Consulting Agreement

This consulting  agreement  ("Agreement")  is entered into by and between LEXON,
INC.,  an  Oklahoma   corporation  (LEXON)  and  UTEK  CORPORATION,   a  Florida
corporation (UTEK) effective this 4th day of August 1999.

For good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt,  adequacy and sufficiency of
which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

     1.   Scope  of  Services.   UTEK  agrees  to  provide  technology  merchant
          consulting  services  to LEXON to  identify,  evaluate  and  recommend
          potential  technology  acquisitions  that are synergistic with LEXON'S
          existing  cancer  diagnostic  testing  technologies.  This  technology
          search  shall  review   technologies  form  US  and  foreign  research
          institutions and US government laboratories.

     2.   Compensation. LEXON agrees to pay UTEK a total of $132,000. Payable as

          a.  April 1, 2000        $44,000
          b.  September 1, 2000    $44,000
          c.  December 1, 2000     $44,000

          To guarantee  receipt of consideration by UTEK for performance of this
          contract,  if in the  event  that  LEXON is  unable to make any of the
          above cash payments,  it will deliver such payment to UTEK in the form
          of LEXON unregistered  shares of common stock. The number of shares to
          be  delivered  will be equal to 200% of the amount owed divided by the
          price of the shares on the date the payment is required to be made.

     3.   Term. The term for performance of the services of this Agreement shall
          begin September 1, 1999 and end December 31, 1999.

     4.   The laws of the State of Florida govern this Agreement.

The parties have executed this Agreement effective August 4th, 1999.

LEXON, INC.                        UTEK CORPORATION

By:  Gifford Mabie                 By:  Clifford Gross
- ---------------------------        ------------------------------
Gifford Mabie, President           Clifford Gross, President