Exhibit 99.1

                                STATE OF NEW YORK
                            PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION

CASE 06-M-0878 -    Joint Petition of National Grid PLC and KeySpan  Corporation
                    for  Approval  of Stock  Acquisition  and  other  Regulatory

CASE 06-G-1185 -    Proceeding  on Motion  of the  Commission  as to the  Rates,
                    Charges,  Rules and  Regulations  of The Brooklyn  Union Gas
                    Company  d/b/a  KeySpan  Energy  Delivery  New  York for Gas

CASE 06-G-1186 -    Proceeding  on Motion  of the  Commission  as to the  Rates,
                    Charges,   Rules  and   Regulations   of  KeySpan  Gas  East
                    Corporation  d/b/a KeySpan  Energy  Delivery Long Island for
                    Gas Service.

                        MERGER & GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT
                                 JOINT PROPOSAL


         KeySpan Corporation
         The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a KeySpan Energy Delivery New York
         KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a KeySpan Energy Delivery Long Island
         National Grid plc
         Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
         Staff of the New York State Department of Public Service
         New York State Consumer Protection Board
         City of New York
         Public Utility Law Project
         International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Locals 97,
         And the Other Parties Executing Signature Pages

                                                           Dated:  July 6, 2007

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

A. Merger Synergy Savings and Costs to Achieve
B. Accelerated Rate Credit

Appendix 1 - List of Testimony and Exhibits to be Admitted
Appendix 2 - KEDNY Revenue Requirement
Appendix 3 - KEDLI Revenue Requirement
Appendix 4 - Corporate Structure and Affiliate Rules
Appendix 5 - Financial Protections
Appendix 6 - Net Synergy Savings

                        MERGER & GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT
                                 JOINT PROPOSAL

     This Merger & Gas Revenue  Requirement Joint Proposal ("Joint Proposal") is
made as of the 6th day of July, 2007 by and among KeySpan Corporation (KeySpan),
The Brooklyn Union Gas Company d/b/a KeySpan  Energy  Delivery New York (KEDNY),
KeySpan Gas East Corporation  d/b/a KeySpan Energy Delivery Long Island (KEDLI),
National Grid plc (National  Grid),  Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation  (Niagara
Mohawk),  the Staff of the New York State  Department of Public Service (Staff),
the New York State Consumer  Protection  Board, the City of New York, the Public
Utility Law Project,  the International  Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local
97, and the other parties executing  signature pages  (collectively  referred to
herein as "the Signatory Parties").  To the extent that a Signatory Party is not
supportive of a particular provision of the Joint Proposal, they have noted that
on their signature page(s).


     On July 20, 2006,  National  Grid and KeySpan filed with the New York State
Public  Service  Commission  (Commission)  a joint  petition  for  approval of a
proposed  acquisition  of the  stock of  KeySpan  by  National  Grid  and  other
regulatory approvals (Merger Filing). Case 06-M-0878 was instituted to provide a
process for the Commission to consider the petition. The Merger Filing was later

     On October 3, 2006,  KEDNY filed with the Commission  revised tariff leaves
intended to increase revenues from gas operations by approximately  $213 million
for the 12  month  period  ending  March  31,  2008  (KEDNY  Rate  Filing).  The
Commission  instituted  Case  06-G-1185 to consider  the KEDNY Rate Filing.  The
KEDNY Rate Filing was later  updated.  The revised  tariff  leaves are currently

     On October 3, 2006,  KEDLI filed with the Commission  revised tariff leaves
intended to increase revenues from gas operations by approximately  $159 million
for the 12  month  period  ending  March  31,  2008  (KEDLI  Rate  Filing).  The
Commission  instituted  Case  06-G-1186 to consider  the KEDLI Rate Filing.  The
KEDLI Rate Filing was later  updated.  The revised  tariff  leaves are currently

     All three of the  above-mentioned  cases are being  considered  on a common
evidentiary record.

     On November 9, 2006,  the Commission  issued an order  regarding the Merger
Filing  adopting  a negative  declaration  pursuant  to the State  Environmental
Quality  Review Act.  Accordingly,  no  environmental  impact  statement will be
prepared regarding the proposed merger.

     On May 31, 2007, a Joint  Proposal for Interim Energy  Efficiency  Programs
was executed by many of the parties to these  proceedings and was filed with the

     On May 11, 2007,  many of the parties to these  proceedings  announced that
they  had  reached  an  agreement  in  principle  on most  terms  of  three-year
"stand-alone" (absent a merger) rate plans for KEDNY and KEDLI (the "Stand-Alone
Rate Plans").  As of yet, a joint proposal setting forth in detail the terms for
which agreement in principle was reached has not been executed.


     This Joint Proposal  arises within the merger  proceeding in Case 06-M-0878
and the rate proceedings of KEDNY and KEDLI in Cases 06-G-1185 and 06-G-1186.  A
Notice of Impending  Negotiations  was sent to all persons  reasonably  known to
have an  interest  in the  outcome of  negotiations  and was duly filed with the
Secretary  by letter  dated  November  28,  2006.  After  notice to the parties,
settlement  conferences were held among the parties that desired to participate.
Settlement is now feasible because, after thorough investigation and discussion,
the Signatory  Parties hereto more fully understand  their respective  positions
and recognize that reasonable settlement of the discrete issues addressed herein
is possible.  The Signatory Parties hereto also believe that this Joint Proposal
will further the  objective  of giving fair  consideration  to the  interests of
customers  and utility  investors  alike in assuring  the  provision of safe and
adequate service at just and reasonable rates.


     Regarding the proposed merger,  this Joint Proposal  provides the framework
under which the Signatory  Parties can recommend that the acquisition of KeySpan
by National Grid could be approved as being in the public interest.  It provides
safeguards  regarding corporate structure and rules for affiliate  transactions.
It provides  protections  to preserve  the  financial  integrity of the affected
companies  and to help  ensure  access to capital by the utility  affiliates  on
reasonable  credit  terms.  It includes  provisions  to address  concerns  about
vertical market power by providing for divestiture and/or long-term  contracting
arrangements and other safeguards to ensure that transmission  system assets are
not managed in a manner that favors generation assets owned by affiliates to the
detriment of ratepayers.

     If the merger is  consummated,  this Joint Proposal  provides for five-year
revenue  requirement rate plans that provide  significant  economic  benefits to
KEDNY's and KEDLI's customers,  and provides for an allocation of merger synergy
savings to Niagara Mohawk customers.

     This  Joint  Proposal  does not  address  a number  of  issues  in the rate
proceedings  of KEDNY  and KEDLI in Cases  06-G-1185  and  06-G-1186  ("Reserved
Issues").  It is the intent of the  Signatory  Parties that the Reserved  Issues
will be addressed  either (a) in the intended  joint  proposal to Cases in Cases
06-G-1185 and 06-G-1186 setting forth in detail the terms for which agreement in
principle  was  reached  on May  11,  2007;  or (b)  in  "collaboratives"  to be
undertaken by the parties to Cases 06-G-1185 and 06-G-1186 regarding: (i) energy
efficiency  program design (the energy efficiency  collaborative will proceed in
general  accordance  with the  Joint  Proposal  for  Interim  Energy  Efficiency
Programs  filed  with  the  Commission  on  March  31,  2007);   and  (ii)  rate
design/revenue  decoupling/and  low income  revenue  allocation;  or (c) through
litigation at the evidentiary  hearings  currently  scheduled in Cases 06-G-1185
and 06-G-1186 for October 2007. Such Reserved Issues in the rate  proceedings of
KEDNY and KEDLI in Cases  06-G-1185  and  06-G-1186  not addressed in this Joint
Proposal include, among other matters:

     (a)  three-year "stand-alone" rate plans for KEDNY and KEDLI (if the merger
          is not consummated);

     (b)  site  investigation  & remediation  (SIR) costs for the remediation of
          manufactured  gas plant  (MGP)  sites,  potential  incentive  programs
          related thereto, and the potential recovery from electric customers of
          an  allocation of KEDLI SIR costs with the  understanding  that if the
          costs are not recovered from electric customers they will be recovered
          from KEDLI's customers;

     (c)  long-term energy efficiency program design,  performance  targets, and
          budgets  funded  by  a  surcharge  to  supersede  the  Interim  Energy
          Efficiency  Program  proposed in the May 31, 2007 Joint Proposal filed
          in Cases 06-G-1185 and 06-G-1186;


     (d)  revenue decoupling;

     (e)  institution of a low income rate program for KEDLI customers;

     (f)  revenue  allocation  and rate  design,  including  but not  limited to
          general rate design  changes,  further  development  of the low income
          rate programs at KEDNY and KEDLI, on-track and business incentive rate
          ("BIR") programs;

     (g)  retail access programs and rate unbundling;

     (h)  safety and reliability  performance  requirements and incentives (with
          the last year's values  continued  without  change until the next rate

     (i)  customer service quality performance requirements and incentives (with
          the last year's values  continued  without  change until the next rate

     (j)  lost and unaccounted for gas;

In addition to the above,  the following  issues  associated with the merger are
not addressed in this Joint Proposal. These issues (Merger Reserved Issues) will
be addressed in a second phase of this  proceeding.  The Merger  Reserved Issues
are the following:

     (a)  policies, procedures, and agreements for transactions among affiliates
          in compliance with the provisions of Appendix 4; and

     (b)  transfer of gas contracts to Service Company affiliate.


"Ravenswood Station" means the total electric production facilities owned and/or
leased by  KeySpan-Ravenswood,  LLC at its Queens, New York site in the New York
Independent System Operator's (NYISO's) Zone J. The Ravenswood Station includes:
the approximately  2,200 MW facility purchased from Consolidated  Edison Company
of New York, Inc. (Con Edison) in June 1999; the 250-MW  co-generation  facility
KeySpan-Ravenswood,  LLC  constructed  at the same site;  and any  expansion  in
production  facilities  in Zone J from  repowering  or other  means that will be
owned and/or leased by  KeySpan-Ravenswood,  LLC (or any  affiliate) or that the
revenues from which will in any way redound to  KeySpan-Ravenswood,  LLC (or any


"Zone J" means the New York City  geographical  area  designated by the New York
Independent System Operator (NYISO) as "Zone J," currently defined by electrical
transmission interfaces by the NYISO in its Transmission Services Manual.

"Rate Year One" means January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008.

"Rate Year Two" means January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.

"Rate Year Three" means January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.

"Rate Year Four" means January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.

"Rate Year Five" means January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.

"Stayout"  means  that the level of rates  established  pursuant  to this  Joint
Proposal and the other  provisions of this Joint  Proposal  remain  effective by
default,  without  change  or  reaffirmation  except  as  stated  in this  Joint
Proposal, beyond the last day of Rate Year Five.

"Rate  Period"  means Rate Year One  through  Rate Year Five,  plus any  Stayout


     1. It is  understood  that each  provision  of this  Joint  Proposal  is in
consideration  and support of all of the other provisions of this Joint Proposal
and is expressly  conditioned  upon approval of the terms of this Joint Proposal
in full by the  Commission.  If the Commission  fails to adopt the terms of this
Joint Proposal,  the parties to the Joint Proposal shall be free to pursue their
respective positions in these proceedings without prejudice.

     2. With the  exception of any  agreements  that may pertain to the Reserved
Issues  identified  above,  this Joint Proposal contains the entire agreement of
the Signatory  Parties regarding the matters contained herein and supersedes and
replaces any and all prior or  contemporaneous  written and verbal agreements or

     3. The  Signatory  Parties,  , have agreed upon the  testimony and exhibits
that should be admitted into evidence to constitute  the  evidentiary  record in
these proceedings that supports this Joint Proposal, the results of which is set
forth in "Appendix 1" attached hereto and made a part of this Joint Proposal.

     4. The Signatory  Parties believe that the record in this proceeding  fully
justifies the approval of the terms of this Joint Proposal.  It is the intent of
the  Signatory  Parties  that the  provisions  of this  Joint  Proposal  will be
approved  by the  Commission  as being in the  public  interest.  The  Signatory
Parties  agree to submit  this Joint  Proposal  to the  Commission  along with a
request  that the  Commission  adopt  the  terms and  provisions  of this  Joint
Proposal as set forth herein.


     5. The Signatory  Parties agree that KEDNY and KEDLI will file tariffs in a
manner consistent with the terms of this Joint Proposal.

     6. Nothing in this Joint Proposal  shall prohibit the Commission  (upon its
own motion or upon motion of an interested  party) from  exercising  its ongoing
statutory  authority  to act on the level of  KEDNY's  gas rates in the event of
unforeseen  circumstances  that,  in  the  Commission's  judgment,  have  such a
substantial  impact on the rate of return as to render  the return on the common
equity  devoted  to  KEDNY's  gas  operations  unreasonable,   unnecessary,   or
inadequate for the provision of safe and adequate service. Nothing in this Joint
Proposal shall prohibit the Commission (upon its own motion or upon motion of an
interested party) from exercising its ongoing statutory  authority to act on the
level of KEDLI's gas rates in the event of unforeseen circumstances that, in the
Commission's  judgment,  have such a substantial impact on the rate of return as
to render the  return on the common  equity  devoted to KEDLI's  gas  operations
unreasonable,  unnecessary, or inadequate for the provision of safe and adequate

     7.  Nothing  in this  Joint  Proposal  shall  prohibit  KEDNY or KEDLI from
implementing  changes to rates or charges,  in a manner to be  determined by the
Commission, as may be required by newly-enacted legislation or regulations.

     8. The Signatory  Parties  recognize that certain  provisions of this Joint
Proposal  contemplate actions to be taken in the future to effectuate fully this
Joint Proposal.  Accordingly, the Signatory Parties agree to cooperate with each
other in good faith in taking such actions.

     9. In the event of any disagreement  over the  interpretation of this Joint
Proposal or  implementation  of any of the  provisions  of this Joint  Proposal,
which  cannot  be  resolved   informally  among  the  Signatory  Parties,   such
disagreement  shall be  resolved  in the  following  manner:  (a) the  Signatory
Parties shall promptly convene a conference and in good faith attempt to resolve
any such  disagreement;  and (b) if any such disagreement  cannot be resolved by
the Signatory  Parties,  any  Signatory  Party may petition the  Commission  for
resolution of the disputed matter.

     10. This Joint  Proposal is being executed in  counterpart  originals,  and
shall be binding on all of the Signatory Parties when the counterparts have been


     11. This Joint Proposal represents a negotiated agreement and the terms and
provisions  of this Joint  Proposal  apply  solely  to, and are  binding on each
Signatory Party only in, the context of these proceedings. None of the positions
taken  herein  by any  Signatory  Party,  including  agreement  to the terms and
provisions  of this Joint  Proposal and any  methodology  or principle  utilized
herein,  may be cited or relied  upon in any fashion as  precedent  in any other
proceeding  before this Commission or before any other regulatory  agency or any
court of law for any purpose, except in furtherance of ensuring the effectuation
of the purposes and results of this Joint Proposal.

     12. If the merger is consummated, the rate plans provided for in this Joint
Proposal shall commence on the first day of January, 2008 (the first day of Rate
Year One) and shall  continue  through the last day of Rate Year Five,  plus any
Stayout period.  All of the provisions of this Joint Proposal regarding required
services  and programs  will  continue  beyond Rate Year Five on a  year-to-year
basis until modified by the Commission.  Unless otherwise  specified herein, any
targets,  goals,  deferral  thresholds  or other similar items set forth in this
Joint Proposal will continue  beyond Rate Year Five on a  year-to-year  basis at
the level set forth herein for Rate Year Five until modified by the Commission.


     Conditioned  on the terms  included in this Joint  Proposal,  the Signatory
Parties recommend the following  findings,  consents,  and approvals  associated
with the proposed merger between National Grid and KeySpan:

     (a)  The merger of KeySpan  Corporation,  a holding company owning directly
          or indirectly  the common stock of KEDNY and KEDLI,  which are natural
          gas  corporations,  and the common  stock of KeySpan  Generation  LLC,
          KeySpan-Ravenswood LLC, KeySpan-Port Jefferson Energy Center, LLC, and
          KeySpan-Glenwood  Energy Center, LLC, which are electric corporations,
          into a subsidiary of National  Grid plc is consistent  with the public
          interest and is approved under Section 70 of the Public Service Law.

     (b)  The merger of KeySpan  Corporation,  a holding company owning directly
          or indirectly the common stock of KeySpan Communications  Corporation,
          which  is a  telephone  corporation,  into  National  Grid  plc or its
          subsidiary  is  consistent  with the public  interest  and is approved
          under Sections 99 and 100 of the Public Service Law.


     (c)  Effective  on the  closing  of the  merger,  KEDNY and KEDLI may adopt
          fiscal  years  ending  March 31,  consistent  with the  National  Grid


     Effective on the closing of the merger,  National  Grid will  implement the
Corporate  Structure  and  Affiliate  Rules set forth in  "Appendix  4" attached
hereto and made a part of this Joint  Proposal.  Such  Corporate  Structure  and
Affiliate  Rules  will  continue  in effect  unless  and until  such time as the
Commission authorizes an express change.

     The Corporate  Structure and Affiliate  Rules  authorize  National Grid and
KeySpan  to  consolidate  their  service  companies  and to  adopt  the  general
allocation  approach  now in  place  for the  KeySpan  service  companies.  That
consolidation  will  occur  when the other  required  regulatory  approvals  are
received  and the  required  accounting  systems  are in  place.  At that  time,
National  Grid shall also file with the  Director  of  Accounting,  Finance  and
Economics revised policies,  procedures,  and agreements for transactions  among
affiliates in compliance with the provisions of Appendix 4 for KEDNY, KEDLI, and
Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation  ("Niagara  Mohawk").  That filing  shall be
treated as a Merger Reserved Issue under this Joint Proposal.  Any  disagreement
associated with the filing shall be referred to the Commission for decision.

     In the interim,  the National Grid Service Company shall execute agreements
with the KeySpan operating  companies to provide services after the Merger under
its approved allocation methods, and the KeySpan service companies shall execute
agreements with the National Grid operating  companies to provide services after
the Merger under their approved  allocation  methods.  These  agreements will be
filed with the Commission pursuant to Section 110 of the Public Service Law.


     Effective on the closing of the merger,  National  Grid will  implement the
financial  protections  for KEDNY and KEDLI set forth in  "Appendix  5" attached
hereto and made a part of this Joint Proposal.  Such financial  protections will
continue in effect  unless and until such time as the  Commission  authorizes an
expressed change.



A. Ravenswood Station

     If the merger is consummated, National Grid agrees to the following general
principles  regarding  vertical market power and its ownership of the Ravenswood

     (a)  National Grid agrees to the goal of divesting the  Ravenswood  Station
          in the manner described below;

     (b)  National  Grid agrees that in the period prior to  divestiture  of the
          Ravenswood Station, it shall take steps described below to assure that
          it is  financially  indifferent  to the price of energy in Zone J with
          respect to the output of the Ravenswood Station;

     (c)  National Grid will plan and operate its  transmission  system  without
          regard to the  financial  impacts  that such  actions  may have on the
          profitability of the Ravenswood Station; and

     (d)  National  Grid's  ownership of the  Ravenswood  Station will not alter
          National Grid's commitment to propose and build regulated transmission
          lines that are needed to provide  reliability or economic  benefits to
          customers in New York State.

     To  implement  the  above-stated   general  principles  if  the  merger  is
consummated, National Grid agrees that:

     (1)  By  January 1, 2008,  National  Grid will enter into a single  forward
          financial  sale  contract  for all the energy  output  from the entire
          Ravenswood  Station for up to a three-year  term. The contract will be
          subject to review by Staff to assure that the contract  complies  with
          the  intent of this  Joint  Proposal,  and does not  create any new or
          unanticipated  market power  concerns.  Any dispute  between Staff and
          National  Grid  regarding  the  contract  will  be  submitted  to  the
          Commission for resolution.

     (2)  No less  than  fourteen  months  prior  to the end of the  term of the
          financial sale  described in "(1)" above,  National Grid will issue an
          offering  document  requesting bids for the purchase of the Ravenswood
          Station. If National Grid wishes, it may also simultaneously  issue an
          offering  document   requesting  bids  for  an  alternative   backstop
          long-term  bilateral physical or financial contract (minimum 15 years)
          for all the products of the entire Ravenswood  Station. If the Federal
          Energy  Regulatory  Commission  (FERC)  does  not  allow  a  long-term
          bilateral  physical  contract  for  all  the  products  of the  entire
          Ravenswood   Station,   the  long-term   bilateral  physical  contract
          alternative  shall not be pursued.  If FERC does not allow a long-term
          bilateral  financial  contract  for all  the  products  of the  entire
          Ravenswood   Station,   the  long-term  bilateral  financial  contract
          alternative shall not be pursued. The Signatory Parties recognize that
          under  current FERC rules and the NYISO  Tariff  approval of bilateral
          financial contracts is not required.


     (3)  No less than six months prior to the end of the term of the  financial
          sale  described  in "(1)"  above,  National  Grid  will  file with the

          (a)  a petition  under  Section 70 of the Public  Service  Law seeking
               approval to sell the Ravenswood  Station to a  counterparty  that
               does not own any  electric  transmission  facilities  in New York
               State or any generation capacity in Zone J previously divested by
               Consolidated  Edison  (other than NYPA),  with the  understanding
               that such a sale would be subject to approval  by the  Commission
               and FERC on conditions that are reasonably acceptable to National
               Grid  and to the  purchaser,  it  being  the  expectation  of the
               Signatory  Parties  that  the  Commission's  review  of any  such
               Section  70  Petition  would be based on  substantially  the same
               standards and criteria as have been applied by the  Commission in
               reviewing  the  sale of other  generating  stations  divested  by
               Consolidated Edison operating in the New York City market; or

          (b)  a petition seeking approval for an alternative backstop long-term
               bilateral  physical or financial  contract (minimum 15 years) for
               all of the  products  of the  entire  Ravenswood  Station,  which
               petition will be subject to approval by the  Commission to assure
               that  such  contract  complies  with  the  intent  of this  Joint
               Proposal,  and does not  create any new or  unanticipated  market
               power concerns; or

          (c)  a statement  that  National  Grid has not accepted a proposal for
               either a  divestiture  or a long-term  contract  and,  therefore,
               commencing at the end of the term of the financial sale described
               in "(1)",  above,  the  revenues  from all of the products of the
               entire  Ravenswood   Station  (subject  to  the  FERC  qualifying
               provisions  in "(2)"  above)  that  exceed  the cost of  service,
               including an allowed return on investment set by the  Commission,
               will be  transferred  by National Grid and applied to the benefit
               of electric  ratepayers in Zone J in a manner to be determined by
               the Commission.

     (4)  In the  event  that  National  Grid  makes  either  of  the  petitions
          described in "3(a)" or "3(b)" above,  but the  Commission  rejects the
          petition or imposes  conditions that are unacceptable to the purchaser
          or  counterparty,  National  Grid will have a one-time  right to enter
          into a second contract for the sale of energy pursuant to "(1)" above,
          but only for a period of one year,  during  which time  National  Grid
          will repeat the process  described  in "(2)" and "(3)"  above,  except
          that the  fourteen-month  period  provided  for in "(2)" above will be
          reduced to eleven months.

     (5)  In the event that National Grid makes a second  petition  described in
          "3(a)" or "3(b)" above,  by exercising its rights in "(4)" above,  but
          the  Commission  rejects the petition or imposes  conditions  that are
          unacceptable to the purchaser or counterparty  for reasons that do not


          reflect  substantially  the same  standards  and criteria as have been
          applied by the  Commission in reviewing  the sale of other  generating
          stations  divested by  Consolidated  Edison  operating in the New York
          City market, National Grid, Staff and any interested party that wishes
          to attend will meet and determine whether there are additional options
          that could be considered in lieu of a cost-of-service approach.

     (6)  The revenues from all of the products of the entire Ravenswood Station
          that  exceed  the cost of  service,  including  an  allowed  return on
          investment set by the Commission, will be transferred by National Grid
          and  applied to the  benefit  of  electric  ratepayers  in Zone J in a
          manner to be determined by the Commission:

          (a)  commencing  January  1,  2008 if  National  Grid does not make an
               approved  financial  sale  described in "(1)" above by January 1,

          (b)  commencing  upon the  expiration of any approved  financial  sale
               described in "(1)" or second  financial  sale  described in "(4)"
               above unless  replaced by divestiture or an alternative  backstop
               long-term  bilateral  physical or financial  contract (minimum 15
               years) for all of the products of the entire Ravenswood  Station;

          (c)  commencing  upon  the  expiration  of  any  alternative  backstop
               long-term   bilateral   physical  or  financial  contract  unless
               replaced by divestiture or another alternative backstop long-term
               bilateral  physical or financial  contract (minimum 15 years) for
               all of the products of the entire Ravenswood Station.

     (7)  In the event  the  revenues  from all of the  products  of the  entire
          Ravenswood  Station  that  exceed the cost of  service,  including  an
          allowed  return  on  investment  set  by  the   Commission,   will  be
          transferred  by  National  Grid and applied to the benefit of electric
          ratepayers in Zone J in a manner to be  determined by the  Commission,
          the following shall apply:

          (a)  The cost of service  associated with the Ravenswood  Station will
               be  set  by  the  Commission  from  time  to  time  in  the  same
               substantive  manner as the  Commission  used when it set electric
               rates that included regulated costs for electric  generation with
               an equity  return  calculated  using the  average of the  Implied
               Return on the Standard & Poor's 500 and the Requied Return on the
               Standard & Poor's 500 as published in Merrill Lynch  Quantitative
               Profiles. .

          (b)  Staff  will have free  access  to all the  books and  records  of
               National Grid and its  affiliates  that relate to the  Ravenswood

          (c)  The rate base for the cost of service  will be based on KeySpan's
               purchase  price for the  Ravenswood  Station,  together  with any
               reasonable  investments made by KeySpan in the Ravenswood Station


               since  its  acquisition  of the  plant,  including  the  cost  of
               construction   of  KeySpan's  new  combined  cycle  plant,   less
               retirements  and   depreciation   assuming  that  the  Ravenswood
               combined cycle Unit 40 was financed in a manner that would be on-
               balance  sheet rather than financed  off-balance  sheet through a
               sale-lease-back transaction.

          (d)  The mechanism described above for calculating the cost of service
               associated with the Ravenswood Station,  and the transfer for the
               benefit of electric rate payers in Zone J of revenues that exceed
               the cost of service,  is not an establishment of "cost of service
               regulation"  and provides no recourse for  obtaining any revenues
               for electric ratepayers in Zone J.

          (e)  During the period that  revenues in excess of the cost of service
               are  directed to Zone J electric  ratepayers  as provided in this
               subsection,  National Grid will  implement the following  bidding

                    i.   Capacity will be bid at zero;

                    ii.  Energy  will be bid at the lower of  marginal  costs or
                         the NYISO reference price for the unit;

                    iii. Ancillary services will be bid at the lower of marginal
                         costs or the otherwise  applicable bid or price cap for
                         the unit.

     (8)  National  Grid will  provide  Staff  with  draft  and final  documents
          related to and will apprise Staff from time to time of the progress of
          all  offerings  described  above  (all  activities  in  "(2)"  above).
          National  Grid will  retain all offers and other  communications  from
          bidders and other potential  counterparties  for a minimum of one year
          after  National  Grid's  filing for  approval  of any  divestiture  or
          alternative   backstop  long-term   bilateral  physical  or  financial
          contract  (minimum  15 years)  for all of the  products  of the entire
          Ravenswood Station.

B.   Other Commitments

     1. For the  period  prior  to the  divestiture  of  Ravenswood  Station  in
accordance with Section 3(a) or the implementation of the alternative long-terms
bilateral physical or financial contract pursuant to Section 3(b):

          (a)  National  Grid agrees to continue  to examine the  necessity  and
     practicality of building  regulated  transmission  projects.  Additionally,
     National Grid in collaboration with Con Edison,  will perform,  or agree to
     perform,  a  feasibility  study and  stands  ready to enter into good faith
     negotiations with Con Edison and other interested parties to determine fair
     and reasonable recovery and allocation of costs if either or both utilities
     propose the New Scotland to Pleasant Valley  Reconstruction and Sprainbrook
     to Rainey 345 kV transmission project.


          (b) National Grid will continue to vote in the transmission segment in
     the NYISO  stakeholder  process,  and will vote on market rules in a manner
     designed  to  further  the  interests  of  its  electric  transmission  and
     distribution customers.

          (c) National Grid agrees to complete within 180 days of the closing of
     the  KeySpan  merger,  a  repowering  study  of the  Ravenswood  Generating
     Station,  particularly  investigating  the feasibility of retiring Units 10
     and 20,  which have a total of 750 MWs of steam  generating  capacity,  and
     replacing  them with new combined  cycle  generation  having  equivalent or
     greater capacity.

          (d)  Immediately  after  closing of the merger,  National Grid will be
     willing to enter  into good faith  negotiations  with  Consolidated  Edison
     Company of New York,  Inc.  (Con Edison) to the end of supplying Con Edison
     with a source of  economical  steam for resale to its steam  customers  and
     enabling  Con Edison to retire  the "A" House  steam  plant  located at the
     Ravenswood site.

     2. Unless modified by the Commission:

          (a)  National  Grid  will  not own or  develop  additional  generation
     facilities in New York State unless specifically  requested by LIPA or NYPA
     under a long term contract,  or unless such ownership or development occurs
     as a result of repowering its existing generation facilities.

          (b) National  Grid will not execute any new financial  swaps  (forward
     purchases of capacity) of any amount in Zone J. Financial sales of capacity
     equal to no more  than  the  total  available  capacity  at the  Ravenswood
     Station will be allowed.

          (c)  National  Grid  will  continue  to be bound  by the  Commission's
     vertical market power guidelines in any follow-on  transactions in New York
     State. If at any time it appears that any generation  facilities  currently
     under long term  contract to NYPA or LIPA will no longer be under long term
     contract to NYPA or LIPA due to contract expiration or otherwise,  National
     Grid will prepare and file with the  Commission  an analysis  demonstrating
     how its continued ownership of such generation  facilities conforms or does
     not conform with the Commission's vertical market power guidelines,  and if
     necessary, identifying conditions under which such ownership could conform.

          (d) KeySpan  (pre-closing) and National Grid (post-closing) agree that
     they each will respectively  work  cooperatively and in good faith with the
     City of New York and other parties to resolve  expeditiously issues pending
     at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission surrounding the capacity (UCAP)
     market in New York City (NYISO Zone J).



A. Overall Revenue Requirement

     If the merger is  consummated,  the  Signatory  Parties  have  agreed  upon
expense  and revenue  adjustments  to the KEDNY Rate Filing to be allowed as the
basis for calculating  revenue  requirement,  and a calculation of KEDNY revenue
requirement to be allowed as the basis for setting  rates,  the results of which
are set forth in  "Appendix  2"  attached  hereto  and made a part of this Joint
Proposal.  The calculation of revenue requirement  indicates no increase in base
KEDNY Gas Delivery  Service  Rates for Rate Year One,  Rate Year Two,  Rate Year
Three, Rate Year Four or Rate Year Five. The calculation of revenue requirement,
based  on  estimated  gas  costs,  indicates  an  increase  in  costs in the gas
adjustment  clause (GAC) of $26.7  million for Rate Year One, with no additional
increases,  other than minor inflationary increases  (approximately $300,000 per
year) on costs transferred to the GAC as part of rate unbundling,  indicated for
Rate  Year  Two,   Rate  Year   Three,   Rate  Year  Four  or  Rate  Year  Five.
Commodity-related  uncollectible  expense,  purchased  gas  working  capital and
return on gas in storage will be assigned  fixed  factors and will  reconcile to
actual gas costs. In addition,  one hundred percent of net savings (savings less
cost to achieve)  KEDNY  attains in its  combined  gas  resource  portfolio as a
result of the merger will flow to KEDNY gas commodity customers through the GAC.
KEDNY Gas Delivery Service revenue  requirement will remain frozen at the levels
reflected in Appendix 2 through the five rate years and  thereafter  through the
end of the Rate Period of this Joint  Proposal,  without  adjustment up or down,
except as  specifically  set forth in this Joint  Proposal.  Except as otherwise
provided  in this Joint  Proposal,  KEDNY  will not file new  tariff  leaves for
existing  services  designed  to produce  additional  annual  revenues to become
effective  prior to January 1, 2013.  KEDNY shall be allowed to file tariffs for
new services.

B. Merger Synergy Savings and Costs to Achieve

     The  calculation  of revenue  requirement in Section IX.A reflects the flow
through of 50 percent of the net synergy  savings  allocable to KEDNY as a share
of $156 million of estimated  annual mature  synergy  savings on the KeySpan and
National  Grid systems over the first five years of the merger,  which  excludes


efficiency  gains that could occur without the merger and gas commodity  savings
which will flow to ratepayers  through the various gas adjustment  clauses.  100
percent of efficiency  gains  applicable to KEDNY have been reflected  directly.
Following the  termination  of the Rate Period,  KEDNY's cost of service will be
based on its  costs,  which will  reflect  100  percent of KEDNY's  share of any
synergy savings from the merger.

     The net  synergy  savings  also  reflect  the flow  through of the costs to
achieve these synergy savings  allocable to KEDNY as a share of the levelization
of $398  million in costs to achieve  based on an approach  using a 7.58 percent
return.  This synergy savings amount excludes  executive  benefits,  capitalized
information   technology  costs,  and  the  costs  to  achieve  associated  with
efficiency gains. KEDNY shall be authorized to include the annual  amortizations
of its  allocation  of the $398 million of costs to achieve in years six through
ten in the  event  that it  adjusts  its base  delivery  rates  in those  years.
Individual  components  of the $398 million  costs to achieve,  the annual gross
synergy  savings  over the first five years of the rate plan and the  allocation
factor used to develop  KEDNY's share of the net synergy savings are included in
Appendix 6 attached hereto and made a part of this Joint  Proposal.  KEDNY shall
also  record  separately  its  costs to  achieve  associated  with the  National
Grid/KeySpan  merger in a separate work order, and exclude any of these costs to
achieve  other than the agreed  upon  allowance  from its future cost of service

C. Adjustability

     No  adjustments,  reconciliations  or deferrals shall be allowed during the
Rate Period except as set forth in this Joint Proposal, as determined in another
phase of these proceedings, or as authorized by the Commission.

     For each rate year,  KEDNY will reconcile the following  costs recovered in
base  KEDNY Gas  Delivery  Service  Rates to the  levels  set forth  below.  All
deferred  amounts will be reflected in the existing KEDNY Balancing  Account and
recovered  from  customers or credited to customers  after the expiration of the
KEDNY Rate Period in a manner to be determined by the Commission.

     1.   Pensions and Other Post Employment Benefits ("OPEB")

     On the first day of Rate Year One,  KEDNY will  return to the  Commission's
Statement  of Policy for Pensions  and OPEBs,  issued  September 7, 1993 in Case
91-M-0980,  and will  reconcile  its  actual  pension  and OPEB  expense  to the
Estimated  Pension  and  OPEB  Expense  shown  below   (millions).   Fair  value


adjustments  to the  Pension and OPEB plans made in  connection  with the merger
shall be amortized over ten years in accordance with the Statement of Policy and
reflected  in the  reconciliation  of actual  pension  and OPEB  expense  to the
Estimated  Pension  and OPEB  Expense.  Settlement  and  curtailment  costs from
merger-related programs for KEDNY, which are included in costs to achieve, shall
be  excluded  from the  pension  and OPEB  reconciliation.  In  addition  to the
reconciliation,  KEDNY will reduce the annual revenue  requirement by $6 million
for the five Rate Years as payment for returning to the pension policy. This $30
million together with the $99 million reduction in revenue requirements over the
five rate years shall be recorded as a regulatory  liability and amortized  over
the five rate years to match the  adjustments  to the cost of  service  shown in
Appendix 2 and fund KEDNY's  Pension/OPEB plans in Rate Year One by $60 million,
less the funding that KEDNY has made since March 31,  2007.  The benefit of this
funding  shall inure only to KEDNY  ratepayers.  As part of this Joint  Proposal
KEDNY  agrees  to  participate  in a study to  determine  what  the  appropriate
starting  deferral balance as of September 30, 1996,  should be when KEDNY is on
the policy statement.

                           Pension Expense                    OPEB Expense
                           ---------------                    ------------
         Rate Year One        $13.766                            $17.178
         Rate Year Two        $14.151                            $17.659
         Rate Year Three      $14.547                            $18.154
         Rate Year Four       $14.9545                           $18.6625
         Rate Year Five       $15.3735                           $19.1855

Subsequent  years will be  reconciled  to  $15.3735  million  for  Pensions  and
$19.1855 million for OPEBs.

     2.   Property and Special Franchise Taxes

     KEDNY will defer 90% of the  difference  between  its actual  property  and
special franchise taxes and the following amounts (millions):

                  Rate Year One     -        $119.709
                  Rate Year Two     -        $125.694
                  Rate Year Three   -        $131.979
                  Rate Year Four    -        $138.578
                  Rate Year Five    -        $145.507


     Subsequent  years will be  reconciled  for property  and special  franchise
taxes to $145.507 million.  If KEDNY is successful in obtaining tax refunds,  it
will have the right to petition the  Commission to share in such refunds.  Other
parties may take any position concerning any Petition filed by KEDNY.

     3.   SIR Costs

     Subject to the cost sharing incentive mechanism described below, this Joint
Proposal provides for the  reconciliation or "true-up" of 100% of KEDNY's actual
SIR costs.  The base KEDNY Gas Delivery  Service Rates  established  pursuant to
this Joint  Proposal  reflect the annual  amortization  of $2.787 million of SIR
costs  which will  increase  by $3.186  million in Rate Year Four to reflect the
shift of the KEDNY merger expense amortization to SIR cost category.

     KEDNY will be  permitted  to retain 10% of any  recovery  of SIR costs from
insurance carriers and/or other potentially responsible parties, net of costs to
recover such as, attorney fees,  expert and consultant  fees.  KEDNY will pursue
such recoveries  aggressively and will credit 90% of such net recoveries against
its SIR cost balance.

     In the event that KEDNY  disposes of any property upon which  investigation
and  remediation  activities  have  occurred,  it will  credit  after-tax  gains
resulting from such disposition to the total SIR cost for the specific site.

     For any SIR activity  engaged in by KEDNY  following the effective  date of
the  rates  established  in  this  proceeding,  KEDNY  agrees,  subject  to  the
Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) determination of the nature and
scope of the SIR Activity, to consult with Staff and any other interested party,
including the City of New York, in order to establish a reasonable targeted cost
level for each separate phase of the SIR Activity on any particular site.

     Notwithstanding  the above  provisions the parties hereto  acknowledge that
(i) the DEC has primary  jurisdiction  over the  activities  of KEDNY in its SIR
activity,  with  the  Department  of  Health  (DOH)  having  responsibility  for
supporting  the  DEC in the  assessment  of  health  risk  associated  with  SIR
activities;  (ii) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over KEDNY's SIR Activity,
the DEC provides various forums and other  opportunities for interested  parties
to comment on and  participate  in, the  process of  identifying  potential  SIR
sites,  investigating  such  sites,  and  if  necessary,  determining  the  most
appropriate methods,  timing, and objectives of remediation;  (iii) that nothing
in this Joint  Proposal is intended to or  infringes on the rights of DEC or DOH
in the exercise of their respective jurisdiction, or on the rights of interested
parties to comment on and participate in the DEC processes described above.


     4.   Capital Tracker

          i.   City/State Construction

     The  projected  level  of  City/State  Construction  expenditures,  net  of
reimbursements,  for calendar year 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 is set forth
in Appendix 2, page 21. To the extent that KEDNY's actual  capital  spending for
City/State  construction net of reimbursements differs from the amount set forth
in Appendix 2, page 21, in any calendar year,  KEDNY will defer to the Balancing
Account the full revenue  requirement effect associated with the difference.  If
KEDNY's actual City/State  construction  expenditures exceed the level set forth
in Appendix 2, page 21, by more than 20 percent  then KEDNY shall have the right
to defer  following  a filing  with the  Director of  Accounting,  Finance,  and
Economics  that  demonstrates  that  amounts  were  reasonable  and  beyond  the
Company's control. Any disagreement associated with the filing shall be referred
to the Commission for decision.

          ii.  Non-Growth-Related Capital

     If at the end of any calendar year 2008 through 2012,  KEDNY has spent less
than the amount  forecasted in the  categories of Non-Growth , LNG  Liquefaction
System, and Information Technology,  Facilities,  and Other Capital Expenditures
set forth on Appendix 2, page 21, KEDNY will defer the full revenue  requirement
effect of any shortfall for each category to its Balancing Account. For purposes
of this  provision,  the Growth  Capital  category  is  excluded  and limited to
capital costs for local main extensions, services and meters.

     5.   Exogenous Costs

     One hundred percent of all Exogenous Costs (including any credits) shall be
deferred and reflected in the KEDNY Balancing  Account.  "Exogenous Costs" means
all  of  the  incremental  effects  on  KEDNY's  costs,   revenues,  or  revenue
requirements  above or below the amounts set forth in Appendix 2 associated with
or caused by:

     (i)  any externally imposed accounting change;

     (ii) any change in the Federal, state or local rates, laws, regulations, or
          precedents governing income, revenue, sales, or franchise taxes; or

     (iii) any legislative,  court, or regulatory  change,  which imposes new or
           modifies existing obligations or duties.


If these  Exogenous  Costs  individually in any one Rate Year ending December 31
exceed three  percent (3%) of KEDNY's  pre-tax  utility  income  (determined  in
accordance  with the  methodology  set forth for  Earnings  Sharing in the KEDNY
Merger  Rate  Plan) for the year in which the  change  first  occurs,  the total
impact of the Exogenous Costs will be included in the Balancing Account pursuant
to this section.  In the event that  exogenous  costs are incurred,  KEDNY shall
file a letter with the Director of Accounting,  Finance,  and Economics  setting
forth the  rational  for the  deferral  and its  calculation.  Any  disagreement
associated with the filing shall be referred to the Commission for a decision.

     6.   Additional Deferrals

     Nothing in this  Joint  Proposal  shall  preclude  KEDNY from  implementing
additional  deferrals as the result of the  resolution of Reserved  Issues or if
otherwise approved by the Commission.

     7.   Limitation on Deferrals

     When  calculating  the level of earned  common  equity  return  that may be
subject  to sharing  under  Section  IX.E of this  Proposal,  KEDNY will  reduce
expenses  (debits) deferred for later recovery pursuant to the Proposal by up to
50% of the  total  deferral  in any Rate  Year,  provided,  however,  that  such
reduction in deferrals  will not cause the resulting  earnings to decrease below
11.3%,  and provided further that deferrals of SIR costs,  deferrals  associated
with incentives,  deferrals  associated with amounts  recovered  through the GAC
and/or  TAC,  deferred  DSM  costs,  deferred  Pension  and OPEB  expenses,  and
deferrals of the revenue  requirements  associated with City/State  Construction
expenditures will be excluded from this deferral limitation provision.

D. Other Provisions

     1.   Temperature Controlled and Interruptible Services

     Temperature  Controlled  Service and  Interruptible  Service will remain as
distinct  service  classifications.   However,  the  terms  of  the  Temperature
Controlled  Service  Classification  will be modified to include an annual price
cap that equals the annual  revenue,  including  all  surcharges,  that would be
derived from providing  service to such customers  under S.C. No. 2. The monthly
price cap will be removed from the tariff for the Temperature Controlled Service
Classification.    In   addition,   KEDNY's   Temperature   Controlled   Service
Classification  will be changed so that the  allocation of gas demand charges to
Temperature  Controlled Sales customers will increase from $.10/dth to $.46/dth.
KEDNY will  credit all such  allocated  demand  charges  paid to firm  customers
through the GAC.


E. Earnings Sharing

     Following each of the five rate years, KEDNY will make a computation of its
gas rate of return on common equity capital (ROE) for the  applicable  preceding
rate year  utilizing a capital  structure with an equity  component  equal to 45
percent.  In the event of a  Stayout,  KEDNY will make the  computation  for any
subsequent  twelve-month  period  during  which the Stayout was in effect for at
least a portion of the twelve-month  period. The computations and the underlying
data  will be made  available  to the  Signatory  Parties  and  filed  with  the
Commission  not  later  than  150  days  following  the  end of  the  applicable
twelve-month period. The filings will include supporting  workpapers and the ROE
calculation  based  on  traditional   ratemaking   practices  and  methodologies
applicable to KEDNY as to includable  costs,  revenues and  appropriate  capital
structure.  The  computation  of ROE will be  calculated  from KEDNY's  books of
account for the applicable twelve-month period, except that:

     (a) KEDNY's  rate base shall not include any goodwill  associated  with the
     National Grid/KeySpan merger,

     (b) KEDNY's  return shall  exclude the effects of discrete  incentives,  if
     any,  as may be  applied  as a  result  of this or  another  phase of these

     (c) KEDNY's operating  expenses shall reflect the levelized cost to achieve
     and synergy  savings  shown on page 1 of Appendix 6 such that 50 percent of
     the levelized net synergy  savings (i.e.,  line 13 of page 1 of Appendix 6)
     shall be excluded from the earnings  calculation.  This  provision will not
     extend in the event of a Stayout.

     (d) KEDNY's  return shall exclude the effect of any costs to achieve merger
     savings, which are associated with executive benefits,

     (e) KEDNY shall include the annual amortization of the regulatory liability
     associated  with any margin  revenues that are not realized in actual sales
     to customers and are being  amortized over the five Rate Years to match the
     adjustments to the cost of service shown in Appendix 2,

     (f) KEDNY shall  include in the  earnings  sharing  calculation  the annual
     amortization of the regulatory  liability associated with the company's buy
     back and return to the Commission's Pension and OPEB Policy Statement, and


     (g) KEDNY's return shall exclude  revenue  adjustments  due to prior period
     over- or under-revenue recoveries related to revenue decoupling mechanisms.

     If the level of earned  common  equity return in any rate year exceeds 10.5
percent ("Earnings Sharing  Threshold"),  the amount in excess of 10.5% shall be
deemed "Shared  Earnings" for the purposes of this Joint Proposal.  In the event
of a Stayout, the earnings sharing provisions will continue for the Rate period,
to be applied,  if  necessary,  on a pro-rata  basis based on monthly  operating
revenues.  The  customers'  share of any  earnings  will be  credited to KEDNY's
Balancing  Account for the benefit of customers.  For each  twelve-month  period
covered by this Joint  Proposal,  KEDNY will allocate the revenue  equivalent of
its earned common equity return,  if any, in excess of the 10.5 percent Earnings
Sharing Threshold as follows:

     (a)  for the first 200 basis points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >10.5% - 12.5%),  50% of the revenue  equivalent  of any Shared
          Earnings  will  be  deferred  for the  benefit  of  customers  and the
          remaining 50% will be retained by KEDNY;

     (b)  for the next 100 basis  points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >12.5% to 13.5%),  65% of the revenue  equivalent of the Shared
          Earnings will be deferred for the benefit of customers and 35% will be
          retained by KEDNY; and

     (c)  all  Shared  Earnings  in excess  of 13.5%  will be  deferred  for the
          benefit of customers.

     Pursuant to another phase of these proceedings,  the Signatory Parties will
collaborate to establish certain targets  associated with the implementation and
operation of demand side  management  programs.  In the event that these targets
are  met  in  any  applicable  twelve-month  period,  KEDNY's  Earnings  Sharing
Threshold and all other earnings sharing thresholds as identified above shall be
adjusted upward by 10 basis points for the applicable  twelve-month  period,  as

     (a)  for the first 200 basis points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >10.6% - 12.6%),  50% of the revenue  equivalent  of any Shared
          Earnings  will  be  deferred  for the  benefit  of  customers  and the
          remaining 50% will be retained by KEDNY;

     (b)  for the next 100 basis  points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >12.6% to 13.6%),  65% of the revenue  equivalent of the Shared
          Earnings will be deferred for the benefit of customers and 35% will be
          retained by KEDNY; and

     (c)  all  Shared  Earnings  in excess  of 13.6%  will be  deferred  for the
          benefit of customers.



A. Overall Revenue Requirement

     If the merger is  consummated,  the  Signatory  Parties  have  agreed  upon
expense  and revenue  adjustments  to the KEDLI Rate Filing to be allowed as the
basis for calculating  revenue  requirement,  and a calculation of KEDLI revenue
requirement to be allowed as the basis for setting  rates,  the results of which
are set forth in  "Appendix  3"  attached  hereto  and made a part of this Joint
Proposal.  The calculation of revenue  requirement  indicates an increase of $60
million  in base KEDLI Gas  Delivery  Service  Rates for Rate Year One,  with no
additional  increases  indicated for Rate Year Two,  Rate Year Three,  Rate Year
Four or Rate  Year  Five.  The  calculation  of  revenue  requirement,  based on
estimated gas costs, indicates an increase in costs in the gas adjustment clause
(GAC) of $12.5 million for Rate Year One, with no  additional  increases,  other
than minor  inflationary  increases  (approximately  $90,000  per year) on costs
transferred to the GAC as part of rate unbundling,  indicated for Rate Year Two,
Rate  Year  Three,   Rate  Year  Four  or  Rate  Year  Five.   Commodity-related
uncollectible  expense,  purchased  gas  working  capital  and  return on gas in
storage will be assigned  fixed factors and will  reconcile to actual gas costs.
In addition,  one hundred percent of net savings  (savings less cost to achieve)
KEDLI  attains in its combined gas resource  portfolio as a result of the merger
will flow to KEDLI gas commodity  customers  through the GAC. KEDLI Gas Delivery
Service  revenue  requirement  will  remain  frozen at the levels  reflected  in
Appendix 2 through  the five rate years and  thereafter  through  the end of the
Rate Period of this Joint  Proposal,  without  adjustment up or down,  except as
specifically set forth in this Joint Proposal.  Except as otherwise  provided in
this Joint Proposal, KEDLI will not file new tariff leaves for existing services
designed to produce  additional  annual  revenues to become  effective  prior to
January 1, 2013. KEDLI shall be allowed to file tariffs for new services.

B. Merger Synergy Savings and Costs to Achieve

     The  calculation  of revenue  requirement  in Section X.A reflects the flow
through of 50 percent of the net synergy  savings  allocable to KEDLI as a share
of $156 million of estimated  annual mature  synergy  savings on the KeySpan and
National  Grid systems over the first five years of the merger,  which  excludes
efficiency  gains that could occur without the merger and gas commodity  savings


which will flow to ratepayers  through the various gas adjustment  clauses.  100
percent of efficiency  gains  applicable to KEDLI have been reflected  directly.
Following the  termination  of the Rate Period,  KEDLI's cost of service will be
based on its  costs,  which will  reflect  100  percent of KEDLI's  share of any
synergy savings from the merger.  The net synergy savings also reflects the flow
through of the costs to achieve  these synergy  savings  allocable to KEDLI as a
share of the  levelization  of $398  million  in costs  to  achieve  based on an
approach using an 8.39 percent  return.  This synergy  savings  amount  excludes
executive benefits,  capitalized  information technology costs, and the costs to
achieve  associated with efficiency gains.  KEDLI shall be authorized to include
the  annual  amortizations  of its  allocation  of the $398  million of costs to
achieve in years six through ten in the event that it adjusts its base  delivery
rates  in those  years.  Individual  components  of the  $398  million  costs to
achieve,  the annual gross synergy savings over the first five years of the rate
plan and the allocation  factor used to develop KEDLI's share of the net synergy
savings are included in Appendix 6 attached hereto and made a part of this Joint
Proposal.  KEDLI shall also record  separately  its costs to achieve  associated
with the National  Grid/KeySpan merger in a separate work order, and exclude any
of these costs to achieve other than the agreed upon  allowance  from its future
cost of service filings.

C. Adjustability

     No  adjustments,  reconciliations  or deferrals shall be allowed during the
Rate Period except as set forth in this Joint Proposal, as determined in another
phase of these proceedings, or as authorized by the Commission.

     For each Rate Year KEDLI will  reconcile the following  costs  recovered in
base  KEDLI Gas  Delivery  Service  Rates to the  levels  set forth  below.  All
deferred  amounts will be reflected in the existing KEDLI Balancing  Account and
recovered  from  customers or credited to customers  after the expiration of the
KEDLI Rate Period in a manner to be determined by the Commission.

     1.   Pensions and Other Post Employment Benefits ("OPEB")

     KEDLI will  reconcile its actual  pension and OPEB expense to the Estimated
Pension and OPEB Expense shown below  (millions).  Fair value adjustments to the
Pension and OPEB plans made in  connection  with the merger  shall be  amortized
over ten years in  accordance  with the Statement of Policy and reflected in the
reconciliation  of actual pension and OPEB expense to the Estimated  Pension and
OPEB Expense.  Settlement and curtailment costs from merger-related programs for


KEDLI,  which are  included  in costs to  achieve,  shall be  excluded  from the
pension and OPEB reconciliation. As part of this Joint Proposal, KEDLI agrees to
participate in a study to determine what the appropriate deferral balance should
be at the start of the rate plan.

                           Pension Expense                     OPEB Expense
                           ---------------                     ------------
         Rate Year One        $10.084                            $12.413
         Rate Year Two        $10.367                            $12.761
         Rate Year Three      $10.657                            $13.118
         Rate Year Four       $10.955                            $13.485
         Rate Year Five       $11.262                            $13.863

Subsequent  years will be reconciled to $11.262 million for Pensions and $13.863
million for OPEBs.

     2.   Property and Special Franchise Taxes

     KEDLI will defer 90% of the  difference  between  its actual  property  and
special franchise taxes and the following amounts (millions):

                  Rate Year One     -        $97.610
                  Rate Year Two     -        $102.491
                  Rate Year Three   -        $107.615
                  Rate Year Four    -        $112.996
                  Rate Year Five    -        $118.646

Subsequent years will be reconciled for property and special  franchise taxes to
$118.646 million.

     If KEDLI is successful in obtaining tax refunds,  it will have the right to
petition the  Commission  to share in such  refunds.  Other parties may take any
position concerning any Petition filed by KEDLI.

     The above  reconciliation  excludes  all refunds  associated  with  KEDLI's
ongoing  litigation  with Nassau County over its prior  assessments  of property
taxes in Index Nos. 011695-97,  011440-99, which are pending before the New York
Supreme Court, Nassau County ("Nassau County Litigation"). KEDLI will retain all
refunds or prospective  reductions in property taxes that it may receive through
litigation or settlement of the Nassau County  litigation  even if those refunds
or reductions occur after the Rate Plan period. Accordingly, for the purposes of


16 NYCRR  ss.89.3,  the  Signatory  Parties  agree  that 100  percent of the tax
refunds or prospective reductions would be retained by KEDLI and not distributed
to its  customers.  Nothing  in this  Merger  Joint  Proposal  shall  in any way
restrict  the ability of KEDLI to settle this  property  tax dispute with Nassau
County or affect the form of that settlement.  The Signatory  Parties  stipulate
that by approving  this Joint  Proposal the  Commission  is neither  determining
liability nor the amount of damages in the Nassau County Litigation. Rather, the
resolution in this Joint Proposal is for rate making purposes only and shall not
prejudice any party in the ongoing Nassau County Litigation.

     3.   SIR Costs

     Subject to the cost sharing incentive mechanism described below, this Joint
Proposal provides for the  reconciliation or "true-up" of 100% of KEDLI's actual
SIR costs.  The base KEDLI Gas Delivery  Service Rates  established  pursuant to
this Joint  Proposal  reflect the annual  amortization  of $2.444 million of SIR
costs which will  increase by $657,000 in Rate Year Four to reflect the shift of
the KEDLI merger expense amortization to SIR cost category.

     KEDLI will be  permitted  to retain 10% of any  recovery  of SIR costs from
insurance carriers and/or other potentially responsible parties, net of costs to
recover such as, attorney fees,  expert and consultant  fees.  KEDLI will pursue
such recoveries  aggressively and will credit 90% of such net recoveries against
its SIR cost balance.

     In the event that KEDLI  disposes of any property upon which  investigation
and  remediation  activities  have  occurred,  it will  credit  after-tax  gains
resulting from such disposition to the total SIR cost for the specific site.

     For any SIR activity  engaged in by KEDLI  following the effective  date of
the  rates  established  in  this  proceeding,  KEDLI  agrees,  subject  to  the
Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) determination of the nature and
scope of the SIR Activity, to consult with Staff and any other interested party,
including the Suffolk and Nassau  Counties and the City of New York, in order to
establish a reasonable  targeted cost level for each  separate  phase of the SIR
Activity on any particular site.

     Notwithstanding  the above  provisions the parties hereto  acknowledge that
(i) the DEC has primary  jurisdiction  over the  activities  of KEDLI in its SIR
activity,  with  the  Department  of  Health  (DOH)  having  responsibility  for
supporting  the  DEC in the  assessment  of  health  risk  associated  with  SIR
activities;  (ii) in the exercise of its jurisdiction over KEDLI's SIR Activity,


the DEC provides various forums and other  opportunities for interested  parties
to comment on and  participate  in, the  process of  identifying  potential  SIR
sites,  investigating  such  sites,  and  if  necessary,  determining  the  most
appropriate methods,  timing, and objectives of remediation;  (iii) that nothing
in this Joint  Proposal is intended to or  infringes on the rights of DEC or DOH
in the exercise of their respective jurisdiction, or on the rights of interested
parties to comment on and participate in the DEC processes described above.

     4.   Capital Tracker

          i.   City/State Construction

     The  projected  level  of  City/State  Construction  expenditures,  net  of
reimbursements,  for calendar year 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012 is set forth
on Appendix 3, page 21. To the extent that KEDLI's actual  capital  spending for
City/State  construction,  net of  reimbursements,  differs  from the amount set
forth in  Appendix  3, page 21, by more than 20  percent in any  calendar  year,
KEDLI will defer to the Balancing  Account the full revenue  requirement  effect
associated  with the  difference.  If  KEDLI's  actual  City/State  construction
expenditures exceed the level set forth in Appendix 3, page 21, then KEDLI shall
have the right to defer  following  a filing with the  Director  of  Accounting,
Finance, and Economics that demonstrates that amounts were reasonable and beyond
the Company's  control.  Any  disagreement  associated  with the filing shall be
referred to the Commission for decision.

          ii.  Non-Growth-Related Capital

     If at the end of any calendar year 2008 through 2012,  KEDLI has spent less
than the amount  forecasted  in the  categories  of  Non-Growth,  Islander  East
Alternative,   and  Information  Technology,   Facilities,   and  Other  Capital
Expenditures set forth on Appendix 3, page 21, KEDLI will defer the full revenue
requirement  effect of any shortfall for each category to its Balancing Account.
For  purposes of this  provision,  the Growth  Capital  category is excluded and
limited to capital costs for local main extensions, services and meters.

     With respect to capital  expenditures  associated  with its Pipeline Safety
Replacement  Program,  to the extent that KEDLI  underspends its budget for this
Program in any one year, it will be permitted to carry  forward such  unexpended
amount for future  calendar  years. If by the end of calendar year 2012 there is
still a carry forward  balance,  KEDLI will defer in the  Balancing  Account the
full revenue  requirement  associated  with the unspent balance from the year it
was not spent.


     KEDLI's Gas Business Unit Capital forecast  includes $23 million of capital
expenditures  that are associated  with the  construction  of new and reinforced
facilities  required  to receive  additional  quantities  of gas on Long  Island
commencing  on  November  1, 2008.  The $23 million  capital  expenditure  level
assumes that these quantities will be delivered at South Commack by the Iroquois
pipeline.  In the event that the Islander East  pipeline  receives all necessary
approvals  to  commence  construction  in time to meet  the  in-service  date of
November  2008 such  additional  quantities  will be delivered to Long Island by
Islander East rather than by Iroquois.  If such event occurs,  KEDLI will advise
the  Commission  in  writing  and KEDLI  will be  permitted  to defer the actual
difference  between the full revenue  requirement effect associated with the $23
million  placeholder  amount  described above and the lesser of the full revenue
requirement  effect associated with the total construction cost of Islander East
or $46.9 million.

     5.   Exogenous Costs

     One hundred percent of all Exogenous Costs (including any credits) shall be
deferred and reflected in the KEDLI Balancing  Account.  "Exogenous Costs" means
all  of  the  incremental  effects  on  KEDLI's  costs,   revenues,  or  revenue
requirements  above or below the amounts set forth in Appendix 3 associated with
or caused by:

     (i)  any externally imposed accounting change;

     (ii) any change in the Federal, state or local rates, laws, regulations, or
          precedents governing income, revenue, sales, or franchise taxes; or

     (iii) any legislative,  court, or regulatory  change,  which imposes new or
          modifies existing obligations or duties.

If these  Exogenous  Costs  individually  or  collectively  in any one Rate Year
ending  December 31 exceed three percent (3%) of KEDLI's  pre-tax utility income
(determined in accordance with the methodology set forth for Earnings Sharing in
the KEDLI Merger Rate Plan) for the year in which the change first  occurs,  the
total impact of the Exogenous  Costs will be included in the  Balancing  Account
pursuant to this section. In the event that exogenous costs are incurred,  KEDLI
shall file a letter with the  Director of  Accounting,  Finance,  and  Economics
setting  forth  the  rational  for  the  deferral  and  its   calculation.   Any
disagreement  associated with the filing shall be referred to the Commission for
a decision.


     6.   Additional Deferrals

     Nothing  in  this  Merger  Joint   Proposal   shall   preclude  KEDLI  from
implementing  additional  deferrals as the result of the  resolution of Reserved
Issues or if otherwise approved by the Commission.

     7.   Limitation on Deferrals

     When  calculating  the level of earned  common  equity  return  that may be
subject  to sharing  under  Section  X.E of this  Proposal,  KEDLI  will  reduce
expenses  (debits) deferred for later recovery pursuant to the Proposal by up to
50% of the  total  deferral  in any Rate  Year,  provided,  however,  that  such
reduction in deferrals  will not cause the resulting  earnings to decrease below
11.3%,  and provided further that deferrals of SIR costs,  deferrals  associated
with incentives,  deferrals  associated with amounts  recovered  through the GAC
and/or  TAC,  deferred  DSM  costs,  deferred  Pension  and OPEB  expenses,  and
deferrals of the revenue requirements associated with City/State Construction or
other  specific  capital  expenditures  identified in Section 4 will be excluded
from this deferral limitation provision. D. Other Provisions

     1.   Temperature Controlled and Interruptible Services

     Temperature  Controlled  Service and  Interruptible  Service will remain as
distinct  service  classifications.   However,  the  terms  of  the  Temperature
Controlled  Service  Classification  will be modified to include an annual price
cap to equal the annual revenue, including all surcharges, that would be derived
from providing service to such customers under S.C. No. 2. The monthly price cap
will  be  removed  from  the  tariff  for  the  Temperature  Controlled  Service
Classification.    In   addition,   KEDLI's   Temperature   Controlled   Service
Classification  will be changed so that the  allocation of gas demand charges to
Temperature  Controlled Sales customers will increase from $.10/dth to $.46/dth.
KEDLI will  credit all such  allocated  demand  charges  paid to firm  customers
through the GAC.

E. Earnings Sharing

     Following each of the five rate years, KEDLI will make a computation of its
gas rate of return on common equity capital (ROE) for the  applicable  preceding
rate year  utilizing a capital  structure with an equity  component  equal to 45
percent.  In the event of a  Stayout,  KEDLI will make the  computation  for any
subsequent  twelve-month  period  during  which the Stayout was in effect for at
least a portion of the twelve-month  period. The computations and the underlying


data  will be made  available  to the  Signatory  Parties  and  filed  with  the
Commission  not  later  than  150  days  following  the  end of  the  applicable
twelve-month period. The filings will include supporting  workpapers and the ROE
calculation  based  on  traditional   ratemaking   practices  and  methodologies
applicable to KEDLI as to includable  costs,  revenues and  appropriate  capital
structure.  The  computation  of ROE will be  calculated  from KEDLI's  books of
account for the applicable twelve-month period, except that:

     (a) KEDLI's  rate base shall not include any goodwill  associated  with the
     National Grid/KeySpan merger,

     (b) KEDLI's  return shall  exclude the effects of discrete  incentives,  if
     any,  as may be  applied  as a  result  of this or  another  phase of these

     (c) KEDLI's operating  expenses shall reflect the levelized cost to achieve
     and synergy  savings  shown on page 1 of Appendix 6 such that 50 percent of
     the levelized net synergy  savings (i.e.,  line 26 of page 1 of Appendix 6)
     shall be excluded from the earnings  calculation.  This  provision will not
     extend in the event of a Stayout.

     (d) KEDLI's  return shall exclude the effect of any costs to achieve merger
     savings associated with executive benefits,

     (e) KEDLI shall include the annual amortization of the regulatory liability
     associated  with any margin  revenues that are not realized in actual sales
     to customers and are being  amortized over the five Rate Years to match the
     adjustments to the cost of service shown in Appendix 3, and

     (f) KEDLI's return shall exclude  revenue  adjustments  due to prior period
     over- or under-revenue recoveries related to revenue decoupling mechanisms.

     If the level of earned  common  equity return in any rate year exceeds 10.5
percent ("Earnings Sharing  Threshold"),  the amount in excess of 10.5% shall be
deemed "Shared  Earnings" for the purposes of this Joint Proposal.  In the event
of a Stayout, the earnings sharing provisions will continue for the Rate period,
to be applied,  if  necessary,  on a pro-rata  basis based on monthly  operating
revenues.  The  customers'  share of any  earnings  will be  credited to KEDLI's
Balancing  Account for the benefit of customers.  For each  twelve-month  period
covered by this Joint  Proposal,  KEDLI will allocate the revenue  equivalent of
its earned common equity return,  if any, in excess of the 10.5 percent Earnings
Sharing Threshold as follows:


     (a)  for the first 200 basis points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >10.5% - 12.5%),  50% of the revenue  equivalent  of any Shared
          Earnings  will  be  deferred  for the  benefit  of  customers  and the
          remaining 50% will be retained by KEDLI;

     (b)  for the next 100 basis  points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >12.5% to 13.5%),  65% of the revenue  equivalent of the Shared
          Earnings will be deferred for the benefit of customers and 35% will be
          retained by KEDLI; and

     (c)  all  Shared  Earnings  in excess  of 13.5%  will be  deferred  for the
          benefit of customers.

     Pursuant to another phase of these proceedings,  the Signatory Parties will
collaborate to establish certain targets  associated with the implementation and
operation of demand side  management  programs.  In the event that these targets
are  met  in  any  applicable  twelve-month  period,  KEDLI's  Earnings  Sharing
Threshold and all other earnings sharing thresholds as identified above shall be
adjusted upward by 10 basis points for the applicable  twelve-month  period,  as

     (a)  for the first 200 basis points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >10.6% - 12.6%),  50% of the revenue  equivalent  of any Shared
          Earnings  will  be  deferred  for the  benefit  of  customers  and the
          remaining 50% will be retained by KEDLI;

     (b)  for the next 100 basis  points above the  Earnings  Sharing  Threshold
          (i.e.  >12.6% to 13.6%),  65% of the revenue  equivalent of the Shared
          Earnings will be deferred for the benefit of customers and 35% will be
          retained by KEDLI; and

     (c)  all  Shared  Earnings  in excess  of 13.6%  will be  deferred  for the
          benefit of customers.


A. Merger Synergy Savings and Costs to Achieve

     In a separate filing to the  Commission,  Niagara Mohawk will provide for a
flow-through to its customers of a share of the net synergy savings allocable to
Niagara Mohawk in accordance with Attachment 10 to the Niagara Mohawk rate plan.

B. Accelerated Rate Credit

     In a separate rate filing made under its rate plan,  contemporaneously with
its next CTC reset filing for consideration by the parties in that case, Niagara
Mohawk will propose an alternative  one-month  credit of the net synergy savings
for balance of the Niagara Mohawk rate plan.


C. Commitment to Increase Internal Company Staffing in Upstate New York

     1.   Transmission Staffing

          National  Grid shall  initially  implement a voluntary  program for at
     least  thirty  line  mechanics  and  thirty  electricians  to  work  in the
     Transmission  Group in Upstate New York with an opt-out that stays with the
     employee.   Any  line  mechanic  or  electrician  opting  to  work  in  the
     Transmission  Group will be  back-filled  one-for-one  in  distribution  in
     Niagara Mohawk's Service Territory.

     2.   Distribution Staffing

          In addition to the  backfilling  of  Distribution  Line  positions for
     transfers to the  Transmission  Group,  National Grid intends to maintain a
     staffing level of 700 positions in the Distribution Line Department located
     in  Niagara  Mohawk's  Service  Territory,  and  seek  to add at  least  30
     positions annually over the next three years.

         3.  Customer Service Staffing

          Regarding Customer Service,  incumbent  employees  currently occupying
     positions in the upstate New York Customer  Service Contact Centers will be
     maintained  through  2010.  National Grid will commit to operating one call
     center business in upstate New York through 2010, and possibly beyond, if a
     new and separate labor agreement can be reached. The agreement will provide
     maximum  flexibility to ensure the highest of quality standards,  including
     work  performance  metrics,  so that the center can  operate  competitively
     compared to the call center marketplace.

         4. Article VII Compliance Staffing

          National Grid shall implement the following  enhanced  procedures with
     respect to the  preparation  and  prosecution  of Article  VII and Part 102
     proceedings  for   transmission   projects  with  the  goal  of  processing
     efficiently  the Commission  filings for the  significant  level of capital
     projects and spending in Upstate New York:

          (a)  National  Grid  shall   organize  a   cross-functional   in-house
               Permitting  &  Licensing  Team  dedicated  to  Upstate  New  York
               projects,  which includes representatives from the Environmental,
               Project  Management,   Engineering,   Communications,  and  Legal
               functions.  This team shall be  supplemented  by the  addition of
               National Grid staff members  devoted to  engineering  and project
               management for New York projects;


          (b)  the in-house  Permitting  & Licensing  Team shall be supported by
               recently  designated   engineering   consultants,   environmental
               consultants,  and New  York  counsel  that  may  include  outside
               counsel based in New York;

          (c)  National  Grid shall  implement  improved  quality  control  over
               consultant-produced  documents  prior to their  submission to the
               PSC; and

          (d)  National Grid shall hold periodic meetings and consultations with
               Staff,  in  which  Company  personnel  and its  consultants  will
               discuss  the  status  of  and  issues  associated  with  existing
               filings,  the upcoming  schedule for future  Article VII filings,
               and improvements that can be made to those filings or the process
               before the  Commission,  with the  objective of fully meeting the
               Staff's  and  Commission's  expectations  for those  filings  and


A. Additional Benefits to Long Island Customers through LIPA Agreement

     Several provisions in the LIPA agreements represent significant  additional
value to several  Signatory  Parties that they believe support the  Commission's
public  interest  determination  in this  case.  Those  provisions  include  the

          "5, Staffing of On-Island  Field Force and Storm Support.  Section 4.6
     of the  Amended and  Restated  MSA is amended to add a new  subsection  (D)
     thereto to read as follows:

               `Staffing of On-Island Field Force and Storm Support. The Manager
          shall  maintain an  appropriate  level of field  personnel (to include
          Electric  Design &  Construction,  Electric  Service,  Electric System
          Operations,   Substation  Maintenance,  and  Meter  &  Test  or  their
          successors  performing  similar  functions)  in  LIPA's  Service  Area
          reasonably necessary to satisfy the Manager's contractual  obligations
          under this Agreement and to meet the target performance levels for the
          Performance Metrics;  The Manager,  shall provide LIPA with reasonable
          advance  notice of any  proposed  changes  to the level of such  field
          personnel  in LIPA's  Service  Area in order to enable  LIPA to fairly
          consider  Manager's  proposed changes,  and the Manager shall consider
          LIPA's  concerns  before  making any changes to the staffing  level of
          such field  personnel that could be reasonably  expected to negatively
          impact service quality in LIPA's Service Area. In the event of a storm
          or other adverse operational condition, National Grid shall provide or
          cause to be provided field support,  logistics  support and mutual aid
          services from its other business units to support LIPA as if LIPA were
          an  Affiliate  of  National  Grid and, if  necessary,  shall cause its
          Affiliates to provide field support,  logistics support and mutual aid
          services to LIPA,  National  Grid shall  provide  LIPA with mutual aid
          services  in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of  National
          Grid's  Mutual  Assistance  Agreement,  then in  effect.  LIPA will be
          afforded  the  opportunity  to  consult  on any  proposed  changes  to
          National Grid's Mutual Assistance Agreement.


          "6. Customer  Service Long Island Presence and Storm Support.  Section
     4.9 of the Amended and Restated MSA is amended to add a new  subsection (K)
     thereto to read as follows:

               "(K) Customer Service Long Island Presence and Storm Support. The
          Manager  shall  maintain  at all times  during the Term  hereof a call
          center on Long  Island,  sufficiently  staffed to handle  normal  call
          activity  (excluding credit and collections calls). The Manager agrees
          that  during  the Term  hereof it will not (1)  reduce  the  number of
          customer walk-in centers from those in existence on January 1, 2006 as
          well as the Far Rockaway  customer  walk-in  facility  without  LIPA's
          prior  written  approval,  (2) relocate any customer  walk-in  centers
          without LIPA's prior written approval (which LIPA may not unreasonably
          withhold),  or (3) outsource  meter reading or meter services  without
          LIPA's prior written  approval.  As provided in Section 4.6(D), in the
          event of a storm or other adverse operational condition, National Grid
          shall provide or cause to be provided customer service support to LIPA
          as if LIPA were an Affiliate of National Grid and, if necessary, shall
          cause its Affiliates to provide customer service support to LIPA."


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal.

                                /s/ Steven L Zelkowitz
                                KeySpan Corporation, The Brooklyn Union Gas
                                Company d/b/a KeySpan Energy Delivery
                                New York, and KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a
                                KeySpan Energy Delivery Long Island

                                Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal.

                             /s/ Lawrence J. Reilly
                             /s/ Thomas G. Robinson
                             /s/ Robert H Hoaglund II
                             National Grid plc and Niagara Mohawk Power

                             Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal.  In executing this Joint Proposal,  Staff does not
join in provision  VIII(B)(1)(a)  regarding  particular  potential  transmission
projects. In executing this Joint Proposal,  Staff does not join in provision XI
(B) regarding a potential accelerated rate credit that would affect customers of
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation.

                                       /s/ Paul Agresta
                                       Staff of the New York State Department
                                       of Public Service

                                       Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal.

                                        /s/David Prestemon
                                        New York State Consumer Protection Board

                                        Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal. In executing this Joint Proposal,  the City of New
York does not join in provision  VIII.A.  regarding  Treatment of Generation and
Transmission Assets.

                              /s/ Moshe H. Bonder, counsel, Couch White, LLC
                              on behalf of the City of New York

                              Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed  this Joint  Proposal.  In executing  this Joint  Proposal,  the Public
Utility Law  Project  does not join in support of "Section  VIII.  Treatment  of
Generation & Transmission Assets" of the proposal.

                                                     /s/ Ben Wiles
                                                     Public Utility Law Project

                                                     Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal.

                              /s/ Brian Lederer
                              International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
                              Locals 1049 & 1381

                              Date: July 6, 2007


IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Signatory  Parties  hereto  have this day signed and
executed this Joint Proposal.

                              /s/ Richard  J. Koda (for David Falletta)
                              International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
                              Locals 97

                              Date: July 6, 2007


                Merger & Gas Revenue Requirement Joint Proposal

           APPENDIX 1 - List of Testimony and Exhibits to be Admitted

                                   APPENDIX 1

- ---------

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Lawrence J. Reilly and Steven L. Zelkowitz,  dated
October 3, 2006 and revised May 30, 2007 (no exhibits)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of John G.  Cochrane,  dated  October  3, 2006 and
revised May 30, 2007, sponsoring Exhibit JGC-1

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony of Michael D.  Laflamme and James M. Molloy,  dated
October 3, 2006 and  revised  May 30,  2007,  sponsoring  Exhibits  MDL/JMM-1(1)
through MDL/JMM-10, Copy of Responses to DPS-15 and DPS-36

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of David J.  Hoffman and  Richard J. Levin,  dated
October 3, 2006 (no exhibits)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Melissa Nairn and Lee Klosowski,  dated October 3,
2006, sponsoring Exhibit MN/LK-1

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Bruce Johnson, dated October 3, 2006 (no exhibits)

Pre-filed  Supplemental  Testimony of Lawrence J. Reilly, dated October 27, 2006
(no exhibits)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Michael L. Schiavone, Jr., dated October 27, 2006,
sponsoring Exhibits MLS-1 through MLS-3

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of Masheed  H.  Saidi,  dated  October  27,  2006,
sponsoring Exhibits MHS-1 through MHS-6

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony of Alan V.  Feibelman  and Richard J. Levin,  dated
December 14, 2006, sponsoring Exhibits AVF/RJL-1 and AVF/RJL-2

Pre-filed  Supplemental  Joint  Testimony  of Michael D.  Laflamme  and James M.
Molloy,  dated January 10, 2007,  sponsoring Exhibits  MDL/JMM-4-KEDLI--Updated,
MDL/JMM-4-KEDNY-Updated,    MDL/JMM-5-KEDLI-Updated,    MDL/JMM-5-KEDNY-Updated,
MDL/JMM-6-KEDLI-Updated,  MDL/JMM-6-KEDNY-Updated,  MDL/JMM-10-KEDLI-Updated and
MDL/JMM-10-KEDNY-Updated - exhibits deleted per May 30, 2007 Update filing

- ----------
(1)  In the May 30, 2007 Update filing, Michael D. Laflamme was deleted from the
     panel,  the testimony  was updated,  Exhibits 4 through 9 (KEDLI and KEDNY)
     and Copy of Responses to DPS-15 and 36 were deleted,  and exhibits  labeled
     "MDL/JMM" were changed to "JMM".

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony of Merger  Policy Panel  (Redacted)  consisting  of
Thomas  Coonan,  Warren E. Myers and John D. Stewart,  dated  February 20, 2007,
sponsoring Exhibits MPP-1 through MPP-28 (Exhibits 25 and 26 are redacted)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Constraints Panel consisting of Thomas Paynter and
Edward C. Schrom,  Jr.,  dated February 20, 2007,  sponsoring  Exhibits CP-1 and

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of David  F.  Reulet,  dated  February  20,  2007,
sponsoring Exhibits DFR-1 through DFR-8

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of Michael W.  Wayand,  dated  February  20, 2007,
sponsoring Exhibits MWW-1 and MWW-2

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (redacted and unredacted) of Dr. Douglas W. Elfner,
dated February 20, 2007, sponsoring Exhibit DWE-1

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of Michael P.  Gorman,  dated  February  20, 2007,
sponsoring Exhibit MPG-13

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Lawrence  J. Reilly and Steven L.  Zelkowitz,
dated March 7, 2007,  sponsoring  Exhibit  LJR/SLZ-1R  -  Testimony  and Exhibit
revised per May 30, 2007 Update filing

Pre-filed  Rebuttal Testimony of John G. Cochrane and James Read, dated March 7,
2007 as revised May 30, 2007, sponsoring Exhibits JGC/JR-1R through JGC/JR-6R

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Steven L. Zelkowitz (confidential),  dated March
7, 2007 (no exhibits)

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Reliability Panel consisting of Keith P. McAfee,
Cheryl A. Warren,  David Wright and Scott D. Leuthauser,  dated March 7, 2007 as
revised  May  30,  2007,   sponsoring  Exhibits   Reliability  Panel-1R  through

Pre-filed  Rebuttal Testimony of Rates Panel, dated March 7, 2007 as revised May
30, 2007,(2) sponsoring Exhibits Rates Panel-1R through Rates Panel-4R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony of Alan V. Feibelman and Richard J. Levin,  dated
March 7, 2007, sponsoring Exhibits AVF/RJL-1R through AVF/RJL-3R

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Melissa Nairn and Lee Klosowski,  dated March 7,
2007 as revised May 30, 2007, sponsoring Exhibit MN/LK-1R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Robert  B.  Catell,  dated  March 7, 2007 (no

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Lawrence J.  Reilly,  dated March 7, 2007 (no

- ----------
(2)  In the May 30, 2007 Update  filing,  James Molloy  became the sole witness,
     Exhibit  Rates  Panel-1R  was deleted and a new Exhibit  Rates Panel 1S was


Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Masheed  H.  Saidi,  dated  March 7, 2007 (no

Pre-filed  Supplemental Testimony of Lawrence J. Reilly and Steven L. Zelkowitz,
dated May 30, 2007 (no exhibits)

Pre-filed  Factual Update Testimony to Testimony on Vertical Market Power Issues
of Michael L. Schiavone, Jr., dated May 30, 2007 (no exhibits)

Pre-filed  Supplemental  Testimony of Alan V. Feibelman and Rick J. Levin, dated
May 30, 2007, sponsoring Exhibits AVR/RJL-1S through AVR/RJL-9S

Pre-filed  Factual Update Testimony to Direct and Rebuttal  Testimony of Masheed
H. Saidi, dated May 30, 2007, sponsoring Exhibit MHS-7

Pre-filed Updated Rebuttal  Testimony of Reliability  Panel, dated May 30, 2007,
sponsoring Exhibit Reliability Panel-1S

Pre-filed  Updated  Rebuttal  Testimony of James M. Molloy,  dated May 30, 2007,
deleting Exhibit Rates Panel-1R and sponsoring Exhibit Rates Panel-1S

- -----------------

Exhibit No.___.  Merger & Gas Revenue  Requirement  Joint Proposal dated July 6,

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 1, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 2, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 3, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 4, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 5, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 6, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 7, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 8, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 9, dated July 20, 2006


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 10, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Joint Petition Exhibit 11, dated July 20, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC-1, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MDL/JMM-1,(3) dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MDL/JMM-2, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MDL/JMM-3, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MN/LK-1, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MLS-1, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MLS-2, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MLS-3, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-1, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-2, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-3, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-4, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-5, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-6, dated October 27, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVF/RJL-1, dated December 14, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVF/RJL-2, dated December 14, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-1, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-2, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-3, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-4, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-5, dated February 20, 2007

- ----------
(3)  In the May 30, 2007 Update filing,  exhibits labeled "MDL/JMM" were changed
     to "JMM" and Exhibits  MDL/JMM-4  through MDL/JMM-9 and Copies of Responses
     to DPS-15 and 36 were deleted.


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-6, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-7, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-8, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-9, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-10, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-11, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-12, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-13, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-14, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-15, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-16, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-17, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-18, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-19, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-20, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-21, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-22, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-23, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-24, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___. REDACTED VERSION of Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-25, dated February 20,

Exhibit  No. 71 .  CONFIDENTIAL  VERSION  of  Pre-filed  Exhibit  MPP-25,  dated
                   February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___. REDACTED VERSION of Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-26, dated February 20,

Exhibit  No. 72 .  CONFIDENTIAL  VERSION  of  Pre-filed  Exhibit  MPP-26,  dated
                   February 20, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-27, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPP-28, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit CP-1, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit CP-2, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-1, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-2, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-3, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-4, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-5, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-6, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-7, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DFR-8, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MWW-1, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MWW-2, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.  REDACTED VERSION of Pre-filed Exhibit DWE-1, dated February 20,

Exhibit No. 87. CONFIDENTIAL  VERSION of Pre-filed Exhibit DWE-1, dated February
                20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-13, dated February 20, 2007

Exhibit No.___.  Pre-filed Exhibit LJR/SLZ-1R,  dated March 7, 2007, revised May
                 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC/JR-1R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC/JR-2R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC/JR-3R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC/JR-4R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC/JR-5R, dated March 7, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JGC/JR-6R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Reliability Panel-1R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Reliability Panel-2R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Reliability Panel-3R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Reliability Panel-4R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Rates Panel-2R,(4) dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Rates Panel-3R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Rates Panel-4R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVF/RJL-1R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVF/RJL-2R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVF/RJL-3R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MN/LK-1R, dated March 7, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-1S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-2S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-3S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-4S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-5S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-6S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-7S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-8S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AVR/RJL-9S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MHS-7, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Reliability Panel-1S, dated May 30, 2007

- ----------
(4)  Exhibit Rates Panel-1R was deleted by the May 30, 2007 Update filing.


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit Rates Panel-1S, dated May 30, 2007

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Lawrence J. Reilly sponsoring testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Steven L. Zelkowitz sponsoring testimony as
                if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of John C. Cochrane sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of James M. Molloy sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of David J. Hoffman sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Richard J. Levin sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Melissa R. Nairn sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Lee Klosowski  sponsoring  testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Bruce A. Johnson sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Michael L. Schiavone  sponsoring testimony
                as if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Masheed H. Saidi sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Alan V. Feibelman  sponsoring testimony as
                if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of James Read sponsoring testimony as if given

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Keith P. McAfee sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Cheryl A. Warren sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness  Affidavit of David Wright  sponsoring  testimony as if
                given orally


Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Scott D. Leuthauser sponsoring testimony as
                if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Robert B. Catell sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Warren E. Myers sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of John D. Stewart sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Thomas Paynter sponsoring  testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Edward C. Schrom, Jr. sponsoring testimony
                as if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of David F. Reulet sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Michael W. Wayand sponsoring  testimony as
                if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Dr. Douglas W. Elfner sponsoring testimony
                as if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Michael P. Gorman sponsoring  testimony as
                if given orally


- ---------

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Joseph F. Bodanza dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JFB-1 (KEDNY) through JFB-4 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDNY) of Robert G. Rosenberg dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibit RGR-1 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Patrick J.  McClellan  dated October 3,
2006, sponsoring proposed exhibits PJM-1 (KEDNY) through PJM-13 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY)  of John F. Haran  dated  October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JFH-1 (KEDNY) and JFH-2 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Justin C. Orlando dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JCO-1 (KEDNY) and JCO-2 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony  (KEDNY) of Robert P. Moore dated October 3, 2006, as
revised January 10, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit RPM-1 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of James H. Aikman dated  October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibit JHA-1 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDNY) of Jennifer  Feinstein dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JF-1 (KEDNY) through JF-3 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Joseph T. Trainor dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JTT-1 (KEDNY) through JTT-5 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Ronald G. Lukas dated  October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits RGL-1 (KEDNY) through RGL-2 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Melissa R. Nairn dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits MRN-1 (KEDNY) through MRN-4 (KEDNY)

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Joseph F. Bodanza dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JFB-1 (KEDLI) through JFB-4 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDLI) of Robert G. Rosenberg dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibit RGR-1 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Patrick J.  McClellan  dated October 3,
2006, sponsoring proposed exhibits PJM-1 (KEDLI) through PJM-13 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI)  of John F. Haran  dated  October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JFH-1 (KEDLI) and JFH-2 (KEDLI)


Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Justin C. Orlando dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JCO-1 (KEDLI) and JCO-2 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony  (KEDLI) of Robert P. Moore dated October 3, 2006, as
revised January 10, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit RPM-1 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of James H. Aikman dated  October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibit JHA-1 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDLI) of Jennifer  Feinstein dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JF-1 (KEDLI) through JF-3 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Joseph T. Trainor dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JTT-1 (KEDLI) through JTT-5 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Ronald G. Lukas dated  October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits RGL-1 (KEDLI) through RGL-8 (KEDLI)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Melissa R. Nairn dated October 3, 2006,
sponsoring proposed exhibits MRN-1 (KEDLI) through MRN-4 (KEDLI)

Updated  Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of Joseph F. Bodanza dated January
10, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit JFB-3 Update (KEDNY)

Updated Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDNY) of Patrick J. McClellan dated January
10, 2007,  sponsoring  proposed  exhibits PJM-1 Updated  (KEDNY)  through PJM-12
Update (KEDNY)

Updated  Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDNY) of John F. Haran dated January 10,

Updated  Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDNY) of James H. Aikman dated January 10,

Updated Pre-filed Direct Testimony  (KEDNY) of Jennifer  Feinstein dated January
10, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit JF-1 Update (KEDNY)

Updated  Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDNY) of Ronald G. Lukas dated January 10,
2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit RGL-1 Update (KEDNY)

Updated Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDNY) of Melissa R. Nairn dated January 10,
2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit MRN-1 Update (KEDNY)

Updated  Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of Joseph F. Bodanza dated January
10, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit JFB-3 Update (KEDLI)

Updated Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDLI) of Patrick J. McClellan dated January
10, 2007,  sponsoring  proposed  exhibits  PJM-1 Update  (KEDLI)  through PJM-12
Update (KEDLI)

Updated  Pre-filed Direct  Testimony  (KEDLI) of John F. Haran dated January 10,


Updated  Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDLI) of James H. Aikman dated January 10,

Updated Pre-filed Direct Testimony  (KEDLI) of Jennifer  Feinstein dated January
10, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit JF-1 Update (KEDLI)

Updated  Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDLI) of Ronald G. Lukas dated January 10,
2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit RGL-1 Update (KEDLI)

Updated Pre-filed Direct Testimony (KEDLI) of Melissa R. Nairn dated January 10,
2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit MRN-1 Update (KEDLI)

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of  Patrick  J.  Barry  dated  January  29,  2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibits PJB-1 through PJB-8

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony of Aric J. Rider dated January 29, 2007,  sponsoring
proposed exhibits AJR-1 through AJR-17

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony of John P. Sano dated January 29, 2007,  sponsoring
proposed exhibits JPS-1 through JPS-5

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of Stephen  A.  Berger  dated  January  29,  2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibit SAB-1

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony of the Accounting Rates Panel (KEDLI)  consisting of
Richard Brash,  George  Abraham,  Christopher  Simon and Ronald  Calkins,  dated
January 29, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit ARP-1

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony of the Accounting Panel Rates (KEDNY)  consisting of
Richard Brash,  George Abraham,  Christopher  Simon,  and Ronald Calkins,  dated
January 29, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibit APR-1

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony of the Plant &  Depreciation  Panel  consisting  of
Daniel J.  Wheeler,  Aferdita  Bardhi and Davide  Maioriello,  dated January 29,
2007, sponsoring proposed exhibits PDP-1 through PDP-10

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony of the Safety Panel  consisting of  Christopher  R.
Stolicky  and Joseph F. Klesin,  dated  January 29,  2007,  sponsoring  proposed
exhibits SP-1 through SP-6

Pre-filed  Direct Testimony of the Sales Panel consisting of Mary Ann Sorrentino
and Aferdita Bardhi, dated January 29, 2007,  sponsoring proposed exhibits SP-1'
through SP-5'

Pre-filed Direct  Testimony of Thomas Coonan dated January 29, 2007,  sponsoring
proposed exhibit TSC-1

Pre-filed  Direct  Testimony  of Douglas  W.  Elfner  dated  January  29,  2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibit DWE-1

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Tariq N. Niazi dated January 29, 2007,  sponsoring
proposed exhibits TNN-1 and TNN-2


Pre-filed Direct  Testimony of Hugh Larkin,  Jr. and Donna DeRonne dated January
29, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibits LA-1 through LA-2

Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Michael Gorman dated January 29, 2007,  sponsoring
proposed exhibits MPG-1 through MPG-12

Pre-filed  Rebuttal Testimony of Steven L. Zelkowitz and Joseph F. Bodanza dated
February 21, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibits SLZ/JFB-1R and SLZ/JFB-2R (KEDNY

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Joseph F.  Bodanza  dated  February 21, 2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JFB-1R through JFB-4R

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Joseph F. Bodanza, Patrick J. McClellan and John
E.  O'Shaughnessy   dated  February  21,  2007,   sponsoring  proposed  exhibits

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony of Patrick J. McClellan  dated February 21, 2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibits PJM-1R and PJM-2R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony of Robert G.  Rosenberg  dated February 21, 2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibit RGR-1R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of  John  F.  Haran  dated  February  21,  2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JFH-1R and JFH-2R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of James H.  Aikman  dated  February  21,  2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibits JHA-1R through JHA-4R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Justin C.  Orlando  dated  February 21, 2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibit JCO-1R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony of Jennifer  Feinstein and Leo Silvestrini  dated
February 21, 2007, sponsoring proposed exhibits JF/LS-1R through JF/LS-9R

Pre-filed  Rebuttal  Testimony  of Ronald G.  Lukas  dated  February  21,  2007,
sponsoring proposed exhibits RGL-1R through RGL-9R

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Robert P. Moore dated February 21, 2007

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Melissa R. Nairn dated February 21, 2007

Pre-filed Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce A. Johnson dated February 21, 2007


- -----------------

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-1 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.  Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-1A KEDNY, dated November 2006 (correcting
                 Schedule 6)

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.  Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-3 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007(5)

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-4 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGR-1 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-1 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-2 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-3 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-4 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-5 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-6 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-7 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-8 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-9 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-10 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-11 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-12 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-13 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFH-1 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFH-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

- ----------
(5)  For  exhibits  that were revised or updated in the January 10, 2007 filing,
     only the most recent version is listed here.


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JCO-1 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JCO-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RPM-1 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JHA-1 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF-1 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF-3 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-1 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-3 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-4 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-5 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-1 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-3 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-4 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-5 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-6 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-7 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-8 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-1 Update KEDNY, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-2 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-3 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-4 KEDNY, dated October 3, 2006


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-1 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-3 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-4 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGR-1 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-1 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-2 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-3 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-4 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-5 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-6 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-7 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-8 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-9 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-10 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-11 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-12 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-13 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFH-1 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFH-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JCO-1 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JCO-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RPM-1 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JHA-1 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF-1 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF-3 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-1 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-3 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-4 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JTT-5 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-1 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-3 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-4 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-5 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-6 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-7 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-8 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-1 Update KEDLI, dated January 10, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-2 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-3 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MRN-4 KEDLI, dated October 3, 2006

Exhibit No.___.  Pre-filed Exhibit APR-1,  Schedule A, KEDNY,  dated January 29,

Exhibit No.___.  Pre-filed Exhibit ARP-1,  Schedule A, KEDLI,  dated January 29,

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-3, dated January 29, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-4, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-5, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-6, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-7, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-8, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-9, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PDP-10, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-3, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-4, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-5, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-6, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-1', dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-2', dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-3', dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-4', dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SP-5', dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-3, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-4, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-5, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-6, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-7, dated January 29, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-8, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-9, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-10, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-11, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-12, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-13, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-14, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-15, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-16, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit AJR-17, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JPS-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JPS-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JPS-3, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JPS-4, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JPS-5, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SAB-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.  CONFIDENTIAL  VERSION of Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-1, dated January
                 29, 2007

Exhibit No. 276 REDACTED VERSION of Pre-filed  Exhibit PJB-1,  dated January 29,

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-3, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-4, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-5, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-6, dated January 29, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-7, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJB-8, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit TSC-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit LA-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit LA-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DWE-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit DWE-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit TNN-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit TNN-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-1, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-2, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-3, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-4, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-5, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-6, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-7, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-8, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-9, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-10, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-11, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit MPG-12, dated January 29, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SLZ/JFB-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit SLZ/JFB-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-2R, dated February 21, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-3R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB-4R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB/PJM/JOS-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB/PJM/JOS-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFB/PJM/JOS-3R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit PJM-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGR-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFH-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JFH-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JHA-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JHA-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JHA-3R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JHA-4R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JCO-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-3R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-4R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-5R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-6R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-7R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-8R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit JF/LS-9R, dated February 21, 2007


Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-1R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-2R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-3R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-4R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-5R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-6R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-7R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-8R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.   Pre-filed Exhibit RGL-9R, dated February 21, 2007

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Joseph F. Bodanza sponsoring  testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Robert G. Rosenberg sponsoring testimony as
                if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Patrick J. McClellan  sponsoring testimony
                 as if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness  Affidavit of John F. Haran sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Justin C. Orlando sponsoring  testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Robert P. Moore sponsoring testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of James H. Aikman sponsoring testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Jennifer Feinstein sponsoring testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Joseph T. Trainor sponsoring  testimony as
                 if given orally


Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Ronald G. Lukas sponsoring testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of John E. O'Shaughnessy  sponsoring testimony
                as if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Leo Silvestrini sponsoring testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Patrick J. Barry sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Thomas Coonan  sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness  Affidavit of Aric J. Rider sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness  Affidavit of John P. Sano  sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness  Affidavit of Richard Brash sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of George Abraham sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Christopher Simon sponsoring  testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Ronald Calkins sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Daniel J. Wheeler sponsoring  testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Aferdita Bardhi sponsoring testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Davide Maioriello  sponsoring testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit  No.___. Witness  Affidavit  of  Christopher  R.  Stolicky  sponsoring
                 testimony as if given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Joseph F. Klesin sponsoring testimony as if
                given orally

Exhibit No.___. Witness Affidavit of Mary Ann Sorrentino sponsoring testimony as
                if given orally


Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Douglas W. Elfner sponsoring  testimony as
                 if given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Tariq N. Niazi sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit  No.___. Witness  Affidavit of Hugh Larkin  sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Donna DeRonne  sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally

Exhibit No.___.  Witness Affidavit of Michael Gorman sponsoring  testimony as if
                 given orally


                     APPENDIX 2 - KEDNY Revenue Requirement

                                                                                                    Page 1 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                          Summary of Staff Adjustments
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008

   Adj. No.                              Description                                                       Amount
   --------                              -----------                                                       ------
               Operating Revenues -  Appendix 2, Pages 5, 6 & 7
      1        Revised sales adjustment                                                                  $ 20,970

               Operation & Maintenance Expenses - Appendix 2, Page 9
      2        Eliminate program enhancement for leak response                                             (1,850)
      3        Adjust uncollectible expense for staff adjustments                                            (272)
      4        Eliminate expense for sales promotion enhancement                                           (4,851)
      5        Reduce customer relations expense                                                             (515)
      6        Move gas supply expenses from delivery to commodity recovery                               (13,505)
      7        Adjust for updated cost and inflation                                                      (15,530)
      8        Adjust labor for 1% productivity                                                            (1,724)
      9        Adjust non-labor related expenses for 1% productivity                                       (1,159)

               Depreciation - Appendix 2, Page 10
      10       Staff depreciation changes to historic year plant                                          (22,006)
      11       Staff depreciation changes to rate year plant                                               (5,879)

               Amortizations - Appendix 2, Page 11
      12       Eliminate Property Tax Amortization                                                         (5,542)
      13       Reduce amortization of SIR costs                                                            (6,580)

               State & Federal Income Taxes - Appendix 2, Pages 13 & 14
      14       Include Medicare cash proceeds                                                                 920
      15       Adjust for change in depreciation rates and plant                                          (27,885)
      16       Eliminate property tax amortization                                                         (5,542)
      17       Reduce amortization of SIR costs                                                            (6,580)
      18       Adjust tax depreciation for plant change                                                      (628)

               Interest Deduction - Appendix 2, Page 15
      19       Adjust the interest deduction for rate base adjustments                                   (123,718)
      20       Include CWIP in the interest deduction                                                      11,923
      21       To reflect Staff's capital structure

               Rate Base - Appendix 2, Page 16
      22       Decrease gas plant balance                                                                  (9,831)
      23       Decrease reserve for depreciation                                                           12,368
      24       Eliminate deferred merger costs                                                             (4,634)
      25       Eliminate deferred SIR costs                                                               (90,669)
      26       Eliminate unamortized property tax                                                         (36,025)
      27       Adjust deferred taxes for SIR adjustment                                                    39,922
      28       Adjust deferred taxes for merger adjustment                                                  2,040
      29       Adjust deferred taxes for property tax adjustment                                           15,862
      30       Adjust deferred tax for tax depreciation                                                    (6,013)
      31       Eliminate pre-paid pension expense                                                         (88,974)
      32       Reduce M&S inventory balance                                                                  (600)


                                                                                                           Appendix 2
                                                                                                           Page 2 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                          Summary of Staff Adjustments
                       Twelve Months Ending March 31, 2008

   Adj. No.                             Description                                                         Amount
   --------                             -----------                                                         ------
               Earnings Base / Capitalization Comparison - Appendix 2, Page 17
      33       Reduce equity for pension earnings 1996 through 2003                                         30,000
      34       Eliminate intercompany accounts payable/receivable for fuel costs                            10,131

               Earnings Base
      35       Eliminate pre-paid pension expense                                                          (88,974)
      36       Reduce earnings base for non-cash pension & OPEBs                                            (3,864)

               Cash Working Capital - Appendix 2, Page 18
      37       Eliminate pensions from working cash calculation                                             17,898
      38       Eliminate OPEBs from working cash calculation                                                21,926

               Capital Structure
               See Capital Structure, Appendix 2, Page 19


                                                                                                       Appendix 2
                                                                                                       Page 3 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                      Summary of Company Update Adjustments
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008

   Adj. No.                     Description                                                                   Amount
   --------                     -----------                                                                   ------
               Operating Revenues - Appendix 2, Pages 5 & 6
      1u       Revised sales forecast                                                                  $      (8,961)
               Revised gas cost forecast                                                                    (383,035)
               Revenue tax effect of revised forecast                                                        (13,155)

               Operation & Maintenance Expenses - Appendix 2, Page 7
      2u       Revised gas cost forecast                                                                    (383,035)
      3u       Update labor for known and measurable changes                                                     126
               Update payroll taxes for labor changes                                                              8
      4u       Update health & hospitalization to new contract                                                   236
      5u       Update OPEBs to latest actuary report                                                          (4,748)
               Update pensions to latest actuary report                                                       (4,132)
      6u       Update uncollectibles for revenue update                                                         (134)
      7u       Updated inflation factor

               Depreciation - Appendix 2, Page 8
      8u       Adjust expense for plant changes                                                                   (4)
               Adjust expense for plant changes                                                                    1
      9u       Adjust expense for depreciation reserve deficiency                                              1,938

               Amortizations - Appendix 2, Page 9
     10u       Adjust for updated property tax deferral balance                                                1,372
     11u       Adjust for updated environmental cost deferral balance                                         (3,229)

               Taxes Other Than Income Taxes - Appendix 2, Page 10
     12u       Update real estate taxes for latest known bills.                                                  785
               Update special franchise taxes for latest known bills.                                         14,636
     13u       Adjust gross revenue taxes for revenue update                                                 (10,586)
               Adjust franchise-gross revenue taxes for revenue update                                        (2,237)
               Adjust MTA surcharges for revenue update                                                         (332)
     14u       Correct state unemployment insurance error                                                        (26)
               Correct federal unemployment insurance error                                                      (10)
     16u       Update FICA taxes for payroll update                                                                1

               State & Federal Income Taxes - Appendix 3, Pages 5 & 6
     17u       Adjust state taxes for updates changes (see pages 13-15 for details)                             (992)
     17u       Adjust federal taxes for update changes (see pages 13-15 for details)                          (3,499)

               Rate Base - Appendix 2, Page 14
     18u       Decrease gas plant balance                                                                        (66)
     19u       Adjust depreciation reserve for correction and depreciation exp. adjs.                         10,825
     20u       Update deferred SIR expenses for actual costs                                                 (20,985)
     21u       Update unamortized property costs for actual tax bills                                          8,916
     22u       Updated inflation factor
     23u       Adjust deferred income taxes for updates                                                          478
     24u       Adjust cash working capital for O&M changes (detailed on page   )                                (924)


                                                                                                                Appendix 2
                                                                                                               Page 4 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                  Summary of Joint Proposal Adjustments Twelve
           Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012

Adj. No.                               Description                                                 Amount for March 31 year end
- --------                              ------------
                                                                                      2008      2009       2010     2011      2012
                                                                                      ----      ----       ----     ----      ----
        Operating Revenues - Appendix 2, Pages 5 & 6
 1s     Revised sales forecast                                                     $(7,813)  $ 5,810    $ 8,701  $ 8,464   $ 8,405

        Operation & Maintenance Expenses - Appendix 2, Page 7
 2s     Allowance for leak response program                                          1,850
        Increase payroll for 2.8% forecast                                               -     1,687      1,734        -         -
 3s     Increase for Inflation forecast                                                  -         -          -        -         -
 4s     Update to latest actual bills, and inflation forecast less 1% productivity    (243)      156        157        -         -
 5s     Adjust uncollectible expense for revenue adjustments                           335       534        318        -         -
 6s     Decrease discretionary programs and adjust for inflation                    (9,684)      432        441        -         -
 7s     Overall settlement productivity adjustment                                   6,891    (2,017)      (288)       -         -
 8s     Remove merger/rate costs and amortize rate case costs over 3 years          (1,527)      (34)       (34)       -         -
 9s     Reduce costs for management efficiency programs                             (1,735)   (3,456)    (1,565)       -         -

        Depreciation - Appendix 2, Page 8
 10s    Adjust expense for plant changes                                              (823)    3,018      3,548    3,548     3,548
 11s    Correct staff depreciation adjustment                                        3,205         -          -        -         -
 12s    Adjust expense for depreciation reserve deficiency                          (1,938)        -          -        -         -

        Amortizations - Appendix 2, Page 9
 13s    Amortize merger costs over three years*                                     (6,383)        -          -        -         -
        * Merger amortization is moved to environmental amortization after year 3
 14s    Adjust property tax amortization reflect a $22.5 million balance reduction   2,328         -          -        -         -
 15s    Adjust environmental cost amortization to staff's position                   3,229         -          -        -         -

        Taxes Other Than Income Taxes - Appendix 2, Page 10
 16s    Update real estate/special franchise taxes for latest known bills.          (2,476)        -          -        -         -

        State & Federal Income Taxes - Appendix 2, Pages 5-7
 17s    Adjust state taxes for settlement adjs & tax rate change
           (pgs. 13-15 for detail)                                                     583      (625)      (708)    (729)     (598)
 17s    Adjust federal taxes for settlement adjs (pgs. 13-15 for detail)             3,839    (2,316)    (2,624)  (2,800)   (2,966)

        Rate Base - Appendix 2, Page 14
 18s    Adjust plant for capitalized pension/OPEB and revised forecast             (30,500)  150,455    134,775        -         -
 19s    Adjust depreciation reserve for depreciation expense adjustments              (222)  (77,928)   (81,476)       -         -
 20s    Reverse company update adjustment                                           20,985         -          -        -         -
 21s    Adjust property tax deferral balance for $22.5 million reduction            15,132    (3,700)    (3,700)       -         -
 22s    Adjust deferred income taxes for settlement adjustments                    (19,536)    1,107      1,702        -         -
 23s    Adjust for forecasted changes                                                    -         -          -   51,934    51,934

        Earnings Base / Capitalization Comparison - Appendix 2, Page 15
 24s    Reverse staff's adjustment for pension earnings                            (30,000)        -          -        -         -
 25s    Reverse staff's adjustment for non-cash pension & OPEBs                      3,864         -          -        -         -

        Cash Working Capital - Appendix 2, Page 16
 26s    Adjust for O&M changes
 27s    Reverse staff's adjustment for pensions                                    (17,898)        -          -        -         -
 28s    Reverse staff's adjustment for OPEBs                                       (21,926)        -          -        -         -

Capital Structure
See Capital Structure, Appendix 2, Page 17


                                                                                                                        Appendix 2
                                                                                                                       Page 5 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
          Statement of Operating Income, Rate Base, and Rate of Return
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008

                            Company                                                                             Revenue
                             Filed       Adj.   Staff      Adj. Co. Update    Adj.  Settlement   As Adjusted      Req.        Rate
                            Rate Year     No. Adjustment   No.     Adjs.       No      Adjs         Year 1      Year 1       Year 1
Operating Revenues
Margins                     $ 646,908      1    $ 20,970    1u     $ (8,961)   1s   $ (7,813)      $ 651,104  $ 30,299     $ 681,402
Cost of Gas                 1,607,526                       1u     (383,035)                       1,224,491               1,224,491
Revenue Taxes                  84,589                       1u      (13,155)                          71,434                  71,434
Other Operating Revenue        18,589                                                                 18,589                  18,589
                          ------------       ------------      -------------      --------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Revenue     2,357,612             20,970           (405,151)          (7,813)      1,965,618    30,299     1,995,917
                          ------------       ------------      -------------      --------------------------------------------------
      Base Rate % Increase                                                                                       1.54%
Operation & Maintenance
 Expenses                   1,955,784    p.7     (39,406) p.7      (390,561) p.7     (22,570)      1,503,248       448     1,503,696
Depreciation                  110,074    p.8     (27,885) p.8         1,935  p.8         444          84,568                  84,568
Amortizations                  24,478    p.9     (12,122) p.9        (1,857) p.9        (826)          9,673                   9,673
Taxes Other Than Income
 Taxes                        195,738                  -  p.10        2,232  p.10     (2,476)        195,494                 195,494
                          ------------       ------------      -------------      --------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses    2,286,074            (79,413)          (388,251)         (25,428)      1,792,982       448     1,793,431
                          ------------       ------------      -------------      --------------------------------------------------
Operating Income before
 Income Taxes                  71,538            100,383            (16,900)          17,615         172,636    29,850       202,486
                          ------------       ------------      -------------      --------------------------------------------------
State Income Tax                  838  p.11        9,491  17u          (992) 17s         583           9,919     2,576        12,496
Federal Income Tax              5,155  p.12       33,463  17u        (3,499) 17s       3,839          38,958     9,546        48,504
                          ------------       ------------      -------------      -----------                -----------------------
Utility Operating Income     $ 65,545           $ 57,428          $ (12,409)        $ 13,193       $ 123,758  $ 17,728     $ 141,486
                          ============       ============      =============      ==================================================
Rate Base                 $ 1,974,005  p.14   $ (123,718) p.14      $ 1,613  p.14   $ 14,110     $ 1,866,011              $1,866,011
                          ============       ============      =============      ===========================          =============
Rate of Return                  3.32%                                                                  6.63%                   7.58%
                          ============                                                       ================          =============


                                                                                                                      Appendix 2
                                                                                                                      Page 6 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
          Statement of Operating Income, Rate Base, and Rate of Return
                Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2009, and 2010

                                                           Revenue                                              Revenue
                            Adj.   Adjs.    As Adjusted      Req.        Rate       Adj.  Adjs.    As Adjusted    Req.         Rate
                             No.   Year 2       Year 2      Year 2      Year 2       No.  Year 3       Year 3     Year 3      Year 3

Operating Revenues
Margins                      1s  $ 5,810      $ 687,212   $ 12,812    $ 700,024     1s   $ 8,701    $ 708,725   $ 12,377   $ 721,102
Cost of Gas                                   1,224,491               1,224,491                     1,224,491              1,224,491
Revenue Taxes                                    71,434                  71,434                        71,434                 71,434
Other Operating Revenue                          18,589                  18,589                        18,589                 18,589
                                ------------------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
Total Operating Revenue            5,810      2,001,727     12,812    2,014,538            8,701    2,023,239     12,377   2,035,616
                                ------------------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
      Base Rate % Increase                                   0.64%                                                 0.61%
Operation & Maintenance
 Expenses                 p.7      1,810      1,505,506        190    1,505,696   p.7      5,381    1,511,077        183   1,511,260
Depreciation              p.8      3,018         87,586                  87,586   p.8      3,548       91,134                 91,134
Amortizations             p.9          -          9,673                   9,673   p.9          -        9,673                  9,673
Taxes Other Than
 Income Taxes             p.10     6,106        201,600                 201,600  p.10      6,408      208,008                208,008
                                ------------------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses          10,934      1,804,364        190    1,804,554           15,338    1,819,892        183   1,820,075
                                ------------------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
Operating Income before
 Income Taxes                     (5,124)       197,362     12,622      209,984           (6,637)     203,348     12,194     215,541
                                ------------------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
State Income Tax          17s       (625)        11,870      1,089       12,960   17s       (708)      12,252      1,052      13,304
Federal Income Tax        17s     (2,316)        46,188      4,037       50,225   17s     (2,624)      47,600      3,899      51,500
                                ------------------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
Utility Operating Income        $ (2,182)     $ 139,304    $ 7,496    $ 146,800         $ (3,304)   $ 143,496    $ 7,242   $ 150,738
                                ================================================       =============================================
Rate Base                       $ 70,094    $ 1,936,104             $ 1,936,104         $ 51,934  $ 1,988,038            $ 1,988,038
                               ========================           =============       =======================           ============
Rate of Return                                    7.20%                   7.58%                         7.22%                  7.58%
                                        ===============           =============                 =============           ============


                                                                                                                  Appendix 2
                                                                                                                  Page 7 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
          Statement of Operating Income, Rate Base, and Rate of Return
                Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2011, and 2012

                                                           Revenue                                                 Revenue
                           Adj.     Adjs.   As Adjusted     Req.       Rate      Adj.    Adjs.     As Adjusted    Req.       Rate
                           No.     Year 4      Year 4      Year 4     Year 4     No.    Year 5       Year 5      Year 5     Year 5
Operating Revenues
Margins                    1s   $ 8,464     $ 729,566    $ 12,377   $ 741,943    1s   $ 8,405     $ 750,348    $ 12,377    $ 762,725
Cost of Gas                                 1,224,491               1,224,491                     1,224,491                1,224,491
Revenue Taxes                                  71,434                  71,434                        71,434                   71,434
Other Operating Revenue                        18,589                  18,589                        18,589                   18,589
                              ------------------------------------------------       -----------------------------------------------
Total Operating Revenue           8,464     2,044,080      12,377   2,056,457           8,405     2,064,862      12,377    2,077,239
                              ------------------------------------------------       -----------------------------------------------
     Base Rate % Increase                                   0.61%                                                 0.60%
Operation & Maintenance
 Expenses                3s       5,381     1,516,641         183   1,516,824   3s      5,381     1,522,205         183    1,522,388
Depreciation             10s      3,548        94,682                  94,682   10s     3,548        98,230                   98,230
Amortizations                                   9,673                   9,673               -         9,673                    9,673
Taxes Other Than
 Income Taxes            3s       6,408       214,416                 214,416   3s      6,408       220,824                  220,824
                              ------------------------------------------------       -----------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses         15,337     1,835,412         183   1,835,595          15,337     1,850,932         183    1,851,115
                              ------------------------------------------------       -----------------------------------------------
Operating Income before
Income Taxes                     (6,873)      208,668      12,194     220,862          (6,932)      213,930      12,194      226,124
                              ------------------------------------------------       -----------------------------------------------
State Income Tax         17s       (729)       12,575       1,052      13,628   17s      (598)       13,029       1,052       14,082
Federal Income Tax       17s     (2,800)       48,699       3,900      52,599   17s    (2,966)       49,633       3,900       53,532
                              ------------------------------------------------       -----------------------------------------------
Utility Operating Income       $ (3,344)    $ 147,394     $ 7,242   $ 154,636        $ (3,367)    $ 151,268     $ 7,242    $ 158,510
                              ================================================       ===============================================
Rate Base                23s   $ 51,934   $ 2,039,972             $ 2,039,972   23s  $ 51,934   $ 2,091,906              $ 2,091,906
                              ========================            ============       =======================            ============
Rate of Return                                  7.23%                   7.58%                         7.23%                    7.58%
                                         =============            ============                ==============            ============


                                                                                                               Appendix 2
                                                                                                               Page 8 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
      Merger Adjustments to Stand Alone Joint Proposal Revenue Requirements
                                                                              Twelve Months Ending December 31
                                                            2008              2009          2010           2011            2012
                                                            ----              ----          ----           ----            ----
KEDNY Revenue Requirement per Joint Proposal             $ 30,300          $ 12,800      $ 12,400       $ 12,400        $ 12,400
                                                         ---------         ---------     ---------      ---------       --------
Rate Mitigators
 Cost to return to Pension/OPEB Policy Statement          $ 6,000
 Deferral of Amortization Adjustments(1)                    1,840                14            45         (1,016)          1,395
 9.8% ROE and 45% Equity Ratio                              2,576                97            72             68              63
 Imputation of TC (from $67 million to $85 million)        18,000
 Synergy Share Credit                                       5,694
Additional Margin Adjustment (2)                           (3,810)           12,689        12,283         13,348          10,942
                                                         ---------         ---------     ---------      ---------       --------
Available Rate Mitigators                                $ 30,300          $ 12,800      $ 12,400       $ 12,400        $ 12,400
                                                         ---------         ---------     ---------      ---------       --------
Revenue Requirement after Rate Mitigator                      $ -               $ -           $ -            $ -             $ -
                                                         =========         =========     =========      =========       ========

(1)  The deferral mitigator also precludes  deferral and subsequent  recovery of
     special  franchise  property  tax for  KEDNY  between  October  1, 2007 and
     December 31, 2007.

(2)  If a Revenue  Decoupling  Mechanism is developed  for KEDNY,  the mechanism
     will need to consider the impact of the Additional Margin Adjustment.


                                                                                Appendix 2
                                                                                Page 9 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                        Operations & Maintenance Expenses
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         Company Rate    Adj.         Staff      Adj.    Co. Update    Adj.  Settlement  As Adjusted
                                          Year Expense    No.           Adjs.     No.         Adjs.     No.     Adjs.        Year 1
Gas Costs                                $ 1,607,526                              2u       (383,035)                    $ 1,224,491
Labor                                        117,802       2           (1,850)    3u            126     2s     1,850        117,928
Incentive Programs & Rebates                   2,656                              7u             19     3s                    2,675
Other Employee Related Exp. & Benefits         2,973                              7u             21     3s                    2,994
Health & Hospitalization                      14,143                              4u            236     4s      (243)        14,136
401k Match                                     2,811                              7u              3     2s                    2,814
Advertising                                    2,634                              7u             19     3s                    2,653
Building Services                              9,942                              7u             69     3s                   10,011
Collection Agency Fees                         2,509                              7u             17     3s                    2,526
Computer Software Purchases                    3,428                              7u             25     3s                    3,453
Contract Labor                                 9,433                              7u             67     3s                    9,500
Contributions, Tickets & Sponsorships              -                                                                              -
Dues & Memberships                               960                              7u              7     3s                      967
Fleet Leasing                                  2,934                              7u             21     3s                    2,955
Franchise Requirements                         2,152                              7u             15     3s                    2,167
Insurance                                      6,414                              7u             45     3s                    6,459
Lock Box                                         463                              7u              3     3s                      466
Materials & Supplies                           5,812                              7u             41     3s                    5,853
New York Facilities                            8,307                              7u             58     3s                    8,365
OPEBs                                         21,926                              5u         (4,748)    2s                   17,178
OPEBs (loss amortization adjustment)                                                                          (7,416)        (7,416)
Other                                         13,694                              7u             96     3s                   13,790
Paving                                         3,723                              7u             26     3s                    3,749
Payroll Taxes                                  4,929                              3u              8     2s                    4,937
Pensions                                      17,898                              5u         (4,132)    2s                   13,766
Pensions (loss amortization adjustment)                                                                      (11,041)       (11,041)
Permits                                        1,439                              7u             10     3s                    1,449
Postage                                        5,808                              7u             41     3s                    5,849
PSC Assessment Fees                            7,105                              7u             50     3s                    7,155
Purchased Services                            23,912                              7u            168     3s                   24,080
Service Company Asset Recovery Charge              -                                                                              -
Telecommunications                             3,633                              7u             25     3s                    3,658
Transportation                                 5,004                              7u             35     3s                    5,039
Transportation - Liquid Fuels                  1,263                              7u              9     3s                    1,272
Uncollectibles                                 9,982       3             (272)    6u           (134)    5s       335          9,911
Accounting Change                             (2,821)                             7u            (20)                         (2,841)
Program Changes                               35,389     4,5           (5,366)    7u            249     6s    (9,684)        20,588
Unbundling Adjustment                              -       6          (13,505)                                              (13,505)
Cost Update/Inflation Adjustment                   -       7          (15,530)                          7s    15,530              -
Labor Productivity Adjustment                      -       8           (1,724)                          7s     1,724
Non-Labor Productivity Adjustment                  -      20           (1,159)                          7s     1,159              -
Overall Productivity Adjustment                                                                         7s   (11,522)       (11,522)
Remove merger/rate case costs                                                                           8s    (1,600)        (1,600)
Amortize rate case costs                                                                                8s        73             73
Management Efficiency Programs                                                                          9s    (2,154)        (2,154)
Management Efficiency Programs - CTA                                                                    9s       419            419
- -----------------------------------------------------        -----------------       ---------------       -------------------------
  Total Operation & Maint. Exp.          $ 1,955,784                $ (39,406)           $ (390,560)       $ (22,570)   $ 1,503,249
                                       ==============        =================       ===============       =========================

                      KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                        Operations & Maintenance Expenses
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         Adjs.          As Adjusted          Adjs.            As Adjusted
                                         Year 2             Year 2           Year 3              Year 3
Gas Costs                                               $ 1,224,491                          $ 1,224,491
Labor                                    3,302              121,230           3,394              124,625
Incentive Programs & Rebates                56                2,731              57                2,788
Other Employee Related Exp. & Benefits      63                3,057              64                3,121
Health & Hospitalization                   156               14,292             157               14,449
401k Match                                  79                2,893              81                2,974
Advertising                                 56                2,709              57                2,766
Building Services                          210               10,221             215               10,436
Collection Agency Fees                      53                2,579              54                2,633
Computer Software Purchases                 73                3,526              74                3,600
Contract Labor                             200                9,700             204                9,903
Contributions, Tickets & Sponsorships                             -                                    -
Dues & Memberships                          20                  988              21                1,008
Fleet Leasing                               62                3,017              63                3,080
Franchise Requirements                      46                2,213              46                2,259
Insurance                                  136                6,594             138                6,733
Lock Box                                    10                  476              10                  486
Materials & Supplies                       123                5,976             125                6,101
New York Facilities                        176                8,540             179                8,720
OPEBs                                      481               17,659             494               18,154
OPEBs (loss amortization adjustment)      (208)              (7,624)           (213)              (7,837)
Other                                      290               14,080             296               14,375
Paving                                      79                3,827              80                3,908
Payroll Taxes                              138                5,076             142                5,218
Pensions                                   385               14,151             396               14,547
Pensions (loss amortization adjustment)   (309)             (11,350)           (318)             (11,668)
Permits                                     30                1,479              31                1,510
Postage                                    123                5,972             125                6,097
PSC Assessment Fees                        150                7,305             153                7,459
Purchased Services                         506               24,585             516               25,102
Service Company Asset Recovery Charge                             -                                    -
Telecommunications                          77                3,735              78                3,813
Transportation                             106                5,145             108                5,253
Transportation - Liquid Fuels               27                1,299              27                1,326
Uncollectibles                             534               10,446             318               10,764
Accounting Change                          (60)              (2,901)            (61)              (2,962)
Program Changes                            432               21,020             441               21,462
Unbundling Adjustment                     (284)             (13,788)           (290)             (14,078)
Cost Update/Inflation Adjustment                                  -                                    -
Labor Productivity Adjustment                                     -                                    -
Non-Labor Productivity Adjustment                                 -                                    -
Overall Productivity Adjustment         (2,017)             (13,539)           (288)             (13,827)
Remove merger/rate case costs              (34)              (1,634)            (34)              (1,668)
Amortize rate case costs                                         73                                   73
Management Efficiency Programs          (3,037)              (5,191)         (1,565)              (6,756)
Management Efficiency Programs - CTA      (419)                   -                                    -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Operation & Maint. Exp.        $ 1,810          $ 1,505,059         $ 5,381          $ 1,510,440

                                                                                                                      Appendix 2
                                                                                                                      Page 10 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                         Company                            Co.         Settle-      As                  As                    As
                         Rate Year  Adj.  Staff     Adj.  Update  Adj.    ment    Adjusted    Adjs.    Adjusted   Adjs.     Adjusted
                          Expense    No.   Adj.      No.   Adjs.   No.    Adjs     Year 1     Year 2    Year 2    Year 3     Year 3
Depreciation Expense     $87,062                     8u     $ (4)  10s   $ (823)  $ 86,235   $ 3,018   $ 89,253   $ 3,548  $ 92,801

Depreciation Expense of
 Corporate Services
 Assets                    3,205                                                     3,205                3,205               3,205

Depreciation related to
 Accounting changes
 proposed by Mr. Aikman
 based on 12/31/05
 Plant Balances           18,555     10   (22,006)                                  (3,451)              (3,451)             (3,451)
Depreciation related to
 Accounting changes
 proposed by Mr. Aikman
 on Plant additions
 (4/1/07 - 3/31/08)        1,252     11    (5,879)   8u        1   11s    3,205     (1,421)              (1,421)             (1,421)
Depreciation related to
 Accounting changes
 proposed by Mr. Aikman
 on depreciation
 reserve deficiency at
 12/31/05                                            9u    1,938   12s   (1,938)         -                    -                   -
- --------------------------------------------------      ---------      -------------------------------------------------------------
Total                   $110,074         $(27,885)       $ 1,935          $ 444   $ 84,568   $ 3,018   $ 87,586   $ 3,548  $ 91,134
                        =========       ==========      =========      =============================================================


                                                                                Appendix 2
                                                                                Page 11 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                            Company                          Co.                           As                 As                As
                           Rate Year  Adj.  Staff    Adj.  Update    Adj.  Settlement   Adjusted  Adjs.    Adjusted  Adjs.  Adjusted
                            Expense    No.   Adjs     No.    Adjs.    No.     Adjs       Year 1   Year 2    Year 2  Year 3    Year 3
Amortization Merger Costs    $ 9,569                                  13s   $ (6,383)   $ 3,186            $ 3,186          $ 3,186
Amortization Property Taxes    5,542   12   (5,542)  10u      1,372   14s      2,328      3,700              3,700            3,700
Amortization Environmental
 Costs                         9,367   13   (6,580)  11u     (3,229)  15s      3,229      2,787              2,787            2,787
                           ---------      ---------      -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------
Total                       $ 24,478      $(12,122)        $ (1,857)          $ (826)   $ 9,673      $ -   $ 9,673     $ -  $ 9,673
                           =========      =========      ===========      ==========================================================


                                                                                                                  Appendix 2
                                                                                                                  Page 12 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                          Taxes Other Than Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                              Company                        Co.                       As                  As                   As
                             Rate Year  Adj. Staff   Adj.  Update   Adj. Settlement  Adjusted  Adjs.    Adjusted   Adjs.    Adjusted
                             Expenses    No.  Adj.    No.    Adjs.   No.     Adjs     Year 1   Year 2     Year 2   Year 3     Year 3
Real Estate/Special Franchise $16,100                 12u    $ 785                   $ 16,885   $ 844    $ 17,729   $ 886   $ 18,616
Special Franchise              90,664                 12u   14,636  16s     (2,476)   102,824   5,141     107,965   5,398    113,363
Municipal Gross Revenue        68,174                 13u  (10,586)                    57,588              57,588             57,588
Franchise Gross Income -185a   14,411                 13u   (2,237)                    12,174              12,174             12,174
NYS Excise Tax                     23                                                      23       0          24       1         24
MTA Surcharge                   2,004                 13u     (332)                     1,672               1,672              1,672
Unemployment Insurance            318                 14u      (26)                       292       8         300       8        309
Sales and Use                     117                  7u        1                        118       2         120       3        123
Other                              88                                                      88       2          90       2         92
FICA                            3,722                 16u        1                      3,723     104       3,827     107      3,934
Unemployment Tax                  117                 14u      (10)                       107       3         110       3        113
                             ---------      --------     ----------     ------------------------------------------------------------
Total                        $195,738            $ -        $2,232        $ (2,476)  $195,494  $6,106    $201,600  $6,408   $208,008
                             =========      ========     ==========     ============================================================


                                                                                                                   Appendix 2
                                                                                                                   Page 13 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                               State Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         Company                           Co.       Settle-      Year 1       Year 1
                                         Rate Year   Adj.s    Staff       Update       ment         As         Revenue       Rate
                                           Expense    No.       Adj.        Adjs.      Adjs       Adjusted       Req.        Year 1
Taxable Net Income                        $ 71,538    p.1   $ 100,383   $ (16,900)  $ 17,615     $ 172,636     $ 29,850   $ 202,486
Interest Expense                            62,261    p.8      (5,638)     (5,912)     6,064        56,775                   56,775
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income Before Taxes                9,277            106,021     (10,988)    11,551       115,861       29,850     145,711
Flow-Thru Items
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment           1                                                       1                        1
Book Depr. in excess of Tax Depr.                -                                                       -                        -
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 1                                                       1            -           1
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Medicare cash proceeds                           -     14         920                                  920                      920
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Subject to Tax                        9,278            105,101     (10,988)    11,551       114,942       29,850     144,792
                                        ===========       ==========================================================================
Income Tax Provision                         $ 838            $ 9,491      $ (992)     $ 583       $ 9,919      $ 2,576    $ 12,496
                                        ===========       ==========================================================================
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                            $ 1,804                                                 $ 1,804                  $ 1,804
Gas Cost Deferred                                -                                                       -                        -
Pension Cost                                     -                                                       -                        -
Bad Debts                                        -                                                       -                        -
Balancing Account                                -                                                       -                        -
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization            9,569                              -     (6,383)        3,186                    3,186
MTA Amortization                                 -                                                       -                        -
Performance Shares                             592                                                     592                      592
FAS 106                                          -                                                       -                        -
Premium/Discount - Refinancing               1,565                                                   1,565                    1,565
Relocation of Mains                              -                                                       -                        -
Environmental Clean Up Costs                     -                                                       -                        -
Deferred Tax Rate                                -                                                       -                        -
CIAC Deferral                                    3                                                       3                        3
Book Depreciation - Current Rates           90,267                             (4)                  90,263                   90,263
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates          19,807     15     (27,885)      1,939        444        (5,695)                  (5,695)
Cost of Removal Amortization                   751                                                     751                      751
Senior Securities Expense Amortization       1,565                                                   1,565                    1,565
Property Tax Amortization                    5,542     16      (5,542)      1,372      2,328         3,700                    3,700
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amortization     9,367     17      (6,580)     (3,229)     3,229         2,787                    2,787
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           140,832            (40,007)         78       (382)      100,521            -     100,521
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Environmental Clean Up Costs                58,104                                                  58,104                   58,104
Tax Depreciation                           114,537     18        (628)                (1,255)      112,654                  112,654
Removal Costs Expenditures                   9,658                                                   9,658                    9,658
Lien Date Property Taxes                       415                                                     415                      415
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           182,714     20        (628)          -     (1,255)      180,831            -     180,831
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Timing Differences                     (41,882)           (39,379)         78        873       (80,311)           -     (80,311)
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taxable Income                             (32,604)            65,721     (10,910)    12,424        34,631       29,850      64,481
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current State Income Tax                    (2,944)             5,935        (985)       983         2,989        2,576       5,565
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred State Income Tax                   (3,782)            (3,556)          7        400        (6,931)           -      (6,931)
                                        -----------       --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total State Income Tax                   $ 838            $ 9,491      $ (992)     $ 583       $ 9,919      $ 2,576    $ 12,496
                                        ===========       ==========================================================================

                      KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                               State Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                    Year 2     Year 2                               Year 3      Year 3
                                         Year 2       As       Revenue       Adjs.      Year 3        As        Revenue      Rate
                                          Adjs.    Adjusted      Req.        Year 2      Adjs.     Adjusted      Req.       Year 3
Taxable Net Income                      $(5,124)  $ 197,362    $ 12,622   $ 209,984    $(6,637)   $ 203,348    $ 12,194   $ 215,541
Interest Expense                          2,119      58,894                  58,894      1,570       60,464                  60,464
Operating Income Before Taxes            (7,243)    138,468      12,622     151,090     (8,207)     142,884      12,194     155,077
Flow-Thru Items
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment                    1                       1                       1                       1
Book Depr. in excess of Tax Depr.                         -                       -
                                              -           1           -           1          -            1           -           1
Medicare cash proceeds                                  920                     920                     920                     920
Income Subject to Tax                    (7,243)    137,549      12,622     150,171     (8,207)     141,965      12,194     154,158
Income Tax Provision                     $ (625)   $ 11,870     $ 1,089    $ 12,960     $ (708)    $ 12,252     $ 1,052    $ 13,304
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                                     $ 1,804                 $ 1,804                 $ 1,804                 $ 1,804
Gas Cost Deferred                                         -                       -                       -                       -
Pension Cost                                              -                       -                       -                       -
Bad Debts                                                 -                       -                       -                       -
Balancing Account                                         -                       -                       -                       -
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization                     3,186                   3,186                   3,186                   3,186
MTA Amortization                                          -                       -                       -                       -
Performance Shares                                      592                     592                     592                     592
FAS 106                                                   -                       -                       -                       -
Premium/Discount - Refinancing                        1,565                   1,565                   1,565                   1,565
Relocation of Mains                                       -                       -                       -                       -
Environmental Clean Up Costs                              -                       -                       -                       -
Deferred Tax Rate                                         -                       -                       -                       -
CIAC Deferral                                             3                       3                       3                       3
Book Depreciation - Current Rates                    90,263                  90,263                  90,263                  90,263
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates        3,018      (2,677)                 (2,677)     3,548          871                     871
Cost of Removal Amortization                            751                     751                     751                     751
Senior Securities Expense Amortization                1,565                   1,565                   1,565                   1,565
Property Tax Amortization                             3,700                   3,700                   3,700                   3,700
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amortization              2,787                   2,787                   2,787                   2,787
                                          3,018     103,539           -     103,539      3,548      107,087           -     107,087
Environmental Clean Up Costs                         58,104                  58,104                  58,104                  58,104
Tax Depreciation                          4,600     117,254                 117,254      3,632      120,886                 120,886
Removal Costs Expenditures                            9,658                   9,658                   9,658                   9,658
Lien Date Property Taxes                                415                     415                     415                     415
                                          4,600     185,431           -     185,431      3,632      189,063           -     189,063
Net Timing Differences                   (1,582)    (81,893)          -     (81,893)       (84)     (81,976)          -     (81,976)
Taxable Income                           (8,825)     55,657      12,622      68,279     (8,290)      59,988      12,194      72,182
Current State Income Tax                   (762)      4,803       1,089       5,892       (715)       5,177       1,052       6,229
Deferred State Income Tax                  (137)     (7,067)          -      (7,067)        (7)      (7,075)          -      (7,075)
    Total State Income Tax               $ (625)   $ 11,870     $ 1,089    $ 12,960     $ (708)    $ 12,252     $ 1,052    $ 13,304


                                                                                                             Appendix 2
                                                                                                             Page 14 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                              Federal Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         Company                             Co.      Settle-      Year 1       Year 1
                                        Rate Year   Adj.      Staff        Update       ment         As        Revenue      Rate
                                          Expense    No.        Adj.         Adjs.       Adjs     Adjusted        Req.      Year 1
Taxable Net Income                       $ 71,538    p.1    $ 100,383    $ (16,900)   $ 17,615    $ 171,920    $ 29,850   $ 201,770
Interest Expense                           62,261    p.8       (5,638)      (5,912)      6,064       56,775                  56,775
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income Before Taxes               9,277             106,021      (10,988)     11,551      115,861      29,850     144,996
Flow-Thru Items
- ---------------
- ---------
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment          1                                                         1                       1
Book Depr. in excess of Tax Depr.                                                                         -
Current Depreciation Rates                  4,375                                                     4,375                   4,375
Proposed Depreciation Rates                 1,912                                                     1,912                   1,912
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            6,288                   -            -           -        6,288           -       6,288
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Medicare cash proceeds                                14          920                                   920                     920
New York State Income Tax Provision           838    p.6        9,491         (992)        583       10,328       2,576      12,904
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              838              10,411         (992)        583       11,248       2,576      13,824
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Subject to Tax                      14,727              95,610       (9,996)     10,968      110,900      27,274     137,459
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Tax Provision @ 35%                $ 5,155            $ 33,463     $ (3,499)    $ 3,839     $ 38,815     $ 9,546    $ 48,111
                                        ==========       ===========================================================================
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                           $ 1,804                                                   $ 1,804                 $ 1,804
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization           9,569                                -      (6,383)       3,186                   3,186
Performance Shares                            592                                                       592                     592
CIAC Deferral                                   3                                                         3                       3
Book Depreciation - Current Rates          90,267                               (4)          -       90,263                  90,263
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates         19,807     15      (27,885)       1,939         444       (5,695)                 (5,695)
Cost of Removal Amortization                  751                                                       751                     751
Senior Securities Expense Amortization      1,565                                                     1,565                   1,565
Property Tax Amortization                   5,542     16       (5,542)       1,372       2,328        3,700                   3,700
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amortization    9,367     17       (6,580)      (3,229)      3,229        2,787                   2,787
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          139,267             (40,007)          78        (382)      98,956           -      98,956
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Environmental Clean Up Costs               58,104                                                    58,104                  58,104
Tax Depreciation                          107,264     18         (628)                  (1,255)     105,381                 105,381
Removal Costs Expenditures                  9,658                                                     9,658                   9,658
Lien Date Property Taxes                      415                                                       415                     415
Deferred State Tax Provision               (3,782)   p.6       (3,556)                               (7,338)                 (7,338)
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          171,659              (4,184)           -      (1,255)     166,220           -     166,220
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Timing Differences                    (32,392)            (35,823)          78         873      (67,265)          -     (67,265)
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taxable Income                            (17,665)             59,787       (9,918)     11,840       43,636      27,274      70,195
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Federal Income Tax @ 35%           (6,183)             20,925       (3,471)      4,144       15,273       9,546      24,568
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Federal Income Tax @ 35%         (11,337)            (12,538)          27         305      (23,543)          -     (23,543)
                                        ----------       ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Federal Income Tax              $ 5,155            $ 33,463     $ (3,499)    $ 3,839     $ 38,815     $ 9,546    $ 48,111
                                        ==========       ===========================================================================

                      KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                              Federal Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                    Year 2       Year 2                             Year 3      Year 3
                                         Year 2       As         Revenue      Rate       Year 3       As        Revenue     Rate
                                          Adjs.    Adjusted        Req.      Year 2       Adjs.    Adjusted       Req.      Year 3
Taxable Net Income                      $(5,124)   $ 197,362    $ 12,622   $ 209,984    $(6,637)  $ 203,348    $ 12,194   $ 215,541
Interest Expense                          2,119       58,894                  58,894      1,570      60,464                  60,464
Operating Income Before Taxes            (7,243)     138,468      12,622     151,090     (8,207)    142,884      12,194     155,077
Flow-Thru Items
- ---------------
- ---------
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment                     1                       1                      1                       1
Book Depr. in excess of Tax Depr.                                                  -                      -                       -
Current Depreciation Rates                             4,375                   4,375                  4,375                   4,375
Proposed Depreciation Rates                            1,912                   1,912                  1,912                   1,912
                                              -        6,288           -       6,288          -       6,288           -       6,288
Medicare cash proceeds                                   920                     920                    920                     920
New York State Income Tax Provision        (625)      12,279       1,089      13,369       (708)     12,660       1,052      13,713
                                           (625)      13,199       1,089      14,289       (708)     13,580       1,052      14,633
Income Subject to Tax                    (6,618)     131,557      11,533     143,090     (7,498)    135,591      11,141     146,733
Income Tax Provision @ 35%              $(2,316)    $ 46,045     $ 4,037    $ 50,081    $(2,624)   $ 47,457     $ 3,899    $ 51,356
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                                      $ 1,804                 $ 1,804                $ 1,804                 $ 1,804
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization                      3,186                   3,186                  3,186                   3,186
Performance Shares                                       592                     592                    592                     592
CIAC Deferral                                              3                       3                      3                       3
Book Depreciation - Current Rates                     90,263                  90,263                 90,263                  90,263
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates        3,018       (2,677)                 (2,677)     3,548         871                     871
Cost of Removal Amortization                             751                     751                    751                     751
Senior Securities Expense Amortization                 1,565                   1,565                  1,565                   1,565
Property Tax Amortization                              3,700                   3,700                  3,700                   3,700
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amortization               2,787                   2,787                  2,787                   2,787
                                          3,018      101,974           -     101,974      3,548     105,522           -     105,522
Environmental Clean Up Costs                          58,104                  58,104                 58,104                  58,104
Tax Depreciation                          4,600      109,981                 109,981      3,632     113,613                 113,613
Removal Costs Expenditures                             9,658                   9,658                  9,658                   9,658
Lien Date Property Taxes                                 415                     415                    415                     415
Deferred State Tax Provision                          (7,338)                 (7,338)                (7,338)                 (7,338)
                                          4,600      170,820           -     170,820      3,632     174,452           -     174,452
Net Timing Differences                   (1,582)     (68,847)          -     (68,847)       (84)    (68,931)          -     (68,931)
Taxable Income                           (8,200)      62,710      11,533      74,243     (7,582)     66,661      11,141      77,802
Current Federal Income Tax @ 35%         (2,870)      21,949       4,037      25,985     (2,654)     23,331       3,899      27,231
Deferred Federal Income Tax @ 35%          (554)     (24,096)          -     (24,096)       (29)    (24,126)          -     (24,126)
    Total Federal Income Tax            $(2,316)    $ 46,045     $ 4,037    $ 50,081    $(2,624)   $ 47,457     $ 3,899    $ 51,356


                                                                                                           Appendix 2
                                                                                                           Page 15 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                         Calculation of Interest Expense
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                       Company                        Co.     Settle-        As                      As                      As
                      Filed Rate  Adj.    Staff     Update      ment      Adjusted     Adjs.      Adjusted       Adjs.    Adjusted
                          Year     No.     Adj.       Adjs.     Adjs        Year 1     Year 2       Year 2       Year 3     Year 3
Rate Base             $ 1,974,005  19  $ (123,718)  $ 1,613   $ 14,110   $ 1,866,011  $ 70,094   $ 1,936,104   $ 51,934  $ 1,988,038
Interest Bearing CWIP              20      11,923                             11,923                  11,923                  11,923
                      -----------     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings Base         $ 1,974,005      $ (111,795)  $ 1,613   $ 14,110   $ 1,877,934  $ 70,094   $ 1,948,027   $ 51,934  $ 1,999,961
                      ===========     ==============================================================================================
Weighted Cost of Debt.      3.15%  21      -0.11%               -0.01%         3.02%                   3.02%                   3.02%
Interest Exp.              62,261          (5,638)   (5,912)     6,064        56,775                  58,894                  60,464
Add Gain on Required
                      -----------     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Total Interest
  Deduction              $ 62,261        $ (5,638) $ (5,912)   $ 6,064      $ 56,775                $ 58,894                $ 60,464
                      ===========     ==============================================================================================


                                                                                                             Appendix 2
                                                                                                             Page 16 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                        Calculation of Average Rate Base
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                             Company                                    Co.              Settle-          As
                                           Filed Rate      Adj.      Staff      Adj.  Update      Adj.     ment        Adjusted
                                               Year         No.   Adjustment     No.    Adjs.      No.     Adjs          Year 1
Utility Plant-Gas:
Gas Plant                                  $ 2,908,556      22     $ (9,831)     18u     $ (66)    18s  $ (30,500)    $ 2,868,159
Non-interest Bearing CWIP                       14,621                                                                     14,621
Reserve for Depreciation                      (984,842)     23       12,368      19u    10,825     19s       (222)       (961,871)
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
                                             1,938,335                2,537             10,759            (30,722)      1,920,909
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Gas Plant - charged from Corporate
 Services                                       74,957                                                                     74,957
Non-interest Bearing CWIP - charged
 from Corp. Srvcs                                2,240                                                                      2,240
Reserve for Depreciation  - charged
 from Corp. Srvcs.                             (33,355)                                                                   (33,355)
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Net Plant                                    1,982,177                2,537             10,759            (30,722)      1,964,751
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Rate Base Adjustments:
Deferred Merger Costs to Achieve                 4,634      24       (4,634)                                                    -
Deferred SIR Expenditures                       90,669      25      (90,669)     20u   (20,985)    20s     20,985               -
Unamortized Senior Securities' Expense          19,942                                                                     19,942
Unamortized Property Tax Costs                  36,025      26      (36,025)     21u     8,916     21s     15,132          24,048
Unamortized Deferred Assets - Other             38,496                           22u        88                             38,584
Deferred Income Taxes                         (353,013)  27-30       51,811      23u       478     22s    (19,536)       (320,261)
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Sub-Total                                     (163,247)             (79,517)           (11,503)            16,581        (237,687)
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Excess Earnings Base Capitalization Adj.        (9,491)   p.15       52,707                       p.15     26,136          69,352
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Net Rate Base Adjustments                     (172,738)             (26,811)           (11,503)            42,717        (168,335)
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Gas Storage Inventory
Prepayments                                    112,714      31      (88,974)     22u     3,236                             26,976
Materials and Supplies                           9,568      32         (600)     22u        45                              9,013
Cash Working Capital Allowance                  42,284    p.16       (9,870)     24u      (924)   p.16      2,115          33,606
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
Total Working Capital                          164,566              (99,444)             2,357              2,115          67,480
                                          -------------        -------------         ----------        ----------------------------
    Rate Base                              $ 1,974,005           $ (123,718)           $ 1,613           $ 14,110     $ 1,866,011
                                          =============        =============         ==========        ============================

                      KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                        Calculation of Average Rate Base
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                                          As                                           As
                                                       Adjs.          Adjusted               Adjs.                  Adjusted
                                                       Year 2           Year 2               Year 3                  Year 3
Utility Plant-Gas:
Gas Plant                                            $ 150,455       $ 3,018,614            $ 134,775              $ 3,153,389
Non-interest Bearing CWIP                                                 14,621                                        14,621
Reserve for Depreciation                               (77,928)       (1,039,799)             (81,476)              (1,121,275)
                                                        72,527         1,993,436               53,299                2,046,735
Gas Plant - charged from Corporate Services                               74,957                                        74,957
Non-interest Bearing CWIP - charged from Corp. Srvcs                       2,240                                         2,240
Reserve for Depreciation  - charged from Corp. Srvcs.                    (33,355)                                      (33,355)
Net Plant                                               72,527         2,037,278               53,299                2,090,577
Rate Base Adjustments:
Deferred Merger Costs to Achieve                                               -                                             -
Deferred SIR Expenditures                                                      -                                             -
Unamortized Senior Securities' Expense                                    19,942                                        19,942
Unamortized Property Tax Costs                          (3,700)           20,348               (3,700)                  16,648
Unamortized Deferred Assets - Other                                       38,584                                        38,584
Deferred Income Taxes                                    1,107          (319,154)               1,702                 (317,452)
Sub-Total                                               (2,593)         (240,280)              (1,998)                (242,278)
Excess Earnings Base Capitalization Adj.                                  69,352                                        69,352
Net Rate Base Adjustments                               (2,593)         (170,928)              (1,998)                (172,927)
Gas Storage Inventory
Prepayments                                                               26,976                                        26,976
Materials and Supplies                                                     9,013                                         9,013
Cash Working Capital Allowance                             159            33,765                  633                   34,398
Total Working Capital                                      159            67,639                  633                   68,272
    Rate Base                                         $ 70,094       $ 1,936,104             $ 51,934              $ 1,988,038


                                                                                                               Appendix 2
                                                                                                               Page 17 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                Historic Earning Base / Capitalization Comparison
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2005

                                                       Company Filed    Adj.       Staff      Adj.    Settlement      Staff Adjusted
                                                       Historic Year     No.    Adjustment     No.         Adjs          Rate Year
Average Capitalization
Long-Term Debt                                            $ (651,917)                                                   $ (651,917)
Customer Deposits                                            (31,155)                                                      (31,155)
Common Equity                                             (1,021,291)     33        30,000     24s       (30,000)       (1,021,291)
Investments in Subsidiaries & Non-Utility  Property           54,135                                                        54,135
Interco. Notes Payable (net of Notes Receivable)            (308,512)                                                     (308,512)
Interco. Accounts Payable (net of Accounts Receivable)       (47,805)     34        10,131                                 (37,674)
Transition and Gas Balancing Accounts                        (17,893)                                                      (17,893)
Deferred Regulatory Liabilities - Interest Bearing           (30,171)                                                      (30,171)
                                                       --------------        --------------        --------------------------------
Total                                                   $ (2,054,609)             $ 40,131             $ (30,000)     $ (2,044,478)
                                                       ==============        ==============        ================================


                                                                                                                Appendix 2
                                                                                                                Page 18 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                  Computation of Cash Working Capital Allowance
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                Company                                    Co.              Settle-          As
                                              Filed Rate       Adj.        Staff         Update   Adj.       ment         Adjusted
                                                  Year          No.      Adjustment       Adjs.   No.        Adjs.          Year 1
Operation and Maintenance Expenses            $ 1,955,784                $ (39,406)   $ (390,560) 26s     $ (22,570)    $ 1,503,249
- -----
Purchased Gas                                   1,607,526                        -      (383,035)                 -       1,224,491
Uncollectible Losses Allowance                      9,982       p.2           (272)         (134) 26s           335           9,911
Pension                                                 -        37         17,898                27s       (17,898)              -
OPEBs                                                   -        38         21,926                28s       (21,926)              -
                                            --------------          -----------------------------        ---------------------------
                                                1,617,509                   39,552      (383,169)           (39,489)      1,234,403
                                            --------------          -----------------------------        ---------------------------
Net                                               338,276                  (78,958)       (7,391)            16,919         268,846
                                            --------------          -----------------------------        ---------------------------
Cash Allowance at 1/8  of Net O&M                  42,284                   (9,870)         (924)             2,115          33,606
Purchased Gas Cash Allowance at 31.82/365*              -                                                                         -
                                            --------------          -----------------------------        ---------------------------
Cash Working Capital                             $ 42,284                 $ (9,870)       $ (924)           $ 2,115        $ 33,606
                                            ==============          =============================        ===========================

                      KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                  Computation of Cash Working Capital Allowance
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                            As                               As
                                           Adjs.          Adjusted        Adjs.           Adjusted
                                           Year 2          Year 2        Year 3             Year 3
Operation and Maintenance Expenses        $ 1,810       $ 1,505,059     $ 5,381          $ 1,510,440
- -----
Purchased Gas                                   -         1,224,491           -            1,224,491
Uncollectible Losses Allowance                534            10,446         318               10,764
Pension                                                           -
OPEBs                                                             -
                                              534         1,234,937         318            1,235,255
Net                                         1,276           270,122       5,063              275,185
Cash Allowance at 1/8  of Net O&M             159            33,765         633               34,398
Purchased Gas Cash Allowance at 31.82/365*      -                 -           -                    -
Cash Working Capital                        $ 159          $ 33,765       $ 633             $ 34,398


                                                                                                                Appendix 2
                                                                                                                Page 19 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                       Company Proposed Capital Structure
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                       PRINCIPAL                     RATIO                 COST RATE            WEIGHTED COST
                                ------------------------     ----------------------   ------------------     -----------------
Long-Term Debt                              $ 1,040,500                     48.70%                6.39%                 3.11%
Customer Deposits                                28,173                      1.32%                3.00%                 0.04%
                                ------------------------                                                     -----------------
    Total Debt                                1,068,673                     50.02%                                      3.15%
                                ------------------------     ----------------------                          -----------------
Common Equity                                 1,067,794                     49.98%               11.00%                 5.50%
                                ------------------------     ----------------------                          -----------------
    Total Capitalization                    $ 2,136,467                    100.00%                                      8.65%
                                ========================     ======================                          =================

                        Staff Proposed Capital Structure
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         PRINCIPAL                 RATIO               COST RATE            WEIGHTED COST
                                 -------------------     ------------------      ---------------     ---------------------
Long-Term Debt                          $ 1,104,340                 51.69%                5.41%                     2.80%
Short-Term Debt                              90,800                  4.25%                5.35%                     0.23%
Customer Deposits                             9,828                  0.46%                3.65%                     0.02%
                                 -------------------     ------------------                          ---------------------
    Total Debt                            1,204,967                 56.40%                                          3.04%
                                 -------------------     ------------------                          ---------------------
Common Equity                               931,500                 43.60%                8.90%                     3.88%
                                 -------------------     ------------------                          ---------------------
    Total Capitalization                $ 2,136,467                100.00%                                          6.92%
                                 ===================     ==================                          =====================

                        Joint Proposal Capital Structure
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                     PRINCIPAL              RATIO                COST RATE            WEIGHTED COST
                               ------------------     ---------------      ----------------     ---------------------
Long-Term Debt                       $ 1,102,417              51.60%                 5.76%                     2.97%
Customer Deposits                         29,911               1.40%                 3.65%                     0.05%
                               ------------------     ---------------                           ---------------------
    Total Debt                         1,132,328              53.00%                                           3.02%
                               ------------------     ---------------                           ---------------------
Common Equity                          1,004,139              47.00%                 9.70%                     4.56%
                               ------------------     ---------------                           ---------------------
    Total Capitalization             $ 2,136,467             100.00%                                           7.58%
                               ==================     ===============                           =====================


                                                                                                            Appendix 2
                                                                                                            Page 20 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
            Computation of Recommended Additional Revenue Requirement
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                        Year 1                  Year 2                  Year 3
                                                        ------                  ------                  ------
Average Rate Base                                     $ 1,866,011             $ 1,936,104             $ 1,988,038
Rate Of Return                                              7.58%                   7.58%                   7.58%
                                      ----------------------------      ------------------      ------------------
Total Return Required                                     141,486                 146,800                 150,738
Less Earned Return                                        123,758                 139,304                 143,496
                                      ----------------------------      ------------------      ------------------
Deficiency in Required Return                              17,728                   7,496                   7,242
Retention Factor*                                          58.51%                  58.51%                  58.51%
                                      ----------------------------      ------------------      ------------------
Authorized Revenue Increase                              $ 30,299                $ 12,812                $ 12,377
                                      ============================      ==================      ==================

* Based upon the following:
                                                        PROOF                 Base Rates
                                      ----------------------------      ------------------
Sales Revenues                                            100.00%                $ 30,299
Less: Uncollectibles                                        1.48%                     448
                                      ----------------------------      ------------------
Subtotal                                                   98.52%                  29,850
State Income Taxes                                          8.50%                   2,576
Federal Income Tax At  35.00%                              31.51%                   9,546
                                      ----------------------------      ------------------
Retention Factor                                           58.51%                $ 17,728
                                      ============================      ==================


                                                                                                       Appendix 2
                                                                                                       Page 21 of 21
                       KeySpan Energy Delivery of New York
                  Joint Proposal Capital Expenditures 2007-2012
                                                        2007          2008          2009         2010        2011          2012
                                                        ----          ----          ----         ----        ----          ----
City State                                           $ 50,179      $ 51,000      $ 51,000     $ 51,000    $ 51,000      $ 51,000
Non-Growth                                             46,197        48,440        46,917       47,205      47,205        47,205
Growth Capital                                         49,069        42,463        41,165       39,878      39,878        39,878
Safety Replacement Program                                  -             -             -            -           -             -
LNG Liquefaction System                                 8,200         1,500             -            -           -             -
Information Technology, Facilities, and Other
 Capital Expeditures                                   34,673        20,457        14,388       17,352      17,352        17,352
                                                      -------       -------       -------      -------     -------       ------
Total                                               $ 188,318     $ 163,860     $ 153,470    $ 155,435   $ 155,435     $ 155,435
                                                    ==========    ==========    ==========   ==========  ==========    =========


                     APPENDIX 3 - KEDLI Revenue Requirement

                                                                                                          Appendix 3
                                                                                                          Page 1 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                          Summary of Staff Adjustments
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008

    Adj. No.                    Description                                                 Amount
    --------                    -----------                                                 ------
               Operating Revenues - Appendix 3, Pages 7 & 8
      1        Revised sales adjustment                                                 $    1,422

               Operation & Maintenance Expenses - Appendix 3, Page 9
      2        Adjust uncollectible expense for staff adjustments                              (35)
      3        Eliminate expense for sales promotion enhancement                            (5,250)
      4        Move gas supply expenses from delivery to commodity recovery                 (4,077)
      5        Adjust for updated cost and inflation                                         3,880
      6        Adjust labor for 1% productivity                                             (1,023)
      7        Adjust non-labor related expenses for 1% productivity                          (563)

               Depreciation - Appendix 3, Page 10
      8        Staff depreciation changes to historic year plant                            (6,880)
      9        Staff depreciation changes to rate year plant                                (3,997)

               Amortizations - Appendix 3, Page 11
      10       Eliminate amortization of pension & OPEBs                                    (6,829)
      11       Reduce amortization of SIR costs                                             (4,201)

               State & Federal Income Taxes - Appendix 3, Pages 13 & 14
      12       Include Medicare cash proceeds                                                  560
      13       Eliminate pension & OPEBs amortization                                      (10,279)
      14       Adjust for change in depreciation rates and plant                           (10,877)
      15       Reduce amortization of SIR costs                                             (4,201)
      16       Adjust tax depreciation for plant change                                     (3,250)

               Interest Deduction - Appendix 3, Page 15
      17       Adjust the interest deduction for rate base adjustments                     (55,011)
      18       Include CWIP in the interest deduction                                       15,231
      19       To reflect Staff's capital structure

               Rate Base - Appendix 3, Page 16
      20       Decrease gas plant balance                                                  (18,845)
      21       Decrease reserve for depreciation                                             3,902
      22       Eliminate deferred merger costs                                              (2,292)
      23       Eliminate deferred SIR costs                                                (60,110)
      24       Eliminate deferred pension & OPEB expense                                   (61,309)
      25       Adjust deferred taxes for SIR adjustment                                     26,466
      26       Adjust deferred taxes for merger adjustment                                   1,009
      27       Adjust deferred taxes for pension  & OPEB adjustment                         26,994
      28       Adjust deferred tax for tax depreciation                                     (1,678)
      29       Eliminate prepaid pension expense                                           (16,061)
      30       Reduce M&S inventory balance                                                   (350)


                                                                                                 Appendix 3
                                                                                                 Page 2 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                          Summary of Staff Adjustments
               Twelve Months Ending March 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

    Adj. No.                    Description                                                             Amount
    --------                    -----------                                                             ------
               Earnings Base / Capitalization Comparison - Appendix 3, Page 17
      31       Eliminate intercompany accounts payable/receivable for fuel costs                   $    (8,891)
                 Earnings Base
      32       Eliminate deferred pension & OPEB balance, net of tax                                   (25,559)
      33       Eliminate prepaid pension expense                                                       (16,061)
      34       Reduce working capital for non-cash pension & OPEB expense                                 (872)

               Cash Working Capital - Appendix 3, Page 18
      35       Eliminate pensions from working cash calculation                                         12,125
      36       Eliminate OPEBs from working cash calculation                                            13,812

               Capital Structure
               See Capital Structure, Appendix 3, Page 19


                                                                                      Appendix 3
                                                                                      Page 3 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                      Summary of Company Update Adjustments
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008

    Adj. No.                 Description                                                                Amount
    --------                 -----------                                                                ------
               Operating Revenues - Appendix 3, Pages 7 & 8
      1u       Revised sales forecast                                                              $    (13,922)
               Revised gas cost forecast                                                               (222,215)
               Revenue tax effect of revised forecast                                                    (2,034)

               Operation & Maintenance Expenses - Appendix 3, Page 9
      2u       Revised gas cost forecast                                                               (222,215)
      3u       Update labor for known and measurable changes                                                 76
               Update payroll taxes for labor changes                                                         8
      4u       Update health & hospitalization to new contract                                              (59)
      5u       Update OPEBs to latest actuary report                                                     (1,399)
               Update pensions to latest actuary report                                                  (2,041)
      6u       Update uncollectibles for revenue update                                                     (86)
      7u       Updated inflation factor

               Depreciation - Appendix 3, Page 10
      8u       Adjust expense for plant changes                                                            (365)
               Adjust expense for plant changes                                                            (185)
      9u       Adjust expense for depreciation reserve deficiency                                         6,290

               Amortizations - Appendix 3, Page 11
     10u       Adjust for updated pension  & OPEB deferral balance                                         (593)
     11u       Adjust for updated environmental cost deferral balance                                    (1,428)

               Taxes Other Than Income Taxes - Appendix 3, Page 12
     12u       Update real estate/special franchise taxes for latest known bills.                        (1,856)
     13u       Adjust gross revenue taxes for revenue update                                               (848)
               Adjust franchise-gross revenue taxes for revenue update                                   (1,185)
               Adjust MTA surcharges for revenue update                                                      (1)
     14u       Correct state unemployment insurance error                                                   (13)
               Correct federal unemployment insurance error                                                  (5)
     15u       Update FICA taxes for payroll update                                                           1

               State & Federal Income Taxes - Appendix 3, Pages 7 & 8
     17u       Adjust state taxes for updates changes (see pages 13-15 for details)                        (922)
     17u       Adjust federal taxes for update changes (see pages 13-15 for details)                     (3,251)

               Rate Base - Appendix 3, Page 16
     18u       Decrease gas plant balance                                                               (18,343)
     19u       Adjust depreciation reserve for correction and depreciation exp. adjs.                    (3,032)
     20u       Update deferred SIR expenses for actual costs                                             (9,280)
     21u       Update deferred pension & OPEB expenses                                                   (3,851)
     22u       Updated inflation factor
     23u       Adjust deferred income taxes for updates                                                   7,227


                                                                                                                      Appendix 3
                                                                                                                     Page 4 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                      Summary of Joint Proposal Adjustments
               Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010,
                                 2011, and 2012
 Adj. No.                                                    Description                       Amount for March 31 year end
 --------                                                    ------------
                                                                                   2008       2009       2010       2010       2010
                                                                                   ----       ----       ----       ----       ----
            Operating Revenues - Appendix 3, Pages 7 & 8
    1s      Sales correction and forecast update                                $ 4,550    $ 5,902    $ 8,248    $ 7,762    $ 7,807

            Operation & Maintenance Expenses - Appendix 3, Page 9
    2s      Increase Payroll for 2.8% forecast                                        -       1687       1734          -          -
    3s      Increase for Inflation forecast                                           -          -          -          -          -
    4s      Update to latest actual bills, and forecast for inflation less 1%
              productivity                                                           60         79         80          -          -
    5s      Adjust uncollectible expense for revenue adjustments                    622        707        258          -          -
    6s      Decrease discretionary programs and adjust for inflation             (3,627)        76         78          -          -
    7s      Overall settlement productivity adjustment                              709       (973)        57          -          -
    8s      Remove merger/rate costs and amortize rate case costs over 3 years     (995)       (22)       (22)         -          -
    9s      Reduce costs for management efficiency programs                      (1,018)    (2,065)      (930)         -          -

            Depreciation - Appendix 3, Page 10
    10s     Adjust expense for plant changes                                        206      6,096      3,867      3,867      3,867
    11s     Correct staff depreciation adjustment                                 2,668          -          -          -          -
    12s     Adjust expense for depreciation reserve deficiency                     (732)         -          -          -          -

            Amortizations - Appendix 3, Page 11
    13s     Amortize merger costs over three years.*                             (1,314)         -          -          -          -
            * Merger amortization is moved to environmental amortization
              after year 3
    14s     Reverse staff adjustment                                              6,829          -          -          -          -
    15s     Reverse company update adjustment                                     1,428          -          -          -          -
    16s     Amortize Transition Balancing Account credits over 3 years           (4,000)         -          -          -          -

            State & Federal Income Taxes - Appendix 3, Pages 7 & 8
    17s     Adjust state taxes for settlement adjs & tax rate change
             (pgs. 13-15 for detail)                                                295     (1,126)      (612)      (648)      (644)
    17s     Adjust federal taxes for settlement adjs (pgs. 13-15 for detail)      1,519     (4,174)    (2,269)    (2,601)    (2,587)

            Rate Base - Appendix 3, Page 16
    18s     Reverse company update and adjust for revised construction budget    26,216    239,232    154,161          -          -
    19s     Adjust depreciation reserve for plant adjustments                       253    (68,591)   (72,458)         -          -
    20s     Reverse company update adjustment                                     9,280          -          -          -          -
    21s     Reverse company update adjustment                                     3,851          -          -          -          -
    23s     Adjust deferred income taxes for plant changes                       (4,858)    (1,341)    (1,274)         -          -
    24s     Adjust for forecasted changes                                             -          -          -     80,794     80,794

            Earnings Base / Capitalization Comparison - Appendix 3, Page 17
    25s     Include deferred pension & OPEB balance, net of tax                  25,559          -          -          -          -
    26s     Include working capital for non-cash pension & OPEB expense             872          -          -          -          -

            Cash Working Capital - Appendix 3, Page 18
    27s     Include pensions in working cash calculation                        (12,125)         -          -          -          -
    28s     Include OPEBs in working cash calculation                           (13,812)         -          -          -          -

            Capital Structure
            See Capital Structure, Appendix 2, Page 17


                                                                                                                Appendix 3
                                                                                                               Page 5 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
          Statement of Operating Income, Rate Base, and Rate of Return
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008

                             Company                                  Co.            Settle-         As        Rev.
                              Filed      Adj.     Staff    Adj.     Update     Adj.   ment       Adjusted      Req.          Rate
                             Rate Year    No.      Adjs.    No.       Adjs.     No.    Adjs        Year 1      Year 1       Year 1
Operating Revenues
Margins                      $ 409,253     1     $ 1,422    1u    $ (13,922)    1s   $ 4,550     $ 401,303    $ 88,342    $ 489,645
Cost of Gas                  1,007,021                      1u     (222,215)                       784,806                  784,806
Revenue Taxes                   16,210                      1u       (2,034)                        14,176                   14,176
Other Operating Revenue         21,908                                                              21,908                   21,908
                          -------------       -----------       ------------        ------------------------------------------------
                             1,454,393             1,422           (238,171)           4,550     1,222,194      88,342    1,310,536
                          -------------       -----------       ------------        ------------------------------------------------
     Base Rate % Increase                                                                                        7.23%
Operation & Maintenance
 Expenses                    1,176,890    p.7     (7,069)   p.7    (225,226)    p.7   (4,249)      940,345         663      941,008
Depreciation                    72,452    p.8    (10,877)   p.8       5,740     p.8    2,142        69,458                   69,458
Amortizations                   15,445    p.9    (11,030)   p.9      (2,021)    p.9    2,943         5,337                    5,337
Taxes Other Than Income
 Taxes                         117,291                 -   p.10      (3,908)                       113,383                  113,383
                          -------------       -----------       ------------        ------------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses     1,382,078           (28,976)          (225,415)             836     1,128,523         663    1,129,185
                          -------------       -----------       ------------        ------------------------------------------------
Operating Income before
 Income Taxes                   72,315            30,398            (12,756)           3,714        93,671      87,680      181,350
                          -------------       -----------       ------------        ------------------------------------------------
State Income Tax                   913    p.6      2,386   17u         (922)    17s      295         2,672       7,567       10,239
Federal Income Tax               3,219    p.7      8,414   17u       (3,251)    17s    1,519         9,901      28,039       37,941
                          -------------       -----------       ------------        ------------------------------------------------
Utility Operating Income      $ 68,183          $ 19,597           $ (8,582)         $ 1,900      $ 81,098    $ 52,073    $ 133,171
                          =============       ===========       ============        ================================================
Rate Base                  $ 1,658,624    p.9  $ (55,011)         $ (27,591)        $ 10,944   $ 1,586,965              $ 1,586,965
                          =============       ===========       ============        =======================             ============
Rate of Return                   4.11%                                                                5.11%                    8.39%
                          =============                                                         ===========             ============


                                                                                                                Appendix 3
                                                                                                               Page 6 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
          Statement of Operating Income, Rate Base, and Rate of Return
                Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2009, and 2010

                                                  As       Rev.                          As           Rev.
                          Adj.     Adjs.       Adjusted    Req.        Rate     Adj.    Adjs.       Adjusted    Req.          Rate
                           No.     Year 2       Year 2     Year 2      Year 2    No.    Year 3        Year 3    Year 3       Year 3
Operating Revenues
Margins                    1s     $ 5,902    $ 495,547   $ 26,116    $ 521,663   1s    $ 8,248     $ 529,911  $ 13,332     $ 543,243
Cost of Gas                                    784,806                 784,806                       784,806                 784,806
Revenue Taxes                                   14,176                  14,176                        14,176                  14,176
Other Operating Revenue                         21,908                  21,908                        21,908                  21,908
                               ------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
                                    5,902    1,316,438     26,116    1,342,553           8,248     1,350,801    13,332     1,364,134
                               ------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
     Base Rate % Increase                                   1.98%                                                0.99%
Operation & Maintenance
 Expenses                  p.7      1,362      942,370        196      942,566    p.7    3,171       945,737       100       945,837
Depreciation               p.8      6,096       75,554                  75,554    p.8    3,867        79,421                  79,421
Amortizations                           -        5,337                   5,337               -         5,337                   5,337
Taxes Other Than Income
 Taxes                    p.10      4,924      118,308                 118,308   p.10    5,170       123,477                 123,477
                               ------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses           12,382    1,141,568        196    1,141,763          12,208     1,153,971       100     1,154,071
                               ------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
Operating Income before
 Income Taxes                      (6,480)     174,870     25,920      200,790          (3,960)      196,830    13,232       210,062
                               ------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
State Income Tax           17s     (1,126)       9,112      2,237       11,349   17s      (612)       10,737     1,142        11,879
Federal Income Tax         17s     (4,174)      33,767      8,289       42,056   17s    (2,269)       39,787     4,232        44,019
                               ------------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
Utility Operating Income         $ (1,180)   $ 131,991   $ 15,394    $ 147,385        $ (1,079)    $ 146,306   $ 7,859     $ 154,165
                               ================================================      ===============================================
Rate Base                       $ 169,382  $ 1,756,347             $ 1,756,347        $ 80,794   $ 1,837,141             $ 1,837,141
                               ========================           =============      ========================          =============
Rate of Return                                   7.52%                   8.39%                         7.96%                   8.39%
                                          =============           =============                ==============          =============


                                                                                                                     Appendix 3
                                                                                                                    Page 7 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
          Statement of Operating Income, Rate Base, and Rate of Return
                Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2011, and 2012

                                                As         Rev.                                       As        Rev.
                           Adj.   Adjs.      Adjusted      Req.        Rate      Adj.   Adjs.      Adjusted     Req.         Rate
                           No.    Year 4       Year 4      Year 4      Year 4    No.    Year 5      Year 5      Year 5      Year 5
Operating Revenues
Margins                    1s    $ 7,762     $ 551,005   $ 13,332    $ 564,337   1s    $ 7,807     $ 572,144   $ 13,332    $ 585,476
Cost of Gas                                    784,806                 784,806                       784,806                 784,806
Revenue Taxes                                   14,176                  14,176                        14,176                  14,176
Other Operating Revenue                         21,908                  21,908                        21,908                  21,908
                                -----------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
                                   7,762     1,371,896     13,332    1,385,228           7,807     1,393,035     13,332    1,406,367
                                -----------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
     Base Rate % Increase                                   0.97%                                                 0.96%
Operation & Maintenance
 Expenses                  3s      3,100       948,937        100      949,037   3s      3,100       952,137        100      952,237
Depreciation               10s     3,867        83,288                  83,288   10s     3,867        87,155                  87,155
Amortizations                                    5,337                   5,337                         5,337                   5,337
Taxes Other Than Income
 Taxes                     3s      5,170       128,647                 128,647   3s      5,170       133,817                 133,817
                                -----------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
Total Operating Expenses          12,137     1,166,208        100    1,166,308          12,137     1,178,445        100    1,178,545
                                -----------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
Operating Income before
 Income Taxes                     (4,375)      205,687     13,232      218,919          (4,330)      214,589     13,232      227,821
                                -----------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
State Income Tax           17s      (648)       11,231      1,142       12,373   17s      (644)       11,729      1,142       12,870
Federal Income Tax         17s    (2,601)       41,417      4,232       45,649   17s    (2,587)       43,062      4,232       47,293
                                -----------------------------------------------      -----------------------------------------------
Utility Operating Income        $ (1,125)    $ 153,039    $ 7,859    $ 160,898        $ (1,099)    $ 159,799    $ 7,859    $ 167,658
                                ===============================================      ===============================================
Rate Base                  24s  $ 80,794   $ 1,917,935             $ 1,917,935   24s  $ 80,794   $ 1,998,729             $ 1,998,729
                                =======================           =============      ========================           ============
Rate of Return                                   7.98%                   8.39%                         8.00%                   8.39%
                                         ==============           =============                ==============           ============


                                                                                                         Appendix 3
                                                                                                        Page 8 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
      Merger Adjustments to Stand Alone Joint Proposal Revenue Requirements
                                                                   Twelve Months Ending December 31
                                                     2008            2009          2010              2011               2012
                                                     ----            ----          ----              ----               ----
KEDLI Revenue Requirement per Joint Proposal      $ 88,300        $ 26,100      $ 13,300          $ 13,300           $ 13,300
                                                  ---------       ---------     ---------         ---------          --------
Rate Mitigators
 Deferral Amortization Adjustments                 $ 5,976           $ (15)        $ (32)         $ (1,721)          $ (2,181)
 Nassau County Property Tax Refund                  12,400
 9.8%ROE and 45% Equity Ratio                       (1,215)            450           470               489                507
  Retain old depreciation rates                     18,135          (2,061)       (2,060)           (2,061)            (2,060)
 Synergy Share Credit                                3,322             (11)
 Additional Margin Adjustment (1)                  (10,318)         27,737        14,922            16,593             17,034
                                                    --------        -------       -------           -------            ------
Available Rate Mitigators                          $ 28,300       $ 26,100      $ 13,300          $ 13,300           $ 13,300
                                                   ---------      ---------     ---------         ---------          --------
Revenue Requirement after Rate Mitigator           $ 60,000            $ -           $ -               $ -                $ -
                                                   =========           ====          ====              ====               ===

(1)  If a Revenue  Decoupling  Mechanism is developed  for KEDLI,  the mechanism
     will need to consider the impact of the Additional Margin Adjustment.


                                                                                                                      Page 9 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                        Operations & Maintenance Expenses
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                 Company                                      Co.            Settle-
                                                 Rate Year   Adj.    Staff     Adj.         Update  Adj.      ment        Year 1
                                                   Expense   No.      Adjs.     No.          Adjs.   No.       Adjs      Adjusted
Gas Cost                                        $ 1,007,021                     2u       $ (222,215)                     $784,806
Labor                                                60,176                     3u               76  2s                    60,252
Incentive Programs & Rebates                          1,783                     7u               13  3s                     1,796
Other Employee Related Exp. & Benefits                4,106                     7u               29  3s                     4,135
Health & Hospitalization                              7,223                     4u              (59) 4s          60         7,224
401k Match                                            1,075                     7u                1  2s                     1,076
Advertising                                           2,802                     7u               20  3s                     2,822
Building Services                                     2,783                     7u               20  3s                     2,803
Collection Agency Fees                                  528                     7u                4  3s                       532
Computer Software Purchases                           2,044                     7u               14  3s                     2,058
Contract Labor                                        4,364                     7u               31  3s                     4,395
Contributions, Tickets & Sponsorships                     -                                                                     -
Dues & Memberships                                      603                     7u                4  3s                       607
Fleet Leasing                                         1,571                     7u               11  3s                     1,582
Franchise Requirements                                    -                                                                     -
Insurance                                             3,404                     7u               24  3s                     3,428
Lock Box                                                346                     7u                2  3s                       348
Materials & Supplies                                  3,306                     7u               23  3s                     3,329
New York Facilities                                   3,152                     7u               22  3s                     3,174
OPEB's                                               13,812                     5u           (1,399) 2s                    12,413
Other                                                 3,118                     7u               22  3s                     3,140
Paving                                                1,777                     7u               13  3s                     1,790
Payroll Taxes                                         3,070                     3u                8  2s                     3,078
Pensions                                             12,125                     5u           (2,041) 2s                    10,084
Permits                                                 250                                                                   250
Postage                                               3,283                     7u               23  3s                     3,306
PSC Assessment Fees                                   4,052                                      29  3s                     4,081
Purchased Services                                    9,434                     7u               66  3s                     9,500
Service Company Asset Recovery Charge                     -                                                                     -
Telecommunications                                    1,924                     7u               14  3s                     1,938
Transportation                                        2,199                     7u               15  3s                     2,214
Transportation - Liquid Fuels                           466                     7u                3  3s                       469
Uncollectibles                                        2,673      2         (35) 6u              (86) 5s         622         3,174
Accounting Change                                         -                                                                     -
Program Changes                                      12,417      3      (5,250) 7u               87  6s      (3,627)        3,627
Unbundling Adjustment                                     -      4      (4,077)                      3s                    (4,077)
Cost Update/Inflation Adjustment                          -      5       3,880                       7s      (3,880)            -
Labor Productivity Adjustment                             -      6      (1,023)                      7s       1,023
Non-Labor Productivity Adjustment                         -      7        (563)                      7s         563             -
Overall Productivity Adjustment                                                                      7s       3,003         3,003
Remove merger/rate case costs                                                                        8s      (1,042)       (1,042)
Amortize rate case costs                                                                             8s          48            48
Management Efficiency Programs                                                                       9s      (1,280)       (1,280)
Management Efficiency Programs - CTA                                                                 9s         262           262
                                              --------------       ---------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Operation & Maint. Exp.                 $ 1,176,890           $ (7,069)          $ (225,226)       $ (4,249)     $940,346
                                              ==============       ===============================================================

                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                        Operations & Maintenance Expenses
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                Year 2           Year 2             Year 2             Year 3
                                                 Adjs.          Adjusted              Adjs.            Adjusted
Gas Cost                                                        $784,806                               $784,806
Labor                                          1,687              61,939              1,734              63,674
Incentive Programs & Rebates                      38               1,834                 39               1,873
Other Employee Related Exp. & Benefit             87               4,222                 89               4,311
Health & Hospitalization                          79               7,303                 80               7,383
401k Match                                        30               1,106                 31               1,137
Advertising                                       59               2,881                 61               2,942
Building Services                                 59               2,862                 60               2,922
Collection Agency Fees                            11                 543                 11                 554
Computer Software Purchases                       43               2,101                 44               2,145
Contract Labor                                    92               4,488                 94               4,582
Contributions, Tickets & Sponsorships              -                   -                  -                   -
Dues & Memberships                                13                 620                 13                 633
Fleet Leasing                                     33               1,615                 34               1,649
Franchise Requirements                             -                   -                  -                   -
Insurance                                         72               3,500                 73               3,573
Lock Box                                           7                 356                  7                 363
Materials & Supplies                              70               3,398                 71               3,470
New York Facilities                               67               3,241                 68               3,309
OPEB's                                           348              12,761                357              13,118
Other                                             66               3,206                 67               3,273
Paving                                            38               1,828                 38               1,866
Payroll Taxes                                     86               3,164                 89               3,253
Pensions                                         282              10,367                290              10,657
Permits                                            5                 256                  5                 261
Postage                                           69               3,376                 71               3,447
PSC Assessment Fees                               86               4,167                 87               4,254
Purchased Services                               200               9,700                204               9,903
Service Company Asset Recovery Charge              -                   -                  -                   -
Telecommunications                                41               1,979                 42               2,020
Transportation                                    46               2,261                 47               2,308
Transportation - Liquid Fuels                     10                 479                 10                 489
Uncollectibles                                   707               3,881                258               4,139
Accounting Change                                  -                   -                  -                   -
Program Changes                                   76               3,703                 78               3,781
Unbundling Adjustment                            (86)             (4,163)               (87)             (4,250)
Cost Update/Inflation Adjustment                   -                   -                  -                   -
Labor Productivity Adjustment                                          -                                      -
Non-Labor Productivity Adjustment                  -                   -                  -                   -
Overall Productivity Adjustment                 (973)              2,030                 57               2,087
Remove merger/rate case costs                    (22)             (1,064)               (22)             (1,087)
Amortize rate case costs                                              48                                     48
Management Efficiency Programs                (1,803)             (3,083)              (930)             (4,014)
Management Efficiency Programs - CTA            (262)                  -                                      -
  Total Operation & Maint. Exp.               $ 1,362            $941,708            $ 3,171            $944,879


                                                                                                                Appendix 3
                                                                                                                Page 10 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                         Company                            Co.          Settle-
                        Rate Year  Adj.   Staff    Adj.   Update  Adj.    ment     Year 1     Year 2   Year 2    Year 3     Year 3
                         Expense    No.    Adjs.    No      Adjs.  No.     Adjs    Adjusted     Adjs.  Adjusted    Adjs.   Adjusted
Depreciation Expense    $ 48,949                    8u    $ (365)  10s    $ 206    $ 48,790   $ 6,096  $ 54,886   $ 3,867  $ 58,753
Depreciation Expense of
 Corporate Services
 Assets                    2,668                                                      2,668               2,668               2,668
Depreciation related
 to Accounting
 changes proposed
 by Mr. Aikman
 based on 12/31/05
 Plant Balances           18,933     8    (6,880)                                    12,053              12,053              12,053
Depreciation related
 to Accounting
 changes proposed
 by Mr. Aikman
 on Plant additions
 (4/1/07 - 3/31/08)        1,902     9    (3,997)   8u      (185)  11s    2,668         388                 388                 388
Depreciation related
 to Accounting
 changes proposed
 by Mr. Aikman
 on depreciation
 reserve deficiency
 at 12/31/05                                        9u     6,290   12s     (732)      5,558               5,558               5,558
                        ---------      ----------      ----------     --------------------------------------------------------------
Total                   $ 72,452       $ (10,877)        $ 5,740        $ 2,142    $ 69,458   $ 6,096  $ 75,554   $ 3,867  $ 79,421
                        =========      ==========      ==========     ==============================================================


                                                                                                               Appendix 3
                                                                                                               Page 11 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                              Company                         Co.          Settle-
                             Rate Year   Adj.  Staff  Adj.  Update   Adj.    ment     Year 1    Year 2   Year 2    Year 3   Year 3
                               Expense    No.   Adjs.  No.    Adjs.   No.    Adjs    Adjusted    Adjs.   Adjusted   Adjs.  Adjusted
Amortization Merger Costs      $ 1,971                               13s  $ (1,314)     $ 657               $ 657             $ 657
Amortization of Property Tax         -                                                      -                   -                 -
Amortization of Pension and
 OPEBs                           6,829    10   (6,829) 10u     (593) 14s     6,829      6,236               6,236             6,236
Amortization Environmental
 Costs                           6,645    11   (4,201) 11u   (1,428) 15s     1,428      2,444               2,444             2,444
Amortization - TBA Credits                                           16s    (4,000)    (4,000)             (4,000)           (4,000)
                             ----------      ---------     ---------      ---------------------------------------------------------
Total                         $ 15,445       $(11,030)     $ (2,021)       $ 2,943    $ 5,337      $ -    $ 5,337     $ -   $ 5,337
                             ==========      =========     =========      =========================================================


                                                                                                                  Appendix 3
                                                                                                                  Page 12 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                          Taxes Other Than Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                              Company                          Co.    Settle-
                             Rate Year   Adj. Staff  Adj.     Update    ment     Year 1      Year 2    Year 2     Year 3     Year 3
                               Expense    No.  Adjs.  No.      Adjs.     Adjs    Adjusted      Adjs.   Adjusted     Adjs.   Adjusted
Real Estate/Special Franchise  $ 99,466               12u   $ (1,856)            $ 97,610   $ 4,881   $ 102,491   $ 5,125   $107,615
Municipal Gross Revenue           6,762               13u       (848)               5,914                 5,914                5,914
Franchise Gross Income -185a      9,441               13u     (1,185)               8,256                 8,256                8,256
NYS Excise Tax                        5                                                 5         0           5         0          5
MTA Surcharge                         7               13u         (1)                   6                     6                    6
Unemployment Insurance              156               14u        (14)                 142         4         146         4        150
Sales and Use                         -                                                 -                     -                    -
Other                               124                                               124         3         127         3        129
FICA                              1,273               15u          1                1,274        36       1,310        37      1,346
Unemployment Tax                     57               14u         (5)                  52         1          53         1         55
                             -----------      -------       ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                         $ 117,291          $ -        $ (3,908)     $ -    $113,383   $ 4,924   $ 118,308   $ 5,170   $123,477
                             ===========      =======       ========================================================================


                                                                                                   Appendix 3
                                                                                                   Page 13 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                               State Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         Company                             Co.     Settle-      Year 1     Year 1
                                        Rate Year   Adj.      Staff         Update      ment         As       Revenue         Rate
                                          Expense   No.        Adj.         Adjs.      Adjs      Adjusted       Req.         Year 1
Taxable Net Income                       $ 72,315   p.1     $ 30,398    $ (12,756)   $ 3,714     $ 93,671    $ 87,680     $ 181,350
Interest Expense                           62,214   p.8        3,410       (2,544)      (921)      62,158                    62,158
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income Before Taxes              10,101             26,988      (10,212)     4,635       31,513      87,680       119,192
Flow Thru Items
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment          8                                                       8                         8
Book Depr. in excess of Tax Depr.               -                                                       -                         -
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                8                                                       8           -             8
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Medicare cash proceeds                          -    12          560                                  560                       560
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Subject to Tax                      10,109             26,428      (10,212)     4,635       30,961      87,680       118,640
                                       ===========      ============================================================================
Income Tax Provision                        $ 913            $ 2,386       $ (922)     $ 295      $ 2,672     $ 7,567      $ 10,239
                                       ===========      ============================================================================
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                             1,808                                                   1,808                     1,808
Gas Cost Deferred                               -                                                       -                         -
Pension Cost                                    -                                                       -                         -
Bad Debts                                       -                                                       -                         -
Balancing Account                               -                                                       -                         -
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization           1,971                                     (1,314)         657                       657
MTA Amortization                                -                                                       -                         -
Performance Shares                            345                                                     345                       345
FAS 106                                         -                                                       -                         -
Premium/Discount - Refinancing                  -                                                       -                         -
Relocation of Mains                             -                                                       -                         -
Pensions & OPEBs (Amortizations)           10,279    13      (10,279)        (593)     6,829        6,236                     6,236
Deferred Tax Rate                               -                                                       -                         -
CIAC Deferral                                   3                                                       3                         3
Book Depreciation - Current Rates          51,617                            (365)                 51,252                    51,252
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates         20,835    14      (10,877)       6,105      2,142       18,205                    18,205
Cost of Removal Amortization                  887                                                     887                       887
Senior Securities Expense Amortization        383                                                     383                       383
Property Tax Amortization                       -                                                       -                         -
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amort.          6,645    15       (4,201)      (1,428)     1,428        2,444                     2,444
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           94,773            (25,357)       3,719      9,085       82,220           -        82,220
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Environmental Clean Up Costs               38,069                                                  38,069                    38,069
Tax Depreciation                          106,682    16       (3,250)                    320      103,752                   103,752
Removal Costs Expenditures                  6,963                                                   6,963                     6,963
Lien Date Property Taxes                    3,106                                                   3,106                     3,106
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          154,820             (3,250)           -        320      151,890           -       151,890
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Timing Differences                    (60,048)           (22,107)       3,719      8,765      (69,671)          -       (69,671)
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taxable Income                            (49,938)             4,321       (6,493)    13,400      (38,710)     87,680        48,969
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current State Income Tax                   (4,509)               390         (586)     1,365       (3,341)      7,567         4,226
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjustment: Ratemaking Excess                   -                  -            -          -            -           -             -
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           (4,509)               390         (586)     1,365       (3,341)      7,567         4,226
Deferred State Income Tax                  (5,422)            (1,996)         336      1,070       (6,013)          -        (6,013)
                                       -----------      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total State Income Tax                    913              2,386         (922)       295        2,672       7,567        10,239
                                       ===========      ============================================================================

                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                               State Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                   Year 2     Year 2                                Year 3      Year 3
                                         Year 2      As       Revenue        Rate       Year 3        As       Revenue       Rate
                                          Adjs.   Adjusted       Req.       Year 2       Adjs.     Adjusted      Req.        Year 3
Taxable Net Income                    $ (6,480)  $ 174,870    $ 25,920     $200,790   $ (3,960)   $ 196,830   $ 13,232     $210,062
Interest Expense                         6,571      68,729                   68,729      3,134       71,864                  71,864
Operating Income Before Taxes          (13,051)    106,141      25,920      132,060     (7,094)     124,966     13,232      138,198
Flow Thru Items
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment                   8                        8                       8                       8
Book Depr. in excess of Tax Depr.                        -                        -                       -                       -
                                             -           8           -            8          -            8          -            8
Medicare cash proceeds                                 560                      560                     560                     560
Income Subject to Tax                  (13,051)    105,589      25,920      131,508     (7,094)     124,414     13,232      137,646
Income Tax Provision                  $ (1,126)    $ 9,112     $ 2,237     $ 11,349     $ (612)    $ 10,737    $ 1,142     $ 11,879
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                                      1,808                    1,808                   1,808                   1,808
Gas Cost Deferred                                        -                        -                       -                       -
Pension Cost                                             -                        -                       -                       -
Bad Debts                                                -                        -                       -                       -
Balancing Account                                        -                        -                       -                       -
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization                      657                      657                     657                     657
MTA Amortization                                         -                        -                       -                       -
Performance Shares                                     345                      345                     345                     345
FAS 106                                                  -                        -                       -                       -
Premium/Discount - Refinancing                           -                        -                       -                       -
Relocation of Mains                                      -                        -                       -                       -
Pensions & OPEBs (Amortizations)                     6,236                    6,236                   6,236                   6,236
Deferred Tax Rate                                        -                        -                       -                       -
CIAC Deferral                                            3                        3                       3                       3
Book Depreciation - Current Rates                   51,252                   51,252                  51,252                  51,252
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates       6,096      24,301                   24,301      3,867       28,168                  28,168
Cost of Removal Amortization                           887                      887                     887                     887
Senior Securities Expense Amortization                 383                      383                     383                     383
Property Tax Amortization                                -                        -                       -                       -
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amort.                   2,444                    2,444                   2,444                   2,444
                                         6,096      88,316           -       88,316      3,867       92,183          -       92,183
Environmental Clean Up Costs                        38,069                   38,069                  38,069                  38,069
Tax Depreciation                         9,470     113,222                  113,222      6,007      119,229                 119,229
Removal Costs Expenditures                           6,963                    6,963                   6,963                   6,963
Lien Date Property Taxes                             3,106                    3,106                   3,106                   3,106
                                         9,470     161,360           -      161,360      6,007      167,367          -      167,367
Net Timing Differences                  (3,374)    (73,044)          -      (73,044)    (2,140)     (75,184)         -      (75,184)
Taxable Income                         (16,425)     32,544      25,920       58,464     (9,234)      49,230     13,232       62,462
Current State Income Tax                (1,417)      2,809       2,237        5,045       (797)       4,249      1,142        5,390
Adjustment: Ratemaking Excess                -           -           -            -          -            -          -            -
                                        (1,417)      2,809       2,237        5,045       (797)       4,249      1,142        5,390
Deferred State Income Tax                 (291)     (6,304)          -       (6,304)      (185)      (6,488)         -       (6,488)
    Total State Income Tax              (1,126)      9,112       2,237       11,349       (612)      10,737      1,142       11,879


                                                                                                             Appendix 3
                                                                                                             Page 14 of 21

                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                              Federal Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                         Company                            Co.      Settle-      Year 1        Year 1
                                         Rate Year   Adj.    Staff        Update       ment          As        Revenue       Rate
                                           Expense   No.      Adj.         Adjs.       Adjs       Adjusted        Req.       Year 1
Taxable Net Income                        $ 72,315   p.1   $ 30,398    $ (12,756)    $ 3,714      $ 93,671     $ 87,680   $ 181,350
Interest Expense                            62,214   p.8      3,410       (2,544)       (921)       62,158                   62,158
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Income Before Taxes               10,101           26,988      (10,212)      4,635        37,089       87,680     119,192
Flow Thru Items
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment           8                                                       8                        8
Book Depr in excess of Tax Depr.
Current Depreciation Rates                       -                                                       -                        -
Proposed Depreciation Rates                      -                                                       -                        -
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 8                -            -           -             8            -           8
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Income Tax Provision            913   p.6      2,386         (922)        295         3,299        7,567      10,866
Medicare cash proceeds                                12        560                                    560                      560
                                               913            2,946         (922)        295         3,859        7,567      11,426
Income Subject to Tax                        9,196           24,041       (9,290)      4,341        33,238       80,113     107,774
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Tax Provision @ 35%                 $ 3,219          $ 8,414     $ (3,251)    $ 1,519      $ 11,633     $ 28,039    $ 37,721
                                        ===========      ===========================================================================
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                              1,808                                                   1,808                    1,808
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization            1,971                                    (1,314)          657                      657
Performance Shares                             345                                                     345                      345
CIAC Deferral                                    -                                                       -                        -
Pensions & OPEBs (Amortizations)            10,279    13    (10,279)        (593)      6,829         6,236                    6,236
Book Depreciation - Current Rates           51,617                          (365)          -        51,252                   51,252
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates          20,835    14    (10,877)       6,105       2,142        18,205                   18,205
Cost of Removal Amortization                   887                                                     887                      887
Senior Securities Expense Amortization         383                                                     383                      383
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amort.           6,645    15     (4,201)      (1,428)      1,428         2,444                    2,444
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                            94,770          (25,357)       3,719       9,085        82,217            -      82,217
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Environmental Clean Up Costs                38,069                                                  38,069                   38,069
Tax Depreciation                           101,156    16     (3,250)                     320        98,226                   98,226
Removal Costs Expenditures                   6,963                                                   6,963                    6,963
Lien Date Property Taxes                     3,106                                                   3,106                    3,106
Deferred State Tax Provision                (5,422)  p.6     (1,996)         336       1,070        (6,013)                  (6,013)
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           143,872           (5,246)         336       1,391       140,352            -     140,352
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Timing Differences                     (49,102)         (20,111)       3,383       7,695       (58,135)           -     (58,135)
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taxable Income                             (39,906)           3,930       (5,906)     12,035       (24,898)      80,113      49,639
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Federal Income Tax @ 35%           (13,967)           1,376       (2,067)      4,212        (8,714)      28,039      17,374
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Federal Income Tax @ 35%          (17,186)          (7,039)       1,184       2,693       (20,347)           -     (20,347)
                                        -----------      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Federal Income Tax               $ 3,219          $ 8,414     $ (3,251)    $ 1,519      $ 11,633     $ 28,039    $ 37,721
                                        ===========      ===========================================================================

                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                              Federal Income Taxes
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                    Year 2      Year 2                               Year 3      Year 3
                                       Year 2         As        Revenue     Rate         Year 3        As        Revenue     Rate
                                         Adjs.     Adjusted        Req.     Year 2        Adjs.     Adjusted       Req.     Year 3
Taxable Net Income                    $ (6,480)   $ 174,870     $ 25,920   $200,790    $ (3,960)   $ 196,830    $ 13,232   $210,062
Interest Expense                         6,571       68,729                  68,729       3,134       71,864                 71,864
Operating Income Before Taxes          (13,051)     106,141       25,920    132,060      (7,094)     124,966      13,232    138,198
Flow Thru Items
Non Deductible Meals and Entertainment                    8                       8                        8                      8
Book Depr in excess of Tax Depr.
Current Depreciation Rates                                -                       -                        -                      -
Proposed Depreciation Rates                               -                       -                        -                      -
                                             -            8            -          8           -            8           -          8
New York State Income Tax Provision     (1,126)       9,740        2,237     11,977        (612)      11,364       1,142     12,506
Medicare cash proceeds                                  560                     560                      560                    560
                                        (1,126)      10,300        2,237     12,537        (612)      11,924       1,142     13,066
Income Subject to Tax                  (11,925)      95,849       23,683    119,532      (6,482)     113,050      12,090    125,140
Income Tax Provision @ 35%            $ (4,174)    $ 33,547      $ 8,289   $ 41,836    $ (2,269)    $ 39,567     $ 4,232   $ 43,799
Normalized Items
Medicare Income                                       1,808                   1,808                    1,808                  1,808
Merger Cost Deferral/Amortization                       657                     657                      657                    657
Performance Shares                                      345                     345                      345                    345
CIAC Deferral                                             -                       -                        -                      -
Pensions & OPEBs (Amortizations)                      6,236                   6,236                    6,236                  6,236
Book Depreciation - Current Rates                    51,252                  51,252                   51,252                 51,252
Book Depreciation - Proposed Rates       6,096       24,301                  24,301       3,867       28,168                 28,168
Cost of Removal Amortization                            887                     887                      887                    887
Senior Securities Expense Amortization                  383                     383                      383                    383
Environmental Clean Up Cost Amort.                    2,444                   2,444                    2,444                  2,444
                                         6,096       88,313            -     88,313       3,867       92,180           -     92,180
Environmental Clean Up Costs                         38,069                  38,069                   38,069                 38,069
Tax Depreciation                         9,470      107,696                 107,696       6,007      113,703                113,703
Removal Costs Expenditures                            6,963                   6,963                    6,963                  6,963
Lien Date Property Taxes                              3,106                   3,106                    3,106                  3,106
Deferred State Tax Provision                         (6,013)                 (6,013)                  (6,013)                (6,013)
                                         9,470      149,822            -    149,822       6,007      155,828           -    155,828
Net Timing Differences                  (3,374)     (61,509)           -    (61,509)     (2,140)     (63,649)          -    (63,649)
Taxable Income                         (15,299)      34,340       23,683     58,023      (8,622)      49,401      12,090     61,491
Current Federal Income Tax @ 35%        (5,355)      12,019        8,289     20,308      (3,018)      17,290       4,232     21,522
Deferred Federal Income Tax @ 35%       (1,181)     (21,528)           -    (21,528)       (749)     (22,277)          -    (22,277)
    Total Federal Income Tax          $ (4,174)    $ 33,547      $ 8,289   $ 41,836    $ (2,269)    $ 39,567     $ 4,232   $ 43,799


                                                                                                          Appendix 3
                                                                                                          Page 15 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                         Calculation of Interest Expense
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                       Company                          Co.      Settle-     Year 1                 Year 2                  Year 3
                      Filed Rate   Adj.     Staff      Update      ment        As       Year 2        As       Year 3         As
                         Year       No.      Adj.        Adjs.     Adjs     Adjusted      Adjs.    Adjusted      Adjs.     Adjusted
Rate Base              $1,658,624   17   $ (55,011)  $ (27,591)  $ 10,944  $1,586,965   $169,382  $1,756,347  $ 80,794   $ 1,837,141
Interest Bearing CWIP               18      15,231                             15,231                 15,231                  15,231
                      ------------     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings Base          $1,658,624        $ (39,780)  $ (27,591)  $ 10,944  $1,602,196   $169,382  $1,771,578  $ 80,794   $ 1,852,372
                      ============     =============================================================================================
Weighted Cost of Debt.      3.75%   19       0.30%                 -0.17%       3.88%                  3.88%                   3.88%
Interest Exp.              62,214            3,410      (2,544)      (921)     62,158                 68,729                  71,864
Add Gain on Required
                      ------------     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Interest
     Deduction           $ 62,214          $ 3,410    $ (2,544)    $ (921)   $ 62,158               $ 68,729                $ 71,864
                      ============     =============================================================================================


                                                                                                                    Appendix 3
                                                                                                                    Page 16 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                        Calculation of Average Rate Base
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                      Company                                          Co.
                                                     Filed Rate       Adj.      Staff       Adj.     Update      Adj.    Settlement
                                                         Year          No.       Adjs.       No.      Adjs.      No.        Adjs
Utility Plant-Gas:
Gas Plant                                            $ 2,272,753       20     $ (18,845)     18u    $(18,343)    18s     $ 26,216
Non-Interest Bearing CWIP                                 12,913
Reserve for Depreciation                                (475,815)      21         3,902      19u      (3,032)    19s          253
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
                                                       1,809,851                (14,943)             (21,375)              26,469
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Gas Plant - charged from Corporate Services               62,415
Non-Interest Bearing CWIP - chrgd from Corp. Srvcs.        1,756
Reserve for Depreciation  - chrgd from Corp. Srvcs.      (27,774)
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Net Plant                                              1,846,248                (14,943)             (21,375)              26,469
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Rate Base Adjustments:
Deferred Merger Costs to Achieve                           2,292       22        (2,292)
Deferred SIR Expenditures                                 60,110       23       (60,110)     20u      (9,280)    20s        9,280
Unamortized Senior Securities' Expense                       263                      -
Deferred OPEBs/Pension Costs                              61,309       24       (61,309)     21u      (3,851)    21s        3,851
Unamortized Deferred Assets - Other                        1,374                      -      22u          10
Deferred Income Taxes                                   (351,866) 25-28          52,792      23u       7,227     22s       (4,858)
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Sub-Total                                               (226,517)               (70,919)              (5,894)               8,273
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Excess Earnings Base Capitalization Adj.                 (10,290)    p.15        51,383                         p.15      (26,431)
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Net Rate Base Adjustments                               (236,807)               (19,536)              (5,894)             (18,158)
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Gas Storage Inventory
Prepayments                                               20,094       29       (16,061)     22u           5
Materials and Supplies                                     8,190       30          (350)     22u          39
Cash Working Capital Allowance                            20,899     p.16        (4,121)    p.16        (366)   p.16        2,633
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
Total Working Capital                                     49,183                (20,532)                (322)               2,633
                                                   --------------         --------------         ------------        ---------------
    Rate Base                                        $ 1,658,624              $ (55,011)            $(27,591)            $ 10,944
                                                   ==============         ==============         ============        ===============

                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                        Calculation of Average Rate Base
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                        Year 1         Year 2            Year 2         Year 3         Year 3
                                                       Adjusted          Adjs.          Adjusted          Adjs.        Adjusted
Utility Plant-Gas:
Gas Plant                                            $ 2,261,780      $ 239,232       $ 2,501,012      $ 154,161      $ 2,655,173
Non-Interest Bearing CWIP                                 12,913                           12,913                          12,913
Reserve for Depreciation                                (474,692)       (68,591)         (543,283)       (72,458)        (615,740)
                                                       1,800,001        170,641         1,970,643         81,703        2,052,346
Gas Plant - charged from Corporate Services               62,415                           62,415                          62,415
Non-Interest Bearing CWIP - chrgd from Corp. Srvcs.        1,756                            1,756                           1,756
Reserve for Depreciation  - chrgd from Corp. Srvcs.      (27,774)                         (27,774)                        (27,774)
Net Plant                                              1,836,398        170,641         2,007,040         81,703        2,088,743
Rate Base Adjustments:
Deferred Merger Costs to Achieve
Deferred SIR Expenditures
Unamortized Senior Securities' Expense                       263                              263                             263
Deferred OPEBs/Pension Costs
Unamortized Deferred Assets - Other                        1,384                            1,384                           1,384
Deferred Income Taxes                                   (296,705)        (1,341)         (298,046)        (1,274)        (299,320)
Sub-Total                                               (295,058)        (1,341)         (296,399)        (1,274)        (297,673)
Excess Earnings Base Capitalization Adj.                  14,662                           14,662                          14,662
Net Rate Base Adjustments                               (280,396)        (1,341)         (281,737)        (1,274)        (283,011)
Gas Storage Inventory
Prepayments                                                4,038                            4,038                           4,038
Materials and Supplies                                     7,879                            7,879                           7,879
Cash Working Capital Allowance                            19,046           $ 82            19,127          $ 364           19,492
Total Working Capital                                     30,963             82            31,045            364           31,409
    Rate Base                                        $ 1,586,965      $ 169,382       $ 1,756,347       $ 80,794      $ 1,837,141


                                                                                                              Appendix 3
                                                                                                              Page 17 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                Historic Earning Base / Capitalization Comparison
                     Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2005

                                                          Company Filed      Adj.   Staff        Adj.  Settlement     Historic Year
                                                           Historic Year      No.  Adjustment     No.     Adjs         As Adjusted
 Average Capitalization
Long-Term Debt                                                $ (650,904)                                              $ (650,904)
Customer Deposits                                                 (7,573)                                                  (7,573)
Common Equity                                                   (900,909)                                                (900,909)
Investments in Subsidiaries & Non-Utility  Property                1,933                                                    1,933
Intercompany Notes Payable (net of Notes Receivable)             (46,787)                                                 (46,787)
Intercompany Accounts Payable (net of Accounts Receivable)        18,562       31      (8,891)                              9,671
Transition and Gas Balancing Accounts                            (20,378)                                                 (20,378)
Deferred Regulatory Liabilities - Interest Bearing               (61,241)                                                 (61,241)
                                                          ---------------          -----------         ---------------------------
Total                                                       $ (1,667,297)            $ (8,891)               $ -     $ (1,676,188)
                                                          ===============          ===========         ===========================
 Average Earnings Base
Property Base                                                $ 1,430,891    32,33     (41,620)     25s    25,559        1,414,830
Working Capital                                                  231,465       34        (872)     26s       872          231,465
Construction Work in Progress - Interest Bearing                  15,231                                                   15,231
                                                          ---------------          -----------         ---------------------------
Total                                                        $ 1,677,587            $ (42,492)          $ 26,431      $ 1,661,526
                                                          ===============          ===========         ===========================

                                                          ---------------          -----------         ---------------------------
Excess Earning Base over Capitalization                         $ 10,290            $ (51,383)          $ 26,431        $ (14,662)
                                                          ===============          ===========         ===========================


                                                                                                            Appendix 3
                                                                                                            Page 18 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                  Computation of Cash Working Capital Allowance
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                 Company                                      Co.                     Staff
                                               Filed Rate     Adj.         Staff            Update       Adj.       Settlement
                                                  Year         No.          Adjs.             Adjs.       No.           Adjs
Operation and Maintenance Expenses              $1,176,890     p.7       $ (7,069)        $ (225,226)     p.7        $ (4,249)
Purchased Gas                                    1,007,021                      -           (222,215)                       -
Uncollectible Losses Allowance                       2,673     p.7            (35)               (86)     p.7             622
Pension                                                  -      35         12,125                         27s         (12,125)
OPEBs                                                    -      36         13,812                         28s         (13,812)
                                               ------------        ----------------------------------         ---------------------
                                                 1,009,695                 25,902           (222,301)                 (25,315)
                                               ------------        ----------------------------------         ---------------------
Net                                                167,195                (32,971)            (2,925)                  21,066
                                               ------------        ----------------------------------         ---------------------
Cash Allowance at 1/8  of Net O&M                   20,899                 (4,121)              (366)                   2,633
Purchased Gas Cash Allowance at 31.82/365*
                                               ------------        ----------------------------------         ---------------------
Cash Working Capital                              $ 20,899               $ (4,121)            $ (366)                 $ 2,633
                                               ============        ==================================         =====================

* KeySpan proposes to move this to the GAC

                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                  Computation of Cash Working Capital Allowance
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010

                                                  Year 1             Year 2         Year 2           Year 3         Year 3 As
                                                 Adjusted              Adjs.        Adjusted          Adjs.          Adjusted
Operation and Maintenance Expenses              $ 940,346             $1,362      $ 941,708          $3,171         $ 944,879
Purchased Gas                                     784,806                  -        784,806               -           784,806
Uncollectible Losses Allowance                      3,174                707          3,881             258             4,139
                                                  787,980                707        788,687             258           788,945
Net                                               152,366                655        153,020           2,914           155,934
Cash Allowance at 1/8  of Net O&M                  19,046                 82         19,128             364            19,492
Purchased Gas Cash Allowance at 31.82/365*
Cash Working Capital                             $ 19,046               $ 82       $ 19,128           $ 364          $ 19,492

* KeySpan proposes to move this to the GAC


                                                                                                          Appendix 3
                                                                                                          Page 19 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                       Company Proposed Capital Structure
       Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012

                                 PRINCIPAL                    RATIO                   COST RATE                WEIGHTED COST
                            -----------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------    ---------------------
Long Term Debt                         $   850,904                   49.54%                     7.54%                    3.74%
Customer Deposits                            8,017                    0.47%                     3.00%                    0.01%
                            -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
    Total Debt                             858,921                   50.01%                                              3.75%
                            -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
Common Equity                              858,701                   49.99%                    11.00%                    5.50%
                            -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
    Total Capitalization               $ 1,717,623                  100.00%                                              9.25%
                            =======================    =====================                              =====================

                        Staff Proposed Capital Structure
       Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012

                                  PRINCIPAL                    RATIO                   COST RATE                WEIGHTED COST
                             -----------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------    ---------------------
Long Term Debt                          $   887,839                   51.69%                     7.37%                    3.81%
Short Term Debt                              72,999                    4.25%                     5.35%                    0.23%
Customer Deposits                             7,901                    0.46%                     3.65%                    0.02%
                             -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
    Total Debt                              968,739                   56.40%                                              4.05%
                             -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
Common Equity                               748,883                   43.60%                     8.90%                    3.88%
                             -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
    Total Capitalization                $ 1,717,623                  100.00%                                              7.93%
                             =======================    =====================                              =====================

                        Joint Proposal Capital Structure
       Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012

                                      PRINCIPAL                   RATIO                 COST RATE                WEIGHTED COST
                              -----------------------    ---------------------    ----------------------    ---------------------
Long Term Debt                           $   901,752                   52.50%                     7.35%                    3.86%
Customer Deposits                              8,588                    0.50%                     3.65%                    0.02%
                              -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
    Total Debt                               910,340                   53.00%                                              3.88%
                              -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
Common Equity                                807,283                   47.00%                     9.60%                    4.51%
                              -----------------------    ---------------------                              ---------------------
    Total Capitalization                 $ 1,717,623                  100.00%                                              8.39%
                              =======================    =====================                              =====================


                                                                                                              Appendix 3
                                                                                                              Page 20 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
            Computation of Recommended Additional Revenue Requirement
             Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2008, 2009, and 2010
                                                              2008                      2009                       2010
                                                              ----                      ----                       ----
Average Rate Base                                         $ 1,586,965               $ 1,756,347                $ 1,837,141
Rate Of Return                                                  8.39%                     8.39%                      8.39%
                                               -----------------------    ----------------------     ----------------------
Total Return Required                                         133,171                   147,385                    154,165
Less Earned Return                                             81,098                   131,991                    146,306
                                               -----------------------    ----------------------     ----------------------
Deficiency in Required Return                                  52,073                    15,394                      7,859
Retention Factor*                                              58.95%                    58.95%                     58.95%
                                               -----------------------    ----------------------     ----------------------
Authorized Revenue Increase                               $    88,342               $    26,116                $    13,332
                                               =======================    ======================     ======================

* Based upon the following:
                                                       PROOF                   Base Rates
                                               -----------------------    ----------------------
Sales Revenues                                                100.00%               $    88,342
Less: Uncollectibles                                            0.75%                       663
                                               -----------------------    ----------------------
Subtotal                                                       99.25%                    87,680
State Income Taxes                                              8.57%                     7,567
Federal Income Tax At  35.00%                                  31.74%                    28,039
                                               -----------------------    ----------------------
Retention Factor                                               58.95%               $    52,073
                                               =======================    ======================


                                                                                              Appendix 3
                                                                                              Page 21 of 21
                     KeySpan Energy Delivery of Long Island
                  Joint Proposal Capital Expenditures 2007-2012
                                                                2007         2008         2009        2010         2011       2012
                                                                ----         ----         ----        ----         ----       ----
City State                                                  $   8,479    $   9,746    $   9,746    $   9,746   $   9,746  $   9,746
Non-Growth                                                     49,442       72,091       56,124       58,113      58,113     58,113
Growth Capital                                                 39,189       34,468       32,609       30,750      30,750     30,750
Safety Replacement Program                                     13,071       28,008       28,008       28,008      28,008     28,008
Islander East Alternative(1)                                        -       23,000            -            -           -          -
Information Technology, Facilities, and Other Capital
 Expeditures                                                   20,081       43,551       11,359       11,697      11,697     11,697
                                                               ------      -------      -------      -------     -------     ------
Total                                                       $ 130,262    $ 210,864    $ 137,846    $ 138,314   $ 138,314  $ 138,314
                                                            =========    =========    =========    =========   =========  =========

Note: 1. This amount shall increase to a total of $46.9 Million if  construction
         is approved and completed for Islander East Project


              APPENDIX 4 - Corporate Structure and Affiliate Rules

Appendix 4: Corporate Structure and Affiliate Rules
- ---------------------------------------------------

     Effective on the closing of the merger,  National  Grid will  implement the
following  Corporate Structure and Affiliate Rules which will continue in effect
unless and until such time as the Commission authorizes an express change.

1. Definitions

     The following definitions apply to both Appendix 4 and Appendix 5.

     Corporate  and  Administrative  Services - means all services  performed by
KeySpan Corporate  Services LLC and KeySpan Utility Services LLC, as well as any
services performed by ServiceCo or not otherwise prohibited from being performed
by ServiceCo.  Corporate  and  Administrative  Services  will  include,  without
limitation,  all  administrative and office support for the benefit of US HoldCo
and any of its subsidiaries.

     Customer  Information  - means any of the  following  information  about an
individual  customer or any  aggregation  of individual  customers  collected or
compiled  by  KEDNY or  KEDLI:  name,  address,  telephone  number,  identifying
information,  consumption  history,  individual usage  characteristics,  payment
history, complaint history and the contents of any application for service.

     National Grid Other  Affiliates--  means  affiliates  of HoldCo,  including
affiliates  in the  United  States  and  throughout  the  world,  but  excluding
ServiceCo, KEDNY, KEDLI, Unregulated Competitive Energy Affiliates and Regulated

     Personal  Property--means  any and all property that is not real  property,
including leases and all other property not deemed to be "real property."

     Regulated  Affiliates - means the subsidiaries (other than KEDNY and KEDLI)
of US HoldCo,  including  future  subsidiaries,  that  provide the full range of
regulated gas and/or electric transmission or distribution  services,  including
Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation,  New England  Power  Company,  Massachusetts
Electric  Company,  New England  Electric  Transmission  Corporation,  Nantucket
Electric  Company,  Granite State Electric  Company,  The Narragansett  Electric
Company,   Boston  Gas  Company,  Essex  Gas  Company,   Colonial  Gas  Company,
EnergyNorth Gas Company, New England Hydro-Transmission Corporation, New England
Hydro-Transmission Electric Company, Inc., and each of their successors, and any
affiliate to the extent that such affiliate  provides  services to LIPA pursuant
to the LIPA Agreements.


     ServiceCo  -  means  National  Grid  USA  Service  Company,  Inc.,  KeySpan
Corporate  Services LLC, and/or KeySpan Utility  Services LLC, or any successors
thereto,  which provide a variety of  traditional  corporate and  administrative
services  for the  National  Grid USA system,  and to LIPA  pursuant to the LIPA

     System  Information - means  non-public  information  or data regarding the
operation of or capacity  constraints on and/or  expansion plans relating to the
energy delivery system of KEDNY or KEDLI.

     Unregulated  Affiliate - means any  affiliate  of HoldCo  other than KEDNY,
KEDLI, or any Regulated Affiliate.

     Unregulated Competitive Energy Affiliate - means any of US HoldCo's current
or  future  affiliates  that  directly  provides  competitive  electric  or  gas
commodity sales or service or heating, ventilation and air conditioning ("HVAC")
sales or service in New York State,  i.e.,  KeySpan Energy  Services and KeySpan
Home Energy Services.

     UK HoldCo - means  National  Grid plc or its successor as the highest level
holding  company in the National Grid group. US HoldCo - means National Grid USA
or its successor as the immediate  parent and holding  company for National Grid
plc's United States utility operations.  Immediate wholly-owned  subsidiaries of
National Grid USA will, upon completion of the Merger, include KeySpan,  Niagara
Mohawk Holdings,  Inc.,  National Grid USA Service  Company,  Inc., and National
Grid's New England utility affiliates.

     Where the term  "HoldCo" is used,  it refers to either or both of UK HoldCo
and US HoldCo.  Where explicit reference to one of the HoldCos is required,  the
term "UK HoldCo" or "US HoldCo" are used in full. Other  capitalized  terms have
the meaning assigned to them in the Joint Proposal.

2. Corporate Structure Following the Merger

     Following  the  Merger,   National  Grid  plc,  a  public  limited  company
incorporated  under the laws of England  and  Wales,  through  its  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  National  Grid USA,  will merge a merger  subsidiary  with and into
KeySpan Corporation, leaving KeySpan Corporation as the surviving corporation, a
wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  National  Grid  USA.  None of  KeySpan's  current


subsidiaries will be affected by the Merger, and, following the Merger, all will
exist as the separate corporate entities they are today.  However, at some point
following the Merger, all corporate and administrative  services in the National
Grid USA  holding  company  system,  including  those now  provided  by  KeySpan
Corporate  Services  LLC and KeySpan  Utility  Services  LLC, may be provided by
ServiceCo,  defined below,  using the cost  allocation  methodology set forth in
section 4.2, below.

     Specifically,  National  Grid USA  intends  to combine  or  reorganize  the
existing  service company  subsidiaries  of National Grid and KeySpan.  National
Grid USA also intends to adopt the KeySpan  allocations for ServiceCo costs that
are not otherwise  charged  directly to affiliates.  The  combination of service
companies  and the  change in  allocation  method  will  occur  when they can be
implemented  most  effectively  following  the receipt of  necessary  regulatory
approvals and the completion of necessary system modifications.

3. Accounting Issues

     Under United States Generally Accepted Accounting  Principles (US GAAP) for
purchase  accounting,  the total  acquisition  price,  together with transaction
costs, in excess of the fair market value assigned to the assets and liabilities
of the  acquired  company are  recorded as  goodwill on the  acquired  company's
accounts.  National  Grid plans to "push  down" and  allocate  the excess  among
KeySpan Corporation and its subsidiaries. This approach is fully consistent with
US GAAP and with the  practice  adopted  in the  National  Grid  acquisition  of
Niagara Mohawk Holdings and its other US acquisitions.  Under FASB standards for
accounting for goodwill,  goodwill is not amortized against  earnings.  Instead,
goodwill is reviewed for  impairment  and written  down and  expensed  only in a
period in which the  goodwill's  recorded  value exceeds its fair value.  As set
forth in section 1 of  Appendix  5, no  goodwill  will be recorded on KEDNY's or
KEDLI's  regulatory  accounts  that  are  subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of the
Commission.  As a result,  there will be no ratemaking  effects  associated with
recording goodwill under GAAP US for KEDNY and KEDLI.


     The  Commission's  approval  of the  KEDNY  and  KEDLI  Merger  Rate  Plans
signifies that such Rate Plans meet the accounting  requirements of Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 71 and will do so throughout their terms.

     As of the Rate  Effective  Date,  KEDNY's and  KEDLI's  fiscal year will be
changed to a year ending March 31st. In any calendar year,  KEDNY and KEDLI will
limit the dividends  paid to US HoldCo in accordance  with section 2 of Appendix

4. Rules Governing Affiliate Transactions

     4.1 Separation and Location:  HoldCo, KEDNY, KEDLI, and all affiliates will
each be operated as  separate  entities  and will  maintain  separate  books and
records of account. KEDNY, KEDLI, HoldCo, ServiceCo,  Regulated Affiliates,  and
National Grid Other  Affiliates  may occupy the same  building.  An  Unregulated
Competitive  Energy  Affiliate  may share a building  with KEDNY or KEDLI for no
longer than 180 days after its formation.

     4.2 Cost Allocation  Procedures:  Cost allocation procedures will assure an
appropriate allocation on a fully distributed basis to HoldCo, KEDNY, KEDLI, and
each Affiliate of the costs of any HoldCo or ServiceCo personnel,  property,  or
services used by them. HoldCo will implement  ServiceCo cost allocations for its
HoldCo  subsidiaries  that reflect the methodology  approved for use by KeySpan,
when this  conversion can be implemented  efficiently  and following  receipt of
required  regulatory  approvals.  Specifically,  rather than using operation and
maintenance (O&M) expenses as the basis for the general  allocation of ServiceCo
expenses,  the three-part allocator currently used by KeySpan Corporate Services
LLC,  based on revenues,  O&M expenses,  and assets,  will be used by ServiceCo.
This change,  which will only affect the pre-merger National Grid USA companies,
may require approval of the regulatory  commissions having jurisdiction over the
rates of the Regulated  Affiliates,  and is  conditioned  on the receipt of such
regulatory  approvals.  Following  consummation  of the  Merger,  the receipt of
required approvals,  and the implementation of necessary  accounting systems and
controls,  KeySpan's  allocation  methods will be adopted and KeySpan's  service
companies, KeySpan Corporate Services LLC and KeySpan Utility Services LLC, will
be phased out and consolidated with ServiceCo to the extent permissible and when
this conversion can be implemented efficiently.

     4.3 Revisions of Methodology and Audits:  Any future  revisions to the cost
allocation  methodology will be filed with the Commission's  Director of Finance
and Accounting and,  assuming  adequate  support is provided for such revisions,
will become effective after 60 days, unless an objection is raised.


     Staff will have the right to audit ServiceCo,  including the examination of
authorized cost allocation  calculations  and review of internal audit policies,
procedures,  and reports, to receive assurance that applicable  transactions and
/or allocations are being carried out properly.

     4.4 ServiceCo Services:  Following the close of the Merger,  ServiceCo will
be authorized to perform Corporate and Administrative  Services to KEDNY, KEDLI,
Regulated  Affiliates,  Unregulated  Competitive  Energy Affiliates and National
Grid  Other   Affiliates.   In  the  course  of  providing  such  Corporate  and
Administrative   Services,   ServiceCo  employees  will  not  disclose  Customer
Information  or  System  Information  to  any  Unregulated   Competitive  Energy
Affiliate or act as a conduit for such Information,  excepting  disclosures that
are in compliance  with these rules,  Commission  orders,  rules or regulations.
While ServiceCo may perform call center operations for any US HoldCo subsidiary,
ServiceCo  will  establish  policies  and  procedures,  including  technological
safeguards,  to  ensure  that  Unregulated  Competitive  Energy  Affiliates  and
National Grid Other Affiliates do not have access to and do not receive Customer
Information or System Information.

     4.5 Provision of Services:  (a) In accordance  with section VI of the Joint
Proposal,  the service  companies of KeySpan and  National  Grid may continue to
provide the services  currently provided to US HoldCo, any US HoldCo subsidiary,
KeySpan and any KeySpan subsidiary,  and to LIPA pursuant to the LIPA Agreements
for a transition  period pending the assumption of such services by ServiceCo or
in the event that the necessary approvals are not received;  (b) KEDNY and KEDLI
may  provide any  affiliate  with  regulated  utility  services  pursuant to the
applicable tariff;  (c) Non-tariffed  services provided between and among KEDNY,
KEDLI, Regulated Affiliates, ServiceCo, HoldCo, KeySpan Utility Services LLC and
KeySpan Corporate  Services LLC will be priced on a fully-loaded cost basis; (d)
Non-tariffed services provided by KEDNY or KEDLI to affiliates not identified in
part (c) will be priced at the higher of fair market value or fully-loaded cost;
and (e) Any services  provided to KEDNY or KEDLI by an affiliate  other than one
another, Regulated Affiliates,  ServiceCo,  HoldCo, KeySpan Utility Services LLC
and KeySpan  Corporate  Services LLC will be priced at the lesser of fair market
value or fully-loaded cost.


     Contracts  or  other  documentation  will  be  required  for  any  services
identified  in parts (d) and (e) that are expected to exceed $5 million over any
12 month period.

     4.6 June 2001  Niagara  Mohawk  Policy  Statement:  Affiliate  transactions
involving Niagara Mohawk are currently  governed by a document titled "June 2001
Policies and  Procedures  for Affiliate  Transactions."  National Grid will file
with the Director of  Accounting,  Finance and  Economics of the  Department  of
Public  Service  revised  policies,  procedures,  and  agreements  pertaining to
transactions among affiliates and for Niagara Mohawk,  KEDNY, and KEDLI prior to
the  consolidation of the service companies under section 4.4 above. That filing
will  be  included  as a  Merger  Reserved  Issue  in the  Joint  Proposal.  Any
disagreement  associated with the filing shall be referred to the Commission for

5. Rules Governing Human Resources

     5.1 Separation of Employees and Officers: KEDNY, KEDLI, and the Unregulated
Competitive  Energy  Affiliates will have separate  operating  employees,  which
restriction will not be deemed to preclude shared  Corporate and  Administrative
Services.  The  Secretary  and/or  Treasurer  of KEDNY or KEDLI may serve in the
equivalent  position for HoldCo or any affiliate,  but no other officer of KEDNY
or KEDLI may serve as an officer of an Unregulated Competitive Energy Affiliate.

     5.2 Employee Transfers: Employees may be transferred from KEDNY or KEDLI to
an Unregulated Competitive Energy Affiliate.  Such transferred employees will be
required  to resign  from KEDNY or KEDLI  unless  there is a  conflict  with the
collective  bargaining  agreement,  in  which  case  the  collective  bargaining
agreement would control. Transferred employees may not be reemployed by KEDNY or
KEDLI for a minimum of one year.  Employees  returning to KEDNY or KEDLI may not
be  transferred  back to the  Unregulated  Competitive  Energy  Affiliate  for a
minimum of one year. Similarly, employees may be transferred from an Unregulated
Competitive Energy Affiliate to KEDNY or KEDLI. Such transferred  employees will
be required to resign from the Unregulated  Competitive  Energy Affiliate unless
there is a conflict with the collective bargaining agreement,  in which case the
collective bargaining agreement would control.  Transferred employees may not be
reemployed by the Unregulated  Competitive Energy Affiliate for a minimum of one
year after transfer.  Employees returning to the Unregulated  Competitive Energy


Affiliate  may not be  transferred  back to KEDNY or KEDLI for a minimum  of one
year.  Any  transferred  employee  will be prohibited  from sharing,  copying or
taking  any  Customer  Information  or System  Information  from KEDNY or KEDLI.
Otherwise,  employees may be  transferred  between KEDNY or KEDLI and HoldCo and
any of its subsidiaries without restriction.

     KEDNY's and KEDLI's  annual  reports to the  Commission  will show employee
transfers between them and Unregulated Competitive Energy Affiliates.

     5.3  Emergency  Access to  Employees:  The  foregoing  provisions  will not
restrict HoldCo or any of its subsidiaries  from making its employees  available
to KEDNY or KEDLI to  assist  in an  emergency  that  threatens  the  safety  or
reliability  of service to KEDNY or KEDLI  customers.  In such  event,  KEDNY or
KEDLI will pay the fully-loaded costs for the services of such employees.

     5.4  Compensation  for  Transfers  to  other  than  HoldCo  or a  Regulated
Affiliate:  An employee  transfer  credit equal to 25% of the employee's  annual
base salary will be applied to KEDNY's or KEDLI's  respective  Balancing Account
for all  transfers  from  KEDNY or KEDLI to an  Unregulated  Competitive  Energy
Affiliate.  The  requirement  to pay such  transfer  credit will be waived for a
period of four years immediately following the close of the Merger.

     5.5 Employee Compensation and Benefits: The compensation of KEDNY and KEDLI
employees and officers may not be tied to the financial and/or stock performance
of  any  Unregulated   Competitive  Energy  Affiliate  or  National  Grid  Other
Affiliate,  but may be tied to the  financial  performance  of Holdco  and stock
performance of UKHoldCo.

     Employees  of  HoldCo  and  all  or any  subset  of  its  subsidiaries  may
participate in common  pension and benefit  plans,  and the costs of such common
plans  will  be  equitably  allocated  in  accordance  with  the  approved  cost
allocation procedures.

6. Access to Books, Records and Reports

     Staff  will  have  full  access,  on  reasonable  notice,  and  subject  to
resolution of issues relative to confidentiality  and privilege (e.g.,  attorney
client,  attorney work product, self critical),  to: i) the books and records of
HoldCo and its majority-owned subsidiaries; and ii) the books and records of all
other HoldCo subsidiaries or affiliates,  in English, to the extent necessary to
audit and monitor any transactions that have occurred between KEDNY or KEDLI and
such  subsidiaries  or  affiliates.  Such  access to books and  records  will be
provided at KEDNY's or KEDLI's New York headquarters; provided, however, that if
such access is not  practicable,  access will be provided at another location in
KEDNY's or KEDLI's service territory at the Company's expense.


7. Standards of Competitive Conduct

     7.1 Use of Corporate Name and Royalties: These Standards of Conduct will be
in lieu of any and all  royalty  payments  that could or might be asserted to be
payable  by HoldCo or any  HoldCo  subsidiary  or  imputed  to KEDNY or KEDLI or
credited to their  customers at any time. No provision  herein will be deemed to
restrict  any  HoldCo   subsidiary  from  using  the  same  name,  trade  names,
trademarks,  service  names,  service marks or a derivative of a name of HoldCo,
KEDNY or KEDLI,  or in identifying  itself as being  affiliated with the HoldCo,
KEDNY,  KEDLI or any other  affiliate.  Promotional  material  may  identify any
HoldCo subsidiary as being affiliated with KEDNY, KEDLI or HoldCo.

     7.2 Sales  Leads:  Except as set forth in this  Appendix 4, or as otherwise
approved  by the  Commission,  KEDNY  and KEDLI  will not  provide  sales  leads
involving customers in its service territory to any Unregulated Affiliate.

     7.3 Customer Inquiries:  KEDNY and KEDLI will respond to customer inquiries
as to  non-utility  services in  conformance  with the  following  Standards  of
Competitive Conduct:

     -If a customer  requests  information  from KEDNY or KEDLI  about  securing
commodity sales service from an ESCO,  KEDNY or KEDLI will provide a list of all
ESCOs authorized to do business in its service territory.

     -If a customer  requests  information  from KEDNY or KEDLI about oil-to-gas
heating system  conversions,  KEDNY or KEDLI will provide contact information of
licensed contractors pursuant to a program substantially the same as KEDNY's and
KEDLI's ValuePlus Program.

     -If a customer  requests  information  from KEDNY or KEDLI about  appliance
service contracts,  KEDNY or KEDLI will provide, on a rotational basis,  contact
information of licensed contractors offering service contracts in the customer's

     -If a customer  requests  information  from KEDNY or KEDLI about gas-to-gas
equipment  replacement,  KEDNY or KEDLI will  provide,  on a  rotational  basis,
contact  information  of licensed  contractors  performing  such services in the
customer's vicinity.


     KEDNY and KEDLI may only provide  customers  information  about competitive
affiliates  operating  in the  business  areas  identified  above  as  part of a
response  to a  customer  inquiry  or  as  part  of  a  wider  dissemination  of
information  to  the  public  about  these  topics.  In  either  situation,  the
information  provided  about  any  HoldCo  subsidiary,   including   Unregulated
Affiliates, may not in any way be discriminatory to other competitors.

     All information made available  pursuant to the foregoing will also be made
available on KEDNY's and KEDLI's website.

     7.4 No  Advantage  Gained by Dealing with  Affiliate:  KEDNY and KEDLI will
refrain from giving any  appearance  that they speak on behalf of an Unregulated
Affiliate or that an Unregulated  Affiliate  speaks on behalf of them. KEDNY and
KEDLI  will not  engage  in any  joint  promotion  or joint  marketing  with its
Unregulated Competitive Energy Affiliates, provided, however, that this will not
prohibit the use of a common  corporate web site that  delineates  regulated and
unregulated entities and services.

     KEDNY and KEDLI will not represent to any customer, supplier or third party
that an advantage  may accrue to such  customer,  supplier or third party in the
use of their  services  as a result of that  customer,  supplier  or third party
transacting with any US HoldCo subsidiary.

     US HoldCo  subsidiaries  will not  represent to any  customer,  supplier or
third party that an  advantage  may accrue to such  customer,  supplier or third
party in the use of KEDNY's or KEDLI's  services  as a result of that  customer,
supplier or third party transacting with such subsidiary.

     7.5 No Rate  Discrimination:  All similarly situated customers will pay the
same rates for the same tariffed  services  provided by KEDNY or KEDLI. If there
is discretion in the application of any tariff  provision,  KEDNY and KEDLI will
not offer any affiliate  more favorable  terms and conditions  than it offers to
all similarly situated competitors of the affiliate.

     7.6 Complaint  Procedures:  Any competitor or customer of KEDNY or KEDLI or
any  affiliate  who believes  that KEDNY or KEDLI or an  affiliate  has violated
these  Standards of Conduct may file a written  complaint with KEDNY or KEDLI or
the subject  affiliate,  which will respond in writing within fourteen  business
days. Thereafter,  the complainant and KEDNY or KEDLI or the affiliate will meet
to resolve the  complaint  informally.  If no resolution  can be reached  within
thirty days  following  the  complainant's  receipt of KEDNY's or KEDLI's or the
affiliate's response, either party may request the assistance of Staff. If Staff
is unable to assist the parties in resolving the  complaint  within a reasonable
time, either party may seek resolution by the Commission.


     If the  Commission  determines,  at any  time,  whether  as a result of the
procedure  outlined above or otherwise,  that KEDNY or KEDLI or an affiliate has
violated  these  Standards  of Conduct,  it will  provide  KEDNY or KEDLI or the
affiliate an  opportunity  to remedy such conduct or explain why such conduct is
not a violation. If KEDNY or KEDLI or the affiliate fails to remedy such conduct
within a reasonable  time after  receiving such notice,  the Commission may take
such remedial  action as is warranted  and for which it has authority  under the
Public Service Law.

8. Transfers and Leases of Property

     8.1 Personal  Property:  Transfers  of Personal  Property (or rights to use
such  property)  from  KEDNY  or  KEDLI  to an  Unregulated  Competitive  Energy
Affiliate or any National Grid Other  Affiliate  will be priced at the higher of
book value or fair market  value.  Any direct or  indirect  transfer of Personal
Property to KEDNY or KEDLI from an unregulated  affiliate  shall be at the lower
of book value or fair market value.

     Transfers  of  Personal  Property  (or  rights to use such  property)  from
KeySpan Corporate Services LLC or KeySpan Utility Services LLC to KEDNY,  KEDLI,
Regulated Affiliates,  ServiceCo,  or HoldCo to KEDNY or KEDLI will be priced at
book value.

     Transfers of Personal Property (or rights to use such property) between and
among KEDNY, KEDLI, Regulated Affiliates,  ServiceCo,  and HoldCo will be priced
at book value or cost.

     Gains associated with the transfer or lease of Personal Property in KEDNY's
or KEDLI's rate base will be credited to the  applicable  depreciation  reserve.
KEDNY or KEDLI  will have the  opportunity  to file a fully  supported  petition
seeking  recovery of any loss  associated with the transfer or lease of Personal
Property in KEDNY's or KEDLI's  rate base.  KEDNY and KEDLI will retain gains or
losses on the  transfer  or lease of  Personal  Property  not  included in their
respective rate base.

     Based on KEDNY's and KEDLI's  adherence to the foregoing  parameters and if
the  property  is not  needed  for  providing  regulated  utility  service,  the
Commission's  consent pursuant to PSL ss.ss. 69 or 70 is granted as being in the
public interest if the transfer or lease of Personal  Property is for $3 million


or less. KEDNY or KEDLI will petition the Commission for its consent pursuant to
ss.ss.69 or 70 for the  transfer or lease of Personal  Property  that exceeds $3
million.  The provisions  governing  transfers of Personal Property to KEDNY and
KEDLI in this section do not assure the future rate recovery of these amounts.

     8.2 Real  Property:  If and when a facility is no longer  needed to provide
regulated gas services,  KEDNY or KEDLI will  evaluate  commercially  reasonable
disposition  alternatives for the facility,  including, but not limited to, sale
to an affiliate  or sale or lease to a third  party.  In the event it decides to
sell or  lease a  facility,  KEDNY or KEDLI  will  use  commercially  reasonable
efforts  to obtain  fair  market  value for the  facility  based on  independent
appraisals and market  conditions.  KEDNY and KEDLI may utilize brokers or other
service  providers  to identify  prospective  buyers or tenants,  or may utilize
other means designed to realize fair market value from the sale or lease.

     Gains  associated with the sale of real property in KEDNY's or KEDLI's rate
base will be credited to the applicable  Balancing Account.  KEDNY or KEDLI will
have the opportunity to file a fully supported  petition seeking recovery of any
loss  associated with the sale of real property in KEDNY's or KEDLI's rate base.
KEDNY and KEDLI will  retain  gains or losses on the sale of real  property  not
included in their respective rate base. Under no circumstances  will the sale or
lease of a facility  prevent  KEDNY or KEDLI from  providing gas services to its
customers,  or  from  otherwise  being  able to  discharge  its  public  service
responsibilities.  Moreover, any sale-leaseback transaction involving a KEDNY or
KEDLI facility will not increase  KEDNY's or KEDLI's annual cost of occupying or
utilizing the subject property.

     All  contract  documents  relative to the sale of  facilities  will include
provisions limiting, to the extent commercially practicable,  KEDNY's or KEDLI's
liabilities,   including  environmental  liabilities.   In  the  case  of  lease
transactions,  tenants will be required,  inter alia,  to maintain  commercially
reasonable  insurance  coverage to protect the leased  property,  and to observe
KEDNY's or KEDLI's requirements  regarding the use of the premises.  Any initial
lease term will not exceed five (5) years.

     Based on KEDNY's and KEDLI's adherence to the foregoing parameters,  to the
extent  that  efficient  management  of KEDNY's or  KEDLI's  property  portfolio
warrants  the sale or lease of a facility  subject to the  Commission's  consent
pursuant to PSL  ss.ss.69 or 70, that  consent is granted as being in the public
interest if the sale or lease or  sale/leaseback of facilities is for $3 million
or less. KEDNY or KEDLI will petition the Commission for its consent pursuant to
ss.ss.69 or 70 for  facility  sales,  leases,  or  sales/leasebacks  for over $3


9. Miscellaneous Provisions

     9.1 Annual Meeting:  Senior management of KEDNY,  KEDLI, and US HoldCo will
meet  annually  with  Senior  Staff to discuss  their  plans  related to capital
attraction and financial performance.

     9.2  Reporting  Requirements:   To  further  the  Commission's  ability  to
efficiently assess compliance with the terms of the Appendix 4, KEDNY, KEDLI and
HOLDCO shall file a report summarizing asset transfers, employee transfers, cost
allocations, affiliate transactions, and competitor/customer complaints prior to
each year's Annual Meeting.

     9.3 Adherence to Standards:  If the  Commission at any time makes a finding
that  compliance  with these Rules  Governing  Affiliate  Transactions  has been
lacking,  the  Commission  may  order an  independent  audit  of all  applicable
transactions, at KEDNY's or KEDLI's expense.

     9.4  Insurance:  KEDNY,  KEDLI and  HoldCo  subsidiaries  may be covered by
common  property/casualty  and other business insurance  policies.  The costs of
such policies will be equitably  allocated in accordance  with the approved cost
allocation procedures.

     9.5  Research  and   Development:   KEDNY  and  KEDLI  may  invest  in  the
commercialization  of research and development  products and  technologies  that
they have developed  consistent with these Standards of Competitive  Conduct. If
an  affiliate  elects to invest in the same,  it will  fairly  compensate  KEDNY
and/or KEDLI based,  among other things,  on the expected future benefits of the
investments,  assume the applicable  business risks, and will be entitled to the
benefits  associated  with  that  investment  to  the  extent  approved  by  the


                       APPENDIX 5 - Financial Protections

Appendix 5: Financial Protections
- ---------------------------------

     Effective on the closing of the merger,  National  Grid will  implement the
following financial  protections for KEDNY and KEDLI. Such financial protections
will continue in effect unless and until such time as the Commission  authorizes
an express change.

1. Goodwill

     Although  goodwill may be recorded on KEDNY's and KEDLI's accounts pursuant
to United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP), no goodwill
will be  pushed  down on the  regulatory  books  maintained  by  KEDNY  or KEDLI
pursuant to the Commission's  regulations following the Merger. Goodwill will be
excluded from rate base,  expenses and  capitalization  in the  determination of
KEDNY's  and  KEDLI's  rates and earned  returns  for New York State  regulatory
reporting purposes.

2. Dividend Payments

     KEDNY and KEDLI will register  with major  nationally  and  internationally
recognized bond rating  agencies,  such as Standard & Poor's,  Moody's  Investor
Service,  and Fitch Ratings, and intend to maintain at least an investment grade
credit  rating.  Provided  such  rating  is  maintained  with at least  two such
agencies,  subject to the other  provisions  of this Appendix 5, KEDNY and KEDLI
will be permitted to pay  dividends in any year up to an amount equal to the sum
of the following:  i) income  available for common  dividends  generated in that
year; ii) the  cumulative  amount of retained  earnings  accrued in prior years,
starting with the Effective Date of the merger; and iii) that portion of paid-in
capital  that was  recorded  on the books of KEDNY  and KEDLI as  unappropriated
retained earnings,  unappropriated undistributed earnings, and accumulated other
comprehensive  income immediately prior to the consummation of the Merger to the
extent such earnings were not already paid out as dividends in years  subsequent
to the closing of the Merger.

     To the extent that KEDNY and KEDLI desire to exclude  from the  calculation
of "income  available for common  dividends"  for the purposes of this provision
non-cash charges to income resulting from accounting changes,  charges to income
resulting  from  significant,  unanticipated  events or  impairment of goodwill,
KEDNY and KEDNY must first  notify the  Commission  of their intent to do so and


provide an explanation  for such action.  KEDNY and KEDLI shall have the ability
to exclude the items  identified in the  notification if the Commission has not,
within  30  days  of the  notification,  indicated  that  additional  review  is
necessary.  Under no  circumstances  will the  balance of  retained  earnings go
negative as the result of dividend payments.

3. Dividend Restrictions

     KEDNY and/or KEDLI will be prohibited from paying common  dividends if: (a)
the senior unsecured bond rating of KEDNY or KEDLI (as appropriate) falls to the
lowest  investment  grade rating and there are negative  watch/review  downgrade
notices as determined by any two nationally  recognized rating agencies,  unless
the  Commission  approves such  dividends;  or (b) the senior  unsecured  credit
rating of National  Grid plc falls below  investment  grade as determined by two
nationally  recognized  credit rating agencies,  unless the Commission  approves
such dividends.  The prohibition from paying common dividends shall end when the
relevant  credit  rating is  restored,  or the negative  watch/review  downgrade
notices are removed and no negative  rating action is taken,  or the  Commission
approves the payment of such dividends.

4. Bond Ratings and the Cost of Debt

     If,  between the date of when the Merger closes and the  effective  date of
KEDNY's  or  KEDLI's  next rate  filing,  the bond  rating of KEDNY or KEDLI (as
appropriate)  falls below A- or A3 as  determined by two  nationally  recognized
credit rating  agencies,  then any long-term debt issued by the relevant company
during the period of such reduced credit rating will be priced as if it had been
issued by an A-/A3 utility at the same issue date, and any such  difference will
be  credited  to  KEDNY's  or  KEDLI's  (as  appropriate)  respective  Balancing
Accounts.  KEDNY's and KEDLI's  earnings  sharing  reports will then reflect the
actual debt rates outstanding for the Companies.

5. Debt Limit

     For any twelve-month period ending at the end of a quarter, KEDNY's Average
Total Debt will not exceed 56 percent of its Total Capital  excluding  goodwill,
and KEDLI's  average  Total Debt will not exceed 58 percent of its Average Total
Capital  excluding  goodwill.  For  purposes of this  section 5, "Total Debt" is
defined  as an amount  equal to (i)  long-term  debt,  plus (ii)  notes  payable


(including  current  maturity  of  long-term  debt),  minus  the  average  daily
equivalents of cash and cash equivalents,  appearing on the consolidated balance
sheet of that  entity;  and "Total  Capital"  is defined as the sum of (i) Total
Debt, (ii) common shareholder equity (excluding  goodwill),  and (iii) preferred
stock appearing on the consolidated balance sheet of that entity.

     If the debt limitations for KEDNY or KEDLI (as appropriate) in this section
5 are exceeded,  KEDNY or KEDLI (as appropriate) will be afforded a fifteen (15)
month cure period to reduce the debt ratio to within the limits in this  section
5, during which period KEDNY or KEDLI,  as applicable,  will be prohibited  from
increasing the level of dividend  payments  (expressed as a percentage of common
equity  excluding  goodwill)  until the  average  debt ratio for a twelve  month
period  ending at the end of a  calendar  quarter  is within  the limits in this
section 5. Absent a Commission order to the contrary after a showing by KEDNY or
KEDLI (as  appropriate),  if the debt limit at the end of the cure period  still
exceeds  the limits in this  section 5, no further  dividends  will be paid from
KEDNY or KEDLI,  as applicable,  until the average debt ratio for a twelve month
period ending at the end of a calendar  quarter is reduced to the limits in this
section 5.

6. Merger Debt

     No debt  associated  with the Merger will be reflected as an  obligation of
either KEDNY or KEDLI.

7. Administration of Money Pools

     US HoldCo intends to create separate unregulated and regulated money pools,
subject to the receipt of necessary  regulatory  approvals  and when they can be
implemented  efficiently.  Participation  in the  regulated  money  pool will be
limited to KEDNY, KEDLI, Regulated Affiliates,  ServiceCo, and US HoldCo. KEDNY,
KEDLI,  Regulated  Affiliates,  and ServiceCo may  participate  in the Regulated
Money Pool as both borrowers and lenders.  US HoldCo may participate as a lender


                        APPENDIX 6 - Net Synergy Savings

                                                                                                                Appendix 6
                                                                                                               Page 1 of 6

            Calculation of 5 Year Levelized Net Synergy Value by Year

                                                     1                 2                3                  4                  5
7.58%  1 Synergies                          $ 10,608,734.32   $ 14,571,096.59  $ 18,502,030.48    $ 22,848,893.06    $ 23,420,115.39
       3 Cost to Achieve                    $ 20,835,309.39    $ 8,282,157.28   $ 8,119,762.04     $ 3,670,132.44     $ 3,935,378.00
       4             NPV   $43,940,043.80
       5        Levelized                      6,425,145.02    $ 6,425,145.02   $ 6,425,145.02     $ 6,425,145.02     $ 6,425,145.02
       7 Net Synergy Savings - 100%          $ 4,183,589.30    $ 8,145,951.57  $ 12,076,885.46    $ 16,423,748.05    $ 16,994,970.37
       9 Net Synergy Savings - 50%           $ 2,091,794.65    $ 4,072,975.79   $ 6,038,442.73     $ 8,211,874.02     $ 8,497,485.19
      10             NPV   $22,340,599.38
      11 5 Year Levelized                      5,533,695.95    $ 5,533,695.95   $ 5,533,695.95     $ 5,533,695.95     $ 5,533,695.95
      12 Uncollectibles and Working Capital      160,687.05        160,687.05       160,687.05         160,687.05         160,687.05
      13 Revenue requirements                  5,694,383.00    $ 5,694,383.00   $ 5,694,383.00     $ 5,694,383.00     $ 5,694,383.00

                                                   6                 7                8                  9                  10

7.58%  1 Synergies                          $ 24,005,618.27   $ 24,605,758.73  $ 25,220,902.70    $ 25,851,425.27    $ 26,497,710.90
       3 Cost to Achieve                     $ 3,231,665.29    $ 2,506,299.88   $ 1,147,593.03     $ 1,180,072.08     $ 1,217,964.31
       4             NPV   $43,940,043.80
       5        Levelized                    $ 6,425,145.02    $ 6,425,145.02   $ 6,425,145.02     $ 6,425,145.02     $ 6,425,145.02
       7 Net Synergy Savings - 100%         $ 17,580,473.26   $ 18,180,613.71  $ 18,795,757.68    $ 19,426,280.25    $ 20,072,565.88
       9 Net Synergy Savings - 50%           $ 8,790,236.63    $ 9,090,306.86   $ 9,397,878.84     $ 9,713,140.13    $ 10,036,282.94
      10             NPV   $22,340,599.38
      11 5 Year Levelized
      12 Uncollectibles and Working Capital
      13 Revenue requirements


                                                                                                         Appendix 6
                                                                                                        Page 1 of 6

           Calculation of 5 Year Levelized Net Synergy Value by Year

                                                   1                 2                3                  4                  5
8.39% 14 Synergies                           $ 6,298,881.19    $ 8,651,513.31   $ 10,985,485.00   $ 13,566,412.20    $ 13,905,572.50
      16 Cost to Achieve                    $ 12,370,857.29    $ 4,917,488.09    $ 4,821,066.75    $ 2,179,122.17     $ 2,336,610.35
      17            NPV    $25,574,613.83
      18        Levelized                      3,878,955.62    $ 3,878,955.62    $ 3,878,955.62    $ 3,878,955.62     $ 3,878,955.62
      20 Net Synergy Savings - 100%          $ 2,419,925.57    $ 4,772,557.69    $ 7,106,529.38    $ 9,687,456.58    $ 10,026,616.88
      22 Net Synergy Savings - 50%           $ 1,209,962.78    $ 2,386,278.85    $ 3,553,264.69    $ 4,843,728.29     $ 5,013,308.44
      23            NPV    $12,797,528.41
      24 5 Year Levelized                      3,238,370.26    $ 3,238,370.26    $ 3,238,370.26    $ 3,238,370.26     $ 3,238,370.26
      25 Uncollectibles and Working Capital       83,571.77         72,957.59         72,957.59         72,957.59          72,957.59
      26 Revenue requirements                  3,321,942.03    $ 3,311,327.85    $ 3,311,327.85    $ 3,311,327.85     $ 3,311,327.85

        KEDLI                                      6                  7                8                  9                 10

8.39% 14 Synergies                          $ 14,253,211.81   $ 14,609,542.11   $ 14,974,780.66   $ 15,349,150.18    $ 15,732,878.93
      16 Cost to Achieve                     $ 1,918,784.57    $ 1,488,102.60      $ 681,377.43      $ 700,661.70       $ 723,160.01
      17             NPV   $25,574,613.83
      18        Levelized                    $ 3,878,955.62    $ 3,878,955.62    $ 3,878,955.62    $ 3,878,955.62     $ 3,878,955.62
      20 Net Synergy Savings - 100%         $ 10,374,256.20   $ 10,730,586.49   $ 11,095,825.04   $ 11,470,194.56    $ 11,853,923.31
      22 Net Synergy Savings - 50%           $ 5,187,128.10    $ 5,365,293.25    $ 5,547,912.52    $ 5,735,097.28     $ 5,926,961.66
      23             NPV   $12,797,528.41
      24 5 Year Levelized
      25 Uncollectibles and Working Capital
      26 Revenue requirements

                                                                                         Appendix 6
                                                                                        Page 1 of 6
           Calculation of 5 Year Levelized Net Synergy Value by Year
Line Notes:
      1 From Page 3 of 6, Line 11
      3 From Page 3 of 6, Line 28
      4 NPV of annual Cost to Achieve discounted at weighted average cost of capital of 7.58%
      5 10 Year levelized payment of Line 4 Cost to Achieve NPV at 7.58%
      7 Line 1 minus Line 7
      9 Line 7 times 50%
     10 NPV of Line 9 for years 1, 2 and 3 discounted at weighted average cost of capital of 7.58%
     11 5 Year Levelized payment of Line 10 NPV at 7.58%
     12 Cost of Service changes related to net synergies
     13 Line 11 + Line 12
     14 From Page 3 of 6, Line 12
     16 From Page 3 of 6, Line 29
     17 NPV of annual Cost to Achieve discounted at weighted average cost of capital of 8.39%
     18 10 Year levelized payment of Line 17 Cost to Achieve NPV at 8.39%
     20 Line 14 minus Line 18
     22 Line 18 times 50%
     23 NPV of Line 22 for years 1, 2 and 3 discounted at weighted average cost of capital of 8.39%
     24 5 Year Levelized payment of Line 23 NPV at 8.39%
     25 Cost of Service changes related to net synergies
     26  Line 24 + Line 25

KEDNY                                        1                  2                   3                   4                    5
- -----
Net Synergies w/CTA Amort             $ 4,183,589.30     $ 8,145,951.57      $ 12,076,885.46     $ 16,423,748.05     $ 16,994,970.37
10 Year 50% Plan                        2,091,794.65       4,072,975.79         6,038,442.73        8,211,874.02        8,497,485.19
NPV             $48,563,793.64

5 Year 100% Option                    $ 4,183,589.30     $ 8,145,951.57      $ 12,076,885.46     $ 16,423,748.05     $ 16,994,970.37

- -----                                         6                 7                   8                   9                    10
Net Synergies w/CTA Amort             $ 17,580,473.26   $ 18,180,613.71      $ 18,795,757.68     $ 19,426,280.25     $ 20,072,565.88
10 Year 50% Plan                         8,790,236.63      9,090,306.86         9,397,878.84        9,713,140.13       10,036,282.94
NPV              $48,563,793.64

5 Year 100% Option

- -----
                                          1                  2                  3                   4                   5
Net Synergies w/CTA Amort               $ 2,419,925.57     $ 4,772,557.69     $ 7,106,529.38      $ 9,687,456.58     $ 10,026,616.88
10 Year 50% Plan                          1,209,962.78       2,386,278.85       3,553,264.69        4,843,728.29        5,013,308.44
NPV               $27,384,991.75

5 Year 100% Option                      $ 2,419,925.57     $ 4,772,557.69     $ 7,106,529.38      $ 9,687,456.58     $ 10,026,616.88

- -----                                          6                  7                  8                   9                   10
Net Synergies w/CTA Amort              $ 10,374,256.20    $ 10,730,586.49    $ 11,095,825.04     $ 11,470,194.56     $ 11,853,923.31
10 Year 50% Plan                          5,187,128.10       5,365,293.25       5,547,912.52        5,735,097.28        5,926,961.66
NPV              $27,384,991.75

5 Year 100% Option

                                                                                                            Appendix 6
                                                                                                           Page 2 of 6

                                Calculation of Synergy Value - Net Synergy by Year

                                              1                    2                    3                    4                   5
SYNERGIES (Page 2 Column C
      Times Page 4 Column B)
  1 Massachusetts Electric        $ 7,743,831.48      $ 10,636,152.53      $ 13,505,532.49      $ 16,678,519.03     $ 17,095,482.01
  2 Nantucket Electric               $ 94,634.74         $ 129,980.81         $ 165,046.53         $ 203,822.52        $ 208,918.08
  3 New England Power             $ 2,781,088.85       $ 3,819,825.54       $ 4,850,323.25       $ 5,989,857.03      $ 6,139,603.45
  4 Essex Gas                       $ 425,692.80         $ 584,689.06         $ 742,424.20         $ 916,849.16        $ 939,770.39
  5 Colonial Gas                  $ 1,423,844.14       $ 1,955,649.92       $ 2,483,237.57       $ 3,066,648.81      $ 3,143,315.03
  6 Boston Gas                    $ 5,103,623.29       $ 7,009,826.59       $ 8,900,910.41      $ 10,992,088.15     $ 11,266,890.36
  7 Granite State Electric          $ 329,505.58         $ 452,575.92         $ 574,670.09         $ 709,682.94        $ 727,425.02
  8 EnergyNorth Gas                 $ 627,516.87         $ 861,894.43       $ 1,094,412.96       $ 1,351,534.08      $ 1,385,322.43
  9 Niagara Mohawk Electric      $ 15,772,131.09      $ 21,663,022.05      $ 27,507,188.07      $ 33,969,720.21     $ 34,818,963.22
 10 Niagara Mohawk Gas            $ 4,067,330.72       $ 5,586,478.74       $ 7,093,577.30       $ 8,760,140.64      $ 8,979,144.15
 11 KEDNY                        $ 10,608,734.32      $ 14,571,096.59      $ 18,502,030.48      $ 22,848,893.06     $ 23,420,115.39
 12 KEDLI                         $ 6,298,881.19       $ 8,651,513.31      $ 10,985,485.00      $ 13,566,412.20     $ 13,905,572.50
 13 LIPA                         $ 14,832,266.30      $ 20,372,117.76      $ 25,868,028.63      $ 31,945,457.05     $ 32,744,093.47
 14 Unregulated                   $ 2,454,541.25       $ 3,371,312.41       $ 4,280,811.98       $ 5,286,544.92      $ 5,418,708.54
 15 Narragansett                  $ 3,121,321.94       $ 4,287,135.69       $ 5,443,702.51       $ 6,722,644.67      $ 6,890,710.79
 16 Providence Gas                $ 2,315,055.45       $ 3,179,728.66       $ 4,037,543.52       $ 4,986,123.02      $ 5,110,776.10
 17 Total                        $ 78,000,000.00     $ 107,133,000.00     $ 136,034,925.00     $ 167,994,937.50    $ 172,194,810.94

                                              6                    7                    8                    9                  10
SYNERGIES (Page 2 Column C
      Times Page 4 Column B)
  1 Massachusetts Electric       $ 17,522,869.06      $ 17,960,940.79      $ 18,409,964.31      $ 18,870,213.41     $ 19,341,968.75
  2 Nantucket Electric              $ 214,141.03         $ 219,494.56         $ 224,981.92         $ 230,606.47        $ 236,371.63
  3 New England Power             $ 6,293,093.54       $ 6,450,420.88       $ 6,611,681.40       $ 6,776,973.44      $ 6,946,397.77
  4 Essex Gas                       $ 963,264.65         $ 987,346.27       $ 1,012,029.93       $ 1,037,330.67      $ 1,063,263.94
  5 Colonial Gas                  $ 3,221,897.91       $ 3,302,445.35       $ 3,385,006.49       $ 3,469,631.65      $ 3,556,372.44
  6 Boston Gas                   $ 11,548,562.62      $ 11,837,276.68      $ 12,133,208.60      $ 12,436,538.81     $ 12,747,452.28
  7 Granite State Electric          $ 745,610.64         $ 764,250.91         $ 783,357.18         $ 802,941.11        $ 823,014.64
  8 EnergyNorth Gas               $ 1,419,955.49       $ 1,455,454.38       $ 1,491,840.74       $ 1,529,136.76      $ 1,567,365.18
  9 Niagara Mohawk Electric      $ 35,689,437.30      $ 36,581,673.23      $ 37,496,215.06      $ 38,433,620.44     $ 39,394,460.95
 10 Niagara Mohawk Gas            $ 9,203,622.76       $ 9,433,713.32       $ 9,669,556.16       $ 9,911,295.06     $ 10,159,077.44
 11 KEDNY                        $ 24,005,618.27      $ 24,605,758.73      $ 25,220,902.70      $ 25,851,425.27     $ 26,497,710.90
 12 KEDLI                        $ 14,253,211.81      $ 14,609,542.11      $ 14,974,780.66      $ 15,349,150.18     $ 15,732,878.93
 13 LIPA                         $ 33,562,695.81      $ 34,401,763.21      $ 35,261,807.29      $ 36,143,352.47     $ 37,046,936.28
 14 Unregulated                   $ 5,554,176.26       $ 5,693,030.66       $ 5,835,356.43       $ 5,981,240.34      $ 6,130,771.35
 15 Narragansett                  $ 7,062,978.56       $ 7,239,553.02       $ 7,420,541.85       $ 7,606,055.39      $ 7,796,206.78
 16 Providence Gas                $ 5,238,545.50       $ 5,369,509.14       $ 5,503,746.87       $ 5,641,340.54      $ 5,782,374.05
 17 Total                       $ 176,499,681.21     $ 180,912,173.24     $ 185,434,977.57     $ 190,070,852.01    $ 194,822,623.31

SYNERGIES (Page 2 Column C
      Times Page 4 Column B)
  1 Massachusetts Electric          $ 157,765,473.86
  2 Nantucket Electric                $ 1,927,998.30
  3 New England Power                $ 56,659,265.16
  4 Essex Gas                         $ 8,672,661.08
  5 Colonial Gas                     $ 29,008,049.31
  6 Boston Gas                      $ 103,976,377.80
  7 Granite State Electric            $ 6,713,034.04
  8 EnergyNorth Gas                  $ 12,784,433.31
  9 Niagara Mohawk Electric         $ 321,326,431.60
 10 Niagara Mohawk Gas               $ 82,863,936.27
 11 KEDNY                           $ 216,132,285.70
 12 KEDLI                           $ 128,327,427.89
 13 LIPA                            $ 302,178,518.26
 14 Unregulated                      $ 50,006,494.14
 15 Narragansett                     $ 63,590,851.20
 16 Providence Gas                   $ 47,164,742.85
 17 Total                         $ 1,589,097,980.79

               Calculation of Synergy Value - Net Synergy by Year
                                                                                         Appendix 6
                                                                                         Page 2 of 6

                                                    1                  2                   3                   4                  5
COST TO ACHIEVE (Page 3 Column C
             Times Page 4 Column A)
  18 Massachusetts Electric          $ (15,208,706.31)   $ (6,045,549.66)    $ (5,927,009.48)    $ (2,679,008.28)   $ (2,872,623.93)
  19 Nantucket Electric                 $ (185,860.44)      $ (73,880.61)       $ (72,431.97)       $ (32,739.25)      $ (35,105.36)
  20 New England Power                $ (5,461,994.33)   $ (2,171,174.68)    $ (2,128,602.62)      $ (962,128.39)   $ (1,031,662.74)
  21 Essex Gas                          $ (836,050.83)     $ (332,335.09)      $ (325,818.72)      $ (147,270.06)     $ (157,913.47)
  22 Colonial Gas                     $ (2,796,397.03)   $ (1,111,584.17)    $ (1,089,788.40)      $ (492,584.36)     $ (528,184.11)
  23 Boston Gas                      $ (10,023,398.37)   $ (3,984,359.45)    $ (3,906,234.75)    $ (1,765,618.11)   $ (1,893,221.78)
  24 Granite State Electric             $ (647,141.36)     $ (257,242.47)      $ (252,198.50)      $ (113,993.72)     $ (122,232.21)
  25 EnergyNorth Gas                  $ (1,232,428.66)     $ (489,897.60)      $ (480,291.76)      $ (217,091.88)     $ (232,781.41)
  26 Niagara Mohawk Electric         $ (30,976,101.49)  $ (12,313,181.42)   $ (12,071,746.49)    $ (5,456,429.41)   $ (5,850,773.13)
  27 Niagara Mohawk Gas               $ (7,988,143.67)   $ (3,175,333.80)    $ (3,113,072.36)    $ (1,407,108.71)   $ (1,508,802.40)
  28 KEDNY                           $ (20,835,309.39)   $ (8,282,157.28)    $ (8,119,762.04)    $ (3,670,132.44)   $ (3,935,378.00)
  29 KEDLI                           $ (12,370,857.29)   $ (4,917,488.09)    $ (4,821,066.75)    $ (2,179,122.17)   $ (2,336,610.35)
  30 LIPA                            $ (29,130,228.73)  $ (11,579,436.20)   $ (11,352,388.44)    $ (5,131,279.57)   $ (5,502,124.26)
  31 Unregulated                      $ (4,820,662.37)   $ (1,916,241.47)    $ (1,878,668.11)      $ (849,157.99)     $ (910,527.81)
  32 Narragansett                     $ (6,130,204.26)   $ (2,436,792.03)    $ (2,389,011.79)    $ (1,079,833.33)   $ (1,157,874.38)
  33 Providence Gas                   $ (4,546,715.48)   $ (1,807,345.98)    $ (1,771,907.83)      $ (800,902.34)     $ (858,784.66)
  34 Total                          $ (153,190,200.00)  $ (60,894,000.00)   $ (59,700,000.00)   $ (26,984,400.00)  $ (28,934,600.00)

                                                    6                  7                   8                   9                 10

COST TO ACHIEVE (Page 3 Column C      $ (2,358,949.77)   $ (1,829,470.26)      $ (837,684.01)      $ (861,392.04)     $ (889,051.42)
             Times Page 4 Column A)      $ (28,827.92)      $ (22,357.33)       $ (10,237.05)       $ (10,526.78)      $ (10,864.80)
  18 Massachusetts Electric             $ (847,183.84)     $ (657,028.68)      $ (300,842.50)      $ (309,356.91)     $ (319,290.39)
  19 Nantucket Electric                 $ (129,675.85)     $ (100,569.38)       $ (46,049.05)       $ (47,352.32)      $ (48,872.81)
  20 New England Power                  $ (433,735.78)     $ (336,381.35)      $ (154,023.43)      $ (158,382.58)     $ (163,468.26)
  21 Essex Gas                        $ (1,554,681.43)   $ (1,205,724.46)      $ (552,081.18)      $ (567,706.12)     $ (585,935.21)
  22 Colonial Gas                       $ (100,375.00)      $ (77,845.27)       $ (35,644.06)       $ (36,652.85)      $ (37,829.78)
  23 Boston Gas                         $ (191,156.12)     $ (148,250.06)       $ (67,881.24)       $ (69,802.40)      $ (72,043.76)
  24 Granite State Electric           $ (4,804,555.10)   $ (3,726,145.75)    $ (1,706,140.17)    $ (1,754,427.16)   $ (1,810,761.97)
  25 EnergyNorth Gas                  $ (1,239,002.80)     $ (960,901.67)      $ (439,980.89)      $ (452,433.18)     $ (466,960.85)
  26 Niagara Mohawk Electric          $ (3,231,665.29)   $ (2,506,299.88)    $ (1,147,593.03)    $ (1,180,072.08)   $ (1,217,964.31)
  27 Niagara Mohawk Gas               $ (1,918,784.57)   $ (1,488,102.60)      $ (681,377.43)      $ (700,661.70)     $ (723,160.01)
  28 KEDNY                            $ (4,518,250.60)   $ (3,504,103.90)    $ (1,604,470.90)    $ (1,649,880.45)   $ (1,702,858.27)
  29 KEDLI                              $ (747,709.91)     $ (579,882.22)      $ (265,518.43)      $ (273,033.10)     $ (281,800.22)
  30 LIPA                               $ (950,826.69)     $ (737,408.31)      $ (337,647.00)      $ (347,203.05)     $ (358,351.77)
  31 Unregulated                        $ (705,219.31)     $ (546,928.88)      $ (250,429.64)      $ (257,517.27)     $ (265,786.17)
  32 Narragansett                    $ (23,760,600.00)  $ (18,427,400.00)    $ (8,437,600.00)    $ (8,676,400.00)   $ (8,955,000.00)
  33 Providence Gas
  34 Total

COST TO ACHIEVE (Page 3 Column C
             Times Page 4 Column A)
   18 Massachusetts Electric          $ (39,509,445.16)
   19 Nantucket Electric                 $ (482,831.52)
   20 New England Power               $ (14,189,265.08)
   21 Essex Gas                        $ (2,171,907.57)
   22 Colonial Gas                     $ (7,264,529.47)
   23 Boston Gas                      $ (26,038,960.85)
   24 Granite State Electric           $ (1,681,155.22)
   25 EnergyNorth Gas                  $ (3,201,624.88)
   26 Niagara Mohawk Electric         $ (80,470,262.08)
   27 Niagara Mohawk Gas              $ (20,751,740.33)
   28 KEDNY                           $ (54,126,333.73)
   29 KEDLI                           $ (32,137,230.99)
   30 LIPA                            $ (75,675,021.31)
   31 Unregulated                     $ (12,523,201.62)
   32 Narragansett                    $ (15,925,152.61)
   33 Providence Gas                  $ (11,811,537.57)
   34 Total                          $ (397,960,200.00)

               Calculation of Synergy Value - Net Synergy by Year
                                                                                                Appendix 6
                                                                                                Page 2 of 6
                                                     1                  2                  3                   4                   5
NET SYNERGIES (Synergies Plus
               Cost To Achieve)
     35 Massachusetts Electric         $ (7,464,874.84)    $ 4,590,602.87     $ 7,578,523.01     $ 13,999,510.75     $ 14,222,858.09
     36 Nantucket Electric                $ (91,225.70)       $ 56,100.20        $ 92,614.56        $ 171,083.27        $ 173,812.72
     37 New England Power              $ (2,680,905.48)    $ 1,648,650.87     $ 2,721,720.63      $ 5,027,728.64      $ 5,107,940.72
     38 Essex Gas                        $ (410,358.03)      $ 252,353.96       $ 416,605.48        $ 769,579.10        $ 781,856.92
     39 Colonial Gas                   $ (1,372,552.89)      $ 844,065.76     $ 1,393,449.17      $ 2,574,064.45      $ 2,615,130.92
     40 Boston Gas                     $ (4,919,775.08)    $ 3,025,467.15     $ 4,994,675.66      $ 9,226,470.05      $ 9,373,668.58
     41 Granite State Electric           $ (317,635.78)      $ 195,333.44       $ 322,471.59        $ 595,689.22        $ 605,192.81
     42 EnergyNorth Gas                  $ (604,911.79)      $ 371,996.83       $ 614,121.20      $ 1,134,442.20      $ 1,152,541.02
     43 Niagara Mohawk Electric       $ (15,203,970.40)    $ 9,349,840.63    $ 15,435,441.59     $ 28,513,290.80     $ 28,968,190.09
     44 Niagara Mohawk Gas             $ (3,920,812.95)    $ 2,411,144.94     $ 3,980,504.94      $ 7,353,031.93      $ 7,470,341.75
     45 KEDNY                         $ (10,226,575.07)    $ 6,288,939.31    $ 10,382,268.44     $ 19,178,760.62     $ 19,484,737.39
     46 KEDLI                          $ (6,071,976.11)    $ 3,734,025.22     $ 6,164,418.24     $ 11,387,290.02     $ 11,568,962.15
     47 LIPA                          $ (14,297,962.43)    $ 8,792,681.56    $ 14,515,640.20     $ 26,814,177.47     $ 27,241,969.21
     48 Unregulated                    $ (2,366,121.12)    $ 1,455,070.93     $ 2,402,143.87      $ 4,437,386.93      $ 4,508,180.73
     49 Narragansett                   $ (3,008,882.32)    $ 1,850,343.66     $ 3,054,690.72      $ 5,642,811.34      $ 5,732,836.41
     50 Providence Gas                 $ (2,231,660.03)    $ 1,372,382.68     $ 2,265,635.69      $ 4,185,220.69      $ 4,251,991.44
     51 Total                         $ (75,190,200.00)   $ 46,239,000.00    $ 76,334,925.00    $ 141,010,537.50    $ 143,260,210.94

                                                     6                  7                  8                   9                  10
NET SYNERGIES (Synergies Plus
               Cost To Achieve)
     35 Massachusetts Electric         $ 15,163,919.29    $ 16,131,470.53    $ 17,572,280.30     $ 18,008,821.37     $ 18,452,917.33
     36 Nantucket Electric                $ 185,313.11       $ 197,137.23       $ 214,744.87        $ 220,079.69        $ 225,506.84
     37 New England Power               $ 5,445,909.70     $ 5,793,392.20     $ 6,310,838.90      $ 6,467,616.52      $ 6,627,107.38
     38 Essex Gas                         $ 833,588.80       $ 886,776.89       $ 965,980.88        $ 989,978.35      $ 1,014,391.13
     39 Colonial Gas                    $ 2,788,162.12     $ 2,966,064.00     $ 3,230,983.06      $ 3,311,249.07      $ 3,392,904.18
     40 Boston Gas                      $ 9,993,881.19    $ 10,631,552.22    $ 11,581,127.42     $ 11,868,832.70     $ 12,161,517.07
     41 Granite State Electric            $ 645,235.64       $ 686,405.64       $ 747,713.13        $ 766,288.26        $ 785,184.86
     42 EnergyNorth Gas                 $ 1,228,799.37     $ 1,307,204.32     $ 1,423,959.50      $ 1,459,334.35      $ 1,495,321.41
     43 Niagara Mohawk Electric        $ 30,884,882.19    $ 32,855,527.48    $ 35,790,074.89     $ 36,679,193.28     $ 37,583,698.97
     44 Niagara Mohawk Gas              $ 7,964,619.96     $ 8,472,811.66     $ 9,229,575.26      $ 9,458,861.88      $ 9,692,116.58
     45 KEDNY                          $ 20,773,952.98    $ 22,099,458.85    $ 24,073,309.66     $ 24,671,353.18     $ 25,279,746.59
     46 KEDLI                          $ 12,334,427.25    $ 13,121,439.50    $ 14,293,403.23     $ 14,648,488.48     $ 15,009,718.92
     47 LIPA                           $ 29,044,445.21    $ 30,897,659.31    $ 33,657,336.39     $ 34,493,472.02     $ 35,344,078.01
     48 Unregulated                     $ 4,806,466.35     $ 5,113,148.44     $ 5,569,838.00      $ 5,708,207.24      $ 5,848,971.13
     49 Narragansett                    $ 6,112,151.86     $ 6,502,144.72     $ 7,082,894.85      $ 7,258,852.35      $ 7,437,855.01
     50 Providence Gas                  $ 4,533,326.19     $ 4,822,580.26     $ 5,253,317.23      $ 5,383,823.27      $ 5,516,587.88
     51 Total                         $ 152,739,081.21   $ 162,484,773.24   $ 176,997,377.57    $ 181,394,452.01    $ 185,867,623.31

NET SYNERGIES (Synergies Plus
               Cost To Achieve)
     35 Massachusetts Electric        $ 118,256,028.70
     36 Nantucket Electric              $ 1,445,166.78
     37 New England Power              $ 42,470,000.07
     38 Essex Gas                       $ 6,500,753.51
     39 Colonial Gas                   $ 21,743,519.85
     40 Boston Gas                     $ 77,937,416.95
     41 Granite State Electric          $ 5,031,878.82
     42 EnergyNorth Gas                 $ 9,582,808.43
     43 Niagara Mohawk Electric       $ 240,856,169.52
     44 Niagara Mohawk Gas             $ 62,112,195.95
     45 KEDNY                         $ 162,005,951.97
     46 KEDLI                          $ 96,190,196.90
     47 LIPA                          $ 226,503,496.95
     48 Unregulated                    $ 37,483,292.52
     49 Narragansett                   $ 47,665,698.59
     50 Providence Gas                 $ 35,353,205.28
     51 Total                       $ 1,191,137,780.79

                                                                                               Appendix 6
                                                                                               Page 3 of 6

                     Calculation of Synergy Value - Synergy

                                                             Revenues                     Percent                     Synergies
                                                                (A)                         (B)                          (C)
          1 Massachusetts Electric                        $ 534,184,464                    9.93%                  $ 15,487,662.95
          2 Nantucket Electric                              $ 6,528,087                    0.12%                     $ 189,269.47
          3 New England Power                             $ 191,844,885                    3.57%                   $ 5,562,177.71
          4 Essex Gas                                      $ 29,365,112                    0.55%                     $ 851,385.59
          5 Colonial Gas                                   $ 98,219,521                    1.83%                   $ 2,847,688.28
          6 Boston Gas                                    $ 352,057,800                    6.54%                  $ 10,207,246.58
          7 Granite State Electric                         $ 22,729,932                    0.42%                     $ 659,011.16
          8 EnergyNorth Gas                                $ 43,287,327                    0.80%                   $ 1,255,033.75
          9 Niagara Mohawk Electric                     $ 1,087,992,090                   20.22%                  $ 31,544,262.18
         10 Niagara Mohawk Gas                            $ 280,572,335                    5.21%                   $ 8,134,661.43
         11 KEDNY                                         $ 731,811,000                   13.60%                  $ 21,217,468.64
         12 KEDLI                                         $ 434,509,000                    8.08%                  $ 12,597,762.37
         13 LIPA                                        $ 1,023,158,400                   19.02%                  $ 29,664,532.60
         14 Unregulated                                   $ 169,319,000                    3.15%                   $ 4,909,082.50
         15 Narragansett                                  $ 215,314,821                    4.00%                   $ 6,242,643.88
         16 Providence Gas                                $ 159,697,000                    2.97%                   $ 4,630,110.90
         17 Total                                       $ 5,380,590,774                  100.00%                 $ 156,000,000.00

         18 Synergy (per Mercer Study)                                                                           $ 156,000,000.00

     (A)High Level  Estimated T&D Revenue  (Rather than adjust the $156 million,
        Unregulated is included)

     (B)Column A / Column A Line 17

     (C)Line 18 * Column B

                                                                                                                Appendix 6
                                                                                                                Page 4 of 6

                        Calculation of Synergy Value - Cost to Achieve

                                                        Revenues                     Percent                 Cost to Achieve
                                                           (A)                         (B)                          (C)
          1 Massachusetts Electric                   $ 534,184,464                    9.93%                  $ 39,513,396.50
          2 Nantucket Electric                         $ 6,528,087                    0.12%                     $ 482,879.81
          3 New England Power                        $ 191,844,885                    3.57%                  $ 14,190,684.15
          4 Essex Gas                                 $ 29,365,112                    0.55%                   $ 2,172,124.78
          5 Colonial Gas                              $ 98,219,521                    1.83%                   $ 7,265,255.99
          6 Boston Gas                               $ 352,057,800                    6.54%                  $ 26,041,565.00
          7 Granite State Electric                    $ 22,729,932                    0.42%                   $ 1,681,323.36
          8 EnergyNorth Gas                           $ 43,287,327                    0.80%                   $ 3,201,945.08
          9 Niagara Mohawk Electric                $ 1,087,992,090                   20.22%                  $ 80,478,309.91
         10 Niagara Mohawk Gas                       $ 280,572,335                    5.21%                  $ 20,753,815.71
         11 KEDNY                                    $ 731,811,000                   13.60%                  $ 54,131,746.91
         12 KEDLI                                    $ 434,509,000                    8.08%                  $ 32,140,445.03
         13 LIPA                                   $ 1,023,158,400                   19.02%                  $ 75,682,589.57
         14 Unregulated                              $ 169,319,000                    3.15%                  $ 12,524,454.07
         15 Narragansett                             $ 215,314,821                    4.00%                  $ 15,926,745.29
         16 Providence Gas                           $ 159,697,000                    2.97%                  $ 11,812,718.84
         17 Total                                  $ 5,380,590,774                  100.00%                 $ 398,000,000.00

         18 Cost to Achieve (Per Page 6)                                                                    $ 398,000,000.00

         (A)Page 4 Column A
         (B)Column A / Column A Line 17
         (C)Line 18 * Column B

                                                                                                        Appendix 6
                                                                                                       Page 5 of 6

                Calculation of Synergy Value - Phase in Rates

     Cost to Achieve                    Synergy Multiplier                 Inflation                       Phase-In

                  (A)                                 (B)                            (C)                             (D)
Year 1             38.49%         Year 1               50.00%        Year 1               1        Year 1              50%
Year 2             15.30%         Year 2               68.68%        Year 2          1.0250        Year 2              67%
Year 3             15.00%         Year 3               87.20%        Year 3          1.0506        Year 3              83%
Year 4              6.78%         Year 4              107.69%        Year 4          1.0769        Year 4             100%
Year 5              7.27%         Year 5              110.38%        Year 5          1.1038        Year 5             100%
Year 6              5.97%         Year 6              113.14%        Year 6          1.1314        Year 6             100%
Year 7              4.63%         Year 7              115.97%        Year 7          1.1597        Year 7             100%
Year 8              2.12%         Year 8              118.87%        Year 8          1.1887        Year 8             100%
Year 9              2.18%         Year 9              121.84%        Year 9          1.2184        Year 9             100%
Year 10             2.25%         Year 10             124.89%        Year 10         1.2489        Year 10            100%

     (A)Attachment 10
     (B)Column (C) * Column (D)
     (C)Assumed Inflation Growth of 2.50%
     (D)Attachment 10

                                                                                                             Appendix 6
                                                                                                             Page 6 of 6

                                            Calculation of Cost To Achieve

                                                                                                         Nominal Costs
Personnel costs
(1) VERO programs (management)                                                                                          103
(2) Voluntary severance (management)                                                                                     15
(3) Retention agreements                                                                                                 12
(4) Relocations                                                                                                           5
(5) Executive severance and options                                                                                     120
                                                                                            Sub-total                   255

IT integration costs
(1) Applications consolidation                                                                                          120
(2) Data center and network consolidation                                                                                41
                                                                                            Sub-total                   161

Other integration costs
(1) Costs to achieve merger savings identified by Integration Team                                                       57
(2) Integration process costs                                                                                            15
(3) Insurance run-offs (KeySpan)                                                                                         20
                                                                                            Sub-total                    92

Transaction costs
(1) Bankers fees and expenses                                                                                            22
(2) Legal fees and expenses                                                                                               3
(3) Accounting and audit fees                                                                                             4
(4) Other professional services                                                                                           8
(5) Transfer tax                                                                                                         69
                                                                                            Sub-total                   107

                                                                                                Total                   615
                                              excludes transfer tax gross-ups and other tax gross-ups

Remove Executive Severance                                                                                              120
Remove IT Capital Items                                                                                                  80
Efficiencies CTA                                                                                                          2
Settlement Difference                                                                                                    15
Total Cost to Achieve in Rates                                                                                          398

KeySpan costs excluded from above
$54 million (includes $31 million bankers fees and expenses)