarily  with
traditional  needle-syringes,  "safety syringes" and also with other alternative
drug  delivery  systems.  While the  Company  believes  its  products  provide a
superior drug delivery  method,  there can be no assurance that the Company will
be able to compete  successfully with existing drug delivery  products.  Many of
the  Company's   competitors  have  longer   operating   histories  as  well  as
substantially  greater  financial,  technical,  marketing  and customer  support
resources than the Company.  There can be no assurance that one or more of these
competitors  will not develop an alternative  drug delivery system that competes
more directly with the Company's products,  or that the Company's products would
be able to  compete  successfully  with such a product.  Further,  should JV Sub
develop  an  ambulatory  blood  glucose  monitoring  system  which  obtains  all
necessary  regulatory  clearances,  there can be no  assurance  that  either the
Company's or JV Sub's competitors will not develop other competing  systems,  or
that JV Sub's system would be able to compete successfully with other systems or

Dependence on Two  Technologies.  The  Company's  strategy has been to focus its
development and marketing efforts on its jet injection technology.  The strategy
of its Joint Venture with Elan is to focus on development and  commercialization
of a continuous blood glucose monitoring system. Focus on these two technologies
leaves the  Company  vulnerable  to  competing  products  and  alternative  drug
delivery  systems,  as well as to  alternative  methods to monitor blood glucose
levels in diabetics.  The Company believes that healthcare  providers' desire to
minimize the use of the traditional needle-syringe has stimulated development of
a variety of alternative  drug delivery  systems such as "safety  syringes," jet
injection   systems  and   transdermal   diffusion   "patches."   In   addition,
pharmaceutical  companies  frequently attempt to develop drugs for oral delivery
instead of  injection.  The Company also believes that there will be high market
demand for a minimally  invasive  blood glucose  monitoring  system such as that
being  developed  by the  Company  and that the size of that  market will likely
attract  significant  competition  to the  Company's  blood  glucose  monitoring

While the Company  believes that for the foreseeable  future there will continue
to be a  significant  need  for  injections,  there  can  be no  assurance  that
alternative  drug delivery methods will not be developed which are preferable to
injection.  Further,  there can be no assurance that  alternative  blood glucose
monitoring  systems will not be  developed  which are  preferable  to that to be
developed by the Company.

Patents and  Proprietary  Rights.  The Company  relies on a combination of trade
secrets,  confidentiality  agreements and procedures, and patents to protect its
proprietary  technologies.  The Company has been  granted a number of patents in
the United  States and  several  patents in  certain  other  countries  covering
certain  technology  embodied in its current  jet  injection  system and certain
manufacturing processes.  Additional patent applications are pending in the U.S.
and  certain  foreign  countries.  There  can be no  assurance  that the  claims
contained  in any patent  application  will be allowed,  or that any patent will
provide adequate  protection for the Company's  products and technology.  In the
absence of patent  protection,  the Company may be vulnerable to competitors who
attempt to copy the  Company's  products or gain access to its trade secrets and
know-how.  In  addition,  the laws of  foreign  countries  may not  protect  the
Company's  proprietary  rights to this technology to the same extent as the laws
of the  U.S.  The  Company  believes  that it has  independently  developed  its
technology, attempts to ensure that its products do not infringe the proprietary
rights of others and the Company knows of no such infringement claims.  However,
any such claims could have a material adverse affect on the Company's  financial
condition and results of operations.

Product Liability.  Producers of medical devices may face substantial  liability
for  damages in the event of product  failure  or if it is alleged  the  product
caused harm. The Company currently  maintains  product liability  insurance and,
to-date,  has not  experienced  any product  liability  claims.  There can be no
assurance,  however,  that the Company will not be subject to such claims,  that
the  Company's  current  insurance  would cover such  claims,  or that  adequate
insurance  will continue to be available on  acceptable  terms to the Company in
the  future.  The  Company's  business  could be  adversely  affected by product
liability claims.

Dependence upon Key Employees. The Company's success depends on the retention of
its executive officers and other key employees. Competition exists for qualified
personnel and the  Company's  success will depend,  in part,  on attracting  and
retaining such personnel. Failure in these efforts could have a material adverse
effect on the Company's business, financial condition or results of operations.

Shares Eligible For Future SaleIn December 1996, the Company completed a private
placement of 3,434,493 units (each unit  representing  one share of common stock
and a warrant to purchase one share of common stock). The Company also granted a
warrant to its  placement  agent in the private  placement  to purchase  156,000
shares of common  stock.  The shares  issued in the  private  placement  and the
underlying  shares  issuable upon exercise of the warrants were  registered  for
resale on a Form S-3 registration  statement. In June and July 1997, the Company
completed a private  placement of 2,906,977  units,  each unit consisting of one
share of Common  Stock and one  warrant  to  purchase  one-half  share of Common
Stock. In May 1997, in return for services provided,  the Company granted to Amy
Factor a warrant to purchase 25,000 shares of Common Stock. The shares issued in
the private  placement and the underlying  shares  issuable upon exercise of the
warrants were  registered for resale on a Form S-3  registration  statement.  In
connection with the Elan transactions in October 1997, Elan purchased  2,727,273
shares of Common  Stock and was  granted a five year  warrant to  purchase  1.75
million shares of common stock.  In January,  1998, the shares issued to Elan as
well as the  487,390  shares  issued to  Schering  (see  "Research  and  Product
Development - Needle-free  Injection  Business") were registered for resale on a
Form S-3 registration  statement. In October, 1997, the Company granted warrants
to purchase  350,000 shares of stock to Robert  Gonnelli in connection  with his
guarantee of an equity investment in the Company. In February, 1998, the Company
granted Raphael,  L.L.C., a management  consulting company which introduced Elan
to the  Company,  a warrant to  purchase  100,000  shares of Common  Stock.  See
"Recent Developments." Subsequent to year-end, in June 1998, the Company granted
warrants to purchase  130,243  shares of stock to Robert  Gonnelli in return for
services to the Company. Also subsequent to year-end, the warrants issued in the
June and July 1997 private  placement were exercised,  in exchange for which the
Company  issued  147,850 new warrants.  Sales of  substantial  numbers of common
stock in the public market,  or the  availability of such shares for sale, could
adversely  affect  the  market  price  for the  common  stock  and  make it more
difficult for the Company to raise funds through equity offerings in the future.

Possible  Adverse Effects on Trading  Market.  The Common Stock is quoted on the
NASDAQ National Market. There are a number of continuing  requirements that must
be met in order for the Common  Stock to remain  eligible  for  quotation on the
NASDAQ  National Market or the NASDAQ SmallCap  Market.  In August 1997,  NASDAQ
approved  changes to its  quantitative  and  qualitative  standards  for issuers
listing on NASDAQ. Among the changes are the elimination of the alternative test
for  issuers  failing to meet the  minimum bid price of $1.00 and an increase in
the  quantitative  standards for both the NASDAQ  National Market and the NASDAQ
SmallCap  Market.  The  failure to meet the  maintenance  criteria in the future
could result in the delisting of the Company's Common Stock from NASDAQ. In such
event, trading, if any, in the Common Stock may then continue to be conducted in
the non- NASDAQ  over-the-counter  market.  As a result, an investor may find it
more difficult to dispose of or to obtain  accurate  quotations as to the market
value of the  Company's  Common  Stock.  In  addition,  if the Common Stock were
delisted  from trading on NASDAQ and the trading  price of the Common Stock were
less than $5.00 per share,  trading in the Common Stock would also be subject to
the  requirements  of certain rules  promulgated  under the Exchange Act,  which
require  additional  disclosure by  broker-dealers in connection with any trades
involving a stock defined as a penny stock. The additional  burdens imposed upon
broker-dealers  may discourage  broker-dealers  from effecting  transactions  in
penny stocks, which could reduce the liquidity of the shares of Common Stock and
thereby have a material adverse effect on the trading market for the securities.

Possible  Volatility of Stock Price.  The market for the Company's  Common Stock
and  for  the  securities  of  other  early-stage,  small  market-capitalization
companies has been highly  volatile in recent years.  The Company  believes that
factors  such as  quarter-to-quarter  fluctuations  in  financial  results,  new
product  introductions by the Company or its competition,  public announcements,
changing  regulatory  environments,  sales of Common  Stock by certain  existing
shareholders  and substantial  product orders could contribute to the volatility
of  the  price  of  the  Company's   Common  Stock,   causing  it  to  fluctuate
dramatically.  General economic trends such as recessionary  cycles and changing
interest  rates may also  adversely  affect  the market  price of the  Company's
Common Stock.


The Company's principal offices are located in Portland, Oregon in approximately
23,000 square feet of leased office and manufacturing  space under a lease which
expires in  September  2002.  The  monthly  minimum  lease  obligation  for this
facility is approximately  $15,000. These facilities include the Company's sales
and administration offices and equipment, research and engineering facilities, a
clean room assembly  area,  assembly  line,  testing  facilities and a warehouse

The Company  leases  additional  warehouse  space totaling  approximately  5,000
square feet for finished  goods storage and shipments to customers.  This lease,
which also expires in September  2002,  has minimum  monthly  lease  obligations
totaling $2,000.

The Company  believes its current  facilities  will be sufficient to support its
operations  for the next 2-3 fiscal years.  As the Company  requires  additional
space to accommodate growth in its sales and manufacturing activities, it is the
Company's  intention  to lease  additional  facilities  adjacent  to or near its
present operations.  The Company believes that, if necessary, it will be able to
obtain  facilities  at rates and under terms  comparable to those of the current




A Special  Meeting of Stockholders  of Bioject  Medical  Technologies,  Inc. was
convened at 1:00 p.m., on February 20, 1998, at the Company's headquarters, 7620
S.W. Bridgeport Road, Portland, Oregon.

There were  25,368,342  shares of Common  Stock  issued and  outstanding  on the
record date, December 23, 1997.

Of the total shares outstanding on the record date, there were 16,325,537 shares
present  at the  meeting  in person or by proxy,  which is 64.35% of the  Common
Stock entitled to vote, thereby constituting a quorum.

All of the proposals as set forth in the proxy statement for the Special Meeting
were approved. The voting recorded is as follows:

Proposal        #1: The proposal to approve the exchange of a promissory note in
                the original  principal  amount of $12.015 million issued by the
                Company  to  Elan  for  approximately   832,000  shares  of  the
                Company's  Series A and  Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
                received the following votes:

                             FOR        AGAINST        ABSTAIN
                         ----------     -------        -------
                         15,964,575     214,940        146,022

Proposal        #2: The proposal to approve the issuance of the Company's Series
                C  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  or other  similar  convertible
                preferred  stock to Elan in  connection  with future  funding of
                blood glucose monitoring  research and development  received the
                following votes:

                             FOR        AGAINST        ABSTAIN
                         ----------     -------        -------
                         15,961,959     216,291        147,287

Proposal        #3: The proposal to approve the  issuance to Raphael,  LLC, of a
                warrant to purchase 100,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
                received the following votes:

                             FOR        AGAINST        ABSTAIN
                         ----------     -------        -------
                         15,696,136     452,669        176,732

As a result of the passage of Proposal #1, the exchange of debt for Series A and
Series B convertible preferred stock was completed effective March 2, 1998.



The  Company's  Common Stock is traded on the NASDAQ  National  Market under the
Symbol  "BJCT." The  following  table sets forth the high and low  closing  sale
prices of the Company's Common Stock on the NASDAQ National Market.

                       High     Low
                      -----    -----
Fiscal year Ended March 31, 1996:

First Quarter          3.00    1.44
Second Quarter         2.97    1.19
Third Quarter          2.81    1.81
Fourth Quarter         1.94    1.25

Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1997:

First Quarter          1.41    1.28
Second Quarter         1.03    0.97
Third Quarter          0.78    0.75
Fourth Quarter         0.78    0.63

Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 1998:

First Quarter           .94     .47
Second Quarter         1.03     .59
Third Quarter          1.57    1.19
Fourth Quarter         1.50    1.09

The closing  sale price on May 29,  1998,  as  reported  on the NASDAQ  National
Market, was $1.688 per share.

The Company has declared no dividends during its history and has no intention of
declaring a dividend in the foreseeable future. As of May 29, 1998 the number of
shareholders of record of the Company's Common Stock was 1,386.

In October 1997, in connection with a joint  development  agreement entered into
with Elan, the Company issued a promissory note to Elan with a principal  amount
of $12.015 million. Upon receiving shareholder approval to convert the note into
the Company's  preferred  stock,  on March 2, 1998, a total of 692,694 shares of
Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock and 134,333 shares of Series B Convertible
Preferred Stock were issued to Elan (the "Elan Issuance").

On March 23, 1998, the Company  acquired the assets of Vitajet  Corporation in a
stock-for assets exchange (the "Vitajet  Issuance").  The Company issued 100,000
shares of its common stock in exchange for certain molds, tooling, patent rights
and customer  lists,  the value of which totaled  approximately  $134,000 at the
date of  acquisition.  The Company is  obligated to issue an  additional  60,000
shares in each of the next three  years if certain  development  milestones  are
met. Up to an additional  90,000 shares are also payable  subject to the Company
realizing specified, aggregate levels of incremental revenue over the next three

In April 1998,  warrants  issued in June 1997 were exercised in exchange for the
Company's  commitment to issue additional warrants to purchase 147,850 shares of
the Company's Common Stock (the "Series N Warrants"). The Series N Warrants have
an exercise  price of $1.348 per share and expire on March 31, 2003. The Company
relied upon Rule 506 of Regulation D of the  Securities  Act for the issuance of
the Series N Warrants. The Company relied upon representations and warranties of
the warrantholders in addition to its own information.

The Elan Issuance and Vitajet  Issuance were completed  pursuant to an exemption
from registration under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act. In relying upon such
exemption (i) the Company did not engage in any "general solicitation," (ii) the
purchasers  represented and the Company reasonably  believed that the purchasers
had  knowledge and  experience in financial and business  matters such that they
were capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the  prospective  investment,
(iii)  the  purchasers  were  provided  access  to all  necessary  and  adequate
information  to enable the purchasers to evaluate the financial risk inherent in
making an  investment,  (iv) the offers were part of an agreement to establish a
joint venture in Elan's case and part of an  acquisition  agreement in Vitajet's
case and as such was made only to Elan and  Vitajet,  respectively,  and (v) the
purchasers  represented  that they were  acquiring the shares for themselves and
not for distribution.



The statement of operations  and balance sheet data set forth below for the five
fiscal  years in the period  ended  March 31,  1998 have been  derived  from the
consolidated  financial  statements  of the Company.  The selected  consolidated
financial data set forth below should be read in conjunction with  "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of  Operations"  and
with the detailed  consolidated  financial statements and notes thereto included
elsewhere in this Report.

      (in thousands, except per share data)

                                          YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                         1998*         1997       1996        1995        1994
                        ------        ------     ------      ------      ------

Statement of Operations Data:

Revenues              $  1,935     $  2,235    $  4,209    $  2,924    $  1,463
Operating expenses      21,157        6,637       9,851       9,008       6,110
Net loss               (16,630)*     (4,296)     (5,431)     (5,656)     (4,395)
Net loss per share       (0.72)       (0.26)      (0.39)      (0.43)      (0.39)
Shares used in per
share calculation       23,151       16,705      14,074      13,167      11,230

                                          AS OF MARCH 31,
                         1998       1997       1996        1995        1994
                        ------     ------     ------      ------      ------

 Balance Sheet Data:

Working capital        $ 3,019    $ 2,858    $ 4,327     $ 6,404     $12,593
Total assets             6,978      7,088      7,519       9,498      13,836
Long-term debt            --         --         --          --          --
Shareholders' equity     5,975      5,766      6,027       7,964      13,377

*In  fiscal  1998,  the  Company  acquired  certain  blood  glucose   monitoring
technology  from Elan for an up-front  licensing  fee of $15  million  which was
required  to be  expensed  in the  year  paid.  As a  result,  the 1998 net loss
includes a $12 million,  net of minority interest,  one-time charge for acquired
in-process research and development.

The Company has declared no dividends during its history and has no intention of
declaring a dividend in the foreseeable future.



Operating losses have resulted in an accumulated  deficit of approximately $50.9
million as of March 31, 1998. In fiscal 1996, the Company incurred significantly
increased  costs  associated  with the production and sale of the Biojector 2000
system,  including  sales  and  marketing  efforts,  manufacturing  ramp-up  and
inventory  build-up.  In September 1997, the Company  acquired rights to certain
continuous  blood glucose  monitoring  technology  from Elan  Corporation for an
initial  payment of $15 million and future  milestone  payments  totaling  $15.5
million and royalties on future product  sales.  In fiscal 1998, the $15 million
up front payment was expensed as acquired  in-process  research and development.
In March 1998,  the Company  acquired  the rights to the Vitajet  self-injector,
along with certain other assets, in a stock-for-assets  transaction with Vitajet
Corporation.  The Company's  ability to achieve and sustain  profitability  will
depend in part upon customer  acceptance  of the  Biojector  2000 system and the
continuous  blood glucose  monitoring  system,  sustained  product  performance,
implementing   additional   product  cost  reductions,   successful   commercial
development  of the blood glucose  monitoring  system,  and  attaining  revenues
sufficient to support profitable operations.

In August 1994, Bioject signed an agreement with Health Management,  Inc. (HMI),
granting  HMI  exclusive  rights to  purchase  Bioject's  Needle-Free  Injection
Management  System  (R),  the  Biojector  2000,  for use in the home  healthcare
market.  In return for HMI's commitment to purchase a minimum of 8,000 Biojector
units over the ensuing two years,  the Company granted volume pricing  discounts
to HMI. During the term of the contract,  the selling price of Biojectors to HMI
exceeded their standard cost. During fiscal 1996, the Company sold approximately
4,300  Biojectors  to HMI for total  sales  revenue  including  syringes of $2.2
million. HMI did not place the great majority of these Biojectors with patients,
pending  completion of negotiations  with  pharmaceutical  companies for certain
pricing  concessions for medication to be administered  with the Biojectors.  In
January 1996 HMI requested  that Bioject  suspend  shipments to HMI. In February
1996, the Company learned from HMI's press releases that HMI expected to default
on its debts,  anticipated  taking significant  write-offs  relating to accounts
receivable  and  inventories,  planned  operational  consolidations,  and  would
restate certain prior period financial statements.  In fiscal 1997, although not
obligated  to do so,  the  Company  agreed  to  repurchase  certain  of the  HMI
inventories,  including up to 6,000 Biojector units, for cash and forgiveness of
accounts receivable  totaling $660,000.  The repurchase of these inventories was
at a substantial discount to the original selling price to HMI.

In March 1994, the Company  entered into an agreement with Schering AG, Germany,
for  the  development  of a  self-injection  device  (the  "Self-Injector")  for
delivery of Betaseron (R) to multiple  sclerosis  patients.  During fiscal 1996,
the Company  delivered  the  preproduction  clinical  prototypes to Schering and
worked on finalizing the production  prototype  design.  During fiscal 1997, the
Company  entered  into  a  supply  agreement  with  Schering  AG  and  commenced
activities related to full production of the self-injector.  Schering loaned the
Company a total of $1.6  million to  purchase  molds and  tooling to produce the

In January 1997, the Company  received notice that its contract with Schering AG
would be cancelled. Under provisions of the contract, Schering AG had the option
of canceling the agreement if the FDA required extensive clinical studies beyond
an originally  planned  safety study.  Schering AG received a review letter from
the FDA which  would have  required  Schering  to conduct  additional,  material
clinical studies in order to use  non-traditional  delivery  mechanisms with its
Betaseron  (R) product.  Under terms of the  contract,  Schering was required to
convert its $1.6  million  note due from  Bioject  plus  accrued  interest  into
approximately  487,000 shares of Bioject  common stock at a conversion  price of
$3.50 per share. In addition, Schering was obligated to pay Bioject for the cost
of product  ordered  through the date of  cancellation  of the  contract,  which
payment was made in June 1997.

In  January  1995,  the  Company  signed  a  joint  development  agreement  with
Hoffmann-La  Roche to  develop  proprietary  drug  delivery  systems  for  Roche
products.  The agreement  provides for Bioject to develop,  manufacture and sell
Biojector jet injection drug delivery systems designed to Roche  specifications.
In return,  Bioject has granted Roche exclusive  worldwide  rights to distribute
these  systems  and  their  components  for use  with  certain  Roche  products.
Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. is the United States affiliate of the multinational group
of companies headed by Roche Holding of Basel,  Switzerland,  one of the world's
leading research-intensive healthcare companies. As of the 1995 fiscal year end,
the Company had commenced design of a prototype device and had agreed with Roche
on product  specifications.  During  fiscal  1996,  the  Company  developed  and
delivered  to Roche  preproduction  prototypes  for  testing and  developed  the
clinical  preproduction  prototypes which were delivered to Roche in April 1996.
As of March 31, 1998, the Company and  Hoffmann-LaRoche  were  finalizing  their
submission  to obtain  regulatory  clearance  to market the  product.  Hoffmann-
LaRoche is also gathering  marketing  information which the Company  anticipates
will  lead  to the  signing  of a  supply  agreement  between  the  Company  and

In September 1997, the Company and Elan Corporation signed a licensing and joint
development  agreement for the development and  commercialization by the Company
of certain  continuous blood glucose monitoring  technology  licensed from Elan.
Under terms of the agreement,  the Company  borrowed  $12.015  million from Elan
(subsequently  converted to Series A and B convertible preferred stock) and Elan
invested  $2.985  million in a new  subsidiary  of the  Company  created for the
purpose of developing the technology. The Company's new subsidiary,  owned 80.1%
by the  Company  and 19.9% by Elan,  paid  Elan $15  million  for  rights to the
technology  and has  committed  to pay an  additional  $15.5  million to Elan as
future  milestones  are  achieved as well as  royalties  on future  sales of the
product. The new subsidiary will develop the blood glucose monitoring technology
and will seek regulatory clearance for the sale of such product. Such regulatory
clearance is expected in the next 3-4 years with estimated development costs for
the monitoring technology,  exclusive of milestone payments,  estimated to total
at least $10 million.  As part of the agreement,  in October 1997, Elan acquired
2.7 million  shares of common  stock and 1.75  million  warrants to purchase the
Company's  common  stock at $2.50 per share for $3 million.  In  addition,  Elan
agreed to partially fund development of the blood glucose monitoring  technology
up to a total of $4 million  through  the  purchase  of the  Company's  Series C
convertible  preferred stock and through direct purchase of additional  stock in
JV Sub to a maximum of $1 million.  Elan also agreed to fund  development of the
Company's pre-filled jet injection technology through a grant of up to $500,000.

In March 1998,  in a  transaction  with  Vitajet  Corporation,  the Company paid
100,000 shares of its common stock for certain molds, tooling, patent rights and
customer lists,  the value of which totaled $134,400 at the date of acquisition.
In addition to shares  already  paid,  the Company is  obligated to issue 60,000
shares of its common  stock each year in each of the three years  subsequent  to
the acquisition if certain  development  milestones are met. Up to an additional
90,000  shares are also  payable  subject to the  Company  realizing  specified,
aggregate levels of incremental revenue during the three years subsequent to the
Vitajet  acquisition as a result of sales of products acquired from or developed
by Vitajet.

Subsequent to year end, in July 1998, the Company entered into an agreement with
Merck, a worldwide  leader in the  development  manufacture  and sale of a broad
range of human and animal health products and services.  The agreement  provides
Merck the rights to use the Biojector  2000 jet  injection  system with selected
Merck vaccines.  See "Research and Development - Needle-free Injection Business"
and  "Risk  Factors -  Uncertainty  of New  Product  Development."  The  Company
believes  that this  agreement  is the first step in  establishing  a  long-term
relationship  between the two  companies  whereby  Merck will use the  Company's
needle-free  technology in connection with certain of its vaccines. See "Forward
Looking Statements."

Also  subsequent  to  year  end,  in  July  1998,  the  Company  entered  into a
collaborative  research  agreement  with  GeneMedicine,   a  developer  of  gene
medicines and genetic vaccine technologies for treatment or prevention of a wide
range of diseases.  The  agreement  involves  the  continued  refinement  of the
Biojector  2000  jet  injection  system  coupled  with   GeneMedicine's   unique
gene-based delivery platforms to create a combined product that will enhance the
delivery  and  activity  of  plasmid-based   genetic  vaccines.   The  agreement
contemplates  that  combined  products  developed  as a result  of the  research
collaboration   will  be  marketed  to  third  party   corporate   partners  for
commercialization  and sale rather than being  commercialized  or sold by either
Bioject  or  GeneMedicine  See  "Forward  Looking  Statements",   "Research  and
Development - Needle-free Injection Business" and "Risk Factors - Uncertainty of
New Product Development."

During fiscal 1996,  the Company  implemented  a plan to increase  manufacturing
capacity and refine production  methods to meet anticipated future demand and to
reduce product costs.  For the Biojector 2000, cost reduction  efforts  included
converting  from a two piece to a one piece  housing,  converting  to continuous
process   manufacturing  and  implementing   volume  purchasing   programs  from
suppliers.  For  the  Biojector  syringes,  these  efforts  included  increasing
supplier mold  capacity and  automating  final  assembly and  packaging.  During
fiscal 1997,  the Company's  manufacturing  activities  focused on retesting the
devices  repurchased  from HMI to ensure their  continuing  compliance  with new
product  standards  and  elective  upgrade of certain of these  units to current
version  configuration.   Also  during  fiscal  1997  manufacturing  focused  on
finalizing  product  engineering  and on planning for,  designing and installing
manufacturing lines for the new self injector device in advance of the launch of
that product. During fiscal 1998, having a sufficient inventory of jet injectors
on-hand as a result of the  repurchase of product from HMI, the Company  focused
its manufacturing efforts on refining  manufacturing  processes and efficiencies
of the disposable syringe manufacturing line.

The  Company's  revenues  to date have not been  sufficient  to cover  operating
expenses.  However,  the Company  believes that if its products  achieve  market
acceptance and the volume of sales increases, and its product costs are reduced,
its costs of goods as a percentage  of sales will  decrease and  eventually  the
Company will generate net income. See "Forward Looking Statements" and "Business
- - Risk  Factors."  The level of sales  required to  generate  net income will be
affected by a number of factors including the pricing of the Company's products,
its  ability to attain  efficiencies  that can be  attained  through  volume and
automated   manufacturing,   and  the  impact  of  inflation  on  the  Company's
manufacturing  and other  operating  costs.  There can be no assurance  that the
Company will be able to successfully  implement its manufacturing cost reduction
program  or sell its  products  at prices or in  volumes  sufficient  to achieve
profitability or offset increases in its costs should they occur.

Revenues  and  results of  operations  have  fluctuated  and can be  expected to
continue to  fluctuate  significantly  from  quarter to quarter and from year to
year.  Various  factors  may  affect  quarterly  and  yearly  operating  results
including  (i)  length of time to close  product  sales,  (ii)  customer  budget
cycles, (iii) implementation of cost reduction measures,  (iv) uncertainties and
changes in purchasing due to third party payor  policies and proposals  relating
to  national  healthcare  reform,  (v)  timing  and  amount  of  payments  under
technology  development  agreements,  (vi) timing and cost of development of the
continuous blood glucose monitoring technology,  and (vii) timing of new product
introductions by the Company and its competition.

In the future,  the Company may incur a non-cash charge to compensation  expense
in  connection  with the  issuance  of  100,000  shares of  Common  Stock to the
Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and 15,000  shares of common  stock to the
Company's Chief Financial Officer.  Under terms of their employment  agreements,
each will receive the shares of common stock when the Company first achieves two
consecutive  quarters  of positive  earnings  per share.  Upon  issuance of such
shares the Company  will record a non-cash  charge to  compensation  at the fair
market value of the stock on the last day of the quarter in which the shares are

During the next fiscal year,  the Company will  continue to focus its efforts on
expanding  sales of existing  products,  commencing  manufacture and sale of the
Vitajet,   commencing  manufacture  and  sale  of  the  B4000  Self-Injector  if
regulatory clearance is obtained, reducing the cost of its products,  continuing
development  and  cooperation  in  pursuing  regulatory  clearance  of a 1.5 ml.
injector  for  Hoffmann-La  Roche,   developing  the  blood  glucose  monitoring
technology,  pursuing product licensing and development  opportunities under the
Merck  and   GeneMedicine   agreements,  pursuing   additional   alliances  with
pharmaceutical  companies and conserving its fiscal resources.  The Company does
not expect to report net income from  operations  in fiscal  1999.  See "Forward
Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors."


Product  sales  decreased  from to $3.1 million in fiscal 1996 to $1.3 in fiscal
1997 and  increased  to $1.4  million  in  fiscal  1998.  Sales in  fiscal  1996
consisted of $2.3 million of sales to HMI with the remainder primarily to public
health and flu immunization  clinics.  Sales in fiscal 1997 and 1998,  consisted
primarily of sales to public health and flu immunization clinics.

License and technology fees ranged from $1.2 million in fiscal 1996, to $966,000
in fiscal  1997 and  $500,000  in fiscal  1998.  The  fiscal  1996 and 1997 fees
consisted  principally  of  product  development  revenues  recognized  for work
performed under the Schering and Hoffmann-La Roche  agreements.  The fiscal 1998
fees consisted of revenues for work on the Hoffmann-La Roche project.

Manufacturing  expense  consists of the costs of product sold and  manufacturing
overhead expense related to excess  manufacturing  capacity.  The total of these
costs varied from $4.8  million in fiscal  1996,  to $1.9 million in fiscal 1997
and $1.7 million in fiscal 1998 due in part to changes in sales and,  therefore,
to changes in the total costs of product  sold.  The  decrease  in expense  from
fiscal 1996 to 1997 and from fiscal 1997 to fiscal 1998  reflects  reductions in
the cost of materials and labor for injectors and syringes as well as reductions
in fixed and variable  manufacturing  overhead expense.  Manufacturing  overhead
totaled $1.67 million, $1.17 million and $981,000 in fiscal 1996, 1997 and 1998,

Research and development  expense  decreased from $1.9 million in fiscal 1996 to
$1.6  million  in fiscal  1997 and to  $884,000  in fiscal  1998  (exclusive  of
acquired in-process research and development).  Fiscal 1996 expenditures related
entirely to work performed under the Schering and Hoffmann-La  Roche agreements.
Fiscal 1997  expenditures  related to final design and transfer to manufacturing
of the Schering device and additional  development work on the  Hoffmann-LaRoche
system.  Fiscal 1998  expenditures  related to further  development of the B4000
Self Injector and to pursuing regulatory clearance for the vial adapter product.
See "Risk Factors - Governmental Regulation."

Selling, general and administrative expense totaled, $3.2 million in fiscal 1996
and 1997,  and $3.5 million in fiscal  1998.  During  fiscal 1996 through  1998,
sales and marketing expense remained constant at $1.6 million per year.  General
and  administrative  expense  totaled  $1.6  million in fiscal 1996 and 1997 and
increased to $1.9 million in fiscal 1998  primarily due to  consulting  fees and
certain travel expenditures.

As of September 30, 1997, the Company recorded an expense of $15 million related
to acquired  in-process  research  and  development  expenditures.  Such expense
relates to the blood glucose monitoring  technology that has not yet established
technological   feasibility  and  at  present  has  no  alternate  future  uses.
Accounting rules require that such costs be charged to expense as incurred.  The
Company  believes  that these  research and  development  efforts will result in
commercially  viable  products  within  the  next  three  to  four  years  at an
additional cost to the Company of at least $10 million,  exclusive of additional
milestone payments totaling $15.5 million to Elan.

Interest  expense in fiscal 1998 relates to the $12.015 million debt due to Elan
for the period from  October 15,  1997  through  March 2, 1998 when the note and
accrued  interest was converted to Series A and Series B  convertible  preferred

Other  income  consists of earnings on  available  cash  balances.  Other income
varied as a result of changes in cash  balances and interest  rates from year to

The  reduction  in net loss in fiscal  1998  resulting  from  minority  interest
allocations  reflects the portion of the joint venture subsidiary loss allocable
to Elan Corporation as a result of its 19.9% ownership in the subsidiary.


Since its inception in 1985,  the Company has financed its  operations,  working
capital  needs and capital  expenditures  primarily  from private  placements of
securities,  exercises  of stock  options,  proceeds  received  from its initial
public  offering in 1986,  proceeds  received  from a public  offering of Common
Stock in November 1993, licensing and technology revenues and more recently from
sales of products.  Net  proceeds  received  upon  issuance of  securities  from
inception through March 31, 1998 totaled approximately $56.9 million.
The Company has no long-term debt.

Cash, cash equivalents and marketable  securities  totaled $2.1 million at March
31,  1997 and $1.9  million  at March  31,  1998.  The  decrease  resulted  from
operating losses and capital  expenditures offset in part by net proceeds from a
private placement of common stock and warrants in June and July 1997 and October
1997 and the  issuance of Series A and B  convertible  preferred  stock in March

Inventories  increased  from $1.7  million at March 31, 1997 to $1.9  million at
March 31, 1998 due to the build-up of syringe inventories to support anticipated
future product sales.

The Company has fixed commitments for facilities rent and equipment leases which
total approximately $250,000 for fiscal 1999.

The Company expended  approximately $1.6 million for capital equipment in fiscal
1997.  Substantially  all  of  these  expenditures  related  to  preparation  of
manufacturing  for the Schering  product  launch.  These  assets  continue to be
carried at their cost on the  Company's  balance  sheet  because  the product is
suitable for other home  injection  applications  which the Company is pursuing.
The Company expended  approximately  $380,000 on capital equipment  additions in
fiscal 1998  approximately  $270,000 of which  related to  Biojector  2000 units
transferred  from inventories to property and equipment to support the Company's
flu season device rental program.

The Company has  assessed  the impact of the Year 2000 issue and has  determined
that costs to upgrade its information and operating  systems are not expected to
be material.

The Company believes that its current cash position, together with cash totaling
approximately  $2.4  million,  received  from the exercise of warrants and stock
options in April through July 1998, combined with revenues, other cash receipts,
proceeds from issuance of the  Company's  Series C preferred  stock and proceeds
from the purchase by Elan of  additional  stock in JV Sub will be  sufficient to
fund the Company's  operations through the end of fiscal 1999. In addition,  the
Company has identified a number of potential  financing  sources and is pursuing
them  aggressively.  See "Forward  Looking  Statements."  Even if the Company is
successful in raising  additional  financing,  unforeseen  costs and expenses or
lower  than  anticipated  cash  receipts  from  product  sales or  research  and
development activities could accelerate or increase the financing  requirements.
The Company has been successful in raising additional  financing in the past and
believes that sufficient funds will be available to fund future operations.  See
"Forward  Looking  Statements."  However,  there  can be no  assurance  that the
Company's  efforts will be  successful,  and there can be no assurance that such
financing  will be  available on terms which are not  significantly  dilutive to
existing  shareholders.  Failure to obtain  needed  additional  capital on terms
acceptable to the Company, or at all, would significantly restrict the Company's
operations and ability to continue product development and growth and materially
adversely  affect the  Company's  business.  The Company has no banking  line of
credit or other established source of borrowing.



Report of Independent Public Accountants

Consolidated Balance Sheets at March 31, 1998 and 1997

Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended
 March 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity for the years
 ended March 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended
 March 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Supplementary Data (none required)


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Bioject Medical Technologies Inc:

We have audited the accompanying  consolidated balance sheets of Bioject Medical
Technologies Inc. (an Oregon  corporation) and subsidiaries as of March 31, 1998
and 1997, and the related consolidated  statements of operations,  shareholders'
equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period  ended March 31,
1998.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the financial  position of Bioject Medical  Technologies
Inc. and  subsidiaries,  as of March 31, 1998 and 1997, and the results of their
operations  and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
March 31, 1998, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


Portland, Oregon

April 30, 1998 (except with respect to the matter  discussed in Note 8 for which
the date is July 20, 1998)

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                            March 31,
                                                       1998           1997
                                                   ------------    ----------


   Cash and cash equivalents                       $1,900,839    $  2,116,478
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
     doubtful accounts of $83,000 and $27,500,
     respectively                                     153,721         311,856
   Inventories                                      1,891,970       1,706,456
   Other current assets                                75,292          45,222
                                                   ------------    -----------

       Total current assets                         4,021,822       4,180,012
                                                   ------------    -----------

   Machinery and equipment                          2,241,904       1,923,174
   Production molds                                 1,945,267       1,878,858
   Furniture and fixtures                             158,477         176,897
   Leasehold improvements                              94,115          80,447
                                                   ------------    -----------
                                                    4,439,763       4,059,376
   Less - accumulated depreciation                 (1,947,006)     (1,462,338)
                                                   ------------    -----------
                                                    2,492,757       2,597,038

OTHER ASSETS                                          463,031         310,981
                                                   ------------    ----------
                                                   $6,977,610    $  7,088,031
                                                   ============    ===========
   Accounts payable                                $  497,180   $     659,973
   Accrued payroll                                    218,424         213,130
   Other accrued liabilities                          277,122         199,384
   Deferred revenue                                    10,000         250,000
                                                    ------------    -----------
 Total current liabilities                          1,002,726       1,322,487
                                                    ------------    -----------
   Preferred stock, 10,000,000 shares
     authorized; issued and outstanding
     Series A Convertible-692,694 shares,
       $15 stated value                             7,826,157               -
     Series B Convertible -134,333 shares,
       $15 stated value                             1,491,289               -
   Common stock, no par, 100,000,000 shares
     authorized; issued and outstanding 25,503,038
     and 19,540,413 shares at March 31, 1998 and
     1997, respectively                            47,557,297      40,035,736
   Accumulated deficit                            (50,899,859)    (34,270,192)
                                                   ------------    -----------
     Total shareholders' equity                     5,974,884       5,765,544
                                                   ------------    -----------
                                                   $6,977,610       7,088,031
                                                   ============    ===========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                                            For the Year Ended March 31,
                                         1998           1997         1996
                                     -----------     ----------    ----------


  Net sales of products             $1,435,107      $1,269,882     $3,059,018
  Licensing/technology fees            500,000         965,500      1,150,000
                                     -----------    ----------    ----------
                                     1,935,107       2,235,382      4,209,018
                                     -----------    ----------    ----------


   Manufacturing                       1,749,064     1,862,922      4,797,218
   Research and development              883,632     1,596,708      1,885,303
   Selling, general and administrative 3,524,615     3,177,228      3,168,618
   Acquired in-process research &
     development                      15,000,000             -              -
                                      ----------    ----------      ----------
   Total operating expenses           21,157,311     6,636,858      9,851,139
                                      ----------    ----------      ----------
   Operating loss                    (19,222,204)   (4,401,476)    (5,642,121)

   Interest expense                     (390,411)            -              -
   Other income                          109,983       105,149        211,049
                                      -----------   -----------    ----------

LOSS BEFORE TAXES                    (19,502,632)   (4,296,327)    (5,431,072)
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                     -             -              -
                                      -----------   -----------   -----------

NET LOSS BEFORE MINORITY INTEREST     (19,502,632)  (4,296,327)    (5,431,072)

MINORITY INTEREST ALLOCATION            2,985,000            -              -
                                      ------------  -----------    ----------
NET LOSS                              (16,517,632)  (4,296,327)    (5,431,072)

PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND                  112,035            -              -
                                      -----------   -----------   -----------

TO COMMON SHAREHOLDERS               $(16,629,667) $(4,296,327)   $(5,431,072)
                                      ===========   ===========   ============

COMMON SHARE                         $      (0.72) $     (0.26)   $     (0.39)
                                      ============  ===========   ===========

SHARES USED IN PER SHARE CALCULATION   23,151,135   16,705,274     14,074,349
                                      ============  ===========   ===========

                   The accompanying notes are an integral part
                   of these consolidated financial statements


                                              PREFERRED STOCK              COMMON STOCK
                                             ----------------           -------------------   Accumulated
                                     Series A           Series B        Shares     Amount     Deficit         Total
                                     --------          ----------       -------   --------   ---------       --------
                                 Shares    Amount   Shares   Amount
                                 ------   -------   ------   ------     -------   --------   --------        --------
BALANCES, MARCH 31, 1995              -   $  -          -    $    -    13,259,074 $32,507,095 $(24,542,793)  $7,964,302
  Issuance of common stock in
    exchange for services             -      -          -         -        23,149      39,962            -       39,962

  Issuance of common stock and
    warrants in a private placement
    in November and December 1995     -      -          -         -     2,303,009   3,454,101            -    3,454,101

  Net loss applicable
    to common shareholders            -      -          -         -             -           -   (5,431,072) (5,431,072)
                                 -------  -------   ------    ------  -----------  -----------   ----------  ----------
BALANCES, MARCH 31, 1996              -      -          -         -    15,585,232  36,001,158  (29,973,865)  6,027,293

  Issuance of common stock in
    exchange for services             -      -          -         -        33,298     159,350            -     159,350

  Issuance of common stock
    and warrants in a private
    placement in December 1996        -      -          -         -     3,434,493   2,163,000            -   2,163,000

  Issuance of stock to Schering AG
    in exchange for debt              -      -          -         -       487,390   1,712,228            -   1,712,228

  Net loss applicable to
    common shareholders               -      -          -         -             -           -   (4,296,327) (4,296,327)
                                 -------  -------    ------   -------  -----------  ----------  ----------- -----------
BALANCES, MARCH 31, 1997              -      -          -         -    19,540,413  40,035,736  (34,270,192)  5,765,544
Issuance of common stock in
   exchange for services              -      -          -         -        49,646      94,936            -      94,936

Issuance of common stock
   and warrants in a private 
   placement in June and
   July 1997                          -      -          -         -     2,906,977   1,225,000            -   1,225,000

Issuance of common stock
   and warrants in a private
    placement in October 1997         -      -          -         -     2,727,273   2,800,000            -   2,800,000

Issuance of common stock pursuant
   to stock option exercises          -      -         -          -       136,098     154,869            -     154,869

Issuance of common stock under
   401(k) matching plan               -      -         -          -        42,631      31,006            -      31,006

Issuance of warrants in
   exchange for services              -      -         -          -             -      81,350            -      81,350

Issuance of common stock
   in acquisition of assets           -      -         -          -       100,000     134,400            -     134,400

Issuance of preferred stock
   in exchange for debt, net
   of expenses                692,694  10,220,411   134,333  1,985,000          -           -            -  12,205,411

Adjustment for inherent 
   dividend                         -  (2,500,000)        -   (500,000)         -   3,000,000            -           -

Preferred stock dividend            -     105,746         -      6,289          -           -            -     112,035

Net loss applicable to
  common shareholders              -            -         -          -          -           -  (16,629,667)(16,629,667)
                             --------- ----------  --------- ---------- ----------- ---------  ------------ -----------
BALANCES, MARCH 31, 1998     692,694   $7,826,157   134,333  $1,491,289 25,503,038 $47,557,297 $(50,899,859) $5,974,884
                             ========= ==========  =========  ========= ========== ==========  ============ ===========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


                                             For the Year Ended March 31,
                                          1998            1997          1996
                                      ------------    -----------   ----------- 

 Net loss applicable to
    common shareholders               $(16,629,667)   $(4,296,327)  $(5,431,072)
 Adjustments to net loss:                           
    Depreciation and amortization          514,668        443,700       520,714
    Contributed capital for services       207,292        159,350        39,962
    Acquired in-process R&D, net of                 
    minority interest                   12,015,000             -             -
    Preferred stock dividends              112,035             -             -
    Interest paid in preferred stock       390,411             -             -
    Net changes in assets                           
    and liabilities:                                
     Accounts receivable                   158,135        113,003       305,864
     Inventories                          (455,514)      (450,511)     (147,237)
     Other current assets                  (30,070)           492         6,435
     Accounts payable                     (162,793)       109,799      (257,704)
     Accrued payroll                         5,294         54,905       (92,512)
     Other accrued liabilities              77,738        (17,540)     (102,080)
     Deferred revenue                     (240,000)      (316,000)      410,000
                                         ---------      ----------   -----------
 Net Cash Used in Operating Activities  (4,037,471)    (4,199,129)   (4,747,630)
                                        -----------     ----------   -----------

   Securities purchased                          -             -     (1,977,856)
   Securities sold                               -        993,056     4,974,268
   Property and equipment                 (110,387)    (1,617,052)     (597,100)
   Other assets                            (47,650)       (33,876)      (64,916)
   Acquisition of blood glucose
    monitoring technology              (15,000,000)            -             -
                                       ------------    -----------   -----------
Net Cash Provided By (Used In)
   Investing Activities                (15,158,037)      (657,872)    2,334,396
                                         ----------    -----------   -----------

   Cash proceeds from common stock       4,179,869      2,163,000     3,454,101
   Borrowing from long-term debt
     subsequently converted to common stock      -      1,712,228            -
   Issuance of preferred stock          12,015,000
   Minority interest capital
   contribution to subsidiary            2,985,000
   Preferred stock issuance costs         (200,000)           -              -
                                         -----------    ----------   -----------
   Net Cash Provided by Financing
    Activities                          18,979,869      3,875,228     3,454,101
                                         ---------     ----------    -----------

   Net increase (decrease) in cash
     and cash equivalents                 (215,639)      (981,773)    1,040,867
   Cash and cash equivalents at
     beginning of year                   2,116,478      3,098,251     2,057,384
                                         ---------     ----------    -----------
     Cash and cash equivalents at
     end of year                        $1,900,839     $2,116,478    $3,098,251
                                        ==========     ==========    ===========

   Cash paid for interest                $      -       $      -       $     -

   Cash paid for income taxes                   -              -             -

   Purchase of goodwill for stock         134,400              -             -
                                          -------         --------     -------

                                         $134,400       $      -       $     -
                                         ========       ==========   ===========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial



The consolidated  financial statements of Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. (the
"Company" or "Bioject"),  include the accounts of Bioject  Medical  Technologies
Inc. ("BMT"),  an Oregon Corporation,  and its wholly owned subsidiary,  Bioject
Inc., an Oregon Corporation  ("BI"), and its 80.1% owned subsidiary,  Bioject JV
Subsidiary Inc.  ("JV"),  an Oregon  corporation.  All significant  intercompany
transactions have been eliminated. Although Bioject Inc. commenced operations in
1985,  the Company was formed in December  1992 for the purpose of acquiring all
of the capital stock of Bioject Medical Systems Ltd., a Company  organized under
the laws of British Columbia,  Canada, in a stock-for-stock exchange in order to
establish a U.S.  domestic  corporation as the publicly traded parent company of
Bioject Inc. and Bioject Medical  Systems Ltd.  Bioject Medical Systems Ltd. was
terminated in fiscal 1997. Bioject JV Subsidiary Inc. was formed in October 1997
in  connection  with a joint  venture  arrangement  with Elan  Corporation,  plc
("Elan").  All references to the Company include  Bioject  Medical  Technologies
Inc. and its subsidiaries, unless the context requires otherwise.

The  Company  commenced  operations  in 1985  for  the  purpose  of  developing,
manufacturing and distributing a new drug delivery system.  Since its formation,
the Company has been engaged principally in organizational,  financing, research
and development,  and marketing activities.  In the last quarter of fiscal 1993,
the Company launched U.S. distribution of its Biojector 2000 system primarily to
the hospital and large clinic market.  The Company's  products and manufacturing
operations are subject to extensive government regulation,  both in the U.S. and
abroad.  In the U.S., the development,  manufacture,  marketing and promotion of
medical devices is regulated by the Food and Drug  Administration  ("FDA") under
the Federal  Food,  Drug,  and  Cosmetic  Act  ("FFDCA").  In 1987,  the Company
received  clearance  from the FDA under Section  510(k) of the FFDCA to market a
hand-held  CO2-powered jet injection  system. In June 1994, the Company received
clearance  from the FDA under 510(k) to market a version of its  Biojector  2000
system in a configuration  targeted at high volume  injection  applications.  In
October 1996, the Company received 510(k) clearance for a non-needle  disposable
vial access  device.  In March  1997,  the Company  received  additional  510(k)
clearance for certain  enhancements  to its Biojector 2000 system.  On September
30, 1997, the Company  entered into a joint venture  agreement with Elan for the
development and commercialization of certain blood glucose monitoring technology
which  the  Company  licensed  from  Elan  (see  Note  2  regarding  "Accounting
Policies-Research  and Development  and  Licensing/Technology  Revenues").  Such
technology is also subject to  government  regulation in the U.S. by the FDA and
abroad by various agencies.

Since its inception the Company has incurred  operating  losses and at March 31,
1998 has an  accumulated  deficit of  approximately  $51 million.  The Company's
revenues to date have been derived  primarily from licensing and technology fees
for the jet injection  technology  and more recently from sales of the Biojector
2000 system and Biojector  syringes to public health clinics,  flu  immunization
clinics and physicians offices.  Future revenues will depend upon acceptance and
use by  healthcare  providers of the  Company's  jet  injection  technology  and
successful development,  regulatory clearance and market acceptance of its blood
glucose  monitoring  technology.  Uncertainties  over government  regulation and
competition  in  the  healthcare   industry  may  impact   healthcare   provider
expenditures and third party payer reimbursements and, accordingly,  the Company
cannot predict what impact, if any,  subsequent  healthcare reforms and industry
trends  might  have on its  business.  In the  future  the  Company is likely to
require substantial  additional  financing.  Failure to obtain such financing on
favorable terms could adversely affect the Company's business.

The  Company's  revenues  to date have not been  sufficient  to cover  operating
expenses.  However,  the Company  believes that if its products  achieve  market
acceptance and the volume of sales increase,  and its product costs are reduced,
its cost of goods as a  percentage  of sales will  decrease and  eventually  the
Company will  generate net income.  The level of sales  required to generate net
income  will be  affected  by a number of factors  including  the pricing of the
Company's  products,  its  ability to attain  efficiencies  that can be attained
through volume and automated  manufacturing,  and the impact of inflation on the
Company's  manufacturing  and other operating  costs.  There can be no assurance
that the Company will be able to successfully  implement  further  manufacturing
cost  reductions  or sell its  products  at prices or in volumes  sufficient  to
achieve profitability or offset increase in its costs should they occur.

The Company  believes that its current cash  position,  combined with  revenues,
other cash  receipts,  proceeds from the exercise of stock warrants and options,
proceeds  from the  issuance  of the  Company's  Series C  preferred  stock  and
proceeds from the purchase by Elan of additional stock in JV, will be sufficient
to fund the  Company's  operations  through the end of fiscal 1999. In addition,
the  Company  has  identified  a number of  potential  financing  sources and is
pursuing  them  aggressively.  Even if the  Company  is  successful  in  raising
additional  financing,  unforeseen  costs and expenses or lower than anticipated
cash receipts from product sales or research and  development  activities  could
accelerate  or  increase  the  financing  requirements.  The  Company  has  been
successful  in  raising  additional  financing  in the  past and  believes  that
sufficient funds will be available to fund future operations. However, there can
be no assurance that the Company's efforts will be successful,  and there can be
no  assurance  that such  financing  will be  available  on terms  which are not
significantly  dilutive  to  existing  shareholders.  Failure  to obtain  needed
additional  capital  on  terms  acceptable  to the  Company,  or at  all,  would
significantly  restrict the Company's operations and ability to continue product
development and growth and materially adversely affect the Company's business.


The Company  considers cash equivalents to consist of short-term,  highly liquid
investments with an original maturity of less than three months.

The Company accounts for its investments in marketable  securities in accordance
with Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  Statement No. 115,  Accounting for
Certain  Investments  in Debt and Equity  Securities  (SFAS  115) as  securities
available for sale. There were no significant realized gains or losses in fiscal
1998, 1997, and 1996.

Inventories  are stated at the lower of cost or market.  Cost is determined in a
manner which approximates the first-in,  first out (FIFO) method. Costs utilized
for inventory  valuation  purposes  include labor,  materials and  manufacturing
overhead. Net inventories consist of the following:

                               March 31,
                         1998             1997
                      ----------       ----------

Raw Materials         $  754,715       $  815,868
Work in Process            9,763            9,763
Finished Goods         1,127,492          880,825
                      ----------       ----------
                      $1,891,970       $1,706,456
                      ==========       ==========

For financial statement purposes, depreciation expense on property and equipment
is computed on the straight-line method using the following lives:

 Furniture and Fixtures............................5 years
 Machinery and Equipment...........................7 years
 Computer Equipment................................3 years
 Production Molds..................................5 years

Leasehold  improvements  are  amortized  on the  straight-line  method  over the
shorter of the remaining term of the related lease or the estimated useful lives
of the assets.

Included in machinery and equipment and production molds are molds,  tooling and
production  fixtures  constructed  or  acquired  by the  Company  under a supply
agreement  with  Schering  AG for the  manufacture  and  sale  of a  needle-free
self-injection  system.  The  construction of these assets  commenced in May and
June 1996 and  continued  until  January  1997  when  they were  ready for their
intended use.  Schering  loaned the Company $1.6 million to fund  acquisition of
the  assets,  and  therefore,  in  accordance  with  SFAS 34,  the  Company  has
capitalized $106,000 of interest incurred on this debt.

Other assets  include costs incurred for the  application  of patents,  totaling
$503,344 and $455,694 at March 31, 1998 and 1997, respectively.  These costs are
amortized  on a  straight-line  basis  over 17 years.  Accumulated  amortization
totaled  $174,713  and  $144,713  at  March  31,  1998 and  1997,  respectively.
Amortization  expense for the years ended March 31, 1998,  1997 and 1996 totaled
$30,000, $30,000, and $20,000 respectively.

Also  included  in other  assets is the cost of  assets  acquired  from  Vitajet
Corporation  in a stock for  assets  exchange.  In March 1998 the  Company  paid
100,000 shares of its common stock for certain molds, tooling, patent rights and
customer lists,  the value of which totaled  $134,400 at the date of acquisition
and is being  amortized  over 15 years.  In addition to shares already paid, the
Company is  obligated  to issue  60,000  shares of its common stock each year in
each of the three years,  subsequent to the  acquisition if certain  development
milestones are met. Up to an additional 90,000 shares is also payable subject to
the Company realizing specified,  aggregate levels of incremental revenue during
the three years  subsequent to the Vitajet  acquisition  as a result of sales of
products acquired from or developed by Vitajet

In March 1995, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement No.
121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived
Assets To Be Disposed  Of"(SFAS  121),  which requires the Company to review for
impairment  of  its  long-lived  assets  and  certain  identifiable  intangibles
whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
an asset might not be  recoverable.  In certain  situations,  an impairment loss
would be  recognized.  SFAS 121 became  effective for the  Company's  year ended
March 31, 1997. The Company continues to study the implications of SFAS 121 and,
based on its  evaluation,  does not believe that an  adjustment  to the carrying
value of its long-lived assets is necessary.

The Company records revenue from sales of its products upon shipment.  In fiscal
1998, 1997 and 1996, sales to one customer (different for each period presented)
accounted for 12%, 17% and 75%, respectively, of net sales of products. At March
31, 1998,  1997 and 1996 accounts  receivable  from one customer  (different for
each period presented) accounted for 19%, 62%, and 67%,  respectively,  of total
accounts receivable.

recognized as revenue when due and payable.  All licensing fee arrangements have
been on a non-refundable basis and impose no future performance  requirements or
other obligations on the Company.  Product  development revenue is deferred upon
receipt and is recognized as revenue as  qualifying  expenditures  are incurred.
Expenditures for research and development are charged to expense as incurred.

SCHERING  AG.  In March  1994,  the  Company  entered  into a joint  development
agreement  with  Schering  AG,  a  major  pharmaceutical  manufacturer,  for the
development   of   an   application-specific    self   injection   system   (the
"Self-Injector").  Under terms of the agreement, the Company received a $500,000
licensing fee in April 1994 and received partial funding of product  development
expenses on an agreed schedule.  In fiscal 1995, the Company received a total of
$1.1 million from Schering, consisting of $500,000 in licensing fees, which were
recognized  as revenue  during  fiscal  1995,  and  $600,000  of Phase I product
development  revenues,  $444,000 of which were  recognized  as revenue in fiscal
1995. In fiscal 1996, the Company received an additional $660,000 and a total of
$751,000 was recognized as revenue.  In fiscal 1997, the Company  received final
product  development  payments  totaling  $349,500  and  recognized  revenue  of
$414,500.  During fiscal 1997, the Company entered into a supply  agreement with
Schering and commenced  activities  related to preparing  for  production of the
Self Injector.  Schering  loaned the Company a total of $1.6 million to purchase
molds and tooling to produce the product.  In January 1997, the Company received
notice that its contract with Schering would be cancelled.  Under  provisions of
the  contract,  Schering  had the option of canceling  the  agreement if the FDA
required  extensive  clinical studies beyond an originally planned safety study.
Schering  received  a review  letter  from the FDA  which  would  have  required
Schering  to  conduct  additional  material  clinical  studies  in  order to use
non-traditional  delivery mechanisms with its Betaseron (R) product. Under terms
of the contract, Schering was required to convert its $1.6 million note due from
Bioject  into  approximately  460,000  shares  of  Bioject  common  stock  at  a
conversion  price of $3.50 per share. In addition,  $106,000 of accrued interest
was converted  into  approximately  27,000  shares of Bioject  common stock at a
conversion price of $3.50 per share. Additionally, Schering was obligated to pay
Bioject for the cost of product  ordered through the date of cancellation of the

HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE. In January 1995, the Company entered into a joint development
agreement with Hoffmann-La Roche, a major pharmaceutical  manufacturer,  for the
development of  application-specific products. The Company  received a licensing
fee  totaling  $500,000  which was  recognized  as revenue in fiscal  1995.  The
Company  is also  receiving  specified  product  development  fees on an  agreed
schedule.  In fiscal 1996, the Company received $900,000,  of which $399,000 was
recognized as revenue.  In fiscal 1997, the Company received $250,000 in product
development fees and recognized revenue of $501,000. In fiscal 1998, the Company
received  $250,000  in  product  development  fees and  recognized  revenues  of

ELAN  CORPORATION.  On September 30, 1997,  the Company  signed a binding letter
agreement (the  "Agreement")  with Elan  Corporation,  plc ("Elan") the goals of
which included the  development  and  commercialization  of Elan's blood glucose
monitoring  technology and a  collaborative  arrangement to further  develop the
Company's  jet injection  technology.  Among  various  terms,  all of which were
determined in arms-length negotiation, the Agreement provides for:

- - Investment by Elan of $3 million in Bioject in exchange for  approximately 2.7
  million  shares of  common  stock and a five year  warrant  to  purchase  1.75
  million shares of common stock at $2.50 per share.

- - Formation  of JV which is owned  80.1% by Bioject and 19.9% by Elan to further
  develop and commercialize the blood glucose monitoring technology.

- - Payment of a $15 million up front fee and future milestone  payments  totaling
  $15.5 million and royalties on net sales in exchange for North American rights
  to Elan's blood glucose monitoring technology.

- - The loan of $12.015 million to Bioject on a long-term  promissory note bearing
  interest at 9% per annum through  December 31, 1997 and 12% thereafter for the
  purpose of Bioject's investment in the new subsidiary's common stock.

- - The investment by Elan of $2.985 million in JV's common stock.

- - The  commitment  by Elan to  further  develop  the  blood  glucose  monitoring
  technology until the earlier of human clinical trials,  March 31, 1998 or $2.5
  million is expended by Elan.

- - The submission to Bioject's shareholders of a proposal to approve the exchange
  of the long-term promissory note for $10 million plus accrued interest for the
  Company's Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and $2.015 million for Series B
  Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  with the Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock
  accruing dividends at the rate of 9% per annum (compounded  semi-annually) and
  the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock accruing no mandatory dividends.

- - The submission to Bioject's shareholders of a proposal to approve the issuance
  of up to $4 million of Bioject's Series C Convertible  Preferred Stock to Elan
  to provide Bioject with funds to contribute toward JV's additional development
  funding needs.

- - The  agreement  by Elan to extend  the  license  on a  worldwide  basis if the
  shareholders  approve the exchange of the $12.015 million  promissory note for
  convertible preferred stock.

- - The  agreement by Elan to provide a grant of $500,000  toward  development  of
  Bioject's jet injection technology in a pre-filled application.

Final closing  agreements were signed among the Company,  Elan and the Company's
new  subsidiary on October 15, 1997.  On that date the $3 million  investment in
the Company  was made by Elan and  approximately  2.7  million  shares of common
stock and a warrant  to  purchase  1.75  million  shares at $2.50 per share were
issued. Elan loaned Bioject $12.015 million which Bioject transferred to the new
subsidiary in exchange for 801,000 shares of the subsidiary's common stock. Elan
invested  $2.985 million in the new subsidiary in exchange for 199,000 shares of
the  subsidiary's  common stock.  The new subsidiary paid $15 million to Elan as
its initial payment on the licensing agreement.

On February 20, 1998,  the Company's  shareholders  approved the exchange of the
long-term  promissory  note plus  accrued  interest  for  Series A and  Series B
Convertible  Preferred  Stock and the  issuance to Elan of Series C  Convertible
Preferred  Stock  or  other  similar  convertible  preferred  stock  to  fund JV
development  work.  Accordingly,  on March 2, 1998, a total of 692,694 shares of
Series A Convertible  Preferred Stock and 134,333 shares of Series B Convertible
Preferred Stock were issued to Elan and the promissory note was cancelled.

The  Company  believes  that the license is likely to run for most of the useful
life of the products that may be commercialized  under it. The license itself is
contingent,  on a  country-by-country  basis,  on JV's  diligently  seeking  and
obtaining  regulatory  marketing  clearance  for  licensed  products and on JV's
timely  commercial  launch of the  licensed  products  in  countries  where such
clearance  has been  obtained.  In  addition,  in the event  that a  significant
percentage  of JV's  equity  is  acquired  by any one of a number  of  specified
companies  identified by Elan as actual or potential  competitors,  or any other
entity to which Elan does not consent (which  consent shall not be  unreasonably
withheld in the case of such other,  unspecified companies),  the license may be
immediately terminated at the option of Elan.

As of September 30, 1997, the Company recorded an expense of $15 million related
to acquired  in-process  research  and  development  expenditures.  Such expense
relates to the blood glucose monitoring  technology that has not yet established
technological   feasibility  and  at  present  has  no  alternate  future  uses.
Accounting rules require that such costs be charged to expense as incurred.  The
Company  believes  that these  research and  development  efforts will result in
commercially  viable  products  within  the  next  three  to  four  years  at an
additional cost to the Company of at least $10 million,  exclusive of additional
milestone payments totaling $15.5 million due to Elan.

The Company  accounts for income taxes in accordance with Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 109, Accounting For Income Taxes (SFAS 109). Under the
liability method specified by SFAS 109,  deferred tax assets and liabilities are
determined based on the temporary  differences  between the financial  statement
and tax bases of assets and liabilities as measured by the enacted tax rates for
the years in which the taxes are  expected to be paid.  At March 31,  1998,  the
Company had total deferred tax assets of approximately  $20 million,  consisting
principally of available net operating loss carryforwards.  No benefit for these
operating losses has been reflected in the accompanying  financial statements as
they do not  satisfy  the  recognition  criteria  set forth in SFAS  109.  Total
deferred tax liabilities were insignificant as of March 31, 1998.

As of March 31, 1998, BMT has net operating loss  carryforwards of approximately
$668,000 available to reduce future federal taxable income, which expire in 2008
through 2013. BI has net operating loss  carryforwards  of  approximately  $38.9
million available to reduce future federal taxable income,  which expire in 2001
through 2013. JV has net operating loss  carryforwards  of  approximately  $12.6
million available to reduce future federal taxable income, which expire in 2013.
Approximately  $3.0 million of BI's  carryforwards were generated as a result of
deductions related to exercises of stock options. When utilized, this portion of
BI's carryforwards,  as tax effected, will be accounted for as a direct increase
to contributed  capital rather than as a reduction of that year's  provision for
income taxes. The principal differences between net operating loss carryforwards
for tax purposes  and the  accumulated  deficit  result from  capitalization  of
certain  start-up costs and deductions  related to the exercise of stock options
for income tax purposes.

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect  the  reported  amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities  at the date of the
financial  statements and the reported  amounts of revenues and expenses  during
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior years' expenses to conform
to the current year's presentation.


Beginning with Fiscal 1998,  basic earnings per shares (EPS) and diluted EPS are
computed  using the  methods  required  by  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
Standard No. 128,  Earnings per Share (SFAS 128).  Under SFAS 128,  basic EPS is
calculated  using the weighted  average number of common shares  outstanding for
the period.  The computation of diluted  earnings per share includes the effects
of stock options,  warrants and convertible  preferred  stock, if such effect is
dilutive.   Prior  period  amounts  have  been  restated  to  conform  with  the
presentation  requirements of SFAS 128. For the periods  presented,  the Company
has been in a loss position  and,  accordingly  there is no  difference  between
basic EPS and diluted EPS since the common stock  equivalents  and the effect of
convertible   preferred   stock  under  the   "if-converted"   method  would  be
antidilutive.  All  earnings  per  share  amounts  in the  following  table  are
presented to conform to the SFAS 128 requirement:

                                              Year ended March 31,
                                      1998            1997            1996
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------

Net loss                          ($16,629,667)   ($ 4,296,327)   ($ 5,431,072)
Weighted average number
of shares of common stock and
common stock equivalents
 Weighted average number of
 common shares outstanding
 for computing basic earnings
 per share                          23,151,135      16,705,274      14,074,349

 Dilutive effect of warrants
 and stock options after
 applications of the
 treasury stock method                 *               *               *
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------
 Weighted average number of
 common shares outstanding
 for computing diluted earnings
 per share                          23,151,135      16,705,274      14,074,349
                                  ============    ============    ============
 Net loss per share -
 basic and diluted                     ($ 0.72)        ($ 0.26)        ($ 0.39)
                                  ============    ============    ============

*The  following  common stock  equivalents  are excluded from earnings per share
calculations as their effect would have been antidilutive:

Year ended March 31,                      1998            1997             1996

 Warrants and stock options         11,578,490       7,962,146        4,139,034
 Convertible preferred stock         8,270,270
                                    ----------      ----------        ---------
                                    19,848,760       7,962,146        4,139,034
                                    ==========      ==========        =========


The  Company has adopted the  segment  reporting  requirements  of SFAS  No.131,
Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information. At present,
the Company has two reportable  segments which offer different  products and are
managed  separately  because each business  requires  different  technology  and
marketing  strategies.  The  following  sets  forth  the  unaudited  results  of
operations  of the Company for its two segments of  operations  - jet  injection
technology and blood glucose monitoring technology (in thousands):

                                    Jet Injection Blood glucose Monitoring
                                     Year Ended                  Year Ended
                                      March 31,                   March 31,
                                   ----------------            ----------------
                                  1998           1997           1998       1997
                                --------       --------       --------   -------

 REVENUES                       $  1,935       $  2,235       $   --       $--

  Manufacturing                    1,749          1,863           --        --
  R&D                                884          1,596           --        --
  Selling, general
  & administrative                 3,427          3,177             97      --
  Acquired in-process R&D           --             --           15,000      --
                                --------       --------       --------     -----
                                   6,060          6,636         15,097      --
                                --------       --------       --------     -----
  Operating loss                  (4,125)        (4,401)       (15,097)     --
  Interest expense                  (390)          --             --        --
  Other income                       109            105           --        --
                                --------       --------       --------     -----
                                                 (4,406)       (15,097)     --
  INTEREST ALLOCATION               --             --            2,985      --
                                --------       --------       --------     -----
 NET LOSS                         (4,406)        (4,296)       (12,112)     --

 DIVIDENDS                          (112)          --             --        --
                                --------       --------       --------     -----
 COMMON SHAREHOLDERS            $ (4,518)      $ (4,296)      $(12,112)    $--
                                ========       ========       ========    ======

At March 31, 1998,  no  significant  assets exist  related to the blood  glucose
monitoring   technology  other  than  the  acquired   in-process   research  and
development  which, as discussed in Note 2 above, was required to be written off
at  acquisition.  Accordingly,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance  sheets
effectively  represent the assets of the jet injection business segment.  In the
future,  certain  proceeds from the sale of equity or issuance of debt by JV may
be  restricted  to JV  operations  only.  To the extent  that they meet  certain
reporting  requirements,  the  separate  assets,  liabilities  and equity of the
parent and its subsidiary will be appropriately disclosed.


The  Company  has a  401(k)  Retirement  Benefit  Plan  for its  employees.  All
Employees,  subject to  certain  age and  length of  service  requirements,  are
eligible  to   participate.   The  plan  permits  certain   voluntary   employee
contributions  to be excluded from the employees'  current  taxable income under
provisions  of  the  Internal   Revenue  Code  Section  401(k)  and  regulations
thereunder.  Effective  January 1, 1996, the Company amended the plan to provide
for voluntary employer matches of employee  contributions up to 6% of salary and
for discretionary profit sharing  contributions to all employees.  Such employer
matches and  contributions  may be either in cash or Company  common stock.  For
calendar 1996, the Company agreed to match 25% of employee  contributions  up to
6% of salary with Company stock.  For calendar 1997 and 1998, the Company agreed
to match 37.5% of employee  contributions up to 6% of salary with Company stock.
In fiscal  1998,  1997 and 1996,  the  Company  recorded  an expense of $21,755,
$25,000 and $4,800,  respectively,  related to voluntary  employer matches under
the 401(k)  Plan.  The Board of Directors  has reserved up to 100,000  shares of
common stock for these  voluntary  employer  matches of which 42,631 shares have
been issued and 30,470 shares have been committed through March 31, 1998.



The Company has  authorized  10 million  shares of preferred  stock to be issued
from time to time with  such  designations  and  preferences  and other  special
rights and qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereon, as permitted by
law and as fixed  from time to time by  resolution  of the  Board of  Directors.
During fiscal 1998, as described in note 2 regarding the Elan transactions,  the
Company  borrowed  $12.015  million from Elan for the purpose of investing  such
funds in JV. On February  20,  1998,  the  Company's  shareholders  approved the
exchange  of this  debt,  plus  accrued  interest,  for  Series  A and  Series B
convertible  preferred  stock  and  approved  the  future  issuance  of Series C
Convertible  Preferred Stock. At March 31, 1998, the Company had preferred stock
authorized and outstanding as follows:

Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock.  Series A preferred  stock  accumulates
dividends  at 9% per annum,  compounded  semi-annually,  payable  in  additional
Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock.  Each original share may be converted at
the holder's  election into 10 shares of common stock and may be redeemed at the
Company's election on the third,  fourth and fifth  anniversaries of issuance if
the  Company's  common  stock is greater than or equal to $2.25 per share by the
payment to the holder of an amount  equal to the  original  issuance  price plus
accumulated  dividends  thereon.  If not  earlier  converted  or  redeemed,  the
original  issuance  price of the Series A  Convertible  Stock  plus  accumulated
dividends  thereon must be converted into common stock of the Company on October
15, 2004 at the lesser of $1.50 or 80% of the  average of the closing  prices of
common stock for the ten trading  days ending on October 13, 2004.  The Series A
Convertible Preferred Stock has preference in liquidation to the common stock of
the Company. A total of 692,694 shares with an original issuance value of $15.00
per share has been issued.

Series B Convertible  Preferred  Stock.  Series B preferred stock has all of the
rights and  preferences of the Series A Convertible  Preferred  Stock  including
optional conversion, optional redemption and mandatory conversion except that it
bears no mandatory  dividend  but  participates  in dividends  pro rata with the
common shareholders. A total of 134,333 shares of Series B Convertible Preferred
Stock with an original issuance value of $15.00 per share have been issued.

Series C Convertible  Stock.  Series C preferred stock has all of the rights and
preferences  of the Series A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  including  optional
conversion, optional redemption and mandatory conversion except that it bears no
mandatory  dividend  but  participates  in  dividends  pro rata with the  common
shareholders.  Its original issuance price will be equal to market value, if and
when such shares are issued.  Proceeds are  restricted  for use in the JV. There
are no shares issued and outstanding at March 31, 1998.

Inherent dividend. As described above, under certain conditions the Series A and
Series B Convertible  Preferred  Stock is  convertible  into common stock of the
Company at a price which  represents  a 20%  discount to its par value of $15.00
per share.  The value of this inherent  dividend has been recorded as a discount
to preferred  stock and an increase to common  stock  totaling $3 million and is
being accreted as additional  preferred stock dividends on a straight-line basis
from March 2, 1998 until mandatory conversion on October 15, 2004.


Holders of common  stock are  entitled to one vote for each share of record held
on all  matters  to be voted on by  shareholders.  No shares  have  been  issued
subject to assessment,  and there are no preemptive or conversion  rights and no
provision  for  redemption,  purchase or  cancellation,  surrender or sinking or
purchase  funds.  Holders of common  stock are not  entitled to  cumulate  their
shares in the election of directors.  A total of 100,000  shares of common stock
have been  reserved  by the  Board of  Directors  for  issuance  to 401(k)  plan
participants  (see note 4) of which  42,631  shares  have been issued and 30,470
shares are committed to be issued through March 31, 1998.


Options may be granted to  directors,  officers and  employees of the Company by
the Board of Directors under terms of the Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. 1992
Stock  Incentive  Plan  (the  "Plan"),  which  was  approved  by  the  Company's
shareholders  on November 20, 1992 and adopted by the Board  effective  December
17, 1992. Under the terms of the Plan,  eligible employees may receive statutory
and nonstatutory stock options,  stock bonuses and stock appreciation rights for
purchase  of shares of the  Company's  common  stock at prices  and  vesting  as
determined  by a committee  of the Board.  Except for  options  whose terms were
extended,  options  granted under a prior plan maintain  their  previous  option
price, vesting and expiration dates. As amended in fiscal 1995, a total of up to
3,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock, including options outstanding at
the date of initial  shareholder  approval of the Plan, may be granted under the
Plan. Options outstanding at March 31, 1998 expire through April 2006.

In October 1995, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued Statement No.
123,  Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation  (SFAS 123), which  establishes a
fair  value-based  method of accounting for stock-based  compensation  plans and
requires additional  disclosures for those companies that elect not to adopt the
new method of  accounting.  The  Company  has elected to continue to account for
stock  options  under  APB  Opinion  No.  25,  Accounting  for  Stock  Issued to
Employees.  However, as prescribed by SFAS 123 the Company has computed, for pro
forma disclosure purposes,  the value of all options granted during fiscal 1998,
1997 and 1996 using the  Black-Scholes  option  pricing  model and the following
weighted average assumptions:

                                   Year ended March 31,
                               1998        1997        1996
                             --------    --------    --------
Risk-free interest rate         6%           6%         6%
Expected dividend yield         0%           0%         0%
Expected life                1.5 yrs.     1.5 yrs.   1.5 yrs.
Expected volatility            78%          47%        47%

The total value of options  granted  during fiscal 1998,  1997 and 1996 would be
amortized on a pro forma basis over the vesting  period of the options.  Options
generally vest equally over three years.  If the Company had accounted for these
plans in accordance with SFAS 123, the Company's net loss and net loss per share
would have  increased  as  reflected  in the  following  pro forma  amounts  (in
thousands of $):

                                          Year ended March 31,
                              1998               1997              1996
                           -----------        ----------        ----------
Net loss:
 As reported               $  (16,630)        $  (4,296)        $  (5,431)
 Pro forma                 $  (16,969)        $  (4,480)        $  (5,541)
Net loss per share:
 As reported               $    (0.72)        $   (0.26)        $   (0.39)
 Pro forma                 $    (0.73)        $   (0.27)        $   (0.39)

The above determination of proforma expense has been calculated  consistent with
SFAS 123 which does not take into  consideration  limitations on  exercisability
and transferability  imposed by the Company's Stock Incentive Plan. Further, the
valuation  model is heavily  weighted  to stock  price  volatility,  even with a
declining  stock price,  which tends to increase  calculated  value.  The actual
value, if any, and,  therefore,  imputed proforma expense will vary based on the
exercise date and the market price of the related common stock when sold.

Stock option activity is summarized as follows:

                                    Shares          Price             Amount
                                  ----------     ------------      -----------

Balances - March 31, 1995         1,543,650       $2.60-5.00       $ 5,906,967
Options granted                   1,316,439       1.25-4.50          3,129,177
Options exercised                    --               --                --
Options canceled or expired      (1,161,150)      2.34-5.00         (4,302,332)
                                 ----------       ----------       -----------
Balances - March 31, 1996         1,698,939       1.25-4.50          4,733,812
Options granted                     705,525       1.00-1.30            830,006
Options exercised                      --
Options canceled or expired        (472,906)      1.00-4.00           (809,880)
                                 ----------       ----------       -----------
Balances March 31, 1997           1,931,558       1.00-4.50          4,753,938

                                    Shares          Price             Amount
                                  ----------     ------------      -----------

Options granted                   2,086,642      .625-1.25           1,506,818
Options exercised                  (136,098)     .75-1.31             (154,869)
Options canceled or expired      (1,567,179)     1.00-4.88          (4,179,757)
                                 ----------      ----------        -----------

Balances - March 31, 1998         2,314,923      $.625-4.88        $ 1,926,130
                                 ==========      ==========        ===========

The  following  table  sets  forth as of March  31,  1998 the  number  of shares
outstanding,  exercise  price,  weighted  average  remaining  contractual  life,
weighted  average  exercise  price,  number of  exercisable  shares and weighted
average  exercise  price of  exercisable  options by groups of similar price and
grant date:


   Exercise    Outstanding  Weighted Average   Weighted  Exercisable   Weighted
    Price        shares       Remaining        Average     Options     Average
               at 3/31/98     Contractual      Exercise                Exercise
                              Life(Years)       Price                   Price
- ------------  -----------     -----------      --------   ---------    --------

$0.625 - 0.99   1,946,140         5.21           $0.71      989,910      $0.73
 1.00  - 1.25     289,583         2.48            1.12      251,748       1.12
 1.26  - 3.75      44,200         3.71            1.49       24,565       1.45
 3.76  - 4.09      35,000         2.00            4.09       35,000       4.09

Warrant activity is summarized as follows:

                                      Shares         Price       Amount
                                     ---------    ------------  ----------

Balances - March 31, 1995                   -     $         -   $       -
Warrants issued in a private
 placement expiring Nov. 2000       1,864,343     1.97 - 2.00     3,724,401
Warrants issued in a private
 placement expiring Feb. 1998         575,752            2.00     1,151,505
Warrants exercised                          -               -             -
Warrants canceled or expired                -               -             -
                                     ---------    ------------    ----------
Balances - March 31, 1996           2,440,095     1.97 - 2.00     4,875,906

Warrants issued in a private
 placement expiring Dec. 2001       3,590,493      .82 - 1.00     3,562,413
Warrants exercised                          -               -             -
Warrants canceled or expired                -               -             -
                                    ---------    ------------    ----------
Balances - March 31, 1997           6,030,588      .82 - 2.00     8,438,319

Warrants issued in a private
 placement expiring June 2002       1,478,488      .50 -  .71     1,044,476
Warrants issued in a private
 placement expiring Sep. 2002         450,000      .85 - 1.10       450,000
Warrants issued in a private
 placement expiring Oct. 2002       1,750,000            2.50     4,375,000
Warrants issued for services
  expiring September 2002             130,243            1.10       143,267
Warrants exercised                          -               -             -
Warrants canceled or expired         (575,752)           2.00    (1,151,505)
                                     ---------    ------------    ----------
Balances - March 31, 1998           9,263,567    $ .50 - 2.50   $13,299,557
                                     =========    ============   ==========

Warrants  issued for services are  accounted  for in  accordance  with SFAS 123,
"Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," and accordingly,  an expense totaling
$81,350 has been recorded in the financial  statements  for the year ended March
31,  1998.  All other  warrants  have  been  issued in  connection  with  equity
transactions. Subsequent to year end, the warrants issued in a private placement
which  would  have  expired  in June 2002 were  exercised  in  exchange  for the
Company's  commitment to issue  147,850 new warrants with an expiration  date of
March 2003 and as an exercise price of $1.348 per share.


Leases. BI has operating leases for its manufacturing,  sales and administrative
facilities  and  warehouse  facilities  with options to renew for an  additional
five-year term upon expiration.  BI also leases office equipment under operating
leases for periods up to five years. At March 31, 1998,  future minimum payments
under  noncancellable  operating  leases with terms in excess of one year are as

Year Ending March 31,   Facilities      Equipment
                        ----------      ---------

1999                     $202,308        $29,250
2000                      203,058          9,132
2001                      216,888          9,132
2002                      204,048          9,132
                           95,424          5,347


Lease  expense  for the  years  ended  March  31,  1998,  1997 and 1996  totaled
$255,000, $283,000 and $221,000 respectively.


On October 22, 1997,  Robert  Gonnelli was elected  Chairman of Bioject's  joint
venture  subsidiary Board of Directors.  From October 1997 through April 1998 he
received no fees for such services but will participate in any future subsidiary
director  compensation  programs including any subsidiary stock incentive plans.
Effective May 1, 1998,  Mr.  Gonnelli  became  interim  president of JV and will
receive compensation totaling $15,000 per month.

In addition to his position on the JV Board, Mr. Gonnelli serves as a consultant
to the  Company  for which he  received  monthly  consulting  fees of $8,500 per
month,  aggregating to $50,500,  in fiscal 1998. He was also issued 350,000 five
year warrants in connection with the private  placement  completed with Elan and
130,243  warrants  for his  services  related to  investor  relations  and sales
consulting.  In fiscal 1999,  in addition to his monthly fees through  April 30,
1998,  the Company has  committed to issue up 100,000  warrants for his investor
relations and sales consulting services.


During  April  through  July  1998,  the  Company   received  cash  proceeds  of
approximately  $2.4 million from the exercise of common stock options and common
stock  warrants,  the  exercise of which  resulted in the  issuance of 2,938,688
shares of the Company's common stock.



         PART III

The Company has omitted  from Part III the  information  that will appear in the
Company's  definitive  proxy statement for its annual meeting of shareholders to
be held on September 10, 1998(the "Proxy Statement"), which will be filed within
120 days after the end of the Company's fiscal year pursuant to Regulation 14A.


The  information  required  by this Item is  incorporated  by  reference  to the
information  under  the  caption   "DIRECTORS  AND  EXECUTIVE  OFFICERS  OF  THE
REGISTRANT" in the Proxy Statement.


The  information  required  by this Item is  incorporated  by  reference  to the
the Proxy Statement.


The  information  required  by this Item is  incorporated  by  reference  to the
AND MANAGEMENT" in the Proxy Statement.


The  information  required  by this Item is  incorporated  by  reference  to the
in the Proxy Statement.

          PART IV


(a) The following documents are filed as a part of this report:

(1)  Consolidated   Financial   Statements  and  Report  of  Independent  Public
     Accountants are included under Item 8, in Part II.

(2)  Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules and Report of Independent Public
     Accountants on those schedules:

     None required

(3)  Exhibits:  The  following  exhibits  are filed as part of this  report.  An
     asterisk (*) beside the exhibit number indicates the subset of the exhibits
     containing  each  management  contract,  compensatory  plan, or arrangement
     required to be identified separately in this report.

Number    Exhibit Description
- -------   -----------------------------------------------------------------

3.1       Articles  of  Incorporation  of  Bioject  Medical   Technologies  Inc.
          incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993.

3.1.1     Articles  of  Amendment  to  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of  the
          Incorporation  of the Company  incorporation  by reference to the Same
          exhibit number of the Company's Form 8-K filed March 6, 1998.

3.2       Amended and  Restated  By-laws of Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1994.

4.3*      Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.  1992 Stock  Incentive  Plan,  as
          amended  through April 3, 1997.  Incorporated by reference to the same
          exhibit  number of the Company's From 10-Q for the year ended December
          31, 1997.

10.4      Lease  Agreement   dated  March  21,  1989  between   Spieker-Hosford-
          Eddy-Souther  #174,  Limited  Partnership  and  Bioject  Inc.  for the
          Portland,  Oregon  facility  incorporated  by  reference  to the  same
          exhibit  number of Company's  Form 10-K for the year ended January 31,

10.4.1    Amended Lease Agreement dated June 18, 1992 between  Bridgeport  Woods
          Investors  (successors  in interest to  Spieker-Hosford-Eddy-  Souther
          #174 Limited  Partnership)  and Bioject Inc. for the Portland,  Oregon
          facility  incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the
          Company's Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993.

10.4.2    Lease  Agreement  dated  September 10, 1996 between  Bridgeport  Woods
          Business  park and Bioject Inc.  for the  Portland,  Oregon  facility.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 1996.

10.5      Lease Extension  Agreement dated October 4, 1994, between Earl J. Itel
          and Loris Itel Trust and Bioject, Inc., for the 6000 sq. ft. Tualatin,
          Oregon warehouse. Incorporated by reference to the same exhibit number
          of the Company's Form 10-Q/A for the period ended December 31, 1996.

10.7*     Executive  Employment Contract with Peggy J. Miller, dated January 18,
          1993  incorporated  by  reference  to the same  exhibit  number of the
          Company's Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993.

10.8*     Executive Employment Contract with J. Michael Redmond,  dated February
          8, 1996.  Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the
          Company's Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1996.

10.14     Common  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  between  Eli Lilly and Company and
          Bioject  Medical  Systems Ltd.  dated April 29, 1992  incorporated  by
          reference  to the same exhibit  number of Company's  Form 8, dated May
          28, 1992,  amending Company's Form 10-K for the year ended January 31,

10.17     Development  and Licensing  Agreement  between Eli Lilly & Company and
          Bioject Inc.,  dated April 29, 1992  incorporated  by reference to the
          same  exhibit  number of  Company's  Form 8,  dated  October  9, 1992,
          amending  Company's  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended April 30,  1992.
          Confidential  treatment  has been  granted  with  respect  to  certain
          portions of this exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential
          Treatment  filed  with the  Commission  under  Rule  24b-2  under  the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

10.17.1   Amendment to Development and Licensing Agreement between Eli Lilly and
          Company  and  Bioject  Inc.,  effective  May 5, 1993  incorporated  by
          reference  to the same  exhibit  number of  Company's  Form  S-1,  No.
          33-68846,  dated  November 1, 1993.  Confidential  treatment  has been
          granted with respect to certain  portions of this exhibit  pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under  Rule  406  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended.
          Confidential  treatment  has been  granted  with  respect  to  certain
          portions of this exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential
          Treatment  filed  with the  Commission  under  Rule  24b-2  under  the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

10.23     Development and Licensing Agreement between Schering, AG, Bioject Inc.
          and  Bioject   Medical   Technologies   Inc.   dated  March  28,  1994
          incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,  1994.  Confidential  treatment
          has been  granted  with  respect to certain  portions of this  exhibit
          pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the
          Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities exchange Act of 1934,
          as amended.

10.26     Heads of  Agreement  between  Hoffmann-La  Roche Inc. and Bioject Inc.
          dated January 10, 1995.  Confidential  treatment has been granted with
          respect to certain portions of this exhibit pursuant to an Application
          for Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission under Rule 24b-2
          under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended.

10.27*    Employment  Agreement  with  James C.  O'Shea  dated  October  3, 1995
          incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1995.

10.28     Form of Amended and Restated  Registration  Rights  Agreement  between
          Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc. and the  participants in the 1995
          private  placement  incorporated  by  reference  to exhibit 4.2 of the
          Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).

10.29     Form of Amended and Restated Series "A" Common Stock Purchase  Warrant
          incorporated by reference to exhibit 4.3 of the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).

10.30     Form of Series "B"  Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant  incorporated  by
          reference to exhibit 4.4. of the Company's  Registration  Statement on
          Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).

10.31     Form of Amended and Restated Series "C" Common Stock Purchase  Warrant
          incorporated by reference to exhibit 4.5 of the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).  Confidential treatment has been
          granted with respect to certain  portions of this exhibit  pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under  Rule  24b-2  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

10.32     Supply Agreement dated June 26, 1996 between Bioject Inc. and Schering
          Aktiengesellschaft.  Incorporated  by  reference  to the same  exhibit
          number of the Company's  Form 8-K/A dated June 26, 1996.  Confidential
          treatment  has been granted  with respect to certain  portions of this
          exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed
          with the Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities exchange Act
          of 1934, as amended.

10.32.1   Security  Agreement  dated June 26,  1996  between  Bioject  Inc.  and
          Schering  Aktiengesellschaft.  Incorporated  by  reference to the same
          exhibit  number of the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the period ended June
          30, 1996.

10.33     Form of Series "D" Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant.  Incorporated  by
          reference to exhibit 4.6 of the Company's  form 8-K dated December 11,

10.34     Form of Series "E" Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant.  Incorporated  by
          reference to exhibit 4.7 of the Company's  Form 8-K dated December 11,

10.35     Form  of  Registration   Rights  Agreement   between  Bioject  Medical
          Technologies Inc. and the participants in the 1996 private  placement.
          Incorporated  by  reference to exhibit 4.8 of the  Company's  Form 8-K
          dated December 11, 1996.

10.36     Form of Series "F" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.37     Form of Series "G" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.38     Form  of  Registration   Rights  Agreement   between  Bioject  Medical
          Technologies Inc. and the participants in the 1997 private  placement.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1997.

10.39     Agreement between Elan Corporation,  plc, Elan International Services,
          Ltd. and Bioject Medical Technologies,  Inc. dated September 30, 1997.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 8-K  filed  October  3,  1997.  Confidential  treatment  has been
          requested with respect to certain portions of this exhibit pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under Rule  24b-2(b)  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as

10.40     License  Agreement  between  Elan  Corporation,  plc  and  Bioject  JV
          Subsidiary  Inc. dated October 15, 1997.  Incorporated by reference to
          the same exhibit  number of the Company's Form 8-K/A filed January 22,
          1998.  Confidential treatment has been granted with respect to certain
          portions of this exhibit  pursuant to an application for  Confidential
          Treatment  filed with the  Commission  under Rule  24b-2(b)  under the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

10.40.1   Amendment  to License  Agreement  between  Elan  Corporation,  plc and
          Bioject JV  Subsidiary  Inc.  dated October 15, 1997  incorporated  by
          reference to the same exhibit  number of the Company's  Form 8-K filed
          on November 3, 1997.

10.41     Securities  Purchase  Agreement between Elan  International  Services,
          Ltd. and Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. dated October 15, 1997.

10.41.1   Amendment to Securities  Purchase Agreement between Elan International
          Services, Ltd. and Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. dated October 15,
          1997  incorporated  by  reference  to the same  exhibit  number of the
          Company's Form 8-K filed on November 3, 1997.

10.42     Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.   Registration  Rights  Agreement
          between  Elan  International   Services,   Ltd.  and  Bioject  Medical
          Technologies Inc. dated October 15, 1997. Incorporated by reference to
          the same exhibit  number of the  Company's  Form 8-K filed October 31,

10.43     Series K Warrant to Purchase  Shares of Common Stock dated October 15,
          1997.  Incorporated  by reference  to the same  exhibit  number of the
          Company's Form 8-K filed October 31, 1997.

10.44     Promissory Note dated October 15, 1997 in favor of Elan  International
          Services, Ltd. Incorporated by reference to the same exhibit number of
          the Company's Form 8-K filed on November 3, 1997.

10.45     Newco   Subscription   and   Stockholders   Agreement   between   Elan
          International  Services,  Ltd., Bioject Medical  Technologies Inc. and
          Bioject JV Subsidiary  Inc.  dated October 15, 1997.  Incorporated  by
          Reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's Form 8-K/A filed
          January 22, 1998.

10.45.1   Amendment to Newco  Subscription  and Stockholders  Agreement  between
          Elan International  Services,  Ltd., Bioject Medical Technologies Inc.
          and Bioject JV Subsidiary Inc. dated October 15, 1997  incorporated by
          reference to the same exhibit  number of the Company's  Form 8-K filed
          on November 3, 1997.

10.46     Bioject JV Subsidiary Inc.  Registration Rights Agreement between Elan
          International  Services,  Ltd. and Bioject JV  Subsidiary  Inc.  dated
          October 15, 1997. Incorporated by reference to the same exhibit number
          of the Company's Form 8-K filed November 3, 1997.

10.47     Form of Series "H" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.48     Form of Series "I" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.49     Form of Series "J" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.50     Form of Series "L" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.51     Form of Series "M" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.52     Form of Series "N" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.53     Asset Purchase  Agreement  among Bioject  Medical  Technologies,  Inc.
          Vitajet  Corporation  and Sergio Landau and Mara C. Landau dated March
          23, 1998.

10.54*    Executive  Employment  Agreement  dated April 17, 1998 between Bioject
          Medical Technologies Inc., Bioject Inc., and Michael A. Temple.

10.55*    Form of Termination Agreement between Bioject  Technologies,  Inc. and
          Peggy Miller.

10.56     Form of  Massachussetts  Biotechnology  Research  Park,  Three Biotech
          Park, Space Lease dated April 20, 1998.

10.57     Amendment to Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park Space Lease.

10.58     Restated 1992 Stock Incentive Plan.

10.59     Supply and Option  Agreement  between  Merck & Co.,  Inc.  and Bioject
          Medical Technolgies,  Inc., effective as of June 8, 1998. Confidential
          treatment has been requested with respect to certain  portions of this
          exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed
          with the Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act
          of 1934, as amended.

10.60     Collaborative  Alliance  Agreement  between  GeneMedicine,   Inc.  and
          Bioject,  Inc., made as of June 26, 1998.  Confidential  treatment has
          been  requested  with  respect to  certain  portions  of this  exhibit
          pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the
          Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
          as amended.

21        List of Subsidiaries

23        Consent of Independent Public Accountants

27        Financial Data Schedule

(b)  Forms 8K filed since last report:

          Form 8-K/A  (Amendment  No. 1) filed on January 22, 1998 amending Form
          8-K originally filed on January 14, 1997 regarding a private placement
          in December 1996.

          Form 8-K filed on January 22,  1998  regarding  amendments  to Exhibit
          10.40,  Exhibit 10.41 and Exhibit 10.45 and filing such  amendments as
          Exhibit 10.40.1, Exhibit 10.41.1 and Exhibit 10.45.1.

          8-K/A  (Amendment  No. 2) filed on  January  22,  1998  which  refiled
          Exhibit 10.40 and Exhibit  10.45.  Confidential  Treatment was granted
          with regard to portions of Exhibit 10.40.

          Form 8-K filed on March 6, 1998 regarding  results of Special  Meeting
          Of Shareholders held on February 20, 1998.

          Form 8-K  filed on March  27,  1998 for the  purpose  of  filing as an
          exhibit the press  release  announcing  the  resignation  of the Chief
          Financial Officer.


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized:


                             By: /S/ JAMES C. O'SHEA
                                 James C. O'Shea
                        Chairman of the Board, President
                           and Chief Executive Officer

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Number    Exhibit Description
- -------   -----------------------------------------------------------------

3.1       Articles  of  Incorporation  of  Bioject  Medical   Technologies  Inc.
          incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993.

3.1.1     Articles  of  Amendment  to  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of  the
          Incorporation  of the Company  incorporation  by reference to the Same
          exhibit number of the Company's Form 8-K filed March 6, 1998.

3.2       mended  and  Restated  By-laws of Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1994.

4.3*      Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.  1992 Stock  Incentive  Plan,  as
          amended  through April 3, 1997.  Incorporated by reference to the same
          exhibit  number of the Company's From 10-Q for the year ended December
          31, 1997.

10.4      Lease  Agreement   dated  March  21,  1989  between   Spieker-Hosford-
          Eddy-Souther  #174,  Limited  Partnership  and  Bioject  Inc.  for the
          Portland,  Oregon  facility  incorporated  by  reference  to the  same
          exhibit  number of Company's  Form 10-K for the year ended January 31,

10.4.1    Amended Lease Agreement dated June 18, 1992 between  Bridgeport  Woods
          Investors  (successors  in interest to  Spieker-Hosford-Eddy-  Souther
          #174 Limited  Partnership)  and Bioject Inc. for the Portland,  Oregon
          facility  incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the
          Company's Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993.

10.4.2    Lease  Agreement  dated  September 10, 1996 between  Bridgeport  Woods
          Business  park and Bioject Inc.  for the  Portland,  Oregon  facility.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 1996.

10.5      Lease Extension  Agreement dated October 4, 1994, between Earl J. Itel
          and Loris Itel Trust and Bioject, Inc., for the 6000 sq. ft. Tualatin,
          Oregon warehouse. Incorporated by reference to the same exhibit number
          of the Company's Form 10-Q/A for the period ended December 31, 1996.

10.7*     Executive  Employment Contract with Peggy J. Miller, dated January 18,
          1993  incorporated  by  reference  to the same  exhibit  number of the
          Company's Form 10-K for the year ended January 31, 1993.

10.8*     Executive Employment Contract with J. Michael Redmond,  dated February
          8, 1996.  Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the
          Company's Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1996.

10.14     Common  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  between  Eli Lilly and Company and
          Bioject  Medical  Systems Ltd.  dated April 29, 1992  incorporated  by
          reference  to the same exhibit  number of Company's  Form 8, dated May
          28, 1992,  amending Company's Form 10-K for the year ended January 31,

10.17     Development  and Licensing  Agreement  between Eli Lilly & Company and
          Bioject Inc.,  dated April 29, 1992  incorporated  by reference to the
          same  exhibit  number of  Company's  Form 8,  dated  October  9, 1992,
          amending  Company's  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended April 30,  1992.
          Confidential  treatment  has been  granted  with  respect  to  certain
          portions of this exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential
          Treatment  filed  with the  Commission  under  Rule  24b-2  under  the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

10.17.1   Amendment to Development and Licensing Agreement between Eli Lilly and
          Company  and  Bioject  Inc.,  effective  May 5, 1993  incorporated  by
          reference  to the same  exhibit  number of  Company's  Form  S-1,  No.
          33-68846,  dated  November 1, 1993.  Confidential  treatment  has been
          granted with respect to certain  portions of this exhibit  pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under  Rule  406  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended.
          Confidential  treatment  has been  granted  with  respect  to  certain
          portions of this exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential
          Treatment  filed  with the  Commission  under  Rule  24b-2  under  the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

10.23     Development and Licensing Agreement between Schering, AG, Bioject Inc.
          and  Bioject   Medical   Technologies   Inc.   dated  March  28,  1994
          incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-K for the year ended March 31,  1994.  Confidential  treatment
          has been  granted  with  respect to certain  portions of this  exhibit
          pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the
          Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities exchange Act of 1934,
          as amended.

10.26     Heads of  Agreement  between  Hoffmann-La  Roche Inc. and Bioject Inc.
          dated January 10, 1995.  Confidential  treatment has been granted with
          respect to certain portions of this exhibit pursuant to an Application
          for Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission under Rule 24b-2
          under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended.

10.27*    Employment  Agreement  with  James C.  O'Shea  dated  October  3, 1995
          incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1995.

10.28     Form of Amended and Restated  Registration  Rights  Agreement  between
          Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc. and the  participants in the 1995
          private  placement  incorporated  by  reference  to exhibit 4.2 of the
          Company's Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).

10.29     Form of Amended and Restated Series "A" Common Stock Purchase  Warrant
          incorporated by reference to exhibit 4.3 of the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).

10.30     Form of Series "B"  Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant  incorporated  by
          reference to exhibit 4.4. of the Company's  Registration  Statement on
          Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).

10.31     Form of Amended and Restated Series "C" Common Stock Purchase  Warrant
          incorporated by reference to exhibit 4.5 of the Company's Registration
          Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-80679).  Confidential treatment has been
          granted with respect to certain  portions of this exhibit  pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under  Rule  24b-2  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

10.32     Supply Agreement dated June 26, 1996 between Bioject Inc. and Schering
          Aktiengesellschaft.  Incorporated  by  reference  to the same  exhibit
          number of the Company's  Form 8-K/A dated June 26, 1996.  Confidential
          treatment  has been granted  with respect to certain  portions of this
          exhibit  pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed
          with the Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities exchange Act
          of 1934, as amended.

10.32.1   Security  Agreement  dated June 26,  1996  between  Bioject  Inc.  and
          Schering  Aktiengesellschaft.  Incorporated  by  reference to the same
          exhibit  number of the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the period ended June
          30, 1996.

10.33     Form of Series "D" Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant.  Incorporated  by
          reference to exhibit 4.6 of the Company's  form 8-K dated December 11,

10.34     Form of Series "E" Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrant.  Incorporated  by
          reference to exhibit 4.7 of the Company's  Form 8-K dated December 11,

10.35     Form  of  Registration   Rights  Agreement   between  Bioject  Medical
          Technologies Inc. and the participants in the 1996 private  placement.
          Incorporated  by  reference to exhibit 4.8 of the  Company's  Form 8-K
          dated December 11, 1996.

10.36     Form of Series "F" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.37     Form of Series "G" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.38     Form  of  Registration   Rights  Agreement   between  Bioject  Medical
          Technologies Inc. and the participants in the 1997 private  placement.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1997.

10.39     Agreement between Elan Corporation,  plc, Elan International Services,
          Ltd. and Bioject Medical Technologies,  Inc. dated September 30, 1997.
          Incorporated  by reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's
          Form 8-K  filed  October  3,  1997.  Confidential  treatment  has been
          requested with respect to certain portions of this exhibit pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under Rule  24b-2(b)  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as

10.40     License  Agreement  between  Elan  Corporation,  plc  and  Bioject  JV
          Subsidiary  Inc. dated October 15, 1997.  Incorporated by reference to
          the same exhibit  number of the Company's Form 8-K/A filed January 22,
          1998.  Confidential treatment has been granted with respect to certain
          portions of this exhibit  pursuant to an application for  Confidential
          Treatment  filed with the  Commission  under Rule  24b-2(b)  under the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

10.40.1   Amendment  to License  Agreement  between  Elan  Corporation,  plc and
          Bioject JV  Subsidiary  Inc.  dated October 15, 1997  incorporated  by
          reference to the same exhibit  number of the Company's  Form 8-K filed
          on November 3, 1997.

10.41     Securities  Purchase  Agreement between Elan  International  Services,
          Ltd. and Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. dated October 15, 1997.

10.41.1   Amendment to Securities  Purchase Agreement between Elan International
          Services, Ltd. and Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. dated October 15,
          1997  incorporated  by  reference  to the same  exhibit  number of the
          Company's Form 8-K filed on November 3, 1997.

10.42     Bioject  Medical  Technologies  Inc.   Registration  Rights  Agreement
          between  Elan  International   Services,   Ltd.  and  Bioject  Medical
          Technologies Inc. dated October 15, 1997. Incorporated by reference to
          the same exhibit  number of the  Company's  Form 8-K filed October 31,

10.43     Series K Warrant to Purchase  Shares of Common Stock dated October 15,
          1997.  Incorporated  by reference  to the same  exhibit  number of the
          Company's Form 8-K filed October 31, 1997.

10.44     Promissory Note dated October 15, 1997 in favor of Elan  International
          Services, Ltd. Incorporated by reference to the same exhibit number of
          the Company's Form 8-K filed on November 3, 1997.

10.45     Newco   Subscription   and   Stockholders   Agreement   between   Elan
          International  Services,  Ltd., Bioject Medical  Technologies Inc. and
          Bioject JV Subsidiary  Inc.  dated October 15, 1997.  Incorporated  by
          Reference to the same exhibit number of the Company's Form 8-K/A filed
          January 22, 1998.

10.45.1   Amendment to Newco  Subscription  and Stockholders  Agreement  between
          Elan International  Services,  Ltd., Bioject Medical Technologies Inc.
          and Bioject JV Subsidiary Inc. dated October 15, 1997  incorporated by
          reference to the same exhibit  number of the Company's  Form 8-K filed
          on November 3, 1997.

10.46     Bioject JV Subsidiary Inc.  Registration Rights Agreement between Elan
          International  Services,  Ltd. and Bioject JV  Subsidiary  Inc.  dated
          October 15, 1997. Incorporated by reference to the same exhibit number
          of the Company's Form 8-K filed November 3, 1997.

10.47     Form of Series "H" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.48     Form of Series "I" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.49     Form of Series "J" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.50     Form of Series "L" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.51     Form of Series "M" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.52     Form of Series "N" Common Stock Purchase Warrant.

10.53     Asset Purchase  Agreement  among Bioject  Medical  Technologies,  Inc.
          Vitajet  Corporation  and Serio  Landau and Mara C. Landau dated March
          23, 1998.

10.54*    Executive  Employment  Agreement  dated April 17, 1998 between Bioject
          Medical Technologies Inc., Bioject Inc., and Michael A. Temple.

10.55*    Form of Termination Agreement between Bioject  Technologies,  Inc. and
          Peggy Miller.

10.56     Form of  Massachussetts  Biotechnology  Research  Park,  Three Biotech
          Park, Space Lease dated April 20, 1998.

10.57     Amendment to Massachusetts Biotechnology Research Park Space Lease.

10.58     Restated 1992 Stock  Incentive Plan 10.59 Supply and Option  Agreement
          between  Merck  & Co., Inc. and  Bioject  Medical  Technolgies,  Inc.,
          effective  as  of  June  8,  1998.  Confidential  treatment  has  been
          requested with respect to certain portions of this exhibit pursuant to
          an Application  for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the Commission
          under  Rule  24b-2  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

10.60     Collaborative   Alliance  Agreement  between   GeneMedicine,  Inc. and
          Bioject,  Inc., made as of June 26, 1998.  Confidential  treatment has
          been  requested  with  respect to  certain  portions  of this  exhibit
          pursuant to an Application for  Confidential  Treatment filed with the
          Commission under Rule 24b-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
          as amended.

21        List of Subsidiaries

23        Consent of Independent Public Accountants

27        Financial Data Schedule