Farm-out of Gold/Molybdenum Property

 Globetech Ventures Corp. ('Globetech') is pleased to announce that Forbes
 and Manhattan B.C. Ltd. ('Manhattan') has entered into an option agreement
 with Globetech. Under this agreement Manhattan may earn a 65% interest in
 the Gladys Lake molybdenum property by incurring $1.0 million in exploration
 and development expense and making cash payments to the vendor. Globetech
 will continue to issue shares to the vendor as previously agreed.

 As previously reported by Globetech, geologist John Kowalchuk, P. Geol.
 indicated that the Gladys Lake Property contained molybdenum and gold targets.
 Although Globetech has focused on the molybdenum potential at Gladys Lake,
 the company considers it important to evaluate the potential of gold
 mineralization peripheral to the molybdenum bearing stock.

 The Gladys Lake molybdenite deposit lies about 2 to 3 kilometres south of
 the west end of Gladys Lake approximately 50 kilometres northeast of the
 town of Atlin, British Columbia.  The deposit received extensive work by Amax
 Explorations Ltd. in 1970 and 1971 when geological and soil geochemical
 surveys, trenching and 726 metres of diamond drilling were completed.

 In the same general area, some 28 kilometers from the Gladys Lake Property,
 Adanac Molydenum Corporation have announced a decision to place their property
 into production at the rate of 7.6 million tones per year based on 157 million
 tones grading 0.058% molybdenum. The Ruby Creek property is located 22
 kilometres northeast of Atlin.

 In the Gladys Lake area, the Davenport, Lincoln and Consolation creeks
 draining the ridge hosting the molybdenum mineralization are staked for
 placer gold.  Minfile reports for these placer deposits that only small
 amounts of gold were recovered however much of the gold was reported as coarse
 gold. In fact, the original lode claims (Lett 1 to 6) staked by the
 prospector were to cover suspected gold mineralization.  In 1990, Waratah
 Investment Corporation recovered anomalous gold in soil samples peripheral to
 the molybdenite bearing stock.  A total of ten soil samples ranging from 26
 ppb gold to 1,010 ppb gold were taken from two lines north and south of the
 molybdenum mineralization.

 The property is underlain by a sequence of sediments of the Late Paleozoic
 Cache Creek Group.  These rocks are intruded by small bodies of Late Mesozoic
 alaskite.  The alaskite consists of a ring-dyke complex exposed at higher
 elevations and a large stock-like body at depth.  Roughly centered about the
 alaskite is a quartz vein stockwork zone lying within a larger zone of weakly
 to intensely altered rocks.  The wallrock alteration zone is characterized by
 pervasive weak to intense degrees of bleaching and silicification with
 attendant development of sericite occurring along fractures and disseminated
 along margins of quartz veins.

 Quartz veining occurs widespread throughout the alteration zone with
 sedimentary rocks and alaskite.  Veins commonly range from 1/8 in to 3/4 in
 wide and are relatively continuous and sharp walled.  The quartz vein
 stockwork zone is roughly centered about the alaskite ring dyke complex.
 Sulphide minerals recognized on the property include pyrite, molybdenite,
 chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. Very minor amounts of scheelite and wolframite
 have been observed.

 The geochemistry survey completed by AMAX in 1970 produced an anomalous
 target 1200 m (4000 feet) by 800 m (2700 feet).  This soil geochemical
 anomaly outlines the trace of the main molybdenum mineralization in the
 quartz stockwork zone.

 On Behalf of the Board

 "Casey Forward"

 Forward-Looking Statement

 This news release contains discussion of items that may constitute forward-
 looking statements within the meaning of securities laws that involve risks
 and uncertainties.  Although the company believes the expectations reflected
 in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions,
 it can give no assurances that its expectations will be achieved.
 Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from
 expectations include the effects of general economic conditions, actions
 by government authorities, uncertainties associated with contract
 negotiations, additional financing requirements, market acceptance of the
 Company's products and competitive pressures. These factors and others are
 more fully discussed in Company filings with U.S. securities regulatory

 Date:   October 31, 2007