Smith Barney Futures Management LLC 388 Greenwich Street, 7th Floor New York, New York 10013-2396 May 31, 2000 Campbell & Company, Inc. Court Tower Building, Towson 210 West Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 770 Baltimore, MD 212104 Attn: Mrs. Theresa D. Becks Re: Management Agreement Renewals Dear Mrs. Becks: We are writing with respect to your management agreements concerning the commodity pools to which reference is made below (the "Management Agreements"). We are extending the term of the Management Agreements through June 30, 2001and all other provisions of the Management Agreements will remain unchanged. Smith Barney Potomac Futures Fund L.P. Smith Barney Diversified Futures Fund L.P. Smith Barney Global Markets Futures Fund Smith Barney Diversified Futures Fund L.P. II Smith Barney Campbell F.M. and Energy Fund plc Smith Barney Global Diversified Futures Fund L.P. Smith Barney Diversified 2000 Futures Fund L.P. Please acknowledge receipt of this modification by signing one copy of this letter and returning it to the attention of Mr. Daniel Dantuono at the address above or fax to 212-723-8985. If you have any questions I can be reached at 212-723-5416. Very truly yours, SMITH BARNEY FUTURES MANAGEMENT LLC By: Daniel A. Dantuono Chief Financial Officer, Director & Treasurer AGREED AND ACCEPTED CAMPBELL & COMPANY, INC. DAD/sr