
                               Merck and Co., Inc.


                       Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc.

                                Effective As Of:

                                  June 8, 1998


                           SUPPLY AND OPTION AGREEMENT

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section                                                                 Page No.

 1      Defined Terms......................................................2
 2      Covenants of Bioject...............................................6
 3      Options............................................................8
 4      License And Know-How Agreement and Supply Agreement................9
 5      Payment............................................................9
 6      Representations and Warranties of Bioject.........................10
 7      Regulatory and Intellectual Property..............................11
 8      Termination.......................................................12
 9      Bankruptcy of Bioject.............................................13
10      Notices...........................................................14
11      Successors and Assigns............................................15
12      Governing Law.....................................................15
13      Headings..........................................................15
14      Severability......................................................15
15      Force Majeure.....................................................15
16      Entire Agreement..................................................16
17      Public Announcement...............................................16
18      Confidentiality...................................................16
        Schedule 1

                           SUPPLY AND OPTION AGREEMENT

     THIS SUPPLY AND OPTION AGREEMENT (the  "AGREEMENT") is made effective as of
June 8, 1998 ("EFFECTIVE  DATE"), by and between Merck & Co., Inc., a New Jersey
corporation  having its principal place of business at One Merck Drive, P.O. Box
100, Whitehouse Station,  New Jersey 08889-0100  ("MERCK"),  and Bioject Medical
Technologies, Inc. ("BIOJECT"), an Oregon corporation having its principal place
of business at 7620 S.W. Bridgeport Road, Portland, Oregon 97224.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,   BIOJECT  is  the   manufacturer   of  B2000   SYSTEMS   (defined
hereinafter),  owns PATENT ASSETS (defined  hereinafter),  owns certain KNOW-HOW
(defined  hereinafter),  and  is  able  to  provide  SUPPORT  SERVICES  (defined

     WHEREAS,  MERCK desires to obtain from  BIOJECT,  and BIOJECT is willing to
provide to MERCK, sufficient numbers of B2000 SYSTEMS to enable MERCK to [* * *]
and [* * *] (defined hereinafter);

     WHEREAS,  MERCK desires to obtain from  BIOJECT,  and BIOJECT is willing to
provide  to  MERCK,  KNOW-HOW  and  SUPPORT  SERVICES  to be  used by  MERCK  in
connection with [* * *]; and

     WHEREAS,  MERCK desires to obtain from  BIOJECT,  and BIOJECT is willing to
grant to MERCK, an [* * *] for the [* * *] (defined  hereinafter) to (i) [* * *]
from  [* * *]  under  the  [* * *] and [* * *] in  connection  with  the [* * *]
(defined  hereinafter)  and  (ii)  [* * *] a [* * *]  (defined  hereinafter)  in
connection with [* * *];

     NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises and the mutual covenants
contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby  acknowledged,  the parties
hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

1.   Defined  Terms.  As used herein,  the  following  terms have the  following
     respective meanings.

     (a)  "AFFILIATE"  means (i) any  corporation  or  business  entity of which
          fifty  percent  (50%) or more of the  securities  or  other  ownership
          interest,  including  equity,  voting  stock,  or general  partnership
          interest, is owned,  controlled,  or held, directly or indirectly,  by
          MERCK or BIOJECT;  or (ii) any  corporation or business  entity which,
          directly or indirectly,  owns, controls,  or holds fifty percent (50%)
          or more of the  securities  or  other  ownership  interest,  including
          equity,  voting  stock  or,  if  applicable,   a  general  partnership
          interest, of MERCK or BIOJECT.

     (b)  "BIOJECT" has the meaning set forth in the preamble hereof.

     (c)  "B2000  SYSTEMS" means the  needle-free  injection  system marketed by
          BIOJECT in the United States as of the EFFECTIVE DATE under FDA 510(k)
          Application  Number  960373,  as approved by the FDA on March 5, 1997,
          and marketed  elsewhere in the world under counterparts of that 510(k)
          Application,  and any  modification,  improvement,  or variant of that
          system  which is marketed  by BIOJECT in  reliance  upon or under that
          510(k)  Application or its counterparts,  together with all components
          and accessories  associated with the intramuscular or subcutaneous use
          of  that  system,   including  but  not  limited  to  actuators,   gas
          cartridges, syringes, and vial adapters.

     (d)  "DERMAL  ADAPTOR"  means the  adaptor  used in  connection  with B2000
          SYSTEMS  for  purposes  of dermal  injection  which is the  subject of
          BIOJECT's pending FDA 510(k) Application  K974194,  filed November 12,
          1997, and supplemented on March 26, 1998.

     (e)  "EFFECTIVE  DATE"  shall have the  meaning  set forth in the  preamble

     (f)  "FDA" means the United States Food and Drug Administration.

     (g)  "FIELD" means prophylactic  and/or therapeutic DNA vaccination against
          any and all of the  INFECTIOUS  DISEASES  using (i) [* * *], (ii) [* *
          *], or (iii) combinations of [* * *] and [* * *].

     (h)  [* * *] means [* * *].

     (i)  "INFECTIOUS DISEASES" means [* * *], and [* * *].

     (j)  "KNOW-HOW"  means any and all BIOJECT  information,  including but not
          limited to discoveries, inventions, improvements, processes, formulae,
          and data,  whether  or not  patentable,  which  during the TERM is not
          generally  known and which is related  to the use of B2000  SYSTEMS or
          DERMAL ADAPTORS in the FIELD.

     (k)  [* * *] means a [* * *] by and between [* * *] and [* * *] in which [*
          * *] or [* * *],  on  terms  and  conditions  to be  agreed  to by the
          parties, rights:

          (i) to [* * *] under the [* * *] and [* * *],

          (ii) which may be [* * *] by [* * *] or its [* * *],

          (iii)to [* * *], or [* * *] on a [* * *] with  respect  to [* * *] for
               [* * *] within the [* * *],

          (iv) which shall be  SEMI-EXCLUSIVE  RIGHTS with respect to the use of
               [* * *]  within  the  FIELD and  which  shall be  exclusive  with
               respect to the use of [* * *] or combinations of [* * *] and [* *
               *] within the FIELD.

     (l)  "MERCK" shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble hereto.

     (m)  "MERCK  PRODUCTS"  means  any  product  marketed  by MERCK or  MERCK's
          designated AFFILIATE in connection with the FIELD.

     (n)  "MERCK RESEARCH" means any and all preclinical or clinical research by
          MERCK or any AFFILIATE of MERCK in connection with the FIELD.

     (o)  "OPTION  PERIOD" means the period  beginning on the EFFECTIVE DATE and
          ending on [* * *]; provided, however, that MERCK may extend the OPTION
          PERIOD with respect to the use of [* * *] within the FIELD for [* * *]
          (ending [* * *]) upon written  notice to BIOJECT and by paying BIOJECT
          [* * *] for the first of such  extension  periods  and [* * *] for the
          second of such  extension  periods.  The  first of any such  extension
          payment  shall be due by [* * *] and the second of any such  extension
          payment shall be due by [* * *]. These  payments shall be made by wire
          transfer to a bank to be designated by BIOJECT.

     (p)  "PATENT  ASSETS"  means any and all  patents  or patent  applications,
          including all continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, patents
          of addition,  reissues,  renewals,  extensions, or foreign equivalents
          thereof, which, as of the EFFECTIVE DATE and thereafter,  are owned by
          BIOJECT or any AFFILIATE of BIOJECT or can be licensed by BIOJECT, and
          which (i) are filed,  issued, or published as of the EFFECTIVE DATE or
          thereafter,  including  but  not  limited  to the  patents  listed  in
          Schedule  1, and (ii) claim or  otherwise  cover  B2000  SYSTEMS,  the
          DERMAL  ADAPTOR,  or the use of B2000 SYSTEMS or the DERMAL ADAPTOR in
          the FIELD.

     (q)  "SEMI-EXCLUSIVE  RIGHTS" shall mean rights which are held by MERCK and
          no more than one third party for the use of [* * *] within the FIELD.

     (r)  [* * *] means an [* * *] entered  into by and  between [* * *] or [* *
          *] and [* * *] in accordance with [* * *] in which [* * *] to [* * *],
          on terms and conditions to be agreed to by the parties, [* * *] and [*
          * *] or [* * *].

     (s)  "SUPPORT  SERVICES"  means (i)  training  and  assistance  rendered by
          BIOJECT to MERCK or its  designated  agents or clinicians at locations
          to be specified by MERCK,  with respect to the use of B2000 SYSTEMS or
          KNOW-HOW  in MERCK  RESEARCH;  and  (ii)  information  and  assistance
          provided  by  BIOJECT,  at  MERCK`s  request,  to MERCK,  its  agents,
          clinicians,  or any regulatory agency  responsible for the approval of
          MERCK RESEARCH or MERCK PRODUCTS, relating to the use of B2000 SYSTEMS
          or KNOW-HOW in connection with the MERCK RESEARCH or MERCK PRODUCTS.

     (t)  "TERM" means the period  beginning on the EFFECTIVE DATE and ending on
          May 1, 2000.

     (u)  [* * *] means [* * *] and [* * *] after the [* * *]  reflecting  their
          understanding  of certain terms and conditions of the [* * *] and [* *
          *], including but not limited to, with respect to the [* * *].

2.   Covenants of BIOJECT.

     (a)  (i)  BIOJECT  covenants  that it shall,  at its own expense,  and upon
               thirty  (30) days notice by MERCK , deliver to  recipients  to be
               designated by MERCK [* * *] B2000 SYSTEMS,  including  components
               and accessories for such B2000 SYSTEMS in amounts  sufficient for
               the  administration  of  [*  *  *]  injections.   MERCK  and  its
               designated  recipients shall have an unrestricted  license to use
               these  B2000  SYSTEMS and  components  and  accessories  in MERCK
               RESEARCH  notwithstanding  the  termination of this AGREEMENT for
               reasons other than a judicial finding that MERCK is in breach.

          (ii) BIOJECT  covenants  that it shall,  during  the TERM,  at its own
               expense, and as requested by MERCK or MERCK's agents,  clinicians
               or designated AFFILIATE,  provide MERCK, its agents,  clinicians,
               AFFILIATE,  or any regulatory  agency  designated by MERCK,  with
               KNOW-HOW and SUPPORT  SERVICES in connection  with MERCK RESEARCH
               relating to [* * *].

     (b)  BIOJECT  covenants that it shall,  to the extent it has not done so by
          the EFFECTIVE  DATE,  disclose and provide copies to MERCK by July 31,
          1998, of (i) any and all patents or pending patent  applications which
          BIOJECT owns or is licensed under  (including those listed in Schedule
          1),  or any  patents  or  patent  applications  otherwise  owned by an
          AFFILIATE  of BIOJECT,  which relate to the B2000 SYSTEM or the DERMAL
          ADAPTOR, any feature of the B2000 SYSTEM or the DERMAL ADAPTOR, or any
          use or manufacture of the B2000 SYSTEM or the DERMAL ADAPTOR; and (ii)
          any other  patents or patent  applications  of which BIOJECT is aware,
          whether or not owned or  licensed by  BIOJECT,  which  relate to B2000
          SYSTEMS,  the  DERMAL  ADAPTOR,  or the use or  manufacture  of  B2000
          SYSTEMS or the DERMAL ADAPTOR.

     (c)  [* * *] that it shall,  in any [* * *] of [* * *],  including any [* *
          *]  relating  to [* * *]  that  it [* * *]  and  during  the  [* * *],
          expressly  provide that the [* * *] shall not be [* * *] in connection
          with  the [* * *].  [* * *] that  such  [* * *] on the [* * *].  It is
          expressly  understood  and agreed to by the parties that the covenants
          of this paragraph [* * *].

     (d)  [* * *] that it [* * *],  and [* * *] would [* * *] within the [* * *]
          for the use of [* * *] and [* * *]  within  the [* * *] for the use of
          [* * *], or combinations of [* * *] and [* * *] within the [* * *].

3.   Options.

     (a)  During  the [* * *],  shall  have a [* * *] to [* * *] the [* * *] and
          the [* * *]. In this regard, it is expressly  understood and agreed to
          by the  parties  that,  (i) for the use of [* * *] within  the [* * *]
          under  this [* * *] and the [* * *]  shall be [* * *] but for any [* *
          *] which  [* * *] or may,  consistent  with [* * *];  and (ii) [* * *]
          under  this [* * *] and the [* * *] shall be [* * *] with  respect  to
          the use of [* * *] and  combinations of [* * *] and [* * *] within the
          [* * *].

     (b)  During  the [* * *], or [* * *],  shall have [* * *] to [* * *] a [* *
          *] under the [* * *] and [* * *] to [* * *] in connection  with the [*
          * *].

4.   [* * *]. It is expressly understood and agreed to by the parties that, upon
     execution of this AGREEMENT, they shall promptly [* * *] (a) to prepare the
     [* * *] by no later than [* * *] from the  signing  by all  parties of this
     AGREEMENT,  and (b)  thereafter to [* * *] as to [* * *] of the [* * *] and
     [* * *].

5.   Payment.  In  consideration  for  BIOJECT's  provision of B2000  SYSTEMS to
     MERCK,  the  covenants  of BIOJECT,  and the options  granted by BIOJECT to
     MERCK,  MERCK shall make  payments to BIOJECT by wire transfer to a bank to
     be designated by BIOJECT as follows.

     (a)  MERCK shall pay BIOJECT the sum of [* * *] within  thirty (30) days of
          the signing by both parties of this AGREEMENT; and

     (b)  MERCK shall pay BIOJECT [* * *] within thirty (30) days of the earlier
          of [* * *] that the  parties  have agreed to the [* * *]; or (ii) four
          (4)  months  from  the  signing  by all  parties  of  this  AGREEMENT;
          provided,  however, that no payment shall be owed under this paragraph
          if MERCK has terminated  this  AGREEMENT in accordance  with Section 8
          before MERCK's  written  confirmation  that the parties have agreed to
          the TERM SHEET.

6.   Representations and Warranties of BIOJECT.

     (a)  BIOJECT  represents  and warrants to MERCK that,  as of the  EFFECTIVE
          DATE:  (i) BIOJECT has the full right,  power,  and authority to enter
          into this AGREEMENT and the transactions contemplated herein, and that
          it has not entered into any  agreement  which would  preclude  BIOJECT
          from  performing its obligations  under this AGREEMENT,  including but
          not limited to [* * *]; (ii) no opinion or  judgment  against  BIOJECT
          has been issued or entered  which would in any way preclude  BIOJECT's
          conveyance as of the  EFFECTIVE  DATE or thereafter of any rights with
          and that it is not aware of any pending claim against  BIOJECT seeking
          such judgment;  (iii) it has not received any  communication  from the
          FDA or other regulatory agency regarding defects with respect to B2000
          SYSTEMS or issues  with  respect to the safety and  efficacy  of B2000
          SYSTEMS;  (iv) Schedule 1 is accurate and complete as of the EFFECTIVE
          DATE;  (v) it is not aware of any fact which would call into  question
          the  suitability of B2000 SYSTEMS or DERMAL  ADAPTORS for use in MERCK
          RESEARCH; (vi) that it is not aware of any intellectual property right
          of  any  third  party  which  could  preclude  MERCK  RESEARCH  or the
          manufacture,  use,  sale,  offer for  sale,  or  importation  of MERCK
          PRODUCTS in connection  with the FIELD;  (vii) it has not and will not
          enter into any agreement  inconsistent  with MERCK's rights under this
          AGREEMENT;  and (vii) it shall  take all steps  and  perform  all acts
          necessary  for it to be able to grant  licenses  under the LICENSE AND
          KNOW-HOW  AGREEMENT to any and all PATENT  ASSETS owned by any BIOJECT

     (b)  BIOJECT represents and warrants to MERCK that, at the time of delivery
          to MERCK,  or its designated  clinicians or agents,  the B2000 SYSTEMS
          supplied  pursuant  to  this  AGREEMENT  will  meet  published  design
          specifications, be free from defects of materials and workmanship, and
          be suitable for use in connection  with MERCK  RESEARCH.  BIOJECT will
          repair or replace at its own cost any nonconforming or defective B2000
          SYSTEM within  forty-eight (48) hours of receipt from MERCK of written
          notice specifying in detail the  nonconformity or defect.  MERCK shall
          thereafter return any such defective or nonconforming  B2000 SYSTEM to
          BIOJECT and BIOJECT shall provide to MERCK a written report explaining
          the reason for the nonconformity or defect.

     (c)  BIOJECT  represents and warrants to MERCK that it shall  indemnify and
          hold MERCK harmless from any and all claims by any third party against
          MERCK (i) arising  out of or  relating  in any way to this  AGREEMENT;
          (ii) not resulting from a breach by MERCK of this AGREEMENT; and (iii)
          not resulting from the  negligence of MERCK or its employees,  agents,
          clinicians, or contractors.

7.   Regulatory and Intellectual Property.

     (a)  MERCK shall be  responsible  for the conduct and  supervision of MERCK
          RESEARCH  and  the  preparation  and  filing  of any  application  for
          approval to market MERCK PRODUCTS.  BIOJECT shall, at its own expense,
          cooperate  with MERCK as necessary to obtain any  regulatory  approval
          needed by MERCK to use B2000 SYSTEMS in connection with MERCK RESEARCH
          or MERCK PRODUCTS and will, at MERCK's request,  address any issues or
          answer any questions  raised by regulatory  authorities  in connection
          with such use.  MERCK shall  inform  BIOJECT of any  adverse  reaction
          reports made in  connection  with MERCK  RESEARCH  that involve  B2000

     (b)  It is expressly  understood  and agreed to by the parties that BIOJECT
          shall not have any rights with respect to any  preclinical or clinical
          information or intellectual property generated, developed, or invented
          solely by MERCK's employees or its clinicians,  contractors, or agents
          as a result of MERCK  RESEARCH.  MERCK and BIOJECT  shall,  as between
          each other  (and  subject to any  ownership  interest  held by MERCK's
          clinicians, contractors, or agents), own jointly any invention made by
          both (i) MERCK's employees or its clinicians,  contractors, or agents,
          and (ii) any  BIOJECT  employee.  MERCK  shall have the first right to
          negotiate  and  enter  into an  assignment  or  exclusive  license  of
          BIOJECT's interest in such invention.

     (c)  It is expressly understood and agreed to by the parties that MERCK, or
          its  designated   AFFILIATE,   clinicians,   or  agents  shall,   upon
          termination  of this  AGREEMENT  for reasons other than a finding that
          MERCK is in breach and  subject to any  continuing  obligations  under
          Section 18, be entitled  free of charge to retain and use any KNOW-HOW
          or other information conveyed by BIOJECT to MERCK under this AGREEMENT
          prior to such termination.

8.   Termination.  Subject to and in accordance with Sections 2. (a)(i), 7. (c),
     9., and 18.,  this  AGREEMENT  shall  terminate on May 1, 2000,  and may be
     terminated earlier:

     (a)  by notice by either party during the TERM:

          (i)  if it is shown by  credible  evidence  that the other party is in
               breach  of its  material  obligations  hereunder  by  causes  and
               reasons  within its control and has not cured such breach  within
               sixty  (60) days  after  written  notice  requesting  cure of the
               breach; or

          (ii) upon the filing or  institution  of  bankruptcy,  reorganization,
               liquidation or receivership proceedings, or upon an assignment of
               a substantial  portion of the assets for the benefit of creditors
               by the other party; or

     (b)  by MERCK, upon thirty (30) days written notice to BIOJECT.

9.   Bankruptcy of BIOJECT.  In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated  based on
     the bankruptcy of BIOJECT or by an appointed bankruptcy trustee, all rights
     and  licenses  granted  under or pursuant to this  AGREEMENT  by BIOJECT to
     MERCK are,  and shall  otherwise  be deemed to be for  purposes  of Section
     365(n)  of  the  Bankruptcy  Code,  licenses  of  rights  to  "intellectual
     property" as defined  under Section  101(52) of the  Bankruptcy  Code.  The
     parties  agree that MERCK as licensee of such rights under this  AGREEMENT,
     shall retain and may fully  exercise all of its rights and elections  under
     the Bankruptcy  Code.  The parties  further agree that, in the event of the
     commencement  of a bankruptcy  proceeding  by or against  BIOJECT under the
     Bankruptcy  Code,  MERCK shall be entitled to a complete  duplicate  of (or
     complete access to, as appropriate) any such intellectual  property and all
     embodiments of such intellectual property upon written request therefore by
     MERCK.  Such  intellectual  property and all  embodiments  thereof shall be
     promptly  delivered to MERCK (i) upon any such commencement of a bankruptcy
     proceeding  and upon written  request  therefore by MERCK,  unless  BIOJECT
     elects to continue to perform all of its  obligations  under this AGREEMENT
     or (ii) if not  delivered  under  (i)  above,  upon the  rejection  of this
     AGREEMENT  by or on  behalf of  BIOJECT  in the  event of  written  request
     therefore by MERCK.

10.  Notices.  Any  notices  under or  pursuant  to this  AGREEMENT  shall be in
     writing.  Such  notices  shall be  delivered  either by hand  delivery,  by
     telecopy or similar  electronic  medium,  nationally  recognized  overnight
     courier or by  certified  or  registered  mail,  return  receipt  requested
     addressed as follows:

                  If to BIOJECT, to:

                  Bioject Medical Technologies, Inc.
                  7620 S.W. Bridgeport Road
                  Portland, Oregon 97224

                  If to MERCK, to:

                  Office of the Secretary
                  Merck & Co., Inc.
                  P.O. Box 100
                  One Merck Drive
                  Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08889-0100

                  with a required copy to:

                  Vice President, Corporate Licensing
                  Merck & Co., Inc.
                  P.O. Box 100
                  One Merck Drive
                  Whitehouse Station, New Jersey  08889-0100

     --   or at such other address as the party affected  shall have  previously
          designated  by  written  notice in the manner  hereinabove  set forth.
          Notices  shall be deemed  given  when  sent,  if sent by  telecopy  or
          similar  electronic medium with delivery  confirmed  (conditioned upon
          the prompt mailing of the original of such transmission by first class
          mail or nationally  recognized overnight courier);  when delivered and
          receipted for (or upon the date of attempted delivery when delivery is
          refused), if hand delivered or sent by nationally recognized overnight
          courier;  or when  receipted for (upon the date of attempted  delivery
          when delivery is refused or a properly  addressed and mailed notice is
          returned as  undeliverable  or  unclaimed),  if sent by  certified  or
          registered mail.

11.  Successors  and Assigns.  This  AGREEMENT and all rights and powers granted
     hereby,  will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
     respective successors and assigns.

12.  Governing  Law.  This  AGREEMENT  shall be governed  by, and  construed  in
     accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware, exclusive of its choice
     of law  provisions.  The parties hereby consent to the  jurisdiction of the
     courts of the State of Delaware with respect to the resolution of any claim
     or  cause  of  action  arising  out of,  or  related  in any  way to,  this

13.  Headings.  The headings  preceding the text of the sections and  paragraphs
     hereof are inserted  solely for  convenience  of  reference,  and shall not
     constitute  a part of this  AGREEMENT,  nor shall they affect its  meaning,
     construction or effect.

14.  Severability. In the event that any portion of this AGREEMENT shall be held
     illegal, void, or unenforceable, the remaining portions hereof shall remain
     in full force and effect.

15.  Force  Majeure.  Neither party shall be found to be in breach or default of
     this  AGREEMENT  as a result of their  failure  to perform  any  obligation
     hereunder  where  such  failure  to perform is the result of an act of God,
     regulations or laws of any government, civil commotion, or strikes.

16.  Entire Agreement. This AGREEMENT sets forth all of the promises, covenants,
     agreements,  conditions  and  undertakings  among the  parties  hereto with
     respect  to the  subject  matter  hereof,  and  supersedes  all  prior  and
     contemporaneous agreements and understandings,  inducements, or conditions,
     express or implied, oral or written.

17.  Public  Announcement.  Neither  BIOJECT  nor MERCK  shall  make any  public
     announcement regarding this AGREEMENT without the prior written approval of
     the other, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

18.  Confidentiality.  The parties and their  respective  representatives  shall
     keep  confidential  the  terms  of this  AGREEMENT  and  other  information
     disclosed under or in connection  herewith and shall not divulge such terms
     of or other information to any third party, except:

     (a)  with the prior written consent of the other party;

     (b)  as may be required by law, rule or regulation;

     (c)  to legal counsel  representing any party hereto with a notification of

     (d)  to the parties' auditors, with a notification of confidentiality; and

     (e)  to any court and court  personnel in a judicial  proceeding to enforce
          this AGREEMENT.

     To the extent feasible,  prior  notification of any disclosure  pursuant to
Section  18  (b)  above  shall  be  provided  by  the  disclosing  party  to the
non-disclosing  parties twenty (20) days before the required  disclosure date in
order to allow the non-disclosing parties sufficient time to respond and object.
It is  understood  and agreed to by the  parties  that the  obligations  of this
section (a) shall survive the termination of this  AGREEMENT,  and (b) shall not
apply to:  (i)  information  which is now or which  becomes  part of the  public
domain without the fault of any party, (ii) information  disclosed to a party by
a third party having no obligation of  confidentiality  to any party,  and (iii)
information  developed by a party  independent  of any  disclosure  by any other

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned,  intending  this  to  be a  sealed
instrument, have duly executed this AGREEMENT.

         MERCK & CO., INC.

         By: /s/ Edward M. Scolnick                    (SEAL)
             Edward M. Scolnick M.D.
         Title: President, MRL


         By: /s/ James O'Shea                          (SEAL)
             James O'Shea
         Title: CEO

                                   SCHEDULE 1


   PATENT NUMBER          COUNTRY                    ISSUE DATE
   -------------          -------                    ----------

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