Media Contact: Kekst & Co.              STILWELL
      Robert Siegfried (212-521-4832)      FINANCIAL INC.
      Michael Herley (212-521-4897)
                                                     920 Main Street, 21st Floor
                                                    Kansas City, Missouri  64105

Investors Contact:                                              NYSE Symbol:  SV
  Landon H. Rowland (816-218-2416)
    Chairman, President and CEO
  Douglas E. Pittman (816-218-2415)        Release No. 2001-11    April 23, 2001
    Manager of Investor Relations

                                 {News Release}

                         STILWELL FINANCIAL INC. REPORTS
                              FIRST QUARTER RESULTS
                                    (Page 1)

Kansas City, Missouri

Stilwell  Financial Inc.  ("Stilwell"  or the "Company")  reported first quarter
2001  earnings  per share of 48(cent)  per  diluted  share (net income of $111.4
million)  compared to 84(cent) per diluted share (net income of $188.7  million)
in first quarter 2000. Approximately 20(cent) per diluted share in first quarter
2000 was  attributable  to certain  one-time items,  which are discussed  below.
Lower 2001 earnings per share reflect reduced  revenues due to lower asset under
management  levels,  an  increase  in  non-cash  depreciation  and  amortization
associated  with the  technology  infrastructure  development  at Janus  Capital
Corporation  ("Janus") and interest expense associated with funding purchases of
Janus common stock.

A 16% decrease in average  assets  under  management  during first  quarter 2001
versus 2000 led to lower revenues ($448.5 million from $545.1 million). Stilwell
and its subsidiaries  experienced the anticipated downward pressure on operating
margins,  but continued to maintain a very  competitive  level of 40.8% in first
quarter 2001 compared to 44.9% in first quarter 2000.  Exclusive of the one-time
items noted below,  Stilwell's  equity in the net earnings of DST Systems,  Inc.
("DST")  increased  24% during first  quarter 2001 versus 2000,  continuing  the
strong growth trends experienced by DST over the last several quarters.

Non-recurring gains during 2000 included the following:  i) an after-tax gain of
approximately  $27.3 million  resulting from the settlement of litigation with a
former equity affiliate;  ii) a $15.1 million after-tax gain associated with the
Company's  sale of 192,408  shares of its Janus common stock to Janus for use in
the Janus employee stock incentive programs; and iii) approximately $3.4 million
(after-tax)  in  gains  representing  the  Company's  proportionate  share  of a
litigation settlement and sales of marketable securities recorded by DST.

Diluted Earnings per Share, Assets Under Management And Margin Comparisons

                                                               First Quarter
                                                          2000               2001
                                                          ----               ----
Diluted Earnings Per Share (1):
  Ongoing Operations, exclusive of amortization of

     Goodwill and Intangibles                            $  0.65             $  0.50
  Non-cash amortization of Goodwill and Intangibles        (0.01)              (0.02)
                                                     --------------      --------------
  Ongoing Operations                                        0.64                0.48
  2000 gains - litigation settlement, sale of
    Janus stock and proportionate share of DST              0.20               --
                                                     --------------      --------------
      Total                                              $  0.84             $  0.48
                                                     ==============      ==============

   Ongoing EBITDA (Earnings before interest,
     taxes,  depreciation and amortization) - in         $ 258.2             $ 213.5
     millions                                        ==============      ==============

Average Assets Under Management (in billions)            $ 294.4             $ 246.6
                                                     ==============      ==============

Operating margins                                          44.9%               40.8%
                                                     ==============      ==============

(1)  All per share  information  included herein reflects a stock split declared
     by the  Stilwell  Board of Directors  on June 13, 2000 to  accommodate  the
     spin-off of Stilwell from Kansas City Southern  Industries,  Inc. (KCSI) on
     July 12,  2000.  For every one share of KCSI  common  stock,  two shares of
     Stilwell common stock were issued to KCSI shareholders of record as of June
     28,  2000.  Stock  options are included in the  respective  periods for the
     proportionate number of days outstanding during each period.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Stilwell,  which includes  Janus,  Berger LLC,  Nelson Money Managers plc and an
approximate  33% equity  investment in DST,  reported  $205.9  billion in assets
under  management as of March 31, 2001 compared to $257.8 billion as of December
31,  2000 and  $324.9  billion  as of  March  31,  2000.  Average  assets  under
management  totaled  $246.6 billion during first quarter 2001 compared to $284.7
billion in fourth quarter 2000 and $294.4 billion in first quarter 2000. For the
quarter,  market  depreciation of $48.3 billion  comprised over 93% of the asset
decline  since  December 31, 2000 with net cash outflows of  approximately  $3.6
billion  comprising  the remainder.  The 20% decline in assets under  management
during the  quarter  reflects  the general  downturn in the various  markets and
indexes (e.g., NASDAQ, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Standards & Poors 500).
Shareowner accounts,  totaling approximately 6.3 million, held relatively steady
during the quarter and were 11% above shareowner accounts on March 31, 2000.

Operating  income for the three months  ended March 31, 2001 was $182.8  million
versus $244.9  million in 2000. As mentioned  above,  this decline  reflects the
margin pressures  expected due to the lower level of assets under management and
resulting  lower  revenue  totals,  as  well  as  to  higher   depreciation  and
amortization  and certain  components of expenses that are fixed.  Despite these
reduced levels, however, consolidated margins remained above industry standards,
demonstrating  the  relative   flexibility  of  the  Company's  cost  structure,
particularly at Janus.

Operating  expenses  of $265.7  million for first  quarter  2001 were lower than
comparable 2000 by $34.5 million,  or 11%, and were 8% below fourth quarter 2000
expenses.  Reduced  expenses  compared  to first  quarter  2000  occurred in the
following key categories:  i) compensation,  primarily due to reduced investment
performance-based  incentive  compensation  and  the  reversal  of  stock  bonus
accruals that were no longer payable (as a result of the sale of shares of Janus
common  stock by various  employees  to Stilwell on March 16,  2001),  partially
offset by  approximately  $6.4 million in severance  costs  associated  with the
Janus work force  reduction  announced  in  February  2001;  and ii) third party
concession fees resulting from a lower level of assets under management  through
these distribution arrangements. Offsetting these decreases, however, was a $9.3
million  increase  in  depreciation   and  amortization   arising  from  Janus's
technology and operational  infrastructure  efforts over the last two years, the
aggregate cost of which totaled $175 million,  and deferred  commission payments
in  connection  with the growth in the Janus  World Funds plc.  The  increase in
these  non-cash  expenses  had the  effect of  reducing  margins  by nearly  two
percentage points.

Exclusive of the one-time  gains  recorded by DST in first quarter 2000,  equity
earnings from DST in first quarter 2001 improved $3.4 million to $17.8  million.
This improvement was largely  attributable to higher earnings in DST's financial
services segment.  Consolidated DST revenues increased 9% due to a higher number
of shareowner  accounts serviced (totaling 73.8 million at March 31, 2001 versus
72.1 million at December 31, 2000 and 61.0 million at March 31, 2000) and images
produced and statements  mailed  (increases of 11% and 3%,  respectively,  since
prior year first quarter).  Consolidated DST operating margins improved to 20.9%
during first quarter 2001 versus 18.7% in comparable 2000.

Interest  expense  increased  by $3.1  million as a result of  accrued  interest
associated  with the pending  acquisition  of shares of Janus  common stock from
Thomas H. Bailey, the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Janus.

The Company's effective tax rate increased quarter to quarter,  primarily due to
the non-taxable gain in 2000 on the sale of Janus common stock to Janus.


Purchase of Janus shares
As reported on January 25, 2001,  Stilwell announced that it expects to purchase
600,000 shares of Janus common stock from Mr. Bailey at a cost of  approximately
$603 million. This transaction,  which will occur in May 2001, will increase the
Company's ownership of Janus to approximately  90.2%. The Company has sufficient
resources (i.e., available cash and credit facilities) to fund this acquisition.
Stilwell continues,  however, to evaluate alternative financing methods for this

The pending purchase of 600,000 shares of Janus common stock from Mr. Bailey, as
well as Stilwell's  purchase on March 16, 2001 of 199,042 shares of Janus common
stock from other  minority  stockholders  of Janus,  will increase  amortization
expense,  while reducing the minority interest  participation in Janus earnings.
Higher  amortization will be attributable to the significant  goodwill and other
intangibles  expected to result  from such  purchase  transactions  in the asset
management industry.

Accounting  for these  purchases on an unaudited  pro forma basis as if they had
occurred on January 1, 2000,  exclusive of any  consideration  of the  financing
approach  to be used by  Stilwell  to purchase  Mr.  Bailey's  shares,  Stilwell
estimates  that it would have  recorded in its Statement of Income an additional
$46  million  of  amortization  expense  (resulting  in total  depreciation  and
amortization expenses of approximately $127 million) and a $59 million reduction
in minority  interest in  consolidated  earnings  (resulting  in total  minority
interest in  consolidated  earnings of  approximately  $53 million) for the year
ended December 31, 2000.  Accounting for these same  transactions as if they had
occurred on December 31, 2000, Stilwell estimates that it would have recorded in
its Balance  Sheet an increase of $926 million in  intangibles  and other assets
(for a total of  approximately  $1,217  million) and a $34 million  reduction in
minority interest (for a total of approximately $39 million) as of such date.

The unaudited pro forma information is based on preliminary  information related
to the Janus stock  acquisitions;  the actual purchase  adjustments  will differ
from those included  above.  Stilwell  expects to have an independent  valuation
completed in order to determine the actual  allocation of purchase price for the
shares acquired, which will affect the levels of goodwill and other intangibles,
as well as the periods  over which  these  assets are  required to be  amortized
under current accounting rules.

Janus Work Force Reduction
On April 20,  2001,  Janus  announced a work force  reduction  that would affect
approximately 546 employees and result in closing of its Austin, Texas facility.
This action reflects a return to a more normalized level of shareowner activity,
significant  technological  advancements  that  provide  capacity  to  adjust to
business  fluctuations  and the evolution in shareowner  approaches to inquiries
and investments.  Stilwell expects that severance,  business closing and related
costs will result in a non-recurring charge of approximately  6(cent) to 8(cent)
per share in second quarter 2001.  Reduced costs due to lower employee  numbers,
operational  efficiencies  and  associated  benefits are expected to  positively
affect annual Stilwell earnings by at least 8(cent) to 10(cent) per share.

Current Assets Under Management
Stilwell  preliminary  consolidated  assets under  management as of the close of
market on April 23, 2001 totaled approximately $224.5 billion.


Landon H. Rowland,  Stilwell's Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer,
said, "First quarter 2001 was a test for our Company.  While results were not at
the level we have come to expect, several points are worth noting.

First,  the  decline in  Stilwell's  assets  under  management  during the first
quarter generally reflected the distressed market conditions in the period, with
market  depreciation  comprising  nearly all of the decline in assets during the
quarter.  Net cash  outflows  during this  challenging  period were less than $4
billion,  representing less than 1.5% of total Stilwell assets under management,
and the number of shareowner accounts decreased less than 1%.

Second, the Company demonstrated its ability to maintain operating margins above
40%,  which  exceeds the industry  average.  While margins did decrease from the
record  margins  experienced in 2000, the investment in technology and continued
evolution in the delivery of client  service,  together with the  variability in

our  subsidiaries'  core cost  structures,  position  Stilwell to  capitalize on
positive  market periods through  efficiencies  and to adjust to weaker markets.
Janus's capacity building in electronic  infrastructure  over the past two years
has given  Janus the  ability  to adjust  to the  continuously  changing  market
conditions in an efficient and prudent manner.

Third,  Stilwell  used its  available  cash  resources to acquire an  additional
ownership interest in Janus. We welcomed the opportunity to increase  Stilwell's
stake in Janus  and to  provide  the  long-term  value we  expect  that  such an
investment  will  generate  both for Stilwell and for the Janus stock  ownership
plans.  Much like our  initial  investment  in Janus in 1984,  we believe in the
fundamental investment approach and strategy of Janus and the many possibilities
that exist with its well-respected brand.

As we continue to evaluate competitive financing alternatives for completing the
acquisition of an additional  600,000  shares of Janus common stock,  we believe
the Company has unique  flexibility for evaluating  growth  opportunities and is
prepared to build on the  momentum  generated  during the last  decade.  Each of
Stilwell's  investments  - Janus,  Berger,  Nelson  and DST -  offers  different
strengths and  associated  growth  capabilities.  Together with these  entities,
Stilwell  continues  to focus on ideas and  strategies  intended  to improve the
long-term value and stability of the Stilwell common stock."

Shareholders  and other  interested  parties are invited to listen to Stilwell's
first quarter earnings presentation by calling (800) 818-5264  (domestically) or
(913) 981-4910  (internationally),  code #637196,  at least ten minutes prior to
the  1:00  pm EDT  start  time  of the  presentation  on  April  25,  2001.  The
accompanying  slides to the  presentation  are  expected to be  available on the
Stilwell web site (http://www.stilwellfinancial.com) on the morning of April 25,
2001.  Additionally,  a replay of the presentation  will be available by calling
(719) 457-0820 or (888) 203-1112, code #637196. The replay will be available for
one week.

                               * * * * * * * * * *

This press  release  includes  statements  concerning  potential  future  events
involving  the  Company,  which  could  materially  differ  from the events that
actually occur. The differences could be caused by a number of factors including
those factors identified in Stilwell's  Registration  Statement on Form 10 dated
June 15,  2000 and  Stilwell's  Annual  Report on Form  10-K for the year  ended
December  31, 2000,  both on file with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(Commission file no. 001-15253). The Company will not update any forward-looking
statements in this press release to reflect future events or developments.

                        (Financial Information Attached)

                              ............. The End

                             STILWELL FINANCIAL INC.
                  (dollars in millions, except per share data)

                                                                   Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                                 2000                     2001
                                                              ------------             ------------
   Investment management fees                                     $ 449.9                  $ 367.8
   Shareowner servicing fees                                         83.6                     64.1
   Other                                                             11.6                     16.6
                                                              ------------             ------------
         Total                                                      545.1                    448.5
                                                              ------------             ------------
Operating expenses:
  Compensation                                                      124.9                     95.3
  Marketing and promotion                                            28.8                     24.4
  Third party concession fees                                        72.3                     66.0
  Depreciation and amortization                                      15.6                     24.9
  Professional services                                              15.2                     16.7
  Other                                                              43.4                     38.4
                                                              ------------             ------------
        Total                                                       300.2                    265.7
                                                              ------------             ------------

Operating Income                                                    244.9                    182.8

Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates                      18.8                     17.8
Interest expense - Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc.             (0.7)
Interest expense - third parties                                     (1.9)                    (5.0)
Gain on litigation settlement                                        44.2
Gain on sale of Janus common stock                                   15.1
Other, net                                                            9.9                      6.8
                                                              ------------             ------------

  Income before taxes and minority interest                         330.3                    202.4

Income tax provision                                                114.3                     72.2
Minority interest in consolidated earnings                           27.3                     18.8
                                                              ------------             ------------

Net Income                                                        $ 188.7                  $ 111.4
                                                              ============             ============

Per Share Data (1):

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average Common shares outstanding (in thousands)         223,000                  219,042
                                                              ------------             ------------

Basic Earnings per Common Share                                    $ 0.85                   $ 0.51
                                                              ============             ============

Diluted Common shares outstanding (in thousands)                  223,000                  224,666
                                                              ------------             ------------
Diluted Earnings per Common Share                                  $ 0.84                   $ 0.48
                                                              ============             ============

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  All share and per share information  reflects a stock split declared by the
     Stilwell Board of Directors on June 13, 2000 to accommodate the spin-off of
     Stilwell from Kansas City Southern  Industries,  Inc.  ("KCSI") on July 12,
     2000.  For every one share of KCSI  common  stock,  two shares of  Stilwell
     common stock were issued. In connection with the spin-off,  Stilwell issued
     stock options for Stilwell  common stock to holders of KCSI stock  options.
     Stock options are included in the respective  periods for the proportionate
     number of days outstanding during each period.

                             STILWELL FINANCIAL INC.

                              (dollars in millions)

                                       December 31, 2000        March 31, 2001
                                       -----------------        --------------
Current Assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents            $    364.3               $     335.4
  Accounts receivable                       194.4                     164.9
  Investments in advised funds               30.2                      25.8
  Other current assets                       52.2                      65.8
                                       ----------               -----------

Total current assets                        641.1                     591.9

 Investments held for operating
      purposes                              511.1                     423.9
 Property and equipment, net                137.7                     129.8
 Intangibles and other assets, net          291.1                     617.0
                                       ----------               -----------

Total Assets                           $  1,581.0               $   1,762.6
                                       ==========               ===========

Current Liabilities:
  Accounts and wages payable           $     27.3               $      24.4
  Accrued compensation and benefits          98.0                      54.5
  Other accrued liabilities                  70.8                     132.7
                                       ----------               -----------

 Total current liabilities                  196.1                     211.6

 Long-term debt                                                       100.0
 Deferred income taxes                      211.1                     261.6
 Other liabilities                           42.7                      33.5
                                       ----------               -----------
 Total Liabilities                          449.9                     606.7
                                       ----------               -----------

 Minority interest in consolidated
   subsidiaries                              73.3                      33.8
                                       ----------               -----------

 Stockholders' Equity
   Common stock                               2.2                       2.2
   Retained earnings                        952.3                   1,071.7
   Accumulated other comprehensive          103.3                      48.2
      income                           ----------               -----------
 Total Stockholders' Equity               1,057.8                   1,122.1
                                       ----------               -----------

 Total Liabilities and Stockholders'
    Equity                             $  1,581.0               $   1,762.6
                                       ==========               ===========