Smith Barney Futures Management LLC
                         388 Greenwich Street, 7th Floor
                          New York, New York 10013-2396

December 18, 2001

Mr. Paul Rabar
Rabar Market Research Inc.
10 Bank Street, Suite 830
White Plains, NY 10606

Dear Paul:

     As discussed,  we have decided to make an advisor  change for the two funds
currently managed by Rabar Market Research Inc. and, therefore, request that you
liquidate your positions in the Salomon Smith Barney Global Diversified  Futures
Fund, LP (account number  258-39010) and Salomon Smith Barney  Diversified  2000
Futures Fund, LP (account number 258-20015) effective immediately.

     Please  ensure that all  positions  are closed out by Friday,  December 28,

     This will effectively terminate your management agreement with these funds.

     We  thank  you for  your  cooperative  and  professional  services  for the
duration of our relationship and look forward to the possibility of working with
you and your organization in the future.


By:     /s/ Daniel R. McAuliffe, Jr.
        Daniel R. McAuliffe, Jr.
        Chief Financial Officer
        and Director