
                                UNITED STATES

                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                  FORM 8-K

                               CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
                     THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): July 23, 2001

                                  EXX INC.
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            NEVADA                     001-0654                880325271
        (State or other            (Commission File        (I.R.S. Employer
        jurisdiction of                 Number)             Identification
         organization)                                          Number)

           1350 EAST FLAMINGO ROAD, SUITE 689
                    LAS VEGAS, NEVADA                       89119-5263
        (Address of principal executive offices)            (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (702) 598-3223



           On July 23, 2001, EXX INC. ("EXX") entered into Stock Purchase
Agreements with each of Jerry D. Campbell, James D. Cirar, Shirley E.
Gofrank, William A. Lawson and Richard A. Smith, each directors of Newcor,
Inc. ("Newcor"), pursuant to which EXX purchased 206,283, 5,827, 271,271,
124,704 and 71,909 shares of common stock of Newcor, respectively, for a
purchase price of $2.00 per share in cash. In addition, EXX purchased from
Mr. Lawson $500,000 principal amount of Newcor's 9.875% Senior Subordinated
Notes Due 2008 (the "Notes") for a purchase price of $271,250 in cash and
paid to Mr. Lawson the accrued interest on the Notes of $19,073.63. The
consideration for these purchases was determined through arms'-length
negotiations between the parties.

           Simultaneously, EXX purchased 24,000 shares of common stock of
Newcor from David A. Segal, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EXX, for
$2.00 per share. The consideration paid to Mr. Segal was the same price per
share as that paid to the other directors of Newcor.

           As a result of these purchases, EXX owns approximately 31% of the
common stock of Newcor. The consideration for these purchases was paid by
EXX out of working capital.

           Prior to the above-mentioned transactions, each of Mr. Campbell,
Mr. Cirar, Ms. Gofrank, Mr. Lawson and Mr. Smith served as directors of
Newcor, along with Mr. Segal. Following these transactions, each of Mr.
Campbell, Mr. Cirar, Ms. Gofrank, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Smith and a sixth
director, Jack R. Lousma, resigned from the Board of Directors of Newcor. In
place of the resigning directors, Jerry Fishman, Norman Perlmutter and
Frederic Remington, each directors of EXX, were appointed as directors of
Newcor. Simultaneously, the number of directors constituting the Board of
Directors of Newcor was reduced to six directors.


          (a)   Financial statements. The financial statements of Newcor,
including the Report of Independent Accountants thereon and the notes
thereto, included on pages F-1 to F-28 of Newcor's Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2000, are hereby incorporated herein by

          (b)   Pro forma financial information:

                The following unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated
financial statements are based on the historical financial statements of EXX
which give effect to the following:

                o    the acquisition of 679,994 shares of common stock of
                     Newcor from former directors of Newcor;

                o    the acquisition of 24,000 shares of common stock of
                     Newcor from David A. Segal, the Chairman and Chief
                     Executive Officer of EXX; and

                o    the acquisition of $500,000 principal amount of
                     Newcor's 9.875% Senior Subordinated Notes Due 2008 from
                     William A. Lawson.

                The above transactions increase EXX's investment in Newcor
to 31.2% requiring the equity method of accounting to be used. The unaudited
consolidated balance sheet gives effect to the events described above as if
they occurred as of March 31, 2001 and the unaudited pro forma condensed
consolidated statements of operations give effect to the events as if they
occurred as of the first day of each of the periods presented.

                The pro forma adjustments are based upon available
information and certain assumptions that management believes are reasonable.
The pro forma financial statements do not purport to represent what EXX's
results of operations or financial condition would actually have been had
the events described above in fact occurred on such dates or project EXX's
results of operations or financial condition for any future period or date.

                                                   EXX INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                         MARCH 31, 2001

                                                                    EXX INC.                  PRO FORMA
                                                                   HISTORICAL                ADJUSTMENTS            PRO FORMA

Current assets
    Cash and cash equivalents.................................  $      7,962,000  (A)     $     (1,679,000)    $      6,283,000
    Short-term investments....................................           602,000                                        602,000
    Accounts receivable, net..................................         3,154,000                                      3,154,000
    Inventories...............................................         2,994,000                                      2,994,000
    Other current assets......................................           295,000                                        295,000
    Deferred tax asset........................................           594,000  (A)             (153,000)             441,000

       Total current assets...................................        15,601,000                (1,832,000)          13,769,000

Property and equipment, net...................................         1,964,000                                      1,964,000

Long-term investments.........................................         1,010,000  (A)            1,679,000
                                                                                  (A)              451,000            3,140,000

Other assets..................................................           427,000                                        427,000

                                                                $     19,002,000          $        298,000     $     19,300,000


Current liabilities
    Notes payable current portion.............................  $         63,000          $              -     $         63,000
    Accounts payable and other current liabilities............         3,504,000                                      3,504,000
    Income taxes payable......................................            49,000                                         49,000

       Total current liabilities..............................         3,616,000                         -            3,616,000

Long-term liabilities
    Notes payable, less current portion.......................         1,609,000                                      1,609,000
    Pension liability and other postretirement benefits.......           473,000                                        473,000
    Deferred tax liability....................................           380,000                                        380,000

       Total liabilities......................................         6,078,000                         -            6,078,000

Stockholders' equity
    Preferred stock...........................................                 -                                              -
    Common stock..............................................           127,000                                        127,000
    Capital in excess of par value............................         2,670,000                                      2,670,000
    Accumulated comprehensive income..........................          (638,000) (A)              298,000             (340,000)
    Retained earnings.........................................        11,082,000                                     11,082,000
    Treasury stock............................................          (317,000)                                      (317,000)

       Total stockholders' equity.............................        12,924,000                   298,000           13,222,000

                                                                $     19,002,000          $        298,000     $     19,300,000

See notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                                   EXX INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                               THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 2001

                                                                    EXX INC.                  PRO FORMA
                                                                   HISTORICAL                ADJUSTMENTS            PRO FORMA
Net sales.....................................................  $      4,978,000          $              -     $      4,978,000

Cost of sales.................................................         3,464,000                                      3,464,000

Gross profit..................................................         1,514,000                         -            1,514,000

Selling, general and
    administrative expenses...................................           989,000                                        989,000

Operating income..............................................           525,000                         -              525,000

Equity in loss of subsidiary..................................                    (B)           (1,087,000)          (1,087,000)
Other income..................................................            67,000  (C)                7,000
                                                                                  (C)               12,000               86,000

Income (loss) before income taxes.............................           592,000                (1,068,000)            (476,000)

Income taxes..................................................           201,000  (D)                6,000              207,000

Net income (loss).............................................  $        391,000          $     (1,074,000)    $       (683,000)

Net income (loss) per common share
    Basic.....................................................  $           0.03                               $          (0.06)
                                                                ==================                             ================

    Diluted...................................................  $           0.03                               $          (0.06)
                                                                ==================                             ================

Weighted average shares outstanding
    Basic.....................................................        12,255,000                                     12,255,000
                                                                ==================                             ================

    Diluted...................................................        12,311,000                                     12,255,000
                                                                ==================                             ================

See notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.

                                                   EXX INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                  YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2000

                                                                    EXX INC.                  PRO FORMA
                                                                   HISTORICAL                ADJUSTMENTS            PRO FORMA
Net sales.....................................................  $     19,163,000          $              -     $     19,163,000

Cost of sales.................................................        11,824,000                                     11,824,000

Gross profit..................................................         7,339,000                         -            7,339,000

Selling, general and
    administrative expenses...................................         5,212,000                                      5,212,000

Operating income..............................................         2,127,000                         -            2,127,000

Equity in loss of subsidiary..................................                    (B)           (2,054,000)          (2,054,000)
Other income..................................................           400,000  (C)               27,000
                                                                                  (C)               49,000              476,000

Income (loss) before income taxes.............................         2,527,000                (1,978,000)             549,000

Income taxes..................................................           855,000  (D)               26,000              881,000

Net income (loss).............................................  $      1,672,000          $     (2,004,000)    $       (332,000)

Net income (loss) per common share
    Basic.....................................................  $           0.13                               $         (0.03)
                                                                ==================                             ===============

    Diluted...................................................  $           0.13                               $         (0.03)
                                                                ==================                             ===============

Weighted average shares outstanding
    Basic.....................................................        12,616,000                                     12,616,000
                                                                ==================                             ================

    Diluted...................................................        13,052,000                                     12,616,000
                                                                ==================                             ================

See notes to the unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial statements.

                          EXX INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

                      NOTES TO THE UNAUDITED PRO FORMA

NOTE A -   The unaudited pro forma condensed consolidated financial
           statements give effect to the acquisition of 679,994 shares of
           Newcor from former directors of Newcor and the purchase of 24,000
           shares of Newcor from David A. Segal, the Chairman and Chief
           Executive Officer of EXX, at a purchase price of $2.00 per share
           and the purchase of $500,000 principal amount of Newcor's 9.875%
           Senior Subordinated Notes Due 2008 for $271,250 on July 23, 2001.
           The purchase of the above shares increased EXX's investment in
           Newcor to 31.2%, requiring EXX to use the equity method of
           accounting and reverse the market value adjustment previously
           recorded on EXX's investment in Newcor and the related
           comprehensive income and deferred income taxes.

NOTE B -   Newcor incurred losses of $6,582,000 and $3,929,000 for
           the year ended December 31, 2000 and the three months ended
           March 31, 2001, respectively. EXX's 31.2% equity in these
           losses would have amounted to $2,054,000 and $1,226,000 for the
           year ended December 31, 2000 and the three months ended March 31,
           2001, respectively, if the transactions had occurred on the first
           day of such periods. The equity in the loss included in the pro
           forma condensed consolidated statement of operations for the
           three months ended March 31, 2001 was reduced by approximately
           $139,000, the amount by which the cumulative losses exceed
           EXX's $3,140,000 investment in Newcor.

NOTE C -   Interest income of $49,000 and $12,000 and amortization of
           bond discount of $27,000 and $7,000 were recorded in the pro
           forma condensed consolidated statement of operations for the
           year ended December 31, 2000 and the three months ended March
           31, 2001, respectively.

NOTE D -   Income taxes in the pro forma condensed consolidated
           statements of operations have been adjusted to reflect the tax
           effect of the pro forma adjustments relating to debt discount
           and interest income using the EXX's effective rate of 34%.

           (c)      Exhibits.  See Exhibit Index.


                  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  August 6, 2001

                             EXX INC.

                             By: /s/ David A. Segal
                                 Name:  David A. Segal
                                 Title: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                                EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.         Description
- -----------         -----------

  2.1               Form of Stock Purchase Agreement, dated July 23,
                    2001, filed as Exhibit 99(c) to Newcor's Current
                    Report on Form 8-K dated July 31, 2001, is hereby
                    incorporated herein by reference.

 99.1               Press Release dated July 23, 2001.

 99.2               Pages F-1 to F-28 of Newcor's Annual Report on Form 10-K
                    for the year ended December 31, 2000 is hereby
                    incorporated herein by reference.

 99.3               Part I of Newcor's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
                    quarter ended March 31, 2001 is hereby incorporated
                    herein by reference.