WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                 For the Quarterly Period Ended January 28, 2000

                          Commission file number 0-7536

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.

A Tennessee Corporation                                 I.R.S. EIN: 62-1749513

                          Hartmann Drive, P. O. Box 787
                          Lebanon, Tennessee 37088-0787


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

     Yes X     No

                        58,369,162 Shares of Common Stock
                       Outstanding as of February 25, 2000

                                     PART I

Item 1. Financial Statements

                                      CBRL GROUP, INC.
                               In thousands, except share data)

                                                               January 28,          July 30,
                                                                  2000               1999*
                                                                  ----               ----
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                    $    4,517         $   18,262
  Property held for sale                                            1,575                 --
  Receivables                                                       7,585              8,935
  Inventories                                                      91,760            100,455
  Prepaid expenses                                                 10,950              8,041
  Deferred income taxes                                             2,457              2,457
                                                               ----------         ----------
     Total current assets                                         118,844            138,150

  Property and equipment - net                                  1,055,985          1,020,055
  Goodwill - net                                                  109,250            111,246
  Other assets                                                      7,920              8,330
                                                               ----------         ----------

Total assets                                                   $1,291,999         $1,277,781
                                                               ==========         ==========

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                             $   34,450         $   67,286
  Accrued expenses                                                 82,954             73,967
  Current portion of long-term debt and other long-term
     obligations                                                    2,700              2,700
                                                               ----------         ----------
      Total current liabilities                                   120,104            143,953
                                                               ----------         ----------

Long-term debt                                                    329,500            312,000
                                                               ----------         ----------
Other long-term obligations                                        31,123             30,821
                                                               ----------         ----------

Shareholders' equity:
  Preferred stock - 100,000,000 shares of $.01 par
    value authorized, no shares issued                                 --                 --
  Common stock - 400,000,000 shares of $.01 par
    value authorized, at January 28, 2000,
    62,601,662 shares issued and 58,634,162
    shares outstanding and at July 30, 1999,
    62,595,662 shares issued and 58,628,162
    shares outstanding                                                626                626
  Additional paid-in capital                                      283,764            283,724
  Retained earnings                                               610,353            590,128
                                                               ----------         ----------
                                                                  894,743            874,478
  Less treasury stock, at cost, 3,967,500 shares                  (83,471)           (83,471)
                                                               ----------         ----------
    Total shareholders' equity                                    811,272            791,007
                                                               ----------         ----------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                     $1,291,999         $1,277,781
                                                               ==========         ==========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.
(*) This condensed  consolidated balance sheet has been derived from the
audited consolidated balance sheet as of July 30, 1999.

                                                   CBRL GROUP, INC.
                                      CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME
                                        (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                      Quarter Ended                  Six Months Ended
                                               --------------------------       --------------------------
                                               January 28,     January 29,      January 28,     January 29,
                                                  2000            1999             2000            1999
                                                  ----            ----             ----            ----
Net sales                                       $443,045        $367,927         $865,466        $719,423
Franchise fees and royalties                         125              --              311              --
                                                --------        --------         --------        --------
  Total revenue                                  443,170         367,927          865,777         719,423

Cost of goods sold                               162,889         139,458          308,648         258,219
                                               ---------       --------         --------        --------
Gross profit                                     280,281         228,469          557,129         461,204

Labor & other related expenses                   157,831         124,116          311,051         242,497
Other store operating expenses                    78,552          58,388          148,910         112,051
                                                --------        --------         --------        --------
Store operating income                            43,898          45,965           97,168         106,656

General and administrative                        26,918          18,062           50,287          36,962
Amortization of goodwill                             999             155            1,997             311
                                                --------        --------         --------        --------
Operating income                                  15,981          27,748           44,884          69,383

Interest expense                                   6,304             911           11,633           1,696
Interest income                                      204             233              235             798
                                                --------        --------         --------        --------
Income before income taxes                         9,881          27,070           33,486          68,485

Provision for income taxes                         3,491           9,987           12,624          25,269
                                                --------        --------         --------        --------
Net income                                      $  6,390        $ 17,083         $ 20,862        $ 43,216
                                                ========        ========         ========        ========

Net earnings per share:
      Basic                                     $    .11        $    .28         $    .36        $    .70
                                                ========        ========         ========        ========
      Diluted                                   $    .11        $    .28         $    .36        $    .70
                                                ========        ========         ========        ========

Weighted average shares:
      Basic                                       58,633          60,936           58,631          61,543
                                                ========        ========         ========        ========
      Diluted                                     58,695          61,254           58,708          61,961
                                                ========        ========         ========        ========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                     CBRL GROUP, INC.
                                      (In thousands)

                                                                      Six Months Ended
                                                                  January 28,    January 29,
                                                                     2000           1999
                                                                     ----           ----
Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                                        $20,862         $43,216
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
   cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                                  31,504          25,220
     Loss (gain) on disposition of property and equipment            1,213            (237)
     Impairment loss                                                 3,887              --
 Changes in assets and liabilities:
     Inventories                                                     8,695          (9,478)
     Other assets                                                      336            (899)
     Accounts payable                                              (32,836)         (6,019)
     Other current assets and liabilities                            7,847          (5,640)
                                                                  --------         -------
 Net cash provided by operating activities                          41,508          46,163
                                                                  --------         -------

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Purchase of property and equipment                                (72,809)        (67,626)
 Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                          770           1,886
                                                                  --------         -------
 Net cash used in investing activities                             (72,039)        (65,740)
                                                                  --------         -------

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                          114,000          30,000
 Principal payments under long-term debt and other
   long-term obligations                                           (96,617)        (22,577)
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                40             837
 Treasury stock purchases                                               --         (49,165)
 Dividends on common stock                                            (637)           (668)
                                                                  --------         -------
 Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                16,786         (41,573)
                                                                  --------         -------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                          (13,745)        (61,150)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                      18,262          62,593
                                                                  --------         -------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                          $  4,517         $ 1,443
                                                                  ========         =======

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
 Cash paid during the six months for:
   Interest                                                       $ 10,398         $ 2,247
   Income taxes                                                     15,245          26,735

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


- ----------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)

1.  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

     The  condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet as of January 28, 2000 and the
related  condensed  consolidated  statements  of income  and cash  flows for the
quarters and six-month periods ended January 28, 2000 and January 29, 1999, have
been prepared by CBRL Group, Inc. (the "Company")  without audit; in the opinion
of  management,  all  adjustments  for a fair  presentation  of  such  condensed
consolidated  financial statements have been made.

     These  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  should  be  read  in
conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto
contained in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended July
30, 1999.

     Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP,  the  Company's  independent  accountants,   have
performed a limited review of the financial  information  included herein. Their
report on such review accompanies this filing.

2.  Income Taxes

     The provision  for income taxes for the six-month  period ended January 28,
2000 has been computed  based on  management's  estimate of the tax rate for the
entire fiscal year of 37.7%.  The  variation  between the statutory tax rate and
the  effective  tax rate is due primarily to employer tax credits for FICA taxes
paid on employee tip income. The Company's effective tax rates for the six-month
period ended  January 29, 1999 and for the entire fiscal year of 1999 were 36.9%
and 37.8%, respectively.

3.  Seasonality

     The sales and profits of the Company are affected significantly by seasonal
travel and  vacation  patterns  because  of its  interstate  highway  locations.
Historically,  the Company's greatest sales and profits have occurred during the
period of June through August. Early December through the last part of February,
excluding the Christmas  holidays,  has  historically  been the period of lowest
sales and  profits.  Therefore,  the results of  operations  for the quarter and
six-month  period ended January 28, 2000 cannot be considered  indicative of the
operating results for the full fiscal year.

4.  Earnings per Share and Weighted Average Shares

     Basic  earnings  per share are  computed by dividing  income  available  to
common  shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
for the  reporting  period.  Diluted  earnings per share  reflects the potential
dilution  that could occur if  securities,  options or other  contracts to issue
common stock were  exercised or converted into common stock.  Outstanding  stock
options issued by the Company  represent the only dilutive  effect  reflected in
diluted weighted average shares.

5.  Comprehensive Income

     Comprehensive  income is  defined  as the  change  in equity of a  business
enterprise  during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances
from non-owner sources.  There is no difference between comprehensive income and
net income as reported by the Company for all periods shown.

6.  Segment Reporting

     The Company  manages its business on the basis of one reportable  operating
segment.  All of the Company's  operations are located within the United States.
The  following  data are  presented in  accordance  with  Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 131 for all periods presented.

                            Quarter Ended                 Six Months Ended
                       ------------------------       ------------------------
                       January 28,   January 29,      January 28,   January 29,
                          2000          1999             2000          1999
                          ----          ----             ----          ----
 Net sales:
   Restaurant           $322,251      $255,794         $654,705      $525,487
   Retail                120,794       112,133          210,761       193,936
                        --------      --------         --------      --------
     Total net sales    $443,045      $367,927         $865,466      $719,423
                        ========      ========         ========      ========

7.  Recent Accounting Pronouncements Adopted

     In March 1998,  the  American  Institute of  Certified  Public  Accountants
issued Statement of Position ("SOP") 98-1, "Accounting for the Costs of Computer
Software  Developed or Obtained for Internal Use." SOP 98-1 provides guidance on
when costs  incurred  for  internal-use  computer  software are  capitalized  or
expensed and guidance on whether computer software is for internal use. In April
1998, SOP 98-5, "Reporting of the Costs of Start-up Activities," was issued. SOP
98-5 requires that the Company expense  start-up costs of new stores as incurred
rather than when the store opens as was the  Company's  previous  practice.  SOP
98-1 and 98-5 are effective for fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 1998.
The Company  adopted SOP 98-1 and 98-5 in the first quarter of fiscal 2000.  The
adoption  of SOP 98-1 and 98-5 did not have a material  effect on net income for
the six months ended January 28, 2000.

8.  Asset Impairment Loss

     In accordance  with SFAS No. 121,  "Accounting for Impairment of Long-Lived
Assets and for  Long-Lived  Assets to Be Disposed  Of," the Company  recorded an
impairment loss on the long-lived  assets of its retail-only  mall store for the
quarter ended January 28, 2000. After going through the first Christmas  selling
season for this test store,  trends indicated that the undiscounted  future cash
flows from this store would be less than the  carrying  value of the  long-lived
assets  related  to  the  store.  Accordingly,  in  January  2000,  the  Company
recognized  an asset  impairment  loss of $551  ($343 net of tax,  or $0.006 per
diluted  share).  This loss is the difference  between the carrying value of the
store's long-lived assets and the fair value of these assets based on discounted
estimated  future  cash  flows.  As a result of recent  management  changes  and
resulting  refocused  operating   priorities,   the  Company  also  incurred  an
impairment  loss under SFAS No. 121 for the write-down of certain  properties no
longer expected to be used for future development. Accordingly, in January 2000,
the  Company  recognized  an  impairment  loss of $3,336  ($2,079 net of tax, or
$0.035 per diluted  share).  This loss is the  difference  between the  carrying
value of these long-lived assets and the fair value of these assets based on the
Company's  estimated  net  realizable  value  upon  disposal.  These  assets are
classified  in the line item titled  "Property  held for sale" on the  Condensed
Consolidated  Balance Sheet as of January 28, 2000. These losses are included in
the  line  item  titled  "Other  store  operating  expenses"  on  the  Condensed
Consolidated  Statement of Income for the quarter and six months  ended  January
28, 2000.

Item 2.   Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
          Results of Operations

     All dollar amounts  reported or discussed in Item 2 are shown in thousands.
The following  discussion and analysis  provides  information  which  management
believes  is  relevant  to an  assessment  and  understanding  of the  Company's
consolidated  results of operations  and  financial  condition.  The  discussion
should be read in conjunction  with the  consolidated  financial  statements and
notes thereto. Except for specific historical  information,  many of the matters
discussed  in this Form 10-Q may  express or imply  projections  of  revenues or
expenditures,  statements  of plans  and  objectives  or  future  operations  or
statements of future economic  performance.  These,  and similar  statements are
forward-looking  statements concerning matters that involve risks, uncertainties
and other factors which may cause the actual  performance of CBRL Group, Inc. to
differ  materially  from those  expressed  or implied by these  statements.  All
forward-looking  information provided by the Company pursuant to the safe harbor
established under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 should be
evaluated in the context of these factors.  The Company  disclaims any intent or
obligation to update its forward-looking  statements.  Factors which will affect
actual  results  include,  but are not  limited to:  changes in  interest  rates
affecting  the  Company's   financing  costs;  the  availability  and  costs  of
acceptable sites for development; the effect of increased competition at Company
locations  on employee  recruiting  and  retention,  labor costs and  restaurant
sales;  the  ability of the  Company  to  recruit,  train and retain  restaurant
personnel; the acceptance of the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store(R) and Logan's
Roadhouse(R)  concepts as the Company  continues  to expand into new  geographic
regions; latent Year 2000 computer system problems; the ability of management to
successfully  implement its strategy for improving restaurant  performance;  the
ability  of  management  to  effect  asset  sale  and  lease  back  transactions
consistent  with  projected  proceeds  and timing  expectations;  the results of
pending and threatened  litigation;  commodity price increases;  adverse general
economic conditions; adverse weather conditions; changes in or implementation of
additional  governmental rules and regulations  affecting wage and hour matters,
health and safety and other areas affected by  governmental  actions;  and other
factors described from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission, press releases and other communications.

Results of Operations

     CBRL Group, Inc. acquired Logan's  Roadhouse,  Inc. on February 16, 1999 in
the third quarter of the Company's prior fiscal year, and therefore, results for
the quarter and six months ended January 28, 2000 are not directly comparable to
the quarter and six months ended January 29, 1999.

     The Company  recorded  charges of $8,592  before  taxes  during the quarter
ended January 28, 2000  principally  as a result of  management  changes and the
resulting refocused operating priorities.  These charges consisted of $3,887 for
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 121  write-downs  of
certain  properties no longer expected to be used for future development and for
Cracker Barrel's test, retail-only mall store (see Note 8), $1,955 for severance
and related  expenses and $2,750 for other charges  primarily  consisting of the
future  minimum lease  payments on certain  properties no longer  expected to be
used for future  development,  the  write-down  of certain  abandoned  property,
inventory  write-downs  related to the closing of Cracker Barrel's test,  outlet
store and other contractual obligations.  These charges affect line items on the
Company's Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income in dollars and as a percent
of total  revenue  for the  quarter  and six  months  ended  January  28,  2000,
respectively,  as follows:  Cost of goods sold $205, 0.1% and 0.0%;  Other store
operating expenses $6,149, 1.4% and 0.7%; and General and Administrative $2,238,
0.5% and 0.3%.

     The   following   table   highlights   operating   results  by   percentage
relationships  to total  revenue  for the  quarter and  six-month  period  ended
January 28, 2000 as compared to the same periods a year ago:

                                            Quarter Ended                Six Months Ended
                                        -----------------------      ------------------------
                                        January 28,  January 29,     January 28,   January 29,
                                           2000         1999            2000          1999
                                           ----         ----            ----          ----

    Net sales                             100.0%       100.0%           100.0%       100.0%
    Franchise fees and royalties             --           --               --           --
                                          -----        -----            -----        -----
      Total revenue                       100.0        100.0            100.0        100.0

    Cost of goods sold                     36.8         37.9             35.7         35.9
                                          -----        -----            -----        -----
    Gross profit                           63.2         62.1             64.3         64.1

    Labor & other related expenses         35.6         33.7             35.9         33.7
    Other store operating expenses         17.7         15.9             17.2         15.6
                                          -----        -----            -----        -----
    Store operating income                  9.9         12.5             11.2         14.8

    General and administrative              6.1          5.0              5.8          5.2
    Amortization of goodwill                0.2           --              0.2           --
                                          -----        -----            -----        -----
    Operating income                        3.6          7.5              5.2          9.6

    Interest expense                        1.4          0.3              1.3          0.2
    Interest income                          --          0.1               --          0.1
                                          -----        -----            -----        -----

    Income before income taxes              2.2          7.3              3.9          9.5

    Provision for income taxes              0.8          2.7              1.5          3.5
                                          -----        -----            -----        -----
    Net income                              1.4%         4.6%             2.4%         6.0%
                                          =====        =====            =====        =====

      Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Comparable Store Sales Analysis

                               348 Store Average         326 Store Average
                                 Quarter Ended            Six Months Ended
                            -----------------------    -----------------------
                            January 28,  January 29,   January 28,  January 29,
                               2000         1999          2000         1999
                               ----         ----          ----         ----
Net sales:
  Restaurant                  $676.2       $680.6       $1,407.4     $1,435.1
  Retail                       284.5        290.3          505.5        515.3
                              ------       ------       --------     --------

  Total net sales             $960.7       $970.9       $1,912.9     $1,950.4
                              ======       ======       ========     ========

Total Revenue
- -------------

     Total revenue for the second  quarter of fiscal 2000 increased 20% compared
to last  year's  second  quarter.  Since the Company did not acquire the Logan's
Roadhouse  concept until the third quarter of the prior year, the primary reason
for the increase in total revenue is the inclusion of Logan's  Roadhouse revenue
in the Company's  total  revenue for the quarter  ended January 29, 2000,  which
represents approximately 11% of the total revenue increase of 20%. The Company's
total  revenue also  increased  due to the increase in the number of stores open
for the Cracker  Barrel Old Country Store  ("Cracker  Barrel")  concept from 381
stores open at January 29,  1999 to 418 stores open at January 28,  2000.  These
increases were partially  offset by a decrease in comparable  store sales at the
Cracker  Barrel Old Country Store concept.  Comparable  store  restaurant  sales
decreased 0.7% and comparable  store retail sales decreased 2.0%, for a combined
comparable  store sales  (total net sales)  decrease of 1.0%.  Comparable  store
restaurant  sales decreased  primarily due to lower menu pricing for the quarter
of 1.5%,  partially offset by increases in customer traffic of 0.8%.  Comparable
store retail sales decreased  primarily due to the assortment of retail items in
the  stores  versus  the prior year and a  significant  decrease  in the sale of
marked-down  seasonal  merchandise  after Christmas versus the prior year. These
decreases were partially  offset by the increase in restaurant  customer traffic
of 0.8%.  Comparable store sales data for the Logan's  Roadhouse  concept is for
information  only, since Logan's was not acquired until the third quarter of the
Company's prior fiscal year. At the Logan's Roadhouse concept,  comparable store
sales increased 3.1%, which included a 2.1% customer traffic increase.

     Total  revenue for the six-month  period ended January 28, 2000,  increased
20% compared to the six-month  period ended January 29, 1999.  Since the Company
did not acquire the Logan's  Roadhouse  concept  until the third  quarter of the
prior  year,  the  primary  reason  for the  increase  in total  revenue  is the
inclusion of Logan's  Roadhouse  revenue in the Company's  total revenue for the
six months ended January 29, 2000,  which  represents  approximately  11% of the
total revenue increase of 20%. The Company's total revenue also increased due to
the  increase in the number of stores open for the Cracker  Barrel  concept from
381 stores open at January  29,  1999 to 418 stores  open at January  28,  2000.
These increases were partially offset by a decrease in comparable store sales at
the Cracker Barrel concept, comparable store restaurant sales decreased 1.9% and
comparable  store retail sales decreased 1.9%, for a combined  comparable  store
sales (total net sales)  decrease of 1.9%.  Comparable  store  restaurant  sales
decreased  primarily  due to lower  menu  pricing  for the six  months  of 2.5%,
partially  offset by increases  in customer  traffic of 0.6%.  Comparable  store
retail sales  decreased  primarily due to the  assortment of retail items in the
stores  versus  the  prior  year  and a  significant  decrease  in the  sale  of
marked-down  seasonal  merchandise  after Christmas versus the prior year. These
decreases were partially  offset by the increase in restaurant  customer traffic
of 0.6%.  Comparable store sales data for the Logan's  Roadhouse  concept is for
information  only, since Logan's was not acquired until the third quarter of the
Company's prior fiscal year. At the Logan's Roadhouse concept,  comparable store
sales,  increased 3.6%,  which included  approximately  a 2.1% customer  traffic

Cost of Goods Sold
- ------------------

         Cost of goods sold as a  percentage  of total  revenue  for the quarter
ended  January 28, 2000  decreased to 36.8% from 37.9% in the second  quarter of
last year.  This decrease was primarily due to reduced food waste in the Cracker
Barrel stores versus the prior year,  the  significant  decrease in markdowns of

seasonal  merchandise  after  Christmas  versus  the prior  year,  lower  retail
shrinkage in fiscal 2000 versus a year ago,  decreases in dairy prices,  and the
benefit to cost of goods sold from the inclusion of Logan's Roadhouse, which has
lower  cost of goods as a  percentage  of total  revenue  than  Cracker  Barrel.
Additionally,  the Company had $205 in charges to cost of goods sold  related to
management's  decision during the quarter to close Cracker Barrel's test, outlet
store. These decreases were partially offset by the effect of lower menu pricing
of 1.5% at Cracker Barrel for the quarter versus the prior year.

     Cost of goods  sold as a  percentage  of total  revenue  for the  six-month
period ended  January 28, 2000  decreased to 35.7% from 35.9% for the  six-month
period  ended  January  29,  1999.  This  decrease  was  primarily  due  to  the
significant decrease in markdowns of seasonal merchandise after Christmas versus
the prior year,  lower  retail  shrinkage in the first six months of fiscal 2000
versus the same period a year ago,  decreases in dairy prices and the benefit to
cost of goods sold from the inclusion of Logan's Roadhouse, which has lower cost
of goods as a percentage of total revenue than Cracker Barrel. Additionally, the
Company  had $205 in  charges  to cost of goods  sold  related  to  management's
decision during the quarter to close Cracker Barrel's test, outlet store.  These
decreases were  partially  offset by the effect of lower menu pricing of 2.5% at
Cracker Barrel for the six months versus the prior year.

Labor and Other Related Expenses
- --------------------------------

     Labor and other related  expenses include all direct and indirect labor and
related costs incurred in store operations.  Labor and other related expenses as
a percentage of total revenue increased to 35.6% in the second quarter this year
from 33.7% last year.  This  increase was primarily  due to  non-tipped,  hourly
employee wage inflation at Cracker Barrel stores of approximately  6%, increases
in Cracker  Barrel's  field  management  salary  structure to attract and retain
quality store managers,  improved  management  staffing levels at Cracker Barrel
stores versus the prior year, increased costs related to a new group health plan
implemented in January 1999, the effect of lower menu pricing of 1.5% at Cracker
Barrel  for  the  quarter  versus  the  prior  year  and  increases  in  workers
compensation  costs at Cracker  Barrel  stores.  These  increases were partially
offset due to the benefit to labor expense from adding Logan's Roadhouse,  which
has lower labor as a percentage of total revenue than Cracker Barrel.

     Labor and related  expenses as a percentage of total  revenue  increased to
35.9% in the six-month period ended January 28, 2000 from 33.7% in the six-month
period ended January 29, 1999.  This  increase was primarily due to  non-tipped,
hourly  employee wage  inflation at Cracker Barrel stores of  approximately  6%,
increases in Cracker Barrel's field  management  salary structure to attract and
retain quality store managers,  improved  management  staffing levels at Cracker
Barrel  stores  versus the prior year,  increased  costs  related to a new group
health plan  implemented  in January  1999,  the effect of lower menu pricing of
2.5% at Cracker Barrel for the six months versus the prior year and increases in
workers  compensation  costs at Cracker  Barrel  stores.  These  increases  were
partially  offset  due to the  benefit  to labor  expense  from  adding  Logan's
Roadhouse,  which has lower labor as a percentage  of total revenue than Cracker
Barrel and by lower bonus payouts under the store-level bonus program.

Other Store Operating Expenses
- ------------------------------

     Other store operating expenses include all unit-level  operating costs, the
major  components  of which are  operating  supplies,  repairs and  maintenance,
advertising expenses, utilities and depreciation. Other store operating expenses
as a percentage  of total  revenue  increased to 17.7% in the second  quarter of
fiscal 2000 from 15.9% in the second  quarter of last year.  This  increase  was
primarily due to charges of $6,149 consisting  primarily of impairment losses of
$3,887 (see Note 8).  Additionally,  this increase was due to higher  restaurant
supplies expenses at Cracker Barrel stores,  the effect of lower menu pricing of
1.5% at Cracker  Barrel for the quarter  versus the prior year and the inclusion
of Logan's  Roadhouse,  which has higher  other  store  operating  expenses as a
percentage of total revenue than Cracker Barrel.  These increases were partially
offset due to lower advertising spending at the Cracker Barrel concept.

     Other store operating  expenses as a percentage of total revenue  increased
to 17.2% for the  six-month  period  ended  January  28,  2000 from 15.6% in the
six-month  period ended  January 29, 1999.  This  increase was  primarily due to
charges of $6,149 consisting  primarily of impairment losses of $3,887 (see Note
8).  Additionally,  this increase was due to higher restaurant supplies expenses
at Cracker  Barrel  stores,  the effect of lower menu pricing of 2.5% at Cracker
Barrel for the six months  versus  the prior year and the  inclusion  of Logan's
Roadhouse,  which has higher other store  operating  expenses as a percentage of
total revenue than Cracker Barrel.  These increases were partially offset due to
lower advertising spending at the Cracker Barrel concept.

General and Administrative Expenses
- -----------------------------------

     General  and  administrative  expenses  as a  percentage  of total  revenue
increased  to 6.1% in the second  quarter of fiscal 2000 from 5.0% in the second
quarter of last year.  The primary  reasons for the increase were an increase in
corporate bonus accruals versus the prior year and $2,238 in charges  consisting
primarily of severance  and related  expenses of $1,955 for  management  changes
during the quarter and resulting  refocused  priorities.  These  increases  were
partially offset due to the benefit to general and  administrative  expense from
adding Logan's Roadhouse,  which has lower general and administrative costs as a
percentage of total revenue than Cracker Barrel.

     General  and  administrative  expenses  as a  percentage  of total  revenue
increased to 5.8% for the  six-month  period ended January 28, 2000 from 5.2% in
the  six-month  period  ended  January 29,  1999.  The  primary  reasons for the
increase were an increase in corporate  bonus accruals versus the prior year and
$2,238 in charges  consisting  primarily  of severance  and related  expenses of
$1,955 for  management  changes  during the quarter and the resulting  refocused
priorities.  These increases were partially offset due to the benefit to general
and  administrative  expense  from  adding  Logan's  Roadhouse,  which has lower
general and  administrative  costs as a percentage of total revenue than Cracker

Interest Expense
- ----------------

     Interest  expense  increased to $6,304 in the second quarter of fiscal 2000
from $911 in the second  quarter of last year. The increase  primarily  resulted
from higher average debt outstanding during the quarter as compared to last year
reflecting debt added to finance the Logan's acquisition in the third quarter of
last year and to finance share repurchases throughout all of last year.

     Interest  expense  increased  to $11,633  for the  six-month  period  ended
January 28, 2000 from $1,696 in the six-month period ended January 29, 1999. The
increase  primarily  resulted from higher  average debt  outstanding  during the
quarter as  compared to last year  reflecting  debt added to finance the Logan's
acquisition  in the third quarter of last year and to finance share  repurchases
throughout all of last year.

Interest Income
- ---------------

     Interest income decreased to $204 in the second quarter of fiscal 2000 from
$233 in the second quarter of last year. The decrease was primarily due to lower
average funds available for investment.

     Interest  income  decreased to $235 for the six-month  period ended January
28, 2000 from $798 in the six-month  period ended January 29, 1999. The decrease
was primarily due to lower average funds available for investment.

Provision for income taxes
- --------------------------

     The provision  for income taxes as a percent of pretax income  increased to
37.7% in the first six months of fiscal 2000 from 36.9% during the same period a
year ago. The increase in tax rate was primarily due to the non-deductibility of
goodwill and costs related to the  acquisition of Logan's  Roadhouse.  (See Note

Recent Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted
- ------------------------------------------------

     In June 1998,  SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments  and
Hedging  Activities," was issued, but was subsequently  amended by SFAS No. 137.
This statement  specifies how to report and display  derivative  instruments and
hedging activities. This statement is effective for fiscal years beginning after
June 15,  2000.  The Company  will adopt SFAS No. 133, as amended,  in the first
quarter of fiscal  2001.  The  Company  is  currently  evaluating  the effect of
adopting  SFAS No. 133, as amended,  but does not expect the  adoption to have a
material effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

Year 2000
- ---------

     The Company has addressed the potential  business risks associated with the
Year 2000. Issues relating to the Year 2000 could have arisen with the Company's
internal systems or its material  suppliers'  systems.  As of the filing date of
this report,  the Year 2000 issue has not had a material  adverse  impact on the

     Some  business  risks  associated  with the Year  2000  issue  may  remain.
However,  it is not  anticipated  that any future  Year 2000  issues will have a
material  adverse  effect  on the  Company's  business,  consolidated  financial
position, results of operations, or cash flows.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------

     The  Company's  operating  activities  provided net cash of $41,508 for the
six-month  period ended January 28, 2000.  Most of this cash was provided by net
income adjusted for depreciation and amortization. Decreases in accounts payable
and  increases in other  current  assets were  partially  offset by decreases in
inventories and other assets and increases in other current liabilities.

     Capital  expenditures  were $72,809 for the six-month  period ended January
28, 2000.  Land  purchases  and the  construction  of new stores  accounted  for
substantially all of these expenditures.  Capitalized interest was $404 and $864
for the quarter and six-month  period ended January 28, 2000 as compared to $397
and  $801  for  the  quarter  and  six-month  period  ended  January  29,  1999,
respectively. The increase in capital expenditures for the six months versus the
same period a year ago and the increase in  capitalized  interest were primarily
due to Logan's Roadhouse new store  construction  partially offset by the timing
of Cracker Barrel new store  construction in fiscal 2000 as compared to the same
period a year ago.

     The Company's  internally  generated cash, along with cash at July 30, 1999
and the  Company's  available  revolver,  were  sufficient to finance all of its
growth in the first six months of fiscal 2000.

     The Company estimates that its capital expenditures for fiscal 2000 will be
approximately $140,000 substantially all of which will be land purchases and the
construction of new stores. During the first quarter of fiscal 2000, the Company
received net proceeds of $30,000 from its revolving  credit facility to fund its
expansion.  During the second  quarter of fiscal  2000,  the  Company  paid down
$10,000 of its revolving  credit facility from excess cash flows from operations
beyond  its cash  needs for  expansion.  On  September  30,  1999,  the  Company
increased its bank credit facility an additional $40,000 to $390,000. Management
believes  that cash at January  28,  2000,  along with cash  generated  from the
Company's operating activities and its available revolver, will be sufficient to
finance its  continued  operations,  its presently  authorized  second 3 million
share stock buyback  program and its continued  expansion  plans through  fiscal
2000. The Company  intends to pursue open market  purchases from time to time of
its common stock under a previously  authorized plan up to the 2,032,500  shares
remaining  at January  28,  2000 under this plan.  The  Company  has  engaged an
adviser  and  agent  to  assist  it  with a  series  of  real  estate  financing
transactions  under which certain of the Company's real estate holdings would be
sold and leased back. These  transactions,  which could total $200 million,  are
intended to result in longer-term  replacement of its existing bank debt as well
as to fund the anticipated share  repurchase.  At least the first tranche of the
financing is currently expected to be completed in the fourth quarter.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     There are no  material  changes  to the  disclosure  made in the  Company's
Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year  ended  July 30,  1999  regarding  this


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
CBRL Group, Inc.
Lebanon, Tennessee

We have reviewed the accompanying  condensed  consolidated balance sheet of CBRL
Group,  Inc. and subsidiaries as of January 28, 2000, and the related  condensed
consolidated  statements of income and cash flows for the quarters and six-month
periods ended January 28, 2000 and January 29, 1999. These financial  statements
are the responsibility of the Company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review  of  interim  financial
information consists principally of applying analytical  procedures to financial
data and of making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the  objective  of which is the
expression of an opinion  regarding the financial  statements  taken as a whole.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material  modifications that should
be made to such condensed  consolidated  financial  statements for them to be in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

We have  previously  audited,  in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards,  the consolidated  balance sheet of CBRL Group, Inc. and subsidiaries
as of July  30,  1999,  and  the  related  consolidated  statements  of  income,
shareholders'  equity,  and cash flows for the year then  ended  (not  presented
herein);  and in our report dated September 8, 1999, we expressed an unqualified
opinion on those financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth
in the accompanying  condensed consolidated balance sheet as of July 30, 1999 is
fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance
sheet from which it has been derived.


Nashville, Tennessee
March 9, 2000

                                     PART II

Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

               As reported in Part I, Item 3 of the  Company's  Form
               10-K filed October 26, 1999,  the  Company's  Cracker
               Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. subsidiary is involved
               in two  lawsuits  which  are  not  ordinary,  routine
               litigation incidental to its business. The disclosure
               made in that item is  incorporated  in this Form 10-Q
               by this reference.

Item 2.   Changes in Securities


Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities


Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

          (a)  The Annual Meeting of shareholders was held November 23, 1999.

          (b)  Election of Directors:  Reported in the Registrant's  Form 10-Q
               quarterly report for the period ended October 29, 1999.

          (c)  Other Matters:  Reported in the Registrant's Form 10-Q quarterly
               report for the period ended October 29, 1999.

Item 5.   Other Information


Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          (a)  The following exhibits are filed pursuant to Item 601 of
               Regulation S-K

               (15)Letter regarding unaudited financial information.

          (b)  The Company filed a Current Report on Form 8-K on December 16,
               1999  pursuant to Item 5 of such form to announce  that Richard
               K. Arras, President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company's
               subsidiary, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., had resigned
               to pursue other interests. Dan W. Evins, Chairman and Chief
               Executive Officer of the Company, continues as Chief Executive
               Officer of Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. and has assumed
               the title and role of President of that subsidiary.


  Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.

Date:  3/9/00       By /s/Lawrence E. White
       ------          ------------------------------------------------
                       Lawrence E. White, Senior Vice President/Finance
                        and Chief Financial Officer

Date:  3/9/00       By /s/Patrick A. Scruggs
       ------          ------------------------------------------------
                       Patrick A. Scruggs, Assistant Treasurer

March 9, 2000

CBRL Group, Inc.
Lebanon, Tennessee 37088-0787

We have made a review, in accordance with standards  established by the American
Institute of Certified Public  Accountants,  of the unaudited  interim financial
information  of CBRL Group,  Inc. for the quarters and  six-month  periods ended
January 28, 2000 and January 29, 1999, as indicated in our report dated March 9,
2000;  because we did not  perform  an audit,  we  expressed  no opinion on that

We are aware  that our  report  referred  to above,  which is  included  in your
Quarterly  Report  on Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended  January  28,  2000,  is
incorporated  by reference in  Registration  Statement Nos.  2-86602,  33-15775,
33-37567,  33-45482,  333-01465  and  333-81063  on Forms  S-8 and  Registration
Statement Nos. 33-59582 and 333-74363 on Form S-3.

We also are aware that the aforementioned report,  pursuant to Rule 436(c) under
the  Securities  Act of  1933,  is not  considered  a part  of the  Registration
Statement  prepared  or  certified  by an  accountant  or a report  prepared  or
certified by an accountant within the meaning of Sections 7 and 11 of that Act.


Nashville, Tennessee