(Rule 14a-101)
                          SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
         Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                            Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant  /X/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  / /

Check the appropriate box:

/ /  Preliminary Proxy Statement         / /  Confidential, for Use of the
                                              Commission Only (as permitted
                                              by Rule 14a-6(e) (2))

/ /  Definitive Proxy Statement
/X/  Definitive Additional Materials
/ /  Soliciting Material Under Rule 14a-12

                            Cohoes Bancorp, Inc.
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            (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

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  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i) (1) and 0-11.

    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:_______

    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:__________

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
        the filing fee is calculated and state how it was

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:______________________

    (5) Total fee paid:_______________________________________________________

/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
     Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
     fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

    (1) Amount previously paid:_________________________________

    (2) Form, schedule or registration statement no.:___________

    (3) Filing party:___________________________________________

    (4) Date filed:_____________________________________________

                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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       Why YOU Should Protect Your Investment and Support Cohoes Bancorp

                   Annualized Total Return On Common Stock
                      January 4, 1999 - October 20, 2000

            COHOES BANCORP:                                 +29.4%
            SNL $500 MILLION - $1 BILLION THRIFT INDEX:     - 6.8%

                  To Protect and Support Your Investment:

                   *Vote For Cohoes Proposals 1, 2 and 3

                            ...And Be Sure To
                 Discard All Proxies From TrustCo and Ambanc
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                           [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]

Dear Fellow Stockholder:

We recently mailed you proxy material for the Cohoes Bancorp Annual Meeting of
Stockholders, which will be held on November 30, 2000.  Please read the
material carefully.  It contains important information to help you decide how
to vote.  I am writing to you today to tell you why I believe you should
support Cohoes.

Since Cohoes began trading as a public company at the beginning of 1999,
annualized total return to our stockholders has been over 29%.  Our
performance far exceeds that of similar-sized competitors, who have
experienced a negative 6.8% annualized total return on their common stock.
Over the same time period, Cohoes' shares have appreciated over 47% while the
price of TrustCo's, and Ambanc's, have declined by 11.2% and 6.7%,
respectively.  Cohoes' outstanding performance has been achieved under the
direction of an experienced and independent Board of Directors rich in
expertise and committed to maximizing value for all stockholders.

Both management and the Board are continuing to work hard at maximizing value
for you, our investors.  We recently took a series of actions toward that end:

  > On September 28, 2000, we announced that we had begun a comprehensive
    exploration of all strategic options for Cohoes, including the sale of the
    Company.  That action reaffirmed the Board's commitment to act in the best
    interests of all stockholders.  Your Board will duly consider all offers
    that are received and will treat all interested parties fairly and equally.
    We have already received signed confidentiality agreements from several
    larger financial institutions that have been active acquirors.

  > On October 19, we increased the quarterly cash dividend on Cohoes common
    stock by 14% to 8 cents per share.  We also announced our intention to buy
    back up to an additional 10% of our shares outstanding.

Now, ignoring our excellent performance and your Board's positive actions,
TrustCo and Ambanc are asking you to elect their nominees to the Cohoes Board.
We firmly believe that, if elected, their nominees will have a conflict of
interest when considering the terms of any proposal submitted by the bank that
nominated them.  With Cohoes guided by a Board that strives to act in the best
interests of all stockholders, we believe these hostile actions are
unnecessary, are disruptive and may delay or impede our efforts to maximize
value for all of our stockholders.

We strongly urge you to support your investment in Cohoes by voting the
accompanying BLUE proxy FOR:

* Proposal 1 - Election of Directors - Your Board's Nominees
* Proposal 2 - Amendment to the 1999 Stock Option and Incentive Plan and 1999
               Recognition and Retention Plan
* Proposal 3 - Ratification of independent accountants

 ...And remember, discard all proxies from TrustCo and Ambanc.

In our view, only the Cohoes Board and its nominees give you the BEST chance
to get the BEST value for your investment in Cohoes.


/s/ Harry L. Robinson

Harry L. Robinson
President and Chief Executive Officer

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                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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                 *VOTE FOR COHOES PROPOSALS 1, 2 aND 3

      * Vote FOR experienced and highly qualified Directors who are committed
        to maximizing value and will act in the best interests of ALL Cohoes

      * Vote FOR expertise and continuity.

      * Vote FOR Directors whose interests are aligned with yours and all
        Cohoes stockholders, and who have a significant financial stake in
        the Company's success.

      * Vote FOR Directors who are exploring all of the Company's strategic
        options, who will duly consider all offers that are received, and who
        will treat all interested parties fairly and equally.

      * Vote FOR Directors who give you the BEST chance to get the BEST value
        for your investment in Cohoes.

If your shares are held by your bank or broker, only they can vote your
shares.  Please instruct your bank or broker as soon as possible to vote:

*  FOR proposals 1, 2 and 3

You should also complete, sign, date and return the BLUE proxy your bank or
broker sends you.

Your vote is important regardless of the number of shares you own.  Please
complete, sign, date and return the BLUE proxy as soon as possible and discard
any and all proxies sent to you by TrustCo and Ambanc.

- ----
If you have any questions or need assistance in voting your shares, please
call our proxy solicitor:

                           Regan & Associates, Inc.
                      Telephone Toll Free 1-800-737-3426

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                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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                     The Trouble With TrustCo and Ambanc
                    Can Be Summed Up In Just A Few Lines:

                   Annualized Total Return On Common Stock
                     January 4, 1999 - October 20, 2000

            COHOES BANCORP:                                 +29.4%
            TRUSTCO:                                        - 2.1%
            AMBANC                                          - 1.3%

It's clear that you and all Cohoes' stockholders have fared far better than
the stockholders of TrustCo and Ambanc have since the beginning of 1999.  The
annualized total return on your investment has been over 29% since Cohoes
became a public company.  This outstanding performance has been achieved under
the strategic direction of the Company's management and Board of Directors.


Both TrustCo and Ambanc want you to replace Cohoes Directors with their own
nominees.  We firmly believe that if any of their nominees are elected to your
board, those nominees will have a conflict of interest.  Is that in YOUR best
interests?  We say NO.  We believe only the Cohoes Board and its nominees give
you the best chance to get the best value for your investment in Cohoes.

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                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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                       The choice is yours - you can:

  *  Re-elect Directors who have helped provide an excellent return on your
     investment and who are committed to maximize value and act in the best
     interests of ALL Cohoes stockholders


     Take a risk with TrustCo's or Ambanc's special-interest nominees who
     will, we believe, have a conflict of interest.  These hostile actions
     could delay or impede your Board's actions to maximize value and
     discourage potential bidders for Cohoes.

Your Board of Directors, including our four nominees, represents ALL Cohoes
stockholders and not any single stockholder.  We believe that only by
supporting your Board of Directors by voting for our four nominees, can you be
sure of a fair evaluation of the strategic options to maximize value.

                     Protect Your Investment in Cohoes

                                  Vote FOR

          * Proposal 1 - Election of Directors - Your Board's Nominees
          * Proposal 2 - Approval of Amendment to the 1999 Stock Option
                         and Incentive Plan and 1999 Recognition and
                         Retention Plan
          * Proposal 3 - Ratification of independent accountants

         ...And be sure to discard all proxies from TrustCo and Ambanc.

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                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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Q. What am I being asked to vote on exactly?

A. You are being asked to vote on three matters that your Board of
   Directors has proposed.  They are:

   >  Proposal 1 - To re-elect the four Cohoes nominees to the Board of
   >  Proposal 2 - To amend the Company's 1999 Stock Option and
                   Incentive Plan and the Company's 1999 Recognition and
                   Retention Plan
   >  Proposal 3 - To ratify the appointment of an independent public

   Your Board of Directors is committed to maximizing stockholder value and
   has begun a comprehensive exploration of all strategic options for
   Cohoes, including the sale of the Company to a larger financial
   institution.  TrustCo and Ambanc are asking you to elect their nominees
   to the Cohoes Board.  We firmly believe that, if elected, their nominees
   will have a conflict of interest when considering all of the proposals
   that are received, particularly when comparing the terms of any proposal
   submitted by the bank that nominated them with proposals from others.
   We therefore strongly urge you to protect your investment in Cohoes and
   vote on the BLUE proxy FOR Proposals 1, 2 and 3.  You should also
   discard any and all proxies that you receive from TrustCo and Ambanc.

Q. Why should I vote to elect the Cohoes nominees over those proposed by
   TrustCo and Ambanc?

A. We believe that the Cohoes nominees are the ONLY qualified nominees to
   serve in your best interests.  Remember, since Cohoes became a public
   company, it has produced a total return to stockholders far in excess of
   that produced by similar-sized institutions in our industry as well as
   that produced by both TrustCo and Ambanc.  That record has been achieved
   by Cohoes' management under the guidance of your Board of Directors.

   Messrs. Casabonne, DeLaMater, O'Hearn and Paton are fellow stockholders
   and are current Cohoes Directors with broad knowledge and extensive
   experience with the Company and the banking industry.  The Board
   believes that they are the most qualified persons to assist in our
   evaluation of strategic alternatives.  In contrast, not one of the four
   persons nominated by TrustCo owns a single share of Cohoes' common

   Cohoes' nominees are stockholders and have a significant financial stake
   in the Company's future success; they are fully committed to delivering
   value to ALL Cohoes stockholders.

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                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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Q. What will happen if the Board's nominees are not re-elected?

A. We believe that your investment in Cohoes is at risk with TrustCo's or
   Ambanc's special-interest nominees who, we believe, will have a conflict
   of interest and could delay or impede your Board's strategic actions to
   maximize value.

Q. Why are you amending the Company's 1999 Stock Option and Incentive Plan
   and the Company's 1999 Recognition and Retention Plan?

A. These plans are designed to retain and attract the best-qualified
   directors and employees for your Company.  In order to maintain
   appropriate personnel, especially during our exploration of a sale of
   the Company, it is essential that we remain competitive within the
   banking industry.  The proposed modifications would make the plans
   consistent with those of our competitors and would allow us to maintain
   a competitive edge within the industry.

Q. What if I have already sent in a proxy to TrustCo or Ambanc?

A. You can easily change your vote by signing, dating and returning the
   enclosed BLUE proxy.  Only your latest dated proxy counts.  Please
   complete, sign, date and return the enclosed BLUE proxy today.

Q. What will happen if I do not vote at all?  Can failing to vote be costly
   to me?

A. If you do not vote, we believe you harm your chances to get the best
   value for your Cohoes shares.  If you do not sign, date and return a
   proxy, your shares will NOT be counted.  Your vote is important
   regardless of the number of shares that you own.  We therefore urge you
   to send in the BLUE proxy.

Q. What do I need to do now?

A. To protect your investment in Cohoes, here is all you need to do:

   * Vote FOR Cohoes Proposals 1, 2 and 3
     ...And be sure to discard all proxies from TrustCo and Ambanc.

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                            [Cohoes Bancorp Logo]
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                        FOR YOUR INVESTMENT IN COHOES

                        Vote the BLUE proxy form FOR

       * Proposal 1 - Election of Directors - Your Board's Nominees
       * Proposal 2 - Approval of Amendment to the 1999 Stock Option and
                      Incentive Plan and 1999 Recognition and Retention Plan
       * Proposal 3 - Ratification of independent accountants

       ...And Be Sure To Discard All Proxies From TrustCo and Ambanc

Please complete, sign, date and return the enclosed BLUE proxy TODAY.

If your shares are held by your bank or broker, only they can vote your
shares.  Please instruct your bank or broker as soon as possible to vote:

* FOR proposals 1, 2 and 3

You should also sign, date and return the BLUE proxy your bank or broker sends

If you have any questions or need assistance in voting your shares, please
call our proxy solicitor:

                            Regan & Associates, Inc.

                      Telephone Toll Free 1-800-737-3426

                                  VOTE TODAY!

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