Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. __________)
Filed by the Registrant [  ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [x]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Check the appropriate box
- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[x ]          Preliminary Proxy Statement
- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[  ]          Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
              Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[  ]          Definitive Proxy Statement
- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[  ]          Definitive Additional Materials
- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[  ]          Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12
- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   NELX, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x]     No fee required
[_]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
         (1)     Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         (2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         (3)     Per  unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction
                 computed  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the
                 amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it
                 was determined):


         (4)     Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         (5)     Total fee paid:

[_]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[_]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         (1)     Amount Previously Paid:

         (2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         (3)     Filing Party:

         (4)     Date Filed:

                                   NELX, INC.
                          300 SUMMERS STREET, SUITE 970
                         CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25301

                           TO BE HELD ON JULY 11, 2002

         A special meeting (the "Special  Meeting") of the shareholders of NELX,
Inc.  (the  "Company")  will be held at Summit  Conference  Center,  129 Summers
Street, Charleston, W.V., on July 11, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. local time.

         The Special  Meeting has been called by the President of the Company at
the  request of the  shareholders  of the  Company  for the  purpose of electing
directors of the Company to serve until the next annual meeting of the Company's
shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualified.

         Attached to this notice is a Proxy  Statement  relating to the proposal
to be  considered  at the  Special  Meeting.  The Company has fixed the close of
business  on  May  30,  2002  as  the  record  date  for  the  determination  of
shareholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Special Meeting or
at any  adjournment  or  postponement  thereof.  In the event  that the  Special
Meeting is adjourned for at least 15 days due to the absence of a quorum,  those
shareholders  entitled  to vote  who  attend  the  adjourned  meeting,  although
otherwise  less than a quorum,  shall  constitute  a quorum  for the  purpose of
acting upon any matter set forth in this notice.

         Your vote is  important  regardless  of the  number of shares  you own.
Regardless  of how you intend to vote,  the Company  requests that you complete,
sign,  date and return the  enclosed  proxy card  without  delay in the enclosed
postage-paid  return  envelope,  even if you  now  plan to  attend  the  Special
Meeting.  You may  revoke  your proxy at any time  prior to its  exercise  or by
attending the Special Meeting and voting in person.

         All shareholders are cordially invited to attend the Special Meeting.

                                                       John M. Jacobs

                                   NELX, INC.
                          300 SUMMERS STREET, SUITE 970
                         CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25301

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                                  JULY 11, 2002


                               GENERAL INFORMATION

         This proxy statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by FS Limited  Partnership,  John M. Jacobs And  Kathleen M.  Jacobs,
William D. Jones And Cynthia B. Jones, Elliot Northcott And Kathryn R. Northcott
(together,  the "Solicitors") for use at the Special Meeting of the shareholders
of NELX,  Inc.  ("NELX" or the  "Company") to be held on July 11, 2002 or at any
adjournment or postponement  thereof. The Special Meeting has been called by the
President  of the  Company at the request of the  Solicitors  for the purpose of
electing  directors of the Company to serve until the next annual meeting of the
Company's shareholders or until their successors are elected and qualified.  The
approximate  date of mailing of this Proxy  Statement and  accompanying  form of
proxy is June 10, 2002.


         The Solicitors will bear all costs of solicitation of proxies. Brokers,
banks,  custodians  and other  fiduciaries  will be requested  to forward  proxy
soliciting  material to the  beneficial  owners of shares held of record by such
persons,   and  the  Solicitors   will  reimburse  them  for  their   reasonable
out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred in connection  with the  distribution  of such
proxy  materials.  Solicitation  of  proxies  by  mail  may be  supplemented  by
telephone, telecopier or personal solicitation by the Solicitors.


         Any  shareholder  giving a proxy in the enclosed  form has the power to
revoke it at any time  before it is  exercised.  You may  revoke  your  proxy by
delivering  to John M. Jacobs a written  notice of  revocation  or another  duly
executed proxy bearing a later date. You may also revoke your proxy by attending
the Special Meeting and voting in person.


         NELX's common stock,  $0.0001 par value per share (the "Common Stock"),
is the only class of voting  securities  outstanding and entitled to vote at the
Special  Meeting.  As of the close of business on May 30, 2002,  the record date
for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Special  Meeting,  120,577,744  shares  of Common  Stock  were  outstanding  and
entitled to vote. Each share is entitled to one vote on each matter.

         The  presence  at the  Special  Meeting,  in  person  or by  proxy,  of
shareholders  entitled  to cast at  least  a  majority  of the  votes  that  all
shareholders  are  entitled to cast at the Special  Meeting  will  constitute  a


quorum.  Shares  represented  by a properly  signed and  returned  proxy will be
treated as present at the Special  Meeting for purposes of determining a quorum,
without  regard to whether the proxy is marked as casting a vote or  abstaining.
Shares  represented  by "broker  non-votes"  will not be treated as present  for
purposes of determining a quorum; however, shares voted by a broker on any issue
other  than a  procedural  motion  will be  considered  present  for all  quorum
purposes,  even if the shares are not voted on every matter.  A broker  non-vote
occurs on an item when a broker identified as the record holder of shares is not
permitted to vote on that item without  instruction from the beneficial owner of
the shares and no instruction has been received.

         A proxy in the  enclosed  form,  if received in time for voting and not
revoked,   will  be  voted  at  the  Special  Meeting  in  accordance  with  the
instructions contained therein.  Where a choice is not so specified,  the shares
represented  by the proxy will be COUNTED FOR the  election of the  nominees for
director listed herein.

         Abstentions  and  broker  non-votes  will not be  counted as votes and,
therefore, will not affect the election of the directors.


         On May 29, 2001, the Company acquired two closely-held  businesses,  FS
Investments,  Inc. ("FSI") and Jacobs & Company ("Jacobs & Co." or "Jacobs"), in
exchange  for  an   aggregate  of  75  million   shares  of  Common  Stock  (the
"Acquisition").  The Acquisition was accounted for as a recapitalization  of FSI
and Jacobs & Co.  effected by a reverse  acquisition.  For accounting  purposes,
NELX was treated as the acquiree,  and no goodwill or other intangible asset was
recorded on the financial statements of the Company.

         FSI,  incorporated in 1997 in West Virginia,  is a closely-held holding
company that was organized to develop surety  business  through the formation or
acquisition   of   subsidiaries   engaged  in  the   issuance  of  surety  bonds
collateralized by investment accounts that are professionally  managed by Jacobs
& Co. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary,  Triangle Surety Agency, Inc., FSI is
actively engaged in the placement with insurance  companies of surety bonds with
an emphasis on clients engaged in regulated  industries,  such as the extraction
of coal, oil and gas.

         Jacobs  &  Co.,  incorporated  in  1988  in  West  Virginia,  is a  SEC
registered  investment  advisory and  financial  planning  firm whose  executive
offices are located in Charleston,  West Virginia providing fee based investment
advisory services to institutions and individuals.

         The members of the Board of Directors of NELX immediately  prior to the
Acquisition  were  Charles L. Stout and  Dennis  Iler.  Mr.  Iler  resigned  his
position  incident to the Acquisition  and John M. Jacobs,  the president of FSI
and Jacobs & Co., was  appointed by the Board to fill the vacancy  created.  Mr.
Stout  agreed to  continue  to serve as a director  for one year  following  the


         The Company's  by-laws currently provide for the number of directors of
the  Company  to be  established  by  resolution  of the  Board.  The  Board has
currently  fixed the number of  directors  at three (3)  persons,  and three (3)
directors will be elected at the Special  Meeting,  each director to hold office
until the next annual meeting of  shareholders or until his successor is elected
and is qualified.  Except as set forth below, unless otherwise  instructed,  the
proxy  holders  will vote the  proxies  received  by them for the  nominees  for
director set forth below.  If any nominee  shall be unwilling or unable to serve

as director,  all proxies will be voted for the election of such other person as
shall be determined by the proxy holders in accordance with their best judgment.
The Solicitors  are not aware of any reason why any nominee for director  should
become  unavailable for election,  or, if elected,  should be unable to serve as

         A plurality  of the votes of the holders of the  outstanding  shares of
Common  Stock  represented  at a meeting at which a quorum is present  may elect

         The names of the  Solicitors'  nominees for election as directors  (the
"Solicitor's  Nominees"),  and certain  information  about  them,  are set forth

JOHN M. JACOBS, AGE 48                                       Director since 2001
- ----------------------

         Mr. Jacobs is a SEC registered  investment  advisor,  Certified  Public
Accountant, and is licensed as a property and casualty insurance agent in twelve
(12) states.  For the past five years,  Mr.  Jacobs has served as a Director and
President  of  both  Jacobs  &  Company  and  FS  Investments,   Inc.  Prior  to
establishing  his  investment  advisory  business  in  1988,  Mr.  Jacobs  was a
practicing  public  accountant  for over thirteen  years,  during which he was a
managing  partner of his accounting firm and a business and personal  advisor to
his  clients,  many of whom were and are in the coal  industry.  Mr.  Jacobs has
served as a director and President of NELX, Inc. since May 2001.

- -----------------------------

         Mr. Ferguson is retired coal operator who has a diverse experience with
respect  to the coal  industry.  During  the  early  stages of his  career,  Mr.
Ferguson was a state and federal mine inspector. Mr. Ferguson then organized and
developed his own coal company and was involved in all facets of coal mining. He
has served as a Director of FS Investments, Inc. since its inception in December

- -----------------------

         Mr. Thomas is a licensed resident  insurance agent in West Virginia and
holds  non-resident agent licenses in several other states. Mr. Thomas began his
insurance  career in 1976 with United States  Fidelity and Guaranty  Company and
served as the surety underwriter in the Charleston, WV branch office until 1979.
At that time he joined George Friedlander & Company, a regional insurance agency
based in Charleston, WV, where he presently serves as Vice President and Manager
of the Surety  Department.  Mr. Thomas is a  shareholder  and Director of George
Friedlander & Company.  Mr.  Thomas has served as a Director of FS  Investments,
Inc. since its incorporation in December 1997.

         There are no family relationships among the Solicitors' Nominees.


         During the past five  years,  there  have been no filings of  petitions
under federal  bankruptcy  laws, or any state insolvency laws, by or against any
business  of which any of the  Solicitors'  Nominees  was a general  partner  or
executive  officer  at the time or  within  two  years  before  the time of such

         During the past five years,  none of the Solicitors'  Nominees has been
convicted  in a  criminal  proceeding  or been  subject  to a  pending  criminal

         During the past five years,  none of the Solicitors'  Nominees has been
the  subject of any  order,  judgment,  or decree  (not  subsequently  reversed,
suspended  or  vacated  by a court of  competent  jurisdiction)  permanently  or
temporarily enjoining, barring, suspending or otherwise limiting his involvement
in any type of business, securities or banking activities.

         During the past five years,  none of the Solicitors'  Nominees has been
found by a court of competent  jurisdiction (in a civil action),  the Securities
and Exchange  Commission or the  Commodity  Futures  Trading  Commission to have
violated a federal or state securities or commodities law.


         The following is information  regarding the  Solicitors  other than Mr.

- ----------------------
FS Limited Partnership  ("FSLP") is a limited partnership of which Mr. Jacobs is
the sole general partner.

- -------------------------------------
Mr. and Mrs. Jones are both principally  employed by Pioneer Title Agency, Inc.,
a title company whose address is 513 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37403.

- -----------------------------------------
Mr. Northcott manages investments on his own behalf.


         The  following  table sets forth the  compensation  paid by the Company
(and, in the case of Mr. Jacobs for periods prior to the Acquisition,  by Jacobs
& Co.) during the fiscal  years ended May 31,  2001,  2000 and 1999 to the Chief
Executive Officers of the Company (the "Named Executive  Officers"),  based upon
the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the year ended May 31,  2001.
Other than the Chief  Executive  Officer,  no  executive  officer of the Company
received total compensation from the Company in excess of $100,000.


                                             SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION
                                       Year Ended                                                      Annual
     Name and Principal Position         May 31,        Salary ($)             Bonus ($)            Compensation
     ---------------------------         ------         ----------             ---------            ------------

John M. Jacobs (1)                        2001            $5,000                  $0                  $147,656
Chief Executive Officer                   2000            $9,500                  $0                  $150,137
                                          1999              $0                    $0                  $135,011

Charles L. Stout (2)                      2001              $0                    $0                     $0
Chief Executive Officer                   2000              $0                    $0                     $0
                                          1999              $0                    $0                     $0

         (1) Mr. Jacobs was  appointed  Chief  Executive  Officer of NELX in May
2001 and the amounts reported represent compensation paid to Mr. Jacobs as Chief
Executive  Officer of Jacobs & Co.  during the fiscal  years ended  December 31,
2000,  1999 and  1998.  Other  annual  compensation  for Mr.  Jacobs  represents
distributions  made to or on behalf of Mr. Jacobs by Jacobs & Company as a small
business  corporation  electing to be taxed under  Subchapter  S of the Internal
Revenue Code.

         (2) Mr. Stout resigned as Chief Executive Officer of NELX in May 2001.

         To the  Solicitors'  knowledge,  the Named  Executive  Officers did not
receive any long term  incentive  compensation  in the form of restricted  stock
awards,  stock  appreciation  rights  ("SARs"),  phantom  stock,  stock options,
warrants,  long-term incentive plan awards, convertible securities,  performance
units and/or performance  shares, or any other such instruments during the 2001,
2000 or 1999 fiscal years.



         To the  Solicitors'  knowledge,  there were no cash  payments  or other
compensation  paid or set aside  directly or indirectly to or for the benefit of
any  director  of the  Company for the 2001,  2000 or 1999  fiscal  years.  Each
director  is  entitled  to be  compensated  $100 for each  meeting  of the Board


         To the Solicitors'  knowledge,  the Company has no employment contracts
or termination of employment or change of control arrangements with any officer.

                          BOARD COMMITTEES AND MEETINGS

         To the Solicitors' knowledge,  the Board held three meetings during the
fiscal year ended May 31, 2001.  To the  Solicitors'  knowledge,  all  directors
attended more than 75% of the Board  meetings and the meetings of the committees
of the Board on with such directors  served. To the Solicitors'  knowledge,  the
Board  does  not  have a  standing  audit  committee,  nominating  committee  or
compensation committee.

                            AND SOLICITORS' NOMINEES

         The following table sets forth the beneficial ownership of Common Stock
as of May 30, 2002 by (i) each person known by the  Solicitors  to own more than
5% of  the  Common  Stock,  (ii)  each  of the  Solicitors,  (iii)  each  of the
Solicitors'  Nominees  and (iv) all  Solicitors  and  Solicitor's  Nominees as a
group.  Unless  otherwise  noted,  such persons have sole voting and  investment
power with respect to such shares.

Name and Address of               Amount and Nature of
Beneficial Owner                Beneficial Ownership (1)    Percent of Class (2)
- ----------------               ------------------------     --------------------

John M. Jacobs and                    14,847,460 (3)              12.3%
Kathleen M. Jacobs
300 Summers Street, Suite 970
Charleston, WV  25351

Charles L. Stout and                  12,525,000 (4)              10.4%
Marilyn Stout
Route 1, Box 41J
Bridgeport, WV  26330

FS Limited Partnership                12,233,044                  10.2%
300 Summers Street, Suite 970
Charleston, WV  25351

William D. Jones and                   9,060,000                  7.5%
Cynthia B. Jones
513 Georgia Avenue
Chattanooga, TN  37403

Elliot Northcott and                   5,431,999                  4.5%
Kathryn R. Northcott
#2 Southwood Drive
Huntington, WV  25701


Fredrick E. Ferguson                     750,000 (5)                *
Route 3, Box 408
Foyetteville, WV  25840

C. David Thomas                          917,295                    *
P.O. Box 5157
Charleston, WV 25361

NOMINEES AS  A GROUP                  31,006,754                 25.7%

*  less than 1%

         (1) Beneficial  ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of
the Securities  Exchange  Commission and generally includes voting or investment
power with  respect to  securities.  Shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the
exercise of options or warrants currently  exercisable within 60 days of May 30,
2002 are deemed outstanding for computing the percentage ownership of the person
holding such options or warrants but are not deemed  outstanding  for  computing
the percentage ownership of any other person.

         (2) Based on 120,577,744  shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding
as of May 30, 2002.

         (3) Includes  12,233,044  shares of common stock held in the name of FS
Limited  Partnership  ("FSLP") of which Mr. Jacobs is the sole general  partner.
Mr.  Jacobs  has the power to vote and to direct  the voting of and the power to
dispose and direct the disposition of the shares beneficially owned by FSLP.

         (4) Includes  25,000  shares are held in the name of Applied  Mechanics
Corporation of which Charles L. Stout is President and a director.

         (5) Does not include  shares of Common Stock in which Mr.  Ferguson has
an economic interest as a limited partner of FSLP.

         To  the  knowledge  of  the   Solicitors   there  are  no   outstanding
arrangements that may result in a change in control of the Company.


         The Company  previously  acquired  for a nominal  amount all the right,
title and interest in certain oil and gas  properties  located in Roane  County,
West Virginia from Applied Mechanics  Corporation  ("AMC"), a company affiliated
with a principal  shareholder and director of the Company (Charles L. Stout). In
connection  with  the  sale  of the  properties  in  May  2001  to an  unrelated
third-party,  AMC was appointed as agent to represent the Company and received a
fee of $150,000 for its role in bringing a successful conclusion to the sale and
transfer of the properties which netted the Company proceeds of $1.3 million.

         For calendar years 1999 and 2000,  and the five-month  period ended May
31, 2001, the operating  expenses of FSI and Jacobs & Co. (now combined with the
results for the Company)  were  partially  funded by advances from its principal
shareholder and chief executive  officer,  John M. Jacobs. The source of funding
for these advances originated with obligations incurred by Mr. Jacobs with third
parties.  Interest expense on such  obligations  amounted to $84,257 in calendar
year 1999, $135,358 in calendar year 2000, and $61,097 for the five-month period
ended May 31, 2001.



         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  the
Company's directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than 10% of
a registered  class of our equity  securities,  to file reports of ownership of,
and transactions  in, the Company's  securities with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. Such directors,  executive officers and 10% of shareholders are also
required to furnish the Company  with copies of all Section  16(a)  reports they

         Based  upon the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the year
ended May 31, 2001,  all Section  16(a) filing  requirements  applicable  to the
Company's directors,  executive officers and 10% shareholders were complied with
during the fiscal year ended May 31, 2001.


                                  OTHER MATTERS


         Based  upon the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the year
ended May 31, 2001, the Company's financial  statements for fiscal 2001 included
in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for fiscal 2001 have been audited
by Oatley &  Hansen,  P.C.,  independent  auditors,  as  stated in their  report
appearing therein. Representatives of Oatley & Hansen, P.C. (1) are not expected
to be present at the Special Meeting,  (2) will be given the opportunity to make
a  statement  if they so desire,  and (3) are not  expected to be  available  to
respond to appropriate questions.


         To the knowledge of the Solicitors,  approximate  aggregate fees billed
to the Company for fiscal 2001 by Oatley & Hansen, P.C. are as follows:

     ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------
     Audit Fees                                                      $16,500
     ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------
     Financial   Information  Systems  Design                           $0
     and Implementation Fees
     ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------
     All Other Fees                                                  $27,725
     ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------


         At the date  hereof,  there are no other  matters  that the  Solicitors
intend to present,  or has reason to believe others will present, at the Special
Meeting. If other matters come before the Special Meeting,  the persons named in
the accompanying  form of proxy will vote in accordance with their best judgment
with respect to such matters.


         In order to  include a  shareholder  proposal  in the  Company's  proxy
statement and form of proxy for the next annual  meeting of  shareholders,  such
proposal must be received by the Corporation at its principal  executive offices
by February 1, 2003 and must  otherwise  comply with the rules of the Commission
for inclusion in the proxy materials.

                                       FS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                       JOHN M. JACOBS AND KATHLEEN M. JACOBS
                                       WILLIAM D. JONES AND CYNTHIA B. JONES
                                       ELLIOT NORTHCOTT AND KATHRYN R. NORTHCOTT

Charleston, West Virginia
June 10, 2002
