Exhibit 10

                          [Solutia Inc. Letterhead]

                              January 14, 2002

Mr. Russell J. Belle

Dear Russ:

         You have indicated a desire to retire. In order to encourage you to
remain with Solutia to provide an effective transition of your current
responsibilities, Solutia agrees that your employment with Solutia during
the period from the date of this letter through the earlier of the date of
your termination of employment or June 30, 2002 (the "Employment Period")
shall be on the terms and conditions set forth in this letter. Your Solutia
standard employment agreement dated September 1, 1997 shall remain in effect
except to the extent specifically modified by this Agreement.


         During the Employment Period you will devote all business time to
the duties of employment with Solutia, acting in the best interests of
Solutia and its stockholders and engaging in no conflict of interest with


         Solutia will compensate you in accordance with the terms and
conditions as in effect immediately prior to the date of this Agreement,
including eligibility for an award for the 2001 plan year and the 2002 plan
year under the terms of the Solutia Inc. Annual Incentive Plan. (The terms
and conditions provide for eligibility for a pro rata award in the event you
terminate before the end of a plan year.) Any award would be paid at the
same time as awards are made to other Solutia employees under the Plan.


         Additionally, if you are continuously employed by Solutia on a
full-time basis from the date of this Agreement until June 30, 2002, or such
earlier date as we may mutually agree that an effective transition has
occurred, Solutia will pay you the sum of $490,000. Payment shall be made on
July 31, 2002. In the event of your death or permanent and total disability
(which shall be determined by the ECDC in its discretion) prior to June 30,
2002, a pro rata payment shall be made as soon as practical to your wife if
she is then living. No payment made pursuant to this paragraph shall be
considered eligible earnings for purposes of calculating your pension
benefit or any SIP contribution. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
this paragraph, you shall not be entitled to any payment under this
paragraph if prior to July 31, 2002, you become entitled to

payment under Section 6 of the Employment Agreement between you and Solutia
dated February 28, 1998 (the "Employment Agreement").


         Solutia may request that you extend your employment with Solutia
beyond June 30, 2002. If you agree, the Employment Period shall be extended
and your retention payment will be delayed until thirty (30) days after the
agreed date. When you are paid you will receive $490,000 plus interest from
July 31, 2002 through the date of payment at a rate equal to the average
yield for the preceding year of the Moody's Baa Bond index composed of
Moody's Baa bond rate for investment grade securities rated Baa1, Baa2 and
Baa3 with a twenty-year maturity. You will not receive the retention payment
if you become entitled to payment under Section 6 of the Employment
Agreement prior to the date such payment is made.


         All amounts required by law to be withheld from any payment made
pursuant to this Agreement including any and all amounts required to be
withheld by the Internal Revenue Code or by the Federal Insurance
Contribution Act, will be withheld.

         This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of you
and your estate and Solutia and any successor, direct or indirect of
Solutia, whether such succession, direct or indirect of Solutia, results
from a merger, consolidation, liquidation, reorganization, purchase of
securities, acquisition of assets or otherwise.


                                            /s/ John C. Hunter
                                            John C. Hunter

Agreed to as of this 29th day of January, 2002

/s/ R. Belle
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Russell J. Belle