ANTICIPATES 30-35% INCREASE IN 2000 EARNINGS OVER 1999

         BROOKLYN, N.Y. JULY 26, 2000 -- KeySpan Corporation (NYSE:KSE) reported
today that its second-quarter earnings for the three-month period ended June 30,
2000 were $47.1 million,  or $.35 per share, up from $14.3 million,  or $.10 per
share for the same period a year ago. For the six-months to date,  earnings were
$210.6  million or $1.57 per share,  compared  to $148.8  million,  or $1.05 per
share for the same period last year.
         The significant  increase in quarterly earnings was attributable to the
solid  performances  of all operating  units.  The primary  contributors  to the
favorable results were the electric and energy services segments, highlighted by
the  Ravenswood  electric  generating  plant,  as  well as the  exploration  and
production business. In addition,  gas- distribution operations reflected strong
growth in converting customers from oil to gas during this period.
         "We are  pleased  with  the  continuing  strong  results  from our core
businesses.  These  results  reflect an  excellent  balance of gas and  electric
operations and reinforces our investment in generating assets in the Northeast,"
said Robert B. Catell, chairman and chief executive officer, KeySpan. "The solid
and  sustained   performance  by  our  major  business   segments  confirms  our
customer-focused  strategy  and provides an  excellent  platform  for  continued
growth.  At this time, we are optimistic  that earnings for 2000 could be 30-35%
higher than the earnings in 1999 based on these strong first-half results.  This
estimate does not reflect any impact of the acquisition of Eastern Enterprises,"
Mr. Catell said.

The major highlights of the second-quarter and year-to-date results were:

          The  gas-distribution  businesses  serving New York City and Long
          Island had earnings in the second quarter of $2.3 million, or $.02 per
          share,  compared  to $1.2  million,  or $.01 per share in last  year's
          second quarter. For the six-month period, earnings were $129.1 million
          or $.96 per share, up from $121.9 million or $.86 per share last year.
          The  increase in earnings  reflects  significant  gas sales growth and
          favorable pricing in commercial and industrial markets. Conversions to
          natural gas are up more than 60% compared to last year.

          The   electric-services   segment   consists  of  the   2,168-megawatt
          Ravenswood  generating  plant,  4,000  megawatts of generation on Long
          Island,  and our transmission and distribution  contract with the Long
          Island Power Authority. Electric services contributed $28.8 million or
          $.22 to consolidated earnings per share for the quarter versus $15.0


          million or $.11 per share last year.  For the  six-month  period,
          electric  earnings were $71.5 million or $.53 per share, well ahead of
          1999's income of $31.6 million or $.22 per share. This increase is due
          to  the  acquisition  of  the  Ravenswood   plant  in  June  1999  and
          opportunities created in the deregulated electric market.

          Gas exploration and production results reflect both significantly
          improved  performance and the increase in KeySpan's ownership interest
          of Houston  Exploration  Company (NYSE:THX) to 70% from 64% last year.
          During the quarter, the exploration and production segment added $10.5
          million,  or $.08 per share,  compared  to $3.3  million,  or $.02 per
          share  in  the  second  quarter  of  last  year.  Houston  Exploration
          benefited significantly from a 47% increase in commodity prices and an
          11% increase in production volumes. Year-to-date,  earnings were $16.0
          million  or $.12 per share  versus  $3.8  million or $.03 per share in

Our  energy-related  services segment reported a profit of $17.2 million or $.13
per share versus a loss of $0.9 million or $.01 last year,  primarily due to the
fuel-management  services  provided  to  Ravenswood.  For the six month  period,
earnings  were $15.6  million or $.12 per share as opposed to a net loss of $2.5
million or $.02 per share last year.  During the quarter,  the  shareholders  of
Eastern Enterprises and Energy North approved their acquisitions, and regulatory
approval  was received in New  Hampshire.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
approval  is  pending,  but is  expected  in the  fourth  quarter  of this year,
followed by the closing of the transaction.

         KeySpan is a holding  company  including two utilities that  distribute
natural gas under the KeySpan Energy  Delivery name to 1.6 million  customers in
New York City and on Long Island.  KeySpan and Eastern  Enterprises  [NYSE: EFU]
announced  in  November  1999  that the  companies  signed a  definitive  merger
agreement  under which  KeySpan  will acquire all of the common stock of Eastern
Enterprises,  and, as a result, all of the common stock of EnergyNorth [NYSE:EI]
The merger would make KeySpan the largest  natural-gas  distribution  company in
the  Northeast  with 2.4 million  customers.  Other KeySpan  companies  market a
portfolio  of  unregulated  energy-related  services in the  Northeast,  operate
electric-generation  plants on Long  Island  and in New York City,  and  provide
operating and customer  services to one million  electric  customers of the Long
Island Power  Authority.  KeySpan also has  investments in gas  exploration  and
development,  primarily  through The Houston  Exploration  Company [NYSE:  THX];
domestic  pipelines and storage;  and  international  activities,  including gas
processing  in Canada,  and gas  pipelines  and local  distribution  in Northern
Ireland.    For   more    information,    visit    KeySpan's    web   site   at:
- ----------------------

         Certain  statements  contained herein are  forward-looking  statements,
which  reflect   numerous   assumptions  and  involve  a  number  of  risks  and
uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those discussed in such
statements.  Among  the  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results  to differ
materially are: available sources and cost of fuel; State and Federal regulatory
initiatives that increase competition, threaten cost and investment


recovery, and impact rate structures; the ability of the Company to successfully
reduce its cost structure;  the ability of the Company to successfully integrate
acquired  operations;  the degree to which the  Company  develops  non-regulated
business ventures;  the effect of inflationary  trends and increases in interest
rates; and risks detailed from time to time in reports and other documents filed
by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


KeySpan Energy
Consolidated Summary of Earnings
(In Thousands  of Dollars, Except Per Share Amounts)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Three Months       Three Months         Six Months          Six Months
                                                         Ended             Ended                 Ended              Ended
                                                        June 30, 2000      June 30, 1999        June 30, 2000       June 30, 1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Gas Distribution                                   $   361,540 $          281,384 $          1,166,243 $           999,682
  Gas Exploration and Production                         388,695            190,435              723,099             365,293
  Electric Services                                       57,842             35,021              107,218              61,541
  Energy Related Services and Other                      139,511             36,686              267,641              78,118
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Revenues                                           947,588            543,526            2,264,201           1,504,634
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Expenses
  Purchased gas                                          197,378            106,145              609,125             430,414
  Purchased fuel                                          72,772              -                  140,649               -
  Operations and maintenance                             378,986            239,642              734,465             472,177
  Depreciation, depletion and amortization                73,810             59,383              143,391             117,568
  Operating taxes                                         91,118             77,145              206,541             181,038
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses                                 814,064            482,315            1,834,171           1,201,197
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income                                         133,524             61,211              430,030             303,437

Other Income                                               8,023              9,424               10,902              26,384
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Before Interest Charges and Income Taxes          141,547             70,635              440,932             329,821

Interest Charges                                          42,256             34,893               77,325              70,779
Income Taxes                                              45,925             12,753              137,997              92,832
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                                                53,366             22,989              225,610             166,210
Preferred stock dividend requirements                      6,286              8,690               14,977              17,379
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings  for Common Stock                           $    47,080 $           14,299 $            210,633 $           148,831
Foreign Currency Adjustment                               (9,082)             2,425               (9,430)              5,735
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive Income                                 $    37,998 $           16,724 $            201,203 $           154,566
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Common Shares Outstanding (000)                  133,889            140,749              133,881             141,865
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic and Diluted Earnings  Per Common Share         $      0.35 $             0.10 $               1.57 $              1.05
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2000                                                                           (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Gas        Electric        Gas           Energy     Energy
                                                         Exploration       Related    Related
                               Distribution   Services  and Production    Services    Investments   Other    Eliminations     Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unaffiliate Revenue              1,166,243    723,099        107,218      264,640       3,001        -                    2,264,201
Intersegment Revenue              -            -            -              32,774       -            -        (32,774)          -
Total Revenue                    1,166,243    723,099        107,218      297,414       3,001        -        (32,774)    2,264,201

Cost of Gas                        530,629    140,649       -              78,496       -            -                      749,774

Operations and
  Maintenance                      213,989    326,554         21,648      182,028       4,854       18,166    (32,774)      734,465

Depreciation,Depletion &
Amortization                        57,368     24,561         43,249        4,585       1,008       12,620                  143,391

Operating Taxes                    124,490     77,185            792      -               192        3,882                  206,541

   Billings                          5,537     22,323       -             -             -          (27,860)                    -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Expense before FIT           932,013    591,272         65,689      265,109         6,054     6,808    (32,774)    1,834,171
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Income before FIT        234,230    131,827         41,529       32,305        (3,053)   (6,808)      -          430,030


Earnings for Common Stock          129,058     71,520         15,963       15,585         5,190   (26,683)      -          210,633

Basic and Diluted Earnings
Per Share                             0.96       0.53           0.12         0.12          0.04     (0.20)                    1.57

SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1999                                                                            (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                          Gas        Electric       Gas         Energy       Energy
                                                                Exploration     Related      Related
                                     Distribution    Services  and Production   Services    Investments     Other             Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenue                                    999,682    365,293       61,541       77,069         1,049     -           1,504,634

Cost of Gas                                408,073     -            -            22,341       -           -             430,414

Operations and
  Maintenance                              193,599    203,287       12,285       57,847         3,036     2,123         472,177

Depreciation,Depletion & Amortization       48,605     20,265       35,029        1,370           720    11,579         117,568

Operating Taxes                            118,289     57,438          146            3             8     5,154         181,038

   Billings                                  3,916     21,043       -             -             -         (24,959)       -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Expense                              772,482    302,033       47,460       81,561         3,764    (6,103)      1,201,197
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Income                           227,200     63,260       14,081       (4,492)       (2,715)    6,103         303,437


Earnings for Common Stock                  121,910     31,622        3,804       (2,500)        3,116    (9,121)        148,831

Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share          0.86       0.22         0.03        (0.02)         0.02     (0.06)           1.05


THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 2000                                                                          (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Gas        Electric       Gas          Energy        Energy
                                                          Exploration     Related       Related
                                Distribution   Services  and Production   Services    Investments    Other    Eliminations     Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unaffiliated  Revenue              361,540    388,695         57,842      138,021         1,490     -                       947,588
Intersegment Revenue              -            -            -              32,158       -           -         (32,158)      -
Total Revenue                      361,540    388,695         57,842      170,179         1,490     -         (32,158)      947,588

Cost of Gas                        155,997     72,772       -              41,381       -           -                       270,150

Operations and
  Maintenance                      101,768    192,276         10,169       92,687         3,197    11,047     (32,158)      378,986

Depreciation,Depletion &
Amortization                        30,072     12,296         22,246        2,399           624     6,173                    73,810

Operating Taxes                     48,994     37,695            254      -                 187     3,988                    91,118

   Billings                          2,940     11,441       -             -             -         (14,381)                  -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Expense                      339,771    326,480         32,669      136,467         4,008     6,827     (32,158)      814,064
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Income                    21,769     62,215         25,173       33,712        (2,518)   (6,827)   -              133,524


Earnings for Common Stock            2,279     28,841         10,465       17,155         1,543   (13,203)   -               47,080

Basic and Diluted Earnings Per
Share                                 0.02       0.22           0.08         0.13          0.01     (0.11)                     0.35

THREE MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1999                                                                           (IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            Gas        Electric         Gas         Energy        Energy
                                                                     Exploration    Related      Related
                                        Distribution   Services     and Production  Services     Investments    Other          Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenue                                       281,384    190,435         35,021       36,235           451     -             543,526

Cost of Gas                                    96,819     -            -               9,326       -           -             106,145

Operations and
  Maintenance                                  92,050    111,120          6,326       27,817         1,764       565         239,642

Depreciation,Depletion & Amortization          24,351     10,337         17,972          653           336     5,734          59,383

Operating Taxes                                45,836     28,447            113      -                   1     2,748          77,145

   Billings                                       867     10,398       -             -             -         (11,265)            -
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Expense                                 259,923    160,302         24,411       37,796         2,101    (2,218)        482,315
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Income                               21,461     30,133         10,610       (1,561)       (1,650)    2,218          61,211


Earnings for Common Stock                       1,220     15,037          3,326         (851)        2,605    (7,038)         14,299

Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share             0.01       0.11           0.02        (0.01)         0.02     (0.05)           0.10