WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q
                                   (Mark One)

                Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                 For the Quarterly Period Ended February 1, 2002


                Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

               For the Transition Period from ________ to _______.

                        Commission file number 000-25225

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.
                          (Exact Name of Registrant as
                            Specified in Its Charter)

           Tennessee                                            62-1749513
- --------------------------------                            ------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction                                (IRS Employer
of Incorporation or Organization)                           Identification No.)

                          Hartmann Drive, P. O. Box 787
                          Lebanon, Tennessee 37088-0787
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

     Yes    X        No
         -------       ----------

                        55,657,809 Shares of Common Stock
                         Outstanding as of March 1, 2002

                                                                PART I

Item 1. Financial Statements

                                                           CBRL GROUP, INC.
                                                 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                                   (In thousands, except share data)

                                                                                                  February 1,    August 3,
                                                                                                     2002          2001*
                                                                                                     ----          -----
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                                       $   18,173    $   11,807
  Receivables                                                                                          9,128        10,201
  Inventories                                                                                        108,994       116,590
  Prepaid expenses                                                                                    10,461        10,019
  Deferred income taxes                                                                                6,573         6,573
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------
     Total current assets                                                                            153,329       155,190

Property and equipment - net                                                                         969,711       955,028
Goodwill - net                                                                                        92,882        92,882
Other assets                                                                                          10,712         9,772
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------

Total assets                                                                                      $1,226,634    $1,212,872
                                                                                                  ==========    ==========

Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                                                                $   47,672    $   64,939
  Accrued expenses                                                                                   120,083       132,110
  Current maturities of long-term debt and other long-term
     obligations                                                                                         105           200
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------
      Total current liabilities                                                                      167,860       197,249
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------

Long-term debt                                                                                       135,000       125,000
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------
Other long-term obligations                                                                           46,239        44,515
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------

Shareholders' equity:
  Preferred stock - 100,000,000 shares of $.01 par
    value authorized, no shares issued                                                                    --            --
  Common stock - 400,000,000 shares of $.01 par
    value authorized, at February 1, 2002, 55,431,802
    shares issued and outstanding and at August 3, 2001,
    55,026,846 shares issued and outstanding                                                             554           550
  Additional paid-in capital                                                                         140,880       149,073
  Retained earnings                                                                                  736,101       696,485
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------
    Total shareholders' equity                                                                       877,535       846,108
                                                                                                  ----------    ----------

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                        $1,226,634    $1,212,872
                                                                                                  ==========    ==========

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.
(*) This condensed  consolidated balance sheet has been derived from the audited
consolidated balance sheet as of August 3, 2001.

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.
                      (In thousands, except per share data)

                                      Quarter Ended            Six Months Ended
                                 ------------------------  ------------------------
                                 February 1,  January 26,  February 1,  January 26,
                                    2002         2001         2002         2001
                                    ----         ----         ----         ----

Net sales                        $  522,240   $  484,093   $1,017,233   $  951,157
Franchise fees and royalties            262          174          482          365
                                 ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
  Total revenue                     522,502      484,267    1,017,715      951,522

Cost of goods sold                  181,732      174,539      344,932      330,611
                                 ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Gross profit                        340,770      309,728      672,783      620,911

Labor & other related expenses      191,308      173,728      378,203      347,018
Other store operating expenses       87,204       83,756      169,232      163,554
                                 ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Store operating income               62,258       52,244      125,348      110,339

General and administrative           28,014       23,969       58,748       50,599
Amortization of goodwill               --            999         --          1,997
                                 ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Operating income                     34,244       27,276       66,600       57,743

Interest expense                      1,328        3,298        3,081        6,776
Interest income                        --             35         --             54
                                 ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Income before income taxes           32,916       24,013       63,519       51,021

Provision for income taxes           11,784        8,957       22,740       19,031
                                 ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
Net income                       $   21,132   $   15,056   $   40,779   $   31,990
                                 ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Net earnings per share:
      Basic                      $      .38   $      .27   $      .74   $      .56
                                 ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
      Diluted                    $      .37   $      .26   $      .72   $      .56
                                 ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

Weighted average shares:
      Basic                          55,498       56,633       55,217       56,666
                                 ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========
      Diluted                        57,595       57,600       56,888       57,215
                                 ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

 See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                CBRL GROUP, INC.
                                 (In thousands)

                                                              Six Months Ended
                                                         February 1,   January 26,
                                                            2002          2001
                                                            ----          ----
Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                               $  40,779    $  31,990
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
  cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                           30,019       31,638
     Gain on disposition of property and equipment              (84)          (8)
 Changes in assets and liabilities:
     Inventories                                              7,596         (373)
     Accounts payable                                       (17,267)      (5,212)
     Other current assets and other current liabilities     (11,396)      (9,268)
     Other assets and other long-term liabilities               566        5,195
                                                          ---------    ---------
 Net cash provided by operating activities                   50,213       53,962
                                                          ---------    ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Purchase of property and equipment                         (45,781)     (55,009)
 Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                 1,336      141,366
                                                          ---------    ---------
 Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities        (44,445)      86,357
                                                          ---------    ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                   273,600      171,500
 Principal payments under long-term debt and other
  long-term obligations                                    (263,650)    (307,618)
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options                     35,950        3,436
 Purchases and retirement of common stock                   (44,139)     (10,852)
 Dividends on common stock                                   (1,163)      (1,185)
                                                          ---------    ---------
 Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities            598     (144,719)
                                                          ---------    ---------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents          6,366       (4,400)

Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period               11,807       13,865
                                                          ---------    ---------

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                  $  18,173    $   9,465
                                                          =========    =========

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:
Cash paid during the six months for:
    Interest                                              $   3,625    $   7,003
    Income taxes                                             32,146       28,707

See notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


- ----------------------------------------------------
(In thousands)

1.  Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

     The  condensed  consolidated  balance  sheet as of February 1, 2002 and the
related  condensed  consolidated  statements  of income  and cash  flows for the
quarters and six-month periods ended February 1, 2002 and January 26, 2001, have
been  prepared by CBRL Group,  Inc. and  subsidiaries  (the  "Company")  without
audit; in the opinion of management,  all adjustments for a fair presentation of
such condensed consolidated financial statements have been made.

     These  condensed  consolidated  financial  statements  should  be  read  in
conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto
contained in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended August
3, 2001.

     Deloitte  &  Touche  LLP,  the  Company's  independent  accountants,   have
performed a limited review of the financial  information  included herein. Their
report on such review accompanies this filing.

2.  Income Taxes

     The provision for income taxes for the six-month  period ended  February 1,
2002 has been computed  based on  management's  estimate of the tax rate for the
entire fiscal year of 35.8%.  The  variation  between the statutory tax rate and
the  effective  tax rate is due primarily to employer tax credits for FICA taxes
paid on employee tip income. The Company's effective tax rates for the six-month
period ended  January 26, 2001 and for the entire fiscal year of 2001 were 37.3%
and 41.8%, respectively.

3.  Seasonality

     The sales and profits of the Company are affected significantly by seasonal
travel and  vacation  patterns  because  of its  interstate  highway  locations.
Historically,  the Company's greatest sales and profits have occurred during the
period of June  through  August.  Early  December  through the end of  February,
excluding the Christmas  holidays,  has  historically  been the period of lowest
sales and profits  although  retail revenues  historically  have been seasonally
higher between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Therefore, the results of operations
for the quarter and six-month period ended February 1, 2002 cannot be considered
indicative of the operating results for the full fiscal year.

4.  Inventories

     Inventories were comprised of the following at:

                                      February 1,    August 3,
                                         2002          2001
                                         ----          ----
          Retail                       $ 78,612      $ 87,445
          Restaurant                     15,520        15,853
          Supplies                       14,862        13,292
                                       --------      --------
             Total                     $108,994      $116,590
                                       ========      ========

5.  Earnings per Share and Weighted Average Shares

     Basic  earnings  per share are  computed by dividing  income  available  to
common  shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
for the  reporting  period.  Diluted  earnings per share  reflect the  potential
dilution  that could occur if  securities,  options or other  contracts to issue
common stock were  exercised or converted into common stock.  Outstanding  stock
options issued by the Company  represent the only dilutive  effect  reflected in
diluted weighted average shares.

6.  Comprehensive Income

     Comprehensive  income is  defined  as the  change  in equity of a  business
enterprise  during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances
from non-owner sources.  There is no difference between comprehensive income and
net income as reported by the Company for all periods shown.

7.  Segment Reporting

     The Company  manages its business on the basis of one reportable  operating
segment.  All of the Company's  operations are located within the United States.
The  following  data are  presented in  accordance  with  Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 131 for all periods presented.

                                 Quarter Ended            Six Months Ended
                            -----------------------   ------------------------
                            February 1,  January 26,  February 1,  January 26,
                               2002         2001         2002         2001
                               ----         ----         ----         ----
Net sales:
  Restaurant                $  391,176   $  354,403   $  786,913   $  724,445
  Retail                       131,064      129,690      230,320      226,712
                            ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------
    Total net sales         $  522,240   $  484,093   $1,017,233   $  951,157
                            ==========   ==========   ==========   ==========

8.  Recent Accounting Pronouncements Adopted

     Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 141,  "Business
Combinations"  requires  that the purchase  method of accounting be used for all
business  combinations  initiated  after  June 30,  2001 and that the use of the
pooling-of-interest method is no longer allowed.

     Effective  August 4, 2001,  the Company  elected early adoption of SFAS No.
142,  "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible  Assets."  SFAS No.  142  eliminates  the
amortization  for goodwill and other  intangible  assets with indefinite  lives.
Intangible  assets with lives  restricted by contractual,  legal, or other means
will  continue to be  amortized  over their  useful  lives.  Goodwill  and other
intangible assets not subject to amortization are tested for impairment annually
or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that the asset
might be  impaired.  SFAS No.  142  requires  a  two-step  process  for  testing
impairment.  First,  the fair value of each  reporting  unit is  compared to its
carrying value to determine  whether an indication of impairment  exists.  If an
impairment  is indicated,  then the implied fair value of the  reporting  unit's
goodwill is  determined  by  allocating  the unit's fair value to its assets and
liabilities  (including any unrecognized  intangible assets) as if the reporting
unit had been acquired in a business  combination.  The amount of impairment for
goodwill and other  intangible  assets is measured as the excess of its carrying
value over its implied fair value. The Company conducted the initial test of the
carrying value of its goodwill,  as required by SFAS No. 142,  during the second
quarter of fiscal 2002,  which ended  February 1, 2002, and concluded that there
was no current indication of impairment to goodwill. In subsequent fiscal years,
the Company will also conduct its annual assessment of the carrying value of its
goodwill, as required by SFAS No. 142, during its second quarter.

     In accordance with SFAS No. 142, the Company  discontinued  amortization of
goodwill effective August 4, 2001. The pro forma effects of the adoption of SFAS
No. 142 on net income and basic and diluted earnings per share is as follows:

                          Second Quarter Ended    Second Quarter Ended    Six Months Ended     Six Months Ended
                            February 1, 2002        January 26, 2001      February 1, 2002     January 26, 2001
                            ----------------        ----------------      ---------------      ----------------
Net income, as reported          $21,132                 $15,056               $40,779             $31,990
Intangible amortization,
  net of $0 tax                       --                     999                    --               1,997
                                 -------                 -------               -------             -------
Net income, pro forma            $21,132                 $16,055               $40,779             $33,987
                                 =======                 =======               =======             =======

Basic earnings per share:
Net income, as reported          $   .38                 $   .27               $   .74             $   .56
Intangible amortization,
  net of $0 tax                       --                     .01                    --                 .04
                                 -------                 -------               -------             -------
Net income, pro forma            $   .38                 $   .28               $   .74             $   .60
                                 =======                 =======               =======             =======

Diluted earnings per share:
Net income, as reported          $  .37                  $   .26               $   .72             $   .56
Intangible amortization,
  net of $0 tax                      --                      .02                    --                 .03
                                 ------                  -------               -------             -------
Net income, pro forma            $  .37                  $   .28               $   .72             $   .59
                                 ======                  =======               =======             =======

9.  Impairment of Long-lived Assets

     The  Company   evaluates   long-lived   assets  and  certain   identifiable
intangibles to be held and used in the business for impairment  whenever  events
or changes in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying  amount of an asset may
not  be  recoverable.   An  impairment  is  determined  by  comparing  estimated
undiscounted  future operating cash flows to the carrying amounts of assets on a
store by store basis.  If an  impairment  exists,  the amount of  impairment  is
measured as the sum of the estimated  discounted  future operating cash flows of
such asset and the  expected  proceeds  upon sale of the asset less its carrying
amount.  Assets held for sale are  reported  at the lower of carrying  amount or
fair value less costs to sell.  The Company had no impairment  loss recorded for
the quarters or six-month periods ended February 1, 2002 and January 26, 2001.

10.  Litigation

     As is  more  fully  discussed  in  Note  10 to the  Consolidated  Financial
Statements  for the fiscal year ended August 3, 2001  contained in the Company's
Annual  Report on Form 10-K filed on October 12,  2001,  the  Company's  Cracker
Barrel  Old  Country  Store,  Inc.  subsidiary  is a  defendant  in two  pending
lawsuits,  one of which has been provisionally  certified as a class action. The
Company  believes it has substantial  defenses in these actions and is defending
each of them  vigorously.  The Company has recorded a provision of $3,500 in the
consolidated  financial  statements  in the fourth  quarter of fiscal  2001 with
respect to one of these  lawsuits.  There has been no  material  development  in
either of these lawsuits during the quarter ended February 1, 2002.

     In addition, the Company was informed on December 11, 2001 that the lawyers
representing  the plaintiffs in the cases  described in the preceding  paragraph
intend to file two new lawsuits against the Company's  subsidiary Cracker Barrel
Old Country Store, Inc., one alleging additional wage and hour claims, the other
alleging  racial  discrimination  in public  accommodations.  Cracker Barrel Old
Country  Store,  Inc.  believes such claims are unfounded and that it would have
substantial defenses to any such claims made. Accordingly,  it intends to defend
these potential new claims  vigorously.  Because neither claim has been formally
served to date, neither the likelihood of an unfavorable  outcome nor the amount
of ultimate liability, if any, with respect to these claims can be determined at
this time.  Accordingly,  no provision for any potential liability has been made
in the  consolidated  financial  statements  of the Company.  In the event of an
unfavorable  outcome in any of these cases or potential  claims,  the  Company's
results of operations,  financial position and liquidity could be materially and
adversely affected.

     In addition to the litigation  described in the preceding  paragraphs,  the
Company is a party to other legal proceedings incidental to its business. In the
opinion of management,  based upon information currently available, the ultimate
liability  with respect to these other  actions will not  materially  affect the
Company's consolidated financial statements.

11.  Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging Activities

     The Company is exposed to market  risk,  such as changes in interest  rates
and commodity prices. To manage the volatility relating to these exposures,  the
Company nets the exposures on a consolidated  basis to take advantage of natural
offsets. For the residual portion, the Company may enter into various derivative
financial  instruments  pursuant  to the  Company's  policies  in areas  such as
counterparty  exposure  and hedging  practices.  The Company  would review these
derivative  financial  instruments on a specific exposure basis to support hedge
accounting.  The  changes in fair value of these  hedging  instruments  would be
offset in part or in whole by the  corresponding  changes  in the fair  value or
cash flows of the underlying  exposures being hedged.  The Company does not hold
or use derivative  financial  instruments  for trading  purposes.  The Company's
historical practice has been not to enter into derivative financial instruments.

     The Company's  policy has been to manage interest cost using a mix of fixed
and variable rate debt. The Company has accomplished  this objective through the
use of interest rate swaps and/or  sale-leaseback  transactions.  In an interest
rate  swap,  the  Company  agrees  to  exchange,  at  specified  intervals,  the
difference  between fixed and variable interest amounts  calculated by reference
to an agreed-upon notional amount. In a sale-leaseback transaction,  the Company
finances  its  operating  facilities  by selling  them to a third party and then
leasing them back under a long-term  operating lease at fixed terms. See Note 12
to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for the fiscal year ended August 3,
2001 contained in the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on October 12,

     Many  of the  food  products  purchased  by the  Company  are  affected  by
commodity  pricing and are,  therefore,  subject to price  volatility  caused by
weather,  production problems, delivery difficulties and other factors which are
outside  the  control  of the  Company  and which are  generally  unpredictable.
Changes in  commodity  prices  would  affect  the  Company  and its  competitors
generally and often simultaneously.  In many cases, the Company believes it will
be able to pass through any  increased  commodity  costs by  adjusting  its menu
pricing.  From time to time,  competitive  circumstances  may limit  menu  price
flexibility, and in those circumstances increases in commodity prices can result
in lower margins for the Company.  Some of the Company's  purchase contracts are
used to hedge commodity prices and may contain features that could be classified
as derivative  financial  instruments under SFAS Nos. 133, 137 and 138. However,
these features that could be classified as derivative financial  instruments are
exempt  from hedge  accounting  based on the  normal  purchases  exemption.  The
Company presently believes that any changes in commodity pricing which cannot be
adjusted for by changes in menu  pricing or other  product  delivery  strategies
would not be material.

     Upon  adoption of SFAS Nos.  133,  137 and 138 on July 29, 2000 and through
February 1, 2002,  the  Company had no  derivative  financial  instruments  that
required hedge accounting.

Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
        of Operations

     All  dollar  amounts  reported  or  discussed  in  Part  I,  Item 2 of this
Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are shown in thousands,  except dollar amounts per
share.  The  following   discussion  and  analysis  provides  information  which
management  believes is  relevant  to an  assessment  and  understanding  of the
Company's  consolidated  results of  operations  and  financial  condition.  The
discussion  should  be read  in  conjunction  with  the  condensed  consolidated
financial   statements  and  notes  thereto.   Except  for  specific  historical
information,  many of the  matters  discussed  in this Form 10-Q may  express or
imply  projections  of  revenues  or  expenditures,   statements  of  plans  and
objectives or future  operations or statements of future  economic  performance.
These, and similar statements are forward-looking  statements concerning matters
that involve risks,  uncertainties  and other factors which may cause the actual
performance of the Company to differ  materially from those expressed or implied
by these statements. All forward-looking  information is provided by the Company
pursuant to the safe harbor established under the Private Securities  Litigation
Reform  Act of 1995 and should be  evaluated  in the  context of these  factors.
Forward-looking   statements   generally   can  be  identified  by  the  use  of
forward-looking  terminology  such  as  "assumptions",   "target",   "guidance",
"plans", "may", "will", "would", "expect", "intend",  "estimate",  "anticipate",
"believe", "potential" or "continue" (or the negative of each of these terms) or
similar  terminology.  Factors which will affect actual results include, but are
not limited to: adverse general economic conditions including uncertain consumer
confidence  effects  on sales;  the actual  results  of  pending  or  threatened
litigation;  the  effects of negative  publicity;  adverse  weather  conditions;
commodity, workers' compensation,  group health and utility price increases; the
effects of plans intended to improve operational execution and performance;  the
effects of  increased  competition  at Company  locations  on sales and on labor
recruiting,  cost,  and  retention;  the  ability of and cost to the  Company to
recruit, train, and retain qualified restaurant hourly and management employees;
the  ability  of  the  Company  to  identify  successful  new  lines  of  retail
merchandise; the availability and costs of acceptable sites for development; the
acceptance of the Company's concepts as the Company continues to expand into new
markets  and  geographic  regions;  changes  in  interest  rates  affecting  the
Company's   financing  costs;   changes  in  or   implementation  of  additional
governmental rules and regulations  affecting wage and hour matters,  health and
safety,  pensions,  taxes and insurance;  practical or psychological  effects of
terrorist acts or military responses;  other  undeterminable areas of government
actions or  regulations;  and other factors  described  from time to time in the
Company's  filings  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  press
releases, and other communications.

Results of Operations

          The following table highlights operating results by percentage
relationships to total revenue for the quarter and six-month period ended
February 1, 2002 as compared to the same periods a year ago:

                                                 Quarter Ended               Six Months Ended
                                            -----------------------      -----------------------
                                            February 1,  January 26,     February 1,  January 26,
                                               2002         2001            2002         2001
                                               ----         ----            ----         ----
Net sales                                     100.0%       100.0%          100.0%       100.0%
Franchise fees and royalties                     --           --              --           --
                                              -----        -----           -----        -----

  Total revenue                               100.0        100.0           100.0        100.0

Cost of goods sold                             34.8         36.0            33.9         34.7
                                              -----        -----           -----        -----
Gross profit                                   65.2         64.0            66.1         65.3

Labor & other related expenses                 36.6         35.9            37.2         36.5
Other store operating expenses                 16.7         17.3            16.6         17.2
                                              -----        -----           -----        -----
Store operating income                         11.9         10.8            12.3         11.6

General and administrative                      5.4          5.0             5.8          5.3
Amortization of goodwill                         --          0.2              --          0.2
                                              -----        -----           -----        -----

Operating income                                6.5          5.6             6.5          6.1

Interest expense                                0.2          0.7             0.3          0.7
Interest income                                  --           --              --           --
                                              -----        -----           -----        -----

Income before income taxes                      6.3          4.9             6.2          5.4

Provision for income taxes                      2.3          1.8             2.2          2.0
                                              -----        -----           -----        -----

Net income                                      4.0%         3.1%            4.0%         3.4%
                                              =====        =====           =====        =====

                                              Average Comparable Store Sales Analysis

                                              Quarter Ended              Six Months Ended
                                         -----------------------      -----------------------
                                         February 1,  January 26,     February 1,  January 26,
                                            2002         2001            2002         2001
                                            ----         ----            ----         ----
 Cracker Barrel (422 and 414 stores
 for the quarter and six
 months, respectively)
    Net sales:
      Restaurant                          $  747.6      $ 693.2         $1,523.8     $1,433.8
      Retail                                 295.6        283.4            521.6        506.6
                                          --------      -------         --------     --------
        Total net sales                   $1,043.2      $ 976.6         $2,045.4     $1,940.4
                                          ========      =======         ========     ========

 Logan's (61 and 59 restaurants for       $  732.4      $ 707.1         $1,467.9     $1,430.7
                                          ========      =======         ========     ========
 the quarter and six months,

Total Revenue
- -------------
     Total revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 2002 increased 7.9% compared
to last year's second quarter. At the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store ("Cracker
Barrel")   concept,   comparable  store  restaurant  sales  increased  7.8%  and
comparable  retail sales increased 4.3%, for a combined  comparable  store sales
(total net sales)  increase  of 6.8%.  The  comparable  store  restaurant  sales
increase  consisted of a 2.7% average check  increase for the quarter and a 5.1%
guest traffic increase. Comparable store retail sales increased primarily due to
the increase in restaurant guest traffic.  At the Logan's Roadhouse  ("Logan's")
concept,  comparable  store sales  increased  3.6%,  which  consisted  of a 0.1%
average check increase and a 3.5% guest traffic increase. Sales from new Cracker
Barrel and  Logan's  stores  primarily  accounted  for the  balance of the total
revenue  increase  in the  second  quarter,  partly  offset by loss of  revenues
associated with the closing of four Cracker Barrel units and three Logan's units
and exiting the Carmine Giardini's restaurant and gourmet market business at the
end of fiscal 2001.

     Total revenue for the six-month  period ended  February 1, 2002,  increased
7.0%  compared to the  six-month  period ended  January 26, 2001. At the Cracker
Barrel concept,  comparable store restaurant sales increased 6.3% and comparable
retail sales  increased 3.0%, for a combined  comparable  store sales (total net
sales)  increase  of  5.4%.  The  comparable  store  restaurant  sales  increase
consisted of a 3.1% average  check  increase for the six months and a 3.2% guest
traffic increase.  Comparable store retail sales increased  primarily due to the
increase in restaurant guest traffic.  At the Logan's concept,  comparable store
sales  increased  2.6%,  which  consisted of a 0.2% average check increase and a
2.4% guest traffic  increase.  Sales from new Cracker  Barrel and Logan's stores
primarily  accounted  for the  balance  of the  total  revenue  increase  in the
six-month  period  ended  February  1, 2002,  partly  offset by loss of revenues
associated with the closing of four Cracker Barrel units and three Logan's units
and exiting the Carmine Giardini's restaurant and gourmet market business at the
end of fiscal 2001.

Cost of Goods Sold
- ------------------

     Cost of goods sold as a percentage of total revenue for the second  quarter
of fiscal 2002 decreased to 34.8% from 36.0% in the second quarter of last year.
This  decrease was  primarily due to a lower mix of retail sales as a percent of
total revenues (retail has a higher cost of goods sold than restaurant),  higher
average check,  improvements  in Cracker Barrel  store-level  execution,  higher
initial mark-ons and lower butter and egg prices. These decreases were partially
offset by higher potato prices and higher markdowns of retail merchandise versus
the prior year.

     Cost of goods  sold as a  percentage  of total  revenue  for the  six-month
period ended  February 1, 2002,  decreased to 33.9% from 34.7% in the  six-month
period ended January 26, 2001. This decrease was primarily due to a lower mix of
retail sales as a percent of total  revenues  (retail has a higher cost of goods
sold than  restaurant),  higher  average check,  improvements  in Cracker Barrel
store-level  execution  and  higher  initial  mark-ons.   These  decreases  were
partially  offset by higher  beef,  rib,  butter,  cheese and potato  prices and
higher markdowns of retail merchandise versus the prior year.

Labor and Other Related Expenses
- --------------------------------

     Labor and other related  expenses include all direct and indirect labor and
related costs incurred in store operations.  Labor and other related expenses as
a percentage of total revenue increased to 36.6% in the second quarter this year
from 35.9% last year.  This  increase was  primarily  due to increases in wages,
increases  under the  store-level  bonus  programs,  and  increases  in workers'
compensation  costs. These increased workers'  compensation costs reflect higher
than expected claims cost development (as determined  annually by an independent
actuarial  evaluation)  from claims incurred in prior fiscal years.  The Company
does not expect this increased workers' compensation claims development trend to
continue.  These  increases  were  partially  offset  by higher  average  check,
improved volume and lower group health costs.

     Labor and other related expenses as a percentage of total revenue increased
to 37.2% in the  six-month  period  ended  February  1, 2002  from  36.5% in the
six-month  period ended  January 26, 2001.  This  increase was  primarily due to
increases in wages, increases under the store-level bonus programs and increases
in workers'  compensation  costs.  These increased  workers'  compensation costs
reflect higher than expected claims cost development (as determined  annually by
an independent actuarial evaluation) from claims incurred in prior fiscal years.
The  Company  does  not  expect  this  increased  workers'  compensation  claims
development  to continue to the same  degree.  These  increases  were  partially
offset by higher average check and improved volume.

Other Store Operating Expenses
- ------------------------------

     Other store operating expenses include all unit-level  operating costs, the
major  components  of which are  operating  supplies,  repairs and  maintenance,
advertising expenses,  utilities,  rent and depreciation.  Other store operating
expenses  as a  percentage  of total  revenue  decreased  to 16.7% in the second
quarter  of fiscal  2002 from 17.3% in the  second  quarter  of last year.  This
decrease was primarily due to lower utility costs and operating  supplies versus
the prior year, lower advertising  spending at Cracker Barrel compared to a year
ago, higher average check and improved volume partially offset by higher general
liability insurance costs versus the prior year.

     Other store operating  expenses as a percentage of total revenue  decreased
to 16.6% in the  six-month  period  ended  February  1, 2002  from  17.2% in the
six-month  period ended  January 26, 2001.  This  decrease was  primarily due to
lower utility costs versus the prior year, lower advertising spending at Cracker
Barrel  compared  to a year  ago,  higher  average  check  and  improved  volume
partially  offset by higher general  liability  insurance costs versus the prior

General and Administrative Expenses
- -----------------------------------

     General  and  administrative  expenses  as a  percentage  of total  revenue
increased  to 5.4% in the second  quarter of fiscal 2002 from 5.0% in the second
quarter  of last  year.  This  increase  was  primarily  due to  bonus  accruals
reflective of performance  improvements and various staffing and  infrastructure
changes not in place a year ago  partially  offset by higher  average  check and
improved volume.

     General  and  administrative  expenses  as a  percentage  of total  revenue
increased to 5.8% in the  six-month  period ended  February 1, 2002 from 5.3% in
the six-month  period ended January 26, 2001. This increase was primarily due to
bonus accruals  reflective of performance  improvements and various staffing and
infrastructure  changes  not in  place a year ago  partially  offset  by  higher
average check and improved volume.

Interest Expense
- ----------------
     Interest  expense  decreased to $1,328 in the second quarter of fiscal 2002
from $3,298 in the first quarter of last year. The decrease  primarily  resulted
from lower average interest rates and lower average  outstanding debt during the
second quarter as compared to last year.

     Interest expense decreased to $3,081 in the six-month period ended February
1, 2002 from $6,776 in the six-month period ended January 26, 2001. The decrease
primarily   resulted  from  lower  average  interest  rates  and  lower  average
outstanding  debt during the six-month period ended February 1, 2002 as compared
to the same period last year.

Interest Income
- ---------------

     Interest  income  decreased to $0 in the second quarter of fiscal 2002 from
$35 in the second  quarter of last year.  The decrease was  primarily  due to no
funds  available for  investment  during the second  quarter as compared to last

     Interest income  decreased to $0 in the six-month  period ended February 1,
2002 from $54 in the six-month  period ended January 26, 2001.  The decrease was
primarily due to no funds available for investment  during the six-month  period
ended February 1, 2002 as compared to the same period last year.

Provision for Income Taxes
- --------------------------

     The provision for income taxes as a percent of pre-tax income  decreased to
35.8% in the first six months of fiscal 2002 from 37.3% during the same period a
year ago.  The decrease in tax rate was  primarily  due to the Company no longer
amortizing  goodwill upon its adoption of SFAS No. 142 on August 4, 2001, in the
first quarter of fiscal 2002. See Note 8 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial

Impact of Recent Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted
- ----------------------------------------------------------

     In July 2001, The Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS
No. 143,  "Accounting for Asset Retirement  Obligations".  SFAS No. 143 requires
entities to record  obligations  associated  with the  retirement  of a tangible
long-lived  asset as a liability  upon  incurring  those  obligations,  with the
amount  of the  liability  initially  measured  at fair  value.  Upon  initially
recognizing a liability for an asset retirement  obligation  ("ARO"),  an entity
must  capitalize the cost by  recognizing an increase in the carrying  amount of
the related  long-lived  asset. Over time, the entity amortizes the liability to
its present value each period,  and the entity  depreciates the capitalized cost
over the useful life of the related asset. Upon settlement of the liability,  an
entity either settles the obligation for its recorded amount or incurs a gain or
loss upon  settlement.  Upon  adoption,  an entity will use a  cumulative-effect
approach to recognize  transition  amounts for existing ARO  liabilities,  asset
retirement costs, and accumulated depreciation. All transition amounts are to be
measured  using current  information  known as of the adoption  date,  including
current  assumptions and current interest rates.  SFAS No. 143 will be effective
for  financial  statements  for fiscal years  beginning  after June 15, 2002 and
earlier  application is encouraged.  The Company is evaluating the impact of the
adoption of this standard and has not yet determined the effect.

     In August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS No. 144 "Accounting for the Impairment
or Disposal of  Long-Lived  Assets".  This  statement  supersedes  SFAS No. 121,
"Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to
be Disposed  Of" and the  accounting  and  reporting  provisions  of  Accounting
Principles  Board Opinion No. 30 "Reporting the Results of  Operations-Reporting
the Effects of Disposal of a Segment of a Business,  and Extraordinary,  Unusual
and Infrequently  Occurring Events and  Transactions".  SFAS No. 144 retains the
fundamental  provisions  of SFAS  No.  121 but  eliminates  the  requirement  to
allocate  goodwill  to  long-lived  assets to be  tested  for  impairment.  This
statement  also requires  discontinued  operations to be carried at the lower of
cost or fair  value  less  costs  to  sell  and  broadens  the  presentation  of
discontinued  operations  to  include a  component  of an entity  rather  than a
segment of a business.  SFAS No. 144 is  effective  for fiscal  years  beginning
after  December 15, 2001, and interim  periods  within those fiscal years,  with
early application  encouraged.  The Company does not expect the adoption of this
statement to have a material  impact on its results of  operations  or financial

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------

     The  Company's  operating  activities  provided net cash of $50,213 for the
six-month  period ended February 1, 2002.  Most of this cash was provided by net
income adjusted for depreciation and amortization. Increases in other assets and
decreases  in accounts  payable and other  current  liabilities  were  partially
offset by decreases in  inventories  and other  current  assets and increases in
other long-term obligations.

     Capital  expenditures  were $45,781 for the six-month period ended February
1,  2002.   Construction  of  new  stores  and  land  purchases   accounted  for
substantially all of these expenditures.  Capitalized  interest was $87 and $197
for the quarter and six-month  period ended February 1, 2002 as compared to $261
and $583 for the quarter and  six-month  period  ended  January 26,  2001.  This
difference was primarily due to lower borrowing costs as compared to a year ago.

     In the first quarter of fiscal 2001, the Company completed a sale-leaseback
transaction   involving  65  of  its  owned  Cracker  Barrel  units.  Under  the
transaction, the land, buildings and building improvements at the locations were
sold for net  consideration of $138,325 and have been leased back for an initial
term of 21 years.  Equipment  was not  included.  The  leases  include  specific
renewal  options  for up to 20  additional  years  and  have  certain  financial
covenants  related  to fixed  charge  coverage  for the leased  units.  Net rent
expense during the initial lease term will be $14,963  annually,  and the assets
sold and leased back previously had depreciation expense of $2,707 annually. The
gain on the sale will be amortized over the initial lease term of 21 years.  The
net proceeds from the sale were used to reduce the Company's  long-term  debt by
$138,300 by reducing the  Company's  outstanding  borrowing  under the revolving
bank credit facility.

     The Company's internally generated cash, along with cash at August 3, 2001,
the Company's new operating leases,  proceeds from stock option  exercises,  and
the Company's available revolver,  were sufficient to finance all of its growth,
share repurchases and other cash payment  obligations in the first six months of
fiscal 2002.

     The Company estimates that its capital expenditures for fiscal 2002 will be
approximately  $100,000 to $105,000,  substantially all of which will be related
to the  construction  of 20 new  Cracker  Barrel  stores  and nine  new  Logan's
restaurants.  On September 12, 2001, the Company  reduced its entire bank credit
facility to $250,000  from  $350,000 and  converted its $50,000 term loan into a
revolving loan.

     On September 17, 2001,  the Company  announced  that the Board of Directors
had authorized the repurchase of up to 3 million shares of the Company's  common
stock.  The  purchases  are to be made from  time to time in the open  market at
prevailing  market prices.  As of February 1, 2002, the Company had  repurchased
1,663,300  shares of its  common  stock for total  consideration  of  $44,139 or
$26.54  per  share.  The  Company  presently  expects  to  complete  this  share
repurchase authorization during fiscal 2002.

     For the  six-month  period  ended  February 1, 2002,  the Company  received
proceeds of $35,950  from the exercise of stock  options on 2,068,256  shares of
its common stock.

     Management  believes  that  cash at  February  1,  2002,  along  with  cash
generated from the Company's  operating  activities,  stock option exercises and
its  available  revolving  credit  facility,  will be  sufficient to finance its
continued  operations,  its remaining  share  repurchase  authorization  and its
continued  expansion plans through fiscal 2003. At February 1, 2002, the Company
had  $115,000  available  under  its  revolving  credit  facility.  The  Company
estimates that its operations  and stock option  exercises will generate  excess
cash of approximately  $110,000 after capital  expenditures in fiscal 2002 which
it intends to apply toward completing its current share repurchase authorization
with  the  remaining  excess  cash  to  be  used  for  future  share  repurchase
authorizations or debt reduction.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

     Item 7A of the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year
ended August 3, 2001,  and filed with the  Commission  on October 12,  2001,  is
incorporated in this item of this report by this reference.


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
CBRL Group, Inc.
Lebanon, Tennessee

We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet of CBRL
Group, Inc. and subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company") as of February 1,
2002, and the related condensed consolidated statements of income and cash flows
for the quarters and six-month periods ended February 1, 2002 and January 26,
2001. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A review of interim financial
information consists principally of applying analytical procedures to financial
data and of making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, the
objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial
statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should
be made to such condensed consolidated financial statements for them to be in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of

We have previously audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America, the consolidated balance sheet of CBRL
Group, Inc. and subsidiaries as of August 3, 2001, and the related consolidated
statements of income, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for the year then
ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated September 13, 2001, we
expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. In our opinion,
the information set forth in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance
sheet as of August 3, 2001 is fairly stated, in all material respects, in
relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived.


Nashville, Tennessee
March 7, 2002

                                           PART II

Item 1.           Legal Proceedings

                           Part I, Item 3 of the Company's Annual Report on Form
                           10-K filed October 12, 2001, is incorporated in this
                           Form 10-Q by this reference. See also Note 10 to the
                           Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
                           filed in Part I, Item I of this Quarterly Report on
                           Form 10-Q, which also is incorporated in this item of
                           this report by this reference.

Item 2.           Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds


Item 3.           Defaults Upon Senior Securities


Item 4.           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                  Part II, Item 4 of the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                  filed December 14, 2001, is incorporated in this Form 10-Q by
                  this reference.

Item 5.           Other Information


Item 6.           Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                  (a)  The following exhibits are filed pursuant to Item 601 of
                       Regulation S-K
                       (15)Letter regarding unaudited financial information.

                  (b)  None during the quarter ended February 1, 2002.


  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                          CBRL GROUP, INC.

Date:  3/7/02       By /s/Lawrence E. White
      --------         ------------------------------------------------
                       Lawrence E. White, Senior Vice President/Finance
                        and Chief Financial Officer

Date:  3/7/02       By /s/Patrick A. Scruggs
      --------         -------------------------------------------------
                       Patrick A. Scruggs, Assistant Treasurer

                                                             EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.            Description
- -----------            -----------

15                     Letter regarding unaudited financial information