HELMUT STRAMETZ


                        SOLUTIA INC.





                       ALLEN & OVERY


CLAUSE                                                           PAGE

1.    Interpretation                                                1
2.    Sale and Purchase of the B Shares                             2
3.    Consideration                                                 2
4.    Condition Precedent                                           3
5.    Rescission                                                    3
6.    Covenants up to Completion                                    3
7.    Inks                                                          6
8.    Completion                                                    6
9.    Herberts and other Claims                                     6
10.   Notices                                                       8
11.   Resolutions and Waivers                                       8
12.   General                                                       8
13.   Whole Agreement                                              10
14.   Governing Law                                                10


1.    Particulars of the Company
2.    Completion Arrangements
Signatories                                                        13

THIS AGREEMENT is made on 22nd December, 1999, BETWEEN:

(1)  HELMUT STRAMETZ of Furstenbergestrasse 177, 60322 Frankfurt,
     Germany (the "SELLER"); and

(2)  SOLUTIA INC. of 575 Maryville Centre Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141
     (the "PURCHASER").


(A)  Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V. (the "COMPANY") is a company
     short particulars of which are set out in Schedule 1.

(B)  The Seller wishes to sell and the Purchaser wishes to purchase the
     B Shares on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in
     this agreement.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


(1)  In this agreement, unless defined below, all words and phrases
     shall have the same meanings as defined in the Sale Agreement:

     "AGREED FORM" means, in relation to any document, the form of that
     document which has been initialled for the purpose of
     identification by or on behalf of the Seller and the Purchaser;

     "B SHARES" means 1,176 of the class B shares of NLG90 each in the
     issued capital of the Company;

     "COMPLETION" means completion of the sale and purchase of the B
     Shares in accordance with clause 8;

     "COMPLETION BALANCE SHEET" means the Completion Balance Sheet
     agreed or determined in accordance with Schedule 6 of the Sale

     "CONSIDERATION" means the consideration for the sale of the B
     Shares as calculated pursuant to clause 3(1);

     "SALE AGREEMENT" means the agreement dated 10th November, 1999
     between the Purchaser, the Sellers and the Warrantholders (as
     such terms are defined therein) for the sale to the Purchaser of
     class A shares, preference shares and loan stock in the Company
     and the cancellation of warrants to subscribe for class A shares
     in the Company.

(2)  In this agreement any reference, express or implied, to an
     enactment includes references to:

     (a)  that enactment as amended, extended or applied by or under
          any other enactment (before or after signature of this

     (b)  any enactment which that enactment re-enacts (with or
          without modification); and


     (c)  any subordinate legislation made (before or after signature
          of this agreement) under any enactment, as re-enacted,
          amended, extended or applied as described in paragraph (a)
          above, or under any enactment referred to in paragraph (b)

     except to the extent that any amendment or modification made after
     the date of this agreement would increase or alter the liability
     of any party under this agreement, and "ENACTMENT" includes any
     legislation in any jurisdiction.

(3)  Words denoting persons shall include bodies corporate,
     partnerships and other unincorporated associations of persons.

(4)  Subclauses (1) to (3) above apply unless the contrary intention

(5)  The headings in this agreement do not affect its interpretation.


(1)  Subject to clauses 4 and 5, the Seller shall sell and the
     Purchaser shall purchase the B Shares together with all rights
     attaching to such B Shares, including dividends declared or fallen
     due but not paid at Completion.

(2)  The Seller warrants to and covenants with the Purchaser that he
     has the right to sell and transfer the full legal and beneficial
     interest in the B Shares to the Purchaser on the terms set out in
     this agreement and that such B Shares shall be sold free from all
     liens, charges, equities and encumbrances and other legal and
     equitable rights exercisable by third parties.

(3)  Neither the Seller nor the Purchaser shall be obliged to complete
     the sale and purchase of any of the B Shares unless the sale and
     purchase of all the B Shares is completed simultaneously in
     accordance with this agreement and simultaneously with completion
     of the Sale Agreement and the other Minority Share Sale Agreements
     in accordance with their respective terms.

(4)  The Seller warrants to and covenants with the Purchaser that he
     has no right to or interest in any shares in the Company other
     than the B Shares.


(1)  The consideration for the sale of the B Shares shall be the
     product (in DEM) of the following formula:

     (        1454  )
     ( GEV x ------ ) plus
     (       112005 )

     (   1454                              (  15    8400 ))
     ( -------- x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x ( --- - ------))
     ( 8400-924                            ( 100   112005))

(2)  The Purchaser shall pay to the Seller DEM 8,090,647.04 in cash on
     Completion on account of the Consideration (the "PAYMENT ON


(3)  Upon payment of any amount payable pursuant to clause 4(7) of the
     Sale Agreement:

     (a)  if the Payment on Account is greater than the Consideration,
          the Seller shall repay to the Purchaser in cash the amount
          of the excess; and

     (b)  if the Payment on Account is less than the Consideration,
          the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller in cash the amount of
          the deficiency,

     in each case together with interest accruing daily of such amount
     at the rate of Euribor plus 2 per cent. per annum from the date of
     Completion to (but not including) the date of payment.


(1)  The sale and purchase of the B Shares is conditional on
     satisfaction of the conditions set out in clause 5(1) of the Sale
     Agreement (save to the extent such conditions relate to the
     execution of this agreement).

(2)  Each of the parties shall use reasonable endeavours to procure
     that the condition in subclause (1) above is fulfilled on or
     before 29th February, 2000.

(3)  If the condition in subclause (1) above is not fulfilled on or
     before the date specified in subclause (2) above, all the clauses
     of this agreement (other than clauses 10 to 14) shall cease to
     have effect and none of the parties will have any rights or
     liabilities under those clauses except in respect of an antecedent


     This agreement shall automatically be rescinded upon rescission of
     the Sale Agreement, and the provisions of clause 4(3) of this
     agreement shall mutatis mutandis apply.


(1)  The Seller undertakes to the Purchaser that until Completion he
     shall not, without the prior consent of the Purchaser, approve
     anything which he reasonably believes is outside the ordinary
     course of business of the relevant member of the Vianova Group or
     (without limitation to the foregoing) any of the following

     (a)  capital expenditure by any member of the Vianova Group in an
          amount exceeding DEM1 million per calendar month or DEM4
          million in aggregate for the entire Vianova Group or which,
          when aggregated with other capital expenditure incurred
          during calendar year 1999 by it or any other member of the
          Vianova Group, exceeds DEM21.4 million;

     (b)  the disposal or acquisition by any member of the Vianova
          Group of any assets having a net book or market value in
          excess of DEM1 million;

     (c)  the acquisition, disposal or formation by any member of the
          Vianova Group of any subsidiary or affiliate;

     (d)  the grant or issue by any member of the Vianova Group of any
          security including, without limitation, mortgages, charges,
          guarantees or debentures in connection with


          any part of its business, except in what he reasonably believes
          to be the ordinary course of business;

     (e)  the entry into or amendment by any member of the Vianova
          Group of any agreement, contract or other binding commercial
          arrangement which (i) is not capable of being terminated on
          12 months' notice or less by that member and which involves
          payment or receipt by that member of more than DEM 1 million
          per annum (or the equivalent sum in the relevant local
          currency) or (ii) involves payment or receipt by any member
          of the Vianova Group in excess of DEM 2 million per annum
          (or the equivalent sum in the relevant local currency) other
          than any agreement, contract or arrangement for the purchase
          of raw materials made in the ordinary course;

     (f)  the making by any member of the Vianova Group of any
          material change in the terms and conditions of employment of
          the members of the Management Board listed in Schedule 1,
          the termination of the employment of such persons or the
          employment of any new persons in positions equivalent or
          similar to those held by such persons;

     (g)  the assumption or grant by any member of the Vianova Group
          of any rights in respect of real estate otherwise than in
          what he reasonably believes to be the ordinary course of

     (h)  the entry into by any member of the Vianova Group of any
          new, or the renewal of any current, "shop agreements"
          ("Betriebsvereinbarungen"), or any equivalent union or works
          council agreements;

     (i)  the institution or joinder by any member of the Vianova
          Group as a plaintiff before any court, governmental agency,
          arbitration panel or other tribunal of any proceeding with
          an individual value in dispute in excess of DEM200,000;

     (j)  the creation, issue, purchase, redemption or conversion by
          any member of the Vianova Group of any class of share
          capital or the grant of any options or other rights in
          favour of the Seller or any third parties in connection with
          any class of share capital or the recapitalisation of any
          intergroup indebtedness;

     (k)  the entry into by any member of the Vianova Group of any new
          facility agreement for the borrowing of money or the
          discounting of invoices, or the amendment in any material
          respect of the Finance Agreements;

     (l)  the repayment of any term indebtedness,

     provided that (i) this subclause shall not apply to a sale of the
     Inks Business in accordance with clause 8 of the Sale Agreement or
     any step necessary to implement Schedule 5 of the Sale Agreement
     or Schedule 2 of this agreement; and (ii) the Purchaser shall not
     withhold or delay its consent under this subclause if the relevant
     member of the Vianova Group has an obligation to do the thing in
     question pursuant to a legally binding obligation entered into by
     it prior to the date of this agreement.

(2)  Prior to Completion the Seller shall not without the prior consent
     of the Purchaser (not, in the case of paragraph (b) below, to be
     unreasonably withheld or delayed) knowingly do or omit to do
     anything or knowingly allow any member of the Vianova Group to do
     or omit to do anything which he knows does, will or might:


     (a)  cause any provision of the Hoechst Agreement to be or become
          unenforceable, in whole or part and whether before or after
          Completion, in accordance with its terms; or

     (b)  cause or allow enforcement of any provision of the Hoechst
          Agreement to be waived, in whole or in part.

(3)  Until Completion, the Seller shall use his reasonable endeavours
     to procure that any and all returns, notices, computations and
     elections which he is aware are required to be filed prior to
     Completion with any tax, duty or excise authority are properly
     filed by Completion.

(4)  Until Completion the Seller shall use his best endeavours to
     procure that:

     (a)  the Purchaser, its agents, advisers and representatives are
          provided in a timely fashion with such information regarding
          the businesses and affairs of the Vianova Group as the
          Purchaser may reasonably require by notice to Dr. Strametz;

     (b)  the Purchaser, its agents, advisers and representatives are
          given reasonable access during normal working hours to
          PricewaterhouseCoopers and to the officers, directors,
          employees, premises, books and records of members of the
          Vianova Group.  Requests for such access shall be
          communicated via MGPE which may impose such conditions as
          are reasonable to avoid undue disruption to the Company's
          business and activities and to allow an adequate and proper
          process control to be exerted by MGPE (on behalf of the

     (c)  the Purchaser, its agents, advisers and representatives are
          given such assistance by the directors, officers and
          employees of the Vianova Group as the Purchaser may
          reasonably require in order to:

          (i)  arrange the discharge on or following Completion of
               all the obligations of the Vianova Group under the
               Finance Agreements, including the provision of a
               forecast of the gross and net debt position of the
               Vianova Group on a company by company basis as at
               Completion no later than five days before the date set
               for Completion; and

          (ii) ensure, to the extent required by the Purchaser, that
               new or replacement finance agreements are established
               on or following Completion.

(5)  The Seller shall inform and consult (via Dr. Strametz) with the
     Purchaser about and regarding the matters referred to in clauses
     9(2) and (3) and take into account the reasonable suggestions of
     the Purchaser with respect thereto and not settle those matters
     other than on reasonable commercial terms (it being acknowledged
     that the current intention of the Vianova Group is that any amount
     paid to the Vianova Group by Hoechst in respect of the Herberts
     Claim will be equal to any amount paid by the Vianova Group to
     Herberts in respect of it).

(6)  The Seller shall not before Completion without the consent of the

     (a)  dispose of any interest, legal or equitable or otherwise, in
          the B Shares or convert any of the B Shares into any other
          class of share or security or grant any option or right of


          pre-emption over, or grant any other third party right in
          respect of, or mortgage, charge or otherwise encumber any of
          the B Shares; or

     (b)  vote in favour of any proposed resolution of the Company's
          shareholders other than a resolution to adopt the accounts
          for the year ended 31st December, 1998, including any
          resolution for the declaration, making or payment of any
          divided or other distribution, whether of profits, retained
          earnings or other cash or otherwise.

(7)  For the purposes of this clause, the Purchaser's consent shall be
     the consent of any of Robert B. Toth, Steve Zollmann or John J.

(8)  If prior to Completion the Seller becomes aware of any of the
     matters set out in clause 6(1) of the Sale Agreement he shall
     notify the Purchaser thereof as soon as practicable after becoming
     so aware.

7.   INKS

     Up to Completion, the Seller shall procure in so far as he is
     reasonably able that:

     (a)  the Vianova Group uses reasonable and good faith efforts to
          sell the Inks Business (and any other assets intended to be
          sold with it, as described in the LOI) on terms consistent
          with the LOI and any other terms agreed by Purchaser (such
          agreement not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed); and

     (b)  the Purchaser shall have the right to review the proposed
          terms of the sale and shall be entitled to prevent the sale
          on reasonable grounds, including (without limitation) (i)
          the allocation of liability between the Vianova Group (on
          the one hand) and the acquirer of the Inks Business (on the
          other hand) being such that the Vianova Group retains or
          acquires any potential liability for post-acquisition acts
          or omissions of such acquirer; and (ii) the inclusion in the
          assets sold of all or part of the InfraServ share interest
          without a corresponding and appropriate increase in the
          consideration for the Inks Business.


(1)  Completion shall take place at the same time and place as
     completion of the Sale Agreement.

(2)  At Completion the Seller and the Purchaser shall do those things
     set out in Schedule 2.


(1)  The Purchaser shall on Completion pay to the Seller the Relevant
     Percentage of DEM 6,500,000.

(2)  The Seller shall pay to the Purchaser the Relevant Percentage of:

     (a)  any amount paid by the Vianova Group to Herberts in respect
          of the Herberts Claim whether before, on or after the date
          of Completion, provided that in relation to any amount paid
          prior to the date of Completion the amount shown in the
          notes to the Completion Balance Sheet as relating to the
          Herberts Claim and as having been written back for the
          purposes of the Completion Balance Sheet shall be conclusive
          evidence of the amount so paid and provided further that the
          maximum amount 


          payable by the Seller under this paragraph (a) shall be the
          Relevant Percentage of DEM 5,000,000; and

     (b)  any amount of corporation tax paid by Vianova Spain in
          respect of the period from 1st January to 1st June, 1999 by
          virtue of the merger of Vianova Spain with Viking Spain
          being effective on 1st June, 1999 rather than 1st January,
          1999, whether payment is made before, on or after the date
          of Completion, provided that in relation to any amount paid
          prior to the date of Completion the amount shown in the
          notes to the Completion Balance Sheet as relating to the
          corporation tax paid by Vianova Spain for that period and as
          having been written back for the purposes of the Completion
          Balance Sheet shall be conclusive evidence of the amount so
          paid and provided further that the maximum amount payable by
          the Seller under this paragraph (b) shall be the Relevant
          Percentage of DEM 1,500,000.

(3)  The Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the Relevant Percentage of:

     (a)  any amount received by the Vianova Group from Hoechst in
          respect of the Herberts Claim net of reasonable out-of-
          pocket costs and expenses incurred in making recovery,
          whether before, on or after the date of Completion, provided
          that in relation to any amount received prior to the date of
          Completion the amount shown in the notes to the Completion
          Balance Sheet as relating to the Herberts Claim and as
          having been written back for the purposes of the Completion
          Balance Sheet shall be conclusive evidence of the amount so
          received provided that the maximum amount payable by the
          Purchaser under this paragraph shall be no greater than the
          aggregate liability of the Seller under subclause 2(a);

     (b)  any amount received by Vianova Spain from the Spanish
          taxation authorities or any other person in respect of
          corporation tax paid or payable by Vianova Spain in respect
          of the period from 1st January to 1st June 1999 by virtue of
          the merger of Vianova Spain with Viking Spain being
          effective on 1st June 1999 rather than 1st January, 1999
          (net of reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred
          in making recovery), whether received before, on or after
          the date of Completion, provided that in relation to any
          amount received prior to the date of Completion the amount
          shown in the notes to the Completion Balance Sheet as
          relating to such corporation tax and as having been written
          back for the purposes of the Completion Balance Sheet shall
          be conclusive evidence of the amount so received provided
          that the maximum amount payable by the Purchaser under this
          paragraph shall be no greater than the aggregate liability
          of the Seller under subclause 2(b);

     (c)  any amount received by the Vianova Group after Completion
          under clause 6.19 of the Hoechst Agreement.

(4)  Each payment to be made by the Seller to the Purchaser or vice
     versa under subclause (2) or (3) (as the case may be) shall be
     paid within ten Business Days after:

     (i)  the related amount having been made or received (as the case
          may be); or

     (ii) agreement or determination of the Completion Balance Sheet,

     whichever is the later.


(5)  After Completion, the Purchaser shall inform and consult with MGPE
     (on behalf of the Seller) about and regarding the matters referred
     to in subclauses (2) and (3) and take into account the reasonable
     suggestions of MGPE (on behalf of the Seller).  The Purchaser
     shall procure that any settlement of those matters is made on
     reasonable commercial terms (it being acknowledged that the
     current intention of the Vianova Group is that any amount paid to
     the Vianova Group by Hoechst in respect of the Herberts Claim will
     be equal to any amount paid by the Vianova Group to Herberts in
     respect of it).  The Purchaser will use all reasonable endeavours
     to pursue any rights it may have against third parties which would
     entitle it to a payment of the type referred to in subclause (3)

(6)  Any payment to be made to or by the Seller under subclauses (1) to
     (3) above shall be treated as an increase or reduction in the
     consideration for the sale and purchase of the B Shares.

(7)  "RELEVANT PERCENTAGE" means in relation to a payment to be made
     under subclauses (1), (2) or (3), the product of the following
     formula expressed as a percentage where P = the amount of the
     relevant payment if the Relevant Percentage were 100:

(      1,454  )   (    1,454        (   15     8400   ))
( P x ------- ) + (  -------- x P x (  --- - -------- ))
(     112005  )   (  8400-924       (  100    112005  ))


(1)  Except as otherwise specifically provided in this agreement, any
     notice or other document to be served under this agreement shall
     be delivered to the party to be served at his address appearing in
     this agreement or at such other address as he may have notified to
     the other party in accordance with this clause.

(2)  Any notice or document shall be deemed to have been served at the
     time of delivery.

(3)  In proving service of a notice or document it shall be sufficient
     to prove that delivery was made.


(1)  The Seller shall procure so far as it is able the convening of all
     meetings of the Company, the giving of all waivers and consents
     and the passing of all resolutions as are necessary under its
     constitutional documents to give effect to this agreement, the
     Sale Agreement and the other Minority Share Sale Agreements.

(2)  The Seller waives (and shall procure the waiver by his nominee of)
     all rights of pre-emption which he (or such nominee) may have
     (whether under the Company's constitutional documents or
     otherwise) in respect of the transfer to the Purchaser or its
     nominee of the B Shares or any of them and the matters contemplated
     by the Sale Agreement and the other Minority Share Sale Agreements.


(1)  All payments to the Seller to be made under this agreement shall
     be made in DEM in immediately available funds to the following


          bank:            NatWest Bank plc
                           15 Bishopsgate
          sort code:       50-00-00
          Swift address:   NWBKGB2L
          account number:  190/00/02346087
          account name:    Allen & Overy Client Account

     and such payment shall be in full and final satisfaction of any
     obligation of the Purchaser to pay that amount to the Seller.

(2)  Each party shall pay the costs and expenses incurred by him in
     connection with the entering into and completion of this agreement
     provided that any stamp duties, transfer taxes, notarial fees or
     the like arising in connection with the transfer of the B Shares
     and which are identified prior to agreement or determination of
     the Completion Balance Sheet shall be borne by the Seller up to a
     maximum of DEM 2,000.

(3)  None of the rights or obligations under this agreement may be
     assigned or transferred without the prior written consent of all
     the parties, provided that the Purchaser may assign its rights
     under this agreement to any of its wholly-owned subsidiaries,
     subject to such subsidiary covenanting with the Seller to be
     jointly and severally liable with the Purchaser to perform the
     Purchaser's obligations under this agreement.

(4)  This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, all
     of which taken together shall constitute one and the same
     agreement and any party may enter into this agreement by executing
     a counterpart.

(5)  All figures stated in this agreement are exclusive of any value
     added tax or its equivalent.

(6)  All of the provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force
     and effect notwithstanding Completion (except insofar as they set
     out obligations which have been fully performed at Completion).

(7)  If any provision or part of a provision of this agreement shall
     be, or be found by any authority or court of competent
     jurisdiction to be, invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or
     unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions or parts of
     such provisions of this agreement, all of which shall remain in
     full force and effect.

(8)  No failure of a party to exercise, and no delay or forbearance in
     exercising, any right or remedy in respect of any provision of
     this agreement shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy.

(9)  Upon and after Completion the Seller shall do and execute or
     procure to be done and executed all such further acts, deeds,
     documents and things as may be necessary to transfer the B Shares
     and pending the doing of such acts, deeds, documents and things
     the Seller shall as from Completion hold the legal estate in the B
     Shares to be sold by them pursuant to this agreement in trust for
     the Purchaser.

(10) As from the date of this agreement and until the date when it
     becomes apparent that the condition set out in clause 4 is
     incapable of fulfilment in accordance with its terms by 29th
     February, 2000, the Seller shall not treat with, solicit offers
     from, approach or entertain any


     offer from, or supply information to, any person other than the
     Purchaser with respect to a proposed sale of any of the B Shares
     other than to inform such party that no discussions can be held
     because the Purchaser has been granted exclusivity.


(1)  This agreement and the documents referred to in it contain the
     whole agreement between the parties relating to the transactions
     contemplated by this agreement and supersede all previous
     agreements between the parties relating to these transactions.

(2)  Each of the parties acknowledges that in agreeing to enter into
     this agreement he has not relied on any representation, warranty,
     collateral contract or other assurance (except those set out in
     this agreement and the documents referred to in it) made by or on
     behalf of any other party before the signature of this agreement.
     Each of the parties waives all rights and remedies which, but for
     this subclause, might otherwise be available to him in respect of
     any such representation, warranty, collateral contract or other
     assurance, provided that nothing in this subclause shall limit or
     exclude any liability for fraud.


(1)  This agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance
     with English law.

(2)  Each party submits to the jurisdiction of the English courts for
     all purposes relating to this agreement.

AS WITNESS the hands of the parties (or their duly authorised
representatives) on the date which appears first on page 1.



SIGNED by           )  /s/ Strametz

SIGNED by           )  /s/ C.M. Parr
for SOLUTIA INC.    )

                          OMITTED SCHEDULES

A list briefly identifying the contents of all omitted schedules to this
agreement for the sale and purchase of class B shares in Viking Resins
Group Holdings B.V., dated 22nd December, 1999, appears in the Table
of Contents to this agreement.  Solutia will furnish supplementally to
the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request a copy of any
omitted schedule.


Agreements substantially identical to this agreement, dated 22nd
December, 1999, for the sale and purchase of 1,176 class B shares
in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V. between Helmut Strametz, as
seller and Solutia Inc., as purchaser, and the materially different
details, are as follows:

     Agreement, dated 21st December, 1999, for the sale and purchase
     of 672 class B shares in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V.
     between Luca Floriani, as seller and Solutia Inc., as purchaser.
     The formula in subclause 3(1) is: (GEV x 831/112005) plus
     (831/(8400-924) x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x (15/100 - 8400/112005)).
     The consideration in subclause 3(2) is DEM 4,624,021.79. The
     "Relevant Percentage" in subclause 9(7) is (P x 831/112005) +
     (831/(8400-924) x P x (15/100 - 8400/112005))

     Agreement, dated 22nd December, 1999, for the sale and purchase
     of 672 class B shares in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V.
     between Bernhard August Kottmann, as seller and Solutia Inc.,
     as purchaser. The formula in subclause 3(1) is: (GEV x 831/112005)
     plus (831/(8400-924) x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x (15/100 -
     8400/112005)). The consideration in subclause 3(2) is DEM
     4,624,021.79. The "Relevant Percentage" in subclause 9(7) is
     (P x 831/112005) + (831/(8400-924) x P x (15/100 - 8400/112005))

     Agreement, dated 22nd December, 1999, for the sale and purchase
     of 924 class B shares in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V.
     between Jurgen Willi Reichhold, as seller and Solutia Inc., as
     purchaser. The formula in subclause 3(1) is: (GEV x 1142/112005)
     plus (1142/(8400-924) x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x (15/100 -
     8400/112005)). The consideration in subclause 3(2) is DEM
     6,354,552.22. The "Relevant Percentage" in subclause 9(7) is
     (P x 1142/112005) + (1142/(8400-924) x P x (15/100 - 8400/112005))

     Agreement, dated 22nd December, 1999, for the sale and purchase
     of 924 class B shares in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V.
     between Josef Sauer, as seller and Solutia Inc., as purchaser.
     The formula in subclause 3(1) is: (GEV x 1142/112005) plus
     (1142/(8400-924) x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x (15/100 -
     8400/112005)). The consideration in subclause 3(2) is DEM
     6,354,552.22. The "Relevant Percentage" in subclause 9(7) is
     (P x 1142/112005) + (1142/(8400-924) x P x (15/100 - 8400/112005))

     Agreement, dated 22nd December, 1999, for the sale and purchase
     of 672 class B shares in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V.
     between Karl-Heinz Schonwalder, as seller and Solutia Inc., as
     purchaser. The formula in subclause 3(1) is: (GEV x 934/112005)
     plus (934/(8400-924) x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x (15/100 -
     8400/112005)). The consideration in subclause 3(2) is DEM
     5,197,155.66. The "Relevant Percentage" in subclause 9(7) is
     (P x 934/112005) + (934/(8400-924) x P x (15/100 - 8400/112005))

     Agreement, dated 22nd December, 1999, for the sale and purchase
     of 924 class B shares in Viking Resins Group Holdings B.V. between
     Manfred Heinrich Schrod, as seller and Solutia Inc., as purchaser.
     The formula in subclause 3(1) is: (GEV x 1142/112005) plus
     (1142/(8400-924) x (GEV - 252,549,784.11) x (15/100 - 8400/112005)).
     The consideration in subclause 3(2) is DEM 6,354,532.22. The
     "Relevant Percentage" in subclause 9(7) is (P x 1142/112005) +
     (1142/(8400-924) x P x (15/100 - 8400/112005))

The address of each seller differs.