Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)
                                          File Nos.  333-59073
                                                     333-59073-01  to

                          P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION

                                 AUGUST 11, 2000


                                SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

     ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended  September 30, 2000


For the transition period from                        to
                                ----------------------   -----------------------

Commission File Number  333-59073

                          P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                                 13-4004153
- -----------------------------------        -------------------------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

    701 Market Street, St. Louis, Missouri                 63101-1826
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

                                 (314) 342-3400
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Former  name,  former  address and former  fiscal year,  if changed  since last

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

 X Yes             No

                         P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION
                                 (In thousands)

                                                             Quarter Ended               Six Months Ended
                                                             September 30,                 September 30,
                                                          2000           1999           2000           1999
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
     Sales                                         $      654,164  $      660,429  $    1,312,817  $    1,302,001
     Other revenues                                        23,427          17,914          37,795          40,742
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
          Total revenues                                  677,591         678,343       1,350,612       1,342,743
     Operating costs and expenses                         558,405         550,641       1,108,963       1,086,185
     Depreciation, depletion and amortization              60,809          62,084         121,276         127,667
     Selling and administrative expenses                   20,626          21,679          43,429          43,136
     Net gain on property and equipment disposals          (1,609)         (2,764)         (3,373)         (2,915)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
OPERATING PROFIT                                           39,360          46,703          80,317          88,670
     Interest expense                                      51,456          51,949         102,926         102,571
     Interest income                                       (1,194)         (1,065)         (5,754)         (2,058)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   MINORITY INTERESTS                                     (10,902)         (4,181)        (16,855)        (11,843)
     Income tax provision (benefit)                        (1,113)            150            (777)           (983)
     Minority interests                                     1,444           2,726           3,625           5,624
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
LOSS FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                           (11,233)         (7,057)        (19,703)        (16,484)
Discontinued operations:
     Loss from discontinued operations, net of
       income tax benefit of $346 and $1,497,
       respectively                                           -            (1,036)            -            (4,489)
     Gain from disposal of discontinued operations,
       net of income tax provision of $1,060 and
       $4,240, respectively                                 2,940             -            11,760             -
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
NET LOSS                                           $       (8,293) $       (8,093) $       (7,943) $      (20,973)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                         P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION
                    (In thousands, except share information)

                                                                                    September 30,     March 31,
                                                                                        2000            2000
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
Current assets
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                     $       55,434  $       65,618
     Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $1,213
       and $1,233, respectively                                                           151,756         153,021
     Materials and supplies                                                                48,737          48,809
     Coal inventory                                                                       174,150         193,341
     Assets from coal and emission allowance trading activities                           131,481          78,695
     Deferred income taxes                                                                 49,869          49,869
     Other current assets                                                                  41,101          43,192
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
          Total current assets                                                            652,528         632,545
Property, plant, equipment and mine development, net of accumulated
   depreciation, depletion and amortization of $507,754 and $411,270 respectively       4,718,339       4,815,510
Net assets of discontinued operations                                                      15,510          90,000
Investments and other assets                                                              277,216         288,794
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
          Total assets                                                             $    5,663,593  $    5,826,849
                                                                                   =============== ===============
Current liabilities
     Short-term borrowings and current maturities of long-term debt                $       58,637  $       57,977
     Income taxes payable                                                                   8,837          13,594
     Liabilities from coal and emission allowance trading activities                      129,059          75,883
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                                546,604         573,137
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
          Total current liabilities                                                       743,137         720,591
Long-term debt, less current maturities                                                 1,904,360       2,018,189
Deferred income taxes                                                                     613,146         625,124
Accrued reclamation and other environmental liabilities                                   477,129         502,092
Workers' compensation obligations                                                         212,605         212,260
Accrued postretirement benefit costs                                                      979,388         971,186
Obligation to industry fund                                                                64,458          64,737
Other noncurrent liabilities                                                              160,808         162,979
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
          Total liabilities                                                             5,155,031       5,277,158
Minority interests                                                                         41,986          41,265
Stockholders' equity:
     Preferred Stock - $0.01 per share par value; 10,000,000 shares
       authorized, 5,000,000 shares issued and outstanding                                     50              50
     Common Stock - Class A, $0.01 per share par value; 30,000,000 shares
       authorized, 19,000,000 shares issued and outstanding                                   190             190
     Common Stock - Class B, $0.01 per share par value; 3,000,000
       shares authorized, 802,799 shares issued and 740,943 outstanding as of
       September 30, 2000; 3,000,000 shares authorized, 746,329 shares issued
       and 684,473 shares outstanding as of March 31, 2000                                      8               7
     Additional paid-in capital                                                           485,436         485,037
     Employee stock loans                                                                  (2,522)         (2,391)
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                 (46,843)        (12,667)
     Retained earnings                                                                     30,476          38,419
     Treasury shares, at cost: 61,856 Class B shares                                         (219)           (219)
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
          Total stockholders' equity                                                      466,576         508,426
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
               Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                          $    5,663,593  $    5,826,849
                                                                                   =============== ===============

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                        P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION
                                (In thousands)
                                                                                   Six Months Ended September 30,
                                                                                        2000            1999
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
Net loss                                                                           $       (7,943) $      (20,973)
    Loss from discontinued operations                                                         -             4,489
    Gain from disposal of discontinued operations                                         (11,760)            -
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
         Loss from continuing operations                                                  (19,703)        (16,484)
Adjustments to reconcile loss from continuing operations to
  net cash provided by continuing operations:
    Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                              121,276         127,667
    Deferred income taxes                                                                 (10,760)        (11,908)
    Amortization of debt discount and debt issuance costs                                   8,497           8,362
    Net gain on property and equipment disposals                                           (3,373)         (2,915)
    Minority interests                                                                      3,625           5,624
    Stock compensation                                                                        399             -
    Changes in current assets and liabilities:
      Sale of accounts receivable                                                          25,000             -
      Accounts receivable, net of sale                                                    (26,152)         (7,901)
      Materials and supplies                                                                 (506)          1,142
      Coal inventory                                                                       15,531          11,201
      Net assets from coal and emission allowance trading activities                          390          (1,891)
      Other current assets                                                                   (433)        (12,697)
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                               (18,645)        (18,675)
      Income taxes payable                                                                 (3,023)           (695)
    Accrued reclamation and related liabilities                                           (22,036)         (8,990)
    Workers' compensation obligations                                                         345           1,694
    Accrued postretirement benefit costs                                                    8,202           9,422
    Obligation to industry fund                                                              (279)           (840)
    Other, net                                                                              3,067          (5,353)
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
      Net cash provided by continuing operations                                           81,422          76,763
      Net cash used in discontinued operations                                                -            (3,185)
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
      Net cash provided by operating activities                                            81,422          73,578
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
Additions to property, plant, equipment and mine development                              (97,028)        (96,244)
Acquisition, net                                                                              -           (30,239)
Additions to advance mining royalties                                                      (8,879)        (10,804)
Proceeds from property and equipment disposals                                              7,614           4,465
Proceeds from sale-leaseback transactions                                                  35,089          24,245
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
      Net cash used in continuing operations                                              (63,204)       (108,577)
      Net cash provided by discontinued operations                                         90,074             622
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
      Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                  26,870        (107,955)
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
Change in short-term borrowings                                                             4,348           5,205
Proceeds from long-term debt                                                                5,013          12,317
Payments of long-term debt                                                               (123,813)        (35,107)
Distributions to minority interests                                                        (2,904)         (1,434)
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
      Net cash used in continuing operations                                             (117,356)        (19,019)
      Net cash used in discontinued operations                                                -            (8,731)
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
      Net cash used in financing activities                                              (117,356)        (27,750)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                               (1,120)            172
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                 (10,184)        (61,955)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                           65,618         194,078
                                                                                   --------------- ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                         $       55,434  $      132,123
                                                                                   =============== ===============

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

                         P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION

(1)  Basis of Presentation

The  accompanying   condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the
consolidated operations and balance sheets of P&L Coal Holdings Corporation (the
"Company"),  also known as Peabody Group. These financial statements include the
subsidiaries of Peabody Holding Company, Inc. ("Peabody Holding Company"),  Gold
Fields  Mining  Corporation  ("Gold  Fields")  which owns Lee Ranch Coal Company
("Lee Ranch"), and Peabody Resources Holdings Pty Ltd. ("Peabody Resources"), an
Australian company.

The accompanying  condensed  consolidated financial statements as of and for the
quarter and six months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999, and the notes thereto,
are unaudited. However, in the opinion of management, these financial statements
reflect all adjustments  necessary for a fair presentation of the results of the
periods  presented.  The  results of  operations  for the quarter and six months
ended  September  30, 2000 are not  necessarily  indicative of the results to be
expected for the full year.

(2)  Comprehensive Income

The  following  table sets forth the  components of  comprehensive  loss for the
quarter and six months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999 (in thousands):

                                                            Quarter Ended                 Six Months Ended
                                                            September 30,                   September 30,
                                                   ------------------------------- -------------------------------
                                                         2000            1999            2000            1999
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Net loss                                           $       (8,293) $       (8,093) $       (7,943) $      (20,973)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                   (29,522)         (5,718)        (34,176)          6,750
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Comprehensive loss                                 $      (37,815) $      (13,811) $      (42,119) $      (14,223)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

(3)  Business Segments

The Company's  industry and geographic  data for continuing  operations  were as
follows (in thousands):

                                                            Quarter Ended                 Six Months Ended
                                                            September 30,                   September 30,
                                                   ------------------------------- -------------------------------
                                                         2000            1999            2000            1999
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   U.S. Mining                                     $      604,876  $      621,672  $    1,208,379  $    1,244,408
   Non U.S. Mining                                         72,715          56,671         142,027          98,271
   Other                                                      -               -               206              64
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                                                   $      677,591  $      678,343  $    1,350,612  $    1,342,743
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============
Operating profit (loss):
   U.S. Mining                                     $       18,564  $       35,126  $       46,687  $       67,113
   Non U.S. Mining                                         12,827          11,846          25,476          22,184
   Other                                                    7,969            (269)          8,154            (627)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                                                   $       39,360   $      46,703  $       80,317  $       88,670
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============
   United States                                   $      604,876  $      621,672  $    1,208,585  $    1,244,472
   Non U.S.                                                72,715          56,671         142,027          98,271
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                                                   $      677,591  $      678,343  $    1,350,612  $    1,342,743
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============
Operating profit:
   United States                                   $       26,533  $       34,857  $       54,841  $       66,486
   Non U.S.                                                12,827          11,846          25,476          22,184
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                                                   $       39,360  $       46,703  $       80,317  $       88,670
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

(4)  Commitments and Contingencies

Environmental Claims

Environmental  claims have been asserted  against a subsidiary of the Company at
19  sites  in  the  United  States.  Some  of  these  claims  are  based  on the
Comprehensive  Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as
amended, and on similar state statutes.  The majority of these sites are related
to activities of former subsidiaries of the Company.

The  Company's  policy is to  accrue  environmental  cleanup-related  costs of a
noncapital  nature  when those  costs are  believed  to be  probable  and can be
reasonably estimated.  The quantification of environmental exposures requires an
assessment  of  many   factors,   including   changing  laws  and   regulations,
advancements in environmental technologies, the quality of information available
related to specific  sites,  the  assessment  stage of each site  investigation,
preliminary  findings  and  the  length  of  time  involved  in  remediation  or
settlement.   For  certain  sites,  the  Company  also  assesses  the  financial
capability of other potentially  responsible  parties and, where allegations are
based on tentative findings, the reasonableness of the Company's  apportionment.
The Company has not anticipated any recoveries from insurance  carriers or other
potentially  responsible third parties in its Consolidated  Balance Sheets.  The
liabilities for environmental cleanup-related costs recorded in the Consolidated
Balance Sheet at September 30, 2000 were $48.8 million.  This amount  represents
those costs that the Company believes are probable and reasonably estimable.  In
the event that future remediation expenditures are in excess of amounts accrued,
management does not anticipate that they will have a material  adverse effect on
the financial position, results of operations or liquidity of the Company.


In  addition,  the  Company  at  times  becomes  a party  to  claims,  lawsuits,
arbitration proceedings and administrative  procedures in the ordinary course of
business.  Management  believes  that the  ultimate  resolution  of  pending  or
threatened  proceedings  will  not  have a  material  effect  on  the  financial
position, results of operations or liquidity of the Company.

(5)  Discontinued Operations

In August  2000,  the Company  completed  the sale of  Citizens  Power to Edison
Mission Energy,  along with the monetization of a portion of Citizens' interests
in certain power contract  assets.  Net proceeds of $90.1 million  received from
the sale  were  used to repay  long-term  debt.  As of  September  30,  2000 the
Company's  investment  in  discontinued  operations  was  $15.5  million,  which
represents  the estimated net proceeds  from the  monetization  of the Company's
remaining  interest in power contracts to be sold as part of the final wind-down
of the subsidiary's operations.

(6)  Supplemental Guarantor/Non-Guarantor Financial Information

In  accordance  with the  indentures  governing  the  Senior  Notes  and  Senior
Subordinated Notes,  certain wholly owned U.S.  subsidiaries of the Company have
fully and  unconditionally  guaranteed the Senior Notes and Senior  Subordinated
Notes on a joint and several  basis.  Separate  financial  statements  and other
disclosures  concerning  the Guarantor  Subsidiaries  are not presented  because
management  believes that such  information  is not material to  investors.  The
following condensed historical  financial statement  information is provided for
such Guarantor/Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries.

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
     Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Statements of Consolidated Operations
                    For the Quarter Ended September 30, 2000
                                 (In thousands)
                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Total revenues                                     $          -    $      481,373  $      203,010  $       (6,792) $      677,591
Costs and expenses:
     Operating costs and expenses                             -           406,676         158,521          (6,792)        558,405
     Depreciation, depletion and amortization                 -            43,509          17,300             -            60,809
     Selling and administrative expenses                      148          16,367           4,111             -            20,626
     Net gain on property and equipment
       disposals                                              -            (1,605)             (4)            -            (1,609)
     Interest expense                                      40,634          22,607           5,315         (17,100)         51,456
     Interest income                                      (17,100)         (1,012)           (182)         17,100          (1,194)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Income (loss) before income taxes and
  minority interests                                      (23,682)         (5,169)         17,949             -           (10,902)
     Income tax provision (benefit)                        (6,271)         (1,069)          6,227             -            (1,113)
     Minority interests                                       -               -             1,444             -             1,444
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations                  (17,411)         (4,100)         10,278             -           (11,233)
Discontinued operations:
     Gain from disposal of discontinued
       operations, net of income taxes                        -             2,940             -               -             2,940
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net income (loss)                                  $      (17,411) $       (1,160) $       10,278  $          -    $       (8,293)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
     Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Statements of Consolidated Operations
                    For the Quarter Ended September 30, 1999
                                 (In thousands)
                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Total revenues                                     $          -    $      500,417  $      179,717  $       (1,791) $      678,343
Costs and expenses:
     Operating costs and expenses                             -           421,115         131,317          (1,791)        550,641
     Depreciation, depletion and amortization                 -            44,792          17,292             -            62,084
     Selling and administrative expenses                      (38)         17,124           4,593             -            21,679
     Net gain on property and equipment
       disposals                                              -            (2,730)            (34)            -            (2,764)
     Interest expense                                      33,862          12,197           5,890             -            51,949
     Interest income                                          -              (957)           (108)            -            (1,065)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) before income taxes and
  minority interests                                      (33,824)          8,876          20,767             -            (4,181)
     Income tax provision (benefit)                       (10,224)          3,206           7,168             -               150
     Minority interests                                       -               -             2,726             -             2,726
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations                  (23,600)          5,670          10,873             -            (7,057)
Discontinued operations:
     Loss from discontinued operations,
       net of income taxes                                    -               -            (1,036)            -            (1,036)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net income (loss)                                  $      (23,600) $        5,670  $        9,837  $          -    $       (8,093)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
     Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Statements of Consolidated Operations
                  For the Six Months Ended September 30, 2000
                                 (In thousands)
                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Total revenues                                     $          -    $      962,337  $      405,348  $      (17,073) $    1,350,612
Costs and expenses:
     Operating costs and expenses                             -           812,800         313,236         (17,073)      1,108,963
     Depreciation, depletion and amortization                 -            86,437          34,839             -           121,276
     Selling and administrative expenses                      256          33,743           9,430             -            43,429
     Net gain on property and equipment
       disposals                                              -            (2,841)           (532)            -            (3,373)
     Interest expense                                      82,668          44,862           9,596         (34,200)        102,926
     Interest income                                      (34,211)         (5,396)           (347)         34,200          (5,754)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) before income taxes and
  minority interests                                      (48,713)         (7,268)         39,126             -           (16,855)
     Income tax provision (benefit)                       (12,554)         (1,595)         13,372             -              (777)
     Minority interests                                       -               -             3,625             -             3,625
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations                  (36,159)         (5,673)         22,129             -           (19,703)
Discontinued operations:
     Gain from disposal of discontinued
       operations, net of income taxes                         88          11,672             -               -            11,760
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net income (loss)                                  $      (36,071) $        5,999  $       22,129  $          -    $       (7,943)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
     Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Statements of Consolidated Operations
                  For the Six Months Ended September 30, 1999
                                 (In thousands)

                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Total revenues                                     $          -    $    1,004,646  $      341,394  $       (3,297) $    1,342,743
Costs and expenses:
     Operating costs and expenses                             -           841,430         248,052          (3,297)      1,086,185
     Depreciation, depletion and amortization                 -            94,845          32,822             -           127,667
     Selling and administrative expenses                      -            33,832           9,304             -            43,136
     Net gain on property and equipment
       disposals                                              -            (2,891)            (24)            -            (2,915)
     Interest expense                                      78,056          14,513          10,002             -           102,571
     Interest income                                          -            (1,868)           (190)            -            (2,058)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) before income taxes and
  minority interests                                      (78,056)         24,785          41,428             -           (11,843)
     Income tax provision (benefit)                       (21,236)          6,431          13,822             -              (983)
     Minority interests                                       -               -             5,624             -             5,624
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Income (loss) from continuing operations                  (56,820)         18,354          21,982             -           (16,484)
Discontinued operations:
     Loss from discontinued operations,
       net of income taxes                                    -               -            (4,489)            -            (4,489)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net income (loss)                                  $      (56,820) $       18,354  $       17,493  $          -    $      (20,973)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
          Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                            As of September 30, 2000
                                 (In thousands)

                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Current assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                       $           28  $       42,961  $       12,445  $          -    $       55,434
   Accounts receivable                                      1,956          87,569         119,871         (57,640)        151,756
   Inventories                                                -           177,126          45,761             -           222,887
   Assets from coal and emission allowance
     trading activities                                       -           131,481             -               -           131,481
   Deferred income taxes                                      -            49,869             -               -            49,869
   Other current assets                                     1,439           9,516          30,146             -            41,101
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
        Total current assets                                3,423         498,522         208,223         (57,640)        652,528
Property, plant, equipment and mine
  development - at cost                                       -         4,378,516         847,577             -         5,226,093
Less accumulated depreciation,
  depletion and amortization                                  -          (400,796)       (106,958)            -          (507,754)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                                                              -         3,977,720         740,619             -         4,718,339
Net assets of discontinued operations                         -            15,510             -               -            15,510
Investments and other assets                            2,028,592       1,262,951         257,849      (3,272,176)        277,216
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
        Total assets                               $    2,032,015  $    5,754,703  $    1,206,691  $   (3,329,816) $    5,663,593
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

Current liabilities
   Short-term borrowings and current
     maturities of long-term debt                  $          -    $       20,401  $       38,236  $          -    $       58,637
   Payable to affiliates, net                              (5,926)          9,079          (3,153)            -               -
   Income taxes payable                                       -               486           8,351             -             8,837
   Liabilities from coal and emission allowance
     trading activities                                       -           129,059             -               -           129,059
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses                   93,551         404,474         106,219         (57,640)        546,604
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
        Total current liabilities                          87,625         563,499         149,653         (57,640)        743,137
 Long-term debt, less current maturities                1,477,814         166,479         260,067             -         1,904,360
 Deferred income taxes                                        -           562,814          50,332             -           613,146
 Other noncurrent liabilities                                 -         1,854,099          40,289             -         1,894,388
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
        Total liabilities                               1,565,439       3,146,891         500,341         (57,640)      5,155,031
 Minority interests                                           -               -            41,986             -            41,986
 Stockholders' equity                                     466,576       2,607,812         664,364      (3,272,176)        466,576
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
        Total liabilities and stockholders'
          equity                                   $    2,032,015  $    5,754,703  $    1,206,691  $   (3,329,816) $    5,663,593
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
          Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
                              As of March 31, 2000
                                 (In thousands)

                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Eliminations     Consolidated
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Current assets
    Cash and cash equivalents                      $          347  $       45,931  $       19,340  $          -    $       65,618
    Accounts receivable                                     1,605          95,055          92,083         (35,722)        153,021
    Inventories                                               -           187,965          54,185             -           242,150
    Assets from coal and emission allowance
      trading activities                                      -            78,695             -               -            78,695
    Deferred income taxes                                     -            49,869             -               -            49,869
    Other current assets                                    1,282          14,351          27,559             -            43,192
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
         Total current assets                               3,234         471,866         193,167         (35,722)        632,545
Property, plant, equipment and mine
  development - at cost                                       -         4,360,648         866,132             -         5,226,780
Less accumulated depreciation,
  depletion and amortization                                  -          (323,870)        (87,400)            -          (411,270)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
                                                              -         4,036,778         778,732             -         4,815,510
Net assets of discontinued operations                         900          89,100             -               -            90,000
Investments and other assets                            1,883,781       1,444,307         208,095      (3,247,389)        288,794
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
         Total assets                              $    1,887,915  $    6,042,051  $    1,179,994  $   (3,283,111) $    5,826,849
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

Current liabilities
    Short-term borrowings and current
      maturities of long-term debt                 $          -    $       21,122  $       36,855  $          -    $       57,977
    Payable to affiliates, net                           (284,294)        319,473         (35,179)            -               -
    Income taxes payable                                      -               521          13,073             -            13,594
    Liabilities from coal and emission allowance
      trading activities                                      -            75,883             -               -            75,883
    Accounts payable and accrued expenses                  76,066         416,505         116,288         (35,722)        573,137
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
         Total current liabilities                       (208,228)        833,504         131,037         (35,722)        720,591
 Long-term debt, less current maturities                1,587,717         162,116         268,356             -         2,018,189
 Deferred income taxes                                        -           567,918          57,206             -           625,124
 Other noncurrent liabilities                                 -         1,873,508          39,746             -         1,913,254
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
         Total liabilities                              1,379,489       3,437,046         496,345         (35,722)      5,277,158
 Minority interests                                           -               -            41,265             -            41,265
 Stockholders' equity                                     508,426       2,605,005         642,384      (3,247,389)        508,426
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
         Total liabilities and stockholders'
           equity                                  $    1,887,915  $    6,042,051  $    1,179,994  $   (3,283,111) $    5,826,849
                                                   =============== =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
     Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
                  For the Six Months Ended September 30, 2000
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Consolidated
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                          $       16,216  $       39,271  $       25,935  $       81,422
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   Additions to property, plant, equipment and mine development               -           (49,295)        (47,733)        (97,028)
   Additions to advance mining royalties                                      -            (2,766)         (6,113)         (8,879)
   Proceeds from property and equipment disposals                             -             3,625           3,989           7,614
   Proceeds from sale-leaseback transactions                                  -            28,800           6,289          35,089
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash used in continuing operations                                        -           (19,636)        (43,568)        (63,204)
Net cash provided by discontinued operations                                  604          89,470             -            90,074
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                           604          69,834         (43,568)         26,870
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   Change in short-term borrowings                                            -               -             4,348           4,348
   Proceeds from long-term debt                                               -               -             5,013           5,013
   Payments of long-term debt                                            (110,000)           (931)        (12,882)       (123,813)
   Distributions to minority interests                                        -               -            (2,904)         (2,904)
   Net change in due to/from affiliates                                    92,861        (111,144)         18,283             -
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                       (17,139)       (112,075)         11,858        (117,356)
Effect of exchange rate changes
  on cash and equivalents                                                     -               -            (1,120)         (1,120)
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                    (319)         (2,970)         (6,895)        (10,184)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                              347          45,931          19,340          65,618
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                         $           28  $       42,961  $       12,445  $       55,434
                                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

                         P&L Coal Holdings Corporation
     Unaudited Supplemental Condensed Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
                  For the Six Months Ended September 30, 1999
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                       Parent         Guarantor     Non-Guarantor
                                                                       Company      Subsidiaries    Subsidiaries    Consolidated
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by (used in) continuing operations               $      (49,895) $       65,077  $       61,581  $       76,763
Net cash used in discontinued operations                                      -               -            (3,185)         (3,185)
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                       (49,895)         65,077          58,396          73,578
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   Additions to property, plant, equipment and mine development               -           (70,630)        (25,614)        (96,244)
   Acquisition, net                                                           -               -           (30,239)        (30,239)
   Additions to advance mining royalties                                      -            (5,186)         (5,618)        (10,804)
   Proceeds from property and equipment disposals                             -             3,773             692           4,465
   Proceeds from sale-leaseback transactions                                  -            24,245             -            24,245
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash used in continuing operations                                        -           (47,798)        (60,779)       (108,577)
Net cash provided by discontinued operations                                  -               -               622             622
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash used in investing activities                                         -           (47,798)        (60,157)       (107,955)
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   Change in short-term borrowings                                            -               -             5,205           5,205
   Proceeds from long-term debt                                               -               -            12,317          12,317
   Payments of long-term debt                                             (30,000)            (59)         (5,048)        (35,107)
   Distributions to minority interests                                        -               -            (1,434)         (1,434)
   Net change in due to/from affiliates                                    79,915         (76,570)         (3,345)            -
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by (used in) continuing operations                       49,915         (76,629)          7,695         (19,019)
Net cash used in discontinued operations                                      -               -            (8,731)         (8,731)
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                        49,915         (76,629)         (1,036)        (27,750)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and equivalents                       -               -               172             172
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                           20         (59,350)         (2,625)        (61,955)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                              -           130,861          63,217         194,078
                                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                         $           20  $       71,511  $       60,592  $      132,123
                                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations.

                                                            Quarter Ended                 Six Months Ended
                                                            September 30,                   September 30,
                                                   ------------------------------- -------------------------------
                                                         2000            1999            2000            1999
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
(Dollars in thousands)
       Sales                                       $      654,164  $      660,429  $    1,312,817  $    1,302,001
       Other revenues                                      23,427          17,914          37,795          40,742
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
           Total revenues                                 677,591         678,343       1,350,612       1,342,743
Operating costs and expenses                              638,231         631,640       1,270,295       1,254,073
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
       Operating profit                                    39,360          46,703          80,317          88,670
Interest expense                                           51,456          51,949         102,926         102,571
Interest income                                            (1,194)         (1,065)         (5,754)         (2,058)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
       Loss before income taxes
         and minority interests                           (10,902)         (4,181)        (16,855)        (11,843)
Income tax provision (benefit)                             (1,113)            150            (777)           (983)
Minority interests                                          1,444           2,726           3,625           5,624
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
       Loss from continuing operations                    (11,233)         (7,057)        (19,703)        (16,484)
Discontinued operations:
  Gain (loss) from discontinued operations,
    net of income tax                                       2,940          (1,036)         11,760          (4,489)
                                                   --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
       Net loss                                    $       (8,293) $       (8,093) $       (7,943) $      (20,973)
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

Other Data:
Tons sold (In millions)                                      49.8            48.3            96.9            95.1
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

EBITDA <F1>                                        $      100,169  $      108,787  $      201,593  $      216,337
                                                   =============== =============== =============== ===============

Cash provided by (used in):
       Operating activities                                                        $       81,422  $       73,578
       Investing activities                                                                26,870        (107,955)
       Financing activities                                                              (117,356)        (27,750)

<F1> EBITDA is defined as income from continuing operations before deducting net
     interest  expense,  income  taxes,  minority  interests  and  depreciation,
     depletion  and  amortization.  EBITDA has been reduced by costs  associated
     with reclamation, retiree health care and workers' compensation.  EBITDA is
     not a  substitute  for  operating  income,  net  income  and cash flow from
     operating  activities as determined in accordance  with generally  accepted
     accounting principles as a measure of profitability or liquidity. EBITDA is
     presented as additional  information because management believes it to be a
     useful indicator of the Company's  ability to meet debt service and capital
     expenditure  requirements.  Because EBITDA is not calculated identically by
     all  companies,  the  presentation  herein may not be  comparable  to other
     similarly titled measures of other companies.

Quarter ended September 30, 2000

Sales.  Sales for the quarter ended  September 30, 2000 were $654.2  million,  a
decrease of $6.3  million,  or 0.9% from the prior year  quarter.  Overall sales
volume was 49.8  million  tons for the current  year  quarter,  compared to 48.3
million  tons  for the  prior  year  quarter.  Sales  from  broker  and  trading
activities  increased $20.6 million,  due to a continued increase in trading and
brokerage volume.  Sales in the Powder River region increased $15.4 million,  on
improved  pricing and  slightly  higher  volume over the prior year.  Sales from
Black Beauty  increased $6.1 million,  due to the transition of sourcing for new
contracts from other Peabody mines to the 81.7%-owned  joint venture,  partially
offsetting  the sales  decrease in the Midwest  region of $56.1 million from the
closure  and  suspension  of three mines  during the third  quarter of the prior
fiscal year. Sales in Australia  increased $5.5 million over the prior year, due
to the contribution of the Moura Mine ($9.1 million increase) acquired in August
1999,  the  ramp-up of the  Bengalla  Mine ($8.9  million  increase)  that began
production in April 1999 and continued strong demand for steam and metallurgical
coal in the  Asia  Pacific  region,  partially  offset  by  unfavorable  foreign
currency translation.

Other Revenues.  Other revenues increased $5.5 million as compared to the second
quarter of fiscal  year 2000,  due mainly to higher  revenues  from  engineering
services for underground mining projects in Australia.

Operating  Profit.  Operating  profit was $39.4  million for the  quarter  ended
September 30, 2000, a decrease of $7.3 million,  or 15.7%  compared to the prior
year.  A  significant  impact on current  year  results  was the 63%  per-gallon
increase in fuel prices, which decreased operating profit by $6.1 million during
the quarter.  Operating profit in the Midwest declined $17.6 million as compared
to the prior year, due to the closure and suspension of three mines in the prior
year. Appalachia's operating profit declined $6.0 million, as prior year results
included a $4.6 million credit for Black Lung excise tax  overpayments on export
shipments in prior periods. In addition,  lower pricing due to the expiration of
a high-priced  contract was partially  offset by increased  volume in Appalachia
from higher production in the current year. Black Beauty's  operating profit was
$2.6  million  below the prior  year,  due  mainly  to  production  difficulties
resulting from poor mining  conditions at three mines,  partially  offset by the
contribution  of two new mines  that  opened in  November  1999 and April  2000,

Partially  offsetting  these declines was an increase in the Powder River region
($8.9 million) due to higher  demand-related  volume and higher per-ton  prices.
Additionally,  the  Southwest  region  improved $7.7 million due mainly to lower
costs as a result of higher  production  in the current  year, as the prior year
production levels were lower in order to reduce stockpile levels.  Finally,  the
Company reduced its liability for  environmental  cleanup-related  costs by $8.0
million based upon favorable experience.

Income  Taxes.  For the quarter  ended  September  30, 2000,  the Company had an
income tax benefit of $1.1 million and a pretax loss of $10.9 million,  compared
to income tax expense of $0.2  million and a pretax loss of $4.2  million in the
prior  year.  The  Company's  consolidated  tax  position  is  impacted  by  the
percentage  depletion tax deduction utilized by the Company and its subsidiaries
that creates an alternative minimum tax situation, and the positive contribution
of its  Australian  operations  that is  taxed at a  higher  rate  than the U.S.
operations.  On a consolidated basis, the Australian income tax expense exceeded
the income tax benefit recorded on U.S. pretax losses in the prior year.

Income (Loss) from Discontinued  Operations.  During the quarter ended September
30, 2000 the Company recorded a $3.0 million adjustment, net of income taxes, to
reduce its estimated net loss from the sale of Citizens  Power.  This adjustment
reflected  higher  estimated  proceeds from the  monetization of Citizens' power
contracts as part of the wind-down of Citizens' operations.

Six Months ended September 30, 2000

Sales.  Sales  increased  $10.8  million to $1,312.8  million for the six months
ended September 30, 2000.  Overall sales volume was 96.9 million tons,  compared
to 95.1  million tons in the prior year  period.  Sales in  Australia  increased
$31.5  million over the prior year,  due to the  contribution  of the Moura Mine
($26.9  million  increase)  acquired in August 1999, the ramp-up of the Bengalla
Mine ($14.4 million  increase) that began production in April 1999 and continued
strong  demand  for steam and  metallurgical  coal in the Asia  Pacific  region,
partially  offset by  unfavorable  foreign  currency  translation.  Sales in the
Powder River region  increased $21.6 million,  mainly due to improved pricing in
the Powder River Basin.

Black  Beauty's  sales  increased  $18.9  million,  due to the higher volumes on
contracts  transitioned from other Peabody mines, partially offsetting the sales
decrease in the Midwest of $107.0  million  from the closure and  suspension  of
three mines during the prior fiscal year. The Southwest  region's sales improved
$7.1  million,   due  to  strong  customer  demand  as  a  result  of  decreased
availability  of  hydroelectric  power in the region,  while sales in Appalachia
improved by $10.9  million as a result of improved  performance  at the region's
longwall operations. Finally, sales from broker and trading activities increased
$27.8 million, reflecting a continued increase in trading and brokerage volume.

Other Revenues.  Other revenues for the six months ended September 30, 2000 were
$37.8  million,  a decrease of $2.9  million  compared to the prior year period.
Lower coal royalty  income in the current year was only  partially  offset by an
increase in engineering services for underground mining projects in Australia.

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization. For the six months ended September 30,
2000, depreciation, depletion and amortization was $121.3 million, a decrease of
$6.4 million  compared to the prior year period.  The prior year period included
$6.0  million  of  additional  depletion  associated  with  a new  coal  royalty
agreement in June 1999.

Operating Profit. For the six-month period,  operating profit was $80.3 million,
a decrease of $8.4 million from the prior year period.  The negative impact of a
55%  per-gallon  increase  in fuel prices was $10.9  million  for the  six-month
period. At the U.S. mining  operations,  operating profit declined $31.8 million
mainly due to a decrease in the Midwest region of $30.1 million from the closure
and  suspension  of three mines in the prior year. In addition,  Black  Beauty's
operating  profit  decreased  $1.9  million  due to the  operating  difficulties
resulting from poor geologic conditions. Appalachia's operating profit decreased
$4.6 million from lower  average  pricing due to contract  expirations  and poor
mining  conditions  at  certain  underground  operations,  partially  offset  by
improved performance at the region's longwall operations.

Operating  profit  at  Powder  River  region  increased  $11.2  million  due  to
demand-related  volume and higher average pricing.  In the Southwest  region, an
increase of $9.5 million was  realized as a result of higher  sales  volumes and
improved  productivity  in  the  current  year.   Australia's  operating  profit
increased  $6.3  million,  mainly  due to higher  volumes in the  current  year,
partially  offset by a $3.0 million  decline due to  unfavorable  exchange  rate

The current year  results also include a decrease in operating  costs for a $8.0
million  reduction in its liabilities for  environmental  cleanup-related  costs
discussed  above,  and $9.1 million lower costs related to Black Lung excise tax
refund  credits on export  shipments.  Beginning in 1997,  the Company filed for
refund of these  taxes on the basis  that the tax was  unconstitutional.  In May
2000, the Internal  Revenue  Service  issued  guidelines for the refund of these
taxes.  The Company has filed a claim and expects to receive a refund by the end
of the fiscal year.

Interest Income.  Interest income increased $3.7 million to $5.8 million for the
six months ended September 30, 2000 as a result of the interest  recorded in the
current year associated with the Black Lung excise tax refunds.

Income Taxes.  For the six months ended  September 30, 2000,  the Company had an
effective  income tax rate of 4.6%,  compared to an effective income tax rate of
8.3% in the prior year.  The decline in the effective  income tax rate is due to
the higher profitability of the Australian operations in the current year.

Income (Loss) from  Discontinued  Operations.  During the six-month period ended
September  30, 2000 the Company  reduced its estimated net loss from the sale of
Citizens Power by $11.8 million, net of income taxes. This reduction reflected a
decrease in the estimated operating losses of Citizens Power during the disposal
period  due to higher  income  from  electricity  trading  activities  driven by
increased  volatility  and prices for  electricity  in the  western  U.S.  power
markets  during the first quarter ($8.8 million) and higher  estimated  proceeds
from the  monetization  of power contracts as part of the wind-down of Citizens'
operations ($3.0 million).

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Net cash  provided  by  operating  activities  increased  $7.8  million to $81.4
million for the six months  ended  September  30, 2000,  primarily  due to a net
increase in working capital of $21.7 million. The Company added $25.0 million to
its securitization program in the first quarter of the fiscal year, bringing the
total amount of accounts  receivable  included in the securitization  program to
$125.0 million.

Net cash provided by investing activities was $26.9 million for the current year
six-month period, compared to a cash use of $108.0 million in the same period in
1999.  During the second quarter of the current year the Company  received $90.1
million in net proceeds  from the sale of Citizens  Power,  while the prior year
period includes a $30.2 million outflow for the acquisition of the Moura Mine in
Australia.  In addition,  proceeds  from  sale-leaseback  activities  were $10.8
million  higher in the current  year  period.  The Company had $93.1  million of
committed capital  expenditures  (primarily  related to coal reserves and mining
equipment) at September 30, 2000. The Company  anticipates funding these capital
expenditures through available cash and credit facilities.

Net cash used in  financing  activities  was $117.4  million  for the six months
ended September 30, 2000, as compared to $27.8 million in the prior year period.
The Company  repaid  $123.8  million of  long-term  debt during the current year
period, an increase of $88.7 million,  as the proceeds from the sale of Citizens
Power were used to reduce the Company's leverage position.

As of  September  30,  2000,  the  Company  had total  indebtedness  of $1,963.0
million, consisting of the following (in thousands):

Term loans under Senior Credit Facility                         $       580,000
9.625% Senior Subordinated Notes
  ("Senior Subordinated Notes") due 2008                                498,790
8.875% Senior Notes ("Senior Notes") due 2008                           399,015
5.0% Subordinated Note                                                  184,907
Project finance facility                                                 80,379
Unsecured revolving credit agreement                                     41,587
Capital lease obligations                                                21,315
Other                                                                   157,004
                                                                 $    1,962,997

The Senior Credit  Facility  includes a Revolving  Credit Facility that provides
for aggregate  borrowings of up to $200.0 million and letters of credit of up to
$280.0 million.  The Revolving Credit Facility commitment matures in fiscal year
2005. As of September 30, 2000, the Company had no borrowings  outstanding under
the Revolving Credit Facility.

Interest rates on the revolving  loans under the Revolving  Credit  Facility are
based on the Base Rate (as defined in the Senior  Credit  Facilities),  or LIBOR
(as defined in the Senior  Credit  Facilities)  at the Company's  option.  As of
September  30, 2000,  the Company had in place two  interest  rate swaps on $500
million of term loans  outstanding  under the  Senior  Credit  facility - a $200
million interest rate swap that fixes LIBOR at approximately 4.7% and expires on
October 5,  2000,  and a $300  million  interest  rate swap that fixes  LIBOR at
approximately  7.0% and expires on October 5, 2001.  After giving  effect to the
October 5, 2000 swap expiration, approximately 52% of the term loans outstanding
under the Senior Credit Facility are fixed as of September 30, 2000.

The  Revolving  Credit  Facility  and related  Term Loan  Facility  also contain
certain  restrictions  and  limitations  including  but not limited to financial
covenants  that will require the Company to maintain and achieve  certain levels
of financial  performance  and limit the payment of cash  dividends  and similar
restricted  payments.  In addition,  the Senior  Credit  Facility  prohibits the
Company from allowing its Restricted Subsidiaries (which include all Guarantors)
to create or otherwise  cause any  encumbrance  or restriction on the ability of
any such  Restricted  Subsidiary  to pay any  dividends  or make  certain  other
upstream payments subject to certain  exceptions.  The Company was in compliance
with all of the restrictive covenants of its loan agreements as of September 30,

The indentures  governing the Senior Notes and Senior  Subordinated Notes permit
the Company and its Restricted  Subsidiaries to incur  additional  indebtedness,
including secured  indebtedness,  subject to certain  limitations.  In addition,
among other customary restrictive covenants, the indentures prohibit the Company
and  its  Restricted   Subsidiaries  from  creating  or  otherwise  causing  any
encumbrance or restriction on the ability of any Restricted  Subsidiary  that is
not a Guarantor to pay dividends or to make certain other  upstream  payments to
the  Company  or  any  of  its  Restricted   Subsidiaries  (subject  to  certain

Certain  of the  Company's  subsidiaries  maintain  short-term  lines  and other
working capital  borrowing  facilities.  Total commitments under such subsidiary
facilities  totaled  approximately  $160.0  million  and  borrowings  thereunder
totaled  approximately  $53.5  million as of September  30,  2000.  In addition,
certain  subsidiaries have long-term debt outstanding under various  agreements.
These agreements  contain certain  customary  restrictive  covenants,  including
limitations on additional debt, dividends and investments.

As of September 30, 2000, the revolving and working capital borrowing facilities
referred to above totaled  $360.0  million,  and borrowings  thereunder  totaled
$53.5 million.


Mine  Closure.  In  October  2000,  the Camp No.  1 mine was  closed  due to the
depletion of its economically  mineable reserves.  This mine shipped 3.0 million
tons in fiscal year 2000.  The Company does not  anticipate  a material  adverse
effect on its results of operations,  financial  condition or liquidity from the
mine closure since the requirements of the mine's customers will be met by other
mines of the Company or its affiliates.

Strategic  Review of  Australian  Operations.  On August 8,  2000,  the  Company
announced that it will engage outside  advisors to conduct a review of strategic
alternatives  to  maximize  the  value  of its  Australian  subsidiary,  Peabody
Resources  Limited.  The Company expects the review will be completed by the end
of the fiscal year.

Recent  Accounting  Pronouncements.  In  June  1998,  the  Financial  Accounting
Standards Board issued SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and
Hedging Activities." SFAS No. 133 (as amended by SFAS Nos. 137 and 138) requires
the recognition of all  derivatives as assets or liabilities  within the balance
sheet,  and requires  both the  derivatives  and the  underlying  exposure to be
recorded at fair value.  Any gain or loss  resulting  from changes in fair value
will be  recorded  as part of the results of  operations,  or as a component  of
comprehensive income or loss, depending upon the intended use of the derivative.
The  effective  date of SFAS No. 133 is for all fiscal  quarters of fiscal years
beginning  after June 15, 2000  (effective  April 1, 2001 for the Company).  The
Company continues to evaluate the requirements of SFAS No. 133 and the impact of
adoption on the consolidated financial statements has not yet been determined.

Forward Looking Statements

This  quarterly  report and certain press  releases and  statements  the Company
makes from time to time include  statements of the  Company's  and  management's
expectations,  intentions,  plans and beliefs that constitute  "forward  looking
statements"  within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and
Section  21E of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and are  intended to come
within the safe harbor  protection  provided by those sections.  Forward looking
statements involve risks and uncertainties, and a variety of factors could cause
actual results to differ  materially  from the Company's  current  expectations,
including but not limited to: coal and power market  conditions and fluctuations
in the demand for coal as an energy source,  weather  conditions,  the continued
availability of long-term coal supply contracts,  railroad performance,  foreign
currency  translation,  changes in economic conditions,  changes in mining costs
for labor, fuel and operational reasons, changes in the government regulation of
the mining industry, risks inherent to mining, changes in the Company's leverage
position,  the ability to successfully  implement operating strategies and other
factors  discussed in the  Company's  filings with the  Securities  and Exchange

Readers  are  cautioned  not to place undue  reliance  on these  forward-looking
statements,  which speak only as of the date hereof.  The Company  undertakes no
obligation  to publicly  release the results of any  revisions  to such  forward
looking statements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the
date hereof,  or thereof,  as the case may be, or to reflect the  occurrence  of
anticipated events.

                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

(a)       Exhibits

          See the Exhibit Index at page 21 of this report.

(b)       Reports on Form 8-K.

          On August 8, 2000,  the Company filed a Form 8-K that contained a news
          release  announcing  it will  engage  outside  advisors  to  assist in
          evaluating  its options to maximize the value of its  Australian  coal


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                      P&L COAL HOLDINGS CORPORATION

Date:November 13, 2000                    By: /s/ RICHARD A. NAVARRE
                                                  Richard A. Navarre
                                      Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
                                              (Principal Financial Officer)

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

The exhibits below are numbered in accordance with the Exhibit Table of Item 601
of Regulation S-K.

    No.   Description of Exhibit
  ------- ----------------------
   3.1    Second Amended and Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of P&L Coal
          Holdings Corporation  (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of the
          Company's Form 10-Q for the third quarter ended December 31, 1998).

   3.2    By-Laws of P&L Coal Holdings Corporation (Incorporated by reference to
          Exhibit  3.2 of the  Company's  Form S-4  Registration  Statement  No.

   10.19  Purchase and Sale  Agreement by and among Edison Mission  Energy,  P&L
          Coal Holdings Corporation and Gold Fields Mining Corporation  dated as
          of May 10, 2000.

   27     Financial Data Schedule (filed electronically with the SEC only).