THIS  COLLABORATIVE  ALLIANCE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made as of
June 26,  1998 (the  "Effective  Date") by and  between  GENEMEDICINE,  INC.,  a
Delaware corporation ("GENEMEDICINE"),  and BIOJECT, INC., an Oregon corporation


          WHEREAS,  GENEMEDICINE  possesses substantial experience and expertise
in gene delivery and gene expression;

         WHEREAS,  BIOJECT possesses substantial experience and expertise in the
discovery,  design and  development  of  needle-free  injection  devices for the
administration of prophylactic and therapeutic products;

          WHEREAS,  GENEMEDICINE  and  BIOJECT  wish  to  engage  in  a  [* * *]
collaborative   alliance  to  validate  and  co-promote  BIOJECT's   needle-free
injection devices in combination with  GENEMEDICINE's  proprietary gene delivery
systems,  to seek patent  protection  for such  combined  devices  and  delivery
systems,  and  to  develop  and  commercialize   prophylactic  and  therapeutic,
non-viral  genetic  vaccine  products  using such combined  devices and delivery

         WHEREAS,  GENEMEDICINE and BIOJECT wish to enter into this Agreement to
establish such collaborative alliance on the terms and subject to the conditions
set forth herein.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing  recitals and the
mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto,  intending
to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:


                                    ARTICLE 1

         1.1  "Affiliate"  means an individual,  trust,  business  trust,  joint
venture, partnership,  corporation,  association or any other entity which owns,
is owned by or is under common  ownership with a party. For the purposes of this
definition,  the term "owns" (including,  with correlative  meanings,  the terms
"owned by" and "under common ownership with") as used with respect to any party,
shall  mean the  possession  (directly  or  indirectly)  of more than 50% of the
outstanding  voting securities of a corporation or comparable equity interest in
any other type of entity.

         1.2 "BIOJECT  Know-How"  means all Know-How which is not covered by the
BIOJECT Patent Rights but is necessary or  appropriate  to develop,  manufacture
and  commercialize  Products  in the  Field,  and which is under the  Control of
BIOJECT  as of the  Effective  Date  or  during  the  Term,  including,  without
limitation,  Know-How  covering  BIOJECT's Dermal Devices,  Biojectors and other
proprietary NFIDs.

         1.3  "BIOJECT  Patent  Rights"  means all Patent  Rights  necessary  or
appropriate to develop,  manufacture  and  commercialize  Products in the Field,
which are under the  Control of BIOJECT as of the  Effective  Date or during the
Term,  including,  without  limitation,  Patent Rights covering BIOJECT's Dermal
Devices,  Biojectors and other proprietary NFIDs, but excluding the Joint Patent
Rights.  The BIOJECT  Patent  Rights as of the  Effective  Date are set forth on
Exhibit A.

         1.4  "BIOJECT  Technology"  means the  BIOJECT  Patent  Rights  and the

         1.5  "Biojector"  means  any  BIOJECT  NFID  designed  and used for the
intra-muscular and/or subcutaneous administration of therapeutic products.

         1.6  "Collaborative  Alliance"  means  the  activities  of the  parties
carried  out in  performance  of,  and  the  relationship  between  the  parties
established by, this Agreement.

         1.7  "Confidential  Information"  means  any  confidential  information
(including  information  related to the  GENEMEDICINE  Technology,  the  BIOJECT
Technology or any information  generated during the course of the  Collaborative
Alliance) of a party relating to any use, process,  method,  compound,  research
project,  work  in  process,   future  development,   scientific,   engineering,
manufacturing,  marketing, business plan, financial or personnel matter relating
to the  disclosing  party,  its present or future  products,  sales,  suppliers,
customers,  employees,  investors or business, whether in oral, written, graphic
or electronic form.  Confidential  Information shall not include any information
which the  receiving  party can prove by competent and  contemporaneous  written

               (a) is now, or  hereafter  becomes,  through no act or failure to
act on the part of the receiving party, generally known or available;

               (b) is known by the receiving party at the time of receiving such
information, as evidenced by its records;

               (c) is  hereafter  furnished  to the  receiving  party by a Third
Party, as a matter of right and without restriction on disclosure;

               (d) is  independently  developed by the  receiving  party without
knowledge of, and without the aid, application or use of, the disclosing party's
Confidential Information; or

               (e) is the subject of a written  permission to disclose  provided
by the disclosing party.

          1.8 "Contributed  Technology" means the GENEMEDICINE Technology or the
BIOJECT Technology, as applicable.

          1.9  "Control"  means  possession of the ability to grant a license or
sublicense as provided for herein  without  violating the terms of any agreement
or other arrangement with any Third Party.

          1.10  "Corporate  Partner"  means  any  company  or  entity  that  has
therapeutic or prophylactic product revenues in excess of [* * *] per year.

          1.11  "Dermal  Device"  means  any NFID  that  primarily  reproducibly
delivers a drug or drug formulation to the dermis/epidermis.

          1.12 "Direct  Competitor"  means any  corporation  or entity that is a
direct competitor of GENEMEDICINE in the Field, as set forth on a list developed
by the parties  pursuant to Section 4.3 and approved by the  Steering  Committee
from time to time during the Term.

          1.13 "Field" means  therapeutic and  prophylactic,  non-viral  genetic
vaccine applications.

          1.14 "Gene Delivery System" means any gene delivery system composed of
one or more of the following  elements:  polymers,  cationic  lipids,  targeting
ligands and endosomal release peptides that control the stability, distribution,
access,  recognition,  uptake and  intracellular  trafficking  of a plasmid by a
target cell.

          1.15  "GENEMEDICINE  Know-How" means all Know-How which is not covered
by the  GENEMEDICINE  Patent Rights but is necessary or  appropriate to develop,
manufacture  and  commercialize  Products  in the Field,  and which is under the
Control of GENEMEDICINE as of the Effective Date or during the Term,  including,
without limitation,  Know-How covering GENEMEDICINE's  proprietary Gene Delivery

          1.16 "GENEMEDICINE Patent Rights" means all Patent Rights necessary or
appropriate to develop,  manufacture  and  commercialize  Products in the Field,
which are under the Control of  GENEMEDICINE  as of the Effective Date or during
the Term, including,  without limitation,  Patent Rights covering GENEMEDICINE's
proprietary Gene Delivery  Systems,  but excluding the Joint Patent Rights.  The
GENEMEDICINE Patent Rights as of the Effective Date are set forth on Exhibit B.

          1.17  "GENEMEDICINE  Technology" means the GENEMEDICINE  Patent Rights
and the GENEMEDICINE Know-How.

          1.18  "Joint  Patent  Rights"  means all Patent  Rights  covering  all
inventions  conceived  of and  reduced to  practice  during the Term  jointly by
employees or agents of BIOJECT and employees or agents of GENEMEDICINE.

          1.19 "Know-How" means all know-how, trade secrets,  inventions,  data,
processes,  techniques,  procedures,  compositions,  devices, methods, formulas,
protocols and  information,  whether or not patentable,  which are not generally
publicly  known,  including,  without  limitation,  all  chemical,  biochemical,
toxicological, and scientific research information.

          1.20 "NFID" means any needle-free  injection device that relates to an
apparatus that is capable of injecting  material through and/or to the skin of a
mammal into the tissue by gas and/or mechanical pressure.

          1.21  "Patent  Rights"  means all  rights  under  patents  and  patent
applications,  and any and all patents  issuing  therefrom  (including  utility,
model and design patents and  certificates of invention),  together with any and
all substitutions,  extensions (including supplemental protection certificates),
registrations,     confirmations,    reissues,    divisionals,    continuations,
continuations-in-part, re-examinations, renewals and foreign counterparts of the

          1.22  "Product"  means  any  product  comprised  of a NFID  and a Gene
Delivery System, which is covered by, based on or incorporates both GENEMEDICINE
Technology and BIOJECT Technology.

          1.23 "Steering Committee" means the committee  established pursuant to
Section 3.1.

          1.24 "Term" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.1.

          1.25 "Third Party" means any entity other than GENEMEDICINE or BIOJECT
or an Affiliate of GENEMEDICINE or BIOJECT.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                         SCOPE OF COLLABORATIVE ALLIANCE

          2.1  Objectives.  During  the  Term,  GENEMEDICINE  and  BIOJECT  will
participate  in a [* * *]  collaborative  alliance  to validate  and  co-promote
BIOJECT's  needle-free  injection  devices in  combination  with  GENEMEDICINE's
proprietary gene delivery  systems,  to seek patent protection for such combined
devices and delivery systems, and to develop and commercialize  prophylactic and
therapeutic,  non-viral genetic vaccine products using such combined devices and
delivery systems. Each party will utilize the Contributed  Technology to develop
Products in the Field.  Products developed under the Collaborative  Alliance are
intended to be  commercialized  by Corporate  Partners,  in accordance  with the
terms and conditions set forth herein.

          2.2 [* * *].

               (a) During the Term and subject to Section  2.2(b),  GENEMEDICINE
hereby  agrees  that  it  will  not [* * *] a [* * *]  using  any  [* * *]  with
GENEMEDICINE's  [* * *] in the [* * *].  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  in the
event a [* * *]  decides  to [* * *]  (rather  than a [* * *]) for a  particular
indication (e.g. [* * *]), (i) GENEMEDICINE shall have the right to [* * *] a [*
* *] with such [* * *] to use such [* * *] with  GENEMEDICINE's [* * *] for such
indication,  and (ii) if GENEMEDICINE [* * *] to any of its [* * *] to such [* *
*] for such indication, BIOJECT shall have the right to [* * *] a [* * *] with a
[* * *], including a [* * *], to use [* * *] with a [* * *] for such indication.

               (b) During the Term and subject to Section 2.2(a), BIOJECT hereby
agrees  that  it  will  not [* * *] a [* * *]  with  any [* * *] in the [* * *].
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  (i) BIOJECT may [* * *] a [* * *] with a [* * *]
who has an [* * *]  established  prior to the Effective  Date with a [* * *], or
(ii) in the event a [* * *]  decides  to use either its own [* * *] or a [* * *]
(rather than a [* * *]) for a particular indication,  (A) BIOJECT shall have the
right to [* * *] a [* * *] with such [* * *] to use such [* * *] or [* * *] with
[* * *] for such  indication,  and (B) if BIOJECT [* * *] to its [* * *] to such
[* * *] for such indication, GENEMEDICINE shall have the right to [* * *] a [* *
*] with a [* * *] to use [* * *] with a [* * *] for such indication.

               (c) For the avoidance of doubt,  it is understood by both parties
that, before either party may [* * *] with a [* * *] (other than a [* * *]) that
has  or is  contemplating  [* * *] in  the  [* * *],  such  party  must  present
information  regarding such [* * *] and [* * *] to, and receive approval by, the
Steering Committee.

               (d)  Neither  party  shall  be  entitled  to use the  Contributed
Technology  of the other party in  connection  with the  business  relationships
contemplated under this Section 2.2.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  except as
specifically  provided  herein,  all  activities  of the parties  outside of the
Collaborative  Alliance are outside of the scope of this Agreement,  and nothing
herein is  intended  to limit  GENEMEDICINE  or its  Affiliates  from  using the
GENEMEDICINE Technology and any Joint Patent Rights or BIOJECT or its Affiliates
from  using  the  BIOJECT  Technology  and any  Joint  Patent  Rights  for other

                                    ARTICLE 3
                               STEERING COMMITTEE

          3.1 Formation.  The activities of the parties under the  Collaborative
Alliance shall be managed by the Steering Committee, which shall be comprised of
two representatives  appointed by GENEMEDICINE and two representatives appointed
by BIOJECT. Such representatives shall be senior members of management from each
of the parties.  Either party may appoint  substitute or replacement  members of
the  Steering  Committee  to serve as their  representatives  upon notice to the
other party. The Steering  Committee shall oversee the activities of the parties
under the Collaborative Alliance and shall have the responsibility and authority
to (a) coordinate and monitor the progress of the  Collaborative  Alliance,  (b)
encourage and facilitate  communication,  cooperation and technology integration
between  the  parties in the  performance  of the  Collaborative  Alliance,  (c)
coordinate promotional efforts of the parties to identify, contact and negotiate
with Corporate  Partner  candidates,  (d) determine from time to time during the
Term if any corporation or entity is a Direct  Competitor,  and (e) evaluate and
approve  additional  animal and/or human studies that may be financed jointly by
GENEMEDICINE and BIOJECT in the course of the Collaborative Alliance.

          3.2 Meetings.  The Steering  Committee  will  initially  meet at least
three times per year at  locations  and times to be  determined  by the Steering
Committee, with the intent of meeting at alternating locations in The Woodlands,
Texas and Portland, Oregon, with each party to bear all travel and related costs
for its  representatives.  Each meeting shall be chaired by a Steering Committee
member from the host party.

          3.3  Decision-Making  Process.  Each member of the Steering  Committee
shall have one vote, and decisions by the Steering  Committee shall be made by a
majority vote. Any disagreement  among members of the Steering Committee will be
resolved within the Steering Committee based on the efficient achievement of the
objectives of this  Agreement.  Any  disagreement  which cannot be resolved by a
majority vote of the Steering Committee shall be referred to the Chief Executive
Officer or President of each of  GENEMEDICINE  and BIOJECT for resolution  under
Article  12. It is the  intent of the  parties  to resolve  issues  through  the
Steering  Committee whenever possible and to refer issues to the Chief Executive
Officer or President of each of  GENEMEDICINE  and BIOJECT only when  resolution
through the Steering Committee cannot be achieved.  In particular,  in the event
the Steering  Committee fails to reach a decision as to whether a corporation or
entity is a Direct Competitor,  the Chief Executive Officer or President of each
of  GENEMEDICINE  and  BIOJECT  shall  render a  definitive  decision  within 10
business  days after being  notified  that the Steering  Committee has failed to
reach a decision.

                                    ARTICLE 4

          4.1  GENEMEDICINE  Contributions.  Unless otherwise agreed upon by the
Steering  Committee,  GENEMEDICINE  will  conduct,  at its own  expense,  animal
studies  involving  BIOJECT's NFIDs (including Dermal Devices and Biojectors) in
combination with GENEMEDICINE's proprietary Gene Delivery Systems.  GENEMEDICINE
will own all data  generated  from  these  studies,  which  shall be  considered
Confidential Information of GENEMEDICINE, but will disclose such data to BIOJECT
solely for the purpose of entering  into  collaborative  business  relationships
with Third Parties in accordance with this Agreement.

          4.2 BIOJECT  Contributions.  BIOJECT will supply to GENEMEDICINE NFIDs
(including Dermal Devices and Biojectors) and associated  reagents and supplies,
at no cost to  GENEMEDICINE,  to perform animal studies under the  Collaborative
Alliance.  BIOJECT will use commercially reasonable and diligent efforts, at its
expense,  to assist  GENEMEDICINE  in the development and enhancement of BIOJECT
NFIDs that are compatible with GENEMEDICINE's  proprietary Gene Delivery Systems
(e.g. no or minimal DNA shearing and reproducible performance).

          4.3 Initial  Meeting.  Within 30 business days following the Effective
Date,  representatives  from each party shall meet at GENEMEDICINE's  offices in
The  Woodlands,  Texas to (a)  develop  a patent  strategy  for the  Contributed
Technology and (b) develop a list of companies considered Direct Competitors. It
is understood  that the list of Direct  Competitors  may be revised from time to
time to  reflect  the  appropriate  Direct  Competitors  and that  the  Steering
Committee is responsible  for approving any  modification  to the list of Direct

          4.4 [* * *]. GENEMEDICINE will conduct a [* * *] the [* * *] to a [* *
*] known as the [* * *].  GENEMEDICINE  and BIOJECT will share equally the costs
and  expenses of such [* * *], and will own jointly the [* * *] from the such [*
* *]. The total cost of such [* * *] shall not exceed [* * *].

          4.5  Additional  Studies.  GENEMEDICINE  will  conduct any  additional
animal and/or human studies in the course of the Collaborative Alliance approved
in writing by  GENEMEDICINE  and  BIOJECT.  GENEMEDICINE  and BIOJECT will share
equally the costs and  expenses  of any such  additional  studies,  and will own
jointly the data generated from any such studies.

          4.6  Funding.  Each party will bear all of its own costs and  expenses
with  respect  to  the  activities  performed  by  such  party  pursuant  to the
Collaborative  Alliance (e.g.  promotional efforts,  manufacture of plasmids and
formulated plasmids, NFIDs and patent costs).

          4.7  Mutual  Responsibilities;   Cooperation.  Each  party  shall  use
commercially  reasonable  and diligent  efforts to perform its  responsibilities
under  the  Collaborative  Alliance.  As used  herein,  the  term  "commercially
reasonable and diligent  efforts" will mean, unless the parties agree otherwise,
those efforts  consistent  with the exercise of prudent  scientific and business
judgment,  as applied to other  products of similar  scientific  and  commercial
potential  within the relevant  product  lines of the parties.  Upon  reasonable
advance  notice,  each  party  agrees  to make its  employees  and  non-employee
consultants  reasonably  available at their  respective  places of employment to
consult with the other party on issues arising during the Collaborative Alliance
and in  connection  with any  request  from any  regulatory  agency,  including,
without  limitation,  regulatory,  scientific,  technical  and clinical  testing

          4.8 Availability of Resources.  Each party will maintain laboratories,
offices  and  all  other  facilities  reasonably  necessary  to  carry  out  the
activities to be performed by such party pursuant to the Collaborative Alliance.

          4.9 Disclosure;  Reports. Each party shall make available and disclose
to the other party promptly after the Effective Date all  GENEMEDICINE  Know-How
or BIOJECT  Know-How,  as  applicable,  known by such party as of the  Effective
Date.  During the Term,  (a) each party will share all research data and results
with the other party promptly after such data and results become available,  and
(b) the parties will exchange,  at a minimum,  quarterly  written  reports (with
copies  to the  Steering  Committee)  presenting  a  meaningful  summary  of the
activities  performed by such party pursuant to the Collaborative  Alliance.  In
addition,  on  reasonable  request  by a  party,  the  other  party  shall  make
presentations of its activities under this Agreement to inform such party of the
details of the work performed under this Agreement during the Term. Know-How and
other information  disclosed by one party to the other party pursuant hereto may
be used only in accordance with the rights granted under this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 5
                                GRANT OF LICENSES

          5.1 Research  License to BIOJECT.  Subject to the terms and conditions
of this  Agreement  and  during  the  Term,  GENEMEDICINE  grants  to  BIOJECT a
royalty-free,  worldwide,  non-exclusive,  non-sublicensable,   non-transferable
license under the GENEMEDICINE Technology for the sole purpose of performing its
duties and obligations under the Collaborative Alliance.

          5.2  Research  License  to  GENEMEDICINE.  Subject  to the  terms  and
conditions of this Agreement and during the Term, BIOJECT grants to GENEMEDICINE
a royalty-free,  worldwide, non-exclusive,  non-sublicensable,  non-transferable
license  under the BIOJECT  Technology  for the sole purpose of  performing  its
duties and obligations under the Collaborative Alliance.

                                    ARTICLE 6
                              CORPORATE PARTNERING

          6.1  Co-Promotion.  The parties  agree to  co-promote  Products in the
Field resulting from the Collaborative  Alliance to Corporate Partners.  To this
end,  the parties  will use  commercially  reasonable  and  diligent  efforts to
identify,  contact and negotiate with Corporate Partners. The Steering Committee
shall direct and  coordinate  such efforts of the parties.  The parties will use
commercially  reasonable and diligent efforts to ensure that joint presentations
are provided to each Corporate  Partner.  In the event that a party is unable to
attend  a  presentation  to a  Corporate  Partner,  such  party's  role  in  the
Collaborative Alliance will be acknowledged during the presentation. BIOJECT and
GENEMEDICINE will develop a mutually  acceptable  standard  promotional  package
that either party may present to a Corporate Partner.

          6.2  Business  Proposals;  Negotiations.  Following  the  presentation
described in Section 6.1 and upon request by a Corporate  Partner for a business
proposal  relating  to a  Product  in the  Field,  [* * *]  shall  (a) [* * *] a
business proposal to present to such Corporate Partner, (b) submit such business
proposal to such Corporate Partner,  and (c) [* * *] with such Corporate Partner
[* * *];  provided,  however,  that  (i)  [* * *]  all  negotiations  with  such
Corporate Partner,  and (ii) any agreement with a Corporate Partner that [* * *]
shall be subject to [* * *]. Under all  circumstances,  the terms and conditions
of any agreement to be entered into by the parties with a Corporate Partner will
be subject to the approval of both parties.  In any event,  the parties agree to
evaluate in good faith each  negotiation  and to devise a  negotiating  strategy
that is mutually acceptable to the parties.

          6.3 [* * *]. The parties  anticipate that each party's [* * *] will be
licensed to a Corporate Partner as [* * *]. However,  subject to Section 2.2, in
the event that a Corporate Partner [* * *] of [* * *], [* * *] may negotiate and
enter into a business  relationship  with such Corporate Partner with respect to
[* * *].

          6.4 BIOJECT  Support  Services.  In the event any of  BIOJECT's  NFIDs
(including  Dermal  Devices  and  Biojectors)  are sold to, or  purchased  by, a
Corporate Partner for use with GENEMEDICINE's proprietary Gene Delivery Systems,
BIOJECT shall provide  support  services,  at its expense,  to  GENEMEDICINE  in
accordance with BIOJECT's standard practices.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                         PATENT RIGHTS AND INFRINGEMENT

          7.1 Ownership of Patent Rights.  Ownership of inventions  conceived of
or reduced to  practice  in the course of the  Collaborative  Alliance  shall be
determined  in  accordance  with the rules of  inventorship  under United States
patent  laws.  BIOJECT  shall  own all  BIOJECT  Technology  and all  inventions
conceived of and reduced to practice in the course of the Collaborative Alliance
during the Term solely by its employees and agents, and all patent  applications
and patents  claiming such inventions.  GENEMEDICINE  shall own all GENEMEDICINE
Technology and all inventions conceived of and reduced to practice in the course
of the  Collaborative  Alliance  during  the Term  solely by its  employees  and
agents,  and all patent  applications and patents claiming such inventions.  All
Joint  Patent  Rights  shall be  owned  jointly  by  BIOJECT  and  GENEMEDICINE;
provided,  however,  that,  during the Term,  BIOJECT  shall not  license to any
Direct  Competitor  any Joint Patent  Rights  claiming  methods of use of a NFID
conceived of or reduced to practice in the course of the Collaborative Alliance.

          7.2 Prosecution and Maintenance of Patent Rights.

               (a) GENEMEDICINE  shall be responsible,  at its own expense,  for
the filing,  prosecution and maintenance of all patent  applications and patents
within the  GENEMEDICINE  Patent  Rights  and any  inventions  conceived  of and
reduced to practice in the course of the Collaborative  Alliance during the Term
solely by its employees and agents.  BIOJECT  shall be  responsible,  at its own
expense, for the filing,  prosecution and maintenance of all patent applications
and patents within the BIOJECT Patent Rights and any inventions conceived of and
reduced to practice in the course of the Collaborative  Alliance during the Term
solely by its employees and agents.  Each party shall consider in good faith the
requests  and  suggestions  of the other party with  respect to  strategies  for
filing,  prosecuting and maintaining such patent  applications and patents.  The
inventing  party shall keep the other party  informed of progress with regard to
the  filing,  prosecution,  maintenance,  enforcement  and  defense  of  patents
applications  and  patents  subject to this  Section  7.2(a).  In the event that
either  party  desires to abandon any patent  application  or patent  within the
Patent Rights of such party, or if such party later declines  responsibility for
any such patent application or patent, such party shall provide reasonable prior
written  notice to the other  party of such  intention  to  abandon  or  decline
responsibility, and the other party shall have the right, at its own expense, to
file, prosecute, and maintain such patent application or patent.

               (b) The Steering  Committee  shall determine which party shall be
responsible for the filing,  prosecution and maintenance of patent  applications
and patents  within the Joint  Patent  Rights on a case by case basis,  with the
understanding  that  it  is  the  parties'  intent  that  GENEMEDICINE  will  be
responsible for the filing,  prosecution and maintenance of patent  applications
and patents  within the Joint Patent  Rights  related to gene  delivery and gene
expression  and BIOJECT  will be  responsible  for the filing,  prosecution  and
maintenance  of patent  applications  and patents within the Joint Patent Rights
related  to  NFIDs.  In the  event  that a party  responsible  for  the  filing,
prosecution and maintenance of any patent application or patent within the Joint
Patent Rights desires to abandon such patent  application or patent,  or if such
party later declines  responsibility for such patent application or patent, such
party shall provide  reasonable  prior written  notice to the other party of its
intention to abandon or decline  responsibility,  and the other party shall have
the right, but not the obligation, to prepare, file, prosecute, and maintain any
such patent  application or patent within the Joint Patent  Rights.  The parties
shall share equally the costs of filing,  prosecuting and maintaining patents or
patent applications within the Joint Patent Rights.

          7.3  Cooperation of the Parties.  Each party agrees to cooperate fully
in the  preparation,  filing,  and  prosecution  of any Patent Rights under this
Agreement. Such cooperation includes, but is not limited to:

               (a)  executing  all  papers and  instruments,  or  requiring  its
employees or agents, to execute such papers and instruments, so as to effectuate
the  ownership of Patent Rights set forth in Section 7.1 and to enable the other
party to apply for and to prosecute patent applications in any country; and

               (b) promptly  informing the other party of any matters  coming to
such party's  attention that may affect the preparation,  filing, or prosecution
of any such patent applications.

         7.4      Enforcement Rights.

               (a) Infringement of Third Party Rights.  GENEMEDICINE and BIOJECT
shall  promptly  notify the other in writing of any  allegation by a Third Party
that the activity of either of the parties in connection with the  Collaborative
Alliance  infringes  or may infringe the  intellectual  property  rights of such
Third  Party.  GENEMEDICINE  shall have the right to control  the defense of any
claims with  respect to the  GENEMEDICINE  Technology  at its own expense and by
counsel of its own choice.  BIOJECT  shall have the right to control the defense
of any claims with respect to the BIOJECT  Technology  at its own expense and by
counsel of its own choice.  In the event that such matter  includes  claims with
respect to the Joint Patent Rights,  the party  responsible  for prosecution and
maintenance  of the  applicable  Joint Patent Rights under Section  7.2(b) shall
have the right to  control  the  defense  of such  claims by  counsel of its own
choice and the parties  shall share equally the costs with respect  thereto.  If
either party fails to proceed in a timely  fashion with regard to the defense of
any claims with  respect to the  Contributed  Technology,  the other party shall
have the right to control any such  defense of such claim at its own expense and
by counsel of its own choice,  and such party  shall have the right,  at its own
expense,  to be  represented  in any such  action by counsel of its own  choice.
Neither party shall have the right to settle any patent infringement  litigation
under this Section 7.4(a) in a manner that diminishes the rights or interests of
the other  party or  obligates  the other  party to make any payment or take any
action without the consent of such other party.

               (b) Infringement by Third Parties. GENEMEDICINE and BIOJECT shall
promptly  notify the other in writing of any alleged or threatened  infringement
of any patent  included in the  GENEMEDICINE  Patent Rights,  the BIOJECT Patent
Rights or the Joint Patent Rights of which they become aware. GENEMEDICINE shall
have the right to institute, prosecute and control any action or proceeding with
respect to infringement of any patent included in the GENEMEDICINE Patent Rights
at its own  expense  and by counsel of its own  choice.  BIOJECT  shall have the
right to institute,  prosecute and control any action or proceeding with respect
to  infringement  of any patent included in the BIOJECT Patent Rights at its own
expense  and by counsel of its own choice.  In the event any patent  included in
the Joint Patent Rights is infringed by a Third Party, the party responsible for
prosecution and maintenance of the applicable  Joint Patent Rights under Section
7.2(b) shall have the right to  institute,  prosecute  and control any action or
proceeding  with respect to such patent,  and the parties shall share equally in
the expenses thereof. With respect to infringement of any patent included in the
Patent  Rights  of  either  party,  if such  party  fails to bring an  action or
proceeding  within (a) 60 days following the notice of alleged  infringement  or
(b) 10 days before the time limit, if any, set forth in the appropriate laws and
regulations  for the filing of such actions,  whichever  comes first,  the other
party  shall  have the right to bring  and  control  any such  action at its own
expense and by counsel of its own  choice,  and such party shall have the right,
at its own expense,  to be  represented in any such action by counsel of its own
choice.  In the event a party  brings an  infringement  action,  the other party
shall  cooperate  fully,  including  if  required  to  bring  such  action,  the
furnishing of a power of attorney.  Neither party shall have the right to settle
any patent  infringement  litigation  under this Section 7.4(b) in a manner that
diminishes  the rights or  interests  of the other party  without the consent of
such other party. Except as otherwise agreed to by the parties as part of a cost
sharing arrangement, any recovery realized as a result of such litigation, after
reimbursement  of any litigation  expenses of  GENEMEDICINE  and BIOJECT,  shall
belong to the party who brought the action.

                                    ARTICLE 8
                          CONFIDENTIALITY; PUBLICATIONS

          8.1  Nondisclosure.  During  the Term and for a period of three  years
thereafter,  each party shall maintain all Confidential Information of the other
party as confidential and shall not disclose any such  Confidential  Information
to any Third Party or use any such  Confidential  Information  for any  purpose,
except (a) as expressly  authorized by this  Agreement,  (b) as required by law,
rule,  regulation or court order  (provided that the disclosing  party shall use
commercially  reasonable  efforts to obtain  confidential  treatment of any such
information  required to be  disclosed),  or (c) to its  Affiliates,  employees,
agents, consultants and other representatives to accomplish the purposes of this
Agreement, so long as such persons are under an obligation of confidentiality no
less  stringent than as set forth herein.  Each party may use such  Confidential
Information  only to the extent  required  to  accomplish  the  purposes of this
Agreement. Each party shall use at least the same standard of care as it uses to
protect  its  own  Confidential  Information  to  ensure  that  its  Affiliates,
employees, agents, consultants and other representatives do not disclose or make
any unauthorized use of the other party's Confidential  Information.  Each party
will promptly notify the other party upon discovery of any  unauthorized  use or
disclosure of the other party's Confidential Information.

          8.2 Publications. Each party recognizes that the publication of papers
regarding results of the research and development  activities performed pursuant
to the Collaborative Alliance,  including oral presentations and abstracts,  may
be  beneficial  to both  parties  provided  such  publications  are  subject  to
reasonable controls to protect Confidential  Information.  In particular,  it is
the intent of the parties to maintain the  confidentiality  of any  Confidential
Information included in any foreign patent application until such foreign patent
application has been published.  Accordingly, each party shall have the right to
review and  approve  any paper  proposed  for  publication  by the other  party,
including oral  presentations and abstracts,  which utilizes data generated from
the Collaborative Alliance and/or includes Confidential Information of the other
party.  Before any such paper is submitted for publication,  the party proposing
publication  shall  deliver a complete  copy to the other party at least 45 days
prior to submitting the paper to a publisher.  The receiving  party shall review
any such paper and give its comments to the  publishing  party within 30 days of
the  delivery  of such  paper  to the  receiving  party.  With  respect  to oral
presentation materials and abstracts,  the parties shall make reasonable efforts
to expedite review of such materials and abstracts,  and shall return such items
as soon as practicable to the publishing  party with  appropriate  comments,  if
any,  but in no  event  later  than 30 days  from the  date of  delivery  to the
receiving  party.  The  publishing  party shall  comply  with the other  party's
request to delete references to such other party's  Confidential  Information in
any such paper and agrees to withhold  publication of same for an additional 180
days to permit the parties to obtain patent protection, if either of the parties
deem  it   necessary,   in  accordance   with  the  terms  of  this   Agreement.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  GENEMEDICINE shall have the right to present and
publish all studies  using a NFID  performed  prior to the Effective  Date,  and
BIOJECT shall have the right to present and publish all studies using  BIOJECT's
NFID with a Direct  Competitor's  Gene Delivery  System  performed  prior to the
Effective Date.

                                    ARTICLE 9

          9.1 Corporate  Power.  Each party hereby  represents and warrants that
such party is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the state of
its  incorporation and has full corporate power and authority to enter into this
Agreement and to carry out the provisions hereof.

          9.2 Due Authorization.  Each party hereby represents and warrants that
such party is duly  authorized  to execute and  deliver  this  Agreement  and to
perform its obligations hereunder.

          9.3 Binding Obligation. Each party hereby represents and warrants that
this  Agreement  is a  legal  and  valid  obligation  binding  upon  it  and  is
enforceable  in  accordance  with  its  terms.   The  execution,   delivery  and
performance  of  this  Agreement  by such  party  does  not  conflict  with  any
agreement, instrument or understanding,  oral or written, to which it is a party
or by which it may be bound,  nor  violate any law or  regulation  of any court,
governmental body or administrative or other agency having authority over it.

          9.4 Limitation on  Warranties.  Nothing herein shall be construed as a
representation  or  warranty by either  party to the other that any  Contributed
Technology  under  the  Control  of such  party is  valid,  enforceable,  or not
infringed  by any Third  Party,  or that the  practice  of such  rights does not
infringe any intellectual property right of any Third Party. Neither party makes
any warranties,  express or implied, concerning the success of the Collaborative
Alliance or the commercial utility of any Products.

          9.5  Disclaimer of  Warranties.  EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS

          9.6  Limitation  of  Liability.  NEITHER  PARTY  SHALL BE  ENTITLED TO

          9.7 Mutual Indemnification.  Each party hereby agrees to save, defend,
indemnify  and hold  harmless  the  other  party  and its  officers,  directors,
employees,  consultants and agents from and against any and all losses, damages,
liabilities,   expenses  and  costs,  including  reasonable  legal  expense  and
attorneys' fees ("Losses"),  to which the indemnified parties may become subject
as a result of any claim, demand,  action or other proceeding by any Third Party
to the  extent  such  Losses  arise  out of, or are  based  upon,  the use of an
indemnifying  party's  Contributed  Technology by the  indemnified  party or its
Affiliates, except to the extent such Losses result from the gross negligence or
willful misconduct of the party claiming a right of  indemnification  under this
Section 9.7. In the event either party seeks  indemnification under this Section
9.7,  it  shall  inform  the  other  party  of a claim  as  soon  as  reasonably
practicable after it receives notice of the claim,  shall permit the other party
to assume direction and control of the defense of the claim (including the right
to settle the claim solely for monetary  consideration),  and shall cooperate as
requested (at the expense of the other party) in the defense of the claim.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                              TERM AND TERMINATION

          10.1 Term.  This Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and shall
continue for 18 months from the Effective  Date,  unless  extended or terminated
earlier by mutual  written  agreement of the parties (the  "Term").  The parties
agree to meet and evaluate whether to extend the Term under mutually  acceptable
terms at least 60 days prior to the end of the Term.

          10.2 Termination for Cause.  Either party may terminate this Agreement
prior to the expiration of the Term upon the occurrence of any of the following:

               (a) Upon or after  the  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  dissolution  or
winding up of the other  party  (other  than  dissolution  or winding up for the
purposes of reconstruction or amalgamation);

               (b) Upon or after the breach of any  material  provision  of this
Agreement  by the other party if the  breaching  party has not cured such breach
within 30 days after written notice thereof by the non-breaching party; or

               (c) Upon or after the  transfer  or sale of all or  substantially
all of the business of the other party to which this Agreement relates,  whether
by merger,  sale of stock, sale of assets or otherwise,  except to an Affiliate,
following 60 days' prior written notice to the other party.

          10.3 Effect of Expiration or Termination.

               (a) Expiration or termination of this Agreement shall not relieve
the parties of any obligation  accruing prior to such expiration or termination.
Except as set forth below or elsewhere in this  Agreement,  the  obligations and
rights of the parties  under  Sections 7.1, 8.1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7 and 10.3 and
Articles 1, 12 and 13 shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.

               (b) Upon  termination of this Agreement by GENEMEDICINE  pursuant
to Section 10.2, Section 2.2(b) shall survive for a period of 18 months from the
Effective  Date.  Upon  termination  of this  Agreement  by BIOJECT  pursuant to
Section  10.2,  Section  2.2(a) shall survive for a period of 18 months from the
Effective Date.

               (c) Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement,  each party
shall  cease  all  activities  under  the  Collaborative  Alliance,  except  for
activities  required  for each  party  to  fulfill  its  obligations  under  any
agreement with a Corporate Partner; provided,  however, that BIOJECT will have a
non-exclusive,  worldwide,  fully-paid,  irrevocable  license to use information
generated from animal and/or human studies involving  BIOJECT's NFIDs (including
Dermal Devices and Biojectors) in combination  with  GENEMEDICINE's  proprietary
Gene Delivery Systems in the course of the Collaborative  Alliance to enter into
collaborative business relationships with Third Parties.

               (d) Upon  expiration or  termination  of this Agreement and for a
period of six months  thereafter,  each party will use  commercially  reasonable
efforts to include the other party in any collaborative agreement with any Third
Party in the Field.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a party may proceed with a
collaborative agreement with a Third Party without obligation to the other party
if such Third Party does not wish to enter into a  collaborative  agreement with
the other party.

               (e) In the event of the  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  dissolution or
winding up of a party (other than  dissolution or winding up for the purposes of
reconstruction  or  amalgamation),  all rights of such party in the Joint Patent
Rights  shall  hereby be assigned to the other party to this  Agreement,  or, if
such assignment is prohibited, such party shall hereby grant to such other party
an exclusive,  worldwide,  fully-paid,  irrevocable  license to the Joint Patent

                                   ARTICLE 11

          11.1 Publicity  Review.  BIOJECT and GENEMEDICINE will jointly discuss
and agree,  based on the  principles  of Section  11.2,  on any statement to the
public  regarding the execution and the subject  matter of this Agreement or any
other aspect of this Agreement,  except with respect to disclosures  required by
law or  regulation.  Within 30 days  following the Effective  Date,  the parties
shall issue a joint press release. Neither party shall use the name of the other
party in any public  statement,  prospectus,  annual  report,  or press  release
without  the  prior  written  approval  of the  other  party,  which  may not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed;  provided,  however, that either party may use
the name of the other party in any public statement,  prospectus, annual report,
or press release without the prior written  approval of the other party, if such
party is advised by counsel  that such  disclosure  is  required  to comply with
applicable law.

          11.2 Standards. In the discussion and agreement referred to in Section
11.1, the principles observed by BIOJECT and GENEMEDICINE will be accuracy,  the
requirements for  confidentiality  under Section 8.1, the advantage a competitor
of BIOJECT or  GENEMEDICINE  may gain from any public or Third Party  statements
under Section 11.1, the  requirements of disclosure under any securities laws or
regulations  of the  United  States,  including  those  associated  with  public
offerings, and the standards and customs in the pharmaceutical industry for such
disclosures by companies comparable to BIOJECT and GENEMEDICINE.

                                   ARTICLE 12
                               DISPUTE RESOLUTION

          12.1  Disputes.  The  parties  recognize  that  disputes as to certain
matters may from time to time arise which relate to either party's rights and/or
obligations  hereunder.  It  is  the  objective  of  the  parties  to  establish
procedures to facilitate the resolution of such disputes in an expedient  manner
by mutual  cooperation  and without  resort to  litigation.  To accomplish  this
objective,  the parties agree to follow the procedures set forth in this Section
12.1 if and when such a dispute arises between the parties.

          12.2 Procedures. If any dispute arises between the parties relating to
the  interpretation,  breach or performance of this Agreement or the grounds for
the  termination  thereof,  and the parties cannot resolve the dispute within 30
days of a written request by either party to the other party,  the parties agree
to hold a meeting,  attended by the Chief Executive Officer or President of each
party,  to attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution  of the dispute prior
to pursuing  other  available  remedies.  If,  within 60 days after such written
request,  the parties have not  succeeded  in  negotiating  a resolution  of the
dispute,  such dispute shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration under
the then current  commercial  rules and regulations of the American  Arbitration
Association  ("AAA")  relating  to  voluntary   arbitrations.   The  arbitration
proceedings  shall be held in Wilmington,  Delaware.  The  arbitration  shall be
conducted by one arbitrator, who is knowledgeable in the subject matter at issue
in the dispute and who will be selected by mutual  agreement  of the parties or,
failing such agreement, shall be selected in accordance with the AAA rules. Each
party shall  initially  bear its own costs and legal fees  associated  with such
arbitration.  The prevailing party in any such arbitration  shall be entitled to
recover from the other party the reasonable  attorneys' fees, costs and expenses
incurred by such  prevailing  party in  connection  with such  arbitration.  The
decision  of the  arbitrator  shall be final and  binding  on the  parties.  The
arbitrator shall prepare and deliver to the parties a written,  reasoned opinion
conferring its decision. Judgment on the award so rendered may be entered in any
court having competent jurisdiction thereof.

                                   ARTICLE 13

          13.1 Assignment.  Except as expressly provided hereunder, neither this
Agreement nor any rights or obligations  hereunder nor a party's interest in the
Joint  Patent  Rights may be assigned or otherwise  transferred  by either party
without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld;  provided,  however,  that either  party may assign this
Agreement  and its rights and  obligations  hereunder  without the other party's
consent (a) to an Affiliate,  (b) in connection with the transfer or sale of all
or  substantially  all of the  assets  relating  to the  subject  matter of this
Agreement to another party, or (c) in the event of a merger or reorganization of
such party with or into another party, and, in the event of such assignment, the
assigning  party shall provide  written notice to the other party within 30 days
after such assignment. In the event of such transaction,  however,  intellectual
property rights  (including  Know-How) of a party to such transaction other than
one of the  parties to this  Agreement  (the  "Acquiring  Party"),  shall not be
included in the Contributed  Technology licensed hereunder.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  any such  assignment to an Affiliate shall not relieve the assigning
party of its  responsibilities  for  performance of its  obligations  under this
Agreement.  The rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall
be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns
of the parties.  Any assignment not in accordance  with this Agreement  shall be

          13.2 Force Majeure.  Neither party shall be held liable or responsible
to the  other  party  nor be deemed to have  defaulted  under or  breached  this
Agreement  for failure or delay in  fulfilling  or  performing  any term of this
Agreement  when such failure or delay is caused by or results from causes beyond
the reasonable  control of the affected  party,  including,  but not limited to,
fire,  floods,  embargoes,  war,  acts of war  (whether war be declared or not),
insurrections,  riots,  civil  commotions,  strikes,  lockouts  or  other  labor
disturbances,  acts  of God or  acts,  omissions  or  delays  in  acting  by any
governmental authority or the other party.

          13.3 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed
and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Delaware, as such laws
are applied to contracts  entered into and to be performed  entirely  within the
State of Delaware by Delaware residents, and the laws of the United States.

          13.4 Waiver.  Except as specifically  provided for herein,  the waiver
from  time to time by  either  of the  parties  of any of their  rights or their
failure to exercise any remedy shall not operate or be construed as a continuing
waiver of same or of any other of such  party's  rights or remedies  provided in
this Agreement.

          13.5  Notices.  All  notices  and other  communications  provided  for
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by first-class,  registered or
certified mail,  postage paid, or delivered  personally,  by overnight  delivery
service  or  by  facsimile,  computer  mail  or  other  electronic  means,  with
confirmation of receipt, addressed as follows:

         If to GENEMEDICINE:                GENEMEDICINE, INC.
                                            8301 New Trails Drive
                                            The Woodlands TX  77381-4248
                                            Attn:  President
                                            Phone No. (281) 364-1150
                                            Fax No. (281) 364-0858

         If to BIOJECT:                     BIOJECT, INC.
                                            7620 S.W. Bridgeport Road
                                            Portland, Oregon  97224
                                            Attn:  President
                                            Phone No. (503) 639-7221
                                            Fax No. (503) 624-9002

Either  party may by like notice  specify or change an address to which  notices
and communications shall thereafter be sent. Notices sent by facsimile, computer
mail or other electronic means shall be effective upon  confirmation of receipt,
notices  sent by mail or overnight  delivery  service  shall be  effective  upon
receipt, and notices given personally shall be effective when delivered.

          13.6  Severability.  In case any provision of this Agreement  shall be
invalid, illegal or unenforceable,  the validity, legality and enforceability of
the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

          13.7 Independent Contractors. It is expressly agreed that GENEMEDICINE
and BIOJECT shall be independent  contractors and that the relationship  between
the two  parties  shall  not  constitute  a  partnership  or agency of any kind.
Neither   GENEMEDICINE  nor  BIOJECT  shall  have  the  authority  to  make  any
statements,  representations  or commitments of any kind, or to take any action,
which shall be binding on the other party,  without the prior written consent of
the other party.

          13.8  Entire  Agreement;  Amendment.  This  Agreement  (including  the
Exhibits attached hereto) sets forth all of the covenants, promises, agreements,
warranties,  representations,  conditions and understandings between the parties
hereto with respect to the subject  matter hereof and  supersedes and terminates
all prior  agreements  and  understandings  between  the  parties.  There are no
covenants,  promises,  agreements,  warranties,  representations  conditions  or
understandings,  either oral or written,  between the parties  other than as set
forth herein. No subsequent  alteration,  amendment,  change or addition to this
Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto unless reduced to writing and
signed by the respective authorized officers of the parties.

          13.9 Headings. The captions contained in this Agreement are not a part
of this  Agreement,  but are merely  guides or labels to assist in locating  and
reading the several Articles hereof.

          13.10  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed in two or more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed in  duplicate  by their duly  authorized  officers as of the date first
above written.

BIOJECT, INC.                        GENEMEDICINE, INC.

By: /s/ James O'Shea                 By: /s/ Norman Hardman

Name: James O'Shea                   Name: Norman Hardman

Title: President and Chairman,       Title: President and COO
       Chief Executive Officer

                                    EXHIBIT A

                              BIOJECT PATENT RIGHTS

        PATENT NUMBER           COUNTRY               ISSUE DATE
       -------------         -------------         -----------------
                                [* * *]

                                    EXHIBIT B

                           GENEMEDICINE PATENT RIGHTS