- ------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
KeySpan Corporation                                       For Immediate Release

Contacts:  Investors                Media
           Michael J. Taunton       Robert J. Mahony
           (718) 403-3265           (718) 403-2503


Brooklyn,  New York, July 26, 2001 -- KeySpan  Corporation  (NYSE: KSE) reported
earnings  of $22.1  million,  or $0.16 per share for the  quarter,  excluding  a
special  charge  announced  last week of $30.1  million  after tax, or $0.22 per
share,  compared to $47.1 million, or $0.35 per share earned for the same period
a year ago.

For the six-months ended June 30, 2001,  earnings were $245.4 million,  or $1.79
per share,  excluding the special charge,  compared to $210.6 million,  or $1.57
per share for the same  period last year -- an  increase  of $34.8  million,  or
$0.22 per share. The primary drivers of this increase are growth in our core gas
distribution  business,  including the newly acquired New England gas companies,
and our gas exploration and production activities.

Earnings for the quarter were  adversely  affected by the special  charge in the
unregulated  Energy Services  segment as the result of the operations of the Roy
Kay  companies.  Including  this special  charge,  earnings  were a loss of $8.0
million,  or $0.06 per  share,  for the second  quarter,  and a profit of $215.3
million, or $1.57 per share, for the year to date. Year to date diluted earnings
were $1.55 per share.

"Although we are  disappointed  with the need to take a special  charge,  we are
pleased with the results of our operations and the  implementation of our growth
strategy. Except for the Roy Kay companies, our Energy Services acquisitions are
on target.  The performance of our gas distribution  business continues to excel
as we successfully integrate the operations of our gas distribution acquisitions
and achieve our  synergy-savings  targets.  Our gas  exploration  and production
segment has increased production by approximately 20% this year, and the segment
continues  to  provide  significant  value  to  shareholders.  We have a  strong
position  in the New  York  electric  market,  and our  energy  investments  are
providing a  significant  contribution.  Based on this  platform  for  continued
growth and our strong first-half results, we are confident that we will continue
to deliver strong earnings in the future."

Major  highlights of the second  quarter and  year-to-date  results  reported as
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) are as follows:

o    The Gas  Distribution  segment  had  EBIT in the  second  quarter  of $18.9
     million,  compared to $25.2 million in the second quarter last year. Second
     quarter earnings were adversely  impacted by the anticipated  seasonal loss
     recorded  by our New  England  companies,  which were not  included in last
     year's results. For the six-month period, this business segment had EBIT of
     $350.5  million,  up 45%  from  $242.1  million  last  year.  The  improved
     performance,  on a year to date basis, reflects the winter heating sales as
     a result of the  acquisition  of the New  England  gas  companies,  and the
     continued  significant  gas-sales  growth  resulting from the high level of
     conversions  from oil to gas in New York and on Long Island.  This year, we
     have completed  approximately 20,000 gas installations,  adding $25 million
     in new gross profit margin-more than a 20% increase over last year.

o    The  Electric  Services  segment  had EBIT in the  second  quarter of $56.2
     million,  compared to $59.9 million for the same period last year.  Year to
     date,  EBIT was $114.3  million  compared to $132.0  million last year. The
     decrease  of $17.7  million on a year to date basis is due,  primarily,  to
     lower  revenues from the  provision of ancillary  services and, to a lesser
     extent, lower New York City electricity volumes and prices.

o    Energy Services had EBIT of $8.1 million for the quarter, and $10.1 million
     year to date,  excluding the special charge,  compared to EBIT of $32.8 for
     the quarter,  and $31.2 million for the year to date in 2000.  The decrease
     for both the quarter and year to date was due to the  operations of the Roy
     Kay companies,  as well as lower revenues from KeySpan Energy Supply, Inc.,
     which provides intercompany energy procurement and fuel management services
     to our electric generating business.  Including the charge, Energy Services
     had a loss of $45.5  million for the quarter,  and a loss of $43.5  million
     year to date.

o    The Energy  Investments  segment,  which  includes  our gas  exploration  &
     production   operations,   as  well  as  our  gas   processing  &  pipeline
     investments,  had quarterly EBIT results of $59.7  million,  as compared to
     $26.6  million  for the  same  quarter  last  year.  EBIT  results  for the
     six-month period were $137.7 million,  as compared to $47.4 million for the
     same period last year.

o    Gas exploration and production operations, primarily from our 68% ownership
     in The Houston  Exploration  Company,  contributed  quarterly EBIT of $44.0
     million, compared to $22.6 million for the quarter last year. Year-to-date,
     exploration and production  contributed $109.5 million in EBIT versus $36.3
     million  in  2000.  Year  to  date,  our  gas  exploration  and  production
     activities  benefited  significantly  from  a 20%  increase  in  production
     volumes  and an 87%  increase  in  natural-gas  commodity  prices.  Houston
     Exploration has hedged up to 70% of this year's production.

o    KeySpan's  other energy  investments,  including  Canadian  mid-stream  gas
     processing   plants,   gas  pipelines,   and  an  in-land  barge  business,
     contributed  $15.7  million  to EBIT in the  quarter  as  compared  to $4.0
     million in the same  period  last year.  For the  six-month  period,  these
     investments  contributed  EBIT of $28.2 million as opposed to $11.1 million
     last year, as a result of improved operations and the contribution from the
     in-land barge business.

Earnings Outlook

For 2001,  excluding the special charge incurred in our Energy Services segment,
the Company has revised its  earnings  forecast to a range of $2.50 to $2.60 per
share,  and expects to be toward the middle of this range.  Due to the  seasonal
nature  of our gas  business,  we  expect  to  report a small  loss in the third
quarter,  with the balance of  earnings  to be  achieved in the fourth  quarter.
Based on these strong earnings,  we fully intend to maintain our dividend at the
current annual rate of $1.78 per share.

Looking to the future,  Mr. Catell said, "Our strategies to grow our Company are
working. We focus on our customers,  and have enhanced our competitive advantage
by developing  innovative  ways to serve them. The increased  demand for natural
gas is a big plus  for all our  business  segments,  from  gas  conversions,  to
gas-fired  electric  generation.  As part of our  overall  strategy  to grow our
electric-generating  business,  we have recently  announced plans to install two
LM6000  generating units at our Glenwood facility that will provide 79 megawatts
of electricity on Long Island next year. We also plan to build two  250-megawatt
plants,  one in New York City and one on Long Island,  expected to be on line in
2003 and 2004, respectively.  The fundamentals of our business are in place; our
focus is the growth of our Company and further  demonstrating  our commitment to
increasing shareholder value."

A member of the Standard & Poor's 500 index,  KeySpan Corporation (NYSE: KSE) is
the largest  distributor of natural gas in the  Northeast,  with 2.5 million gas
customers  and  more  than  13,000  employees.   KeySpan  is  also  the  largest
investor-owned  electric  generator in New York State and operates Long Island's
electric  system under contract with the Long Island Power Authority for its 1.1
million  customers.  With  headquarters  in  Brooklyn,  Boston and Long  Island,
KeySpan also manages a dynamic  portfolio of service  companies.  They  include:
KeySpan Energy Delivery,  the group of regulated natural gas utilities;  KeySpan
Home Energy Services,  a group of energy product,  repair and services companies
for residential and small commercial  business  customers;  and KeySpan Business
Solutions, a full-service group of energy product, repair and services companies
for  larger  business  customers.  KeySpan  also has  strategic  investments  in
natural-gas exploration and production,  pipeline  transportation,  distribution
and storage, Canadian gas processing and fiber-optic cable. For more information
about the company, visit KeySpan's Web site at:

Certain  statements  contained  herein  are  forward-looking  statements,  which
reflect  numerous  assumptions and involve a number of risks and  uncertainties.
Actual results may differ  materially from those  discussed in such  statements.
Among the factors  that could cause  actual  results to differ  materially  are:
general  economic  trends;  fluctuations in gas and electric  prices;  available
sources  and  costs of fuel;  State  and  Federal  regulatory  initiatives  that
increase  competition,  threaten cost and investment  recovery,  and impact rate
structures;  the  ability  of  the  company  to  successfully  reduce  its  cost
structure;  the  ability  of the  company  to  successfully  integrate  acquired
operations;  the degree to which the  company  develops  non-regulated  business
ventures; the effect of inflationary trends and increases in interest rates; and
risks  detailed  from time to time in reports and other  documents  filed by the
company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Earnings Conference Call: Investors are invited to participate in the
KeySpan Corporation 2001 Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call on
      Thursday, July 26, at 11:30 a.m. (EST)
      Dial Number: 888-552-7850
      Replay Number: 800-642-1687
      Access Code: 1178572

      For more information, contact:
        Media - (718) 403-2503
        Investors - (718) 403-3265

                               KeySpan Corporation

               (In Thousands of Dollars, Except Per Share Amounts)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Three Months       Three Months       Six Months        Six Months
                                      Ended              Ended             Ended             Ended
                                June 30, 2001      June 30, 2000      June 30, 2001    June 30, 2000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Gas Distribution            $          620,685 $          361,540 $       2,374,478  $     1,166,243
  Electric Services                      357,904            388,695           701,276          723,099
  Energy Services                        232,771            137,895           551,944          264,375
  Energy Investments                     211,657             59,458           436,954          110,484
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Revenues                         1,423,017            947,588         4,064,652        2,264,201
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Expenses
  Purchased gas for resale               348,349            167,736         1,545,707          576,783
  Fuel & purchased power                 146,357            102,414           289,657          172,991
  Operations & maintenance               585,539            378,986         1,144,219          734,465
  Depreciation, depletion
   & Amortization                        127,415             73,810           264,798          143,391
  Operating taxes                        103,621             91,118           248,880          206,541
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses               1,311,281            814,064         3,493,261        1,834,171
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income                         111,736            133,524           571,391          430,030

Other Income & (Deductions)              (16,597)             2,697            (8,393)          14,632
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Before Interest
 Charges & Income Taxes                   95,139            136,221           562,998          444,662

Interest Charges                          94,487             36,930           191,439           81,055
Income Taxes                               7,177             45,925           153,309          137,997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income (Loss)                         (6,525)            53,366           218,250          225,610
Preferred stock
 dividend requirements                     1,476              6,286             2,952           14,977
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings (Loss)
 for Common Stock             $           (8,001)$           47,080 $         215,298  $       210,633
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basic Earnings (Loss)
 Per Common Share             $            (0.06)$             0.35 $            1.57  $          1.57
Diluted Earnings (Loss)
 Per Common Share             $            (0.06)$             0.35 $            1.55  $          1.57
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Common Shares
 Outstanding (000)                       137,916            133,889           137,438          133,881

Average Common Shares
Outstanding - Diluted (000)              139,361            134,482           138,872          134,480

                                                                KeySpan Corporation
                                                                Segment Information
                                                        Three Months Ended June 30 , 2001
                                                             (In Thousands of Dollars)
                                                                Energy Investments
                          Gas Distribution Electric  Gas Exploration  Other     Energy     Total Operating    Recon-  Total Consoli-
                                           Services  & Production   Investments Services      Segments      ciliations    dation

 Unaffiliated Revenuse          620,685   357,904       119,659       91,998   232,771       1,423,017             -      1,423,017
 Intersegment Revenues                -         -             -            -    12,508          12,508       (12,508)             -
                                620,685   357,904       119,659       91,998   245,279       1,435,525       (12,508)     1,423,017

 Operation Expenses
 Purchased Gas                  328,487         -             -            -    19,862         348,349             -        348,349

 Purchased Fuel                       -    74,327             -            -    72,030         146,357             -        146,357

 Operations & Maintenance       158,356   178,571        10,959       66,334   195,602         609,822       (24,283)       585,539

 Depreciation, Depletion &
   Amortizations                 62,753    12,716        33,419       10,108     3,518         122,514         4,901        127,415

 Operating Taxes                 57,325    38,365         2,323        3,908       186         102,107         1,514        103,621


 Total Operating Expenses       606,921   303,979        46,701       80,350   291,198       1,329,149       (17,868)     1,311,281

 Operating Income                13,764    53,925        72,958       11,648   (45,919)        106,376         5,360        111,736

 Other Income &
   (Deductions)                   5,160     2,225       (29,001)       4,085       429         (17,102)          505        (16,597)

 Income Before Interest
  Charges & Income Taxes         18,924    56,150        43,957       15,733   (45,490)         89,274         5,865         95,139

                                                                KeySpan Corporation
                                                                Segment Information
                                                        Three Months Ended June 30 , 2000
                                                               (In Thousands of Dollars)
                                                                  Energy Investments
                          Gas Distribution Electric  Gas Exploration  Other     Energy     Total Operating    Recon-  Total Consoli-
                                           Services  & Production   Investments Services      Segments      ciliations    dation
 Unaffiliated Revenuse          361,540    388,695            57,842      1,490   137,895   947,462             126        947,588
 Intersegment Revenues                -          -                 -          -    32,158    32,158         (32,158)             -
                                361,540    388,695            57,842      1,490   170,053   979,620         (32,032)       947,588

 Operation Expenses
 Purchased Gas                  155,997         -                  -          -    11,739   167,736               -        167,736

 Purchased Fuel                       -     72,772                 -          -    29,642   102,414               -        102,414

 Operations & Maintenance       104,188    201,913            10,169      3,197    92,687   412,154         (33,168)       378,986

 Depreciation, Depletion &
  Amortizations                  30,072     12,296            22,246        624     2,399    67,637           6,173         73,810

 Operating Taxes                 48,994     37,695               254        187         -    87,130           3,988         91,118

 Total  Operating Expenses      339,251    324,676            32,669      4,008   136,467   837,071         (23,007)       814,064

 Operating Income                22,289     64,019            25,173     (2,518)   33,586   142,549          (9,025)       133,524

 Other Income &
 (Deductions)                     2,874     (4,106)           (2,582)     6,572      (799)    1,959             738          2,697

 Income Before Interest
  Charges& Income Taxes          25,163     59,913            22,591      4,054    32,787   144,508          (8,287)       136,221

                                                                KeySpan Corporation
                                                                Segment Information
                                                        Six Months Ended June 30 , 2001
                                                            (In Thousands of Dollars)
                                                               Energy Investments

                           Gas Distribution Electric  Gas Exploration  Other     Energy     Total Operating   Recon-  Total Consoli-
                                            Services  & Production   Investments Services      Segments     ciliations    dation

 Unaffiliated Revenues           2,374,478   701,276         250,365     186,589   551,944       4,064,652          -     4,064,652
Intersegment Revenues                    -         -               -           -    21,388          21,388    (21,388)            -
                                 2,374,478   701,276         250,365     186,589   573,332       4,086,040    (21,388)    4,064,652

 Operation Expenses
 Purchased Gas                   1,433,796         -               -       2,739   109,172       1,545,707          -     1,545,707

 Purchased Fuel                          -   153,654               -           -   136,003         289,657          -       289,657

 Operations & Maintenance          320,127   331,536          29,882     137,627   356,001       1,175,173    (30,954)    1,144,219

 Depreciation, Depletion &
   Amortization                    130,213    25,283          67,052      20,080    12,845         255,473      9,325       264,798

 Operating Taxes                   149,124    81,669           2,562       6,726     3,799         243,880      5,000       248,880


 Total  Operating Expenses       2,033,260   592,142          99,496     167,172   617,820       3,509,890    (16,629)    3,493,261

 Operating Income                  341,218   109,134         150,869      19,417   (44,488)        576,150     (4,759)      571,391

 Other Income and
 (Deductions)                        9,312     5,196         (41,394)      8,793       957         (17,136)     8,743        (8,393)

 Income Before Interest

 Income Before Interest

 Charges & Income Taxes            350,530   114,330         109,475      28,210   (43,531)        559,014      3,984       562,998

                                                                KeySpan Corporation
                                                                Segment Information
                                                        Six Months Ended June 30 , 2000
                                                              (In Thousands of Dollars)
                                                               Energy Investments

                           Gas Distribution Electric  Gas Exploration  Other     Energy     Total Operating   Recon-  Total Consoli-
                                            Services  & Production   Investments Services      Segments     ciliations    dation

 Unaffiliated Revenues          1,166,243   723,099      107,218       3,001   264,375       2,263,936             265     2,264,201
 Intersegment Revenues                  -         -            -           -    32,158          32,158         (32,158)            -
                                1,166,243   723,099      107,218       3,001   296,533       2,296,094         (31,893)    2,264,201

 Operation Expenses
 Purchased Gas                    530,629         -            -           -    46,154         576,783               -       576,783

 Purchased Fuel                         -   140,649            -           -    32,342         172,991               -       172,991

 Operations & Maintenance         218,492   345,291       21,648       4,854   181,412         771,697         (37,232)      734,465

 Depreciation, Depletion &
    Amortization                   57,368    24,561       43,249       1,008     4,585         130,771          12,620       143,391

 Operating Taxes                  124,490    77,185          792         192         -         202,659           3,882       206,541

 Total  Operating Expenses        930,979   587,686       65,689       6,054   264,493       1,854,901         (20,730)    1,834,171

 Operating Income                 235,264   135,413       41,529      (3,053)   32,040         441,193         (11,163)      430,030

 Other Income &
 (Deductions)                       6,832    (3,373)      (5,195)     14,086      (816)         11,534           3,098        14,632

 Income Before Interest
  Charges & Income Taxes          242,096   132,040       36,334      11,033    31,224         452,727          (8,065)      444,662