Exhibit 99.1

                  Presentation to the American Gas Association

                          Financial Forum - May 8, 2006

                           "Executing on our Strategy"

Cover Page (G Laskaris)

o    Welcome

o    Introduce KeySpan Attendees

o    Handout - Folder

o    Presentation

o    1Q `05 Press Release

o    Fact Sheet

o    Presentation  Format -- Robert Fani and Gerry  Luterman will be presenting,
     this afternoon.  The presentation  content will include a discussion of the
     planned  acquisition  of KeySpan by  National  Grid,  our  strategy,  first
     quarter results and a financial  update.  After the  presentations  we will
     open the floor to questions. Also with us today are Wally Parker, President
     of  KeySpan  Energy  Delivery  and  Customer  Relationship  Group and Steve
     Zelkowitz,  President  of Energy  Assets and Supply.  I'd also like to note
     that Bob Catell was not able to join us today as he is being honored by the
     Grads  Foundation  with the advocate for youth award.  He sends his regrets
     and warm regards.

Now, Bob Fani will kick-off the presentation.


Slide 1- Acquisition Overview
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Thanks George and Good afternoon. Today, I'd like begin by reviewing the details
of the acquisition of KeySpan by National Grid.

As most of you already  know,  on February 27, 2006,  KeySpan and National  Grid
announced a definitive  agreement under which National Grid will acquire KeySpan
in an all cash deal, at a price of $42 per share.

The terms of the  agreement  value  KeySpan at $7.3 billion  with an  enterprise
value of $11.8 billion.

We expect the transaction to close by early 2007.

At that time, Bob Catell will become Executive Chairman of National Grid USA and
Deputy Chairman of National Grid PLC

Slide 2 - Excellent Strategic Fit
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This  transaction is an excellent  strategic and  operational  fit with National
Grid's existing presence in the Northeast. Looking at the map, KeySpan's service
territory  is in states where  National  Grid already has a presence and in many
places the  service  areas are  contiguous.  National  Grid and KeySpan are both
focused on energy delivery.

The transaction  will create a combined  company which will be the third largest
energy  provider  in the  United  States and part of one of the  largest  global
energy delivery  companies in the world. The acquisition is a natural  extension
of National Grid's growth strategy.


KeySpan's   strong   operational   track  record  and  good  growth   prospects,
particularly in the diversified, strong and growing Long Island and metropolitan
areas,  provide an excellent  foundation  for continued  economic  growth.  This
growth  potential  will be  enhanced  by  becoming  part  of one of the  largest
investor owned utilities in the world.

This  acquisition  will double the size of National  Grid's  U.S.  business  and
strengthen  and  consolidate  National  Grid's  presence in the  Northeast.  The
expanded company will have 4.4 million electric and 3.4 million gas customers.

As the third largest utility in the U.S., the new company will:

o    Have access to greater working capital for investments

o    Will leverage best practices and new technologies to improve services

o    Use their  size and scale to bring  important  infrastructure  projects  to

KeySpan  feels that  since the  timing is  favorable  from both  regulatory  and
economic vantage points, it makes sense for all our  constituents,  that we move
forward now.

National  Grid's  all-cash offer for KeySpan will provide our  shareholders  the
best return on their investment,  with an immediate premium. And from a customer
perspective,  both companies have an impressive track record in delivering safe,
reliable, efficient, low-cost service.


Slide 3 - Primary Approvals Required
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There are five  approvals  required,  four of them are  regulatory,  before  the
transaction can close.  We filed our  preliminary  proxy statement on April 28th
and are currently  working on our regulatory  filings with a goal of filing them
in the next two months.  The major state regulatory  approvals  required include
the New  York  State  PSC  and the New  Hampshire  PUC.  The  Massachusetts  DTE
historically has not required filings connected with indirect changes of control
of regulated entities.  The major federal filings include a FERC filing required
under the  Federal  Power  Act and a  Department  of  Justice  filing  under the
Hart-Scott-Rodino act.

Although LIPA approval is not required,  new ownership allows LIPA the option to
consider terminating the contracts it currently has with KeySpan.  National Grid
and KeySpan have been holding discussions with LIPA concerning the impact of the
transaction on LIPA's operations.

Slide 4 - Integration Approach
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The integration process has already started.  Teams have been set up to evaluate
eight  functional  areas  in  both  companies.  Mobilization  of the  teams  has
commenced and a consultant has been selected to assist in the process.

One of the main reasons  National  Grid was  interested  in a  transaction  with
KeySpan is our growth story.


Slide 5 - Foundation for Growth
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We have created a strong foundation for our businesses, which have the advantage
of attractive core markets and superior growth opportunities:

o    We have a focused strategy;

o    With businesses that have a conservative risk profile,  and o the financial
     strength to continue to execute on our strategy.

I'd like to take a few  minutes to go into a little  more depth  concerning  our
focused strategy

Slide 6 - KeySpan's Focused Strategy
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We are focused on a very basic  strategy to achieve  organic  growth through our
two core  businesses:  our  regulated gas  distribution  business and our energy
assets portfolio.  Both of these businesses are  well-positioned in markets with
substantial growth opportunities.

In our gas distribution business, we will aggressively continue to implement our
customer strategy of adding new customers  efficiently to drive net revenues and
increase margins.

This business has unique  organic growth  potential in our service  territories,
which benefit from operating in markets with strong  customer  demographics  and
relatively low gas saturation levels.

And we  have  developed  enhanced  marketing  programs  to  pursue  high  margin
customers  and  specific  ethnic  groups.  In  addition to gas  heating,  we are
offering other new products and services to further improve our profitability.


Our second core  business - our Energy Assets and Supply - includes our electric
generation portfolio, our recently restructured T&D management contract, as well
as the complementary  assets that support our businesses.  Our generation assets
operate in the highly  desirable  load-pocket  electric markets of New York City
and Long Island.

We have the  opportunity  for growth through the continued  optimization  of our
existing asset portfolio,  including our contractual assets, as well as building
or acquiring additional strategic assets in this region.

And  while  implementing  this  strategy  of  focusing  on our gas and  electric
businesses .....

Slide 7 - Establishment a of More Conservative Business Mix
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....We have  established  a more  conservative  business  mix. We have exited our
higher risk investments  with the sales of our two major non-core  businesses in
2004 and 2005,  enhancing our risk profile. As you can see, KeySpan's assets are
now concentrated in the gas distribution and electric services segment, with 98%
of KeySpan's  projected  operating income coming from regulated,  contractual or
load pocket businesses with stable cash flows.

Now I'd like to review  KeySpan's  first quarter  earnings,  which were released
last Thursday.


Slide 8 - KeySpan 1st Quarter Results
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KeySpan  announced on Thursday  first  quarter 2006 earnings of $1.19 per share,
compared to $1.45 per share last year.  These results  reflect the impact of the
extremely  warm weather  experienced  in 2006 as compared to the very cold first
quarter last year which impacted our gas distribution results. In addition, they
reflect  the  $0.10  per  share  dilutive  impact  of the  12.1  million  shares
associated  with the MEDs Equity  Units in May 2005.  The strong  results of the
electric services segment partially mitigated the effect of the warm weather. In
addition,  our energy services segment saw an improvement of approximately  $2.5
million over last year due to increased profitability.

I am happy to report that in spite of the warm  weather and high gas prices,  we
continued to grow our gas business  through the addition of new  customers,  and
are on target to achieve our $50 million GPM goal.

Now I will turn it over to Gerry who will review our gas and  electric  segments
and our financial position.


Slide 9 - Gas Distribution 1st Quarter Review
- ---------------------------------------------

Thanks Bob.   Turning now to our gas distribution business...

We reported lower operating income of $336 million compared to $392 million last
year.  As Bob  mentioned,  the gas segment was  impacted by the very warm winter
experienced as well as higher gas prices. Weather was 15% warmer than last year,
and in January,  which is normally  one of our coldest  months,  weather was 30%
warmer than last year. And on top of that , gas prices were 32% higher than last
year.  Both of these  resulted in lower use per customer.  And this includes the
$25 million positive impact of the weather  normalization  clause we have in New
York and Long Island.

Slide 10 - Strong Customer Additions in 1st Q
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Despite  the impact from the warm  weather  and very high gas prices,  which are
passed  through to our  customers,  the Company did achieve  strong results from
organic growth across all its territories.  We exceeded our goal for the quarter
by adding  9,600 gas  installations  or  approximately  $9  million in new gross
profit margin... putting us on track to achieving our $50 million in GPM for the

This shows that the fundamentals of the gas segment remain strong.

The  foundation  for  our  growth  continues  to be the  unique  organic  growth
opportunity in both the  residential and business  markets...  with a saturation
level of about  50% in our  residential  market,  and  approximately  60% in our
business  market.  Through  these  markets  we have  over 1  million  prospects,
representing approximately $1 billion in potential gross profit margin.


With such low saturation levels, growth can continue well into the future.

And as always,  we continued to provide our customers  with  excellent  reliable

Slide 11 - Collections in Gas Distribution
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Another impact of the high gas prices is an increase in uncollectibles.  We have
implemented several aggressive  programs to manage this increase.  We stepped up
our collection  efforts,  including an early referral program,  which has a more
aggressive outbound calling process and field collection effort.

This program has shown success,  as  demonstrated by the decrease in A/R greater
than 90 days as a percentage  of revenue,  as compared to last year.  This is an
important  metric for aging  receivables,  and an item that we will  continue to
actively manage. In the first quarter,  accounts  receivable (over 90 days) as a
percent of revenues decreased over 23% from the same period in 2005.

As you can see,  results  for the first  quarter  of 2006 are proof  that we are
successfully managing collections.

Now let's move on to our electric business,


Slide 12 - Electric Services 1Q Review
- --------------------------------------

First quarter Electric Services  Operating Income rose 28% over the same period,
last year.

This  segmented  benefited  primarily  from the  increase  in energy  margins of
approximately $38 million from the Ravenswood  generating plant. The increase in
margins  benefited from the dual fuel nature of the Ravenswood  plant and due to
our strategy of locking in favorable margins in the New York City region.  These
higher  energy  margins  were  partially  offset by lower  capacity  revenues at
Ravenswood due to new installed generation in New York City.

KeySpan's two core businesses are supported by  infrastructure  investments.  We
currently have two projects underway, Islander East and Millennium pipelines. .

Slide 13 - Growth Investments in Gas Infrastructure
- ---------------------------------------------------

KeySpan has increased its interest in the  Millennium  pipeline  project to 26%.
This  pipeline  will help bring new  supplies of natural gas to New York and the
Northeast  from  Central  United  States and Canada.  The total  project cost is
approximately  $650  million,  and  KeySpan  and other  utilities  have  already
contracted for over 75% of capacity. The review process by FERC is underway, and
we look forward to this project being in service in 2008.

Secondly,  our Islander East  pipeline  project will increase gas supply to Long
Island  with 265  million  cubic feet per day.  It has a total  project  cost of
approximately  $250 million with an in service date of late 2007/early  2008. We
are continuing to work on obtaining the final water permit.  Oral arguments were
held in April on the constitutional  and  jurisdictional  issues associated with
this project. We are hopeful for a favorable decision.


Turning now to our financials.

Slide 14 - Financial Focus
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I'd like to review KeySpan's financial position and strategy, which supports the
growth of our company.

We are focused on continuing to improve  profitability  as we grow, and maintain
our strong balance sheet  consistent  with our `A' quality  credit  rating.  Our
strong and  reliable  cash flows from core  operations  will  ensure our current
dividend and its growth as well as  maintenance  capex.  This has been our focus
and will continue as we pursue our corporate growth strategy.

Slide 15 - Strengthening the Balance Sheet
- ------------------------------------------

....The Debt to Capitalization ratio has come down from 67% at the end of 2002 to
49% as of March 31, 2006.

We are  very  comfortable  with  these  levels  in the  high  40's to low  50's,
considering  our low business risk profile.  This is also reflected in the tight
spreads our bonds  command in their markets - they fully reflect our "A" quality
credit  ratings.  The bottom line -- our balance sheet is well-poised to support

In addition,  we are  projecting  minimal  borrowing this year and further ratio


Slide 16 - Cash Flow / Capital Expenditures
- -------------------------------------------

Looking more closely at our financial projections...

Our estimated 2006 net cash flow from core operations - given normal weather and
before capex for new investments and gas growth, is expected to improve by about
$25 million in 2006, covering both our maintenance capex and the newly-increased
dividend.  Our maintenance capex is related to  infrastructure  work required in
order to deliver energy reliably and safely to our customers.

We are off to a great  start in the first  quarter as we realized an increase of
$152 million in cash flow from operations.

And now turning to our dividend

Slide 17 - Solid Dividend
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Consistent  with the  strength of our cash flows and strong  balance  sheet,  we
increased our dividend to $1.86 per share starting  February 1st. We realize the
importance of the dividend and its increase to our  shareholders and this is the
second consecutive dividend increase.

We are currently providing a yield of approximately 4.5%, which is comparatively
higher than both the S&P 500 and Utility indices.

We remain  committed to our dividend,  recognizing it as a key part of KeySpan's
overall return to shareholders.

In closing, we will work this year to continue to grow KeySpan as we prepare for
our transaction with National Grid.
