[SOLUTIA Letterhead]

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                                                            Carl Moskowitz
Immediately                                                 (314) 674-8664
                                                            Michael Scharf


     ST. LOUIS, MO, Dec. 22, 1999 -- Solutia Inc. (NYSE: SOI) announced
today that it has completed the acquisition of Vianova Resins from Morgan
Grenfell Private Equity Ltd. Vianova Resins is a leading European producer
of resins and additives for coatings and technical applications. The
addition of Vianova Resins establishes Solutia as the clear leader in the
worldwide market for coatings ingredients in the automotove and industrial
sectors. The purchase price was about DM 1.2 billion (about $640 million).
     Solutia will combine its existing coatings materials business with
Vianova Resins (1998 sales: DM 940 million, or about $500 million) to
create a unique new player in the market, one with the ability to act as a
full service supplier to coatings customers worldwide. Approximately 85
percent of Vianova Resins' sales are in Europe with such well-known brands
as Resydrol waterborne alkyd resins, Maprenal amino resins, Viacryl and
Macrynal acrylic resins, Viaktin UV curing resins, Vialkyd alkyd resins,
Beckopox epoxy resins and Alftalat and Synthacryl solid resins for powder
coatings. Other branded products include Daotan polyurethane emulsions
and Additol dispersing and rheology control additives. Solutia's current
coatings ingredients product line includes Resimene amino crosslinkers for
thermoset surface coatings; Modaflow flow and leveling agents; Santosol
environmentally-friendly solvents; and Butvar binding resins. To date,
these Solutia products have been sold primarily in North America.
     Vianova Resins employs 1,650 people, with subsidiaries in Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Canada, Brazil, Korea and the
United States. It has an affiliate in Thailand.

     Solutia had sales in 1998 of approximately $2.8 billion and is
organized around three main franchises: Performance Films (including
polyvinyl butyral for laminated glass and other glass films); Specialty
Chemicals (including resins and additives for automotive, industrial and
specialty applications, aviation hydraulic and heat transfer fluids and
detergent chemicals); and Nylon (including chemical intermediates, fibers
for carpet, apparel and industrial uses, and nylon plastic and polymers).
Solutia employs 10,850 employees worldwide (including Vianova Resins)
and operates facilities in North America, Europe, South America and Asia.
     For more information, the Vianova Resins website is at www.vianova-
resins.de, or visit the Solutia website at www.solutia.com where there
will be a link provided to the Vianova Resins website.


NOTE TO EDITORS: Resimene, Modaflow, Santosol, and Butvar are registered
trademarks of Solutia Inc. Resydrol, Maprenal, Viacryl, Macrynal,
Vialkyd, Viaktin, Beckopox, Additol, Alftalat, Daotan, and Synthacryl are
registered trademarks of Vianova Resins GmbH and Co. KG.

St. Louis