The  undersigned,  Bradley J. Enegren (the  "Employee")  acknowledges and agrees
that (a) he is  entering  into this  Agreement  as an  employee  of  Bioject  JV
Subsidiary,  Inc., or an entity that  controls,  is  controlled  by, or is under
common control with such corporation  (collectively,  the "Company"), (b) during
the  course  of such  employment,  Employee  will have  access  to  confidential
information of the Company not readily  available to the public and (c) Employee
will be employed in a position of trust and confidence. In consideration of such
employment by the Company and access to confidential information of the Company,
Employee agrees as follows:

1.  Obligations.  Employee  understands  and  agrees  that  that the  terms  and
conditions  of  this  Agreement  will  survive  after  the  party's   employment
relationship ends for any reason.

2. Confidential  Information.  As used herein, the term Confidential Information
means (a) proprietary  information of the Company,  such as any information that
constitutes,   represents,   evidences  or  records  confidential,   scientific,
technical, merchandising,  production, marketing, pricing, customer preferences,
sales or management information (including, without limitation,  customer lists,
plans  and  supplier  lists)  or  a  confidential  design,  process,  procedure,
formulae,  invention or improvement (including,  without limitation,  software),
(b)  information  designated by the Company as confidential or that the Employee
knows or  should  know is  confidential,  and (c)  trade  secrets  of any  kind.
Employee  acknowledges that all Confidential  Information is a valuable asset of
the  Company  and will  continue  to be the  exclusive  property  of the Company
whether or not  prepared  in whole or in part by  Employee,  and  whether or not
disclosed to Employee or entrusted to his or her custody in connection  with his
or her employment by the Company.

3. Nondisclosure and Non-Use.  Unless authorized or instructed in writing by the
Company or required by legally constituted authority,  Employee will not, except
for the benefit of the Company during or after his or her  employment,  disclose
to others or use any Confidential Information unless and until, and then only to
the  extent  that such  items  become  available  to the  public,  other than by
Employee's act or failure to act. In addition, Employee agrees to use his or her
best  efforts  to  prevent  accidental  or  negligent  loss  or  release  to any
unauthorized  person of the  Confidential  Information.  Employee  will  deliver
immediately to the Company upon its request all Confidential  Information in the
possession of Employee.  Employee will retain no excerpts,  notes,  photographs,
reproductions or copies of any Confidential  Information  whether or not written
or produced by Employee.

4. Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation.

     4.1  Employee  agrees that during the term of  employment  and for one year
thereafter,  and within the geographic  area in which the Company does business,
Employee  will not  individually  and will not  serve as or  become a  director,
officer, partner, limited partner, employee, agent, representative, stockholder,
creditor  or  consultant  of or to,  or serve  in any  other  capacity  with any
business division which shall in any manner directly engage or prepare to engage
in any business that directly competes with the Company.  The Company's Business
is  currently   defined  as  a   developer/manufacturer/seller   of  Ambulatory,
Continuous,  Blood Glucose  Sensors/Monitors.  This definition shall include all
business that the Company is engaged in or has documented  plans to engage in at
the  termination  of Employee's  employment.  This  Agreement  will not prohibit
Employee from  continuing  his employment in the medical field in the future and
during  the  twelve  month  period  following  termination,  Employee  can  seek
employment  with any medical  corporation  as long as the division or subsidiary
that he is involved with does not directly compete with the Company's  Business.
The  noncompetition  restriction  is not applicable to ownership of five percent
(5%) or less of the stock of any publicly traded corporation

     4.2 Employee  further  agrees that during the term of employment  and for a
period of one year  thereafter,  (a) Employee will not,  directly or indirectly,
call on or solicit in any manner on behalf of himself or  herself,  or on behalf
of any other  person,  firm or  corporation,  any  customers or suppliers of the
Company with which  Employee had any dealings of any kind, or upon whom Employee
called during the course of Employee's employment by the Company for the purpose
of doing business of the type done by the Company (as described above) with such
customer or supplier;  and (b)  Employee  will not  solicit,  induce,  entice or
attempt to solicit,  induce, entice or divert away any person who is an employee
of the Company to leave employment with the Company.

     4.3 Employee acknowledges and agrees that the time, scope,  geographic area
and other provisions of this section are reasonable under the  circumstances and
are reasonable to protect the confidential information of the Company.  Employee
further  agrees  that if, at any time,  despite  the  express  agreement  of the
parties hereto, a court of competent jurisdiction holds that any portion of this
section is unenforceable for any reason, the maximum restrictions of time, scope
or geographic area  reasonable  under the  circumstances,  as determined by such
court, will be substituted for any such restrictions held unenforceable.

5. Work Made for Hire.  Employee  agrees  that all  creative  work  prepared  or
originated  by Employee  for the Company or done within the scope of  Employee's
employment  by the  Company,  that may be subject to  protection  under  federal
copyright law constitutes "work made for hire," all rights to which are owned by
the Company and, in any event, Employee assigns to the Company all rights, title
and interest, whether by way of copyright, trade secret or otherwise in all such
work, whether or not subject to protection by copyright laws.

6.  Ownership of  Inventions.  Employee  agrees that (a) he or she will disclose
immediately  to the Company all  inventions,  discoveries,  improvements,  trade
secrets, formulae, techniques, processes, know-how and computer programs whether
or not patentable and whether or not reduced to practice,  conceived by Employee
during  employment  by the  Company,  either  alone or jointly  with others that
relate to or result from the actual or anticipated  business,  work, research or
investigations  of the  Company,  or that  result to any extent  from the use of
Company's premises, or tangible or intangible property (collectively referred to
as "Inventions"),  and (b) that all such Inventions will be owned exclusively by
the Company. Employee hereby assigns to the Company all Employee's rights, title
and interest in and to all such  Inventions and Employee agrees that the Company
will be the sole  owner of all  domestic  and  foreign  patent  or other  rights
pertaining  thereto.  Employee  also  agrees  during  the  term  of  his  or her
employment and thereafter,  to execute all documents that the Company reasonably
determines to be necessary or convenient for use in applying for,  perfecting or
enforcing patents or other intellectual property rights in the Inventions.

7.  Obligations to Others.  Employee  warrants that (a) his or her employment by
the  Company  does not violate any  agreement  with any prior  employer or other
person or firm to the best of his knowledge, (b) and that he has fully disclosed
to the  Company  Confidentiality  or other  Agreements  entered  into  with past
Employers,  and (c) Employee will not use or disclose in connection  with his or
her  employment  by the Company any  confidential  information  belonging to any
other person or firm.  Employee  also agrees to be bound by all  confidentiality
and invention  obligations  and  restrictions of the Company to third parties if
Employee  is  informed  of such by the  Company  and  agrees to take all  action
necessary to discharge the obligations of the Company thereunder.

8. Remedies.  Employee  acknowledges  that breach of this Agreement  could cause
irreparable harm to the Company.

9.  Severability;  Entire  Agreement.  The  provisions  of  this  Agreement  are
severable  and if any  provision  is held invalid or  unenforceable,  it will be
enforced to the maximum extent  permissible  and the remaining  provisions  will
continue in full force and effect.  This Agreement contains the entire agreement
between  the  parties   concerning  the  subject  matter  addressed  herein  and
supersedes any other discussions,  agreements,  representations or warranties of
any kind.  Any  modification  of this  Agreement  shall be effective  only if in
writing and signed by both the Company and the Employee.

10.  Law to be  Applied.  The  interpretation  of  and  performance  under  this
Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Massachusetts,  exclusive
of choice of law rules, unless Employee is employed outside of Massachusetts and
the law of the state of employment requires otherwise.


/s/ Bradley J. Enegren              11/9/98
BRADLEY J. ENEGREN                  DATE